If the feces don't smell. Types of feces. Bristol Stool Shape Scale

Frequent urge to defecate, accompanied by the release of liquid feces with an unpleasant odor and foreign impurities, indicate the presence of a serious malfunction in the functioning of internal organs, provoked by infection, overeating, an allergic reaction, imbalance intestinal microflora, poisoning, exacerbation chronic diseases or inflammatory process. Unfortunately, most people prefer self-medication to visiting a doctor, which often leads to a deterioration in health: in addition to diarrhea and diarrhea, a person begins to suffer from pain and pain in the stomach and rectum, nausea that turns into vomiting, lack of appetite, flatulence, and bloating. Against the background of digestive problems, incessant diarrhea and vomiting, the victim may develop dehydration - a life-threatening and health-threatening condition that can be fatal. However, do not panic: you can prevent the development of complications by observing the following rules:

1 If loose stools, diarrhea with pungent odor you need to consult a doctor. If your condition does not allow you to get to the hospital on your own, you should call an ambulance. If a child develops diarrhea, you should not waste time traveling to the clinic: you need to call a doctor at home. Children under one year of age can die from dehydration within twelve hours of the appearance of loose stools, so you should not take risks: parents are not able to provide qualified assistance to the baby; only a specialist can do this.

2 If you have diarrhea and vomiting, you need to drink a glass of salted water or a “Regidron” / “Electrolyte” solution every half hour: the liquid will make up for the deficiency nutrients and restore the balance of moisture in the body.

3 To speed up the recovery process after severe diarrhea, you must follow all the recommendations of your doctor: if the specialist has prescribed not only medication, but also a diet, you should limit the consumption of foods included in the list of prohibited foods. Refusal of a therapeutic diet for diarrhea threatens to result in another attack of diarrhea, so do not neglect the advice of a doctor.

Causes causing loose stools, diarrhea with a strong odor

Loose stools with a pungent odor and foreign impurities can be provoked by:

1 chemical/nicotine/alcohol/food poisoning;

2 overdose of highly effective drugs can cause severe diarrhea;

4 inflammatory or tumor process in internal organs;

5 overeating ( frequent use food in large quantities negatively affects, first of all, the condition of the stomach and pancreas);

6 an allergic reaction to food can cause severe diarrhea and foul odor from feces;

7 imbalance of intestinal microflora;

8 exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs;

9 enhanced motor skills(motility) of the intestines often leads to diarrhea;

10 enzyme deficiency;

11 abuse of fast food, smoked meats, canned food, semi-finished products, sweets, baked goods, hot/sour/hot sauces;

12 frequent eating raw vegetables, fruits and berries (contained in fruits coarse fiber irritates the walls of the digestive tract and increases their peristalsis, which leads to diarrhea with a pungent odor and interspersed with mucus containing semi-digested food particles);

13 stress can cause nervous diarrhea, severe diarrhea: a nervous situation at work or at home can provoke nervous diarrhea or “bear sickness” - an unbearable urge to defecate, accompanied by the release of liquid feces of a normal color with a familiar smell.

Symptoms and signs of diarrhea, diarrhea

The diagnosis of diarrhea implies the presence of a frequent urge to defecate, accompanied by the release of liquid feces of various shades with a pungent, chemical or putrefactive odor. Diarrhea is often accompanied by cramps and pain in the intestinal area, increased body temperature, vomiting, and flatulence.

The impending “catastrophe” can be judged by the following signs:

1 bloating;

2 rumbling, gurgling, gurgling sounds accompanying the digestion process;

3 heaviness in the stomach;

4 nagging pain in the intestinal area;

5 increased gas formation;

6 weakness, lethargy, drowsiness;

8 nausea.

As a rule, diarrhea begins within an hour from the moment these symptoms appear. The frequency of the urge to defecate can reach fifteen times a day. Naturally, in such a situation, there is no talk of any work activity and social activity is out of the question: until the victim’s condition stabilizes, he is prohibited from leaving the home in order to avoid deterioration of well-being.

