Coldness and goosebumps. Why do goosebumps appear? Compression of the dorsal branch of the ulnar nerve

You've probably felt goosebumps and tingling in your muscles when you sat cross-legged for a long time. This is a very common phenomenon and there is nothing to worry about

Goosebumps and tingling: what can they mean?

You've probably felt goosebumps and tingling in your muscles when you sat cross-legged for a long time. This is a very common phenomenon and there is nothing to worry about.

However, if you constantly feel goosebumps in your arms and legs, you need to pay attention to your health.

The most common reasons for this phenomenon:

Pinched nerve in the neck or back

Sleeping in an awkward position or getting injured while playing sports can lead to pinched nerve in the back. Although this is not a serious problem, it can cause tingling in the arms and legs. You may experience pain in certain positions or feel stiffness in your shoulders.

It is very important to treat this ailment in time, because in the future it can lead to arthritis.

It is important not to try to solve the problem yourself. There are specific medications that can help manage pain. Works even better physical therapy, which helps relax the problem area and return the nerve to its place.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Goosebumps in both arms and legs may be due to a lack of vitamin B12 in the body. Its deficiency causes anemia, since red blood cells do not have time to form in sufficient quantities.

They canbe the following symptoms:

  • Fatigue;
  • Pale skin;
  • Inability to concentrate;
  • Breathing problems;
  • Depression;

Make adjustments to your diet by increasing the amount of foods rich in vitamin B12 in your diet:

  • Poultry meat
  • Beef
  • Seafood
  • Yogurt
  • Eggs
  • Dairy
  • Mutton
  • Liver
  • Tuna
  • Trout

The lack of this vitamin is most often felt by vegetarians who adhere to too radical a diet.

If you stick vegetarian diet, include the following foods in your diet:

  • Cereal products (including cereal bars);
  • Tofu cheese;
  • Soy and its derivatives;
  • Lactose powder.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Do you spend a lot of time with your smartphone in your hands or at the computer? Repetitive movements and vibrations can cause compression of the nerve in the wrist, called carpal tunnel syndrome and goosebumps in my hands.

What can be done:

  • Give your hands a rest every 30 minutes or every hour. During a break, rotate your hands, clench and unclench your fingers;
  • If possible, do some shoulder stretches to completely relax your arms;
  • Make sure you are seated in correct position. Use a table of the correct height - neither too low nor too high, and a comfortable chair.


If you have diabetes, prediabetes, or insulin resistance, monitor your blood glucose levels. The fact is that Excess blood glucose is toxic to nervous system and causes goosebumps in the arms and legs.

This toxicity also occurs in diabetic neuropathy.

  • From time to time, conduct an A1C (glycolysed hemoglobin) examination, which will indicate the actual level of glucose in the blood over the last 3 months;
  • Monitor your diet and condition to avoid sharp jumps blood glucose levels;
  • Follow physical exercise, strengthening muscles.


In case of malfunction thyroid gland you may feel tingling in your muscles, extreme fatigue, sensitivity to cold, weight gain, dry skin and hair loss.

If these symptoms are present, consult a doctor and get your blood tested as soon as possible, since without appropriate treatment the problem will only get worse.

Multiple sclerosis

Sclerosis affects women more often than men, especially between the ages of 20 and 40.

Most often it is accompanied the following symptoms(besides the goosebumps in my arms and legs):

  • Balance disorders;
  • Numbness of the limbs;
  • Impaired mobility of arms and legs;
  • Visual impairment;
  • Itching and burning;
  • Difficulty concentrating.

If tingling in your arms and legs is associated with multiple sclerosis, you should immediately consult a doctor. Goosebumps are due to the fact that the functioning of some organs is disrupted.published

During moments of strong emotional arousal, the human body may become covered with an unusual rash for a short period of time, which is accompanied by itching and tingling. In medical language this phenomenon is called paresthesia, and people say that goosebumps run throughout the body. But in fact, the sensations during paresthesia are similar to those that appear from insects running over the body, while the appearance of the skin is more reminiscent of the plucked skin of a goose. Hence another name for this phenomenon – goose bumps.

ICD-10 code

R20.2 Paresthesia of the skin


According to statistics, every person capable of experiencing feelings and emotions has at least once experienced goosebumps. Alas, this symptom is not always as harmless as it seems at first glance. The thing is that sometimes the sensation of goosebumps crawling across the body is associated not with the influence of a sensory, temperature or pain factor, but with some kind of health pathology.

Causes of goose bumps

The answer to the question of why the body is covered with goosebumps lies quite deep, at the very origins of human development. According to Darwin's theory of evolution, man is nothing more than an animal more developed in all respects. This means that he is characterized by the same reflexes as other animals. Many reactions of the body have disappeared as unnecessary, while others from time to time may remind of themselves.

What are goosebumps? This is the appearance of pimples on the skin in the area hair follicle, because of which the hair itself rises and becomes perpendicular to the skin, reminiscent of raised animal hair. In the animal world, such a reaction is protective. Just think of a hedgehog or a cat, which temporarily seem to increase in size and seem more menacing.

A person with scant hair does not need such a reaction. However, in moments of a strong emotional outburst or exposure to cold, the body sometimes gets lost, not knowing how to respond to such a strong irritating factor, and remembers a defensive reaction, which, although it has lost its significance in the process of evolution, still remains in the biological memory .

This reaction can occur when a person experiences strong emotional experiences (this could be delight or horror, extreme excitement or sexual arousal), freezes, or experiences sudden pain. The appearance of specific sensations is associated with a sharp release large quantity adrenaline into the blood, which in turn is considered the strongest neurotransmitter. It promotes the constriction of blood vessels in the skin and tones the muscles around the hair follicle, which we see in the form of the formation of small tubercles in the hair growth area.

