How to relieve a coughing attack? Cough remedies for adults and children. Night cough in an adult

Cough in an adult is not a disease in itself. He's just a symptom. Its appearance may indicate that the body is fighting an infection. It happens both during the day and at night. Sometimes a person feels fine during the day, but at night cannot sleep due to severe coughing attacks. It can be triggered by the onset of colds, and a person in a horizontal position cannot completely clear his throat. At night, all processes slow down in people. The mucus does not dissolve, but accumulates, and this causes bubbling.

Intended for illness, severe nocturnal coughing in an adult

He performs protective function organism, which appears as a result of a disease or the presence of a foreign body inside the human respiratory tract. It manifests itself in the form of jerky exhalations, which help remove infection or phlegm. Puffing helps to cleanse the bronchi and protects the patient from suffocation. The sudden onset of a cough may indicate that a foreign body has entered the body, and if it does not come out on its own, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Prolonged attacks lasting for two weeks mean that the cough goes away in acute form, and if there is a protracted variant - more than two months, it means that it has become chronic.

Night cough, which does not repeat during the day, may indicate serious illness. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately establish a diagnosis and carry out treatment according to it. It may turn out to be caused by an allergic reaction to bedding. For example, down in a pillow. And then, when it is replaced, the night phenomenon will also pass.

A cough begins when the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs are irritated. After removing the cause of their occurrence, the bubbling will go away. And in order to figure out which of them caused it, you must first decide on the type of cough. It can be unproductive and wet.

Why does a dry cough appear at night?

This type of bubbling is fraught with danger in itself. At night, bouts of unproductive coughing can lead to apnea. And the process of coughing itself brings discomfort accompanied by nausea, shortness of breath, and sometimes suffocation.

The reason for this may be:

  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • damage to the pleura due to tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • heart failure;
  • problems in the field of gastroenterology;
  • pneumonia;

  • respiratory chlamydia and mycoplasmosis;
  • whooping cough;
  • allergy.

The negative impact on the body of the latter can lead to suffocation, which occurs due to lack of oxygen and often ends in loss of consciousness. This often occurs in people with asthma. Its causative agents can be everything around: dust, fluff, plant pollen or insect bites.

A night cough with cardiac dysfunction is accompanied by shortness of breath, as well as an accelerated heartbeat. If it is associated with a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, then its attacks will be caused by irritation of the nerve endings of the esophagus and the membranes of the respiratory tract, which may contain acidic contents of the stomach.

Also, the appearance of a cough can be affected by dry air in the room where a person sleeps. Then you need to purchase a special humidifier to prevent this from happening again.

If the cause is cardiac - vascular diseases, then they may be accompanied by shortness of breath, and the nasolabial triangle will acquire a bluish tint.

The appearance of a night cough can also be caused by localization malignant neoplasms or pulmonary tuberculosis. Because of the hit foreign bodies in the form of coarse dust or grains that settled in the throat and began to affect its mucous membranes. It can be caused by dilatation of the aorta or enlargement of the lymph nodes.

If you have a cough that produces mucus - the only symptom which is not accompanied by anything, this indicates an inflammatory process in the lungs or the course of tuberculosis.


The video explains how to properly treat a cough.

The acute form often occurs against the background of acute respiratory infections. Protracted may indicate whooping cough, rhinitis or sinusitis. A prolonged wet cough at night should be treated only as prescribed by a doctor; this is not the case when its treatment can be delayed. A qualified specialist will tell you in detail why the cough appears only at night and will prescribe an individual course of therapy. You might also be interested in how to treat a cough.

Even knowing the cause of its occurrence, you do not need to make a final diagnosis yourself. This is best left to doctors who, after following the diagnostic algorithm: examination, tests, x-rays and endoscopic examination will be able to assign what is needed. If it is completed on time, then the consequences in the form of complications will bypass. You can read about the causes of night cough in a child.

If a cough occurs at night, this can lead to sleep disturbances, since due to lack of rest a person becomes irritable and nervous.

Often the reasons why coughing attacks occur lie in an allergic reaction and the entry of a foreign body into the respiratory system.

