Diarrhea for a week after DPT. Moderate and severe side effects. Is it possible to bathe a child after vaccination?

From the moment of birth, the baby is recommended to undergo vaccination. Some vaccinations are carried out in a complex manner, so DPT and polio are given to the baby at the same time. But it also happens that baby is coming separate immunization schedule. Experts note that if such vaccinations are carried out together, then children's body will gain immunity faster. IN modern medicine complex drugs are used (Pentaxim, Infanrix Hexa, etc.) or the vaccination is done with two different vaccines (Infanrix + Imovax).

Regarding joint immunization, the pediatrician is obliged to warn parents that the burden of vaccinations will be large, especially if they are done at the same time. Therefore, everyone must decide for themselves whether to vaccinate gradually or use complex preparations.

This vaccine helps develop immunity against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. Each of these diseases has its own danger:

  1. Diphtheria. This disease originates from an infection that enters the body through Airways. A sick child is poisoned by toxins and develops pathology of the nervous and of cardio-vascular system, and the kidneys also suffer greatly. This disease is transmitted by airborne droplets.
  2. Tetanus. It affects the nervous system, and if help is not provided in a timely manner, it will lead to respiratory and cardiac arrest. Infection can be transmitted through contact with open wound. Pathogenic microorganisms live in soil and sand, so it is important for parents to control that their child does not touch anything; in this case, children’s hands should be thoroughly washed with soap, preferably household soap. The risk group consists of children who are constantly injured. According to statistics, it has been noted that outbreaks of tetanus epidemics are observed in those areas where disasters or emergencies have recently occurred.
  3. Whooping cough. This disease is caused by an infection entering the child's body. Initially, the child begins to cough annoyingly, but as the disease progresses (which happens very quickly), a spasm is possible respiratory system, which is why the baby simply stops breathing. You can become infected with whooping cough through airborne droplets. If the child has suffered this disease, then, unfortunately, immunity will not be formed, but with repeated infection, the course of the disease will be somewhat easier.

All three diseases pose a threat to the child’s life, so doctors always strongly recommend getting the DPT vaccine to be on the safe side. Of course, a person may not encounter such illnesses in his entire life, but having inoculated immunity, life will be safer.

Adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine is administered in 4 stages. This vaccination is given intramuscularly by injection. The first vaccination is carried out at 3 months, the second at 4-5 months, the third vaccination at six months, the fourth at 1.5 years. If you go through all 4 stages, your baby will receive reliable immunity against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus.

When the baby grows up, he needs to undergo revaccination. This helps maintain the immune system at the proper level. The age for repeated vaccinations is 7-14 years, and it is important what the reaction to revaccination was.

Then revaccination is repeated every 10 years. It happens that a child tolerated a vaccination well in childhood, but in adolescence there was a reaction to vaccination. And again, here it is worth looking at the scale of such manifestations in order to provide timely assistance.

Vaccinations are not carried out just like that. The fact is that every vaccine can cause unwanted reactions or complications. To avoid such a situation, you need to know that vaccination is strictly prohibited in the following conditions of the baby:

  1. If the child is sick or has just recovered from an acute respiratory disease. The vaccination is done no earlier than a week after the baby recovers.
  2. The presence of allergic reactions to the components of the vaccine.
  3. Immunodeficiency is also a contraindication to vaccinations.
  4. DTP is prohibited if the baby has a history of pathologies nervous system, while they are progressing.
  5. Presence of seizures.
  6. Malignant neoplasms do not allow such vaccination.

If parents neglect one of these points, and the doctor is negligent about the child’s condition, then vaccination can result in an extremely unpleasant reaction, even death. Usually, the pertussis component is excluded from the vaccine so as not to worsen the child’s condition. Taking any medications should be agreed with your doctor, since the interaction of various substances can provoke a negative reaction in the body.

DPT, polio and hepatitis, like other vaccinations, have their own possible side effects. If they manifest themselves as a “mild” reaction, then this is a signal that the body is beginning its restructuring, which means there is no need to worry. But at the same time, when side effects do not manifest themselves at all, there is no need to worry either. This means that the child accepts the vaccine well.

In the place where the injection was made, the skin may become slightly red and swollen, and this area of ​​the body becomes somewhat denser to the touch. DTP often has the following side effects:

  • body temperature may rise (not higher than 38-38.5°C);
  • the child may feel sick, even vomiting;
  • diarrhea appears;
  • due to irritability, the child may begin to refuse food;
  • sleep patterns are disrupted, with lethargy observed when awake,
  • apathy and drowsiness.

Such manifestations are considered normal only if they last no more than 2-3 days after vaccination. But if such a reaction lasts longer, and the condition gradually worsens, then it is necessary to take urgent action: go to see a pediatrician or call an ambulance. How quickly parents react will determine what consequences the vaccination will bring to the child.

Complications after DPT can manifest themselves in both a common allergic reaction (urticaria) and anaphylactic shock. This situation can be triggered by several things:

  • the child was not properly prepared for vaccination;
  • the vaccine is expired;
  • the vaccine was stored incorrectly;
  • the amount of ballast substances in the preparation is more or less than prescribed;
  • individual intolerance to active components;
  • characteristics of the child's body.

In modern pediatrics, DPT and polio vaccinations are given together. But if there are any contraindications, then vaccination can be divided into two different doses. The following types of drugs can be used:

  1. Inactivated vaccine - Imovax polio and Poliorix. The first product is produced by Belgium, it includes 3 types of inactivated polio virus. Usage this drug provides a gentle effect on the children's body, making it suitable for use for the youngest age category. It also combines well with other drugs, giving virtually no side effects. Poliorix is ​​a French remedy, which in its action and composition is similar to the first one.
  2. Complex. The most popular in medicine are considered to be Pentaxim, Infanrix Hexa and Tetracok. First and last drugs are produced by France, and the other by Belgium. Pentaxim and Tetrakok are considered safe, since they have a complex effect and do not contain preservatives. As for Infanrix Hex, there is a pertussis component in the form of 2 antigens, which is why such childhood vaccinations can cause an adverse reaction.
  3. Live vaccine. Despite the fact that imported drugs are more often used, this vaccination is also applicable. It contains 3 strains of the virus and magnesium chloride, which is a stabilizer.

What exactly a child should do should be decided by each parent himself. But without consulting a doctor, you should not insist on this or that drug, because a specialist is more knowledgeable in these matters, which means he knows better what exactly is suitable in a particular case.

Concerning adverse reactions, then after the vaccination, the child may experience the following conditions:

  • the baby becomes excitable, irritable and nervous;
  • local redness of the skin;
  • slight increase in temperature (up to 38.5°C).

Mom must remember that the polio vaccination does not take the form of an injection, but of drops that are placed in the baby’s mouth. Therefore, after such a procedure, the child cannot drink or eat for another 2-3 hours.

The response to polio may differ from child to child, as each body is different, not to mention the fact that different drugs may be used.

Preparing for the vaccine

It was already noted above that a reaction in a child can be observed if the baby has not been properly prepared. To protect your child and at the same time increase the effectiveness of the drug, you need to remember the following points:

  1. Before and after vaccination, the child should be in a room where there are no sick people. The fact is that for several days after vaccination the immune system will be weakened, which means that it is much easier to catch any disease.
  2. Before going to the injection room, you should mandatory visit a pediatrician. Even a slight cough or snot may be a contraindication to vaccination. It can only be done if the baby is completely healthy and at least a week has passed since the last illness.
  3. If a child is allergic or has any chronic diseases, then it is impossible to do without consulting a specialist. Such a doctor, depending on the child’s condition, will draw up an individual vaccination schedule.
  4. Parents often neglect taking blood and urine tests. But this procedure will help to identify potential problems with vaccination.
  5. If DPT, poliomyelitis, hepatitis or another vaccination is given to a child who is just switching to complementary feeding, then 3-4 days before the “X” moment the baby is no longer given new foods. They use the old menu.

Live vaccines are considered more severe, so they are not given to everyone, giving preference to inactivated drugs.

In the first days, parents should be very attentive to the condition of their child.

If the temperature rises above 38.5°C, the child is vomiting, there is swelling of the face and limbs, or there are problems breathing, then it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance in order to avoid the development of anaphylactic shock.

Child after vaccination (Frequently asked questions)

Thank you

To date vaccinations are used to combat severe infectious diseases in all developed countries. Vaccination allows you to develop immunity to the disease, as a result of which a person becomes invulnerable to this infection. Unfortunately, it is impossible to create immunity against several dangerous infections simultaneously, that is, using one vaccine. Therefore, in order to develop immunity to each specific disease it is necessary to receive a special vaccination directed against a specific pathology.

