DHEA sulfate is elevated in women. Hormones. Normal hormone values

DHEA-S is a precursor to 27 hormones, including testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. Its production occurs primarily in the adrenal cortex, and to a lesser extent in the ovaries. There is an opinion that DHEA-S is the hormone of “youth and beauty”, since it is able to slow down the aging process in the body. From the age of 7, the secretion of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in the blood gradually increases, reaching a peak by the age of 30, and then the concentration of the hormone gradually decreases in both sexes. It is known that by the age of 70, only 5% of this substance is produced in the body. Failure in the synthesis of dehydroepiandrosterone leads to deterioration general well-being, decreased libido, difficulties conceiving a child.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate

DHEA sulfate (DHEA SO4, DHA S, DHEA) is formed from cholesterol sulfate. Stability, high concentration in the blood and long half-life make the hormone an optimal indicator of the androgen-secreting function of the adrenal glands. The synthesis of DHEA-S has a weak daily rhythm; there are no specific carrier proteins for it, which is why its level does not depend on changes in the content of these proteins in the blood serum. The main amount of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is used by the body and only 10% is excreted in the urine. This hormone has a weak anabolic effect. Some athletes use DHEA-S to increase muscle tissue, but big sport its use is officially prohibited.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate plays an important role in the female body. It is partially responsible for the synthesis of sex hormones. When it is violated, there is a change in not only general well-being, but also appearance women. More often this manifests itself in violation menstrual cycle, the appearance of hair on the face and body. There is a decrease in sexual desire, therefore, worsening sex life. Both deficiency and excess of this hormone affect a woman’s mood.

When is it necessary to test DHEA-S levels in women?

Exist nonspecific symptoms, which are the reason to study the level of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in the blood serum. Signs hormonal imbalance may be the following:

  • Menstrual cycle disorders in women.
  • Infertility.
  • Acne, facial and body hair growth male type(hirsutism).
  • Decreased libido.
  • Overweight or obesity.

More often, these symptoms occur with excess DHEA-S.

To take a blood test to study DHEA-S, you must follow certain rules, which directly determine the reliability of the result obtained:

  1. 1. For at least 3 days, it is necessary to avoid emotional shocks, eliminate heavy physical activity, hypothermia or overheating of the body, and completely stop drinking alcohol and smoking.
  2. 2. Stop taking any medications, especially hormonal ones, in particular oral contraceptives and glucocorticoids (you should first consult your doctor about this, as some medications are vital).
  3. 3. Three days before donating blood, you should abstain from sexual activity.
  4. 4. Women are recommended to carry out analysis in the middle of the menstrual cycle (10-14th day of the cycle);
  5. 5. Blood is donated in the morning and on an empty stomach (you must abstain from food for at least 8 hours the day before the test).

Traditional blood sampling is performed from a vein. The person should be at rest in a lying or sitting position. Blood serum is examined. To make the result more reliable, the DHA-S test can be repeated after a month. In this case, it is necessary to donate blood in the same laboratory as the previous time, since institutions may use different equipment, dissimilar reagents and assessment methods.

Table of normal values

In women, as they grow older, the concentration of the hormone in the blood increases, reaching a peak at the age of 30, and then its level begins to gradually fade. There is a slight increase in dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate during the menstrual cycle and a decrease during pregnancy. The norms of DHEA-S in women depending on age (mmol/l) are as follows:

The female body is a complex system, the state and functioning of which is affected by a large number of factors. Disturbances in its work can lead to infertility, disruption of the menstrual cycle and the inability to bear a child. In many ways feeling normal And correct execution functions in the body of the fair sex are ensured by the balance of hormones and biologically active substances. An important criterion during the examination is DHEA sulfate, and its non-compliance with the norm in women can significantly worsen their well-being and health.

DHEA sulfate (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate) is a steroid hormone dehydroepiandrosterone. The indicator is denoted by the following abbreviations: DEAS, DEA-SO4, DHEA, DHEA-S. DHEA sulfate is a male sex hormone. In the body of the fairer sex, 95% of the substance is produced by the adrenal cortex, and the remaining 5% by the ovaries. DHEA-S is also called the “youth hormone”. DEAS is formed from cholesterol sulfate ester. The hormone DHEA is broken down in large volumes in the body and only 10% is excreted in urine.

