Ingavirin is a modern anti-inflammatory agent. Ingavirin. Instructions for use

Not so long ago, the drug Ingavirin appeared on the shelves of pharmacies. It is intended for the prevention and treatment of the most common forms of influenza - A and B, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, SARS. But this drug is not affordable for many adults, so we decided to consider cheaper analogues of Ingavirin, which are not inferior to it in the effectiveness of treatment.

Viruses mutate every year, and even the most modern drugs not always ready to meet a viral infection in all arms. Therefore, every year scientists develop modern antiviral agents that are able to resist new forms viral infections.

Ingavirin refers to such drugs, it activates the concentration of interferon in the blood, due to which the reproduction of viruses stops. In different instructions for the use of Ingavirin, there is a lot of conflicting information regarding doses, age, and even dosages of capsules.

The instructions for the drug suggest 30, 60 and 90 mg of the active substance imidazolylethanamide pentanedioic acid (vitaglutam) in each capsule. There is evidence that the drug is prescribed to children from the age of 7, although the official instructions refute this.

The most popular is considered to be Ingavirin 90 mg (No. 7). It can always be found in pharmacies and the instructions for the drug are beyond doubt. The price of Ingavirin 90 in Moscow pharmacies is approximately 450-500 rubles, so many patients are looking for an alternative - cheap analogues of this remedy.

Instructions for use Ingavirin

The drug perfectly eliminates the following symptoms influenza and SARS:

  • weakness;
  • weakness;
  • aches and pains in the muscles;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • general intoxication;
  • facilitates the course of rhinitis, pharyngitis and other catarrhal phenomena.

When should the drug not be used?

The drug is not used under 18 years of age, as well as with individual intolerance to Vitaglutam. Co-administration of Ingavirin and other antiviral agents is not recommended, because. it can provoke an overdose of chemicals or cause adverse reactions due to incompatibility of some components.

Against the background of the use of the drug, no embryotoxic and teratogenic effects were detected, so it can theoretically be used in pregnant women, although many instructions contain a warning that ingavirin has not been studied during pregnancy, and therefore the drug is contraindicated. Therefore, if necessary, trust the doctor, who will decide on the selection of an antiviral agent individually.

On the forums, many visitors confuse Ingavirin with an antibiotic. It is unacceptable. Ingavirin is not an antibiotic and does not affect the bacterial flora. Therefore, with a bacterial infection, it cannot be used in any way; it is possible to suppress microbes only with antibacterial drugs.

Negative actions of ingavirin

As a result of clinical trials, allergic reactions were observed only in rare cases. Such symptoms, in 80% of all cases, were detected in patients with a burdened allergic history..

Admission rules

Ingavirin 90 take 1 capsule per day. The course of treatment is 7 days, i.e. one pack of Ingavirin 90 is used to treat a viral infection. This technique is convenient, the patient does not need to constantly think about taking pills. The drug is taken at a certain time, for example, at 10 am.

The effect of treatment will be maximum if Ingavirin is taken from the first day of illness. After 40 hours from the onset of the disease, the effect of the drug on the attacking virus is almost halved.

How Ingavirin works - it is important to understand

Cheap analogues of ingavirin - list

The list of analogues of Ingavirin is quite large, some are more expensive, others are cheaper. Most patients try to get a cheaper substitute medicine, but there are also many people who prefer quality to a cheap price.

Do not try, you will not find a structural analogue of Ingavirin. There is such a truth similar drug- dicarbamine, but it is used as a leukopoiesis stimulant after chemotherapy. Therefore, it cannot be considered as an analogue for ARVI.

There is a huge list of Ingavirin analogues on the market for therapeutic effect Which of them is cheaper, let's figure it out.

The cheap analogues of Ingavirin include the following drugs:

  • kagocel - 240 rubles;
  • hyporamine - 150 rubles;
  • ribavirin - 160 rubles;
  • arbidol - 220 rubles;
  • cycloferon - 165 rubles;
  • oxolin - 60 rubles;
  • ergoferon - 300 rubles;
  • anaferon - 220 rubles;
  • amizon - 250 rubles;
  • rimantadine - 250 rubles.

If finances allow the patient, then it is possible to use more expensive analogues, they will also worthy replacement ingvirin:

  • thylaxin;
  • panavir;
  • lavomax;
  • tilorone.

The price of Ingavirin analogues often fluctuates, in some regions the drug is cheaper, in others, on the contrary, the cost is quite high.

Feedback on the use of Ingavirin analogues is positive in most cases, BUT antiviral drugs require a clear dosage, and must be selected by a doctor. If you are not sure about the competence of a doctor, visit another doctor, or study the instructions for the prescribed remedy on your own. Quite often, the doctor offers several antiviral drugs to choose from at once, and naturally the patient gets a cheap one without studying the instructions.

Both drugs have anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating and antiviral activity. Ergoferon also exhibits an antihistamine effect, due to which the symptoms of rhinorrhea decrease, swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa disappears, and bronchospasm is eliminated.

The composition of the funds under consideration is different, ergoferon refers to homeopathic remedies.

The price of ergoferon is less - this is a clear advantage. Ergoferon also has a wider list of indications. In addition to influenza and SARS, it is used in treatment regimens for bacterial flora and intestinal infections.

Drugs very rarely cause adverse reactions, but if we compare Ingavirin and Ergoferon, the degree of safety is still higher for a homeopathic remedy.

Ingavirin or Kagocel - which is better?

The main purpose of these drugs is antiviral therapy. Kagocel acts more gently, because. active substance- kagocel has vegetable base. Ingavirin is a chemical drug. It exhibits a higher activity and is effective in sharply severe symptoms SARS.

Kagocel acts homeopathically and "forces" the body to independently resist pathogenic microflora various genesis. Both drugs are also used for prevention. Kagocel for this purpose has a longer reception, and, undoubtedly, more effective than the chemical agent - ingavirin.

The list of indications for taking Kagocel is longer. It is prescribed for herpes infections, chlamydia and other viral diseases. With these diseases, the course of treatment is usually adjusted by an immunologist, and the duration of taking Kagocel will be longer.

Kagocel is used to treat children from the age of three, Ingavirin - only from the age of 18. The drugs in question are not recommended during pregnancy, lactation, as well as the body's immunity to the composition of these drugs.

Kagocel and Ingavirin are not used together. In the instructions for Ingavirin there is an indication: “joint reception with other cold remedies Not recommended".

There are many comments about these drugs regarding the lack of clinical trials, especially randomization abroad. Simply put, these funds do not have a special certificate for trading abroad. Is it important for us? It is difficult to say, yet independent research is needed to confirm the quality and value of domestic funds.

As for taking drugs, there is one more but. It is necessary to spend 18 tablets for the course of treatment with Kagocel, which will cost 480 rubles. The course of Ingavirin will cost the same price. Therefore, kagocel has relatively cheap cost, if only judged by one package.

Ingavirin or amixin - what are the differences

Both drugs have a complex effect, acting as antiviral protection and immunity stimulants. The active substance of amixin is tilorone, ingavirin is imidazolylethanamide pentanedioic acid. It is easy to see that these are not structural analogues. Unlike amixin, ingavirin suppresses the virus nucleoprotein, without which the virus is not able to complete the replication stage (doubling of the DNA molecule).

In the course of clinical trials, the anti-inflammatory and antitumor effect of amixin was revealed.

The range of indications of amixin is higher, except for ARVI and influenza, the drug is used for cytomegalovirus, tuberculosis, herpes, encephalomyelitis, hepatitis viral nature, chlamydia. Ingavirin acts on viruses that affect only the respiratory system, and amixin eliminates viral agents throughout the body.

Unlike ingavirin, amixin is used in pediatrics from the age of 7. but only for the treatment of acute respiratory infections. Both drugs are not recommended during lactation, pregnancy and individual intolerance to active substances, as well as auxiliary components.

