What can cause your period to be delayed other than pregnancy? No periods and no pregnancy. Weight problems

The most common reason Delayed menstruation means pregnancy. To check whether conception has occurred, it is enough to purchase a test system at the pharmacy to detect higher level (human chorionic gonadotropin human) in urine. In some cases, even a repeat pregnancy test is negative. All because of the delay menstrual cycle may arise for other reasons. Some of them are harmless and do not cause negative effects on the body - menstruation is restored on its own. Others are associated with diseases of the reproductive and other systems, which require diagnostic examination and appointments adequate therapy. The reasons for the delay of the menstrual cycle are important for every woman to know reproductive age to promptly notice unwanted disturbances in the body and seek advice from a doctor.

In order to understand why menstruation is delayed, it is necessary to consider the physiology of the menstrual cycle - a cyclical process in the body of women of reproductive age (16-50 years). The menstrual cycle is triggered by the cerebral cortex, which regulates the production of hormones from the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. These hormones control the function of the ovaries, uterus and other endocrine glands.

The normal duration of the menstrual cycle is 21-35 days, more often 28 days and is counted from the first day of the cyclic cycle. bloody discharge from the vagina. In the first half of the cycle, an egg matures in one, or less often in both, ovaries, surrounded by a follicle. During ovulation, a mature egg is released into abdominal cavity and heads to the fallopian tubes. At the site of the burst follicle remains corpus luteum, which produces the pregnancy hormone and supports the vital activity of the egg.

In the second half of the cycle, under the influence of the hormone, the mucous layer of the uterus thickens. This preparatory stage to implantation of the fertilized egg in the event of fertilization of the egg. If conception does not occur, the egg dies, the corpus luteum ceases to secrete the pregnancy hormone, the endometrium of the uterus is rejected and destroyed blood vessels, menstruation begins. The first day of menstruation is the first day of a new menstrual cycle, during which all stages are repeated again.

A delay in menstruation indicates the likelihood of pregnancy in women of reproductive age who are sexually active. However, there are many reasons for a delayed menstrual cycle that are not related to conception. Organic, functional and physiological abnormalities in the reproductive and other systems of the body can cause disruption of the cyclicity of menstruation and even stopping the menstrual cycle for a long time.

Reasons for missed periods other than pregnancy:

A delay in the menstrual cycle of 3-5 days 1-2 times a year is considered physiological norm. If your period does not come on time regularly and is delayed for more than 5 days, you must contact a gynecologist to undergo a diagnostic examination and prescribe adequate therapy.

Ovarian dysfunction

Ovarian dysfunction is a medical diagnosis that a specialist makes in case of an irregular menstrual cycle in a woman. Thus, the gynecologist identifies the pathology of the menstrual cycle and prescribes diagnostics to determine the cause of the current situation. To do this, the specialist conducts a survey of complaints, collects an anamnesis of the disease and life, examines the mammary glands and on the gynecological chair, takes smears for vaginal flora and the presence of sexually transmitted infections. If necessary, the doctor gives directions for laboratory and instrumental methods research, consultation of related specialists. Identifying the cause of ovarian dysfunction is an important link for treatment and subsequent recovery of a woman.

Non-gynecological causes of missed periods

Menstrual irregularities are caused by diseases of organs and systems not related to the sexual sphere. A woman’s body is an integral system in which all links are interconnected.

Not gynecological reasons:

Below we will consider in detail the most common non-gynecological causes of delayed menstruation.

Body weight problems

Adipose tissue in a woman’s body is involved in regulating the functions of the reproductive system. Fat cells can accumulate estrogens, which affects the cyclicity of menstruation. Weight loss leads to the cessation of menstruation for a long period of time. A clear example women are considered professional athletes who have no sufficient quantity fatty tissue, which leads to the cessation of menstruation and the inability to conceive a child. Another example is women suffering from anorexia (lack of appetite, refusal to eat, exhaustion of the body). Menstruation stops at a weight of 40-45 kg.

Excess body weight, leading to obesity, also causes menstrual irregularities. A large layer of fatty tissue accumulates excess amounts of estrogen, which inhibits the onset of cyclic menstrual bleeding. It's not about a few extra pounds, but about the pathology of the endocrine system with a weight of more than 100 kg.

