Reinforced intestinal peristalistic. Intestinal motoric: concept, norm and pathology, treatment of violations

Any failure digestive system can lead to development serious diseases other organs. At the same time, immunity decreases, the general condition of the body is worse. That is why, to get rid of various diseases, many experts recommend immediately change their food habits, to comply with the diet.

The state of the digestive tract directly depends on the intestinal peristals. Any disorders called diskinesia lead to unpleasant consequences that will be described in detail below. At the same time, they can be easily eliminated, thanks to which restored normal work digestive system.

Definition of intestinal peristaltics

What is the intestinal peristals? Have you ever wondered what is happening in the body with any food consumed by man? At first it enters the stomach, where digested using hydrochloric acid produced by the mucous membrane and turns into the so-called food lump. On the last stage This most lump moves into the rectum through wave-like intestinal abbreviations.

It is these movements that are called peristaltic. In the intestinal walls there are smooth muscles located in two layers perpendicular to each other. Their agreed reductions and form a "wave" that displays the food lump to rear aisle. The speed of its movement can be completely different depending on the circumstances. For example, along the small intestine, the lump moves either very slowly or, on the contrary, very quickly. Basically it depends on the features of the absorbed food. In the colon, wave-like cuts slow down, but powerful movements occur several times during the day, which contribute to the promotion of lumps towards the outlet.

Peristalistic arises immediately after any food falls into the gastrointestinal tract. The frequency of reduction of smooth muscles depends on the specific intestinal department and can be:

  • up to 3 within a minute in the rectum;
  • 3 or 4 cuts per minute in a thick intestine;
  • 9-10 B. thin intestines;
  • about ten abbreviations in a 12-risen intestine.

When slowing down the work of smooth muscles arise serious problems With defecation (constipation), and the metabolism is worsening. Because of this, the whole organism suffers. First appears weakness and feeling constant fatigueAnd then any diseases of the digestive tract and other organs can develop.

How to recognize the deceleration of intestinal peristals?

It is possible to identify the wrong work of the intestinal smooth muscles by a number of signs. The most basic one includes:

  • painfulness At the bottom of the abdomen. They can resemble fights (women will understand), or wearing a weak one. Food lump begins to decompose, which leads to. They may not give a person to fall asleep, cause serious discomfort. The pain feels especially acute after meals, as well as after the use of drinks containing caffeine;
  • already mentioned above constipation, from which you can get rid of only use or enema. If you do not start the treatment in a timely manner, after a while the intestine will no longer empty independently;
  • scrawling, which is a consequence of reinforced gas formation;
  • the appearance of overweight problems;
  • incixation of the body. Food lump quickly decomposes, highlighting toxic substances that lead to poisoning. At the same time, a person begins to suffer from strong allergic reactions, the thickness of the hair is sharply increasing, the state of the skin is worse;
  • deterioration general status organism. It is expressed in sleep disorders, lethargy and apathy, man begins to explode about and without reason.

All these phenomena can be eliminated, if you immediately take advantage of the help of a gastroenterologist. Specialist will conduct the necessary research and appoints proper treatmentwhich will lead the peristaltics to normal.

Why slow intestinal peristalste slows down?

Before you treat any disease, you need to get to the cause of its occurrence. The same applies to problems with peristaltic. Too slow reducing the smooth muscles of the intestine can occur in the following cases:

  • low-moving image life lack of exercise that allows
  • constantly support muscles in tone;
  • consumption of food that have high calorie. They are much worse digested, which slows down the promotion of the food lump;
  • any chronic diseases digestive tract;
  • age changes in the body;
  • genetic predisposition to intestinal diseases;
  • both benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • effects operational intervention.

No matter why problems arise with the reduction of smooth muscles, first of all it is necessary to change their food habits. Without balanced nutrition Accelerate the peristaltics is not possible. Over time, toxic substances can penetrate other organs, causing serious intoxication. In addition, cavalous stones appear in the intestinal cavity, which damage the walls and muscles, lead to cracks and bleeding.

A serious problem is the deterioration of metabolism. It entails changes hormonal background, causes aggravation and rapid development of any chronic diseases.

Accelerate intestinal peristalsis: medication treatment

Any drugs that are listed below can only be used after consulting a doctor. Otherwise, there is a risk of applying irreversible harm both to the intestinal itself and the entire digestive tract.

To speed up the peristaltics, the doctor may prescribe several types of drug drugs, which we will tell in detail below.

Muscular Tone Medicines

These include drugs such as prozerne or vasopressin. They are prescribed to improve motility. As a result, the reduction rate of smooth muscles increases, which contributes to the normal removal of the food lump from the body.

