Antiviral for a 2 month old child. Effective antiviral drugs for children. Video: Antiviral agents - School of Dr. Komarovsky

Antiviral drugs are drugs used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of viral etiology.

The mechanism of their action can be divided into two different principles: Some medications directly affect the virus itself, inhibiting the reproduction and division of microorganisms, while others cause increased secretion of immune hormones, due to which the body itself fights the pathogenic “invader.”

The former are more effective for severe viral infections, pulmonary, intestinal, papillomavirus, smallpox lesions, and have more contraindications, the latter are more often prescribed for colds, mild flu and throat lesions (laryngitis, tonsillitis) and are safer.

Antiviral drugs for children are classified depending on the chemical nature of the active substance:

  • interferons;
  • abnormal nucleosides;
  • adamantane and its derivatives, or M2 channel blockers;
  • neuraminidase inhibitors;
  • inducers of interferon production;
  • hemagglutinin inhibitors;
  • plant origin;
  • homeopathic remedies.

Among the indicated list of drugs, neuraminidase inhibitors and M2 channel blockers, which are distinguished by their targeted antiviral effect, have proven effectiveness. Clinical effectiveness the rest is considered unproven.

Indications and features of use

It is most advisable to take an antiviral drug after receiving the results laboratory diagnostics with determination of the exact strain of the virus that provoked the disease.

Since many drugs in this group also exhibit immunomodulatory activity, it is recommended to do an immunogram to determine the type of immunodeficiency.

According to the mechanism of action, almost all drugs act exclusively on viruses in the reproduction stage.

Therefore, if the viral genome is integrated into cellular DNA or RNA, the medicine will be ineffective. In this regard, the antiviral drug should not be taken in the first 1-2 days after the onset of symptoms, that is, during the period of active reproduction of microorganisms.

When using such medications, it is extremely important to take them in the indicated dosage, observing the frequency of administration and duration of therapy. Children's forms of antiviral drugs are selected taking into account the child's age and weight.


Interferon drugs should be taken within the first 24 hours, only then will they be effective. At this stage, the immune response is just forming, so the introduction of interferon will help to quickly respond to the introduction of the virus. In addition, the most targeted action is achieved by drugs whose interferon enters the body bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

For children under 1 year of age

All medications for children under one year of age must be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

At this age, antiviral drugs from the interferon subgroup are most often prescribed:

  • Viferon, supp. rectal 150 thousand IU No. 10 - 275 rubles;
  • Grippferon, cap. nasal, fl. — 270 rub;
  • Human leukocyte interferon, amp. 1000 IU, No. 10 - 102 rub.


Contains recombinant interferon, vitamin C and E. The mechanism of action is to suppress viral replication, enhance the phagocytic activity of macrophages, increase their own immune response to the penetration of pathogens, increase the IgA titer, and normalize the IgE content.

The drug has antiviral, immunomodulatory, antiproliferative effects. Due to the content of vitamins C and E, anti-inflammatory and membrane-stabilizing activity is manifested.

Appointed to complex therapy ARVI and bacterial infections 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours for 5 days. According to indications, therapy can be continued, but the break should be at least 5 days.

Viferon is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to interferon, autoimmune pathologies. Allergic reactions in the form of itching and skin rashes occur extremely rarely.

Grippferon - nasal drops

Prescribed in therapy and as a prophylactic agent for acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza. Positioned as the safest antiviral drug for infants.

Influenza is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to interferons, severe forms of allergies, and autoimmune diseases.

Human leukocyte interferon

It is a mixture of several subclasses of interferon obtained from leukocytes. It exhibits antiviral, antiproliferative, antitumor, immunomodulatory effects.

Recommended by a doctor for the preparation of a solution for intranasal use in children under 1 month gauze flagella are moistened with 3 drops of the drug and inserted into the nasal passage 3-5 times a day, for children under 12 months - a drop 4-5 times a day.

Contraindicated in autoimmune pathologies and interferon intolerance. As adverse reaction rashes, attacks of nausea and vomiting, drowsiness, and fever may occur.

For children over 1 year old

The following list is most often prescribed as antiviral drugs for children over 1 year of age:

  • thymogen, nasal spray - 350 rubles;
  • Immunal, drops for oral administration - 340 rubles;
  • orvirem, syrup 0.2% - 325 rubles;
  • cytovir-3 syrup, 50 ml - 400 rub.


The list opens with a good antiviral agent for children, the main advantage of which is local use. Thus, the list of contraindications and possible side effects is reduced.

The active component of the drug is sodium glutamyl-tryptophan. Thymogen exhibits immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, antioxidant, and reparative effects.

The main substance interacts with T-lymphocytes, macrophages, mast cells, which helps normalize their activity.

Thymogen is contraindicated in case of autoimmune pathologies or intolerance to the main component.

Prescribed in the complex treatment of diseases of an infectious-inflammatory nature with acute and chronic course, which is accompanied by a significant decrease in cellular immunity.

Also used in the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. For children over 1 year old, it is recommended to spray 1 spray into one nasal passage once. The course of treatment is 10 days.


In pediatric practice it is used in the form of drops. This medicine contains grass juice Echinçea purpurea. Recommended for strengthening immune defense in mild to moderate ARVI.

Children over 1 year of age are prescribed 1 ml three times a day, 7 days in a row.

Immunal is contraindicated in case of autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivity to plants from the Asteraceae family. Side effects manifest themselves in the form of skin rash, dizziness, bronchospasm, shortness of breath, anaphylactic shock.


Contains rimantadine hydrochloride, that is, it is a good targeted antiviral drug, used for the treatment and prevention of influenza types A and B.

It should be taken according to the following scheme:

  • Day 1: 2 tsp. syrup three times a day;
  • 2nd and 3rd: 2 tsp. twice during the day;
  • 4th: 2 tsp. once a day.

It is considered the most optimal antiviral drug for children 2 years of age, since a bottle is enough for a course of treatment, and therapeutic effect appears 4 hours after the first dose.

Contraindications for use are hypersensitivity to the active and excipients, kidney and/or liver pathologies of any origin, confirmed epilepsy. Side effects develop in the form of skin rash, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, flatulence, dizziness, and insomnia.