If a night cough in an adult is accompanied by a runny nose and fever, then most likely it is of an infectious nature.

As a rule, a severe cough at night is an unpleasant symptom that requires quick and competent treatment, but before doing anything, you need to find out the factors that cause it.

Why does night cough occur: reasons

There are a number of diseases that provoke the development of this unpleasant symptom in an adult:

  1. malignant formation in the lungs;
  2. bronchial asthma;
  3. pulmonary emphysema;
  4. heart failure;
  5. laryngitis;
  6. Chronical bronchitis;
  7. pneumonia;
  8. allergy;
  9. whooping cough.

In addition, the reasons for which attacks of night cough occur may be the presence of inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Moreover, they develop due to exposure to thermal, chemical and mechanical stimuli.

To spend effective treatment, in the diagnostic process it is important to determine what type of night cough it is. So it could be:

  • barking with wheezing (often a companion to bronchitis);
  • dry and painful, indicating damage to the pleura;
  • silent - occurs during paralysis and destruction vocal cords;
  • dry and teary - its appearance is facilitated by such reasons as tumors of the trachea, bronchi and larynx.
  • deaf, which is typical for pulmonary emphysema and obstructive bronchitis.

A wet cough at night indicates a suppurative process occurring in the lungs. When leaving, do not large quantity sputum having a viscous consistency is often diagnosed as bronchitis, asthma or tracheitis.

If a night cough is accompanied by the discharge of purulent, slippery mucus, then its causes lie in pneumonia. And discharge that has a rusty tint indicates the presence of pleuropneumonia.

Slime with small grains is characteristic feature liver diseases. When a cough at night is accompanied by sputum, chills and fever, and general health the patient is getting worse, that is, there is a risk that the person is sick with tuberculosis.

In addition, a high temperature accompanied by a cough in an adult signals an infection of viral origin. And if such symptoms are accompanied by malaise and vomiting, this also indicates tuberculosis.

A nighttime acute cough that cannot be relieved within 20 days is characteristic of whooping cough. And if the patient suffers from prolonged cough reflex, then this indicates adenoiditis, rhinitis or. At the same time, the patient has difficulty breathing and his nose is blocked.

Often, a night cough develops after a cold. For example, he can remind himself when severe inflammation throat, when a lot of mucus collects in it, which is why the reflex appears.

To ease the attack, the doctor prescribes antitussives, which soften the mucous membrane and relieve spasm from the bronchi.

A wet cough occurs when a lot of sputum collects in the trachea or lungs. Thus, the respiratory organs get rid of excess mucus containing many bacteria.

It is worth noting that if a dry cough at night is not cured in a timely manner, then it will develop into chronic form. In this case, you need to drink a large amount of liquid (teas, compotes, fresh juices, herbal decoctions).

It is noteworthy that non-productive cough is treated sedatives, A wet - by means which remove mucus.

If the membrane in the area of ​​the spine and chest is inflamed, affecting the lungs, then a severe painful cough may occur at night. In this case, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, while the torso is secured with bandages.

If painful sensations appear in the chest, then perhaps the reasons for this phenomenon lie in:

  1. rib damage;
  2. thoracic injury;
  3. malignant tumor;
  4. pericarditis.

And if the patient suffers from stabbing sharp pain along with a cough, he may be diagnosed with lung cancer.


A symptom such as a night cough can appear not only with diseases of the respiratory system. In addition, coughing attacks may indicate:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Natural honey is often used to relieve coughs at night. For this purpose, you need to mix honey, butter, milk.

Honey can also be dissolved as lozenges, which creates a warming and softening effect.

What to do if the cough gets worse? To avoid coughing at night, you can prepare a syrup based on the following ingredients:

  1. glycerol;
  2. lemon juice.

The resulting medicine should be taken 6 times a day, 1 teaspoon.

Moreover, you can relieve nighttime coughing attacks with mints. Such lollipops will warm and soften the mucous membrane.

