The reason for the decrease in female hormones. Estrogens are female hormones: symptoms of deficiency. Quitting bad habits to protect the hormonal system

Estrogen is a female steroid sex hormone released by the ovaries. It plays an important role in menstruation and is also responsible for the typical “pear-shaped” shape of the female body, the size and shape of the breasts, a wide pelvis and fat reserves in the buttocks, thighs and hip joints. After menopause, women usually experience a decrease in estrogen levels, but today more and more more women women who have entered the premenopausal period undergo therapy aimed at combating low estrogen levels.

Functions of estrogen

  • Estrogen plays an important role in breast and hip development. It gives shape female body. The appearance of hair in the groin and armpits during puberty also depends on estrogen.
  • Estrogen helps speed up metabolism and reduce muscle mass.
  • It stimulates endometrial and uterine growth.
  • Estrogen helps maintain healthy skin and blood vessels, balance of vaginal flora, proper bone density, etc.

Estrogen helps control blood vessel health...

  • It promotes protein synthesis and blood coagulation (wound healing).
  • It also plays an important role in the process of storing fats and maintaining water balance in organism.
  • Estrogen helps regulate lung function, digestion, menstruation, etc.
  • And supports a woman’s mental health.

Causes of Estrogen Deficiency

A natural cause of decreased estrogen levels is menopause. Also the reason reduced level estrogen may be treated by a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and/or ovaries). Estrogen and weight gain go hand in hand. Therefore, estrogen deficiency may occur in women who are underweight (with low body fat) or in women who subject themselves to strenuous exercise. In addition, the reason behind the decrease in estrogen levels may be Turner Syndrome ( hereditary disease) and diseases thyroid gland. In addition, pituitary dysfunction, hypogonadism, anorexia (a disorder eating behavior), polycystic ovary syndrome, intense physical training, use of certain steroid drugs such as ampicillin, clomiphene, etc., childbearing and breastfeeding.

In fertile women, estrogen levels are usually high. Low estrogen levels are characterized by ovarian wasting syndrome, as the ovaries stop producing this hormone. Estrogen levels may drop after undergoing cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is recommended for women who are estrogen deficient.

After the use of estrogen drugs, the appearance of certain side effects. Due to the high doses of estrogen in birth control pills, women experience an increase in estrogen levels in the body, which can ultimately lead to fluid retention and excessive weight gain. For this reason, it is usually recommended birth control pills containing low doses of estrogen.

Symptoms of Estrogen Deficiency

  • Women may suffer from irritability and problems with digestive system, such as bloating, gas, discomfort, etc.
  • Insufficient estrogen production can cause osteoarthritis, causing pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints.
  • Sometimes women with low estrogen production experience short-term loss memory or bad memory generally.
  • Low estrogen levels can lead to infertility, lack of menstruation, irregular periods, lack of ovulation, etc.
  • Low estrogen often leads to loss bone tissue. Due to estrogen deficiency, women are more likely to develop osteoporosis.
  • The main side effects of low estrogen levels are decreased sexual desire, pain during intercourse, vaginal dryness, and vaginal itching.

Lack of appetite may be a symptom of decreased
estrogen levels in a woman's body...

  • Side effects low level estrogen in men include thinning bones, since estrogen is responsible for good bone mineral density and bone strength.
  • Lack of estrogen can cause a decrease in blood pressure, excessive fatigue, thinning tissue, lethargy after light exercise, depression, mood swings, thinning hair, headaches, lower back pain, insomnia, etc.
  • Women with estrogen deficiency experience menopausal symptoms such as dry skin, hot flashes, increased sweating at night, vaginal dryness, infections Bladder and fatigue. Young women with low estrogen levels often experience early menopause.
  • Low estrogen levels can cause elevated LDL levels ( bad cholesterol) and lower levels of HDL (good cholesterol), which in turn sometimes leads to obesity and heart disease.
  • Among other things, estrogen deficiency can cause an increase in heart rate and increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and bone fractures. In some cases, women with cholesterol levels below normal suffer from chronic panic attacks and low self-esteem.

How to Increase Estrogen Levels

Several years ago, synthetic hormones were used to treat estrogen deficiency. However, research suggests that the use of synthetic hormones ultimately leads to serious side effects. Today, men and women prefer natural alternatives to replacement hormone therapy(HRT). Experts say that it is necessary to include in your daily diet foods and plants that are natural sources phytoestrogens.

The intake of a good amount of phytoestrogens into the body is ensured by: flax-seed, sesame seeds, walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pistachios, sunflower seeds, chestnuts, soya beans, navy beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, vegetables (such as asparagus, bok choy, carrots, green peppers, potatoes and zucchini), fruits (such as peaches, raspberries and strawberries) and grains (such as wheat, rye, oats and barley ).

