Symptoms of intoxication of the body during chronic infections. How to remove intoxication from the body. Factors contributing to the development of pathology

Various unpleasant situations happen in life, including poisoning with toxic substances. These incidents are called intoxication. It occurs due to poisoning by various toxic substances. The state of intoxication is fundamentally different from the usual process of poisoning, and therefore its symptoms are also different.
Some symptoms of intoxication may appear one at a time and at different times. Some of them may not show the presence of harmful substances in the body for a long time. Some consequences may long time have a negative impact on the functioning of organs.
IN medical literature Another term is often used - “toxicosis”. It can be synonymous with the definition of “intoxication,” but only in a narrower sense. It does not contain any signs of poisoning.
There is another term - “endotoxicosis”. It is a condition where endotoxins secreted by bacteria accumulate in the body. But this definition is controversial and can be used by doctors even when the condition is not associated with bacterial activity.
In cases of endotoxicosis, toxicosis, as well as intoxication, a single term can be used - “intoxication”. It generalizes states and includes all concepts that are accepted for use in the literature.
As a result of the last stage of intoxication, endotoxin or toxic shock. The body stops adapting to the poison. Last stage such shock is sepsis.
After the toxin enters the body, intoxication can occur on the next or third day after that. In this case, an intoxication syndrome develops, which includes clinical manifestations intoxication.

Signs of body intoxication

When poison enters the body, the immune system reacts extremely aggressively. However, the symptoms of intoxication vary. They depend on which organs were damaged. In this case, the following may be observed:
1. Fever;
2. Dizziness;
3. Significant changes blood pressure;
4. Weakness;
5. Sleep disturbances;
6. Loss of appetite;
7. Constant and excessive feelings of nausea;
8. Painful sensations in the head;
9. Pain in muscle tissue;
10. Loss of consciousness;
11. Lack of thermoregulation;
12. Tachycardia, etc.
Various signs of intoxication of the body can occur as a result of poisoning with toxic substances that are not immediately noticeable. These may include severe hair loss, bad smell from oral cavity, intestinal dysfunction, bad condition skin, weight loss, plaque, allergies, etc.

Specialist help, prevention

Other intoxication processes may also occur, which respond to the functioning of the body and external manifestations- differently. If you feel these symptoms, compare them with your lifestyle earlier and go to see a specialist. In some cases, you will need to call an ambulance and be hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital. The course of treatment depends on the degree of influence of toxins on the organs. With ordinary poisoning of the body with toxic substances, it can last 8 days.
Do not neglect the help of specialists in case of intoxication. A frivolous attitude towards this leads to extremely negative consequences, which can lead to organ failure or death.
In the hospital they will put you on a drip, make sure that exhaustion disappears, and carry out necessary tests and quickly get you back on your feet. At home you cannot remove everything Negative consequences due to lack of necessary knowledge. However, even professional doctors, in case of intoxication, do not undergo treatment at home.
There is an excellent way to prevent intoxication - do not eat unsuitable foods. These include alcoholic products, and ethanol. If, nevertheless, you sometimes have to “drink,” be careful when choosing alcohol and do not buy cheap analogues.

Intoxication of the body is a complex poisoning of the entire body due to the ingress of toxins into it. Unlike food poisoning, which does not always require medical care, in case of intoxication, seeking the help of specialists is simply necessary.

Intoxication is body poisoning various toxins. It happens that intoxication of the body occurs, the symptoms of which are expressed very strongly and it can be of both endogenous and exogenous forms. This is due to toxins, which come in two types: its own endotoxins (coming from the middle of the body, when toxic substances are synthesized and not eliminated in it), and exotoxins (coming from external environment, these are toxins of bacteria, viruses, fungi and many others. It is important to understand that the concept of poisoning is broader and more applicable in everyday life. There is also the concept of toxemia, which literally means “toxin in the blood.”

