How to take enzyme preparations. Digestive tablets

Dysfunction digestive system is not uncommon these days, so people are concerned about which drugs to take to improve digestion.

The article will discuss not only medications designed to improve digestion, but also the factors that cause this problem.

When to take enzymes?

A person who monitors the functioning of the body and cares about health is able to immediately notice changes indicating the presence of problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

This is due to the fact that there are a number of signs that indicate that you should take enzyme preparations to improve digestion:

  • rapid fatigue and the presence of constant fatigue, which appears due to the fact that the body does not receive the required amount of vitamins and microelements necessary for proper functioning. Due to their lack, the body gets tired faster, since it has to deplete the reserve;
  • Digestive medications may be needed if constant drowsiness, which, like fatigue, indicates a lack of carbohydrates in the body;
  • dry skin and the appearance of age spots is also a symptom of deterioration of the digestive system;
  • most alarming symptom, indicating a lack of vitamins caused by poor absorption of food, is the deplorable condition of hair and nails;
  • enzyme preparation to improve digestion may be required in case of intestinal problems (constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea, vomiting);
  • pain in abdominal cavity, especially after eating, may indicate that the digestive system needs support.

All of these symptoms can affect your appetite. If signs appear, this means that the person has problems with the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system as a whole.

In such a situation, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe a drug that improves digestion.

Most often, digestive problems appear after a heavy meal.

In addition, there may be other reasons for this problem that are related to food intake:

  • unhealthy diet, namely abuse of smoked, salty, fatty, sweet foods. You can determine which of the above dishes negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract by observing your body;
  • binge eating. Many experts say that you need to get up from the table half-starved. This is due to the fact that the digestive system transmits the signal to the brain about satiety with a significant delay (after about 20 minutes);
  • poor chewing of food. Each portion placed in the mouth must be chewed 20 times, but many eat very quickly and do not chew the food thoroughly, as a result of which it enters the stomach not completely ready for digestion;
  • late dinner. Eating food after 9 pm is very harmful not only to the digestive system, but also to the entire body as a whole. For most people The biological clock they work in such a way that by the evening all processes slow down significantly;
  • drinking large quantities of liquids during meals. All nutritionists agree that you should not drink a lot during meals. This is because the liquid dilutes the enzymes, which become less effective.

All people know what causes the problem described above, but few people strive to follow the rules healthy image life.

Popular enzyme preparations

Modern pharmacology has developed a number medications which improve digestion. List similar drugs is quite extensive, so we should talk about the most popular of them.

To normalize digestion, a drug of animal origin, Abomin, is often used. It is obtained from the gastric mucosa of dairy calves and lambs.

The drug has proteolytic activity. The medicine is used for gastrointestinal diseases that are accompanied by impaired digestive function, for example, gastritis.

The drug “Alpha-Amylase”, which optimizes the digestion of carbohydrates, helps normalize digestion. This medicine should be taken if pancreatic function is weakened.

Speaking about what medications should be taken if digestion worsens, we should mention “Vestal”, which is a complex enzyme agent.

Most often, Vestal is prescribed for insufficient production of juices by the digestive system. Vestal should be taken 3 times a day after meals.

Natural can help digestion gastric juice, produced healthy dogs and other pets.

Natural digestive juice of pets is prescribed for insufficient functioning of the gastric glands.

Lactrase can normalize digestion. The method of its use differs from other drugs in that it must be washed down with milk or other dairy products. "Lactrase" can be added to the finished dish.

"Nigedaza" - natural herbal preparation, designed to normalize digestion. This remedy is isolated from the seeds of Damascus nigella. The adopted enzymatic preparation of this type promotes the decomposition of fats.

The next drug on the list is designed to help digestion in case of disruption of the pancreas, in particular with pancreatitis.

In addition, the product helps with diseases of the stomach, small and large intestines, liver and gall bladder. The medicine is called "Pancreatin".

The complex enzyme preparation "Wobenzin" is often used for indigestion, insufficient secretion of the pancreas, gall bladder and liver.

This drug, which helps digestion, is quite often prescribed by doctors for pancreatitis, gastritis, etc.

Speaking about drugs designed to help digestion, we should mention:

  • "Mezim-Forte";
  • "Pangrol 400";
  • "Pancurman";
  • "Panstal";
  • "Prolipase";
  • "Tagestal";
  • "Trienzyme";
  • "Festal";
  • "Enzistal";
  • "Pepsin";
  • "Peppsidil";
  • "Plantex";
  • "Solizim";
  • "Unienzyme".