Laxative preparations

These drugs are developed for different intestinal departments and are divided into several groups:

  • preparations for the small intestine, the most common of which is castor oil. It not only increases the motorcy, but also softens the carte masses, so that their elimination is significantly accelerated;
  • preparations for a large intestine. Strengthen the tone of smooth muscles to improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract. EXAMPLE - Cruise bark and other medicines that have natural origin;
  • Guttalaks and others synthetic preparations. They must be taken with extreme caution. The thing is that such medicines are addictive. After long reception The patient simply cannot empty the intestines.

There are also laxatives that have a beneficial effect at the same time on all bowel deposits. These include drugs created on the basis of Senna's leaves, as well as some synthetic means. You need to drink them only by appointment of a doctor.

Food, enhanced by peristaltics

As mentioned above, to accelerate the wave-like cuts of smooth muscles, it is required to completely change their food habits. It is best to completely exclude from the menu or significantly limit the use of oily, salt and smoked dishes, refuse drinks with high content caffeine. Beneficially affect the peristaltics the following products:

  • dried fruits. Figs, dried, prunes and others should be in your daily menu;
  • dairy products - kefir, rippy, high-quality yogurts;
  • fresh cabbage juices, carrots, potatoes;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • flax seeds, all kinds of nuts, sprouted cereals;
  • porridge. For their preparation, you need to use buckwheat and oatmeal, millet. Channel and rice for a while should be excluded from the diet, as they "fasten" the stomach;
  • non-fat meat with the addition of a large number of vegetables.

In addition, it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of water during the day. Fully cancel the carbonated drinks. You should not withdraw sharp and spicy dishes from the menu, as they stimulate the intestinal work.

Eggs in any form, grenades, baking, potatoes, strong black tea is better to exclude at all. The thing is that these products slow down the peristaltics and can create serious defecation problems.

It is very desirable for the intestinal diseases to completely abandon the food containing sugar. The thing is that it enhances putroy processes in digestive tract And often turns out to be the main cause of intoxication. We recommend replacing it with fresh vegetables and fruits or sweeteners of natural origin.

Excellent solution to defecation problems - fractional food. Food should be taken in small portions 5-6 times a day. By observing this mode, you can get rid of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In no case cannot ignore the urge to defecation, as it leads to the gradual relaxation of smooth muscles and often becomes the cause of undesirable consequences.

We complement the proper nutrition of physical exertion

If you are conducting a sedentary lifestyle, it is necessary to urgently increase physical exertion. Start with easy charging in the morning, gradually introducing such exercises into it as "bike", lifting and breeding legs to the side from the position lying on the back. They increase muscle tone and beneficially affect the entire digestive system.

Improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract allows you to update the body in a very short timeriding a bike or classes on special simulators. Remember that physical activity is one of the mandatory conditions for accelerating peristaltic. If you can not engage in physical education due to a banal lack of time, try to walk as much as possible on foot.

We most often not notice exactly how our body is functioning and do not pay attention to his needs. However, after the activity of some organs is broken, Ignore the emerging symptoms simply fails. This is the case with the work of the digestive tract. After all, some changes in his normal functioning Immediately affect the quality of our life. Quite frequent reason for appealing to the doctor is a violation of intestinal peristals, which can become increased and sluggish, consider the symptoms of such pathological conditions and discuss them possible treatment.

In general, the term of the intestinal peristalsis itself is used to designate natural abbreviations of the intestinal walls, which contribute to the promotion of its contents - digestible food.

Increased intestinal peristalsis


Basic manifestation increased peristaltics - This is a frequent chair that can be different in its structure (not necessarily liquid). In some cases, such a phenomenon may be accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms - pains at the bottom of the abdomen, bloating, the appearance of mucus in feces. In addition, many patients note that they are concerned about the feeling of insufficiently emptying the intestines after defecation.

Increased intestinal peristalsis is sufficiently dangerous for our health, because with such a violation, the body simply does not have time to fully process food and receive useful substances from it. In addition, a frequent chair can cause the body's dehydration.

How is the intestinal peristalistic corrected, the treatment for it?

Therapy of elevated peristalsis directly depends on the causes of its occurrence. In the event that this violation developed due to the intestine of some irritants, the frequent chair is most often normalized by itself, after the aggressive particles leave the body. At the same time, various medicinal drugs can be taken to normalize the state, for example, absorbents that can bind irritating substances and take them out of the body.

If the cause of increased peristaltic was such a violation as "irritable bowel syndrome", its therapy implies a complete change in food habits. The patient should refuse frankly harmful food and products provoking meteorism. To eliminate pain, the doctor usually prescribes antispasmodics, for example, dicetell, sprome or Duspatalan. With significant participation in the chair, the imodium is usually used, and if this symptom is expressed moderately, preference is preferred, filter, activated corner etc.

