Atrophic rhinitis in pigs: symptoms and treatment. Porcine infectious atrophic rhinitis (IAR). How swine flu spreads between animals

Porcine dysentery - infectious disease, characterized by bloody diarrhea and necrosis of the colon. The disease is widespread and causes great economic damage to pig farming.

The causative agent of the disease is spirochetes.

Young animals up to 5-6 years of age are susceptible to swine dysentery. one month old, but adults also get sick. The source of the infectious agent is patients and carriers, recent illness may worsen under the influence of unfavorable factors. Infection occurs through feed, water, bedding and other objects contaminated with the secretions of patients. The spread of infection is facilitated by unsanitary conditions of keeping animals, not complete feeding, lack of exercise, illness with other infectious diseases.

Porcine dysentery occurs acutely, subacutely and chronically (in adult pigs). Incubation period ranges from 2 days to 4 weeks. The main sign of infection is diarrhea, followed by temporary constipation, which appears 3-7 days after depression, decreased appetite, and a slight increase in the animal’s body temperature. The color of feces ranges from reddish brown to dark chestnut. Blood clots, mucus-like pus are visible in the stool, and sometimes pieces of the intestinal mucosa can be seen.

The diagnosis is made based on clinical signs, histological and laboratory studies of large intestines from a corpse, differentiating the disease from classical swine fever, salmonellosis, enterovirus infection, feed gastroenteritis, etc.

For treatment, it is recommended to give pigs osarsol and antibiotics. Before giving osarsol, pigs (except suckling piglets) are not fed or watered for 14-18 hours; a solution of sodium sulfate is given at a rate of 10-15 g/l of water per animal. Osarsol is given with food or fresh soda solution(per 100 ml of water 10 g of sodium bicarbonate and 2.5 g of osarsol). Doses of osarsol for suckling piglets - 0.001-0.01 g, weanlings - 0.1-0.2 g, young animals - 0.2-0.5 g, adult pigs - 0.5-0.7 g 2 times a day within 3 days. Metronidazole is also used at 0.25-0.5 g, tylan - 1.25-2.5 mg/kg body weight, farmazin - 0.25-0.5 g/l of water for regular watering for 3 days in a row.

In pig farms, to prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to comply with veterinary and sanitary standards for keeping and feeding animals, and disinfection of premises. When transferring young animals to a new type of feeding, therapeutic and prophylactic premixes (nifulin, emgal, etc.) are introduced into the feed. Sick people, those suspected of illness, and neighbors in the pen are isolated and sent to slaughter. The pens where these animals were are cleaned and disinfected with a 4% solution of caustic soda. Walls, floors, doors and all metal objects are burned with a blowtorch, then disinfected and whitened. Individuals suspected of the disease and healthy ones are subjected to therapeutic and prophylactic treatment by adding anti-dysenteric drugs (osarsol, tilan, etc.) to the food or water.

Swine flu

Swine flu, or influenza, is an acute, highly contagious viral disease manifested by inflammation respiratory tract, weakness and fever and causing high mortality in young animals (on average 60%) and a decrease in productivity in animals during fattening, affecting large groups of animals.

The causative agent of the disease is viruses from the orthomyxovirus family, genus influenza A, which are poorly resistant to physical and chemical factors.

The main source of the infectious agent is a sick or recovered animal. The disease occurs more often in early winter or early spring, and the outbreak usually occurs in inclement weather, in damp rooms, or under unfavorable living conditions for animals. Usually suckling piglets and young animals under the age of one year get sick. The source of the infectious agent is sick animals and virus carriers. The route of infection for influenza is airborne droplets through nasal discharge.

The incubation period of the disease is 1-3 days. Influenza occurs acutely, in complicated cases – subacutely and chronically. On the first day, there is an increase in body temperature to 41 ° C, refusal to feed, lethargy, sneezing, coughing, discharge from the nasal openings, conjunctivitis. The animals lie down, do not react to their surroundings, some take the pose of a sitting dog. When lifting and moving patients, attacks of painful coughing are noted. Recovery usually occurs within 7-10 days. When the disease is complicated by other infections, pneumonia develops, which progresses severely for several weeks and even months, often ending in death.

