How cats are sterilized. Surgical approaches used for sterilization of cats

Pregnancy for a pet, the period of “binge” is a huge stress for the body pet. In order to prevent unwanted pregnancy, veterinarians perform sterilization of cats - an operation under anesthesia, during which part of the internal genital organs is removed. Sometimes the procedure is performed without surgery, using pharmaceuticals (chemical castration).

What is cat sterilization

After the procedure, the animal loses the ability to produce offspring. This happens due to the partial removal of organs. The operation is performed exclusively in specialized veterinary clinics. An attempt to sterilize at home may result in the death of the animal. Often, owners independently try to prevent their pet’s pregnancy with hormonal drugs, which causes irreparable harm to the animal. Sterilization of cats should only be carried out by a veterinarian.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sterilization of cats, like any procedure, has a number of positive and negative traits. The advantages of the procedure are as follows:

  • absence of periods of estrus;
  • organism for a long time remains healthy due to the absence of constant pregnancies and childbirths;
  • the problem of having kittens disappears;
  • The animal's character becomes calmer and more docile.

Before performing surgery on a pet, the owner should familiarize himself with negative sides procedures:

At what age are cats spayed?

Veterinarians recommend sterilizing pets after at least 7-8 months have passed since birth. Early surgery It is extremely undesirable for a kitten, the body is not yet mature, the internal organs are not fully formed, which is why the risks of complications increase many times over. Experts note a lag in physical development in animals that underwent surgery at the age of 6 months or younger, which is due to strong changes in the proportions of hormones.

Older kittens (more than 8-9 months from birth) are also sterilized, but it should be remembered that the older the pet, the higher the risk of complications after cardiovascular surgery. excretory systems animal body. This happens due to exposure to vapors anesthetics. They are much more toxic to animals than to humans. When to sterilize a cat is up to the owner, but you should listen to the opinion of experts. If she is already pregnant, the operation can be performed at any stage.

Is it possible to spay a cat during heat?

The operation is carried out during the hunting period, however postoperative period, wound healing, and recovery of a pet can take significantly longer. If the operation is performed during estrus, then a very sharp change in hormonal levels occurs in the body. Without urgent need, veterinarians do not recommend sterilizing pets during this period. Optimal timing for the procedure - two weeks before the start of estrus or a week after its end. Sterilization of cats during pregnancy is also undesirable.

Types of sterilization

With the development of veterinary medicine as a science, more and more methods are emerging to prevent pregnancy in female pets. New types are more gentle; you can choose your own type of procedure for each pet, taking into account age, presence of diseases, breed and much more. On this moment exist the following types:


Surgical removal ovaries and uterus (ovariohysterectomy) is one of the most optimal operations, from the point of view of veterinarians. Ovariohysterectomy completely prevents unwanted pregnancy, but also has the fewest complications. Surgical removal of internal reproductive organs, according to many veterinarians, is the most optimal way to prevent pregnancy in a female.

Ovariectomy of a cat

Spaying (oophorectomy) – The veterinarian removes only the ovaries, leaving the uterus. Hunting periods cease. Disadvantages of the procedure: high probability of polycystic ovary syndrome or oncology. The main advantage of the procedure is the risk malignant tumors mammary glands decreases. Ovariectomy should not be used for cats older than one and a half years - they are more prone to developing polycystic ovaries, cysts, tumors internal organs.

Chemical sterilization

Removing the ability to reproduce using hormonal drugs is called chemical sterilization. The most dangerous of all types, they resort to it only if surgical intervention is impossible. The result of such intervention may be inappropriate behavior animal, the appearance of tumors and ulcers on the skin (photos can be found on the forums), obesity of the pet, loss of hunting instincts. Sterilization of cats with drugs is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Tubal occlusion

Tubal ligation (tubal occlusion) is rarely used, due to the fact that periods of estrus persist and the female continues to attract males. After the procedure, there remains a high risk of inflammation of the uterine mucosa and the development of cancer. Tubal occlusion is not a reliable method; a cat can become pregnant and give birth, due to the fact that the instinct to reproduce and the health of the reproductive organs are preserved.

Methods for sterilizing cats

In animal surgery, there are several methods for sterilizing cats. The choice of one method or another depends on several factors:

  • the presence or absence of the necessary equipment in the clinic;
  • features of the pet’s physical structure, the presence of tumors;
  • qualifications of a veterinarian.