Toxins that poison our bodies cause specific symptoms of body intoxication, that is, characteristic specifically for this substance or microorganism. For example, characteristic symptom intoxication of the body with mushroom toxin leads to hallucinations, alcohol – vomiting, nausea, dizziness, influenza endotoxin is characterized by the fact that it brings unbearable aches in the joints and muscles. There are as many such examples as there are types of microorganisms, viruses, fungi...

Occurs frequently body intoxication symptoms which are accompanied by disorders nervous system which means the toxin has neurotoxic effect. The consequences of this kind of toxin can be encephalopathy, dementia, mental retardation (if the toxin has passed the hematoplacental barrier and affected the fetal nervous system).

At first, the whole body responds with a violent reaction, and it is generalized, there will be severe symptoms intoxication of the body general plan: weakness, lethargy, fever, bad dream, apathy, loss of appetite, changes in blood pressure, headache. The next stage will be damage to an organ specific to the toxin, liver, kidneys, stomach, glands.

There are three types of toxemia (intoxication of the body):

  1. Acute toxemia occurs under the influence large quantity exotoxins, is dangerous, requires immediate detoxification of the body and removal of the toxin from it. Symptoms: high increasing body temperature, pain in joints, muscles, head, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, loss of consciousness (possible coma).
  1. Subacute toxemia occurs as acute toxemia subsides, or is caused by a smaller amount of toxemia; it is also necessary to free the body from poison without delay. Symptoms: low-grade fever body, minor pain in muscles and joints, moderate headache, interruptions in the functioning of the stomach, liver, kidneys and other organs, drowsiness, fatigue, malaise.
  1. Chronic toxemia occurs when a toxin affects the body for months, weeks, and possibly years. Classic example alcoholism, drug addiction and smoking. But even people who do not have bad habits are not immune from chronic intoxication of the body, the symptoms of which are very vague: frequent colds, frequent malaise, headache, depression, skin rashes accompanied by itching, bad smell body, changes in body weight, diarrhea, constipation.

Intoxication- disruption of life caused by toxic substances entering the body from the outside ( exogenous intoxication) or formed in it ( endogenous intoxication). Depending on the form of the underlying disease, it can be acute or chronic.

Exogenous intoxication of the body is often identified with the concept of “poisoning”. Unlike the word poisoning, the word intoxication in Russian has a narrower, professional meaning, and describes the phenomenon itself, but not the external influence.

Intoxication of the body involves general poisoning. However, there is a slight difference in the interpretation of these concepts. As a rule, poisoning is understood as poisoning itself, caused by the penetration of toxic compounds into the body. When interpreting the term intoxication, it usually refers to self-poisoning, which can occur in the body for many reasons.

Intoxication can usually be observed in the presence of localized inflammatory processes - acute pneumonia, otitis, diseases of the urinary tract, kidneys, gastroenterocolitis; chronic intoxication- for tuberculosis, chronic tonsillitis, cholecystitis. In children early age at acute infections may be observed special forms infectious intoxication - toxicosis with dehydration in acute intestinal infection and neurotoxicosis - with a predominance neurological symptoms with ARVI. Intoxication is distinguished from toxicosis by a lesser degree of damage to the central nervous system and microcirculation, the absence of impaired consciousness, convulsions, and a longer duration of the process.

Intoxications caused by medicines(penicillin, sulfonamides, etc.), chemicals (mercury), can be acute, subacute, chronic, accidental, professional, household and develop when poison is ingested through the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, skin. They manifest as damage to many body systems (polytropic action) or individual systems (selective action). The speed and severity of intoxication depend on the dose of poison, the condition and individual sensitivity of the body, age, gender, external conditions. environment. In young children, intoxication is more severe even with a significant dose of poison due to the high permeability of the mucous membranes and skin, and a large volume of breathing. Acute clinical manifestations are characterized by the development infectious syndromes or toxicosis, disorders of individual systems (gastroenteritis, hepatitis, etc.) may predominate.