Female hormones (video)

When included in your daily diet, these foods can help regulate estrogen levels. Estrogen determines a woman's health by regulating important reproductive processes. Women entering menopause may prefer natural alternatives to hormone replacement therapy to help avoid the side effects of low estrogen levels. Can affect estrogen levels overuse sugar and spicy foods. Maintaining normal level Regular exercise and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables contribute to estrogen levels. When serious symptoms women should consult a doctor.

In a woman's body, various hormones perform many important functions. They are responsible for the ability to conceive, bear and give birth to a child, general emotional condition, beauty. If a woman has any health problems, the cause is most often a hormonal imbalance.

Causes and main symptoms of hormone deficiency in women

From various hormones- small biologically active substances - a lot depends on: beauty, emotional state, uninterrupted operation of all systems in a woman’s body. If you have any health problems, you should urgently contact a specialist. He will tell you what to do and prescribe necessary tests, and based on their results, treatment that will help compensate for the lack of female hormones.

What happens when there is a lack of hormones and how does it manifest itself? Depending on what hormones are missing in a woman’s body, the symptoms will differ. The main reason for the deficiency, as a rule, is a malfunction of the ovaries. In addition, a lack of female hormones can be caused by excessive physical exercise, abuse harmful products, constant dieting and malnutrition, refusal of protein foods, uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives.

To avoid health problems, undergo regular preventive examinations, strictly follow all recommendations prescribed by specialists.

Symptoms of a lack of major sex hormones

Estradiol is responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, maintaining calcium levels, and uterine growth during pregnancy. In addition, it increases blood clotting on the eve of childbirth. A lack of the hormone will be indicated by fatigue, depression, cycle disruption, and decreased libido.

A lack of the hormone prolactin in the blood can lead to lack of ovulation, skin problems, and increased hair growth. Fever, frequent nervous breakdowns, a tendency to depression, insomnia - all these are symptoms of hormone deficiency.

With a lack of the hormone progesterone, insomnia, mood swings, high pressure, fainting.

Signs of estrogen deficiency include: frequent illnesses genital organs, disruptions in the menstrual cycle, lack of lubrication, regular decrease in performance, high blood pressure, pain in the heart and joints, etc.

The well-being, mood, energy and health of the female body directly depend on her hormonal levels.

Hormones have a significant impact on a woman’s mood and well-being.

Lack of hormones in women: what tests to take?

At the first signs of malfunctions in the body, excess weight, excessive emotionality, a tendency to depression and other symptoms, a woman should urgently consult a doctor. After examination he will reveal problem areas and refer the patient for tests.

Depending on the nature of the problem and symptoms, the specialist may prescribe tests for the level of sex hormones, the thyroid gland or the pituitary gland.

What hormone tests are prescribed for pregnant women?

During pregnancy, a lack of hormones in women can lead to especially serious consequences. The list will differ depending on the patient’s health status, diseases, age, and symptoms.

During pregnancy, women experience a hormonal surge.

The tests common to all are as follows:

  • human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), estriol and AFP - allows timely detection of abnormalities in the development of pregnancy;
  • estradiol - responsible for normal gestation;
  • progesterone - a lack of female hormone will indicate a threat of miscarriage;
  • prolactin - will show whether the pregnancy is post-term;
  • SHBG - allows you to predict the likelihood of complications during childbirth.

Not enough female hormones: what to do and how to prevent it?

  • monitor your health and pay attention to all changes;
  • start eating healthy and varied, include more fruits and vegetables, fish and meat in your diet;
  • follow the drinking regime - try to drink as much liquid as possible, including natural juices;
  • try to be less nervous and avoid stressful situations;
  • find a hobby;
  • give up bad habits- coffee, smoking, alcohol;
  • try to establish a daily routine - fall asleep and wake up at the same time, be sure to sleep at night - only at night can our body fully rest and recuperate;
  • Be careful when choosing oral contraceptives - before taking anything, consult a specialist.

In order to improve your hormonal balance, find a hobby and be less nervous.

Changes in hormonal levels can be influenced by the most various factors: weather conditions, stressful situations, diets, various medications, age-related changes body and much more.

Drug treatment for hormonal imbalances

If the test results show a lack of hormones in a woman, hormonal medications may be prescribed as treatment.

Female hormones perform many vital functions in the body. They are responsible not only for the ability to bear and give birth healthy child, but also for the woman’s general emotional state, her mood and appearance. If a woman has health problems, the root cause may be a lack of female hormones. Symptoms can be very different, we will talk about them in our article.

Causes of lack of female hormones

The main reason is disruption of the ovaries, which are responsible for the production of female hormones. But there may be other reasons.