The list of infections that are deadly to humans is very wide, but vaccinations are given only against a limited number of diseases that are widespread in a particular area. For example, people living in temperate climates do not need to be vaccinated against yellow fever, which is common only in hot, tropical climates.

Many people believe that Russians do not need to be vaccinated against smallpox, which is also very rare in our country, located in a rather cold place. climatic zone. However, this is an erroneous opinion, since it is on the territory of Russia that the world's largest natural reservoirs of black smallpox and anthrax are located, located in eastern Siberia. The causative agents of these extremely dangerous infections can survive in unfavorable conditions for a very long time - spores live up to a hundred years. Therefore, as soon as a microbe enters an “unvaccinated body,” it will cause fatal disease. The infection is highly contagious, so the risk of an epidemic is enormous.

The principle of developing immunity to infections after vaccination

When a person is vaccinated against a disease, he is injected with particles or whole microbes - the causative agents of this infection, which are in a weakened state. A weak microbe causes an infection that is very mild. As a result of inflammation, specific antibodies are produced that are capable of destroying this particular introduced microbe. The body then begins to produce memory cells that will circulate in the blood for a certain period of time, the duration of which depends on the type of infection. Memory cells against some infections last a lifetime, while others last only a few years. As a result, when a pathogenic microbe enters a vaccinated body, memory cells immediately recognize it and destroy it - as a result, the person does not get sick.

Since the introduction of the vaccine causes mild inflammation, it is natural for the body to develop various reactions. Let's consider various reactions on vaccinations, their duration, severity, and also in what cases they become signs of trouble, which requires qualified medical care.

Vaccinations for children after one year - calendar

Children aged one to 14 years old receive the same vaccinations as up to one year old. This procedure is called revaccination. It is necessary to develop stable immunity against infections over a long period of time. The Ministry of Health has approved the following vaccination calendar for children over the age of 1 year in Russia:
1. 12 months– vaccinations against measles, rubella and mumps. The fourth vaccination is against hepatitis B, if it is carried out according to the scheme 0 – 1 – 2 – 12 (the first vaccine in the maternity hospital, the second at 1 month, the third at 2 months, the fourth at 12 months).
2. 1.5 years– repeated administration of the DTP vaccine (against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus) and repeated vaccinations against polio and Haemophilus influenzae.
3. 20 months– the third vaccine against polio.
4. 6 years– second vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps.
5. 6–7 yearsre-vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus (ADT).
6. 7 years– repeated vaccination against tuberculosis.
7. 14 years– the third vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, polio and tuberculosis.

Children who have not previously been vaccinated against hepatitis B may begin vaccination at any time after reaching the age of 1 year. An annual influenza vaccination is also available upon request. From the age of 1 to 18 years, it is necessary to immunize against rubella, which can negatively affect the ability to conceive in girls.

How to behave immediately after the injection?

After your child has received the vaccine, carefully dress your baby. If you have any questions, be sure to ask your doctor or nurse, and get an answer. Remember or write down all the recommendations on how to behave at home with your child.

After vaccination, stay in the building where the shot was given for at least 20-30 minutes. This is necessary in order to find out whether a strong allergic reaction for vaccination. If such a reaction begins to develop, the child will be immediately treated on the spot. necessary help, which consists in intravenous administration a number of drugs.

Prepare your child's favorite toy or treat in advance and give it to him after leaving the office where the injection was given. Some babies find the breasts soothing if the mother has milk.

Child's behavior after vaccination

Since the vaccine causes a mild immune response in the child's body, he may be concerned about:
  • mild headaches;
  • weakness;
  • malaise;
  • temperature increase;
  • indigestion, etc.
In addition, vaccination is a little stressful for most children who do not like injections. Therefore, the child’s behavior may change after the procedure. The most common behavioral reactions observed in children are:
  • the child is capricious;
  • prolonged crying or screaming;
  • anxiety;
  • lack of sleep;
  • refusal of food.
The child is capricious. This is a completely natural reaction in response to illness and stress from the injection. In addition, if a child experiences mild unpleasant symptoms, he does not understand what is happening, where it is coming from - so he is capricious.

The child screams or cries. This phenomenon is quite common, especially immediately after the injection. If the child cries or screams for a long time, give him a drug with an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect (for example, Nurofen). Take him in your arms, rock him, talk to him tenderly, calm him down in every possible way - this will bear fruit. Screaming and crying can also be caused by increased intracranial pressure, which is a consequence of birth trauma.

Often, after vaccination and feeding, a child develops colic or is tormented by gas. Give your baby Espumisan or carry out other manipulations that help cope with these phenomena. Prolonged screaming or crying for more than three hours in a row is a signal that you need to see a doctor.

Restless child. This is also a natural reaction to the introduction of a vaccine, stress, visiting a clinic where there are a lot of people, an unfamiliar environment, etc. In addition, children are extremely susceptible to parental anxiety, which can result in anxiety. Therefore, before vaccination, try to be calm yourself, do not worry and do not show this to your child.

The child is not sleeping. A baby’s lack of sleep after vaccination can also be caused by a combination of two types of factors - severe anxiety due to the stress experienced, and mild malaise, which does not even appear outwardly. The parents' anxiety is also transmitted to the baby, he begins to get nervous and cannot sleep. The pain during the injection can remain in the child’s mind even after everything is over. Try using psychotherapy methods - calm the child down, give a vitamin under the guise of a painkiller, etc.

A rise in temperature can occur 3 hours after vaccination and last up to three days. Some children have minor damage to the central nervous system, which leads to the development of seizures when the temperature rises. This phenomenon should not be alarmed. On the contrary, vaccination with the subsequent rise in temperature helped to identify the consequences of birth trauma, which require correction by a neurologist. After the temperature subsides, be sure to visit a neurologist and undergo a course of therapy.

If your child is prone to seizures in response to an increase in temperature, then the safe threshold for its increase is a maximum of 37.5 o C. For children who do not have a tendency to seizure, the safe threshold for temperature increase is 38.5 o C.

So, if the temperature rises after vaccination, do not bring it down if it is below the safe threshold. If the temperature rises strongly (above the safe threshold), give the child an antipyretic based on paracetamol, or insert a suppository into the rectum. Under no circumstances should Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) be used. To alleviate the child’s condition after vaccination against the background of a rise in temperature, you can lightly wipe him with a cloth moistened warm water(never cold). Do not feed your child too much, give him more warm drinks. Do not try to wrap him up - on the contrary, dress him lightly, cover him with loose blankets or sheets.

Skin rash

A rash after vaccination may develop only on the area of ​​the body near the injection site, or over the entire surface. Some children may develop a rash as a reaction to the vaccine. Usually it goes away on its own within 2–3 days, without additional treatment. However, if a child is prone to allergies, it is better to consult a doctor who will determine whether the rash is caused by an allergy attack or by a vaccine.

Often, a rash after vaccination is caused by dietary errors. This is due to the fact that the child eats forcefully, his intestines are weak, and any food allergen can lead to the development of a rash. To such potential dangerous products include eggs, strawberries, citrus fruits, yeast, etc.

To stop the development of the rash, it is recommended to take antihistamines after vaccination - Suprastin, Zyrtec, Erius, Telfast, etc. All of these drugs are effective, but Suprastin is a first-generation drug that has the side effect of drowsiness. Many parents consider it outdated and ineffective, but it is precisely it that is the most powerful in suppressing allergies, and its disadvantage is the presence of adverse reactions.

Diarrhea after vaccination

The child's gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive and unstable, so the vaccine can cause digestive disorders. This is due to two reasons:
1. The vaccine contains microbes that can affect the intestinal mucosa. If before the injection the child had any digestive problems (for example, bloating, colic or constipation), then the intestines are weakened, and the vaccination may well provoke diarrhea.
2. The parents fed the child too much, against his wishes, or with foods that caused indigestion.

If diarrhea can be stopped by taking Bactisubtil and its analogues, then there is no need to worry. If the color of the stool turns green, or there is an admixture of blood, or the diarrhea cannot be stopped within 24 hours, you should consult a doctor.

Child's cough after vaccination

Children under 7 years old cough on average 20–30 times a day, and this is not a pathology. A child needs a cough to remove dust and other particles that enter the airways (bronchi, trachea) during breathing. Vaccination can slightly activate this process by enhancing cough reflex. Watch your baby: if the cough gets worse, other signs of a cold appear - only then start treatment.

Runny nose after vaccination

Vaccination causes activation of the immune system, so if a child had a focus of infection in the nasal passages, rapid and increased production of mucus is possible, which will begin to come out in the form of a runny nose. Don't panic - it's better to ease the release of mucus from the nasal passages using inhalations. Do not use nasal drops during the day - only put them in at night to give your child a chance to get a good night's sleep.