Contains thymogen, ascorbic acid, bendazole hydrochloride (dibazole). The last component belongs to the class of immunostimulating agents that exhibit antiviral activity, which is realized by stimulating the production of its own interferon.

This compound also increases the nonspecific immune response. Thymogen activates T cell immunity, enhances the antiviral effect of dibazole. Vitamin C activates humoral immunity.

This is assigned effective drug for the treatment of ARVI (colds) and flu. For children over 1 year of age, the recommended dose is 2 ml of syrup, which should be taken three times a day for 4 days.

For children from 3 years old

For children over 3 years old, the choice of antiviral agents is much wider. Pediatricians prescribe the following names:

  • Arbidol, tab. 50 mg No. 10 – 170 rubles;
  • Hyporamine, tab. 20 mg No. 20 – 160 rubles;
  • Groprinosin, tab. 500 mg No. 20 – 620 rubles;
  • Kagocel, tab. 12 mg No. 10 – 245 rub.


For patients of this age category Available in tablet form with a dose of 50 mg. The drug contains umifenovir, which exhibits immunomodulatory and antiviral activity.

It enhances the production of interferon, activates humoral and cellular immune protection, stimulates macrophages. Arbidol has a particularly strong effect against influenza A and B viruses.

The drug is used in the complex treatment of influenza, mouth viral infection, ARVI 4 times a day, the dose is selected taking into account the patient’s age:

  • children 3-6 years old – 50 mg;
  • 6-12 years – 100 mg;
  • from 12 years – 200 mg.

For prevention purposes, take a single dose once a day for a 2-week course.
Arbidol is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to umifenovir, the child is less than 2 years old. The side effect manifests itself in the form of allergic rashes.


A cheap antiviral drug containing sea buckthorn leaf extract.

It is used in the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, adenovirus, influenza A and B virus, CMV, chickenpox, and herpes infection.

It is prescribed to children over 3 years old, one tablet three times a day, over 12 years old – one tablet 4 times a day.

The main contraindication is hypersensitivity to drug components.


Contains inosine pranobex as the main active ingredient. Has immunomodulatory and broad antiviral effect.

Normalizes the dysfunction of cellular immunity, stimulating the maturation and division of T-lymphocytes. Inosine promotes the production of endogenous interferon and inhibits the synthesis of interleukin-4.

Prescribed in complex treatment and for the prevention of ARVI, influenza virus, chickenpox, measles, herpes infection, papillomavirus, CMV, molluscum contagiosum.

The daily dose depends on the severity of the disease, the weight and age of the child. As a rule, 50 mg per 1 kg of weight, divided into 4 doses, is recommended.

Groprinosin is contraindicated in urolithiasis, arrhythmias, renal failure, and also with body weight less than 15 kg. Side effects most often include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, itching, and insomnia.


Contains the active ingredient of the same name. The drug has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect.

In pediatric practice, it is prescribed to children from 3 years of age in the complex treatment of viral infections, including influenza and herpes.

The dose and frequency of administration depend on the age of the child:

  • from 3 to 6 years: In the first 2 days, a tablet twice a day, the next 2 days - a tablet once a day;
  • over 6 years: first, a tablet three times a day for 2 days, then a tablet twice a day for another 2 days.

For children from 6 years old

As a rule, for the prevention of viral infections and their treatment, it is recommended next list funds:

  • Amiksin, tab. 60 mg each No. 10 – 585 rubles;
  • Relenza, por. with inhaler – 1020 rubles;
  • Rimantadine, tab. 50 mg No. 20 – 77 rubles;
  • Cycloferon, tab. 150 mg No. 20 – 370 rub.


The drug contains tilorone, which exhibits more of an immunomodulatory effect than an antiviral one.

Allowed for children over 7 years of age and used for the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI.

The advantage of the drug is its ease of administration: just 1 tablet once a day for 3 days in a row.

However, side effects often develop in the form of dyspeptic disorders, chills, and allergic reactions.


Available in powder form for inhalation. The main active ingredient is zanamivir, which belongs to the group of neuraminidase inhibitors.

A distinctive feature of this modern drug is a targeted antiviral effect and proven effectiveness. Approved for use by children over 5 years old, 2 inhalations twice a day for 5 days.

This powerful inhaler is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to zanamivir or a history of bronchospasm.


The cheapest anti-influenza drug, the price of which starts from 77 rubles. Prescribed to children over 7 years of age in tablet form.

Also used to treat influenza A virus tick-borne encephalitis, acute herpetic infection.

For children aged 12 years and older

For this category of growing patients, medications intended for adults are often suitable. However, only if the teenager is of normal weight and does not have chronic diseases.


The medicine contains vitaglutam, which exhibits antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory effects.

The drug is prescribed in the complex treatment of influenza A and B, parainfluenza, and adenovirus. It is recommended for children over 13 years of age to take 1 capsule once a day for a course of 5-7 days, depending on the severity of the condition.

The maximum therapeutic effect is observed if therapy is started no later than 36 hours after the onset of symptoms.

The medicine is contraindicated only in case of hypersensitivity to the components.


It contains enisamium iodide, which, upon penetration into the body, activates the production of interferon. Thus, further reproduction and division of the virus is indirectly inhibited.

The drug is effective against the influenza virus and other acute respiratory viral infections. Approved for use by children over 12 years of age.

Homeopathic antiviral remedies

Homeopathic medicines include plant, animal and mineral extracts, as well as other biologically active substances.

However, when using such medications in childhood It should be taken into account that none of those presented on pharmaceutical market has no evidence base.

Of this subgroup of antiviral drugs, the following are most often prescribed in pediatric practice:

  • Anaferon for children (Table No. 20, 235 rubles);
  • Aflubin (table No. 12 - 310 rubles, drops for oral administration, 20 ml - 355 rubles);
  • Viburkol (supp. Rectal No. 12 - 395 rubles);
  • Oscillococcinum (granules in a pencil case, No. 6 - 395 rubles).

Anaferon for children

Contains carefully purified antibodies to interferon. It is used in therapy and for the prevention of viral infections, including herpes, rhinovirus and adenovirus.

For the treatment of ARVI, you should take 1 tablet in the first 2 hours. every half hour, then during this day - another 3 tablets. at equal time intervals.

