Local fam. Diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands. Homeopathic method of treating illness

Benign formations are one of the most common forms of mammary gland pathologies in women. They appear in more than 50 forms and are adenofibromatosis, fibromatosis, etc.

What's happened

What is it - FAM of the mammary gland? FAM stands for fibroadenomatosis. This is a benign disease that occurs in connective tissue mammary gland, where fibrous tissue grows under the influence of hormones.

Depending on the ongoing pathological process, this disease takes various shapes, which differ from each other in the nature and extent of the lesion.

Causes and risk factors

The main reason for the development of such problems is hormonal imbalance in women. This may happen for some reasons:

  1. Stress – constant stress overexertion affects work endocrine glands, which disrupts the functioning of many body systems.
  2. Problems in the sexual sphere - irregular sexual intercourse, no permanent partner, etc., cheating hormonal background.
  3. Gynecological diseases - problems with the functional functioning of the ovaries, failure menstrual cycle leads to disruption of normal hormone production. Of particular importance in provoking the disease is abortion.
  4. Early cessation of breastfeeding before the child is one year old, as well as refusal to feed the child after his birth, provokes stagnation in the milk ducts, hence, inflammatory diseases in the breast.
  5. Thyroid diseases cause improper production of hormones.
  6. Some diseases of the liver, which removes hormone breakdown products from the body, which can lead to disruption hormonal balance.

In addition, there are provoking factors, the presence of which suggests an increase in the likelihood of developing FAM of the mammary glands.

They are based on a chemical and hormonal nature:

  • work in hazardous production;
  • unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • tight underwear;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • frequent pregnancies or refusal to bear children.


Exist different kinds lumps in the mammary gland, so the mammologist relies on accompanying symptoms to make the correct diagnosis:

  • frequently recurring stabbing chest pains that occur during the premenstrual period;
  • a feeling of pressure or burning in the chest during the premenstrual period;
  • discharge from the nipples that appears independently or when squeezed;
  • possible enlargement of lymph nodes in the axillary region;
  • The mammary glands swell and become denser.

It is worth noting that the manifestations of these symptoms intensify during periods of nervous overstrain and physical fatigue.


FAM of the breast has several forms:

  • Diffuse. This form is considered the first stage of the disease. What is it - diffuse FAM of the mammary glands? The examination reveals several nodules, which are usually located in the upper parts of the chest. Seals are detected in one or both mammary glands. Associated symptoms are coarsening of the mammary glands before menstruation and increasing their sensitivity. They can disappear on their own, which happens after childbirth and completion of breastfeeding.
  • Localized. The question often arises, what is FAM lock of the mammary gland? In this case, a single formation is clearly defined in size from 1 to 6 cm. The compaction is a dense knot with clear boundaries, a bumpy surface and may have a granular structure. When palpated, it causes slight pain.
  • Localized FAM of the breast is a form of the disease that in 40% of cases occurs in nulliparous and unmarried women aged 30 to 40 years, of the remaining cases, 38% are women who have had multiple abortions.
  • Cystic. Multiple and multi-chamber cysts develop, which are heterogeneous in nature and arise in the ducts or alveoli. The disease often affects 2 breasts at once, where the cysts are located one at a time or in groups. Diagnosis requires x-rays, as well as puncture and trephine biopsies.
  • Focal. This form is similar to diffuse FAM, where the seals also consist of glandular tissue, which is replaced by fibrous. But in in this case, there is no clear boundary between the tissues, and the patient feels constant pain.
  • Fibrous. In this form of the disease, compactions are formed due to the proliferation of fibrous tissue. Most often, such processes occur as a consequence of injury or an infectious-allergic disease.
  • Nodal. Small lumps appear locally, and the patient feels pain in the area of ​​the lumps. This form occurs in close connection with diffuse fibroadenomatosis.

Only a specialist can determine the form of the disease after a thorough diagnosis.


What is the diagnosis of FAM of the breast, and what methods are used to accurately diagnose it? To make a correct diagnosis, a mammologist, in addition to standard ultrasound and x-rays, can prescribe a number of special and additional studies. For example, aspiration and stereotactic biopsies, trephine biopsy, ductography help determine benign or malignant formation in each specific case.

For a more complete diagnosis, which allows you to determine the most successful treatment regimen, the following are performed: thermography, chest x-ray, MRI or CT, examination of lymph nodes, and various laboratory tests.



The main directions of treatment are optimization of hormonal balance and tissue restoration, as well as symptomatic therapy. The use of different drugs will depend on many factors, such as age, stage of the disease, etc.

In general they apply hormonal agents, vitamins, homeopathic medicines, antidepressants, adaptogens, anti-inflammatory drugs. In some cases, medications for the liver and thyroid gland.


In cases where treatment medications ineffective or in case of advanced disease, surgical intervention may be used. This treatment is also indicated for some localized forms of FAM.

The operation can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia, depending on the complexity of each case. During the operation they take necessary tests for histology.

Traditional methods

The use of folk remedies in the treatment of fibroadenomatosis is aimed primarily at optimizing hormone levels, normalizing metabolism and relieving nervous tension.

