What to do if your mouth is constantly dry, and what is the reason behind this? Useful tips. Dry mouth - what causes what disease in women? What to do when you have dry mouth

Dryness in oral cavity may be due to for various reasons. Today we will talk about why it occurs and how to eliminate it.

Causes of dry mouth.

Experts say that this condition is not a diagnosis, dryness is symptom, which can be triggered by the following factors:

1. Taking medications.

Medicines may cause your mouth to become dry. These drugs include antidepressants, vasoconstrictors, and antihistamines. Some medications that are prescribed to normalize blood pressure, get rid of muscle pain, as well as diuretics can cause dry mouth. And antihistamines affect the process of saliva formation, affecting salivary glands.

2. Swelling of the nasal mucosa.

If a person has adenoids or allergies, they often breathe not through the nose, but mouth. This is why the feeling of dryness appears.

3. Age-related phenomenon.

In old age there is drying out mucous membranes of the mouth.

4. Presence of diseases.

For diabetes, work disorders genitourinary system This phenomenon is also observed. For cancer diseases cervical region and patients' heads are irradiated. If this procedure is performed without protection, the salivary glands may be damaged.

5. Dehydration of the body.

Dehydration may occur in diseases that are accompanied by intoxication or increased body temperature.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

If dry mouth prevents a person from eating and even speaking, and if you have to drink fluids frequently to eliminate it, you should definitely consult with doctor who will help determine the cause of dryness and prescribe treatment.

Ways to eliminate dryness.

Many measures aimed at eliminating this unpleasant symptom, are associated with the chewing process. As chewing movements increase, saliva production will increase.

1. Use ice.

Take a small one piece of ice and suck it. The jaws take part in this process, resulting in moistening of the mucous membranes of the mouth. Thanks to this, the salivary glands work effectively.

2. Carry chewing gum with you.

To produce abundant saliva, try to use it as often as possible. chewing gum. Give preference to gum that does not contain sugar, as it negatively affects the condition of the teeth.

If you don't like chewing gum, you can suck it bones from various fruits. Saliva is released only if there is something in the mouth. Peppermint candies also have a similar effect.

3. Drink more fluids.

Whenever you feel like drinking water, don't ignore it. Drink as much as you need.

4. Choose solid foods.

Products in liquid form often cause dryness. This is explained by the fact that when consuming it, a person makes a minimum of jaw movements, which in turn slows down the process of saliva production.

5. Eat foods with fiber.

Alimentary fiber increase the production of saliva, since chewing them requires more effort.

6. Don't forget about multivitamins.

In some cases, dry mouth can be caused by lack of vitamins, which is why it is necessary to take multivitamins.

When a person sleeps, his salivary glands are less active. Saliva does not protect the tongue, cheeks, mucous membranes and gums from dehydration. For this reason, many people feel a slight dry mouth after the night - xerostomia. And as soon as you drink water, the unpleasant symptom disappears.

But events do not always unfold so positively. Dryness can appear due to changes in the properties of saliva, insufficient production, intoxication of the body, impaired sensitivity of mucosal receptors, and even inflammation of the brain. Therefore, in cases where a symptom appears frequently, you need to run to the clinic to undergo an examination and identify the cause of the disease.

Features of the clinical picture

In addition to dry mouth, you may feel a burning sensation in your tongue and throat and soreness. Observe redness, swelling, cracks in the corners of the lips. Food begins to stick to the roof of the mouth. And if the secretion of saliva is reduced long enough, it appears white coating on the tongue, the gum tissue becomes inflamed and red, and ulcers form on the mucous membrane. The development of caries is possible.

Complications arise due to the growth of the population of opportunistic microorganisms. They live on human skin constantly, but are activated only when suitable conditions. One of these is the lack of saliva, which suppresses their activity.

Symptoms are not always pronounced. The degree of their manifestation depends on the severity of the disease. With the most mild form There is practically no discomfort, the membrane of the mouth is slightly moisturized. During the second stage, plaque appears in the mouth, the mucous membrane dries periodically, often at night. Thirst and frequent urge to urinate may occur. The third degree is characterized by acute pain. Foci of inflammation on the mucous membrane are clearly visible.

What is the danger

Saliva promotes the swallowing of food, washes away some microorganisms and naturally prevents caries. When its production is reduced, the risk of inflammation of the mucous membranes, gums, and teeth increases. Thrush, stomatitis, chronic tonsillitis, and gingivitis may develop. Therefore, in case of prolonged or frequent dry mouth, it is necessary to urgently eliminate the cause of the pathology and improve the functioning of the mouth. salivary glands.