It should be borne in mind that the increased peristalsis of the intestine can be observed and in the presence of a patient with neurogenic problems without inflammatory process. In addition pathological condition Perhaps with violations of water exchange, an increase in venous pressure, a decrease in the osmotic pressure of colloids, as well as with portal hypertension, destroying heart failure and when the system is blocked lymphatic vessels. In all these cases, the elimination of high peristaltics should begin with identifying and correction of the root cause of this violation.

Slugged intestinal peristalsis

How does the intestinal peristals manifest, what are the symptoms?

The main manifestation of sluggish intestinal peristals is constipation, in other words, the absence of a chair. Such a phenomenon may be accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, among which the feeling of lethargy, headaches, insomnia. Many patients also complain about nausea, decline in appetite and bad mood. They are also concerned about the appearance unpleasant Tribus, discomfort, severity and overcrowding in the area abdominal cavity. The widespread symptoms of the sluggish intestinal peristaltics are also inferior and painful feelings.


Can cope with the sluggish peristalistic intestine medicinal preparations. To do this, you need to consume more food containing alimentary fiber. They help to delay water in the gastrointestinal tract, increase the volume of feces and make it soft, stimulating the peristaltics. So experts advise eating more raw vegetables and fruits, consume junk cultures, sea cabbage, bone berries and bananas. In addition, the diet should include dairy products, crumbling porridges, bread from coarse grinding and vegetable oil. It is worth abandoning fastening food (rice, coffee, tea, cottage cheese, chocolate, flour).

Patients with a sluggish peristalistic intestine need to drink more water - About two liters on the day, and also to teach their body to emptily at the same time. An extremely important role is played by sufficient daily physical activity.

If the sluggish peristalistic is a symptom of some ailments, it is worth conducting their treatment.
In certain cases, it makes sense to take laxatives and means folk Medicinewho have a weak impact. To begin with, it is worth a preference to the most harmless means, like Dufahalak, which can also be purchased under the name of Lacktulose. A good effect is applied to castor oil, the crust of the crash and leaves of Senna.

In disorders of intestinal peristalsis, which continue for a long time or repeated again and again, it is worth contacting the doctor to determine the causes of such problems and selection effective treatment.

Catherine, www.Syt.

P.S. The text uses some forms of characteristic speech.

Intestinal peristalsis is the process of wave-like reducing the intestinal walls, helping to transport its contents with upper departments Before the outlet. In this process main role Performed smooth muscles, two layers of which are located in the intestinal walls. In the first layer, the muscles fiber are located longitudinally, and in the second century. The interconnected movements of these two muscle groups are forming a peristaltic wave, the frequency of the manifestation of which is different in certain sections of the intestine.

For example, in a small intestine, the speed of peristaltic waves, depending on the department, can be slow, very slow, fast and rapid. Simultaneously along the small intestine, several peristaltic waves can be held.

It is worth noting that in the small intestine, the speed of the peristalsis is much slower than in the rest of the orana, therefore the speed of food over it takes much longer time. Just a few times a day in the small intestine, strong abbreviations are formed, guiding the contents of the cavity to the rear-ground opening.

After the food fills the stomach, the peristalistic occurs in coloring intestine Under the action of reflex. The intestinal peristals rate is: a duodenal intestine - 10-12 cuts per minute, thin - 9-12, tolstoy - 6-12, direct up to 3 times.

In order to protect your body from unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the risk factors providing negative influence on intestinal peristalsis.

Causes of intestinal peristaltics

The main factors provoking the disorder of intestinal peristalsis are:

  • Diseases of the chronic nature of the digestive organs (liver, gall-bubble, pancreas);
  • Not proper nutrition, mostly use in small amounts of high-calorie food;
  • Malignant I. benign tumors intestines;
  • Previously transferred on the abdominal organs surgical operations;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Age factor (most often people after 60 years);
  • Hereditary factor;
  • Acceptance of drugs affecting;
  • Long stress and violation in the work of the central nervous system.

The main reasons for the intestinal peristaltics violations, which are subject to most of the world's population is improper nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. Intercepting on the "run" and most often sandwiches and fast foods, drinking all this with strong coffee or sweet carbonated drinks, a person does not represent how much fat and sugar, it turns out in its body. Namely, the "explosive" combination of sugar and fat is carried out to fermentation and rotting processes in the intestines. The consequences of irregular nutrition are the formation of hemorrhoids, polyps and tumors. In addition, falling into the cavity of the colon, toxins poison not only the digestion organ, but strikes the kidneys and the liver. In the slapted intestine, kalovaya stones are beginning to form, irritating the organ mucous membrane.

The absence or too slow peristalistic leads to the formation of constipation and stagnation of blood in all organs of the small pelvis. If you want to avoid the threat of the occurrence of diseases associated with violation of intestinal peristals, pay attention to the reasons to promote the development of this ailment.