Food Intoxication

Food intoxication is acute poisoning caused by the consumption of food products with content pathogenic microorganisms(bacteria and viruses). The penetration of pathogens into the body and the development of disease against the background of their vital activity is possible in people with a weakened immune system.

The causes of poisoning are infectious agents that come into contact with food, regardless of their shelf life or type of product (meat, vegetables, fruits, etc.). Products packaged by contaminated hands of sellers can also be a source of infection. In addition, dishes that have not been fully cooked can be dangerous. heat treatment, as well as long-term stored products (in the refrigerator or at room temperature).

Symptoms of food intoxication most often include persistent nausea, the appearance of a gag reflex, diarrhea with periodic pain and cramps in the abdomen. In some cases, special therapy is not required, since the symptoms go away on their own within 2-3 days. If symptoms persist, seek immediate medical attention medical assistance, because At the next stage of the disease, serious complications begin.

Liver toxicity

Liver intoxication occurs most often due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The substances included in these drinks are, in fact, poisons for the body. And the function of the liver is precisely to neutralize poisons. Therefore, it takes the first blow when alcohol enters the body.

Liver intoxication comes in two forms: acute and chronic. Acute intoxication is liver poisoning with alcohol, multiplied by liver poisoning with medications that are used to normalize the victim’s condition. Liver intoxication can be of three degrees: mild, moderate and severe. In case of any degree of liver poisoning, the victim should immediately rinse the stomach, give him at least thirty grams of bitter salt for relief, as well as a packet of special drugs to rid the intestines of toxins (lactulose).

Cancer intoxication

Cancer intoxication is a complex concept, a nonspecific multi-organ lesion in cancer patients in the form of dysfunction of a number of organs that are not directly related to the cancer process, which leads to cancer intoxication of the body. Most often, cancer intoxication develops in late stages oncological process and includes such manifestations as general weakness, fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbance, decreased performance, weight loss up to cachexia.

During tumor development, cancer intoxication tends to intensify. It is caused by a violation of their excretion harmful products, which are secreted by the tumor. What matters is the location of the cancer, dysfunction of the organ where the tumor is located, caused by compression or blocking of the lumen of the cavity organs with subsequent obstruction of patency gastrointestinal tract, respiratory, urinary tract, lymphatic and venous vessels. Self-destruction and disintegration of the tumor during its growth, disruption of the functions of various organs or systems in which the tumor develops, as well as the production of hormones by the tumor and changes in biochemical properties tumor cells lead to metabolic disorders in the body. Blood counts indicate an increase in the toxicity of circulating immune complexes and an imbalance of pro- and antioxidant systems.

Tuberculosis intoxication

Tuberculosis intoxication is distinguished as a syndrome characteristic of all forms of tuberculosis, and as an independent form of this disease in children and adolescents (tuberculosis intoxication in children and adolescents). Tuberculosis intoxication in children and adolescents is a form of active primary tuberculosis, in which local specific lesions are not detected using X-ray and other research methods. This form of tuberculosis is detected in children and adolescents with a range of tuberculin reactions and hyperergic reactions to tuberculin.

Symptoms appear as increased fatigue, irritability, headache, loss of appetite, poor weight gain or deficiency, intermittent low-grade fever. Enlarged peripheral The lymph nodes elastic or dense consistency; sometimes the phenomenon of periadenitis. Many children have bronchitis, tachycardia, and in young children - dyspeptic disorders, pain in abdominal cavity, sometimes enlarged liver and spleen.

Alcohol intoxication

At drunkenness the functioning of the central nervous system is disrupted, autonomic, neurological and mental disorders. Alcohol intoxication is considered to be cases of intoxication that can be dangerous to human health and life. And in these cases, the blood alcohol level is many times higher. It is clear that it is impossible to check it at home, so they focus on the state of the intoxicated person.