Thus, a total of 8 tablets are taken on day 1. Starting from the 2nd day, one tablet three times a day.

Contraindications to the use of Anaferon are hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and lactase deficiency.

Side effects include allergic reactions, skin itching and rashes, local swelling of soft tissues.


A relatively inexpensive antiviral drug containing extracts of gentian, aconite, and Bryonia dioica.

A single dose depends on the age of the child:

  • up to 1 year – 1 drop;
  • from 1 to 4 years – from 2 to 4 drops;
  • from 4 to 12 years – from 5 to 9 caps.

As part of the treatment of infections viral nature It is recommended to take the drug every half hour, but not more than 8 times a day.

Starting from the 3rd day, the frequency of administration is reduced to 3 times half an hour before or an hour after meals.

Contraindications for use are hypersensitivity to individual components of the tincture, such as side effect sensitization reactions may occur.


The main ingredients are extracts of chamomile, belladonna, plantain, dulcamara and other medicinal plants.

Viburkol is prescribed in pediatric practice as part of the therapy and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and painful teething.

From 6 months, when the temperature rises from 37.5, give 1 supp. 4 times a day, that is, every 6 hours, with febrile temperature (above 38) - 1 supp. up to 6 times throughout the day, or every 4 hours.

After the temperature returns to normal, you need to continue treatment for 4 days using a suppository once.

Viburkol is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Also, in the first days of treatment, the child’s well-being may worsen., and sometimes there is an exacerbation of allergies.


Indicated for the treatment of ARVI and influenza, occurring with the manifestation mild symptoms and moderate severity in early childhood.

For babies up to one year old, the granules of the 1st pencil case should be dissolved in boiled water and given twice a day for 3 days.

For a child over 1 year old, the granules can be dissolved in the mouth twice a day.

Contraindications for use are increased sensitization(sensitivity) to the components of the drug, allergic reactions most often occur among the side effects.

Features of the combined use of antibacterial and antiviral drugs

The combined use of antibacterial and antiviral drugs is possible only as prescribed by a doctor.

Antibiotics act only on bacteria by destroying them or inhibiting growth and reproduction, and on viruses this group the drugs have no effect at all.

Antiviral drugs affect only viruses, but are powerless against bacterial pathogens.

However, drugs that have an immunomodulatory effect are often prescribed in the complex treatment of bacterial infections along with antibiotics. This is due to the fact that they contribute to the activation of nonspecific immunity.

Also, both groups of drugs are used in combination for the development "superinfections" or with severe bacterial complications against the background of a viral disease.

When prescribing such a therapeutic model for children, the nature of the course of the disease is always taken into account, immune status sick.

Antiviral Medicines – School of Doctor Komarovskog

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At increased activity pathogenic viruses and microbes in the body of children under 1 year of age, pediatricians prescribe antiviral drugs. Properly selected medications quickly destroy pathogenic flora and strengthen children's immunity. Before starting the course you need individual consultation specialist

Can children under one year old take antiviral drugs?

Plays an important role in the health of children under 1 year of age. breast-feeding. Babies on adapted formulas have a weaker immune system, so they get sick more often.

Treatment may require additional dose medications (as recommended by the pediatrician). Modern antiviral drugs for children are effective as part of complex therapy for acute respiratory viral infections, colds, flu, chickenpox, and herpes.

Types of antiviral drugs for children

Type of antiviral drugs Efficiency Flaws
Interferons Contains interferon protein similar to natural. Such products normalize and accelerate the production of antibodies. There is a high risk of side effects.
Immunostimulants Such medications enhance the child’s body’s immune response to the penetration of a pathogenic virus. The functions of one’s own immunity are impaired (the protective system is “lazy”). When using immunostimulants, a child begins to get sick more often.
Direct antiviral drugs These medications prevent the replication of the virus and its further spread in the child’s body. There is a high likelihood of side effects from internal organs, systems.
Homeopathic remedies The herbal composition of medicines contains molecules similar in structure to the virus. Selective healing effect(not all patients are helped).


Effective and safe antiviral drugs for children under one year of age are represented by the drug Anaferon. This is the medicine Russian production has immunomodulatory properties, increases the concentration of antibodies, stimulates the production of interferon. Short description:

  • Release form: sublingual tablets.
  • Active ingredient: affinity purified antibodies to human interferon gamma.
  • Main indications: treatment and prevention of colds, ARVI, influenza, cytomegalovirus, bacterial, herpetic infections.
  • Contraindications: intolerance by the body to the active ingredients of the medication, tendency to diathesis (allergic reactions).
  • Side effects: urticaria, skin rash, itching.
  • Directions for use: in case of relapse, 1 tablet is recommended. every half hour for 2 hours, then the dose is reduced to 1 tablet. three times a day.
  • Price: 180 rubles.


This is a homeopathic medicine for the treatment and prevention of colds and flu. Recommended as an independent medicine or as part of complex therapy. For ease of use, Aflubin has several release forms that are suitable for newborns and older children. Short description:

  • Release form: drops for oral use, sublingual tablets.
  • Active ingredients: gentian, aconite, bryonia dioica, iron phosphate, lactic acid.
  • Main indications: respiratory viral infections, flu, colds.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity of the body to active ingredients drug.
  • Side effects: allergic reactions, signs of dyspepsia, increased salivation, nausea, vomiting, gastralgia.
  • Directions for use: for the first 2 days the medicine should be taken 8 times per day, after which the number of approaches should be reduced to 3. A single dose for children 1 year of age is ¼ tablet. or 1 drop.
  • Price: 215 rubles.


This is a homeopathic medicine with antiviral, sedative, analgesic, anticonvulsant, detoxification and antispasmodic properties. It has a gentle effect on children's bodies and is well tolerated. Short description:

  • Release form: rectal suppositories.
  • Active ingredients: pulsatilla, belladonna, dulcamara, chamomilla, plantago, calcium harmonicum.
  • Main indications: ARVI, colds, painful eruption baby teeth, flu.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity to active substances.
  • Side effects: allergic, local reactions.
  • Method of administration: children under six months are prescribed 2 soups, from 6 months (at a temperature above 37.5 ° C) - 4 soups, above 38 ° C - 6 soups. in a day. After normalization temperature regime Children are recommended to take 1 soup. 1–2 times a day for 3–4 days.
  • Price: 370 rubles.


