Stone oil - what it is, its medicinal properties, rules for use and contraindications. Stone oil (brakshun, white stone of immortality) - photo, description, composition and medicinal properties, instructions for use, how to take it for various diseases

Stone oil is one of the most mysterious healing substances in the world. Why? Firstly, because basically this substance is by no means oil, but a rock. Where did the name "oil" come from? folk healers it is not known, but it was given by the inhabitants of Siberia. Secondly, this rock consists of 49 elements of the periodic table. By the way, many marketers give different information, arguing that the composition of the oil contains almost the entire table.

But the point is not in the number of microelements, but in their concentration. All elements are highly concentrated. That is, when using stone oil, the body will receive daily dose minerals. How does stone oil work? By ingesting this substance inside, you "charge" every cell of the body with vital minerals and trace elements. At the same time, the body itself determines how much and what substances it needs today for “healthy functioning”.

You can buy oil in purified form - the rock will not contain dust and impurities. Both whole pieces in the form of pebbles and a substance that has already been processed and is a powder are on sale. Since the use of oil began 5 centuries ago for the treatment of almost any disease, knowledge has come down to us traditional healers. So, let's figure out how to use such a natural drug.

Three basic rules for admission

Since you can buy a powder or substance in the form of crushed pebbles, medicinal preparation will need to be prepared. This is done simply - the powder is poured with water, and you will drink, in fact, the liquid that was infused with oil. Instructions for the use of stone oil contains several recommendations that will allow you to avoid problems during treatment and take the substance with maximum benefit. Remembering a few important points:

  • The oil must be dissolved in boiled water. Do not pour hot liquid. Let the water cool down to 35-38 degrees.
  • For the entire period of treatment, give up coffee, strong tea and dark chocolate. If you can not refuse - reduce the use to a minimum.
  • Before drinking oil after taking antibiotics, let the body rest. Take a break between antibiotics and rock oil for at least 3 days.

It is important! If your teeth are sensitive or there are problems with enamel, it is recommended to drink the drug through a straw. So you protect the enamel from destruction.

What else the instructions for use recommend is to follow a diet. Rather, it is worth giving up alcohol, spicy, too peppery food. Refrain from eating radish, pork, as well as goose and duck meat.

The classic way to take stone oil

They take the drug inside for endocrine, stomach diseases, gynecological, urological and a dozen more problems. Since you can use oil as a prevention of SARS and to activate the "protection" of the body, there is a classic way of taking it. It is designed for those who will drink the drug to maintain the body or to recover from an illness.

  • Take 3 grams of powder and dissolve in three liters of water.
  • Consume three times a day 30 minutes before lunch, breakfast and dinner.
  • single dose drug - 100 ml.
  • The course of preventive use will be 10 days. Recovery course - 30 days.

It is recommended to take stone oil 4 times a year. Instructions for use contain information that the interval between courses should be at least 30 days. Together with ingestion, the oil can also be used externally for the preparation of lotions, compresses. We will talk about external use, and then we will consider how to drink the drug for specific diseases.

Treatment of endocrine diseases

The composition of stone oil contains iodine, phosphorus, silicon - assistant substances endocrine system. The drug can be used to treat goiter, hypothyroidism, normalize sugar levels and restore thyroid function. How to use oil in the case when you need to normalize the functioning of the endocrine glands?

  • We prepare a solution. It will take 3 grams of the substance and two liters of water.
  • Fill with oil, let stand for a couple of hours.
  • Drink 200 ml per dose. Remember the number of receptions - a maximum of three per day.

The course of application will be 30 days. If you take stone oil after a course of hormonal drugs, reduce the treatment to 10 days.

It is important! You can use the drug in parallel with the medicines that are prescribed by the doctor. Especially when it comes to diabetes. The oil will be able to minimize sharp jumps in blood glucose.

We treat stomach ulcers and intestines

Stone oil is indicated both for digestive disorders and for gastric ulcer, gastritis, lesions of the duodenum. It is important to follow a diet during the period of application and completely exclude fatty foods, spices (including salt), smoked foods from the diet. How to drink the drug?

  • The solution is best prepared immediately before taking. Boil water, let it cool to 37-35 degrees.
  • In a glass of water (about 250 ml), add a gram of stone oil.
  • Drink 20 minutes before meals. After that, it is not recommended to drink tea, juice and eat sweets.

Instructions for the use of stone oil advises drinking a glass of liquid three times a day. The course of application for peptic ulcer and intestinal problems will be 30 days. With gastritis, you can use oil for 10 days.

We treat bronchopulmonary diseases

You can buy purified stone oil for the treatment of bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia and laryngitis. The remedy will help to quickly relieve the symptoms of "approaching" bronchitis and become an assistant in the treatment of bilateral pneumonia. Let's see how to use the substance in bronchopulmonary diseases.

  • Three grams of oil must be dissolved in a liter of water. This amount of liquid is enough for the day of application.
  • You need to drink 250 ml three times a day.
  • It is best to consume oil after meals, and after - refrain from drinking for at least 30 minutes.

The course of treatment will depend on the disease. With pneumonia, the course will be 18-21 days, with bronchitis - 14-18.

It is important! At bronchial asthma you can also use stone oil. Instructions for use recommends in this case not to take it orally, but to do inhalation. Dissolve 3 grams of the substance in 400 ml hot water and inhale the vapors for half an hour. This procedure will reduce the number of seizures and alleviate the condition.