Types of diarrhea, what kind of diarrhea happens?

Experts distinguish two forms of diarrhea:

1 Acute diarrhea: occurs as a result of toxic substances or infectious agents entering the body and leads to immediate dehydration of the body.

2 Chronic diarrhea: occurs against the background of a malfunction of the digestive system, endocrine diseases and problems with blood circulation. It can last for two to three weeks, gradually depleting the victim’s body.

Cope with both acute and chronic forms of diarrhea in as soon as possible Only a doctor can: self-medication can lead to a worsening of the situation, so it is better to refuse it.

Causes of smelly, foul-smelling diarrhea, why is there a pungent odor from loose stools?

Diarrhea is a dysfunction gastrointestinal tract which are accompanied unpleasant sensations in the form of bloating and flatulence. In cases of prolonged, severe diarrhea, you should immediately consult a doctor. Based on the nature of loose stools, you can determine the disease that provoked it. Diseases of bacterial and non-bacterial origin are distinguished by color, blood spots, mucus and smell. There are a number of pathologies accompanied by very severe diarrhea with a foul odor.

The most common underlying causes of foul-smelling diarrhea are caused by:

1 Dysbacteriosis of the gastrointestinal tract. Quite often, stomach upset occurs due to the use of medical supplies antibacterial action.

2 Viral damage to the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, liquid feces have a very unpleasant, stinking odor. These include rotavirus infection.

3 Viral infection of simple origin. Symptoms include foul-smelling stools that are liquid in form.

4 Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract (so-called enteritis). In cases of attacks of colitis, there is a smell of rot and musty eggs.

5 Eating unprocessed, unwashed or poor quality food. Most often in such situations, you are more susceptible to diarrhea children's body. This is due to the fact that children are not so well developed immune system than that of an adult.

6 Dysentery, which is manifested by defecation in the form of diarrhea with rotten smell eggs

7 Allergies to certain foods.

8 Chronic diseases stomach and intestines.

9 Violation in daily diet baby nutrition. The appearance of a rotten smell during diarrhea is associated with insufficient consumption of foods containing fiber and protein.

10 Salmonellosis or cholera. The liquid stool will have a fishy odor.

11 Hepatitis A of viral origin.

Prevention of diarrhea, how to get rid of frequent diarrhea?

Not everyone knows how to prevent diarrhea, what to do to prevent diarrhea from appearing again? Compliance with the following rules will help prevent the appearance of loose stools with an unpleasant odor and foreign impurities:

1 Wash your hands thoroughly after visiting the restroom, going outside, or counting money: it settles on the skin great amount bacteria that, once in the body, can cause diseases such as dysentery, salmonellosis, helminthiasis and giardiasis.

2 When choosing products, pay attention, first of all, to their expiration date and composition. Various flavoring additives, preservatives, color fixatives can provoke an allergic reaction and poisoning, so give preference natural products: their shelf life rarely exceeds a week, which has its advantages - gentle processing allows you to preserve maximum beneficial properties.

Treatment of diarrhea involves following a diet and taking medications prescribed by a doctor based on the results of the following tests:

1 coprogram (determining the composition of feces);

2 ultrasound examination abdominal organs;

3 stool analysis for dysbacteriosis;

4 general blood test;

5 blood test for hepatitis virus.

It is necessary to take medications and tablets prescribed by a specialist for the treatment of diarrhea with an unpleasant odor in strict accordance with the instructions: exceeding the permissible dosage can provoke a relapse. During treatment, it is necessary to avoid foods that place additional stress on the body: alcohol, sweets, baked goods, freshly squeezed and ready-made juices, pork, beef, duck, goose, lamb, veal, spices, fish. fatty varieties, sausages and sausages, canned food, tea and coffee, fresh vegetables and fruits with the exception of persimmons and bananas. Chicken, rabbit, turkey, dry cookies, jelly, dried White bread, boiled or baked vegetables and fruits, water porridge with added milk, dried fruit compote, lean soups, natural yogurt without additives in the form of fruits and berries. Vitamins and probiotics can be prescribed as a supporting agent: they must also be taken in accordance with the instructions, otherwise stool disorders may recur.