Vomiting after vaccination can occur only once during the day. If a child develops vomiting several days after vaccination, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since in this case it may be a sign of a completely different disease not related to vaccination.

Is it possible to bathe a child after vaccination?

The child can be bathed provided that he feels well and does not have a fever. You cannot bathe a child only after the Mantoux test, until its results are recorded. Any other vaccination is not a contraindication. If your baby has a reaction at the injection site, do not be afraid to give him a bath. On the contrary, water will soothe irritated skin and help reduce redness and swelling in the injection area.

Remember that when deciding on washing, you should focus on the child’s condition. Feeling good and the absence of a reaction to the vaccine in the form of fever means that swimming will not be dangerous.

How to bathe?

Contrary to popular belief, the injection site can be wetted - that is, the child can be safely bathed. You cannot wet only the Mantoux test until the results are recorded. After the vaccine has been administered, bring your baby home and monitor his condition. It is not advisable to bathe him on the same day, since the immune system is working hard in the body. Even if there is no fever and the baby feels great, refrain from the additional burden of washing. Swimming on the day of vaccination can slightly weaken the immune system, as if distracting it, which will provoke an increased reaction to the vaccine.

Since next day After vaccination, if the child feels well and does not have a fever, he can be bathed according to the usual regimen. If your temperature rises after the procedure, postpone swimming until it normalizes. As soon as the temperature subsides, you can bathe the child.

However, the presence of fever or malaise is not a contraindication for washing, brushing teeth and washing the child. These hygiene measures must be performed. And if the baby sweats, wipe him with a damp towel and change his clothes to dry ones. Sweat can irritate the injection site, so it's best to wash or dry the area and keep it clean.

A lump or lump in a child after vaccination

Any lump at the injection site does not require immediate treatment. Most often, such compactions, or even bumps, develop when subcutaneous injections. If the seal does not bother the baby, do not take any action. If it itches, itches, or in any other way makes the child nervous or gives him anxiety, lubricate the injection site with cream and apply a bandage. You can lubricate the seal after vaccination with Troxevasin ointment or its analogues. Physiotherapeutic methods (for example, warming) will also help speed up the resorption of the seal. Change the bandage after 5–6 hours, and wash the skin over the seal each time. Water itself will help relieve itching and discomfort at the point of compaction. Remember that compaction is not a pathology - it is a normal reaction of the body to the vaccine.

If the lump does not resolve within a month, and any bruising is noticeable on it, you should contact a surgeon, since a hematoma could form at the injection site, which will require treatment. If the lump begins to bleed or fester, you should consult a doctor immediately.

In general, if the lump is simply palpable, but there are no wounds or bruises on the surface of the skin, and the skin does not differ from neighboring areas, then there is no cause for concern. Such a compaction can take quite a long time to dissolve if the vaccine gets into an area of ​​the body where there are few blood vessels.

The child is limping

This condition is associated with injections that are given into the thigh muscle. Since the child’s muscle mass is quite small, the drug is absorbed relatively slowly, which causes pain when walking, stepping on the leg and, accordingly, lameness. To eliminate this condition, massage and good physical activity. If the child has difficulty standing on his feet and does not want to walk, put him on the bed and do exercises with his legs in this position. It is also useful to warm the injection site and take water treatments. If you can't move your legs warm water, replace them with vigorous rubbing with a towel moistened with warm water. Normally, lameness goes away within a maximum of 7 days.

The child fell ill after vaccination

Unfortunately, each vaccination has a range of applicability. In other words, the drug can be administered to a child only if a number of conditions are met, which are determined individually for each vaccine. This is the main danger of vaccinations. However, according to the experience of doctors in all countries and data from the World Health Organization, vaccinations cause complications, including in children, only if the rules and techniques of vaccination are violated. Let's illustrate this clear examples regarding basic vaccinations:
1. After vaccination against smallpox, the child fell ill with encephalitis. This situation arose because he was vaccinated despite high intracranial pressure during the neonatal period. The instructions on this matter give clear instructions - to vaccinate no earlier than a year after normalization of intracranial pressure. But the vaccine was introduced at six months - i.e. the child fell ill due to violation of vaccination rules.
2. Severe allergies and suffocation after diphtheria vaccination. The child was vaccinated due to diathesis; in addition, direct relatives (mother and grandmother) are allergic. In this regard, the instructions give instructions to vaccinate six months after the signs of diathesis have disappeared. skin. As a result, in this situation, untimely vaccination led to increased allergic inflammation.
3. He became ill with polio after receiving the polio vaccine. The child was given the vaccine a few days after he suffered from a severe digestive tract disorder. This cannot be done, since polio is an enterovirus that enters the body through the intestines. The children's intestines, which had not recovered, were weak and could not cope with weak particles of the polio virus, which led to infection and illness. The polio vaccine should be used no earlier than 1.5 months after the gastrointestinal disease.

Colds after vaccinations should not be correlated with vaccination. The fact is that the vaccine activates one specific part immune cells, and numerous colds in children are associated with the failure of completely different cells. Of course, everything in the body is interconnected, but the child has the ability to produce memory cells even in the womb, but protection against numerous microbes that cause colds is formed only by the age of 5–7 years. Often parents themselves provoke a child’s cold after vaccination when they unconsciously try to dress him warmer, feed him more, etc. As a result, a cold becomes the logical conclusion of the fact that the child is dressed inappropriately for the conditions on the street or at home. Overfeeding greatly weakens the immune system, so you should never do it.

To prevent frequent illnesses After your child starts attending kindergarten, try to get all the vaccinations in advance, several months before going to kindergarten. This will enable the child’s body to safely tolerate them.

Rubella in children after vaccination

Rubella is a viral infection, immunity to which develops only for several years. Today, cases have been registered in which children fell ill with rubella after vaccination, and even in children who had previously had this infection. This situation is due to the fact that long years rubella vaccinations were given, the virus began to circulate in the domestic animal population and changed slightly. Thus, several subtypes of rubella viruses have emerged that the human body has never encountered before. Therefore, a child vaccinated against one type of virus can become infected with another.

Is a child contagious after vaccination?

For ordinary healthy people, a child after vaccination is absolutely not contagious. The danger may only persist for people with weakened immune systems, for example:
  • pregnant women;
  • patients with neoplasms;
  • people who have suffered a serious illness and are in a period of rehabilitation;
  • patients after major surgery;
  • patients with HIV/AIDS.

What to give a child after vaccination - how to help him?

When DTP is administered, the child must take antipyretic drug based on paracetamol, even if normal temperature bodies. After this vaccine, it is necessary to monitor body temperature for 5–7 days and, if necessary, give an antipyretic.

If the temperature rises above 38.5 o C, give the child Analgin at a dose of 125 mg (1/4 tablet) and paracetamol-containing drugs (for example, Panadol, Tylenol, etc.). Otherwise, regularly dry your child with a towel soaked in warm water to reduce body temperature. Do not under any circumstances use vodka or vinegar for wiping.

After administration of DPT, DPT, IPV and hepatitis B vaccines, be sure to give your child antihistamines that were recommended by the doctor (for example, Suprastin, Zyrtec, Erius, etc.).

Feed your child familiar foods, do not try to give him something new, as this may provoke an allergic reaction or digestive upset.

If the injection site becomes red, a lump or swelling has formed, place a compress with a warming effect on this place, or apply wet bandage. The dressing needs to be changed every few hours.

Possible complications of vaccination

Complications of vaccinations include a number of pathological conditions, which are caused precisely by vaccination, which has had a strong impact, in combination with the individual characteristics of the human body. Reactions to the vaccine in the form of fever, redness or swelling of the injection site, malaise and rash are not complications. Vaccination complications, as defined by the World Health Organization, include “persistent and severe violations health." Complications develop extremely rarely - on average, one case per 100,000 vaccinated people.
3. Failure to comply with vaccination rules (active failure to clarify contraindications).
4. Individual characteristics ( severe allergies when administering the vaccine for the second and third time).
5. Availability infectious process, against which the vaccine was introduced.

Thus, the well-known truth that everything has its indications and contraindications, which must be strictly observed, is confirmed. Therefore, in order to avoid the development of complications, you should strictly follow the instructions for vaccination - administer the drug correctly, find out whether there were any diseases against which the child cannot be vaccinated, etc. Required individual work with parents and children.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Runny nose after vaccination

DPT abbreviation means: absorbed (made from a purified and weakened culture) pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus serum.

DPT and polio are dangerous for young children, whose immunity is not yet sufficiently developed, and for this reason the risk of infection is very high. For example, for infection with polio, which leads to paralysis of the limbs, household contact with a carrier of the virus is sufficient.