Most often, the intestinal peristalsis is broken in people leading a sedentary lifestyle. To accelerate the peristaltics, adequate and dosage exercises are necessary, accentuated for the abdominal cavity.


The main symptoms manifested in violation of intestinal peristalsis:

  1. Painfulness in the abdomen, different intensity. So, they can manifest itself in the form of sharp spasms or easily discomfort, very often they oscillate during the day. Most often, they decrease after the intestinal emptying or gases. Most often, the pain does not bother. When using caffeine, they are the opposite, they can increase. And also, their degree increases from stress and emotional load.
  2. Meteorism - most often arises in digestion.
  3. Symptoms of intoxication of the body, allergies and the appearance on the skin of rash, acne and jets.
  4. Violation of the chair - more often goes into a chronic character and can be replaced by constipation. Defecation becomes impossible without laxatives.
  5. Increased weight - occurs due to disorders of digestion and weak absorption useful substances.
  6. Bad condition Whole organism: insomnia, general weakness, irritability.

Symptoms of digestive organs are similar to each other. When they occur their occurrence, consult a doctor, to establish the correct diagnosis and the preparation of the treatment regimen, in order for this in the future it has not turned into pathology internal organs.

Diagnosis and treatment

Symptoms of dyskinesia do not have the manifestations characteristic only, so diagnose the disease based on the patient's complaints is very hard. First of all, doctors exclude tumors and digestive organs, diverticulus and colitis. Standard examination consists of coprology, irrigoscopy and colonoscopy, if necessary with biopsy. The survey will help not only accurately establish the disease, but also clarify the reason for its occurrence.

As a rule, the treatment of peristaltics, includes a whole range of events: the appointment of medicines, LFK (therapeutic physical culture) and nutritional adjustment. In addition, often among the gastroenterologists, there are those that in the treatment of the disease are resorted to the means of traditional medicine.

To strengthen and accelerate the motorcycle, the evacuation of the entire contents in the cavity is prescribed to enhance its tone. A number of certain laxatives affect the individual divisions of the authority are usually used. So the following laxatives can be appointed:

  • Laxatives affecting the entire intestine - most often prescribed at sharp constipation;
  • The laxatives affecting the small intestine - most often it is the means based on castor oil. Increasing the intestinal motility, the laxative can cause sharp spasms passing during emptying.
  • Laxatives for colon - there are vegetable or synthetic origin.

Treatment of violation takes a long period of time. The most harmless are laxatives on vegetable basis.

The treatment of intestinal peristalsis at times is accompanied by the use of antidepressants, neuroleptics and tranquilizers. Such treatment is prescribed for a disease associated with stress.

That's right food - a guarantee of the restoration of all digestive organs. Using healthy food will help to normalize the work of the digestive system and clean the body from slags and toxins. From the diet, some products should be excluded, while others, on the contrary, increase.

Unwanted products, checking peristaltics:

  1. Caffeine-based drinks (coffee, cocoa, tea);
  2. Chocolate;
  3. Butter;
  4. Baking I. white bread;
  5. Porridge (rice, pearl, manna);
  6. Soups puree and vegetable puree;
  7. Fruits - Pear, Quince;
  8. Berries (cherry, blackfold Rowan.);
  9. Berry Kissel cooked on starch.

The reinforced intestinal peristalistic is possible when using the following products:

  • Greens;
  • Seafood and sea cabbage;
  • Nuts;
  • Fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, prokobvash, sour cream);
  • Containing a large amount of fiber vegetables (radishes, carrots, cabbage, radish, beet). Evacuation from digestive organs is most effective when used next vegetables: Tomatoes, watermelon, melon, onions and cucumbers;
  • Vegetable oils (with the exception of the creamy);
  • Bread with bran;
  • Porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • Dried fruits (figs, dried, prunes, raisins);
  • Fruits and berries (apricot, persimmon, acidic apples, grapes, plum, gooseberry, etc.).

The treatment of peristaltics includes and dosed physical exertion, including: running, swimming, horse riding, exercises for press and tennis. Such treatment will be particularly effectively with cold water and abdominal massage.

The prescription of treatment should be carried out directly by the doctor. The intestinal peristalsis (elevated) will contribute to a faster removal of life products from the body. Such treatment requires a patient accurate compliance with medical recommendations, ensuring a balanced physical activity and proper food intake. Such measures will allow you to normalize all the functions of the tract and ensure complete recovery.

Intestinal peristalsis is a systematic reduction in the smooth muscles of the body that allows food to advance gastrointestinal And ultimately, to remove undigested residues from the body.

Also, motor was needed for effective digestion: due to the reduction of the internal muscles in the hollow organs delivered the enzymes of the gallbladder and the pancreas.

