Immunity boosting dishes. Diet to increase and strengthen immunity. Factors that suppress the immune system

There is no medicine in the world that could prevent any infection. If people knew about it, there would be no queues at clinics and no sick patients. There are no magic pills to strengthen your immune system for life. Therefore it is necessary to take care own health other methods. One of the most effective is proper nutrition.

The benefits of products are no longer a secret for many people. However, few people know that with their help they can increase immunity, as well as strengthen it and thereby prevent many diseases. To become healthy, you need to eat healthy foods. Therefore, everyone should know what exactly they should eat first in order to avoid getting sick.

What does the immune system need?

Having information about what products to increase the immunity of an adult, you can not only get rid of chronic disease, but also improve your well-being. To do this, you need to learn how to correctly plan your daily diet. However, you should not think that products can cure everything. Proper food can improve the quality of life and prevent many diseases, but it is only one of the points that can affect the body.

When thinking about what foods to boost your immunity, you should remember that the food you eat will not fully work for the entire body. However, proper nutrition can normalize the activity of internal organs, which is especially important during epidemics and heavy physical and mental stress. This is why it is so important to know exactly what actions need to be taken to boost immunity:

Diet correction

Before deciding which foods to boost your immunity, you need to understand that for a healthy lifestyle you will have to completely change your idea of ​​nutrition. First of all, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • To maintain the tone of the immune system, you need to drink enough clean drinking water. Without it, the body will not be able to process food, since important chemical reactions.
  • Eat foods containing fiber. To fill the need for it, you should lean on food plant origin. To boost your immunity, you need to eat fruits and vegetables raw. Thanks to fiber, food will be digested faster. In addition, this component ensures bowel regularity and normal microflora intestines, has the ability to bind cholesterol and protect against cancer of the digestive system.
  • Don't forget about proteins and fats. When thinking about what foods to boost your immunity, you should definitely include protein foods in your diet, which strengthens muscles and blood vessels. To function well endocrine glands, you need to eat healthy fats.

Adjusting your menu better side, we must not forget about children. Their immune system also needs to be protected and strengthened. All parents should know which foods boost their child’s immunity. After all, the quality of life of the baby, as well as his future eating habits, depends only on them. By teaching children from an early age to eat properly, you can not only improve their immunity, but also protect them from possible gastrointestinal disorders, obesity and many other diseases.

Anyone who takes life seriously should know what foods can boost the immunity of children and adults. Only in this case can we count on improving the health of the new generation.

Protein foods to boost immunity

When thinking about what foods you should eat to boost your immunity, you cannot ignore protein foods of plant and animal origin. Proteins are a source of essential acids that are needed for the synthesis of immunoglobulin. Products containing them restore cells damaged by bacteria and infections. To increase and strengthen immunity, proteins must be present in the diet daily. Most of them are found in the following foods:

  • Seafood.
  • Meat.
  • Eggs.
  • Dairy products.
  • Cabbage.
  • Nuts.
  • Gribakh.
  • Bobovykh.

Every person who cares about themselves should know which foods boost immunity in adults. This is the only way to preserve your own health. By consuming at least one of the above products every day, you can improve your intestinal function and also strengthen your weakened immune system.

Foods high in zinc

Zinc is involved not only in the processes of hematopoiesis, bone formation, and the development of immunity, but also in the activity of glands internal secretion. Products containing this element help the body form new immune cells and phagocytes. By regularly eating food with increased content zinc, you can increase the benefits of vitamins A and C, which are immunostimulating substances, several times. The most zinc is found in the following foods:

  • Sea fish and seafood.
  • Meat.
  • Liver.
  • Oatmeal and other grains.
  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Nuts, legumes.
  • Gribakh.
  • Chicken yolks.
  • Cheese.
  • Green peas and beans.

The above products contain not only zinc, but also a lot of other useful vitamins and minerals. By replenishing your refrigerator with them every day, you don’t have to wonder what foods boost immunity in an adult. After all, there will always be on the table healthy food.

Products with selenium

This element is a powerful antioxidant. It takes part in the production of antibodies that fight bacteria and infections. Products containing selenium help the body absorb zinc well and also store it in reserve. Eating foods containing selenium daily can improve brain activity, performance, and also improve sleep. To saturate yourself with this element, you need to eat fish, meat, seafood, nuts, seeds, cereals, and mushrooms. To compensate for selenium deficiency, you can take brewer's yeast capsules. It is best to do this in courses so that the body does not get used to the constant oversaturation of useful substances.

Boosting immunity with iodized foods

Eating foods high in iodine is beneficial for thyroid gland. It also has the ability to produce hormones that are responsible for protecting the immune system. Food saturated with iodine should be present on the table of every person who wants to boost their immunity with proper nutrition. First of all, you should pay attention to the following products:

  • Seafood.
  • Fish.
  • Sea kale.
  • Milk.
  • Vegetables.
  • Greenery.
  • Eggs.

All of the above products are the basis of nutrition for almost every person. But sometimes many people forget about the benefits they bring to the body. pure form. When trying to strengthen your immune system, you need to try to expose healthy foods to as little as possible. heat treatment. This mainly applies to vegetables, nuts and herbs. In its raw form, this food will be much more beneficial.