Since almost all reactions of the body are controlled by the nervous system (and in particular the cerebral cortex, which carries out both conscious and subconscious reactions), the impact on it negative factors may have a response in the form of goosebumps even at normal temperatures and a stable emotional state. Such irritating factors include head and body injuries, nerve compression, and tissue hypoxia.

Drawing the line between a physiological and a pathological response is often not so easy. Even the smallest nuances play a role here. Take, for example, goosebumps from being touched. This reaction can be caused by touching particularly sensitive areas of the body or pressing on reflex points. However, touching any part of your loved one's skin also causes a feeling of goosebumps running all over the body. If in the first case we are dealing only with local irritation of nerve endings, then in the second the emotionally sensitive sphere is also involved.

But what about the situation if prickly goosebumps appear on the body as a result of the touch of a stranger, towards whom the person does not experience high feelings or fear? Here, most likely, there is a pathological reaction associated with neurosis, as a result of which the nervous system reacts very sharply to any stimuli. Constant goosebumps when touching your own skin can also be attributed to a neurotic reaction.

The appearance of goosebumps on the body can also be noticed in people who are especially sensitive to tickling. Once you tickle them behind the ear, goosebumps will spread throughout the body as a response to irritation of the nerve endings.

But on the other hand, tickling (as itching on the skin is sometimes called) and goosebumps are symptoms of paresthesia (impaired sensitivity), the causes of which often lie in a certain health pathology.

Pathological causes of goosebumps

If u are emotional calm person, not exposed to cold or heat, goosebumps periodically appear on the body, this is already a reason to think about what is associated with the inadequate reaction of the nervous system and what causes it. After all, goosebumps on the surface of the body may indicate certain disturbances within it, which do not pass without a trace as the goosebumps themselves.

Vitamin deficiency. One of the most common reasons for the appearance of such a symptom can be called banal vitamin deficiency. A deficiency of B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12) leads to disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system, because its functionality largely depends on the balance of these vitamins.

With a lack of vitamins B, C and D, local immunity also suffers. The skin loses its protective properties and becomes prone to irritation. Vessels lose their elasticity and burst, which leads to impaired blood circulation and deterioration of blood supply to various tissues, which causes their hypoxia. In this case, the brain and nervous system are primarily affected.

In addition to goosebumps on the body, vitamin deficiency can manifest itself as a change appearance and skin characteristics, the occurrence allergic reactions, burning skin, severe weakness and fatigue, loss of appetite, weakening of memory and attention, sleep disturbances, the appearance of limb cramps, shortness of breath, edema syndrome, etc.

Micronutrient deficiency. Similar symptoms, along with disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract (worsening of appetite, nausea sometimes with vomiting, diarrhea, etc.) can also occur with a lack of magnesium in the body.

With calcium deficiency in the blood caused by decreased function parathyroid glands, the following symptoms are observed: pain during muscle contraction, drooping corners of the mouth and eyelids, abdominal cramps, fainting, impaired visual acuity, deterioration of the skin, hair, nails, teeth, vomiting, diarrhea and goosebumps.

Drug therapy. Taking certain foods can also cause goosebumps on the body. medical supplies. Such popular drugs as Ofloxacin (a fluoroquinolone antibiotic), Cycloserine (an antibiotic for the treatment of tuberculosis), Isoniazid and Prothionamide (anti-tuberculosis drugs), medicines epilepsy and hypertension have a short-term appearance of goose bumps as a side effect.

Often, the appearance of goosebumps on the body, accompanied by other suspicious symptoms, indicates the development of diseases of the nervous system and brain.

Multiple sclerosis. If pleasant trembling in the body and goosebumps are associated with positive emotional experiences, then paresthesia (goosebumps on the skin usually in the face, numbness, tingling) in combination with tremors and weakness of the hands, gait disturbance, deterioration of vision and sound pronunciation can with great confidence indicate such dangerous autoimmune pathology like multiple sclerosis. In this case, the body itself destroys the myelin sheath of the nerve fibers of the brain and spinal cord, resulting in the corresponding symptoms.

Stroke. Cerebral hemorrhage is the result of blockage and rupture of blood vessels in the brain. Acute disorder cerebral circulation causes oxygen starvation the main organ of the nervous system, hence headaches and dizziness, goosebumps, fainting. Later, symptoms such as skewed facial features, partial muscle paralysis, and discrepancy in eye size are observed. The person speaks poorly and practically does not understand other people’s speech.

Traumatic brain injuries. The appearance of goosebumps on the body, as a symptom of paresthesia, in this case can be observed both on one side of the body and on both simultaneously, depending on which part of the brain was damaged.

Guillain-Barre syndrome. With this pathology, autobodies damage the roots of the spinal cord, as a result of which a person first loses the sensitivity of the body, and then loses motor abilities. First, goosebumps appear in the area upper limbs, and then very quickly the sensations spread to the legs and chest.

Tumor processes in the brain. In this case, goosebumps and paresthesia are observed in the area of ​​the hands and face. By the way, similar symptoms can occur with migraine with aura.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia. Goosebumps during VSD are one of the neurological symptoms, indicating an imbalance in the tone of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions CNS. Many patients experience headaches, become irritable and prone to depression, feel tingling in the face and hands, and also complain of strange chills and goosebumps throughout the body. Plus, all this may be accompanied by cardiological symptoms, which only aggravate the condition of patients with VSD.

Neuropathies of various localizations. If the nerve in the neck and back of the head is affected, then goosebumps appear in the vicinity of the area where compression, injury or other damage to the nerve occurred. With neuropathy of the musculocutaneous or ulnar nerve, pins and needles can be felt in the elbow and lateral forearm. If the patient complains that the stomach hurts and goosebumps appear in the pelvic and thigh areas, then we are most likely talking about lumbar plexus neuropathy. Especially if the symptoms become more pronounced if the extended leg is raised upward.