As for the price, the situation is as follows: a course of Ingavirin 90 (7 tablets) will cost 480 rubles, treatment with Amixin 125 mg (6 tablets per course) will be approximately 540 rubles (the price for a package of Amixin 125 mg No. 10 = 900 rubles). The example shows that the course of Ingavirin is cheaper. Therefore, as a prophylaxis for adults, it is better to use Ingavirin, only Amixin is suitable for children.

These funds belong to the clinical and pharmacological group of antiviral agents, and, despite different composition, they work in much the same way. Unlike ingavirin, arbidol is used for secondary immunodeficiencies, rotavirus in children, restoration of immunity in postoperative period, herpes.

Both drugs are used for two purposes: prevention and treatment. Arbidol is allowed to be taken from the age of three, Ingavirin - from the age of 18. Otherwise, the contraindications for taking the drugs are identical.

According to the degree of effectiveness, according to clinical trials, arbidol is considered better. It acts faster, the therapeutic effect is higher, complications are extremely rare.

The price of arbidol maximum 200 mg (No. 10) is slightly cheaper than ingavirin, and is approximately 430 rubles. But again, the course of taking Arbidol for ARVI will require 20 tablets, then the treatment will cost 860 rubles, obviously more expensive than the course of therapy with Ingavirin (450-500 rubles). Yes, and taking Ingavirin is more convenient, only once a day, and Arbidol is taken every six hours (4 tablets per day). Here comes the arithmetic.

Therefore, before purchasing antiviral drug carefully read the instructions for use, and pay attention to the number of packages that you will need.

Consult with your doctor, usually the doctor immediately informs patients about the price and effectiveness of medicines.

Cycloferon or Ingavirin - what to choose

The drugs are not structural analogues, have different active ingredients and belong to different pharmacological groups. Cycloferon synthesizes (synthetic inductor) interferon in the body, due to which the body's immune system corrects and triggers the necessary production of antiviral substances.

If we compare the lists of indications for ingavirin and cycloferon, then the latter has a much wider range, and in addition to influenza and SARS, it can be used for pathologies such as herpes, neuroinfection, rheumatoid arthritis, chlamydia, HIV, intestinal infection, hepatitis A, B C, D, secondary immunodeficiency states occurring against the background of candidiasis.

With all these pathologies, cycloferon will be useful only in complex treatment regimens.

Ingavirin and cycloferon are used for prevention and treatment. Cycloferon is allowed for children from 4 years old, and ingavirin is used only after 18 years. The funds under consideration during pregnancy, lactation and individual intolerance to active substances are not allowed. Cycloferon is also contraindicated in liver cirrhosis, gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenum, duodenitis.

Ingavirin and cycloferon are used once, i.e. 1 time per day, only with different frequency. Ingavirin is prescribed in a row for 7 days, and cycloferon has a treatment regimen with breaks in days.

The course of treatment with cycloferon (20 tablets will be needed) will be about 370 rubles, with ingavirin - 480 rubles. The price advantage of cycloferon is in the range of 100-200 rubles, depending on the cost of drugs in different regions.

Attention, only TODAY!

Before buying the antiviral drug Ingavirin, you must carefully read the instructions for use, find out how to use, dosage, and other useful information on the drug Ingavirin. On the site "Encyclopedia of Diseases" you will find all the necessary information: instructions for correct application, recommended dosage, contraindications, as well as feedback from patients who have already used this drug.

Composition and form of release of Ingavirin

The antiviral drug Ingavirin is available in a single dosage form, in the form of capsules for oral administration. Capsules come in two dosages - 30 mg and 90 mg. Accordingly, in everyday life, capsules with a dosage of 90 mg of the active substance are called "Ingavirin 90", and with a dosage of 30 mg of the active substance - "Ingavirin 30", where the number added to the name of the drug means exactly its dose.

As an active ingredient, Ingavirin capsules contain pentanedioic acid imidazolylethanamide, also called vitaglutam. Depending on the dosage, the capsules may contain 30 ml or 90 mg of Vitaglutam. As auxiliary components, 30 mg and 90 mg capsules contain the following substances:

— Colloidal silicon dioxide;

- lactose;

- Potato starch;

- Magnesium stearate.

The shell of 30 mg capsules consists of the following substances:

- Azorubine;

- Gelatin;

- Black diamond dye;

— Dye blue patented;

- Crimson dye.

The shell of capsules 90 mg consists of the following substances:

- Azorubine;

- Titanium dioxide;

- Gelatin;

- Crimson dye;

- Quinoline yellow.

Inside the capsules 30 mg and 90 mg contains powder and granules of white or white with a creamy tint. The 30mg capsules are colored blue and the 90mg capsules are colored red. Capsules 30 mg and 90 mg are available in packs of 7 pieces.

Pharmacological action of Ingavirin

Pharmacological action of the drug is antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory.


In preclinical and clinical studies, the effectiveness of Ingavirin against influenza viruses type A (A (H1N1), including swine A (H1N1) pdm09, A (H3N2), A (H5N1) and type B, adenovirus, parainfluenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, in preclinical studies: coronavirus, metapneumovirus, enteroviruses, including Coxsackie virus and rhinovirus.

Ingavirin promotes accelerated elimination of viruses, shortening the duration of the disease, and reducing the risk of complications.

The mechanism of action is realized at the level of infected cells by stimulating innate immunity factors suppressed by viral proteins. In experimental studies, in particular, it has been shown that Ingavirin increases the expression of the first type of interferon receptor IFNAR on the surface of epithelial and immunocompetent cells. An increase in the density of interferon receptors leads to an increase in the sensitivity of cells to the signals of endogenous interferon. The process is accompanied by activation (phosphorylation) of the STAT1 transmitter protein, which transmits a signal to the cell nucleus for the induction of antiviral genes. It has been shown that under conditions of infection, the drug stimulates the production of the antiviral effector protein MxA, which inhibits the intracellular transport of ribonucleoproteins of various viruses, slowing down the process of viral replication.

Ingavirin causes an increase in the content of interferon in the blood to the physiological norm, stimulates and normalizes the reduced α-interferon-producing ability of blood leukocytes, stimulates the γ-interferon-producing ability of leukocytes. Causes the generation of cytotoxic lymphocytes and increases the content of NK-T cells with high killer activity against virus-infected cells.

The anti-inflammatory effect is due to the suppression of the production of key pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF (TNF-α), IL (IL-1β and IL-6), a decrease in the activity of myeloperoxidase.

Experimental studies have shown that the combined use of Ingavirin with antibiotics increases the effectiveness of therapy in a model of bacterial sepsis, incl. caused by penicillin-resistant strains of staphylococcus aureus.

Conducted experimental toxicological studies indicate a low level of toxicity and a high safety profile of the drug.

According to the parameters of acute toxicity, Ingavirin belongs to the 4th class of toxicity - "Low-toxic substances" (when determining LD50 in experiments on acute toxicity, lethal doses of the drug could not be determined).

The drug does not have mutagenic, immunotoxic, allergenic and carcinogenic properties, does not have a local irritating effect. Ingavirin does not affect reproductive function, does not have an embryotoxic and teratogenic effect.


Suction and distribution. In the recommended doses, the determination of the drug in the blood plasma by available methods is not possible.

In an experiment using a radioactive label, it was found that the drug quickly enters the blood from the gastrointestinal tract. Evenly distributed throughout the internal organs. Cmax in blood plasma and most organs is reached 30 minutes after drug administration. The AUC values ​​for the kidneys, liver and lungs are slightly higher than the blood AUC (43.77 μg h / ml). AUC values ​​for the spleen, adrenal glands, lymph nodes and thymus below AUC in the blood. MRT (mean drug retention time) in the blood - 37.2 hours.

