Diathesis in an infant, symptoms, causes, treatment. Causes and methods of treating diathesis on the cheeks of a child How diathesis is expressed in a newborn

Insufficient maturity of the immune system in newborns often results in a problem such as diathesis in infants, which manifests itself more often on the cheeks, neck and chin. At its core, diathesis is a kind of allergic reaction to certain foods, and in medical circles it is often called atopic dermatitis. Find out how to protect your baby from this disease and what to do if it appears.

What is diathesis in infants

If the child is completely healthy, then he easily adapts to the environment. If the baby’s immune system reacts inadequately, they talk about constitutional anomalies. Diathesis is considered one of these reactions of the body to various stimuli that contribute to the development of the disease. If the problem is left without proper attention and the cause of its occurrence is not identified, diathesis can provoke the development of eczema, dermatitis and other allergic diseases.

What does diathesis look like?

It is not difficult to determine this condition. Diathesis in newborns can be observed already in the first months of life, and it concerns not only rashes or redness of the skin, but also general condition health. External manifestations Every mother should know about diseases and how to treat diathesis in a child. Timely diagnosis and correction of the condition can stop diathesis in infants. It is important to distinguish it from the heat rash and skin rash of various etiologies. The disease may look like:

  • Seborrhea in the form of greasy brown scales on the scalp, crown and eyebrows.
  • Milk scabs - red cheeks in infants artificial feeding, bright redness of dry skin on the cheeks or body.
  • Weeping diathesis - diaper rash on the bends of the arms, legs, behind the ears.
  • Strophulus is a small nodular rash that causes itching.
  • Eczema - scratching when severe itching with infection.
  • Hives are pale pink blisters.


Considering the characteristics of the baby, we can say that diathesis is infant appears due to the immune response to a foreign protein in food products. Especially often skin manifestations are observed in children during the period of breastfeeding and the introduction of complementary foods, because the load on the baby’s body (on the digestive organs) at this time increases significantly. Factors predisposing to the development of diathesis are considered to be: complications during pregnancy, improper diet of a nursing mother during pregnancy, and heredity.

Types of diathesis

This diagnosis is not a disease in itself, it only indicates the body’s predisposition to chronic diseases. There are three types of diathesis in infants: neuro-arthritic, lymphatic-hypoplastic, exudative-catarrhal. The first type, as medicine has proven, is sometimes inherited. The second appears when the mother has various infections during pregnancy, but the third type of diathesis is especially common.

Why is it dangerous?

Allergic manifestations of neuro-arthritic diathesis develop so that in the future the person will suffer from diabetes, gout or arthritis. It often leads to obesity caused by metabolic disorders. The lymphatic-hypoplastic form of diathesis proceeds in such a way that in the future it may become a provocateur of frequent infections with infectious diseases. Finally, manifestations of exudative diathesis will be severe vulnerability of the skin and mucous membranes.


What does a problem look like in infancy? The first signs of the disease resemble an allergic manifestation. A barely noticeable crust appears on the baby’s cheeks, possibly bright redness or hives. If you have these symptoms, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe general analysis urine and blood, blood biochemistry, stool analysis for dysbiosis, analysis for determining glucose levels, uric acid, phospholipids, cholesterol.

Treatment of diathesis in infants

Exudative diathesis in children is not a disease, but only a predisposition to allergies, and to cure it, you need to identify the source of the problem. It often hides in fabrics, products, children's cosmetics, and dust. In most cases, allergy symptoms in infants go away almost immediately after the source is eliminated, for example, after a nursing mother goes on a diet.

Drug therapy

With severe manifestations of diathesis without medicines not enough. In addition to diet, doctors additionally prescribe special ointments for infants, antiallergic and sedatives. However, when using medications, one cannot ignore the fact that their long-term and continuous use often itself becomes the cause of the development of allergies.


1st generation allergy medications have a mild sedative effect, so they can be prescribed for severe anxiety in infants, regular insomnia, and constant crying. They are prescribed for 10-14 days with a change of medication every 5 days. Drugs of choice: Suprastin, Tavegil, Pipolfen¼ tablet up to 3 times a day. Side effect is drowsiness.

Fenistil for diathesis in infants

Antihistamines, for example, Fenistil drops, gel or capsules, are used in infants to relieve symptoms of diathesis. They are effective, safe and approved for babies from 1 month of age. Their action begins within 15 minutes. The period of application is as short as possible. If the characteristic symptoms are clearly expressed, it is advisable to give the drug to the infant once before bedtime, for no longer than one week. From side effects drowsiness and dry mouth are noted.


Probiotics help fight diathesis. They are prescribed to infants if there is a tendency child's body to dysbacteriosis. The doctor may suggest the medicine Bifidumbacterin, containing beneficial bacteria, living in the human intestine. The drug is diluted with breast milk or warm water and give the baby first feeding from a spoon or through a pacifier according to the following scheme: 3 times a day, one, two or three doses.

Often infants are prescribed the drug Linex one capsule three times a day at regular intervals. The capsule contains the dose required for a single dose, which must be poured into breast milk and given to the baby. Sometimes Linex provokes allergies. It is contraindicated for babies who cannot tolerate breast milk, since the drug contains lactose.