With neuropathy of the femoral nerve, goosebumps appear in the lumbar region, the inner and anterior surface of the thigh and lower leg, accompanied by pain in the groin area. Damage to the saphenous nerve is manifested by pins and needles, pain and numbness of the skin area on inner surface lower leg and foot, up to the big toe.

The cause of goosebumps on the body may be various pathologies heart and blood vessels. Heart pathologies are indicated by a symptom such as the appearance of goosebumps on the left side of the body. And if they are also accompanied by pain in chest, giving in left hand or shoulder, dizziness, anxiety or fear, myocardial infarction may be suspected.

If a person has goosebumps and chills that are not associated with changes in body temperature, and plus this condition does not go away quickly, but lasts about 10 minutes, the reason for the appearance of such clinical picture violations may occur heart rate(arrhythmias).

Chills and goosebumps may have causes that are not at all cardiac.

Can cause goosebumps elevated temperature. The difference in body temperature and the environment causes chills, because the air temperature now seems lower to him than it actually is.

Take, for example, goosebumps when you have a cold. The body, engaging in the fight against viruses and bacteria, deliberately increases body temperature, thereby causing their partial death. An increase in body temperature, in turn, causes chills and the appearance of so-called goosebumps on the skin.

If goosebumps appear on the body and arms, you can determine the cause of this phenomenon by paying attention to the spine. A similar symptom can be observed in pathologies such as osteochondrosis, spondylolisthesis (vertebral displacement), tumors cervical region and spinal injuries.

With osteochondrosis, when nerves and vessels are compressed by the affected vertebrae of a modified shape, goosebumps can be felt not only in the body and arms, but also in the legs. In this case, there may be a loss of sensitivity in a certain area of ​​the skin, chilliness of the upper and lower extremities.

In patients with diabetes, a symptom in the form of loss of skin sensitivity and goose bumps all over the body and limbs may indicate the development of a complication such as diabetic polyneuropathy.

Oddly enough, goosebumps can be a symptom inflammatory diseases ENT organs. For example, with sinusitis, goosebumps crawl not so much all over the body as in the head area, usually on the scalp. A person infected with the parainfluenza virus feels a similar sensation against the background of fever and bursting pain in the sinuses, a week after infection.
The feeling of crawling sensations on the legs may appear when varicose veins veins and syndrome restless legs, common cause which becomes renal failure. Goose bumps all over the body and itching can appear against the background of hormonal imbalances caused by disruption of the endocrine glands (thyroid, adrenal glands), as well as against the background chronic alcoholism. The appearance of imaginary “insects” in different parts body can be caused by inflammation of the muscles in the area around which the activity of goosebumps is observed.

Chronic goosebumps

There is a pathology in which a person’s body seems to be constantly covered in goosebumps. Name of this disease– hyperkeratosis, and it manifests itself in increased content keratin cells in the stratum corneum of the skin. Thus, the epidermis thickens, and the hair follicles become denser, protruding above the surface of the skin.

One of the types of skin pathology is follicular hyperkeratosis, in which a rash similar to goosebumps appears on the human body. Over time, keratinized skin begins to peel off, its scales get into the hair follicles and clog them. The follicles become inflamed and red, which appears as a small reddish rash.

The affected areas are usually the elbows and knees, buttocks, and thighs (especially on the outside). The affected skin becomes especially sensitive to thermal and mechanical irritations.

Risk factors for the development of hyperkeratosis can be considered a hereditary predisposition, a lack of vitamins A and C in the body, the use of hard water for skin hygiene, poor personal hygiene, exposure to cold and wind that dry out the skin, metabolic pathologies, etc.

Treatment of the pathology is long-term, based on combating the disease that caused hyperkeratosis and improving the condition of the skin. However, with age, the symptoms smooth out and the skin takes on a normal appearance.

Goosebumps in women

Women have more reasons for getting goosebumps than men. This is partly due to the greater emotionality and sensitivity of the weaker sex compared to the stronger. For example, such an emotional reaction as delight, against the background of which most often there are goosebumps, can truly be called feminine. Men are more restrained in this regard.

Strong excitement and fears are also more common female, which means that emotional goosebumps appear more often in women than in men.

Another important reason for the appearance of this symptom is hormonal changes in the body. Men may experience hormonal imbalances as they age. puberty, or against the background of pathologies endocrine system, which are again more common in women than in men.

But in women, hormonal imbalances occur much more often: in adolescence when a girl becomes a girl, during pregnancy, before and during menopause. The appearance of goose bumps on the eve of and during menstruation is also associated with hormonal imbalance.

During pregnancy, goosebumps can be associated both with hormonal changes in the body and with some of the pathologies that were listed above, so it is very important to pay attention to other symptoms. For example, chills, manifested in the form of goosebumps on the skin, most often occur against the background of overheating or hypothermia, while an increase in temperature is noted, which indicates the development pathological processes in organism.

The cause of goosebumps in women may be a lack of vitamins and microelements due to poor nutrition. The practice of losing weight through strict diets that deplete the body is especially widespread among women. In this case, goosebumps appear along with unsightly changes in the skin (dryness, pallor or a grayish-yellow unhealthy tint, peeling), deterioration in the condition of hair, nails, teeth and other symptoms of vitamin deficiency, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia and other deficiency conditions.

Goosebumps in a child

Children are our joy and the meaning of life. It is understandable that parents of a baby, especially mothers, react so strongly to the appearance of strange, recurring symptoms, such as goosebumps.

Most often, the appearance of goosebumps on a child’s skin is associated with hypothermia. If the baby is cold, he may shudder, hiccup, goosebumps appear on his skin, and his hairs stand on end. However similar symptoms You can also observe it when the baby pees.

If goosebumps appear on a child’s skin due to overheating (exposure to heat, wrapping), then their occurrence is associated with an increase in body temperature (reaction to temperature differences). The child may become restless or, on the contrary, lethargic and experience headaches.

