Armpit sweat remedy. Pharmacy and folk remedies against excessive armpit sweating

AT armpits especially many sweat glands are located. The release of sweat is necessary for the body for thermoregulation, otherwise we could die from heat and overheating. But some people suffer from excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). The problem causes discomfort, creates tension and the need for constant monitoring. How to get rid of armpit sweating at home folk methods the most effective - consider these questions. There are many simple and available recipes to reduce hyperhidrosis and its backfire.

Why do armpits sweat a lot

In a hot environment, during physical activity and active action, the body begins to remove fluid so that the body temperature does not rise and there is no overheating. This is a completely natural and necessary process.

There are many reasons excessive sweating armpits.

Excessive underarm sweating can have many causes, the most common being:

  • Physiological feature.
  • Neglect of body hygiene.
  • Overweight.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system.
  • Diseases thyroid gland.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Frequent wearing of clothes made of synthetic fabrics.
  • Excessive fluid intake.

In order to exclude pathological causes hyperhidrosis, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis.

It should be understood that folk remedies underarm sweating can be of great help, but they will not get rid of the problem if it lies inside. In cases where heavy sweating is the result physiological features, active lifestyle or hot climate, ethnoscience very efficient.

Folk remedies and recipes for armpit sweating

Most of folk recipes based on natural remedies and ingredients. And they all have a budget price. So, if your armpits sweat a lot and smell, and you are wondering what can be done at home, then we present the most effective methods fight against hyperhidrosis.


Herbal infusions, which can be bought at a pharmacy, on the market, or collected on your own, will help reduce sweating.

Attention! Any herbal infusions store in the refrigerator and no more than 2 days. And it is best to prepare a fresh broth every day in the morning.

  • Chamomile. The most famous medicinal herb that helps with many ailments. Strong antiseptic and tissue regenerator. A tablespoon of flowers is brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 2-3 hours. Armpits are wiped with warm infusion up to 10 times a day with a cotton or gauze swab.
  • Sage. This herb contains a lot of ether, antimicrobial and tannins, which are excellent against heavy sweating. The broth is prepared as follows: pour a glass of water 3 tsp. herbs and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Infuse for about 3 hours and wipe the skin, the more often the better.
  • Oak bark. A tablespoon of bark is steamed with 200 ml of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours, used as in previous recipes. An infusion of oak bark for armpit sweating is a very powerful and effective remedy. This natural component contains substances that reduce the activity of sweat channels and kill bacteria that provoke an unpleasant odor.
  • Melissa. Melissa also contains etherols, tannins, caffeic acid and other elements that help reduce hyperhidrosis. Take 1.5 tablespoons per glass of boiling water. lemon balm, steam the grass and insist for about 3 hours, then wipe the armpits with liquid.
  • Series. This herb has an anti-allergic effect, quickly relieves inflammation and irritation on the skin, tightens pores and reduces sweating. Brew it like this: 1 tbsp. pour 150 ml of boiling water and leave for about 3 hours. The more often a day you can wipe your armpits with this infusion, the faster relief will come.
  • Celandine. In action, the plant is similar to a string. The infusion is prepared in the same way as described above.

Sweat itself has no smell, it appears only after a certain time, when bacteria enter it and leave their excretory products there, they begin to multiply. Therefore, you should separate the options for how to get rid of sweat and how to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Separately, the disease hyperhidrosis (pathological sweating) is considered.

How to get rid of sweaty feet

To resist heavy sweating need to understand the causes of this problem. For example, a person may sweat for natural reasons or due to the development of some disease that causes hyperhidrosis and requires treatment. To get rid of sweating feet in this case is possible only by eliminating the primary factor. The following factors can cause excessive sweating:

  • wearing shoes that are not suitable for the season;
  • intense leg workout
  • overweight;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • some medicinal preparations;
  • infectious diseases;
  • disorders in the endocrine system of the body;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • skin pathologies.

Remedy for sweaty feet

You can use both medicinal and folk recipes (more on them will be discussed below). Remedies for sweaty feet and odor (bromidrosis) are available in different forms: deodorants, creams, gels or powders. The following medicines will help get rid of sweating:

  1. Teymurov's paste or zinc ointment. These are remedies for hyperhidrosis that help fight odor, but have one significant drawback - they stain clothes heavily, and then you won’t be able to wash them off. Contains zinc and salicylic acid.
  2. Solution Formidron, Borosin, Formagel, Drysol. These medicines contain tannins similar to natural ones. They help protect your feet from increased sweating, fungal infections and get rid of unpleasant odors.
  3. A solution of manganese has the same effect; foot baths are made from it.
  4. In the pharmacy you can find cosmetics, with which you can protect your feet from sweating and moisturize the skin. An example of such a drug is the Deo-control antiperspirant. The tool has a long action, use it only 1 time per week.