Loose stools, diarrhea with the smell of rotten eggs or rot, causes

Loose stool with smell rotten eggs or rot signals the presence of an infection or inflammatory process in the internal organs, in particular the intestines. Diarrhea in this case is often accompanied by vomiting and fever. With vomit and feces, the body loses a huge amount of fluid: you can replenish its deficiency by drinking Regidron solution or ordinary, slightly salted water. You need to drink little but often: if you drink too much liquid at once, you may experience vomiting reflex.

Loose stools, diarrhea mixed with mucus, causes

Liquid stools with a pungent odor and an admixture of mucus occur against the background of an intestinal infection or flu in the legs. A person is not able to cope with diarrhea caused by the pathogens of these diseases on his own: only a doctor can help him.

Loose stools, diarrhea mixed with blood, reasons, what to do?

Liquid stool mixed with fresh or coagulated blood is an indication for urgent hospitalization: it is impossible to determine the cause of such a deviation without the use of special diagnostic methods. Diarrhea mixed with blood can be caused by a tumor process in the organs of the digestive system, erosive gastritis, open stomach ulcer or duodenum, intestinal infection, damage to the gastrointestinal tract foreign body, swallowed with food, and many other factors that only a qualified specialist can identify and eliminate. If the stool during diarrhea contains blood, obvious scarlet speckles, or diarrhea with black stool from already coagulated blood, you must definitely seek help and establish an accurate diagnosis from a doctor. And if diarrhea with blood is accompanied by severe loss of strength, if a person becomes sleepy, he develops signs of loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, heat body, then if even several of these symptoms are combined, it is necessary to call emergency medical attention.

What diseases can be caused if stool with diarrhea smells strongly?

In order to determine what is bothering you, you first need to diagnose the whole body and establish correct diagnosis. Accurate diagnosis Only a doctor can diagnose! He will also prescribe an effective effective treatment regimen. Self-treatment Absolutely forbidden! One of possible reasons The appearance of foul-smelling liquid stools with a sour odor in the baby is a rotavirus infection. The stool will be yellowish or greenish color. In addition to the terrible smell and color of stool, rotavirus infection is associated with abdominal pain and the urge to vomit. Also observed elevated temperature body, runny nose and lacrimation. Confirmation of the diagnosis is the isolation viral infection from feces.

A distinctive sign of dysentery is the appearance of painful sensations in the abdominal area, and then the appearance of gastrointestinal tract disorders in the form of diarrhea and the smell of eggs. In the stool one can distinguish impurities of mucous secretions and blood inclusions. Sometimes diarrhea looks a lot like spitting. The frequency of gastric emptying reaches more than twenty times a day. In order to accurately determine the disease, the patient must undergo a stool test for bacterial culture. Cholera is characterized by diarrhea with a fishy odor. The stool looks like rice water. Along with watery feces, there are urges to nausea and a gag reflex, signs of poisoning (intoxication) of the body and its dehydration. If diarrhea similar to congee urgently mandatory It is necessary to do a bacterial culture of stool.

When a child is poisoned by food, severe watery diarrhea, having enough bad smell(sometimes there may be no unpleasant odor). Diarrhea may occur about ten times a day. In this case, there is nausea and a gag reflex associated with painful sensations in the center of the abdomen (umbilical region). For diagnosis, it is necessary to determine which product is the causative agent of poisoning. In most cases, poisoning occurs from pastries and cakes containing custard.

Loose stools with a rotten odor in food allergies often appear accompanied by other allergic symptoms, for example, a rash. In order to determine the allergen, diagnostics are carried out by taking allergy tests. Colitis, enteritis, enterocolitis, which are accompanied by liquid feces with a fetid odor, are determined by diagnosis using a coprogram, rectoscopy, colonoscopy, and x-ray.

