What are lentils? Additional useful information about lentils. Beneficial properties of lentils for the liver

An excellent hunger-quencher, lentils are one of the oldest crops that fed people long before the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. Today, lentils, the benefits and harms of which are a subject of interest to nutritionists and everyone who monitors their health, are still just as popular.

The reason for this is the excellent taste, high nutritional value and a rich set of useful substances hidden under the shell of small flattened seeds.

What are the benefits of lentils: composition and calorie content

Until recently, when preparing this or that dish, people took care that it was nourishing and tasty. To modern man The benefits of food are no less important.

Lentils fully satisfy all three requirements, and this is evidenced by its micro- and macronutrient composition, calorie content and vitamin content.

Beneficial features Lentils consist of several factors. 100 grams of dry seeds contains 297 kcal. This serving of lentils contains:

  • 23 grams of protein;
  • 1.6 grams fat;
  • 46.2 grams of carbohydrates.

Seeds and dishes made from them are rich in fiber. Among the macroelements for which this legume is valued by doctors are phosphorus and potassium, magnesium and sulfur, sodium, and calcium. The microelement composition is no less rich. It includes boron and nicol, titanium and cobalt, silicon, fluorine, molybdenum, iodine, copper and selenium, iron and zinc.

What are the benefits of lentils? Except mineral salts And nutrients, the seeds contain vitamins A, PP, E, as well as a whole set of B vitamins, including thiamine, riboflavin, and tocopherol.

By regularly including lentils in your menu, you can easily replenish your reserves of vitamins and valuable minerals, feed your body with energy and improve your health.

Benefits of lentils for the human body

Legumes, among other plant crops, are leaders in nutrient content. Lentils are no exception, and their seeds do not have irritant effect on the digestive organs, which is the effect of beans and peas.

The benefits of lentils for the body do not end there. The abundance of fiber causes the intestines to actively contract. Thanks to increased peristalsis, it is possible to cope with constipation; lentils actively remove toxins without causing increased gas formation or other inconveniences.

The vitamins contained in lentils are essential for the body. Although the seeds themselves are not rich in vitamin C, its absorption is impossible without the vitamin C present in lentils. nicotinic acid. Thiamine, together with magnesium and iron salts, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive organs, the course of metabolic processes, as well as the heart, blood vessels, hematopoiesis, and the nervous system.

Regular consumption of lentils helps improve blood quality. Iron in organic form stimulates hemoglobin production and maintains optimal red blood cell levels.

The absence of cholesterol is useful in case of danger of atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attack. Folic acid has anti-cancer effects. When talking about the benefits and harms of lentils, we cannot ignore the presence of riboflavin. This vitamin is indispensable for the human reproductive system and endocrine system.

Along with dishes made from seeds with medicinal and for preventive purposes use a decoction of lentils, as well as sprouts. They, unlike dry fruits, are incredibly rich ascorbic acid and low in calories. It is an excellent source of protein, dietary fiber and healthy carbohydrates.

The benefits of lentils for weight loss

Combination high concentration fiber, relatively low calorie content and an extensive list of vitamins and minerals make lentils an excellent product for those who are watching their weight and their health.

Lentil dishes allow a person to quickly feel full and not feel hungry for a long time. In addition, the fibrous structure, like a brush, cleans out undigested residues and toxins. Lentils have the power to cleanse the body of radionuclides and toxins.

Using lentils for weight loss is aimed not only at high-quality saturation, but also at improving your health. A large amount of protein in each serving during weight loss allows you to maintain excellent muscle tissue.

Dietary fiber, even with a strict diet, makes the intestines work actively and also contributes to weight loss.

Benefits of lentils for men's health

The anti-inflammatory properties of lentils and its beneficial effects on the condition of blood vessels and the heart have made the product very valuable for the treatment of problems in the male genital area. Dishes and decoctions from this type of legume are used together with medicinal therapy:

  • with prostatitis,
  • when identifying erectile dysfunction;
  • as a prevention of cancer and inflammatory diseases.

Despite all the benefits of lentils, the harm from their illiterate consumption can be very serious. Therefore, do not forget to follow the doctor’s recommendations and neglect traditional treatment.

Lentils, as a source of protein, are useful for athletes who monitor their weight and muscle mass.

What are the benefits of lentils for the body of a woman and child?

Legumes are rich in B vitamins. And besides them, lentil seeds contain many compounds whose effect on female body similar to the work of hormones. Phytoestrogens ease menopause:

  • normalizing blood pressure;
  • aligning heart rate;
  • reducing the number and depth of tides;
  • protect the body from the destructive effects of cancer cells;
  • maintaining stable mood and performance.

What other benefits do lentils have for the body? Thanks to its cleansing properties and nutritional value Bean dishes help maintain weight and muscle tone.

Tryptophan, a valuable amino acid also present in the seeds, helps women endure menstruation painlessly and not suffer from mood swings during pregnancy, after childbirth, during PMS and menopause.

Can a nursing mother eat lentils? How can including this product in the diet affect the baby? The peculiarity of this type of legume is the absence of allergic reactions and increased gas formation characteristic of other related crops.