No less dangerous are other diseases that can cause:

  • irreversible changes in brain tissue;
  • encephalopathy;
  • convulsions;
  • death of a child.

This is especially true in our time, when unfavorable environmental conditions, high background radiation and atmospheric pollution cause mutations of viruses that complicate the diagnosis of the disease and increase the risk of medical errors.

Therefore, the answer to the first question is unequivocal: the DTP vaccination against polio, as well as hepatitis, needs to be done, and care should be taken in advance to ensure that the baby tolerates it more easily. This is possible with certain knowledge.

The skin reaction to DTP vaccination, expressed in redness and swelling, moderate itching, and the appearance of a slight thickening, is considered a common consequence of the drug administration.

In addition, it is possible:

  • heat up to 38-39 °C;
  • anxiety;
  • lethargy;
  • temporary loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea and vomiting.

The described reactions are not dangerous. When asked how long the temperature can last after vaccination, experts answer: approximately 5 days, and the child’s condition will be normalized.

The reaction depends on the quality of vaccines and the characteristics of the child. It may be absent or manifested by an upset stomach that goes away in about 2-3 days.

In addition, it is possible that:

  • swelling at the injection site;
  • temperature after vaccination in a child, but not higher than 38.5 ° C;
  • tearfulness.

Temperatures, sometimes reaching 39 °C, are considered a normal manifestation of DPT and polio. The reason is the intensive process of producing antibodies in the blood of the vaccinated baby, which will prevent him from getting sick in the future. After about two days the fever will disappear.

At the same time, the absence of fever as a reaction to DPT does not mean that the vaccine “did not work,” as parents sometimes believe. It’s just that the child’s body turned out to be so strong that it was able to give a decisive rebuff to the virus, but with the development of immunity everything is fine. in perfect order! To cast aside any doubts, after about six months you need to do a blood test: it will show the presence of antibodies.

Unfortunately, sometimes a child's fever is the result of using a poorly purified vaccine. You should worry about the temperature if it reaches 39.5-40 ° C, and it cannot be brought down for a long time (more than 3 days) or, in addition to fever, there are other signs of poor condition: rash on body, swelling of the face, fainting, incessant vomiting, diarrhea.

The main rule of vaccinations is that only healthy baby. Then the risk of complications is low, as is the appearance of unwanted side effects.

Vaccination is postponed for more late dates, If:

  1. The baby has an acute infectious disease. You will have to maintain a week interval between the date full recovery and vaccination.
  2. The child has some kind of chronic disease, and the exacerbation stage has begun. The introduction of the vaccine is postponed for a month, starting from the day when all symptoms disappear.
  3. One of the family members is infected with a virus and there is a possibility that the child could also become infected.

There are also so-called absolute contraindications, having no time restrictions.

Vaccinations are prohibited:

  1. If the child’s body has shown a strong negative reaction to the previous vaccination.
  2. For neurological disorders.
  3. If an allergy to a component or components of the vaccine is detected.
  4. In severe congenital immunodeficiency.
  5. If the baby has had a disease for which the vaccine is being given. It is better to use a vaccine that does not contain an “extra” component.

The DPT vaccine is considered one of the most reactogenic vaccines. But this is due to the fact that the dosage of antigens in it is very high.

The most serious consequences are the antigen from the pertussis bacillus. The problem is that antigens of this type direct their effect on brain cells directly or through the body’s immune system.

This happens to a greater extent during the course of the disease, but during the vaccine such processes can also affect the patient’s body, although to a much lesser extent.

Before you get your first DPT vaccine, you need to have your blood and urine tested. After this, it is mandatory to obtain permission for vaccination from a neurologist.

Before vaccination, be sure to consult a doctor if your child has any allergies. To prevent it from getting worse, you can take tablets with antihistamine properties several times before vaccination. It is best to start them a couple of days before vaccination, and stop drinking them after a week from the day of vaccination.

It is very important to purchase antipyretic tablets in advance. In addition, medications that improve gastric motility and have a positive effect on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract will be useful in the first aid kit. It is better to buy analgin in advance. Dairy products, such as kefir, can also help.

On the day of vaccination DTP is better refuse to try new products.

On the day when the child received the DTP vaccine, it is imperative to take a drug that reduces the temperature, as a fever may appear. It is best to use drugs that contain paracetamol. Even if the child’s temperature does not rise and it remains at the same level, it is still better to give the drug right away.

Throughout the week after the DTP vaccination is given, you need to monitor the baby’s health. It is very important to check your body temperature every day for 5-7 days.

If complications begin, it is necessary to use antipyretic drugs. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, you need to give your baby medications that contain paracetamol.

But the use of alcohol and vinegar solutions is strictly prohibited.

After the DPT vaccine has been used, the child must be given medications with antihistamine properties. The vaccine can cause allergic reactions, and these drugs will eliminate them. But before using such drugs, it is better to consult a doctor. Zirtec, Suprastin and Erius have proven themselves well.

When a person is vaccinated against a disease, he is injected with particles or whole microbes - the causative agents of this disease.

Those in a weakened state. A weak microbe causes an infection that is very mild.

As a result of inflammation, specific antibodies are produced that are capable of destroying this particular introduced microbe. The body then begins to produce memory cells that will circulate in the blood for a certain period of time, the duration of which depends on the type of infection.

Memory cells against some infections last a lifetime, while others last only a few years. As a result, when a pathogenic microbe enters the vaccinated body, memory cells immediately recognize it and destroy it - as a result, the person does not get sick.

Since the introduction of the vaccine causes mild inflammation, it is natural for the body to develop various reactions. Let's consider various reactions to vaccinations, their duration, severity, and also in what cases they become signs of trouble, which requires qualified medical care.

Children under 7 years old cough on average 20–30 times a day, and this is not a pathology.

is necessary for the child to remove dust and other particles that enter the airways (bronchi, trachea) during breathing. Vaccination can slightly activate this process by enhancing the cough reflex. Watch your baby: if the cough gets worse, other signs of a cold appear - only then start treatment.

Vaccination causes activation of the immune system, so if the child had a focus of infection in the nasal passages, rapid and increased production of mucus is possible, which will begin to come out in the form

Complications of vaccinations include a number of pathological conditions that are caused precisely by vaccination, which has a strong impact, in combination with the individual characteristics of the human body. Reactions to the vaccine in the form of fever, redness or swelling of the injection site, malaise and rash are not complications.

Vaccine complications, as defined by the World Health Organization, include “persistent and severe health problems.” Complications develop extremely rarely - on average, one case per 100,000 vaccinated people.

Storing vaccines in inappropriate conditions (freezing, heating, etc.).

Incorrect administration of the drug ( intramuscular injection vaccines, which should only be subcutaneous).

Failure to comply with vaccination rules (active failure to clarify contraindications).

Individual characteristics (severe allergies when the vaccine is administered for the second and third time).

The presence of an infectious process against which the vaccine was administered.

Thus, the well-known truth that everything has its indications and contraindications, which must be strictly observed, is confirmed. Therefore, in order to avoid the development of complications, you should strictly follow the instructions for vaccination - administer the drug correctly, find out whether there were any diseases against which the child cannot be vaccinated, etc. Individual work with parents and children is required.

In most cases, the reaction to DTP in children is insignificant and can be expressed in redness or hardening of the injection site, the appearance of a low temperature, sometimes in the form of cough or stomach upset. Such a response from the body is considered normal, because it indicates that the immune system has responded to the vaccine and is producing antibodies to it.

The situation when there is a response to the vaccine is better than when the body does not respond to the infection with even the slightest discomfort.

Before vaccination you need to follow certain rules:

  1. Donate blood, urine and feces of the child for general clinical analysis to identify possibly hidden processes in the body.
  2. To carry out the procedure, it is important that the child is healthy - this will ensure an adequate response to the DPT vaccination from the immune system. If the child has chronic diseases, the vaccine is given during a period when there is no exacerbation of the disease.
  3. Immediately before the injection, the doctor must examine the child: listen to the heart, lungs, and take the temperature. If the doctor has doubts about the baby’s health, then vaccination cannot be done.
  4. If your baby has allergic reactions, you need to take antihistamines a couple of days before.
  5. One hour before and one hour after the procedure better than a child don't feed.
  6. You should not skip revaccination if it is scheduled. Before the procedure, carefully read the documents for the vaccine that is going to be administered to your baby.

Low temperature

A reaction such as fever from DTP vaccination is the most common and natural response of the immune system to the administered drug. Why is the temperature rising? When immune bodies begin to fight foreign agents, the temperature naturally rises.