Many plants contain essential oils and active active ingredients, which have a positive effect on the treatment of the disease and the patient’s condition as a whole. A special advantage of such methods is the absence of side effects.

For example, to treat the mammary glands, burdock or cabbage leaves are applied to the breast. Some plants, such as valerian root, nettle, rose hips and others, have a mild effect by stabilizing hormonal levels.

But you should not think that by using only such means you can easily cure fibroadenomatosis, and especially its advanced stage. Traditional methods can be used as an addition to conservative treatment. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

Forecast and danger

At timely diagnosis, the diagnosis of FAM is not dangerous and responds well to treatment. What is FAM of the breast when compared to cancer?

It is worth noting that fibroadenomatosis is a benign formation, but these cells have the ability to develop into malignant ones over time. This explains the need for early diagnosis.


Preventive measures are aimed at maintaining general health, absence of sudden changes in hormone levels, as well as breast renewal during lactation:

  • healthy lifestyle, physical activity;
  • comfortable underwear that helps avoid chest compression;
  • early diagnosis - involves self-examination of the breast and regular visits to a mammologist;
  • breastfeeding - from the moment the child is born until 1-1.5 years;
  • refusal of abortion;
  • regular sex life.

If you detect the first signs and the presence of seals, you should immediately consult a doctor for early diagnosis and initiation of treatment.


From our video you will learn about the causes, prevention and treatment of breast diseases.

Diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands: what is it?

The essence of the disease is a proliferative change in breast tissue, which is accompanied by the appearance of fibrous and cystic compactions.

These lumps can disperse into any breast tissue.

Medical indications

Fibrous fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands develops against the background of hormonal disorders in women of any age.

This process involves men and female hormones. Fibrous changes in women can appear on the basis of genetic and congenital factors, pathological abnormalities of the cycle, some infectious diseases, abortion, refusal breastfeeding.

Other reasons for development fibrous mastopathy mammary glands are associated with inflammation of the ovaries, irregular sex, thyroid pathologies and impaired functioning of the pancreas.

IN separate group reasons fibrocystic mastopathy with the predominance of the cystic component include impaired hormone metabolism.

Against the background of this phenomenon, malfunctions are observed reproductive system.

Obesity can also lead to the occurrence of this pathology.

Excess fat promotes the accumulation of estrogen by converting testosterone into female hormones.

This leads to hyperestrogenism. Local mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component occurs in 2 cases:

Leafy - Upon palpation, flat formations are felt.

Nodular - Characterized by the formation of internal lumps.

Unlike other forms of the disease, diffuse fibroadenomatosis is not a malignant neoplasm.

With this pathology, there is no risk of cancer cells (if proper therapy is available).

The disease can go away on its own without surgery, and during treatment it is not necessary to take drastic measures and have a long-term effect on the changes in the structure of the mammary gland under consideration.

In pathology, the main cause of development is hormonal changes against the background of inadequate functioning of the ovaries and thyroid gland. A compaction with a granular surface in mastopathy has clear boundaries.

It is not palpable over the entire surface of the chest, but only in specific areas.

Signs of diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands manifest themselves in the form of a feeling of fullness; There are also cords in the chest.

At the same time, pain occurs, especially before menstruation. The above-described clinic can be permanent for large formations. If a woman experiences similar symptoms, a consultation with a mammologist is required.

In mastopathy with a predominance of the glandular component, lumps with clear boundaries are palpable.

If connective tissue is involved in the process, then solid seals can be felt. In this case, the mammologist makes a diagnosis: diffuse fibroadenomatosis.

If a cyst is present in the tissue, then the gland is detected a large number of formations with a clear contour of an oval or round shape. The size of such nodes can exceed 2 cm.

There are no connections to the skin. At the first stage of chest disease, minor changes in the size of the formations are observed, taking into account the monthly cycle. Diagnosis of mastopathy is based on the following data:

  • patient complaints;
  • palpation of fibrous changes in the mammary gland;
  • mammography;
  • hormone analysis;
  • Doppler sonography;
  • biopsy and histology.

To confirm FCM, mammography is used, presented in the form of an x-ray of the gland. If a biopsy is indicated, then material taken from the gland is examined.

Additional diagnostics helps to identify concomitant complications of glandular mastopathy.

If the disease is confirmed, then therapy is prescribed using 2 methods:

  • conservative;
  • operational.

Drug treatment for breast fibrosis is most often used. The operation is performed as a last resort.

With the help of hormonal medications, organ function is stabilized. Adenomatous disease is treated with medications that suppress the amount of estrogen (Fareston, Droloxifene).

Drug therapy is carried out daily for 2 to 5 months. Similar treatment may cause minor nausea, vomiting, dizziness.

For any type of fibrous mastopathy, treatment is indicated with tablets that stabilize the functioning of the ovaries ("Median", Jess).

For mastopathy with strong cords and swelling of the breast, taking diuretics (Veroshpiron, Diakarb) is indicated.

To improve the general condition, multivitamins () and drugs that increase immunity (Iodaktiv) are taken. From modern means prescribe hormonal drugs with antiestrogenic effects.

For fibrous mastopathy of the mammary gland, you can take Toremifene - it is a non-steroidal triphenylethylene derivative. The drug is taken 20 mg per day.