Proper functioning of the totality of all systems human body Directly associated with bowel health. The immunity of man depends on the state of the gastrointestinal organs, his well-being and efficiency. Often, failures in the work of the digestive tract become the basis for the development of other diseases.

IN normal condition The hollow organ is reduced systematically. Muscular fibers The inner walls are lined with two layers: in the first they are located longitudinally, in the second - ring-shaped.

The amplitude of the wave-like muscles movement varies depending on the intestinal area: the small intestine is reduced in slow, and in the rapid pace. In addition, several contractions can be performed simultaneously in this department.

In the colon of the food lump, it moves much slower. The intensity of the peristaltic impulse increases several times a day at the time of the urges to empty.

Normal is the frequency of abbreviations: for duodenal gut - 1-12 per minute, for direct - 9-12, for thickness - 3-4 and 6-12, for direct - 3.

What happens if the intestinal motor activity is enhanced or, on the contrary, is reduced? The process of passing the food lump in the intestinal tube is complicated, as a result of which digestion suffers: the useful substances from the incoming food are absorbed slower and not in dueum, intolerant food is stored in the body, highlighting poisoning toxins.

Violation motor function leads to the development of a number of diseases that manifest themselves intestinal disorders in the form of diarrhea or constipation, increased gas formation, abdominal pain, inflammation of the mucous membranes, ulcerative damage to the walls of the internal organs.

Factors contributing to the development of pathology

The main reasons for the weakening of the motor function becomes:

  • improper nutrition, consumption of a large number of simple carbohydrates, high-calorie dishes;
  • nutrition of the power mode: long intervals between meals, overeating;
  • not sufficient number liquid consumed; dehydration;
  • low level of physical activity;
  • chronic liver diseases, gallbladder, pancreas;
  • infection of the body;
  • malignant neoplasms in the intestine;
  • complications after the surgical intervention on the abdominal organs;
  • syndrome chronic fatigue, constant stress, depression;
  • side effects of medicines;
  • heredity and features of the elderly;
  • dear habits: smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction.

Weak peristalistic, which is most often due to improper nutrition, leads to constipation. Drinks on the go, harmful food (fast food, sweets, flour, coffee, carbonated drinks) cause digestive disorders.

Permanent fermentation and rotting undigested and unfocused food leads to intoxication: a destructive impact turns out to be first for nearby organs - kidneys, liver - then harmful substances Other systems are affected.

High leveling levels, the formation of honeystones negatively affect the state of the mucous. Stubborn constipation contribute to the development of hemorrhoids, the formation of polyps in the intestines that can be reborn into cancer tumors.

It is less common another variant of peristaltic dysfunction - an increase in muscle contractions. Ensuring the motor activity of digestive organs can such factors as:

  • eating products irritating mucous: sour, sharp dishes;
  • oncology;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • psychoneurological disorders;
  • reception of some drugs (for example, antibiotics).

In this case, the patient is tormented strong pain, diarrhea: a very liquid chair, a fenal consistency. Frequent diarrhea lead to dehydration. Therefore, when driving motility, especially in children, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Symptoms of intestinal peristaltics

Signs testifying to dysfunction of the digestive tract are:

  • pains having a different degree of severity - from invisible discomfort to sharp spasms. Painses are reduced after a trip to the toilet, gases. Also can serve at night, and with meals (behind the morning cup of coffee or strong tea) are reinforced. Negative emotions are able to provoke pain strengthening;
  • lubricated defecation (constipation). Over time, constipation acquire chronic character. Emptize the intestine natural way It becomes almost impossible;
  • feeling of gravity at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • bloating, reinforced gas formation;
  • unpleasant smell of mouth;
  • decline in appetite against the background of the weight gain;
  • pallor skin;
  • signs of general ailment: lethargy, fatigue, fast fatiguability, headaches, insomnia, irritability;
  • dizziness: with a result of the undervolving of useful substances anemia;
  • signs of poisoning: Allergies, deterioration of the condition of the skin and hair.

Dysfunction characterized by an increase in the contractile movements of smooth muscles is accompanied by:

  • sharp pain in the intestinal area;
  • frequent diarrhea with mucus or blood particles;
  • meteorism, bloating;
  • lack of relief after defecation, false urges on emptying;
  • signs of dehydration are observed: dry mouth, weakness, drowsiness, chills, pulse, decreases immunity.

Listed symptoms are alarm signalsthat cannot be left without attention. To prevent heavy consequences It is necessary to contact the clinic, where experts on the results of analyzes and research will be able to determine accurate diagnosis And prescribe effective therapy.


During the inspection and at Palpation, there is already a bloating, soreness when pressing the abdomen.

Effective laboratory research There will be a coprogram - feces analysis for blood, pathogenic microflora.