Access along the white line of the abdomen

This method of operation is considered optimal and convenient. In the area of ​​the white line of the abdomen there are no large subcutaneous vessels, nerves, ducts of the mammary glands and vital organs. In addition, central access allows for wide access to the internal organs of the animal and a large number of manipulations. The suture on the white line heals well, due to the structural features of the aponeurosis tissue. The disadvantage of this method is the large postoperative wound, which has a high risk of bleeding.

Side cut

This type of access to internal organs is the most suboptimal; it is used when a practical incision along the linea alba of the abdomen is impossible (there is a large vessel or tumor). The lateral incision is inconvenient especially when performing ovariohysterectomy and oophorectomy, so it is used only for tubal ligation. The advantage of access through a lateral incision is that it heals well and is small. postoperative wound. An assistant helps the doctor apply sutures for a lateral incision.


The least traumatic method is laparoscopy. Held this procedure using special equipment - an optical camera, a monitor. The doctor makes three punctures on the front wall of the abdomen, through which he injects abdominal cavity camera and tools. Laparoscopy is used very rarely in veterinary medicine due to the high cost of the equipment. The laparoscopy technique is somewhat more complicated than the abdominal surgery technique.

How to prepare a cat for sterilization

Cat owners need to make sure there are no contraindications for surgery. The cat should be held instrumental studies, analyses. After the veterinarian approves the operation, the owner must begin the immediate preparation of the animal. The most important thing is not to give your pet food 12-14 hours before surgery, and remove access to water an hour before, since the intestines and bladder must be empty. You need to buy special blankets at the pharmacy in advance to maintain the health of your internal organs.

How does the procedure work?

To understand how cats are sterilized, you can ask about the details of the operation veterinarian. The main stages of the operation are as follows:

  • premedication;
  • putting the cat into a state of anesthesia;
  • the actual operation;
  • postoperative procedures (suturing, suturing);
  • drip, bringing the animal out of anesthesia;
  • applying a bandage;
  • administration of supportive medications (vitamins, nutrient solutions) and medications to prevent infections (antibiotics)

How to help a cat after sterilization

Surgery It’s a huge stress for the animal. The pet may be frightened due to pain, experience discomfort due to the blanket put on it, and feel disorientated in space after anesthesia. The owner’s task is to alleviate the suffering of the pet during the rehabilitation period by properly caring for it for the first time after the operation: providing rest, proper nutrition and assistance from a veterinarian.

Postoperative care

The most important thing when caring for an animal after the procedure is to monitor its nutrition and wound, treat the sutures in a timely manner, and give painkillers prescribed by the veterinarian. During the first two to three days, you should not leave the animal alone; due to stress, the pet may begin to bite itself or the blanket. A sterilized cat may not get up from sleeping place a few hours is the norm. If there are other pets in the house, it is necessary to temporarily isolate them, as the cat's behavior may be aggressive in the first time after surgery.

Suture in a cat after sterilization

The size of the seam and its location depend on the type of sterilization of cats and the method of its implementation. After the laparoscopic procedure, only one or two stitches remain on each wound, and with direct or lateral access, ten stitches or more are applied. A doctor at a veterinary clinic must treat and remove sutures. Self-treatment of the wound by the owner is allowed if they have been applied continuous seams made of absorbable material.

In the first few days, you should treat the wound at least once or twice a day with Chlorhexidine. Use brilliant green yourself or alcohol solution iodine is strictly prohibited - it can provoke chemical burns skin. After three to four days, the seam is processed once a day. If the pet owner notices strong purulent or bloody issues, you should immediately take the animal to the clinic or call a veterinarian at home. Neutering cats rarely causes the death of a pet.

Possible consequences and contraindications

Complications of the procedure and a list of contraindications depend on the method of implementation. The first negative consequences can be noted during the early postoperative period:

After the cats have been sterilized, side effects may appear several months or years later. The most common of these is animal cancer. It develops due to an imbalance in the proportions of hormones (especially if a course of drugs was administered). There are benign neoplasms, but they can also lead to death - blocking a large vessel, or respiratory center in the brain.

Contraindications are based on statistics of complications and deaths during the procedure at various veterinary clinics. The list of contraindications for the procedure is not very long:

  • the animal is less than six months old;
  • chronic diseases organs and systems;
  • older age of the animal (more than six years);
  • oncological diseases;
  • the presence of certain types of non-malignant tumors.

