Bee pollen: beneficial properties and contraindications, how to take it correctly. The healing properties of bee pollen - pollen and rules for its use

In our age of flavorings and fast food healthy diet- this is a real rarity. Representatives of “advanced youth” often do not even understand where many products come from. Fruits and vegetables, in their opinion, appear naturally on supermarket shelves. But in Lately, feeling an acute shortage of natural vitamins, minerals and other useful substances, doctors increasingly began to prescribe “live” to their patients for treatment and prevention, natural products. One of these useful and wonderful products is pollen. What is it? How exactly is it useful? In this article we will learn all about the benefits pollen.

Gift of nature

Pollen is the male cells of plants, which are found in large quantities on their flowers. The bees collect it in the honeycombs of their hives, subsequently using it as food. Flower pollen processed with bee nectar, the use of which in last years becomes more and more popular, and later turns into bee bread. It is actively used by beekeepers because it is rich in various microelements and vitamins. Research has shown that this wonderful natural product contains magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, zinc, and others. useful material. But among the vitamins, vitamins of group B and A can be distinguished.


Flower pollen, the use of which we will describe in this article, may differ in composition depending on the plants from which it was collected. For example, its protein content can range from 7-36%, with carbohydrates 20-30%. Some plants have pollen collected by hand human, may contain allergens, and collected by bees is harmless in this regard. This is explained by the fact that the nectar that the bee processes the pollen destroys the allergens contained in it.

Pollen is rich in amino acids, minerals and vitamins. It contains some enzymes that are necessary as catalysts for all metabolic processes, as well as phytohormones. In pollen mineral composition contains magnesium, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iron and other elements. It is rich in carotenoids, vitamins B, C, E, P, in addition, a number of different antibacterial substances. Composition of vitamins and minerals contained in pollen various plants, can change, and this contributes to the targeted use of its different types.

Pollen collection

As already mentioned, pollen, the use of which is becoming increasingly popular, is collected by bees from different flowers, and then transferred to the hives. It takes on a certain shade, which depends on the flowers from which it was collected. For example, when collected from buckwheat or sunflower it will have a soft golden color, from an apple or pear tree - orange or red, from acacia - white, etc. Basically it has yellow tint, this is explained by the characteristics of the area where the bee apiary is located.

Bees initially collect pollen for themselves. They use it as food for the queen and ordinary bees. Beekeepers extract pollen from the honeycombs using cleaning obstacles or lines. Crawling into different turns and openings, the bees rub their abdomens against them, due to which flower pollen, the use of which is useful for many people, falls into special pockets.

Benefits of pollen

Further in the article we will learn everything about the treatment and contraindications for pollen. You need to understand that its restorative, tonic and anti-inflammatory properties are primarily due to its composition.

Her chemical composition represented by such components as:

  • vitamins;
  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • minerals;
  • enzymes;
  • microelements;
  • macroelements;
  • phospholipids;
  • fatty acid;
  • terpenes;
  • carotenoids;
  • triterpene acids;
  • steroids;
  • nucleic acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • chlorogenic acids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • antibiotics.

Consequently, its benefits are obviously multifaceted, while its main properties are demonstrated by the predominance of certain substances in it. The more active each of them is, and the more of it is in the pollen, the better its properties are expressed.


First of all, the composition of flower pollen is rich in proteins. These substances play a very important role in the human body; they participate in the formation of bones, tissues, muscles, nails and hair. In 100 g of pollen, about 40% is these essential amino acids. The highest content is observed in spring.

Amino acids are compounds that form proteins, hence it is important that after stressful situations the body received many amino acids to recreate the material balance.


Flower pollen, the method of application of which will be described below, is very useful for women. This is due to the combination of vitamins E and A, as well as group B, PP, C, K and D.

The body does not require a large number of vitamins in order to work normally, but if not proper nutrition some of them may be contained in large quantities, and this will lead to a deterioration in health and will be reflected in the form of specific symptoms. If a woman’s body lacks vitamins E and A, this can disrupt the menstrual cycle.