There are three degrees of intoxication - mild, moderate and severe. Mild degree when the proportion of alcohol in the blood is no more than 2%. If the alcohol in the blood is between 2-3%, this is already average degree intoxication. In this case, the person begins to sway when walking, the gait becomes uneven, and he may see double. Speech becomes slurred, and the ability to correctly assess the meaning of one’s words and actions disappears. Alcohol intoxication, symptoms that indicate severe degree, occurs if the blood alcohol content exceeds 3%. In this condition, a person may experience breathing difficulties and even cardiac arrest. In some cases, stunning occurs, and then coma.

Glycoside intoxication

Glycoside toxicity - serious, sometimes fatal complication. The lethal dose for most cardiac glycosides is 5-10 times the minimum effective dose and only 2 times - the one at which the first manifestations of intoxication appear. Glycoside intoxication most often occurs during treatment with cardiac glycosides or taking them for the purpose of suicide, and occasionally during poisoning with poisonous plants.

Symptoms of intoxication

Lethargy, adynamia (decrease or complete cessation of motor activity), refusal to eat, sleep disturbance, short-term agitation, signs of irritation vegetative department nervous system against the background of increased body temperature.

Treatment of intoxication

The general principles of treating intoxication, in addition to eliminating its original cause, come down to the specific neutralization of toxic substances (antidote therapy, antitoxic serums, etc.), as well as accelerating their elimination from the body ( drinking plenty of fluids, lavage of cavities, laxatives and diuretics, adsorbents, oxygen therapy, replacement blood transfusion and transfusion of blood substitutes). The methods of hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and hemosorption are widely used. Also carried out symptomatic therapy aimed at correcting impaired functions.

Removing various toxins from the body is complex medical problem. One of the most effective and safe methods is the use of means that can bind harmful substances on the intestinal mucosa and remove them from the body. Such means are enterosorbents. They significantly influence the course of intoxication, significantly reducing its adverse manifestations. And the treatment method is called enterosorption, or cleansing the body of poisons and toxins of any origin.

One of the most effective sorbents is considered Polysorb. The drug allows you to eliminate acute and severe manifestations intoxications that are difficult to respond to other medications.

Intoxication of the body is a process accompanied by the influence of toxins on the human body. Many people probably know what intoxication is, because everyone has encountered it at least once in their life. Intoxication is accompanied by disruption of the body’s vital functions under the influence of toxins that enter the body from the outside, which is called exogenous intoxication, or produced by the body itself, which is called endogenous intoxication. This unpleasant condition can cause poisoning from medications, low-quality products, chemicals and poisons.

Poisoning by toxic compounds may be accompanied by one or a complex of symptoms characteristic of this state. There are many reasons for intoxication of the body, but in the process of spreading poisons and other compounds throughout the body, everything is disrupted functional systems, and internal organs are affected. Intoxication of the body is a stressful condition that can manifest itself in several forms. In especially severe cases, poisoning can cause serious complications or even death.

Most often, poisoning leads to a deterioration in health immediately, but sometimes intoxication can be accompanied by signs that are not typical for the given person. clinical condition, which significantly complicates the diagnosis of the disorder at home. You can identify the source of poisoning and get rid of toxins by taking blood tests.

If bad feeling does not pass more than a day, and treatment at home does not help, you need to immediately contact a specialist.

Types and forms of intoxication of the body

Based on the origin and nature of intoxication, several types of poisoning are distinguished, accompanied by a certain general clinical picture. The first signs of poisoning manifest themselves differently in each person. This reaction is called a generalized reaction. At this stage, toxins affect systems and organs important to the body, causing certain symptoms. Subsequently, toxins are concentrated in one organ, and most often this is the liver, which performs its direct function: cleanses the body of harmful toxins. Many people think of intoxication as food or drug poisoning, but there are many more types of poisoning. Based on their routes of penetration of toxins into the body, the following are distinguished:

  • exogenous poisoning– toxemia of the body from sources penetrating from the external environment;
  • endogenous poisoning– toxemia of the body caused by disturbances in internal processes.