Proper nutrition for a sterilized cat

After the procedure is completed, a nutrient solution is administered intravenously. During the early postoperative period (on the first day after surgery), feeding the pet is strictly prohibited - intestinal peristalsis may provoke the opening of a surgical wound or internal bleeding. Then you can start giving the animal soft or liquid food. After 7-10 days, you can switch to specialized food. If the owner feeds the pet “from the table”, then in the postoperative period the animal should be given porridge with water.

How much does it cost to sterilize a cat?

The price of cat sterilization in Moscow depends on many factors: territorial location clinic buildings, the cost of drugs used by veterinarians, the range of services included in the procedure. For example, in one hospital the cost of cat sterilization includes an initial examination and premedication, but in another it does not. The price at the first clinic will be higher, but there will also be more services provided, therefore, you need to carefully study the price list of each clinic, reviews on websites, forums.


For many owners of cute cats, the question remains unclear: How is cats sterilized? In this article we want to talk about all the stages of castration of cats - from examination by a veterinarian to placing an IV and removing the animal from anesthesia.

The actual sterilization of cats

The duration of sterilization of cats takes from 30 to 50 minutes, which depends on the method of anesthesia, surgical access, whether the uterus is removed or not, a regular or cosmetic suture is applied, etc.

Let's divide the sterilization of a cat into stages for ease of understanding:

Stage 1 of cat sterilization– carrying out antiseptic treatment surgical field. For this purpose, special disinfecting solutions are used.

Stage 2 of cat sterilization– operational access, i.e. choice of incision site and access to the abdominal cavity. There are currently two accesses:

Stage 3 of cat sterilization– removal of the ovaries is carried out by applying ligatures to the ovarian and uterine blood vessels, on the ovarian ligament and when removing the uterus on the body of the uterus. Here, too, you need to consider two options for sterilizing cats:

Stage 4 of cat sterilization- suturing. From quality suture material and the method of suturing depends on the speed of healing and general health kitties. You can read more about sutures in our article “Sutures for sterilizing cats.” When sterilizing a cat, there are two types of sutures:

  • Internal sutures are sutures on the peritoneum and muscles abdominals, they use absorbable material that does not need to be removed after surgery.

However, there is cosmetic stitch, which, when using a special suture technique and atraumatic absorbable material, does not require further processing and removal. Accordingly, a cosmetic suture is preferable when sterilizing cats.

Postoperative procedures

Upon completion of sterilization, you will learn how to care for the cat, how to treat the sutures and with what frequency. The veterinarian will perform the necessary injections, such as an antibiotic, an immunostimulant, vitamins, painkillers, etc. immediately after the operation. In some cases, you may be advised to continue the injections for 3-5 days, depending on the age of the cat and how she handled the sterilization.

The seam will also be treated and explained how you can do the same treatment at home. As a rule, you will need to put a special post-operative blanket on your cat, which will protect the stitch from being licked by the cat. Do not forget that the cat will consider the seam to be a wound and will try to chew and remove the seams. This is precisely why a blanket is needed, to prevent such complications.

Sometimes owners come to our clinic because they felt sorry for their pet and they removed the blanket early, and as a result there is no stitch and a 2-3 cm hole in the stomach. Be careful with this, we can sew it up, but the re-healing is already very bad and painful.

IV and recovery from anesthesia after sterilization

Placement of an IV and recovery from anesthesia are considered additional procedures. Due to them, the animal wakes up faster and feels much better. However, this leads to an increase in the cost of the operation, which you can read about in our article “Prices for sterilizing cats at home.”

Based many years of experience We can confidently recommend droppers to all animals, which increase the removal of narcotic drugs from the blood, improve the regenerative functions of the body and improve the general well-being of the cat.

Sterilizing a cat at home

Several options for sterilizing a cat at home - from a budget option for 3,500 rubles to a VIP option for 8,300 rubles. Surgeons use European light anesthesia and recovery from anesthesia, which guarantees wellness and rapid recovery after surgery. The promotion is valid until the end of the month.

3500 RUB

The instinct to procreate is a natural phenomenon for all animal species. Until old age, under favorable circumstances, most representatives of the fauna are capable of producing numerous offspring. However, when it comes to pets, the situation is completely different. Here the question of the “fertility” of an animal no longer depends on nature, but on its owner. And if there is no purposeful interest in breeding a breed, then many owners of cats and dogs prefer to abandon the reproduction of their pets. The only rational and humane way to deprive an animal of its productive function is to sterilization.

