Anti-allergy eye drops for children. Allergy eye drops: types, properties. The group of NSAIDs includes

Allergic reactions to dust, flowers or food often manifest themselves before the eyes. There may simply be redness of the skin around the eyelids. Toxic-allergic keratitis and uevitis cause a lot of concern. They can lead to dysfunction optic nerve and retina. Allergic conjunctivitis and dermatitis are also quite common.

These diseases are accompanied by rather unpleasant symptoms, including hyperemia, itching, photophobia, swelling, and excessive lacrimation. To eliminate the resulting pathology, it is advisable to use antiallergic and anti-inflammatory drugs. The following medications are quite popular and widespread: “Allergodil”, “Lecrolin”, “Opatanol”, “Cromohexal”, “IT Ectoin”. Below will be described detailed information about popular drugs.

Release form of "Allergodil" drops

The drug belongs to the antiallergic drugs for local application. Available in the form eye drops transparent color. The main component in the composition medication is azelastine hydrochloride. Its dose is 500 mcg per milliliter of medication. The product is packaged in a plastic bottle of 6 ml in each bottle.

The drug has a long-term antiallergic effect. The main substance of the drops inhibits the synthesis and release of early and late phase mediators. Antiallergic eye drops “Allergodil” have these properties.

Indications and contraindications

In what cases can antiallergic eye drops be used? The list of indications is not too long. This may include:

  • treatment and prevention of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis;
  • therapy for non-seasonal illness caused by allergies.

There are few contraindications: age under 5 years and hypersensitivity to the components of the product.


For seasonal allergies, the drug is prescribed twice a day, 1 drop in each eye. In more severe forms of the disease, the dosage can be increased to four times a day. For allergies not associated with seasonal flowering, drops are prescribed to adults and children over 12 years of age, 1 drop twice a day. In this case, it is necessary to comply correct algorithm use of the product:

  1. Wipe the skin around the eyes with a sterile wipe.
  2. Open the dropper and make sure it is clean.
  3. Pull back the lower eyelid slightly.
  4. Drop the medicine into the middle of the eyelid without touching the eyes.
  5. Press the inner corner tightly so that the medicine remains in the middle.
  6. Blot off excess product with a napkin.
  7. Carry out an identical manipulation with the other eye.

Only with the right technique of use can positive results be achieved. Eye drops antiallergic drugs show good results already at the beginning of therapy. There is no research data regarding an overdose of Allergodil and its combined use with other medications. During pregnancy and lactation, the medication can be used only if the benefit to the mother is greater than the expected harm to the baby.

Taking the medicine incorrectly can lead to the following side effects:

special instructions

The drops should be stored away from children in a dark place. There is no need to keep the medicine in the refrigerator. After opening the bottle, you should use the medication within a month. Allergodil eye drops can be used in complex treatment infectious lesions in the eyes. The interval between different drops should be 15 minutes. During therapy you should not use contact lenses. The drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. These antiallergic drugs are allowed to be used once they reach the age of four.

Eye drops "Opatanol"

This is an antiallergic drug that is used topically in ophthalmology. Available in the form of clear or slightly yellowish drops. The main substance in the drug is olopatadine. Dose - 1 mg per milliliter of solution. Antiallergic eye drops have many positive reviews.

The medication belongs to the group of selective blockers histamine receptors. It has a pronounced and long-lasting antiallergic effect. Maximum concentration in plasma is achieved after two hours. Almost completely excreted unchanged by the kidneys. These antiallergic eye drops are popular among specialists. Reviews show that it is positive therapeutic effect occurs the very next day after the start of treatment.

Indications and contraindications

“Opatanol” drops are used to treat various types. Do not use the product if you are hypersensitive to its components.

The drug is instilled one drop into each eye twice a day. During therapy, it is necessary to follow the technique of administering the drug. When applied topically, an overdose of Opatanol is almost impossible. Antiallergic eye drops are cheap and available. The drug can be found in almost any pharmacy. Its price does not exceed 500 rubles.

special instructions

There is no reliable data on how the medicine affects the fetus during pregnancy and lactation. The drug is prescribed only when the therapeutic effect for the mother outweighs the danger to the newborn. Antiallergy eye drops will help eliminate symptoms of redness and swelling, as well as watery eyes and pain. However, it is worth considering the possibility of side effects. This may include:

  • burning and;
  • keratitis;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • hyperemia;
  • feeling foreign body In eyes.

The drug is stored at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees, out of the reach of children. Once the bottle is opened, it should be used within a month. Antiallergic eye drops for children are prescribed from the age of three in the same dose as for adults.

Eye drops "Cromohexal"

The drug belongs to the antiallergic drugs for local treatment eye. Available in the form of a clear or slightly yellowish color. The main substance is sodium cromoglycate at a dose of 20 mg per milliliter of solution.

The drug is considered a membrane stabilizer mast cells. It has a pronounced antiallergic property. Most effective for preventive purposes. A noticeable positive result is observed after several days of use. Antiallergic eye drops "Cromohexal" are distinguished by their low price. For one bottle you will have to pay about 100 rubles.