If the baby is restless, cries and sleeps poorly, the pediatrician prescribes sedatives. One of them is Glycine, the simplest amino acid that is integrated into metabolic processes and acts as depressant. The dosage and timing are prescribed by the doctor, but the effect of the drug does not begin immediately, but after some time. Glycine will not harm the baby if the drug is given from time to time, but will ensure quality and sound sleep.

In some cases, doctors prescribe valerian to infants, which comes in the form of tinctures, tablets or dried herbs. It is not recommended to give the tincture to children; it is better to make a decoction of the herb. It calms well, normalizes sleep, relieves pain, and at the same time acts gently and quickly. The product is taken in courses; it cannot be used continuously. The dosage and duration of administration are determined by the doctor.


For redness of the cheeks and the appearance of rashes, infants are prescribed ointments containing hormonal agents in the smallest quantities. These ointments are called glucocorticoids. These include: Celestoderm, Advant, Elokom, which will quickly eliminate the problem. The products should be applied in extremely small doses at the location of the rash. The course of treatment should not exceed a week.

Among non-hormonal ointments, infants can be prescribed Elidel. With proper treatment, the cream relieves skin inflammation, softens, moisturizes and heals. He is deprived side effects like hormonal drugs, does not affect the frequency of skin infections. Regardless of the stage of the disease, the cream is applied to areas of redness twice a day, and can be used as a prophylaxis. The course of treatment is 4-6 weeks.


This remedy prevents the appearance of diaper rash, which is important for diaper dermatitis in newborns. Bepanten does not contain preservatives or flavors, which makes it safe for patients of any age (including infants). The medicine is applied to damaged skin twice a day, but the effect is observed only when complex treatment, including diet and taking other medications.


Triderm is hormonal agent containing a synthetic glucocorticosteroid. Such drugs in the form of a cream are prescribed to infants to quickly relieve inflammation, get rid of itching, and stop an allergic reaction. However, to this strong hormone Addiction develops quickly, so in infants the drug is used strictly as prescribed by the doctor. Long-term use may provoke hormonal perioral dermatitis.

Desitin is a drug belonging to the group of dermatoprotectors. The cream will relieve the baby from signs of diathesis and help cope with skin rashes, inflammation and irritation. It softens and dries the skin. The cream contains up to 40% zinc oxide. Standard recommendations suggest applying the product before each swaddling; the rash goes away in 2-3 days.

Baby food

Allergic dermatitis in children most often appears in the first two years of life, for some it becomes only episodes, for others it gradually develops into allergic diseases. To avoid such problems, parents are obliged to strictly review the child’s diet and remove the most dangerous foods. It is better to reduce or exclude from the diet the list of possible allergens and the following foods:

  • citrus fruit;
  • eggs, fish;
  • tomatoes, carrots, peppers;
  • persimmon, melon, pineapple, kiwi;
  • strawberries, raspberries;
  • chocolate, cocoa;
  • nuts, honey, mushrooms.

Practically do not cause allergies:

  • dairy products;
  • rabbit meat, turkey meat, lean pork;
  • corn and pearl barley;
  • cabbage;
  • red, white currants;
  • pears.

Folk remedies

There are many recipes homemade ointments against the occurrence of diathesis. A product containing fir oil is considered especially suitable for the health of infants. For cooking, take 4 tsp. baby cream of any brand, 2 tsp. fir oil, everything gets mixed up. Apply the product twice a day to the affected areas of the skin until the symptoms disappear. This ointment is absolutely harmless and gives a quick effect.

Treatment with folk remedies must be approached with caution, using only proven recipes, for example, tar ointment. Take medical tar 50 g, interior lard 50 g, spruce resin 50 g, propolis 30 g, one egg. Over low heat, melt the wax together with tar and resin. Melt lard in a separate bowl and pour into the mixture with tar. Add the beaten egg in a thin stream, but do not overcook it. The affected areas should be smeared with the product three times a day.

Bay leaf

To prepare the decoction, you need to pour 200 ml of boiling water into three leaves and cook until the water boils to half. Add boiling water again to the previous volume. This composition is used to make lotions for infants to remove the symptoms of diathesis. Some mothers bathe their baby in a bath with bay leaves. To do this, brew 10 g (package) in a liter of boiling water and cook as described above so that the volume is 0.5 liters. Pour the decoction along with the leaves into a bath of water (temperature no higher than 40 degrees).

Photos of diathesis in children


Diathesis in newborns is considered a rather complex condition. It is important to note that this is not a disease, but a special condition little man, which determines the development of other complex health problems. In this article we will talk in more detail about this dysfunction of the body and its main symptoms.

general information

Today, you can often see babies with reddish cheeks while walking in the park or at the clinic. In some cases, rashes with dried crusts are possible. In fact, this is exactly how diathesis manifests itself in a newborn. This condition, according to experts, is not explained proper nutrition the fetus is still inside the mother's womb. Doctors strongly recommend that future mothers pay attention to their own diet literally from the first months of pregnancy, because the basic systems are already being laid internal organs the baby and his future health in general. If a woman neglects proper nutrition, then some changes will occur in the child’s body, leading to this problem.