But it is not prescribed to patients with endometriosis and liver dysfunction. While taking it, hot flashes, excessive sweating, nausea and rash may occur.

Raloxifene has a similar effect. It is prescribed to postmenopausal patients.

Medication use and surgery

For the treatment of fibrous mastopathy of the mammary gland, Duphaston is used with active substance dydrogesterone.

The drug is prescribed if the patient has a progesterone deficiency. Treatment with Duphaston is carried out for 2 weeks during the cycle.

With the help of Faslodex, you can block the trophic effects of estrogens by inhibiting the activity of estrogen.

The product is available in the form of injections. "Fazlodex" is not prescribed for severe cases renal failure.

TO side effects Such therapy includes vaginal bleeding, urticaria and swelling. If the mammary gland contains fat cells, then it is recommended to take the following medications:

  • Parlodel - reduces the synthesis of somatropin and prolactin. Taken after menstruation for 4 months;
  • "Valesin" - is responsible for blocking the production of gonadotropins.

If the disease is detected after menopause, then Letrozole is prescribed. This drug inhibits the synthesis of estrogen.

It should be taken into account that in severe cases surgery is indicated. Symptoms requiring urgent surgical intervention:

  • rapid increase in tumors;
  • resizing for a short time;
  • with mastopathy there is a suspicion of cancer;
  • inflammation.

If cancer is detected, then mandatory surgery is performed. But with partial excision of the affected tissue, complete elimination of the disease is not observed.

There may be a relapse after a few months. Prognosis of the disease with adequate therapy positive. At the same time, there is a risk of cancer, and with intense proliferation the risk reaches 30%.

Diet therapy and traditional therapy

Diffuse breast tissue with a predominant number can be eliminated with diet and nutritional correction.

However, diet therapy is effective if diffuse fibroadenomatosis is detected at the first stage. Nutrition consists of eating cereals, fruits and vegetables. At the same time, water balance is maintained.

ethnoscience for fibrotic changes in the mammary glands, it is ineffective, since it does not eliminate the disease.

But with its help you can relieve some symptoms of mastopathy:

  • you can reduce swelling by applying a cabbage leaf;
  • to get rid of pain, apply compresses and lotions;
  • You can get rid of the tumor by making a cake from honey, flour and eggs.

Cabbage therapy for breast fibrosis - what is it? Such treatment is carried out in the following ways:

  • the leaf is smeared with honey and applied to the chest at night;
  • a cabbage leaf is greased with butter, sprinkled with salt and also placed on the chest;
  • the sheet is beaten with a hammer and applied to the chest.

Use of herbs and compresses

Medication is supplemented by taking herbs that restore the balance between hormones, preventing the progression of the disease.

At the same time, you can apply compresses:

  • saline - the bandage is soaked in this solution and applied to the chest;
  • camphor - oil is mixed with alcohol; gauze is soaked in the solution;
  • castor - gauze is soaked in heated oil, which is then applied to the chest;
  • beet - add honey to grated beets. The pulp is laid out on gauze, which is then applied to the chest.

For the ailment in question, you can use the following tinctures:

  • nut tincture - the partitions of the nut are poured with alcohol, kept for 5 days;
  • burdock tincture - a medicine prepared from the root of the plant.

In addition, for the diffuse form, beekeeping products are used. You can infuse propolis in alcohol. The tincture is aged for 10 days.

It is drunk in its pure form. You can treat with propolis ointment or linseed oil. Last resort used internally.

Flaxseed oil the salad is seasoned or the breast is lubricated. Therapy is aimed at restoring metabolic estrogen processes and the balance between hormones.

Massage and prevention

At the same time, you can massage the mammary glands. The manipulation is performed using 5 main techniques, 1 of which is stroking.

In this case, the skin should not stretch. The massage is done using a fatty cream. Stroking movements go clockwise.

Then the skin is rubbed. This will provide a rush of blood. The exercise is performed with your fingertips. If the breasts are heavy, then warming movements are performed with the palms.

At the next stage, the bust is warmed up. The essence of the manipulation is to grab and lightly squeeze small areas of the gland with your fingers. The exercise is also performed clockwise.

After this, tapping is performed counterclockwise followed by vibration. The manipulation ends with stroking the breast.

We recommend you find out:

Prevention of the disease consists of regular self-examination of the mammary glands. Women over 40 years old are recommended to periodically visit a mammologist.

Femme mammary gland what is it? Fibroadenoma (FAM) is a disease of a tumor nature that develops in the tissues of the mammary glands. By its nature it is benign tumor usually of hormonal origin. Its development is provoked by too high levels of sex hormones - estrogen, progesterone or prolactin. Women under 35 most often develop diffuse estrogenic type of mammary glands, and after 40, when the processes of decline of reproductive function begin, prolactin type.

What is the essence and symptoms of this disease? Under the influence of pathological processes, the glandular tissue of the mammary gland grows, and fibrocystic neoplasms are formed. They can be single or multiple, covering one breast or both at once. Cysts and fibroids are filled with fluid inside. There is no need to ignore FAM - this is fraught with serious consequences, there is a risk of degeneration of a benign neoplasm into a malignant one.