The standard diagnosis of all pathologies associated with the appearance of diarrhea with a rather unpleasant odor consists of:

1 Determine the factors that contributed to the appearance of mucus-smelling diarrhea and collect anamnesis of abnormalities.

2 Primary examination and palpation of the abdominal area.

3 General research blood test. General analysis blood is a mandatory test regardless of the type of disease. With the help of OAC, it is possible to determine whether an acute inflammatory process exists in the human body.

Even if a person is completely healthy, after a bowel movement there is always an unpleasant smell in the toilet. But if suddenly appeared Strong smell stool, then perhaps some diseases are developing in the body, although this is often associated with the food that was consumed the day before.

The smell of human waste is formed by gases that are produced during the digestion and breakdown of food.

Normal indicators

Normal bowel movements should occur daily or every two days 1-2 times without any straining. After defecation there should be a feeling of comfort. A deviation from the norm is considered if a person goes to the toilet “in a big way” once in three days, or diarrhea bothers him for 5 or more days.

The amount of feces varies from 150 to 400 grams. The more plant foods, the more bowel movements. The color of stool is brown. Deviations in color are acceptable after eating certain foods; for example, if you overuse carrots, your stool may take on an orange tint. But if it turns dark green or black, and this lasts more than 5 days, then most likely a disease has appeared: cirrhosis or an ulcer.

The consistency of your stool can also tell you a lot. Ideally, stool consists of 30% processed food debris and 30% water. Another indicator is the shape of feces. U healthy person they should be cylindrical and sausage-shaped.

Stool smell

If the body is healthy, then the stool should have an unpleasant, but not pungent odor. If there are problems with the digestive process, stagnation processes begin in the intestines, undigested food begins to rot, and pathogenic bacteria and, as a result, an unpleasant odor.

In general, regardless of the smell of feces, the reasons are usually standard - nutrition or certain diseases.

Sour stool

The most common cause of a sour stench is foods that were eaten the day before. Less frequently, but still some diseases can provoke sour smell feces:

  • intestinal infections;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • allergies to certain foods;
  • celiac disease;
  • insufficient amount of pancreatic enzyme;
  • inflammatory processes.

In addition to the stench, diarrhea may appear and excessive gas may be tormented. For acute intestinal disorders Vomiting may occur.

In infancy, this problem appears against the background allergic reaction for artificial feeding. In children under 2 years of age, this problem may be associated with rotavirus infection, colitis, dysbacteriosis or fermentation dispersion.

If your body temperature rises to 39 degrees against the background of a sour stool odor, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

Most often, getting rid of this problem is very simple. It is necessary to normalize nutrition, adults need to stop drinking alcohol, and infants should change their diet.

Foul stool

This problem very often appears due to the consumption of a large number of vegetables, which contain many phytoncides. First of all, it's garlic and onions. This is due to the fact that these products destroy pathogenic microflora that is present in large quantities in the intestines of every person.

Trigger foods also include legumes, cabbage and foods that contain a large number of fat Provocateurs of foul-smelling stool also include so-called artificial foods, that is, those containing a large amount of stabilizers, preservatives and flavorings.

In children, such a smell often indicates that dysbiosis is present. At the same time, a rash may appear all over the body. This can also occur during antimicrobial or antibacterial therapy.

The most dangerous symptom is the smell of feces, similar to the smell of rotten carrion. This symptom is typical for malignant neoplasms in the intestines, so you should consult a doctor immediately. This may not be the reason, but you should definitely undergo an examination.

Eliminating stool odor. Treatment

If the stench of feces appears against the background of dysbacteriosis, then use the following drugs: “Bifidumbacterin”, “Lactofiltrum” and others.