How to get rid of underarm sweating

As a rule, this place on the human body becomes wet first. This phenomenon also has an anatomical explanation: the body produces a lubricant that reduces skin friction during movement. Abundant excretion occurs different reasons, for example, in girls it is observed during hormonal changes. Separately, one should remember about the treatment of armpit hyperhidrosis, which is a pathology and requires a course of therapy. A person can sweat a lot the following reasons:

Remedy for sweat under the arms in a pharmacy

It is necessary to start treating excessive sweating with a visit to the doctor. The effectiveness of therapy depends on correct definition the root cause of the symptom. If the specialist did not find a pathology, then you can use the following means from armpit sweating to get rid of an unpleasant smell:

  1. Antiperspirants. Their action is aimed at clogging the sweat glands, which reduces the release of fluid. You can find funds in a pharmacy or stores with cosmetics, perfumes. The composition of the preparations includes aluminum chloride hexahydrate (15%) and zinc-aluminum compounds, which can be harmful to health. Deodorants should only be applied to dry, clean skin.
  2. Medicines for external use. For these purposes, Formagel, Teymurov's Paste are used, which have a deodorizing, antiseptic effect, inhibit sweating. It is recommended to use them in consultation with your doctor. Apply to dry, clean skin.

Folk remedies for sweat in the armpits

If you are not attracted to pharmacy medicines or you want to independently control the components of the product, then you can prepare an “antiperspirant” at home on your own. Folk remedies for armpit sweating include natural ingredients that will help men and women get rid of sweating. The following are considered effective:

  1. Salt compresses. Prepare a solution of 20 ml warm water and 2 tbsp. l. salt (cooking). Moisten a gauze pad, apply to the armpit area, hold for 8-10 minutes. Then rinse your skin with water. Perform the procedure before bed.
  2. Contrasting compresses. You will need two containers with cold and hot water. Alternately apply a cold washcloth and a hot washcloth to your armpits. Keep each lotion for 8 minutes, alternations should be done at least 4.

How to get rid of sweaty hands

Even with absolutely healthy people palms may occasionally sweat. This is due to hot weather in summer, overload of the body, stress or fear. This is a normal reaction of the body, which is associated with an increase blood pressure and heartbeat. If it is necessary to treat hyperhidrosis of the palms, then the root cause of such a reaction should be established. The following factors can cause the disease:

  1. High concentration of sweat glands.
  2. Violation of the body's response process. He is unable to understand what he is experiencing. this moment: fear, appeasement, irritation, cold or heat.
  3. Drug overdose.
  4. crash hormonal system person.
  5. CNS damage, pathology endocrine system, infections (tuberculosis, lymphogranulomatosis).
  6. Job disruption autonomic function CNS.
  7. Climacteric changes in women, transitional age.
  8. Failure of the sweat glands that are on the hands.

Remedy for sweaty hands

If you have been diagnosed with hyperhidrosis, then you must first treat the cause that causes it. In other cases, you can get rid of excessive sweating by using medicines or folk remedies for sweating hands. Keep in mind that anatomical features people have different, so the same medicine against sweaty palms It may work for one person and not for another. It is recommended to use the following options:

  1. Zinc ointment. Helps eliminate excessive sweating in the early stages, when the palms are not too wet. You can buy ointment at any pharmacy, a doctor's prescription is not required. For a month, every evening, smear a thin layer of medication over the entire surface of the brushes. Wash off needed warm water after 15 minutes.
  2. Ammonia. Get rid of wet hands Rubbing with this remedy 2 times a day will help. The smell dissipates quickly, so you won't smell. The product strongly evaporates moisture, so there is a risk of developing dry skin. You can remove this side effect with a simple hand cream.
  3. formalin solution. For one liter of water you need 1 tbsp. l. substances. Keep your hands in a warm solution for 10 minutes a day (no more), if signs of irritation appear, stop the procedure immediately.