That's why moderate amount Lentils will not only not interfere with women’s health; on the contrary, they are healthy, hearty dishes:

  • will replenish the supply of nutrients;
  • fill the body with energy and improve mood;
  • will support active work digestive system, eliminating waste and toxins;
  • help maintain the beauty of skin and hair;
  • will improve the quality of breast milk;
  • will serve as an excellent prevention of anemia.

Lentils at breastfeeding and when feeding children over one year of age, it is used as natural remedy to maintain muscle tone and bone strength. Externally, a mixture of lentil flour and oil is used as a safe soothing, anti-inflammatory agent for children's skin.

Harm and contraindications to eating lentils

Lentil dishes are an indispensable part of the menu for athletes, vegetarians, and people who care about health and weight maintenance.

With the help of such a menu, patients with diabetes, atherosclerosis, and patients with genitourinary diseases will definitely feel relief. However, lentils are not always healthy; harm to health from consuming them is possible if a person has:

  • gout;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • dysbiosis and other inflammatory processes in all parts of the intestine.

In addition, a small number of people have an individual intolerance to the product. Therefore, no matter how tasty lentils are, their consumption should always be moderate and approved by a doctor.

What are the benefits of lentils - video

Lentils are a legume crop; represents the genus of the same name and belongs to the legume family.

This leguminous crop was grown for food and as fodder many centuries ago.

Lentils are a very tasty and healthy product.

A specific feature of the plant is that it does not absorb harmful compounds.


The calorie content and nutritional value of grains depend on the variety and cooking technology:

Energy value, 100 g.Green and brown lentils rawBoiled green and brown lentilsRed lentils rawBoiled red lentils
Calorie content297 kcal105 kcal318 kcal100 kcal

Are lentils a protein or a carbohydrate? Lentil cereals are a source of light protein and complex carbohydrates.

Lentils have a varied chemical composition.

Grains contain the following microelements in large quantities:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • amino acids tryptophan;
  • light vegetable protein;
  • Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids;
  • vitamins gr. B (especially high content of B1), PP.

Sprouted grains, as shoots grow, are enriched with vitamin C.
Sprouted lentils will compensate for the lack of vitamin C

This valuable cereal is a leader in folic acid content: a serving of boiled beans provides the body with 90% vitamin B9.

For better absorption iron product is served with fresh vegetables and herbs containing the antioxidant vitamin C.


Lentils come in several varieties:

  • brown- the most popular. In American cuisine, vegetable soups are prepared with herbs and this type of cereal. The brown variety of beans has a nutty flavor. Effective for lung diseases, various injuries and fractures;
  • red— during the cooking process it quickly becomes soft since it lacks a shell;
  • black,“beluga”, similar to caviar;
  • green French "Puy"— grains of aromatic French lentils retain their integrity even after prolonged heat treatment. The Puy variety is used for making salads. Yellow beans are a green variety, only peeled from the shells.

Red lentils, benefits and harm

Eating red lentils will benefit you in the following cases:

  • Red lentils contain a lot of iron, so they will useful for anemia, anemia;
  • Vitamin A does strong hair and nails, the condition of the skin and teeth improves noticeably;
  • vitamin E prevents aging;
  • Dietary fiber functions as a regulator of metabolic processes, the body is filled with energy, the supply of which lasts for a long time.

A delicious soup is prepared from red lentils, you will learn the recipe in the video:

You may also be interested in learning about the benefits and harms. These are crushed barley seeds, which during processing are cleared only of flower films, as a result of which almost all the vitamins, microelements and fiber contained in the grains are retained.

Green lentils, benefits and harms

Green cereal takes a long time to boil, so it needs to be soaked.
Dishes made from this variety of lentil beans:

  • have a therapeutic effect for constipation, diabetes due to its high fiber content;
  • green beans lowers bad cholesterol levels;
  • in combination with other means are capable improve the condition of rheumatism, liver and gastrointestinal diseases, hypertension and etc.;
  • Unripe green lentils are richest in tryptophan, which triggers production of serotonin in organism.

The plant will also help produce serotonin. A true treasure trove of unique flavors and powerful healing properties, anyone can benefit from knowing how to consume amaranth seeds.

Which lentils are healthier, red or green? Each variety has a whole range of important substances and compounds, but the best in all respects is the green variety of lentil beans.

Green lentils- the most useful


Lentils can help overcome some diseases:

  • Soluble fiber improves the digestion process and prevents the development of rectal tumors;
  • Dietary fiber in lentil beans improve cholesterol levels in blood;
  • Regular inclusion of lentil grains in the menu has a beneficial effect on the immune system, the genitourinary system, and improves metabolism in organism;
  • Will help for constipation problems in the absence of intestinal inflammation;
  • To solve the problem of constipation, you can use and. In addition, potato juice perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and fights intoxications of various origins.

  • Lentils can also be consumed for diabetes. The product is filled with light carbohydrates that do not increase blood sugar levels. It successfully replaces most cereals and baked goods for diabetics. The most useful for diabetes are plate-shaped lentils. It should be eaten 2 times a week.