With high immune activity, the temperature can rise above 38 degrees, and this indicator will be normal. Only when hyperthermia reaches 38.5 should you take an antipyretic.

Main signs: the child becomes restless, capricious, and may have trouble sleeping.


If the DPT vaccination site turns red, then this response to the vaccine is quite normal. The fact is that tissue swelling begins at the puncture site; often the injection site can thicken and measure up to 8 cm.

The symptom should disappear within a week. If the injection site hurts, nerve cells inform the brain about the presence of edema, sometimes inflammation.

If the swelling persists for more than a week or becomes big sizes, bothers and hurts - you need to see a doctor.


The reaction to DPT vaccination in children does not involve coughing. This symptom indicates that an infection has entered the body either within a couple of days or after vaccination. If a cough appears, accompanied by fever and sneezing, these are signs of the development of ARVI or another infection. You need to immediately contact your pediatrician and inform him that your baby has been vaccinated. The child’s immune system is weakened, so it is extremely important health care and doctor's supervision.

The vaccine should be easily tolerated with normal immunity. However, there are also non-standard reactions to the injection.

Abnormal symptoms of the vaccine include vomiting, diarrhea and rash. These symptoms appear when an allergic reaction to the components of the product occurs.

The rash goes away on its own, diarrhea and vomiting are treated symptomatically. Itching is relieved locally with compresses and lotions.

However, if the condition worsens, it is possible anaphylactic shock. If the baby's condition does not improve, call a doctor.

The polio vaccine can cause diarrhea. The vaccine consists of a certain amount of live bacteria. Although there is a synthetic analogue with non-viable microorganisms, the effectiveness of such grafting is low. Therefore, a live version of the drug is used.

The most adequate reaction to any vaccination, including DTP, is complete absence any reaction. This is possible under two conditions:

  • Finding a person in completely favorable, greenhouse conditions.
  • The highest quality vaccine with a minimum of impurities.

The first is impossible due to the aggressiveness of the external environment: constant contact with pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms, viruses, fungi, changes in humidity, temperature, intensity of solar radiation, etc. The second also, for the reasons already mentioned.

Therefore, the risks of increased body temperature and other adverse events There is. But you shouldn't be afraid of them. Vaccinations rarely lead to death or severe disability, despite many high-profile cases. It should be understood that only isolated moments appear on screens and in periodicals, but everyone is vaccinated, there are millions of them. The share of “unlucky” people ranges from 0.2 to 0.5%, according to unrefined data.

What accompanying signs accompany body temperature after administration of the drug? This:

  • Moodiness. Appears during the initial administration of the vaccine. The child constantly cries and does not sleep.
  • Redness of the skin. As a result of the development of an allergic reaction, hives (rash) may appear. This is a warning sign and you should consult a doctor immediately.
  • Diarrhea, digestive disorders, frequent regurgitation.
  • Redness of the injection site.
  • Swelling of the limb.

The temperature after DTP rises to 37-37.5 degrees Celsius. Rarely is it higher, but these cases require medical intervention.

Older patients can formulate complaints more precisely:

  • Headache, dizziness, nausea, weakness, drowsiness due to intoxication of the body.
  • Feeling hot or chilly.
  • Abdominal pain, rumbling.
  • Disruption of the digestion process.

Such manifestations do not reach a high degree of intensity. After a few days everything returns to normal. Do you need a doctor's help? In most cases, no.

But, if after DTP vaccination the temperature rises above 38 degrees, especially in a small child, you should call an ambulance.

Revaccination, that is, repeated administration of the drug, is carried out three times after the main course of vaccinations: at 1.5, 5-6, 14-15 years. Usually repeated procedures are easily tolerated. Temperature after DPT revaccination has two exceptions:

  1. Poor quality vaccine or drug from another manufacturer.
  2. Allergic reactions that have already formed before.

In the first case, there is an individual reaction of the body to a new drug. If something else was previously administered, then say how the body will react to the drug with another chemical composition, difficult.

In the second case, a paradoxical reaction of the body to drugs appears: after the first vaccinations, intolerance is formed, the body responds accordingly.

Moreover, the temperature is not the only symptom. The process is accompanied by a runny nose, lacrimation, skin itching, itching in the nose, eyes, nasal congestion, urticaria, papular rash as with chicken pox and other phenomena.

Therefore, each subsequent vaccination, even though it has already been carried out before, requires consultation with an immunologist-allergist.

To avoid pathological responses of the body, in no case should you vaccinate a child in the following cases:

  • Allergic reaction of a polyvalent nature (to many drugs).
  • Acute infectious and inflammatory process in the body.
  • Teething.
  • Endocrine pathologies in the medical history, exacerbation or decompensation phase.

Side effects are relatively rare, even when using Russian drugs. Possible consequences include:

  • Long-term headache. It is a consequence of intoxication of the body.
  • An allergic reaction, the formation of a pronounced immune response to the vaccine. Usually appears after the first or second administration of the drug. May reveal itself during revaccination. Requires a change of drug for subsequent administration and use antihistamines first generation.
  • Injection site infection.

In advanced cases, severe disability or even death occurs. As a rule, this is on the conscience of doctors who vaccinate without preliminary diagnosis and without determining the quality of the child’s health. Therefore, before carrying out the procedure, the parents themselves must insist on assessing the condition of their child.

How to help your baby

Adults should stock up on antipyretics to lower the child’s temperature.

Doctors advise doing the following:

  1. If the baby easily tolerates the temperature, and it does not rise above 37.5 ° C, do nothing. If the child is worried, give him a mild antipyretic, for example, Paracitamol or Panadol.
  2. For readings above 38 °C, use Nurofen or Ibuprofen.
  3. If the temperature approaches 39 °C, Nimesulide will help. In addition to this, it is necessary to give medications that will protect the baby’s body from dehydration: Regidron, Glucosolan. It is advisable to use rectal suppositories.

In addition to taking medications to lower the temperature, the baby should be provided with the most comfortable conditions possible, that is, maintain a temperature of 21 ° C and optimal humidity in his room and give more fluids.

Some preventive measures will also help, in particular, you need to do the following:

  1. For 2-3 days before vaccination and the same amount after it, give the baby antihistamines.
  2. If, after previously administered vaccines, the baby had convulsions and high fever, it is advisable to give him an analgesic-antipyretic before the injection.
  3. Regularly monitor the child’s temperature for 5 days after vaccination.

Attention! Any medications can be given to a child after consultation with a pediatrician!

- vaccinations against

Rubella and

The fourth vaccination is against

B, if it is carried out according to the scheme 0 - 1 - 2 - 12 (the first vaccine in the maternity hospital, the second at 1 month, the third at 2 months, the fourth at 12 months).

– repeated administration of the DPT vaccine (against

) and repeated vaccinations against polio and Haemophilus influenzae.

– the third vaccine against polio.

– second vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps.

– repeated vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus (DT).

- re-vaccination against

– the third vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, polio and tuberculosis.

Children who have not previously been vaccinated against hepatitis B can begin vaccination at any time after reaching the age of 1 year. An annual influenza vaccination is also available upon request. From the age of 1 to 18 years, it is necessary to immunize against rubella, which can negatively affect the ability to conceive in girls.

In addition, vaccination is a little stressful for most children who do not like injections. Therefore, the child’s behavior may change after the procedure. The most common behavioral reactions observed in children are:

  • the child is capricious;
  • prolonged crying or screaming;
  • anxiety;
  • lack of sleep;
  • refusal of food.

This is a completely natural reaction in response to illness and stress from the injection. In addition, if the child feels mildly unpleasant

He doesn’t understand what’s happening, where it’s coming from, so he’s capricious.

The child screams or cries. This phenomenon is quite common, especially immediately after the injection.

If the child cries or screams for a long time, give him a drug with an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect (for example, Nurofen). Take him in your arms, rock him, talk to him tenderly, calm him down in every possible way - this will bear fruit.

Screaming and crying can also be caused by increased intracranial pressure, which is a consequence of birth trauma.

Often, after vaccination and feeding, a child develops colic or is tormented by gas. Give your baby Espumisan or carry out other manipulations that help cope with these phenomena. Prolonged screaming or crying for more than three hours in a row is a signal that you need to see a doctor.

The child can be bathed provided that he feels well and does not have a fever. You cannot bathe your child only after

Until its results are recorded. Any other vaccination is not a contraindication. If your baby has a reaction at the injection site, do not be afraid to give him a bath. Water, on the contrary, will soothe irritated skin, help reduce redness and

in the injection area.

Remember that when deciding on washing, you should focus on the child’s condition. Feeling well and not having a reaction to the vaccine in the form of fever means that swimming will not be dangerous.

How to bathe?