Why is my mouth dry?

Xerostomia is drying out of the mouth, which occurs for one of three reasons:

  • Due to insufficient hydration by saliva.
  • Due to changes in the qualities of saliva itself.
  • Saliva is released, but the body perceives the oral cavity as unhydrated due to impaired sensitivity of the mucous membrane.

Why does it dry out after sleep?

The appearance of dry mouth in the morning should not be scary. When a person sleeps, the glands practically do not produce saliva, and the facial muscles weaken. Not everyone, but many people, have their mouths open slightly. Air enters the mucous membrane, which is practically not washed by saliva. As a result, you may feel dry. The duration of the phenomenon is short: usually after washing, all unpleasant symptoms disappear.

The microclimate in the bedroom also matters. If it is too warm and dry, the tissues in your mouth dry out faster and more severely. That is why it is recommended to place the bed at a distance from heating devices.

Morning dry mouth occurs due to a cup of strong coffee or breakfast cereal. And in women, such a symptom can develop even against the background of menopause.

Why does it dry out while you sleep?

Nocturnal xerostomia is explained in the same way. But the symptom can also occur against the background of a serious illness. nervous system. When the salivary glands stop receiving signals that the oral cavity needs to be moistened. Therefore, the dryness that haunts you from night to night and prevents you from falling asleep should be alarming.

No saliva in the mouth: reasons

Dryness can be felt not only due to external reasons (breathing open mouth, sleeping close to a battery, snoring), but also due to internal pathologies:

  • Dehydration. Both due to a basic lack of water, and due to its rapid loss. Fluid leaves the body during prolonged diarrhea, vomiting, profuse sweating, for example, against the background of elevated body temperature.
  • Diabetes. If xerostomia is accompanied by frequent urges in the middle of the night, then the diagnosis is obvious.
  • Organ diseases respiratory system . A person often breathes through his mouth rather than his nose, which can cause the mucous membrane to dry out. Nasal breathing is also disrupted during the common cold.
  • Taking medications. Any medications can cause dry mouth. Especially those that provoke dehydration - diuretics and hypotensives.
  • Diseases of the brain, central nervous system. Branch neuritis can disrupt the regulation of salivation trigeminal nerve, Alzheimer's disease, stroke.
  • Intoxication. Abuse of alcohol, tobacco and drugs.
  • Organ pathologies gastrointestinal tract . The most obvious are gastritis, ulcers, hepatitis, pancreatitis.

Dryness around the mouth

If the tissues dry out not only in the mouth, but also outside, this is the first sign of granular cheilitis. A disease that is characterized by disruption of the salivary glands at the border of the red border of the lips. The disease is common among people over 30 years of age and the elderly. In 80% of cases, only the lower lip is involved in the pathological process.

Patients rarely see a doctor for early stages cheilitis, since the symptoms at this moment are mild. Then the disease develops and the patient’s well-being deteriorates sharply: the skin around the mouth becomes covered with erosions, the tongue becomes dry, and the corners crack. The sufferer begins to lick his lips, which aggravates the condition even more. The cracks combine and form one large wound. Pathology can be cured using surgical methods or laser therapy.

Dryness and associated symptoms

Oral dehydration cannot be treated alone. You also need to look for the signs that accompany it. They are not always available, but if present and properly diagnosed, they help establish the real reason dry mucous membranes and burning sensation in the mouth.


The tissues in the oral cavity constantly dry out, a person quickly gets tired and feels chronic weakness without the slightest glimmer of vigor - such symptoms indicate the development of serious pathological process. It may be viral, infectious or bacterial disease, external intoxication. And there are even worse reasons:

  • Pathologies of the nervous system.
  • Anemia and other blood diseases.
  • Oncological diseases.

Weakness can be a sign of any illness. Therefore, such a symptom, provided that it manifests itself without reason and over a long period of time, requires immediate consultation with a doctor. Moreover, if chronic fatigue accompanied by very severe dry mouth.


Dryness and nausea are often combined. They are usually combined when food poisoning And intestinal infections. And they appear before the main symptoms - bloating, vomiting and diarrhea.

Nausea and dry mouth are not always signs of illness. The reason for their occurrence may be banal overeating or too high-calorie nutrition after a strict diet.