Meaning of sterilization

There can be several reasons for removing an animal’s reproductive organs, from ethical to medical. Despite alternative modern means combating periodic “cat walking” in the form of various hormonal drugs, tablets and drops, many cat owners still make a choice in favor of sterilization. This method allows not only to regulate the appearance of unwanted offspring, but also to literally preserve the health of your animal. The procedure for carrying out such operations today does not pose any danger or difficulty and has long been considered routine in veterinary medicine.

More often sterilization cats is used in cases of:

  • keeping an animal at home complete absence or partial access to the street in order to prevent the unplanned appearance of offspring;
  • availability pathological processes in the genitourinary and gynecological areas;
  • in order to prevent the development of old age diseases of the reproductive system - tumors, infections, cysts or cancer;
  • reluctance to “put” the animal on hormonal and chemicals, suppressing sexual desire.

Contrary to prevailing public opinion regarding harm sterilization For the health of cats, it should be noted that individuals who have undergone this manipulation have strong immunity and a healthy psyche. The animal fully retains its inherent temperament and behavioral qualities. “Neutralization” of the hormonal functioning of the gonads does not in any way affect the character and mental development of the animal. The only changes that take place are the animal's lack of aggression. After surgery, a cat behaves more calmly, they are affectionate and gentle. It has been noted that it is among castrated animals that the highest percentage of long-livers is found.

Sterilization and castration - is there a difference?

Very often the term " sterilization“is used by veterinarians for cats (females), and “castration” is used for cats (males). This is done for the purpose of better understanding between doctors and animal owners. But from the professional medical side, these concepts differ radically in their content, method of implementation and significance for the animal’s body. What is the difference between these two methods of combating “cat fertility”?

Sterilization of cats and cats is a ligation of the fallopian tubes or seminal ducts with complete preservation of the reproductive organs of the animal. This contributes to the full hormonal activity of his body, but without the possibility of conception. That is, all natural sexual instincts in the animal are preserved, however, due to its sterility, mating does not end in offspring.

Castration same as sterilization, applies to individuals of both sexes and consists of complete or partial removal of the gonads responsible for reproduction:

  • in a cat, these are either the ovaries alone, or the ovaries together with the uterus;
  • Cats only have testicles.

After such an operation, all the animal’s sexual instincts atrophy and disappear.

However, in relation to the risks to the cat's health, sterilization does not guarantee 100% protection against the future development of pathologies of the reproductive organs, neoplasms and various inflammatory diseases. Continuing to function, the sexual organ can easily “turn” into a real “time bomb” and over time “explode” with any consequences unexpected for the animal. Therefore, today most veterinarians give preference to castration as the most reliable way to resolve issues of reproductive activity of a pet.

As for the terminological correspondence, for the ease of “folk” understanding and orientation in medical specifics concepts, it is allowed to use the term “ sterilization».

Benefits of sterilization

  • Lack of physical discomfort in the cat during the period of heat;
  • Prevention of the appearance of tumors of the mammary glands, ovaries, uterus and purulent pyometra;
  • Solving the problem of unwanted offspring;
  • Improvement of the animal's character, disappearance of aggression;
  • Lack of sexual behavior towards foreign objects;
  • Eliminating the risk of developing tumors and inflammation of the animal’s reproductive organs;
  • Effective prevention genitourinary diseases in cats;
  • Atrophy of the animal instinct of “vagrancy”;
  • Maximum pet domestication.

Disadvantages of sterilization

  • The need to use general anesthesia during strip surgery and related issues possible risks;
  • Quite long rehabilitation period after recovery from anesthesia;
  • Increased interest in food and uncontrolled consumption;
  • The need in some cases for a strict diet and the use of hormone stimulating drugs.

When can I have surgery?

Sterilization of cats carried out in accordance with medical indicators and directly depends on the age of the animal, as well as its state of health. As a rule, the cat is operated on while still in at a young age before the first heat, but subject to her physical and sexual maturity. The optimal requirements for sterilization adult, supported by the vast majority of veterinarians, are:

  • the animal reaches sexual maturity, at least 6–7 months (depending on the breed);
  • carrying out the operation before the first heat;
  • waiting for the end of estrus, if any, and preventing the cat from becoming pregnant;
  • carrying out sterilization no less than a week after the end of estrus;
  • At the time of surgery, the animal does not have any unfavorable factors for this procedure - mastitis, milk, pregnancy, kittens, etc.