Micro- and macroelements

  • calcium and phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • chlorine;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • vanadium.

Regular pollen intake

As we already understood, for human body Flower pollen (pollen) is very useful. Its use is as follows: a teaspoon once a day with the same amount of honey half an hour before meals. You should not drink water; in general, it is advisable to abstain from any liquid for 15 minutes after taking it. In this way, pollen is consumed for 20 days. The use for children is the same, but first check that they are not allergic to this beekeeping product.

For diabetes

Prepare the following collection:

  • common blueberries - 35g;
  • dandelion officinalis - 35g;
  • stinging nettle - 30g.

Pour a couple of spoons of the crushed collection into 0.5 l hot water, let it brew for 2 hours, then drink half a glass 4 times a day half an hour before meals. Along with the infusion, take half a spoonful of bee bread or pollen.

For anemia

Take half a spoon three times a day. The course of treatment is a month, but if necessary, repeat after a two-week break.

It should be noted that when pollen is consumed, the hematopoietic function is activated, blood composition improves, and ESR decreases. This is great antianemic agent. After treatment there is rapid rise leukocytes and red blood cells in the blood, as well as hemoglobin levels.

For neurasthenia, neuroses

Take a teaspoon three times a day half an hour before meals. Treatment occurs within 3 weeks. It is better to use a mixture of honey and pollen in a 1:1 ratio. It should be filled with water, left for a couple of hours, and then taken.

For tuberculosis

You should take a teaspoon of pollen three times a day, with the dose reduced for children to half a spoon. Treatment time is 45 days.

For brain fatigue

It should be noted that after consuming pollen, a busy, tired brain gains flexibility and clarity. In patients with neurosis, the main symptoms are forgetfulness, insomnia, low mood, nervousness, headache. After taking a sedative, various symptoms appear adverse reactions, but after taking pollen there are no such phenomena.

For cholecystitis

Prepare the following collection:

  • centaury umbrella, 25g;
  • St. John's wort, 1g;
  • chamomile, 15g;
  • three-leaf watch, 15g.

Pour 3 tablespoons of the collection with boiling water (0.5 l) and cook for 10 minutes, leave for half an hour, then drink 200 ml twice a day before meals, while taking half a spoon of pollen.

General strengthening agent

Pollen is widely used as a general tonic. She reduces inflammatory reaction, stimulates wound healing, appetite, normalizes sleep, improves well-being. Therefore, quite often pollen is prescribed as a general tonic. Application for weight loss is as follows: a teaspoon on an empty stomach, without drinking water. Breakfast is possible half an hour later.

For hair loss

Pour 200g of pollen into 100g of water and leave for half an hour. Then add the yolk and rub into your hair. After 15 minutes, wash off warm water.

For weather sensitive people

It must be said that pollen is very useful for weather-sensitive people, as it improves their body’s adaptation to any weather changes, as well as others. external factors. It restores mental and physical performance well in case of overwork.

For men

Pollen is very beneficial for men's health. Due to the fact that it contains a large amount of zinc, it is necessary for men to use it for the successful formation of sperm. Moreover, taking this natural remedy helps increase potency and improves sperm counts.

For kidney diseases

Mix pollen with honey (1:1), add 100 ml of hot water, leave for a couple of hours. Take a teaspoon of the mixture three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is one and a half months. After a two-week break it is necessary to repeat it.

Flower pollen: application in cosmetology

Due to the very small size of pollen grains (5 microns), it easily penetrates the upper layers of our skin. You need to wash your face with warm water, put 3g of pollen in a bowl or hand, stir with honey or water. Apply the prepared mixture to your face and massage your skin for five minutes. This mask perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin.


Pollen is contraindicated for those who are allergic to this product. There are much fewer such people than allergy sufferers who feel unwell when plants bloom. For severe forms of diabetes, pollen with honey is not recommended. Using it in excess doses can also be harmful.


Pollen cannot be called a sustainable product. If stored improperly, its properties deteriorate very quickly. It should be stored in a tightly sealed glass container that prevents the entry of water and air, preferably in the refrigerator for no more than a year. After a year, all its beneficial properties weaken by ¾.