The importance of DHEA sulfate for women is to perform a number of functions. For example, sexual arousal and hormones are closely related to each other. The reaction between testosterone and DHEA-S causes women to desire opposite sex. In addition, there are other functions of the hormone that have a positive effect on the body:

  • enhances energy production;
  • stabilizes the emotional background and general well-being;
  • provides positive influence on the cardiac and vascular systems;
  • participates in ensuring hormone balance;
  • helps lower cholesterol in the bloodstream;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • increases immunity;
  • has a positive effect on brain cells;
  • precedes the synthesis of placental estrogens in pregnant women.

From the listed functions, it becomes clear that the hormone plays an important role for the body. The discrepancy between DHEA sulfate and the norm in women causes a disruption in the functioning of systems, and accordingly contributes to a deterioration in well-being. A blood test for DHEA sulfate is usually prescribed when patients have health complaints. The study is carried out in conjunction with other laboratory and functional diagnostics, which allows you to get a complete picture of the functioning of organs and systems.

Indications and preparation rules

A DHEA sulfate analysis is prescribed to confirm a pathological deviation of the hormone level, which is accompanied by the patient’s complaints of deterioration in well-being. If the results of the study reveal that the content of the substance is increased or decreased relative to the norm, the doctor prescribes treatment and gives recommendations for prevention. Testing for DHEA during pregnancy is carried out in mandatory, and if necessary, monitor changes in the indicator over time.

Indications for donating blood for androgens are conditions such as early attack puberty, tumors of the adrenal glands and other organs, miscarriages, premature menopause, inability to get pregnant, unstable menstrual cycle. To analyze DHEA sulfate, biological material is collected from a vein located on the elbow. Before donating blood, it is forbidden to eat for 8-10 hours. You must stop taking hormonal medications before the study, and if this is impossible, inform your doctor about the treatment.

To get the most reliable results, it is recommended to follow a non-strict diet for 2-3 days before donating blood, excluding fatty, salty and smoked foods, as well as alcoholic drinks. Before visiting the laboratory, you should not be nervous, work physically, smoke or drink coffee. In the morning before donating blood, you can drink water without gases. The best time To test for androgens in women, doctors call the end of the first week of the menstrual cycle.

Patients must be responsible in complying with the preparation rules. Failure to follow the recommendations before taking the test may distort the results of the study. If the hormone level deviates from the norm, either upward or downward, the doctor may prescribe treatment, which is not required at this time. Therapy for changes in DHEA concentrations is usually based on taking hormonal medications. Taking medications without indications is often much more harmful than not taking them.

The norm for women

Any indicator tested in the blood has acceptable values, and DHEA sulfate is no exception. When deciphering the results, the normal limits may differ slightly, and this is due to the use of different techniques and reagents when studying biological material. The unit of measurement is µmol/l. The norm of the hormone DHEA sulfate in women, depending on age category the following:

  • 6-9 years – from 0.23 to 1.5;
  • 10-15 years – from 1.0 to 9.2;
  • 16-30 years old – from 2.4 to 14.5;
  • 31-40 years old – from 1.8 to 9.7;
  • 41-50 years old – from 0.66 to 7.2;
  • 51-60 years old – from 0.94 to 3.3;
  • over 60 years old – from 0.09 to 3.7.

Lower levels of the hormone are typical during pregnancy. During pregnancy, DHEA levels in the first trimester range from 3.12 to 12.48 µmol/l, in the second trimester – from 1.7 to 7.0 µmol/l, in the third trimester – from 0.86 to 3. 6 µmol/l. In newborn babies, DHEA sulfate is significantly elevated. But after birth, its concentration rapidly decreases.

The maximum content of the hormone in the blood is typical for the age of 16-30 years. That is, DHEA sulfate is increased in women after puberty and ready for reproduction.

Subsequently, the level of the hormone gradually decreases and reaches minimum concentrations in old age, when a woman is no longer able to conceive a child. A decrease associated with the natural physiological aging of the body is normal and does not require additional examination. If the decrease occurred in a woman reproductive age, then a thorough diagnosis is necessary.

