Which is better for a 1 year old child with fever? Syrups for fever for children of different ages. Possible side effects

Very common in children younger age body temperature rises. The reason for this may be infectious processes: viral or bacterial. Less commonly, the pathology has a fungal form. Fever in children also begins after vaccination. For some children, this is due to neurological abnormalities.

High temperature is never an independent disease. This is a symptom of a pathology, the correct cause of which can be determined by a doctor. All sensible parents, after detecting a fever in a child, turn to doctors. But there are also situations when antipyretic medications must be used urgently, without waiting for a specialist appointment. To do this, parents need to know what temperature syrups are available for children. Today's article will tell you about this. You will learn about the rules for using the drug and will be able to get acquainted with their trade names.

When is it necessary to give syrups for fever (for children)?

There are special rules for use. Every parent should know about them. In what situations is the use of such drugs justified?

Antipyretic medications are always used if a child has a temperature above 38.5 degrees. In such cases, delay can be dangerous, especially in children. The antipyretic should be given to the baby even at a temperature of 38 °C, if it comes to night sleep. At night it is especially difficult to monitor the child’s condition, and the thermometer level can rise treacherously quickly. It is necessary to offer suppositories and syrup for a child’s temperature at 37.5 degrees if the baby has a birth injury, a tendency to seizures, or neurological abnormalities. Such children tolerate fever very poorly. The drugs should be used for vomiting and diarrhea, since high temperature further worsens the condition of the small patient and contributes to dehydration. If the cause of the fever is bacterial infection, then the temperature can be reduced at any value. Let's look at what fever syrups are available for children. As it turned out, there are not so many of them.

Paracetamol-based suspensions

The first antipyretic drugs prescribed to children by doctors were suspensions with paracetamol. They contain different quantities active substance. You need to pay attention to this. The following medications can be distinguished:

  • Paracetamol syrup. One milliliter of the medicine contains 24 mg of active substance. The drug costs no more than 70 rubles.
  • "Calpol." The content of the active substance is 120 mg per 5 ml. You can buy it for about 100 rubles.
  • "Panadol". One milliliter of the drug contains 24 mg of paracetamol. The medicine costs an average of 130 rubles.
  • "Eferalgan" is considered more potent drug, since it contains 30 mg of active substance per milliliter.

There are other syrups for fever for children with paracetamol, but they are prescribed by doctors less often. The dosage of the drug is calculated according to the child’s body weight. The baby should receive from 10 to 15 mg of the active substance for every kilogram of weight. Some products, such as Calpol, can be used from the first month of life. Other syrups are prescribed from three months. A definite plus Paracetamol-based drugs are their availability and safety. Such drugs are not prescribed for severe renal and liver failure. The downside of medications is that they are short action. Syrups with paracetamol reduce the temperature by only 1-2 degrees and work for 2-4 hours. If a child has a temperature of 40 °C, then such medications are not advisable.

The frequency of use for syrups with paracetamol is from 2 to 4 times a day. It is not recommended for young children to give the medicine more than three times. If you have used the medicine in the full daily dose, but the temperature rises again, give your child a medicine with a different active ingredient.

Effective drugs with ibuprofen

The next fever syrup for children (from 3 months) is Ibuprofen. It contains the active ingredient of the same name. 5 ml of suspension contains 100 mg of the main substance. The following drugs have the same characteristics:

  • "Nurofen". Very popular with parents. Costs no more than 200 rubles per package.
  • "Ibufen." You can purchase a bottle with liquid contents for 90 rubles.
  • "Brufen" and "Bofen". They are prescribed less frequently; you can buy the drugs for 140 rubles.

Any syrup (depending on temperature) is recommended for children over 3 months. Previously similar drugs It is prohibited to give to a baby. If necessary, you should use the previous active ingredient - paracetamol. The advantage of ibuprofen-based drugs is the speed of action and its duration. Medicines reduce the temperature within the first half hour. The action lasts from 6 to 8-10 hours (depending on the disease). Contraindications to the use of such a suspension are asthma, some blood diseases, stomach and intestinal ulcers. The medicine should not be taken again earlier than after 6 hours. The dosage is selected individually and is 5-10 mg of active substance per kilogram of the child’s weight.

The active ingredient nimesulide is the right remedy

What else can you give to a child (3 years old) for fever? Nimesulide-based syrup is prescribed in cases where previous active ingredients are ineffective. The medicine has the following trade names:

  • "Nimulid". Available in the form of a suspension, it costs about 200 rubles.
  • "Nimesil". It is in the form of a powder from which syrup must be prepared. You can buy 30 sachets for 700 rubles.
  • "Nise." It costs about 400 rubles, but Lately rarely found on sale.

The medicine is prescribed to the child in a daily dose of 5 mg of the active ingredient per kilogram of body weight. The serving is divided into 2-3 applications. This syrup for fever is recommended for children over one year of age. At a younger age, its use is permissible only for certain indications. The suspensions begin to act within half an hour. The drugs reduce the temperature to normal values and work for 8-12 hours. The disadvantages of drugs based on nimesulide include: high cost, toxicity. It is known that syrups have Negative influence to the liver. Therefore, they are contraindicated for diseases of this organ. Some countries prohibit the use of the described medications in children under 12 years of age. In Russia this rule does not work.