To avoid coughing at night ethnoscience recommends using remedy based on radish. To prepare the medicine, you need to chop the radish and then mix it with honey. The medicine is taken 1 tsp. three times a day.

Helps stop coughing attacks herbal infusions. Particularly useful are infusions based on wild rosemary, coltsfoot and chamomile, which relieve pulmonary edema and remove mucus.

What to do with a dry cough and wheezing in the chest? To eliminate such unpleasant symptoms, 3 tbsp. l. elderberries are poured with a liter of boiling water. The infusion is drunk morning and evening, 50 ml at a time.

In addition, it is important to constantly humidify the air in the room where the patient is. For this purpose, it is best to use a special humidifier.

Another useful thing to do to cure a night cough is steam inhalations with the addition of the following essential extracts:

  • mint;
  • lavender;
  • eucalyptus;
  • cedar.

Regarding mustard plasters, this procedure is not entirely justified from a medical point of view. But you definitely shouldn’t make mustard plasters at high temperatures, bronchial asthma and skin irritation.

You can eliminate coughing attacks as follows: 4 tsp. apple cider vinegar mixed with ½ cup honey. When an unpleasant symptom appears, the patient should take 1 tsp. at night and 2 tsp. every 4 hours. It is worth noting that vinegar with honey dissolves mucus well and relieves spasms.

In addition, to help the patient sleep better at night, a napkin soaked in vinegar is placed under his pillow. In addition, it is useful to apply warm wraps and warm compresses.

It must be remembered that the appearance of a night cough is always accompanied by certain reasons. Most often these are diseases internal organs. To relieve symptoms, it is first important to determine why the disease occurred and only then carry out therapy.

So, in case of allergies, it is necessary to eliminate the main irritant, and in the presence of pneumonia, bronchitis or flu, it is important to treat the underlying disease. Moreover, night cough can be dangerous because it develops when chronic pathologies respiratory organs and bronchial asthma. You can learn about traditional cough recipes from the video in this article.

Coughing attacks at night in an adult can not only interfere with sleep, but also become a serious cause for concern. The appearance of a characteristic cough syndrome often indicates the presence of a disease. For effective fight with the disease, factors influencing its formation should be established.

Reasons for appearance

Coughing at night can be caused by various circumstances. Many of them are not a big problem and can be easily fixed. Dry, short-lived takes a person out of deep sleep. Attacks may be repeated at short intervals, without expectoration. Among domestic reasons that cause discomfort, some are especially popular:

The listed factors can be easily eliminated to restore good rest. Regular ventilation of the room, wet cleaning using disinfectants will help provide access to fresh and clean air. However, the presence of additional symptoms may indicate the development of respiratory pathologies. Coughing attacks at night in an adult without fever are often a consequence of the following diseases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • whooping cough;
  • bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • reflux disease;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

To correctly diagnose the disease, you should pay attention to the secondary symptoms accompanying a night cough.

Definition of symptoms

The manifestation of the disease is characterized by certain features that help to diagnose it. Tuberculosis is accompanied frequent attacks wet cough, heavy sweating, painful spasms in the chest area. If the cough worsens when lying down, there is shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, general weakness in the daytime, most likely the person has problems with the cardiovascular system.

Symptoms of reflux disease include heartburn, a sour taste in the oral cavity, hiccups. The backflow of stomach contents into the esophagus, which irritates the receptors, often causes coughing attacks at night in an adult. A cough syndrome that recurs during sleep, causing nausea, vomiting, and dizziness indicates the probable development of whooping cough.

The separation of sputum and thick mucus that accompanies coughing attacks at night in an adult after colds is considered common occurrence. As a rule, this indicates the patient's recovery. However, the presence unpleasant odor discharge may be a cause for concern. This factor characterizes inflammatory processes in the respiratory system and lung abscesses.

Diagnosis of the disease

An irritating cough during sleep is a signal to consult a specialist. In most cases, detailed description symptoms, frequency and sensations of the patient allows the doctor to make a preliminary diagnosis. To confirm or exclude the disease, the patient is prescribed blood, urine, and sputum tests.