Goosebumps can be observed on sensitive children's skin exposed to irritation (prolonged contact with moisture, rough mechanical impact).

Imperfection immune system child determines an increased tendency to allergic manifestations. Therefore, sometimes a small allergic rash can be observed on a child’s skin, accompanied by itching (allergies or diathesis), which resembles goosebumps.

The appearance of the above-described goosebumps on a child’s body can be called a physiological reaction that does not indicate any pathology. However, sometimes such a symptom is characteristic feature neurological pathologies, brain diseases, skin and autoimmune diseases developing at such a young age (hyperkeratosis, lichen pilaris, vasculitis, epilepsy, neurotic disorders, meningitis, etc.). Goosebumps on a child’s body should not be confused with pathological rashes on the skin when infectious pathologies (chicken pox, rubella, measles, scarlet fever).

Symptoms of a crawling sensation

The first signs of such a body reaction as goosebumps are the appearance of small bumps on the skin and a slight tingling sensation in the area of ​​the hair follicle, sometimes accompanied by short-term itching. The tingling and itching disappear along with the disappearance of the pimples, and no trace remains on the skin (except scratching).

At the moment the irritating factor acts, a person has the feeling that tens and hundreds of insects are running across his skin. At the same time, he can clearly feel how the hair on his body and head rises.

Goosebumps, which supposedly appear for no reason in various pathologies, do not appear as a single symptom. These include numbness of the skin, a feeling of tightness, severe discomfort and pain sensations other than mild tingling.

Emotional and cold goosebumps have a short “life” and pass immediately as soon as the effect of the irritating factor subsides a little. But pathological goosebumps appear quite often and guilt lasts for a longer period of time.

Complications and consequences

The attitude towards such a phenomenon as goosebumps should be different, depending on their type. If these are emotional goosebumps that occur against the background of overexcitation of the nervous system, then there is no need to fight them. They pass on their own, leaving no trace either outside or inside the body.

But if the appearance of goosebumps is associated with some health pathology, this symptom is definitely worth paying attention to. The goosebumps themselves do not pose a threat to life or health, but ignoring their cause can lead to dire consequences.

In some diseases, goosebumps appear on the body initial stage, for example, with a cold, and this is a signal to take all measures to prevent the spread of infection. In other pathologies, such a symptom indicates complications (diabetic polyneuropathy, etc.), which may indicate the ineffectiveness of treatment.

Goose bumps on the body can be temporary and regularly recurring. A symptom is considered temporary if it occurs immediately after exposure to an irritating factor (a surge of emotions, compression of a nerve in an uncomfortable position) and disappears without a trace after the irritant ends. Treatment of such a symptom is considered pointless. The only danger is repeated episodes of goosebumps.

In any case, if goosebumps regularly appear on the body for no apparent reason, you should consult a doctor about possible reasons of this state.

Diagnosis of the sensation of goosebumps

Goosebumps may appear in various places, including even the surface of the tongue. By the way, there are a great many reasons for such a phenomenon as goosebumps on the tongue: rubbing of the tongue as a result of poorly made dentures, malocclusion after tooth extraction, reaction to the filling material, vitamin B12 deficiency, impaired innervation of the tongue, inflammatory process in the lining of the brain, stomach ulcers, pathologies throat and nose. Depending on the location of the symptom, even before visiting a general practitioner, certain conclusions can be drawn about the cause of goosebumps.

If the appearance of goose bumps is an isolated case and is observed against the background excited state There's nothing much to worry about. It’s a different matter if such a symptom occurs with enviable regularity and is not associated with the person’s emotional state. Here it is worth analyzing the situation and seeking help from a doctor.

There are some important points that allow you to assume that you have some pathologies. So, if goosebumps “run” in the torso area on only one side, probable cause their appearance can be considered a pathology of the heart and blood vessels, but some diseases of the brain should not be ruled out (in this case, impaired sensitivity and goosebumps are localized depending on which side of the brain is affected).

If goosebumps “run” all over your arms and legs, there is a high probability that their appearance is associated with pathologies of the spine. But we must not forget that these areas are abundantly supplied with nerve endings, which means that paresthesia can be caused by pinching, compression or other damage to nearby nerves (neuropathy), unless, of course, other suspicious symptoms arise (fainting, impaired vision and hearing, breathing processes and swallowing, etc.), indicating more serious diseases.

It is important to pay attention to the direction in which the goosebumps move. If the localization of the symptom changes in the direction from large joints in the extremities, most likely we are talking about diseases of the spinal column. In the event that your fingers give you goosebumps reverse side, we are talking about neuropathy.

It is worth carefully examining the place where the goosebumps appear. Dangerous symptoms are: severe disturbance of the sensitivity of an area of ​​the body, pallor of the skin, a decrease in body temperature in this area (for example, cold hands and feet), a small number of fine hairs in a limited area of ​​the body where goosebumps appear, pain.

If suspicious symptoms appear, you should seek advice from a general practitioner, who will assess the situation and refer you to other specialists: a neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist.

It is very important during the first meeting not only to describe the symptoms that appear, but also to indicate their exact location, while simultaneously sharing the results of your observations of the movement of goosebumps, the time of their appearance, and other sensations.

Since goosebumps are still a reaction of the nervous system, and various pathologies of organs and systems can cause disruption of innervation, the doctor prescribes tests to identify abnormalities in their functioning. Besides general analysis blood and urine, which help determine the presence inflammatory processes, a blood test is performed for the presence of toxic substances that can cause not only visual and auditory hallucinations, but also affect the innervation of organs, which causes paresthesia and goosebumps on the skin.

Depending on the expected diagnosis, the patient is referred for additional examination as part of instrumental diagnostics.