There are several reasons for the development of FAM:

  • chronic stress or severe nervous shock;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries;
  • poor blood supply to the pelvic organs;
  • hormonal imbalance (including those caused by taking oral contraceptives);
  • frequent childbirth or refusal to have children;
  • wearing tight or ill-fitting underwear;
  • lack of lactation or inability to breastfeed;
  • heredity.

There are nodular and leaf forms of fibroadenoma. Nodular forms never degenerate into cancer, but every 10th case of leaf FAM ends in breast sarcoma.

A mammologist treats fibroadenoma of the mammary glands. His task is to find out the causes of the tumor and prescribe adequate treatment aimed at eliminating them.

Symptoms of FAM

On early stages FAM occurs without symptoms. In more late dates a woman can feel the tumor on her own. There are also signs of breast fibroadenoma that indicate the presence of FAM:

  • appears in the chest before menstruation stabbing pain, which increases with physical activity;
  • sometimes tumor growth is accompanied by a feeling of pressure and burning in the chest;
  • may discharge from the nipples when pressed clear liquid without smell;
  • the nipples themselves may crack and become covered with painful sores;
  • breast tissue swells and thickens;
  • may increase The lymph nodes in the axillary area.

The main symptoms of the disease are the appearance of a small tubercle in the breast tissue, which rolls under the fingers, but does not change location when changing body position.

Diagnosis of the disease

FAM is detected in early stages by mammography. Growing number tumor diseases mammary glands became the reason for the inclusion of mammography in the list of mandatory diagnostic tests during medical examination.

In mammography images, the doctor clearly sees fibrocystic neoplasms - cavities filled with fluid. In addition to mammography, the patient must undergo ultrasonography surrounding tissues and organs, and is also referred for consultation to related specialists - a gynecologist and an endocrinologist (with full diagnostics gland conditions internal secretion involved in the production of sex hormones).

If FAM is detected, a puncture of the tumor-like formation is prescribed, and if necessary, a biopsy of the affected glandular tissue is taken. This is done to determine the likelihood of cancer cells appearing and determine the strategy for further treatment - conservative or surgical.

How is FAM different from cancer?

Multiple fibroadenomas are benign neoplasm. If the size of the tumor does not exceed 10 mm, then the mammologist registers the woman and assesses the condition of the tumor every six months without treatment.

Breast fibroadenoma has differences from a malignant tumor that every woman needs to know:

  1. Fibroadenoma is a small round or oval lump that has a dense but elastic structure, does not hurt when pressed and moves under the fingers (floating effect). FAM always has clear boundaries. The tumor does not change the color, structure and temperature of the surrounding skin. With cancer, the following may occur: changes in the color of the halo and nipple, the boundaries of the halo, hemorrhages in the skin of the mammary glands.
  2. The cancerous tumor is not enclosed in a capsule, but is located in the lobules of the mammary gland, so it does not roll under the fingers. In addition, unlike FAM, it does not have clear outlines.
  3. When palpating a malignant tumor, cords always stand out, which are clearly visible in a standing position. The cords are directed upward or to the sides, like the claws of a crayfish. Which was the reason for the name of the disease.
  4. With fibroadenoma, axillary lymph nodes rarely enlarge, while with cancer this is one of the main diagnostic signs indicating imminent metastasis. If a painless soft ball of tumor is felt in the chest, and another in axillary lymph node, then you need to urgently go for a consultation with an oncologist.
  5. Discharge from the nipple with FAM is clear and odorless, with cancer it is dark and foul-smelling, sometimes mixed with blood.
  6. Both fibroadenoma and malignant tumor are hormone dependent. At the same time, FAM can change its size and density in accordance with the schedule of the menstrual cycle, and cancer tumor, which has a direct connection with the genitals, remains unchanged.

Doctors never consider these symptoms to be 100% diagnostic; rather, they indirectly confirm the assumptions of specialists. Each woman’s body is deeply individual and the disease can occur in different ways. In any case, the diagnosis of breast fibroadenoma or cancer is established according to objective studies: mammography, ultrasound, CT or MRI.


Doctors always try to treat fibroadenoma with conservative methods; excision is used only in extreme cases. Since it is associated with improper production of estrogen and prolactin, a course of oral medications is prescribed. They contain iodine and sex hormones - antagonists of estrogen, prolactin and progesterone in small quantities. Such treatment is prescribed according to the condition of the endocrine glands, if a deficiency of thyroid hormones is detected, or, conversely, excessive releases of pituitary, ovarian and adrenal hormones into the blood.

In the complex treatment of FAM, the doctor will definitely advise you to follow a diet. It is advisable to give up strong drinks - tea and coffee, meat broths cooked on bones, and limit the consumption of chocolate and other sweet and flour products. The diet should be varied with seasonal vegetables and fruits. A healthy diet will contribute to the progression of the disease in mild form and a speedy recovery.

Breast fibroadenoma is a wake-up call for a woman to reconsider her life priorities - to give up bad habits, perhaps, thinking about motherhood.

All cases of FAM of the mammary glands require constant medical supervision. It is required to undergo mammography and ultrasound examination once every 6 months. Surgical removal of breast fibroadenoma is prescribed if the doctor sees that:

  • conservative treatment does not produce results;
  • fibroadenoma increases in size;
  • In biopsy analyses, single degenerated cancer cells appear.