Age-related changes in the body

Women whose age has crossed the 40-year mark are most often faced with a lack of hormones. At this age it fades away reproductive function, and this process is irreversible. This is how it is by nature; it is impossible to improve the situation with any external stimulation. In addition, a lack of hormones may be associated with dysfunction of the pituitary gland. It is this part of the brain that directly affects a woman’s hormonal levels.

Excessive exercise

Many doctors and reproductive specialists agree that excessive sports activities, which are now very popular, are only harmful. women's health. During sports, testosterone is released, which can suppress the production of female hormones, which leads to health problems. Therefore, experts advise girls and women not to get carried away with pumping up muscles in gym- it will only harm you.

Chronic dieting and malnutrition

Excessive diets and the general fashion for thinness lead to problems with the hormonal system. Fasting leads to a lack of estrogen. Healthy woman reproductive age must have at least a small fat layer- this speaks about her good health. But, unfortunately, the ideals of female beauty imposed on us and the desire to look perfect make bad job. In pursuit of beautiful body girls forget that it can cause harm. The same cannot be said about men - for them the presence of adipose tissue is undesirable, otherwise the production of testosterone will be blocked due to female hormones.

Refusal of protein foods, meat, and the subsequent transition to vegetarianism can also be the cause of a lack of female hormones. To improve their health, it is better for women to forget about bad habits - smoking, alcohol, drug addiction. This lifestyle leads to early aging.

Use of oral contraceptives

Uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs, especially contraceptives, can lead to a lack of female hormones. Before using them, you need to consult a doctor, otherwise you can harm your well-being.

Thyroid dysfunction

First of all, young girls and women should check their thyroid function. As a rule, in case of reproductive dysfunction, specialists prescribe an ultrasound of this organ. A lack of female hormones and the accompanying symptoms may indicate a problem in the functioning of this gland.

Symptoms of a lack of female hormones

Below we will talk about female hormones such as estradiol, prolactin and progesterone, what they are responsible for and what their insufficient production by the female body leads to.

Lack of the sex hormone estradiol

Functions of estradiol:

  1. Forms secondary sexual characteristics;
  2. Maintains calcium levels in bone tissue;
  3. Ensures the growth of the uterus during pregnancy;
  4. Increases blood clotting in anticipation of childbirth;
  5. Responsible for the formation of new follicles.

Estradiol is produced by the ovaries, but much less than estrogens. With a lack of this hormone, women begin to feel fatigue, depression, sexual desire decreases, menstruation is disrupted, problems appear in reproductive function - a woman cannot get pregnant for a long time. In some cases, infertility may develop, and a tendency to become overweight or obese appears. A lack of estradiol can cause breast tumors, and this can also affect the uterus. Such consequences result from impaired ovarian function and improper use of contraceptives.

Lack of the sex hormone prolactin

The pituitary gland is responsible for the production of prolactin in the female body, and during pregnancy - the endometrium. Prolactin directly affects progesterone, as well as the mammary glands and breastfeeding.

Low prolactin levels are rare. If this happens, it is associated with disturbances in the functioning of the pituitary system. Lack of prolactin can cause lack of ovulation, skin problems, increased growth hair all over the body. During pregnancy, the body produces prolactin much more actively, which is absolutely normal. This is how nature takes care of the health of the unborn baby.

Insufficient development of the mammary glands is also associated with a lack of prolactin. During breastfeeding there may not be enough milk. Prolactin is responsible for general state skin - acne, stretch marks indicate its insufficient presence in the body. In this case, you should visit an endocrinologist. Increased body temperature, nervous breakdowns, bad dream These are also symptoms of deficiencies of the sex hormone prolactin.

Lack of the sex hormone progesterone

Progesterone does its job important function mainly during pregnancy. It helps the egg move through the fallopian tubes, ensures a favorable course of pregnancy.

In addition, progesterone is involved in increasing blood clotting and preventing swelling.

If the female body produces progesterone in insufficient quantities, then problems with falling asleep, sudden mood swings and an unstable emotional background may occur. With a lack of progesterone, a woman often feels high blood pressure, she may feel dizzy and faint. IN severe cases lumps may occur in the mammary glands.

As we see, female sex hormones perform many functions. Feeling good women and their health directly depend on the balance in the hormonal system.

Deficiency of estradiol, prolactin and progesterone manifests itself as serious disorders and is treated with traditional medications and healthy image stress-free life

What to do if there is a lack of female hormones?

If you notice symptoms of hormone deficiency, you should immediately begin treatment. There are several options.

