Who rested at sea with chronic thyroiditis. Ride on the sea, autoimune thyroiditis. Drug treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis

First of all, the autoimmune disease develops when the immune system, which protects the body from diseases, decides to attack healthy cells, because it takes them for foreign. An autoimmunity is most easily understood as a "hyperimmune" state. Depending on the type of autoimmune disease, it can affect one or many different types of body tissues. Simple suppression immune system It is also not enough to reverse all inflammations, degeneration and loss of tissue structure and functions that occur during an autoimmune process.

"Healthy diet" with an emphasis on the alternation of a cleansing and detox diet with a reparative diet, is natural way Credit an excessive reaction of the immune system. The variety of metabolic, functional laboratory tests is recommended to determine the "exciting immunity" of the substance, after which it is possible to determine the diet, nutritional supplements and develop a lifestyle program to cope with the problem. Initially, most patients choose a natural and medical approach. However, over time, when the body is restored, you can already less hard to adhere to these strategies in the treatment and control of your disease.

Causes of autoimmune diseases

IN this time Scientists are not paying enough attention to identify the causes of the occurrence or risk factors contributing to the development of autoimmune states, such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, sclerodermia, and even some forms of diabetes. Permanent stress, toxins, injuries and improper nutrition, plus genetic predisposition, contribute to the emergence of the aggression of the immune system against the tissues of its own organism (sensitive body tissues are destroyed).

Autoimmune disease and thyroid functions

Along with the obesity epidemic, hypothyroidism often occurs due to the low function of the thyroid gland, as a result of which a person begins to gain weight, and both of these states are often interconnected. When the thyroid gland or her hormones become the target of the immune attack, the result can be a decrease in the function of the thyroid gland, and this state can be quite difficult to diagnose on early stages. That is why it is extremely important to be specialists in the field of food, as well as medical professionals to learn to recognize the symptoms and manifestations in the early stages. Hypothyroidism, if not treated, can contribute to an undesirable increase in weight and the appearance of a set of exhausting symptoms that can lead to serious problems with health.

What is thyroid iron and how it works

The thyroid gland is a small iron of the butterfly shape, located at the base of the throat, under Kadyk, which is responsible for the production of several hormones, which affect the production of energy of almost every cell, fabric and organ in the body. It controls the metabolism, regulates the body temperature, and affects body weight, muscle strength, energy levels and fertility.

Primary hormones produced by the thyroid gland (T4 and T3) are formed from tyrosine and iodine amino acids. The production of hormones depends on the hypothalamus, which tracks the need of the body in a larger number of thyroid hormones and signals the pituitary gland to release these hormones. A thyrotropic hormone, released from the pituitary, controls and affects the production of the above hormones. The level of thyrotropic hormone rises and decreases in response to fluctuations in these hormones in the blood.

Hypothyroidism may occur when dysfunction occurs in any of these glands, as a result of which there is a lack of production of the thyroid hormone. It may also be the result of other problems, such as: inefficient transformation of Prestormone T4 to hormone T3 or the insensitivity of hormonal receptors in cells. The reduced activity of the thyroid gland contributes to the development of a huge number of physiological effects throughout the body.

Autimmune thyroiditis

Autoimmune thyroiditis is the most often diagnosed form of hypothyroidism in developed countries, with symptoms that affect approximately 2% of the population. What makes this disease more cunning, so this is what a significant number of patients with a diagnosis autimmune thyroiditis Do not have any symptoms. Another small percentage of men and women suffer from a subclinical form of this disease, i.e. Their symptoms are practically not noticeable, and the disease is extremely difficult to detect with clinical tests.

Who is exposed to the risk of autoimmune thyroiditis

An autoimmune thyroidite can appear at any age, even in children of younger age, and can occur in both sexes. Nevertheless, this disease is most common among women, as a rule, aged from 30 to 50 years. At the age of 60, according to scientists' estimates, 20% of women have hypothyroidism. By different estimates, Women are ill 10 - 50 times more often than men. This is what is believed to be due to the fact that women, a system regulating immunity, also regulates the reproductive cycle.

What causes autoimmune thyroiditis?

Studies show that a combination genetic predisposition and pollution ambient, It is capable of becoming a significant risk factor for the development of autoimmune thyroiditis. As an autoimmune thyroiditis, and the Basnedov disease, in families with the history of autoimmune diseases increases the risk of their development. In addition, there are many environmental factorscapable of provoking this disease. Experts believe that, probably, many factors immediately, and not only one, contribute to the emergence of hypothyroidism.

Toxins cause special concerns, especially those that are created from petrochemical products such as plastics (found in water bottles that we drink), pesticides, fertilizers, dioxin, body care products, as well as contaminants present in the air and plumbing Water - contain substances that mimic estrogens of the body. These xenoastrogens are powerful destroyers of the endocrine system, and affect the balance of hormones. In particular, and dental seals, and fluorides in toothpastes and water are also endocrine destroyers. Mercury amalgams are especially dangerous (as they are very close to the throat) and may be a serious threat to the thyroid gland.