Most of listed drugs sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

However, if you have a serious illness gastrointestinal tract and digestive system in general, you should consult your doctor before taking any of these medications.


Along with methods traditional medicine Folk remedies, of which there are quite a lot today, can come to the aid of digestion. The most popular is the use of burdock root and sauerkraut juice.

Burdock root has a soothing and enveloping effect, while protecting the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

To prepare this healing infusion, you need to mix one large spoon of finely ground root and 250 milliliters of milk.

The resulting mixture should be boiled for about 20 minutes and let the broth brew. The course of treatment is two weeks.

Sauerkraut brine can ease and speed up the digestive process. The drink should be taken 100 milliliters before meals. It is also useful sauerkraut homemade.

To get rid of stomach problems and intestinal colic and flatulence, you need to use tea brewed with anise, cumin, fennel or coriander seeds.

To prepare tea, take one small spoon of any seeds and pour 250 milliliters of boiling water.

The seeds must first be crushed. The tea must be steeped for at least 10 minutes. For the treatment to be effective, you need to drink at least 3 glasses of this infusion per day.

The vast majority of drugs to improve digestion are made from natural herbs, so products traditional medicine most often they are not inferior to them in efficiency. In addition, excessive use of folk remedies rarely leads to an overdose.

People had digestive problems long before the first pills and potions were invented.

Through trial and error, people have learned to fight flatulence, heaviness and abdominal pain using fruits, roots and leaves various plants.

Currently, specialists different levels actively studying medicinal properties various plants used to facilitate the digestion process.

Based on this, it should be concluded that traditional medicine can give odds to any medication.

However, it is worth understanding that digestive problems can be caused by various diseases that traditional medicine cannot cope with.

If such problems arise, you should seek help from a doctor rather than self-medicate, which may not produce results.

How to improve digestion?

Taking enzymes and other drugs that help improve digestion is the right decision when problems of this type occur.

But the best solution is not to eliminate the problem, but to prevent it.

To avoid digestive problems and, as a result, taking various drugs, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • eat slowly. Accelerated process food consumption leads to heaviness in the stomach, and sometimes to nausea;
  • should not be swallowed in large pieces. Along with large pieces, air enters the gastrointestinal tract, leading to flatulence;
  • You need to add more foods containing fiber to your diet. It promotes faster absorption of food and the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract, which helps prevent constipation. Fiber is found in fruits and vegetables;
  • You need to drink more liquids, but not during meals. This approach will ease bowel movements and avoid constipation. On average, you need to drink 2 – 2.5 liters of water per day. You should drink about half an hour before meals;
  • There is no need to eat food that is too hot or too cold. This is due to the fact that the digestion process begins only when the food temperature is approximately 36.6 degrees;
  • diet should be followed. Snacks should be avoided so as not to overload the digestive system before the main meal. It is recommended to eat at the same time every day, which will help accustom the body to more intensive work when you really need it. You should not eat after 9 pm: as night approaches, all processes in the body slow down, including digestion;
  • you need to eat right. In other words, you need to give up fast food;
  • Particular attention should be paid to hygiene, that is, always wash your hands before eating. This will avoid penetration into the stomach and intestines. dangerous bacteria, viruses and infections.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in following the rules to avoid digestive difficulties.

All you need is to accustom yourself to self-control, and then no drugs that improve digestive function will be required.

Of course, digestive problems can be caused by various diseases, taking antibiotics, etc.

In this situation you will have to use medications, but their choice, course of treatment and dosage must be left to the treating specialist.

From the above, a number of conclusions need to be drawn. Firstly, absolutely every person has digestive problems, but you shouldn’t use it at the first sign of it. medications and dietary supplements.

Secondly, most drugs to improve digestion are sold in pharmacies without control.

Thirdly, if the digestive dysfunction is caused by any disease of the digestive system, then treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a highly qualified specialist - a gastroenterologist.

No matter what anyone says, delicious food can bring downright unearthly pleasure. Everyone knows perfectly well that dishes are so tasty that you want to eat as much of them as possible. And digestive tablets will help you cope with this task, even when the body tries to prevent it.

Why do you need pills that improve digestion?