Animals that have recovered from the disease acquire immunity to re-infection with the same type of virus for a period of 3-4 months.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical, epidemiological data and laboratory blood tests, differentiating from classical plague, Aujeszky's disease, etc.

For treatment, sulfonamides (norsulfazole, sulfadimezin, sulfapyridazine, etc.) and antibiotics (streptomycin, oxytetracycline, olemorphocycline) are used in standard doses. In case of mixed infection, in addition, general tonic agents are used, including vitamins and serums. The indoor microclimate is improved, and animals are provided with easily digestible feed.

Prevention of swine flu involves creating optimal conditions keeping and feeding animals, quarantine of newly arrived animals, timely disinfection of premises, proper organization of transportation of animals.

Infectious atrophic rhinitis

Infectious atrophic rhinitis is a chronic infectious disease mainly of suckling and weaned piglets, characterized by rhinitis, atrophy of the nasal turbinates and bones (reduction in the volume of the organ as a result of disruption of its nutrition) and deformation of the facial part of the head. Animal mortality is 7-10%. Sick piglets under the same feeding conditions lag behind their healthy peers and by 6-8 months of age give only 60–70% weight gain.

The causative agent is the Bordetella microbe, sensitive to penicillin, chlortetracycline (biomycin), localized and multiplying on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. The source of the infectious agent is sick animals. Piglets become infected by airborne droplets, which is facilitated by cramped and damp conditions in pigsties, lack of exercise, and lack of food minerals, primarily calcium and phosphorus salts, vitamins A and D. Transmission factors for the pathogen are feed, water, litter, manure, etc., contaminated with secretions of patients.

The incubation period of the disease is 3-15 days. In suckling piglets, the disease begins with inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Patients sneeze, snort, and experience itching in the area of ​​the patch, which is accompanied by lacrimation and swelling lower eyelids. Acute rhinitis lasts 2-3 weeks, can be complicated by pneumonia, enteritis, leading to the death of animals. In chronic cases, developmental delays are detected in patients 1-2 months after the disease. upper jaw(it becomes shorter than the lower one), the normal bite of the incisors is disrupted, protrusion is observed lower lip. If pathological process affects both nasal cavities, the nose protrudes upward (the so-called pug-shaped), and when one half of the nose is affected, the nose protrudes to the right or left (crooked nose) (Fig. 31). This makes breathing difficult.

Rice. 31. Pug-shaped and crooked snout in pigs with atrophic rhinitis

The diagnosis is established on the basis of clinical and epidemiological signs, autopsy results and radiographs of the facial part of the skull.

For infectious atrophic rhinitis nasal cavity irrigate with solutions of antibiotics and sulfonamides (streptomycin, chlortetracycline, chloramphenicol, etc.). Intramuscularly administered oil solutions vitamins A and D 100 IU/kg body weight every other day. Early treatment prevents the development of atrophy of the nasal concha and bronchopneumonia.

How to marry a nurse on a leg than to treat when a pig has elastic snot and. Anya, it happens that the problem is more serious than chronic rhinitis (They sometimes have a fused internal septum of the nose and pharynx and therefore have a runny nose all the time. Who treated them with what, please tell me? Signs of pig udder disease, infectious diseases of piglets (erysipelas in pigs, swine fever) and invasive diseases (ascariasis of pigs). Symptoms and treatment of diseases in pigs are the prerogative of veterinary medicine. Change in condition skin(dryness, color, damage). Treatment for intestinal disorders. How can you treat a runny nose in the 1st trimester of pregnancy A runny nose during pregnancy is a fairly common problem. Symptoms of the disease Piglets have weak immunity and are subject to various ailments. The cause of rhinitis may be atrophic rhinitis - infectious swine disease. Infectious atrophic rhinitis of pigs (Rhinitis atrophica infectiosa), IAR. Epizootology. They use glucose, antibiotics, and cardiac medications. infectious disease how to cure a runny nose, sinusitis. Incubation period: 3-15 days. Adviсe. General preventive measures include fencing farms, installing sanitary facilities and treating sneezing in piglets. Anemia in piglets (nutritional anemia) most often occurs in suckling piglets of autumn and winter farrowing as a result of a lack of iron in mother's milk.