How to get rid of excessive sweating

This question is asked by people who sweat constantly and this creates problems in life. Help with increased sweating can be different, you can use folk remedies or resort to surgery, Botox injections. therapy depends on the underlying cause that is causing the sweating. The right option How to get rid of hyperhidrosis will be a visit to an endocrinologist or a neurologist. He will find out when the symptoms of the disease appeared (in childhood or at puberty), make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Remedies for excessive sweating

You can get rid of sweating different ways, the choice of which depends on the intensity of perspiration. As a rule, at the first stages, folk recipes (infusions, decoctions) or soothing tablets are enough. Remedy profuse sweating usually has its Negative consequences: May cause allergies, dermatitis, clogging of glands. For this reason, you should always understand what causes hyperhidrosis. If you manage to get rid of this factor, then sweating will become less noticeable.

Folk remedies for sweating

One of common causes excess work sebaceous glands becomes unrest, stress, so you need to get rid of experiences. Folk remedies for sweating have a calming effect. After consulting with a doctor, you will be prescribed a course of treatment that will help get rid of hyperhidrosis forever or stop its manifestations. To combat sweating, you can use the following folk recipes:

  1. Oak bark and sage. Both ingredients 2 tbsp. l. brew in 1 liter of water and keep in a closed container for 1 hour. Use for wiping armpits, arms, legs.
  2. Lemon. Wipe the armpits with a damp cloth, take a lemon wedge and lubricate her sweaty area.
  3. Apple vinegar. Wash armpit first with soap, then wipe apple cider vinegar. During the day, the unpleasant smell will not appear.
  4. Soda. it is necessary to make a thick mixture of this component with water. Shave your armpits and apply the product for 20 minutes. Repeat the process for several days.
  5. For legs and arms, you can use a decoction of willow and oak bark. You need to mix in a ratio of 1: 2 (one part of a willow, two oaks), boil the mixture in 1.5 liters of water, keep it on the horse for 10 minutes. Strain the resulting broth, cool, pour into foot baths. Wash your feet thoroughly and soak them in the liquid for 20 minutes. You can carry out the procedure every day.
  6. Glycerin solution. It is good for washing hands. legs. In one container, mix 30 g of glycerin and 5 g of lemon juice. To dilute the fat mixture, pour 15 g of alcohol. Shake the product and wipe your feet and hands frequently.

How to get rid of stinky sweat

remember, that bad smell appears not because of sweat itself, but because of microbes and bacteria that begin to multiply in it and release waste products. Get rid of stinky sweat is not always possible with the help of traditional methods. In such cases, assigned radical therapy determined by the physician. You can get rid of stinky sweat and excessive sweating by the following methods:

  1. Iontophoresis. Helps get rid of sweating medicinal solution using galvanic current. A week after the start of the procedures, noticeable positive effect.
  2. Get rid of excessive sweating Botox injections help. The remedy affects the sweat glands, reducing their activity. This is an expensive procedure, the effect of reducing sweating lasts about 6 months.
  3. AT extreme cases You can get rid of sweating with the help of surgery. The specialist excised the sweat glands, which reduces the strength of perspiration.

Find out which is the most effective.


People who suffer from hyperhidrosis are often very shy. They are afraid to raise their hands, walk down the street at a faster pace, because this can turn into wet spots on their clothes. We offer to consider how to get rid of sweat under the arms, on the back, head and face with home remedies, healthy diets, as well as folk methods against sweaty smell of feet and hands.

Causes and types of sweat

Before getting rid of selection strong sweat, you need to understand the reasons for its appearance and types. Medicine distinguishes two types this disease, each differs in certain factors and manifestations.

If increased sweating begins when you exercise physical work, exercise or somehow tense (worried, afraid), then this is not hyperhidrosis, but a normal reaction of the body. But in the event that an increased release of fluid in the armpits, on the body, legs or face begins to occur under normal temperature and chemical-physical conditions of the body, then this is a metabolic disorder.

There are two types of excessive sweating, "hyperhidrosis" - primary hyperhidrosis (localized) and secondary (generalized). Primary considered medical condition, secondary is caused by some disease or drug. In primary hyperhidrosis, excess sweating is located in the armpits, hands, face, or legs, etc. In most cases of the secondary type, the whole body sweats.