How to treat gynecological diseases

Stone oil is used in the treatment of cervical erosion, myoma, fibroma. At the same time, they take the remedy both inside and for the preparation of therapeutic tampons. To begin with, let's see how to use the oil inside in the form of an infusion already familiar to you.

Take 3 grams of powder and a liter warm water. Mix and let sit for 20 minutes.

Drink 250 ml three times a day.

Best to cook daily new drug. The course of application will be 18-21 days.

In parallel, you can use tampons that are moistened with a solution. But the concentration of the substance will be different. For 500 ml of water, add half a teaspoon of oil. Soak a swab in liquid and insert into the vagina at night. Also, the remedy can be bought for cystitis. Inside it is taken according to the standard scheme for treatment. gynecological problems. But tampons should not be used. enough to wipe intimate area a tissue soaked in a useful liquid.

Use oil for the treatment of prostatitis

You can use the substance both prophylactically and for the treatment of prostatitis, which you have been struggling with more than once and which has passed into chronic form. Also, with the help of stone oil, infertility and inflammatory processes are treated. How to use the substance for the treatment of prostatitis?

  • We use stone oil inside. Take a teaspoon of the mixture and fall asleep in three-liter jar with water. Stir until the powder is completely dissolved.
  • You need to drink the solution in a glass at a time.
  • The number of doses per day is 3. It is best to drink the remedy 20 minutes before a meal.

The same solution can be used for microclysters. Enough 40 ml of liquid. Microclysters are carried out daily for 12 days before bedtime.

It is important! You can prepare a stronger solution based on stone oil. It is used to treat infertility and prostate cancer. You will need three liters of water and 10 grams of oil. Separately, you need to prepare a herbal decoction of 100 grams of lungwort officinalis and 200 g of nettle. Boil the herbs in 1 liter of water and then add to the stone oil infusion. Use this mixture for a glass a day.

Treatment of sinusitis

We will treat such a disease with compresses. You do not need to drink the drug for sinusitis, but lotions will help eliminate the symptoms in just 10-12 procedures.

  • We take 100 ml of warm water and 1 gram of powder.
  • Mix and moisten the cloth bandage with liquid.
  • We apply a compress on the bridge of the nose and hold for about 2 hours.

Repeat the "anti-sinusitis" procedure instructions for the use of stone oil recommends three times a day. In a few days, you can get rid of sinusitis. Do not carry out such procedures for babies under 3 years old. Since it is also impossible to use the drug inside the crumbs, it is best to do inhalation with sinusitis. Heat 300 ml of water to 40 degrees and add a gram of stone oil. Let the child breathe in the steam for about 5-7 minutes.

Use after chemotherapy and oncology

Stone oil is used to restore the body after radiation, chemotherapy, and also in the presence of malignant neoplasms. The tool can be both drunk and used for the preparation of enemas and compresses.

  • For oral administration, you need to prepare such a solution: a tenth of a teaspoon of oil in a glass of water.
  • Take 250 ml three times a day.
  • Treatment for oncology will last 60-90 days. Drinking the drug for more than 90 days without a break is not recommended.
  • The course of application during the restoration of the body is 30-60 days without a break.

It is important! For stomach cancer, you will need a more concentrated solution, which is taken in minimal quantities - no more than a tablespoon per dose. You will need a glass of water and 3 grams of oil. Drink a spoon three times a day.

With cancer of the intestine, cervix, microclysters can be carried out and tampons moistened with a solution. The concentration of the substance is standard: grams per 250 ml of warm water. Microclysters are carried out once a day, tampons are inserted at night. The course of such application should not exceed 21 days.

Outdoor use of stone oil

Stone oil is worth buying as an improvised remedy for burns, abrasions, wounds, as well as for quick healing postoperative sutures. Instructions for using stone oil for external use are very simple:

  • To treat wounds, prepare this solution: add a teaspoon of oil to a glass of water. Apply liquid to a cotton swab and treat the wound.
  • For postoperative sutures, the standard dosage is also suitable: a teaspoon per 250 ml of water. In parallel with the treatment, you can use the oil inside to restore the body.
  • To prepare compresses, take 3 grams of the substance and 3 liters of water. Apply the solution to a gauze bandage and wrap or apply to the affected area. Compresses can be used if there are knots in thyroid gland, bronchitis, asthma.

It is not recommended to apply stone oil to bleeding and open wounds. Also, the substance should not be rubbed on the skin. The oil can be used to prepare a rinse preparation. Add a tablespoon of the substance to a three-liter jar of water. For one rinse, 100 ml of infusion is enough. Such a solution will help get rid of stomatitis, bleeding gums, is indicated for sore throat and respiratory diseases.

Since the oil can be used both externally and internally, with specific disease you can safely prepare the solution in large volumes. For example, for the treatment of endocrine, gynecological problems, you can prepare 3 liters of infusion in the morning. This is enough for oral administration, and for the preparation of compresses, lotions and tampons. But for preventive use, it is better to make a fresh infusion every day.

Remember - do not pour the substance with boiling water. Stone oil must be completely dissolved in the liquid. In this case, the treatment will be effective. Do not use the substance during exacerbation of pancreatitis, during lactation and the first trimester of pregnancy.

Stone oil is a remedy that has been successfully used in alternative medicine for thousands of years.

Its healing properties have been officially confirmed several decades ago.

And yet, it continues to be little known to most of the country's population.

Tibetan "brakshun", Burmese "chao-tui" - the blood of the mountain, Egyptian "Illyrian resin", "white mummy", "food of immortal people" in China, white stone of immortality ..

So only one substance is called differently, which has been used by the peoples of China, Mongolia and Burma for more than 4 thousand years, known for its healing properties among the inhabitants of Siberia.