For food to be enjoyable, the body must accept and digest it. This requires special enzymes. In addition, food must meet acceptable parameters for humans. Indigestion and heaviness appear when:

  • eating too heavy a meal;
  • eating too much food;
  • insufficient processing of the dish;
  • eating too quickly;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • metabolic problems;
  • disorders of the intestinal microflora.

Some pregnant women require tablets to improve digestion. Due to the restructuring of the body, they cannot even digest traditional food normally.

Digestion aids are also required for patients who have undergone surgery on the gastrointestinal tract.

Tablets and enzymes to speed up digestion

The main task of any drug that improves digestion is to ensure that all necessary substances: fats, amino acids, carbohydrates. This, in turn, contributes to the production of the necessary normal life energy.

The tablets contain substances and enzymes necessary to support the body. The most popular drugs are:

And this is not the entire list of tablets for normalizing digestion. There are a lot of products that support the body. Most of them are in an affordable price range.

There are practically no contraindications for enzymes and tablets to improve digestion. The products are not recommended only for patients with intolerance to their individual components. Still, before starting to take the medicine, it is better to consult a specialist.

A high-quality process of assimilation and digestion of food is possible only if the body has the necessary substances for this - enzymes. If they are deficient, the food that enters the stomach is not completely digested. As a result, various digestive disorders occur and the risk of developing diseases of the digestive system increases.

The very first symptoms of enzyme deficiency in the body are: heartburn, belching, increased gas formation, flatulence, and bowel dysfunction. With a long-term lack of these substances, the immune system suffers, endocrine system, obesity develops.

Help eliminate minor enzyme deficiencies pharmaceutical drugs and products that contain them large quantities. If you have diseases of the digestive system, if they are associated with a lack of these substances, a specialist will help who will prescribe the pharmacy necessary in your case.

It is about enzyme preparations, the use of these agents, indications and their contraindications that our conversation today will first begin:

What are enzyme preparations that improve digestion?

These products are made from natural animal or plant origin. They contain enzymes that improve, restore, and normalize the natural digestive process.

Various disturbances in the body's natural production of enzymes provoke the development of many diseases of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, as well as the liver and bile ducts. In these cases, if necessary, enzyme preparations are prescribed. Let's briefly look at the most popular ones.

Names, indications, contraindications, use of enzyme preparations

Enzyme preparations to improve digestion containing pancreatin


Improves digestion, normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates deficiency of pancreatic enzymes.

Indications: According to the instructions for use, this remedy prescribed for chronic pancreatitis, for various chronic diseases biliary tract, as well as in the presence of dyspepsia or cystic fibrosis. Taken for flatulence, non-infectious diarrhea, disorders of chewing function, recovery after irradiation and after surgical interventions.

The drug is prescribed to patients with normal digestion after overuse food, or with prolonged consumption of difficult-to-digest foods.

Reception: With food, 1-4 tablets. According to indications, the doctor may increase daily dosage up to 21 tab.

Children prescribed for cystic fibrosis: up to 4 years - 1 tablet per 7 kg of body weight, after 4 years - 1 tablet per 14 kg.

Contraindications: Exacerbation of chronic or acute pancreatitis, presence intestinal obstruction. The drug is contraindicated in children under 2 years of age, as well as in persons with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Mezim Forte:

It has proteolytic, amylolytic, lipolytic effects, normalizes the process of digestion and absorption of food.

Indications: Chronic pancreatitis, the presence of cystic fibrosis, inflammatory-dystrophic pathologies of the digestive system (gallbladder, liver, intestines and stomach), in which the digestion process is disrupted. Prescribed for diarrhea, flatulence, unbalanced diet, as well as in case of disorders of chewing function, with insufficient physical activity, as well as after surgery.

Dosage: Before meals, 1-2 tablets per day. Other dosages are determined by the doctor. It is recommended to drink the drug with plenty of juice or alkaline water.

Contraindications: Exacerbation of chronic or acute pancreatitis, hypersensitivity. Pregnant and lactating women - with great caution, only if other treatment methods are ineffective.


Eliminates deficiency of enzymes produced by the pancreas.

Indications: Cholestatic hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis(beyond the acute stage), cystic fibrosis, pancreatectomy. Included in therapy oncological diseases pancreas, liver cirrhosis. Used for ductal obstruction, duodenostasis, gastrostasis, and dysbacteriosis. Prescribed when various violations normal, varied diet.