This drug belongs to the group of antiviral drugs containing interferon, similar to natural one. When treating children, the medicine may cause side effects. Short description:

  • Release form: rectal suppositories.
  • Active ingredient: interferon alpha-2b recombinant.
  • Main indications: bacterial and viral infections in the treatment of children of all ages, including premature babies.
  • Contraindications: allergic reactions or predisposition to such, intolerance to components, autoimmune diseases.
  • Side effects: in isolated cases, urticaria, skin rash, itching and swelling of the epidermis, and local reactions occur.
  • Directions for use: patients under 7 years of age are prescribed 1 soup. every 8 hours, from 7 years - 2 candles every 12 hours. The course of treatment is 5 days.
  • Price: 270 rubles.


This is a Ukrainian drug that has convenient form release for the treatment of children. Sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Short description:

  • Release form: syrup.
  • Active ingredients: extracts of ground reed grass and turf pike, alcohol base.
  • Main indications: virus herpes simplex, bacterial infections lower respiratory tract(ARVI, flu, colds).
  • Contraindications: autoimmune diseases, stomach ulcers and duodenum, individual intolerance to ethanol and other components.
  • Side effects: signs of dyspepsia, nausea, headache, dizziness, local, allergic reactions.
  • Directions for use: the course of treatment is 2 weeks, the medicine should be taken twice a day. Children under one year of age are prescribed 0.5 ml of medication.
  • Price: 180 rubles.


Such antiviral drugs for children under 1 year of age contain interferon and have several release forms for ease of use and acceleration of the desired therapeutic effect. Short description:

  1. Release form: lyophilisate (drops for nasal administration).
  2. Active ingredient: human leukocyte interferon.
  3. Main indications: treatment of viral diseases affecting the respiratory tract.
  4. Contraindications: organic lesions nervous system, epilepsy, intolerance to active substances, serious violations in the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  5. Side effects: disorders of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive systems, skin, hematopoietic organs.
  6. Directions for use: for treating newborns, apply 3 drops. onto cotton swabs, then insert into the nasal passages for 10 minutes. Perform the procedure 4–6 times a day. For patients under 1 year of age, 1 drop is recommended. into each nasal passage 4–6 times a day.
  7. Price: from 80 rubles.


This effective antiviral for children under one year of age has an immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory effect. Dosages are adjusted individually by the pediatrician. Short description:

  • Release form: drops, nasal spray.
  • Active ingredient: human recombinant interferon alpha-2b.
  • Main indications: ARVI, influenza, viral rhinitis.
  • Contraindications: severe allergic diseases, hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug.
  • Directions for use: children under 1 year of age are prescribed 1 drop. into each nasal passage 5 times a day.
  • Price: 70 rubles.


This antiviral for children under one year old belongs to the group homeopathic remedies, is well tolerated by the body and rarely causes side effects. Short description:

  • Release form: granules in tubes for oral use.
  • Active ingredients: anas barbarialium, hepatic et cordis extractum.
  • Main indications: as part of complex therapy for acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, parainfluenza, and colds.
  • Contraindications: lactose intolerance, hypersensitivity to the components of the medication.
  • Side effects: allergic reactions.
  • Directions for use: dissolve the contents of one tube with boiled water, stir until the granules dissolve, give to a child under 1 year of age 2-3 times a day.
  • Price: 370 rubles.


Viral infections affect people of any age, regardless of gender and social status. Children especially often suffer from diseases caused by viruses. In such cases, the doctor recommends taking children's antiviral drugs. What medications are indicated for use in childhood against rotavirus and other infections? How often can they be used, and how to make a choice, taking into account the age of the baby? Let's figure it out together.

During periods of exacerbation of ARVI and influenza, doctors recommend giving children antiviral drugs

Should I use antiviral drugs?

Antiviral drugs actually show high effectiveness in treating diseases that are included in the list of indications for their use. If a child has caught a viral infection (including intestinal, rotavirus), then his body needs help to cope with the disease.

Of course, it should be borne in mind that you cannot prescribe medications on your own - you must definitely consult a pediatrician. In addition, before using any drugs, you need to read the instructions - many antiviral drugs have strict restrictions by age and a long list of contraindications. For example, if a child has a history of an autoimmune disease, then using immunostimulants without a doctor’s prescription is strictly prohibited.

What medications are prescribed for children?

If your baby catches ARVI or intestinal infection, parents strive to quickly alleviate his condition and go to the pharmacy to find the best and fastest-acting medicine. Of course, the majority are interested in inexpensive and at the same time effective means, but if it is guaranteed positive result, a caring mother or father is ready to pay literally any money for the drug.

A group of drugs based on interferon

Interferon is a type of protein that is produced by cells human body as part of a natural defensive reaction to inflammatory processes, including those accompanied by an increase in body temperature. The main effect of interferon is that it does not allow viruses to penetrate into cells, as a result of which pathogens that do not have their own metabolism do not reproduce.

Interferon-based drugs can be used both in the treatment of viral infections, including as anti-influenza drugs, and as part of prevention. Reception of such medicines indicated during epidemics, and is also recommended during the child’s adaptation to new climatic conditions or team (for example, when the baby begins to attend kindergarten preschool, you can take a course of interferon-based medication).

The list of stimulators α, β, γ interferons is quite wide. This category includes:

  • Viferon and Kipferon - suppositories are prescribed from birth;
  • Amiksin is strong remedy demonstrates high efficiency, but is prohibited for use in patients under 7 years of age.