Reasons for deviations from acceptable values

Deviations from the norm in DHEA content can occur in women, both upward and downward. Inconsistency acceptable values characteristic of pathologies occurring in the body and requires immediate therapeutic intervention. The norm of the hormone DHEA sulfate, from which it is deviated, can be slightly adjusted taking into account the emotional and physiological state of the patient, as well as the day of the menstrual cycle. Pathologies in which DHEA sulfate is elevated include:

  1. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia ( adrenogenital syndrome) – hereditary disease endocrine system, arising from impaired production of aldosterone, cortisol and androgens.
  2. Itsenko-Cushing's disease is a pathological disorder of the brain that causes increased activity functioning of the adrenal glands.
  3. Syndrome of ectopic production of adrenal hormones - develops as a result malignant neoplasms in the lungs, bladder or pancreas.
  4. Hypercorticism syndrome (Itsenko-Cushing) – long-term chronic effects on the body increased amount adrenal hormones.
  5. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a pathology of the endocrine system in which the ovaries grow and bubbles filled with fluid form in their cavity.
  6. Neoplasms of the adrenal glands, accompanied by increased production of male sex hormones.
  7. Placental insufficiency.

A persistent increase in hormone concentration leads to certain pathological disorders, among which are: infertility, miscarriages, active hair growth on the face and chest, inflammation of the skin. A decrease in DHEA is characteristic of such conditions as: Addison's disease, pituitary gland dysfunction, osteoporosis, alcohol addiction, pathology of cardio-vascular system and some types of malignant neoplasms.

DHEA sulfate serves important hormone for the women's body. A change in its level in the blood leads to severe consequences. If symptoms suggestive of hormonal imbalance(hair fragility, menstruation instability, miscarriages, apathy, fast fatiguability) you must immediately contact the clinic and have your hormone levels examined. It is prohibited to treat the deviation yourself. The doctor will tell you how to lower or increase the level of DHEA after an appropriate examination and confirmation of the diagnosis.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) is a hormonal substance belonging to the androgen group, i.e. steroid sex hormones of male nature. However, DHEA-S does not participate in sexual formation. Synthesis and secretion of biologically represented active substance occurs in the adrenal glands (cortex), and is classified as a ketosteroid. The adrenal cortex synthesizes most of the androgen present, about 95%. In women, DHEA-S is synthesized in small quantities by the ovaries, approximately 5%. The same amount can be secreted by the male genital organs - the testicles. The adrenal glands are small glands that are located near the kidneys and play a significant role in the production of biologically active substances of the steroid class. In addition to DHEA-S, this gland in women produces adrenaline and cortisol.

Hormone synthesis

The initial link in the production of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is cholesterol ester sulfate. Most of steroid male hormone undergoes catabolism, and the rest, about 10%, exits through the urinary canal along with urine. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate circulates in the blood freely without binding to specific plasma proteins, so the level of proteins does not affect the concentration of the hormone present. However, this rule does not apply to blood serum - here hormonal molecules bind to the protein albumin circulating there.

The concentration of the biologically active substance present in the blood indicates the level of androgen synthetic function of the adrenal glands. If the level of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate increases, this indicates increased production androgens in the body. DHEA-S can be called a prohormone, and only in desulfurized form is this substance capable of being converted into active androgens: testosterone, dihydrotestosterone. IN in this case the hormone is included in the process of male sexual formation.

Due to the fact that the source of the hormone is the adrenal cortex, and only a small part is produced in the gonads, this makes it easier to determine the source of hormonal synthesis and identify the localization pathological process in a given organ or system. For example, if installed high level testosterone in women body during a laboratory study to determine the concentration of DHEA-S, then this may be evidence of pathology of the ovaries or adrenal glands. If we compare dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate with other hormonal substances, the level of this hormone does not depend on the time of day. During pregnancy, androgen concentrations drop. If the level of DHEA-S during pregnancy is higher than normal, this is an alarming factor and can lead to fetal death. Development of the disease bone tissue- osteoporosis in women after menopause is in direct correlation with low levels of DHEA-S in the blood.

The rate of purification of blood plasma from the presented biologically active substance is low. It is the clearance rate that influences the diagnosis of hyperandrogenic conditions female body. These conditions include: hirsutism - hair growth on the body and face in women, baldness, pathology reproductive system. During pregnancy, the hormone is produced not only in the adrenal tissues of the expectant mother, but also in the fetal organ. In addition to this, during pregnancy DHEA-S is the initial link for the production of androgens by the placenta.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is often called the “mother” of hormones, because this substance is the precursor of a huge class of endocrine substances that have a steroid structure. All of the major sex hormones: testosterone, progesterone in women, and estrogen, are directly related to the level of DHEA-S in the bloodstream.

The normal value of the hormone depends on several factors:

from age;

from gender;

in women - also from the presence of pregnancy.