Possible risk factors:

  • Viral, bacterial infections or candidiasis.
  • Permanent stress, sufficient to cause adrenal insufficiency - prevents the conversion of T4 in T3 and weakens the immune defense of the body.
  • Pregnancy - causes changes in hormonal and immune systems from sensitive women during pregnancy or after childbirth. (see autoimmune thyroid and pregnancy)
  • Injuries - surgical intervention or accident.
  • Nutrient deficit - in particular iodine deficiency and / or selenium.
  • Bacteria in food - primarily Iracini Enterocolitics.


As mentioned above, autoimmune thyroiditis can proceed asymptomatic, but when symptoms appear, they usually begin with a gradual increase in the thyroid gland (goiter) and / or gradual development Hypothyroidism, with the following symptoms:

  • anemia (both iron deficiency and malignant)
  • scaryness of the mind (forgetfulness, slow motion, constant energy loss)
  • pain in chest
  • rembossing cold
  • very cold hands and feet
  • cold weather exacerbates disease symptoms
  • dry, rough skin
  • early silence
  • exhausions after training
  • frequent colds and flu ( heavy recovery With these diseases)
  • headaches, including migraine
  • high cholesterol, especially LDL
  • infertility and miscarriage
  • low basal temperature
  • low libido
  • muscular cramps and / or sensitivity
  • hair loss
  • restless foot syndrome
  • heavy premenstrual syndrome
  • violations of sleep
  • slow speech
  • fatigue and lubrication in muscles
  • weak, brush nails
  • increase weight (obesity)

There are others less frequent symptoms, among which elevated blood pressure and excess ear sulfur. The result of a reduced function of the thyroid gland may also be deep health effects, among which lowness, a decrease in the concentration of attention, as well as the decrease in IQ in children born maters with hypothyroidism and is quite possible elevated risk Development of cardiovascular diseases.

What you need to eat with autoimmune thyroid

After the diagnosis of autoimmune thyroiditis is diagnosed, it is necessary to balance the diet in such a way that you helped the body to stop inflammation, balance hormonal background, Help thyroid gland produce hormones and transform them properly. When antibodies are detected in the body to thyroid cells, doctors prescribe a synthetic hormone hormone T4 (Levothyroxin), and in addition to medical therapy nutritionists recommend starting to adhere to a certain therapeutic diet (See Diet with autoimmune thyroid thyroid gland).

Nutrient support for the thyroid gland is the shortest way to cure. Using a diet rich in high-quality proteins and fats, replete with fresh organic vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, solid grain of certain types and other nutritional productsis a key factor. It is strongly recommended to consume an increased amount of protein, since the reduced function of the thyroid gland reduces the ability of the body to use proteins consumed. Nevertheless, people, the metabolism of which is in motion primarily their adrenal glands, thyroid gland or gender glands, need minor dietary changes, despite the diagnosis of AIT. In addition, in addition to the three main meals, try also to do two or three snacks per day to maintain the energy level throughout the day.


With each meal, it is recommended to consume 40 grams of protein, especially animal proteins. In addition, at least 20 grams of protein must be obtained during each snack, and the use of cold-water fish is an exceptional choice, since it contains omega-3 fatty acids. Whey protein is also a good source, but if you are vegan or vegetarian, good sources vegetable protein For you will be:

  • tempe
  • almond
  • flax seeds or cannabis

Useful fats

Daily consume 4-6 tablespoons of "useful fats" from avocado, nuts and seeds (especially pumpkin seeds, chia and flax), organic butter and fused butter, olive oil and coconut milk, meat and vegetable oil. Coconut oil is very useful for the thyroid gland, due to the Laurinic acid contained in it, which soothes the endocrine system. Medium-chain fatty acids in coconut products are quickly absorbed and are an excellent source of energy for the body, as well as useful to reduce body weight!

Antioxidant rich foods

People with autoimmune thyroidite must also be focused on using a large number of products rich in antioxidants, as they are necessary to combat the damage caused by free radicals caused by the inflammatory process. The emphasis should be made to use products containing a large amount of vitamin A, as they are especially useful due to the fact that people with autoimmune diseases often develop a vitamin A. shortage. The reason for this is that their organisms often cannot effectively convert beta -Karotin in Vitamin A. To other nutrients with antioxidant properties in which people with autoimmune thyroiditite may be lacking, vitamins C and E, iodine, zinc and selenium.

  • Food rich in vitamin A and beta carotene: Carrot, calf liver, fish oil, eggs, Greek yogurt, slightly cooked spinach, curly cabbage, greens, mangold, zucchini, red pepper, apricots, melon and sweet potatoes.
  • Vitamin C products: Red bell pepper, Parsley, Broccoli, Citrus, Romane Salad.
  • Vitamin E products: Slightly stew greens of mustard and Swiss mangold, sunflower seeds, almonds, avocado.
  • Iodine rich foods: Algae (especially very high quality Dulca and laminaria), seafood (without mercury and caught in wildlife, not grown on fish farms).
  • Zinc rich foods: Oysters, crabs, beef (from cows casting natural feed), sesame and pumpkin seeds.
  • Selenium rich foods: Brazilian nuts, crimini mushrooms, cod, shrimp, halibut, perch, oats, sunflower seeds, brown rice (read more about Selena here - selenium: benefit and harm to the body).