What you need to know about stone oil and what is its secret?

Origin and composition

Contrary to the name, it is not an oil at all, but a solid.

In its raw form, it may look like a plate, stone or powder.

Brakshun is formed in the highlands in the form of shapeless sagging on the walls of caves, grottoes and rock crevices.

talking scientific language, this is a mineral substance (alum) of natural origin, which occurs on the body of the rock by dissolution and removal to the surface groundwater individual components of rocks.

The color of the mineral depends on the concentration of zinc in its composition and can be white, cream, yellow, red, green, gray or brown.

It is the mineral origin that determines the unique chemical composition stone oil. As a result of the spectral analysis carried out by scientists, it became known that this substance contains 49 microelements, that is, a little less than half of all known to science.

In addition to precious metals, it high content:

  • , sodium,
  • copper, phosphorus,
  • silicon, manganese,
  • , chromium, and cobalt.

Interestingly, in addition to a high concentration, all the microelements of its composition tend to enhance the effect of each other.

Beneficial features

Scientists, interested in the results of the application of this mineral formation in traditional medicine, conducted a series of studies, according to the results of which it was found that the basis of the ability of this substance to heal the most various diseases lies the impact of its components on the body at the cellular level.

Trace elements of the oil interact with the cells of the body, enhancing their protective function, weakened by radiation, viruses, poisons - all possible sources of illness.

Brakshun stimulates metabolic processes in the body, strengthens the circulatory and immune systems, removes toxins.

It helps the body fight infections, has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antitumor effects.

Effectively heals wounds and relieves pain.

The phenomenal properties of this natural formation are used to treat a whole range of diseases, from headaches to advanced stages of cancer.

Diseases of the heart, digestive organs, respiration, vision, urinary system, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, diseases of the male and female genital area - all this is successfully cured by taking a natural mineral.

Brakshun is also used for prevention and therapy:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • Thyroid disease;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • Dermatological problems;
  • Proctological diseases;
  • Obesity.

AT cosmetic purposes Braxun is used to improve the condition of hair, prevent gray hair and hair loss, stimulate hair follicles.

Due to its anti-inflammatory effect and the regulation of sebum production, it is useful for oily, problematic skin. It has an effective effect on aging skin, as it tends to slow down the aging process.

Oil contributes to the rapid recovery of the body after suffering surgical intervention. Due to the high concentration of zinc, it has a beneficial effect on man's health and increases potency.

Healing recipes

In medicine, stone oil is effective for both oral and external use.

  • Universal Recipe:

Mix 3 grams of purified stone oil with 3 liters of warm boiled water, leave for 2-3 days and strain. Shelf life: 10 days at room temperature, protected from light.

Scheme of application: 200 ml half an hour before meals three times a day for 1 month. The optimal scheme for applying the solution is 4 courses per year.

In all the recipes below, it is necessary to use purified stone oil and boiled water, it is better - room temperature(and not higher than 60°C). All compositions are prepared according to the model of the universal.

If the acidity of the stomach is increased, the solutions are used 1 hour before a meal.

  • Healing of burns and cuts: 3 g of the substance + 0.3 l of water.

For quick healing of the cut, periodically moisten the damaged area with the resulting composition. If the cut is fresh, it can be sprinkled with finely dispersed bracshuna powder.

To accelerate skin regeneration and relieve pain from burns, the resulting composition periodically irrigates the skin with a gauze swab.

  • Diabetes mellitus: 3 g of the substance + 2 liters of water.

Scheme of administration: 150 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 80 days.

The course of admission requires 72 g of the substance.

The use of the solution does not cancel the diet recommended for diabetes. You need to inject insulin on the recommendation of your doctor. Blood tests are required every 7 days.

  • Treatment of arthritis and sciatica: 3 g of the substance + 200 ml of water + 1 large spoon of honey.

A compress with a solution is applied to the focus of the disease. Bruises can also be treated in the same way.

  • Pneumonia. Inside: 3g of mineral + 1 liter of water.

Apply according to the scheme: 1 tablespoon 2 times a day for 0.5 hours before meals.

Outwardly: 3 g of the substance + 0.2 l of water + 1 tablespoon of honey. Compresses are made alternately on chest and back of the patient.

  • For gastritis: 5 g of the substance + 3 liters of water.

Scheme: 1 cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

  • Treatment of endometriosis: 3 g of the substance + 3 liters of water.

Apply inside 1 glass 3 times a day for 0.5 hours before meals.

  • Treatment of prostatitis. Inside: 3 g of the substance + 3 liters of water.

According to the scheme - 3 times a day half an hour before meals, 1 glass.

  • Microclysters: 3 g of mineral + 0.5 l of water.

Do the procedure on the cleansed intestines, using 30-40 ml warm remedy. Duration - 1 month.

Scheme of application: 3 times a day, 100 ml 30 minutes before meals.

Attention! Despite its natural origin and naturalness, stone oil is potent agent. It should be used carefully, observing the established norm and dosage, after consulting a specialist.

The use of solutions requires control over changes in blood clotting and acidity gastric juice for which blood and urine tests are regularly done.

Who is contraindicated, what harm can it cause?

  • Individual intolerance;
  • While taking antibiotics;
  • Together with hormonal drugs;
  • With chronic constipation;
  • During pregnancy and lactation;
  • With obstructive jaundice;

Admission under strict control, if any:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • Heart defects;
  • Increased blood clotting;
  • Thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • Cholelithiasis.

