Long-term diarrhea for 1 month after vaccination. Is a child contagious after vaccination? Causes of diarrhea after vaccination

What should you do if you notice diarrhea in your puppy after vaccination? Many owners believe that vomiting, diarrhea, fever and poor health are normal if the baby has undergone vaccination... but is this true? Let's figure it out.

Until recently, it was generally accepted that fever, diarrhea and vomiting after vaccination were normal, indicating that the body was fighting a weakened virus. Modern vaccines should not give such a side effect, and if it does, then the puppy is really sick. The only side effect that is considered “normal” after vaccination is increased drowsiness.

Note! Before invention modern vaccinations, to develop immunity, a live virus was used, which was weakened in laboratory conditions and injected into the dog's body.

Modern ones are usually divided into living and nonliving. Live grafting consists of two components, usually a powder and a "catalyst". Even when using live grafting, the expected side effects do not include severe deterioration in health. When using non-living or so-called chemical vaccinations, there should be no side effects.

An important condition that is stipulated by all veterinarians and vaccine manufacturers is that at the time of receiving vaccination the animal must be absolutely (!) healthy. How can you tell if your puppy is healthy? In fact, there can be no guarantees. Before vaccination, the dog is examined by a veterinarian; if the main indicators are normal, vaccination is allowed.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the stress suffered on the way to and from the clinic contributes to the manifestation of side effects. Catchphrase: “stress is the cause of all diseases” is not so far from the truth. When a dog is nervous, all the forces of the body are activated. After the experience, the puppy experiences weakness, which can become an aggravating factor after vaccination.

Read also: Worm eggs in a dog’s feces: what to do, how to treat your pet

Advice: If you have the opportunity, call a veterinarian at home for basic vaccination.

Preparing for vaccination

Veterinarians constantly talk about the need for vaccination, but many owners cannot be convinced. In a global sense, owners can be divided into three groups:

  • The first does not recognize the benefits of vaccination.
  • The second recognizes the benefits of basic vaccination (first vaccinations).
  • The third recognizes the benefits of vaccination and revaccination.

Each group has its own arguments. Vaccination does not guarantee that the animal will not get sick, however, veterinarians point out that vaccinated animals tolerate viral pathologies more easily. Simply put, an unvaccinated puppy will most likely die from (or another virus), while a vaccinated puppy will successfully undergo treatment and survive.

Important! As long as there are pockets of viral diseases on our planet and work for the commission to control viral outbreaks, the relevance of vaccination will not disappear.

In addition to diseases that can cause complications after vaccination, it is important to consider general state dog health. At 4–5 months of age, most puppies lose their baby teeth. At the time of teeth change, the puppy’s body is weakened and vulnerable. If you have already started vaccinating your dog, it is advisable to take a break and wait until the puppy gets stronger.

Read also: Diarrhea one month old puppy: reasons, first aid

Before receiving basic vaccination, it is strictly not recommended to walk your puppy in in public places. Many owners do not take their pets outside and I must say they are doing the right thing. It is much safer for the dog’s health to set up an approved place in the house for relieving himself and wait for vaccination.

Note! After finishing “milk feeding” and before receiving vaccination, the puppy literally has no immunity.

While the puppy receives milk from its mother, its body is saturated with antibodies. When switched to adult food, the puppy becomes very vulnerable to any, even weakened, viruses. It is important to understand that for infection viral infection the puppy does not need to have contact with the carrier. Almost all viruses, except rabies, are transmitted by contact and airborne droplets. To get sick, a puppy only needs to sniff the infected soil.

Diarrhea after vaccination, what to do?

The instructions for almost all vaccines contain a substantial list of side effects. Manufacturers rarely provide statistics because they simply don’t have them. It has been empirically determined that the most common side effect of vaccination is a slight and temporary increase in body temperature. On the background feeling unwell The puppy may refuse to eat or be reluctant to eat. Again, due to weakness, the baby may sleep more or refuse to play.

The second most common side effects are diarrhea or vomiting. Most often, this effect after vaccination is observed in puppies that have already suffered mild form. Prerequisites for microflora disturbances can be observed in animals that lived on the street or were artificially fed.