Possible tests for paresthesia and goosebumps:

  • Dopplerography of blood vessels (prescribed if symptoms are localized in the neck, lower extremities, abdominal cavity),
  • X-ray examination (for problems with the spine),
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (performed if a disease of the head or spinal cord is suspected),
  • Electrocardiogram (required for heart pathologies),
  • Ultrasound (for heart pathologies and tumor processes),
  • Electroencephalogram of the brain (performed if any disturbances in the functioning of neural structures are suspected),
  • Electroneuromyography (necessary to assess the condition of muscle and nerve fibers in neurological pathologies),
  • Rheovasography (assessment of the state of blood flow during vascular pathologies).

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis is carried out on the basis of the results of a physical examination, a study of the patient’s anamnesis and complaints, laboratory and instrumental studies. At the same time, it is important not only to differentiate between emotional and pathological goosebumps, but also to clearly determine the cause of their appearance.

For example, the same goosebumps on the tongue can be both a dental problem and a neurological one, and accordingly, the treatment in both situations will be different.

Treatment for goose bumps

Emotional goosebumps don't count pathological condition, which means they do not require any treatment. Another thing is goosebumps that appear as a result of the development of some health pathology. Here treatment is prescribed depending on the main diagnosis.

The question of how to get rid of goose bumps can be called rhetorical. Everyone understands that there is no need to get rid of emotional goosebumps; they will disappear very quickly on their own. As for “goose bumps” (another name for the symptom described) with various diseases, then here you need to understand that the external manifestation of goosebumps on the body actually has internal roots. Those. There is no point in fighting just one of the external symptoms of the disease; the body will have to be treated from the inside.

Drugs for the treatment of the pathology that causes goosebumps are prescribed by a doctor specializing in the area to which the diagnosed disease relates. Since the nervous system still plays the main role in the formation of goosebumps on the body, for any pathologies the doctor can prescribe medications that normalize its functioning.

Medicines used in neurology:

  • For restless legs syndrome, such drugs are dopamine antagonists Mirapex and Finlepsin.
  • Diabetic polyneuropathy, which is one of the complications diabetes mellitus, is treated with alpha-lipoic acid preparations (Berlition, Octolipen, Thiogamma, Neurolipon, Thioctic acid, etc.).
  • If the cause of disruption of the nervous system is a lack of vitamins, the doctor prescribes vitamin-mineral complexes containing the appropriate substances for which the body has an urgent need.
  • For various neuropathies, drugs are prescribed that improve the functioning of the nervous system (mainly vitamin complexes“Neurovitan”, “Neurobeks”, “Neurobeks Neo”, “Milgamma”, etc.) and pain relievers (“Mydocalm”, “Sirdalud”, etc.).
  • Magnesium deficiency in the body can be replenished with the help of the drug Magne B6.
  • In case of vascular pathologies, to improve blood microcirculation, vasodilators “Trental”, “Pentoxifylline”, “ A nicotinic acid", as well as drugs with a neuroprotective effect ("Actovegin", "Berlition", etc.).
  • If there is increased excitability of the nervous system, they may be prescribed sedatives plant based.

In case of paresthesia and the appearance of goosebumps on the body, physiotherapeutic treatment is additionally prescribed. Basic physiotherapy procedures for neurological pathologies: electrophoresis, amplipulse or diadynamic therapy, paraffin therapy, magnetic therapy, mud therapy, hirudotherapy. All these methods are aimed at improving the functioning of nerves and muscles, normalizing blood circulation, relieving inflammation and pain.

Surgical treatment of pathologies that cause goosebumps is carried out only if drug and physical therapy do not bring the desired result (usually with tumors that compress the nerve, with myocardial infarction, diabetic polyneuropathy).

Popular medicines for goosebumps

Since normalization of the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system is impossible without replenishing the reserves of B vitamins in the body, for any neurological pathologies the drug of choice becomes the complex drug Neurovitan, containing all the vitamins necessary in this case (octothiamine, which is a combination of vitamin B1 and alpha lipoic acid, pyridoxine or vitamin B6, riboflavin or vitamin B2, cyanocobalamin or vitamin B12).

For patients over 14 years of age, the drug is prescribed in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. Usually this is 1-4 tablets per day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Children over 8 years old take 1 to 3 tablets per day. Children under 8 years of age are prescribed from ¼ to 1 tablet per day. The course of treatment is from 14 to 30 days.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are allergic diseases any etiology and hypersensitivity to the drug. The medicine is not used for increased acidity stomach and gastrointestinal ulcers, thromboembolism, blood diseases (erythrocytosis and erythremia).

Taking the drug may be accompanied by the following side effects: general weakness, changes in blood pressure, rapid pulse, nausea, belching, hyperhidrosis. Some patients complain that their eyes begin to itch, they feel heat in the upper body (hot flashes), the temperature rises, and the mucous membranes of the mouth dry out. Sometimes allergic and anaphylactic reactions occur due to hypersensitivity.

Interesting in terms of treatment neurological diseases, pathologies of endocrine and vascular systems s is the drug "Neurobeks Neo", which in addition to B vitamins (vitamins B1, B2, B3, calcium pantothenate or vitamin B5, vitamin B6, folic acid or vitamin B9, vitamin B12) also contains ascorbic acid(vitamin C). Thus, the drug treats many diseases and helps increase the body's defenses.

The drug is prescribed 1 capsule per day in the first half of the day, when vitamins are absorbed best. According to the doctor's indications, the dosage can be doubled. The course of treatment ranges from 2 weeks to 1 month.

The drug has the same contraindications and side effects, as Neurovitan. In pediatrics, it is recommended to use it starting from 12 years of age.

"Milgamma" - complex vitamin preparation in tablets and injections. The injection solution contains lidocaine, which together with vitamin B12 provides effective pain relief.