Diathesis in a newborn, as noted above, implies a state of the body in which it responds in a special way to factors that irritate it from environment.


Unfortunately, modern medicine has not fully studied this issue. However, experts have established a number of factors that directly lead to this kind of dysfunction of the body, namely:

  • toxicosis in a expectant mother, which continues throughout the entire 9 months of pregnancy;
  • consumption of foods that contribute to the development of an allergic reaction (citrus fruits, honey, red caviar, etc.);
  • deficiency of vitamins and some nutrients in the mother’s body during gestation;
  • abuse medicines;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • bad ecology.


This special condition among young children in modern medicine conditionally divided into several types.

  • Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in newborns. Symptoms: increase lymph nodes, disruption of the endocrine system, allergic reactions, constant colds. According to experts, most often this type diagnosed after infectious diseases with complications that occurred during pregnancy.
  • Neuro-arthritic. Symptoms: obesity, diabetes, gout. These complications occur due to improper metabolism of uric acid. Experts have found that this type of diathesis is hereditary in nature.
  • Exudative-catarrhal. Symptoms: decrease immune defense organism, as a result - susceptibility various ailments infectious nature, long-term inflammatory processes, increased sensitivity skin, which is very difficult to treat. Exudative-catarrhal diathesis is diagnosed among young patients most often.

Regardless of the type of body dysfunction, treatment is recommended to begin immediately. In this way, the development of complications can be avoided later.

What does diathesis look like in a newborn?

Depending on the type of dysfunction of the body, experts distinguish characteristic symptoms. Exudative-catarrhal diathesis manifests itself in the form of skin rashes, which are localized mainly in the area of ​​the cheeks or buttocks. Most often they have a dry crust. In addition, the baby is constantly bothered by itching in the areas of the rash, he sleeps poorly at night and is capricious.

With lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in a small patient, frequent colds are possible, accompanied by high temperature and malaise, as well as enlarged lymph nodes.

The neuro-arthritic type practically does not manifest itself at all. In some cases, obesity or even diabetes may occur.

It is important to note that diathesis in a newborn can be diagnosed not only through external clinical manifestations(reddish spots on the skin). Another sign is loose, greenish stool.

Some people get confused this problem with prickly heat, but the latter most often goes away on its own within a few days, which cannot be said about diathesis. This requires special treatment.

What should the therapy be like?

If during the next examination the doctor diagnoses diathesis in the newborn, treatment should begin immediately and under constant supervision by a specialist. Therapy, as a rule, is individual, depending on the course of the given acute condition and external clinical signs.

Treatment of diathesis in newborns involves several components, namely:

  • balanced nutrition for mother and baby;
  • taking medications to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the use of special ointments that reduce peeling of the skin and relieve itching;
  • bathing with medicinal herbs.

Nutrition plays a key role in therapy. If the child is breastfed, the mother should mandatory observe quite simple diet. It is recommended to exclude all those foods that can provoke the development of an allergic reaction (citrus fruits, chocolate, red fruits, fast food, ketchup and mayonnaise).

If the baby eats formula, then diathesis may appear due to cow protein. As a rule, in this case, the doctor prescribes special hypoallergenic mixtures. It is very important to switch to them gradually, from about 30 ml per day.

All medical supplies should be prescribed by a pediatrician or allergist. During periods of exacerbation, they are most often prescribed antihistamines. To maintain the strength of a body that has not yet become stronger, polyurethane vitamin complexes.

To eliminate existing diaper rash, it is necessary to treat the affected areas of the skin daily with special ointments that contain zinc oxide. For these purposes, Bepanten cream has proven itself to be excellent. For diathesis in newborns, it is an indispensable remedy that relieves redness and soothes the skin. If diaper rash is small, it is enough to treat the affected areas with the most common baby cream.

Help from traditional medicine

You can get rid of crusts on your head using the most ordinary vegetable oil. A small amount of it must be applied to the hair, then covered with gauze and a cap placed on the head. In just a few hours you can give your child a bath. Softened crusts will peel off very easily.

An excellent option in the fight against rashes are baths with herbal decoctions. For example, you can take a tablespoon of dry string and pour a cup of water over it and boil. After this, add the resulting broth to the bathtub. Decoctions of chamomile or oak bark also have disinfecting properties.

These simple tips allow you to cope with such a problem as diathesis in newborns. In any case, the pediatrician should tell you how to treat such dysfunction of the body. Not recommended without preliminary consultation resort to the help of traditional medicine.

During diathesis, it is recommended to pay special attention to what most often comes into contact with the child’s skin (clothing, bedding). It is better to choose clothes from natural fabrics, and woolen items should not come into contact with the skin, as they provoke itching.

The temperature in the room where the baby is constantly located should be moderate. The thing is that cool air has a calming effect on the skin and helps reduce itching.

Possible complications

Infants with a predisposition to diathesis are more likely to suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system. In addition, they are prone to mucosal lesions oral cavity and urinary tract.

Against the background of diathesis, illnesses of a viral and infectious nature often worsen. Their course is usually complicated by intoxication, electrolyte imbalance, and septic phenomena.