Daily consume at least 900 grams of multi-colored vegetables into a slightly boiled or raw form. Avoid the use of vegetables, cabbage family (sheet cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, turnip, etc.) in the raw form, since these vegetables suppress the function of the thyroid gland. However, it should not be very zealous - everything should be in moderation.


Fruits, grain and starchy vegetables should be used in moderate quantities. Use 500 grams of fruit per day, plus 100 - 200 grams one or twice a day of solid grain or starchy vegetables. One-piece grain must be consumed in an exposed or spridiary form - this will make them more digestible. It is very important for people with weakened digestion, as this condition is often observed in people with hypothyroidism.


Drink at least 8 glasses of clean, filtered water daily. Avoid the use of water with chlorine and fluorine, since these elements are halogens and compete with iodine, which can lead to a disruption of the function of the thyroid gland. Also, remember: not reasonably buying water in plastic bottles!

Functional food and nutritional supplements

For people with plenty of health problems, the reception of food additives in the form of a dietary powder is an excellent idea. You can take an unattended serum protein concentrate (or other protein powder for those who intolerately dairy or is a vegan / vegetarian), a mixture of algae, cereal herbs, sea vegetables, mixtures food fibers (fiber), including linen shrot and apple pectin.

It is recommended to take anti-inflammatory extracts of organic fruits and vegetables, as well as other therapeutic components, such as aloe vera, detoxifying herbs, ion minerals, probiotic bacteria ( dairy products, probiotics, quashen cabbage, etc.) and digestive enzymes. This combination provides a body easily digestible protein, rich sulfur-containing amino acids that help clean the body from toxins; healing chlorophyll and anti-inflammatory nutrient substancesThat helps "cool" the "superheated" immune system and clean the blood, thyroid gland and its hormones from impurities.

These products you can use as a replacement of some meals, taking them in the form of a smoothie or simply adding to warm or cool liquid (in water or tea). Mixing them with coconut water, you can reconcile your body even more.

Best Vegetable Food Supplements

Food supplements based on vegetable components are sold in many forms, mainly in the form of capsules and tablets, which should usually take several pieces several times a day. Such a graph of receiving additives is not everyone may take steadily. Powders can be taken once a day, and so much more convenient. Since various products have different ingredients, it makes sense to use more than one and alternate them. Some of the best such products are IT Works Greens ™, Athletic Greens® and Garden Of Life Perfect Food Green. They can be mixed with water or add to puree. Again, the additive cannot replace a healthy diet, but good vegetable nutritional supplements can certainly feel tangible to help your diet.

What can not eat with autoimmune thyroid

Gluten contraindicated at AIT

Unsaturated oils (Including canola oil): These oils contribute to the development of hypothyroidism, because they contain many fatty acids contributing to omega-6, and they, as a rule, become voiced, before bottling (or blurred in transparent bottles).

GMO Soy.: Devastable for the endocrine system, and is considered to some extent toxic. Soy is considered a good source of protein, but it is a GMO Soya is not recommended for sick autoimmune thyroiditis, even in small quantities, since such soybeans damages the hormonal system. An exception to this rule is fermented soy products (from natural soybean), such as pace, NATO and MISO.

Spirulina and other algae: Although iodine deficiency can help cause hypothyroidism, American Thyroid Association It warns that an attempt to treat disorder, consuming large doses of iodine, including iodine, present in marine vegetables, such as spirulina, may worsen the symptoms of this state. This is especially true if the hypothyroidism is caused by autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto disease) - an autoimmune disease, in which the tisside fabric is exposed to its own immune cells organism. An excess amount of iodine can stimulate these cells to an increase in activity, exacerbating an autoimmune process.

What else can you at autoimmune thyroid

Since autoimmune thyroiditis can worsen the digestion, a good idea will support the digestion by enzymes and probiotics, and supplement its ration in the reception of additional nutrients in which the body most often has a deficit at the same disease.

  • Natural multivitamins: Take as indicated on the package.
  • Antioxidant additives: Take an indication daily.
  • Essential fatty acids: from fish or flax; 1000-2000 mg per day in two receptions.
  • Additives of Vitamins Group B: Take in the form of capsules or tablets, but preferably use food yeast.
  • Calcium: 250-300 mg (1-2 before bed). Calcium and iron must be taken two hours before or after you have taken medicines for the thyroid gland, so they will not interfere with their assimilation. In detail how the form of calcium to choose and what they differ here are to read here - which calcium is better - an overview of calcium forms.
  • Magnesium: 200 mg 2 times a day.
  • Selenium: Additions of the diet of the supply of selenium additives (200 μg) for 3 months, as was revealed, significantly reduces the autoantile age to thyroperoxidase and significantly improves well-being and / or mood. Note: Reception of selenometonine is recommended. If you are pregnant, do not exceed a dose of 400 μg per day!
  • Iodine: If you do not contain 150-200 μg of iodine, use laminaria additives for 2-3 grams per day. It was revealed that it helps to reduce the level of antibodies.
  • Vitamin D3.: In autoimmune diseases, the human body is experiencing a vitamin D3 deficiency, therefore, to ensure the optimal immune function and the production of thyroid hormones, additional reception of additives of this vitamin is recommended. Take 1000-5000 vitamin D3 daily to bring the level of this vitamin in the body to the desired indicator. After that, it is necessary to adhere to supporting dosages (according to the doctor's recommendation).
  • L-tyrosine: Hormones in thyroid gland are synthesized from tyrosine. Its reception makes it possible to improve the functions of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and pituitary gland. L-tyrosine is recommended to take 500 mg daily twice a day, but a rather low level of this amino acid occurs rarely, therefore, not all people with autoimmune thyroidity and hypothyroidism need it additives.
  • Chromium: 200 μg per day.
  • Iron: If the blood test shows the deficiency of iron, take calcium and iron two hours before or after you take medicines for the thyroid gland, since otherwise this drug will interfere with their assimilation.
  • Zinc: If the tests show zinc deficiency, take zinc additives 50 mg per day.