Among the instrumental methods are the most informative:

  • endoscopy - Intestinal examination with optics;
  • colonoscopy - using a special tube with a probe introduced into the rear pass, the doctor will estimate the degree of passability of the organ, the state of the mucous membrane, will take a sample of material for histological analysis;
  • irrigoscopy - x-ray with the simultaneous administration of contrasting suspension;
  • Ultrasound of the small pelvis organs and MRI are carried out in difficult situations.

Treatment of intestinal peristalistic disorders

To restore the functioning of digestive organs, an integrated approach is used, which includes changes in nutrition, exercise. When chronic constipation, petition kALOV MASS. Medical therapy is shown.

Medicinal products

First of all, it is necessary to clean the digestive tract from the stagnant fees. To this end, prescribe laxatives (Guttalaks, phenolphthalein, duphalak) presented on pharmaceutical market In various forms - in the form of tablets, drops, rectal candles.

Natural laxatives are rhubarb roots, licorice, crash bark, Senna leaves. Plant-based drugs include regulats.

Potent means used when emptying impossible, English and glauberova Sol.. They affect the entire intestine, producing the necessary effect in a couple of hours after the reception.

Softens the food lump, makes it easier to advance to the rear aisle castor oil. The effect is usually observed in a few hours.

To get involved in laxatives should not be: they are addictive, digestive Organs Can "deal with" work independently, without external incentives.

The reinforcing effect on the muscles of the intestine is provided by prozerne, vasopressin, aceclidine. They enhance the motor activity, stimulating the passage of food on the digestive tract.

Help digestion is rendered by Mezim, Festal, Creon, which is not recommended for longer than 10 days.

For the adjustment of psychosomatic disorders prescribe sedatives, antidepressants.

All drugs, their dosage and treatment diagram are appointed by a specialist. Replacing the medicine or early termination of its reception is possible only after a repeated examination. Independent use any pharmaceuticals prohibited!


The active lifestyle contributes to the restoration of the motility of the internal organs. Running, swimming, hiking, horse riding, podaching exercises abdominal press There is an intestine to normal.

Regarding unusual physical loads for you, advise you to consult a specialist of the exercise.

Complex of motility enhancing exercises:

  1. from the position lying (you can immediately after waking up lying in bed. It is important that the surface is not too soft!) Lift the case;
  2. lying on the back Lift the legs bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees and exercise "cycling";
  3. staying in the same position, wrap the knees bent with your arms and attract them to the chest;
  4. lower the bent legs at the feet and raise the pelvis;
  5. in position standing on the knees with a focus on the palm alternately, back the legs back;
  6. from the position standing on his knees with focus on elbows alternately sit on the right and left buttocks;
  7. from the position of standing slow squats with a decomposition of the pelvis back;
  8. jumping with a rope or without it (in the absence of pathologies of the organs of the small pelvis).

To reduce motor activity Intestinal exercises in the press should be avoided. IN this case Suitable stretching.

The daily abdomen massage will also stimulate the work of the gastrointestinal organs.

Beneficial effect on the body and cold and hot shower or dough cold water followed by intense rubbing a terry towel.

Necessary I. effective method The treatment of the disease is the observance of a diet based on the inclusion of vegetable fiber into the diet and reduce the consumption of high-calorie carboy food.

Basic rules for impaired dysfunction:

  • it is better to eat more than 3 times a day (4-5) in small portions. Food must be carefully chewed;
  • drink a sufficient amount of liquid (at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of weight in the absence of kidney problems). Get the habit in the morning drinking a glass of water temperature: this method will help the intestines to engage in work;
  • exclude from the Products Rich menu simple carbohydrates (sweets, especially chocolate, flour, fast food), starch (potatoes, rice, semolina), as well as annoying mucous membranes (carbonated drinks, fatty and fried dishes, pickles, smoked, canned foods, sour fruits);
  • caution use butter, boiled eggs, legumes that enhance gas formation;
  • we will have to limit the reception of strong tea and coffee, hot drinks;
  • to enhance the motility, fresh vegetables (cabbage, carrots, beets) and fruits (green apples, apricots, plums), bran, cereals, flax seed, porridge from oatmeal and buckwheat, greens, berries;
  • use for cooking dishes vegetable oils (preferably cold spin): olive, linen;
  • fresh juices (especially carrot, cabbage and beetroot, as well as berry), compotes, dairy products, dried fruits;
  • if possible, eat more seafood, sea cabbage.
  • rubbed soups;
  • porringer, rice, mankey;
  • dishes non-fat varieties meat, eggs;
  • vegetable puree;
  • binding fruits and berries (quince, pear, cherry, black rowan).

From cigarettes and alcohol to refuse anyway.