At diabetes mellitus can be used and . Beneficial for diabetics Fresh Juice vegetable crop, which improves overall well-being and helps prevent many complications of the disease.

Benefits and harms for the liver

Lentil grains, like all legumes, contain lecithin acid in large quantities. This substance has the ability to restore liver cells. The seeds of this side plant have a diuretic effect, prevent the accumulation of excess fluid, and promote the renewal of liver cells. Lentils are a storehouse of natural protein and are practically devoid of fat. The product is extremely beneficial for the liver. Nutritionists recommend eating lentil cereal dishes 1-2 times a week.

You can prepare a decoction of lentils to cleanse the liver, you will learn more from the video:

For women

Lentil grains contain isoflavones, which prevent the occurrence and development of malignant tumors in the breast. They are preserved even in seeds that have undergone heat treatment.

For weight loss. This legume is rich in protein, which provides the body with energy for many hours and has virtually no fat. In addition to weight loss, it improves normal operation the body as a whole. This natural product supports the body during diets, supplying it with all vital substances.

Lentil cereals help achieve the correct balance of hormones, improve metabolic processes, which leads to natural weight loss.

Vitamin E has a beneficial effect on appearance and gives beauty “from the inside.” Zinc makes muscles flexible, which is very important for a successful birth process without tearing.

Is it possible for pregnant women? During pregnancy, it is important to consume as much as possible valuable products. Thanks to folic acid in the cereal, lentils help proper development brain of the fetus, provides vitamins and other important substances to the body of the mother and the unborn baby.

When breastfeeding. The beneficial properties of lentils make it possible to recommend this product for breastfeeding. You can include lentils in the menu of nursing mothers after the baby is 2 months old to avoid colic and other tummy problems.

It is also useful for young mothers to take. This remedy not only increases milk volume during breastfeeding, but also helps a new mother cope with postpartum depression.

For children

Lentils should be offered to children over 2 years of age. It is better if this legume is part of a multi-component dish and is well boiled because digestive system small organism is not yet perfect. For children's nutrition, it is best to use red, yellow and sprouted cereals.
Children enjoy eating red lentil soup

How is it useful for men?

Eating lentils will bring invaluable benefits to men. The natural product helps cleanse blood vessels, reduce “bad” cholesterol and prevent the development of heart disease, which often affects representatives of the “stronger” sex.

Zinc in lentil beans returns male strength, and protein helps effectively build muscle mass. Thanks to magnesium and potassium, muscles become elastic.

For those involved in bodybuilding, lentils are an important food product. Cereals contain vegetable protein that can be easily digested. The beneficial substances of lentil beans help keep muscles toned.
Lentils saturate the body with calories for a long time. It should be consumed before and after workouts.


Due to the presence of difficult-to-digest protein in lentils, its consumption may be contraindicated for people who have:

  • ulcers;
  • gastritis;
  • hepatitis;
  • problems with the pancreas;
  • gallbladder problems.

Lentils, like other legumes, stimulate the formation of gases, so in addition to their benefits, they can cause harm to people with dysbacteriosis, intestinal diseases, and those who suffer from gout. To avoid these problems, beans should be served with greens and eaten in small quantities.
In some cases, lentils should be consumed with caution

It is difficult for the body to digest, so it should be boiled until soft over low heat and consumed during the daytime.

The composition also contains phytates, compounds that prevent the normal absorption of beneficial substances and minerals.

Which is healthier?

Let's compare the benefits of lentils with other, more familiar legumes:

  • Beans- a bright representative of legumes, has many varieties. They are all similar in chemical composition, nutritional value. Beans are richest in potassium, phosphorus, vitamin B9, magnesium, and calcium. Unlike lentil grains, beans contain the important trace element selenium. The content of protein and valuable dietary fiber in the crops is approximately the same. The calorie content of beans is slightly more than 100 Kcal/100 g;
  • Peas- also a representative of legumes. It has a richer composition of amino acids, however, it is inferior to lentils in terms of protein and iron content. Unlike lentil grains, it does not contain isoflavones.

As you can see, you can’t do without this legume – be sure to try this wonderful product.

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Greetings friends! Lentils are rightfully called the queen of legumes. Its emergence dates back to ancient times. Nowadays, lentils are also known, but not so in demand. Most often used by vegetarians and food lovers healthy eating. In ancient Rus', lentils were in great demand and were present in the diet almost every day. Delicious porridge, soup, stew were cooked from it, and bread and rolls were made from flour. India is one of the countries where lentils take pride of place in the national cuisine. This is explained by the unique composition of lentil grains, which can replace meat and potato dishes. Ancient healers used it in healing recipes. Perhaps it’s worth finding out in more detail what the benefits and harms of lentils are, and where they are used. This will be news to some, but lentils are widely used in food production: confectionery, sausage, and as a coffee substitute. Therefore, without knowing it, we use lentils in foods as additives.

Lentil lovers probably know the benefits and harms, but those who are new to such information will undoubtedly find it useful.