Where to buy pollen

Best place to buy this remedy, of course, is an apiary. There is a 100% guarantee of the naturalness and quality of the product. At the same time, no one, except the beekeeper himself, will tell you in what doses to take pollen.

Statute of limitations

If the pollen balls are soft and can be kneaded very easily with your fingers when pressed, it means that it is fresh and contains the necessary beneficial elements. If the balls are hard and dry, it is pollen that was stored incorrectly or from last season. It is often sold on roadsides and markets. Such pollen will not bring you any benefit.

It should be noted that unscrupulous sellers can easily mix old pollen with new pollen. However, at first glance it is very difficult to detect this. Therefore, it must be purchased at the time of collection, and only from trusted sellers. Think for yourself, if you are offered “fresh pollen” in February, then it cannot be fresh.

Flower pollen: application, reviews

Because today everything more people begin to think that they need to eat natural products and nutritional supplements, now you can easily find a huge number of reviews about the use of pollen. Many people note an improvement in their well-being, a surge of vigor and activity, and the appearance of a healthy complexion. But you can also find negative reviews. So, there are people who say that they have not seen any changes. But this is due to the fact that low-quality pollen was purchased. The use (reviews confirm this) of this product should be carried out strictly according to the instructions so as not to cause side effects.

Even today, nature contains a huge number of priceless, real gifts, with the help of which a person can significantly make his own life easier. You just need to learn to joyfully use almost always harmless and unique natural products, and in gratitude give care for the environment.

If we go back in history, at the end of the 20th century, humanity learned to collect pollen without the participation of bees. Previously, only those collected by bees from plant flowers were sold. This was a kind of breakthrough, since flower pollen decreased in price, it became available to all segments of the population and everyone could experience its healing properties.

You can always buy high-quality bee pollen in Ukraine from us, at the family apiary "Veselyi Shershen" by phone:


But there are also pitfalls here that most people are still unaware of.

Advantages of bee pollen over flower pollen:

  1. When consumed, you receive a processed product salivary glands bees, which are also used to feed future generations - young bees. That is, the bees also invest the “strength” of their vitamins and microelements into the product itself. Just imagine, the larva develops 190 times in 3 days!!! So I probably want to go buy it and find out already . But everything has its time.
  2. Also, not everything is suitable due to the fact that it contains pollen allergens, well, where would we be without them. But here, too, bee pollen has an advantage. In a bee product, during collection and processing by the salivary glands of bees, all pollen allergens are dissolved by bees and the product becomes available to everyone. Although, of course, there are nuances here, since there is a very small part of people who are allergic to bee pollen. Therefore, in this case you should refrain from consuming this product.
  3. Another disadvantage of flower pollen is that most of it is packaged in gelatin capsules for consumption - and this method of consumption is already contrary correct reception pollen. But we will talk about how correctly below.

Ways to take bee pollen

We offer all our clients to take bee pollen in 2 options:
  • in kind– pollen is collected, dried using technology and packaged in special bags for subsequent sale. People use it in dry form.
  • Bee pollen drenched in May or acacia honey. You buy a ready-made mixture and start using it.

After much research and communication with leading apitherapists in Ukraine and Russia, we came to the conclusion that the second option is more healing and the beneficial properties in the bee product last 50% longer, which is very important, since bee pollen loses 20-25% after half a year its healing properties, after 9 months 30-40%, after a year 60-70%, and after a year and a half it becomes simply a high-calorie protein product.

But due to canning bee pollen we achieve a longer shelf life.

And now we finally move on to the long-awaited question of how to take bee pollen.

How to take bee pollen. Dosage

All apitherapists have different opinions on this matter and range from 5 g. up to 32 g per day. The data varies greatly and it is not clear who to believe. We went the opposite way and started taking 5 grams. per day and monitor the well-being of volunteer patients. Taking 5 g. no particular effect was found, and through our research we came to the conclusion that for an adult, a daily dose of 12-15 grams is considered a healthy portion.