Stress and physical activity

Severe emotional shock or chronic stress causes inhibition of the cerebral cortex, which, in turn, slows down the production of regulatory hormones of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. This leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle and delay of menstruation. The same situation arises with constant excessive physical exertion - hard work or sports training. Regular physical overexertion is perceived by a woman’s body as stressful situation, which is not favorable for procreation. Therefore, the menstrual cycle stops until better times come.

Climate change

IN modern world people travel a lot and can get to another country in a few hours. When quickly moving between countries and continents with different climates, the acclimatization process is disrupted. The body does not have time to adapt to new conditions external environment what is perceived as life-threatening situation. The brain inhibits the functioning of the sex glands and stops the menstrual cycle. A delay in menstruation due to a sharp change in climatic zones is a physiological process. Menstruation appears after the acclimatization process.


A hereditary factor can influence irregular menstrual cycles. If in the female line of the family (grandmother, mother, sister) there were episodes of delayed menstruation for no apparent reason, then the woman has a high probability of inheriting physiological feature in deviation of the cyclicity of menstruation.

Intoxication of the body

Poisoning of a woman’s body leads to disruption of the functioning of all organs and systems, including the reproductive system. The cerebral cortex perceives intoxication as dangerous factor for normal intrauterine and stops the menstrual cycle. Poisoning can be acute and chronic, domestic and professional. Intoxication of the body is caused by alcohol, drugs, nicotine addiction, work in production with harmful conditions labor, living in environmentally unfavorable areas.

Taking medications

Necessity long-term use some medicines pharmacological groups causes menstrual irregularities. In the case of short courses of therapy, a delay in menstruation occurs due to an incorrectly selected daily dosage.

Medicines that can cause a delay in menstruation:

  • anabolics;
  • antidepressants;
  • antituberculosis drugs;
  • diuretics;
  • contraceptives.

Purpose contraception often causes menstrual irregularities after drug withdrawal. During your appointment hormonal pills, protecting from unwanted pregnancy, the menstrual cycle is artificially regulated chemicals. Under such conditions, the controlling work of the cerebral cortex, pituitary gland and hypothalamus on the function of the uterus and ovaries temporarily fades away. After discontinuation of contraceptives, time is needed to restore physiological processes in the cerebral cortex. Menstruation usually acquires regular cyclicity within 1-2 months.);

  • venereal diseases;
  • period of puberty (the formation of cyclical menstruation within 6-12 months);
  • spontaneous and medical abortion, artificial birth;
  • postpartum period;
  • corpus luteum cyst;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives.
  • IN separate group allocate menopause And endocrine disease– polycystic ovary syndrome.


    Menopause (menopause) is the extinction of the sex glands in a woman and the cessation of the childbearing period. After the onset of menopause, the menstrual cycle stops. Functional changes occur in a woman’s body, which primarily affect the genital area.

    Menopause is divided into 3 periods:

    • premenopause – begins at age 45, regular periods can be combined with an irregular menstrual cycle;
    • menopause - begins at the age of 50, periods of a normal menstrual cycle and absence of menstruation for several months are observed;
    • postmenopause – begins at age 55, characterized by the cessation of the menstrual cycle.

    During menopause, hormonal changes occur and insufficient amounts of female sex hormones are synthesized to maintain the menstrual cycle and reproductive function.

    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

    PCOS is an endocrine disease that is accompanied by insulin resistance and increased production of androgens (male sex hormones) in a woman’s body. As a result, numerous cysts form in the ovaries, which leads to disruption of their function. In addition to delay or cessation of the menstrual cycle, excessive hair growth is characteristic skin By male type, obesity, infertility. Taking sex hormones normalizes the functioning of the ovaries and restores the cyclicity of menstruation.

    If menstruation is late for more than 5 days and negative test If you are pregnant, you must consult a gynecologist to identify the cause of menstrual irregularities and prescribe adequate treatment. Timely qualified assistance prevents the development of complications, including infertility.

    So you didn't come? Of course, you may be concerned that something is wrong with you, especially if your friends or classmates have already started menstruating. Let's figure out when periods should start normally.