Causes profuse sweating can be the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  2. Diseases of the endocrine system;
  3. Diabetes;
  4. Alcoholism;
  5. Obesity;
  6. oncological diseases;
  7. Influence of certain psychiatric drugs and drugs against high blood pressure.

Video: how to get rid of the smell of sweat

Sweating treatment

Special deodorants(Nivea and Dove) are the most popular home remedies to get rid of sweat stains, this remedy has worked well as additional treatment or insurance. But antiperspirants will not cope with the problem if the hyperhidrosis is general or very advanced. On women's forums, it is advised to use Lancome (even apply deodorant for legs under the armpits), Faberlic, Nivea, Dove.

You can drink at home oral preparations These remedies will help stop excessive sweating. They are specifically designed for people who experience excess sweat on their feet and hands and belong to the group of anticholinergic medicines. It is important to remember that in most cases, they have side effects, this is dry mouth, blurred vision. Represented by such means as Glycopylorate, CertainDri, DryDry.

Iontophoresis This technique uses a light electrical current to upper layers the patient's skin to make the sweat glands work properly. This is a temporary solution, firstly, often the sessions cannot be repeated, and secondly, the action is enough for a couple of weeks.

Botox. Botox injections are used to temporarily stop the nerves that cause excessive sweating. For permanent treatment injections will not work, because it is very toxic, it can be allergic. Most often it is injected under the armpits, less often in the palms or feet.

Photo - Botox from sweat

Surgical intervention. A sympathectomy is an operation performed to reduce the number of sympathetic "wet" nerve endings that cause excessive sweating. It should be noted that the operation is very expensive and complicated, after it complications often arise with breathing or nerve function.

Get rid of stinky sweat forever folk ways. Remember, treatment will be effective only if you regularly follow the plan and follow all instructions. Also, before starting the procedures, you need to eliminate possible reasons manifestations of hyperhidrosis:

  1. Get rid of synthetic shoes and clothes, only natural materials: leather, cotton, suede, bamboo, linen. Remember, suede shoes are the hardest to get rid of. Therefore, if your feet smell strongly, try to avoid such shoes.
  2. Take a shower regularly, change bedding;
  3. Walk in the fresh air as much as possible;
  4. If you have bad habits get rid of them as soon as possible.

The most popular methods at home how to get rid of the smell of sweat and strong discharge:

Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with three tablespoons of water. The resulting solution should be applied to problem areas. Wipe the mixture as often as possible in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpit. In addition, the liquid can be used to rinse the head.

Photo - Deodorant from sweat

Need to drink a glass of fresh homemade tomato juice once a day, by at least, a week. This will help with strong perspiration, relieve unpleasant odors. Tomatoes also contain many antioxidants that help remove toxins and toxins from the body.

Herbal tea is one very good home remedy for treating excessive sweating. Recipes can be different, the main thing is to choose refreshing herbs that speed up metabolism. Brew sage and chamomile in equal parts, cool and drink every time before meals for a week. This herb contains vitamin B and magnesium, which helps to reduce the activity of the sweat glands, has an excellent effect on the nervous system - calms the body and helps to eliminate toxins.

To cure sweating, you need to cut round slices of potatoes and rub them under the armpits. This is the simplest but effective method get rid of sweat at home

Hamamelis is a plant that is used for acne on the face, sweat in the hair, and the removal of a strong unpleasant odor, because. it is very rich in flavonoids. It has been used as a natural antiperspirant since the Middle Ages. Witch hazel leaves gently dry the skin and help prevent the spread of infection. To reduce sweating, a teenager is also recommended to drink tea from flowers and leaves.

If your feet sweat a lot in shoes or boots, you need to do massages with apple cider vinegar. We also recommend wiping the skin between the fingers with cotton pads dipped in the mixture. tea tree and olive oil. Possible appearance yellow spots, but don't worry, they will come off after a couple of showers.

It is very difficult for a pregnant woman to get rid of strong sweat. You need to boil a liter of water and soak five tea bags of green tea with jasmine in it. When it cools down, soak your palms for thirty minutes in water. The tannic acids in tea have astringent properties that act as natural antiperspirants. The same technique can be used for diabetes.

If you are afraid of leaving marks on your leather jacket, jacket or other clothing, then apply corn starch to your armpits, which will also help to slightly reduce the activity of the sweat glands.

In the event that none of the listed methods fit, then you need to try attaching special sweat pads to your clothes. These devices stick to things and absorb sweat. They act quickly, there is no discharge and no smell.