The simultaneous use of alcohol, coffee, strong tea, chocolate, cocoa, radish, radish and fatty meat is prohibited.

The mineral composition of this substance can cause harm only if used incorrectly - in excess of concentration or excessive use.

In addition, cases of selling fakes are common, which may not have any effect, or may cause damage to the body.

What else is good?

In the 1970s, Soviet doctors developed the Geomalin preparation based on stone oil. The effectiveness of this tool according to the results of studies exceeds 85%, it is approved for use and is actively used in the prevention and treatment of cancer and other diseases of varying severity.

Selection and storage

Currently, many preparations with stone oil, all kinds of creams and balms, shampoos are being produced. Natural bracshun can be refined and unrefined.

The most widely distributed ground refined mineral yellowish color with a sour-astringent taste. It can also be in the form of shapeless pieces and pebbles.

You can distinguish real oil from fakes only by appearance Therefore, it is recommended to buy it from trusted manufacturers.

The average price for products containing stone oil in Russia is 150-300 rubles. Prices on natural oil in the form of a mineral, they range from 5 to 50 thousand rubles. per kg.

It is important to know that Braxun loses its healing properties at temperatures above 60°C. Therefore, the most effective stone is cold cleaning.

You can store the bracshun indefinitely. For better preservation, it is recommended to wrap the container with the mineral in foil.

In conclusion, it is worth emphasizing once again that the effectiveness of stone oil has been proven. scientific research and confirmed by numerous experiments.

This is one of the few resources alternative medicine used by physicians in the treatment of such serious diseases as pulmonary tuberculosis, infertility and various oncological diseases.

Stone oil is a remedy that has been popular in non-standard healing practices for thousands of years. His medicinal characteristics many decades ago were proven by physicians and researchers. However, today only a few people know about stone oil. So what does stone oil look like and why should it be used? More about this tool will be discussed later. What should everyone know about this unique product? What is its true value?

Stone oil: what is it, what does it heal?

AT various countries world, this substance is called differently. For example, the inhabitants used to call Chinese stone oil "the food of immortal people." In Egypt they call it "Illyrian resin" or "white pharaoh", and in Sri Lanka they proudly say about it that it is mountain blood. This substance is called differently, known to people for about five thousand years. He is praised by the inhabitants of Mongolia, China, Burma. Widely known for its healing qualities stone oil from the inhabitants of Siberia.

So, stone oil - what is it? What does the substance treat? it natural remedy, which helps against many diseases and simply effectively heals the body. Used in the therapy of different states, acute and chronic. Effective as a remedy for the prevention of certain diseases. Used to improve immunity.

What is stone oil made of?

Although the word “oil” is present in the name of this product, the substance itself is by no means liquid, but rather solid. In the raw version, stone oil will look like a plate, stone or powder. You can buy processed stone oil in capsules. It is known that Tibetan stone oil appears in high mountain settlements in the form of incomprehensible deposits on the walls of caves, grottoes or cracks in the rocks.

Stone oil is a natural mineral substance. It occurs, as a rule, on the surface of rocks due to the dissolution and displacement of some rocks by groundwater. As reviews of stone oil show, the shade of this substance can be completely different, and it all depends on the amount of zinc in the composition. The product can be yellow, beige, green, gray or red. There is white stone oil - refined.

The chemical composition of the substance

Specifically, the mineral genesis justifies the unique chemical composition of stone oil. After a detailed study carried out by scientists, information appeared that this oil has in its composition about fifty trace elements, in other words, a little less than half of all currently existing.

The composition of stone oil also includes:

  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • chromium;
  • silicon;
  • selenium;
  • manganese.

Interesting and attractive in the study of oil for scientists is the fact that all available microelements can improve their properties by successfully interacting with each other.

Why are people interested in stone oil?

The healing properties of stone oil have been known since early times. People were quite surprised to find that the effect of this substance is such that when it is used, any cell human body takes as many micronutrients as she needs for normal life. This theory was confirmed at the scientific and medical level. The fact is that stone oil contains enough a large number of forming elements such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and phosphorus.

What are the health benefits of stone oil?

Scientists, interested in the possibility of introducing this mineral formation in folk medicine, held a series of research work, which resulted in interesting information. It turned out that this substance cures the most various diseases. This is because stone oil has the ability to interact with the components of the human body at the cellular level.

As a rule, this happens like this: the internal elements of a substance penetrate the human body and begin to directly contact the cells, thereby increasing their protective functions that fail at the current pace of life. Due to the wrong way of life, low mobility, polluted ambient air, the human body is susceptible to viruses. Strengthen immune defense- the main purpose of stone oil.

Reviews of stone oil clearly demonstrate that the substance is actively used to improve metabolic processes in the body, strengthen blood vessels, optimizing blood circulation, maintaining immune system in order, the withdrawal of blood clots and toxins and the prevention of various diseases in general. Stone oil supports the body in the fight against infections, has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antitumor effect.

Where is stone oil used?

It has long been proven that this substance excellently heals injuries and relieves pain. Instructions for the use of stone oil confirms that the main mineral properties of the substance are actively used for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases, ranging from ordinary headaches to final stages cancerous tumors. Diseases of the heart, digestive organs, respiration, vision, urinary system, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, pathology of the male and female reproductive organs - all this is successfully cured by the use of stone oil.

Very often this substance finds its place in the cosmetic field. Reviews of stone oil for the skin are positive, girls and women note the normalization of sebum production. Recovering water balance, there is a general improvement and improvement in the appearance of the skin of the face. This product is also used in cosmetology to restore the natural color of hair, improve their structure and fight split ends. Due to the fact that this substance is able to normalize the production of subcutaneous fat, it can be used for both oily and dry scalp. Stone oil reviews indicate that it actively contributes to the restoration natural state hair, while postponing the time of their aging and loss.