Whitish film on tongue

Dry mouth, mucus, that cannot be removed may indicate diseases digestive system: gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers, duodenum. If the patient experiences acute colic or abdominal cramps, you need to be checked for appendicitis, cholecystitis, intestinal obstruction, pancreatitis and pancreatic necrosis. And the faster, the better. Because surgery may be required.

Bitterness in the mouth

A bitter taste in the mouth, which is combined with a feeling of dryness, clearly indicates a violation of the function of bile secretion or problems with the liver. Both groups of pathologies cause changes in the properties of saliva.


Severe dizziness and dry mouth indicate a breakdown in the mechanisms of regulation of blood circulation in the brain. Symptoms can be observed both at the initial stage of brain disease and with other pathologies that cause intoxication or dehydration.

Frequent urination

A person is constantly thirsty, runs to the toilet, suffers from excessive sweating and wonders why his dry mouth does not go away - these are all signs diabetes mellitus.

The symptoms are explained simply: when the sugar level in the blood rises, the osmotic pressure increases. As a result, fluids from tissues are attracted to vascular system. The more of them in the blood, the faster the mucous membranes dry. A person always wants to quench his thirst. The dryness does not go away, but drinking plenty of fluids leads to frequent urges and sweating.


Dry mouth can be a symptom of HIV. 30% of people with the immunodeficiency virus have diseases of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. And despite the fact that patients have more serious concerns than xerostomia, the disease deprives them normal life. Due to dryness, patients suffer from constant food sticking to the palate and almost lose taste sensitivity. As a result, they begin to refuse food, which is so necessary to maintain immunity.

Diagnosis of xerostomia

Constant dry mouth and thirst are good reasons to consult a therapist. It will not be possible to identify the cause of the pathology at home, since the diagnosis should include:

  • assessment of the performance of the salivary glands;
  • sialography – radiographic examination salivary ducts filled with contrast agent.
You cannot tolerate the feeling of dry mouth for long. Because without enough saliva, problems with protective function mucous membrane. The risk of developing candidal stomatitis, thrush, chronic tonsillitis and gum diseases.

Treatment for dry mouth

For temporary fix discomfort It is recommended to use gels and sprays that are designed to artificially moisturize the mucous membrane. For example, products such as Salivart and Aquoral.

To eliminate dry mouth and other associated symptoms once and for all, you need to treat the underlying disease and take medications to normalize the function of the salivary glands. The course of therapy to eliminate the cause of the disease is selected on an individual basis. For dry mouth, you can take medications to increase the mucous membrane's resistance to irritants and local anti-inflammatory drugs.

Attention! Before using any medications, read the instructions and consult your doctor to avoid possible complications and side effects.

What you can do yourself

If dry tongue is associated with external reasons, change the environmental conditions:

  • Reduce the air temperature in the bedroom so as not to “dry out” the mucous membrane. You can combat the heat with an air conditioner or fan.
  • Stay hydrated. An adult should drink 2–3 liters of water per day. The norm for children from three to six years old is 1–1.5 liters. For a child over seven years old – 1.5–2 liters.
  • Balance your diet. Avoid snacks at night and dry food, eliminate foods with a lot of salt and sugar.
  • Strengthen your immune system. Try doing exercises on fresh air, go in for sports and stick to a balanced diet.

Usage drug therapy and methods traditional medicine will help overcome xerostomia and normalize the natural pH of saliva.

Normally, saliva is always present in the human mouth. This fluid is secreted by the salivary glands and has many important functions. However, sometimes a person develops a condition in which there is a lack of saliva, called xerostomia. Let's consider why saliva is needed, what are the reasons for its insufficient production and how to treat this disease.

Functions of saliva

Saliva is an integral element of a healthy oral cavity; its functions are quite numerous. Let's consider its main tasks:

  • Participates in the digestion process. When food enters the mouth, it is crushed by the teeth and mixed with saliva, which contains special enzymes. One of them is amylase, which breaks down starch into maltose, which subsequently turns into glucose in the duodenum. Saliva moistens food, gluing its components into a smooth lump, allowing it to glide down the esophagus.
  • The oral fluid contains lysozyme, a substance that can inhibit harmful bacteria, so it disinfects the oral cavity and cleanses it of food debris, preventing them from rotting.
  • Has mineralizing properties - protects and partially restores tooth enamel. Saliva contains calcium and phosphate ions that fill empty cells in the crystal lattice of the substance that makes up the enamel.
  • Another function is to wet the mouth, which facilitates articulation.

