Facts about health that are useful for everyone to know (12 photos). Interesting facts about human health

Health is the most important value for every person. Many proverbs and folk wisdom are said in his honor. And for good reason, because a healthy person can do anything. And only when we get sick do we begin to appreciate wellness, absence of pain and malaise, energy and vigor. The most interesting facts about human health that everyone should know about are collected in this article.

1. Salt is harmful to the cardiovascular system of the human body. If its amount is reduced by at least 3 grams per day, life expectancy will increase by 5-6 years.

2. Specialists from the University of Virginia have found that the human brain begins to age at the age of 27. It is also interesting that the peak capabilities of this organ occur at 22 years of age.

3. Fish, namely the omega-3 fatty acids it contains, has a beneficial effect on heart function. Positive effect will be visible if consumed twice a week.

4. Scientists from a university in Switzerland have proven the connection between stress and tooth loss, tooth decay, and gum problems.

5. To slow down skin aging, you need to eat a little dark chocolate every day.

6. Have you ever wondered why common colds start during cold weather? And all because human skin is more sensitive to cold. For comparison: on one square centimeter of skin there are about 12 points sensitive to cold, and only 2 to heat.

7. Scientists have long come to the conclusion that there are products that help rejuvenate the human body. Among them: dark chocolate, tea, spinach, strawberries, apples, black currants, grapes (red), oranges, pomegranates, bran flakes and others.

8. Rose hips, currants, sea buckthorn and chokeberry when eaten fresh, they improve vascular tone and prevent the occurrence of varicose veins veins

9. Did you know that 50% of DJs have hearing problems?

10. If you regularly consume orange or grapefruit juice, you can significantly reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

11. Coffee beans, or rather the chlorogenic acid contained in them, protect our brain from destruction.

12. Interesting Facts about human health also concern the influence of vitamins and minerals on our appearance. So, few people know that cucumbers improve the condition of nails. WITH for cosmetic purposes This vegetable can not only be consumed internally, but its juice can also be used as baths and lotions.

13. Honey has a positive effect on a person’s intellectual abilities.

14. People who live on the coast live longer than the inhabitants of the mainland.

15. Sports should bring pleasure, energy and strength. But scientists have found that if you actively engage in more than two hours a day, the opposite effect can occur. This manifests itself in the form of apathy, headaches, sleep and appetite disturbances and more serious problems.

16. Less than 10% of all people on the planet know how to breathe correctly. When breathing, it is necessary to use not only the chest, but also the stomach.

17. Canadian scientists have found that sleep disturbances can be a cause of excess weight.

18. Eating kiwi, as well as using it as a face mask, rejuvenates the skin.

19. Do you know why all men love meat? In addition to the fact that it adds strength, meat promotes the production of the male hormone testosterone.

20. Consume parsley leaves to strengthen your immune system.

21. If you eat kernels of five every day walnuts, life expectancy will increase by 7 years.

Myth No. 1. You should drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

This postulate of a healthy lifestyle was first published in 1945. Then the US College of Nutrition advised all prudent Americans to drink 8 glasses of water a day in order to stay in shape and keep their body clean and tidy. Since then, many diets have included the same recommendation, and there is a popular belief that a large amount of fluid helps to lose weight.

In fact. Water itself will not do you any harm, but in large quantities, as you know, anything can be harmful. Try to figure out how much fluid you consume per day: even if you exclude all other drinks, you are still eating vegetables and fruits and thus getting moisture. If you overdo it, the result can be a condition called hyponatremia, or, more simply put, a lack of salts in the body. This will significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular and other serious illnesses, says Dr. Rachel Vreeman, a fellow at the Indiana University Center for Child Health Research.

Myth No. 2. Stress causes hair to turn gray.

IN Lately It's fashionable to blame everything on stress - from acne to... cancerous tumors. This go-ahead is perhaps the second most popular after “lack of vitamins” and “malnutrition.” By the way, they often explain hair loss.

In fact. Stress really has a negative impact on our body. How more people The more nervous he gets, the faster he ages, says Dr. Nancy Sniderman, because stress increases the amount of free radicals in the body. And they, in turn, are the main culprits in the appearance of wrinkles and hair loss. However, there is no scientific evidence that stress is accompanied by graying. The timing of gray hair is determined by our genes, not by our ability to control ourselves.

Myth No. 3: Reading in dim light damages your eyesight.

Remember what your mother told you as a child? Brush your teeth in the morning, wash your hands before eating, sit up straight and don’t read under the covers. And now a good half of the population of our planet is confident in the inviolability of this rule.