Indications and contraindications

The medication is prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • allergic conjunctivitis and keratitis;
  • irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes when allergies occur.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to components, age under two years, pregnancy and lactation.


Adults and children after two years of age are instilled with one drop 4 times a day. Upon reaching positive result The dosage can be reduced to 2 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Eye drops "IT Ectoin"

The drug is classified as an ophthalmic agent for topical use. Available in the form of a clear solution. The main substance in the composition is ectoine. The medication is prescribed to eliminate allergic conjunctivitis. The medicine contains ectoine, a natural and cellular molecule that can reduce inflammation and have membrane and lipid properties. Behind a short time hyperemia, swelling and tearing of the eyes disappear. The drug protects against harmful effects allergens. Does not contain preservatives. Can be used together with lenses.


  • to relieve allergies and inflammation;
  • accelerates the regeneration of lipid metabolism;
  • applied after surgical intervention before our eyes.

Antiallergic eye drops with ectoine "IT Ectoin" have virtually no contraindications and are well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, hypersensitivity to the main component may develop. The product should be stored at a temperature of 2 to 30 degrees out of the reach of children. The drug is produced in Germany. Sold in pharmacies without a prescription. You should not self-medicate. Only a doctor, after a preliminary examination and examination, can prescribe medication and calculate the dosage for the patient. Daily norm depends on the severity of the pathological process.

Eye drops "Lecrolin"

This is an antiallergic agent for topical use in ophthalmology. Available in the form of a clear solution. The main component is sodium cromoglycate at a dose of 20 mg per milliliter of solution. The drug is effective for the prevention of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis. After several weeks of use, the patient may notice that the disease has completely receded.

Indications and contraindications

Lecrolin eye drops are used for:

  • Allergic conjunctivitis.
  • Keratoconjunctivitis and keratitis.
  • Common allergies where eye symptoms occur.


  • preschool age;
  • hypersensitivity to components.

The medicine must be instilled into both eyes, one or two drops twice a day at the first manifestations of seasonal allergies. The drug is prescribed with caution during pregnancy and lactation. It can be used only when the benefit to the mother exceeds potential risk for the fetus. There is no evidence of an overdose with Lecrolin. If symptoms of intoxication occur, the patient is prescribed symptomatic treatment.

Side effects:

  • local eye irritation;
  • hyperemia;
  • visual impairment;
  • allergy.

The medicine is dispensed at the pharmacy without a prescription. The drops should be stored at a temperature of 2 to 30 degrees, in a dark place inaccessible to children.

Many people suffer from allergies, which are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms that cause severe discomfort and worsening their standard of living. Pathological manifestations are exposed various organs and body systems, in particular the eyes. In this zone, the development of an allergic reaction can be triggered by any factors, even those that are not inherently allergens. When characteristic allergic signs people should use eye drops for allergies, which will help quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Types of allergies in the eye area

Before using allergy eye drops, people should contact their medical institutions for consultation. Any medications for this pathology should be prescribed by specialists who will carry out the complex diagnostic measures and determine the cause of the disease. IN mandatory Doctors differentiate allergies in the eye area from other pathologies that have identical symptoms.

Modern medicine highlights the following types allergies developing in the eye area:

  1. Pollinosis form of conjunctivitis. As a rule, people develop this pathology when they are allergic to wild or domestic plants. The reaction appears not only in the eye area, but also on other parts of the body. Bronchospasm may develop and shortness of breath may appear. When you have an allergic reaction to pollen, a person begins to sneeze.
  2. Dermatitis having allergic etiology . In patients, the pathological reaction manifests itself in the eyelid area. The skin swells, begins to turn red, itch very much, and characteristic rashes appear on them. In most cases, patients encounter this form of dermatitis due to the use of low-quality cosmetical tools. The disease can also develop in people who work in hazardous industries or in the construction industry, where they are forced to systematically come into contact with chemical and aggressive environments.
  3. Conjunctivitis, allergic etiology. This pathology can occur in both acute and chronic form. Patients develop a strong inflammatory process on the mucous membranes, which provokes not only redness and itching, but also profuse lacrimation.
  4. Angioedema, which appears against the background of the use by people of certain groups medical supplies. This pathology can also develop due to the consumption of certain foods. Patients feel rapidly deteriorating, not only the eyelids, but also the entire eyeball swells greatly. Doctors prohibit this category of patients from independently using medications to relieve unpleasant symptoms, as this can lead to the development of Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock.
  5. Keratoconjunctivitis. This disease is more severe form hay fever conjunctivitis. In patients, papillary-like neoplasms appear in the eyelid area. At the same time, symptoms characteristic of an allergic reaction appear. Young patients are more susceptible to this disease.