Additionally, an X-ray consultation with specialists of a narrow profile is carried out. Based full examination the doctor diagnoses the disease and prescribes treatment. Its effectiveness largely depends on the complexity and form of the disease, strict and careful compliance with the instructions.

Consequences of a cold

High fever, runny nose, and sputum production often accompany respiratory, viral and colds. Many people wonder what to do; coughing attacks at night continue even after recovery. First of all, it is necessary to identify the reasons that cause discomfort during sleep. Among the influencing factors, the following are often highlighted:

  • damage to the mucous membrane from exposure to bactericidal background;
  • allergic reactions to drugs used in the treatment of the underlying disease;
  • prolonged, profuse runny nose, causing mucus to drain into the larynx;
  • complications of previous illnesses.

A continuing cough at night after recovery indicates the need to visit a specialist. You should not self-medicate so as not to worsen your health condition.

Cough without fever

Discomfort during sleep in the form of dry coughing can be of a domestic nature. The disease often occurs in long-term smokers. This is the body's natural reaction to foods. tobacco smoke. Allergies associated with the flowering of certain plants, poplar fluff, and aggressive odors can act as an irritant to the mucous membranes.

Cough without fever is observed in asthmatics, people whose body is infected with infections, helminthic infestations. In rare cases, an unpleasant factor may indicate the presence of diseases endocrine in nature, oncology, becomes a consequence of frequent stressful situations.

Possible complications

In addition to general discomfort, night cough without timely treatment can lead to acute and chronic complications. Debilitating attacks during sleep cause insufficient blood flow to the brain. As a result, it appears increased fatigue, weakness, fainting. A person may experience frequent nausea, dizziness, and insomnia.

In more complex cases, frequent, severe cough without appropriate treatment leads to the appearance of involuntary defecation, urination. The chronic form contributes to the appearance of a hernia abdominal cavity, discomfort in the larynx, pain when swallowing saliva. There may be sputum with blood and pus. Because of this, diseases such as laryngitis, pharyngitis, and inflammation of the vocal cords often occur.

Treatment methods

To know how to stop a coughing attack at night, you need to determine the cause of its occurrence and diagnose the disease. To combat the disease, pharmacology offers a variety of remedies in the form of suspensions, syrups, drops, and lozenges. Treatment prescribed by a specialist may include taking medications, physiotherapeutic procedures, inhalations.

Treatment of diseases by introducing drugs in a vapor state into the respiratory system is particularly effective. Currently, there are several common methods of inhalation.

  1. Dry - carried out using special devices. This technique is prescribed for pathologies of the lower respiratory tract.
  2. Oil inhalation implies the use essential oils to ease breathing and relieve swelling. The procedure is contraindicated if there is allergic manifestations.
  3. Steam is a classic treatment option that does not require special equipment. Inhalation can be done by inhaling vapors diluted in hot water the drug directly from the container, covered with a towel.

Therapy for night cough can be carried out at home, using traditional medicine. Infusions, mixtures and decoctions for common ailments are prepared based on herbal ingredients. This technique allows you to avoid the use of chemically produced drugs. Besides, healing agents alternative medicine They are distinguished by the availability of their constituent ingredients and ease of preparation.

Important to remember: treatment folk recipes can be carried out after consultation with specialists. In the presence of serious illnesses leading to complications, it is better to use effective pharmacological drugs to promptly stop the development of the disease.

Drug therapy

Many people wonder how to stop a coughing attack at night. Depending on the form and complexity of the disease, the specialist prescribes treatment, which includes taking mucolytic and antitussive drugs. Among the most common means are the following:

In addition to drugs whose action is aimed at reducing cough attacks during sleep, experts prescribe antibiotics if infectious forms diseases. In case of cough caused by allergic reactions, the patient is prescribed antihistamines. To reduce inflammatory processes, hormonal-based drugs are often used.

It is often used as a prophylactic and quickly relieving remedy for coughing attacks. pharmacological preparations. "Gerbion" for dry cough, the instructions for use of which will tell you how to calculate correct dosage, is prescribed not only to adults, but also to children. Herbal components included in the composition medicinal syrup, docked sudden attacks, eliminate factors causing cough.