Reception: With food, drinking plenty of water or juice. Daily dosage: drug for 10,000 units - 2-4 capsules; 25,000 units - 1-2 capsules; 36,000 units - 1 capsule. A different dosage is determined by the doctor.

Contraindications: Existing individual intolerance, acute form, or exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis.

Products containing pancreatin, some bile components, as well as hemicellulase, etc.


Compensates for the secretory function of the pancreas, increases the secretion of bile.

Indications: Chronic pancreatitis (in remission), cystic fibrosis, chronic diseases stomach and intestines. Also prescribed for chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Often used after surgery.

Reception: With food or after it, 1-2 tablets, 3 times a day. Other dosages are determined by the doctor on an individual basis.

Contraindications: Acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of chronic intestinal obstruction. Do not take if you have liver failure, hepatitis or jaundice, or cholelithiasis and empyema of the gallbladder. With extreme caution, only if there are strict indications, it is taken for cystic fibrosis. During pregnancy and lactation - only with the permission of a doctor.


It has amylolytic, proteolytic, lipolytic properties. Eliminates the lack of digestive enzymes, activates the secretion of bile.

Indications: Secretory insufficiency of the pancreas and other organs: stomach, intestines, liver, gall bladder. Prescribed for flatulence, non-infectious diarrhea, as well as for improper, monotonous diet, insufficient physical activity and impaired chewing function.

Reception: With food, or immediately after it, 1 tablet, 3 times a day. According to indications, the doctor may double the daily dosage.

Contraindications: Acute form, or , liver failure or coma (precoma). Do not take for empyema of the gallbladder, hepatitis, cholelithiasis and jaundice, as well as intestinal obstruction. Pregnant women, small children (under 2 years old) - only if there are necessary indications.

Panzinorm Forte

The combined multienzyme drug is used to normalize digestion and activate the secretory function of the pancreas.

Indications: chronic pancreatitis (beyond the acute stage), cystic fibrosis. Prescribed for chronic diseases of the intestines, stomach, as well as pathologies of the liver and gall bladder. Often used when a patient is recovering from surgery.

Reception: With food, 1-2 tablets (capsules), 3 times a day. Other dosages are determined by the doctor.

Contraindications: Acute form, or exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, hypersensitivity. For cystic fibrosis, it is not prescribed to children under 15 years of age.

Herbal preparations containing papain and rice fungus (extract) and other components


Combined herbal remedy, which improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and activates digestion.

Indications: Increased gas formation, dyspepsia caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, or associated with nutritional disorders (overeating, eating unusual foods, alcohol abuse). Prescribed to patients during ultrasound and x-ray examination.

Reception: With or after food, 1-2 tablets, 2-3 times a day. A different dosage is determined by the doctor. Before use, it is recommended to dissolve the tablets in boiled water (half a glass).

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, childhood. With extreme caution, if prescribed by a doctor, it can be taken by persons with arterial hypertension or those suffering from kidney or liver diseases.


It has proteolytic, lipolytic, amylolytic properties. Normalizes the digestion process, improves the functioning of the organs of the entire digestive system.

Indications: Gastritis, peptic ulcer With low acidity. Indications for use are chronic pancreatitis and its subacute form. Also prescribed for chronic spastic colitis accompanied by constipation.

Reception: With food or after meals, 0.5-1 tsp, 3 times a day.
Contraindications: Acute form of pancreatitis, or its exacerbation chronic form, hypersensitivity of the body.


For effective treatment it is very important to choose the right one the right drug, determine the dosage regimen and duration of administration. Therefore, it is so important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, who will select the remedy that is right for you. When choosing, the doctor takes into account the cause and degree of indigestion, the severity of the underlying disease, age, general health of the patient and other factors.

Enzyme-rich foods

In the absence of diseases for which it is necessary to take special pharmaceutical products, intended to compensate for the lack of enzymes in the body, it is enough to increase the consumption of foods rich in enzymes. This will help reduce the risk of enzyme deficiency, reducing the likelihood of various problems with digestion.

For this purpose, be sure to include in your diet dairy products: kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, natural yogurt.

Sauerkraut is rich in enzymes, natural Apple vinegar and homemade bread kvass (recipes are on the website).
It is also useful to periodically include Korean pickled cabbage “Kimchi” and Japanese soy and seaweed soup “Miso” in the menu.