With a course of taking the drug once a day, it accumulates in the internal organs and tissues. At the same time, the qualitative characteristics of the pharmacokinetic curves after each injection of the drug were identical: a rapid increase in the concentration of the drug after each injection 0.5-1 hour after administration and then a slow decrease by 24 hours.

Metabolism. The drug is not metabolized in the body and is excreted unchanged.

Withdrawal. The main elimination process occurs within 24 hours. During this period, 80% of the administered dose is excreted: 34.8% is excreted in the time interval from 0 to 5 hours and 45.2% in the time interval from 5 to 24 hours. 77 % of the drug and 23% through the kidneys.

Indications for use Ingavirin

The drug is indicated for use in the following cases:

Treatment and prevention of influenza types A and B (including A/H1N1, A/H3N2 and A/H5N1);

Application instruction of Ingavirin

Ingavirin should be taken orally, swallowed whole, without biting, chewing, cutting or pouring out its contents, but with a small amount of water (half a glass is enough). Capsules are taken regardless of the meal, that is, you can drink Ingavirin at any time convenient for a person.

- the period of breastfeeding;

childhood up to 13 years for the indication "treatment of influenza A and B and other acute respiratory viral infections (, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial infection)";

- children's age up to 18 years for the indication "prevention of influenza A and B and other acute respiratory viral infections".

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation has not been studied. If necessary, the use of the drug during lactation should stop breastfeeding.

Side effects: Allergic reactions (rare).

Special instructions for admission

Ingavirin is not recommended to be taken in combination with other antiviral drugs, as this may lead to excessive stimulation of work. immune system followed by the development of autoimmune diseases.

According to experimental animal studies, it was found that Ingavirin has a very low toxicity, since the lethal dosage exceeds the therapeutic one by more than 3000 times. Thus, even when taking high doses of Ingavirin, the risk of severe complications with a fatal outcome is very low.

Influence on the ability to control mechanisms

Ingavirin does not affect the work of the central nervous system and does not provide sedative effect therefore, against the background of the use of the drug, you can engage in any type of activity, including those associated with the need to have a high reaction rate and concentration.


Cases of overdose with Ingavirin were not recorded even once during the entire period of observation of the clinical use of the drug.

Interaction with other drugs

Ingavirin has not been shown to interact with any drugs. Therefore, Ingavirin can be taken in combination with any other drugs, with the exception of antiviral agents.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The safety and efficacy of Ingavirin during pregnancy has not been studied in clinical trials for obvious ethical reasons. Therefore, it is not known for sure whether Ingavirin is safe during pregnancy. Because of this, it is recommended to stop taking the drug at all stages of pregnancy.

If it is necessary to use Ingavirin during breastfeeding, the child should be transferred to artificial mixtures, since it is not known whether the drug penetrates into women's milk.

Appointment of Ingavirin to children

The use of Ingavirin in pediatric practice, that is, for children, has not been studied at all in clinical trials. This means that the effectiveness and safety of the drug for children has not been confirmed by any clinical study, which simply was not conducted for obvious ethical reasons. This fact alone suggests that Ingavirin should not be used for children, since it is not known what consequences this may result in.

In addition, you need to know that the history of Ingavirin is much longer than it seems at first glance, and it contains very serious facts indicating the need to abandon the routine use of this drug for children.

The fact is that the drug was registered and released to the pharmaceutical market as an antiviral agent only in 2008, and synthesized back in the 70s of the XX century. After the discovery of the drug in the 70s, it was used as a hematopoietic stimulant in people receiving chemotherapy for the treatment of malignant tumors. In principle, the drug is still used in oncological practice, but under a different name (Dicarbamine).

Thus, it is obvious that Ingavirin has an effect on the process of hematopoiesis, which can provoke negative consequences in children. After all, the regulatory systems in children are not as perfect and stable as in adults, as a result of which even minimal interference in their work can lead to negative consequences, including serious illnesses. It is because of this potential danger that Ingavirin is not recommended for the treatment of influenza and SARS in children under 18 years of age. For the treatment of children, it is better to use safer antiviral drugs, such as Arbidol, Anaferon, etc.

Ingavirin's analogs

This medicine is innovative and unique development Russian scientists. The main feature of the drug Ingavirin: the active substance - analogues with the same active ingredient are represented by only one drug called Dicarbamine, but it is not prescribed for viral pathologies. This agent is used to protect the composition and properties of blood in people undergoing chemotherapy in the treatment of malignant tumors.

There are a number of drugs similar to Ingavirin - analogues of the indirect type or generics. They are based on other active ingredients, but produce an identical antiviral effect. The most popular synonyms are as follows:

- Ergoferon;

- Cycloferon;

- Remantadin;

- Tamiflu;

— Lavomax;

- Anaferon;

- Ibuklin;

- Oscillococcinum;

- Cytovir.

Which is better, Ingavirin or Kagocel?

Kagocel is based on the active ingredient of the same name. It is synthesized from the yellow pigment of the cotton grass (gossypol) and has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. The drug increases the production of interferon molecules, stimulating a powerful response of the body's defense system. Due to this property, Kagocel can be prescribed for prophylactic purposes.

Even taking into account the proven effectiveness of the drug in question, doctors prefer Ingavirin 90 - analogues based on gossypol are considered good immunomodulators, but weak antiviral drugs. Medicines with Vitaglutam in the composition are embedded in pathogenic cells and contribute to their death, destroying the internal structure and membrane. Kagocel and its synonyms do not have such an effect.

Which is better, Amiksin or Ingavirin?

Amiksin is included in the group of interferon inducers, its active component is tilaksin (tiloron). The described analogue of the drug Ingavirin is effective against DNA-containing viruses. Amiksin interferes with the production nucleic acid in pathogenic cells, which prevents them from multiplying. Additionally, the tablets have anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects.

It is incorrect to compare Amiksin and Ingavirin - analogues based on tilaxin are intended for the treatment of viruses with DNA (hepatitis, herpetic diseases), and vitaglutam is detrimental when infected with pathogenic cells with RNA (flu different types). When choosing one of these medicines, it is important to take into account the diagnosis and listen to the recommendations of a specialist.

Which is better, Ingavirin or Arbidol?

The main ingredient of Arbidol is umifenovir. Its clinical effectiveness has not yet been proven, so Arbidol is not considered the best option than replacing Ingavirin when infected with influenza or herpes. Compared to vitaglutam, umifenovir has weak antiviral activity and low immunomodulatory abilities.

Which is better, Ergoferon or Ingavirin?

Ergoferon consists of purified antibodies to histamines, CD4 and interferon gamma. Ergoferon cannot be considered as an analogue of Ingavirin tablets, because this medication produces not only antiviral action, but also has other properties:

- antihistamine;

- anti-inflammatory;

- immunomodulatory.

This tool is even included in the complex treatment regimens for bacterial infections, including and. Clinical Efficiency medicine has been repeatedly proven by Russian and foreign medical research. They showed that Ergoferon acts faster and more pronounced than Ingavirin - analogues based on purified antibodies have a wide range activity against most types of viruses, prevent the development of superinfections, increase the effectiveness of vaccination and prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Which is better, Cycloferon or Ingavirin?

The main substance in the composition of Cycloferon is meglumine acridone acetate. It is an inductor human interferon. The analogue of the drug Ingavirin under consideration has an evidence-based medical basis. In the course of the research, the high efficiency of Interferon against any influenza and herpes viruses, acute respiratory pathologies was revealed, if the medication is taken in the first 2-3 days from the moment of infection.

Ingavirin destroys pathogenic cells at any stage of disease progression. He is considered more effective means, but only in the treatment of influenza types A and B and other respiratory viral infections. For the treatment of other pathologies, Interferon is preferable, which increases specific immunity and is active against cells resistant to identical drugs.

Which is better, Remantadin or Ingavirin?