Doctor's help with a deficiency of female hormones

The first and most main advice- monitor your health and pay attention to all changes in the body. If you have several of the above symptoms, you should not put off visiting a doctor. Based on these signs alone, it is difficult to understand what exactly your body is missing. Only an experienced specialist can identify this.

Hormones can be replenished with properly selected hormonal medications. But treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account your individual characteristics.

A healthy diet protects against hormone imbalance

A good prevention of a lack of female hormones can be the correct and balanced diet. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating unlimited quantities of vegetables and fruits, fish and meat. It is imperative to maintain a drinking regime, consuming large amounts of liquid.

Overcoming stress to restore hormonal levels

No matter how difficult it may be, you need to learn to control yourself in any stressful situation - this will help adjust your hormonal levels in the right direction. You can ask your doctor to prescribe you antidepressants.

Hobbies for hormonal balance

Find something you like - fitness, dancing, sports. It can be anything, the main thing is that the hobby brings joy and pleasure. Positive emotions have a beneficial effect on balance hormonal system.

Quitting bad habits to protect the hormonal system

If you are a coffee lover, then we warn you that its excessive consumption can provoke a lack of female hormones. It is also better to quit smoking and drinking alcohol.

The female body is designed in such a way that the lack of one component, or its incorrect operation, can lead to a failure of the entire system. The same applies to the production of hormones. To avoid health problems, especially regarding reproductive functions, you should visit a gynecologist and endocrinologist once a year and follow all their recommendations.

The female body produces many hormones. Such active biological particles regulate the course of all vital processes, and all of them are important for feeling normal and for optimal functioning of different parts of our body. Thus, estrogens are considered one of the most famous female hormones. These are sex hormones that are important for all activities. genitourinary system and other organs and systems. Let's talk about why a lack of estrogen may occur in women, symptoms, treatment, reasons, let's look at this disorder in a little more detail.

Estrogens are not one hormone, but a general name for a whole group of female steroid hormones. Such substances are produced for the most part the follicular apparatus of the ovaries, in addition, some of them are synthesized by the adrenal cortex.
There are three types of estrogens: estrone, estradiol and estriol.

Lack of estrogen - causes of the disorder

The reasons for a lack of estrogen in women can be different, as they can be caused by a number of factors. Sometimes this disorder is caused by diseases of the pituitary gland. As you know, this gland is located directly in the brain and regulates the production of a number of hormones. If its activity is disrupted (for example, due to a tumor), estrogen levels may decrease.

This situation can also occur in patients with congenital diseases and genetic abnormalities. Thus, the amount of estrogen decreases in Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, in this case there is a violation of the formation of the gonads and a reduced production of female sex hormones is recorded. Thyroid diseases, irradiation of the pelvic organs, etc. can also cause a decrease in estrogen.

Experts say that the amount of estrogen can decrease when exposed to extreme stress (especially during puberty), as well as when following a strict diet (with limited fat).

Also, estrogen levels decrease significantly in patients with menopause (both natural and artificially induced). Early menopause can develop after surgical or pharmacological castration, with ovarian wasting syndrome, with resection of the ovaries (due to polycystic disease) and against the background of autoimmune damage to the ovaries.

There are other factors that can cause a decrease in estrogen levels. Only a doctor can accurately determine them after conducting an appropriate examination.

Lack of estrogen - symptoms of the disorder

Estrogens affect the condition of many tissues, so their deficiency manifests itself in a variety of health and well-being disorders. Similar pathological condition can make itself felt in different women various symptoms.

At the early stage of such a disorder, patients are faced with vegetative-vascular, neuroendocrine and psychological manifestations. They are worried increased sweating, a feeling of “heat” throughout the body, a feeling of “hot flashes”. Also, classic symptoms of a decrease in estrogen include fatigue, irritability, sweating and insomnia. Many patients gain excess weight and develop carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

With prolonged estrogen deficiency, urological and sexual disorders occur, and the characteristics of the skin also change. Patients complain of discomfort during urination, as well as urinary incontinence and pain during sexual intercourse, which arise due to vaginal dryness. A lack of estrogen can lead not only to dryness, but also to atrophy of the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system, which also manifests itself in discomfort during sex. Due to unpleasant symptoms, many women stop having sex.

Estrogen deficiency causes some changes in the skin - its elasticity and turgor decrease. Characteristic changes are visible on the face, represented by ptosis of soft tissues, a decrease in the clarity of the oval of the face and dry skin.

Over time, a decrease in estrogen levels causes a decrease in bone mineral density. This hormonal disorder provokes the occurrence of atherosclerosis and even vascular dementia. Many patients come to the appointment due to fractures, myocardial ischemia, and they may also experience impaired blood supply to the brain and memory problems.

In women carrying a child, a lack of estrogen can cause sudden abortion. A similar threat is usually observed in the first trimester of pregnancy. Such a deficiency can also manifest itself as the inability to conceive, in other words, infertility.