Problems often appear due to an allergic reaction. To one of the most allergenic products include honey, milk, citrus fruits, chocolate. Along with a change in the smell of feces, a rash and peeling often appear on the skin. Flatulence, diarrhea and even chills can also be tormented. Food allergies can be cured in only one way - eliminating foods that trigger them from the diet. IN symptomatic therapy The following drugs are used: Suprastin, Loratadine, Claritin and Tavegil. In addition to taking medications, it is recommended to cleanse the intestines of toxins and waste, for this you can use Activated carbon, "Polyphepan" or "Neosmectin".

Bowel diseases

An unpleasant smell of feces in an adult or child is often associated with gastrointestinal diseases. To determine the cause, it is necessary to examine the intestines and take a stool test, and do a coprogram.

If a diagnosis of “enteritis” or “colitis” has been made, then most likely, along with a change in smell, the patient is worried about flatulence, bloating, intestinal spasms, and pressure in the lower abdomen. For treatment, first of all, table No. 4 according to Pevzner is used. As symptomatic treatment use carminatives, antispasmodics, laxatives, as a last resort- antibiotics.

The smell of a child's stool often changes due to the presence of worms. After all, this problem is inherent specifically in children who have not yet reached 14 years of age. At this age, they still do not know how to carefully monitor hygiene.


In addition to the sour stench of feces, there may be putrid smell, which is typical for people suffering from constipation. A faint odor indicates what is happening in small intestine accelerated process evacuation of feces. And if the smell resembles the aroma of rancid oil, then most likely the process of decomposition of fats has been activated in the intestines.

In most cases, getting rid of foul-smelling stool is quite simple by adjusting your diet. In addition, it is recommended to cook food well (boil, fry or stew well), wash food thoroughly and avoid bacterial infections. You should carefully monitor your personal hygiene; it is better to avoid drinking unpasteurized milk. You should not cut vegetables and meat on the same board. Be sure to wash your hands after going to the toilet.

An upset stomach is a sign of problems with digestive tract. An accompanying odor or change in color of stool, the presence of other phenomena - may indicate serious pathological diseases. When an adult and a child have diarrhea with the smell of rotten eggs, this is a signal for immediate treatment.

Causes of diarrhea with rotten egg smell

If there is stool with the smell of rotten eggs, the reasons can be very different. The most common provoking factors for diarrhea with the smell of a rotten egg are intestinal dysbiosis, the appearance of intestinal-type infections, various inflammations. This can also lead to poor hygiene hands, consumption of stale food, individual intolerance to food or its individual components (food allergy).

In children, diarrhea with the smell of rotten eggs also occurs in case of an imbalance in the diet with insufficient consumption of fiber and protein foods.

Important! When a child has diarrhea with the smell of rotten eggs, this should be a reason to urgently consult a doctor (especially if the newborn has this state), it is necessary to quickly determine the cause and prescribe the correct treatment!

By the color and smell of stool, you can diagnose the problem and prevent serious complications.

Rotten egg smell

If diarrhea with the smell of rotten eggs appears, it is necessary to look for the problem in disorders of the large intestine; for example, colitis can cause this condition.

Diarrhea in a child is observed with the development of rotavirus pathogenic microorganisms. In adults, similar disorders with a putrid odor can be observed in cases food poisoning, inflammation of the large and small intestines, bacterial infection.


An important criterion in determining the disease and the causes of indigestion is what color the stool is:

  1. Yellow stool that smells like rotten eggs indicates food intolerance or extreme stress.
  2. Green color may be a sign of the development of dysbiosis, salmonellosis or dysentery. Also, a greenish tint is a consequence of the introduction of new foods into the diet, especially for children.
  3. Having feces White color a sign of oversaturation of food with carbons and calcium, which may appear when excessive consumption dairy products.
  4. Stool that smells like rotten eggs is red, almost burgundy, and occurs when inflammatory processes in the intestines, the appearance of malignant neoplasms.
  5. The black tint of stool in an infant or adult is caused by the presence of coli, helminths.