- this is the introduction into the human body of a certain drug that can affect the development of immunity to specific disease. On this moment a large number of parents are extremely cautious about this method of stimulation protective functions body.

In addition, vaccination is a lot of stress for the baby’s body. Each new vaccination can provoke the appearance of unwanted complications. The child’s immune system is already undergoing major changes. Side effects may appear in the first days after vaccination. One of these is diarrhea after.

What happens in the body after the vaccine is administered?

If the child’s body reacts to a high level of the DPT vaccine, symptoms such as asthenia, vomiting, nervousness, and diarrhea may appear. Loose stools immediately after the injection are easily explained. IN in this case this symptom occurs due to stomach hypersensitivity. He is unstable.

The appearance of diarrhea can be explained by other reasons:

  1. The vaccine contains certain microorganisms that have an extremely negative effect on the intestinal mucosa. If before the introduction of a specific one the baby already had certain malfunctions gastrointestinal tract, then there is a high probability that the drug will cause diarrhea. This is explained by the fact that the stomach was already in a weakened state;
  2. before the vaccination, the baby ate heavily, or food provoked loose stool.

If the child’s condition was managed by taking a certain medication, That special treatment it doesn't require it. In this case, we are talking about a drug such as Bactisubtil. If necessary, you can use analogues.

If the diarrhea was quite severe and also colored green color mixed with blood, then this is serious reason for trouble . In this situation, it is no longer possible to do without a specialist.

So what actually happens in the body after a vaccine is administered? As you know, vaccinations are used to protect human body from various infectious diseases. The principle of action of these drugs is associated with the functionality of the immune system.

The drug Baktisubtil

Immunity is the body's resistance to various diseases infectious nature. It is considered the result of the performance of a person’s protective functions. The latter can recognize all kinds of harmful microorganisms, viruses, as well as their metabolic products.

For example, various toxins and poisons. Thus, the formation of protective factors occurs - antibodies that destroy pathogens. The development of immunity to a particular infection occurs after a collision with the pathogen.

Another development of immunity occurs after vaccination, which is carried out in several stages:
  1. the first encounter of the human body with infection;
  2. After this, specific pathogens are recognized by the immune system. They are antigens that are an integral part of the vaccine. After this, increased production of protective factors occurs;
  3. elimination of infection. The immune system works hard to remove microorganisms that cause the disease;
  4. After a successful fight against an infection, the “memory of the infection” is preserved in the immune system. If in the future a child encounters this disease, a violent and immediate reaction will follow. It will be aimed at eliminating the infectious disease as quickly as possible.

As a rule, such a mechanism for obtaining immunity is noted, for example, in the case of an outbreak of chickenpox. At the first encounter with pathology, children get sick. But after the only episode in their life of encountering an illness, the body becomes practically immune to infection.

Due to the fact that the first meeting of a child’s body with pathology can be dangerous, it was proposed to use vaccines that have weakened or destroyed microbes and their fragments that do not differ in their ability to provoke the onset of the disease. Despite this, the body’s protective functions are stimulated, which is aimed at developing immunity.

It should be noted that the introduction of a vaccine before the first contact with infection makes the child’s body immune or significantly increases its resistance to certain microorganisms or their metabolic products.

Can there be diarrhea from DTP?

It should be noted that the DTP vaccine differs quite high level reactivity. Some doctors believe that the drug does not cause diarrhea, vomiting, etc.

However, weakened immunity can provoke infection in the gastrointestinal tract. Exactly harmful microbes and are the cause of diarrhea after the vaccination procedure.

Diarrhea after the vaccine should end in about two days. If this does not happen, then you urgently need to visit a specialist’s office.

How to treat diarrhea after DPT vaccination in a child?

DTP is a vaccine that is used to prevent the following infectious pathologies: , And . Not so long ago, this disease was the cause of death large quantity children. Thanks to the advent of this vaccine, the situation has changed for the better. It should be noted that the composition of the vaccine depends on the manufacturer.

DPT vaccine

As you know, they occur in every person. Children are no exception. They tolerate vaccinations very difficult because children's body faces additional burden. The cause of diarrhea is an imperfect immune system.