In fact. When you read in low light, your eyes have to work hard. However, the maximum that this threatens is headache and possibly wrinkles around the eyes. In addition, your eyes may hurt for a while. You will feel itching and dryness, but this will go away fairly quickly. Reading in poor lighting does not have any long-term effect, says Sniderman.

Myth No. 4. Coffee is harmful

Disputes between tea and coffee lovers have been going on since ancient times and will probably not end for a very long time. We will try to understand a lot of arguments and present only medical facts.

In fact. And again we return to the question of a sense of proportion. Of course, if you don't leave coffee machine day and night, by the evening you will be a real bundle of nerves, ready to burst at any minute. See above about the effects of stress on the body. But if you practice moderation, coffee can even be beneficial.

First, coffee, like green tea, contains antioxidants (of course, if we are talking about natural product). And therefore significantly reduces your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, says nutritionist Medical center in Idaho, Stacy Beeson. One recent study from Harvard University found that for women who drink coffee daily, this risk drops by as much as 30%. Other similar studies show that coffee also reduces the risk of bowel cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, Parkinson's disease and gallstones. Another plus is that coffee stimulates brain activity and, contrary to popular belief, does not increase the chances of undermining cardiovascular system.

At the same time, the norm for the average person is no more than 3 cups per day (based on 100 ml per cup), says Beeson. If even this amount brings you insomnia and high blood pressure, cut it in half or switch to substitutes. If you are pregnant or have a lack of calcium in your body, it is better to consult your doctor.

Myth No. 5. When high temperature I have to starve

This myth dates back to those distant times, when there was simply nothing to treat a cold, and people went to any means, even the most ridiculous, in our opinion, to get rid of the disease. Another reason for this belief is that digesting food slightly raises body temperature. People who are keen on self-medication also believe that when it’s hot, you shouldn’t take away the body’s strength to process food - it supposedly doesn’t have much of it anyway.

In fact. As a rule, colds and elevated temperature are caused by various viruses that enter the body and live in it from a week to 10 days. The lifespan of the virus does not depend on how you eat during this time, Vreeman says. Doctors have no scientific evidence that diet during illness somehow affects the body’s resistance, but even if you don’t really want to eat, it’s better to have a snack of something small but juicy. Because, no matter what, you just need fluid to avoid dehydration. In addition, moisture will help you endure illness more easily - it will reduce the amount of mucus, thereby softening a runny nose and cough.

Myth #6: Fresh food is better than frozen food.

Ever since scientists learned about such a wonderful thing as antioxidants, nutritionists have been praying for fresh foods. "Freezing kills useful material", doctors repeat like a mantra. The same applies to any cooking method associated with heat treatment.

In fact. Frozen fruits and vegetables can be as good as fresh ones if they are picked and frozen at what is called the peak of ripeness. And cold processing and hermetically sealed packaging retain much more vitamins than remains in “fresh” products left in the sun or in the supermarket refrigerator.

Myth No. 7: Eating eggs increases your cholesterol levels.

The logic of this statement is simple: eggs themselves contain a lot of cholesterol - accordingly, if you eat them, the level of this harmful substance in the blood will increase.

In fact. Latest research in this area have shown that cholesterol levels are only affected by certain types edible fats. And there are much fewer of them in eggs than, for example, in milk of medium fat content (almost 2 times). At the same time, eggs contain proteins, vitamins A and D. They are inexpensive, accessible and easy to prepare. So one egg a day is a very healthy addition to your diet, Beeson says.

Myth No. 8. If you are cold, you will catch a cold.

Another truism told to us in childhood. And if mom said so, then it’s true?

In fact. A decrease in external temperature does not affect the immune system in any way. Unless, of course, we are talking about extreme degrees of frostbite, when you no longer need to worry about a cold. And we catch a cold, as mentioned above, thanks to viruses, and not because of the cold. Regarding the trend that greatest number colds occurs during the cold season, it is not related to temperature. The fact is that in winter we are more often indoors, jostling in the subway, sitting in a cafe instead of walking along the street. And this is the most favorable soil for the spread of infection.

1. More than four hundred and fifty people over the age of one hundred live on the Japanese island of Okinawa. This island is considered the healthiest place on Earth.

2. People who smoke suffer more from stress than people who have never smoked and those who quit combined.

3. People who spend a lot of time working on a computer or watching TV often suffer from constant fatigue syndrome.

4. Seated urination promotes complete liberation Bladder, reduces the likelihood of prostatitis and allows you to live a full sexual life for a long time.

5. Research has shown that cuddling before bed is very beneficial. It helps the body relax and also slows down thinking process, making it easier to fall asleep.