    When should your first period start?

    The truth is that every girl has her own norm, and what is normal for your friend may not be normal for you. So, first of all, stop comparing yourself to your peers. You're at an age now where the differences can be overwhelming and changes happen so quickly that you can't keep track of everything.

    Most girls get their first period between the ages of 12 and 15. The appearance of your first menstruation depends on your heredity (genes received from your parents), your weight and health. If your mother started her period late (at 15-16 years old), then it is likely that you will start your period at that age. If you are a thin, petite girl and your weight does not exceed 47 kg, then it is quite possible that your periods will begin a little later than your larger friends.

    Is menstruation associated with breast growth?

    Growth of mammary glands, appearance of hair in armpits and on the pubis, the arrival of the first menstruation - all these changes are stages of puberty and, of course, are interrelated.

    Are periods associated with masturbation?

    The fact that you masturbate has no bearing on when your first period will start. cannot be the reason for the absence of menstruation.

    Are periods related to sexual activity?

    Girls are not recommended to start sex life before the arrival of your first period, but if you are no longer pregnant and have had sexual contact with guys, then the absence of periods may be a sign of pregnancy. Pregnancy quite rarely occurs in girls who have never had a period, but nevertheless, such cases have been described.

    When should you see a doctor?

    In some cases, the absence of menstruation may be a sign of problems for which you need to see a gynecologist. The following situations may be a warning sign:

    • My breasts started growing more than 3 years ago, but my period never started.
    • You don't have your period when you're 13 and your breasts haven't started growing yet.
    • No periods at 14 years old and you have a problem with excess hair growth on your face and body.
    • No periods at 14 years old and you have problems with the thyroid gland.
    • No periods at 14 years old and your weight is less than 45 kg.
    • No periods at 15 years old.
    • There are no periods and you are already sexually active (you have had sexual contact with a guy at least once in your life).

    What can a doctor do if your period does not start?

    To clarify the diagnosis, the gynecologist may prescribe (uterine and ovarian) a blood test for hormones. In some cases, you may need to consult other doctors: an endocrinologist, a surgeon, a geneticist, etc.

    What diseases cause menstruation to not begin?

    The absence of menstruation and/or other signs of puberty can be a symptom of certain diseases and developmental features:

    • Abnormalities of the vagina, uterus or ovaries
    • Underdevelopment of the ovaries or uterus
    • Continuous hymen
    • Thyroid dysfunction
    • Polycystic ovary syndrome
    • Anorexia
    • Increased levels of the hormone prolactin in the blood
    • Turner syndrome
    • Various hormonal disorders, etc.

    How to induce your period on your own?

    There are no drugs or remedies that would speed up your puberty and caused the onset of menstruation. If you are already 13 or 14 years old and still haven’t gotten your period, then the best tactic is to be patient and not compare yourself to others. If your periods do not start at age 15 or older, you should see a doctor.

    A delay in menstruation most often means pregnancy. But if the test is negative, there is concern. If a woman does not have her period but is not pregnant, only a specialist can determine the exact cause.

    If a woman notices a prolonged absence of menstruation and there is no pregnancy, she needs to understand the current situation. The best option- go to a gynecologist who will provide necessary help and will identify the reasons for the absence of menstruation, other than pregnancy.

    • Ovarian dysfunction

    This is the first diagnosis that is made in the absence of menstruation. The disease means an irregular cycle, that is, the doctor simply states the current fact. Provoking factors can be varied, so establish specific reason problems are quite difficult.

    • Excess weight

    It can be caused by both underweight and excess weight. In the first case, estrogen accumulates in the fat layer, which is why menstruation occurs irregularly. Fasting and a sharp decline The body perceives body weight negatively and blocks the onset of pregnancy. When the weight returns to normal, all problems disappear. Nutrition should be complete and include sufficient amounts of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

    • Poisoning

    Another reason for not having periods but not being pregnant is alcohol, smoking, drugs. They provide negative impact on the reproductive system. Causes a similar reaction long work in a hazardous workplace. If the doctor determines that a delay in menstruation is caused by intoxication, all harmful substances It's better to refuse.