Drug treatment

When treating allergies in the eye area, specialists use various medications, which have a droplet shape:

  1. Hormone-containing.
  2. Vasoconstrictors.
  3. Anti-inflammatory.
  4. Antihistamines.

Group of hormone-containing drugs

Specialists can prescribe to patients "Dexamethasone", which belongs to the category of glucocorticoids. The components present in this medication can maximize the patient’s immunity to allergens. They also reduce inflammation and normalize metabolic processes. Medicine is prescribed not only for acute form conjunctivitis, which has an allergic etiology, but also during an exacerbation of the disease. When treating pregnant children and women, the use of drops should be carried out under the supervision of specialists, since the medicine has a number of contraindications and can cause pronounced side effects.

Antihistamine group

Such medications are prescribed to patients to quickly relieve allergic symptoms, redness, swelling, burning and itching. Antihistamine eye drops should be used not only for medicinal purposes, when contact with the allergen has already occurred, but also for prevention.


This antihistamine is used in the treatment allergic reactions, provoked various factors. Experts often prescribe it to patients to prevent hay fever. Despite the fact that the drops have no serious contraindications, other than individual intolerance to their individual components, they should be used with caution when treating children and pregnant women.


This medicine contains ketotifen. This active component helps to relieve unpleasant symptoms as quickly as possible. allergic symptoms. Experts often use this medication for therapy various forms conjunctivitis. It can be used by children from 12 years of age. The dosage is determined individually for each patient.


This antihistamine is intended to relieve allergic symptoms, moisturize and normalize natural processes In eyes. It is also used in for preventive purposes, and during maintenance therapy. Patients should consider the following nuances:

  1. It is forbidden to use drops for pregnant women and children under four years of age.
  2. The medicine should not be used by patients who wear contact lenses.
  3. Side effects may develop: barley appears, a burning sensation occurs, and the mucous membranes dry out.


This medication helps eliminate allergic manifestations:

  • hyperemia;
  • swelling;
  • tearfulness.

The components present in the medicine suppress the process of histamine production. It can be used in the treatment of children starting from the age of three.


Group of anti-inflammatory drugs

Specialists use anti-inflammatory medications to treat allergies when an infection is associated with the pathology. Such medications usually contain antibiotics, which very quickly destroy bacteria and other pathogenic microflora.

Names of anti-inflammatory eye drops for allergies



Used in the treatment of conjunctivitis and acute irritation. They have many contraindications, so they should be prescribed only by specialists


Drops have the fastest anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect. Used in the treatment and prevention of allergies, as well as during postoperative rehabilitation


The medication has wide range therapeutic action. Copes well with all allergens, in particular those of bacterial and infectious origin.


Used for conjunctivitis, mechanical damage, erosions and acute infections


Apply during rehabilitation period after surgical interventions on the cornea. Relieves allergic symptoms: severe itching, burning, painful sensations

Group of vasoconstrictor drugs

Doctors use such medications when acute course allergies, since the components present in them can narrow as quickly as possible blood vessels. Medicines can eliminate unpleasant allergic symptoms, such as itching, redness, burning, swelling.

List of inexpensive drops that are used to treat allergic reactions in the eye area:

  1. "Vizin". This medication contains levocabastine. This active component helps eliminate swelling on the eyelids as quickly as possible (this effect lasts for 12 hours). The medicine is indicated for treatment different forms conjunctivitis. It has practically no contraindications.
  2. "Octilia". The manufacturer of the drug uses tetrizoline as the active substance. The medicine helps eliminate redness and inflammation.
  3. "Vial". The drops contain an active component called tetriosoline. The medication helps eliminate swelling, severe itching, and pain.
  4. "Okumetil". The medication contains definhydramine, which is an active substance. The medicine not only has vasoconstrictor properties, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Medicines for allergies to flowers

In the event of the development of a pathological reaction associated with the flowering of wild and domestic plants, doctors recommend the use of:

  • "Opcon-A";
  • "Optivara";
  • "Zaditora";
  • "Ketotifen".

For pollen allergies, the following is indicated:

  • "Allergodila";
  • "Lecrolina";
  • "Olopatadine";
  • "Azelastine";
  • "Opatanola".

How should medications be administered in drop form?

Patients who plan to start using drops to treat allergies should take into account the recommendations of specialists:

  1. Before carrying out the manipulation, you must wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. If the patient plans to go outside immediately after eye drops, he needs to wear sunglasses.
  3. A pipette used for daily manipulation should only come into contact with one drug.
  4. Before using each medication, patients should carefully read the instructions, especially the sections regarding contraindications and side effects.

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Read the article about what conjunctivitis is and how to choose the best eye drops for eye allergies.

Why does allergic conjunctivitis occur and how to cope with it?

Allergic conjunctivitis (ICD-10 code: H10) is an inflammation that occurs when negative impact allergens to the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Allergic conjunctivitis in a child

Allergic conjunctivitis affects about 15% of Russian residents, and women and children living in major cities with unfavorable environmental conditions.

The inflammatory process begins with the release of inflammatory mediators from mast cells responsible for characteristic manifestations eye allergies:

  • redness and swelling of the conjunctiva and eyelids
  • lacrimation
  • burning
  • foreign body sensation
  • purulent discharge
  • photophobia

There are two forms of allergic conjunctivitis:

  • seasonal, occurring when high concentration pollen in the air.
  • year-round, occurring regardless of the time of year with prolonged human contact with an allergen, for example, with the excrement of house dust mites, mold spores, animal hair, etc.