Folk remedies

Treatment of coughing attacks at night in an adult can be carried out using alternative medicine recipes. Medicinal herbs, flowers, natural ingredients included in many medicinal preparations, help to effectively combat common illnesses.

Not everyone knows what to do if you cough badly at night. To relieve an attack, it is enough to take 1 teaspoon of a remedy prepared at home. A medium-sized onion must be peeled, passed through a meat grinder or crushed in a blender bowl. Squeeze the resulting pulp through cheesecloth. Mix onion juice with a teaspoon of natural honey and leave for 4-5 hours.

A night cough with sputum in an adult can be cured with a lozenge made from available ingredients. To prepare it you will need:

  • rye flour - 250 g;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • natural honey - 30 ml;
  • eucalyptus oil - 3-4 drops.

All components are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, similar to soft dough. The density can be adjusted by adding flour or water. A cake is formed from the mixture, which must be placed on chest, secure with a cloth bandage and leave overnight. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a week, each time preparing a fresh compress.

At home, you can prepare a paste that soothes attacks of dry cough at night and softens the throat. Part useful remedy includes raisins, honey, water, almonds crushed to powder, butter. Pour 50 ml of water into a small saucepan, add 100 grams of raisins and honey, bring to a boil and cook on low heat for 40-50 minutes. The finished mixture is cooled to room temperature, add almond powder and softened butter, knead until smooth. Take the product in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime. severe attacks cough at night.

Syrup, which is easy to prepare at home, has an effective effect on nighttime coughing attacks. You need to take 100 g of sugar, 50 ml of water and bring the solution to a boil over low heat. Then you need to cool the syrup to room temperature, add 5 drops of aloe oil and mix thoroughly. The remedy is taken during a sore throat, when there is an urge to cough, 1 teaspoon.

If a person is often bothered by attacks of dry cough at night, it is necessary to drink warm drinks before going to bed. Milk with honey and butter drink in small sips, allowing the liquid to slowly flow down the mucous membranes of the larynx. You can prepare a decoction of chamomile and wild rosemary. To do this, take 2 tbsp. spoons of dry crushed herbs, add water and boil for 20 minutes. Ready product filter and take 200 ml warm, 30 minutes before bedtime.

Take off inflammatory process in the larynx, calm irritation, seizure-inducing cough, a rinse solution will help. To prepare it you will need 200 ml of water, 1 teaspoon each of soda and salt. The components are combined and mixed until the salt is completely dissolved. Gargle with the solution before bed and in the morning after hygiene procedures.

As additional therapeutic measures, traditional medicine offers all kinds of compresses, rubbing, inhalations using medicinal plants. However, you should not self-medicate, as this can lead to deterioration of your health.

Preventive measures

The fight against the disease largely depends on the patient’s attentiveness. It is necessary to carefully follow the specialist’s instructions and take timely medications. In order to subsequently eliminate the factors that cause the development of night cough, you should follow simple preventive rules.

Cough caused by large accumulations of dust can be prevented by promptly carrying out wet cleaning of the room. Carpets, bedspreads, Stuffed Toys, which often collect large amounts of house dust, need to be cleaned and treated regularly disinfectant solutions. It is important to ensure the circulation of fresh air in the bedrooms. In winter, it is effective to ventilate rooms for 10-15 minutes in the morning and evening before bed.

If the air in the apartment is too dry, regular humidification is required. Can be used special devices, increasing humidity, or improvised means. Cleanliness in areas designated for sleeping will be the key healthy breathing, will reduce the load on the lungs and bronchi.

Human susceptibility to various diseases largely depends on the immune system. It can be increased by organizing proper nutrition and hardening procedures. Full functioning of the body requires a constant supply of vitamins, microelements, fats and carbohydrates. Unnecessary should be avoided fatty foods, sour, salty, smoked foods in large quantities.

For general strengthening of the body, experts recommend regularly visiting fresh air, to live an active lifestyle. You can do simple sports exercises in your free time from work or just walk at a comfortable pace every day.