    • Hereditary predisposition

    If problems with the cycle were observed in your mother and grandmother, perhaps it’s all a matter of heredity. IN in this case There are no anatomical disturbances, so it will not be possible to get rid of it. The only way out– take medications prescribed by your doctor. The exact causes of genetic problems that cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle cannot be established in all cases.

    This is the most popular reason for missing periods, other than pregnancy. Overstrain at work, conflicts with loved ones, emotional turmoil - all these are provoking factors that lead to delayed menstruation. The body perceives them negatively and makes pregnancy impossible. A psychologist will help solve the problem. Possible options– change jobs or change your attitude to what is happening around you. Physical activity can also affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle. If they are too large, the body quickly wears out and instinctively avoids the possibility of conception.

    • Climate change

    If the holiday takes place in another country, a woman may experience a delay in menstruation. Additional exposure comes from prolonged exposure to the sun or frequent trips to the solarium. Constant relocation also has an impact Negative influence for activities reproductive system. normalizes after adaptation to new conditions.

    In some cases, the answer to the question why there are no periods if you are not pregnant is various pathologies. These can be tumors, inflammations and infections. Tumors need to be diagnosed on time. It's very important to go through comprehensive examination and appropriate treatment. Otherwise there is a threat to life.

    Disruptions in the menstrual cycle can be a consequence of abortion and miscarriage. This is due to the fact that termination of pregnancy inevitably leads to hormonal disorders, and curettage injures the uterine mucosa. The result is a delay. After a few months, the cycle returns to normal. If this does not happen, you need to go to the doctor.

    Hormonal contraceptives regulate menstruation by subordinating it to the pill regimen. When a woman stops taking them, cycle disturbances are possible for some time, which are associated with changes in hormonal levels.

    If a girl does not have her period but is not pregnant, the cause may not be gynecological diseases. These include endocrine disorders, diabetes and other ailments. As a rule, a woman also experiences other manifestations: from weight problems to deteriorating health.

    Many medications change the regularity of your cycle. In this case, you need to talk to your doctor and, if possible, change the drug. The absence of menstruation may indicate the onset of menopause. First, the cycle becomes irregular, the intensity of the discharge changes, and then it stops altogether. All this is associated with a decrease in other female hormones.

    Absence of periods in teenage girls

    Installed in adolescence. But sometimes irregularities are possible, and girls do not menstruate. It may not appear at all, or it may begin and then disappear. Lack of periods is one of the most common problems among teenagers. Problems may be caused by congenital disorders or genetic predisposition. And the treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist.

    If a girl's menstruation has disappeared, the provoking factor may be stress, unhealthy diet, heavy workload or traumatic brain injury. A teenager’s body is just developing, so the girl’s health needs to be taken seriously.

    The absence of menstruation is a sufficient reason to contact a gynecologist, who will identify the cause and prescribe the necessary treatment.

    What are the dangers of delayed menstruation?

    Irregularity of the menstrual cycle does not lead to dangerous consequences, which cannot be said about the reasons that became the provoking factor for the emergence of such a situation. It is important to identify the disease early stage to accept everything necessary measures. In addition, women themselves prefer to have regular cycle. Thanks to this, she can plan for pregnancy.

    2 months without menstruation, but not pregnant - this is a long period that requires a certain reaction. There can be many reasons, and you won’t be able to determine it yourself. It’s better to go to a gynecologist, who will prescribe a comprehensive examination and determine accurate diagnosis and help solve the problem.

    A delayed menstrual cycle is a dysfunction of the body, which manifests itself in the absence of bleeding for more than 100 days. Minor deviations in the onset of menstruation are quite natural process, but only when the delay does not exceed 7 days.

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    A month's delay in menstruation makes every woman nervous. Some of us connect this phenomenon with joyful anticipation of motherhood, others experience not so joyful emotions or even fear.

    Why was there a month delay?

    Of course, if you haven't had your period for a whole month, this doesn't necessarily indicate pregnancy. And, alas, very often this confuses the fair sex. Having learned that they are not pregnant, an irresponsible attitude towards such a cycle disruption appears, which can lead to serious problems with health.