The role of lacto- and bifidobacteria in immunity

In addition to knowledge about what products to boost the immunity of an adult, we must not forget about the role beneficial bacteria. The healthy intestinal microflora completely depends on their quantity. Lacto- and bifidobacteria are involved in the formation of the human immune system, and also cleanse the gastrointestinal tract from harmful infections. Thanks to them, a protective favorable environment is created, which promotes the proliferation of cells that protect the body from diseases.

Bifidobacteria kill microbes that come with food, improve well-being and function of internal organs. Beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria are found in fermented milk foods: kefir, whey, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese. There are also enough of them in homemade kvass, sauerkraut, and pickled apples.

Vitamin products to boost immunity

The fact that vitamins strengthen the immune system is known to everyone. However, few people have information about which vitamins help the body more than others. Not all of them are aimed at increasing and strengthening the immune system. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the benefits of certain vitamins and what foods to boost immunity.

Strengthening the body with vitamin A

The role of this vitamin is very important. It not only strengthens immune system, but also helps improve the quality of the skin, protects the mucous membrane from drying out, cracks and wounds. Thanks to vitamin A, harmful bacteria do not penetrate the tissues of internal organs. An important factor is that this vitamin is involved in the work of phagocyte cells and also has an antioxidant effect. By protecting the body from free radicals, vitamin A prevents the development of many diseases. Foods saturated with it:

  • Fruits: mangoes, apricots, apples, grapes, melon, cherries.
  • Vegetables: pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers, fresh peas, cabbage.
  • Berries: rose hips, sea buckthorn.
  • Greenery.
  • Protein products of animal origin: sea fish, liver, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, butter.

To make it easier to remember information about which foods quickly boost immunity, you can write down a small reminder for yourself on a sticky note and attach it with a magnet to the refrigerator. When compiling a list of these products, you need to make a note that all vegetables and fruits that have yellow and Orange color. It is also found in herbs. Therefore, instead of coffee and carbonated drinks, you should lean on herbal and berry teas made from mint and chamomile, as well as dried rose hips and sea buckthorn.

The famous vitamin C protects your health

Unfortunately, not everyone knows what effect vitamins have on the immune system. However, when wondering what products can boost the immunity of an adult or child, everyone will choose citrus fruits. Having heard complaints about a cold or flu, any doctor will prescribe appropriate medications to combat the disease. Moreover, in addition to medications, he also mandatory will recommend that the patient start consuming as much vitamin C as possible. No other vitamin is as popular among doctors as this one. And not in vain.

Vitamin C works real miracles with the human body. It makes it resistant to all adverse environmental factors, which are often the culprit of most infectious diseases. It is often recommended as a preventative drug for adults and children. Sufficient amounts of vitamin C can even improve school performance. That is why, when thinking about what foods boost a child’s immunity, every parent makes the first choice in favor of foods rich in this vitamin.

Daily consumption of products containing it promotes the production of protective immune cells, strengthens the vascular system and also protects against harmful free radicals.

A huge amount of vitamin C is found in oranges, lemons, grapefruits, tangerines, kiwis, currants, raspberries, strawberries, persimmons, sweet bell pepper, sauerkraut and tomatoes. To strengthen the immune system during an epidemic of a viral infection, it is necessary to drink teas with a high content of vitamin C as often as possible. These include infusions with sea buckthorn, hawthorn, rose hips, and rowan.

B vitamins

Every person sooner or later asks himself the question: what foods can boost immunity and strengthen the body's defenses? In addition to the above beneficial substances, you should remember the importance of B vitamins. These include: folic acid, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, thiamine, pyridoxine, and cyanocobalamin. They stimulate the immune system during stressful periods and during recovery from illness. B vitamins are involved in the production of cells that fight infection. Therefore, when thinking about strengthening your immune system, you need to include the following foods in your diet:

  • All types of legumes.
  • Nuts and sunflower seeds.
  • Wheat sprouts.
  • Cereals.
  • Coarse bread.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • All types of greens: spinach, parsley, dill, lettuce.

In addition to the above products, you should also drink teas with a high content of B vitamins. They should be brewed from dry inflorescences of ginseng, echinacea, licorice, red clover, dandelions, St. John's wort and celandine. These plants can be used to make healing infusions. Doctors recommend drinking them not only to boost immunity, but also during the course of illness to speed up the recovery stage.

Boosting immunity during pregnancy

An expectant mother should always take care of her own health. After all, the baby’s condition depends on her immunity. Feeling good- this is the key to a successful pregnancy and easy childbirth. Therefore, while carrying a child, it is necessary to eat healthy food and try to strengthen the immune system in every possible way. Every woman should know what foods can boost immunity during pregnancy.

The list of healthy foods clearly does not include sweet soda, fast food, too spicy, fried or salty. It is also necessary to limit the consumption of sugar and flour products. To strengthen the immune system, a pregnant woman should lean on fresh or vegetable stew, sweet fruits, cereal porridges, berries, protein products, as well as healthy fats. The latter include cold-pressed vegetable oils, which are preferably added to vegetable salads, fish oil, nuts and seeds.

Eating this way future mom begins to look better, which also affects the process of bearing the baby. Health always begins with what a person eats. By eating healthy foods, you can reduce the possibility of contracting a viral infection several times.