Viferon is a very powerful antiviral agent

Synthetic drugs

To the number synthetic drugs includes several groups of antiviral drugs. These include the interferon-based medications mentioned above. Synthetic medicines are divided into 2 large groups - medicines indicated for prevention and initial stages diseases, and remedies that help cope with advanced viral infections. To the number synthetic products that are prescribed for the treatment of children include:

  • Remantadine. The drug, recommended for children from one year of age, shows good results in the treatment of influenza virus (group A). Proven effectiveness international research. Also, when treating 1-2 year old children, an analogue of the drug, Orvirem, can be used (we recommend reading:). The latter is available in the form of a suspension.
  • Arbidol. In official international sources, information about the effectiveness of this drug is quite contradictory, but the World Health Organization recommends it for the treatment of acute rotavirus infection and influenza (groups B and A). Can be used in the treatment of children from 3 years of age.
  • Tamiflu. An effective anti-influenza drug, approved for use from 1 year. However, it is absolutely useless for acute respiratory viral infections. Since parents are unlikely to be able to distinguish ARVI from influenza on their own, it is not recommended without a pediatrician’s prescription. For young patients, a less toxic analogue of this drug called Relenza is recommended.
  • Ribavirin. In accordance with the instructions, this remedy can only be used by patients over eighteen years of age. This potent drug is rarely prescribed to children, but use is possible under the supervision and supervision of a doctor, as there is a high probability of side effects.

Tamiflu – good remedy against flu

Homeopathic remedies

Pediatricians around the world have mixed feelings about homeopathic remedies. Some actively prescribe them as an element complex treatment, others consider such drugs to be more like “dummies”, attributing to them a placebo effect, but nothing more. There is also a group of specialists who insist on the dangers of homeopathic medicines.

Currently, none of the groups has provided comprehensive evidence of their correctness, so the decision to take homeopathic remedies or refuse them falls on the shoulders of the local pediatrician and parents. The list of popular medications in this group includes:

  • Gripp-Heel;
  • Anaferon;
  • Oscillococcinum (see also:);
  • Aflubin (we recommend reading:);
  • Viburcol.

Antiviral suppositories Viburkol

Herbal preparations

Most herbal preparations, including those based on echinacea, are not approved for use in patients under twelve years of age. These include popular means– Ekhinabene and Immunal (we recommend reading:). However, there are herbal medicines that can be used by children:

  1. Bioaron S syrup – from 3 years;
  2. from one year of age, Alpizarin is prescribed for the treatment of herpes virus;
  3. Infants can take Immunoflazid and Imupret.

How to choose a product based on the child’s age?

When choosing the best antiviral drug to give to a child, you should definitely take into account the age of the little patient. A drug that can be used by an 8-10 year old child may be prohibited for use in the treatment of an infant or a 2 year old child.

Age restrictions are always indicated in the instructions for medications; you should consult your pediatrician regarding dosage.

For newborns and children up to 1 year

Treatment of newborns and babies up to one year should be carried out with extreme caution and under the supervision of a doctor. The body of a child of this age is not yet able to resist viral infections, so even a seemingly insignificant illness may pose a threat to him. real threat. Representatives of the older generation usually advise young parents to treat the baby with homeopathic, folk remedies, motivating such recommendations by the fact that homemade recipes “do not contain harmful chemicals - only healthy herbs.”

However, for a baby who eats only mother's milk or an adapted formula, plant components can pose even more danger than modern antiviral drugs. Babies up to 6 months can use the medications listed in the table.

Anaferon for children is allowed from 1 month of life
Drug nameAge restrictionsAverage price of packaging/bottle, rublesNote
Anaferon for children (we recommend reading:)From 1 month200 Contains lactose
Genferon Light (candles) (we recommend reading:)From birth245 Can be used in the treatment of premature babies
Kipferon (candles)No limits650 Enhances the therapeutic effect antibacterial drugs when used together
Grippferon (we recommend reading:)270 When treating newborns, it is recommended to use it in the form of suppositories.
Viferon (in the form of gel, ointment, suppositories)From birth137 (ointment), 130 (gel), 300 (suppositories)It is acceptable to use in the treatment of newborns, including premature infants with a gestation period of 34 weeks or more.

The range of drugs approved for use by children from 6 months is somewhat wider. When treating a viral infection (including rotavirus) in a baby for 6-12 months, in addition to the medications listed above, you can also use Panadol, Ergoferon and Remantadine (we recommend reading:). It is better to choose drugs in syrup form.

If the doctor prescribes tablets, then infants need to grind them into powder and dilute them with milk, water or an adapted mixture.

From 1 to 3 years

The body of a 1-3 year old child is much stronger than that of an infant. However, it still needs protection and a careful, careful approach to the treatment of viral infections. For children of this age, if they have a cold, intestinal infection, or rotavirus infection, it is permissible to use stronger and more effective remedies, including tablets. The doctor often prescribes complex therapy - in such cases one should not neglect his recommendations and limit oneself only to antiviral medications.

Name of medicineRelease formAge restrictionsspecial instructions
Cytophyr-3SyrupFrom 1 yearMonitoring of blood glucose levels is required if a child undergoes several courses of treatment with the drug
TamifluPowder for preparing suspensionFrom 1 yearIn children 6-12 months of age, the risk of side effects is high, so it is recommended not to use the medicine for up to a year, replacing it with safer analogues
ImupretDropsFrom 1 yearThe product contains ethanol - can be given to children after dissolving in tea

Imupret can be given to children from 1 year of age

From 3 years and older

When treating a viral infection in a child over three years old, you should follow all the doctor’s recommendations and carefully study the instructions for each medication that you plan to give to the little patient. It should be borne in mind that the cost of an antiviral drug is not an indicator of its effectiveness, since the reaction to the effects of the drug is individual for each person. Sometimes medicines that cost less help better expensive analogues.

Immunomodulatory drug Groprinosin

How often can a child be given antiviral medications?

Antiviral drugs for correct use allow you to quickly and effectively cope with the disease. However, they should not be given to children too often and uncontrollably - for example, for a simple cold. Ideally, a child should take medications only as needed, when recommended by the attending physician. Taking an antiviral drug too often significantly increases the risk of developing allergies or adverse reactions.

The ability of viruses to change and develop resistance to drugs should also be considered. For this reason, it is not advisable to use antiviral drugs for prevention - it is better to get vaccinated (if possible). By the way, this property of viruses explains the gradual decrease in the effectiveness of drugs that have been on the market for a long time.

Another nuance that needs to be taken into account is the risk of addiction to the drug and disruption of the process of formation of the child’s natural immunity. Herpetic infections, severe forms ARVI and influenza are the main indications for taking these medications. In all other cases, it is recommended to avoid the use if possible. potent drugs, including antiviral action.