Post created: 24.02.2014 13:30:04

Digestive diseases

They usually include acute inflammation stomach and intestines in adult pigs and young animals, as well as a simple and neurotoxic form of dyspepsia in piglets. The main signs of these diseases: diarrhea, lack of appetite, lethargy, and general weakness, piglets sometimes experience convulsions and vomiting. These diseases can be prevented by proper feeding animals. Pigs need to be fed strictly according to the daily routine, at the same hours. Diets should include a variety of foods and mineral supplements(salt, chalk, charcoal, red clay). The feed must be well cooked and thoroughly chopped. Do not feed poor quality, moldy or hot feed to pigs. Feeders must be washed and dried regularly.

Metabolic diseases

Causes of diarrhea in piglets and how to treat diarrhea in piglets

Diarrhea (diarrhea) in piglets is an abnormally frequent unshaped chair. In many cases it is noted increased peristalsis intestines. Diarrhea in piglets is most often a sign of intestinal disease.

To understand how to treat piglets when diarrhea occurs, you need to understand the causes of its occurrence. The main causes of diarrhea in piglets can be:

· The appearance of infection.

· Toxic substances.

The rains have begun, it will soon get colder, and then it will become completely cold. Like humans, during this transition period from warm to cold, often chickens get sick too .

Preventive measures against diseases in chickens

Chickens need to be treated.

Other chicken diseases

Unfortunately, a cold chicken diseases are not limited. Birds may also suffer from inflammation of the crop, intestines and stomach. The cause of the disease is sour or frozen feed, the presence of dry uncrushed hay and grain in the feed mixture, and a completely unnecessary admixture of sand. This leads to retention of food in the crop, the bird loses its appetite, sits with a ruffled appearance, and some even have blue tips of their combs.

Pathogen: Mycoplasma gallisepticum from the genus Mycoplasma. Mycoplasmas resemble a polymorphic coccus, 0.5-1 microns in size. Mycoplasmas are easily cultured in the yolk sac of 9-10 day old chick embryos, causing growth retardation.

Source of pathogen; sick bird.

Pathological and anatomical changes. Muscle atrophy, pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, catarrhal-fibrinous necrotizing rhinitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, catarrhal pneumonia, serous-fibrinous aerosacculitis with the formation of fibrinous conglomerates in the posterior thoracic, interclavicular and other air sacs are found.

Diagnostics. The diagnosis is made comprehensively. To isolate mycoplasmas, inoculate on agar and Edward's broth, Martin's medium, and Hottinger's medium. Chicken embryos are infected (death occurs on days 3-5), a bioassay is performed on chickens and turkey poults 1-2 months old, and infected intranasally, intratracheally. Serum droplet agglutination is used.

Differential diagnosis. It is necessary to exclude:

Colisepticemia - isolated from internal organs culture of pathogenic Escherichia coli serotypes.

Hemophilosis (contagious runny nose) - damage to the upper respiratory tract.

Aspergillosis is the detection of specific nodules on the wall of the air sac and lungs.

Infectious bronchitis - damage to the trachea and bronchi in chickens and hens, as well as growth retardation of the ovaries and oviducts.

Prevention and treatment. Treatment: antibiotics are used wide range actions.

A teenager has a runny nose

The runny nose and its manifestations have been known since ancient times, and it was then that the basic principles of its treatment were formed. But so far, the very concept of a runny nose does not have a strict description from a layman’s point of view. This leads to the fact that it is often determined not entirely correctly.

This especially often happens if a teenager with a hypertrophied perception of the world around him is sick with a runny nose. One teenager complains of a runny nose when he has mucous discharge from the nose, the second, if the nose is stuffy, for the third, any sneeze is a reason to complain of rhinitis.

But none of these symptoms is decisive for a runny nose. It is not based on them that a diagnosis is made and therapy is prescribed. Eat sufficient quantity diseases that have similar symptoms. (For example, with hypertrophy of the nasal concha, the mucous membranes increase with climate change, alcohol consumption, and various irritating external factors.)

Rhinitis is not a contagious disease. Several studies on this topic have not confirmed its contagiousness, nor have its own causative agents of the common cold been identified. This, however, does not exclude its occurrence from many known bacteria. Some diseases of adolescents, such as acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles and others, may initially occur with symptoms characteristic of a runny nose.