Knowing which foods can boost an adult’s immunity, you can not only strengthen the body’s defenses, but also improve your well-being. A healthy diet increases metabolism and affects the functioning of all internal organs.

In this article we will talk about foods that increase the overall tone of the body, boost human immunity and strengthen the defense system, we will explain what adults should definitely eat and what children should eat. To avoid getting sick during the transition period, you need to carry out preventive actions: eat more vitamins and stock up on useful microelements. To choose the right means of promoting health, you need to know what we are dealing with.

How does immunity work?

Epidemics of terrible diseases have repeatedly struck the earth: plague, cholera, smallpox. Despite this, humanity continues to exist. Evolution has taken care of us, endowing us with multi-stage protection. We call it the immune system. It has 21 types of cells and 2 types of proteins at its disposal. Each “squad” can perform up to 4 different functions: find and destroy foreign cells, identify the causes of inflammation, maintain communication between different body systems.

The immune system protects us from antigens - substances that are foreign to us. genetic information. When a virus or other pathogenic element penetrates inside, our body begins to produce antibodies. They neutralize the “enemy”, and the disease recedes. The body remembers the destroyed antigens and retains the antibodies produced in order to be able to resist the virus in the future.

Types of immunity

  • Specific and non-specific. The first fights against certain antigens, the second is based on a substance called interferon and can resist any viral diseases.
  • Congenital and acquired. The latter occurs after past illness. It is provided by memory cells.
  • Natural and artificial. The first was given to us by evolution, the second by civilization through vaccination.

Signs of a weakened immune system

  • You are being tormented frequent illnesses, but not only of a cold nature. Herpes on the lips alternates with a runny nose, cough is replaced by barley.
  • The virus does not recede for 2 weeks or longer.
  • All the chronic diseases you have have sharply worsened: otitis media, tonsillitis, sinusitis.

  • The temperature rises slightly but regularly. If the thermometer consistently shows 37-37.5, think about it. This is a sign that the body is fighting, but is not coping. The battle with bacteria and viruses takes place every day; if everything is in order with the protective system, we do not notice it. Sentinel Cells destroy enemies before they can multiply and become a threat.
  • The opposite situation may also be true. You are sick, you feel unwell, but your temperature remains normal. Medicine has encountered cases where a person had more extensive pneumonia, but the thermometer showed the norm. This reaction is much worse than a fever. It means that the immune system is so weakened that it is unable to continue fighting the infection.
  • You are concerned about the condition of your skin. If you are struggling with frequent rashes, the cause of which is unclear, pay attention to the state of your immune system.
  • You constantly feel tired, doze off on the go, but sleep restlessly. You toss and turn, can’t fall asleep for a long time, are irritable and apathetic.

People get sick more often in winter because the body lacks the sun and the vitamin D it brings. In addition, the sun's rays are a source Have a good mood. This is also important, because stress and depression force us to take measures to normalize the situation. The brain gives a signal and it is released into the blood a large number of anti-stress hormones. This process weakens the immune system because it requires a lot of energy. American doctors conducted a scientific experiment in which about 100 people participated. They found that people who had more experiences and unpleasant events during the year were more likely to get ARVI.

Also, deterioration of health can be caused by lack of sleep, excessive stress and, on the contrary, lack of physical activity, taking certain medications, abuse of antibiotics and poor diet. It leads to a deficiency of group B and elements such as zinc and selenium.

Comment from Elena Morozova, a nutritionist at the weight loss clinic:

It is necessary to stipulate the role of vitamin C. In the middle of the last century, an American chemist and laureate of two Nobel Prizes, Linus Pauling, in his book “Cancer and Vitamin C,” proposed a theory according to which large doses of ascorbic acid help fight oncological diseases and prolong life. This hypothesis has not found scientific confirmation, but it was picked up by journalists. The media recommended drinking vitamin C in huge doses, claiming that with its help you can cure any disease: from gout to sclerosis. As a result, pharmaceutical companies began large-scale production of corresponding drugs.

When clinical researches proved that there was no need to take ascorbic acid in large quantities, these organizations had to leave the European market and settle in developing countries, among which was the first Soviet Union. In Russia, the myth about miraculous properties Vitamin C is alive. Many people still believe that to increase and strengthen immunity, adults and children need to eat large amounts of foods high in this element. In fact, his role should neither belittled nor exalted. “Guard” cells, phagocytes, actually feed on it, drawing it out of the blood. But for successful life, it is needed to the same extent as other substances. Abuse ascorbic acid may cause severe allergic reaction even for those who are not prone to allergies.

What foods strengthen and enhance human immunity?

First, you should clarify which foods negatively affect the immune system. First of all, these are foods rich in carbohydrates. According to endocrinologists, within 6 hours after consuming sucrose, the body’s immune response decreases 17 times. The fact is that the fructose formula and the vitamin C formula are very similar. Phagocytes confuse them. When a sugar crystal enters an immune cell, its sharp edges literally tear it apart from the inside. And a decrease in the number of “guard cells” weakens our natural defenses.