Acetylsalicylic acid: myths and reality

Many parents wonder whether it is possible to give their child medications based on acetylsalicylic acid(syrup) on temperature. For children over one year of age, such medications are contraindicated. Moreover, they are permissible for use only after 12 years. Some doctors do not recommend giving these medications to children under 15 years of age. The danger is the development of acute liver failure. In addition, such medications can provoke bleeding. Despite all the recommendations, some parents are confident in the safety of the active substance. Moms and dads believe the myth that acetylsalicylic acid will not affect the condition of their baby. After all, this medicine was previously actively used to relieve cold symptoms.

The most popular liquid drug based on acetylsalicylic acid is Upsarin Upsa. You can buy it without a prescription at a price of about 200 rubles for 16 tablets. It is in effervescent lozenges that the medicine is produced. To prepare the syrup, the tablet must be dissolved in large quantities water. The dosage of the drug is determined according to the severity of the disease. One dose contains 500 mg of acetylsalicylic acid. The frequency of application can be up to six times a day.

"Ibuklin" - a complex drug

Which fever syrup is best for a child is determined by each parent himself. Many fathers and mothers give their child Ibuklin. It's not really syrup. To obtain a suspension, you need to dissolve the drug tablet in a small amount of water. The medication is available in the form of dispersible tablets. You can buy it for about 150 rubles. The drug is called complex because of its composition. It contains 125 mg of paracetamol. Enhances the antipyretic effect of 100 mg ibuprofen.

Due to the fact that this good syrup (for fever for children) has two active ingredients, the list of contraindications for its use is expanding. Ibuklin is not prescribed to children under 3 years of age (due to the high dosage of the components). Hepatic and renal failure, as well as some diseases of the blood and digestive system - a reason to choose another medicine.

The best fever syrup for children - what is it?

As you have already learned, not everything is allowed for children. medicines, able to cope with fever. Many parents believe that the best fever syrup for children is Nurofen. In fact, this medicine is simply advertised. It is prescribed by many pediatricians. Can this drug really be considered the best?

The drug Nurofen is more effective than paracetamol-based syrups, but it is less tested. Until now, doctors are not completely convinced of the safety of using this composition in children. Therefore, you should not give medicine to babies from the first days of life. Preparations with paracetamol are safer and more proven. But at the same time, they can negatively affect the hematopoietic organs and urinary system. Some consider Nimulid the best syrup for fever. But this opinion can be challenged due to the toxicity of the drug. To choose the most suitable drug for your child, consult your doctor.

How to give antipyretics correctly and when should not be done?

Children are often prescribed immunomodulatory medications. Such drugs can provoke an increase in body temperature. However, the child should not be given antipyretics. Only when the thermometer value is more than 39 °C should you use fever syrup for children. “Imudon”, “Bronchomunal”, “Likopid” is a small list of immunomodulators that can provoke fever. In what situations should you still refuse antipyretics?

Antipyretics should not be given for abdominal pain. Such drugs also have an anesthetic effect. This is why the child feels much better for fever after taking the syrup. Medications can dull the pain, leading to blurred clinical picture. The doctor simply will not be able to make a correct diagnosis, but the situation may require emergency help.

It is strictly forbidden to give a child fever syrups if they have previously been allergic to them. In such a situation, you should give preference to tablets and suppositories. Many suspensions contain sweeteners and flavorings. Adding dye is possible. All these components can cause an allergic reaction. What are the rules for using antipyretics?

  • Always use the best safe medicine(ibuprofen or paracetamol).
  • Move on to more strong drug only if necessary.
  • Antipyretics are used only after the fact: if there is a temperature - go ahead, if there is no fever - do not use it for prevention.
  • Medicines without medical prescription should be used once (for emergency temperature reduction).
  • Use antipyretic syrups for no more than 3 days in a row.

In young children, immunity is at the stage of its formation. Therefore, during infectious diseases the body temperature rises greatly. In rare cases, the body reacts this way. Doctors recommend not lowering the temperature below 38 degrees. At this time, there is an increased production of leukocytes, which are needed to overcome viruses and bacteria.

Some children should not be allowed to reach this temperature. Manufacturers offer many drugs that are produced in convenient form syrups and candles.

Features of children's antipyretics

They are classified as non-steroidal. This group also includes those that relieve inflammation.

Some medications have clear age restrictions. For example, if the composition contains Nimesulide or a combination of several active ingredients, then it is better not to give them to children under 12 years of age.

The active ingredients contained in antipyretics block the production of COX. These are special enzymes responsible for increasing temperature. At the same time, work slows down nerve centers located in medulla oblongata. They are responsible for the occurrence of fever. The severity of the action is directly related to the temperature and dosage of the drug.