To help you get your bearings:

  • teaspoon = 5 g; with a slide = 8 gr.;
  • dessert spoon = 10 g; with a slide – 15 g;
  • tablespoon = 15 g; with a slide – 24 gr.

You need to take bee pollen 2 times a day:

  1. In the morning, half an hour before meals, 1 teaspoon healing product dissolve in the mouth until completely dissolved. Do not swallow it under any circumstances, otherwise the whole healing effect will pass by.
  2. In the evening before 18.00, half an hour before meals, take another 1 teaspoon.
The course of treatment is 1 month.
  1. Take 1 course in October to support immunity
  2. 2nd course in January for the prevention of ARVI and Influenza
  3. 3rd course in early April, since it is during this period that the body lacks vitamins and is weakened.

Therapeutic daily dose of bee pollen for children

  • From 3 to 5 years – 4 g.
  • From 6 to 12 years – 8 g.
  • From 13 years and older – 12 gr.
We recommend that children consume pollen, but we advise you to first consult with your doctor.

Contraindications to the use of bee pollen

When bee pollen is abused to achieve a quick effect, an overdose occurs, which does not benefit the body, but causes harm. There may be problems with the liver and blood, so be careful and careful when consuming it, because bee pollen is primarily a medicine, not a sweet delicacy.

You can order bee pollen and other moth beekeeping products by calling:


That's all we have for you. We hope that we have answered your question: " How to take bee pollen". Use our achievements and get better. And if you need bee pollen, you can always order it from the manufacturer - the family apiary “Veselyi Shershen”

Humanity knows several basic beekeeping products. Among them is honey, which is very popular. Not long ago, the undeniable value of bee pollen was proven. Raw materials of this type contain an impressive list of microelements necessary for humans.

Characteristics and chemical composition

  1. Bees take pollen directly from the center of the inflorescence. Insects collect raw materials that will later bring value to the human body. Increasingly, the use of pollen is practiced in folk medicine; the composition has a beneficial effect on the body, as it has preventive and healing qualities.
  2. Do not rely on the fact that pollen can only have a rich amber hue. The color scheme directly depends on the flower. A bright yellow or orange tint is inherent in the buckwheat inflorescence. White color The product is obtained from acacia flowers. The light green or golden hue is obtained by collecting pollen from sunflowers. Thanks to pear flowers, the product has a red color, and clover inflorescences give the raw material a brownish tone.
  3. Once collected, bee pollen acquires a characteristic honey aroma. The product tastes quite pleasant and sweet. It is not so important from which flower the pollen was collected; in any case, it is a valuable source of chemical microelements for the human body. Basically, the beekeeping product has a number of mineral compounds, vitamin complexes, various enzymes, hormones and growth stimulants.

Benefits of bee pollen for men

  1. Regardless of age, men are recommended to consume pollen. Including the product in your daily diet will have a beneficial effect on the entire body.
  2. IN short time the stronger sex's work is stabilizing protective functions. Metabolism is normalized, which will help reduce excess weight.
  3. Eating pollen ensures that the body is less susceptible to infectious viruses and colds. General benefit the product will have a beneficial effect on the strong field and prevent the formation of serious pathologies.
  4. The valuable composition of raw materials is restored masculine powers fully. Pollen replenishes the loss of potency, eliminates nervous disorders that arise against the background of sexual impotence.
  5. If you consume pollen in medicinal purposes, then the beekeeping product will help relieve a man of potency problems in a short period of time and prevent the formation of prostatitis.
  6. Raw materials strengthen the nervous system, raise morale and help withstand various stresses. Proven effective action product on the pelvic area, thereby increasing blood circulation and improving reproductive function.
  7. If you play sports, pollen is essential. Systematic use significantly increases body tone and physical endurance. Muscle tissue becomes stronger and less susceptible to fatigue.
  8. If the stronger sex does not have an allergic reaction or individual intolerance to the product, experts recommend consuming pollen in a course. Strengthening the body or getting rid of the disease occurs within 1 month.
  9. A man should take 12 grams. bee pollen once a day. After a month, you will forget about problems with potency and similar ailments associated with sexual function. To achieve a more effective effect on the body, consume equal amounts of pollen and honey.