First and important point, there is the fact that legumes easily replace meat, and often surpass it in the quality of absorption. This is a powerful argument for lovers of healthy food. Another important advantage is its purity of cultivation, that is, it does not absorb agricultural chemicals, and therefore does not contain toxins and nitrates. Thus, its purity and benefits to our body are quite valuable. Lentils are a rich source of vegetable protein and an indispensable product for gaining muscle mass. Various amino acids needed full health, are part of it.

The necessary amount of fiber, leading to normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Folic acid, in great content, has a positive effect on brain activity and nervous system, relieves irritability. The composition of lentil grains is rich in vitamins A, C and group B, PP. A huge number of macro- and microelements are an integral part of the benefits of grains. Calorie content is 300 kcal per 100 g of product.

Table. Content of macro- and microelements in 100 grams of lentils.

Beneficial properties of lentil cereals

Beneficial properties of lentil cereals Valuable information about lentils, benefits and harms will be of interest to all lovers of proper nutrition. Its properties will be the envy of many legumes. Its function is to heal and strengthen the mechanisms of our body. It is important that during any processing of grains, be it cooking, canning or drying, the beneficial substances remain in it in full without loss. Helpful Actions, which performs:

  • Copes with weak immunity, preventing the development of harmful bacteria. All thanks to the extensive content of microelements.
  • , and the iron content creates conditions for normal hematopoiesis, which is extremely important in the presence of diabetes.
  • Instantly soluble fiber contained in grains improves metabolic digestive processes and has a gentle effect on intestinal functions. Relieves constipation and irritable bowel symptoms. Warns malignant tumors in the intestines.
  • Improves the functioning of the genitourinary area.
  • There is a high probability of considering it as a preventive measure against cancer. All thanks to the substances contained in isoflavones and folic acid. They are able to suppress the further spread of malignant tumors.
  • Vitamin B1 will cope with heart dysfunction and improve the condition of the liver.
  • Iron and magnesium help improve metabolic processes.
  • Vitamin B2 will reward healthy hair and nails, and thyroid normalizes its work.
    Sprouted grains provide similar benefits. Thanks to the organic iron content, it is possible to increase hemoglobin, and a sufficient level of vitamin C will prevent viral infections.

Benefits for children.
Children can get additional benefits from lentils. It will serve as an additional stimulant to their health. Doctors recommend introducing lentil dishes into the diet after a year and older. Lentils are considered healthy and necessary for babies because they do not contain harmful chemicals. The green variety will suit them. The vitamin C content in it will help the child gain weight faster, strengthen bone tissue and strengthen protective functions body.
The main fact of lentil cereals for a child’s health is the absence of allergens. You can safely introduce it into your baby’s diet.

The main fact of lentil cereals for a child’s health is the absence of allergens. You can safely introduce it into your baby’s diet.

Benefit for women. Groats, useful prevention against breast cancer, thanks to fiber, folic acid and phytoestrogens (strong antioxidants). Phytoestrogens are able to reduce hot flashes during menopause, normalize blood pressure, and slow down the aging of the body. Folic acid is an essential element during pregnancy. One serving of lentil dish will fill your daily requirement. As a pleasant addition, women will notice cleansing of their facial skin and a more even tone, it will become radiant, and their weight will noticeably decrease. The content of the amino acid tryptophan, which can degenerate into serotonin (the hormone of happiness), helps cope with PMS attacks and reduce painful sensations during menstruation, recover during lactation.

Benefits for men. Men with sexual dysfunction can benefit from red lentils in combination with drug treatment. The grains will relieve prostatitis and inflammatory processes. Cereals help strengthen small vessels on the genital organ, for optimal saturation with blood, which is why a full erection occurs.

Lentils great product, leading to a rapid increase in muscle mass, this is facilitated by the protein in the composition. Professional athletes are aware of this and use it with pleasure.
In addition to the beneficial properties of lentils described above, its abilities do not end there.
The minimum amount of fat, 1.5 g per 100 g of product, will help protect against excess weight. And carbohydrates (50 g) and protein (25 g) will easily fill you up even in a small portion.

The benefits of lentils for weight loss

World nutritionists confirm that lentils are an irreplaceable product that makes it easy to lose extra pounds. The result is helped by the fibrous structure, which is capable of acquiring the required volume in the stomach due to contact with liquid. The main benefits of losing weight: cereals are low in calories, high in protein, which has a positive effect on intestinal functions and normalizes regular bowel movements.

Types of Lentils

Nature often surprises with its diversity and here offers you to choose a palette for yourself. There are three types of lentils: red, black and green. Whichever you choose, don't worry, useful medicinal qualities everyone has them. All types are capable of fighting cancer.
Green lentils. The green variety is recommended more for problems: Bladder, heart and blood vessels, to lower blood sugar, gastrointestinal tract.

Green grains help improve blood formation and brain function. Leads in potassium content and vitamins C and A. To strengthen it useful qualities, used with others cereal crops for example, buckwheat, rice, sprouted wheat grains.

Red will surprise you with its delicate and aromatic taste. It will help in the fight against anemia and treatment of the hematopoietic system.