An increase in body temperature is protective because it leads to a decrease in the rate of reproduction pathogenic microorganisms. For most diseases, the maximum temperature for children that will not lead to deterioration in the functioning of other organs is 38.5 degrees. There are children at risk. They are justified in taking more low rates thermometer. This category of children includes those who have:

  • metabolic diseases,
  • history of febrile seizures.

An indication for taking antipyretics is fever, which is accompanied by muscle and. Can't be allowed strong increase temperature in children in the first months of life.

The drugs are required for use when severe weakness And delusional states. Additionally provided bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids and regular monitoring of bowel cleansing.

Dr. Komarovsky about antipyretics for children:

Forms of medicines for children

Antipyretics are available in different forms:

  • syrup,
  • candles,
  • soluble powder,
  • pills,
  • injections.

Children drink sweet syrups quite easily. They take effect in about 30-40 minutes. The duration of action depends on the active ingredient. The candles begin to act faster – after 20 minutes.

They are an excellent option if the child refuses treatment or vomits when eating. It is best to administer suppositories after cleansing the intestines. Then they will begin to act faster. Syrups and suppositories are the most popular forms of antipyretics.

Special chewable tablets Suitable for older children. Due to chemical additives, they can cause allergic reactions. Such drugs are prescribed to children over three years of age, since children still have the possibility of choking on the pill.

Medicines in powder form for young children and preschool age rarely used. Such products are soluble in water and have sufficient pleasant taste. Modern manufacturers supplement such drugs ascorbic acid, several antipyretic components at once.

The most in a fast way To relieve the temperature is an injection. This is what doctors use when syrups, suppositories and other forms do not bring the desired result. Most often, if necessary, provide ambulance a lytic injection is given. It combines three active ingredients: analgin, diphenhydramine and papaverine. The effect of such an injection is observed after 15 minutes.

Review of the most popular tools


For infants from 6 months to one year, Efferalgan is approved for use. These are suppositories for rectal administration. Doctors allow it to be used when the child’s weight reaches more than 4 kg. The onset of action of the drug is approximately 40 minutes, and the effect lasts 4-6 hours.

The main active ingredient is 150 mg. Paracetamol. Auxiliary components are semi-synthetic glycerides.

Paracetamol is also found in:

  • Tsefikon D,
  • Baby.

These drugs can be used no more than 4 suppositories every 6 hours. The duration of treatment is about three days.

Suppositories containing the active component ibuprofen are represented by such drugs as:

  • Ibuflex,
  • for children.

Used for babies from the third month of life. Maximum daily dosage calculated from the ratio of 30 mg active component per 1 kg of body weight. The effect lasts for 6-8 hours. It is recommended not to use more than 3 candles per day.

The previous drugs can be used for fever after vaccination, teething, and infectious diseases.

For inflammatory processes and teething, many parents prefer Viburkol. These are homeopathic suppositories, which also have an anti-inflammatory effect. They contain chamomile and other components plant origin. They are used 4-6 times a day.

Popular antipyretic suppositories for children


Children over 3 years of age are more often prescribed syrups and powders for the preparation of oral solutions. They all contain sugar, so children drink them with pleasure. Issued in this form:

  • Efferalgan,
  • Calpole,
  • Panadol.

The average dose depends on age and starts from 10-15 mg/kg per day.

Ibuprofen-based syrups are prescribed for fever with a pronounced inflammatory component, for example, for sore throats. Recommended dosage is 5-10 mg/kg in children of the first years of life. Such drugs include:

  • Ibufen,
  • Bofen,
  • Nurofen.

Popular children's syrups with antipyretic effect

Capsules and tablets

They are mainly indicated from 6-7 years of age. This age limit is associated with an impressive dose of the active ingredient. Tablets may contain minor substances. Effervescent types begin to act in 1-15 minutes. These include Efferalgan. After 20-30 minutes, the following begin to act: Nurofen, Piaron, Panadol.

Hyperthermia in a child during illness is a serious stress for the body, which adversely affects all systems. When the temperature reaches 38 degrees and above, pediatricians recommend knocking it down with any possible ways. The most effective for this purpose are antipyretic drugs for children, of which a considerable number have been developed today. When choosing a product, you need to take into account not only the age of the child, but also the active ingredient in order to prevent the development of allergies and not aggravate the course of the disease.

When should an antipyretic be given?

It is believed that in diseases of a viral or infectious nature, hyperthermia is a normal reaction of the body. A high temperature in this situation indicates that active production of antibodies has begun to fight the disease. Therefore, doctors do not recommend lowering the temperature if not general deterioration health status. There are a number of recommendations when you should definitely use an antipyretic:

  • Temperature 38 degrees or higher in infants up to 3 months;
  • Persistent hyperthermia from 39 degrees in babies from 3 months;
  • The presence of febrile seizures with an increase in temperature above 37.5 degrees, especially in children under 7 years of age;
  • If you have any diseases of the heart or respiratory system.

In all other cases, it is not worth bringing down the indicator if general state the body is normal, there are no serious side symptoms.