Rimantadine is produced on the basis of rimantadine hydrochloride. This ingredient has a pronounced antiviral effect on influenza A2 and B cells, especially in early therapy (first 48 hours). This drug is more popular than Ingavirin - the analogue of Remantadin is cheaper, but it is highly effective and quickly helps, prevents infection with viruses during epidemics.

Clinical studies have shown that rimantadine hydrochloride is better than other expensive generics (Tamiflu, all interferon inducers). Therapists advise replacing Ingavirin with identical medications - analogues based on the presented active ingredient shorten the duration catarrhal symptoms, reduce their severity, have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Which is better, Tamiflu or Ingavirin?

Tamiflu manufactures following effects(according to the manufacturer):

- antiviral (in relation to influenza types A and B);

- prophylactic;

- anti-inflammatory.

The main thing that distinguishes Tamiflu and Ingavirin is the composition: oseltamivir-based analogues do not have an evidence-based medical basis. Clinical trials conducted by the manufacturer have not been made public, only the final results have been shown. Independent studies in 2014 and 2015 showed that the promised actions after taking Tamiflu are not confirmed.

Based on their own tests and long-term observations, European and Russian doctors prefer Ingavirin - analogues with oseltamivir in the composition do not speed up recovery and do not help protect against influenza. Such drugs can provoke many negative side effects, because they have a toxic effect on the body.

Which is better, Lavomax or Ingavirin?

Lavomax is a direct analogue of Amiksin, it is based on an identical active ingredient (tilorone). A specialist should choose Lavomax or Ingavirin, because the mechanism of work and the spectrum of activity for these agents are very different. Tiloron is more effective against herpes, hepatitis, viral encephalomyelitis.

Lavomax can be used as part of complex treatment chlamydia, urethritis, pulmonary tuberculosis, infectious and allergic pathologies.

Preparations with tilorone are effective in the treatment of DNA viruses, and Ingavirin helps in case of infection with pathogenic cells with an RNA structure, especially influenza types A and B. Fully compare the data pharmacological agents it is impossible, they are both highly effective, but in different situations, therefore, the final appointment of one of the drugs is carried out only by the doctor.

Which is better, Ingavirin or Anaferon?

Anaferon is identical to Ergoferon, it is based on purified antibodies to interferon gamma. In some sources, Anaferon is erroneously regarded as inexpensive analogue Ingavirin, but this medication has a fundamentally different mechanism of action. It activates a specific antiviral immunity, stimulating the body to fight infection on its own. Ingavirin penetrates into pathogenic cells and integrates into their structure, provoking destruction from the inside.

Like Ergoferon, Anaferon is more preferred by doctors due to its wide spectrum of activity and pronounced immunomodulatory effects. Synonymous analogues of Ingavirin produce a therapeutic effect faster and are as safe as possible. They do not contain toxic ingredients and do not damage liver cells, rarely cause unwanted side reactions or allergies.

Which is better, Ingavirin or Ibuklin?

Ibuklin is not an antiviral drug. Ibuklin contains ibuprofen and paracetamol, it has a good anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-febrile effect. This drug is used for symptomatic treatment acute respiratory infections, including viral pathologies, but does not affect the cause of their occurrence.

In most therapeutic approaches, Ingavirin and Ibuklin are combined - whether it is possible to drink these medicines together is decided by the doctor, although there are no contraindications to them simultaneous reception no. An antiviral agent will help the body cope with the infection itself, and an anti-inflammatory drug will reduce the severity of signs of intoxication, relieve muscle, joint and headache, and normalize body temperature.

Which is better, Oscillococcinum or Ingavirin?

Oscillococcinum belongs to the group of homeopathic medicines. The active ingredient in Oscillococcinum is an extract of the heart and liver of the Barbary duck. The choice of this component is based on the main principle of homeopathy - to treat like with like. Waterfowl are considered the main host of influenza virus cells in nature, which is why Oscillococcinum manufacturers use their organs to synthesize the drug.

described homeopathic remedy did not pass any clinical trial. Evidence-based medicine does not confirm its effectiveness, and even the content of the claimed ingredient in the granules. Manufacturers of the drug also do not report anything about its pharmacokinetics and mechanism of work, so the effectiveness of the drug is comparable to placebo. When choosing Ingavirin or Oscillococcinum, it is important to take into account the above facts, giving preference to an officially registered antiviral drug. Treat influenza and acute respiratory diseases homeopathy is dangerous.

Which is better, Ingavirin or Tsitovir?

Cytovir is one of the immunostimulants. In its composition:

ascorbic acid;

- thymogen sodium;

- Dibazol.

The drug provokes an increase in the production of human interferon, increasing the specific protective potential of the body. Specialists, prescribing Tsitovir or Ingavirin, often recommend the last antiviral agent. The presented immunostimulator helps only on early stages influenza and acute respiratory infections, slightly reducing the severity of their symptoms. Vitaglutam and direct analogues of Ingavirin are effective at any stage of viral cell reproduction.

Reviews about Ingavirin

Reviews about Ingavirin are ambiguous - half of them are positive and, accordingly, the second half are negative. AT positive feedback it is indicated that the drug facilitated the course of ARVI or influenza, and also accelerated recovery, reducing the period of the disease to 4-5 days, as indicated in the instructions. The negative reviews indicate that Ingavirin did not have any noticeable effect, as a result of which neither the severity of the symptoms decreased nor the duration of the disease was shortened. Thus, we can conclude that Ingavirin is not effective in all cases.

Gracheva Irina Ivanovna

Ingavirin helped me. There was a high fever and coughing. The doctor prescribed him and an antibiotic immediately. I decided to start with Ingavirin, since the sooner you start taking it, the better the effect will be from it. But I didn’t take it right away, but only on the second day of the illness, I couldn’t immediately buy it. But the effect was still there. On the third day of admission, the temperature dropped to normal and I already felt as usual. There was no trace of the disease. Antibiotics were accordingly not needed, and I am glad that I managed to do without them.

Alpova Anna Alexandrovna

Last autumn was more than “memorable” for me ... the FLU epidemic crippled our entire family. It all started with work, first an employee fell ill, then I, and then all my family members. Fortunately, we have a family doctor who always tells us what and how to treat. On her recommendation, we bought Ingavirin-antiviral. Despite the fact that there are only 7 tablets in the package, that is, for a week, I got better and better every day. I immediately told all of mine to drink these capsules. The disease receded, in time, however, we began to eliminate it. I recommend this medicine to everyone, both for prevention and for treatment. Our doctor will never give bad advice! Tested on myself!

Maria Tumilovich

I drank ingavirin just recently, I was fastened all winter, and in the spring, in March, I got very sick. And I started drinking Ingavirin, one tablet a day. I began to drink from the second day of illness, the first day I could not reach the pharmacy. I took the first pill, went to bed, woke up, I seem to feel better, I don’t break bones. In the morning I drank another one and by the evening I began to feel even better. And that's how it got better. On the fifth day, I felt very well, no complications and weakness after recovery, when I am being treated folk remedies There is weakness and I am sick for at least 7-8 days.

Shirokova Lidia Nikolaevna

Save the son of a schoolboy during the epidemic! At school, my son got the spring flu. Many fell ill, the class was completely empty desks. I bought Ingavirin for my ten-year-old. Take one capsule for a week. And you know. Didn't get sick! I was even upset, I didn’t want to write a test) But I’m happy, of course).

Romanova Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Highly good drug, the whole family fell ill at once, they began to take ingavirin in capsules, on the 3rd day they practically recovered, but they drank the capsules to the end, everyone is healthy, thank you.

Gosudareva Ekaterina Nikolaevna

The best remedy for me and my family from all that pharmacies can offer now! At the first symptoms I take Ingavirin and after 2-3 days I feel that I am already recovering. It also helps my husband, although he is wary of all medicines and flatly refuses antibiotics, etc.