In addition, sugar reduces the effect of medications. To absorb it, the body spends a lot of B vitamins, and vitamin imbalance has a negative impact on health. But this does not mean that carbohydrates should be eliminated completely. A normal dose of glucose of 5 grams will only benefit you, because a balanced diet is the key to good health. But don't forget about the "hidden" sugars found in fruit, milk and bread. If you want to develop the right diet that will provide you with the right amount useful microelements, minerals and vitamins for every day, contact the Elena Morozova Weight Loss Clinic.

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What foods can boost a child’s immunity?

Up to 6 months, the baby is protected by the mother's immune system. Between the ages of 7 months and 11 years, he begins to develop his own defense mechanism. She cannot yet quickly cope with antigens, but she strives for this. Therefore in kindergarten and in elementary school, children get sick so often. At this age, we recommend focusing on foods that contain vitamins:

  • A. Necessary for improving the functioning of phagocyte cells, protects the immune system from free radicals. It is found in potatoes, sweet peppers, carrots, cabbage, broccoli, avocado, spinach, cottage cheese, butter, apricot, cheese, eggs, liver, pork and beef.
  • IN. Stimulates the immune system and prevents stress and depression. Present in wholemeal bread, milk, cottage cheese, pistachios, peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, rolled oats, chicken meat, barley groats, corn, lentils, raisins, brown rice and legumes.
  • WITH. Thanks to him, people manage to avoid infectious pathologies and stress. It contains rose hips, rowan, black currant, sea buckthorn, strawberries, oranges, lemons, apples, radishes, tomatoes, cauliflower, green peas, beans, radishes, sorrel, Bell pepper, broccoli, strawberries.
  • E. This component helps restore tissues and cells human body. It can be found in spinach, cabbage, almonds, avocados, legumes, and butter.
  • D. Necessary for the absorption and assimilation of vitamin E and calcium by humans. It is present in sea fish, fish oil, porcini mushrooms, chicken eggs, milk, butter and liver.

What foods boost immunity in adults?

Focus on the previous list: the list for large and small will be the same. Balanced diet guarantees you good protection. Your diet should contain proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

No group can be excluded, only there you can make up for the deficiency of all microelements and protect yourself from viruses and bacteria. Food should enrich the body:

  • Zinc. Its main function is to create phagocytes and other immune cells. This element also stimulates the effect of vitamins A and C. Contained in pine nuts, peanuts, liver, processed cheese, legumes, wheat, duck, turkey, beef, egg yolk, oysters, shrimp, mushrooms (fresh).
  • Iron. Found in any type of cabbage (red, sea cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli), soybeans, legumes, peas, lentils, apples, prunes, rose hips, blueberries, dogwood, dried porcini mushrooms, beef liver, halva, blueberries.
  • Selenium. It takes an active part in the production of antibodies necessary in the first stages of the disease, and also prevents rapid elimination zinc Present in dried oyster mushrooms, coconut pulp, liver, garlic, feta cheese, white bread, rice, octopus meat, wheat bran, corn, eggs, lentils, pistachios, brewer's yeast, mushrooms, red and black caviar.
  • Iodine. Necessary for good functioning of the thyroid gland. Contained in sea fish, cabbage, fresh milk, asparagus, tomatoes, garlic, green salad.
  • Magnesium. They are rich in cocoa, soybeans, pumpkin, seaweed, olive oil, sorrel, mineral water, sesame, mint, dill, watermelon, basil, Brazil nuts, dried apricots, beans, peas, buckwheat, cashews, mustard.
  • Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. They are needed to prevent the spread of pathogenic microflora in the digestive system. Contained in fresh kvass, dairy products, sauerkraut, pickled apples./li>
  • Phytoncides. Thanks to these elements, the body's ability to resist infections increases and tissue repair accelerates. They are rich in radishes, onions, garlic, black currants, blueberries, bird cherry, horseradish.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids. Thanks to them, inflammation is suppressed, the risk of increased cholesterol is reduced and blood pressure. They are found in broccoli, pumpkin, avocado, sesame oil, salmon, and sunflower seeds.

A deficiency of any of these microelements can cause immunodeficiency.

For adults with weakened immunity, it is recommended to include the following products in the diet to improve overall tone:

  • Honey. It is advisable to consume regularly with tea.
  • Ginger. Adding to decoctions will improve blood circulation and hematopoiesis
  • Sauerkraut. It stimulates metabolic processes and increases stress resistance.
  • Whole grain porridge. They contain a large amount of B vitamins, which are necessary for tissue regeneration.
  • Green tea. Used to prevent diseases and maintain a vigorous state.
  • Fermented milk foods. It activates the development of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.
  • Pumpkin seeds. Enriched with many vitamins and amino acids.
  • Garlic (for disease prevention).
  • Rose hip. Has a powerful bactericidal effect.
  • Pomegranate juice. It has a tonic effect and improves the body's defenses.
  • Thyme. It is advisable to use the decoction at the first signs of inflammation.
  • Radish. It increases the body's protective functions.
  • Cranberries. Contains potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamins B, C, K, A, used to remove harmful substances.

Now you know what foods can boost your immunity and increase your body's defenses. But remember that none of them should be overused. If you want to switch to healthy and tasty food, contact the specialists at the Elena Morozova Weight Loss Clinic. A balanced diet designed taking into account medical recommendations and your lifestyle, will help you restore your immune system and strengthen your body’s defenses.