Selection of dosage form

Medicines for high fever are available in various forms, which allows them to be used even for newborns who do not take pills well. The most common forms of pediatric antipyretics are:

  • Rectal suppositories (suppositories). Best suited for infants. Active substance begins to act 30-40 minutes after absorption by the large intestine. The big advantage of this form is that candles can be used even when the newborn is sleeping, as well as when vomiting or regular regurgitation;
  • Suspensions. It is recommended for children over 12 years of age, but in some cases it can also be given to infants. The advantage of suspensions is that the medicine is quickly absorbed by the body, which helps reduce the rapidly rising temperature. When choosing a drug, you need to carefully read the composition, since sometimes manufacturers add various additives and flavorings to improve the taste, to which children may have allergic reactions;
  • Pills. Antipyretics in the form of tablets can only be used when the child can swallow the drug independently. That's why this form not suitable for infants due to high risk of vomiting. If it is not possible to swallow the tablet, then it should be crushed and diluted in water.

Regardless of the form of the drug, be sure to take into account the dosage of the active ingredient of the antipyretic used. As a rule, suspensions are the most suitable option for children, but they are ineffective for prolonged hyperthermia.

Common products for children

Today, drugs based on paracetamol, ibuprofen, and viburcol are used as antipyretics for children. The use of aspirin and all products based on it is strictly prohibited to reduce the temperature of children under 14 years of age due to possible complications.

Antipyretics based on paracetamol

Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is the most effective antipyretic drug for children today, starting from one month. It has a strong antipyretic and analgesic effect. Products based on it can be used for various respiratory diseases, inflammatory processes, as well as during the eruption of baby teeth. It is not recommended to use them when diabetes mellitus any type, viral hepatitis, as well as chronic diseases kidneys and liver. If the dosage is not observed, possible adverse reactions in the form of nausea profuse vomiting, loss of appetite, skin rash. Here is a list of the most effective means based on paracetamol for children:

  • Paracetamol. The drug is taken at the rate of 10-15 mg of the active substance per 1 kilogram of the child’s weight, while the drug reduces the temperature by a maximum of 1.5 degrees, so it cannot be used as an antipyretic. Children's paracetamol It comes in the form of a suspension, syrup, or less often in tablets. When taking it, you must follow the instructions, as for of different ages necessary different dosage. The interval between taking the drug should be at least 4 hours (so that the substance is absorbed into the blood);
  • Panadol. A paracetamol-based drug, available in the form of suspensions or rectal suppositories. It has an active antipyretic and analgesic effect. It is actively used for various colds, flu, inflammatory processes and teething in newborns. Can be used starting from infancy, while strictly observing the dosage when using;
  • Calpol. Available only in suspension form. Allowed for use in children under one year of age. Should be taken after meals with plenty of water. In some cases, an adverse reaction in the form of a skin rash is possible, so you need to carefully read the composition of the drug;
  • Tsefekon-D. Complex drug aimed at reducing temperature, reducing inflammatory processes. It is actively used for colds, as well as to improve well-being after routine vaccinations. Can be found in the form of rectal suppositories. Can be used for children from 1 month;
  • Efferalgan. A common remedy for children, starting from newborn age. Can be found in the form of syrup and rectal suppositories. Pathologies of the intestines and liver are a contraindication to the use of the drug.

Ibuprofen-based drugs

It is advisable to use ibuprofen-based products if paracetamol does not give positive effect, there is an allergy to it. Do not use drugs if you are hypersensitive to the active substance, bronchial asthma, diseases circulatory system, liver or intestines. Ibuprofen can be given to children older than 3 months. In case of an overdose of the drug, adverse reactions are possible in the form of stool disturbances, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

  • Ibuprofen. It can be used to reduce fever even in newborns, after consulting a doctor. The dosage of the drug is 5-10 mg per kilogram of weight. The interval between taking the drug should be at least 6 hours. For children over 10 years of age, the interval between uses can be reduced;
  • Children's Nurofen. It has an active complex antipyretic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effect. Recommended for use in cases of hyperthermia during colds, flu or after routine vaccination. Available in the form of a suspension or rectal suppositories. When choosing the form and dosage of the product, it is necessary to take into account not only weight, but also age. Both types of medicine can be used in children from 3 months. Nurofen has a negative effect on digestive system, therefore, adverse reactions in the form of stool disturbances or vomiting are possible;
  • Children's ibufen. Characteristic of the entire ibuprofen series complex action. Available only in the form of suspensions for children over 1 year old and weighing at least 7 kilograms. Considered one of the the best means with high fever. When taking ibufen, you must follow the instructions for use, since the dosage is highly dependent on body weight;
  • Motrin. Available only in suspension form. Can be used from two years of age. The drug helps not only reduce high fever, but also relieve pain in the head and muscles. An overdose of the drug is characterized by urticaria, dizziness, and intestinal disorders.