Prepare salads, snacks from fresh vegetables and garden herbs daily, complementing your main lunch. Between meals, eat fresh fruits and berries. On the contrary, reduce the amount of fatty foods. Follow the rules of a healthy, varied diet, excluding overeating and alcohol abuse.

Enzyme preparations for the pancreas are a great help. They help relieve the organ and give it more rest. This regimen helps restore health faster, eliminates the possibility of enzyme deficiency, normalizes digestion, and reduces the risk of developing serious illnesses gastrointestinal organs. Be healthy!

The digestion process consists of many stages. When food enters the mouth, processes are launched aimed at breaking down substances to a state of normal absorption. To process food, the gastrointestinal tract secretes digestive juices that contain an enzyme. When the secretion of enzymes is insufficient, a person experiences dyspepsia, heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, belching, problems with defecation, and flatulence.

To eliminate enzyme deficiency, doctors prescribe special means that are aimed at improving general condition patient, accelerating metabolism and digestion.

Signs you need pills

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract can really be identified by early stages their development. They manifest themselves with certain symptoms such as:

  • Depression, constant fatigue . Occurs because the body does not receive sufficient quantity useful components and microelements. He uses own reserves, which are not replenished properly.
  • Excessive sleepiness. This symptom suggests that digestive tablets are definitely needed, because most likely the existing nutritious diet does not supply the required amount of vital components.
  • Poor condition dermis. It becomes dry, pigmented, and scarred.
  • Brittle hair and nails. Dangerous evidence of a lack of nutrients in the body.
  • Painful manifestations, discomfort in the intestinal area. This also includes constant constipation/diarrhea, nausea, and flatulence.
  • Pain in the stomach area. The stomach may turn after eating. This indicator is an immediate reason to go to the doctor.
  • Decline in appetite. This factor is a logical continuation of the previous one and indicates the acceleration of the development of gastrointestinal pathology.

Indications for use

The question is often asked whether tablets can be used better digestion use healthy people? Yes, it is possible, and sometimes even necessary, because they affect the normalization of the food processing process.

Indications for use are:

  • Binge eating.
  • Errors in diet.
  • Eating spicy, fatty foods.
  • Symptoms enzyme deficiency: bloating, constipation, diarrhea, sudden weight loss.
  • Chronic stomach diseases.
  • Pancreatic diseases.
  • Intestinal disease.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Surgical interventions on the organs of the digestive system.

Consequences of taking

The consequences will depend on what type of drug was used. For example, when using dietary supplements, there are no situations more dangerous than an allergy expressed by an upset stomach or rash.

The enzyme agent does not have negative influence, if the patient takes it without departing from the prescribed dosage.

Sometimes the consequences can be constipation, nausea, urticaria, vomiting.

The most dangerous tablets for digestion are those belonging to the combined class. They can negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and affect the activity of the central nervous system. In more severe cases can lead to incontinence, fainting, and exhaustion. Hormonal medicine solves all problems only while taking it. After cancellation, illnesses may return again. Therefore, all prescriptions and selection of medications must be made by a doctor.

Drugs to improve digestion: what they are and what is suitable for children

In order to stabilize digestion, you need to take special medications and also follow a diet. Each tablet has its own group, the main difference is active substance, as well as the impact itself. Some are aimed at immediately aiding digestion, others quickly break down complex sugar compounds, and others normalize the exocrine function of the pancreas. Choosing the right medication will depend on a person's specific problems. Medicines are prescribed after identifying the root that led to indigestion.

Combination drugs

The combination medications contain pancreatin, as well as plant enzymes. A frequently prescribed medication is Wobenzym. It is used before meals 30 minutes or 2 hours after meals. The course for adults is 2-5 weeks. The doctor may also prescribe the medication for a longer period of up to six months if the patient has a long-term chronic gastrointestinal disorder. The medication is also used to treat children over 5 years of age. Wobenzym is well tolerated when all requirements for its administration are met. In some cases, vomiting, diarrhea, changes in stool consistency, allergies to components, and urticaria may occur.

Biologically active additives

In addition, drugs to improve digestion can be presented biologically active additives. To improve the functioning of the intestines, 2 prescription groups are used: fibers that contain vegetable fiber, as well as cleansers, they are aimed at enhancing intestinal motility. Prebiotic supplements are actively used. Among them are living intestinal bacteria. In addition, cleansers include prunes, citrus pectin, oat bran, fructopolysaccharides and other active ingredients. Thanks to the precise selection of the constituent substance, intestinal peristalsis is quickly revived.