During adolescence, a person becomes sensitive to many external stimuli. Dust, hypothermia of a body area, harsh light or odor, can cause sometimes prolonged bouts of sneezing. Such conditions have nothing to do with acute runny nose in adolescents, but are of a reflex or vasomotor nature. As a rule, they are short-lived.

It is important to understand that it is necessary to increase immunity in the entire body, and not try to harden some part of it. Sometimes mothers, experiencing good intentions, they are trying to harden the child’s nose using contrasting temperatures, various injections, infusions, inhalations, etc. At the same time, bringing nothing but harm to your child. Water treatments for the nose reduce the bactericidal properties of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, leaving them unprotected against viruses and bacteria.

It should be understood that there is no cause-and-effect treatment for a runny nose; it can only be symptomatic. That is, aimed at reducing the teenager’s subjective complaints and preventing complications. If rhinitis is accompanied by fever, the child should be put to bed and given antipyretic drug. This is accompanied by pathogenetic therapy in order to eliminate, relieve or alleviate the manifestations of the disease.

To counteract nasal congestion, there is a wide range of effective medicinal products, but they all have a common drawback - reducing the volume of cavernous tissue of the nose, medications cause her great irritation. In addition, they are addictive. Therefore, when it comes to runny nose in adolescents, for whom immediate results are more important than prolonged action, we must strictly monitor the implementation of medical prescriptions, not letting things take their course. Otherwise, the matter may end with atrophy of the nasal mucosa and chronic rhinitis.

It is used 2-3 times a day. To do this, the child is placed in a horizontal position and a few drops are instilled into each nostril. If it is not possible to lie down, or the teenager cannot tolerate lying quietly, then you can moisten a cotton swab with menthol oil and insert it into the nose. In this case, you should firmly press the wings of the nose for a couple of seconds, allowing the oil to reach the back surfaces of the mucous membrane.

Often in children adolescence, due to their restlessness and nihilistic attitude towards treatment, complications arise in the form of the spread of the inflammation process to deeper parts (larynx, pharynx, nasal, maxillary and frontal sinuses. respiratory tract) and even on auditory tubes and middle ear. This outcome can be prevented bed rest and strict adherence to medical instructions, which is impossible to achieve from a teenager. At a minimum, you need to make sure that the child does not smoke, does not drink alcohol, devotes enough time to sleep and, if possible, stays at home.

Cough in piglets: causes, symptoms, treatment

Cough is a protective reaction of the body from the outside respiratory system in response to the harmful effects of microorganisms or foreign objects. This symptom accompanies many ailments, both in humans and animals, including piglets.

The most common diseases in pigs

Animals, however, just like people, can suffer. various diseases accompanied by cough and other associated symptoms. Among the most common ailments are the following diseases.

Enzootic pneumonia in piglets

The main symptoms include following signs: dry cough, variable intensity, fever, conjunctivitis, formation of crusts on the surface of the skin. The carrier is the bacterium Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. The pathogen can live in litter for a long time, infecting other animals in the same room. Apparently healthy pigs can also be carriers.

Worm infestation in piglets

This illness may be accompanied by rapid breathing, decreased appetite, difficulty breathing, fever, wheezing and coughing after the larvae immigrate. The carrier is sexually mature worms or their larvae, most often metastrongylus. Danger for piglets - in the feces of sick pigs, worm eggs can persist for up to 1.5 years, becoming a source of infection for the herd. Earthworms remain carriers throughout their entire life span (up to 7 years).

Making a diagnosis in piglets

To understand how to treat pigs and why the disease developed, it is necessary that the diagnosis be made quickly and accurately. To diagnose it, you need to consult a veterinarian, but to take urgent measures, you should remember the differences in the course of the diseases.

How to treat cough in pigs and small piglets

Pneumonia in pigs is diagnosed after a smear analysis, and the presence of worms is diagnosed by detecting their eggs using special veterinary methods.

Once the cause is determined, you should immediately begin to treat the cough and the illness that accompanies it. This is especially important for piglets, because both of these diseases develop quickly in them and can be fatal.

To get rid of the consequences helminthic infestation use a single subcutaneous injection of a 1% solution of Novomek, choosing a dose equal to 1 ml for every 50 kg of pig body weight.