In children under the age of ten years, the normal level of the hormone is 0.3 - 3.5 ml/l. IN adolescence(11 - 20 years old) these numbers vary slightly. The concentration becomes 0.3 - 7.0 ml/l. Starting from the 21st year of life, the concentration of DHEA-S differs by gender. A peculiarity of newborn children is that the concentration of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is high, but a few days after birth this figure decreases sharply. By puberty, the concentration of the hormone reaches its highest levels, and then declines again.

· Prescribed for multiple sclerosis.

DEAS hormone – what is it? Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a steroid hormone. The main part of it is synthesized in the adrenal glands, and the remaining amount is formed in the ovaries. Male sex hormones play an important role in the female body.

By changing the concentration of DEAS in the blood, adrenal gland diseases can be determined. In men, disorders of DEAS synthesis do not appear immediately. Boys and girls in adolescence experience early sexual development(excessive hair growth, menstrual irregularities). An insufficient amount of these compounds in women reduces libido and contributes to the development of infertility.

Historical reference

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DESA) was first discovered at the end of the 20th century. In 1937, it was discovered in human urine. Scientists have found that this hormone has a sulfate form. Later it was also obtained from urine. It was only since 1954 that the presence of these substances in human blood in high concentrations was discovered.

Then the purified DHEA preparation was isolated. Scientist Beaulieu studied the synthesis of hormones in the adrenal glands. Since 1990, the effect of the hormone on the gonads has been discovered. After this, research was suspended. Animal studies were also conducted, during which DHEA was found in monkeys and rats. Scientists have not been able to fully study its effect on the body, so you should not get too carried away with taking medications.

Metabolism of the hormone DHEA and DHAS

Dehydroepiandrosterone is produced by the adrenal glands and gonads (up to 10%). Cholesterol present in the body is metabolized into dehydroepiandrosterone. DEA has a sulfate form.

With the help of the enzyme phosphatase, found in the liver, brain and muscles, DHEA is converted into. DHAS circulates in free form and is transformed into testosterone, the male sex hormone, and estrogen, the female sex hormone.

The importance of the hormone DEA

The hormone performs the following functions:

  • DHEA accelerates the destruction of fat cells;
  • increases ATP formation;
  • improves mood and libido;
  • determines normal hormonal levels;
  • increases the body's resistance;
  • prevents mutations in cells;
  • normalizes heart function;
  • reduces the risk of atherosclerosis;
  • is a precursor to hormonal compounds of the placenta during pregnancy.

The DEAS hormone has a rejuvenating effect on the body, protects nerve cells from destruction, improves the conductivity of nerve fibers, which helps improve memory.

What consequences occur when DHEA levels change?

An increase in DHEA can cause a woman to:

  • infertility;
  • miscarriages;
  • chronic miscarriage;
  • development of increased hair growth on the chest and face ();
  • acne development;
  • adrenogenital syndrome;
  • tumor process of the adrenal glands.

A reduced level provokes the occurrence, and the patient experiences delayed sexual development. The following deviations also appear:

  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • heart and vascular disease;
  • underdevelopment of the adrenal glands in the fetus;
  • phenomena of osteoporosis.

DHEA levels may be greatly reduced in very thin women, constantly watching their figure. The amount of fatty tissue in such women is reduced. The hormone DHEA is formed from cholesterol molecules. If cholesterol levels are very low, this can lead to a deficiency of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone.

DHEA may also decrease in older women. After menopause, the level of male sex hormones physiologically decreases, causing hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and urinary incontinence.

Preparing for the test for the hormone DHAS

Tests for DHAS and DEA can be taken in any laboratory and paid clinic. Blood is taken from a vein. It can be stored for a week after blood collection. Tests are not carried out on an empty stomach. Last appointment food should be 12 hours before the procedure.

Before the examination, you should exclude physical activity and alcohol. It is necessary to stop taking hormonal medications and not eat fatty foods for three days before the test, so as not to distort the result. Smoking is prohibited 4 hours before the procedure. It is worth refraining from X-ray and ultrasound examination. You should not take tests after a nervous overstrain. For women, examination is prescribed on days 5–7 of the cycle.

What are the indications for prescribing a DHEA test?

These include:

  • premature puberty;
  • adrenal neoplasms;
  • presence of adrenogenital syndrome;
  • chronic miscarriages;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • early menopause, vaginal dryness, incontinence, severe hot flashes, headaches;
  • baldness and excessive hair growth;
  • lack of menstruation and ovulation.