AT medical field medicinal properties stone oil is used to support the body in the first weeks after surgery. If necessary, the substance is prescribed by a doctor.

Options for using stone oil

Before you start using stone oil, you must definitely read the recommendations for its use, and if you wish, consult with your doctor at a local clinic. There are several ways to use stone oil. Your doctor will help you choose the right treatment option.

First you need to remember that stone oil can only be diluted in water at room temperature. If you are using this substance for the first time, it is better to make it less mineral-containing by adding more liquid.

How to prepare stone oil?

Before using the substance, it must be properly prepared. Instructions for the use of stone oil states that you must first finely grind the substance to a powder state. Oils take about 5 grams. Next, pour the resulting powder into several liters of water and insist for three days. As soon as this period comes to an end, using a small tube, pour the contents into a separate container. The sediment remaining after the infusion can be used to treat skin diseases or used in the form of lotions.

The concentration of stone oil can be different both up and down - it all depends on the severity of the disease. If the solution is needed weak, then it is better to dilute it more strongly with boiled water before use. If you need a stronger solution, then before making, increase the dose of stone powder and add less boiled water to the solution. The first positive properties from the use of the drug will not be observed immediately. As people's reviews of stone oil show, the effect occurs in two to three months.

Internal use of stone oil

How to drink stone oil? People who use this substance for the first time should start with 10-30 milliliters of the substance. This dosage is actually several times lower than the standard rate. It is necessary to use oil in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening during meals.

As a rule, if within a few days of taking stone oil there are no negative side effects, then you can switch to the standard form of application of this therapeutic substance. Now you can use up to 10 milliliters of the solution three times a day and 10-15 minutes before meals.

Usually the course of treatment is one and a half months, then you need to take a short break. After, if necessary, you can go through another monthly course treatment.

If there are acquired diseases that cannot be cured for a long time, then once the intake of medicated oil is increased twice a week after the start of treatment - in other words, they already drink 300 ml 4 times a day before meals.

External use of stone oil

In fact, it does not matter in what form the stone oil will be used: in liquid or dry. Very often, stone mortar is used in the form of a compress. In this case, it is applied to external wounds, cracks. They need to be treated with stone oil pounded to a powder, and covered with a damp cloth on top. A stone oil compress should be kept for about two hours. After that, the fabric must be removed and the place where the compress was applied should be wiped with a dry towel. This therapy should be done once a day for a month.

If purulent or inflammatory processes are observed, then it is worth making a more concentrated solution. Perfect stone oil for joints. To treat the affected organ, you will need several kilograms of stone oil, which must be infused in boiled water for several days. We also moisten a piece of tissue in the prepared solution and keep it at the diseased joint for several hours once a day.

Note that many women, in order to give their skin a younger and healthier look, add 10-20 grams of stone oil to any night cream. The effect will pleasantly surprise you.


This substance should not be used during a course of antibiotic treatment, during pregnancy and lactation, with constipation and obstructive jaundice. In addition, there are restrictions in the diet: prohibited alcoholic drinks and any meat products except for chicken meat.

How is stone oil cleaned?

The purification process of this mineral is quite difficult and lengthy. However, it is quite possible to implement it at home. In order to dissolve stone oil, it is necessary to infuse it for about fourteen hours. Pour the resulting liquid, stirring, into a separate deep container. The undesirable mixture comes out with the poured water, and the remaining paste is settled a second time and filtered. The bottom film consists of grains of sand and foreign bodies. They should be removed as soon as possible.

Cleaning stone oil, despite the complexity of this process, is bearing fruit. The resulting refined oil has no expiration date, so you can now use it for the rest of your life.

When cleaning, some people face such a problem: after fourteen hours of sludge, the oil begins to smell bad. In this case, you should sift very well upper layer solution to remove grains of sand from it. If this situation repeats, then, undoubtedly, the cleaning process went wrong right way everything should be redone.

Always remember that the application of rock oil can not only eliminate the lack of minerals, but also cause an overdose. Stone oil is consumed practically in grains of sand, in very small pinches.

The use of stone oil for the treatment of the genitourinary system

Very often, stone oil is prescribed for the treatment of genitourinary system. The substance can be shown to both men and women. Urologists advise using it for prostate adenoma or sexual dysfunction. Consider further the methods of treating the inflammatory process in men with the help of stone oil:

  1. oral method. AT this case it is necessary to take stone oil strictly inside, diluting one tablespoon of the solution per liter of hot water.
  2. Stone oil compresses. It is necessary to mix a tablespoon of oil solution with a liter of water and alcohol. The compress is usually kept on the body for several hours.
  3. Microclysters. A few drops of oil are mixed with 600-700 milliliters of warm water. Next, the intestines are cleansed with an enema and a warm oil solution is injected.

With pathology of the genitourinary sphere in women, the course of treatment lasts longer. Proven and high-quality means in the fight against cervical erosion, fibroids will be stone oil in liquid form. It is necessary to dilute a couple of grams of this substance in two liters of boiled water and douching.

The course of treatment will be about forty days. It is recommended to use the resulting solution one and a half hours before meals 3 times a day. At gynecological pathology it is necessary to additionally insert a tampon into the vagina at night, after soaking it in an oil solution, which is diluted by 600 milliliters.