Castration of individuals in younger years (4–5 months) is fraught with serious complications in physiological and mental development cats. Many years of veterinary practice have shown that sterilization of animals in the age range from 6 months to 10 years gives the maximum positive results. They tolerate surgery well and the risk of negative consequences is minimized.

The situation is different with adult cats that have crossed the 10-year mark. In this case the percentage unfavorable outcome and possible postoperative complications are directly proportional to the age of the animal. That is, the older the cat, the higher the risk! In addition, in terms of preventing the development of mammary gland cancer, late castration does not provide the desired prevention.

And here when to sterilize A cat is not at all recommended if it has a negative prognosis for existing pathologies (oncology) and at a very old age (16 years and above). But whenever a cat undergoes surgery, it must first be thoroughly examined and consulted with a veterinarian.

Sterilization methods

Sterilization, as a rule, is carried out in a veterinary clinic. However, doing it at home is also possible. At the same time, all the rules and technology of the operation are completely preserved. The main requirement of a home hospital is strict adherence to the cat’s postoperative regimen and medical recommendations for its care.

Castration has its own classification and differs in method and type of implementation. Basic sterilization methods:

  • linear or surgical - through an incision along the white line of the cat’s abdomen;
  • lateral - through a hole in the side;
  • laparoscopic - performed using special equipment (laparoscope) through a miniature incision of 1 cm;
  • “seamless” or radiation - produced by irradiating the cat’s ovaries with radiation.

However, among such variability in operating methods, surgical sterilization is considered the most reliable and favorable in terms of consequences. It, in turn, is divided by type into:

  • tubal occlusion - tightening of the fallopian tubes with preservation of the cat's behavioral reactions during estrus and its hormonal levels, but without the ability to produce offspring;
  • hysterectomy - removal of the uterus while preserving the ovaries (the effect is similar to tubal occlusion);
  • ovariotomy - elimination of one ovaries, resulting in a change in hormonal levels, cessation of estrus and elimination of the risk of oncology in the animal (suitable only for young nulliparous cats);
  • ovariohysterectomy - removal of the uterus and ovaries (used for individuals who have given birth and older animals).

Which method and type of sterilization to use is decided only by the doctor in accordance with clinical data and the results of previous diagnostics of the animal. Subject to qualified work, the rehabilitation process goes without problems and quite quickly.

Peculiarities of animal behavior “before” and “after” sterilization

In the case of proper sterilization, there should be no disturbances in the cat’s well-being and behavior. Castrated animal after recovery period continues to behave the same as before the operation, without any changes in character, intellectual activity and behavioral reactions. The cat fully retains all natural and hunting instincts, except, perhaps, the ability to reproduce.

The only thing you should pay closer attention to is regulating your pet’s diet. As a result of changes in hormonal levels and metabolism in the body, the animal may have a tendency to become overweight. Therefore, poor nutrition overuse food and a sedentary lifestyle of a cat easily contributes to the development of obesity and related serious illnesses. Compliance with special diet for neutered animals and providing favorable conditions for maximum cat activity will protect your pet and you from unpleasant “surprises” with his health.

Sterilization price

Answer to the question how much does sterilization cost will depend on the veterinary clinic where the procedure is supposed to be performed, the method and type of operation, the presence of concomitant pathologies, the quantity and specificity of medical consumables and medicines. Additional costs cannot be ruled out either. More than that detailed information You can get information about the cost and nuances of castration directly at the clinic during a consultation with a doctor.

Video: sterilizing a cat with your own eyes. Care in the first days after surgery

Sterilization allows you to rid animals of hormonal surges, reduce the risk of diseases of the reproductive organs, and increase life expectancy. Types of sterilization of cats and female cats are different and have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Sterilization is the removal of reproductive organs or restriction of their functioning. The purpose of such an operation is to deprive the cat of the opportunity to reproduce.


  • Successfully carried out sterilization relieves the cat from estrus, cysts do not form on the ovaries, diseases of the uterus do not occur, as well as tumors on the mammary glands and false pregnancies.
  • The emotional state and behavior of the animal does not change (with the exception of aggressive individuals - they become calmer), since physiologically the cat does not need cubs.
  • From a moral and ethical point of view, sterilization is a more humane method of getting rid of unwanted offspring when compared with drowning kittens or replenishing an army of stray animals.
  • In a city apartment, where there is no way to go outside in search of a cat, the cat will suffer. Sterilization serves as the most the best way save the animal from suffering.