Lack of estrogen - treatment of the disorder

Dealing with low estrogen levels in women can be difficult. Therapy should be selected by a specialist taking into account the factor that caused this disorder.

Patients with this problem must definitely change their diet. They should include foods rich in plant estrogens in their menu. These include soy and products based on it, for example, milk, flour, etc., legumes will benefit: chickpeas, peas and beans. You also cannot do without dairy products and meat. If there is a lack of estrogen, you should eat more vegetables and fruits, and you are allowed to drink coffee and caffeine-containing drinks.

In addition to diet correction, women with estrogen deficiency are usually prescribed hormonal medications containing estrogens. The drugs of choice are often oral contraceptives. Of course, therapy for women of reproductive age is carried out according to a different scheme than for menopause.

Therapy for estrogen deficiency can only be carried out under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

Traditional treatment

Specialists traditional medicine claim that it is possible to normalize the level of estrogen in the body using products based on medicinal herbs. So in medicinal purposes sage may be used. For cooking medicine Brew a teaspoon of dried herb with one glass of boiling water. Infuse this mixture until it cools, then strain. Take the prepared medicine in the morning, sweetening it with honey. The duration of such therapy is about a month. Repeat three times a year, if necessary.

Red clover is also a good way to increase the amount of estrogen in the blood. So you can prepare a couple of tablespoons of the inflorescences of this plant. Brew them with one glass of boiling water and leave in a warm place to steep for one hour. Strain the finished medicine, then take half a glass three times a day shortly after meals.

You can also use hibiscus to normalize the amount of estrogen in the blood. Make tea from it. Brew a teaspoon of dry plants (flowers, petals and calyxes) in a ceramic or glass container with one glass of boiling water. Infuse this remedy for an hour (more is possible), then strain and drink to your heart’s content.

There is evidence that it can help cope with a lack of estrogen common nettle. Brew a couple of tablespoons of crushed plant material with two hundred milliliters of boiling water. Infuse this remedy overnight, then strain. Take a sip of the prepared drink three times a day. It is necessary to take into account the fact that nettle can enhance blood clotting.

If you suspect a lack of estrogen, you should consult a doctor and undergo a full examination. A specialist will help you choose correct treatment. Feasibility of use folk remedies You should definitely discuss it with your doctor.

Hormones are the most important biologically active substances involved in the regulation of all body functions. They are synthesized in various parts of the endocrine system, distributed throughout the body - the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, gonads, etc.

Hormones are an important thing. It is on their level and ratio in one particular organism that the reproductive function, that is, reproduction, growth, development, sexual desire, appetite, our mood and even good sex, depends. All life passes under the rule of hormones. Normally, a woman’s body contains the hormones androgens (they are also called male) and estrogens (i.e., female), naturally, women have much more estrogens, which are actually responsible for reproduction.

Hormones, skin condition and well-being

The beauty of our skin largely depends on the hormonal background. If you observe your skin according to the days of the menstrual calendar, you will notice that the skin changes depending on the phase of a woman’s menstrual cycle.

What are hormones and where do they come from?

Hormones are the most important biologically active substances involved in the regulation of all body functions. They are synthesized in various parts of the endocrine system, distributed throughout the body - the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, gonads, etc.

Sometimes the target cells are located near the organ that produces active substance, but more often they are significantly removed. The delivery of secretion products of the humoral system to the site is carried out blood vessels. With their help, compounds quickly penetrate into the desired tissue and change the intensity of cell activity.

Androgens, skin condition and well-being

Originally, androgens are considered male hormones. But this does not mean that they are not present in the female body. The main representative of this group is testosterone, it is by its level that the doctor judges the entire group of androgens.

How are they synthesized? They are derivatives of the adrenal glands and gonads - the female ovaries and male testicles. For the synthesis of such compounds, cholesterol is necessary, which enters the body with food or is formed in the liver from amino acids, glucose and other substances. In the adrenal glands, this process is regulated by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and in the gonads by luteinizing hormone (LH).

Effect of androgens on the skin: Male sex hormones androgens play a significant role in the functioning of the skin.

Androgens act on skin cells through special receptors that are located in the epidermis, dermis and hair follicles. They regulate the intensity of cell division, the processes of differentiation, secretion and keratinization. In old age, there is a decline in hormonal synthesis, as a result of which the regeneration of skin layers slows down, protective functions decrease, and elasticity and attractiveness are lost. The opposite picture is observed during puberty and immediately before menstruation (especially with PMS).

A larger amount of androgens in the body are in an inactive state due to association with special proteins. In the presence of hormonal pathologies the synthesis of such proteins decreases, which leads to an increase in free active androgens. This has a very strong and very negative effect on the skin.