In the event that a person exhibits discomfort in the eye area, you need to contact several specialists at once: an ophthalmologist and an allergist. They will carry out the necessary diagnostics and determine whether the inflammation is caused by a mucous allergy or another factor and, based on the information received, will prescribe a course of treatment.

It is also worth noting that conjunctivitis often occurs simultaneously with symptoms of allergic rhinitis. That is, a person who has discomfort in the eyes has “dripping” from the nose. This happens due to the close proximity of the ducts. Often this allergic reaction can be observed in the spring and summer, when a large number of plants bloom.

Effective therapy for this disease is to eliminate contact with the allergen and take topical medicines such as antihistamines, vasoconstrictors, anti-inflammatory drugs, mast cell membrane stabilizers, or a combination thereof.

Let's take a closer look at eye drops for allergies and their cost.

Allergy eye drops - list of medications for adults and children

Antihistamine eye drops

They act as a blocker of H1-histamine receptors, that is, they act as an antiallergic agent, eliminating the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis: itching, redness, swelling of the conjunctiva and eyelids, lacrimation.

These are the most effective drops, prescribed to adult patients for seasonal allergies. They are used to get rid of allergens that settle in front of the eyes, for example, from flowering plants.

The active ingredients of the drugs are: azelastine, levocabastine, olopatadine, cromoglycic acid, diphenhydramine + naphazoline, etc.

Apply 1 drop 2 times a day. The course of treatment is no more than 14 days.

To date pharmaceutical market offers a wide variety of effective drugs at different prices. There are both cheap and more expensive drops to choose from, depending on the active ingredient and country of origin. You can find the necessary eye drops for allergies and their name in the list below.

Allergodil from 368 rub.
Visallergol from 398 rub.
Visin Allergies from RUB 333.
Cromohexal from 95 rub.
Lecrolin from 93 rub.
Okumetil from 172 rubles.
Opatanol from 463 rub.
Polynadim is the cheapest eye drops for allergies. Cost from 35 rub.

Some of the most common side effects include:

  • local irritation
  • burning in the eye or nose
  • blurred vision
  • Systemic side effects such as headaches or taste disturbances are less common

Contraindications to the use of drops are:

  • hypersensitivity to the active substance
  • children up to 4 years old
  • first trimester of pregnancy, lactation. These drops for allergies during pregnancy can only be prescribed by a doctor if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.
  • During the treatment period, wearing contact lenses It is recommended to cancel.

Vasoconstrictor drops for eye allergies

Prescribed to eliminate redness, swelling and irritation of the conjunctiva, as well as to prevent lacrimation and relieve itching that occurs during seasonal exacerbations, as well as in other cases.

Apply 1 drop 2-3 times a day. It is not recommended to use these drugs for more than 5-10 days to avoid addiction and withdrawal symptoms, i.e. deterioration of a person’s condition and resumption of unpleasant symptoms.

Effective active ingredients in drops are tetrizoline, phenylephrine, naphazoline, etc.

The price of eye drops varies between 135-400 rubles. Thanks to the wide selection provided by various manufacturers, you can find both good and inexpensive drops from Russian manufacturers and foreign drugs.

Visine classic from RUB 376.
Visoptik from 150 rub.
Montevisin from 135 rub.
Octilia from 243 rub.

Possible side effects:

  • burning, itching, conjunctival hyperemia
  • decreased visual acuity, eye pain
  • less often - headache, dizziness, increase blood pressure etc.


  • hypersensitivity to active substances
  • pregnancy, lactation period
  • children under 2 years old
  • corneal dystrophy, etc.

Anti-inflammatory drops

Appointed when various diseases eyes: from blepharitis - inflammation of the eyelids, to scleritis - inflammation of the sclera. Therefore, you should not prescribe treatment for yourself; it is better to consult a doctor with detailed description symptoms to compile a general picture of the disease and select the best and most appropriate remedies.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are divided into two groups: non-steroidal and hormonal.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), blocking the action of cyclooxygenase and inhibiting the conversion of arachidonic acid into prostaglandins and thromboxanes. That is, eliminating pain in the eyes and reducing the intensity of inflammation.

NSAIDs have some effectiveness in treating allergic conjunctivitis, but are less effective than antihistamines and thus have limited usefulness in most cases.

Apply 1 drop 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is from 1 to 4 weeks.
The active ingredients are indomethacin and diclofenac.

Names and prices:

Diclofenac is the most inexpensive drug from those presented. Price from 24 rub.
Diklo-f from 136 rub.
Indocollier from 350 rub.

Side effects:

  • burning, blurred vision
  • redness and itching in the eyes
  • local allergic reactions


  • bleeding disorders
  • epithelial herpetic keratitis
  • pregnancy, lactation period

Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (glucorticosteroids).

This type of drops is prescribed for more severe eye inflammation due to autoimmune diseases, only by an ophthalmologist or allergist, since they have many side effects and are addictive if used uncontrolled.

Active ingredient: dexamethasone. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor. Apply 1-2 drops every 3-6 hours.

List and prices:

Dexamethasone from 70 rub.
Dexa-gentamicin from 125 rub.
Maxidex from 225 rub.
Maxitrol from 464 rub.
Oftan from 180 rub.
Tobradex from 403 rub.

Side effects:

  • allergic reaction
  • decreased visual acuity
  • increased intraocular pressure
  • development of secondary infection
  • intensification / masking of the ongoing infectious process
  • development of fungal invasion


  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug
  • pregnancy, lactation
  • age up to 6 years
  • viral, fungal, purulent eye diseases
  • increased intraocular pressure, etc.

Moisturizing eye drops

In case of an allergic reaction caused by flowering plants, dust and other allergens, quite often people complain of dry eyes. In medicine this phenomenon is called “Dry Eye Syndrome”.

With this phenomenon, a person experiences a feeling of pain and a sensation of a foreign body in the eyes, irritation and redness of the mucous membrane. Dryness can also occur when taking antihistamines for allergies.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of discomfort in the eyes, but before the expected visit to him, you can alleviate your condition by using “Pure” or “Natural” tear eye drops.

As a rule, these drops have a natural composition and are widely used to relieve allergy symptoms in young children and pregnant women, since they have virtually no contraindications, while moisturizing well and removing allergens from the mucous membrane.

However, you should not abuse these drugs; children’s drops for eye allergies should be selected by a specialist, taking into account the complaints and individual characteristics of the child’s body.

The drug is used as needed, 1-2 drops in each eye.

Names and prices:

Alcon “Natural Tear” from 340 rub.
Visine “Pure Tear” from 450 rub.

Side effects:

  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug


  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug

Allergy eye drops for children

Use many eye drops when allergic conjunctivitis V childhood is not recommended, so the list of approved drugs is quite short.

Treatment for children should be prescribed by a good ophthalmologist or allergist, even though many drugs can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription, since self-medication can harm the child and aggravate the course of the disease.

It is worth knowing that eye allergies in children can be treated with eye drops only when they reach 2 years of age. Infants and children younger age, suffering allergic manifestations systemic drugs are prescribed.

To treat children's eye allergies, it is possible to use drops:

  • Okumetil, Polinadim (Diphenhydramine + naphazoline) – external antihistamine, permitted from 2 years.
  • Cromohexal, Lecrolin (Cromoglicic acid) - children under 4 years of age should use them with caution.
  • Visallergol, Opatanol (Olopatadine) - used from 3 years.
  • Allergodil (Azelastine) – antihistamine drops, used only from 4 years of age.

The rapid impact of these groups of drugs and the absence of penetration of components into other tissues and organs were noted.

But children and pregnant women should take it with caution to avoid side effects.

Eye drops are the safest, fastest-acting form of medication for allergy attacks. Does not lead to irritation and recurrent allergies, are well absorbed into the bloodstream, and have a small number of contraindications.

It is appropriate to use in combination with ointments, injections, tablets, gels for relapses eye diseases. The effect and action is observed much faster if the drops are administered directly under upper eyelid when instilled.

Vasoconstrictor drops are addictive and therefore not recommended for long-term use. If after 3-4 days there is no improvement, then it is better to consult a doctor about a possible replacement with another analogue.

Antiallergic drops

Drops to eliminate signs of allergies have an antihistamine effect and are suitable for relapses of diseases of the organ of vision.

They contribute to:

The most effective medicines of this antiallergic group:

  1. as a medicine for the treatment and prevention of allergic reactions in the eyes, relapses during the flowering period of plants. Eliminates exacerbation of hay fever, helps relieve swelling and hyperemia. Contraindications: children under 4 years of age, individual intolerance. Price from 90 rub.
  2. Ketotifen - antiallergenic drug prescribed for viral, bacterial damage to the mucous membrane of the eyes, allergic conjunctivitis. average cost 100 rub.
  3. Azelastine – antihistamine for allergies with a long-lasting effect, quick elimination swelling, inflammation and redness of the eyes. Contraindications: children under 6 years of age, pregnancy. Price is approx. 465 rub.
  4. to eliminate the effect of histamine on H1 receptors, activating emissions into the general bloodstream. Allergy medicine does not cause side effects and does not Negative influence to healthy receptors in the body. Contraindication: children under 3 years of age. Price from 500 rub.
  5. with active substances in the composition (cromoglicic acid, benzalkonium chloride, liquid sorbitol) eliminates the manifestations of an allergic reaction, releases biologically active substances from mucosal cells, relieve swelling and irritation on the surface of the eyes. It is possible to use drops for visual fatigue, irritation and redness of the eye socket, and frequent heavy loads on vision. This often provokes the appearance of dryness and burning of the mucous membrane. Price from 100 rub.
  6. Allergodil to eliminate allergies with excellent tolerability and long-term effect. Indicated in the treatment of seasonal prolonged allergies. Helps reduce the number of secreted eosinophils, relieve itching, hyperemia, swelling of the surrounding mucosa eyeball. It has a fast-acting effect and is not addictive. average cost 400-450 rub.

Antihistamines are prescribed for preventive and therapeutic purposes to eliminate unpleasant symptoms on the mucous membrane of the eyes: irritation, dryness, itching, excessive fatigue, overstrain of the eyeballs.

Each allergy medicine has side effects and contraindications. Before use, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist and undergo an examination.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Medicines with an anti-inflammatory effect are distinguished between hormonal and non-hormonal origin.

Hormones, corticosteroids prescribed for obvious manifestations of allergies:

  1. , release form - suspension (5 ml bottles) with the aim of providing anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect for use in severe manifestations allergic reactions. Cannot be used for elevated intraocular pressure, eye damage due to fungal infection, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, children under 3 years of age. Price in pharmacies from 55 rub.
  2. Maxidex, generic containing the active ingredient (dexamethasone). This hormonal agent for use in purulent processes in the eye to relieve inflammation, swelling, and irritation. Price from 300 rub.
  3. antibiotic to relieve inflammation, provide antibacterial action, eliminating an allergic reaction when fungal and bacterial flora are attached. Contraindication is the use in combination with non-toxic antibiotics that are not able to quickly suppress the inflammatory process at the cellular level or eliminate signs of allergy at an early stage. They're standing about 300 rub.
  4. Lotoprednol– corticosteroid, anti-inflammatory composition to relieve inflammation, eliminate unpleasant signs of itching and burning. average price250 rub.

When using anti-inflammatory drops, dosages should not be abused. Otherwise, glaucoma, cataracts, and dry eye syndrome may develop.

Vasoconstrictor drops

Vasoconstrictor drops are prescribed when an inadequate reaction of the body to allergens occurs in the off-season. Drugs are indicated for temporary relief unpleasant allergies on the eyes and do not have a long-lasting effect.

Drops can be addictive due to rapid absorption into the blood and distribution through the bloodstream throughout all organs and systems. Prescribed for a one-time dose to quickly narrow the blood vessels of the eyeball.

Effective means are:

  1. Naphthyzin, nasal remedy in the fight against nervous and dyspeptic disorders. Contraindications: dry eye, glaucoma, cataracts, children under 6 years of age. Price from 15-50 rub.
  2. , antiseptic for quick removal swelling, irritation. The drug is prescribed exclusively by a doctor and can be addictive. Indicated for use by pregnant women only if greater benefit is identified in contrast to negativity on the fetus. price from 230 rub.

Treatment of allergies in children

The body of children under 3 years of age is at the stage of formation, so the intake of certain medications can lead to unpredictable consequences, complications, worsening symptoms, and a reverse effect in case of allergies.

Children over 2 years of age are allowed to use only safe, harmless drugs. It is acceptable to take systemic medications to relieve allergies in infants under 1 year of age, but only with the permission of the attending physician.

Children should not use drops for allergies without consulting an ophthalmologist. A number of medications can cause severe harm instead of the intended benefit and worsen the existing symptoms of conjunctivitis.

More effective and safe eye allergy drops include:

  • Allergodil, an antihistamine that can be used in children over 4 years of age. Quickly relieves swelling, itching, redness. average price 400 rub.
  • Zodak with the provision of soft antihistamine action and the possibility of use in infants at 6 months, side effects are minimal. Price 150-200 rub.
  • Zyrtec using dosages exclusively as prescribed by a doctor. Possible in case of overdose side effects: drowsiness, apathy, loss of appetite. Price 300 rub.
  • Cromohexal for children over 4 years old to relieve allergies, inflammation, irritation, and stop the anti-inflammatory course. average price from 100 rub.

It is possible to prescribe vasoconstrictors for allergies (Vibrocil, Prevalin) to babies under 1 year old, but not more than 4 days in a row.

Drugs with hormonal effects are not prescribed to children under 12 years of age and can only be used in extreme cases at severe course diseases. Dosages and types of drugs are selected by an ophthalmologist.

Parents should consider the following recommendations when administering eye drops to their children:

  • place the child on his back;
  • throw back your head;
  • pull down the lower eyelid;
  • add 1-2 drops;
  • ask the baby to close his eyes for 2-3 minutes.

The composition must be applied to a clean face without any makeup or lenses. For 1-1.5 hours after instillation, it is not advisable to wear glasses, watch TV, read a book, or go outside.

Stories from our readers!
"I have an annual seasonal allergies. I live in a private house and tend to my garden, although I suffer from an allergic reaction to the pollen of many plants. In a word, I have a hard time spending summer days with a constant runny nose, cough, itching and swelling.

I started taking these drops on the advice of a friend. The symptoms gradually faded away, I began to feel better, allergic rhinitis, swollen eyes and runny nose stopped bothering me. Good drug for allergies and related diseases and deficiencies, I recommend! "

Eye drops for allergies during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Prescribing allergy drops for pregnant women is possible only in rare cases when medical intervention is required immediately during an exacerbation of the disease.