6. Research has shown that chocolate can improve your math skills.

7. Loneliness weakens immune system. Friends and other loved ones just by being in your life can boost your immunity by 60 percent.

8. Sprinkling sugar on a wound or cut can significantly reduce pain and speed up the healing process.

9. Missing someone is unhealthy and can cause insomnia. The feeling of dissatisfaction from being away from someone you love makes you wake up at night.

10. Cherry can make cancer cells self-destruct.

11. Diet soda is as damaging to teeth as meth or cocaine.

12. People who rarely complain suffer more from stress, anxiety and depression.

13. There is a device that can replace the heart in the body; side effect is the absence of a pulse.

14. A fifteen-year-old boy with Down syndrome speaks English, Spanish, French and Latin languages. He played the violin on 10th World Congress for Down Syndrome in Ireland and set six youth records for people with Down syndrome.

15. Cracking your knuckles does not harm your bones or cause arthritis. What you hear is the sound of gas bubbles forming (not even bursting).

16. Stress is often considered a "silent killer" - it leads to heart disease, increased blood pressure, chest pain and early death.

17. If you have a cat in your house, your risk of heart disease is reduced by forty percent, and sudden strokes by thirty percent.

18. The tigress lost her cubs as a result of early birth. Soon after this, she began to experience depression and her health began to deteriorate. Since tigers are endangered, every effort was made to save her. Zoologists dressed the piglets in tiger suits and showed them to their mother tiger. Now she adores these piglets and takes care of them as if they were her own children. The tigress's health has improved. Everyone has feelings.

19. “Killing season” is a term used by British doctors to describe the month of August, when doctors who have just graduated from college come to hospitals.

20. If you sleep less four hours or more than ten, you are at risk and may die early.

21. A breakup is not easy to deal with because it is a time when the body and brain experience a kind of withdrawal. It's like drug addiction. We become addicted to love.

22. A nice morning kiss can help prevent illnesses caused by stress. A kiss in the morning fills us with harmony and helps us fight external troubles.

23. Excessive love for cats can cause mental illness leading to suicide.

24. Banana milkshake- An excellent hangover cure.

25. An experiment in which people were exposed to painful electric currents. After this, they were offered placebo tablets. Some cost ten cents, and others two dollars and fifty cents. Studies have shown that the former reduced pain by 64%, and the latter by 85%. Conclusion: expensive placebos work better than cheap ones.

27. Before cabbage's popularity as a food product grew in popularity in 2013, its only major consumer was Pizza Hut, which used the vegetables not for food, but to decorate its salad bar.

28. Bayer sold drugs containing HIV and the Hepatitis C virus, causing more than ten thousand people in the United States to become infected with HIV. Having discovered such components in their drugs, the company withdrew them from the US market and sold them to countries in Asia and Latin America so as not to lose money.

Source – https://goo.gl/ogEXeA

It is important for people to have good health, strong immunity, energy and strength, so interesting facts about human health can interest everyone who wants to live a long life.

  1. Dark chocolate keeps your skin youthful for a long time. For positive result It is enough to eat a couple of bars of this sweetness a day. Thanks to the antioxidants that chocolate contains, the risk of melanoma, skin cancer, is reduced.
  2. People who are accustomed to adding a lot of salt to their food are at risk for cardiovascular diseases . Its amount should be reduced by 3-4 grams per day. Then you won’t have to worry much about a heart attack or stroke, and your life expectancy will increase by 5 years.

  3. Stress negatively affects the health of teeth and gums. Swiss scientists conducted an experiment. The students were divided into 2 groups. The first one simply went to classes, and the second had to pass difficult exams. As a result, the latter were in a state nervous tension, and some have inflamed gums.

  4. Eating fish strengthens the heart muscles. It contains beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids. Except positive influence on the cardiovascular system, they improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and also prevent the development of breast cancer. Most Omega-3 is found in mackerel and herring.

  5. Ancient doctors from the countries of the East believed that the state of a person’s health could be determined by his eyes. In sick people, the iris is unevenly colored and has defects, and their proteins yellowish color. White part The eyes of a healthy person have a slight bluish tint.

  6. The liver removes toxic substances from the body. However, there are times when a person eats too much harmful products. The liver cannot cope with their breakdown. This is especially true for mold that appears on food products. Its toxins sometimes cause cancer.

  7. Meat promotes the production of the male hormone - testosterone. Consumption of this food is especially necessary for lovers of strength training. However, you should not get carried away with this animal product. For example, pork contains a lot of fat, so it should be eaten in small portions.