It is quite difficult to diagnose such a condition, since there is no increase in the concentration of hormones in the blood, which is the main indicator pathological processes during laboratory tests.

Puberty and androgens: Active changes in the body during intensive growth require increased production of androgens, as a result of which the sebaceous and sweat glands are stimulated, the rate of keratinization increases, and the composition of sebum changes. Before menstruation, there is an increase in the level of steroid hormones - androgen precursors. The tendency to hyperactive hormonal synthesis is hereditary in nature and can be clearly seen in close relatives. Various pathologies in the endocrine system - diseases of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, male and female genital organs - can also influence its intensity.

Menstrual cycle and androgens: An increase in the level of steroid hormones is observed in the last phase of the menstrual cycle; about 70% of women note the appearance of acne 2-7 days before menstruation. In this case, 5 alpha reductase (an enzyme contained in the sebaceous gland) converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, which directly affects the rate of cell division of the sebaceous duct. As a result, the skin becomes oilier in the first phase, zonular keratosis and isolated rashes in areas of wide pores may appear.

Function of androgens in the body: influence the development of secondary sexual characteristics, skeleton and muscles, work sebaceous glands, are responsible for the process of follicle development, stimulate sexual desire.

Increased androgen levels: may indicate hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex or the presence of a tumor in the body, which in most cases also produces testosterone.

Decreased androgen levels: can talk about renal failure, prostatitis. Characteristic for people with Down syndrome. It is also possible when taking certain medications.

How to suspect you have an excess of androgens: irregularity of the menstrual cycle, excessive dry skin, irritability, the appearance of purely masculine characteristics in women (hair on the face and chest, deepening of the voice), activity, including sexual activity.

How to suspect you have a lack of androgens: lack of sexual desire, irregular menstrual cycle, excessive sweating, oily skin.

If, as a result of an excess of androgens, you have oily skin with periodic rashes, then it is not very correct to carry out aggressive procedures, such as skin cleansing and various peelings, at the beginning of the cycle, since the rate of sebocyte division is high and there is a greater chance of getting inflammation of the sebaceous gland.

Estrogens, skin condition and well-being

Estrogen is a sex hormone that allows women to have female figure and feminine character. This group usually includes three main hormones - estradiol, estrone, estriol. Estradiol is the main and most active female sex hormone for humans; estrogen.

Menstrual cycle and estrogens: in the preovulation phase of the menstrual cycle, the concentration of the hormone estrogen (good for the skin) increases, so the woman blossoms, a powerful erotic magnet turns on inside her, attracting men. According to nature’s plan, at this moment she must act as a conqueror of men’s hearts in order to conceive a child from the most worthy of all applicants.

Effect of estrogen on the skin: Estrogen has a very good effect on the condition of not only the skin, but also the entire body - it is able to accelerate the renewal of cells throughout the body, maintain youth, shine and health of hair and skin. Estrogens sharpen the mind, invigorate and tone, strengthen the immune system, elevate mood, awaken sexual fantasies, encourage flirtation and coquetry, burn excess fat, prevent the deposition of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels, make the eyes shine, smooth out wrinkles, make the skin elastic and firm, and make us irresistible and desirable.

Function of estrogen in the body: affects the work and development of the genital organs, mammary glands, bone growth, and determines libido. Together with progesterone, they are the main “controllers” of pregnancy and childbirth.

Increased estrogen levels: this is one of the main reasons excess weight. The doctor monitors the amount of estrogen in pregnant women especially carefully. His increased level may indicate a threat of miscarriage, fetal pathology, intrauterine infection. Also, a jump in estrogen levels can cause pre-tumor and tumor conditions.

Decreased estrogen levels: threatens with excessive hair growth, deepening of the voice, and lack of menstruation.

If a woman experiences a loss of strength, decreased performance, bad mood, and insomnia in the second half of the cycle, a possible cause of this condition is estrogen deficiency. The ability to grasp on the fly the essence of any problem, good memory, clarity of thought, optimism, the ability to show flexibility and adapt to rapid changes without worrying about tomorrow - all this is a generous gift of estrogen female body. When their level decreases, the colors of the world fade, hands give up, weakness, absent-mindedness, nervousness, increased anxiety, apathy, indifference to appearance. There is no way to put up with this!

Vitamin E (tocopherol) will help increase the production of estrogen, which should be taken an hour after breakfast, 0.4 g, as well as a creamy carrot cocktail (150 g of freshly squeezed carrot juice and 50 g cream).

How to suspect you have an excess of estrogen: Shortness of breath, heart problems, bright red and blue venous mesh on the legs, sudden weight gain.