Additional food additives:

  • Daily take various amino acids in free form (two 500 mg capsules).
  • Taurine (two capsules of 500 mg per day).
  • Proteolytic enzymes on empty stomach To eliminate inflammation.

Veganam may have to additionally take nutrients, usually missing in sufficient nutrition in their diet, excluding animal food. It is recommended to additionally take vitamin B12, vitamin D, L-carnitine, zinc and selenium.

  • Reduce calorie consumption by about 30%, and stop there before you have a feeling of complete stomach, trying to use food rich nutrients. (It is shown to improve both the immune function and the functions of the thyroid gland).
  • "Eat breakfast as a king, dinner as a prince, and dinner, as a beggar" to prevent the body overloading in the night at night, as it is idling in the evening you can contribute to the extra weight.

Spa treatment In autoimmune, thyroid is carried out in the absence of an active process and with a eutheroid state in the sanatoriums of this climatic zone.

Resorts have natural resources and special infrastructure. Several natural factors use for treatment and prevention: climate, water mineral sources, healing mud and others. The resort area is a sanatorium - the main type of medical and preventive institutions. They are focused on the treatment of specific diseases, that is, each of them has its own medical profile, notes a naturopath doctor Svetlana Filatov in the book "Treatment of thyroid disease traditional and unconventional methods."

Climatic conditions, geographical position and natural factors determine the specifics of one or another resort. There are different types of them:
- Climathedral, where the climate of certain geographic zones (deserts, mountains, steppes, seaside coast are used);
- Mudskoye, on which as medical agent Apply dirt of different types;
- Balnerechic, on which the most valuable healing factor is the mineral water used for outdoor and internal use.
- Mixed resorts with a complex of natural therapeutic factors.

In connection with existing special climatic and natural resources At the resorts are used various methods Improvement: climatotherapy, aerotherapy (treatment of fresh air resort), speleotherapy (treatment with air caves and mines), heliotherapy (treatment with solar radiation), thalassotherapy (use in therapeutic purposes sea \u200b\u200bwater, algae, sea sludge and fresh sea air) and balneotherapy (treatment of water mineral sources).

For the treatment and prevention of thyroid diseases, climatherapy and balneseeration are recommended, and in some cases mud. Use sanatorium-resort treatment with hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis without complications.

With the reduced function of the thyroid gland, treatment is shown in resorts with hydrogen sulfide and carbonic waters, with thyrotoxicosis - with hydro-propelled, with hyperthyroidism - with radon. Patients with thyrotoxicosis are contraindicated in resorts with wet subtropical climates and sulfide (hydrogen sulfide) baths, but hydrocarbonate-iodine mineral waters are recommended for internal use.

As a rule, the level of hormones of the thyroid gland in summer and in the spring rises even healthy peopleTherefore, the patients with a reduced or high function of the thyroid gland are better to give up a trip to the resort. In addition, endocrinologists argue that insolation is contraindicated in the diseases of the thyroid gland (that is, lighting with sunbeams). For summer holidays, they recommend zones with temperate climates. The ideal time of the year for treatment in the southern seaside resorts is the so-called velvet season. By this time, figs, persimmon and facea ripen (main sources of iodine), and sea \u200b\u200bfishSeafood and algae are part of therapeutic nutrition.

Balneotherapy - a treatment method based on the effect on the body of mineral waters. Balneological procedures are carried out in resorts, where hydrophings are combined with proper nutrition, recreation and influence of climatic conditions. Main components mineral water - sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine and sulfates. In addition to the main components, it contains (in different numbers) iodine, silicon, bromine, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and etc. Medical action only water from natural sources. Mineralized (purified with the addition of salts) water has no such properties.

Thalassotherapy (from Greeks. Thalassa - "Sea" and Therapeia - "Treatment") - the method of improving the body using natural therapeutic factors located in the seaside geographical area. Fresh air, sea breeze, lifric dirt, seaweed, water and southern sun have a positive effect on the whole organism.

On the healing properties of seawater, people were known long before our era. Ancient Greeks considered the sea with a source of life and energy. Bathing is useful in it healthy, as sea water contains trace elements and mineralscontributing to improving metabolism. It has been proven that the composition of sea water corresponds to the chemical composition of human blood. Microelements and minerals contained in such water quickly penetrate the skin and blood and are spread throughout the body. Sea waves soothe the nervous system, eliminate depressive states, increase the mood, massage and tone the body. Under their influence, a person feels a tide of strength and extraordinary ease. Sea water is one of the main sources of iodine, therefore, with diseases of the thyroid gland, swimming in the sea is very useful.