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As you know, diets mean not only diets aimed at weight loss. You should know that with special food You can “agree” with the body on its proper functioning. Today we invite you to familiarize yourself with one of therapeutic techniques- diet for immunity. Let's talk about how you need to build your menu to increase the body's defenses.

Diet requirements for immunity

First, let's pay attention to the signs that immunity is reduced and asks for help. The fact that the body’s natural defenses are not working at full capacity is evidenced by the frequent incidence of illness. We are talking about a situation when you are faced with diseases (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza, sore throat and their other “friends”) at least 4-5 times a year. If such health problems occur 8 or more times in 12 months, then diet alone is unlikely to be enough. In this case, we strongly recommend that you consult an immunologist.

Also, decreased immunity may be indicated by increased fatigue, instability of the emotional state (you are easily irritated, your mood changes for no reason, etc.). Insufficient natural defenses of the body can even cause depression and other psychological disorders.

Improper nutrition can also suppress the immune system. In order not to encounter a problem of this nature, it is recommended to minimize store-bought sweets in your diet (those containing dyes are especially harmful), store-bought canned food, and various foods that contain flavor enhancers.

Overeating can also reduce immunity. A significant lack of food and significant pauses (especially eating 1-2 times a day) are no less harmful. Naturally, smoking and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages do not increase immunity and do not add health to a person.

Immune cells begin to function much worse due to ultraviolet radiation and an unfavorable environment. Engine exhaust gases, pesticides that are often used to “stuff” fruits and vegetables, poor quality drinking water- enemies of the immune system. Therefore, try not to eat vegetables and fruits at the beginning of their season, drink water purified with special filters, and breathe fresh air. Taking medications, especially antibiotics and various painkillers, can also have a negative impact on the immune system.

Now let's figure it out what foods should you eat to keep your immunity at its best?. What should you focus on when planning your diet?

During fermentation in cabbage the following are formed: beneficial microorganisms like probiotics. In terms of their properties, they are absolutely not inferior to those of their “colleagues” contained in fermented milk products. Use sauerkraut provides positive influence on intestinal microflora(where immune cells are born), provides the body with vitamins A and B, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium.

Berries (especially black currants)
Black currants and other berries are rich in vitamin C (100 g of berries contains up to 200 mg of this useful component), A, E, RR. All of them have a positive effect on the body's defenses. To boost immunity, it is recommended to eat at least 100 g of these gifts of nature per day. In the winter season, you can replace fresh berries with frozen ones, as well as eat preserves and jams, drink compotes and fruit drinks based on them. They are also very useful.

Garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic. It’s not for nothing that it has long been called “the cure for all ailments.” It is especially advisable to introduce garlic into the diet with the onset of cold weather, when infections are especially active.

Honey and pollen
Bee products are also natural antibiotics. They are rich in healthy carbohydrates, which are vital for the body during physical activity. Honey and pollen are famous for their restorative properties. Their use is useful for the prevention of various viral infections. Add a teaspoon of this natural delicacy to your morning oatmeal or cottage cheese. Don't be afraid to gain weight. With a rationally planned menu, this will bring a minimum of calories, but the chance of encountering diseases will be greatly reduced.

Sprouted grains (especially wheat and beans)
Such grains help boost immunity, as they are powerful biostimulants. Sprouts contain abundant amounts of vitamins A, B, C, E and amino acids, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the body.

Salmon and other fish will provide the body with selenium, a very useful substance that improves immunity. Fish is also rich in phosphorus and omega-3 acids, which improve the functioning of organs. Also, in order to replenish the reserves of healthy fats, it is recommended to introduce a small amount of nuts, vegetable oil (rapeseed oil is the most useful) and legumes into the menu.

Lean meat
Meat products will provide the body with zinc and iron, without sufficient quantity which makes him vulnerable to various types of infections.

Natural yogurt and other fermented milk products
Milk helps maintain the correct level of probiotics in the body, helps in treating coughs and runny noses, and quickly relieves illness.

These gifts of nature contribute to the natural cleansing of the body, which also improves immunity.

Vegetables and fruits
Various vegetables and fruits enrich the body with fiber, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines. His work is very important for high immunity and optimal metabolism.

You can stick to a diet for immunity for as long as you like, because it consists of healthy and the right products. But when planning a menu, it is worth considering whether you want to lose weight or maintain your existing weight or even gain weight. Select the required caloric content and volumes of food.

Anyone on a diet that protects the body from infections is recommended to eat frequently in moderate doses. Try to eat at least four times a day (preferably 5-6). It is advisable to have dinner no later than 19:00 (maximum 20:00). To kill the worm, if you go to bed late, you can drink a glass of kefir (preferably low-fat) or other fermented milk products that you like.

In addition to diet, it is worth maintaining the body in moderation. physical activity in the form of sports and walks fresh air, healthy good sleep. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to follow an immunity diet (at least for two weeks) 2-3 times a year. This is especially true with the onset of cold weather, as well as at the beginning of spring, when the body especially needs additional vitamin support.