How to suspect you have a lack of estrogen: hair color has become darker for no reason, there is constant feeling hunger, the appearance of male characteristics in women (hair growth, deepening of voice), decreased sexual activity.

Recommended skin care and cosmetic procedures: In the preovulation phase of the menstrual cycle, when the concentration of the hormone estrogen (good for the skin) increases, the skin responds very well to any cosmetic procedures: masks, peelings, facial cleansing. Any manipulation of the skin will only benefit it. Cleaning and any more or less aggressive procedure carried out precisely in the first half of the cycle.

Weight loss and estrogens: If you are losing weight, you can deal with obesity by increasing physical activity, limiting calorie intake and cutting back portions slightly. Your task is to lose 2-3 kg in a month. Then you will be able to compensate for the hormonal decline.

The fact is that the body stores estrogens produced by the ovaries during life for future use in the subcutaneous tissue. When you lose weight, they enter the bloodstream, bringing a feeling of lightness in the body, shine in the eyes and a tightening effect (estrogens tighten the skin in thin areas, preventing it from sagging in unsightly folds).

Luteinizing hormones (LH), skin condition and well-being

Doctors call this group of hormones LH for short. They are quite specific and their level for each person must be determined individually, since its fluctuations can be influenced by many factors, from playing sports to the next cigarette.

Function: help the formation of follicles in women. At the peak of the increase in LH, ovulation occurs. LH helps the formation of estrogen (good for the skin).

Level up: problems with the pituitary gland, up to malignant tumors, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, kidney disease.

Downgrade: dysfunction of the pituitary gland, genetic diseases, anorexia.

: headache, shortness of breath, general malaise, problems with the menstrual cycle. The same symptoms may occur as with an excess of estrogen, since LH helps the formation of estrogen, and as a result, the latter will be produced in greater quantities.

problems with digestive tract, excessive thinness or vice versa - fullness, irregular menstrual cycle; The same symptoms are possible as with an excess of estrogen.

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), skin condition and well-being

Abbreviated as FSH, it is fundamental in the formation of libido, helps the formation of estrogen(good for skin).

Function: It is the level of this hormone that determines our sexual appetites - in both men and women. Regulates the functioning of the sex glands, is responsible for the formation of eggs, follicle formation and estrogen formation. At the peak of the increase in FSH, ovulation occurs.

Level up: can occur due to uterine bleeding, alcoholism, kidney disease, pituitary tumor.

Downgrade: may indicate polycystic disease, diseases of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, and the reproductive system.

Absence of menstruation for several months or bleeding regardless of the cycle, various infectious and chronic diseases genital tract, headache.

How to suspect that you have a deficiency: irregular periods or their complete absence, infectious and chronic diseases of the genital organs.

Progesterone, skin condition and well-being

Doctors call progesterone the hormone of pregnant women. However, this does not mean that progesterone is not present in non-pregnant women.

Function: It is during pregnancy, up to 4 months, that the corpus luteum (the gland that is formed in the ovary after ovulation) actively produces progesterone until the placenta is formed and takes on the life-support function.

If a woman is not pregnant, progesterone actively prepares the body for this, since the main task of the hormone is to promote the development of the egg and its placement in the uterus. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the level of progesterone (bad for the skin) increases, to which, a few days before menstruation, most women react with premenstrual syndrome (PMS): the mood deteriorates, the joy of life is replaced by philosophy in the spirit of Schopenhauer, 1-2 kg imperceptibly accumulate under the eyes swelling occurs and the face becomes swollen. If pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum dies and menstruation begins.

Progesterone also affects nervous system, sebaceous and mammary glands, uterine growth.

Level up: may cause uterine bleeding, cysts corpus luteum, renal failure.

Downgrade: indicates the absence of ovulation, uterine bleeding, inflammatory processes and problems with bearing a fetus.

How to suspect that you have an excess: pain in the ovaries, menstrual irregularities, excessive nervousness, predisposition to depression.

How to suspect that you have a deficiency:“protracted” periods or their absence, increased activity including sexual, brittle nails.

Effect of progesterone on the skin: While the endocrine system has hope for the birth of a new life, thrifty progesterone makes reserves for the future - it increases the deposition of fat in the subcutaneous tissue and promotes fluid retention in the body.

Progesterone not only retains fluid in the body, but also makes the walls of peripheral veins overly stretchable and increases their permeability. The blood stagnates in the vessels, and its liquid part passes into the tissues, as a result of which the arms and legs swell. In addition, progesterone worsens the condition of the skin, making it too stretchy.

Progesterone reduces resistance to infections(therefore, closer to the beginning of menstruation, many people begin to have a sore throat or develop thrush - cheesy discharge from the vagina). A decrease in immunity also benefits the opportunistic microflora of our skin and can lead to the formation of acne.