Ionized sea air saturated with iodine, oxygen and other useful trace elements, stimulates the formation of serotonin, under the influence of which there is a narrowing blood vessels, blood circulation and metabolism are normalized, the operation of the respiratory organs improves.

Seaweed, enriched with iodine and bromine, have long and successfully used in modern endocrinology. Cellular activity sea algae and human skin cells are similar, therefore all biologically active substances contained in the lower marine plants are quickly realized in the body and cause the necessary action.
For the treatment of thyroid pathologies, sea bathing or baths are recommended marine Solu, as well as procedures using sea algae.

Prevention. Primary prophylaxis It is the treatment of intercurrent diseases, sanitation of foci of infection, control over the iodization of water. Secondary prophylaxis And the dispensarization is aimed at preventing the progression of the disease and the development of complications. All patients are subject to dispensary accounting with an endocrinologist or therapist 1 time per quarter. 1 time per year-instrumental diagnosis and study of thyroid hormones, antibodies to thyroglobulin, blood lipids, thyroid ultrasound. Held replacement therapy with an individual selection of hormonal means. For operational treatment Diseases dispensary observation It is carried out every 2 months for 2 years, subsequently - quarterly or 1 time in half. Therapeutic and rehabilitation activities imply the correction of the function of the thyroid gland, the prevention of complications and the preservation of disability. Indications K. surgical treatment are a significant increase in the gland, leading to squeezing vitality important organs, fast growth Gooba and goiter, not amenable to drug correction.

Socio-labor rehabilitation. Patients are usually able-bodied, work in raw and cold rooms, with chemicals, chronic stresses is contraindicated. In the development of severe or moderate gravity of thyroiditis, labor rehabilitation corresponds to such in hypothyroidism. Sanatorium-resort treatment is carried out in the absence of an active process and with a eutheroid state in the sanatoriums of this climatic zone. An autoimmune thyroiditis includes juvenile thyroiditis, atrophic, postpartum thyroiditis.

An autoimmune thyroiditis is inflammation of the thyroid gland. The cause of the disease is laid in its title, it is caused by the attack of its own immune cells on the organs of the organ.

The disease has three stages, which gradually replace one other. The second stage - thyrotoxicosis and the latter - hypothyroidism have pronounced symptomsUnlike the initial - eutileosis.

An autoimmune thyroiditis requires diet and lifestyle changes. This is the component of the treatment.

Hormones produced by the thyroid gland are responsible for the production and disposal of glucose (by each cell and all the tissues of the body), normal work Brain I. nervous systemaffect the management of painful sensations.

An autoimmune thyroidite gradually leads to the fact that iron will first reduce, and then ceases the production of thyroid hormones at all.

Symptoms of the disease begin to manifest itself only at the stage of thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism, when the replacement therapy is prescribed in the form of a lifetime reception of Levothyroxin already one diet.

The causes of diseases are somewhat:

  1. Heredity. Autoimmune thyroiditis is sometimes called family disease. Along with him within the same family, other autoimmune diseases are often traced - vitiligo, insulin-dependent diabetes etc.
  2. ORVI I. infectious diseases - Schimorite, Angina, Kor, steam, rubella.
  3. Thyroid injuries or operation on it.
  4. Effect of radiation and radiation therapy.
  5. Excessive insolation. Especially it is harmful to white-skinned blue-eyed blondes, whose body is generally poorly tolerates a long stay in the sun.
  6. Overdose of iodine-containing drugs.
  7. Allergies. Violation of immune cells, which is the cause of many allergies, can provoke an additional failure, as a result of which the lymphocytes begin to take the thyroid cells for the "enemy agent".
  8. Stress.
  9. Postpartum thyroiditis.
  10. Unknown causes can cause the so-called "silent" thyroiditis. it destructive form, Absolutely similar to postpartum, but not associated with pregnancy.
  11. Bad ecology, an overabundance in water and in the atmosphere of iodine, fluorine and chlorine.

If someone from your family members suffers to an autoimmune disease, pass the survey. Most often thyroiditis or its forms are detected only as a result of laboratory and clinical studies.

Diet with autoimmune thyroidity thyroid gland

Diet does not replace the treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis, but is it part ofTherefore, the patient must be controlled by its diet.

In this case, fragile diets are categorically contraindicated.

To maintain a normal state, the daily number of kilocalories should be from 1300 to 2000.

Powered with autoimmune thyroid thyroid gland should be fractional. Optimal option - This is a meal of food every three hours. Products rich in carbohydrates, which are converted to glucose nourishing brain cells. With its disadvantage, the body translates the thyroid hormone T3 into the bound form, making it passive and aggravating the hypothyroidism.

You can not go to vegetarian food, unless it constituted the basis of nutrition and earlier. With autoimmune, thyroid is needed meat, dairy products, eggs. They will help balanced thyroid hormones. In addition, the body needs calcium, which is lost during thyrotoxicosis. His drawback often leads to osteoporosis.