  8. Walnuts can prolong human life. To do this, you need to eat at least 5 kernels per day. They contain many vitamins and minerals, fatty acids and squirrel. Nuts must be included in the diet of children and pregnant women.

  9. People who suffer from sleep deprivation often have problems with overweight . Insomnia leads to an imbalance in the energy balance in the body. A person experiences constant feeling hunger. Because of this, he is forced to have frequent snacks, including at night.

  10. Loneliness weakens a person's immune system. The body of such people becomes vulnerable to various diseases. The risk of premature death also increases. This is especially true for elderly single people who are often left alone in old age.

  11. Long-term sound insulation can cause changes in a person’s consciousness. Being in complete silence, people lose their sense of reality and experience terrible hallucinations. Ultimately, this affects mental health.

  12. Few people know how to breathe correctly. This process involves not only rib cage. With the right deep breath It is also necessary to use the abdominal muscles, and when exhaling, it must be pulled in. This way the lungs will be better and faster saturated with oxygen.

  13. After sports training don't reduce it right away motor activity . During exercise, a person may feel muscle pain. This means that they are not yet used to the exercises and are experiencing oxygen starvation. Walking can then increase blood flow to the muscles.

  14. Reading in a supine position does not affect vision loss. The latter deteriorates due to the resulting tension in the eyes. During such an activity, it is necessary to take frequent breaks, as well as have normal lighting. The book should be held 40 cm further from the eyes.

  15. Cracking your knuckles does not cause arthritis. This sound is produced when gas bubbles form inside the joints. This process itself is absolutely harmless and can only irritate people around you.

A healthy lifestyle helps us fulfill our goals and objectives, successfully implement our plans, cope with difficulties, and, if necessary, with colossal overloads.
Good health, maintained and strengthened by the person himself, will allow him to live a long and joyful life. In this article you will learn how to treat your body correctly and keep it in good shape. These tips are, to a certain extent, suitable for every conscious person who has decided to take the path of recovery and put their life in order. If you have useful experience in this area, feel free to share your advice in the comments and take part in the discussion. The article contains links to other useful materials that talk about proper nutrition, the benefits of vegetables and fruits, as well as about sports and their importance.

Health is an invaluable wealth of each person individually, and of the entire society as a whole. When meeting and parting with people close to us, we always wish them good health, because this is the main condition for a complete and happy life. In our country, more than 30 million people suffer from ARVI and seasonal viruses every year. The reason for this is that more than 80% of the population weak immunity. For the immune system to work like a clock, it must be supported daily, and not just during flu epidemics! How to charge your immunity? The answer is simple - lead a healthy lifestyle.

Human immunity is the ability of his body to defend itself from various “enemies”, i.e. foreign genetic information. On the one hand, the immune system protects the body, and on the other, its condition depends on general health person. If an individual is active, strong, mobile, and cheerful, then his immune system will be fine, and if he is weak and passive, then his immune system will be appropriate.

The immune system protects us from the influence of external negative factors; it is a kind of line of defense against the negative effects of bacteria, fungi, viruses and the like. Without a healthy and effective immune system, the body becomes weak and is much more likely to suffer from various infections.

The immune system also protects the body from its own cells with a disturbed organization that have lost their normal properties. It detects and destroys such cells, which are possible sources of cancer. It is well known that vitamins are necessary for education immune cells, antibodies and signaling substances involved in the immune response. One of the main aspects of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition.

In addition to proper nutrition, here are fifteen more great ways to charge your immune system, live healthy and live healthy!
1. Play sports.

Physical activity improves general state body and work lymphatic system, removing toxins from the body. According to research, people who regularly exercise are 25% less likely to get colds than those who do not lead a healthy lifestyle. However, don't be too zealous. Just 30-60 minutes of exercise a day allows you to become healthier, while more serious exercise will make you weaker. Be sure to include push-ups in your program - they help better work lungs and heart. Be sure to do abdominal exercises - this will improve your work gastrointestinal tract And genitourinary system.
Daily morning work-out- mandatory minimum physical activity for a day. It is necessary to make it the same habit as washing your face in the morning.

Jennifer Cassetta, a martial arts instructor from New York, says she never gets sick. “I believe that a holistic approach to exercise calms the mind and helps relieve stress,” says Jeniffer. “And cardio training, strength training in general helps strengthen the immune system.” According to Cassette, her health has changed dramatically since she started practicing martial arts eight years ago. Before this, she was a smoking girl who ate late in the evenings and drank a lot of coffee in the mornings. At 20 years old...