If you bathe your baby every day in chlorinated water, and this is the kind that flows from any tap, it is useful to rinse the baby with boiled water as a preventive measure for diathesis. It is equally important to rinse your baby’s clothes additionally after each wash.

How else to prevent diathesis in newborns? There are no symptoms on the face, but there are rashes on the buttocks? Most likely, in this case it makes sense to change the brand of diaper or baby cosmetics.

Do not allow your child to overheat. The optimal temperature in the room is +18-22 degrees.

In conclusion, it should be noted that diathesis in newborns is diagnosed very often today. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, everyone can cope with this dysfunction of the body.

If the child is healthy, then he adapts well to the environment. And if the reaction is inadequate, they talk about constitutional anomalies. One of them is diathesis - a form of body reactivity that is characterized by various reactions to simple stimuli that lead to illness.

It is worth remembering that diathesis in newborns is a condition that shows the predisposition of the child’s body to any disease. If the cause of diathesis is not clarified, it may become allergic disease or skin disease (eczema, dermatitis, etc.)

Causes of diathesis in children

Most often, diathesis is an immune reaction to a foreign food protein. This reaction becomes possible due to the immaturity of the baby’s digestive tract. Exocrine divisions digestive system produce a minimal amount of enzymes, the liver performs a weak barrier function, and the intestinal wall has increased permeability.

As a result, fragments of the antigen penetrate the bloodstream and act as allergens for the baby’s immunity.

Diathesis in infants is especially pronounced during the period of introducing complementary foods, since at this time the load on the digestive organs increases.

However, about 99% of exudative-catarrhal (allergic) diathesis in a newborn goes away by six to seven years. During the growth process, the gastrointestinal tract copes better with the digestion of various food components.

Immaturity of the digestive tract is the main cause and mechanism of diathesis. It is worth highlighting the factors that predispose to the appearance of constitutional anomalies. These include: complicated pregnancy, dietary habits expectant mother, hereditary factor (a burdened allergic history in parents), infectious diseases and pharmacological load during the period of waiting for the child.

Great importance have following reasons diathesis - complications of pregnancy, respiratory diseases baby in the first weeks of life. It is also worth paying attention to the mother’s nutrition during the feeding period, living conditions, quality medical care. Therefore, when developing preventive measures and treatment should take them into account.

Symptoms of diathesis

Doctors identify three types of constitutional anomalies, each of which has its own symptoms of diathesis in newborns. Let's look at them:

  • Lymphatic-hypoplastic is different the following manifestations: increased susceptibility to allergies, infectious diseases, impaired functioning of the adrenal glands, enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Neuro-arthritic, most often, does not manifest itself, so it is difficult to diagnose. Symptoms appear only by school age.
  • Exudative-catarrhal manifests itself in the form of “red cheeks.” He is allergic.

What does diathesis look like in a newborn?
It is usually defined as diaper rash on the skin. They long time do not go away, despite careful care of the baby. Skin rashes can be dry or wet, and in some cases a combination of both. Weeping diathesis looks like swelling, redness, and blisters with liquid.

The anomaly is also accompanied by unbearable itching on the affected skin. As a result of scratching, ulcers appear, which eventually crust over. If an infection gets inside, the wounds will become purulent.

It is worth noting that treatment of diathesis in newborns is mandatory, otherwise with age it can provoke the appearance chronic diseases skin (psoriasis, neurodermatitis) or bronchial asthma.

Treatment of diathesis in infants

If parents find signs of diathesis in their baby, they should consult their doctor. But some measures are carried out independently.

First of all, you should check your washing powder or other household chemicals, as their chemical components can cause skin reactions.
To ease diathesis in infants, it is recommended to make baths using a solution of potassium permanganate. A series of medicinal herbs helps. To do this, add 200 ml of water to a spoonful of herbs, let it boil and leave. Wipe the affected areas with the strained solution or add to the bath.

How to treat diathesis in newborns?
Only a specialist can select medications. It is not recommended to choose them yourself. Drug treatment prescribed by the pediatrician. These may include sedatives, medications to relieve itching, and vitamins. How local remedy ointments, creams, lotions and baths are used with a series of oak bark, celandine or potassium permanganate. It is worth noting that self-medication is prohibited.

What to do if a breastfed baby has diathesis?
First, a nursing mother needs to adjust her diet. In this case, a woman should exclude smoked meats, fried, spicy foods, red fruits, vegetables, chocolate, citrus fruits, honey from her diet, and replace milk with fermented milk products. If the baby is bottle-fed, then you need to choose a hypoallergenic milk formula.

It is worth noting that diathesis can occur on the mucous membrane. Therefore, they treat not only external signs, but also prevent the appearance of dysbiosis. For this purpose, the pediatrician prescribes:

  • Probiotics containing microorganisms that can restore intestinal microflora;
  • prebiotics containing nutrients for microflora in digestive tract, they stimulate its vital activity and growth.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the daily cleaning of the children's room. You need to be especially careful about the things surrounding the baby. It is advisable to remove down pillows from there and Stuffed Toys and do not allow pets into the premises. You should also be careful when choosing clothes, diapers and hygiene products.