Many pediatricians are skeptical homeopathic remedies for the treatment of any disease, but similar preparations based on herbal components are actively used by parents to reduce the temperature of their children. The advantage of such drugs is that adverse reactions are rarely observed. Among the most common drugs of this type is viburkol. Available in the form rectal suppository, the composition contains only natural ingredients (chamomile, belladonna, nightshade, calcium carbonate and others). IN severe cases You can use the product 4-5 times a day, if there is an improvement in the condition - up to 2 times.

Alternative remedies

If taking paracetamol or ibuprofen is impossible due to individual contraindications or does not bring the desired result, select alternative means aimed at reducing hyperthermia. Most often they are needed if the fever persists long time, and the body is weakened and unable to cope with the high temperature. The most common drugs:

  • Papaverine. Available for small children in the form of rectal suppositories. It is an antispasmodic, making antipyretics high temperature Children's bodies work harder. During use, it is necessary to take into account the age and weight of the child according to the instructions;
  • Preparations based on nimesulide: nise or nimulide. Available in the form of suspensions for children over 2 years of age, dispersible tablets for children over 3 years of age, tablets or capsules for children over 12 years of age. The drugs have a large number of contraindications, and in case of overdose they are possible side effects as intestinal disorders, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite. The dosage and choice of the drug should be carried out by a doctor.

With a prolonged increase in temperature, an injection with a lytic mixture containing an analgesic, antispasmodic, and antihistamine. As a rule, such a measure is necessary if it is impossible to take the drug due to severe vomiting, individual contraindications, rapid deterioration of the condition and febrile convulsions, as well as severe course illness of a child under 5 years of age. The dose of the drug should be calculated by the treating pediatrician or directly by the emergency medical care team.

Rules for taking antipyretics for children

  • The choice of medication and its form should be made by a doctor, based on the characteristics of the course of the disease, the age and weight of the child;
  • Paracetamol or ibuprofen should only be used as an antipyretic and not as a pain reliever;
  • For children over 9 years old, it is advisable to choose antipyretic tablets;
  • Applicable daily dose paracetamol should not exceed 60 mg per kilogram of the child’s weight;
  • To eliminate rapidly growing heat, it is advisable to use a syrup or suspension;
  • Do not take the drug for more than 72 hours in a row;
  • It is not advisable to use an antipyretic during antibiotic therapy;
  • If high hyperthermia was called painful sensations in the abdomen, and there is nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, then you must first call an ambulance.

High temperature in children - characteristic feature many diseases. If hyperthermia occurs suddenly without any reason, then you should immediately call an ambulance rather than self-medicate. It is important to remember that the choice of antipyretic medication should only be made by a doctor, otherwise the course of the disease can be aggravated.

A high temperature signals to parents that a child is sick, but many adults are confused and do not know how to properly act to help a child with a fever. Some immediately decide to give an antipyretic, without waiting for high numbers on the thermometer, others are afraid to give medications, believing that at a high temperature, bacteria and viruses will die faster and recovery will come sooner. Should I use antipyretics to reduce my baby's temperature? In what situations is their use necessary and what drugs can be given to children?

Does high temperature really develop immunity?

Conducted Scientific research confirm the effect of elevated temperature on the rate of recovery in certain infections. During a fever, the child’s body produces large quantities of substances that inhibit viruses and other infectious agents, including interferon. At elevated temperatures, phagocytosis is activated and more antibodies are produced.

It is not always necessary to lower the temperature above normal

However, this does not happen in all children and not with all infections, and sometimes the harm from high fever is much greater than its help in a quick cure.

When should you lower your temperature?

IN more cases elevated temperature It is not recommended to bring it down below +39 degrees, but there are situations when it is worth giving antipyretic drug and with a slight increase in the numbers on the thermometer:

  • If there is a risk of seizures, if the child has had febrile seizures in the past or has diseases of the nervous system.
  • At serious illnesses, for example, in the presence of pathology of the cardiovascular system.
  • In babies up to 2-3 months of age.
  • When a child suffers a fever very seriously, he complains of severe headaches, muscle aches, and poor health.

We also note that if a child has a high fever and abdominal pain, antipyretic drugs should not be given before the emergency doctor arrives, so as not to affect the diagnosis.


Antipyretic medications are available in the following forms:

  • Rectal suppositories.
  • Syrup.
  • Chewable tablets.
  • Medicine.
  • Coated tablets.

In liquid forms, more fast action per child. When the baby is given syrup, the temperature begins to drop within 20-30 minutes. For suppositories that are inserted into the rectum, the effect begins later (after 30-40 minutes), but it lasts longer.

In case of fever, it is advisable to give syrups, since they allow you to quickly reduce the temperature

Suppositories are more preferable in cases of fever accompanied by bouts of vomiting, as well as in cases of difficulty swallowing. In addition, they are more in demand for use in infants in the first months of life, since giving liquid medicine to such children is problematic. The choice falls on candles even when the child has a tendency to allergies, since various chemical compounds are added to tablets and syrups for aromatization and taste.