Help of stone oil in the treatment of respiratory diseases

In this case, for a speedy and effective recovery, it is best to use stone oil inhalations. Many people, based on their own experience, are advised to refer to the recipe for using Chinese stone oil for bronchitis. What does that require?

A few grams of stone powder must be diluted in one glass of boiled water. Moisten the edge of the towel with the resulting solution and apply it for 20 minutes in morning time on the back, and in the evening and at night - on the chest. It will not be superfluous to use a regular oil solution, which should be taken three times a day, an hour before meals.

This mineral is especially effective in bronchial asthma. When an asthma attack occurs, you should immediately put inhalations (5 grams of the resulting powder for a couple of glasses of water). Therapeutic inhalation vapors should be inhaled half an hour before a meal.

How to find real stone oil and where to store it?

Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers a huge selection of products, including those that contain stone oil in their composition. Such preparations can be various creams for external use, balms and shampoos. Natural stone oil is, of course, unrefined. But today on the pharmacy shelves you can find a crushed purified product. yellow shade with a sour taste in the form of cubes or stones.

It is quite difficult to distinguish between real and fake stone oil with the naked eye. Therefore, all that remains for the buyer is to trust the medical officer, fully relying on his high qualifications. In this case, it is better to purchase this mineral only in a proven and reliable place. On average, stone oil costs about 200-400 rubles. It is, of course, in solid form. The most expensive stone oil is presented on the market in the form of minerals, the price here varies from several thousand to 150,000 rubles.

It is worth saying that you need to store stone oil very carefully. It is believed that this mineral is able to lose all its healing properties if the temperature around it fluctuates above 50 degrees. Therefore, many are trying to acquire a cold-cleaned stone.

Stone oil can be stored indefinitely (especially if the substance is in a purified form). For better preservation, you can cover with a warm sheet on top.

In conclusion, people who are fully interested in maintaining their health know what rock oil is and what it has served for centuries. Stone oil is a natural, natural mineral that is mined in rock crevices. Once upon a time in ancient times, it was revered as the food of the immortals, and it was not so easy to get stone oil. Today, unfortunately, more than 70% of the population have not even heard of such useful product. It must be remembered: this substance has a number healing properties for the human body, and in accordance with this should attract the attention of not only scientists, but also the general population.

Stone oil is very rare. In appearance, it is a piece of scale or a yellowish influx. They walk in crevices of rocks, rocks.

Only knowledgeable people can prepare white stone oil. The gathering places are kept secret and passed down from father to son. It is still unknown for what reason healing stone oil is formed.

H then heals stone oil

  • treats inflammation of the bladder
  • gets rid of kidney stones
  • stone her bladder
  • treats diseases of the male genital organs
  • female diseases - fibroma, and others
  • any colds
  • helps with duodenal ulcer, stomach
  • recommended for pancreatic disease
  • deposits and salts
  • diabetes e
  • heals rectal fissures
  • Vision improves with continued use
  • weight loss
  • strengthens hair well
  • treats any skin disease
  • has a strong antitumor property
  • helps with internal bleeding
  • improves the composition, quality of blood
  • helps with injuries

stone oil ways of application

Dilute only with warm, boiled water. concentration may vary. For each disease, there is a certain dosage, which is diluted with water.

At the beginning they use weak solution- 1 g is diluted with 3 liters of water. Drink 1/2 cup a month before meals.

Start with a small dose - 50 ml per meal. If you feel normal, you can go to half a glass three times a day. They are usually treated for a month, then the same break and the treatment is repeated. If there is chronic diseases, which are not treated for a long time a week after the start of administration, the dose is increased to a glass.

Regular with cooking method stone oil solution 3 g of stone oil powder (tea without top) is poured into 3 liters of water, kept for 2 days. Next, carefully so as not to raise the sediment is drained. The sediment is also useful for the treatment of skin diseases, wounds.

Stone oil treatment

Stone oil acts on the entire body, so the effectiveness of treatment depends on the concentration of the agent, the duration of treatment, and the characteristics of the body.

For external use use powder, solution. Non-healing wounds, cracks are sprinkled with powder, a napkin moistened with a solution is placed on top. Do it once a day for 3 hours.

For treatment festering wounds, inflammation of the mucous membranes prepare a more concentrated composition - 3 g is dissolved in half a liter of water.To remove stretch marks, rejuvenate aging skin is added to the cream

Stone oil solution: 3 g of pure raw materials are diluted with boiled water (200 ml). An aqueous solution is used for compresses, applications (arthritis, other diseases of the joints), ingestion.

Stone oil for diabetes: 10 g of purified stone oil is poured into 10 liters of water in a glass container. The solution is completely used. Stir before use. The garden is also suitable for drinking. Drink daily 150 ml three times throughout the year. As soon as sugar returns to normal, they drink half as much as a prophylactic. Stone oil of any color is suitable, the main thing is that it be cleaned of sand and small pebbles.

Prostatitis: 3g oil, 3l water. Take 1 tsp. three times before meals. At night, microclysters are made - 3 g, 0.5 l of water. 50 ml of medicinal solution is enough for one procedure.

Bruises, injuries: discomfort after an injury, it can be quickly removed using stone oil. Application of this medicinal product promotes rapid healing wounds, large burns. A napkin soaked in a solution of stone oil relieves pain well. It is applied to the damaged area. Preparation - 3 g of powder is diluted with 200 ml of slightly heated water, 2 tablespoons are added. honey.

Sinusitis: relieve inflammation, reduce symptoms dangerous disease inhalation will help. After steam inhalation apply for 2 hours cloth soaked useful tool. Stone oil is used for 14 days, then a break.