Funds of traditional medicine

Non-traditional methods are able to effectively add major treatment: clean the lined intestine, restore its motor function, stimulate healing damaged tissues and get rid of pathogens.

Before use folk remedies Consultation of a specialist!

Recipes against constipation:

  • bran, fiber that you can eat separately or add to various dishes (salads, soups, porridges, kisins) for 1-2 tablespoons per day;
  • beet salad with prune or garlic;
  • a mixture of prunes and kuragi. 400 grams of dried fruits without bones twist on the meat grinder, adding 2 tbsp. Propolis tinctures, Senna leaves (1 pack) and 200 ml of fresh, not suachering honey. All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly. Take 2 tsp. overnight, drinking water temperature water;
  • the decoction of the cortex is dried off instead of tea;
  • crumpled seeds of the plantain: for 1 tsp. Before taking food.

Prevention of the disease

Any disease is easier to prevent than treat. Therefore, the following recommendations will be a significant contribution to the health of your intestines:

  • adhere to the basics of balanced nutrition: the diet must be diverse, including plant tissue and protein. Do not let yourself overeat excessive hobbies sweets, flour, smoked, salted and greasy dishes;
  • support the body in Tonus: Make morning gymnastics, Walk on fresh air, ride a bike and skiing, swim in open water bodies or pool;
  • observe the mode of operation and recreation: sleep 7-9 hours, avoid psychological overvoltage and negative emotions;
  • we regularly attend the gastroenterologist (1-2 times a year) for preventive inspections and timely detection of deviations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Attentive attitude to its body will help you avoid many troubles. Be healthy!

Probably, each person easily or later faces such a problem as a violation of intestinal functionality. Due to failures in digestive processes may develop various aidsMany of which need emergency drug or surgical treatment. To prevent possible consequences People must restore the intestinal peristalsis, after which the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.

What is intestinal peristals

Intestinal peristalsis is a contracting process in which the walls of the organ are involved. Thanks to the systematic movements of a wave-like nature, the food coma is promoted to the outlet from the upper departments of the intestine. In this process, smooth muscle tissues localized in two layers are directly involved. In the first, their longitudinal accommodation is observed, in the second they are stationed circularly. Thanks to the agreed movements, muscle tissues create a wave, while in different departments The authority will be marked by its different frequency.

The intestinal nerd and other gastrointestinal organs perform essential functions In the general digestive process.

With its violation, all sorts of violations in the work of the authority occur:

  • the passage of the food coma is worse;
  • slow suction of nutrients slows down;
  • it makes it difficult to remove life products;
  • all non-digest food becomes nutrient environment for pathogenic microorganisms;
  • there is intoxication of the body;
  • develop various diseases in the busty bodies;
  • there are neoplasms that may have both benign and malignant nature.

The reasons

Modern medicine is known the following reasonsprovoking peristaltic violations:

  • little-moving and physically not an active lifestyle;
  • bad heredity;
  • incorrect meals, for example, when a large amount of high calorie food is present in the human menu;
  • old age;
  • the presence of diseases in the gastrointestinal bodies occur in chronic form;
  • violations by the central nervous system;
  • systematic stress;
  • conducted surgical treatment on organs located in the peritoneum;
  • the presence of neoplasms that have either malignant or benign nature;
  • long reception of some species medicineswhose components have a detrimental effect on the motorcy;
  • violation of defecation processes, etc.

The main reason for the occurrence of protracted constipation is the errors made by people in nutrition. Many patients do not adhere to the main rules in this matter and often snack on the run, use products. fast cookingFast food. If they combine such food with a large number of coffee and carbonated drinks, then in their digestive tract, a real "rattling mixture" is formed.

Against the background of excess accumulation of sugars and fats, putrid and fermentation processes are launched.

All the toxic substances accumulated in the intestine through the walls penetrate into the pernicial space, and begin to have a detrimental effect on the localized organs. If a person does not change the diet, and continues to eat harmful food, then by forty years, his intestine is shaking "under the urban". As a result, felling stones are formed, which in the process of displacement is injured by mucous membranes.

Against the absence of intestinal peristaltics, in humans:

  • chronic constipation arise;
  • blood stagnation;
  • polypotic formations grow;
  • tumors grow;
  • develops hemorrhoids, etc.