Since the production of progesterone increases in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the beginning critical days 1–1.5 kg of excess weight accumulates, the face becomes puffy, bags appear under the eyes. Because of progesterone, women become distracted, inhibited, touchy, irritated and cry over trifles, and become depressed.

The hormone progesterone influences excessive sebum secretion, and its concentration is maximum in the second phase of the cycle. My skin is terrible these days, producing excessive amounts of oil to keep it hydrated and protected. And therefore, the chances of inflammation are much higher in the second phase of the cycle than in the first.

Progesterone stimulates increased sensitivity melanocytes. Therefore, cosmetologists in the second phase of the menstrual cycle advise not to visit solariums and beaches, as there is a risk of sunburn and skin pigmentation. Skin peeling or other aggressive procedures lead to post-traumatic hyperpigmentation.

In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, you need to make sure that the pores do not become clogged and inflammation does not start - acne. Remember that excessive cleanliness is bad for the skin. It is better to prevent clogging of skin pores by exfoliation.

If you notice a relationship between the appearance of pimples (acne) and nutrition, these days nutritionists advise giving up sweets and starchy foods, as this only provokes the secretion of fat. It is recommended to eat foods containing protein: fish, liver, buckwheat, as well as vegetables and fruits. These days, in order to avoid unwanted pigmentation, you need to avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation and do not forget to apply Sanskrin.

Prolactin, skin condition and well-being

Doctors call this hormone capricious, since it is greatly influenced by the emotional state - the more negative emotions, stress and depression, the higher its level. And vice versa - a person’s tendency to tears, touchiness, and gloominess often depends on prolactin.

Function: plays an important role during lactation, it is a lactogenic hormone responsible for the formation breast milk among women. In addition, it stimulates the development of the gonads. Prolactin is involved in the water-salt balance of the body, “signaling” to the kidneys what needs to be processed and what to retain. The level of prolactin in the body increases at the very peak of sexual intercourse. That is why during sexual intercourse a woman’s breasts become more elastic.

Level up: may indicate diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome, pituitary tumor, cirrhosis, arthritis, hypovitaminosis, lupus erythematosus. Regularly increased prolactin may develop into hyperprolactinemia - this disease is now the main cause of infertility.

Downgrade: may indicate diseases of the pituitary gland.

How to suspect that you have an excess: the breasts are “capricious” regardless of the menstrual cycle - they swell, ache, hurt, it is also possible to discharge a small amount of white fluid from the breasts (unless the woman is pregnant and breastfeeding), frequent urge to go to the toilet, headaches, joint pain, Irregularity of menstruation. The same symptoms are possible as with an excess of testosterone.

How to suspect that you have a deficiency: excessive sweating, thirst, the same symptoms as with a lack of testosterone.

The effect of prolactin on skin condition: Prolactin negatively affects the condition of our skin, it releases male hormones, spoiling the quality of facial skin and hair. The hormone prolactin regulates water-salt metabolism in the body, delaying the excretion of water and salt by the kidneys.

Oxytocin, skin condition and well-being

Function: Oxytocin is a hormone that forces us to be tender and affectionate. IN large quantities Oxytocin is produced after childbirth. This explains our boundless love for the tiny creature that was born.

This hormone is produced in large quantities during stress, oxytocin stimulates activity immune system. Oxytocin stimulates glycogenolysis in the liver, and in adipose tissue, on the contrary, stimulates glucose uptake and lipogenesis from glucose. General effects of oxytocin on lipid metabolism consists in reducing the concentration of free fatty acids in blood.

During sex, oxytocin has a direct effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus: the tone of the uterus increases, it begins to contract frequently and intensely. After orgasm, oxytocin and prolactin awaken maternal feelings in a woman. This explains such a caring behavior of a woman towards a man. She wants to hug him, caress him and continue communicating.

The effect of oxytocin on skin condition: positive. Oxytocin stimulates the activity of the immune system and prevents opportunistic microflora from developing on our skin. Since oxytocin stimulates the absorption of glucose, it also inhibits the pathogenic microflora of our skin, because sugar stimulates the development of bacteria leading to inflammation.

Serotonin, skin condition and well-being

The influence of serotonin on the condition of human skin. Serotonin (bad for the skin) is called the “happy hormone.” It is produced in some human organs and helps increase vitality, causes euphoria and relaxation. Serotonin is produced in large quantities at the moment of orgasm in men.

The effect of serotonin on skin condition: negative. There are a number of studies that directly indicate that the aging process of the body and serotonin neurotransmission are directly related. It is a known fact that patients with psoriasis often look much younger than their years. Published.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet
