Making your belly beautiful - how to get rid of your belly. I have a big belly

Big belly causes a lot of problems. And besides, it doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing. It can appear in both women and men. If the belly has increased in size in the female half of the population, then pregnancy immediately comes to mind. For men, everything is much more complicated. Therefore, it is worth understanding why the belly grows? We'll tell you.

Why do women and men grow a big belly? In modern times, this problem is quite acute, but not everyone takes it seriously and does not look for the reason for its occurrence.

Doctors have derived some parameters that fall within normal limits. For women, waist size should not exceed 88 centimeters, and for men - no more than 94 centimeters.

A huge belly acts as a disease that must be treated.

The causes of a big belly may be hidden in the following:

  • flatulence and problems with stool. With constipation, the intestinal tract becomes clogged, which leads to the appearance of a protrusion. At the same time, it becomes hard and increased gas formation is observed;
  • poor digestion of food as a result of dysbacteriosis, increased putrefactive processes, increased gas formation;
  • atony intestinal tract. In modern times, many people observe protein diets. The diet includes a large number of meat dishes, a lot of fried and dairy products, eggs. Due to such a menu, food does not have time to be digested, which leads to pain and bloating;
  • lack of an enzyme called lactase. It is responsible for digesting lactose, which is found in dairy products. Against the background of this process, nausea, pain and bloating occur;
  • formation of a tumor-like formation;
  • a pathological process when the abdomen enlarges in a certain place. If the belly grows in the upper part, then the cause may be diseases of the liver and gall bladder;
  • the presence of gynecological or urological problems;
  • Availability bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol.

A big belly can also occur for another reason - fluid accumulation. This disease has distinctive feature: The stomach inflates evenly. At the same time, the skin looks taut and smooth.

This disease is commonly called ascites in medicine. It occurs for a number of reasons, including:

  • tumor-like formations;
  • inflammatory processes in the peritoneum;
  • illnesses of cardio-vascular system and kidneys. They arise due to stagnation of blood and disruption of the outflow of fluid from tissue structures. Then the patient's arms, legs and face swell;
  • cirrhosis of the liver. Outflow disturbance is observed venous blood to the liver. Against this background, the pressure in the abdominal cavity.

It happens that the stomach grows even in healthy people. The reasons are hidden:

  • constant consumption of carbonated drinks;
  • drinking soda for heartburn;
  • reception large quantity cabbage, fresh rye bread, grapes, garlic, legumes and melon;
  • haste while eating and swallowing large amounts of air;
  • transferred surgery in the form of laparoscopy.

Many men wonder why their belly has become larger. One of the reasons is the abuse of beer. It includes not only ethanol and hops, but also female hormones. With constant use, not only the stomach, but also the mammary glands increase in size. Often men's voice changes. He becomes more feminine. Therefore, it is foolish to think that beer does not cause any harm.

If a woman's belly has grown, then perhaps this is a signal of pregnancy. In the first weeks after conception, the stomach seems to swell. This phenomenon occurs due to the production of large amounts of progesterone. This hormone relaxes the muscle structures of the uterus to hold the fetus. But it also affects digestive tract. As a result, a large amount of gases accumulates in the organ.

Additional symptoms may include delay, nausea, increased drowsiness. To confirm pregnancy, you need to do a test and then go for an ultrasound.

The belly during pregnancy increases significantly in size after the 15th week of pregnancy. The organs of the fetus are already formed, and therefore all forces are directed towards its growth.

Preventing belly growth

If the belly begins to grow, then it is necessary to identify the cause of this process. During pregnancy, a woman does not need to do anything. These processes are completely reversible. In order for your belly to return to its original size after childbirth, you need to eat right during pregnancy and strengthen the muscle structures of your abdomen.

When your stomach protrudes for other reasons, you need to follow several recommendations.