It is necessary to include in the diet of products rich in fatty acids and containing antioxidants.

It is necessary to drink much - at least one and a half liters per day - mineral non-carbonated water.

Products forbidden to use

There are products that may aggravate the course of the disease, having a negative impact on the production of hormones. One of the first in this list is the products containing soy. It contains isoflavones that slow down the formation of enzymes that translated hormone T4 in T3.

In addition to soybeans, the following products are contraindicated:

  • sugar, coffee, cocoa, strong tea, contributing to the production of cortisol and adrenaline - hormones with negative influence on the thyroid gland;
  • cabbage, radishes and trouser in the fresh form - these products contribute to the formation of goiter, they become safe only after heat treatment;
  • peanuts, horseradish, spinach, peaches, pears and strawberries, citrus - for the same reason;
  • canned food, smoked, sharp dishes and marinades;
  • fried food, fatty rich broths, kelid from meat and fish;
  • alcohol and energy drinks;
  • sweets in limited quantities;
  • iodine rich foods (in particular, sea cabbage);
  • fish caviar, seafood;
  • any fast food.

Is pregnancy possible with autoimmune thyroid? Here everything is about how pregnancy is underway with such a disease and what consequences for mother and fetus can be expected.

Products allowed to use

The rest of the products are allowed to use in the usual quantity. If some of them were absent earlier in the diet, they are recommended to include. Especially useful with autoimmune thyroid are considered:

  • meat dishes - Animal protein increases the production of hormones;
  • bread (better than rye), pasta, porridge, in one word, carbohydrate sources;
  • fish, especially fat varieties - source fatty acids;
  • vegetables and fruits - a source of vitamins and antioxidants;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • eggs, milk, cottage cheese, cheese - Calcium rich foods.

Lifestyle with autoimmune thyroid

Autoimmune diseases require change in lifestyle. Thyroiditis is no exception. Be observed simple rules, You can slow down the transition of the disease from one form to another, heavier.

What you need to change:

  1. Lower physical exercise. Permanent satellites of disease - pain in the muscles and joints, jumping of pressure and metabolic disorders. Large physical exertion, especially sports, can aggravate the state. The load size will help determine the doctor.
  2. Exclude a long stay in the sun. From sunbathing on the beach will have to refuse.
  3. Swimming in the sea should be limited to 10 minutes for those who have increased thyrotropic hormone.
  4. Maximize yourself from stressful situations.
  5. Not engage in self-medication in viral respiratory diseases. Be sure to consult a doctor and strictly adhere to prescribed treatment.

An autoimmune thyroiditis is an incurable disease, but not a sentence. The main thing - timely diagnosisCompliance with rules and diet. If you adhere to these recommendations, you will definitely please. Be healthy!

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Diet with autoimmune thyroid is additional method Treatment endocrine pathology thyroid gland. Does not replace the main treatment, but provides stabilization and longer compensation for the disease, compared with the monolation of autoimmune and other forms of thyroiditis drugs.

Treatment and diet will depend on the symptoms of thyroiditis, general status and the presence of concomitant pathology. To clarify the diagnosis and determination of the severity, it is necessary to refer to the doctor an endocrinologist.

Dr. Alena Vladimirovna Gorshkov - doctor nutritionist, endocrinologist, physiotherapist, experience with endocrine and psychosomatic pathology of which allows not only to choose the optimal, modern treatment Symptoms of the main I. concomitant diseasesBut to ensure the preservation and stabilization of the state for a longer period due to the integrated, justified and rational treatment approach.

Diet with autoimmune thyroid.

Autimmune thyroiditis (thyroidito Hasimoto, Hashimoto, chronic lymphomatous thyroiditis) belongs to the group of endocrine autoimmune diseases, based on the formation of specific antibodies to the tissue of the thyroid gland. In this regard, the focus is formed in the gland. chronic inflammation. have characteristics. The diagnosis of autoimmune thyroiditis establishes only the Endocrinologist on the basis of complaints, clinical data and diagnostic results.

The basic principles are based on the restriction of products provoking or enhancing inflammation, autoimmune reactions. You should give preference to gentle and light food of home cooking, as when cooking you independently control the composition of food.

Can not be taken in food a large number of:

  • Nuts, nut paste, walnut oil.
  • Chocolate, cocoa, coffee.
  • Alcohol products, energy, beer.
  • Strong welded meat and fish broths, keel, Zelets.
  • In hypothyroidism, limit various varieties and types of cabbage.
  • With thyrotoxicosis, exclude laminarium (the composition of sushi, rolls), facea, strawberries, iodide supplements, iodized salt, meat products, offal, iodized eggs, milk.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Citrus.
  • Sharp, spicy snacks.
  • Marinada, pickles.

An example of the cause of deterioration: stressful reaction + sharp with sharp sauce / campaign to Czech restaurant.

  1. An autoimmune thyroidite pokes against the background of a special power structure: small portions, fractional and gentle.
  2. Prefer vegetables, croups, low-calorie fish and bird.
  3. With a combination of autoimmune thyroiditis with thyrotoxicosis or hypothyroidism, it is necessary to refer to the doctor a nutritionist, an endocrinologist.

Diet with a subacute grainsatous thyroid.