  1. If a child is not allergic to pollen, pediatricians strongly recommend including raw materials in the daily diet. The valuable mineral and fortified composition of the product will provide the growing body with all the necessary enzymes.
  2. In total chemical compounds fully develop the body and its protective functions. Fabrics receive necessary substances, all internal processes are establishing stable operation.
  3. Bee pollen contains a high percentage of rutin, an enzyme actively involved in the proper formation, activity of the heart and vascular system baby. The raw materials are completely natural and reliable components, the product resists development infectious processes and inflammation in the growing body.
  4. Pollen can easily eliminate cold symptoms, seasonal viruses and intestinal infections. The product has proven itself well as a component for building bone tissue child.
  5. Studies have shown that regular consumption of pollen makes the baby physically and mentally developed compared to peers who did not consume such a product. Children who have raw materials included in their daily diet do not experience obesity or dystrophy.
  6. Besides the correct physical development, the child’s nervous system is better formed, making the person calmer. Children who regularly consume bee products do not encounter problems poor appetite or sleep disturbance.

Benefits of bee pollen for women

  1. Pollen has no less beneficial effect on female body. The product supplies tissues with a vitamin complex, which has a positive effect on all organs.
  2. Pollen is highly popular among women as an effective weight loss remedy. The product qualitatively cleanses the body of slagging and toxic substances. As a result, the work of all internal processes is improved. Excess weight goes away naturally without stress nervous system.
  3. Due to unique properties bee pollen, women achieve not only weight loss, but also rejuvenate the body at the cellular level. Systematic consumption restores the structure of the nail plate and hair. The skin regains its former velvety and elasticity.
  4. Just like in men, bee pollen has a positive effect on reproductive system women. It is strongly recommended to regularly consume raw materials before a planned pregnancy. The bee product, in a sense, prepares the body for bearing a fetus and enriches tissues and cells with important nutritional enzymes.
  5. The effective effect of pollen on the female nervous system in long-term depression and apathetic states has been proven. Enough to pass monthly course use the product and you will heal new life with a great mood and self-confidence.

  1. Keep in mind that in addition to the benefits for the body, bee pollen can also cause significant harm. Consult a specialist before using raw materials as a means of treating ailments or promoting general health.
  2. It is important to know that the greatest damage to the body can be caused due to individual intolerance to the product. A similar effect is achieved due to the presence of a foreign protein of animal and plant origin.
  3. Thus, bee pollen belongs to the category of strong allergens. If you have individual intolerance, you will have severe itching, burning and a number of serious complications.
  4. New mothers are prohibited from consuming pollen during lactation. Raw materials can harm the baby during breastfeeding.
  5. Also, you should not overuse pollen in everyday life; oversaturation of the body with vitamins and minerals will lead to disruption of the functions of almost all systems. Therefore, take pollen in a course. Take a break from time to time.
  6. Consumption of pollen is contraindicated for individuals who have been diagnosed with obesity or diabetes. The product contains a high percentage of glucose and fructose. From this we can conclude that bee pollen can only harm a certain circle of people.

We can say with confidence that the bee product will provide valuable support to the body. Pollen, in the absence of contraindications, will fully strengthen tissues and improve function. internal organs and relieve a number of ailments. In addition, the product will help heal the body and rejuvenate it at the cellular level. Bee pollen is especially recommended for women to maintain the beauty of their body and hair.

Video: how to take bee pollen

Bee products have long been famous all over the world for their healing properties, and are used in many areas of beauty and health.

In addition, bees produce bee bread, which is formed in the hive from pollen. It is very valuable for both people and insects. Next we will consider medicinal properties bee pollen, its composition and indications.

Pollen is the same flower pollen collected by bees. It differs in that during the collection process the bees treat it with their secretions, due to which it becomes an indispensable component for treatment various pathologies. Flower pollen contains many vitamins and minerals, but after processing by insects it becomes a source of many valuable substances.