It did not help, alas) They started drinking immediately, with a sharp rise in temperature to 40. Three days 39-39.5. On the fourth day again 39.5. The pediatrician prescribed a serious antibiotic. Previously bought Arbidol, the effect was greater. Ingaverin did not suit us, although, who knows, maybe they bought a fake.


I recommend Ingaverin to everyone. At least try, because all the same, judging by the reviews, a different result happens, apparently due to the individual reactions of organisms. This drug is very suitable for me: from the first capsule it’s just some kind of magic ... this time I took it when, after a sore throat, they appeared characteristics flu such as aching knees, runny nose, temperature above 37.5. It immediately became easier, like after a thread of Theraflu. And it's relative good health did not stop, but only grew stronger. Today I drink the second capsule and the temperature is gone. Previously, without Ingavirin, it hurt for a long time and painfully. The first time I tried this drug, the condition was already running, there was a terrible cough and so on. Then, after taking it, she got better, although the cough still remained of course. Therefore, I advise you to take Ingavirin without tightening it.

Nikolai Rodonov

This year, the flu just knocked me and my wife down. Medications drank, but there was no result. The temperature was constant. They called a doctor, he prescribed us Ingavirin capsules. We started to accept. The first drank at night, and you know the relief came closer to midnight. I even slept. By morning it was much easier. The drug is really strong. It's worth buying.

Yurieva Varvara Petrovna

No matter how hard I tried to be careful, I still got the flu. I had a severe headache, a sore throat, a runny nose ... I ran to the pharmacy, bought Ingavirin, this is a reliable remedy that I have tested more than once, I did not even look for another medicine. Already on the second day of admission, it became easier, but I was treated for a week to the end, this is important. A week later, the illness was gone.

Dementienko Katerina Yurievna

We get sick with the flu, that I and my husband almost every year. Recently, a friend advised me Ingavirin capsules. We are very satisfied with the result of the action and the effect. The drug is excellent. It raises to its feet in 2-3 days, both me and my husband. Both have already been ill this winter. So now what to friends and acquaintances, what to everyone who reads I recommend this drug both hands.

Anna Sokolova

Generally a great tool. They advised me somehow in a pharmacy, since then I have only chosen it among antiviral ones. Now I don’t wait, if I feel that I’m getting sick, it just starts to tickle in my throat, I immediately start drinking it. The last time it helped quickly, after two days of taking everything went away. It is convenient that I drink only once a day, otherwise I have trouble with my memory, I forget all the time.

Kuznetsova Anna

After my husband got sick with the flu, I was afraid that my daughter would get sick too. At the pharmacy, when I was buying medicines for my husband, I asked what kind of medicines to prevent flu, what would be suitable for an 8-year-old child. The pharmacist advised me to buy Ingavirin (children's dosage). My daughter took all 7 days, as recommended. She didn't get sick, she just had a slight runny nose.

Svetlana Medvedeva

Previously, she used only Ingavirin for adults, with great success she treated herself and her husband for the flu. Since the drug has proven itself really well, I decided to use it for the child. I really like the convenient form of taking the medicine, only once a day - it is very difficult to forget. In addition, it is much easier to trace that the capsule was actually swallowed by a child, and did not end up somewhere behind the sofa (with my daughter - this option is quite possible). The children's drug was just as effective as the adult. Relief came within three days. painful symptoms, and after five we were almost healthy.


Colds and flu are almost "best" friends for me. With my weak immune system, I manage to pick them up absolutely everywhere. I tried a bunch of drugs, both antiviral and antibiotics. But for myself I decided to stop at the drug Ingaverin. It makes no sense to write about the price, now all antiviral drugs are not cheap. But this drug works. Relieves symptoms on the first day, and then kills the virus itself. One package is enough for me to fully recover. It is very convenient to drink it, just one capsule a day, and it does not matter, before or after a meal. side effects was not there either.

Irina Leonidovna

This fall, our whole family caught the flu. They did not know how to be treated, since I get sick very rarely. But this disease was very difficult for us. In the pharmacy, my eyes fled from the choice of antiviral drugs. But the pharmacist advised me to take Ingaverin. It's not too expensive and it works. It's good that you listened to her. A very good drug. He quickly put us all on our feet. Conveniently, you only need to drink one capsule a day. And there is also Ingaverin for children. By the end of the treatment, I felt great and was completely healthy. Now, in case of illness, the bodu buy only him, both for himself and for the children.


I've been struggling with mine for a long time. chronic pharyngitis, the doctor advised to use Ingavirin during the epidemic, so as not to worsen your condition. And indeed, I have already checked more than one season of diseases, which protects against viruses, saves me, I can work calmly even in a sick team, go shopping without fear of getting infected. The remedy is affordable, easy to take, it only benefits my body, I feel how my immunity rises and resists. Drinking in one season, you can forget about problems for almost a year, which is why I like this drug, it also comes out economically.

Anna Andreeva

I have been taking the drug Ingavirin for more than a year, but only recently I learned that Ingavirin is also available for aunts from 7 years old. My nephew caught a cold while playing football with the boys outside. He came home and in the late afternoon he already had a fever, cough, runny nose ... - in general, a real flu. I went to a 24-hour pharmacy to buy Ingavirin for children. My nephew is 8 years old and this drug suits him perfectly. Capsules not big size, which is important for children and odorless. What I like about this drug is that the capsules can be taken with or without food. The nephew took capsules for 5 days, 1 capsule per day, and during this time he went completely on the mend.

I am 37 years old, started taking from the first day. For three days the disease was growing, on the fourth it was as if nothing had happened!!!


The drug helped a couple of times, put on his feet. Paired with Coldact Flu, it shows itself perfectly - do not self-medicate, consult a doctor, it's not about the drug, but about individual characteristics, and the doctor must be permanent in order to know and monitor your susceptibility. That's the whole formula.


I live alone, so I can’t get sick in any way - after all, there is no one to support me ... Therefore, it is very important for me not to let myself get sick with a high temperature. I tried different medicines, eventually settled on Ingavirin. So far (one and a half years) it works reliably - I have never got sick.

Esaulov Dmitry

My wife had a bad flu. I tried not to get infected, wore a mask, ate garlic, but on the third day I swam. In the morning there was a scraping in the chest, a sore throat, a nose was slowly flowing, in the afternoon it was feverish. I went home from work and bought Ingaverin 90, took my first pill. Four hours later, all symptoms completely disappeared. Only the extreme temperature of 39.6 remained. As a result, the flu was cut at the very beginning. But of course, the toughest minus, about which (!) Not a word in the instructions, among the list of side effects is terrible diarrhea, which by the way is confirmed by most of the comments. As I understand it, ingaverin endures all living things, including the microflora of course. It was despicable not to mention this in the instructions.


Ingavirin was prescribed to me at the clinic, I took one tablet a day. Cured completely. So I don’t feel sorry for the money, it’s better to pay more but not lose two weeks.


Completely satisfied with this product! If I catch a cold, then I treat it with it. I usually recover quickly, I don’t suffer from symptoms, since the temperature drops after the first couple of hours, my head stops hurting and body aches go away. The next day I feel much better.


We tried both Ingavirin 90 - for adults, and Ingavirin 60 - they gave the child. We are very pleased with the effect, it helps not to get sick for longer than two or three days. Otherwise, it is simply impossible - in our family, viral diseases are not very well tolerated, and in principle, for a week, or even more, we don’t want to fall out of life. The main thing is that if we are treated with it, then after the illness there is no terrible weakness, as it usually happens without it.


In the evening I felt unwell, the temperature was 38.2C. The next day I went to the pharmacy and bought Ingavirin capsules 90 mg, 7 pcs. Strong thing. On the third day, the temperature is 36.6 C, but the appetite is zero, I drink only water, the toilet is liquid to the point of impossibility ... I took only two tablets, the condition is excellent, but every two hours I go to the toilet liquid stool- it's hard. Everything else is fine.