There are situations when diarrhea does not stop after two days. This signals a serious disorder in the functioning of the digestive tract. In such a situation, you need to urgently consult a doctor. In particular severe cases you should call a doctor at home.

The following dangerous symptoms cause concern among the parents of the baby:

  1. blood appeared in the stool;
  2. the baby's stool has a green tint;
  3. detected brightly severe symptoms severe dehydration of the child's body;
  4. The temperature in children has increased and is more than 38 degrees Celsius. It can persist for several days.

Diarrhea after administration of the drug may cause a decrease in appetite.

The baby becomes less active and also does not show interest in toys. He becomes weak and lethargic. You can get rid of unwanted symptoms of diarrhea by taking adsorbents. Doctors recommend taking Smecta or Enterosgel. These medications help remove toxins from the body. They normalize the functioning of the digestive system.

If you have diarrhea after receiving the vaccine, you should take probiotics. They normalize the intestinal microflora. These drugs include Bifidumbacterin, Linex.

Linux for children

Slow down progress feces possible by taking Imodium or Loperamide. Due to intense diarrhea, the child’s body loses vital moisture and useful material. For quick recovery water-salt balance you need to take rehydration medications. These include Hydrolyte and Regidron.

At severe dehydration You need to make sure your child drinks sufficient quantity liquids. It is not recommended to use for this mineral water with gas. This drink only worsens bouts of diarrhea, because carbon dioxide has a strong irritant effect on the intestinal walls.

Diet for loose stools

If you have diarrhea, you should stick to small meals. It is imperative to completely exclude fresh fruits and vegetables from the children's diet.

This is due to the fact that they contain a large amount plant fibers. The potatoes just need to be boiled. Meat and fish must be steamed.

During your illness you will have to completely give up fried foods. Also excluded from the diet confectionery. They contain a large amount of sugar and various additives.

When sugar enters the digestive tract, it triggers the fermentation process. Milk and products made from it contain lactose, which is almost not digestible by many people due to an insufficient amount of enzymes.

If diarrhea does not go away within two days, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Video on the topic

About diarrhea and others possible reactions for vaccination in the video:

Vaccination is an important procedure that must be carried out to develop immunity in a child’s body from various dangerous infectious diseases. After the vaccination has been done, you need to monitor the baby’s condition. If complications occur, you should immediately consult a specialist.

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All vaccinations are difficult for children to tolerate. True, in some cases this may not be noticed, and sometimes the body cannot cope with the vaccine without consequences. Diarrhea after DTP is one of the main side effects; fever and vomiting may also be added to it. In most cases, diarrhea after vaccination occurs once and does not require treatment. The reason for this discord is digestive system child - sensitivity of still immature digestive organs. The vaccine contains microorganisms that are harmful to the lining of your baby's gastrointestinal tract.

After DTP vaccination, children often experience diarrhea.

In this article you will learn:

What is DTP?

DTP is a vaccine against serious illnesses, namely: tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough. Thanks to active vaccination, the mortality rate of children from these diseases has sharply decreased. The components of the vaccine preparation depend on the manufacturer. The vaccination is carried out several times. The first vaccination is given to a child at 2-4 months, then repeated at the age of six months to a year and repeated again at 4-6 years. The substance remains in the muscle for a long time, causing the production of antibodies to diseases. Revaccination is carried out at 7 years of age, then at 14. The vaccination is repeated with an interval of 10 years.

Possible side effects

As negative consequences May be elevated temperature body up to 39 degrees. An elevated temperature on the first day after vaccination is considered normal. This is how the immune system reacts to the appearance of pathogens. Complications after DPT may be completely absent, which is also normal, because all organisms are different. It is very important not to overheat a person, no matter what age he is. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, you need to take medications to bring it down.

Certain complications may occur after vaccination

The occurrence of nausea and vomiting can be considered normal, if this does not occur more than 2 times a day. This reaction is influenced by the human nervous system. Digestive disorders should also not be excluded as a possible cause of vomiting. If such a reaction appears 2-3 days after vaccination, then the reason does not lie in vaccination.