Enzyme preparations

All enzymes are usually divided into:

  • complex effects, these include not only the main element of pancreatin, but also additional components in the form of herbs, animal bile extracts, microelements;
  • the basis of which is exclusively pancreatin, which helps support the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract;
  • containing additional substances, for example, amylase, protease, etc.

Knowing the classification of medications, it is easy to navigate the products that pharmaceutical companies sell.

Do not forget that it is necessary to take this or that medicine after consultation with a specialist, even if the intake is intended for prevention.

The most popular drugs for improving and stabilizing normal digestion are the following:

  • Festal. Recommended by doctors when a person eats fatty, high-calorie foods in large portions. The composition contains pancreatin, sodium chloride, bile extract. The medication quickly breaks down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Food is digested better.
  • Enzistal. Acts as an analogue of the previous drug. Acts as a choleretic agent, helps nutrients absorbed faster and better. Doctors recommend it if a person has problems with oral cavity which interfere with thorough chewing of food.
  • Digestal. It is used for inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, malfunction of the pancreas, esophagitis, etc.
  • Pancreatin. The cost of the drug is lower, exactly like its therapeutic effect. It has no contraindications, but during periods of exacerbation of pancreatic inflammation it is used with caution. This medication is most suitable for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract during indigestion and overeating.
  • Creon. The main substance is pancreatin. The drug is available in capsule form, which helps to better absorb the active substances. Refers to expensive drugs.
  • Mezim. A fairly popular drug that perfectly supports the stomach and all gastrointestinal organs. It contains a complex of enzymes that actively act during overeating, heaviness, and impaired food digestion processes. For enhanced effects, the drug Mezim Forme has been developed, which contains approximately 10,000 units of pancreatin.
  • Somilaza. Refers to complex drugs. Recommended after surgery for speedy recovery digestive processes. Active substances break down those components that are difficult for the body to absorb. There are practically no contraindications. It is used more often one-time rather than complexly.

Medicines for children

Children, unfortunately, also suffer from gastrointestinal problems. Therefore, drugs to improve digestion are thought out for them too. Before giving your child any medication, you should visit a doctor.

Medicines for children are as follows:

  • Abomin restores the acidity of the stomach, is prescribed for gastritis, gastroenteritis, etc. Not used for regurgitation syndrome, vomiting. Sometimes it can lead to heartburn and nausea. Used since the year.
  • Mezim Forte. When taken in children, attacks of mild nausea and vomiting occur. Used in therapeutic purposes for dysbacteriosis, gastritis, ulcers, intestinal infection. One-time use is also possible.
  • Creon. Also an effective medicine approved for children. Most often, the doctor prescribes it for impaired digestion of food, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, or the introduction of food that is unusual for the child.
  • . It is an excellent enzyme medicine that helps the absorption of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in small intestine. Pediatricians prescribe it for diseases of the pancreas, chronic diseases of the gallbladder, liver, and stomach. Do not use in case of acute pancreatitis.

Against the background of diseases or individual characteristics, due to age or sedentary lifestyle life human system digestion often does not work properly.

This can be understood by discomfort and even pain in the stomach, which should be examined by a doctor. But after this, you can resort to folk remedies that will tell you how to improve digestion.

There are quite a lot of ways: this includes the use of special enzymes and super healthy foods, accelerating the digestion process, and special herbs on the verge of traditional medicine and healthy supplements.

But in any case, you should take all this only after consulting with your doctor, since accompanying illnesses may become a serious contraindication.

Pineapples, for example, are considered beneficial for digestion, but for gastritis, bromelain, which is part of their composition, can worsen the situation.

Enzyme preparations are medications that consist of enzymes to improve digestion.

They are used to treat gastrointestinal diseases. Medicines are prescribed during periods of exacerbations and disruptions associated with the production of natural components.

There are 2 types of drug directions:

  1. Enzymes that reduce pain and discomfort such as heaviness and bloating.
  2. Components that improve the functioning of the pancreas in case of exocrine insufficiency.

Enzymes can be used not only for various diseases stomach after consultation with a doctor, but also in case of diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas.