What does he do to help someone? How much I read, Ingavirin is one of the five most useless drugs. So don't be fooled.


Why treat children with such medicines. I never buy it myself, let alone treat a child.


I tried to cure a cold with Ingavirin, I didn’t buy it myself, the doctor prescribed it. I took as prescribed one capsule a day, but the improvement did not wait. He relieved the symptoms, but he could not cope with the disease. She had been ill as usual, also for two weeks, as always, when she did not take Ingavirin. I did not notice any benefit from taking it, expensive and inefficient.

Svetlana Ivanovna

I got the flu. The doctor prescribed Ingavirin 90 mg once a day. After taking the 2nd capsule, severe diarrhea began. I practically didn’t eat anything, I drank only water - water was already pouring from me. The temperature did not decrease, it was 39.5 C for 5 days. Ingavirin is the strongest antiviral agent, it killed all the microflora in my intestines, now I have to treat and restore the microflora in the intestines. The diarrhea continued for 10 days. In fact, I took only 2 capsules, did not take other medicines at all, lay without treatment for 10 days. Ingavirin is the strongest poison that damages the microflora, but does not cure the flu.


After the second tablet, I began to vomit, the temperature did not fall, but rather rose. On the fourth day, I stopped drinking Ingavirin, and when the doctor was called, he looked at me and said why did you take it and who prescribed it. And they advised me in the pharmacy they say it’s good and will put it on my feet. Only I was sick for 10 days, so I have not been sick even once in my life.


With a cold, you often have to resort to antiviral agents. The last discovery for me was Ingavirin. There are both children and adults. I used an adult, these are oblong red capsules. The taste is not bitter and not nasty. The advantage is that it is taken regardless of the meal. Unlike many expensive analogues Ingavirin is no worse. Got me back on my feet in just a few days.


For me, as a mother, the most important thing was to receive positive effects in shortest time, she stopped having a fever on the second day of taking Ingaverin .. oh, yes, they took a child, of course.


I, too, used to try to be cured with folk remedies, but as work and the child began, it was no longer possible to get sick for a long time to lie in bed with plenty of fluids. Then you have to take antiviral drugs. I tried a lot of things, but so far I have settled on Ingaverine, he quickly personally raises me to my feet, I come to my senses somewhere on the 2-3rd day.


I totally agree! Also, like you, I used to be treated with folk methods. But since I get sick very often, because of weak immunity, the days of illness become just a torment. It's good that a friend advised such a lifesaver. Personally, it helps me not only to recover faster! I also use Ingavirin for prevention when I feel that there is a possibility of getting sick.


I just recently had ARVI, I barely got out. At the very beginning, the doctor prescribed to take Ingavirin. What is its meaning is not clear, as usual, she was sick for a week, then she healed the rest. Perhaps it only helps people who are affected by the placebo effect. He does not give treatment, I am very disappointed.


As soon as the first symptoms appear, I immediately drink Ingavirin. It always helps me. To be honest, I am very surprised that it did not have the desired positive effect on you.


I try not to use pills, especially without medical prescription. But with ingavirin is another story. For the first time, the doctor really prescribed him, with a severe ARVI, it helped very well then. And the second time I already “prescribed” it to myself, there was no time to wait for a doctor. By the time it got to the call, I had already recovered. Since that time, I have always had Ingavirin in my first aid kit as an emergency remedy. But if there is no doctor, I am still not a specialist.


I was also prescribed Ingavirin by a therapist. And I am very incredulous by nature, but I decided to try. To my surprise, in 2 days the temperature gradually decreased and weakened, and then completely left me. headache and pain in muscles/bones/joints, only weakness remained. A couple of days later, she was gone.


No matter how many times I bought this Ingavirin, it never helped. Bought five times in total. I will explain why: once prescribed by a therapist. It didn’t get any easier, as the disease went on and on. I bought it 2 times at the moment when I felt that I was getting sick, it did not help, I got sick. I bought it 3 times in order to drink it, prevention, so to speak, did not help, and after 2 weeks I fell into bed. 4 and 5 times already tested again for prevention and before the onset of the disease - it's useless. This creates a placebo effect, so this drug is a dummy, no matter what anyone says. If you have any acute respiratory viral infections or, then I do not advise you to take Ingavirin, because "any illness goes away in 7 days or a week," as doctors say. The most important - plentiful drink hot teas, lemon, caffeine tablets, bed rest.

Nikolai Roman

Oh, how wrong you are about seven days. Rather, if a person is healthy, completely and “caught” the flu, then most likely it will be so. But where do you now, in our time, find a person with such healthy body? Immunity weakens everything: hypothermia, overheating, stress, lack of sleep, lack of fresh clean air, etc. So, this saying, alas, is outdated. And without treatment, by the way, with the same Ingavirin, you can earn a complication. It’s not me that is so smart, it’s my neighbor (he is an infectious disease doctor) who told me about my (like yours) indignations.


Are you sure you have a virus? Against bacteria if that it is powerless. I live in a hostel with a neighbor who has terrible immunity, so surprisingly she drank Ingavirin from the very beginning after I got sick, she almost did not feel the illness. For that, I fumbled the whole beginning of the virus for almost 2 weeks, they called me an ambulance, my throat was overlaid so much, despite the fact that I rarely get sick at all ... so about 7 days it’s strong))))

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store in a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

The shelf life of the drug is 3 years.

Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies: Without a prescription.

We want to turn Special attention that the description of the antiviral drug Ingavirin is presented for informational purposes only! For more accurate and detailed information about medicinal product Ingavirin, please refer only to the manufacturer's annotations! In no case do not self-medicate! You should definitely consult a doctor before using the drug!

And ngavirin is a Russian antiviral drug with anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to suppress the reproduction of a viral infection and delay the further movement of the produced cells to the area of ​​the intercellular space.

Produced in the form of capsules for oral administration, it contains imidazolylethanamide pentanedioic acid as an active ingredient.

However, due to the high price or individual intolerance of the active ingredient, it is necessary to select analogues that are cheaper, which will not yield to it in terms of effectiveness. How to replace the drug? Need to figure it out in more detail.

Ingavirin is not an antibiotic and is different pharmacological effect, as well as indications for use from this group of drugs.

The drug is low toxic and has a high safety profile. Capsules do not have a teratogenic, mutagenic, immunotoxic and carcinogenic effect, do not affect the functioning of the reproductive system. The active substance accumulates in the tissues internal organs in the case of a single dose of the capsule per day for 5 days.

According to the instructions for use, the drug is used in the following cases:

  • For adults and adolescents over 13 years of age, capsules are recommended during the complex treatment of type A and B viruses, as well as SARS: parainfluenza, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial infection;
  • adults for the prevention of influenza A and B, as well as SARS.
The drug is over-the-counter, but is not intended for self-medication. Before using it, you should consult your doctor.

Rules for taking and dosage

The capsules are for internal use and can be taken with or without food. Depending on the course of the pathological process and the therapeutic result provided, the drug can be used for 5 days - 1 week.

The use of the drug is recommended to start as early as possible. The capsules are most effective if they are taken no later than 48 hours after the first manifestations of the disease.

Contraindications and side effects

Prime Ingavirin is contraindicated in patients with:

  • Individual intolerance to active or excipients.
  • Lactase deficiency and lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption.
  • Women who are expecting a baby.
  • For treatment: patients under 13 years of age.
  • For prevention: patients under 18 years of age.

The medication is well tolerated by patients, in some cases there were complaints of allergic reactions.

List of cheap analogues of Ingavirin

The cost of Ingavirin was formed as follows:

  • Capsules 60 mg, 7 pcs. - 430 rubles.
  • Capsules 90 mg, 7 pcs. - 500 rubles.