During the arrival of winter cold, many people get sick with viral infections, including children. You have to go to the pharmacy and look for medicine. So that disease prevention does not cost a fortune and is truly of high quality, let’s consider what are available that are inexpensive and help cope with any ailment.

Effective and cheap antiviral drugs for children

Many diseases, especially the traditional winter ailments of ARVI and influenza, are easier to prevent than to spend a lot of money on their treatment later. Pharmacists and doctors note that it is even safer to do this, since the virus in the body poses a threat to other organs and human life in general. But are there any medications that can prevent the onset of the disease without harming the body? Let's consider further, which cost pennies.

The main problems in choosing antiviral agents

The Russian pharmaceutical market is represented by products from domestic and foreign manufacturers, and all products are united by several features.

  • The antiviral effectiveness of these drugs does not have a strong evidence base. More precisely, it exists, but it is subjective in nature, since the research is carried out by individuals interested in selling goods, and not by third-party organizations.
  • More and more new drugs are entering the market, but in fact, only the price tag is new to them. Due to the need for people to shell out several thousand people for supposed prevention, a skeptical opinion about antiviral drugs is emerging among doctors and patients.

Despite such contradictions, many antiviral drugs are sold at reasonable prices and give the desired effect. Let's consider the most effective antiviral drugs for children, which help at the first signs of a cold, treat the consequences more usefully and, of course, help with prevention.

Classification of antiviral drugs

Considering ARVI, the most common viral infectious disease in children, it can be noted that remedies against it are conventionally divided into several groups.

  1. Vaccines stimulate the production of antibodies before infection with the virus occurs.
  2. Immunostimulants are drugs that promote short-term enhancement of immunity and the production of interferons.
  3. Antiviral drugs have a tremendous effect on the virus enzyme and affect its reproduction (suppress).

Many of the drugs have evidence-based clinical base, but are accompanied by side effects. Choosing cheap antiviral drugs for children, you need to look at them side effect on the child’s body was minimal. Not only immediate consequences are taken into account, but also delayed manifestations. There is a risk that after some time the development of autoimmune, cancer and other diseases will occur. Therefore, medications are usually prescribed and taken strictly as prescribed by the physician.

Immunostimulants: application features

Products of this type, currently manufactured, usually show activation of immune processes at the biochemical level. As for the actual benefits, this area has been little studied. Information about many properties of immunity has become available to the masses relatively recently, and new data is received every year. In this regard, scientists are not 100% sure of the behavior immune system. Treatment with immunostimulants in children should be carried out carefully, in compliance with all instructions and doctor’s advice.

Immunologists believe that pharmaceutical products do not always have the same effect on the body as parents of children would like: increased activation of the immune system has the same harm as its insufficiently active work, and the functioning of the body occurs normally only when the system is in balance. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the fact that constant stimulation of the immune system can cause inflammation of a pathological nature, the occurrence of immune aggression, which will spread to healthy tissue. If a child’s relatives have immune diseases (diabetes), he is strictly prohibited from taking immune stimulants.

Features of treating children with antiviral drugs

Choosing the best antiviral drugs for children, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the disease being fought. After all, a child’s body and immunity are weaker than those of an adult, so they need high-quality and effective medical procedures. Flu and ARVI are dangerous viral diseases who need a serious approach to treatment. Due to the severity of the course, complications may occur. The choice of medication should be made by the child’s attending physician, after first deciding on the type of disease and conducting a full assessment of the patient’s health status. Usually the most simple drugs, which interfere with viral reproduction by blocking the main channels of penetration. The agents weaken viruses, preventing them from penetrating into cells.

It is important to know!

Anti-flu medications are more “harsh” than anti-ARVI medications, so their use is prohibited for ARVI.

When is disease prevention necessary?

Even the most effective antiviral drugs for children will be less effective than timely taken preventive measures. There are several cases in which it is necessary to carry out prevention for your baby.

  • if one of your family members is sick with influenza or acute respiratory viral infection
  • in preparation for the visit kindergarten first
  • when a child comes into contact with another sick person
  • during a seasonal noticeable increase in incidence.

It is important to know!

There are no specific drugs available to prevent the disease.

To prevent the disease, the same set of tablets is used as during treatment.

The scheme for preventing the disease through a particular drug is usually indicated in the instructions for the medicine. Preventive dosages are traditionally 2 times less than medicinal ones.

Russian antiviral drugs

All generally have a lower cost than their foreign counterparts, which is why many people prefer to buy these products. To avoid being deceived, you need to know the list of medications that will help avoid the development of the disease. All drugs are divided into several groups, depending on the age of the child. So, there are products that can be taken by infants, children 1-3 years old, 4-6 years old and 12 years old.

Russian medications for babies

The immunity of newborn children is weaker than that of adults, so they are often susceptible to diseases. The main task of parents is to acquire safe drugs, which at the same time can effectively fight diseases. It is worth giving preference to medications intended strictly for this age category. Let's look at the list of inexpensive Russian products.

This medicine is designed to actively combat pain syndromes that are caused by viral diseases. However, if they are eliminated, the disease itself is not affected, so it is necessary to take a complex of other drugs along with them. The drug is appropriate to use only for a non-serious illness that does not have exacerbations. The price of one package starts from 100 rubles.


The drug is sold in the form of suppositories and is used for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in newborns. It has a delicate effect because it does not cause discomfort and irritation. The product is effective an hour after use. The cost in pharmacies in the Russian capital is about 300 rubles.

Russian drugs for children 1-3 years old

When a baby turns one year old, the immune system is noticeably strengthened, but in the fight against viral diseases more serious allies will be needed than the fragile children's body. The greatest effect can be achieved if you take prophylactic doses of medications during the epidemic. So, what Russian antiviral drugs the most effective - we will consider further.

The product is sold in the form of syrup and can be used for therapeutic and preventive measures against viral diseases. Due to the sugar content, it should not be used by persons with diabetes mellitus. As a side effect, there is the possibility of drowsiness and apathy. The cost of packaging the drug is from 80 rubles.