Given medicine showed high effectiveness against most worms and their larvae.

To prevent complications that often follow pneumonia, antibiotic injections are given:

  • Oxytetracycline.
  • Tilan.
  • Spiromycin.
  • Constipation in a piglet: how to treat the pathology?

    Constipation in pigs This is a rare phenomenon, but just like other animals, it requires treatment. Intestinal upset in these livestock generally occurs infrequently. Pigs have excellent immune system, and their stomach is able to digest even coal. But what to do if a problem with bowel movements still appears?

    How do piglets behave when constipated?

    It is very easy to suspect a pig of any illness. A sick animal immediately stands out from other piglets, as its behavior changes due to feeling unwell. If the piglet has not defecated for several days and the process of intoxication has begun. he exhibits the following symptoms:

  • lethargy;
  • dry skin;
  • the animal lies all the time with its hind legs tucked under itself, its back hunched and its head lowered;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • refusal to eat;
  • hardening of the abdomen;
  • bloating;
  • restless behavior.
  • If the cause of stool retention has an infectious origin, then the symptoms are accompanied by fever, rash, and sometimes vomiting. Often, against the background of infection, constipation alternates with diarrhea.

    Who may experience constipation

    If the piglet is kept separately from other animals, then the presence of constipation can be determined by the absence of feces for more than a day. If emptying does occur, then the feces have an unnatural consistency and shape for pigs: dry, too dense and of large volume.

    If how to treat constipation in piglets, so as not to make the animal worse? Small pigs are best treated under the supervision of a veterinarian, and therapy should begin as early as possible.

    What causes the pathology

    Intestinal dysfunction in small piglets is often observed when they are transferred from milk diet to an adult diet. This is explained by the intestines being unprepared for new foods, especially if the diet changes abruptly.

    Laxatives for constipation

    Stool retention in pigs can occur due to constant overfeeding and improper diet. Common cause lack of bowel movements is due to excess water in the body. Also, fecal stagnation is often observed in piglets with a lack of exercise, which occurs due to the cramped conditions of the shed where they live.

    If we talk about more serious reasons constipation in pigs, these include:

    • gastroenteritis;
    • bronchopneumonia;
    • poisoning;
    • blockage of the intestinal passage;
    • helminthiasis

    In the case of constipation in one pig, which appears due to infection, the main cause of illness in other pigs is failure to comply with cleanliness standards. In this case, the disease is transmitted through accumulated beams, dirty bedding, common feed, water, etc.

    Treatment of constipation using traditional methods

    Infectious constipation in pigs treatment requires professional help; laxatives alone are not enough in this case. If stool retention occurs due to a change in diet or lack of water, then you can correct the situation yourself by resorting to medications.

    How and with what to treat constipation in pigs

    What to do about constipation in a piglet and should I call a veterinarian? Having noticed the pain of an animal, it must be immediately separated from other pigs. After all, if the cause of constipation is infectious, then all pigs can get sick.

    A veterinarian must be called to rule out infection or intestinal blockage. Otherwise, self-medication will lead to the death of one or more animals, since the infection spreads quite quickly among pigs.

    If constipation occurs due to poor quality nutrition, then you need to reconsider the feeding of pigs. Piglets should be given exclusively fresh food and make sure they don't overeat. It is important to ensure Free access to the water and not allow it to stagnate.

    You can help your piglet defecate with laxatives. But before giving such drugs, you should make sure that there is no foreign object in the intestines, otherwise you can only make things worse for the animal.

    Rhinitis is an acute infectious disease that can develop into chronic stage. The general picture of the disease is associated with swelling of the nasal mucosa, often accompanied by complex changes. This disease is often found in pigs, and if not recognized in time, it can lead to serious problems.

    Today, the disease appears not only in young animals, but also in adult pigs. Most often the cause is:

    • air pollution with dust and gases;
    • inhalation of hot air;
    • eating moldy food;
    • injury to the mucous membrane.

    The disease can occur due to non-compliance with general hygiene standards or lack of proper prevention. Farmers must monitor proper nutrition and conditions for keeping animals. Neglecting sanitary requirements can have unpleasant consequences.