Symptoms of acute intoxication

Sources of toxemia can be various factors, therefore, depending on the course of the condition, 3 forms of poisoning are distinguished:

    The condition is accompanied by the entry into the body of a large number of toxins external origin, requiring immediate removal from the blood. Intoxication is accompanied by aggravated symptoms in the form of manifestations:

    • high temperature;
    • muscle pain, joint pain and body aches;
    • intestinal disorders and vomiting;
    • fainting and coma.

    An acute form of poisoning requires immediate cleansing of the body from the source of toxemia, hospitalization, blood testing and treatment under medical supervision.

  1. Subacute toxemia.

    The condition is accompanied by a decrease in exposure acute form or the penetration of fewer toxins into the body. Despite the symptoms being less pronounced than with acute poisoning, subacute toxemia requires immediate cleansing of toxins from the blood. Symptoms of this type of poisoning are accompanied by:

    • elevated temperature;
    • minor pain in muscles and joints;
    • diarrhea and vomiting;
    • dizziness and migraine;
    • state of drowsiness and weakness.

    Treatment subacute form toxemia is carried out in a hospital setting and after blood tests.

  2. Chronic intoxication.

    The condition of chronic toxemia is the result of an insufficiently treated acute form, which over time has become permanent. For development chronic form intoxication affects external factors: living in an unfavorable environment, poor nutrition and, of course, bad habits. Such intoxication of the body is accompanied by:

    • sleep disorder;
    • headache;
    • intestinal dysfunction;
    • changes in body weight;
    • decrease protective functions immunity.
  3. With any form of toxemia, irreparable harm is caused to the body, which is difficult to eliminate folk remedies or medications. Treatment and recovery may take years. Timely identification and cessation of the harmful effects of toxins can prevent dangerous consequences. Chronic intoxication of the body is especially dangerous to health, since the effect of poisons on the body occurs over a long period of time, which leads to irreparable consequences and damage. internal organs.

    Eating poor quality food can result in intoxication

    Some causes of intoxication are a consequence internal violations. They are accompanied atypical signs and are known modern medicine, How:

  • Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome– a state of toxemia accompanied by toxins and meningococcal infection.
  • Toxemia in kidney pathology– a state of poisoning caused by metabolic disorders and the development of atherosclerosis, with impaired kidney function.
  • Reye's syndrome– a condition in which the source of toxemia is respiratory viruses or infections.

In addition to the above types of intoxication, there are others that are also dangerous to health and are the result of ingesting poor-quality food, medications, alcohol abuse, infection or cancer toxemia. It is important to remember that untimely removal of the source of poisoning leads to the development of pathologies and even death.

Causes of toxemia

Toxins include any poisons that harm the body. The most common cause of poisoning is chemical substances. So salts can cause toxemia heavy metals, nitrites, arsenic, etc. Sometimes the poison itself does not cause any symptoms, but a feeling of poisoning can arise from the products of its decay. Not every toxin can poison the body, but much depends on the dose of the substance. Toxemia can occur as a result of infection resulting from injuries, burns and rotting.

Endogenous poisoning occurs in the process of disruption of hormone production and active substances or due to metabolic disorders, which lead to liver and kidney diseases, as well as sugar toxemia in diabetes.

Symptoms of body intoxication

Symptoms of intoxication in the body depend on the amount of toxin and its nature. Intoxication is accompanied by symptoms of ordinary poisoning at home. Signs of intoxication are accompanied by:

  • indigestion;
  • susceptibility to fungal infections;
  • drowsiness, weakness and lethargy;
  • headache;
  • weakening of the protective functions of the immune system;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • weight instability;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • elevated temperature.

Main symptoms of intoxication

Severe drug toxemia can be accompanied by all of the above symptoms at the same time. If the overall picture of the poisoning does not improve within 1-2 days, the symptoms of intoxication do not go away, then immediate hospitalization and medical help are necessary.