Symptoms of xerostomia

Lack of saliva in the mouth and dry mouth are medically called xerostomia. The symptoms of this condition vary and are individual for each patient. Let's look at the main signs of “dry mouth”:

  • feeling that saliva has become viscous, sticky;
  • constant desire to moisten the throat with a sip of water;
  • mucous membranes look dry;
  • depending on the stage of the disease, the tongue becomes red, dry, cracked;
  • the voice may become hoarse, and an unpleasant odor may appear from the mouth;
  • rarely, dryness spreads deeper - into the pharynx, nasal cavity;
  • at an advanced stage of the process, taste is distorted and the sense of smell disappears;
  • problems with swallowing and constipation appear.

Causes of dry mouth in children

Xerostomia, as a rule, does not occur on its own, but accompanies any disease. If symptoms of dry mouth bother your child, the problem should be taken seriously.

Every person has a reduction in saliva production at certain times of the day. This process is purely individual, and more often it happens at night, as a result of which some people feel thirsty when they wake up. Let's look at other causes of xerostomia.

Dryness at night and in the morning

The cause of dry mouth at night and in the morning may be due to the following factors:

  • If your baby ate a lot of sweets the day before, he will definitely want to drink. The same thing happens after an excess of salty or spicy food.
  • If nasal breathing is impaired, the baby breathes through the mouth; at night the situation worsens, since the passages of the nose tend to swell when a person is in a horizontal position. Breathing through the nose may be impaired due to a runny nose, the formation of polyps, or a deviated septum.
  • Dry mouth can accompany ARVI. High temperatures promote moisture loss, and the body reminds you to replenish the lack of fluid.

Diseases of the ENT organs

We have already mentioned that dry mouth can be a consequence of impaired nasal breathing. Sometimes a runny nose becomes chronic, forcing a person to breathe through the mouth. This situation is not natural and leads to dryness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

Also, diseases such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and inflammation of the tonsils can lead to dry mouth. As a rule, this happens when the disease becomes chronic - the patient stops feeling sharp pain in the throat, and dry mouth occurs due to the activity of bacteria.

Dryness due to medications

Some medications have side effects that include a feeling of dry mouth. Let's look at a few pharmacological groups with similar properties:

  • antibiotics (almost all), antifungal agents;
  • relaxation drugs, sedatives;
  • bedwetting medications;
  • antiallergic substances;
  • painkillers;
  • antidiarrhea drugs, antiemetics.

Lack of saliva and nausea

Dry mouth may be accompanied by other symptoms. For example, a frequent companion to xerostomia is nausea. In this case, it is worth thinking about the condition of the pancreas. Flatulence, belching, and diarrhea may indicate pancreatitis. Dry mouth, accompanied by thirst, pallor, and excessive urination are signs of type 2 diabetes. The baby may have an excellent appetite, but still lose weight.

Liver dysfunction and cholecystitis can also be characterized by dry mouth and nausea. In addition to these symptoms, pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, is possible.


White coating covering the tongue inner surface cheeks - a sign of candidiasis. This fungal infection of the oral cavity is most common in children. In this case, the baby may experience discomfort while eating, swallowing, and talking.

The activity of yeast-like fungi on the mucous membranes causes not only a white coating, but also a feeling of dryness - the tongue becomes rough, sometimes covered with a network of cracks.


The appearance of cracks and a bright pink border in the area where they meet indicates the presence of cheilitis. This condition is often accompanied by a feeling of dry mouth and may be a consequence of vitamin deficiency or fungal infection. Most often, the problem lies in a lack of vitamin B, which is involved in the process of cell regeneration and promotes the healing of damaged skin.

Other diseases and conditions of the child

Most probable cause The appearance of xerostomia can be considered a disruption of the salivary glands. A person has many of them, but three pairs of the largest ones secrete liquid: parotid, sublingual and submandibular. Inflammatory diseases salivary glands (sialoadenitis) can lead to decreased saliva production.

Also, symptoms of xerostomia can occur due to dehydration. This happens after ARVI, if the baby had a high fever, as well as with rotavirus infection.

Treatment for dry mouth

Treatment for xerostomia is prescribed after determining the cause of this condition. Let's look at the basic steps for parents whose child complains of dry mouth:

  • If your son or daughter is taking any medications, they should be stopped or changed by alternative means. If dry mouth does not disappear within a week, then there is another cause for this symptom.
  • It is worth examining the baby carefully - if the whites of the eyes have a yellowish tint, it is necessary to undergo full examination from a gastroenterologist, hepatologist. If liver problems are detected or gallbladder, the doctor will prescribe treatment.
  • Examine the oral cavity of your son or daughter - if you suspect candidiasis, you should visit the dentist. Thrush responds well to treatment soda solution, as well as specific antifungal agents. The doctor will also check the condition of the salivary glands and, if necessary, prescribe an examination.
  • Monitor your baby's drinking regime - it is important that he consumes enough liquid.