Contrary to popular belief, the injection site can be wetted - that is, the child can be safely bathed. You cannot wet only the Mantoux test until the results are recorded.

After the vaccine has been administered, bring your baby home and monitor his condition. It is not advisable to bathe him on the same day, since the immune system is working hard in the body.

Even if there is no fever and the baby feels great, refrain from the additional burden of washing. Swimming on the day of vaccination can slightly weaken the immune system, as if distracting it, which will provoke an increased reaction to the vaccine.

Starting the day after vaccination, if the child feels well and does not have a fever, he can be bathed according to the usual regimen. If your temperature rises after the procedure, postpone swimming until it normalizes. As soon as the temperature subsides, you can bathe the child.

However, the presence of fever or malaise is not a contraindication for washing, brushing teeth and washing the child. These hygiene measures must be followed. And if the baby sweats, wipe him with a damp towel and change his clothes to dry ones. Sweat can irritate the injection site, so it's best to wash or dry the area and keep it clean.

This condition is associated with injections that are given into the thigh muscle. Since the child’s muscle mass is quite small, the drug is absorbed relatively slowly, which causes pain when walking, stepping on the leg and, accordingly, lameness. To eliminate this condition it is necessary

and good physical activity. If the child has difficulty standing on his feet and does not want to walk, put him on the bed and do exercises with his legs in this position. It is also useful to warm the injection site and take water procedures. If it is not possible to move your legs in warm water, replace them with vigorous rubbing with a towel moistened with warm water. Normally, lameness goes away within a maximum of 7 days.

For ordinary healthy people, a child after vaccination is absolutely not contagious. The danger may only persist for people with weakened immune systems, for example:

  • pregnant women;
  • patients with neoplasms;
  • people who have suffered a serious illness and are in a period of rehabilitation;
  • patients after major surgery;
  • patients with HIV/AIDS.

When to enter

Before going to bed, the child should take an antipyretic drug based on paracetamol, even if the body temperature is normal. After this vaccine, it is necessary to monitor body temperature for 5–7 days and, if necessary, give an antipyretic.

If the temperature rises above 38.5oC, give the child Analgin at a dose of 125 mg (1/4 tablet) and paracetamol-containing drugs (for example, Panadol, Tylenol, etc.). Otherwise, regularly dry your child with a towel soaked in warm water to reduce body temperature. Do not under any circumstances use vodka or vinegar for wiping.

After administering the DTP, ADS, IPV and hepatitis B vaccines, be sure to give the child antihistamines recommended by the doctor (for example, Suprastin, Zyrtec, Erius, etc.).

Feed your child familiar foods, do not try to give him something new, as this may provoke an allergic reaction or digestive upset.

If the injection site becomes red, a lump or swelling has formed, place a compress with a warming effect on the site, or apply a wet bandage. The dressing needs to be changed every few hours.



All three diseases have a viral etiology and are very quickly transmitted from sick people to healthy people. If a person is not vaccinated, it is very easy to become infected. Diseases are difficult to tolerate and can cause serious complications.

After vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella, the following unpleasant manifestations are possible:

  • diarrhea;
  • skin rash;
  • severe vomiting;
  • local reaction in the form of compaction at the injection site;
  • heat.

When such vaccinations are given to boys, slight swelling and swelling of the testicles is possible. The vaccine is usually called the “MRV vaccine” - measles, rubella, mumps (mumps).

Runny nose after vaccination

An excellent drug is Smecta. It removes toxins from the body and eliminates dyspeptic symptoms. The remedy relieves the disorder in a short time. It is recommended to take the medicine three times a day for three days.

To eliminate loose stools, you can resort to taking prebiotics.

With diarrhea, the body loses fluid. To replenish it, it is recommended to drink mineral water without gas, herbal decoctions, juice without sugar, compote (at least 8 glasses per day).

Regidron is considered an excellent drug. Electrolyte for children is also produced by Humana.

In accordance with the accepted protocol and development calendar, the first vaccination is given at 3 months. Then, with an interval of 1.5 months, two more are performed. The first and last are combined with hepatitis vaccination. One vaccine can contain both DPT and hepatitis.

Revaccination is carried out:

  • at 1.5 years - DPT;
  • after 2 months – poliomyelitis;
  • at 7 years old - diphtheria and tetanus (ADS-M);
  • At the age of 14, vaccination is repeated and combined with polio.

Adults should regularly - once every 10 years - get booster vaccinations for diphtheria, tetanus and polio. Intramuscular injection of DPT is combined with oral administration of polio (ORP). The disadvantage of this method is that due to the bitter taste of the medicine, the baby may vomit, and the procedure will have to be repeated. In addition, after it you should not feed the baby for about an hour.

The advantage of oral administration is that the vaccine contains live cultures of the virus and provides lasting immunity. Moreover, ORP also acts as additional protection against viral infections Gastrointestinal tract, creating the most favorable conditions for DTP vaccination.

There is also inactivated vaccine(IPV): does not contain live virus cultures, intended for injection under the skin. It is used when there are people in the baby’s family who are not immune to the polio virus or are HIV-infected.

How to behave immediately after the injection?

After your child has received the vaccine, carefully dress your baby. If you have any questions, be sure to ask your doctor or nurse and get an answer. Remember or write down all the recommendations on how to behave at home with your child.

After vaccination, stay in the building where the shot was given for at least 20-30 minutes. This is necessary in order to find out whether a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine will develop. If such a reaction begins to develop, the child will immediately receive the necessary assistance on the spot, which consists of intravenous administration of a number of drugs.

Prepare your child's favorite toy or treat in advance and give it to him after leaving the office where the injection was given. Some babies find it helpful to soothe the breast if the mother has milk.

Runny nose after vaccination

A temperature reaction to vaccination develops very often. The DPT and BCG vaccines are considered the most pyrogenic (increasing body temperature), but any other vaccination can also lead to a temperature reaction.

after vaccination is due to the fact that the immune system is activated and begins to produce antibodies. Also, temperature itself is an antimicrobial factor, since many pathogenic

unable to bear high temperature human body, in which they simply die, as if boiled in

A rise in temperature can occur 3 hours after vaccination and last up to three days. Some children have minor damage to the central nervous system, which leads to the development of seizures when the temperature rises.

This phenomenon should not be alarmed. On the contrary, vaccination with a subsequent rise in temperature helped to identify the consequences of birth trauma, which require correction by a neurologist.

After the temperature subsides, be sure to visit a neurologist and undergo a course of therapy.

If your child is prone to seizures in response to an increase in temperature, then the safe threshold for its increase is a maximum of 37.5oC. For children who are not prone to seizures, the safe threshold for fever is 38.5oC.

So, if the temperature rises after vaccination, do not bring it down if it is below the safe threshold. If the temperature rises strongly (above the safe threshold), give the child an antipyretic based on paracetamol, or insert a suppository into the rectum.

Under no circumstances should Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) be used. To alleviate the child’s condition after vaccination against the background of a rise in temperature, you can lightly wipe him with a cloth moistened with warm water (never cold).

Do not feed your child too much, give him more warm drinks. Do not try to wrap him up - on the contrary, dress him lightly, cover him with loose blankets or sheets.

Before talking about complications as a reaction to the DTP vaccine, notes Dr. Komarovsky, you need to remember that they occur tens of thousands of times less often than after suffering from polio, tetanus or whooping cough. The danger for a baby who is not vaccinated is extremely great.

Unfortunately, there are no ways to prevent or in any way reduce the risk of consequences. To at least slightly reduce the risk of consequences, you can use newer vaccines, such as Infanrix, Tetraxim.

Why is DPT vaccination dangerous?

Typically, the duration of the temperature reaction is 2-3 days. The temperature from DTP vaccination rises after 15-40 minutes and remains stable throughout the day. In the morning it is lower or absent, and in the evening it rises.

How many days does the fever last after DTP vaccination in the presence of a concomitant infectious-inflammatory process? On average, from 5 to 14 days without complex treatment. In this case, the manifestations of fever after administration of the drug are lost against the background common features pathogenic condition.

The principles of treatment, however, are identical. If the thermometer remains consistently high, you should contact a pediatrician or dermatologist.

The answer to this question depends on the temperature indicator itself. General rule This is: when the thermometer increases to 38.1 degrees, the child’s reading needs to be brought down.

But, if you have been vaccinated with DTP and the temperature rises, plus threatening symptoms are added: hives, breathing problems, then you need to not only stop the fever, but also call an ambulance.

Relieving fever yourself should be done with caution.

A child’s temperature after DTP is reduced by several groups of antipyretic drugs:

  • Ibuprofen-based products (Ibuprofen, Nurofen). These are the most suitable drugs that have a minimum of side effects and a maximum of beneficial effects.
  • Medicines based on paracetamol (classic Paracetamol or Panadol). But the medicine should be used in strictly specified dosages, because it significantly affects the liver.