The injection solution is administered intramuscularly, using it at the beginning of therapy. First, the medicine is injected deep into the tissue once a day, then once every 2 days as maintenance therapy (at the second stage, injections can be replaced by taking tablets - 1 tablet per day). The effective dosage of the solution is 2 ml. For pain, 3 tablets per day or intramuscular injections are prescribed. The course of treatment is 1 month.

The drug is used to treat patients over 16 years of age. The drug is not prescribed for severe heart failure and hypersensitivity to the drug.

"Actovegin" is a drug with a neuroprotective effect, which is used to treat vascular pathologies and polyneuropathies, one of the symptoms of which is goosebumps. The drug is used in the form of tablets and injection solution.

"Actovegin" tablets are prescribed, as a rule, 1 or 2 tablets per dose. The medicine should be taken before meals with water. The frequency of administration is 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months.

For vascular pathologies, the drug can be prescribed intravenously in the form of injections or droppers. Treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy is carried out in 2 steps. First they do intravenous injections(2 g per day) for 21 days, and then switch to taking 2-3 tablets per day for a long time.

The drug is not prescribed for heart failure in the stage of decompensation (for infusion), pulmonary edema, oliguria and anuria, urinary retention in the body, hypersensitivity to the drug.

Side effects when taking the drug: rashes and redness on the skin, fever, edema, allergic and anaphylactic reactions.

Traditional treatment

Traditional medicine is also ready to offer its fans several recipes with which you can improve your health and get rid of goosebumps. Traditional treatment paresthesia and goose bumps are based on the use of natural, mostly herbal, remedies. Therefore, herbal treatment still comes to the fore.

Medicinal herbs and their preparations are used both for internal use and for medicinal baths.

To improve the condition of blood vessels, it is recommended to use anti-sclerotic tea. It can be brewed using herbs and plants: dandelion (root), hawthorn or wild strawberry (fruit), birch or lingonberry (leaves), blueberry (leaves and fruits). Take 1 tbsp per glass of boiling water. crushed raw materials.

You can reduce blood cholesterol, which causes blockage of blood vessels and circulatory disorders, using the following composition: strawberry leaves, rowan berries, quinoa, milk thistle fruits and corn silk. It is also useful to add chopped worldly cabbage (kelp) to dishes.

As a sedative collection, a composition of dill seeds, valerian roots, thyme herb and motherwort is used (1 tablespoon of collection per glass of boiling water). Take the composition 3 times a day before meals for 2 months.

For cooking medicinal bath take the following herbs: calendula (flowers), thyme, motherwort, horsetail and nettle (take 10 tablespoons of herbal mixture for 3 liters of water). Carry out 10-15 warm 20-minute procedures.

For paresthesias of the arms and legs, young nettle is useful, the leaves and stems of which are recommended to be kneaded with your hands (or walked on them with your feet), providing healing effect for the whole body, affecting nerve endings.

Used for goosebumps and application of white clay to the affected area. The clay is diluted with water so that it looks like thick sour cream, and applied to the skin, covering with a warm cloth for 1-1.5 hours. The course is 10 procedures, which are carried out every 2 days.

To improve the functioning of the nervous system and blood vessels, it is useful to consume foods such as Jerusalem artichoke (yam or sweet potato), onions, garlic, seaweed, apples, sea buckthorn, and beets. Sea fish, nuts, lard, and unrefined oil are also useful.


Relatively homeopathic treatment pathological goosebumps, we can say that it is not always advisable. It all depends on the pathology and the cause of its development. For example, if the pathology is caused by a nerve injury, then homeopaths themselves say that the effect of taking homeopathic medicines may be relatively small.

For neuropathies, homeopathic doctors recommend drinking long time the following medications: Hypericum in 6 dilutions, 5 granules 2 times a day and Sepia in 12 dilutions, 3 granules before bedtime. Medicines should be taken between meals by holding the granules in the mouth until they dissolve.

For neurological disorders, vitamin and vitamin-mineral complexes Milgamma compositum (in the form of dragees) and Gamma Difensoti (in the form of ampoule solution and drops), complex preparations Gamma Biopax, Gamma Biotab, Gamma Alginoti, used to treat diseases of the nervous system, will be useful.

For the treatment of polyneuropathy, the following drugs can be used: Carbo vegetalis and Rus toxicodendron in 6 dilutions, 5 granules per dose. The first drug should be taken once a day in the morning, the second - only in the evening. The course of treatment is long.

For spinal injuries, the homeopathic drug Traumeel will be useful. And for the treatment of osteochondrosis of various parts of the spine, the drugs Discus compositum, Coenzyme, Cerebrum compositum, Tsel T, Zincum metallicum are used.

At coronary disease If the patient feels numbness and crawling on the left hand, the drugs Lachesis and Naya are prescribed. For vascular pathologies, Ambergris, Ignacy, Natrum myriaticum, Valerian, Glonoinum, Dioscorea, Aconite and other homeopathic medicines can be prescribed.


Avoiding the appearance of emotional goosebumps is not so easy. How insensitive do you have to be not to react to such strong stimulants as horror, excessive joy, sexual arousal?! And why fight something that is not a pathology.

But the prevention of neurological, cardiovascular and endocrine pathologies will help avoid the appearance of chronic goosebumps, which are a signal that not everything is in order in the body.

In principle, preventive measures for all of the above diseases come down to healthy image life and rational nutrition, providing the body with all the substances it needs. Refusal bad habits, a carefully thought-out work and rest schedule, frequent walks fresh air and exercise will help avoid many health problems.

Many traditional medicine recipes are used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of various diseases. For example, it is possible even in the absence unpleasant symptoms Drink a little anti-sclerotic tea and herbal infusions that lower blood cholesterol, which will help avoid problems with blood circulation. And bathing in a bath with infusions medicinal herbs will help normalize the condition of the neuromuscular system.

For the correct functioning of the central nervous system and peripheral nerves, it is recommended to drink any vitamin and mineral complex containing B vitamins and magnesium at least once a year. A deficiency of vitamins and microelements usually makes itself felt in the spring, so you should take care of your health in advance and take vitamins starting in January-February.