In the initial period of the disease, the reception in food sources of vitamins, minerals plays a major role. Special attention should be paid to the drinking regime, it should be sufficient. It is necessary to exclude annoying gastrointestinal Immuno-enhancing products inflammatory reactions.

Power is determined based on the phase of the disease: thyrotoxic, euticoid or hypothyroid.

For the first, perfectly suitable. With euthethyosis, the diet does not differ from the total traditional nutrition, the only thing that needs to be held is a common event.

Diet with a subacute lymphocytic thyroid (postpartum thyroiditis).

Food should provide a woman, especially if it feeds the breast, the optimal and full amount of nutrients. Duration diet on average from 6 weeks to 3 months. In hypothyroidism, a longer duration of medicinal and diet pattern is required. After repeated births, the pathology is often noted, so such patients need long and regular observation of an endocrinologist's doctor.

Restrict admission to food:

  • Seafood, mollusks, crustaceans.
  • Cocoa beans, chocolate, nut-containing sweets.
  • Iodine-containing additives and products, if a nutritionist, an endocrinologist does not indicate the other.
  • Red and sour berries (currants, cranberries, lingonberry).
  • Fish caviar.
  • Sharp herbs and seasonings.

To eliminate the admission of alcohol and tobacocco, since these items aggravate the flow of thyroiditis, slow down the recovery, provoke inflammatory reactions and the activation of autoimmune processes.

We should not forget about phytotherapy:

  • Anti-inflammatory phytotherapy (chamomile infusion, coltsfoot, antiber pharmacy fees)
  • Hyposensitizing therapy (series, St. John's wort, licorice, yarrow, plantain).
  • Trucking therapy.
  • Regenerator therapy.

Get the help of an endocrinologist's doctor, a nutritionist.

Issues of site visitors to the doctor endocrinologist, Dietist Dr. Alena Gorshkova.

Hello, is it possible to take green coffee with autoimmune thyroid, I have it 3.5 years old. The function has not yet examined. Thanks in advance!

It is possible, but in small quantities, 1-2 times a week. The function must be investigated, as this will play a big role when choosing treatment tactics and diet therapy. Thanks for the question.

Ask a question to the doctor

When diagnosing (it is the autoimmune thyroiditis), allopathic medicine immediately recommends contacting the help of drugs, without considering the root cause, which lies in a weakened immune system.

This therapy, however, only supports, it does not restore the immune system. She does not take into account the cause autoimmune disease, healing only the consequence. As a result, it becomes difficult to find a way out of this vicious circle.

Without thyroid hormones, the quality of life is very limited, and the use of synthetic hormones does not solve the problem. Most patients who used Eutirox (Euthyrox) or Letrox indicated the sensation of intestinal completeness after meals, constant bloating and fresh meteorismDepression, insomnia is associated phenomena of supporting therapy.

The role of nutrition and lifestyle with autoimmune thyroid

The cunning of autoimmune disorders is that they arise, spontaneously, passing for a long time without any symptoms. In some people, the launching mechanism is stress, in others - an incorrectly compiled diet with excess products containing allergens, such as gluten (gluten), casein and lactose.

Therefore, with autoimmune thyroid, diet and lifestyle involves abstinence from the use of dairy products. In the event that one day in the body there was a reaction to any product, then in the future the immune system will have a tendency to respond to it constantly. This makes a problematic diet with an autoimmune thyroid.

Often in the list of allergens with autoimmune thyroid appears soy, containing the structure, which purposefully "catch" the hormones of the thyroid gland.

Excessive physical activity or lack of sleep, chemicals in the food and cosmetic industry, the inability to stop and relax. Such a lifestyle, along with the wrong choice and the preparation of food, often not only exacerbates a state of autoimmune thyroid, but also becomes its cause.

Power basics with autoimmune thyroid

An autoimmune disorder, directly itself, can be reduced or completely suppressed by inclusion in the diet of some products. In addition, the activity of the thyroid gland is also influenced by metabolism (metabolism). Eliminating the state of the thyroid gland, damaged tissues can be restored. This process, however, must begin to be implemented at the very beginning.

What products can and should be consumed during Hashimoto disease? What should a diet be consisting with autoimmune thyroid thyroid gland aimed at reducing or suppressing the starting autoimmune inflammation?

First of all, in preventive purposes and with the developed autoimmune thyroid, it is advisable to exclude casein, lactose and gluten.

If the patient is confident that the problem of autoimmune thyroiditis is only in lactose, you can eliminate fresh milk and leave high-quality milk products. In them, lactose is largely converted into lactic acid.

As for gluten, in this case, there is no need for the strict consumption of artificially composed of gluten-free products, such as corn or rice bread. Such products have nothing to do with healthy nutrition at autoimmune thyroid.

By holding up and adjusting power with thyroid, it is necessary to constantly track the CRP in the blood - jet protein, inflammation rate. If its value drops significantly, the patient is on the right path. After the regeneration of the body and facilitating the state with autoimmune thyroid, you can gradually add other high-quality products to the diet, such as barley, shepherd, rye. However, the minimum period of diet compliance with autoimmune thyroid is 1 year.