Throughout life, a person experiences various ailments. Sometimes pathological conditions provoked external factors. In this case, they can be quickly eliminated by eliminating the source. In other cases, negative reactions of the body arise due to serious illnesses. Here you will need accurate diagnosis causes and subsequent qualified therapy. Symptoms such as dry mouth, dizziness, and weakness may have different causes. If apparent reason There are no manifestations of such conditions; it is better to immediately consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

Dry mouth, dizziness, weakness - causes of ailments

Weakness, dizziness, dry mouth are common signs of many pathological processes in the human body. These symptoms indicate various abnormal conditions that can be provoked either by ordinary sunstroke or by severe brain damage.

Important! Dry mouth and weakness can signal serious problems with a person’s health, so not giving them due importance is extremely irresponsible

General weakness throughout the body, which is accompanied by dry mouth and cephalalgia (headache), may be provoked by:

  • abnormal blood flow, vascular spasms;
  • head injuries;
  • side effect medicines;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • poisoning with chemicals, alcohol, food;
  • among women: menstrual cycle, pregnancy;
  • stress, fatigue, etc.

The listed factors can have independent and joint influence. Often, disruption of one process leads to failures in others. That is why an accurate diagnosis of the root cause is important, followed by the eradication and treatment of associated diseases, if any.

Weakness and dry mouth as signs of stress

Every person has noticed that stormy emotional states, especially negative character accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • deep breathing;
  • shiver;
  • excessive sweating.

This condition is associated with certain metabolic and hormonal processes. In a stressful situation, there is an active release of adrenaline and norepinephrine into the blood. An excess of these hormones increases heart rate, increases blood pressure, and significantly accelerates oxygen metabolism and brain function. In this case, intense breathing promotes rapid drying of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. As a result, any stressful situation ends with weakness, dry mouth, sometimes dizziness and headache.

Stress is the most harmless reason that provokes the manifestation of the symptoms in question. But it’s worth thinking about whether the price for worrying is too high? After all, people often get nervous over trifles. The best prevention- whenever possible, protect yourself from physical or neuropsychological overstrain.

Weakness and dry mouth - causes of low blood pressure

A sharp drop in blood pressure or constant attacks of hypotension are always accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • dry mouth;
  • weakness throughout the body;
  • dizziness;
  • presyncope, possible loss of consciousness;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • acute headache.

Sometimes a headache turns into a migraine, further aggravating the situation. These conditions arise due to decreased vascular tone, deficiency nutrients, oxygen in tissues and organs. Therefore, malfunctions occur in their work, including dysfunction of the salivary gland. As a result, a hypotensive person produces critically little saliva, so he experiences characteristic dry mouth.

You can normalize blood pressure with the help of such herbal helpers: ginseng, pink radio, Chinese lemongrass. They can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form pharmaceuticals various shapes release, etc. Therefore, contact pharmacists, study the instructions for use of such medications and help natural means your body to recover.

Give a high effect vitamin complexes containing vitamins various groups(C, D, V, including B12). A gentle diet helps. In case of constant attacks of hypotension, which are acute and difficult to tolerate, you need to undergo an examination. You may need drug treatment.

Brain pathology causes dry mouth and weakness

Even a slight blow to the head can cause a slight attack of dizziness. And more serious pathologies brain immediately provoke complete weakness, impotence, severe headaches, thirst and dry mouth. These are the following anomalies:

  • head injuries varying degrees heaviness;
  • stroke;
  • meningitis;
  • brain tumors of various types, etc.

It is difficult to list the entire list of pathological processes that can affect the brain, but any of them can lead to serious consequences.

Important! Protect your head from injury, and if you suspect more serious violations Contact your doctor immediately. For example, meningitis is a rapidly progressing disease that, if left untimely, medical intervention leads to sudden death

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as provocateurs of weakness and dry mouth

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) such as cholecystitis, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, dysfunction of the gallbladder, pancreas invariably lead to disruption of metabolic processes, which entail:

  • general weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • dryness and bitterness in the mouth;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • skin rashes.