Stone oil for the lungs - lEach of us has experienced colds and the flu. Per short term stone oil will help cure severe cough, avoid complications. Compresses help quite well - 3g per 200ml of boiling water. Apply in the morning - back, in the evening a compress on the chest area.

Bronchial asthma - for treatment severe disease - do inhalations 30 minutes before meals.If breathing is difficult, inhalation on an empty stomach will help to eat suffocation.

Flu1 tbsp honey is diluted with a glass of solution. Used for instillation into the nose.

Treatment of pneumonia - a glass of solution one hour before meals. If the acidity is increased, use after an hour.

White stone oil for cystitis: 3 g of powder is diluted with 1 liter of water. Consume three times before meals. Placed on the inflamed area dampened napkin.

stomach ulcer: 3 g of raw materials are diluted with 1/2 l of water. Consume with high acidity one hour before meals. If the acidity is normal for half an hour.

Fissures of the rectum: cook water solution, make an enema for cleansing, then administer a remedy.

Kidney diseases: you will need 3 g of raw materials, two liters of cooled boiling water. Drink a glass three times before half an hour. With increased acidity in an hour.

Cataract : use the solution as described in the previous recipe. At the same time prepare drops - 3g healing powder dissolve 1.5 liters of water. Used for instillation three times a day.

Throat cancer: three times a day, use a glass of solution with a spoonful of honey. A compress is applied to the inflamed area.

Cirrhosis, liver cancer: three times a day solution before meals for half an hour or an hour with high acidity. Make a compress on the area of ​​​​the inflamed liver, hold for three hours.

Treatment of cholecystitis, hepatitis with stone oil: use in the manner described in the recipe above. At the same time, cleansing, herbal (chamomile flowers, string grass) enemas are made.

Stone oil for men - P helps to get rid of many male problems. Well treats prostatitis, adenoma, strengthens male power.

1. dilute 1 tsp. stone oil powder with three liters of cooled boiling water. Drink 200 ml daily 30 minutes before meals. The same tool is used for compresses - the lower abdomen, inguinal region or evening microclysters.

2. 1/2 tsp. stone oil is diluted with 2 liters of cooled, p boiled water. Next, prepare a decoction of (1/2 cup), lungwort grass (1/3 st). Herbs are brewed with a liter of water, allowed to boil for 6 minutes. Once medicinal infusion cools down to 37 degrees connect two compositions. The tool is used only inside 200 ml before eating food for half an hour.

Stone oil for women: use healing solution helps to avoid common female diseases. To maintain health, use a glass of medicinal solution half an hour before meals. At night, a medical swab moistened with the agent is introduced.

Oncology, chemotherapy : stone oil is of particular value for cancer patients. The drug prevents tumor growth. If a the disease has just begun to develop will help you heal. Applied externally, inside - 200 ml three times a day. A more concentrated composition is used for stomach cancer - 3 g per glass of liquid. This remedy drink up to 1st.l. before eating.Outwardly - one enema will require a gram per 200 ml of boiled water. Concentrated solution for compresses - 1 g per third of a glass.

Stone oil contraindications

  • stone oil is not used for obstructive jaundice
  • harms with frequent constipation. All harmful substances immediately absorbed by the intestines. Therefore, the first thing to do before use is to improve the functioning of the intestines.
  • low blood pressure as it contains magnesium sulfate
  • antibiotic treatment
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • thrombophlebitis
  • high blood clotting
  • during the reception do not drink any alcoholic beverages, coffee, tea, fatty meat, cocoa, chocolate, spicy vegetables

Even from these recipes, it becomes clear how many benefits there are in stone oil. It helps a person to overcome many ailments, it is not for nothing that so many legends are dedicated to him. I hope at least some of the useful properties of stone oil are disclosed.

When choosing a method of treatment and prevention, the main criterion for choosing a drug is its effectiveness and the absence of side effects. Stone oil is able to increase immunity: accumulating in the body, it strengthens blood vessels, and is used in oncology.

Good performance in the treatment of prostatitis and male weakness made it so popular that many andrologists began to include the composition in the treatment and prevention regimen. Lotions are recommended for fractures, which reduces the recovery time. Positive results are obtained when using it on the body, in the treatment of lesions associated with skin diseases including tuberculosis of the skin.

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White mummy is a mineral product, the study of which has established the ability to increase the body's resistance, fight against inflammatory processes accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues. Stone oil with nettle for weight loss restores metabolism. In its action, it is many times superior to ginseng and classic mummy.

Price and where to buy Stone oil

Buy Stone oil in a pharmacy does not always allow its price. A complex system purchases and margin at each stage make it inaccessible to the average buyer. Delivery to Moscow is limited due to small batches associated with the difficult mining process in Altai.

Convenient way purchases are offered by an online store: fast delivery and affordable price will allow you to conduct a course of treatment without significant material costs. This guarantees originality and a long shelf life. For pharmacies that sell large volumes of medicines for which there is a stable demand, such goods are not a profit, since there is no interest in their individual purchase.

How much does Stone oil cost in pharmacies:

  • Moscow - 990 rubles
  • St. Petersburg - 990 rubles.
  • Krasnoyarsk - 990 rubles
  • Novosibirsk - 990 rubles
  • Ukraine, Kyiv - 399 UAH.
  • Dnepropetrovsk - 399 UAH
  • Gomel - 23 Bel. ruble.
  • Almaty - 5600 tenge.

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Reviews of doctors about Stone oil

According to doctors, stone oil has pronounced healing properties.