It should be noted that pollen is a strong allergen. natural origin. When it is collected and brought to the hive on its feet, after some time it forms into bee bread and is not such an irritant as before the bee “processing”.

This product is necessary for insects, since beebread feeds swarms in winter time days. Competent beekeepers, in order not to cause damage to the bees, do not collect beebread in full, so that there is enough for both insects and humans.

Bee pollen has more healing properties than honey, so it is a very valuable and expensive product.

Chemical composition and properties

Many properties of pollen depend on its rich composition:

  • vitamins A, B, C, E and others necessary to maintain a variety of vital functions body
  • microelements that replenish daily norm all useful substances
  • flower hormones (phytohormones), which help normalize hormonal balance
  • amino acids that help increase the body's protective functions
  • flavonoids necessary for normalization of cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal tract and liver function support
  • antioxidants that neutralize the negative effects of free radicals on the human body
  • Bee pollen contains a large amount of antibacterial substances that help cope with all types of pathogens

Beneficial features bee pollen make it possible to use the product in all branches of medicine and cosmetology. Let's consider the main effects on the human body:

  • Pollen accelerates metalism, so it is widely used in various diets, proper nutrition and weight loss. Its components accelerate the removal of cholesterol, promote the breakdown of subcutaneous fat and accelerate the removal of water.
  • Bee pollen effectively eliminates many diseases, has an anti-inflammatory effect, due to which it is used in folk medicine in the treatment of many diseases. In addition, substances contained in pollen normalize heart rate. It should not be noted that beebread, pollen and other bee products increase immune system and protect against many pathologies and infectious diseases.
  • Increases the coefficient useful action and keeps the whole body in good shape.
  • Improves the functioning of the central nervous system, due to which the amount of stress and irritation is significantly reduced, and insomnia disappears.
  • Beebread and pollen activate the brain and help improve memory, strengthen and accelerate intellectual development in adolescents and children.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; pollen effectively and quickly helps restore microflora during dysbacteriosis, gastritis and other diseases.
  • Promotes rapid recovery of the body after illness, chemotherapy or surgery.
  • Thanks to the antioxidants that are part of the chemical composition of pollen, it helps restore cells and rejuvenate them through the production of natural elastin and collagen.
  • Pollen helps increase the amount of red blood cells and hemoglobin protein produced. This product is effective even for moderate and severe anemia.
  • During pregnancy, protects the fetus from negative impact, which may be from the mother's body. In addition, vitamins and acids contribute to the rapid development and growth of the baby.
  • Restores the production of female and male hormones, which directly affects reproductive function both sexes.

Thus, we can conclude that bee pollen has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems, as well as a short time can restore the body after any disease.

Several recipes

Bee pollen has long been used in folk medicine. It is suitable for the treatment of many diseases.

Let's look at the basic recipes that our rare people have used for many years:

  • To restore the body after illness or to tone up muscle mass After physical activity, it is recommended to take 1 teaspoon of pollen three times every day. You cannot drink it, you need to keep it in your mouth until it is completely dissolved.
  • To stimulate growth and development, children should be given pollen in the morning and evening. For children under one year old – a small amount, literally 1/5 teaspoon. From 12 years old you can give half a spoon.
  • In case of anemia, in order to restore the amount of hemoglobin, it is necessary to prepare next remedy: for 50 grams of natural you need 10 grams of pollen and 100 grams of milk. Mix everything until smooth. Take for anemia 2 times a day half an hour before meals.
  • To restore the functioning of the stomach or intestines, you need to take a mixture of beebread and honey in equal doses 2-3 times a day.
  • For gastritis or ulcers, you need to mix honey with pollen and mix the resulting mixture with water.
  • Leave for three hours and take every day until you feel better.

How to take pollen

I would like to immediately note that after processing by bees, pollen ceases to be an allergen, but to be on the safe side, it is better to conduct a sensitivity test before taking it. To do this, you need to eat 0.5 teaspoon and wait a few hours. With absence side effects, the product can be consumed.