  1. Stop drinking beer.
  2. Take regular walks.
  3. Do exercises for the abs and strengthening the muscular structures of the abdominal cavity.
  4. Go swimming in the pool. Women can go to yoga or water aerobics during pregnancy.
  5. Avoid stressful situations. Very often, people begin to gain weight due to stress, eating large portions of food.
  6. Eat properly. You need to avoid fried, fatty, hot, spicy and smoked foods. The diet should be aimed at maintaining proper nutrition. Dairy products must be excluded. Instead, the diet should include dairy products, which are rich in beneficial bacteria.
  7. Eat in small portions, but more often up to 5-6 times a day.
  8. Remove from diet simple carbohydrates. This includes buns, cookies, sweets, and chocolate.
  9. There should be fats on the menu, but they should be healthy. These include fish dishes, avocado, nuts.
  10. Don't forget to follow the drinking regime. Often, due to lack of fluid, the body begins to make reserves on its own. Against this background, swelling appears in the face, legs, and arms. To avoid this and throw off a few extra pounds, you need to drink two liters of water a day. The first glass is taken in the morning immediately after a night's rest.

If the appearance of a huge belly is associated with the accumulation of fluid, then you should urgently consult a specialist. The patient will be prescribed thorough examination, which primarily includes ultrasound diagnostics.

To get rid of a bulging belly, you need to undergo a surgical procedure. It is aimed at removing excess fluid. After graduation rehabilitation period You need to eat right and exercise regularly. They will help.

If the abdominal wall moves unevenly and a protrusion is observed on the right or left, then you should also visit a doctor. Perhaps the reason lies in diseases of the internal organs: liver, spleen, intestines, gall bladder.

The belly can bulge in the navel area when umbilical hernia. In this case, the patient will feel constant pain, heaviness, tingling when making movements. As an adult this pathology requires surgical intervention.

Exercise to reduce belly fat

How then? If your belly begins to grow due to poor nutrition, abuse of beer and sedentary lifestyle life, you can perform a number of exercises at home.

  1. First exercise.
    You need to take a lying position. Place your hands on the frontal area. You should bend your legs knee joints, while the feet rest on the floor. The head and shoulders are raised one time, lowered two times. You need to repeat such movements at least 20 times.
  2. Second exercise.
    Take a lying position. The arms are located along the body. This exercise is a little more difficult than the previous one. First, the arms and head are raised, then the torso. The movements are performed in two steps. Then the torso, head and shoulders drop. You need to repeat at least 15 times.
  3. Third exercise.
    Lie on your back and place your hands under your head. Bend your knees and lift them up. Raise your torso and try to reach your knee joints with your elbows.
  4. Fourth exercise.
    Position yourself on your back. Bend your legs at the knee joints. At one time you need to raise your shoulders and head. Turn your body to the right by two, turn straight by three, turn left by four. Then take the starting position.
  5. Fifth exercise.
    An exercise called a plank will help you get rid of a bulging belly, strengthen your abdominal muscles, and develop stability. It is enough to perform it once a day every day. In a month, the results will be visible: the stomach will retract a little, the abs will acquire beautiful outlines, the legs and arms will become stronger.

    To perform the exercise, you need to sit in a knee-elbow position. That is, the arms bend at the knees and rest on the floor. In the first days, you should stand in this position for no more than 20 seconds. As soon as the body gets used to it, increase the time to 30 and 45 seconds.

  6. Sixth exercise.
    If the stomach is swollen in the background large cluster gases, then the simplest exercise will help. It is necessary to take a lying position. Place your arms along your body. Bend your legs at the knee joints. We begin to make movements as if we were riding a bicycle. It is advisable to press your knees as close to your chest as possible.
  7. Seventh exercise.
    It is necessary to take a lying position and place your arms along your body. Raise your legs so that the angle between them and the floor is approximately 45 degrees. They should be held in this position for 10-15 seconds.

Training must be constant. To get the desired effect, you must follow a diet at the same time as doing the exercises.

Most often, the belly can grow for reasons related to the quality of food consumed. This phenomenon is quite unpleasant, but in most cases it is completely correctable. If an enlarged belly is accompanied by pain, swelling or increased gas formation, you should urgently visit a doctor.

A bulging belly is not just a collection of folds of fat or a place for beer.
It is formed due to a combination of many factors of an unhealthy lifestyle - excess in volume, but poor in composition, nutrition, lack of regular physical activity and “hygiene” of the body. And to eliminate it requires an integrated approach.

1. distended stomach
The size of the stomach varies greatly depending on the body type and degree of filling. The capacity of the stomach of an adult is on average 3 liters (1.5-4.0 liters), and with empty stomach it is reduced to 50 ml (and this is a cup of espresso, not a full-fledged business lunch with dessert)
Large portions stretch the stomach, prevent normal digestion of food and, accordingly, its proper absorption, that is, the absorption of substances necessary for the body. And this again leads to the desire to eat; the stubborn body still wants to receive and calmly digest complete proteins, “ healthy fats”, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber, not trans fats in frosting and powdered sugar.
Solution - the volume of food should be the size of your own fist, and the calorie content should be 200-500 kcal, depending on the daily caloric content of the diet and the number of meals. Which, by the way, should be 5-8 per day. There should be no feeling of satiety or fullness in the stomach.

enlarged intestines and distended stomach

2. “slagged” large intestine
The length of the large intestine is about 2 meters and the diameter is 4-7 cm.
With almost perfect development Food Industry and weak willpower, we accumulate undigested parts of foods in the large intestine, which accumulate for decades and can reach 8 - 25 kilograms. “Stored” for many years at a temperature of 37-40 ° C, toxins are formed that disrupt many processes in the body and lead to the development serious violations weight and health. With prolonged slagging of the intestines, its work is disrupted, the size changes, the stomach looks large and saggy.
Fasting days therapeutic fasting, fasting, health (medical, having nothing to do with popular) diets were invented for a reason out of nothing to do.
Solution. More fiber! Bran, cereals, plant foods. You need to eat at least 4 types of fruits and 4 types of vegetables per day. By the way, some types of fiber affect absorption processes in the stomach and small intestine. By binding to bile acids, they reduce fat absorption and lower cholesterol levels and slow down the absorption of sugar after meals.

Storing energy in the form of fat is the most economical way long-term storage energy in the body. We now want to be slim, beautiful and, but for the body, remembering our “childhood” in a cave devoid of comfort near a smoldering fire, surrounded saber-toothed tigers and portly mammoths, it was more convenient to be fat and save energy.
Fat is stored
. With excessive calorie intake. Extra calories stored in fat, and where else?
. If there is an excess of fat (and there should be 30-50 grams per day and at the same time they should constitute no more than 10-15% of the calorie content of the daily diet)
. If there is an excess of a large amount of carbohydrates with a high GI (glycemic index) in one meal, because the blood sugar level will rise quickly after eating such foods. All glucose that is not used or urgently removed from the body (with hyperglycemia) is converted into fat.

If the quantity and composition of food is incorrectly distributed throughout the day. This is precisely about the absence of breakfast, but the presence of a rich anti-stress dinner.

The optimal meal interval is 3-5 hours. After 4 hours of lack of food, the metabolism slows down, after 8 hours of daytime fasting - the food eaten will be converted into fat as much as possible, with a modest excuse from the body “what if we are still here, so I’ll store more fat on my sides, otherwise it’s unknown when and what will my owner feed me next time?”
. For every kg of muscle lost, a kg of fat is gained back. This is why hunger strikes in the absence of training are so harmful, because the muscles are destroyed first, not the muscles. adipose tissue, as we would like.
. Fats of different natures are absorbed differently - saturated animal fats are absorbed and converted into human fat much more easily than polyunsaturated fats vegetable fats, which practically do not participate in the formation of human fat.
. The absorption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the intestines varies somewhat depending on the time of day, season, chemical composition other products.

SFA on the abdomen (subcutaneous fat) (right)

4. Visceral fat

Subcutaneous fat up to the stage of obesity (BMI > 30), according to doctors, is a purely aesthetic problem, but fat inside the abdomen is a medical problem.
Visceral fat is deposited around internal organs - liver, kidneys, pancreas, large vessels located in the abdominal cavity, etc.
Enveloping the internal organs, it disrupts their functioning and changes the course of metabolic processes that occur continuously in them.
An “apple” body type can be considered a “harmful” body type - deposits visceral fat in the abdominal cavity - more typical for men. The “pear” type of fat deposition assigned to women is safer for the body. In this option, fat is not deposited on the internal organs, but is concentrated “down” of the body on the hips and buttocks, and on the waist and abdomen in the form of ridges of fatty acids. By the way, in nature, in animals that need to store fat, its deposition occurs this way.

5. Weak muscles

Constantly exercised muscles
  • are in good shape
  • additional capillaries open in them, respectively better blood circulation, metabolic processes, nutrition and excretion of metabolic products from cells of surrounding tissues
  • more oxygen is delivered with the blood, which plays an important role in fat oxidation; the more oxygen, the more fat is oxidized.
  • abdominal muscle strength is important to keep organs in place in the abdominal cavity
  • muscle mass is metabolically active, that is, it requires constant kcal consumption even at rest, while fat is simply deposited in the body
  • 1 kg of muscle burns an additional 100 kcal per day
  • 30 minutes of strength training increases metabolism by 20% for 2 days.
6. Prolapse of internal organs forms a convex lower abdomen

Digestive organs: stomach, small intestine, pancreas, liver, etc. contained in the abdominal cavity, which is supported from below by the pelvis and on the sides by muscles. These organs are suspended freely in the abdominal cavity or rigidly attached to the posterior (dorsal) wall of the abdomen
and therefore need strong support from the front so as not to leave their place and not sink (prolapse of the stomach, intestines, kidneys, etc.)

It is important to understand that the body is complex biological mechanism, he has his own inviolable laws of existence, strictly defined needs

You wouldn’t pour strong coffee into the gas tank of your car to make it drive more vigorously. It runs on gasoline, the more advanced ones run on diesel, and some monsters run on antifreeze. So why do we treat our own body, which, unlike a machine, we cannot change when it breaks or gets boring, with such irresponsibility? We throw whatever we want into the stomach, as if into a furnace, without chewing, without enjoying the taste. We do not give freedom to the muscles created for movement. Instead we run, fueled by coffee, without breathing full breasts, sometimes even on one cigarette puff. Or we make yogis jealous by curling up in a pose at the computer. We don’t listen and don’t understand what our own body really needs.

“My belly is growing - maybe someone lives there”?! This is the worst thing

The appearance of your body is an indicator of your health. Healthy is beautiful person. How do people's bellies grow? A normal, that is, healthy, stomach is formed by a healthy intestine and a healthy spine. The tone of the abdominal muscles is directly related to the condition of the chest and lumbar regions spine.

With a healthy spine, the abdominal muscles are relatively strong and restrain the pressure of the intestines with its contents; with a diseased spine, the muscles are weak and unable to withstand the pressure of the abdominal organs. The stomach protrudes. Digestive disorders also often lead to changes in the size and shape of the abdomen, and if you have a sick spine and digestion suffers, then the abdomen will always be enlarged.

Observe yourself and you will see the shape of your belly, chest, posture, how it deviates from normal parameters healthy person? Usually these changes are attributed to age, considering them inevitable. In fact, the vast majority of them are associated only with impaired digestion and muscle weakness. A bunch of chronic diseases are also a consequence bad work sluggish or inflamed bowel. Unfortunately, today a normal stomach is very rare.

Is there a clear understanding that if someone has an enlarged belly to indecent sizes, is this normal? Think about what could be there? Scientists prove that such people... modern man can carry up to 10 kilograms in its stomach feces. Just think about this number. Doesn't it bother you that you constantly carry a backpack weighing 10 kilograms with you?

Each of us sooner or later notices a flabby fold of subcutaneous fat on our stomach. Gaining excess weight starts from the stomach. At some point, the balance between food energy and its consumption shifts, and excess energy begins to be stored as fat in the abdominal area. In almost all men this happens after 40 years, and in girls after 25.

Simultaneously with the growth of subcutaneous fat, it begins to grow internal fat. This is a special fat located in the omentum and around the internal organs of the abdomen. He brown color in contrast to the light yellow subcutaneous fat. Brown visceral fat is also excess weight that needs to be gotten rid of, but the most unpleasant thing is that it releases substances into the blood that stimulate fat formation and an increase in blood pressure.

Although visceral fat cannot be measured directly, studies have shown that its mass is related to waist circumference. When there is fat on the stomach, it means there is already excess internal brown fat, which has begun its harmful activities, causing an increase in blood pressure and insulin resistance.

Many people note that if previously they could eat as much as they wanted and the fat didn’t stick to them, then from a certain point they became very sensitive to errors in the diet and fat began to grow much faster than before.

The next stage of abdominal enlargement begins when the fat fold on the abdomen begins to interfere with the usual physical exercise. However, the abdominal muscles are not biceps; they do not need special power. What they need is just tone. It is no coincidence that they are called the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. The tone of the abdominal muscles forms this very wall. Accordingly, if there is no tone, then the wall is more like a bag.

The belly that we see at this stage is the internal organs, surrounded by overgrown brown fat, pressing on weak muscles the anterior wall of the abdomen, which can no longer withstand the pressure from the inside.

Of course, all this is covered with a subcutaneous fat layer, which continues to grow. Next comes a change in posture. Weakened abdominal and back muscles can no longer maintain the same posture, stooping appears and the stomach protrudes even more. To distinguish this stage from the second, you need to try to straighten your shoulders and pull in your stomach... will you be able to do this and hold it for at least half a minute? This means that this stage has not yet arrived.

All these stages of abdominal growth are characteristic of men. In women, at the beginning of the second stage, along with belly fat, fat on the hips and buttocks begins to grow, which worries women much more, as it is accompanied by cellulite. Moreover, all these stages develop much later in women.

You need to use special tools to monitor your progress in fat loss; scales alone are not enough. Simply because even aerobic exercise will cause growth muscle mass, which, due to the greater specific gravity of the muscles, will mask the real decrease.

What to do? One solution suggests itself - eat less! Exercise. Live in harmony with nature. Maintain a daily routine. Become a vegetarian. Do you have anything else to offer? I'd love to hear from you in the comments.

Most men aged 35-40 years experience significant abdominal enlargement.

Even those men who had a beautiful, pumped up torso in their youth, with age, the stomach begins to lose its shape and gradually become rounder.

As numerous medical studies show, this problem is not only aesthetic, it poses a health threat. Therefore, even those who are not particularly concerned about the reflection in the mirror still need to think about how to reduce the appearance of their belly.

The appearance of a large belly in men is associated with certain physiological characteristics their body. Women usually have extra body fat distributed evenly throughout the body - arms, legs, chest, abdomen. Among representatives of the stronger sex excess weight is deposited mainly on the abdominal area, while other parts of the body remain in the same shape.

What danger does a big belly pose?

If a man has a big belly, this brings with it both physiological and psychological problems:

Reasons that cause abdominal enlargement

In order to always have a flat stomach, you need to play sports, monitor your figure constantly, paying attention to even minor changes. After all, the appearance does not happen instantly. At first it's just small fat layer, which others may not even notice. But this is already a prerequisite for the fact that changes are taking place in the body - not only excess subcutaneous fat appears, but also abdominal fat, which accumulates around the internal organs and carries a huge danger for men.

If a man’s big belly appears in a relatively short time, this is a sign that it is urgent to get tested for the presence of worms. With improper, irregular nutrition, it is very difficult for the stomach to digest food. Then worms and other microorganisms appear in the body, which digest what the digestive organs could not cope with.

It’s not for nothing that the name “beer belly” has appeared among people. This is due to the fact that natural enzymes do not work in acidic environment(alcohol is an acidifying agent), as well as during cooling. And in most cases beer is consumed cold. The stomach is unable to digest food that was eaten before, it is deposited in the form of significant fat deposits.

Oxygen deficiency is also the cause of a large belly in men.

A very common cause of this problem is weak abdominal muscles. And with an increase in the abdomen, it only gets worse - the muscles completely atrophy and cease to fulfill their function, which is to fix the internal organs. Depending on the shape of a man’s tummy, you can determine which muscles are the weakest - the rectus, internal oblique or external oblique.

In the context of the reasons why a belly appears, it is worth mentioning a decrease in the level of production male hormone testosterone, which occurs around age 40. This is primarily due to the fact that testosterone influences the overall lifestyle of men, making them more mobile, active, and giving them energy and strength for sports. In addition, it affects the ability of muscles to grow. With a decrease in the amount of testosterone, all of the above indicators also fall, a man begins to lead a more passive lifestyle, eat more and drink beer, and accordingly, a belly appears.

Some representatives of the stronger sex have a genetic tendency to have a large belly, and the obesity gene is responsible for this. But this does not mean that the fight against this problem will be in vain. Proper nutrition And physical activity will be extremely useful and effective.

The reasons that the belly is growing may be excessive gas formation and weak intestinal motility. In order to minimize the influence of this factor, nutritionists recommend excluding sweets, carbonated drinks, cabbage, dried fruits, beer, and kvass from the diet.

What will help get rid of a big belly?

Of course, the very first step to reducing a man’s big belly is to review his diet and balance his diet. It is very important to use sufficient quantity pure still water. Will also be useful herbal infusions, which will help speed up metabolism, so food will not stagnate in the stomach. But the main purpose of compiling healthy menu- this is the exclusion of fatty, sweet, fast food, salty, alcohol. The basis of nutrition should be lean meat, fish, grains, vegetables, eggs, nuts, and unsweetened dairy products.

Considering that lack of oxygen also leads to the appearance, it is important to learn how to breathe correctly in order to reduce it. The more oxygen enters the body, the faster all metabolic processes will occur. To form correct posture and be able to breathe deeply, it is important to strengthen the muscle corset as a whole. You can start with the most basic exercises- bending, lifting the body from a lying position, turns, “scissors” with legs. They may not help directly reduce your belly, but they will tone your muscles and prepare you for further, more serious physical activity.

Very effective way How to reduce belly fat in men is aerobic exercise. While running or doing fitness, your heart rate increases, blood begins to circulate faster, thus burning a lot of calories and speeding up your metabolism. Such exercises for 20-30 minutes 3 times a week will help you lose a big belly much faster.

First of all, you need to love your body and start taking care of it. Feeling good, being liked by members of the opposite sex, buying beautiful clothes is so nice. In order to achieve this, you need to lead healthy image life. In most cases, the main reason for spending weekends on the couch in front of the TV is laziness and unwillingness to change your life. We need to fight this. All you have to do is go out for a walk in the park a few times, ride a bike, cook delicious and healthy dish for lunch for the whole family, and life will immediately sparkle with new colors, which will have a positive effect on your physical fitness.

And, of course, in order for men to struggle with the appearance of belly fat effectively and quickly enough, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist. The doctor will examine the body, identify the causes of the problem and prescribe optimal treatment. Once you've addressed your health issues, getting rid of your beer belly is a matter of persistence and willpower.

An increase in abdominal circumference, both in women and men, is quite common. It may be due to natural physiological reasons, as well as with a number of serious diseases.

Causes of abdominal enlargement

Why does my belly get big? All reasons can be classified into several groups:

Most common cause“Big belly” is ascites, i.e. accumulation of large volumes of fluid in the abdominal cavity. A small amount of liquid (up to 50-100 ml) is acceptable in a healthy abdominal cavity. It does not visually change the size of the abdomen and is not determined by ultrasound examination.

Ascites develops mainly in liver cirrhosis. In this case, the stomach will be spherical, the skin will be tense, with a typical shine.