    Often, the delay critical days not associated with any diseases. This is typical for cases when the “delay” of menstruation does not exceed 7 days.

    Delay of “guests” for a month

    If you have not had your period for a whole month and the test is negative, the reasons for this phenomenon may be the following.

    1. Stressful situation ( huge pressure at school or work, unexpected dismissal, financial difficulties, depressive state, quarrels).
    2. A sharp change in the usual lifestyle (active sports, change of place of work, change of climatic conditions).
    3. Cancellation of contraceptives. This feature is due to the fact that the ovaries, after receiving a dose of external hormones for a long time, temporarily do not function at full capacity. You should only visit a specialist if you have not had your period for 2 months.
    4. Receiving funds emergency contraception(“Postinor”, ​​“Escapelle”) can also often lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle due to stress caused by consuming a large dose of the hormone.
    5. If you haven't had your period for a whole month, this may indicate a recent birth. This period is characterized by the active production of prolactin, which is responsible for lactation. This hormone actively suppresses the activity of the ovaries, which is why there are no periods for about a month, or even more. However, if the critical days have not arrived a year after birth, an examination by a specialist is necessary.
    6. After an abortion, your period may also be delayed, but this is not the norm. It is also worth noting that some frivolous ladies are sure that after this operation pregnancy does not occur soon, so they do not use contraception. Accordingly, a delay in menstruation due to a new pregnancy is quite likely.

    Do not forget about such common diseases as acute respiratory viral infections, colds, flu, as well as chronic diseases– thyroid dysfunction, gastritis, diabetes, kidney disease and others. Taking medications can also cause failure of your period. If you haven't had your period for a month and you don't know what to do, urgently make an appointment with a gynecologist to avoid serious pathology.

    Heavy loads may cause delays

    Reason for being two months late

    Very often, when a girl turns to a gynecologist with a complaint that her periods are 2 months late, she is immediately diagnosed with ovarian dysfunction. But it is worth immediately noting that this term already implies irregular menstruation, frequent delays bleeding other than pregnancy.

    Simply put, having made such a diagnosis, the doctor only makes a statement of fact. But the reasons for not having periods for two months may be the following.

    1. Infectious, colds. They greatly weaken the body, so they can even cause a significant delay in menstrual bleeding.
    2. Mental disorders. If you haven’t had your period for 2 months, this may well be explained by severe emotional turmoil, stress, problems at home or at work.
    3. Poor nutrition. If a woman does not have menstruation for a long time, but pregnancy is excluded, the cause of such a delay could be an unsuccessful diet or anorexia. This is explained by the fact that estrogen is produced by the body only if the girl’s body weight exceeds 45 kg. If the weight decreases sharply, menstruation may disappear for a while.
    4. Excessive physical activity. When a girl does heavy work hard physical exercise or leads an overly active lifestyle, menstrual bleeding may not appear for a long time.
    5. Hormonal imbalances. The absence of menstruation for more than 8 weeks may indicate hormonal disorders that originate at the level of the pituitary gland. Hormonal disruptions from the ovaries or thyroid gland are also common.
    6. Functional shocks of the body. Menstruation may be absent for two or more months if a woman has undergone a surgical termination of pregnancy, has gynecological diseases, or is breastfeeding a baby.

    They've been gone for 2 months

    All of the above reasons must be discussed with a gynecologist and full examination body and only after that the doctor will be able to give you a final diagnosis.

    Why was there a delay of 3-4 months?

    If a woman has not had her period for 3 months, she simply needs to see a doctor immediately. The first question a gynecologist asks in such a situation is about pregnancy. If you have not had sexual intercourse and the possibility of conception is excluded, then you will be prescribed additional examinations, since there are several reasons for this pathology.

    1. Abortion very often causes a delay in menstruation. This is due to hormonal imbalance, as well as injury to the uterus, which requires time to recover.
    2. If you haven’t had your period for three months, the reason for this may be a gynecological disease when the functioning of the ovaries is disrupted. This affects ovulation, as well as the woman’s reproductive system.
    3. Stressful situations and sudden weight loss can also lead to such a delay in menstrual bleeding.
    4. If you haven’t had your period for four months, the reason for this may be a metabolic disorder, as well as a lack of vitamins.
    5. Climate change and flights can negatively affect the regular occurrence of menstruation and can also cause their delay.
    6. Taking contraceptives or replacing them with other types can lead to this problem. This phenomenon is called “ovarian hyperinhibition syndrome.” Usually within a few months this problem is resolved automatically.