If such symptoms appear, you should contact a gastroenterologist, who will refer you to necessary examinations and choose treatment tactics depending on the diagnosis.

Important! A bitter taste in the mouth most likely indicates the release of bile into the gastrointestinal tract, some of which enters the esophagus

Weakness, bitterness in the mouth, slight dizziness as signs of hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia is an abnormal condition of the human body, which is characterized by a strong decrease in plasma glucose. Against the background of low glucose concentrations, the adrenal glands intensively produce the hormone adrenaline, which increases blood pressure and heart rate. A panic state occurs, which is accompanied by symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus;
  • bitter bad taste in the mouth.

It is worth noting that similar conditions are also caused by the reverse process - increased concentration blood glucose, typical for people with diabetes. Blood sugar levels should be monitored regularly, especially for those who often experience these symptoms. Early diagnosis disease gives a favorable prognosis for the patient.

Intoxication of the body is accompanied by weakness and dry mouth

Any poisoning of the body causes weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, dryness, and sometimes bitterness in the mouth. The most common intoxication is:

Treatment tactics are chosen depending on the severity of the poisoning. You can overcome mild intoxication on your own, but only if you are absolutely sure of positive effect. At the slightest suspicion of complications, you should call an ambulance.

In women, the causes of weakness, dry mouth, and dizziness may be pregnancy or menopause. Viral infections, blood loss, sunstroke, iron deficiency can also provoke data symptomatic manifestations. As you can see, the spectrum possible diseases and conditions is quite wide, so accurate diagnosis is possible only in a specialized institution.

It is difficult to find a person who has never felt dry mouth in their life. Everyone should know the causes of which disease manifests itself in the form of this symptom, so as not to miss an important clue from the body about a malfunction in its normal functioning.

If a deficiency of saliva is observed very rarely, after eating food that contributes to this, or alcohol, then there is no need to sound the alarm right away - this is normal. A person should drink sufficient quantity fluids to restore water balance in organism.

If this phenomenon bothers you often and tends to get worse, and a metallic taste has appeared in the mouth, the first step is to rule out whether the patient has diabetes, since dry mouth is one of the symptoms of this disease. This can be done by visiting an endocrinologist and getting a referral from him to take a blood test for sugar and glucose tolerance.

Main reasons

Saliva in the mouth has important function, so you need to make sure that its quantity is not lower than normal. It cleanses the mouth, helps digest food and inhibits the growth of bacteria, preventing the development of infections.

A deficiency of saliva is felt by a person as:

  • Intense thirst that is present almost constantly.
  • Its consistency changes and it becomes sticky.
  • Lips become dry and cracked.
  • Pimples appear in the oral cavity, turning into ulcers.
  • Tongue tingling and burning sensation.
  • Distortion of voice sound.
  • Dry throat and scratchy feeling.
  • Appearance bad smell from mouth.

Why does dry mouth occur? What disease causes this symptom to occur in people?

Doctors have identified pathological conditions that disrupt the patient’s saliva production:

  1. Impaired functioning of the salivary glands, which is manifested by a sharp decrease in salivation. The most common diseases are mumps, sialostasis and sialadenitis. The patient may observe an increase in the size of the glands, their swelling and pain.
  2. Infectious diseases that are accompanied by high temperature and sweating, leading to dehydration. These are ARVI, flu, tonsillitis and other diseases.
  3. Diseases endocrine system that interfere with salivation in the patient. The most common and dangerous illness in this group is diabetes. Thirst accompanied by dryness is its classic symptom. This is caused by a lack of insulin, without sufficient levels of which metabolic processes in the body are disrupted.
  4. Damage to the salivary glands, causing their dysfunction. Xerostomia appears due to a violation of the integrity of the gland tissue.
  5. Loss of salivary glands after surgical intervention due to the presence of diseases requiring their removal.
  6. Sjögren's syndrome, which is an autoimmune disease.
  7. Excessive loss of fluid from the body. Any pathology, such as a burn, elevated temperature body, vomiting or diarrhea contributes to dry mouth.

Non-pathological causes of dry mouth depend on the patient's lifestyle and habits that lead to dehydration. This is the consumption of foods that disrupt the normal water balance in the body, insufficient fluid intake and the presence bad habits. Taking some medications produces this by-effect like dry mouth. In most cases, adjusting the drinking regime will help solve the problem. After cessation of therapy, the disorder disappears on its own.

After waking up

The feeling of dry mouth immediately after waking up is quite common. It can be triggered by many factors, both internal and external character. Nasal congestion, snoring at night, and respiratory problems are the most common causes of discomfort.