  • Anesthesia can cause thromboembolism and cause the death of Maine Coons, Sphynxes, Scottish and British Folds. This is explained by the tendency of animals of these breeds to develop hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
  • Risk medical errors, which can lead to the development of inflammatory processes and other postoperative complications.
  • When performing the procedure at home, the likelihood of complications increases several times. This is explained by the fact that such conditions are not suitable for performing abdominal operations due to their non-sterility.
  • The risk of obesity increases, which is associated with increased appetite and decreased physical activity.

Types and methods of sterilization are different and the best will be considered the one that long time and is successfully used in the clinic where the pet owner turns for help.

The experience and professionalism of veterinarians allows us to perform surgery on the highest level, while the likelihood of postoperative complications is minimal.

Types of sterilization

There are several ways to limit the functioning of the reproductive organs in cats.

Methods for sterilizing cats:

  1. Ovariectomy.
  2. Ovariohysterectomy.
  3. Tubal occlusion.
  4. Laparoscopy.
  5. Medication.
  6. Radiation.


Otherwise, the method is called oophorectomy and is the surgical removal of the ovaries. After surgery, the cat's hormonal levels change and there is a complete cessation of the production of sex hormones. There is no more estrus, cysts do not form and false pregnancies do not occur.

Description of the operation: an incision of no more than 3 cm is made on the animal’s stomach, the ovaries are removed, self-absorbing sutures are applied to the internal organs, and 3 sutures are applied to the external organs, which are usually removed after 7 days.

Spaying is ideal for young, nulliparous cats without uterine pathologies. This is the most humane way to prevent unwanted kittens from being born.

Removal of the uterus and ovaries

Another method is called ovariohysterectomy. A similar operation is performed on cats in which pathology is detected in the uterus.


  • The fur on the stomach at the site of the future incision is shaved off.
  • Anesthesia is administered intravenously.
  • After the anesthesia takes effect, an incision is made in the abdomen.
  • The uterus and ovaries are removed.
  • A suture is placed at the incision site.
  • Then a blanket or bandage is put on to protect the wound from damage (the animal may begin to lick the stitches).

Ovariohysterectomy is considered the most effective method sterilization.

Tubal occlusion

Tubal ligation is a technique that renders a cat infertile while maintaining ovarian function. There is a heat aggressive behavior, the animal can mark territory.

This method is used extremely rarely and does not make sense in kittens under 5 months of age. This is due to the fact that during the process of growth and development of the animal, the functioning of the fallopian tubes is revived, as the applied threads dissolve.


Sterilization, during which punctures rather than incisions are made, is called laparoscopy. Through small holes in the abdomen, the doctor inserts instruments with backlighting and a built-in video camera, the image from which is transmitted to the monitor. This method of sterilization is suitable for any cat, since there are practically no complications after it.

Due to the minimally invasive procedure, the recovery period compared to conventional abdominal surgery is significantly reduced: the animal returns to its normal life the very next day.

There is no need to wear a bandage or protective blanket, the puncture site is treated 1 or 2 times, the amount of antibiotics to prevent infection is less than with conventional surgery.

Sterilization with drugs

The drug method is used to stop estrus. Veterinarians believe that by using hormonal drugs even just once the risk of neoplasms of the reproductive organs increases. Subsequently, the cat must be sterilized using surgical method and by medical indications, but her health will no longer be so good.

Irradiation with radiation or chemical method

The radiation method involves irradiating the ovaries with a dose radioactive radiation and is a conditionally non-hazardous method. The dose must be precisely calculated for each animal. Many doctors agree that the procedure has a detrimental effect on health, since radiation exposure may negatively affect cells in other organs.

At what age should a cat be spayed?

It is better to spay a cat at seven months of age, before her first heat.

This prevents the formation of tumors in the mammary glands: the risk of their occurrence is only 1%. If an animal is spayed after estrus, the risk increases in proportion to the number of estruses.

Sterilization of kittens at 2-3 months can provoke developmental pathologies. Older animals (especially those over 7 years old) do not tolerate anesthesia well and recover very slowly after surgery. Before sterilization, an elderly cat should be examined by a therapist., cardiologist, examine blood and urine. Veterinarians believe that a pet can be sterilized at the age of three months up to seven years.