The indication for removal of breast fibroadenoma is its shape. Eg, sheet FAM is considered a borderline condition and is treated surgically.

A woman is prescribed surgical treatment - laser removal of fibroadenoma in the mammary gland. This operation is fundamentally different from that for cancerous tumors. Through a small incision, the cystic capsule is removed from the mammary gland while preserving the surrounding tissue. An exception is leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the mammary gland, which is removed by sectoral resection along with the affected glandular tissue.

Prevention of fibroadenoma

Every woman must learn breast self-examination methods and conduct it monthly 10-14 days before the onset of menstruation. Those who have already been diagnosed with small fibrocystic nodules should be careful about their health. Follow doctor's orders and take courses conservative therapy and regular examinations with a mammologist.

Women who have undergone surgery to remove the leaf form of FAM must register not only with a mammologist, but also with a gynecologist and endocrinologist. They need to monitor the condition of the genital organs and endocrine glands. In general, breast fibroadenoma is a disease that does not threaten life and does not change its quality.

Fibrocystic disease in the mammary glands is a benign disease in which multiple proliferative and regressive changes occur in the breast associated with a violation of the ratio of the glandular and fibrous components of the breast tissue.

Diffuse fibroadenoma (FAM) is characterized by an increase in the number and size of milk lobules with the proliferation of fibrous structures, but the size of multiple small formations does not exceed 10 mm. Treatment involves strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations and the use of drug therapy to help reduce the risk of breast cancer.

FAM diagnosis – what is it?

With fibrocystic changes against the background of mastopathy, the following changes occur in the glandular tissue of the breast:

  • interlobular fibrosis;
  • adenosis of milk lobules;
  • hyperplastic changes in the ducts;
  • fibrosis inside the milk-producing lobules;
  • formation of cystic cavities;
  • cell proliferation.

A typical diffuse cystic process in the glandular tissue of the breast is most often bilateral, and the main cause of the pathology is a latent or obvious dishormonal state in a woman. The initial background may be involutive changes associated with age-related changes in the female body and pathological manifestations of menopause. Diffuse FAM in the mammary glands is benign structural changes in tissues that need to be treated with herbal remedies and medications.

Typical signs of diffuse FAM of the mammary glands

In most cases, a woman with small fibroadenomas in the breast has no complaints. 30% of patients will have the following symptoms:

  • premenstrual engorgement and soreness in both mammary glands 7-10 days before the onset of menstruation;
  • stabbing feeling in the chest;
  • mastalgia, independent of the phase of the cycle;
  • changed consistency mammary glands(palpation sensation of small focal formations, heaviness of tissues);
  • scanty discharge from the nipples when pressed, occurring on the eve of menstruation.

Any signs are atypical - with FAM with a predominance of fibrous tissue or against the background cystic changes After examination, the doctor will make a preliminary diagnosis (mastopathy) and refer you for additional examination.

A prerequisite for a medical examination is that the mammary glands must be examined in phase 1 of the menstrual cycle (on days 5-11 from the first day of menstruation). The following types of fibroadenomatosis are distinguished:

  • localized;
  • focal;
  • diffuse;
  • cystic;
  • mixed.

It is important to strictly and carefully follow the specialist’s instructions in order to identify the cause as accurately as possible. pathological changes in the chest.

Hello. After the examination, the mammologist diagnosed her with proliferative FAM of the mammary gland. Is my diagnosis dangerous? Inna, 39 years old.

Hello, Inna. Any type of tissue proliferation is a risk factor for tumor formation. Detection of FAM with cell proliferation indicates the possibility dangerous changes– the risk is not great, but it is better to play it safe and complete all additional studies prescribed by the doctor in full. It will be necessary to treat the pathological process in mandatory.

Localized FAM in the chest

Detection of a single fibroadenomatous nodule up to 1 cm in size does not require active treatment. The doctor will give recommendations on diet and schedule a re-examination in 3-6 months. With this option, you can use folk remedies (herbal preparations), but in each case you should consult a doctor.

Focal fibroadenoma

A neoplasm of dense elastic consistency measuring more than 10 mm is classified as focal form FAM. A palpable tumor in the breast may be a cystic cavity or a nodular type of mastopathy. A mandatory stage of diagnosis is an aspiration biopsy under ultrasound guidance. Any node is dangerous: if a neoplasm is detected, the doctor will send you for an in-depth examination, which will help rule out oncopathology.

Diffuse FAM with predominant fibrosis

The proliferative process in breast structures can be realized through interlobular connective tissue cells. Diffuse changes may be with a predominance of cystic or glandular disorders, but most often the problem is of a fibrous nature of the pathology, manifested by sclerosis of the interlobular spaces, dilation of the ducts or age-related involutive processes.

Hello. I have been seeing a doctor for mastopathy for about 2 years. How dangerous is FAM of the breast? Svetlana, 41 years old.

Hello Svetlana. The diffuse form of FAM refers to benign types diseases. If you follow your doctor's recommendations and undergo regular preventive examinations, there is no danger to your health or life. However, this is not a reason to refuse preventive examinations of the mammary glands once a year.