Other medications, such as metamizole sodium (Analgin, Pentalgin) or even more so acetylsalicylic acid should be excluded from the list. They pose a significant risk and are not intended for children.

The temperature after DPT in a baby can only be reduced with Panadol in the form of a suspension.

If the temperature does not drop after DTP, then you need to call an ambulance.

Skin rash

after vaccination, it can develop only in the area of ​​the body near the injection site, or over the entire surface. Some children may develop a rash as a reaction to the vaccine. It usually goes away on its own within 2–3 days, without additional treatment. However, if the child is prone to

- It is better to consult a doctor who will determine whether the rash is caused by an allergy attack or by a vaccine.

Why does diarrhea occur after DPT vaccination?

The vaccine contains microbes that can affect the intestinal mucosa. If your child had any digestive problems before the injection (eg

Colic or

Imported analogue

Vaccine quality is another important factor, which determines the likelihood of side effects and various complications. Since the DTP vaccine causes many complaints, parents increasingly prefer to replace it with imported analogues. This solution has only one drawback: you will have to pay for vaccination.

You can use the following popular analogues of DPT:

  1. The complex drug Pentaxim (France), which already includes all the necessary cultures and makes it possible to perform only one injection, without oral administration of the polio virus. When using this drug, the risk of complications is minimal. Vaccination with Pentaxim also protects the baby from hemophilus influenzae infection.
  2. Infanrix (Belgium), which, unlike the Russian drug, does not contain merthiolate, an antiseptic that contains mercury in microdoses. Among the disadvantages is weaker immunity compared to DTP.
  3. Tetraxim (France). It acts similarly to Pentaxim, but does not protect against hemophilus influenzae infection. Also free of merthiolate and virtually no adverse reactions.
  4. Tritanrix-HB (Belgium). As a result of vaccination, the baby develops immunity to whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria and hepatitis.

The success of vaccination and the likelihood of complications depend on three main factors:

  1. Child's health.
  2. Vaccine quality.
  3. Professionalism of the medical staff.

The consequences, including an increase in temperature after vaccination with DPT and polio, are a lesser evil in comparison with the consequences of diseases from which vaccination will protect in the future.

– this is the introduction into the human body of a certain drug that can affect the development of immunity to a specific disease. For now a large number of parents are extremely cautious about this method of stimulation protective functions body.

In addition, vaccination is a lot of stress for the baby’s body. Each new vaccination can provoke the appearance of unwanted complications. The child’s immune system is already undergoing major changes. Side effects may appear in the first days after vaccination. One of these is diarrhea after.

What happens in the body after the vaccine is administered?

If the child’s body reacts to a high level of the DPT vaccine, symptoms such as asthenia, vomiting, nervousness, and diarrhea may appear. Loose stools immediately after the injection are easily explained. IN in this case this symptom occurs due to stomach hypersensitivity. He is unstable.

The appearance of diarrhea can be explained by other reasons:

  1. The vaccine contains certain microorganisms that have an extremely negative effect on the intestinal mucosa. If before the introduction of a particular drug the baby already had certain disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, then there is a high probability that the drug will cause diarrhea. This is explained by the fact that the stomach was already in a weakened state;
  2. Before the vaccination, the baby ate heavily, or the food caused loose stools.

If the child’s condition was managed by taking a certain medication, That special treatment it doesn't require it. In this case, we are talking about a drug such as Bactisubtil. If necessary, you can use analogues.

If the diarrhea was quite severe and also colored green color mixed with blood, this is a serious cause for concern. In this situation, it is no longer possible to do without a specialist.

So what actually happens in the body after a vaccine is administered? As you know, vaccinations are used to protect human body from different infectious diseases. The principle of action of these drugs is associated with the functionality of the immune system.

The drug Baktisubtil

Immunity is the body's resistance to various infectious diseases. It is considered the result of the performance of a person’s protective functions. The latter can recognize all kinds of harmful microorganisms, viruses, as well as their metabolic products.

For example, various toxins and poisons. Thus, the formation of protective factors occurs - antibodies that destroy pathogens. The development of immunity to a particular infection occurs after a collision with the pathogen.

Another development of immunity occurs after vaccination, which is carried out in several stages:
  1. the first encounter of the human body with infection;
  2. After this, specific pathogens are recognized by the immune system. They are antigens that are an integral part of the vaccine. After this, increased production of protective factors occurs;
  3. elimination of infection. The immune system works hard to remove microorganisms that cause the disease;
  4. after successful fight against infection, preservation occurs immune system“memory of a previous infection.” If in the future a child encounters this disease, a violent and immediate reaction will follow. It will be aimed at eliminating the infectious disease as quickly as possible.

As a rule, such a mechanism for obtaining immunity is noted, for example, in the case of an outbreak of chickenpox. At the first encounter with pathology, children get sick. But after the only episode in their life of encountering an illness, the body becomes practically immune to infection.

Due to the fact that the first meeting of a child’s body with pathology can be dangerous, it was proposed to use vaccines that have weakened or destroyed microbes and their fragments that do not differ in their ability to provoke the onset of the disease. Despite this, the body’s protective functions are stimulated, which is aimed at developing immunity.

It should be noted that the introduction of a vaccine before the first contact with infection makes the child’s body immune or significantly increases its resistance to certain microorganisms or their metabolic products.

Can there be diarrhea from DTP?

It should be noted that the DPT vaccine has a fairly high level of reactivity. Some doctors believe that the drug does not cause diarrhea, vomiting, etc.

However, weakened immunity can provoke infection in the gastrointestinal tract. Exactly harmful microbes and are the cause of diarrhea after the vaccination procedure.

Diarrhea after the vaccine should end in about two days. If this does not happen, then you urgently need to visit a specialist’s office.

How to treat diarrhea after DPT vaccination in a child?

DTP is a vaccine that is used to prevent the occurrence of the following infectious pathologies:, and. Not so long ago, this disease was the cause of death of a large number of children. Thanks to the advent of this vaccine, the situation has changed for the better. It should be noted that the composition of the vaccine depends on the manufacturer.

DPT vaccine

As you know, they occur in every person. Children are no exception. It is very difficult for them to tolerate vaccinations, since the child’s body faces additional stress. The cause of diarrhea is an imperfect immune system.

There are situations when diarrhea does not stop after two days. This signals a serious disorder in the functioning of the digestive tract. In such a situation, you need to urgently consult a doctor. In particular severe cases you should call a doctor at home.

The following dangerous symptoms cause concern among the parents of the baby:

  1. blood appeared in the stool;
  2. the baby's stool has a green tint;
  3. pronounced symptoms of severe dehydration of the child’s body were detected;
  4. The temperature in children has increased and is more than 38 degrees Celsius. It can persist for several days.

Diarrhea after administration of the drug may cause a decrease in appetite.

The baby becomes less active and also does not show interest in toys. He becomes weak and lethargic. You can get rid of unwanted symptoms of diarrhea by taking adsorbents. Doctors recommend taking Smecta or Enterosgel. These medications help remove toxins from the body. They normalize the functioning of the digestive system.

If you have diarrhea after receiving the vaccine, you should take probiotics. They normalize the intestinal microflora. These drugs include Bifidumbacterin, Linex.

Linux for children

You can slow down the movement of feces by taking Imodium or Loperamide. Due to intense diarrhea, the child’s body loses vital moisture and useful material. To quickly restore water-salt balance, you need to take rehydration medications. These include Hydrolyte and Regidron.

If severe dehydration occurs, make sure your child drinks sufficient quantity liquids. It is not recommended to use mineral water with gas for this. This drink only intensifies attacks of diarrhea, since carbon dioxide has a strong irritant effect on the intestinal walls.

Diet for loose stools

If you have diarrhea, you should stick to small meals. It is imperative to completely exclude fresh fruits and vegetables from the children's diet.

This is due to the fact that they contain a large amount plant fibers. The potatoes just need to be boiled. Meat and fish must be steamed.

During your illness you will have to completely give up fried foods. Also excluded from the diet confectionery. They contain a large amount of sugar and various additives.

When entering digestive tract Sugar provokes the fermentation process. Milk and products made from it contain lactose, which is almost not digestible by many people due to an insufficient amount of enzymes.