Diathesis in newborns is a specific reaction of a child to external stimuli, which is associated with the characteristics of metabolism and the immune system. Diathesis does not refer to diseases, but to anomalies of the child’s constitution. The causes of diathesis may be different, but the main one is considered genetic predisposition(heredity).

In children under one year old, the following forms of diathesis are distinguished:

  • exudative-catarrhal;
  • lymphatic-hypoplastic;
  • neuro-arthritic.

Each of them can manifest itself in an infant from the first days of life.

Exudative-catarrhal diathesis in newborns- This is a child’s predisposition to allergic reactions. Popularly, this type of diathesis is called allergic dermatitis - a skin reaction of the body in the form of a rash to a particular allergen. In fact, diathesis is a tendency, but it is already a disease.

The reasons for this anomaly are still unknown. It is believed that children have a predisposition to exudative-catarrhal process in the skin and mucous membranes.

Diathesis manifests itself under the influence external factors, these include:

  • consumption of allergens in food;
  • increased amount of fat in the food consumed, including in the diet of a nursing mother;
  • the impact of household or medicinal allergens on the child’s body;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • insufficient exposure to fresh air;
  • lack of vitamins in the child’s body.

Symptoms of exudative-catarrhal diathesis vary and depend on its type.

  1. With the pasty type, children have a tendency to increased accumulation of fluid in the tissues, which may result in excess weight. The skin of these children is loose and pale. Diathesis manifests itself in the form of weeping spots on the face or body (eczema). They look like a red spot on the skin with a watery discharge.
  2. With the eretic type of diathesis, children are thin and mobile. The rash on the baby's skin looks like dry itchy crusts. Gneiss (greasy scales on the scalp) and fine flaking on the face, the so-called milk crust, often form on the head.

Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in newborns- tendency to grow lymphoid tissue(tonsils, adenoids). Children often suffer from diseases lymphatic system and upper respiratory tract.

Causes of lymphatic diathesis:

  • somatic diseases of the mother;
  • dysfunction endocrine glands mothers;
  • severe gestosis during pregnancy;
  • unbalanced diet during pregnancy;
  • prematurity;
  • older age of parents.

In appearance, children with lymphatic diathesis have pale skin, a puffy face, and enlarged lymph nodes. Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in newborns and children infancy may manifest itself as “sniffing” or “grunting” through the nose.

Children with this type of diathesis need to walk a lot in the fresh air, regularly ventilate the room in which they are located, and clean the mucous membranes of the nose saline solution. To strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to do gymnastics daily and strengthen the baby.

Neuro-arthritic diathesis in newborns- This is a tendency to diseases of the metabolism and nervous system.

Symptoms of lymphatic diathesis:

  • increased nervous excitability (from birth);
  • hyperactivity;
  • tearfulness;
  • capriciousness.

These children have frequent vomiting due to increased acetone in the body. In the diet of infants and older children with this diathesis, it is necessary to exclude foods containing purines: meat, fish, coffee, tea, chocolate, mushrooms. A dairy-vegetable diet and drinking plenty of fluids are recommended.

Treatment of diathesis in newborns

Symptoms of diathesis can be treated medications. Among them are antiallergic, adsorbents, enzyme preparations. Correct treatment helps the baby, and with proper care, each symptom goes away quickly.

Fenistil is widely used to treat infants with antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs. It is available in the form of drops and gel. "Fenistil" is the only antihistamine that can be used by children from one month onwards. "Fenistil" in drops is taken orally, dissolving the required amount of the drug in 1 tsp. water.

After just 45 minutes, Fenistil eliminates the symptoms of rash, swelling and skin itching. The baby should be treated with medications strictly as prescribed by the doctor. As a rule, Fenistil drops are prescribed 3 times a day. "Fenistil" in gel form is used for local treatment. Apply a thin layer to the baby's skin 1-2 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease.

Local treatment with other means works well to remove rashes and itching on the skin. Pediatricians often prescribe the drug "Bepanten". “Bepanten-ointment” and “Bepanten-cream” are produced. In the case of dry skin, the best therapeutic effect The ointment has the ability to absorb quickly into the skin of a small patient.

The active ingredient of the drug "Bepanten-ointment" is dexpanthenol, it is a precursor of vitamin B5. Once in the baby’s skin, provitamin is transformed into vitamin B5, which, in turn, accelerates regeneration (tissue repair), skin mitosis (cell division), and strengthens collagen fibers.

"Bepanten ointment" is allowed for diathesis even in newborns. You need to apply a thin layer to all affected areas of the skin. Many mothers use only Bepanten ointment for diathesis in their infants.

"Fenistil" and "Bepanten-ointment" remove the symptoms of diathesis, the rash gradually disappears, the itching decreases. It must be remembered that treating diathesis with medications only removes its manifestations. various forms, not the reason.

Lifestyle of a child with diathesis

Allergenic foods that can aggravate diathesis are excluded from the diet:

  • chocolate,
  • eggs,
  • fish,
  • tomatoes,
  • citrus fruits, etc.

At the same time, each mother selects the child’s diet individually, because nutrition depends on the body’s reaction. A baby should not be overfed, and it does not matter whether it is natural or artificial. It is necessary to take longer breaks between feedings if the baby is gaining weight well.