The exact structural analogue of Ingavirin on pharmaceutical market absent. However, the list of drugs that can replace it in terms of therapeutic effect is small.

The list of cheaper analogues includes the following medicines:

  • Arbidol - from 240 rubles.
  • Anaferon - from 210 rubles.
  • Remantadin - from 75 rubles.
  • Kagocel - from 220 rubles.
  • Cycloferon - from 190 rubles.
  • Ribavirin - from 230 rubles.
  • Tilaxin - from 220 rubles.

Before starting the use of any drug, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions, paying special attention to the sections with the dosing regimen and possible contraindications.

The list of more expensive drug analogues looks like this:

  • Lavomax - from 530 rubles. for 6 pcs.
  • Tamiflu - from 1250 rubles. for 10 pcs.
  • Tiloram - from 590 rubles. for 6 pcs.

The price is formed depending on the manufacturer medicinal product. Using a more expensive drug is not a 100% guarantee that it will work faster and more efficiently than a more budgetary remedy.

It all depends on the state of the patient's immune system and concomitant diseases, as well as from the active substance. According to reviews, Ingavirin analogues are well tolerated by patients, and in some cases work more effectively than the original. Let's compare them.

Ingavirin or Arbidol

Russian analogue Ingavirin, which is twice cheaper. Available in the form of capsules for oral administration. Contains umifenovir as an active ingredient.

The list of indications for Arbidol is more extensive. In addition to the treatment and prevention of influenza A and B, as well as SARS, the drug is also used for:

  • Secondary immunodeficiency states.
  • Complex treatment chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic recurrent herpesvirus infection.
  • Acute intestinal rotavirus infections in patients over 6 years of age.
  • To normalize immunity and prevent the development of complications that occur after surgery.

Unlike Ingavirin, Arbidol capsules can be used in the treatment of patients older than 6 years, as well as pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, if the benefit to the mother exceeds possible risk for a child.

The dosage and duration of administration are selected taking into account the age of the patient and indications for the use of the drug.

Ingavirin or Amiksin

The active substance of Amiksin is tilorone, which has a more extensive list of indications than Ingavirin, while being a cheaper substitute.

The drug can be used as part of complex treatment:

  • Cytomegalovirus infections.
  • Virus herpes simplex in adult patients.
  • Allergic and viral encephalomyelitis: multiple sclerosis, uveoecephalitis, leukoencephalitis.
  • Urogenital and respiratory chlamydia.
  • Tuberculosis of the lungs.

The drug is recommended to be taken after meals. The scheme is selected depending on the indications for taking the pills. Amiksin can provoke uncharacteristic for Ingavirin side reactions in the form of dyspepsia and short-term chills. The drug is not used in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women.

Ingavirin or Grippferon

Grippferon is a drug with anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antiviral action.

It differs from Ingavirin in its dosage form: it is sold in pharmacies in the form of a nasal spray and nasal ointment. The active substance of the spray is human alpha-interferon, the ointment additionally contains loratadine.

With the development of the first signs of the disease, the medicine should be used for 5 days according to a certain scheme.

  • In the event that there was contact with an infected person, it is recommended to use the age dosage of the agent twice a day.
  • To reduce the likelihood of infection during the period of seasonal exacerbation of the infection, Grippferon is recommended to be used in morning time days in accordance with the age dosage and compliance with the interval of 1-2 days.

Grippferon is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of influenza and SARS for adults and children, as well as for pregnant and lactating women. The spray is not recommended to be combined with the use of local vasoconstrictor drugs due to the risk of irritation of the nasal mucosa.

The drug should not be used for individual intolerance to interferon, as well as for severe allergic reactions. You can buy medicine without presenting a prescription from a doctor.

What is the difference between Ingavirin and Kagocel

Kagocel is an inexpensive analogue of Ingavirin, antiviral herbal preparation based sodium salt copolymer, which can be used in the treatment of patients from 3 years. It demonstrates the greatest efficiency if you start taking the pills no later than 4 days after the first symptoms of the disease appear.

It differs from Ingavirin in composition and dosing regimen:

  • Adults in the treatment of influenza and SARS during the first 48 hours, the drug is prescribed 3 tablets three times a day, for the next 48 hours - 1 tab. three times a day. The duration of treatment is 4 days, which will require 18 tablets of medication.
  • Prevention is carried out according to a certain scheme, the duration of the course is from 7 days to several months.

Kagocel can also be used in the treatment of herpesvirus infections in adult patients. The drug is prescribed in the composition complex therapy with other antiviral, antibacterial and immunostimulating agents.

Ingavirin or Cycloferon

The drug Cycloferon is a cheaper substitute for Ingavirin, presented in pharmacies in 3 dosage forms: ointments, tablets for internal use, as well as a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration.

The active substance is acridoneacetic acid, a low molecular weight intersferon inducer with a wide spectrum of pharmacological activity. In addition to antiviral, the drug also has an immunomodulating and anti-inflammatory effect.

Table of indications for the use of different dosage forms
Dosage formIndications

Tablets are used as part of the complex treatment of adults and children over 4 years of age.

  • Flu and SARS.
  • herpetic infection
  • Tablets can also be used for prevention purposes.
The solution for injection is prescribed to patients as part of complex treatment. It is intended for intravenous or intramuscular injection once every 24 hours. You need to do injections every other day. Adults in treatment:
  • HIV infections.
  • Viral hepatitis.
  • herpetic infections.
  • Cytomegalovirus infections.
  • Neuroinfections: Lyme disease, serous meningitis and encephalitis.
  • Secondary immunodeficiency states caused by acute and chronic infections bacterial and viral origin.
  • Degenerative-dystrophic diseases affecting the joints.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Chlamydial infections.
Children with:
  • Viral hepatitis.
  • HIV infections.
  • herpetic infections.
Ointment. Apply a thin layer to the affected areas. The drug can be used for intravaginal and intraurethral administration.

Adults during complex treatment:

Ingavirin 90 is an antiviral drug for systemic use, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It is used as prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of adenovirus infection, influenza viruses "A" and "B", parainfluenza.

The antiviral effect of Ingavirin is associated with the suppression of virus reproduction at the stage of the nuclear phase, the delay in the relocation of the newly synthesized NP virus into the nucleus from the cytoplasm. It has a modulating effect on the functional activity of the interferon system.

Ingavirin 90 \ 60 is not an antibiotic, since it does not have a detrimental effect on various pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria. The drug is not metabolized in the body and is excreted unchanged in the urine (23%) through the kidneys and feces (77%) through the intestines. In experiments using a radioactive label, it was found that the drug quickly enters the blood from the gastrointestinal tract. Evenly distributed throughout the internal organs.

Conducted experimental toxicological studies indicate a low level of toxicity and a high safety profile of the drug (LD50 exceeds the therapeutic dose by more than 3000 times). No mutagenic, immunotoxic, teratogenic, carcinogenic, embryotoxic and allergenic effects of Ingavirin were detected.

Active ingredient: Pentandioic acid imidazolylethanamide (Acidi pentandioici imidazolylaethanamidum). Causes the generation of cytotoxic lymphocytes and increases the content of NK-T cells, which have high killer activity against virus-transformed cells and a certain antiviral activity.

The active substance of the drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates muscle pain, headaches, adverse reactions from skeletal system, weakness, nasal congestion - clinical symptoms many viral infections that enter the human body.

Pentandioic acid imidazolylethanamide has a beneficial effect on cellular immunity, due to:

— increase in the number of NK-T cells with a high degree damaging effect on cells modified by viruses and pronounced antiviral activity;
- the formation of cytotoxic lymphocytes.

Release form

The antiviral agent Ingavirin is available in the form of blue (30 mg) or red (90 mg) capsules, which contain a white powder and granules, in a gelatin shell.