Cystic FAM of the mammary glands

Many small developing cysts in breast tissue with fibrosis or against the background of a typical glandular component create conditions for the progression of FAM. Moderately severe mastopathy with cyst formation can become the basis for worsening the condition and reducing the comfort of a woman’s life (increased pain syndrome, increasing the risk of cancer).

Hello. Found on ultrasound cystic FAM. One of the brushes is 14 mm. Do I need to operate? Anastasia, 38 years old.

Hello, Anastasia. Small cysts in the breast do not require surgery. If there is doubt about the diagnosis or to confirm the benign quality of the process, the doctor will perform an aspiration biopsy of the cystic cavity - if there is no serious violations You can limit yourself to invasive diagnostic intervention and regular examination by a doctor.

Methods for detecting fibroadenoma in the breast

Important factor accurate diagnosis– mammography. The method is used for all women after 35 years. The basis for detecting pathology in the breast in patients under 35 years of age is ultrasound. Echo signs of fibroadenosis of the mammary glands include:

  • an increase in the thickness of connective tissue structures with a decrease in the glandular component;
  • the presence of many small and heterogeneous hypoechoic structures (with the cystic variant);
  • moderate hyperechogenicity of tissues (with fibrosis);
  • dilation of the ducts.

To encrypt diffuse FAM, ICD-10 code N60.2 is used - breast fibroadenosis. According to indications and when high risk Oncology doctor will perform a puncture biopsy of nodular formations with cytological and histological examination. Among the invasive examination methods used:

  • aspiration biopsy(suction of fluid when a cyst is detected);
  • trephine biopsy (puncture with a thick needle to obtain a column of cells from breast tissue);
  • resection focal education(excisional biopsy).

Cellular and tissue morphology – the only reliable method diagnostics, which allows you to confidently and reliably exclude a tumor in the breast.

Therapeutic measures for diffuse FAM

The main tasks of the doctor at the examination stage are:

  • exclusion of oncological changes in the mammary glands;
  • determination of the type of FAM;
  • assessment of the severity of complaints and symptoms of the disease.

Therapeutic tactics for diffuse fibroadenosis involve complex therapy which includes the following treatment options:

  • adherence to the diet recommended by the doctor;
  • use of herbal medicine;
  • course use of vitamins;
  • hormone therapy.

basis dietary nutrition for fibroadenosis, the following important principles of diet therapy are:

  • an increase in the diet of vegetables and fruits containing large amounts of plant fiber;
  • mandatory introduction of dietary fiber (wheat, oat and corn bran) and phytoestrogens (soybeans, wheat germ, flax seed, sesame, blueberries) into the menu;
  • sharp restriction fatty foods;
  • a marked reduction in the amount of chocolate, coffee, cocoa and Coca-Cola in the diet.

Of the non-hormonal treatment options for diffuse FAM, the optimal ones are cyclic vitamin therapy and the use of herbal preparations based on Prutnyak (Vitex ordinary). Any type of hormone therapy is used according to strict indications and with constant monitoring by a doctor. Surgery may be required only for focal FAM, when during observation the doctor notes the growth of a tumor in the breast.

Detection of a diffuse form of FAM in the mammary glands is the basis for medical observation and course treatment to prevent the progression of fibrocystic mastopathy.

Hello. My mammography revealed involutive changes in my breasts with signs of FAM. How dangerous is this and what should be done to avoid breast cancer? Ekaterina, 47 years old.

Hello, Ekaterina. Against the background of age-related changes in the mammary glands, a structural restructuring of the tissue occurs - involution is not dangerous, it natural process in the chest. But age-related physiological disorders require constant monitoring: in order to identify them in time primary signs malignant degeneration, it is necessary to conduct an X-ray examination (MMG) annually with for preventive purposes. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe FAM treatment, but most often involutive changes require regular medical monitoring.


Diffuse femma of the mammary glands: causes of formation and methods of treatment

Diffuse FAM in the mammary glands is diagnosed in many representatives of the fair sex. The health of girls and women is a necessary condition for the birth of strong children. It is for this reason that in modern medicine This factor is given special attention. Every year, specialists perform numerous screenings, which provide opportunities to determine pathological conditions in a woman’s body in the first stages of development.

Diffuse femme mammary

Unfortunately, the number of female diseases continues to increase. This is primarily due to the fact that the condition worsens every year environment, and girls and women do not give up their bad habits. The most common pathology today is FAM of the mammary glands.

Diffuse FAM has another name in medical practice - it is mastopathy. It occurs in middle-aged and young women. In most cases, the disease develops during breastfeeding of infants, as well as in situations where there is a deficiency of thyroid hormones. If you seek qualified help in time, you can avoid serious consequences and surgical treatment.

What factors contribute to the development of mastopathy?

Diffuse FAM in the mammary glands is a benign neoplasm, which in most cases involves one or both breasts. Scientists have not been able to determine the main causes of the development of this disease. But there are specific factors that contribute to the formation of mastopathy of the mammary gland - these are chemical and hormonal.