Included as one of the active substances acts as bendazole, which helps stimulate the production of interferon, and is also present ascorbic acid. The product has the form baby syrup, soluble capsules and powders are sold. If there is vegetative-vascular dystonia, a decrease in pressure may be observed as a side effect. The product has many contraindications; information about them is provided in the instructions. The cost of the drug is 350 rubles.

This Russian drug helps treat infections, influenza groups A, B, and other diseases. Helps activate the immune system to resist viral infection. The drug is intended mainly for adults; children can only minimum dosage, strictly on the doctor’s recommendation. The cost is from 400 rubles.

Russian drugs for children 3-6 years old

Typically, children of this age can take products intended for children over one year old, the main thing is that the dosage is correctly prescribed. In addition, there are several other options to consider among possible medications. So, what Russian antiviral drugs suitable for children of this age, we will look at them in the article.

The Russian drug has an antiviral effect through the synthetic interferon inducer it contains. The medicine is effective in treating a number of colds and flu. It is not recommended to use before 6 years of age, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. The drug can be used for preventive and medicinal purposes, allergic reactions occur extremely rarely. There are no side effects. The cost of packaging starts from 500 rubles.

The drug is especially effective against groups of pathogens and infections targeting the common cold. It has a long history of use, as it has been used since 1974. Approved for use by children over 3 years old. It causes almost no side effects, but may cause headaches and minor allergies. It is related to the category of safe drugs for the prevention and treatment of the disease. The cost of the drug is 130 rubles.

The drug can provide quality results only if taken in the first minutes of its onset viral disease. If symptoms appear for more than a day, you should give preference to other antiviral drugs. The course of treatment ranges from 5 days or more, depending on the severity of the symptoms of the disease.

This Russian drug helps improve immunity and assist in the fight against a wide range of viral pathogens. It has a beneficial effect on the overall strengthening of the body, however, for prevention and to avoid side effects, it is used as prescribed by a doctor and strictly according to the instructions.

Thus, 3-6 years are represented in great variety, they are made in Russia and have a low cost. In addition to the drugs described in this group, you can take into account the drugs discussed in the two previous cases (for infants and for children 1-3 years old).

Good medicines for children 6-12 years old

When choosing medications, you should pay attention to Russian-made products, which are cheap, and in terms of quality parameters are not inferior to Western and other imported analogues. It is also worth understanding that any of the products has contraindications, so before giving it to your child, carefully read the instructions. And even better - instead self-treatment consult a physician. Cheap antiviral drugs for children, presented below, not only contribute to savings, but also give a good effect.

It is applied for local action as a prophylactic agent. The nasal mucosa is lubricated with ointment. The product is used during epidemics and in case of a high risk of infection (in contact with patients). The drug has no contraindications and is very cheap - from 50 rubles.

The drug belongs to the homeopathic group and helps stimulate the immune system. Relates to the group the best antiviral drugs for children", is also often used by adults. Often the drug is used not only to treat the disease, but also for preventive purposes, helping to reduce the risk of complications. Prescribed to all patients without restrictions, a separate pediatric form is presented. You should not drink this product if you are lactose intolerant. The price is about 170 rubles.

This Russian drug copes well with viruses and is well tolerated by patients. It is important to correctly observe the dosage taken medicinal product so that it gives the maximum positive effect. When prescribed in therapeutic dosages, the drug effectively copes with any ailments and has several directions of action. Maximum production of interferon.

It is possible to identify which of the given drugs are inexpensive but are the most effective if you carry out comparative analysis their retail price. So, the most effective remedies are: Kagocel, Tsitovir, Arbidol.

Imported antiviral drugs for children

Imported funds – good antiviral drugs for children. Their cost is usually higher than domestic analogues, but in some situations you cannot do without a proven remedy. Foreign tablets and syrups from the best manufacturers come to the rescue. They are also classified depending on the age category of the patient.

Imported antiviral drugs for infants

This product is available in the form of special suppositories or syrup. It has excellent antipyretic properties and acts as a convenient, fast-acting option. The action begins half an hour after application, the syrup works a little later - after an hour. Before using the product, it is recommended to study the instructions in detail. The country of manufacture of the drug is France. The cost is from 150 rubles. The product is related to the group “ the most effective antiviral drugs for children».

Antiviral agents for children 1-3 years old

This Swiss-made drug helps fight the symptoms and sources of influenza; for ARVI, it has minimal effectiveness and is not used. It is advisable to start taking it before the main symptoms appear. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor and usually depends on the child’s body weight. Best effect You can get benefit from the use if you take the drug in the first 12 hours of the disease.

Side effects of the drug include diarrhea, nausea and insomnia. If taken for a long time, psychosis may occur. The product is strictly therapeutic in nature, therefore it is not used for prophylactic purposes. This is the most expensive drug on the list, the cost is 1200 rubles.

The country of origin of this drug is Germany. Used for severe conditions diseases prescribed by a doctor, does not tolerate self-treatment. The cost depends on the form of release and the manufacturer.

The drug was produced in Ukraine and is offered as a syrup for children under 12 years of age. It is necessary to strictly take into account the dosage of the medicine for each specific age. The product is quite mild and delicate, has no consequences, and if it causes nausea, it is rare.

Imported antiviral drugs for children 3-6 years old

Effective antiviral drugs for children given age group are not limited, since they include funds from other groups. Let's consider the most suitable of them.

Imupret is an inexpensive but effective remedy that helps prevent viral infections. In the off-season it is used as a prophylactic drug, also effective in case of a sudden change climate zone and the type of activity of the baby.

Antiviral agents for children 6-12 years old

Considering effective antiviral drugs for children, we cannot fail to mention the products that are used for children over 6 years old.

The tablets are produced in Latvia, although they can be produced in other countries. have proven themselves well active drugs when fighting influenza. They are used at all stages of the disease, sometimes acting as powerful prophylactic agents, but are used strictly according to the instructions prescribed by the physician. If you take the drug too often, you can get used to it, which will not have a very good effect on your health. general condition body.

The drug belongs to the group of homeopathic remedies, has therapeutic and preventive properties in relation to many viral pathogens. The sooner the patient begins to take the drug, at the first occurrence of symptoms, the higher the effectiveness of the drug will be. The cost of the French drug is from 600 rubles.