It is important to know!

In modern cosmetology, various additional non-invasive methods for assessing the condition of the skin are widely used, both for the purpose of diagnosing certain diseases and conditions, and for the purpose of assessing the effectiveness of various cosmetics or procedures.

Any person sometimes experiences so-called “goosebumps”. What is the reason for this phenomenon? People call it “goose bumps”: when covered with goosebumps, human skin really takes on a resemblance to it. In fact, this term is quite medical and there is a correspondence to it in Latin - in this language it sounds like “cutis anserina”.

Goose bumps occur under certain circumstances. Often “goosebumps” “run through the skin” due to strong emotions. In particular, it can be awe, ecstasy, satisfaction, excitement, including sexual. Also, the appearance of “cutis anserina” on the skin is often triggered by fear or freezing.

This phenomenon got its name due to the similarity of human skin covered with pimples (“goosebumps”) to a goose. After geese feathers are plucked, they are replaced by seals that vaguely resemble human hair follicles. The appearance of “goosebumps” on the skin manifests itself as a rudimentary pilomotor reflex, which in animals is responsible for raising the fur. The mechanism of this process can be described as follows: it occurs due to the stimulation of sensitive peripheral nerves emanating from the spinal cord. As a result, peripheral nerve endings are excited, which are responsible for contracting the muscles of the hair follicles. When their muscles contract, a so-called piloerection occurs - hairs rise and “goosebumps” run across the skin.

The pilomotor reflex is characteristic not only of humans, but also of most mammals. Raised hairs (fur) prevent the body from cooling by maintaining an air layer warmed by the body near the skin surface. It is noteworthy that piloerection has no practical meaning for a person, due to the fact that only certain parts of his body are covered with hair. IN in this case the significance of this reflex was lost in the process of evolution. But for animals, raised fur allows them to look more fierce and intimidating if necessary. For example, when the manifestation of the pilomotor reflex is provoked by danger, a feeling of fear.

It was mentioned earlier that a person may “get goosebumps” during strong emotional experiences. Sometimes people describe their experiences in this way from attending worship services, listening to music, watching movies, or watching sports. The appearance of piloerection can cause excitement - strong emotions that accompany playing poker, roulette, etc.

“Goosebumps” often “run” on the skin due to its compression - a prolonged effect on the nerve trunks. In such cases, a person says that he “sat” his leg or “sat” his arm. A lack of vitamins in the body can also cause the manifestation of the pilomotor reflex. In some cases, frequent experiences of such sensations, in particular in the area of ​​the lower extremities, may indicate that a person has serious pathologies vessels.

We are talking about diseases such as atherosclerosis, varicose veins and other circulatory disorders. In this case, consultation with a phlebologist is necessary. However, in most cases, “goosebumps”, especially those that often appear, are still a neurological syndrome, and they “run through” as a result of the body’s mental reactions. This phenomenon is often encountered by suspicious people who are characterized by increased emotionality. The possibility of purely dermatological causes for the occurrence of “goosebumps” should not be excluded - especially in cases where the symptom does not appear occasionally, but constantly. They may be caused by excessive dry skin.

In most cases, the described syndrome does not indicate the presence of any disease. Its frequent occurrence, especially in combination with painful sensations and numbness of the limbs.

The feeling of goosebumps has been familiar to mankind since ancient times. “Goose bumps”, “hair standing on end on the head” - such expressions are found in everyday life quite often, as well as numbness of the scalp, which we will talk about. In some cases, this phenomenon is harmless and goes away on its own after some time.

Such cases include:

  1. sexual arousal;
  2. strong fear;
  3. feeling of sudden cold;
  4. sincere admiration;
  5. fright;
  6. pleasure;
  7. sudden sharp sounds (metal grinding on glass);
  8. general poor health;
  9. low temperature indoors or outdoors;
  10. high sensitivity of the skin.

Among the causes of goosebumps on the scalp are the following::

In medicine, the sensation of goosebumps on the scalp is called the pilomotor reflex., the manifestation of which is caused by sensitive peripheral nerves. This effect occurs due to strong stimulation of nerve endings associated with smooth muscles and human hair follicles.

Lifting hairline is called piloerection. Temporary piloerection is a vestigial reflex. As a rule, it does not last long and disappears along with the reason that provoked it.

I would like to note that many people mistakenly confuse the feeling of “pins and needles” on the head with a burning sensation. You will learn more about the second disease from this article.

What can cause: diseases

Most often, goosebumps on the scalp are observed in people prone to emotional experiences, nervous breakdowns, excessive suspiciousness and causeless anxiety.

There are a number of diseases that are characterized by the appearance of such sensations. These include:

  • avitaminosis;
  • hypoparathyroidism;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • neuropathy;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • illnesses of cardio-vascular system;
  • microstroke.

Vitamin deficiency provokes peeling of the scalp and muscle weakness throughout the body. Hypoparathyroidism causes nervous tension and numbness in the limbs. With diseases of the cardiovascular system, goosebumps appear on the right side of the head, disrupt the blood circulation and can provoke a mini-stroke.

Goosebumps on the scalp also appear with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, causing headache, numbness, tingling in the neck muscles. With atherosclerosis and neuropathy of the greater occipital nerve, in addition to unpleasant tingling, pallor and decreased sensitivity of the skin are also observed.

What to do if this phenomenon does not go away?

There are times when goose bumps on the scalp last for quite a long time and do not go away on their own. If such a phenomenon takes a person by surprise, it is necessary to ensure maximum comfort for the patient:

  • lay on the bed with your head raised;
  • bring fresh air into the room;
  • measure pressure;
  • give a sedative;
  • apply ice to the back of the head;
  • give a light head massage;
  • ensure high-quality and continuous breathing (if necessary, relieve the patient from tight clothing);
  • exclude any sudden movements;
  • remain in a horizontal position until the ambulance arrives.