To bee bread brought maximum effect, it is important to follow several rules for using bee pollen:

  • Pollen tones and activates the action of all organs and systems. In this regard, it is not recommended to take it before bedtime, as it can disrupt it by first stimulating the nervous system.
  • It is better to take pollen 20-30 minutes before meals, as it enhances metabolism.
  • Do not drink or eat the product; you need to wait until the pollen dissolves on its own.
  • While taking pollen, you need to reduce your food portions. The body already receives sufficient quantity useful substances.
  • Bee bread should be stored in a cool and, most importantly, dry place, out of reach of children.

Harm to the body

Like any product, pollen can cause allergic reaction. It is important to monitor your condition while taking pollen. If you feel worse, you should consult a doctor. It is also worth limiting the consumption of pollen for people suffering from diabetes.

Pollen - useful product beekeeping - on video:

07.12.2016 7

It is known that almost all beekeeping products have good healing properties and are often used in recipes. traditional medicine. One of the most valuable such products is bee pollen. What it is, its beneficial properties and use for healing the body, we will consider further.

What is bee pollen?

Bee pollen, or pollen as beekeepers call it, is common flower pollen collected by bees. Working women collect it for the needs of the bee colony. Even at the collection stage, they treat it with saliva, as a result of which the pollen ceases to be an allergen and is further enriched with vitamins and microelements.

Insects bring pollen to the hive on their hind legs in the form of small compact balls and leave them in the honeycombs, where over time the pollen becomes beebread. Flower pollen is important for the bee colony, as newborns are fed with it, and the entire bee colony also feeds on it during the winter. Beekeepers have learned without compromising normal life hive to collect some of the pollen for human needs.

After all, this product is unique in its composition. The amount of proteins in pollen equates it in this indicator to milk, meat and fish. And microelements and vitamins are contained in such a concentration that can compensate for any deficiency in the human body and improve the functioning of all internal organs.

In addition, bee pollen is also a natural antibiotic. If we compare the benefits of honey and bee pollen, then bee pollen even exceeds.

Rich composition

It is difficult to briefly describe the rich chemical composition of pollen processed by bees. It contains:

  1. All known to man vitamins. Pollen is especially rich in vitamins B, A, E and C.
  2. 28 microelements in strong concentration that can meet the basic needs of the body.
  3. Folic acid is especially valuable for pregnant women or those who are just planning to increase their family size.
  4. A large number of different amino acids that rejuvenate the body and help all internal organs work as they should. Some of these amino acids are not produced by the human body, so they are considered essential.
  5. Phytohormones restore hormonal balance person.
  6. Antibacterial substances help cope with diseases and viruses of various origins.
  7. As well as phospholipids, phytosterols and many other useful elements.

It is thanks to this rich composition that bee pollen is considered one of the most valuable natural products.

Benefits for the human body

The composition described above in its complex can improve the functioning of most human organs. The main and most sought-after beneficial qualities of bee pollen:

  • improves performance and raises overall tone;
  • improves mood and perfectly helps fight depression;
  • significantly strengthens the immune system, increasing resistance to diseases, especially in the autumn-winter period;
  • alleviates the condition nervous disorders. Helps cope with insomnia, neurasthenia, neuroses and other problems of the nervous system. Reduces the effect of stress on the body;
  • normalizes endocrine system at all levels. Helps with diabetes, adenoma thyroid gland, acromegaly, goiter and other similar diseases;
  • restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Heals gastritis and other chronic disorders of this area;
  • restores strength after operations, physical exertion, serious illnesses, chemotherapy, and also helps restore appetite and joy of life;
  • rejuvenates the body at the cellular level thanks to a huge number antioxidants and also fights cancerous tumors and restores strength to a person in old age;
  • significantly increases hemoglobin levels and normalizes the number of red blood cells in the blood. Restores health even with severe anemia;
  • normalizes arterial pressure, helping with both hypertension and hypotension. Restores it gently and works better than pharmaceutical drugs;
  • removes dangerous and harmful substances from the body, helping to get rid of poisons, toxins, waste, etc. Bee pollen is irreplaceable during radiation exposure;
  • protects the liver and restores dead cells;
  • stimulates children's growth and activates intellectual abilities, helping them learn and develop;
  • during pregnancy, protects the fetus and also stimulates its development;
  • normalizes the hormonal levels of men and women, helping to cope with diseases gynecological nature and also improves the condition prostate gland and even treats infertility;
  • invaluable benefits for heart diseases. After all, bee pollen can strengthen blood vessels and capillaries, improve the functioning of the heart muscle and cleanse the blood of cholesterol;
  • has mild diuretic and choleretic properties;
  • when taken together with honey and royal jelly, it can help heal even serious illnesses respiratory organs;
  • in cosmetology, pollen is recognized as effective in the fight against hair loss, and is also included in natural remedies for skin rejuvenation;
  • prevents the breakdown of proteins during strict diets and fasting, and also saturates with a daily dose of vitamins during this period.