Diet menu

Example of an immunity diet for a week

Breakfast: scrambled eggs from two eggs (preferably steamed) and whole grain bread; a couple of slices of low fat cheese; a glass of milk.
Lunch: dry-fried or baked turkey; a sandwich made with a slice of whole grain bread, avocado, tomato and green onion; a couple of pieces of melon.
Dinner: bowl of vegetable soup; salad of salmon fillet, spinach and a handful of berries, dressed with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Breakfast: smoothie made from frozen or fresh strawberries, banana, 2 tbsp. l. flax seed and empty yogurt.
Lunch: boiled beans; sandwich made from whole grain bread, chicken breast, lettuce and tomato.
Dinner: lean red meat, boiled or baked; a couple of jacket potatoes; salad with spinach, pear, walnuts and a few drops of rapeseed oil.

Breakfast: pancake whole grain flour with berries and yogurt.
Lunch: tuna own juice; lettuce leaves; a couple of grain loaves; salad of carrots, orange and kiwi.
Dinner: roast lean beef and vegetables; 2 tbsp. l. brown rice and baked broccoli.

Breakfast: oatmeal, which can be prepared with milk, with a mix of fresh or frozen berries, flax seeds and walnuts.
Lunch: Burrito made with whole wheat flour, low-fat cheese, black beans, tomatoes and onions; a couple of slices of melon or mango.
Dinner: durum wheat spaghetti with stewed mushrooms and garlic sauce; braised cabbage; a glass of milk (if desired).

Breakfast: sugar-free muesli with raisins, topped with milk.
Lunch: vegetable soup; whole grain bread with low-fat cheese and a bunch of grapes.
Dinner: tacos made from lean baked fish fillets, corn tortilla, shredded cabbage, fried onions and bell peppers with tomato sauce.

Breakfast: two omelette chicken eggs, mushrooms and spinach; whole grain toast and a glass of milk.
Lunch: a couple of whole grain breads with low-fat cheese; assorted fruits and berries of apples, strawberries and melons.
Dinner: quesadilla, which includes chicken breast, avocado, low-fat cheese, black beans and wheat tortilla.

Breakfast: A flatbread made from whole wheat flour, toasted in a little rapeseed oil, with apples and cinnamon.
Lunch: hard pasta mixed with ground walnuts, tomatoes and olives; baked broccoli.
Dinner: stewed lean meat with garlic and carrots; baked potato.

Note. It is recommended to snack on fruits, vegetables, a small amount of low-fat dairy or fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese), and nuts every day.

Diet contraindications for immunity

Anyone who does not have health conditions that require following a special menu can eat according to the proposed method.

Advantages of the diet

  1. In addition to increasing your immunity, you can, if desired, lose or gain weight on a diet. You just need to properly “adjust” the calorie content.
  2. If you follow the described rules, the body will not experience a lack of nutrients. On the contrary, his organs and systems will begin to function better.
  3. Fractional meals help to constantly maintain a feeling of satiety and a comfortable feeling.
  4. Physical activity will not be affected either; the diet only encourages exercise.

Disadvantages of diet for immunity

  • The immune system will not “correct” in a couple of days. If you want to achieve significant results In the fight for a healthy body, you need to stick to a diet for immunity for quite a long time, and it is better to follow its basic rules for the rest of your life.
  • It will be necessary to radically reconsider many eating habits, especially if previously the principles of your nutrition were far from those described above.

Repeated diet

You can stick to a diet for immunity, as long as it does not cause you discomfort, for any time.

Stress, uncontrolled use of medications, physical inactivity, bad habits and frequent visits to fast food establishments do not improve health. What should proper nutrition be like, and what is a diet for immunity. Each person, when born, already has a certain immunity, it is called specific. The thymus gland is the main organ defense mechanism per person, and in children it is tens of times greater than in adults. Immunity is largely determined by lifestyle. By nature, in the vast majority of cases it is normal (congenital immunodeficiency cannot be treated and is very rare).

Presentation of products to enhance immunity

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Useful foods for immunity

So, what foods should be in your diet so that your body can actively resist viruses and infections.

  • Water. You need to drink a lot of it every day. It is no coincidence that it is at the very beginning of the list, although it is not a product. A person can live without food for 2 weeks, but without water - only 3 days.
  • Dairy products. Mechnikov I.I. established that diseases arise as a result of putrefactive processes in the intestines. To keep the gastrointestinal tract and the entire body healthy, kefir, yogurt, and yogurt should be on the menu every day. Bifidobacteria not only resist colds, they help improve skin condition.
  • Garlic. Suppresses viruses, destroys cancer cells, contains selenium, without which they cannot be formed necessary for the body enzymes. Every day you need to eat a clove of garlic.
  • Fruits and berries. They are rich in potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, vitamins C, PP, A and B vitamins. Berries are strong antioxidants.
  • Vegetables. Brussels sprouts, cauliflower sprouts, and broccoli prevent the development of tumors.
  • Carrots and celery should be on the menu, they also prevent oxidative processes.
  • Soy neutralizes the effects of nitrates found in other foods.
  • White cabbage and radishes are useful for hypertension and a tendency to blood clots.
  • Cucumbers lower cholesterol levels.
  • Grain shells cereal crops remove salts heavy metals and other harmful substances. Bran bread contains alimentary fiber, which are a kind of “brush” for the intestines. Give preference to baked goods made from lower grade flour.
  • Green onions, parsley, and dill increase hemoglobin levels and speed up the wound healing process.
  • Sea fish, especially salmon and tuna, contain omega-3 fatty acid, the benefits of which for the heart can hardly be overestimated.
  • Animal proteins, which are found in meat, fish, eggs, contribute to the production of immune bodies. Beans, lentils, peas contain vegetable proteins, they should be on the menu twice a week. Raw eggs It is good to eat quails raw, as they retain more nutrients.
  • Seaweed neutralize radionuclides, reduce the amount bad cholesterol, increase the body's defenses.
  • Nuts and seeds are a source of fatty amino acids that are essential for normal operation immune system.
  • Green tea is healthier than black tea, since its leaves are not fermented and withered, so it retains more nutrients.
  • Beta-glucans from mushrooms stimulate the immune system. Mushrooms contain a lot of vitamin D, which increases the body's resistance to influenza viruses.
  • Honey is a natural product that has wide range actions. Beekeeping products, pollen and propolis, have a bactericidal effect and suppress the activity of harmful microorganisms.