Pediatricians do not recommend introducing complementary foods to breastfed children before six months. For artificial children, this age can be reduced by a month. In what sequence and according to what rules to introduce complementary foods, you need to agree with your doctor.

Children with diathesis are very sensitive to the outside world, so it is not advisable to use clothes made of synthetic fabrics. Diapers and towels should also be made only from natural materials.

If a rash appears in a child, you need to trace how it appeared. If after changing washing powder, diaper or body cream, then stop using them. To make it easier to determine what your baby’s reaction is to, keep a diary in which you will write down everything.

Child hygiene should also include regular washing, preferably after each toilet. It is better to bathe a baby with diathesis every day. The skin should be clean and dry, and there should be no traces of urine or feces on it after bowel movements. After each bath, you can treat the skin with a moisturizing baby cream or medicinal ointment.

You also need to make sure that the baby’s skin does not sweat. If the room is hot or stuffy, lower the temperature, undress the baby and ventilate the room. Overheating and excessive sweating will lead to skin irritation and redness.

Treatment of diathesis in infants with folk remedies

Treatment of diathesis in a newborn should begin as early as possible. Today, treatment of diathesis with folk remedies is becoming more widespread. But you need to remember that this only helps, but does not get rid of the cause. It is not the skin rash that needs to be treated, but the disease and the cause of its appearance.

Often used to reduce skin inflammation, itching and rashes. Bay leaf in the form of infusion, decoction or ointment.

Bay leaf decoction


  • bay leaf - 15 grams;
  • boiled water - 2 liters.

Bay leaf poured hot water and boil for 15 minutes. After which the broth is filtered, the leaf is removed, and the broth is added to the bath and the baby is bathed for 15 minutes. After the bath, treat the skin with oil. Such procedures must be done daily for at least two weeks.

Bay leaf infusion


  • bay leaf - 2 pieces;
  • boiling water - 1 cup.

Method of preparation and use

Take a bay leaf, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 6 hours. After infusion, take 1 tsp orally. 3 times a day.

Bay leaf ointment


  • bay leaf - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Method of preparation and use

Bay leaves are crushed into powder and poured into it vegetable oil. Infuse the resulting mixture in a water bath for 30 minutes. You need to smear the affected areas twice a day.

Bay leaf not only removes skin rashes, but also calms the baby, strengthens his sleep and improves appetite. Treatment with folk remedies also includes the use of herbal decoctions of chamomile, string, and oak bark.

Update: October 2018

Diathesis translated from Greek language means "inclination". Currently, diathesis is not classified as specific disease, but they consider it special condition child's body with:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • undulating course, with periods of remission and exacerbation;
  • a tendency to certain diseases: allergies, respiratory infections, convulsive syndrome, metabolic disorders, immunological abnormalities.

Diathesis can most often be observed on the baby’s cheeks.

Thus, diathesis is an anomaly of the child’s constitution, which determines the characteristics of his adaptive reactions and predisposition to certain diseases, among which allergic manifestations on the skin and in respiratory system. What, in the classical understanding of most parents, appears under the guise of diathesis is nothing more than skin manifestations of an allergic variant of diathesis.

Causes of allergic diathesis

It is difficult to single out one cause of diathesis - as a rule, it develops under the combined influence of several causes, the most important of which is hereditary predisposition, as well as:

  • poor nutrition of a woman during pregnancy (abuse of products containing a lot of harmful chemical additives);
  • abuse of allergenic foods by a pregnant woman (chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries, nuts, milk, eggs, honey);
  • chronic diseases of the mother, infections affecting the course of pregnancy;
  • taking antibiotics and other drugs during pregnancy;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • complete absence of breastfeeding or its early termination;
  • transfer to artificial formulas, when either cow's milk protein becomes an allergen for the child's body (see), or the vitamin complexes included in the mixtures cause allergies in the baby (see).

An allergic reaction in a baby can be caused by a food allergy, a contact reaction, or inhalation of toxic substances or allergens:

Respiratory diathesis

  • an abundance of dust collectors in the room, rare wet cleaning of the room
  • recently renovated or new furniture in the apartment
  • presence of pets, birds, etc.
  • use by family members of various deodorants, perfumes, air flavors, household chemicals (chlorine-containing cleaning products and detergents, washing powders, etc.)
  • Most Chinese-made toys and baby care items emit foul odors, causing household poisoning.

Food allergies

Today, absolutely any product (substances, additives in the product) in a child or adult can cause an inadequate immune response - in an infant it depends on the mother’s diet or the introduction of complementary foods.

Contact diathesis

  • bathing a child should use only hypoallergenic products; in the first 3 months it is not advisable to use hot water from the tap, you should heat or boil cold
  • Children's clothes should not be washed with regular washing powders. high content Surfactants and phosphates (these include the popular supposedly “children’s” powder Eared Nannies), see.
  • The baby’s skin should come into contact only with cotton fabric, that is, avoid contact of synthetic and woolen fabric with the skin (wear a cotton cap under a synthetic hat, cotton clothes under a woolen sweater, etc.)
  • Antibacterial wet wipes may cause an allergic reaction in children (see,).