Hives may appear. The rash may be around the injection site, or all over the skin. This reaction occurs in both adults and children. It goes away in 3-4 days. It is important to keep in mind that the rash may be an allergic reaction to bad food.

Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock may occur.

What to do before DTP vaccination

Before the first DTP vaccination You must have your urine and blood tested. Next you need to consult a neurologist. Get permission for vaccination from him.

Before vaccination, be sure to be examined by a pediatrician

If a child is prone to allergic reactions, then you should definitely consult a pediatrician about this; you may need to give antihistamines. You need to start the course 2-3 days before vaccination, and end 7 days after vaccination.

You need to stock up on suppositories or tablets with an antipyretic effect and probiotics in advance in case of diarrhea and fever. On the day of vaccination, do not give your baby new foods.

Causes of diarrhea after vaccination

This vaccine has a very aggressive effect on the body, but the irritation itself digestive organs It won’t hurt if everything is fine with your immune system. Causes of diarrhea after DTP vaccines are quite simple - vaccination weakens the immune system, and bad microorganisms can enter the intestines and cause diarrhea after DPT in a child.

Any vaccination is a burden on the child’s body

This diarrhea continues for 1-2 days and then stops. If it does not stop, you should go to the hospital. Often in the clinic, DPT vaccination is given simultaneously with other vaccinations that are indicated in the vaccination calendar. However, such actions greatly undermine the child’s immunity, because all the body’s forces go towards producing antibodies to DPT diseases. Therefore, you should not do several vaccinations at once.

How to treat diarrhea after vaccination

Several groups are used to eliminate signs of diarrhea medicines. They are reflected in the table.

Type of drugNameAction
Adsorbent drugsSmecta, Enterosgel, Activated carbonThe substances in these drugs take over pathogenic bacteria and remove them from the body. Subsequently, the functioning of the digestive organs is normalized.
ProbioticsLinex, BifidumbacterinDuring diarrhea, doctors advise taking probiotics to normalize intestinal microflora.
Drugs that reduce intestinal motilityImodium and LoperamideThey will help reduce the speed at which stool moves through the intestines.
Rehydration drugsRegidron, HydrolyteThey will help restore the balance of salts and fluids in the body, because with diarrhea, the body leaves a lot of water and useful microelements.

You should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of still water. It is not recommended to drink carbonated mineral water, as this will cause increased diarrhea, since the carbon dioxide contained in such water irritates the intestinal mucosa.

Diet during diarrhea

Doctors recommend eating small meals. It is worth giving up fresh vegetables and fruits, because they contain a lot of fiber, which provokes intestinal cleansing. Fish and meat should be steamed or boiled. It is worth excluding fried and fatty foods, as well as baked goods and sweets. Products containing sugar will only aggravate the situation, because sugar causes fermentation in the intestines, and eating sweet buns is completely unacceptable, because in addition to sugar, they also contain yeast. Lactose is poorly absorbed by the body of most people, so you should also avoid milk. And here rice porrige, on the contrary, is prescribed for diarrhea, as it produces a fastening effect.

If you want to know everything about the DPT vaccine, then watch this video:

Contraindications to vaccination

Vaccination cannot be done in the following cases:

  1. You are allergic to vaccine components.
  2. Now the immune system is weakened after the illness.
  3. Diathesis.
  4. acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.
  5. Only 2 weeks after recovery can you be vaccinated with DTP.
  6. Encephalopathy and seizures are a direct contraindication to vaccination.

The causes of diarrhea may be the action of microorganisms that are present in the vaccine.

They irritate the intestinal mucosa, which leads to diarrhea. If the intestines were already in a weakened state, then the symptoms will be more pronounced.

Another cause of diarrhea may be simple overeating before the vaccine or food poisoning.

Rare diarrhea is not dangerous, but if diarrhea is severe and frequent, this phenomenon poses a threat to the body. The most dangerous thing is dehydration. The stool that comes out consists of 90% water, so with frequent diarrhea, the body loses a lot of fluid and salts. When dehydration occurs, blood supply and function are impaired. internal organs. Severe violations in the functioning of the intestines can lead to human death. Lack of water and salts is especially difficult for young children.