Additional characteristics of stool that smells like rotten eggs

In each specific case of the development of the disease, in addition to smell and color, it is accompanied by the appearance of additional elements in the stool. If the bowel movements include foam and mucus, the reasons for this are inflammation of the colon, which is already progressing long time and turned into an acute form.

  1. If the stool smells like rotten eggs and has blood clots, this indicates an acute intestinal infection. In this case, you must definitely consult a doctor.
  2. Mucus is a signal of damage to the intestines by pathogenic bacilli, the development of infection and the presence of an inflammatory process.
  3. White foam in the stool indicates an infection of the colon.

If an adult or child has diarrhea, they may also experience fever, extreme thirst. It is recommended to consult a doctor to determine a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen.


For the most complete clinical picture And effective therapy you need to undergo a number of tests:

  1. Fecal analysis.
  2. Ultrasound examination.
  3. Laboratory sampling for dysbacteriosis.
  4. General blood analysis.
  5. Blood tests for hepatitis.

These tests will help determine the disease and the degree of its development in the body in order to prescribe the correct treatment.

Drug treatment

Therapy for children

If a child has diarrhea it is necessary to use complex treatment, this will quickly and effectively eliminate the problem and symptoms of indigestion.

Initially, agents are prescribed to reduce intoxication, such as Enterosgel or Smecta, the most affordable drug is activated carbon. To restore fluid balance in case of diarrhea in an infant, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended.

Diarrhea flushes out of the body one year old baby or an older child, a huge amount of minerals, to replenish them they take drugs such as Trisol or Regidron.

For maximum effective treatment a condition in which the stool smells like rotten eggs, it is recommended to limit food intake and adhere to a diet. For children and infants, exclude new complementary foods and foods in the diet, replace water with chamomile decoction.

To cope with diarrhea in the pharmacy you can find many modern means, some of the most popular antidiarrheal drugs are Nifuroxazine, Loperamide, if the child is under 2 years old, then a suspension is used.

If colic and gas occur, use the drug Espumisan, remove painful sensations Papaverine or No-Shpa will help.

If after diagnostic measures, the tests revealed an infection, and a more complex complex treatment is prescribed. Such therapy is best carried out in a hospital, medications should be used under medical supervision to prevent side effects.

Treatment for adults

Therapy for adults is similar to treatment for small patients. The main thing is to identify the cause of diarrhea with the smell of a rotten egg, and based on this, the correct drug treatment is selected.

First aid will be sorbents (Enterosgel, Smecta), antidiarrheal antimicrobials(Levomycetin, Stopdiar, Fthalazol). It is important to take a break of at least two hours between these drugs.

Traditional medicine

To eliminate diarrhea that smells like it might be rotten, you can use the following: effective recipes alternative medicine:

  1. A starchy drink will help normalize stool. For this, 1 tsp. dissolve starch in warm boiled water (250 ml). Take 100 ml drink three times a day.
  2. Rice water will help quickly eliminate diarrhea. Boil rice in water in a ratio of 1:7, drain the water and take 1 tbsp. l. every hour; for infants it is recommended to drink 3-4 drops of rice water every hour. The product has excellent enveloping properties, relieves painful symptoms, normalizes stool.
  3. Mix fresh blueberries and bird cherry in a ratio of 4:6, add boiled water (500 ml), cook for no more than half an hour, use 1 tbsp of decoction. l. 4 times a day.


To prevent diarrhea, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Thorough hand hygiene before each meal;
  • Products must be of high quality, with an active shelf life;
  • Use only clean water, dirty - a source of infections that cause diarrhea.

It is also worth knowing that drinking 1 cup of strong brewed black tea a day can prevent diarrhea.

Diarrhea with the smell of rotten eggs in an adult can be caused by for various reasons, it is important to know how to treat the problem at home and what first aid measures are necessary for diarrhea.

The food consumed by a person influences the pigmentation of feces.

The greenish color of feces in an adult indicates that dyes have entered the body or there are serious problems in it that require immediate response.