Coughing attacks caused by a long history of smoking will help reduce the restriction of nicotine consumption. It is better to completely get rid of the addiction or switch to lighter cigarettes with a reduced content harmful substances. People suffering from nicotine addiction, you can take special preventive medications, but you should definitely consult a specialist.

If an adult’s cough gets worse at night, it causes discomfort not only for the patient, but also for those around him. Fatigue appears due to constant sleep disturbances, severe weakness, dizziness. To avoid complications and prevent the development of serious illnesses, if you have primary symptoms, you should consult a doctor. Timely treatment will help to avoid pathologies, improve health and completely eliminate illness.

In order for the painful cough to subside, you need to find and eliminate its cause. The following tips can help relieve nighttime coughing while you treat the underlying condition.

Warm drinks - herbal decoctions, milk with honey, milk with mineral water. These warm drinks soften a dry, hard cough, increase the amount of sputum and have a good effect on the mucous membranes.

Install a humidifier in the room. Dry hot air can severely irritate the airways, causing a cough.

To prevent coughing from interfering with sleep, you can take a cough suppressant at night. If your cough is caused by an allergy, use antihistamines. It is forbidden to take antibiotics on your own: the advisability of taking these drugs can only be determined by a doctor.

Steam inhalations can help calm a cough at night.

If a child suffers from attacks of night cough, remember that children under one year old should not be given strong antitussives to avoid respiratory arrest. In addition, breast rubbing and steam inhalations are contraindicated for babies under 6 months of age, and antihistamines are prescribed with extreme caution. Change your baby's body position frequently to prevent phlegm from accumulating. Use a taller pillow to help phlegm leave the lungs better. But the effectiveness of mustard plasters for coughs is a controversial issue; their effect is scientifically unfounded. The use of mustard plasters is prohibited if the child has elevated temperature, there is skin irritation or he is suffering bronchial asthma. If you decide to use mustard plasters, remember that this procedure causes discomfort and pain for the child.

If the prescribed treatment does not provide the desired relief from night cough, you should consult your doctor again and undergo additional examination.

A night cough can disrupt the sleep of not only the patient, but also other people who surround him. Coughing at night in an adult is one of the most unpleasant manifestations of any illness. What are the causes of night cough in adults, why can the cough get worse, and how can it be overcome?

Cough reflex

To understand what a night cough is and the reasons for its occurrence, you need to study the very nature of this phenomenon. You need to understand that cough is not a disease, but a symptom of a disease. It can start both during the day and at night. It often happens that a person is overtaken only at night sudden attacks illness, but during the day there is nothing.

The symptom appears when the body begins to actively fight the disease. It can be characterized as a reflex reaction of the body to illness or the presence foreign object in the larynx. The reflex itself manifests itself in the form of forced exhalations through the mouth, helping to get rid of phlegm or infection. Thanks to this, the human bronchi are cleared, which prevents suffocation.

If the cough lasts more than a week, this means that it is acute. A symptom that lasts more than two months and continues day after day is called chronic.

Coughing during sleep is caused by a horizontal position of the body, due to which mucus in the throat or bronchi begins to stagnate.

Causes of attacks at night

The causes of cough depend on the underlying disease. But there are a number of other reasons that have nothing to do with respiratory diseases. Coughing during sleep may appear due to:

  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • diseases associated with gastroenterology;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • pleural lesions caused by tuberculosis;
  • respiratory chlamydia and mycoplasmosis;
  • whooping cough;
  • allergies.

A symptom during sleep caused by the reasons described above may be accompanied by suffocation and even loss of consciousness. This applies most of all to asthmatics, in whom the reflex can start from anything: dust, fluff, an insect bite, etc. A night cough in an adult, the causes of which is caused by a disturbance in the functioning of the heart, manifests itself along with shortness of breath and an accelerated heartbeat. If cough at night is associated with unstable work gastrointestinal tract, then along with it begins irritation of the esophagus and the membranes of the respiratory tract, which may contain stomach acid.