Exception of gluten with autoimmune thyroid

It should be remembered that the cleaner products will be a diet, the less metabolism will be overloaded. Wheat, rye and barley replace well next products Power:

  • millet;
  • buckwheat;
  • oat flakes;
  • amaranth;
  • quinoa;
  • rice (natural - jasmine or bass).

Wheat food, such as pasta in autoimmune thyroid, can be replaced with buckwheat. In addition, it is necessary to use gluten-free bean crops, of which products are most easily absorbed as:

  • red lentil;
  • lentil Beluga;
  • adzuki;

Despite the first impression, a gluten-free lifestyle, both with autoimmune thyroid, and in general, is not a problem. Morning baking can be successfully replaced by porridge, in addition, it is recommended to consume fruits and nuts.

For lunch, in addition to the food mentioned above, you can also make a batt or potatoes. In the 2nd half of the day you can use healthy product Food - buckwheat bread. For dinner mono come up with and combine the dish from natural products without gluten:

  • risotto;
  • buckwheat pie;
  • salad with a movie, which can also be used as a side dish, for example, baked fish.

It should be careful with modified gluten food products, which, as a rule, have a higher glycemic index, and the composition of dubious ingredients.

Casein and lactose with autoimmune thyroid

With dairy food, business can be more difficult, but even here, with the right approach, there should be no problem. Pasteurized cow's milk can be replaced by coconut, almond, hemp and poppy. Prepare them very easily:

  • 100 g of nuts or seeds are soaked for 24 hours in 500 ml of water, and then overtake well and strain. The resulting milk can be used to prepare various nutrition: porridge, desserts and fruit cocktails.

Instead of cheese, you can prepare a variety of jams and pies, whether from avocado, buckwheat or legumes. An excellent helper is also a cashew from which healthy mayonnaise can be prepared. If life without dairy products is not acceptable for the patient, it is sometimes possible to pamper themselves with food milk powder, such as cheese, kefir or cottage cheese.

It must be remembered that, the more fat in food - the less lactose!

Power should be enriched with good calcium sources that are:

  • almond;
  • mac Seeds;
  • seeds of sesame.

Healthy Cashew Mayonnaise

To prepare this sauce you will need:

  • 100 g cesia;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice;
  • himalayan salt.

Cashews are soaked within 24 hours in the water, then scroll with garlic, lemon juice and salt. Cashew mayonnaise can be used in the usual way, for example, for cooking (refueling) of salads.

Omega-3 and 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids with autoimmune thyroid

Another wonderful anti-inflammatory basis suitable for nutrition with autoimmune thyroid. Good source These essential fatty acids are fish. It is recommended, however, choose the highest quality fish, such as salmon from clean water. It should not be included in the diet artificially grown fish.

In addition, you should get used to flax or hemp oil, seeds, nuts, free grazing fish meat. These foods contain a fairly high amount of omega-3 and 6 fatty acids.

Vitamin D with autoimmune thyroid

Not in vain it says that the population sunny countries To lesser extent susceptible to autoimmune disorders. Already 30 minutes under the sunny rays are enough to penetrate and learned the recommended skin through open areas daily dose This valuable vitamin.

Vitamin D is blocked by any sunscreen!

It can also provide suitable meal. Excellent sources is fat fish - Salmon is well suited. In addition, this vitamin, which includes natural immunomodulators, It is contained in food such as eggs and champignons, for the cultivation of which natural light was used.

Vitamin D contributes to:

  • assimilation of calcium obtained from food;
  • prevents cancer processes;
  • protects the cardiovascular system;
  • reduces blood sugar levels (when the power mode is met and the correct lifestyle).

During winter when sunlight Less, it is recommended to receive biologically active additives.

Enzymes and their lively power with autoimmune thyroid

In the early stages of the disease, it is recommended to give preference to enzymatically active foods, which in practice means - the more fresh food, the better. Compliance with this rule, uncomplicated in the late spring and during the hot summer, when it is possible to draw healing power Heated by the sun gifts of nature.

During the winter with fresh food Power should be caution, since they have cooling properties, and can weaken one of the centers of the immune system - the spleen. Ideal for winter time is the daily half-length of fresh carrot juice with ginger and cinnamon.

Inside these red berries "hiding" a large number of compounds that are characterized by strong anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects. The cherry contains, for example, flavonoid quercetin, which has strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Other recovery substances are represented, in particular, by ellamic acid, which in the body causes apoptosis - death cancer cells When saving healthy. It is worth attention to the fact that 200 g of cherries per day significantly reduces the level of uric acid in the blood.

Choosing a cherry for its nutrition with autoimmune thyroid, one should give preference to berries, during the cultivation of which pesticides were not used. In the list of products that most suffered from chemicals, Cherry occupy 12th place!

Calm of the soul and soothing movement

With the correction of food and the choice proper productsIt should be remembered that if you do not slow down the tempo, do not calm down, do not define priorities, then the day will be filled with unnecessary actions. What happens to the body? It is not surprising that after a while, slowly and gradually, it begins to "take positions".

You need to think about your day and fill it in towering moments. You can start with anything, for example, from a 20-minute walk before bedtime, during which you can realize how many flaping and opportunities proper nutrition And the lifestyle offers nature.

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