How to prepare a cat for sterilization

3 or 4 weeks before the procedure, the cat must receive vaccinations (the doctor will provide information about them). A couple of days before the event is held preventive examination animal, the owner is obliged to provide information about the health status of the pet. If the need arises, blood is taken for analysis, an ultrasound of the internal organs and a cardiogram are performed.

A healthy cat, in the absence of contraindications to sterilization, is given a date for surgery. The day before surgery, the cat's claws are trimmed. This must be done, since during the postoperative period the animal may scratch the wound. Then you need to treat for fleas and give deworming medication.

The animal is stopped feeding 12 hours before sterilization, and given water 3 hours before sterilization. This is necessary so that during recovery from anesthesia the pet does not start vomiting, which can cause aspiration. respiratory tract vomit.

How to care for your cat after surgery

After a cat is sterilized, she is given special care. Some animals develop an appetite within a few hours after anesthesia, others may refuse food for up to three days. In the first 2-3 weeks after sterilization, it is necessary to reduce the amount of food by half. This will prevent the seams from coming apart. There is no need to change your diet.

Complications after surgery develop over the next 2-3 days. The most dangerous symptoms:

  • bleeding from the genitals;
  • weakness, depression, lethargy;
  • lack of appetite and thirst, while an increased need for water is a normal postoperative phenomenon;
  • shiver;
  • high or low temperature bodies;
  • changes in gait (unsteadiness);
  • redness or pallor of mucous membranes;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea and any problems with stool passage;
  • labored breathing.

If you detect at least one of the above signs, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Possible complications after surgery

Sterilization is currently the most frequently performed operation in veterinary clinics, so the procedure has been worked out to the point of automation. Complications after such an operation are extremely rare, but they do occur.

There is a risk:

  • Functional disorders of cardio-vascular system. Most often seen in sick or elderly cats. Examination of the animal by a cardiologist and an ECHO of the heart muscle before sterilization will help to avoid trouble.
  • Inflammation is a consequence of unsterile conditions during surgery or instruments. The occurrence of an inflammatory process is possible due to the fault of the owner: insufficient treatment of the suture, neglect of a course of antibiotic therapy.
  • The individual reaction of a cat's body to anesthesia. It appears rarely; animals that are allergic to something are most susceptible. The presence of a resuscitator at the operation and a preoperative examination by an allergist will help prevent a sad outcome.

The best way, according to doctors, to prevent the appearance of unwanted offspring is surgical intervention- ovariohysterectomy. The optimal age for sterilizing a cat using this method is 7 months.

Veterinary specialists in modern conditions offer different kinds sterilization of cats, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Most often this choice is determined technical support clinics, the qualifications of doctors and the financial capabilities of clients.

Therefore, before choosing which method would be better suited specific animal, you should familiarize yourself with the principles of its implementation, possible complications, changes in the physiology and behavior of females after surgery.

Many owners, when getting a purebred cat, do not immediately plan to use it for breeding purposes, but do not completely exclude this possibility in the future. For such cases, a sterilization method has been specially developed, based on the subcutaneous introduction of an implant that suppresses the production of sex hormones.

This allows you to prevent the appearance of unwanted offspring without surgery and relieve the animal from the suffering associated with the period of sexual heat in the absence of mating.

Until recently, Covinan was used in veterinary practice, the effect of which lasts six months after administration. Despite its high effectiveness, it had significant drawbacks in the form of side effects after frequent use.

Long-term use of the drug led to the development pathological changes in the internal genital organs of females. Therefore, most clinics have now abandoned the use of Covinan and switched to it modern analogue Suprelorin.

Active ingredient this tool is deslorelin, dissolved in animal fat that is biocompatible with the body. Due to its slow resorption, the drug continuously enters the bloodstream in equal portions and suppresses the synthesis of sex hormones for 6-24 months, depending on the breed and individual characteristics of the animal’s body. After the end of this period, it must be re-introduced.

Important! A special feature of Suprelorin is its ability to stimulate the production large quantity estrogen in females in the first 14 days after implantation, after which their synthesis abruptly stops. Therefore, in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy, contact of the cat with males should be completely excluded during this period.

According to studies, Suprelorin does not have side effects, therefore can be used for an extended period of time.

Read also: A cat’s temperature after sterilization: what to do with high and low readings

Advantages of the method

The main advantage of chemical sterilization is its reversibility, that is full recovery reproductive (childbearing) function of females after the end of drug exposure.