I do not belong to the group of doctors who, in pursuit of additional income, prescribe expensive drugs with dubious properties. My patients are elderly people. They need to prescribe treatment with extreme caution, so I carefully studied the principle of action of Stone Oil, the recommendations of specialists, the reviews of doctors who used it in treatment regimens.

Conducted a course of two patients (men) with a diagnosis of stomach cancer. The result was not immediately visible. Gradually, the indicators really began to improve. The absence of contraindications, side effects and relief of the general condition of patients allows us to recommend its use without restrictions for the treatment and recovery of the body.

Victor N., doctor-specialist in oncology

Treatment oncological diseases is lengthy and not always effective. My readings are for relief and recovery. physiological functions organism. I recommend taking stone oil in a course of 4 weeks. The medicinal properties of active mineral additives contributes to the reduction pain syndrome, reduces the size benign tumors, stops the inflammatory process.

Improving general state sleep normalizes. Not being a drug, the drug does not have a negative effect on other organs. Affordable price allows you to assign it to pensioners, a person with a small income can buy it. I recommend to conduct several courses with a monthly interval.

Boris S., oncologist (therapist)

Customer Reviews of Stone Oil

Readers may be interested to know if there are negative reviews about Stone Oil and to learn about the real results of using its medicinal properties. Negative comments are left by those buyers who have encountered fraudulent sites.

I am 74 years old, and thrombosis with shortness of breath literally locked me in four walls. I felt deeply disabled until the children literally forced me to try Stone Oil Body Balm. She made lotions and took them inside.

Two weeks of procedures did not become a reason to change anything. Then there was a sudden improvement. The swelling of the legs has decreased, the pain has disappeared. Four weeks of the course gave really healing effect, which I could not achieve by taking what the doctor prescribed. The price is small, but it worked well.

Anastasia Andreevna Mishina, 74 years old, Moscow

An industrial injury - a complex fracture of the leg chained me to the bed for a long time. Open injuries did not allow the application of plaster, required constant treatment, plus I myself had to control the immobility of the leg. I was looking for ways to speed up the process. I went to the forum of people like me - poor fellows. I read customer reviews until I came across information about a product that is significantly more effective than known products.

Stone oil, or as it is also called, white mummy, has become for many an opportunity to reduce the regeneration process by a third. There are no contraindications. Can be applied to wounds, used for external and internal treatment. I can say with 100% certainty that it helps. Positive result obvious. Faster than predicted by the doctors, he stood on his foot. The scar is almost invisible, I do not limp.

Andrey Buinov, 35 years old, Rostov-on-Don

Instructions for use of Stone Oil

Before you learn how to take Stone oil, you need to study the instructions for use, find out the composition, exclude complications due to individual intolerance and allergic reactions read the contraindications. Stone oil consists of 49 vital important minerals and beneficial trace elements. Does not contain harmful impurities(cadmium, mercury). Reviews of those who used this technique confirm positive influence on the body even in oncological processes.

Dosage Disease Mode of application Application scheme
3 g per 300 ml of water
  • surgical intervention;
  • sinusitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • arthritis, sciatica.
  • lotions;
  • compress;
  • inhalation;
  • compress with honey.
  • constantly;
  • 2-3 times a day;
  • 1 per day;
  • 1 per day.
3 g per 2 liters of water
  • salt deposits;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammation of the urinary system;
  • disease prevention;
  • longevity.
28 days
3 g per 1 liter of water
  • pneumonia;
  • ulcer;
  • acute cystitis;
  • cervical erosion;
  • myoma, fibromyoma;
  • cataract.
1 glass, 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals28 days
3 g per 1 liter of watercrayfish1 glass, 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before mealsup to 80 days


When applied this method treatment, there are several warnings to pay attention to. While taking the drug, you can not drink alcohol, chocolate, fatty foods. Contraindication - mechanical damage gallbladder due to choleretic properties. In order to avoid tooth decay by active minerals at a high concentration of the solution, it is better to drink through a straw.

Medicinal properties will be maximum when these recommendations are followed. Sometimes, according to reviews, constipation is observed during treatment, which disappear after a few days of use.

Clinical studies have evaluated useful properties mineral product and outlined recommendations for use in a number of diseases. It has been established that the composition does not contain harmful impurities that can adversely affect health.

With the recommended method of application, the saturation of the body with healing substances occurs gradually and carries a positive trend in changing problem areas of the body. The complex of components that enter the tissue fluid due to the biological form of the product (double salt) easily saturates the cells with minerals to the required rate.

The highest healing properties Stone oil (mummy) showed:

  • with immune diseases;
  • prostatitis;
  • fibromyomas and myomas;
  • injuries of the closed and open type;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • improving metabolism;
  • joint and muscle pain;
  • problems with memory and brain activity.

Features of the composition. Combination of components

For several thousand years, nature has been collecting a unique healing gift in the narrow gorges of the mountains, which has the ability to restore health and saturate the body with the minerals it needs. With age or after injuries and diseases, there is a deficiency of the components that we receive. naturally: with water or food.

It is in these cases that Stone Oil is needed. Magnesium deficiency causes a weakening of memory, reduces concentration, and potassium is the main building element of cartilage and bone tissue. Each of the 49 chemical elements rocks are a building block in the construction of a complex and multifunctional organism.

The composition seems to be specially selected so that each microelement becomes an assistant to a person in the fight for health. Salts help saturate cells, providing healing and preventive care. The use of a natural product restores lost health, improves memory.

Video: doctors' reviews of Stone oil

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