Photo - Treatment of hyperhidrosis

When washing things, to get rid of traces of sweat or eliminate unpleasant odors, use soda. Apply soda powder to the damaged area, then wipe thoroughly and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water.

You can also try to influence the body with pharmaceutical products. For example, Formagel is known for its availability, but after it the skin is very dry and cracked.

For night use, Teymurov's ointment is suitable. There are very good reviews about it, despite the unpleasant smell and texture. It will get rid of the pungent strong smell of sweat and fluid secretion, normalizes the work of the sweat glands. We advise you to buy the product in white packaging.

special diet

It is not enough just to apply medicines to problem areas, you need to follow a diet. Consider helpful tips endocrinologists how to get rid of sweat.

  1. Reduce your intake of foods rich in iodine. Avoid vegetables like broccoli, asparagus and white onion, beef, liver and turkey.
  2. The mineral silicon regulates the production of sweat. It is present in foods such as strawberries, onions, almonds, and grapes.
  3. Drink plenty of water to remove toxins odor-causing sweat.
  4. Be sure to eat foods rich in vitamin B (especially in winter): cereals, fish and milk.
  5. Wheatgrass juice contains a lot of protein, vitamin C, vitamin B-12, folic acid and B-6, take a teaspoon before meals each day.
  6. Replace your black coffee with hot tea mixed with a few tablespoons of jasmine. If this is not possible, then at least reduce the amount of caffeine in the drink.

Never wondered why quite physiological process sweat led to the formation of an entire industry of sweat products and deodorants? Why does the normal reaction to stress in the form of sweating itself cause stress, tears and nervous breakdowns?

At first glance, excessive sweating is not a problem at all, it is healthy. physiological function of our body, as a kind of "body cooling system" during physical exertion or elevated temperature air. But, if a person sweats in a calm state and at a normal temperature, then this is already classified as a disease that “poisons” life. You can’t call this “badass” in another way. Indeed, often axillary hyperhidrosis is combined with palmar. Together, this brings a lot of problems: from an unpleasant smell to endless comments from others about you, because, most likely, you will be considered an unscrupulous slob and will be advised to change clothes and take a shower. It is unlikely that anyone will think about a serious disease in which the smell of sweat is just a consequence ...

Causes of increased sweating.

Since hyperhidrosis is just a consequence of the underlying disease, I will list the main ones:

1. Endocrine disorders(dysfunction of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus).

2. Diseases of the nervous and of cardio-vascular system: VSD, hypertension.

3. Infections: most often it is hepatitis and tuberculosis.

4. Overweight, obesity.

5. Stress. At the moment of excitement, the body releases adrenaline, which provokes the release of sweat.

6. And, finally, hyperhidrosis - as an independent disease.

To identify the underlying disease, it is enough to undergo a simple examination and pass some tests that a doctor (therapist, endocrinologist, cardiologist) will prescribe.

Where does bad smell come from?

Sweat is 90% water. By itself, it has no smell. It evaporates very slowly from the surface of the body. With sweat, salts and trace elements are released, which are an excellent nutrient medium for the reproduction of fungi and bacteria, which are the culprits of the smell.

Odor Control: Deodorant or Antiperspirant?

Having found out the cause of the unpleasant smell of sweat, the cosmetic industry began to look for effective means of combating it.

At the very beginning there were deodorants, which had "strong" odors, interrupting the smell. Then they began to add antibacterial components, which, in addition to unnecessary bacteria, also kill our protective microorganisms. They are suitable for people with oily skin because the alcohol they contain dries out the skin. In addition, the action of deodorants is designed for 3 hours, so they must be used often. Of the benefits: they do not clog the sweat glands and do not interfere with the release of sweat.

Antiperspirants. Their main active substance are compounds of aluminum or zinc. At a low pH, the antiperspirant is liquid (in a bottle), when it comes into contact with the skin, its pH increases and it hardens. At the same time, it almost completely clogs the outputs of the sweat glands. Some time ago, scientists discovered negative action aluminum on the body. Penetrating inside, it forms compounds that can cause breast cancer. Therefore, doctors advise using antiperspirants that do not contain aluminum. If you have not found this, then at least use it as little as possible.

Try making your own antiperspirant with natural ingredients. Grandmothers will not advise bad.