    The diagnosis must be made by a qualified veterinarian after examining the animal for clinical signs. Today, experts divide diseases into two types:

    • spicy;
    • chronic.

    Acute rhinitis in pigs is accompanied by regular sneezing and head shaking. The animal is constantly shaking and breathing heavily. This is due to discomfort due to swelling of the mucous membrane. Dried exudate appears on the edges of the nostrils. When the nose becomes very swollen, the animal stops breathing air with it altogether. The protracted form is characterized by a long treatment process and is often accompanied by exacerbations.

    For recovery, the veterinarian prescribes a course of certain medications. The animal should be kept in a warm and dust-free room. When severe swelling and irritation of the inner membrane, the nose is washed with a special solution of tannin, after which novocaine combined with adrenaline is injected. To relieve inflammation, 2% menthol ointment is used. An effective method is the injection of antibiotics into the nasal openings (streptocide and norsulfazole). If possible, inhalations with disinfectants are carried out.

    Infectious atrophic rhinitis of pigs

    This disease is classified as pathological. It most often occurs in weanlings and sucklings. It proceeds like ordinary rhinitis, only with serious exacerbations. Many scientists are confident that the disease is caused by bacteria that do not form capsules and spores. They release dangerous toxins. Only pigs suffer from this type of rhinitis.

    Most often, the cause of the disease is non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. The disease can spread to the entire herd, as it is transmitted by air. Most often it occurs in dysfunctional private farms. If on initial stage If you fail to cope with the disease, it can provoke bronchitis or pneumonia. These complications can be fatal. Those individuals that cope with atrophic rhinitis become lethargic and unsuitable for further reproduction.

    Infectious atrophic rhinitis

    Infectious atrophic rhinitis is a chronic infectious disease mainly of suckling and weaned piglets, characterized by rhinitis, atrophy of the nasal turbinates and bones (reduction in the volume of the organ as a result of disruption of its nutrition) and deformation of the facial part of the head. Animal mortality is 7-10%. Sick piglets under the same feeding conditions lag behind their healthy peers and by 6-8 months of age give only 60–70% weight gain.

    The causative agent is the Bordetella microbe, sensitive to penicillin, chlortetracycline (biomycin), localized and multiplying on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. The source of the infectious agent is sick animals. Infection of piglets occurs by airborne droplets, which is facilitated by crowded and damp conditions in pigsties, lack of exercise, lack of minerals in food, especially calcium and phosphorus salts, vitamins A and D. Transmission factors for the pathogen are feed, water, bedding contaminated with secretions of patients, manure, etc.

    The incubation period of the disease is 3-15 days. In suckling piglets, the disease begins with inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Patients sneeze, snort, and experience itching in the area of ​​the patch, which is accompanied by lacrimation and swelling of the lower eyelids. Acute rhinitis lasts 2-3 weeks and can be complicated by pneumonia, enteritis, leading to the death of animals. In the chronic course, 1-2 months after the disease, patients experience a lag in the development of the upper jaw (it becomes shorter than the lower jaw), the normal bite of the incisors is disrupted, and protrusion of the lower lip is observed. If the pathological process affects both nasal cavities, the nose protrudes upward (the so-called pug-shaped), and if one half of the nose is affected, the nose protrudes to the right or left (crooked nose) (Fig. 31). This makes breathing difficult.

    Rice. 31. Pug-shaped and crooked snout in pigs with atrophic rhinitis

    The diagnosis is established on the basis of clinical and epidemiological signs, autopsy results and radiographs of the facial part of the skull.

    For infectious atrophic rhinitis, the nasal cavity is irrigated with solutions of antibiotics and sulfonamides (streptomycin, chlortetracycline, chloramphenicol, etc.). Oil solutions of vitamins A and D are injected intramuscularly at 100 IU/kg body weight every other day. Early treatment prevents the development of turbinate atrophy and bronchopneumonia.

    Correct genetic selection of animals in breeding work, adequate feeding and balanced diet for phosphorus and calcium, compliance with veterinary and sanitary rules for the reproduction, raising and fattening of pigs, regular clinical examinations of animals and laboratory research nasal discharge helps prevent the development of infectious atrophic rhinitis of pigs. When sick individuals are identified, they are isolated and treated. In farms unaffected by this disease, the nasal cavity of newborn piglets is irrigated with dibiomycin in the form of a suspension (1 g of dibiomycin per 30-35 g of 20% aqueous solution glycerol).