Principle of application drug therapy must be unambiguous - the presence of a benefit that significantly exceeds the risk to the fetus.

It is important for expectant mothers not to make mistakes when choosing certain eye drops. Self-medication is excluded. Prescription of drugs is carried out exclusively by an ophthalmologist.

Moreover, when using it, it is important for pregnant women to take into account recommendations, dosages, and purity of use of drugs.

Many medications become prohibited for women with the onset of pregnancy, and eye drops for allergies are no exception, so they are prescribed in rare, advanced cases and only with the permission of the attending physician.

Approved medications during pregnancy include:

  1. as antibacterial drops to suppress the activity of bacteria of many strains. The drug has local action, although it may partially penetrate into the bloodstream. The recommended dosage per day is 1-2 drops up to 5 times. The course of treatment is 7 seven, taking into account the severity of the disease. Price from 11 rub.
  2. ocular composition with the provision of an antibacterial effect, joining the fight against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, coli, staphylococci. An acceptable dosage is 1-2 drops every 3 to 4 hours. In severe cases of the disease, it is possible to increase the frequency of instillation every 2 hours. The medicine does not penetrate the bloodstream, so it is allowed for pregnant women and babies under 1 year of age. Price from 185 RUR .
  3. , antibacterial agent for topical use with active ingredients in the composition, rapid penetration into all eye structures. Although particles can enter the bloodstream and cause a burning sensation when instilled. Cost at the pharmacy - 85 rub.
  4. Tsiprolet, antibacterial medicine with ciprofloxacin in the composition to block the proliferation of pathogenic microbes, killing them in a latent state. Acceptable dose at mild flow illness - 1-2 drops every 4 hours, in acute cases - 2 drops every 1 hour. Cost of the drug from 60 rub.
  5. , antiviral antibacterial agent containing the active ingredient - interferon to suppress bacteria, viruses of various types, increase immune system, relieving inflammation, signs of allergies. The permissible dose for acute conjunctivitis is 2-3 drops during the first 2 days, followed by a reduction to 1-2 times a day until they disappear completely unpleasant symptoms. Price drops from 300 rub.

Mode of application

Eye drops for allergies are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician after a detailed visual examination.

Taking medications:

It is important to instill eye drops correctly. So, during the inflammatory course of the conjunctiva, it is advisable to drop 2 drops into each eye in turn, maintaining a time interval of 8-10 minutes to avoid exceeding the concentration of substances when they enter the blood.

The method of application is simple:

  • clean your face of cosmetics;
  • lie on your side, on your back;
  • pull back the upper eyelid;
  • drop 1-2 drops into each eye;
  • close your eyes for a few minutes;
  • lie down a little to achieve the best effect.

It is extremely important for pregnant women to follow safety measures:

  • Beware of allergens that get into your eyes;
  • use cosmetics less often;
  • wear glasses when going outside in spring and autumn;
  • take into account side effects, contraindications when using a particular drug when developing inflammatory process in the eye;
  • Do not neglect to consult a doctor if unpleasant symptoms appear.

Can be replaced by traditional methods treatment of conjunctivitis: tea leaves (black, green tea), infusion, lotions using saline solution to moisturize the eyes.

Side effects

Assign effective remedy Only an ophthalmologist, after conducting an examination, can identify symptoms in patients.

Careful use requires drops for children under 12 years of age if they are individually intolerant to the composition of a particular eye medicine.

In case of overdose or improper use of the drug, side effects may occur:

  • dryness, soreness in the eye;
  • presence of sand, foreign body;
  • dilated pupils;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • migraine;
  • chills;
  • dizziness.

If there are side symptoms, then you should postpone treatment with eye drops and seek advice from a doctor.


There are the following contraindications:

  • Do not use drugs containing corticosteroids for diseases: glaucoma, cataracts.
  • At the time of treatment, it is important for patients using contact lenses to additionally correct their vision and select acceptable glasses.
  • Eye drops are selected taking into account age and sensitivity of the eye mucosa to the components in the composition.

Before use, it is imperative to identify contraindications, which are present in almost every drug.

It happens that after use, unpleasant symptoms and side effects only intensify. If they do not go away after 2-3 days from the start of taking allergy drops, then it is important to stop using the drug and see a doctor.

Rules for instilling eye drops

If symptoms appear that clearly indicate eye drops, eye drops should not be used without the prescription of an ophthalmologist. You can only aggravate the course of the bacterial infection, viral disease, lead to complications and serious consequences.

It is important to consider the following rules when instilling:

After instilling the drops, there should be no burning or dryness in the eye. Otherwise, it is necessary to urgently stop treatment and consult a specialist. If there are no results from treatment after using the drops for 4 days, it is also important to inform the treating ophthalmologist about this.

The human body is so unpredictable that even seemingly the most ordinary things can react with allergies. Sometimes this response manifests itself in the form of a rash, itching, swelling, coughing, and increased watery eyes. Each of these manifestations causes a lot of discomfort, but let’s focus on last symptom and let’s figure out which eye drops for allergies can cope with the problem.