As alcohol is eliminated from the body, dry mouth appears. The reasons for which diseases are associated with insufficient saliva production are described in medical literature and reference books to inform doctors and patients about what is this symptom definitely worth paying attention to.

And although insufficient hydration of the mucous membrane in the morning is not critical in most cases, you should monitor salivation throughout the day, because this can be a symptom of a serious illness.

Why does your mouth get dry while you sleep?

Dry mouth at night requires close attention, as it can be a symptom of a serious illness. It is important to correctly detail it and understand what reasons contribute to its appearance. In addition to drying out of the mucous membrane due to improper or difficult breathing, as well as overeating at night, diseases of the nervous system can provoke this phenomenon.

It should be borne in mind that the salivary glands do not work as actively at night as during the day. If their innervation is disrupted, then this phenomenon is aggravated. This symptom may indicate the presence of diseases in chronic form. If there is a systematic repetition of insufficient saliva production, and it does not go away after waking up, this is a worrying sign. The patient needs to make an appointment at the clinic with specialized specialists.

Causes of dry mouth that are not due to illness

Even healthy person Dry mouth should be a concern. The reasons for which diseases are associated with saliva deficiency can be found out by entering a query in search engine. The list of them will be quite large, so this symptom cannot be ignored and must be eliminated as quickly as possible.

External and internal reasons dry mouth:

  • Insufficient air humidity and elevated temperature. This problem observed in the summer, when there is drought, as well as in apartments with central heating, if there is no additional air humidification.
  • Poor nutrition. Eating fatty, spicy and salty foods contributes to dry mouth. The causes of which disease manifest themselves in this way are determined according to the list of disorders in the body that provoke the development of the disease in the patient.

Pregnant women are susceptible to disturbances in the functioning of the salivary glands. This phenomenon is facilitated by copious discharge sweat, frequent urge to go to the toilet and the body getting used to increased stress. Potassium deficiency and excess magnesium also contribute to a lack of saliva production.

An alarming sign is the appearance metallic taste in the mouth, it may signal the beginning gestational diabetes. A woman should definitely consult a doctor who will prescribe tests for blood sugar levels and the body’s tolerance to glucose.

Constant dry mouth: the feeling of dry mouth, its causes and consequences

There are situations when a person feels a short-term lack of saliva production, this is unpleasant, but not dangerous. You should definitely see a doctor if you experience constant dryness in the mouth. A feeling of dry mouth may be a symptom of the development of serious diseases that should be treated as soon as possible.

This is especially true for diabetes mellitus, which can initial stages go unnoticed by the patient, at a time when it is necessary to begin his therapy and compensation for metabolic disorders.

Diabetes mellitus as a cause of dry mouth

Diabetes mellitus is a disease of the endocrine system that slowly destroys the patient's body. One of its main symptoms is constant dry mouth. The feeling of dry mouth and incessant thirst exhausts a person. He feels constant hunger and frequent urge to urinate.

A person is thirsty because glucose molecules bind water molecules, thereby causing dehydration. This condition requires therapy, which includes taking medications that lower blood sugar levels. Patients must monitor its amount using special equipment.

How to win

What should a patient do if there is constant dry mouth? The feeling of dry mouth can be caused by various reasons. If they have pathological character, then the underlying disease must be treated, otherwise it will be impossible to solve the problem. If a deficiency of saliva occurs due to the patient’s habits, they need to be corrected.

In any case, if unpleasant sensations appear, you need to replenish your water balance as soon as possible and take care to ensure that there is no excessive loss of fluid.

Dry mouth: the cause of the symptom, diagnosis of disorders and their treatment

Many people notice at one time or another in their lives that their mouth feels dry. The cause of insufficient salivation can be either minor and easily removable, or serious, requiring treatment of the pathological process. An organism is a system normal functioning which depends on the coordinated work of all its organs and systems. There is a large list of disorders that lead to human dehydration.

They lead to dry mouth, which cannot always be eliminated by replenishing the lack of fluid in the body. Each patient needs to be attentive to the sensations in the oral cavity and if there is dryness in it, consult a doctor.


The patient’s complaint that his mouth is dry should not be ignored. The cause requires diagnosis under the guidance of an experienced doctor. He needs to collect anamnesis and carefully analyze it in order to determine the necessary tests and diagnostic procedures for the patient.