If you have vitamin deficiency, you need to take vitamins C, B1 and D, and daily diet turn on the milk sea ​​fish, nuts, herbs and wholemeal bread.

Special vitamin and hormonal therapy will help to cope with hypoparathyroidism, with cardiovascular diseases You will need to undergo a comprehensive examination (ultrasound, ECG), give up bad habits, and also limit your consumption of animal fats.

After suffering a micro-stroke, you can remove the unpleasant phenomenon with the help of therapeutic and relaxing massage, exercise therapy, a special diet, breathing exercises and physical procedures, for osteochondrosis - complex treatment with medications and therapeutic massage.

Atherosclerosis can be cured with the help of special drugs (satins, fibrates) and surgical intervention - bypass surgery, vascular replacement, angioplasty. To eliminate the disease due to neuropathy, you need to consult a neurologist and undergo a course of treatment.


For correct diagnosis diseases, the doctor prescribes these types of examinations:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the heart and kidneys;
  • consultation with a neurologist;
  • MRI of the brain and spinal cord;
  • radiography (in some cases).

IMPORTANT. Used to treat goosebumps on the scalp conservative methods: pills, physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, special gels. At chronic symptoms self-treatment is strictly contraindicated - additional complications, disability and even death may occur.

The phenomenon of goose bumps in the legs is called “goose bumps”, since the surface has a similar appearance. This condition occurs due to fatigue, after taking a bath, being in the cold for a long time and irritation of the nerve endings. It can be chronic, associated with some disruption of the normal functioning of the body. In this case, an urgent consultation with a neurologist is required.

Patient complaints

When visiting their therapist, patients begin to describe the following complaints:

  • The goosebumps in the legs constantly move, sometimes even to the spine and head. Sometimes there is a feeling of coldness in the extremities.
  • The occurrence of tickling, which is more pronounced immediately before bedtime.
  • The goose bumps running down your legs begin to move to other parts of your body.
  • Goose bumps periodically appear from the ankle to the knee.
  • Goosebumps are observed when you touch the surface of your legs with your hand.

Sometimes the feeling of pins and needles in your legs begins to seriously bother you. If small rash begins to tingle in the place where the limbs are numb, then perhaps in this case you have simply pinched the capillaries. After freeing your legs, everything will return to normal in a few minutes.

Who should I contact?

Sometimes goose bumps in the legs are accompanied by If you have persistent complaints associated with frequent unpleasant sensations, for example, tingling, then until this discomfort develops into any complex disease, you should consult a doctor for help to determine the cause. It is better to start with a visit to a therapist, who will establish a preliminary diagnosis and advise which specialists should be contacted.

What does “goose bumps” mean?

Do you have goosebumps on your legs? The reasons lie in the nervous and vascular systems of the body. Experts identify the most common reasons for this feeling:

  • Inflammation that occurs due to complications of spinal osteochondrosis. In this situation, you cannot do without the help of a neurologist.
  • Intervertebral hernia, which is accompanied by numbness of the limbs. At this time, the patient may feel goosebumps running down his legs and tingling in his fingertips.
  • Elevated blood sugar levels negatively affect the condition of blood vessels. Diabetes is a very serious disease that is not easy to cope with.
  • Increased blood cholesterol levels, which are most often associated with an unhealthy lifestyle. When a person drinks a lot of alcohol, fatty foods and leads sedentary lifestyle life, the condition of the walls of its blood vessels becomes significantly worse: they thicken, and therefore become less elastic.

To avoid complications, you will need to consult a neurologist.

Impaired blood circulation and loss of vascular elasticity are not so difficult to develop if you do not follow the rules healthy eating and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Smoking and drinking alcohol are common causes of pins and needles in the legs.

"Goose bumps" and tingling sensations during sleep

This condition does not always signal a disease. Incorrect body position can cause pins and needles and tingling sensations on the legs. For example, standing in the same position for a long time or having a pillow that is too low during sleep has a bad effect on the neck muscles, which causes swelling. Also, the uncomfortable position of the legs causes tingling and numbness due to the fact that you have pinched the blood vessels, and blood circulation has worsened for a while. But still keep in mind that prolonged and persistent pins and needles in the legs and arms are a sign of the presence of blood clots in the arteries.

During pregnancy, swelling and goose bumps are not uncommon. This is due to hormonal changes and changes in metabolic processes in the body. expectant mother. In this case, specialists give the woman recommendations on consuming foods containing iron.


Tingling, pins and needles and numbness in the legs are in the spine. They occur due to irritation of the nerves. The sensitivity of the legs decreases, dizziness appears and lower back pain is possible. The neurologist prescribes to the patient complex treatment medications, gives directions for massage, physical therapy and warming up the damaged area of ​​the spine. In severe cases, surgery is possible.

Consequences if left untreated

If you ignore the signal about disruption of the nervous and vascular systems, which manifests itself in the form of goosebumps, complications may arise:


Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must find out why goose bumps are running down your legs. The reasons for their occurrence, as we have already said, can be different. After collecting all the analyzes and conducting a series of laboratory research The doctor prescribes the necessary medications, which are selected individually for each patient, and then refers them to a specialist. It is not recommended to begin independent treatment without consulting a neurologist.

Therapy at home

In addition to inpatient observation, treatment can be carried out at home. It is recommended to discuss this with your doctor in advance before proceeding with the procedures in order to eliminate any possible negative consequences.

Methods for treating goose bumps

The sooner you conduct an examination and find out the reason for the appearance of goosebumps in your legs, the faster you can get rid of them and prevent the occurrence of complex diseases. By following a diet, leading a healthy, active lifestyle and giving up bad habits, you will speed up your recovery. There is no need to postpone treatment indefinitely, as this can lead to disastrous consequences.