Main types of disease

At night it can tell you what kind of illness the patient is suffering from:

  • A loud, dog-like bark indicates problems with the larynx or trachea.
  • Frequent coughing indicates pleural irritation.
  • A throat attack (crow), accompanied by vomiting, is a sign of whooping cough.
  • Sudden attacks are a symptom of pleurisy or acute tracheobronchitis.
  • A cough with a double sound most often occurs in smokers suffering from inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  • Reflex attacks that have nothing to do with respiratory system, occur with ear disease.
  • Persistent gurgling is a sign of lung problems.
  • Cough with whistling - characteristic bronchial asthma.
  • Nadsadny signals a disruption in the functioning of the bronchi.

The appearance of a wet night cough is associated with acute inflammation throat, which is accompanied by an accumulation of mucus, from it human body begins to reflexively get rid of it.

In patients, a wet cough may appear as a continuation of a dry cough. The difference between dry and wet is that the second lasts much longer and can become chronic. Diseases that can cause this type of reflex:

  • cold or viral disease;
  • focal pneumonia;
  • tumor in the trachea or heart;
  • tuberculosis;
  • respiratory cancer;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • problems with the digestive system;
  • pleuropneumonia;
  • breakthrough of an abscess in the liver (abscess);
  • purulent-destructive process in the lung;
  • severe stress.

The disease can be determined by the type of sputum produced. For example, viscous mucus may appear with bronchitis, asthma or tracheitis. If the sputum has an unpleasant odor, this indicates an abscess in the lung. With ARVI, in addition to a wet cough at night, high fever, nausea and dizziness appear. Yellow-orange mucus is a sign of pneumonia, and if coughing is accompanied by high temperature body, chills and bloody spots in the sputum, then this is most likely tuberculosis or cancer.

It happens that a cough with mucus is the only sign that is not accompanied by other symptoms. This also indicates tuberculosis or pneumonia. Night attack may worsen during acute respiratory disease, and the transition to protracted occurs with whooping cough, rhinitis or sinusitis.

Ways to relieve symptoms

Many people who notice that their cough gets worse at night ask the same question: “Is it possible to get rid of it without the intervention of doctors?” We answer: “No!” Under no circumstances should you self-diagnose or self-medicate, but immediately seek help from a specialist.

Only a doctor can identify the real reason and help solve the problem. As a rule, as auxiliary treatment The doctor prescribes a number of the following procedures:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. When a large amount of fluid enters the body, the viscosity of mucus decreases and its production increases. In addition to water, it is strongly recommended to drink decoctions from medicinal herbs and alkaline mineral water. All these drinks have a soothing effect on the throat.
  2. Inhalations. If the cough intensifies at night, then inhaling steam of medicinal herbs or an alkaline solution helps to alleviate its attacks ( soda solution). This procedure moisturizes the mucous membrane, affects the dilution of sputum and prevents irritation of nerve endings.
  3. . A special household device - an air humidifier - can significantly reduce the dry air in the room, which is what causes an attack at night in an adult. Insufficient air humidity appears due to lack of ventilation during the hot summer period; in winter, hot radiators or electric heaters significantly dry the air in the apartment. If you do not have a humidifier, then you can replace it, for example, with a container of water on the battery. Thanks to the evaporation of water, optimal air humidity will be maintained.


All allergy sufferers first need to get rid of what causes irritation of the mucous membrane. These could be pets, plants, bedding, household chemicals. That is, everything that could cause an attack should be outside the room.

If you find an incipient symptom when colds, consult your doctor immediately and follow all his instructions. Under no circumstances be lazy in following all the doctor’s recommendations so that the disease does not worsen.

When evening comes, be sure to ventilate the room before going to bed. Make sure that the room where you sleep is not too hot and that the humidity level is optimal.

By following all the tips in this article, you can not only diagnose a night cough in time, but also understand its causes. Remember that you should always listen to the sensations of your body. If you begin to notice that something wrong is happening to your body, do not delay treatment, be sure to seek advice from a specialist and do not neglect free medical examination.