This can be a whole range of measures, depending on the clinical picture:

  1. Saliva tests and studies of the mechanism of salivation will help determine whether the patient has pathologies of the salivary glands.
  2. General tests blood and urine will show the doctor what condition the patient’s body is in, whether there is a hidden inflammatory process or anemia.
  3. Measuring blood glucose and glucose tolerance in a patient is necessary to exclude diabetes.
  4. Ultrasound of the salivary glands will help determine the presence tumor processes, stones or neuritis in the salivary glands.
  5. Serological analysis blood will show whether a person has Sjögren's disease.

These are the most common tests and studies for problems with salivation. Having studied clinical picture, the doctor can adjust their list at his own discretion, based on the feasibility of their implementation.

Why is it dangerous?

Should a person worry if their mouth is dry? The cause of this phenomenon may be provoked by the presence of a pathological process or not be associated with it, but it must be determined. If there is not enough saliva, then this is a disaster for the oral cavity, since the normal balance of microflora in it is disrupted.

Explosive growth is underway pathogenic microbes which cause gum disease and tooth decay. Some patients experience candidiasis in the oral cavity. People with saliva deficiency often have dry and sore lips, on which cracks often form.

Which doctor can help?

If a person notices that his mouth is dry, the reason this phenomenon may involve malfunctions in the body, so it is recommended to consult the following specialists:

  • The dentist will check the condition of the patient’s teeth and gums, whether he has caries and inflammatory processes in the gums.
  • An endocrinologist will check your condition thyroid gland and will refer you for a blood sugar test so as not to miss the development of diabetes. In case of violations, the drug Novotiral or Tireot may be prescribed.
  • An otolaryngologist examines for the presence of respiratory diseases.
  • A gastroenterologist will help diagnose gastrointestinal diseases if they are present.
  • A cardiologist will check your heart function.
  • A neurologist will evaluate the functioning of the patient's nervous system.

The cause of a patient's lack of saliva is rarely obvious; before the doctor can determine it, the patient will need to necessary tests and examine the body using diagnostic methods recommended by the doctor.

Treatment with traditional medicine

Dry mouth can and should be combated with the help of traditional medicine. This will help get rid of an unpleasant symptom even before a diagnosis is made. Of course, you shouldn’t cancel your doctor’s consultation. One of the best ways To eliminate the lack of saliva production in the mouth, rinse with decoctions of blueberries, calamus root, chamomile and sage. They need to be cooked separately, taking 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for at least half an hour. Next, you need to strain the decoctions and rinse your mouth with them one by one.

The swollen blueberries should then be eaten. At the pharmacy you need to purchase oil made from ripe rose hips and a solution of “Chlorophyllipt”, which also contains oil. We first instill the first remedy into the nose, rest for a quarter of an hour, and then drip the second. For one application you should take half a pipette oil solution, it would be enough. The course of treatment is 10 days.

It is useful to rinse your mouth with wormwood and calendula. To prepare the product in a glass of boiled water room temperature you need to add 30 drops of tincture of these herbs. Rinsing should be done before meals, three times a day. After this, you should not eat for 20 minutes. After eating, you can rinse your mouth with olive oil or sunflower oil, which must be spat out after the procedure. Instead of rinsing, you can wipe the mucous membrane with a cotton swab moistened with oil. It coats the oral cavity well and prevents moisture loss.

Chewing mint leaves helps to cope with symptoms of insufficient activity of the salivary glands and high sugar in blood. A quarter of an hour before meals, you should chew several washed leaves, thoroughly washed in water. Chewing unground cardamom spice after meals will help relieve dryness. This should be done after every meal and do not rinse your mouth after this for at least an hour.

How to increase salivation

When a person has dry mouth, the cause is not always related to the presence of a serious illness.

In order to increase saliva, you should do the following:

  • Pay attention to your drinking regime to ensure sufficient water intake in the body. According to doctors, the amount of fluid consumed should be at least two liters.
  • Make sure that the air in the house is sufficiently humidified and that its temperature is not too high or low.
  • Review your diet, eliminating foods that disrupt your water balance. You should avoid alcohol and coffee, which cause dry mouth. It is better to eat dishes at room temperature that have a liquid consistency.
  • Place sugarless gum or hard candy in your mouth. An ice cube works well to moisturize the mouth if you gradually dissolve it.
  • Take 10 drops of Echinacea purpurea tincture every hour.

Each person can choose for himself suitable way, but it is better to use them in combination, then there will be no trace of dry mouth. If saliva deficiency occurs frequently, you should definitely consult a doctor.