Other advantages include:

  • no need to prepare for manipulation;
  • avoiding the effects of anesthesia;
  • the possibility of preventing unwanted pregnancy in animals that have contraindications to surgical interventions;
  • the possibility of interrupting the action of the substance by removing the capsule from under the skin.

Disadvantages of the method

The disadvantages include the unpredictability of the duration of the drug’s effect on the cat’s body. This causes inconvenience to owners of breeding stations and nurseries, where it is necessary to predict the restoration of the reproductive abilities of females.

Radiation sterilization

This method of sterilization is the targeted effect of radioactive isotopes on the gonads of females.


  • no anesthesia;
  • painlessness;
  • no need for postoperative rehabilitation care;
  • high efficiency.

Some experts suggest that radiation exposure may further provoke the development of cancer of the reproductive organs. However, there are no statistical data to support this claim yet.

The disadvantages of the methods include: high cost and inaccessibility, since only a large-scale reputable clinic can afford expensive equipment for its implementation.

Surgical sterilization methods

Currently, there are 3 sterilization methods that completely eliminate the reproductive function of cats.

Tubal occlusion

This involves placing a ligature on the oviduct, often called tubal ligation. This makes the process of fertilization impossible, but does not affect hormonal levels. Therefore, the remaining ovaries continue to produce hormones and provoke symptoms of sexual heat.

Tubal occlusion is an outdated method, as it does not stop the suffering of the female during estrus, and can subsequently lead to inflammatory processes in the uterus, the formation of malignant tumors in it, and the appearance of cysts on the ovaries.


The method involves surgical excision of the uterus, but the ovaries remain intact and continue to perform their function of maintaining hormonal levels in the female’s body. This operation is advisable if it is necessary to save the life of a cat during pathological childbirth, the presence of decaying fetuses in the uterus, malignant neoplasms and so on.

The disadvantages of hysterectomy are similar negative consequences tubal occlusion, therefore both methods are practically not used in veterinary practice and are replaced by ovariectomy or ovariohysterectomy.


This term implies excision surgically ovaries, leading to cessation of hormone production.

Read also: The cat is lethargic after sterilization: reasons, what to do

Since this operation is most suitable for nulliparous females with a sufficiently formed healthy reproductive system, the optimal age for its implementation is considered to be 6-9 months.

Ovariectomy is contraindicated for cats with pathologies of the reproductive organs or mammary glands.


The essence of the operation is to remove the ovaries, oviducts and body of the uterus. This method is considered universal, since it not only prevents unwanted pregnancy and eliminates the phenomenon of estrus, but completely eliminates the formation of pathological processes in the reproductive organs and minimizes the possibility of the occurrence of diseases of the mammary glands.

The undoubted advantage of ovariohysterectomy is the absence of age restrictions on its implementation. It is used in young animals before their first heat, in females that have given birth, during pregnancy or pathological birth.

The only drawback of this procedure is the use of general anesthesia.

Methods of surgical sterilization of cats

In modern veterinary medicine, the following methods of sterilizing cats are used:

  • making an incision along the white line;
  • extraction of reproductive organs through a lateral incision;
  • laparoscopy.

Their main difference is access to the abdominal cavity. The first two methods can be carried out in any clinic, but the last method is carried out only if the appropriate equipment is available.

Sterilization through a midline incision

This is the most common and proven method in veterinary medicine, allowing not only to carry out sterilization, but also to assess the condition of adjacent organs and tissues.

Because white line is formed by a wide tendon plate, then when it is cut, no bleeding occurs. Through this 3 to 5 cm long incision, the doctor brings out the horns of the uterus, ties the blood vessels, and then excises the ovaries and uterus (with oophorectomy, only the ovaries).

Then the specialist injects an antibiotic solution into the abdominal cavity and sutures the peritoneum and skin layer by layer, further treating it antiseptic. The damaged area is closed postoperatively to avoid wound infection and suture rupture. After 7-10 days, when the edges of the wound grow together, the surgeon removes the sutures.

This operation is carried out under general anesthesia and depending on the qualifications of the specialist, it takes from 30 to 40 minutes. If sterility is maintained during manipulation and correct postoperative care complications are extremely rare.

Sterilization through a side incision

This method is considered low-traumatic. It allows you to minimize interference in the animal’s body, speed up the healing process, and also eliminate the possibility of internal organs falling out through the incision due to accidental rupture of the sutures. This method is used in 100% of cases when sterilizing stray cats, since after the operation there is no need for hospital stay.