Several other classification methods can be identified based on the principle of enzyme action. However, their use is strictly not recommended without the advice of a doctor.

Proteolytic enzymes

Preparations based on pepsin, which ensures the process of fermentation and digestion. Compensates for the mucous membrane's own enzymes and is prescribed for poor protein digestion.

This group of drugs includes: “Abomin”, “Pepsidal”, “Pepsin”, “Acidin-pepsin”.

Designed to break down complex sugars and support the proper functioning of the pancreas: Festal, Enzistal, Panzinorm.

After use, the secretion of the gallbladder and pancreas and intestinal motility are noticeably improved.

The fiber contained in the composition gently stimulates peristalsis. Flatulence passes.

Preparations for the pancreas

They consist of pancreatin, the main enzyme for lightning-fast support of the digestive process. Additionally, there is trypsin, lipase and amylase: “Creon”, “Mezim”, “Pancreatin”, “Penzital”.

Special substances containing enzymes and proteins. Accelerate the course of all reactions in the body, including metabolism.

Some products supply these enzymes to our body, but due to various reasons Enzymes to improve digestion should be taken separately: “Pepfiz”, “Oraza”, “Solism”, “Festal”, “Unienzym”.

Tablets with disaccharidases

This group of drugs includes medications with beta-galactidase enzymes. They are necessary for the breakdown of lactose disaccharides: Lactaid, Kerulak, Lactase.

Pills alone are not enough to improve digestion. It is very important to start eating right, eating not only the healthiest foods to improve digestion, but also following some special recommendations.

In order to improve digestive processes, you should adhere to special diet rules:

If you want to compose proper diet, rich in vitamins and natural enzymes, then the diet should not contain fatty soups, fried, smoked and pickled.

There should be no grapes, cabbage, or legumes except lentils. Any processed foods, canned food and sweets will also be prohibited, as will coffee, cheese and soda.

Before consuming any of the products discussed below, you should seek the advice of a doctor. Of course, if there are no diseases, but you want to remove some discomfort or cleanse the body, then all of them can be consumed in moderation:

Regular inclusion of these foods in your diet in reasonable quantities will help normalize digestion, relieve discomfort, and within a few weeks you will be able to feel a surge of strength and lightness.

You can also make various smoothies! The main thing is not to get carried away. Look, there are all the ingredients for this: you can add 1 glass of kefir with a banana and an apple, drink it instead of 1 meal.

1 banana goes well with 1.5 cups of fresh pineapple, supplemented with ginger.

Any berry smoothie will improve the digestion process, fill you with strength and cleanse the body due to its antioxidant content. Add lemon and cinnamon to your green tea, along with a dash of cayenne pepper, and you've got a wonderful cocktail to stimulate digestion.

An important rule: do not drink more than 2 glasses of this drink per day.

You can exercise after eating to improve digestion. special gymnastics. It should be done 1.5-2 hours after eating:

You should start practicing with 10-15 seconds of holding, gradually increasing the pace.

You can improve your digestion folk remedies, such as herbs and oils. Very beneficial for the health of the entire gastrointestinal tract sea ​​buckthorn oil . It can be taken even for gastritis and ulcers.

It will be no less beneficial Walnut mixed with honey. It is enough to take the components in equal parts, take 1-2 tbsp. l. before every meal.

You can prepare other medications aimed at improving peristalsis:

  1. Aloe and wine. For 2 parts Cahors or other red wine, take 2 parts honey and 1 part aloe. The stems need to be ground, combined with other ingredients and mixed well. Take 1 tbsp. l. an hour before meals.
  2. Celery for digestion. They take the root, wash it and grind it. At 2 tbsp. l. you will need 1 liter of water. Leave overnight, then filter and take 30 ml once a day.

Herbs that replace plain tea are useful for improving digestion and intestinal function. Brew either according to the instructions on the package, or to taste, but not less than 1 tsp. on the mug.

The most useful plant components for digestion are lemon balm, viburnum bark, peppermint, fennel, dill and licorice.

However, before using them you need to know all the contraindications, because natural products against the backdrop of a super powerful effect, they can lead to unpleasant consequences.

When stimulating digestion processes, you need to act in several directions: select a special diet, take medications prescribed by a doctor, and also use folk recipes.

Put these in comprehensive measures will help restore normal process absorption and breakdown of nutritional components, which will lead to a general improvement in well-being.