Treatment of toxemia

Before starting treatment for poisoning, you need to identify the source. Uncontrolled use of medications at home can only worsen the course of poisoning, and it will be much more difficult to get rid of toxins. If you don’t know what caused the poisoning, then the first thing you should do is cleanse your stomach and drink a sorbent that will absorb toxins from the intestines and prevent them from spreading in the blood. Immediately after the first signs of toxemia appear, you should seek help from a doctor. To diagnose the cause of intoxication, lab tests blood, which help to identify the source of poisoning, and therefore to choose best option treatment. It is important to remember that an illiterate approach to eliminating intoxication can lead to a worsening of the condition, which is extremely difficult to get rid of.

Treatment of poisoning is aimed at eliminating the toxin and removing its breakdown products from the body. For this purpose, droppers and intravenous drugs, which eliminate the source and normalize the functioning of the body. For full recovery For the functionality of the systems, it is important to drink drugs that stimulate the production of enzymes and restore beneficial microflora. Treatment with multivitamins and antioxidants will help neutralize free radicals and eliminate the consequences of their negative effects.

To improve the patient's condition, drugs containing bifidobacteria are used to help normalize intestinal function. Also, treatment of the consequences of intoxication requires restoration of the affected areas of the liver, so you need to take a course of hepatoprotective drugs. Treatment severe poisoning folk remedies will be ineffective, so it is better not to hesitate, but to immediately seek help from specialists.

Intoxication of the body - occurs due to prolonged exposure to various toxic substances on the human body. This could be industrial poisoning with poisons or chemical elements, prolonged use of medications, for example, in the treatment of oncology or tuberculosis. The influence of toxins can be both external and internal, produced by the body itself.

There are many reasons that cause this process - from food poisoning to treatment cancerous tumors. There is no division into the disease gender or age group. Such negative influence Absolutely anyone is susceptible, even a newborn child.

The pathological process has many varieties. It is also worth noting that some of its types can lead to coma. The most common are tuberculosis intoxication and cancer.


As mentioned earlier, external and internal factors. The first group includes:

  • factors environment– high air pollution, various chemical elements or connections;
  • bite of a poisonous insect or animal;
  • contact with toxic plants;
  • substances that are formed when poison enters the human body;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages, nicotine and narcotic substances;
  • eating stale or incompatible foods.

Some external toxins do not harm human health, but can accumulate in the body over several years and begin to have a negative effect on it in greater concentration.

The second group of factors includes:

  • various infectious processes in organism;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • hormonal surge during pregnancy or due to improper functioning, or removal of the thyroid gland;
  • abnormal functioning of some internal organs, which can produce toxic substances that attack the body;
  • weakened immune system;
  • metabolic disease;
  • toxic burns, which can lead to blood poisoning, against the background of which this pathological process begins to progress.


Depending on the reasons for its occurrence, intoxication of the body can be of the following types:

  • food– the most common type of disorder. Accompanied frequent attacks vomiting and goes away on its own after a few days;
  • liver intoxication or alcohol– caused by drinking alcohol, which is poisonous to the body. Since the main function of the liver is to neutralize poison, it is the liver that comes under the influence;
  • cancer intoxication– occurs due to the destructive influence of the tumor, as well as from intensive treatment, which, in fact, kills not only the tumor, but the entire human body;
  • tuberculosis intoxication– reduces human immunity and that is why the body is susceptible to toxins. Often diagnosed in children;
  • lead intoxication– in small quantities it does not cause harm, but if accumulated it causes damage to health;
  • medicinal;
  • intoxication during pregnancy.

In addition, each type can exist in three forms:

  • acute– if a large amount of toxins enters the body, it is necessary to detoxify as soon as possible;
  • subacute– characterized by a retreat of symptoms of the previous degree, but the body still needs to be cleansed;
  • chronic– signs of poisoning are constantly repeated. Is a consequence of insufficient or improper treatment acute form. main reason– living in a polluted place, often near factories.