    Birth control pills may be to blame

    Reasons for being 5 months late

    Amenorrhea is a term that is appropriate if you have not had a period for 5 months or more. The causes of this pathology are hidden at each stage of cycle regulation.

    1. Pituitary tumor, pituitary infarction, which can occur after childbirth, and others.
    2. Various ovarian diseases (exhausted ovaries, resistant ovaries).
    3. Diseases of the uterus ( cervical canal, adhesions inside the uterus, complications of abortion).
    4. Rapid weight loss due to anorexia.
    5. Severe frequent stress.
    6. Taking certain medications.

    When you miss your period, the first thing that comes to mind is pregnancy. The absence of menstruation in girls who have not reached puberty, as well as in women during menopause, is also considered the norm. In all other cases, the absence of menstruation for four or more months means some kind of pathology. Usually these are gynecological diseases or malfunctions hormonal background. Both require immediate treatment.

    Causes and diagnosis

    Scientists call amenorrhea when a woman does not get her period. It has two varieties:
    1. Primary amenorrhea - if you have never had menstruation in your life.
    2. Secondary, when in women of reproductive age menstruation does not appear for several cycles.
    Why don't my periods come? The most common reasons are:
    • Availability infectious diseases in organs located in the pelvis;
    • hormonal disorders;
    • neoplasm in the pituitary gland;
    • oral contraceptives;
    • sudden weight loss;
    • menopause;
    • bad habits;
    • surgical termination of pregnancy.
    • stress;
    • physical stress.
    • at professional pursuits sports, when a lot of energy is spent, while others physiological processes there are no longer enough resources.
    • occupational diseases associated with the accumulation of toxic substances in the blood.
    Various types of pathologies can also cause aminorrhea:
    • happening ectopic pregnancy;
    • bleeding from the uterus;
    • formation of polycystic ovary syndrome;
    • presence of prolactinoma;
    • the occurrence of anorexia, bulimia, etc.
    • disorder of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland;
    • dysfunction of the ovaries;
    • congenital adrenal hyperplasia;
    • decreased functioning of the thyroid gland.

    What is needed to diagnose aminorrhea?

    1. Perform an ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
    2. Testing for hormones.
    3. Consultation with a neurologist.
    4. Laporpscopy for polycystic ovary syndrome.
    If a woman takes hormonal contraceptives, and her periods completely disappear, she needs to take a pregnancy test and donate blood for hCG.

    Postpartum aminorrhea

    When does menstruation appear after childbirth? This question is very relevant for young mothers. There is no exact answer. Firstly, this happens individually, and secondly, the restoration of the cycle is largely influenced by breast-feeding. Menstruation may not return for a year if the woman is breastfeeding during this period. At the same time, if the baby is on artificial feeding, a mother’s menstruation may resume within a couple of months after giving birth.

    During menopause

    After about 50 years, a woman begins menopause, and aminorrhea is natural for this period. This phenomenon does not require therapy. But in order to normalize general state, your doctor may prescribe hormone therapy.

    What are the consequences of missing periods?

    This is very dangerous for women's health, as it can cause disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems, various complications like:
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • osteoporosis;
    • vascular and heart diseases;
    • oncological diseases of the pelvic organs;
    • miscarriages;
    • infertility.
    Advanced aminorrhea is not easy to diagnose and treat, so do not delay a visit to the gynecologist.

    Aminorrhea and pregnancy

    Lack of menstruation is not a disease, but a disorder of the reproductive system of a woman’s body. If aminorrhea has pathological character, then there is no ovulation, which makes pregnancy impossible. To make it possible, the cause of the absence of menstruation should be diagnosed, treated and wait until the cycle is restored.

    To avoid aminorrhea, you need to maintain normal body weight, eat normally, avoid promiscuity, and regularly visit a gynecologist.