There is an assumption that fibroadenomatosis appears more often in girls who regularly wear tight underwear. It can crush the mammary glands, which leads to dire consequences. As practice shows, benign degenerations occur in representatives of the fair sex who work in hazardous industries, take oral contraceptives, often give birth or refuse to have a child. Women with late menopause, having various diseases of the genital organs, at the beginning of menstruation or with hormonal disorders.


Diffuse femme on the mammary glands can be homogeneous or mixed. Such cysts can appear in the female body due to previous stress or severe emotional upheaval. The following common causes that influence the development of pathology such as FAM of the mammary gland should also be highlighted:

Disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries; disruptions of blood flow in the pelvic organs; hormonal imbalance; decreased sexual activity; genetic factors;

Refusal of a newborn child to breastfeed.

How does the mammary gland change during neoplasm?

Depending on the type of cyst, the density of the breast during palpation may vary. Most often, FAM of the mammary gland is presented in the form of a sweaty nodular formation, which looks like lumps. To determine diffuse lumps, you need to regularly visit your doctor and independently feel your breasts around the entire circumference.

If you suspect FAM of the mammary gland, you should contact a mammologist. He will prescribe a thorough additional examination and help determine the type of benign neoplasm.


To effectively get rid of such cysts, it is necessary to determine the cause of their appearance. This is the only way to eliminate this problem. In most cases, girls and women need treatment thyroid gland, diseases of the genital organs, give up bad habits, improper use of contraceptives and buy loose underwear.

Prevention of breast tumors

To prevent the occurrence of breast diseases, it is necessary to regularly examine and palpate the breasts. Women over 40 years of age should have regular mammograms, even if there are no complaints or suspicions of mastopathy. Experts recommend avoiding unfavorable factors, dressing warmly, eating a healthy and balanced diet, and wearing comfortable underwear that does not restrict movement. During use hormonal drugs During menopause, you need to come every year for a routine examination to a gynecologist and mammologist.

Diffuse femme: what is it, symptoms and treatment

Diffuse fam (fibroadenoma) of the mammary glands is the most common diagnosis made by breast specialists. Fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland is a benign neoplasm, a “nodule” localized in the breast. It occurs due to a disruption in hormonal activity female body.

Fibroadenoma is a great danger, like any benign neoplasm, since it can easily develop into cancer. Therefore, if such a disease has been discovered, its signs and symptoms have appeared, you need to urgently contact a specialist and immediately begin drug treatment or prepare for surgery - removal of tumors.

Causes of the disease

Diffuse fibroadenoma can occur due to:

Basically, the reasons listed above arise due to hormonal imbalances in the female body.

Signs of diffuse fibroadenomatosis

Diffuse fibroadenomatosis may differ in its signs and symptoms from other breast tumors, such as leaf tumor.

Unlike other neoplasms, this type of pathological growth of connective tissue in the chest can be either a single small compaction or multiple ones, distributed along the left and right breast, elastic elements. Most often, diagnostics carried out by a mammologist show tumor formations,localized in the upper outer quadrant of the chest.

  • One of the main symptoms of the disease is increased sensitivity breasts The patient complains that this part of the body hurts very much even in cases of simple contact with underwear.
  • Before the onset of menstruation, the glands become very rough; on such days, during the process of diagnostic palpation, they are easy to palpate.
  • On the last day of menstruation, it may seem to a woman that the nodules have disappeared, the breasts no longer hurt, the engorgement disappears, however, despite the decrease in the intensity of symptoms and signs of fibroadenoma, one should not take the problem lightly and postpone a visit to a specialist.

If an ultrasound is not done in time to identify the disease and treatment is not started, diffuse fibroadenoma of the breast can develop into small nodular cysts distributed throughout the breast. With the development of pathology and its gradual transition to cancer, discharge may appear from the nipples, the color of which directly depends on the stage of development of the disease - from transparent to dark brown.

Diagnosis of diffuse fibroadenomatosis

The diagnosis of “diffuse fibroadenoma of the breast” is made only after a specialist has conducted several types of examinations, on the basis of which a conclusion is made:

Only comprehensive diagnostics allows a specialist to accurately identify fibroadenoma and understand how long it will take for treatment and what methods should be used for it, and whether surgical removal of the pathology is necessary.

Treatment of diffuse fibroadenomatosis

Diffuse fibroadenoma undergoes not only surgical or laser removal, it can also be stopped with drug therapy.

To determine the need for pharmaceuticals and develop therapy aimed at getting rid of pathology and preventing cancer, the mammologist needs to know how long the pronounced presence of symptoms of the disease lasts, what is the stage of its development.

It is also worth paying attention to concomitant pathologies internal organs and carry out comprehensive treatment, using both hormonal drugs and immunomodulatory agents.

You should not prescribe treatment yourself and try to get rid of breast fibroadenoma with folk remedies, such as boron uterus. This can not only greatly distort the symptomatic picture in the future, but also provoke the transition of the pathology to cancer in the absence of the necessary therapy.

Breast fibroadenoma: when to operate - video


What is diffuse fibrous mastopathy or femme?