Some types of this pathology have their own symptoms. So, they are:

  • loud, incoherent speech;
  • active facial expressions;
  • increased appetite;
  • change in heart rate.

These are the symptoms of the first initial stage intoxication. After a certain time, for each person it is individual, these signs are replaced by other indicators - increased fatigue and lethargy.

The second stage appears:

  • frequent mood changes;
  • irritation;
  • aggression;
  • speech becomes less intelligible;
  • inability to maintain balance;
  • bouts of vomiting;
  • after sleep, a person feels exhausted, lethargic and complains of a severe headache.

The most severe degree of liver intoxication manifests itself:

  • unintelligible muttering;
  • strong swaying from side to side;
  • inability to hold urine and feces;
  • stupor.

If you do not stop a person from drinking alcohol in time, it can lead to a coma.

Symptoms of tuberculosis intoxication:

  • irritability and weakness;
  • reduction or complete absence appetite;
  • increased sweating at night, which causes sleep disturbance;
  • pale skin color.

Such signs are observed in the acute type of pathology. In chronic tuberculosis intoxication, the following prevail:

  • developmental delay;
  • constant rapid heartbeat;
  • memory loss;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • weight loss due to refusal of food.

Indicators of cancer intoxication:

  • weakness;
  • critical decrease in body weight;
  • profuse sweating;
  • gagging;
  • severe pain and dizziness;
  • apathetic state;
  • sleep disturbance or complete absence;
  • aversion to food.

Other symptoms of body intoxication:

  • unstable psyche;
  • decreased level of performance;
  • disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dermatic skin problems;
  • the skin becomes less elastic;
  • nails often break;
  • dull hair.

It's just general symptoms intoxication - symptoms may be different for each individual person (depending on the characteristics of the body).


Diagnose this pathological condition any type will not be difficult for a specialist, since such a disorder has characteristic features, especially in the case of liver intoxication, tuberculosis and cancer type. For additional diagnostics tuberculosis intoxication is carried out:

  • thorough analysis of the symptoms of the disease;
  • examination of the patient;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • CT and radiography of the lungs.

To confirm cancer intoxication, the patient must undergo:

  • chest x-ray;
  • Ultrasound of organs affected by cancer;
  • examination by a gynecologist;
  • urine test for hormones;

In cases of alcohol and tuberculosis intoxication, it is important to determine the stage of the disorder.


Treatment of all types of this pathological process is aimed primarily at eliminating the pathogen and reducing the intensity of symptoms of intoxication in the body.

Treatment of alcoholic type pathology mild degree does not provide medical assistance, only rinsing and ingestion are used activated carbon. The second stage is treated with droppers of vitamins and glucose solution. In case of acute intoxication of any type, it is necessary to send the patient to a clinic for rehabilitation.

Cancer toxicity therapy aims to detoxify and alleviate symptoms concomitant disease. To do this, injections of various medicinal substances, and in case of defeat skin dressings are used with antimicrobial drugs. For insomnia, sleeping pills are prescribed, and for depression, antidepressants are prescribed.

Treatment of tuberculosis intoxication, in general, depends on chemotherapy, the course of which can last from several months to one year. Physiotherapy and breathing exercises. The prognosis is generally favorable, perhaps full recovery sick.

In any case, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage, and in case of liver intoxication, diuretics are prescribed. The prognosis for treatment of tuberculosis and cancer intoxication is favorable, because people are treated for the accompanying illness. When untimely treatment alcoholic type of pathology, a person may fall into a coma.


Preventive measures that will prevent intoxication of the body are aimed at:

  • conducting healthy image life, giving up bad habits;
  • You should be examined regularly by doctors;
  • consuming large amounts of vitamins in food;
  • proper treatment oncological diseases, tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus;
  • at the first symptoms of intoxication of the body, you should immediately seek help from specialists.

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