Review of the most popular medications

IN childhood The main drugs used to reduce fever are paracetamol and ibuprofen. They are produced by many pharmaceutical companies in different forms and under different names. The effect of these drugs has been well studied and tested in a large number of studies. In addition, they are sold without a prescription in most countries of the world. Nimesulide is also used to treat older children.

Drug name

Release form

From what age can it be used?

Active substance

Mode of application

Features of use


From 1 month


In children under 3 months of age, use only when prescribed by a doctor. The product is not diluted with water, but washed down.


From 3 months


The medicine is given before meals. For infants, you can add it to the bottle by mixing it with water.


From 3 months


Shake the product before use.

From 3 months



Apply up to 3 times a day.

From 1 month


Can be diluted with juice, water, milk or given undiluted.


From 3 months



Candles are produced with different dosages– 80, 150 and 300 mg of active ingredient.

From 1 month



To calculate a single dose, the child’s weight is taken into account. It is often prescribed once when the temperature rises after administration of the vaccine.


From 3 months


Take after meals 1.5-2 hours. The medicine is not diluted, but washed down with water.



Shake the drug before use and do not dilute it.


From 3 months


The dose is calculated based on the child's weight.

From 3 months



The interval for administering suppositories is from 6 to 8 hours.

Children's Motrin



The effect of the drug lasts 8 hours.


Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

Powder sachets


Before use, the powder from the bag is dissolved in 100 ml of water. The prepared solution cannot be stored.

Comparison of ibuprofen and paracetamol



May cause side effects more frequently.

More secure.

Can be used from 3 months.

Can be used from 1 month.

Pronounced and long-lasting antipyretic effect.

Less long-lasting antipyretic effect.

There is an analgesic effect.

An anti-inflammatory effect is noted.

Very weak anti-inflammatory effect.

Begins to act in 20-30 minutes.

Begins to act in 40-60 minutes.

Valid for 6-8 hours.

Valid for up to 4 hours.

A single dose is from 10 to 15 mg per 1 kg of child weight.

A single dose is from 5 to 10 mg per 1 kg of child weight.

You can take a maximum of 40 mg per 1 kg of child weight per day.

You can take a maximum of 75 mg per 1 kg of child weight per day.

Affects the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Relatively harmless to the gastric mucosa.

Affects blood clotting.

Does not affect blood clotting.

To reduce the temperature in most cases, you can get by with paracetamol.

Products by age

In the treatment of children, all medications should be selected according to age, which also applies to antipyretic drugs. In addition, which drugs in this group have age restrictions.

Newborns up to 3 months

In children of this age, the use of any medications, including antipyretics, should be supervised by a doctor. Only a pediatrician should prescribe paracetamol, although this drug is used in infants from 1 month of age, after having previously examined the child. Ibuprofen-based medications should not be used in infants under 3 months of age. Paracetamol in such babies is used mainly in the form of suppositories, as well as suspensions.

Infants up to one year old

An increase in temperature in infants under one year of age is often associated with teething, as well as a reaction to the introduction of a vaccine, but can also indicate an infectious disease.

For babies from 3 to 12 months, both ibuprofen and paracetamol are equally often prescribed. Up to 6 months of age, suppositories are often prescribed, and older babies are given the remedy in the form of syrup.

Children under one year of age are usually given candles to lower their temperature.

From one to three years

For children over 12 months of age, both paracetamol and ibuprofen-based medications can be prescribed. Syrup is often recommended for babies of this age, but rectal suppositories can also be used, especially in cases where the baby is vomiting or severe pain in the throat . If a child has signs of ARVI, paracetamol is usually prescribed, and in cases of severe inflammation and pain, ibuprofen is often prescribed.

Over 3 years old

At this age, the child may be prescribed antipyretic tablets if the child can swallow them. There are also chewable tablets that the child must chew. Syrups and suspensions are also very popular for reducing fever in children over 3 years of age, since they are easy to dose, and due to their sweet taste, most children do not protest against such medications.

From 6 years

Since the dosage of antipyretic syrups at this age already requires a fairly large volume of medication, school-age children are more often prescribed the tablet form.

From the age of 12, you can give tablets containing nimesulide, especially if the high temperature is accompanied by severe pain (this drug has a strong analgesic effect).

At an older age, it is better to give antipyretic tablets to children

How is an antipyretic given?

  • Medicines that reduce body temperature during fever are not given systematically. They are used only in cases of increased temperature.
  • Repeated use of the antipyretic drug is allowed at least 4 hours after taking the previous dose.
  • Exceed single dose the drug is not allowed.
  • It is allowed to use an antipyretic drug up to 4 times in one day.
  • To reduce irritant effect on digestive tract, the antipyretic can be given to the child during meals or washed down with milk.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods temperature reductions include the use medicinal tea, to which they add Linden blossom, raspberries, cranberries. Such drinks have a diaphoretic and antiseptic effect, but parents should give this tea very carefully (allergies are possible) and only as an addition to other drinks.

Such folk remedies Doctors categorically do not recommend rubbing a child’s body using vinegar or alcohol-containing liquid, considering them dangerous to children’s health.