Autoimmune diathesis

For example, increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, high level immunoholobulins of class E and M, activation of lymphocytes, identification of antinuclear factors, that is, a tendency to systemic diseases.

Infectious-allergic diathesis

In which the triggering mechanism is a transferred bacterial or viral infection upper respiratory tract, provoking the onset of inflammatory changes in the skin and mucous membranes.

Exudative-catarrhal diathesis

This is a tendency to pseudo-allergic reactions, infiltrates and exfoliation of the skin and mucous membranes, and disturbances in water-salt metabolism. This type of diathesis is typical for large infants with loose and abundant subcutaneous tissue. They are prone to diaper rash, pasty skin, decreased skin tone, seborrhea of ​​the head, and digestive disorders. Often in such children there is an increase in several groups of lymph nodes and a tendency to secondary bacterial skin lesions.

Symptoms of diathesis

Manifestations of diathesis are varied and can be observed already in the first weeks of a baby’s life. They concern not only the skin reaction, but also the general condition of the child. Every mother should know what diathesis looks like, because... no one is immune from its development, but early correction This condition helps stop the progression. It is necessary to differentiate diathesis from various etiologies, etc.

Skin symptoms

Lesions of the mucous membranes

  • “Geographic tongue” is a characteristic lesion of the mucous membrane of the tongue in the form of a geographical map. The symptom occurs due to uneven desquamation of the cellular layer of the mucous membrane
  • Damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa, manifested by unstable stool, dysbacteriosis, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain
  • Damage to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract: persistent,
  • Damage to the mucous membrane of the eyes: allergic conjunctivitis
  • Damage to the mucosa Bladder: cystitis

General symptoms

  • Unreasonable screaming and crying of a child
  • Bad dream
  • Loss of appetite

Other types of diathesis

Lymphatic diathesis

This is a failure of the lymphatic system due to low activity of the thymus gland. Along with an increase in lymph nodes, there is a decrease in the activity of the adrenal glands, a tendency to allergies and dermatitis. Including. infectious, caused by an insufficient immune response from the skin and mucous membranes in conditions of suppression of the production of immunoglobulins. For children with this constitutional anomaly, the characteristics are more long limbs and a relatively short body, enlarged lymph nodes, tonsils, and thymus gland. When the gland is excessively large, it can interfere with breathing. Children often suffer from anemia.

Neuro-arthritic diathesis

It provokes high nervous excitability and exhaustion. Children with this type of diathesis develop faster mentally, but are more exhausted and restless than their peers. A striking manifestation of this type of diathesis is acetone crises, which often frighten parents and force them to look for severe pathologies in the baby. Typical crisis caused by accumulation ketone bodies(acetone) in the blood - these are several episodes of vomiting, during which the child turns sharply pale and falls into a sleepy, lethargic state until he loses consciousness.

The trigger point is almost always stress or an error in the diet (a long period of hunger, a load of protein or fat). The release of anti-insulin hormones or a deficiency of sugars lead to a system of metabolic reactions, as a result of which an excess of ketone bodies (acetone, acetoacetic and beta-hydroxybutyric acids) floats in the blood. These substances act on the central nervous system depressive (even to the point of coma), increase the tissue need for oxygen (provoke oxygen starvation tissues, ischemia), spasm blood vessels, irritate the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract(vomit).

Children are prone to obesity, diabetes, and kidney pathologies. Impaired uric acid metabolism is a precursor to gout in adulthood.


Treatment of diathesis is serious problem, does not always bring results, which largely depend on the actions of the parents. When diathesis appears, a nursing mother should first:

  • go on a strict diet (water porridge, crackers) and watch the child’s reaction.
  • bathe the child 2 times a day in an infusion of string, sage, or make starch baths, furatsilin or soda lotions.

Nutrition for a nursing mother

Diathesis in a baby is the mother’s addiction to sweets and smoked and sausage products; even dairy products, fruits, chicken meat consumed by a nursing mother can provoke diathesis in the baby (see). Modern production - antibiotics and feed for poultry and livestock, nutritional supplements V finished products, chemicals when growing vegetables and fruits, processing meat, fruits and vegetables for further storage saturate products with harmful substances that accumulate in the body and can cause an inadequate reaction in children.

Techniques to help reduce food allergenicity

  • Cooking methods: boiling, steaming, baking.
  • Soak cereals and vegetables in cold water for at least 10-12 hours before cooking.
  • Boil the meat for 20 minutes in water, which should then be drained. The semi-finished product can be stewed or further cooked until cooked.
  • When purchasing ready-made products, you should carefully read the ingredients: the fewer components there are, especially unknown ones, the better.

Proper feeding and care of a newborn

  • breastfeeding as early as possible;
  • exclusively breast-feeding at least up to six months (WHO recommendation);
  • compliance with a hypoallergenic diet by a nursing mother;
  • when artificial feeding, careful selection of a mixture that does not give an allergic reaction (special medicinal mixtures on hydrolysates, soy protein, fermented milk mixtures)
  • properly organized complementary feeding (see). For the first introduction to vegetables (and this is at 5-6 months), zucchini is suitable, cauliflower, potatoes and turnips. Vegetables should be soaked for 12 hours in cold water, and only then puree them;
  • gradual introduction of complementary foods, exclusion of introduction 2 different products one day;
  • tracking individual reactions to a product and excluding it from the diet - keeping a food diary;
  • exclusion of previously known allergenic products and components from the diet.