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    (Atrophic rhinitis) occurs mainly during intensive pig rearing on large-scale farms. For quite a long time the etiology of the disease was unknown. Its infectious nature has now become apparent, allowing precise diagnostic methods to be used, especially in breeding herds, and appropriate control measures to be taken.

    Etiology. Infectious atrophic rhinitis (IAR)- polyetiological disease caused by toxicogenic dermonecrotic strains Pasteurella multocida(RT) And Bordetella bronchiseptica (Bbr). Toxins can cause piglets to die or cause turbinate atrophy and deformation internal bones skulls Necessary It should be noted that disturbances in the development of the skull bones occur not only when the toxin enters the nasal mucosa, but also under experimental conditions with intramuscular or intraperitoneal administration.

    Epizootological data. Newborn piglets and suckling piglets in the first days of life are most susceptible. Losses are associated with decreased weight gain and low feed efficiency. This disease is recorded in almost all countries of the world where elite breeds of pigs with high growth vigor are raised. Infectious atrophic rhinitis can be found in pigs of any age. Animals become infected at 2-10 weeks of life. Sometimes clinical signs occur only in adult pigs, for example in pregnant or lactating sows. Most often, the disease manifests itself in first-born litters, in winter, and in pigs kept without enclosures. The manifestation of the disease in individual herds is typical. If a small number of animals become ill, then main reason are Bordetella (Bordetella bronchiseptica), and if the disease manifests itself en masse, then the dominant factor is the strains Pasteurella multocida(progressive IAR). Bad conditions contents (overcrowding, lack of enclosures, low temperature and high air humidity, causing inflammation respiratory tract) increase the rate of spread of IAR and intensify the symptoms of the disease. Piglets with a lower birth weight are more susceptible to the disease than piglets of normal weight. Individuals with high body weight gain are thought to be particularly susceptible.

    Pathogenesis. A factor that facilitates colonization of the nasal cavity by pasteurella, and perhaps a prerequisite, is infection of piglets with Bordetella, which is considered the second etiological factor. In unfavorable conditions of detention in The bacterial flora in the nasal cavity of pigs changes. The essence of the process in IAR is not only the atrophy of the nasal turbinates, but and slow and atypical development under the influence of Pasteurella toxin, multiplying in the nasal mucosa and possibly in the tonsils and lungs. Deformation of the inner part of the skull makes it difficult to eat food and impairs the sense of smell, which weakens appetite. In addition, when deformed There is no heating of the nasal bones and air purification, this increases the risk of pneumonia.

    Clinical signs. IAR is diagnosed by clinical, morphometric signs, results of bacteriological and serological studies. In pigs, growth inhibition, deformation of the skull bones (shortening of the jaw - brachygnathia, its curvature to the side or upward), lacrimation, sneezing, and sometimes nosebleeds are detected. Some signs (lacrimation, sneezing, nosebleeds) may appear already before suckling piglets or a few days after weaning. The disease is easily diagnosed by malocclusion - the canines of the upper jaw do not cover the canines lower jaw, which are usually pushed forward. Thick transverse folds of skin are visible on the upper jaw. It is believed that when clinical signs of IAR are detected in 3-5% of pigs, morphometric changes in the nasal turbinates may be present in 50-70% of the animals in the herd. A frequent sign of IAR is a triangular dark spot in the inner corner of the eye, clearly visible on white pig skin. Its cause is blockage of the nasolacrimal duct and conjunctivitis. The spot appears due to increased lacrimation and accumulation of dirt. The disease occurs without an increase in body temperature, but causes inhibition of development and sometimes exhaustion. In addition to the described progressive clinical form IAR is common light form illnesses - bordetellosis. Snorting and sneezing are the main clinical signs of this form of the disease, although atrophy of the nasal turbinates is found at autopsy. With IAR due to a decrease protective functions upper respiratory paths often (10-70%) develops catarrhal-purulent pneumonia.