How to choose allergy drops?

Before you run to the pharmacy and buy medications that are actively advertised today, you should understand that many of them can only relieve external symptoms, rather than cope with the underlying disease. This also applies to allergy eye drops, which eliminate redness, burning, itching and watery eyes. In addition, many of them have a fairly wide list of contraindications and side effects, therefore, can harm the patient’s health.

Today, the list of drugs presented in pharmacy kiosks is quite wide: the medicine “Zodak”, “Lecrolin”, “Allergodil”, “Cromohexal” and many others, very well known due to the advertising of medicines. But you cannot rely only on popularity in matters related to health. Therefore, before purchasing eye drops for allergies, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

Do you need to consult a doctor?

If anyone has doubts that when choosing medications for allergies, consultation with a specialist is needed, it is worth saying that all eye drops used for this pathology are divided into four main types according to their action: antihistamines, hormonal, anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictors. And each of these groups except large quantity positive pharmacological actions have a lot of contraindications.

In addition, if you need eye drops for allergies for children, it is simply impossible to do without consulting an ophthalmologist. After all, the baby’s body should be protected not only from diseases, but also from the harmful effects of medications. And only a doctor can choose a remedy for the baby that will not only be effective, but also safe for him. The same applies to the treatment of expectant mothers who want to get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of allergies.

Hormonal drugs

To date best drops for eyes against allergies - these are hormonal medications. And most well-known representative This group is the drug "Dexamethasone". It quickly relieves all external symptoms of an allergic reaction, and also has anti-exudative, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.

Medicines of this group are used exclusively during the acute phase of the disease. After all, all these drugs can negatively affect not only the eyes, but also the internal organs person. Therefore, as soon as the patient enters the recovery stage, the drug is replaced with a more gentle medicine.

It is also worth noting that hormonal eye drops for allergies are used only for adults and children over 6 years of age. But during pregnancy they are prescribed only in special cases. severe cases when the benefit for the mother outweighs the expected risk for the baby.

Anti-inflammatory eye drops

At the first symptoms of an allergic reaction, doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However, they are usually used in combination with tablets antihistamines. If such therapy does not give the expected result, only then does the specialist replace anti-inflammatory eye drops for allergies with hormonal agents.

After acute phase the illness will pass, experts recommend switching to non-steroidal drugs having an anti-inflammatory effect. One of these medications is Acular LS drops.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

The third group of eye drops that are used for allergies are vasoconstrictors. They quickly relieve the manifestations of an allergic reaction, but do not stop its development. This group includes such products as “Naphthyzin”, “Vizin”, “Okumetil”, etc.

Most of them do not use these medications to treat children because they are addictive, which can aggravate the patient’s already problematic condition. Pregnant women should also not use these medications, as the vasoconstrictive effect can affect the condition of the placenta.

In general, patients respond positively to medications in this group. But there are also fierce opponents of the use vasoconstrictor drops for eyes. In most cases, patients who did not listen to the doctor’s recommendations and independently used medications, violating the permissible dosage, speak negatively about the drugs.

Antihistamine eye drops

Despite the fact that the list of eye drops is quite wide, antihistamines are most often prescribed for allergies. They are similar in action to systemic antiallergic drugs, but have much fewer side effects. That is why such eye drops are recommended for allergies during pregnancy and lactation. They are also prescribed to children from a very young age.

This group of drugs is most often used to treat allergic reactions, so it is advisable to consider the most well-known drugs in more detail.

Product "Cromohexal"

This antihistamine is widely used today in ophthalmology due to the fact that the main active substance effectively blocks the transport of calcium ions and the release of active substances from mast cells biological substances. In addition, cromoglycic acid is a major participant in the process of stabilizing mast cell membranes.

It is also worth noting that the medicine reduces redness and swelling of the conjunctiva, which are caused by contact allergens of various origins.

Medicine "Lecrolin"

Lecrolin eye drops for allergies prevent the release of bradykinin, histamine and other substances that provoke allergic reactions. Thanks to this pharmacological action the drug is often prescribed for preventive purposes during the flowering period of plants. In other words, the drug is used to prevent seasonal conjunctivitis.

What do patients think about the medicine?

It is worth noting that the product "Lecrolin" has earned positive reviews consumers thanks not only to their pharmacological properties, but also ease of use. After all, the drops are produced in small dropper tubes, the amount of the drug in which is sufficient only for a single use.

It also deserves special attention that this medication has a very small number of contraindications and side effects, so it can be used to treat children and pregnant women.

Eye drops "Opatanol"

Like all of the above remedies, the medicine “Opatanol” is used for allergic conjunctivitis. The main active component of the drug is the substance olopatodine, which inhibits the release of inflammatory mediators from mast cells.

Which drops are better?

Only a doctor can correctly determine which eye drops for allergies are best in each individual case. The specialist makes his choice based not only on the severity of symptoms and results laboratory research, but also the individual characteristics of each patient. Therefore, it is impossible to give a general answer to the question of which medication is the best and most effective.