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Factors that suppress the immune system

  • Canned food, sweets with dyes and flavor enhancers weaken the immune system.
  • Overeating is one of the factors of decreased immunity.
  • Some antibiotics, many painkillers, and corticosteroid drugs have a detrimental effect on our body's defenses.
  • Unfavorable environment(car exhaust fumes, pesticides in early vegetables and fruits, drinking poor-quality water, etc.) reduces the ability of immune cells to absorb viruses, bacteria and cancer cells.
  • Ultraviolet radiation. An intense tan may look attractive, but excess pigment in the skin leads to mutational changes in cells.
  • Excessive sterility at home, dry indoor air, large cluster people - all this is harmful, especially for children.
  • Cigarettes and alcohol do not add health.

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Nature of immunity

A child who grows up in “sterile” conditions has a weaker immune system. Without an external enemy, immunity develops incorrectly, because it has nothing to “train” on. The immune system can even begin to attack the body’s own cells, causing autoimmune diseases eg asthma. It is important that the “meeting” with pathogens takes place in childhood; if bacteria penetrate the adult body, this can no longer change anything.

When a virus enters a cell, it begins to produce a protein (interferon) that tells other cells about the danger. “Warned” cells begin to produce special substances that neutralize the virus. Interferon can be synthetic or obtained from human blood. The state of immunity can also be judged by a blood test.

There are physiological ways to increase immunity, that is, natural (hardening, cold and hot shower, physical education, walks in the fresh air) and pharmacological (use of immunomodulators).

Physical activity ensures normal blood circulation. To strengthen the internal defenses of both children and adults, one should not forget about sports activities.

The person of the 21st century is quite different from those people who were born 200-300 years ago. On the one hand, our life has become more comfortable, average life expectancy has increased (in Russia to late XIX centuries it was equal to 32 years). Medicine has become more developed, many diseases that were previously considered fatal are being successfully cured. On the other hand, the state of the environment leaves much to be desired, the pace of life has accelerated many times over, and many simply do not have time to rest. A healthy person is happy man. Get rid of bad habits, teach your children to healthy image life and - be happy!

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Nutrition and immunity for the average person are seemingly independent things from each other, but in fact, how normal functioning The immune system depends on the nature of the diet, and digestion itself cannot do without the participation of the immune system.

The very concept of “immunity” came to us from Ancient Rome(from Latin immunistas - “a citizen who is free from various state duties”).

Initially, this term only denoted the body's resistance to infection.

Today, immunity, or the immune system, is the widest complex processes and reactions occurring in the human body and aimed at removing any genetically foreign substances from it.

Antigens and antibodies

The participants in these reactions are antigens and antibodies.

Antigens are substances that provoke the immune system to produce antibodies, which in turn should neutralize the antigens and thus protect the body from penetration of a foreign agent.

The stability in the operation of these processes is determined by many factors, both external and internal environment human body. The immune system is very sensitive to any factor changes. And environmental problems modern century, stressful situations, in which any person finds himself, - all this negatively affects the immune system, undermining its stable functioning. This is how immune system disorders occur, called immunodeficiencies.

In addition to the reasons already mentioned above, there is great amount and other factors. Namely: genetic defects that disrupt the maturation and functioning of immune cells ( primary immunodeficiencies); harmful effects various biological, chemical and physical factors(secondary immunodeficiencies).

Consequently, immunodeficiency conditions (the generally accepted medical name) can be both serious congenital diseases and temporary functional changes, which, with timely consultation with a doctor, can be completely cured.

As a result, we can conclude that all people have periods when the immune system cannot cope and weakens it.

Factors contributing to the development of weakened immunity in the future:

1) high susceptibility to colds (incidence more than 4 times a year);
2) problems with body weight (too little or too much weight);
3) presence of allergies;
4) the occurrence of frequent relapses of the herpes virus and fungal infections (thrush);
5) the presence of bad habits (such as smoking, excessive drinking, overeating);
6) the presence of chronic stress (protracted problems with employment, failures in personal life, discord in the family);

7) sedentary lifestyle life (sedentary work, refusal to play sports);
8) sleep disorders (disturbance in the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness is a very powerful destabilizing factor for all organs and systems of the human body!);
9) snoring in sleep, falling asleep with open mouth(indicates the presence of chronic inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx);

10) the presence of any chronic disease (the cause may be pre-existing problems with the immune system, or the disease itself ultimately depletes the body, also affecting the immune system);
11) increased irritability, apathy, memory loss, inability to concentrate, depression, constant feeling fatigue (even after a long rest);
12) errors in nutrition (abuse of fatty and fried foods, sweets, coffee, as well as consumption of genetically modified foods and semi-finished products).