Normal values ​​of steroid hormones

Levels of steroid hormones vary depending on age group and gender. The fruit has the most high values hormones. After birth, their level decreases. During puberty There is an increase in steroid hormones in the blood.

The norm for women is 2.7–11 thousand nmol/l. In men – less than 5500 nmol/l.

Normal values during pregnancy:

  • 1st trimester – from 3.12 µmol/l to 12.48 µmol/l;
  • 2nd trimester – from 1.7 to 7.0 nmol/l;
  • 3rd trimester – from 0.86 µmol/l to 3.6 µmol/l.

DEAS hormone preparation – what is it? A medicinal product containing dehydroepiandrosterone has tradename DHEA. It is considered food additive. Several forms of the drug are available: tablets, capsules and cream.

The supplement should only be taken when determining low level own DEA. With normal hormone levels, its use can be harmful to health and cause side effects.

Before using the drug, you must consult a doctor and get tested for steroid hormone levels!

Indications for the use of drugs containing DHEA

Very often people take medicine uncontrolled, most of them have no reason to use this drug. There is a certain group of patients for whom medication is indicated for health reasons.

The effect of DHEA on the human body has not yet been fully studied. But women taking the drug noted wellness, improving memory, increasing libido, reducing the frequency of miscarriages, normalizing the menstrual cycle.

Indications and contraindications for the use of DHEA biological additive:

Doctors advise purchasing Israeli or American DHEA, since domestic analogues are of lower quality. They also use the hormonal drug Fertinatal. It is very difficult to purchase a biological supplement. It is sold only with a doctor's prescription.

Studies have been conducted on the use of the hormone DHEA. Professor at the Israeli Maine Clinic, Adrian Shulman, studied the effect of the drug in the treatment of female infertility. The results of his work were described scientific journal AYALA.

Shulman took a control group of women who received standard therapy and a study group who took the hormonal drug DHEA along with their standard treatment. The rate of women becoming pregnant in the control group was 4%. In the study group, this figure reached 23%. Shulman recommends taking DHEA for 4–5 months.

The hormone DHEA is very important for normal functioning reproductive system in women. With its deficiency, infertility develops. Dehydroepiandrosterone preparations are widely used in preparation for the in vitro fertilization procedure.

This medicine is very popular in the Israeli IVF technique. It is also used for severe course menopause as replacement therapy and normalization of the menstrual cycle. DHEA is relevant in the treatment of osteoporosis. Many patients taking this hormonal agent, speak positively about him. The drug is not hazardous to health if you strictly follow the instructions for use.

Hormones in the female body are responsible for most vital necessary functions. These include the menstrual cycle, reproductive function, puberty, appearance indicators, psycho-emotional state and much more.

Due to a lack or excess of a particular hormone, unpredictable consequences may occur that contribute to the development various pathologies. Very important for women's health is a youth hormone or steroid hormone (DHEA, DHEA-S, DHEA sulfate). In medicine it is called dehydroepiandrosterone. The norm of DHEA for women increases sexual desire, prolongs youth, prevents the occurrence of postpartum depression and increases sexual activity.

The role of DHEA in the female body

The hormone dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is a male hormone, but is present in the blood of both men and women. The synthesis of the hormone takes place 95% in the adrenal cortex, and the remaining 5% in the female ovaries. DHEA sulfate is an androgen that breaks down in the body. The proportion of excretion in urine does not exceed the total amount of the hormonal substance.

The most significant role of DHEA in the female body is its responsibility:

  • for a woman’s sexual desire, which increases when androgen is combined with testosterone;
  • for the formation of female sex hormones from testosterone;
  • influence on the development of secondary reproductive organs, skeleton, muscles, work sebaceous glands, successful conception.

K no less important functions The hormone of youth includes:

  • increase in energy reserves;
  • improvement of the general physiological condition of the body;
  • mood lifting;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • resistance to stress-reducing substances;
  • strengthening the heart and vascular systems;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • downgrade bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • rendering protective function in a complex of protective-adaptive reactions;
  • improving the quality functioning of brain neurons;
  • participation in the production of placental estrogens during pregnancy.

Each of the above functions of DHEA has a positive effect on the female body, both directly and indirectly. In order for women's reproductive system was in optimal condition, it is necessary to undergo regular examination by a doctor and take necessary tests to determine the level of hormonal substances, among which the hormone DHEA C plays a significant role.

What level of DHEA should be present in women?