If diarrhea does not go away within two days, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Video on the topic

About diarrhea and others possible reactions for vaccination in the video:

Vaccination is an important procedure that must be carried out to develop immunity in a child’s body from various dangerous infectious diseases. After the vaccination has been done, you need to monitor the baby’s condition. If complications occur, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Vaccinations have existed since the time of Catherine. Thanks to them, thousands of victims were avoided. Of course, there is always a risk of side effects after vaccination, but the task of every parent is to protect their child from serious illnesses. Only a competent approach to vaccinations and awareness will help avoid dire consequences. Next, let's look at what DPT vaccination is. Komarovsky - famous children's doctor, will help with her advice to prepare the child for vaccination and possible side effects.

Let's decipher DTP

What do these letters mean?

A - adsorbed vaccine.

K - whooping cough.

D - diphtheria.

C - tetanus.

The vaccine consists of weakened bacteria - the causative agents of the above diseases, sorbed on the basis of aluminum hydroxide and merthiolate. There are also acellular vaccines that are more purified. They contain particles of microorganisms that stimulate the body to produce the necessary antibodies.

Let us note what Dr. Komarovsky says: “DTP vaccination is the most complex and can be difficult for a child to tolerate. The pertussis element it contains makes it difficult to tolerate.”

One vaccine will protect against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus. These diseases can lead to a sad outcome, and how dangerous they are, we will consider further.

Dangerous diseases

The DTP vaccine will protect against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. How dangerous are these diseases?

Whooping cough is a disease caused by acute infection. It is observed very coughing, which can cause respiratory arrest and convulsions. A complication is the development of pneumonia. The disease is very contagious and dangerous, especially for children under 2 years of age.

Diphtheria is an infectious disease. Easily spreads by airborne droplets. Severe intoxication occurs, and a dense coating forms on the tonsils. Swelling of the larynx may occur, and there is a high risk of disruption of the heart, kidneys and nervous system.

Tetanus is an acute and infectious disease. Damage to the nervous system occurs. Contracts muscles on the face, limbs, back. There are difficulties when swallowing, it is difficult to open the jaws. Respiratory problems are dangerous. In most cases, the outcome is fatal. The infection is transmitted through lesions on the skin and mucous membranes.

When and to whom is DPT administered?

From the very birth of the child, a vaccination schedule is established. If you follow all the timing of vaccinations, the effectiveness will be high, the child in this case is reliably protected. DTP vaccination, Komarovsky draws attention to this, should also be done in a timely manner. Since the baby is protected by the mother's antibodies only in the first 6 weeks from birth.

The vaccine can be domestic or imported.

However, all DPT vaccines, regardless of the manufacturer, are administered in three stages. Since immunity weakens after the first vaccination, repeated vaccination is necessary. There is a rule when vaccinating with DPT:

  1. The vaccine should be administered in three stages.
  2. In this case, the interval between vaccinations should be at least 30-45 days.

If missing, the graph looks like this:

  • 1 vaccination - at 3 months.
  • 2nd vaccination - at 4-5 months.
  • 3rd vaccination - at 6 months.

In the future, the interval should be at least 30 days. According to plan DTP vaccination held in:

  • 18 months.
  • 6-7 years.
  • 14 years old.

Adults can be vaccinated once every 10 years. In this case, it must be observed that it should not be less than one and a half months.

Very often, one vaccine contains antibodies against several diseases. This does not burden the child’s body at all, as they are easily tolerated. So, for example, if DTP and polio vaccinations are carried out, Komarovsky notes that they can be done simultaneously, since the latter has practically no side effects.

The polio vaccine is oral, “live”. After it, it is recommended not to have contact with unvaccinated children for two weeks.

How long does the protection last?

After the DTP vaccination is given (Komarovsky explains it this way), the immune system begins to produce antibodies to measles, diphtheria and tetanus. Thus, it was found that after vaccination a month later, the level of antibodies in the body will be 0.1 IU/ml. How long the protection lasts depends largely on the characteristics of the vaccine. Usually, immune defense designed for 5 years. Therefore, the interval of scheduled vaccinations is 5-6 years. In older age, it is enough to do DTP once every 10 years.

If you are vaccinated with DTP, then the likelihood of getting diphtheria, tetanus or measles is very low. It is believed that a person in this case is protected from these viruses.

In order not to harm the body, it is necessary to remember that there are a number of contraindications.

Who should not do DPT?

DTP is one of the vaccines that is difficult to tolerate in childhood. And if there have been no reactions to vaccinations before, then it can cause side effects. To avoid unwanted consequences from DTP vaccination, Komarovsky advises paying attention to the reasons why vaccination should be canceled.

The reasons may be temporary, such as:

  • Colds.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In such cases, it is necessary to cure the child, and only two weeks after complete recovery can DPT be administered.

DTP vaccination cannot be done if you have the following diseases:

  • Deviations in the functioning of the nervous system that progress.
  • Previous vaccinations were very difficult to tolerate.
  • The child had a history of seizures.
  • Previously given vaccinations caused
  • Immunodeficiency.
  • Particular sensitivity to the components of the vaccine or intolerance to them.

If your child has any disease, or you are afraid that the DTP vaccine will cause unwanted consequences, you should consult a doctor. You may be prescribed a vaccine that does not contain pertussis toxoids, since these are the ones that can cause adverse reactions.

Vaccination may also be delayed if the child has:

  • Diathesis.
  • Little weight.
  • Encephalopathy.

In these conditions, vaccination is possible, but preparation for DTP vaccination, Komarovsky especially notes, should consist of stabilizing the health status. It is best to use an acellular vaccine with a high degree of purification for such children.

Possible conditions after vaccination

What are the possible consequences after receiving the DTP vaccine? Komarovsky gives various reviews. And all side effects can be divided into mild, moderate and severe.

As a rule, a reaction to the vaccine appears after the 3rd dose. Perhaps because it is from this moment that immune defense begins to form. The child should be monitored, especially in the first hours after vaccination and over the next three days. If the baby gets sick on the fourth day after vaccination, then it cannot be the cause of the disease.

The occurrence of adverse reactions after vaccination is a very common occurrence. Every third person may have them. Mild reactions that disappear within 2-3 days:

Moderate and severe side effects

More serious side effects cannot be ruled out. They are much less common:

  • Body temperature can rise to 39-40 degrees.
  • Febrile seizures may occur.
  • The injection site will become significantly red, exceeding 8 centimeters, and swelling of more than 5 centimeters will appear.
  • Diarrhea and vomiting will occur.

If such reactions to the vaccine occur, the child must be shown to a doctor immediately.

In very rare cases, more severe adverse reactions may occur:

DTP is a vaccination (Komarovsky especially notes this), which causes such side effects in one case in a million.

This reaction may appear in the first 30 minutes after the injection. Therefore, the doctor recommends not leaving immediately after vaccination, but staying near the medical facility during this time. Then you should show the child to the doctor again. All this is done so that it is possible to provide the necessary assistance to the baby.

What to do after vaccination

In order for a child to tolerate the vaccine more easily, it is necessary not only to prepare for it, but also to behave correctly after it. Namely, follow some rules:

  • The child should not be given a bath or the injection site should be wet.
  • Dr. Komarovsky recommends walking, but you should not walk in public places.
  • Spend these 3 days at home without visitors, especially if the baby has a fever or is naughty.
  • The air in the room should be moist and fresh.
  • You should not introduce a new product into your diet a week before or after vaccination. If the baby is breastfed, the mother should not try new products.
  • Parents of children with allergies should be especially careful. Consult your doctor about which antihistamines to give before and after vaccination.

How to behave if adverse reactions occur

Mild adverse reactions are still possible. Since the DTP vaccine is considered the most difficult for the body, especially if the child previously had negative reactions to vaccinations. What to do if side effects occur after receiving the DPT vaccine:

  • Temperature. Komarovsky recommends constantly monitoring it. You shouldn’t wait until 38, you should give an antipyretic as soon as it starts to rise.
  • If swelling or redness appears at the injection site, the child must be shown to a doctor. It is possible that the drug did not enter the muscle, but the subcutaneous fatty tissue, which may cause swelling and hardening. In any case, a doctor’s consultation is necessary to alleviate the child’s condition and exclude possible complications. If it's just minor redness, it will go away within 7 days and you don't need to do anything.

In order to avoid side effects, you should take seriously the preparation of your child for vaccination. More on this later.

How to prepare a child for DTP vaccination

Komarovsky gives some simple and necessary advice:

Is it worth doing DPT?

Currently, you can observe Remember: the disease threatens much greater problems than the consequences that arise after the DPT vaccination. Komarovsky, according to him, has heard different reviews about vaccination, but there are always more pros than against. After all, having had diphtheria or tetanus, immunity to these diseases does not appear. Medicine does not stand still, and vaccines are becoming more purified and safe. It's worth thinking about this. There is no need to risk the health and life of the child. A high-quality vaccine and an attentive doctor can reduce the risks of developing side effects. Health to you and your children.