We will need: corn starch 60 grams, baking soda 60 grams, 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil (we bring our antiperspirant to the normal consistency), tea tree oil (lavender) 8-10 drops.

We mix everything. Can be transferred to a factory bottle of deodorant. Withstand at room temperature 2 days to harden.

So, with the smell, as a consequence of the underlying disease, they coped. But what if the cause is armpit hyperhidrosis as an independent disease?

To date, there are many means of struggle. Consider the 5 most effective ways treatment:

- The salons offer a number of procedures that reduce sweating: various peels and wraps, sessions in an oxygen chamber. These methods help to reduce sweating, but they are not cheap and their effectiveness is individual.

Iontophoresis. Carried out in medical institutions under the supervision of doctors. The essence of this procedure is the introduction of substances dissolved in water with the help of galvanic current into the body.

Botox injections. Relatively "young" method in Russia. Under local anesthesia Botox is injected into the armpit area, thereby blocking the activity of the sweat glands.

Surgical transection of the sympathetic trunk. In Russian, a bundle of nerves crosses, which sends impulses to the sweat gland, which in turn releases sweat. This method is used when all other methods have failed.

AT emergency: flood, earthquake, when there is no deodorant at hand, wet wipes and a slice of lemon will always help you.

Excessive sweating in the armpits is called axillary hyperhidrosis. Pathology leads to the formation of wet spots on clothes, the appearance of an unpleasant odor. These symptoms make a person uncomfortable, self-doubt. A constantly humid environment contributes to skin irritation, the development of a fungal infection, dermatitis, and eczema.

Causes of axillary hyperhidrosis:

  • thyroid disease;
  • the formation of oncological tumors;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • malnutrition, disruption of the digestive tract;
  • side effect after taking medications;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • mental disorders;
  • hot flashes during menopause.

About Hyperhidrosis armpit they say that if sweating is 4-5 times higher than normal, people are embarrassed to raise their hands because of wet spots on clothes, and an unpleasant smell is also worried, disgusting in patients and those around them. Pathology often contributes to the appearance of complexes, a person becomes withdrawn, irritable, avoids communication.

Varieties of axillary hyperhidrosis

Depending on the causes of excessive sweating, the disease is classified as follows:

1. The psychogenic form occurs in patients with an unstable state of vegetative nervous system, sharply reacting to troubles, quarrels. Patients sweat armpits, palms, temples, forehead, feet. At the same time, sweat seems to be pouring in a stream. After elimination of provoking factors characteristic symptoms pass.

2. Thermoregulatory hyperhidrosis of the armpits is observed with an increase in air temperature, after intense physical exertion.

Severe sweating indicates disorders of the autonomic nervous system, a person cannot adapt to changing conditions environment He has a hard time dealing with problems. In most cases, axillary hyperhidrosis is caused by disorders of the central nervous system. Apocrine sweat glands are located in the axillary region; they produce a secret exclusively during stress and almost do not participate in thermoregulation.

Tips to reduce underarm sweating

To prevent copious excretion sweat with hyperhidrosis, it is necessary to regularly carry out hygiene procedures, use antiperspirants, talcum powder for the body. Another effective tool is the epilation of the problem area, removal hairline will help get rid of the bad smell.

If the usual preventive measures do not give results, you need to contact a dermatologist and therapist for an examination. Perhaps heavy sweating in the armpits is caused by some serious illness. For example, in diabetes mellitus, localized areas of the body get wet, and after physical exertion, signs of hyperhidrosis are observed on the entire surface of the skin.

In case of an unstable psycho-emotional state, it is necessary to visit a psychotherapist, the doctor will prescribe an appointment sedatives, eliminate true reason pathology. Patients suffering diabetes, thyrotoxicosis should be treated by an endocrinologist.

How to get rid of armpit sweating for a long time?

One way to help cure hyperhidrosis is to inject Botox or Dysport into the problem area. The drugs block the transmission of impulses to the nerve fibers that innervate the armpits and are responsible for the secretory activity of the sweat glands. The action of botulinum toxin lasts 3-6 months, after which repeated injections are required.

Endoscopy helps to get rid of armpit sweat for a long time and eliminate hyperhidrosis. It's a low-impact look. surgical intervention after which no scars remain. Through small punctures, special instruments are inserted under the skin, the nerve fibers are clamped with clips. The operation can reduce sweating. In case of unsuccessful treatment, the clamp can be removed without any consequences.