Modern pediatricians exclude rubbing with alcohol, vodka or vinegar to reduce fever


Antipyretics should not be prescribed for:

  • Hypersensitivity;
  • Ulcerative lesions of the digestive system;
  • Severe kidney disease;
  • Active and serious illnesses liver;
  • Bleeding in the digestive tract.

In addition, over-the-counter antipyretics should not be used before the age of 1 month.

Possible side effects

Because of large number side effects and the risk of developing allergies, damage to the gastrointestinal tract, brain and other organs, children are not prescribed aspirin and analgin, but even drugs approved for use in children have their negative effects. Thus, large doses of paracetamol have a damaging effect on the liver and kidneys.

Taking ibuprofen may cause heartburn, nausea, rash, headaches, dizziness, swelling, ringing in the ears and other side effects. In rare cases, this drug can seriously impair kidney function and negatively affect blood formation. Also among the rare side effects ibuprofen may cause stomach or intestinal bleeding.

Taking antipyretic drugs must be strictly dosed, otherwise adverse reactions are possible.

When should you call a doctor?

Calling a doctor is recommended in all cases of fever in a child, since only a specialist can accurately determine what caused the fever, and then prescribe necessary treatment. However, there are situations that require immediate medical intervention.

Call an ambulance if your child has a fever and:

  • He is drowsy and lethargic and refuses to drink or eat.
  • An attack of convulsions began.
  • The baby has chronic diseases, especially heart disease.
  • Holds on high level longer than 3 days.

It is also important to call a doctor if side effects of fever-reducing medications occur. Consultation with a pediatrician is necessary if a rash, abdominal pain, swelling, difficulty breathing, yellowing of the skin, darkening of the urine, lightening of the stool, black stool and other warning symptoms occur. Contact us for medical care and in cases where the child has already recovered, and then the temperature rises again.

Monitor the child's condition and if negative symptoms call a doctor urgently

  • If, in addition to a high temperature, the child shows signs of inflammation or there is severe pain syndrome, he should be given ibuprofen.
  • If a high temperature appears in a baby in the first year of life, he should be given paracetamol as a safer remedy.
  • If you need to quickly help your baby, choose an ibuprofen suspension. This form of this antipyretic drug will have a faster effect.
  • If a child has previously had allergic reactions, it is better to choose suppositories for him, since they do not contain chemical additives that can cause allergies.
  • Heat
  • Doctor Komarovsky
  • With vomiting
  • With a cough
  • Antipyretics

Increase in temperature infant- this is almost always a signal of trouble in a small organism, the cause of which can be either a disease or a reaction to vaccination or teething. Antipyretic drugs will help alleviate the child's condition at high temperatures.

Dosage forms of antipyretics for newborns

  1. Liquid form. Presented in syrups and suspensions. Using a measuring spoon or the included device with a piston, dose the drug.
  2. Solid form. Candles (suppositories). They are selected depending on the dosage of the antipyretic drug.

Candles and suppositories are inserted into the child's rectum. Syrups and suspensions are administered orally, according to the dosage recommended by the doctor.

List of antipyretics for children under one year of age

All modern antipyretics belong to a specific group based on the type of active substance. Good antipyretics include:

  • paracetamol-based products (Efferalgan, Panadol, Paracetamol). They can be produced in the form of rectal tablets or suppositories, suspensions. Contraindicated in patients with liver disease, kidney disease, or viral hepatitis, diabetes mellitus;
  • medications that contain ibuprofen (, Ibuprofen, Ibufen). Approved for use only from the third month of the baby’s life. They cannot be used for asthma, liver disease, kidney disease, hearing impairment, blood disease, ulcers, gastritis;
  • homeopathic group of antipyretic drugs (Viburkol). Presented in the form of rectal suppositories. They have no age restrictions. They cannot be used if the components are intolerant.

Important! An antipyretic for a newborn (up to 1 month) from birth is prescribed exclusively by a pediatrician. Independent use The drug is dangerous due to overdose and side effects.

Antipyretic suppositories for newborns up to 1 year

The main advantage of antipyretic suppositories is the lower number of side effects compared to the liquid form. Suppositories are absorbed through the rectal mucosa without affecting the digestive tract. Flavorings and dyes are added to syrups. Such dosage form may cause allergic reaction in infants prone to allergies.

Antipyretic suppositories based on paracetamol

Approved for use from 1 month of age.

  • children weighing 4 - 6 kg (child's age 1 - 3 months) - 1 suppository 50 mg;
  • infants weighing 7 - 12 kg (child's age 3 -12 months) - 1 suppository 100 mg .

Apply no more than 3 times per day. The interval between doses is 4 - 6 hours.

Panadol suppositories

For a child under one year of age, it is necessary to purchase suppositories with a dosage of 125 mg of paracetamol in one suppository. Allowed for children from 6 months in a dosage of one suppository. It is allowed to place no more than 4 candles per day with 4-hour breaks. You can use it for 5-7 days. Panadol has an analgesic and antipyretic effect.