Black is also not inferior in useful qualities. Plus her in quick cooking, just twenty minutes is enough and the dish is ready. Besides:

  1. gets rid of bad cholesterol
  2. relieves inflammation, normalizes blood pressure
  3. regulates the functions of the genitourinary organs
  4. stimulates the heart
  5. intestinal peristalsis accelerates.

Due to the variety of lentil varieties, its benefits can satisfy even picky consumers.

Sprouted lentils, benefits

Sprouted grains of various cereals, including lentils, have pronounced qualities that bring health to the body. Because during the germination period, the grain is activated in full force, making it possible for a strong and healthy plant to be born. As a result, during this period, the grains have increased concentration useful substances.

To germinate the grains, you should wash them and place them on a plate. Pour on top warm water and cover with gauze, leave for a couple of days, change the water once a day. The likelihood of sprouts appearing faster will be on the sunny side or simply in the warmth.

Sprouted grains will come in handy in vegetable salads or sandwiches.
Diabetics will especially benefit from them; the grains lower blood glucose. Nursing mothers will benefit from improving the composition of milk and digestion. Changes in a positive direction will become noticeable, in the quality of sleep and psychological state, and you will get rid of depression.

Dosage of lentil grains, compatibility with other products

To obtain the full benefits and essential elements from lentils, the sufficient daily intake is 200 grams.
The most common recipes: porridge, salads, casseroles, stews, snacks. It is easily used as a side dish for meat, with chicken and beef. Easily goes with vegetables and mushrooms. There are known recipes for hummus made from lentil grains and pies. The variety of culinary dishes made from lentils will pleasantly surprise you.

Anyone familiar with lentils knows that it takes a lot of time to prepare. It’s easy to speed up the process if you pour the cereal into boiling water.

How to lose weight with lentils

You will have to stay on such a diet for one to three months, depending on your goals in kilograms. There are two diets: classic and strict. With the classic one, lentils should be used to replace lunches and dinners. Avoid fried, flour and sweet foods. You will get the expected effect without a doubt.

A strict diet implies a complete replacement of all dishes without exception with lentil ones. Such a method, of course, will be more difficult, but it will justify the intended results. The duration of the diet is exactly seven days, during which there is a chance of losing up to three kg.
If you are not ready for such measures, try to start eating just lentils for at least one day a month.

Cooking lentils (recipe suitable for diets)

To simply boil the cereal, you should soak it for a couple of hours in advance (the red variety does not need soaking). Next, take one part of the cereal and two parts of water (preferably boiling water), cover with a lid and let it cook over low heat for half an hour.

Harm of eating lentils

Lentils are no different from legumes; they also cause excessive gas formation in the intestines. Therefore, people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases need to control its consumption or avoid it altogether. Reduce discomfort will help fresh herbs, if you supplement it with lentil cereal dishes. It is not recommended for use by people with gout, dysbiosis, gallbladder problems and bladder stones.

Now, knowing about lentils, benefits and harm, it is easy to agree with its admirers; it deserves to be called the “queen” of legumes. Its incredible beneficial qualities can please any generation. Include this food in daily diet, And good health will be a reward. Be healthy!

Amazing lentils are one of the food cultural old-timers.

The taste of the queen of legumes was appreciated by the ancient founders of the Neolithic sites discovered in the Middle East, and the biblical Noah even sold his priceless birthright for lentil stew. Why, by the way, the queen? Yes, because pre-revolutionary Russia was the world's leading exporter of this wonderful product, it was loved and respected in Rus'.

Red, green, yellow, brown and even black, lentils delight with their variety of colors and ease of cooking. You can quickly and easily make dozens of them delicious dishes. In some countries, such as India, it is the basis of the national diet. And it’s not surprising: the unique composition of lentil seeds allows it to successfully replace meat, potatoes, and bread.

Unfortunately, today in Russia lentils are not as widespread as in the old days. Lentil dishes can be found more often on restaurant menus than on the dinner table of the average Russian. But those who care about their health enjoy eating lentil dishes. They are not only healthy, but also wonderfully tasty.

Nutritionists sing the glory of lentils, the benefits and harms of which have long been appreciated by them. Looking ahead, we can say that a very small category of people should refrain from eating lentil dishes. Everyone else can not only enjoy their taste, but also improve their health. As the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians did, for example.

It was believed that eating lentils made children cheerful and diligent, and representatives of the stronger half of humanity strengthened their virility. During the Roman Empire, lentils were a commodity in high demand on the international market. Not least because it was considered something of a panacea for many diseases. Revslenta arabica, an Arabian tonic, was made from it. His recipe is still popular in the East.

Medieval healers also believed in the miraculous power of lentils, the benefits and harms of which were assessed in much the same way as modern pharmacists. They actively used the beneficial properties of the plant, including it in most potions. They tried to cure the deadly smallpox with the help of lentil decoction. Ancient healers quite rightly gave it to people suffering from kidney stones and heart disease.

Today, lentils are recommended for the nutrition of pregnant women, as they contain a huge amount of vegetable protein, fiber, iron and B vitamins. But there is almost no fat and cholesterol in it. Modern food industry uses lentil raw materials for production confectionery, sausages, coffee substitutes.