Ingavirin contains 30 or 90 mg imidazolylethanamide pentanedioic acid. The course of admission is 5-7 days for the treatment and prevention of influenza and SARS. Capsules of the drug are intended for oral use.

Indications for use Ingavirin 90 \60

  • Treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections ( adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial infection). If necessary, combine Ingavirin with the reception symptomatic remedies: anti-inflammatory drugs, antipyretic at high temperature, expectorant drugs for coughing.
  • Prevention of influenza A and B and other acute respiratory viral infections in adults.
  • Complications of viral pathologies that turn into bacterial ones (in complex therapy).
  • Adenovirus infections (including intestinal type).

Instructions for use Ingavirin 90 \ 60, dosage

Applied orally, regardless of food intake, as a whole, without opening the capsule and without chewing / dissolving.

The standard recommendations for the instructions for use of Ingavirin are to take one capsule of 90 milligrams (red capsules) once a day, the course is from 5 to 7 days (depending on the severity of the condition). The first dose must be carried out within thirty-six hours from the moment the first symptoms of the disease appear.

For children from 13 years of age, Ingavirin is prescribed for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, 60 mg (2 capsules of 30 mg - blue) once a day.

For prevention, 90 mg (from 18 years of age) of the active substance Ingavirin per day is sufficient. The drug is taken once, regardless of the meal, at the same time. The acceptance period is 7 days.

Application features

The active substance of the drug does not negative influence on the work of the central nervous system and does not inhibit the speed of psychomotor reactions.

The drug Ingavirin does not have a sedative effect, does not affect the speed of the psychomotor reaction and can be used in people of various professions, incl. requiring heightened attention and coordination of movements.

  • Ingavirin is not compatible with alcohol, since its active substance enters into chemical reaction with ethyl alcohol and, thus, significantly reduces the effectiveness of the drug.

If you have an intolerance to some sugars, please consult your doctor before taking this medicine.

The drug is well combined with drugs to reduce fever and eliminate pain syndrome. Can be used along with antibiotics and antipyretic drugs.

With the simultaneous appointment of enterosorbents, which reduce the absorption of substances in the intestine, it is worth taking a break of 2-3 hours between taking medications.

Side effects and contraindications Ingavirin 90 \ 60

Side effects of the drug can occur in very rare cases in the form of an allergic reaction of varying severity, which suggests a frequency of their development from 1/1000 to 1/10,000.

In most cases, the drug is well tolerated and does not cause any discomfort from all organs and systems.


Cases of overdose are not known and similar studies have not been conducted, however, in order to avoid the development of negative reactions of the body, it is not recommended to exceed the dose indicated by the doctor and the official instructions.


According to official instructions on application, contraindications to the use of the drug Ingavirin 90 are:

  • hypersensitivity to active substance(Imidazolyl ethanamide pentanedioic acid) or auxiliary components of the drug;
  • children and adolescents up to 13 years of age.

There are no data on the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation, so the drug should not be used during this period. If necessary, the use of the drug during lactation should decide on the termination of breastfeeding.

Analogues Ingavirin, list of drugs

  1. thylaxin;
  2. panavir;
  3. lavomax;
  4. Tamiflu;
  5. hyporamine;
  6. ribavirin;
  7. arbidol;
  8. immunoflazid;
  9. imust;
  10. cycloferon;
  11. oxolin;
  12. ergoferon;
  13. anaferon;
  14. arbivir;
  15. amizon;
  16. rimantadine.

Timely carry out the prevention of SARS with antiviral agents. According to doctors about Ingavirin 90, the later treatment with an antiviral agent was started, the less effective it is. Important - instructions for use of Ingavirin, price and reviews do not apply to analogues and cannot be used as a guide for the use of drugs of similar composition or action. All therapeutic appointments must be made by a doctor. When replacing Ingavirin with an analogue, it is important to get expert advice, it may be necessary to change the course of therapy, dosages, etc.

Do not self-medicate!

Especially relevant during epidemics. This season, pharmacy chains experienced a shortage of such drugs. Most popular means for the prevention and treatment of viral infections was the drug "Ingavirin". Instructions for use, contraindications and reviews will be presented to your attention further. From the article you will learn about the cost and composition of the medication. It is also worth mentioning what method of application "Ingavirin" has.

Components and description of the drug

The method of application and doses of the drug "Ingavirin" will be presented to you a little later. Before that, it is worth mentioning the components of the drug. "Ingavirin" is a capsule. They have a red tint. Inside contains a powder. The drug shell consists of gelatin, dye and titanium dioxide. Inside contains components such as starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate and so on.

The cost of the medicine is about 500 rubles ("Ingavirin 90 mg"). Instructions for use "Ingavirin" is attached to each package. You can also purchase the composition in a dose of 60 mg. In this case, the drug will cost you 400 rubles.

Medication prescription

The method of application of "Ingavirin" to the patient should be studied before starting treatment. It is also worth familiarizing yourself with the testimony in advance. The doctor will tell you about them if necessary. The summary states that the medication is prescribed for:

  • A and B;
  • in order to prevent respiratory infections;
  • complications of viral pathologies that turn into bacterial ones (in complex therapy);
  • (including the intestinal type).

Often the described remedy is used in combination with other medicines (antipyretic, analgesic and antibacterial compounds). However, a specialist should appoint a combination and scheme of application.

How to use "Ingavirin"

The drug is not recommended for use in children and adolescents under the age of 18 due to the lack of clinical data in this population. The composition is contraindicated for expectant mothers and women during lactation. The method of use in other cases is very simple.

It is enough to take the medicine "Ingavirin" only once a day. The route of administration and doses for the treatment of influenza and other viral infections are as follows. Adult patients are shown 90 mg of the drug for five days. If it's about severe course infections, then the correction can be extended up to one week.

If there has been contact with an infected person and there is a need for preventive measures, then the application of the described dose lasts 7 days. Some experts prescribe the composition at a lower dose - 60 mg each. However, such prevention is not always effective.

special instructions

If you are prescribed the drug "Ingavirin 90", you should consider the method of application in advance. The dosage must be strictly observed. Self-exceeding it can lead to allergic reactions, digestive disorders and general abdominal discomfort.

The drug is well combined with drugs to reduce fever and eliminate pain. Can be used along with antibiotics. With the simultaneous appointment of sorbents, it is worth waiting for a break of 2-3 hours between taking medications.

The tool does not have a sedative effect, it can be used when driving vehicles and performing important tasks that require increased attention.

How does the medicine work?

After application, the composition enters the stomach. AT digestive tract disintegration of the gelatinous shell occurs. As a result, the powder begins to be absorbed into the mucous membranes, followed by entry into the bloodstream. The composition has an antiviral effect on already existing infected cells. The medicine does not allow pathogenic microorganisms to multiply.

Also during this period, interferon synthesis occurs. The concentration of this substance rises to physiological norms. Additional lymphocytes are produced, the action of which is directed to fight the infection.

Among other things, the drug has anti-inflammatory activity. During the treatment period, the composition has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Studies have shown that the drug is not toxic, it does not contain preservatives and does not have a local irritant effect.

Doctors' opinions

Experts say that in recent times many consumers use such products for the purpose of prevention. This is not quite the right approach. The medicine should be used only when there has been direct contact with an infected person. It is also advisable to use the medication during epidemics when visiting crowded places. However, you should not just use the described tool. Like any other medicine, it has adverse effects on the stomach, liver and kidneys.

Experts say that it is permissible to prescribe the described substance to children over the age of 12 years. However, one must choose minimum dosage composition - 60 mg. In this case, you must first consult with a pediatrician. It is worth remembering that it is recommended to approach the treatment of children more responsibly and carefully, because they are much more likely to have unforeseen reactions to therapy.