In order for the body to have a positive effect on everything for which androgen is responsible in women, it is necessary to regularly check its level using a blood test, so that only in the optimal amount the hormone can have a beneficial effect. With an excess or deficiency of androgen, the body may suffer from side effects. Therefore, doctors diagnose the hormone of youth, namely its normal level in women, children and pregnant women.

An important feature is that in newborns the hormone level is very high and quickly decreases over time. Within a month, the hormone level is completely regulated and returns to normal.

Dehydroepiandrosterone S normally, according to age, should vary within the following parameters:

During the period of bearing a child, indicators normal level dehydroepiandrosterone differ from standard numbers. Moreover, the differences fluctuate throughout the entire period of gestation.

Before puberty, DHEA levels constantly increase and then decrease. It is at the moment of maturation and maximum sexual desire that the peak quantitative level of dehydroepiandrosterone occurs.

Etiology of deviations from the norm

By using laboratory research blood it is possible to detect both increased and reduced level DHEA S. Any deviations from the optimal amount indicate the presence of any pathologies or dysfunctions of the female body.

The reasons for the increase in steroid hormone are:

  • virilizing hyperplasia of the adrenal glands, in which the process of androgen production is enhanced, caused by a lack of enzymes that are responsible for synthesis in the adrenal cortex;
  • – provokes an increase in the formation of adrenal hormones;
  • Cushing's disease is a neuroendocrine disease that increases the production of hormones from the adrenal cortex;

  • oncology (lungs, bladder, adrenal glands) – stimulates increased production of sex hormones;
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome is a pathology characterized by enlargement of the ovaries and disruption of their functions;
  • functional malfunctions of the placenta from 12 to 15 weeks of pregnancy.

The etiology of a reduced amount of DHEA sulfate in women is:

  • – characterized by decreased functionality of the adrenal glands;
  • pituitary functional disorders;
  • osteoporosis;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • certain types of cancer.


If deviations from the norm are suspected, it is necessary to take a DHEA test to clarify fluctuations and prescription rational treatment. Timely detection of hormonal fluctuations helps pronounced signs availability pathological condition.

Symptoms of DHEE violations are:

  • baldness;
  • irregularities in the menstrual cycle;
  • spontaneous miscarriage;
  • low mood with tendencies to depression;
  • loss of strength and fatigue;
  • hirsutism or alopecia;
  • decreased sexual desire (frigidity);
  • early puberty in children.

These signs may indicate level violations of DHEA (the hormone of youth). If the causes of the disorders are not eliminated, fraught complications may arise, including pathologies of the cardiovascular, reproductive, endocrine, immune and other systems of the body.

If the level of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate increases or decreases without the necessary therapeutic measures being taken, hormonal imbalances have a negative effect on the female body. Among all the complications, the following are clearly expressed:

  • infertility;
  • fetal rejection and miscarriage;
  • (hair growth in women based on anthropogenic characteristics in men);
  • acne or blackheads (inflammation of the sebaceous glands);
  • deterioration in quality skin(elasticity, silkiness, softness, etc.).

How to prepare for the DHEA test?

A blood test for DHEA C (steroid hormone, androgen) is carried out with certain preparation for collecting the material. If the rules are not followed, the laboratory test results will be unreliable, which may affect the prescription of irrational treatment, and as a result, the occurrence of complications of the pathological condition.

Before taking a blood test for DHEA, it is prohibited:

  • eat (collection is carried out strictly on an empty stomach);
  • Drink alcohol, fatty and spicy foods for 3 days before the test;
  • accept hormonal drugs within 3 days before donating blood;
  • drink coffee or drinks containing caffeine several hours before the test;
  • smoke for 2 hours before collecting material;
  • take a blood test during menstruation.

Blood is drawn from a vein in the elbow. The procedure is carried out strictly on an empty stomach in the morning. Before collecting material, it is recommended to refrain from physical activity, psychoemotional disorders. It is more effective to conduct a DHEA test on the tenth day of the menstrual cycle. Before donation, you are allowed to drink regular non-carbonated water.

Compliance with the above rules contributes to a reliable study of the level of DHEA in women, the norm of which will be indicated by rational indicators.


Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate has great importance for the normal functioning of the female body. When it deviates from the norm (if the level of DHEA sulfate is increased or decreased), adverse complications are provoked that affect all systems of the body.

At the first manifestations of a pathological condition, you should immediately seek help from a specialized specialist in order to identify hormonal changes, prescribing rational treatment and preventing physiological complications. Maintaining the optimal amount of androgen will help prolong youth and improve general state body.