Beneficial properties of lentils

The love of lentil fans, the benefits and harms of which have long haunted vegetarians, is understandable. In terms of protein content, the culture can become complete meat substitute, but it is much easier to digest. In addition, this is a truly pure product, which, you see, is very rare these days. The fact is that it does not absorb agricultural chemicals or radionuclides, and therefore is completely free from toxins and nitrates.

Amazing properties allow us to talk about lentils, their benefits and harms, in a positive way. It heals and strengthens various systems of the human body:

Increases immunity;

Helps improve hematopoietic function;

Protects the intestines;

Normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system;

Is a prevention tumor diseases;

Stimulates metabolic processes:

Prevents cardiovascular diseases.

Lentils have a beneficial effect on immune system children. Pediatricians recommend including lentil dishes in your diet. one-year-old babies and older children.

Due to the high content of fiber, folic acid and phytoestrogens - powerful antioxidants, lentils prevents bowel cancer. This amount of isoflavonoids is extremely rare and has a beneficial effect on the body. If you eat three servings of lentils per week, you will significantly reduce the risk of polyps appearing on the intestinal walls. But it is polyps that most often degenerate into cancerous tumors.

Women who regularly eat lentils are much less likely to get sick breast cancer. Most importantly, heat treatment does not destroy isoflavonoids. You can enjoy delicious hot meals and baked goods while strengthening your own health. Just one regular serving of soup or lentil porridge meets 90% of the body's daily need for folic acid. This is an indispensable product for pregnant women. In addition, ladies will certainly appreciate the “lentil bonuses”: smoothing and cleansing of the skin, lasting weight loss, radiant health complexion.

Lentils are a real treasure useful microelements and vitamins that are not lost during heat treatment.

Lentil seed has an amazing composition:

Vitamins PP, A, B, E;

Beta carotene;

Folic acid;

The most important macroelements: magnesium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, potassium, phosphorus;

Main microelements: fluorine, chromium, selenium, boron, nickel, aluminum, cobalt, iodine, copper, titanium, manganese, iron, zinc, silicon;


Fatty acid;

Starch and sugar.

The unique composition of lentil seeds, containing huge amounts of zinc and iron, contributes to increasing performance, resistance to infectious and viral diseases . If you feed your children lentil cakes, soup, and lentil puree at least twice a week, they will not be afraid of any seasonal flu epidemics. To better absorb iron from lentils, you need to eat legumes along with fresh vegetables.

Men who consume lentils very rarely complain of impotence. Strengthening the genitourinary system – prevention of prostate diseases.

B vitamins and magnesium strengthen the nervous system, so the mood of legume lovers is always good and even. Moreover. Lentils contain tryptophan, and it is this amino acid that promotes the production of serotonin - the “happy hormone”. So lentil dishes allow get rid of depression, including chronic ones, improve mood. Some psychiatrists prescribe lentils as an additional treatment for prolonged depression. Green varieties contain the most tryptophan.

All this allows us to draw an unambiguous conclusion regarding lentils, their benefits and harms. The beneficial properties of the legume plant are disproportionately higher than the unhealthy ones.

What diseases does lentils treat?

Lentil porridge and stew normalize the functioning of the kidneys, reproductive and urinary organs, raise hemoglobin levels, and promote the production of red blood cells. Certain varieties of lentils are indicated for diabetics to lower blood sugar levels. Lentil dishes are a must for people suffering from stomach ulcers.

Sprouted lentils are truly miraculous. It contains large amounts of vitamin C and potassium. If you take a tablespoon of this daily natural product, you can get rid of many ailments (in particular, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis), strengthen blood vessels, and increase the body’s energy.

A miraculous decoction of lentil seeds will relieve nervous disorder, urolithiasis, liver diseases. To prepare healing drink, you need to pour three tablespoons of lentils into half a liter clean water, simmer at low simmer for 20 minutes, then strain through a sieve. You need to take it before meals three times a day, half a glass. The results will be such that the question of lentils, their benefits and harms, will be resolved by itself.

A paste of lentil flour and butter can be applied to burned or dermatitis-affected skin. The mixture will heal the affected areas.

In addition to protein, lentils contain high content fiber, and this is the main condition for normal intestinal function. Due to the dietary fiber of lentils, persistent constipation can be cured and the intestinal walls can be cleansed of toxic contents. Getting rid of toxins and normal bowel function will solve many skin problems: acne will disappear, acne, inflamed areas.

Not the last place is given to lentils in complex treatment obesity. It is necessary to include lentil stew or soup in your diet and consume it daily.

Who shouldn't eat lentils?

Information about lentils, their benefits and harms cannot be complete without indicating possible Negative consequences consumption of legumes. First of all, it is worth recalling that all sorts of excesses only lead to harm. Therefore, you need to eat lentil dishes, but without fanaticism. Moderation in everything is the key excellent health. If you scoop up large spoonfuls of lentil porridge every day for breakfast and dinner, lentil soup for lunch, and wash it all down with lentil broth, there will definitely be no benefit.