2. More vitamins

We all need vitamin D, which is found in salmon, eggs and milk. Research has shown that many people don't get enough vitamin C, says Elizabeth Politi, director of nutrition at the Duke Diet & Fitness Center. Citrus fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C. “It's a myth that vitamin C prevents colds,” she says. “But getting the right amount of vitamin C from fruits and vegetables boosts the immune system.”

Zinc is also very important for strengthening the immune system; it has antiviral and antitoxic effects. You can get it from seafood, unrefined grains and brewer's yeast. In addition, drink tomato juice - it contains a large amount of vitamin A.

3. Toughen up!

Hardening your body can be your assistant in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is best to start with childhood. The easiest way of hardening is air baths. Great value in the process of hardening I play and water procedures- strengthening nervous system, having a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, normalizing arterial pressure and metabolism. First of all, it is recommended to rub your body with a dry towel for several days, and then move on to wet rubdowns. Need to start drying off warm water(35-36 C), gradually moving to cool water, and then to douches. In summer, it is better to take water procedures in the fresh air after exercise.

4. Eat protein

Protective factors of immunity - antibodies (immunoglobulins) - are built from protein. If you eat little meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, then they simply will not be able to form.
5. Drink tea.

Just 5 cups of hot tea a day will significantly strengthen your body. L-theanine is released from ordinary black tea, which is broken down by the liver into ethylamine - a substance that increases the activity of blood cells responsible for the body's immunity. It is worth noting that all this applies only to quality varieties tea.

6. Have fun!

According to research, people who have a positive emotional style are happy, calm and enthusiastic, and are less likely to catch colds. Fun and a healthy lifestyle go hand in hand.

Cohen and researchers from Carnegie Mellon University surveyed 193 healthy people every day for two weeks and recorded information about positive and negative emotions that they experienced. After that, they exposed the “test subjects” to cold and flu viruses. Those who have experienced positive emotions, had few cold symptoms and greater resistance to the development of diseases.

7. Take up meditation

Santa Monica, a yoga therapist, believes in her meditation to improve her physical and emotional health. “Doing meditation helps calm my nervous system and allows my immune system to function with less interference,” she says. “Calm mind - calm body" “The greatest change is peace of mind and a sense of relief,” says Santa. - “I was sick very often when I was young. My sleep has improved and I have become more able to cope constant stress" In a study published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine in 2003, researchers found that volunteers who participated in eight weeks of meditation training had significantly higher levels of flu antibodies than those who did not meditate.

8. Don't be nervous!

Prolonged stress causes a powerful blow to the immune system. By increasing levels of negative hormones, it suppresses the release of hormones that help maintain health. By learning to deal with stress, you will stop the flow of excess hormones that make you fat, irritable and forgetful.
9. Avoid depression

Apathy and indifference are one of the main enemies of a strong immune system. American scientists have found that women suffering from depression experience changes in the functioning of the immune system, and they are more susceptible to viral diseases than those who enjoy life.

10. Minimum alcohol

According to numerous studies, alcohol stops the work of white blood cells that identify and destroy infectious cells and the viruses themselves. Remember that alcohol and a healthy lifestyle are incompatible.
11. Sleep

Sound sleep is one of the best ways stay healthy. People who sleep 7 to 8 hours are definitely doing the right thing. But it is not recommended to sleep more than 8 hours.

Good night sleep strengthens the immune system. The fact is that during night sleep the level of melatonin increases, which improves the functioning of the immune system.
12. Wash your hands!

When you wash your hands, do it twice. When scientists from Columbia University studied this problem in volunteers, they found that washing their hands once had virtually no effect, even if people used antibacterial soap. Therefore, wash your hands twice in a row if you want to ward off a cold.

13. Visit the sauna

Go to the sauna once a week. For what? Because according to a study conducted in Austria in 1990, volunteers who frequently went to the sauna were half as likely to get colds compared to those who did not go to the sauna at all. Most likely, the hot air inhaled by a person destroys the cold virus. Already, most gyms have their own saunas.

14. Gifts of nature

Natural remedies that strengthen the immune system are: echinacea, ginseng and lemongrass. Accept herbal infusions costs as much as therapeutic purpose, and for prevention.

15. Probiotics

It is beneficial to consume foods that increase the amount beneficial bacteria in organism. They are called probiotics, their list includes onion and leeks, garlic, artichokes and bananas.

If you want to be healthy, lead a healthy lifestyle. Your new motto: no more lying on the couch, no more physical exercise And fresh air! Stress is the main enemy of immunity, drive away all sorts of worries and be less nervous. Try to get as many positive emotions as possible and take care of proper nutrition. Go ahead and good luck!!!