    Pathological changes . In addition to changes that can be detected by clinical trial, the main pathological changes concern the nasal cavities. When the skull is incised along the midline and the nasal septum is removed, varying degrees atrophy of the turbinates, and sometimes atrophy of the ethmoid bone. Atrophy can be so significant that longitudinal waves of the mucous membrane are formed. Although usually it is partial (20-25%). Changes in the nasal septum are often detected - curvature and thickening. In a cross-section of the nasal cavities at the height of the first premolar, one or two-sided enlargement of the cavities due to atrophy of the shells can be detected. It is characteristic that the bones limiting the nasal cavities noticeably thicken (osteodystrophy) and change shape. It is important to perform cross-sections at the same height at all times, because other parts of the nasal cavity have a different anatomy.

    Receipt and forwarding of material for research . For a morphometric study, the heads of 10 suspicious fattening pigs with a body weight of about 100 kg are selected. Research can be carried out not only in the laboratory, but also in the slaughterhouse. Laboratory diagnostics aimed at detecting pasteurella, determining their type (D A) and assessment of their toxicogenicity. Herd monitoring can be carried out using serological tests (neutralization test), by determining toxicogenicity in cell culture and by ELISA using monoclonal antibodies. For research, blood samples are taken from gilts and fatteners. For bacteriological studies, swabs are taken from the nasal cavities of piglets and gilts with suspected IAR. Smears are transported in sterile closed tubes. It is advisable, especially when purchasing for a breed, to examine pigs using ELISA to determine antibodies to dermonecrotoxins.

    Control measures. The status of the herd according to IAR is determined during examination and clinical examination of pigs. The decisive data are the morphometric analysis of the cross-section of the nasal turbinates, performed at the level of the first and second premolars to determine the size of the gap between the concha and the side wall or septum of the nose (degree of atrophy) in the place where she is the largest. If the sum of the sizes in millimeters of the cracks in the left and right nasal cavities exceeds 6 mm, then the result is considered positive. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the correctness anatomical structure nasal septum. If there is noticeable deformation, even with a slight decrease in shells, the result for the herd is considered positive.

    If no deviations from the norm are found in the structure of the shells, the herd is considered free from IAR, regardless of the results of serological and bacteriological studies. At the same time, the detection of morphometric changes, even in one case, gives grounds to consider the farm unfavorable according to the IAR. In this case, you should do bacteriological research for identification Pasteurella multocida and Bordetellci bronchiseptica and determining their sensitivity to antibiotics. Pigs with IAR are immediately transferred to a separate room in another building with a separate service personnel. Sick pigs are treated, fattened and slaughtered. The pens where the sick animals and neighboring ones were located are cleaned and disinfected. Vaccines are used for prevention Porcilis AR containing toxin P. multocida and antigens V. bronchiseptica, as well as a vaccine Atrobac-Z, which contains antigens RT and Bb, as well as the causative agent of erysipelas. According to the manufacturers' recommendations, sows are immunized in the third trimester of pregnancy in the first cycle twice with an interval of 3-6 weeks, in each subsequent cycle - once 2 weeks before farrowing. If a vaccine is used Atrobac-3, In addition to sows, piglets and boars are immunized (every six months). It has been proven that vaccine prevention of IAR and improvement of living conditions prevent the appearance of the clinical form of the disease. Very good results are achieved by simultaneous immuno- and chemoprophylaxis. Chemotherapy drugs are selected based on the results of determining the sensitivity of isolated strains Pasterella multocida and Bordetella bronchiseptica with adjustments every 3 months. Dermotoxic strains of Pasteurella are sensitive to lincospectin, tiamulin, tetracyclines, amoxicillin and enrofloxacin. Antibiotics are given to piglets in the first days of life in doses recommended by manufacturers. The effectiveness of treatment increases with improved living conditions. During preventive measures and within 10 months after the last clinical case IAR's entire pig population is examined monthly by a veterinarian. The results of the research and all activities carried out must be recorded in a journal. outpatient appointment sick animals. Control of microclimate and feeding is required. In the fight against IAR, the role of disinfection is invaluable, for which it is used Virkon, Galamid, Rapidsid, Agrosteril. 10 months after the last case of IAR veterinarian must select 10 fattening animals and subject them to pathological and morphometric studies after slaughter. Negative result These studies allow us to recognize the farm as free from IAR.