Traditional sympathectomy for hyperhidrosis of the armpit area is performed by dissecting the dermis thoracic and effects on the autonomic nerve trunk. Fiber is blocked or destroyed electric shock, chemical blockade. The method of therapy is selected by the surgeon, taking into account individual indications. This method of treating excessive sweating is currently rarely used due to high risk the development of complications. Preference is given to Botox injections or low-traumatic endoscopic operations.

Another surgical method therapy is liposuction in the armpits. The patient is pumped out adipose tissue along with the sweat glands. Thus, it is possible to reduce their secretion by 75%, the result is preserved for life.

Review pharmaceutical products from hyperhidrosis

At home, you can use drugs that use good reviews:

1. Norma Dry is a complex against excessive sweating in localized areas. Normalizes the work of the glands, eliminates unpleasant odors, prevents the development of a fungal infection. This product can be used by people with sensitive skin prone to allergic manifestations. There are no contraindications for the treatment of underarm hyperhidrosis for pregnant women, adolescents, diabetics and obesity.

Norma Dry is made on the basis of natural ingredients and contains lemon juice, starch, zinc and chamomile extract. The complex consists of a spray that helps fight sweating from the outside, and a concentrate for oral administration. The course is at least 20 days.

2. Anti Toxin Nano - drops from hyperhidrosis, made using nanotechnology using natural ingredients. This remedy has an antibacterial, immunomodulatory and sedative effect. As a result of therapy, sweating in the armpit area decreases, an unpleasant odor is eliminated, the work of the nervous, digestive system. The drug is based on bearberry, thistle, echinacea and rosemary. The course of treatment lasts from 20 to 30 days, depending on the age of the patient.

3. Positive feedback is enjoyed by Teymurov's paste, which helps to get rid of axillary-type hyperhidrosis at home. Pharmaceutical agent has antiseptic, drying, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and deodorizing effects. The paste promotes vasodilation, which cools the skin and reduces sweating. The ointment is applied to the clean dermis 1-3 times a day for 7-30 days. The duration of treatment depends on the stage of the disease, the results will be visible after the first week of use.

4. Pasta Lassara is a combined antiseptic drug, which has drying, absorbent, astringent and regenerating properties. Protects the dermis from irritation, relieves inflammation and allows you to get rid of sweating in the armpit area at home. The paste is applied to problem areas up to 6 times a day, the treatment lasts at least 1 month.

The use of pharmaceuticals for hyperhidrosis should be agreed with the doctor. They have contraindications and can have side effects if used incorrectly. Before starting drug therapy, a small area of ​​skin on the arm is lubricated and the result is evaluated after 10 minutes. If appears allergic reaction, this drug contraindicated.

Overview of reviews on treatments for excessive sweating

“I have been suffering from axillary hyperhidrosis for many years, I am ashamed to raise my hands, it seems that everyone notices wet spots on clothes. Moreover, worries fetid odor. Being at work, it is not always possible to take a shower, so the disease causes a lot of trouble. A friend advised me to go to a beautician and get Botox injections. This procedure allowed me to get rid of hyperhidrosis on for a long time, injections need to be repeated, but it's not scary. The main thing is that the sweating has decreased, and I feel confident.”

Maria, Moscow region.

“I read a lot on the Internet positive feedback about Norma Dry. Since my armpits sweat a lot, I decided to order this complex for myself. Within a month, I regularly used the spray and drank the concentrate. I want to say that I was pleased with the result, the clothes no longer get wet, even in stressful situations, no unpleasant odor, no skin irritation. I will buy such a medicine for my husband for the treatment of excessive sweating of the legs.

Tatiana, Moscow.

“Teimurov's paste helped me get rid of hyperhidrosis, the drug was prescribed by a dermatologist. It is inexpensive, it can be bought at any pharmacy and used at home. During the first week of application, it was possible to reduce sweating in the armpits, eliminate unpleasant odors and redness of the skin. At the end of the course, the secretion of the glands was completely normalized.

Olga, Novosibirsk.

“And I treated hyperhidrosis with Anti Toxin Nano drops, it’s very useful tool for the whole body, which can be used at home. The description indicates the dosage according to age and the duration of therapy. No wonder Anti Toxin has good reviews, it helped me a lot. After the full course, I was able to get rid of sweating, my work returned to normal gastrointestinal tract improved general well-being."

Ekaterina, Vitebsk.