Based on the above, we can conclude that almost every person has a weakened immune system. And this threatens with quite serious consequences.

In the absence of internal protection from microbes, i.e. without immunity, a terminal and irreversible stage of immunodeficiency may develop, often starting with simple symptoms ailments and chronic colds. In such a situation, all microbes overnight become dangerous enemies for humans (the body is inhabited by a huge number of bacteria and viruses, many of which are involved in the most important processes of life). They cause chronic recurrent diseases, which often leads to sepsis - blood poisoning, and consequently to death.


To counter the inevitable influence negative factors modern civilization First of all, it is necessary to eat right, improve sleep and do general strengthening exercises.

Food is a vital necessity for humans. Currently there is a rethinking of the meaning rational nutrition. Food enriches with energy, increases strength, develops the entire body, and when consumed correctly, makes a person healthy.

We can say without a shadow of a doubt that the health of each individual is almost 70% dependent on rational food intake. In medicine, there is a whole section that studies and substantiates the principles of nutrition for various diseases. This section is called dietetics. It is the theoretical basis for justifying therapeutic nutrition (diet therapy). The practical component of dietetics is medicinal cooking (dieto-cooking), which studies the peculiarities of culinary processing of products for various diseases.

The issue of therapeutic nutrition has been repeatedly raised and studied during all periods of human existence. Hippocrates also argued that in case of various pathological processes in the body, it is necessary to give the right food in measured quantities. Russian scientists such as Botkin, Zakharyin, Ostroumov greatly influenced the development of dietetics, using therapeutic nutrition in combination with pharmaceutical therapy for various diseases.

Medical nutrition

Nutritional therapy is eating with a purpose full recovery or transition from the active stage of the disease to the remission stage.

It studies:

1) the presence of a certain quantity and quality of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, microelements and minerals in the food consumed;
2) food calorie content;

3) diet (when meals are taken, how many breaks between meals, their frequency);
4) physical properties of food (temperature, consistency);
5) the healing effect of specific food products (honey, milk, cottage cheese, etc.).

Medical nutrition is prescribed by a doctor, and unauthorized consumption of various foods can lead to unpredictable consequences. First of all, the patient must undergo full examination all organs and systems of the body, in which all chronic processes in the body will be identified and only then a treatment complex will be prescribed, an element of which will be diet therapy.

As a rule, therapeutic nutrition is prescribed as therapeutic diets, taking into account the pathogenesis of the underlying disease, the presence of concomitant diseases, certain tastes and national preferences of the patient (as far as possible). Strict coordination of diet therapy with the main treatment package is mandatory.

Since all antibodies are protein substances, to increase the body’s resistance in the diet, it is necessary to increase the proportion of consumed proteins to 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of body weight. The increase should occur mainly due to animal proteins, since they are better and faster absorbed (low-fat cottage cheese, veal, fish).

But at the same time, excess carbohydrates and fats should not be allowed in food - they are prescribed in the menu based on the physiological need for them. Excess carbohydrates (mostly sugar) will be good nutrient medium for the proliferation of bacteria, which leads to the worsening of chronic infectious inflammatory processes or the emergence of new ones.

An increase in fat in the diet leads to obesity, which plunges the body into a chain of new pathological processes, undermining the immune system. It is very useful to prescribe foods rich in B vitamins (especially vitamins B1, B2, PP), as well as vitamins A and D. It is also necessary that the food be enriched with microelements and minerals.

Thus, it is possible to identify certain products recommended for consumption (see Table 36).

Table 36. Products and elements most suitable for therapeutic nutrition of people with weakened immune systems

Methods of cooking, menu planning and eating habits are also of no small importance.

The kitchen should have the following equipment: a fine-grid meat grinder, a sieve, a pan for steaming. For steam cooking, you can also use an ordinary saucepan by inserting and securing a small sieve into it, and the amount of water poured into such a saucepan should not reach the bottom of the sieve. During cooking, products should be placed on a sieve (for example, potatoes, carrots, cutlets), while meat and fish should be boiled directly in water; dividing them into small pieces and dipping into heated water.

It is very important that the menu be varied, since monotonous food has a negative effect both psychologically and on the digestive system as a whole. The diet must contain natural products, such as vegetables, berries, fruits, cottage cheese, and vegetable oil. Meals should take place before the start of working hours and after it ends (4 times a day).

Thus, it is necessary to remember the three main postulates of therapeutic nutrition:

1) only a doctor can prescribe diet therapy;
2) pedantic compliance with all the requirements of the prescribed therapeutic nutrition, allowing only small deviations from the diet, but only on the preliminary advice of a doctor;
3) only high-quality products should be used for preparing food, and during the culinary process itself, all hygiene rules must be observed.

B.Yu. Lamikhov, S.V. Glushchenko, D.A. Nikulin, V.A. Podkolzina, M.V. Bigeeva, E.A. Matykina