The most common reasons for stool turning greenish are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

This is especially true for pathologies that are localized V small intestine . The cause may be dysbacteriosis, blood diseases, liver pathologies, or long-term use of antibiotics.

Disturbance of intestinal microflora

The smell of rot is detected, disgusting. This happens because food does not have time to be digested in time and begins to decompose in the intestines. The color intensity is related to copious amounts leukocytes that died in the fight against the source of inflammation. When they leave the intestines, they mix with feces and give them a green color.


Infectious diseases can become one of the probable causes appearance greenish stool in an adult. Additionally, the patient will suffer from attacks of nausea, vomiting, intestinal pain and lethargy. In this case, the stool will have a liquid consistency, and the body will quickly dehydrate. The disease requires urgent medical attention and treatment in an inpatient department.


It can begin in any of the intestinal sections. The presence of greenish stool is characteristic of peptic ulcer stomach or oncological diseases affecting digestive system. Its coloring is explained by the destruction of iron in blood cells - erythrocytes. The process is accompanied by anemia with rapid heartbeat, weakness and difficulty breathing.

What causes stool to turn green?

When a similar color of stool is observed during bowel movements, this is not always considered a deviation from the norm. If a healthy person eats large quantities of foods containing green dye, the feces will immediately turn this color.

This phenomenon can be explained simply - the dye is not recycled by using gastric juice and is not absorbed in the intestines. It is excreted from the body naturally. The intensity of the color will directly depend on how much pigment enters the body.

The greenish tint to stool is given by:

  • candies, marmalade, jelly containing dyes;
  • vegetable or fruit puree;
  • red bean variety;
  • different types of greens and cabbage;
  • cereals and cereals made from them;
  • fruit juices;
  • fish from sea waters;
  • red meat;
  • black licorice.

If you stop consuming foods from this list, stool color returns to normal within 2-3 days. Otherwise greenish stool will be considered a pathology and will require clarification of diagnosis and treatment.

Why does feces smell?

Feces that give off a fetid, repulsive odor signal the development of serious pathological changes. In rare cases, this is due to a violation of the diet.

Sometimes the cause of foul-smelling stool is thought to be alcohol intoxication. After abusing high-alcohol drinks the body removes toxins, which contributes to the appearance of a sharp and disgusting odor, and the stool itself turns dark green.

If greenish, runny stool appears, this is a sign of dysentery or diarrhea. The thinner it is, the stronger the unpleasant odor. If it smells rotten, the body is affected intestinal infection or there is blood in the stool, which may indicate oncology or peptic ulcer disease.

A sour smell indicates that a fermentation process is taking place in the intestines or that nutrients are poorly absorbed by its walls.

If the intestinal microflora is disturbed, greenish stool is also accompanied disgusting smell of rot. The color of stool is determined by the presence of dead leukocytes in it, which accumulated during the period of inflammation.

The process of digesting food occurs with noticeable difficulties, which provokes the release putrid smell and activation of fermentation of poorly processed foods in the intestines.

Other causes of foul-smelling stool include Crohn's disease, chronic form pancreatitis, insufficient intestinal absorption, the presence of short small bowel syndrome.

What treatment is needed?

In most cases, greenish stools are liquid consistency. To get rid of diarrhea, it is first recommended to review your menu. Promotes the appearance of diarrhea fermented milk products, fatty foods, exotic fruits.

You should avoid them for a while. You cannot eat processed foods, foods with additives, dyes, or drink carbonated drinks.

The body loses a lot of water at this time - these reserves need to be replenished with the help of compotes, strong tea sugarless. Cleanses the body solution "Regidron", "Smecta"or activated carbon. If the temperature is elevated and green chair accompanied by vomiting, you should urgently call a doctor.

Timely assistance is the key to successful recovery.

Information about stool (human feces) is perhaps the most important indicator state gastrointestinal tract.

For many, talking about feces can cause laughter or embarrassment. But if we speak seriously, then appearance you can learn a lot about your gut health and, for that matter, your general condition health.