Towards changes from the outside appearance abdomen, other signs of liver damage and dysfunction will be added. These are pigmentation of the palms (redness), expansion of the subcutaneous venous network on the surface of the abdominal wall (changes resemble the “head of a jellyfish”), an increase in the diameter of the navel, the appearance spider veins on the body, varicose veins veins lower limbs, rectum (hemorrhoids), esophagus, yellowness of the sclera and skin. Blood tests show anemia and disorders of the coagulation system, increased liver enzymes.

To make a diagnosis of liver cirrhosis, the doctor will prescribe additional examinations - blood and urine tests, biochemical analysis, blood tests for antigens to exclude viral nature liver diseases (hepatitis), abdominal ultrasound, radiography, FEGDS, CT or MRI (as indicated).

Tumor growth

If the cause of ascites is cysts and tumors of the abdominal organs, as a rule, the abdomen has an irregular shape. When palpating the abdomen, the doctor can identify a dense, round or irregularly shaped formation in the area of ​​one or another organ. The formation can be soft-elastic or woody, hard, of heterogeneous consistency. Latest signs often indicate a malignant process.

At the same time, enlarged dense tissues will be felt The lymph nodes in the supraclavicular or groin area. If a tumor is found in the projection of the stomach or intestines, it will clarify the diagnosis endoscopic examination(gastroscopy, colonoscopy), complemented by ultrasound, MRI, CT scan of the abdominal cavity. If cystic or nodular changes are detected in the liver, kidneys or pancreas, then the basis of diagnosis will be ultrasonography, sometimes with puncture biopsy, as well as tomographic methods. A lumpy, dense edge of the liver may indicate tumor metastasis.


Natural enlargement of the abdomen during pregnancy will be accompanied by other signs of this condition in a woman. This positive test for pregnancy, vomiting and nausea, pallor of the skin, changes in taste preferences, aversion to certain types of food, absence of menstruation, engorgement of the mammary glands.

For more later a woman with a normal pregnancy will feel fetal movements, “tremors”. The main criteria in establishing the fact of pregnancy are examination by a gynecologist, hormonal test and ultrasound screening.


With increased gas formation, the abdomen has the appearance of a dome; sometimes loops of distended intestines are visually identified. Flatulence can accompany both serious illnesses abdominal organs, and may be a sign of malnutrition or poor diet.

If the cause of bloating is intestinal paresis or intestinal obstruction, then general state the patient suffers significantly. When you lightly tap the abdomen, a “splashing noise” is heard (due to stagnant contents in the intestine). The face of a patient with peritonitis is emaciated, pale, with a grayish tint. The tongue and mucous membranes are dry. The abdomen is not just enlarged in size, but painful on palpation and does not participate in the act of breathing. There is no stool or passing of gas.

In making a correct diagnosis, one cannot do without an examination by a surgeon, FEGDS, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, accompanying blood and urine tests, overview photos abdominal organs and chest. This will most likely be followed by surgery to eliminate the cause. intestinal obstruction or peritonitis.

If the reason increased gas formation in a malnutrition, then when an adequate diet is established, flatulence and the discomfort caused by it, including a large belly, disappear within a few days.


A sign of overnutrition and obesity is an enlarged, painless abdomen that is soft and loose on palpation. A thickened fold is detected on the anterior abdominal wall more than 2 cm. There are signs of metabolic disorders, increased arterial pressure, accompanying illnesses cardiovascular system and endocrine organs (thyroid gland, pancreas, ovaries or testes).

In such cases, the patient needs further examination by an endocrinologist, andrologist, or gynecologist. An ultrasound of the pelvic and abdominal organs, the thyroid gland, and tests to determine hormonal status are prescribed.


“Enlarged belly” is just one of the symptoms of various physiological and pathological conditions patients. A single symptom is not an indication for drug or surgical treatment.

Only in one of the cases described above will this sign be a guide to action and assistance. emergency care. In the case of tense ascites, when the amount of fluid in the abdominal cavity can reach 20 liters. In such situations, the surgeon emergency clinic laparocentesis is performed and excess intra-abdominal fluid is removed, otherwise this can dramatically worsen the patient’s condition and even lead to death.

Ivanova Irina Nikolaevna