Definitely decide for yourself about lentils, their benefits and harms aside complete refusal should people suffering from the following diseases:


Joint diseases;

Dyskinesia of the gallbladder;



Some unpleasant consequence after eating lentils may be associated with the individual reaction of the body. If you eat too much lentil protein, digestion will be disrupted. At penchant for increased gas formation The product should be treated with the greatest care. Flatulence in this case is guaranteed, as with the consumption of other legumes. All of them cause increased gas formation.

Due to the phytans it contains, lentils reduce the degree to which the body absorbs some beneficial substances. These include iron, calcium and zinc. However, this is not such a critical indicator for resolving the issue of lentils, the benefits and harms of this product. The fact is that other legumes contain phytans. Moreover, lentils contain much less of these substances than peas, beans or legumes.

Lentils are quite difficult to digest. It’s not easy even to cope with so much valuable protein and other micro- and macroelements. healthy body, let alone the patient. To ease the work of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to properly prepare the seeds. They definitely need to be soaked for several hours, the water drained, and then the product thoroughly boiled.

What's in the bottom line? Lentils, their benefits and harms have been very carefully studied by experts. Doctors, psychiatrists, cosmetologists, and pharmacists know about them.

They are unanimous in their conclusions: the beneficial qualities of lentils, this wonderful gift of nature, significantly outweigh the negative ones.

Lentils are one of the oldest cultivated foods. The Bible says that the birthright was sold for lentil stew. Its grains were found in Neolithic buildings in Switzerland. In Egypt, during the times of the pharaohs, bread was made from its flour, and in ancient Rome it was famous as a medicine.

Useful properties and composition

You can’t say enough about them in a few words. The vitamins and various elements contained in lentils (which we will discuss below) have the most beneficial effect on human body. Thus, protein is necessary for metabolism, and fiber normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: eliminates constipation, cleanses the intestinal walls of toxic waste, and is beneficial for the skin. Potassium promotes cell function, normalization of water and acid-base balance.

Per 100 grams of lentils there are:

  • Potassium – 940 mg
  • Calcium – 71 mg
  • Phosphorus – 350 mg
  • Iron – 11.1 mg
  • – 0.41 mg
  • – 0.27 mg
  • – 0.93 mg
  • Vitamin PP – 2.2 mg.
Raw lentils contain 106 kilocalories, contain carbohydrates, but practically no fat. Boiled has 111 kilocalories, and fried only 101 kilocalories.
If you take 100 grams of lentils, then the content of valuable food components will be distributed as follows:
  • Protein – 25 grams
  • Fat – 1.6 grams
  • Carbohydrates – 46.5 grams
  • Ash – 2.8 grams
  • Water – 15 grams
  • Total calorie content – ​​280 kilocalories
It is quite capable of replacing bread and cereals, and can also partially replace meat.

Did you know? Lentils are a record holder for boron, potassium, copper and iron content.

When to use sprouted

The benefits of sprouted fruit are enormous. It strengthens the immune system and normalizes the activity of the central nervous system, beneficial for bleeding. It is simply necessary in the diet of both adults and children, especially if they are more prone to frequent illnesses than others. Lentils will also benefit those suffering from arrhythmia and atherosclerosis, since lentil sprouts contain a lot of potassium, and the iron they contain increases hemoglobin and forms red blood cells.
Generalized recommendations for consuming sprouted lentils:

  • Anemia
  • Uterine bleeding
  • Increased tendency to vascular bleeding
  • Protection against pneumonia and bronchial inflammation
  • Treatment and recovery from colds
  • Diseases of the digestive organs
  • Heart diseases
  • Bringing sugar levels back to normal
Another beneficial feature is that it contains the most valuable amino acids - methionine and cysteine, which the human body is not able to synthesize on its own, but they are extremely important for muscle functioning.

Important! Sprouted lentils should be stored in the refrigerator in a glass container, but no more than five days.

Benefit for health

The health benefits can hardly be overestimated, judge for yourself:

  • For the most part, insoluble lentil fibers reduce cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of serious clinical diseases (infarction of the brain and heart muscle).
  • Dissolving fiber slows down the penetration of carbohydrates and stabilizes blood sugar levels. Magnesium blocks calcium channels, relaxes the walls of blood vessels, which, in turn, improves blood transmission processes in the body.
  • Folic acid, or more precisely vitamin B9, converts homocysteine ​​into life-giving amino acids. With a lack of vitamin B9, the layer of cells lining the inner surface of the arteries is damaged. It also promotes the health of the nervous system and is needed for the synthesis of ribonucleic acid, deoxyribonucleic acid and red blood cells. Folic acid deficiency may lead to cancer, heart disease, depression, age-related deterioration vision, hearing impairment.
  • Extremely beneficial for pregnant women, as well as during lactation to eliminate iron deficiency.
  • An excellent product for weight loss. Lentil fiber, filling the stomach, reduces feelings of hunger and slows down the absorption of carbohydrates into the blood.