Subsequently, during the transition of the baby to the adult table, you need to be very careful with typical allergenic foods, such as eggs, honey, nuts, red fruits and vegetables, and canned food. New foods are introduced into the diet in minute quantities, and the later the better.


  • frequent change of linen (bed and underwear);
  • the use of neutral detergents for washing children's linen and clothes (see);
  • regular toileting of the skin after urination and defecation;
  • daily baths;
  • excluding mother and child from taking a bath together;
  • Using neutral skin care and wash products specifically designed for sensitive skin;
  • regular nail cutting;
  • minimizing household allergens in the child’s environment: animal hair, dust, soft toys...

General drug treatment


  • 1st generation allergy medications, in addition to their main effect, have a mild sedative effect, so they can be prescribed for severe anxiety in a child, insomnia, and constant crying. Prescribed for 10-14 days with a change of drug every 5 days. Drugs of choice: suprastin, tavegil, pipolfen.
  • Antihistamines of the 2nd generation have a pronounced anti-allergenic effect, do not have hypnotic activity, and therefore can be prescribed for long-term use for 3-5 weeks. Drugs of choice: Claritin, Zyrtec, elastin (see).


For severe crying and anxiety, it may be prescribed


With concomitant, laboratory-confirmed dysbacteriosis, a course of one of the drugs is prescribed: Bifidumbacterin, Normobact, etc. (see).


Currently, the need to prescribe drugs that correct and enhance immunity is controversial and can be criticized by many doctors (see). The immune system in children is immature, regardless of whether he suffers from diathesis or not. The additional drug load on the already imperfect, weakened immunity in such children can lead to pathological reactions and the launch of autoimmune processes.

Local drug treatment

During periods of exacerbation of common diathesis, daily ten-minute baths are indicated:

  • for weeping eczema with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
  • for diaper rash with infusion of string, sage, starch. An herbal infusion is prepared by pouring 1 tbsp of boiling water over a glass. vegetable raw materials, infusion for 20 minutes and then adding the strained solution to a bath of water.
  • To prepare a starch bath, 2 tbsp. starch dissolved in 50 grams cold water, add two glasses of boiling water and pour the resulting starch jelly into a bath of water.

After the bath, you should carefully lubricate the folds of the skin with pre-boiled and cooled vegetable oil.

  • Furacillin lotions- for treatment allergic rashes lotions in a concentration of 1/2 or 1/4 tablets of furatsilin per glass of water. The lotions are kept on the elements until they turn pale, periodically wetting the cotton wool in the solution.
  • Soda lotions to relieve itching: 1 tsp. baking soda dissolves in a glass of chilled boiled water. Rubbing movements are not allowed - just gently apply the lotion to the inflamed skin.
  • For dryness and flaking, it is enough to lubricate the skin with neutral emollient creams or baby oil.
  • Ointment for diathesis - not understanding the etiology of the problem, many parents buy ointments on their own, relying on the fact that they will eliminate diathesis. This is fundamentally wrong. Ointment is just symptomatic treatment one of the manifestations of diathesis.

Non-hormonal ointments

  • Guzhienko paste (zinc + diphenhydramine) - ordered at the pharmacy, made from alcohol solution diphenhydramine and zinc paste.
  • Elidel

(pimecrolimus) from 3 months, gently rubbed into the skin 2-3 times a day

  • Fenistil gel

(dimetindene maleate) from 1 month, in a thin layer 2-3 times a day

  • Bepanten

Dexpanthenol, 1-2 times a day

  • La-cree

extracts walnut, - licorice, string, bisabolol and panthenol.

  • Tsindol

(zinc oxide)

  • Desitin

(zinc oxide)

When a bacterial infection occurs

  • Vishnevsky (xeroform, tar, castor oil)
  • (methyluracil, chloramphenicol)
  • Powder Xeroform

Scheduled vaccinations

Scheduled vaccinations can be carried out only 1 month after the fact of exacerbation of diathesis. During the pre-vaccination period (3 days before) and after vaccination, antihistamines are prescribed for 7-10 days.

Prevention of diathesis

A newborn with a history of allergies is immediately exposed to an allergic attack from the environment, so prevention of diathesis should be carried out in the prenatal period.

If a pregnant woman or her mother has a history of diathesis or has allergic pathologies, the most allergenic foods (chocolate, strawberries, honey, nuts, smoked meats, etc.) should be excluded from the diet. Under no circumstances should you smoke - not only is it a direct risk of intrauterine pathologies, smoking aggravates the allergic mood of the body.


Diathesis that can be brought under control gradually fades away by 2-4 years. The child becomes resistant to actions earlier dangerous allergens, tolerates cow protein, eggs, fruits, etc. well. Children whose diathesis proceeds without visible improvement, with constant periods of exacerbation, risk becoming allergy sufferers with severe immunodeficiency in the future.