Health Recipes

  1. The easiest way to take pollen is to eat 1 tsp. three times a day, preferably half an hour before meals. In this case, it is better to keep it in your mouth until it completely melts, and under no circumstances wash it down with water. If you have elevated exercise stress, severe exhaustion, That daily dose It is recommended to double it.
  2. IN childhood the dosage of pollen is much smaller. So, for six-month-old children it is a quarter of a coffee spoon, and for 12-year-olds it is a whole coffee spoon. It is enough to give children pollen once a day to cure them of anemia, improve appetite or stimulate development.
  3. If you have problems with blood pressure, you should adjust the time you take pollen. So, for hypertension it is eaten before meals, and for hypotension - after.
  4. For anemia, especially in children, it is recommended next recipe. 100 grams of honey are mixed with a glass of milk and 20 grams of bee pollen. This mixture is given to the child three times a day.
  5. For intestinal disorders, gastritis and other problems with gastrointestinal tract The following composition is recommended - 20 g of pollen, 75 g of aloe and half a liter of honey.
  6. You can also do the following for gastritis. Mix honey and pollen 1:1, and then dilute a dessert spoon of this mixture in 50 g of water. Let it brew for three hours and then drink 1 dessert spoon warm 4 times a day.
  7. For most diseases, you can simply mix honey and bee pollen in equal proportions and eat three times a day. This effective remedy improves the functioning of internal organs and restores maximum health at all levels.
  8. To recover from anemia and even leukemia, it is recommended to infuse honey and pollen for three days in a ratio of 1:2. It is enough to take a teaspoon three times a day, but it is recommended to drink it with milk at the same time.

Basic rules for taking pollen for medicinal purposes

So that the pollen does not deteriorate and does not lose its useful qualities, and also for the sake of maximum therapeutic effect, you need to take it correctly. Moreover, the overdose natural medicines also has a number of unpleasant consequences.

  • Since pollen perfectly tones the body, it is not recommended to eat it in the evening or before bed. Taking pollen after 18-19 pm can affect sleep in a negative way;
  • Most often, pollen is taken before meals, even better half an hour before;
  • It is not recommended to drink pollen, except when you need to drink it with a glass of milk or dilute it in it;
  • It has the best effect when it is kept in the mouth until completely dissolved;
  • do not forget to take a break from taking pollen, as it is possible to oversaturate the body with microelements, which can lead to hypervitaminosis;
  • since pollen is rich in proteins and many vitamins, you should regulate the amount of food consumed at this time - you can reduce the amount of proteins and those foods that have an excess of a certain vitamin (for example, citrus fruits);
  • it is important to store pollen at room temperature, and the air humidity should not be higher than 75%. Usually it is placed in a well-closed container and placed somewhere in the room. It is not necessary to place the pollen in the refrigerator;
  • try to purchase natural pollen in the form of fluffy balls, and not in the form of capsules that are sold at the pharmacy. It is best to buy it directly from beekeepers, so you will be confident in the quality and naturalness of the product.

Video: bee pollen, application and beneficial properties.