Now a few words about directly medicinal foods. Lentil dishes should be eaten with a salad of tomatoes, fresh herbs and red pepper. In this case, magnesium, iron and molybdenum, which lentils are rich in, will be well absorbed by humans.
The main dish made from lentils and rice is majadara. It will enrich the body with serotonin, and it, in turn, will drive away Bad mood And depressive state. All this is due to tryptophan, an amino acid that lentils are rich in; it is converted into serotonin in the body. The canned and dried plant contains isoflavones that can fight breast cancer.

But lentil puree is good to use if you are worried about colic, ulcers duodenum or stomach. Lentil porridge is an excellent metabolism stimulant, which can increase the body's protective properties and is very beneficial for the reproductive and urinary systems. True, you need to cook for about 40 minutes (a little over an hour), but it retains most of beneficial minerals and vitamins, especially since lentil porridge tastes very pleasant.

Important! Pregnant women who consume 600 micrograms of folic acid daily reduce the likelihood of developing pathologies of the neural tube and digestive system in the fetus.

Harm and contraindications

This is generally a harmless product, but it also has its downsides. Lentils are not recommended for patients with a history of gout, uric acid diathesis, diseases of the joints and genitourinary system. It should not be eaten by those who are not well gastrointestinal tract and pancreas, gall bladder.

Problems with the vascular-cardiac system. It should also be avoided by people suffering from hemorrhoids or having problems with urination. Those who have skin diseases, it is better to consult a doctor first. And the main recommendation that concerns everyone is: There is no need to overuse lentils.

Types of Lentils

There are many of them, but the most common ones are black, brown, green and red.


Another name is black lentils “beluga”. It is the smallest, but also the most expensive. Goes as an independent dish or in a salad. The black-colored substance has great antioxidant properties. Recommended for inhibiting the aging process, preventing cardiovascular and other dangerous ailments.


The most desirable in the culinary arts. Very popular in America. There they make vegetable soups with the addition of various herbs. Yes, this is actually a “soup” kind. Represents beans that are already ripe (as opposed to still green) and combines everything best quality, taken from other species. All-encompassing view. Doesn't boil over.


Also called "French". Essentially - unripe beans. Doesn't get overcooked, good for salads and as a side dish. But at the same time - the most medicinal type. "Heals" vegetable fiber, which she has a lot of, as well as the amino acid tryptophan. Therefore, it is very useful for people with problems with digestion and intestinal function. In addition, it improves mood.


Or "Egyptian". The taste is unusually subtle. It cooks the fastest and is used when there is little time for cooking - 15 minutes and it’s ready, although if you overcook it a little, the beneficial properties will only increase. This food is loved in the East: from India to Egypt. It is used without the skin, in purees, porridges, sauces, pates and soups.

Did you know? Lentils' 14 grams of fiber reduce necessary for the body calories by 10%.

How to cook

People have been eating the fruits of the described plant since time immemorial. The brown one gives off a subtle nutty aroma when cooked; it is an addition to stews, casseroles, and used in salads. Red - famous in Asian cuisines; because of its light seductive aroma, it is used in preparing Indian dishes. Pies and bread are made from flour. Let's look at some of the most popular cooking options.

  • No pre-soaking required. Proportions are 3x1, where “3” is water, “1” is lentils.
  • Boil water and place lentils in it.
  • Then reduce the heat and continue cooking on low.
Feature: to make it dense and crumbly for soup or salad, remove from heat 5-10 minutes earlier; soft for sauce or porridge - leave for 10 minutes more.

  • Lentils - 250 grams, water - 4 cups, onions, carrots, sunflower oil, dill, salt, spices to taste.
  • Grate the carrots on a fine grater, simply chop the onion, and chop the dill very finely.
  • Rinse the lentils and add water. After boiling, remove the foam and add salt.
  • Fry grated carrots (with chopped onions) in vegetable oil, add dill. Then add to the cooking lentils. Cook for 60 minutes.

Lentils - 200 grams; water - 2 liters; onion - 1 head; carrots - 1 piece; vermicelli - 40 grams; tomato paste- 2 tablespoons; basil - to taste; seasoning - 1 tablespoon; salt, sugar, pepper - to taste; raisins - 1 tablespoon.

  • Soak the lentils in cold water for 2-3 hours.
  • Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and finely chop the onion. Then fry it all and add tomato paste, sugar and salt. Boil the lentils and add the “overcooked” mixture to it. Then add “not thick” vermicelli and raisins. Let everything boil, after which all that remains is to remove the foam, add basil, pepper, seasoning or bouillon cube. Cook for another seven to ten minutes.

Lentils - 200 grams; green onions - one bunch; cheese - 100 grams; garlic - 3 cloves; mayonnaise.

  • Grate the cheese, finely chop the onion, crush the garlic.
  • Boil the lentils and stir together with the cheese and onions, then add crushed garlic and season with mayonnaise.

Combination with other products

Good combination with sunflower oil and sour cream, herbs and starchy vegetables. Slightly worse compatibility with cream and butter, potatoes and cereals, with grains, also with seeds and nuts.

Lentils are a unique, healthy and undeservedly forgotten product. Probably, it was created by nature itself so that humanity could maintain health and longevity for as long as possible.