Everything from shape, size, smell, color can indicate disease, poor nutrition, or other problems of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Even the color and smell of your stool can give you clues about your overall health.

I found the best infographic on the Internet (see below) and translated it into Russian for you. It will help you better understand the health of your digestive system.

And since average person produces 7000-8000 kg of waste throughout its life, this should help everyone.

What your stool tells you

Feces(stool, faeces, excrement) contents of the distal part of the large intestine, released during defecation. In a healthy person, feces is a mixture consisting of approximately 1/3 from the remains of food taken, 1/3 from the remains of the secretions of the digestive organs and 1/3 from microbes, 95% of which are dead.

The amount of feces depends on the quantity and quality of food taken. With a mixed diet that quantitatively corresponds to the body's needs, the weight of feces excreted per day is 200-300g, and according to some data, up to 900g.

The weight of feces largely depends on the water content in it, therefore, with constipation, when water absorption is increased, the weight of daily feces decreases, and with diarrhea, it increases.

A significant increase in feces is observed in diseases accompanied by the absorption of food (gastric achylia, lesions of the pancreas, etc.). A particular abundance of feces occurs with lesions of the pancreas, in which its weight can reach 1 kg.

Shape of feces

Shape of feces depends on the consistency, content of water, mucus and fat. Normal feces contain about 70-75% water, have a sausage shape and a uniform, dense composition. Dense, even hard feces, observed with constipation, lose normal shape and usually consists of separate lumps from its long stay in the large intestines. With spastic colitis, “ sheep feces", which are small round lumps of dense consistency. Such dense feces contain about 60% water.

Changes in the shape of feces (ribbon-shaped, pencil-shaped) may depend on both organic stenosis and spastic narrowing of the sphincters. Unformed, mushy and especially liquid feces are a pathological phenomenon; they contain 90-92% water. The bowel movements may also be heterogeneous; dense lumps may float in liquid or mucus, which occurs during inflammatory processes in the large intestine.

Consistency of stool depends on a number of reasons, the main one of which is the time they remain in the large intestine. Acceleration of peristalsis leads to insufficient absorption of water, slowdown leads to excess absorption. Stool acquires a more liquid consistency than normal when copious discharge the intestinal wall of inflammatory exudate and mucus, when taking saline laxatives. Feces, containing a lot of fat, have a pasty consistency.

Stool color

Stool color in a healthy person it may vary somewhat depending on the food taken. Most often there are different shades Brown– dairy foods give a light brown, even yellow color, meat foods – dark brown. Plant products give the feces their own shade, beets - red, blueberries, black currant, coffee, cocoa – dark brown to black. Some ingested substances also have a significant effect on the color of stool. medicinal substances(for example, bismuth is black, iron preparations are greenish-black, etc.).

Stool color changes and at pathological processes in the digestive organs, there are many of these options; for example, we will give a few. If bile does not enter the intestines, the stool becomes grayish-white, clayey or sandy in color. Pancreatitis (disease of the pancreas) - also produces almost white stool. Fatty stool may be gray. The presence of blood in stool gives stool different color depending on the location of the bleeding, if in the stomach, then it is dark brown, almost black. The lower the bleeding site is located along the intestine, the less dark color and more red.

Stool smell

Stool smell depends on the presence in it of breakdown products of food residues, mainly protein, therefore, with an abundance of proteins in food, the smell intensifies. When putrefactive processes predominate in the intestines (putrefactive dyspepsia, tumor decay), feces acquire a fetid odor; during fermentation processes, it becomes sour. If food is poorly chewed, or even more so if digestion is poor, the feces may contain undigested food residues in the form of whitish or grayish lumps.

With a significant content of fat in feces, the surface of the feces acquires a peculiar slightly matte shine and a paste-like consistency. Mucus in normal stool is present in minimal quantities in the form of a thin shiny coating covering the surface of the stool. During inflammatory processes, it may appear in the stool in the form of lumps of whitish or yellow color on the surface of stool or between its fragments.