The drug has many spectrums of action and directions of activity, most often used for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. Country of origin this drug is Ukraine, is prescribed strictly by a doctor, it is necessary to comply with the dosage when using the product. Available in the form of candles.

This remedy has also widely established itself as the optimal drug for combating viral infections and is prescribed strictly on the recommendation of a specialist. Proper use of the product guarantees excellent results Get well soon. The cost starts from 250 rubles.

Thus, cheap antiviral drugs for children products of Russian and foreign production are presented in a wide price range. The cost can range from 50 rubles to 1200. If it is possible to use inexpensive drugs, you don’t have to spend extra money or overpay for the brand. But there are times when it is problematic to overcome the symptoms of a disease without expensive drugs (for example, Tamiflu), in these situations the doctor prescribes the necessary drug.

Komarovsky: antiviral drugs for children

Despite the large-scale and rapid movement medical field forward, science has not been able to completely overcome diseases such as acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. Every year, many thousands of people have to deal with colds respiratory diseases and endure their symptoms in the form of cough, runny nose, high temperature, headache.

But as the doctor notes, it is the best remedy that will help overcome the disease and eliminate its consequences. The main principle of their action is that they help in the production of interferon, a protein element that fights pathogenic phenomena.

The virus acts as a form of living matter; in this microorganism there is no individual metabolism, therefore, in relation to human life, cells are considered non-living. Affected cells infect new structures, and this is how the disease spreads. Classification of antiviral drugs is carried out depending on their main purpose. As noted Komarovsky, antiviral drugs for children can be used in several directions (the most popular of them is the elimination of influenza viruses).

  1. Antiherpetic agents contribute to high effectiveness against herpes and lichen viruses.
  2. Anticytomegalovirus drugs have an effect against various viral diseases and are aimed at suppressing them.
  3. Anti-influenza drugs treat influenza, among the most effective of them are Zanamivir and remantadine.
  4. Drugs with broad antiviral activity - Ribavirin, Lamivudine.
  5. Interferon inducers are a category that can assist the body in activating the synthesis of protein substances.

As the doctor notes Komarovsky, antiviral drugs for children must be taken strictly as prescribed by a specialist. Among the most effective drugs– for both children and adults, he notes Viferon, which acts as a complex therapy, Arbidol, which has won many positive feedback among patients.

Antiviral drugs for children: reviews

If you want to get an objective opinion and assessment of each product, we recommend reading in detail antiviral drugs for children reviews. On our forum you can get acquainted with real stories of people who gave their children certain drugs and got a certain result. You can also leave your own opinion.

Antiviral drugs for children, reviews about which they are very different, presented in a wide assortment, so the average consumer may get confused about them. To avoid confusion, it is worth studying the effect of each of them independently, and then contacting a doctor who could advise the most effective remedy.


Parents who, with every illness, will look for antiviral drugs for children, reviews read and become familiar with new products on the market will go the wrong way. There are no pills for all diseases. Therefore, you need to act wisely and take pills only when extreme cases. Based on the testimony of famous doctors, the best means are homeopathic medicines. However, the most effective way to combat viruses is to healthy image life and hardening. Only by teaching your baby to a healthy lifestyle from childhood will you be able to see how he makes you happy good health and great mood.

What do you think about effective and inexpensive antiviral drugs for children? Maybe you've already tried some of them? Then leave your opinion on the forum and check out other people's wholesale.

Save the information.

Every mother should know the names of antiviral drugs for children over 1 year of age, because babies are often susceptible to various infectious diseases. This is due to both insufficient immunity and constant contact with each other, as a result of which diseases are transmitted.

How to distinguish a virus from a bacteria

Many parents make a serious mistake by starting to give their baby antibiotics at the first symptoms of the disease, without finding out its nature and characteristics of its course. And doctors in local clinics try to “insure themselves” and prescribe medications containing antibiotics if the baby has ARVI or influenza. Although the modern pharmaceutical industry has long released drugs specifically against viruses that have a targeted effect.

Treatment should begin as soon as the first symptoms appear.

What is the difference between a virus and a bacterium? The latter is a cell with a peculiar structure, which, penetrating into the human body, leads to disruption of the mechanisms of its work and the appearance of corresponding symptoms.

Due to this taking antibiotics that affect cells only destroys them, but not the virus. In this case, the tissues of the person themselves suffer, primarily the elements of the immune system.

How to determine the presence of a viral infection? Find out its symptoms. Every disease has its own clinical picture, the doctor should know everything, but it’s enough for parents to imagine the most basic ones:

Antiviral drugs should not be used for prevention in children unless there is an urgent need for it.

They are taken with caution, since the effect of the drugs affects the functioning of the immune system and the entire body, which has a bad effect on health.

Some parents ask the question: how often can you give antiviral drugs to your child? Here, too, a lot depends on the situation. It is necessary to take the medicine strictly in accordance with the instructions or recommendations of the pediatrician. When the baby has recovered, or without a diagnosis, you should not resort to them.

Choosing to save money: cheap analogues

You can always find more cheap analogue

Antiviral drugs for children can be inexpensive but effective.

In order to use them, you just need to know the composition and principle of action.

Cheap antiviral drugs for children are sold in the same pharmacies, but their cost can be several times less.

Let's look at some examples of analogues of the above drugs.

Name, release form Age category Active substance Mode of application Contraindications Average cost, rub.
INTERFERON, dropsFrom one month of ageHuman leukocyte interferonThree drops per flagella, direct into the nose for 8-10 minutes100-150
ARBIDOL, tablets and capsulesFrom 2 yearsUmifenovirFrom 50 mg per daySensitivity to components120-150
KAGOCEL, tabletsFrom 2 yearsSodium salt, gossypol and carboxymethylcellulose2 tables during the dayIntolerance to components150-200
Echinacea extract, dropsFrom 1 yearEchinacea extractFrom 50 mg per dayHypersensitivity to the composition70-80
CYCLOFERON, tabletsFrom 1 yearMeglumine acridone acetate1 table 1-2 times a dayLiver cirrhosis, hypersensitivity to the composition100-150

Inexpensive antiviral drugs for children, as a rule, do not differ in their properties; their price is lower because they are produced in Russia. Many plant-based medicines can generally be purchased quite profitably.