Antipyretic suppositories based on ibuprofen

Nurofen suppositories

Used from three months of age. One suppository contains 60 mg of ibuprofen. It is allowed to use the drug after 6 hours.

  • children weighing 6 - 8 kg are prescribed 0.5 - 1 suppository no more than 3 times a day;
  • if the baby's weight is 8.5 - 12 kg, 1 suppository is prescribed no more than 4 times a day.

Suspensions and syrups for children from one month to 1 year

There is often confusion with the name of liquid antipyretic drugs for children in terms of classifying them as syrups or suspensions. The basis of syrups is concentrated water solution sucrose and/or its substitutes, and suspensions are a liquid medium in which particles of the active substance are distributed in suspension. Over time, with prolonged standing, these particles can settle to the bottom, so the suspension must be shaken before using. Both taste sweet, but in syrups the sweetness is mostly due to sugar (most often sucrose), and in suspensions, sweeteners (for example maltitol) and/or sweeteners, much less often sucrose. Sweeteners are able to be absorbed by the body because they provide energy value, while sweeteners are substances that are not a source of energy, although they taste sweet. Therefore, if a child is prone to allergies, it is better to choose a product that does not contain sucrose.

Antipyretic suspensions based on ibuprofen

Used from three months of age. It is allowed to use the drug after 6 hours.

Suspension Nurofen

Analogues are Ibuprofen suspension, Ibufen suspension, Bofen suspension.

How to give:

  • infants 3–6 months old weighing at least 5 kg are prescribed 2.5 ml 1–3 times a day;
  • if the child's age is from 6 months to 1 year, use 2.5 ml 1 - 4 times a day.

Antipyretic suspensions and syrups based on paracetamol

Children from 3 months to one year can take 60-120 mg of paracetamol at a time. If the child has not yet reached three months, then the dose is calculated based on the child’s weight - 10 mg per kilogram. It cannot be used more than 4 times a day. Children under 3 months. used only after medical prescription.

Panadol suspension

How to give:

  • with a body weight of 6-8 kg, 4 ml of suspension is prescribed;
  • 8-10 kg - 5 ml of Panadol suspension.

Efferalgan syrup

The dosage is carried out using a measuring spoon, on which divisions are marked corresponding to the child’s body weight, starting from 4 kg and up to 16 kg at intervals of one kilogram. All even numbers are marked, and odd numbers are divisions without a number. Medicines must be taken as much as the child weighs. If the child has not reached 4 kg, it is not recommended to use the drug.

Calpol suspension

An analogue is a suspension of Paracetamol for children.

At the age of three months to one year, give the child from 2.5 ml (child’s body weight 4-8 kg) to 5 ml (child’s body weight 8-16 kg) of the suspension. Contraindicated for children under one month.

Video: Komarovsky about antipyretics

Antipyretic drugs prohibited for infants

  • Combined tablets containing ibuprofen and paracetamol (Ibuklin Junior tablets). They can be used for children over 3 years of age.
  • Analgin. It is not used for children. Can be used in the composition lytic mixture if it is not possible to reduce the temperature for a long time by other methods. Applies only in extreme cases as prescribed by a doctor and in his presence.
  • Aspirin. It should absolutely not be used to lower the temperature of children under 12 years of age. The drug is dangerous due to complications and the development of dangerous pathologies.

Important! It is strictly not recommended to deviate from age restrictions when choosing an antipyretic drug. The components in the drug may act differently and cause side effects. For developing organism an inappropriately selected antipyretic can cause irreparable damage.

Additional methods for reducing fever

  • Drink plenty of fluids. The baby is often placed on the mother's breast.
  • Comfortable clothes. The child should not be wrapped up so as not to overheat further. However, there is no need to undress him completely.
  • The room temperature should be + 18 + 20 C;
  • If there is no vascular spasm, after consulting a doctor, the child can be wiped warm water, but without vinegar in the composition!

With a slight increase in temperature of 37 - 37.5 C, you can do without antipyretic drugs. But an examination by a pediatrician is required. The doctor will determine the cause of the fever and the absence of concomitant diseases.

At what temperature should you give an antipyretic to a child under one year old?

Normal indicators of a child’s body temperature from the first days of life vary between 37.0 – 37.5 C. After a few days, the indicators drop to 36.1 – 37.0 C. The usual temperature of 36.6 degrees is established by the first year of the baby’s life. The following numbers are considered normal:

  • 36.0 – 37.3 C – in the armpit;
  • 36.6 – 37.2 C – oral body temperature;
  • 36.9 – 38.0 C – when measuring rectal temperature.

If after vaccination or during teething the child’s temperature rises above 37.5 C, doctors recommend giving an antipyretic. This temperature after vaccination does not contribute to the development of immunity (as is the case with ARVI), and there is no positive effect from it. Therefore, a safe antipyretic can be given (according to age indications). At low-grade fever(about 37.0 C) instead medicinal product It is better to make do with the additional measures described below to reduce the temperature. If after vaccination there is no increase in temperature, then there is no need to give the baby an antipyretic, just in case.