The occurrence of chest discomfort in women may indicate the presence of a mammary gland disease such as diffuse fibrous mastopathy. This disease is characterized by a strong proliferation of tissue in the chest. There is also such a name for the disease as diffuse FAM of the mammary glands (fibroadenomatosis). Mastopathy can also be of the nodular type, when separate nodules (one or more) form in the mammary gland. If almost the entire gland is affected, mastopathy is called diffuse. This type of disease occurs most often in women.

Diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component is characterized by fibrosis in the breast tissue. What it is? Fibrosis is the thickening and proliferation of connective tissue. At the same time, scars form in the organs in which it occurs. This process in most cases is a consequence of inflammation. The cells lining the milk ducts begin to divide rapidly. As a result, the ducts become narrowed and, in some cases, completely blocked. Such changes in the mammary glands lead to pain in the breast area.

The disease can be unilateral or bilateral. Bilateral diffuse mastopathy affects two breasts at once. According to the degree of severity, minor, moderate and severe mastopathy are distinguished.

Why does diffuse mastopathy occur?

Doctors believe that there are many causes for this disease. However, the main factor influencing the development of diffuse breast fibrosis is hormonal levels. Hormonal changes in a woman’s body occur quite often (pregnancy, postpartum period, menopause). If the production of normal amounts of hormones is disrupted, various women's diseases, including mastopathy. This disease is usually a consequence of increased estrogen levels or decreased progesterone levels. Fibrous mastopathy can also be caused by increased production of prolactin, which ensures lactation in a woman.

Diffuse fibrosis can also be a consequence of factors such as:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • dysfunction endocrine system;
  • other diseases of the female genital area;
  • abortion;
  • chest injury;
  • depression and a lot of stress;
  • sexual dissatisfaction;
  • liver diseases;
  • excess ultraviolet radiation;
  • unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.).

Diffuse fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands often develops due to the absence of pregnancy and childbirth in a woman’s life. Lack of breastfeeding has a negative impact on women's health. Some doctors note that women who start their periods too early (early puberty) or menopause came late, are more susceptible to this disease.

There is a risk in patients suffering from chronic pathologies. Negative influence cause hepatitis, cholecystitis, diabetes, hypertension, excess weight, hypothyroidism. For good health female breast Frequent mastitis and lactostasis that occur during lactation are dangerous (usually in the case of early cessation of breastfeeding, improper attachment of the child to the breast, etc.).

Symptoms of the disease

A major role in the treatment of fibrous mastopathy is played by timely treatment for medical care. You should not self-medicate at home. If signs of pathology are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor. Diffuse changes in the mammary glands are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Pain and discomfort in the chest. Sometimes the pain radiates to the shoulder girdle and back. Typically, discomfort increases from touching the chest.
  • The appearance of lumps (nodules and formations) in the mammary glands. They are usually round in shape and elastic.
  • Severe swelling of the chest, feeling of its distension. However, this condition is normal and natural during breastfeeding (especially at the very beginning of the lactation period).
  • Severe pain during menstruation.
  • Lack of ovulation and delayed menstruation.
  • Presence of discharge from the breast. White or yellowish fluid may be discharged from the nipples. In this case, mastopathy occurs due to high levels of prolactin in the woman’s body. The discharge may contain blood or pus, which usually indicates an infection of the mammary glands.

For some women, similar symptoms may occur during each menstrual period. Such manifestations are an individual characteristic of the body and do not always indicate the presence of a disease. A clear sign of the disease is the constant presence of these symptoms in a woman (during the entire menstrual cycle).

Diffuse fibrous mastopathy mammary gland is often accompanied by increased fragility of nails and hair, dry skin. This pathology often leads to the appearance of other gynecological disorders, such as ovarian cysts, fibroids, endometriosis, etc.

Often, after an examination, seeing the diagnosis “FAM of the breast” in the conclusion, a woman has no idea what it is, how the disorder manifests itself and why it is dangerous. Let's look at the disease in more detail, name the existing forms of the disease, give brief description each of them.

FAM of the mammary glands - what is it?

Fibroadenomatosis - this disease is usually understood as a set of pathological processes that involve a change in the ratio of the glandular and connective tissue components in the breast.

What are the reasons for the violation?

It is worth noting that doctors most often name hormonal imbalance in the female body as one of the main reasons. In turn, this phenomenon may be due to:

  • frequent stressful situations associated with prolonged psychological stress, dissatisfaction social conditions and etc.;
  • diseases of the reproductive system, mainly of an inflammatory nature, also the presence of fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • late onset of menstrual bleeding;
  • late pregnancy;
  • short duration of lactation;
  • endocrine disorders: diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism;
  • liver diseases.
What forms of violation are usually identified?

There are many classifications of this disease. At the same time, doctors were never able to come up with a single one.

Most often, depending on the nature and extent of the lesion, the following are distinguished:

  1. Focal form. Speaking from what it is focal FAM mammary gland, you must first say that this is benign process. In this case, replacement of glandular tissue occurs in certain areas of the gland. Externally it is defined as one or several dense nodules that are perfectly palpable. Painful sensations are mild or completely absent.
  2. Localized form. If we consider local FAM of the mammary gland, then it must be said that this is a disorder in which the compaction causes pain when palpated. At the same time, the boundaries of the formation themselves have clear edges, the skin over them is changed.