Accompany the impaired intestinal peristalsis symptoms:

  1. Arises owl of bellyThe meteorism develops. In such a category of patients, the process of digestion of food is accompanied by increased gas formation.
  2. Defecation processes are violated. People have prolonged constipation, which periodically change diarrhea. Quite quickly, the delay in the removal of carts acquires a chronic form. Patients for the intestinal emptying have to use auxiliary means, for example, to put enema, take medication drugsWith a relaxing effect.
  3. Observed deterioration general well-being . Man begins to experience weakness and quickly tires even with minor physical Loads. A dream is disturbed, irritability increases.
  4. There are quite often arising painful feelings In the region of the peritoneum, the place of their localization can be any. The intensity of pain varies in a wide range. A person can feel weak spasming, as well as test acute pain. Discomfort can weaken or enhance depending on the time of day and from the trapes. Some people have pain disappearing after committing an act of defecation, or after moving out the accumulated gas from the intestine. Also pain syndrome It can dulk at night, and gain intensity after morning meal, after drinking drinks, which contains caffeine. It is also worth noting that pain may occur after stress transferred, nervous shocks.
  5. Begins increase weight. According to statistics, most patients with impaired intestinal peristaltics suffer from obesity.
  6. Observed signs of intoxication. Patients develop under the influence of toxic substances allergic reactions, penette, rash, acne appear on the skin cover.

Diagnostic events

After the detection of anxiety symptoms, a person should contact a hospital institution to obtain consultation and passing a comprehensive examination. Specialists will be extremely difficult, relying only on clinical picture Subject to put an accurate diagnosis. This is due to the fact that many diseases occurring in the gastrointestinal tract have identical symptoms. That is why the patient will have to pass various tests and go through hardware examinations, the results of which will help doctors to differentiate the disease and develop an effective scheme medical therapy.

Patients need to go comprehensive examinationproviding for:

  • passing basic analyzes;
  • passing feces to identify hidden blood;
  • passing colonoscopy;
  • dumping outlets on dysbacteriosis;
  • irrigoscopy passage;
  • examined through the endoscope;
  • pass biological material on histology;
  • it is possible to have radiography, CT or MRI.

Treatment methods

In the process of treating the violation of intestinal peristalsis, narrow-profile specialists tend to use an integrated approach. Such a category of patients are prescribed by drugs, it is recommended to perform exercise, Power is adjusted. Also, many doctors practice parallel involvement of tested folk recipes, herbal info, courage capable of strengthening intestinal peristaltics.


Today, many experts are very successfully involved in the process of therapy of impaired intestinal peristaltics. medication toolswhose components stimulate and enhance the motor's motorcycle. They also increase muscle tone. For example, Tablets "Vasopressin", "Aceclidine", "Prezero".

Such a category of patients are prescribed by medicines with a relaxing stool effect by which it will be possible to strengthen contracting functions organ Thanks to the use of such drugs, patients are managed by increasing the peristaltic intestines.

In the process of therapy, three groups of drugs can be applied:

  1. Affects only on the intestines. The most high-speed and strong laxatives of this group can include glauble and English salt. After a person takes it a laxative, he will almost instantly begin to grow in the intestine of the intestine of osmotic pressure. In parallel, an obstacle to the suction of Himus, namely, its liquid part, which will increase the peristaltics. The removal of the carts will begin approximately an hour.
  2. Impact only on the density of the intestine. Most. effective tool From this group is a well-known oil castor. After his reception, the patient will be facilitated by the process of promoting the intestinal feces, the motility will increase, the emptying process will be significantly accelerated. The removal of detergents will occur in the range from 2 to 6 hours. It is worth noting that the act of defecation may be accompanied by quite moderate spastic pain, the location of the localization of which is the stomach.
  3. Affecting only on the thick division of the intestine. This group includes drugs that have either synthetic or vegetable origin. Such a category of patients is often assigned synthetic medicines, such as Guttalaks tablets, "Bisakodil", "Phenolphthalein". All these drugs are presented in pharmacy chains in the form of suspensions, suppository, tablets. The components present in them enhance the intestinal peristaltics, effectively cope with protracted constipation, and also assist in atony of the organ arising after surgical treatment. It is worth noting that human body Quite quickly gets used to such medicines, as well as against the background of their reception may occur intestinal colic and allergic reactions. As for the medicines of plant origin, then with their manufacturers, manufacturers use such components: the rhizomes of licorice, crazy, rhubarb, delicate leaves. In pharmacy chains, they are presented in various pharmacological forms.

Also to the course of drug therapy, specialists include drugs that normalize the work of the central nervous system. For example, the condition is stabilized by antidepressants, tranquilizers, neuroleptics.

Nutrition rules

Patients need to be corrected their nutrition and adhere to the following recommendations that will help restore intestinal peristalsis:

  1. Vegetables are best used in untreated.
  2. Fresh juices should be present in the diet.
  3. Between the trapes, it is not difficult to be large temporary intervals.
  4. From the diet it is necessary to exclude all the harmful food.
  5. Before morning meal, drink a glass of water.
  6. The daily volume of the fluid should not be less than 1.5l.
  7. Patients need to use fermented dairy products.
  8. Before bedtime, it is recommended to drink a glass of skim kefir.

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