During diarrhea, food is poorly digested, important vitamins and microelements are not absorbed in the body. All useful substances are excreted along with feces. Pathologies that are accompanied by chronic diarrhea. With this course of disease, tissue depletion may occur. Due to the fact that trace elements are not absorbed into the blood, patients may suffer from mineral deficiency, anemia and vitamin deficiency.

As a result of digestive disorders, undigested food enters the intestines. She is nutrient medium for the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

Their waste products cause intoxication of the body (migraine, muscle and joint pain, increased body temperature).

Possible reactions


After receiving the vaccine, you may experience adverse reaction– increase in body temperature. In some cases, this phenomenon may occur within 24 hours after administration and considered the norm. A similar reaction occurs as a result of the activity of the immune system when a pathogen or its particles enter the body. The temperature can be from 37 to 39 degrees. In a normal course, it returns to normal within a day.

Each body is individual, so there may not be a fever. And this is also considered the norm. It is important to prevent the child or adult from overheating to avoid complications.

Medicines must be taken at temperatures above 38 degrees.


Nausea and vomiting are also normal if they occur up to twice a day. The occurrence of such a reaction depends on the type nervous system person. Possible reason gagging may be a digestive disorder.

The occurrence of vomiting a few days after vaccination is not a reaction; most likely the reason is different.


A rash or hives are the body’s reaction to the entry of a disease pathogen. The rash may be localized in the area where the vaccine was administered or over the entire surface skin. A similar reaction can occur in both adults and children. It usually goes away within a couple of days unless there is an allergy. It must be taken into account that a rash may occur when eating low-quality food before vaccination or for other reasons.

From allergic reactions After vaccination, swelling, angioedema and anaphylactic shock may also develop.

It is important to monitor the condition of the body of an adult and a child.

Possible reactions:

  • headache;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • anxiety;
  • loss of appetite.

Diarrhea after DTP vaccination

The DPT vaccine is used to prevent tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. Children are more likely to suffer from such diseases. Vaccination is carried out in three stages, and long time is found in the human body, promoting the production of antibodies. First, the vaccine is given at the age of 2-4 months, then 6-12 months and 6-7 years. Then they are vaccinated at the age of 14 years and every 10 years thereafter.

Adverse reactions occur at any age, but the vaccine is more difficult for young children, whose immunity is just developing. Diarrhea is a common occurrence. Loose stools may occur once, but if the body is highly sensitive, pathogenic bacteria can cause severe diarrhea (if they come into contact with the intestinal mucosa). After two days, the diarrhea should stop.

If loose stools are present for a long time, then urgently need to contact a specialist.

Additional reactions and complications after administration of the DTP vaccine:

  • increased body temperature;
  • vomit;
  • redness and swelling at the injection site;
  • headache;
  • irritability;
  • convulsions;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • meningitis;
  • indigestion.

After polio vaccination

Poliomyelitis ( spinal paralysis) is considered one of the worst childhood diseases with a high mortality rate. The disease is caused by poliovirus. The main route of transmission is airborne.

Carriers can be insects. The virus also enters the body through poorly washed food and poor hygiene.

The infection, entering the body through the mouth, settles in the intestines.

As viruses multiply, they infect the membrane spinal cord and nerve endings.

As a result of the damage, the patient may remain disabled.

The main signs of the disease are: sore throat, migraine, vomiting, paralysis of the legs, nausea and severe diarrhea.

The vaccine is administered in two ways:

  • Oral method. In this way, a vaccine containing live bacteria is administered. Children receive the liquid by dropping it into their mouth. Microorganisms begin to multiply quickly and affect the gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea with this form of administration occurs in almost all cases and goes away after a couple of days.
  • Inactivated vaccine with dead viruses. It is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. This method is less effective, but side effects almost none was observed after administration. In rare cases, short-term diarrhea and weakness in the body occurred.

Possible reactions after vaccination: diarrhea, fever, allergies, redness and swelling at the injection site, weakness and malaise.

For the flu

Millions of people get the flu vaccine every year. Favorable period Autumn is the time for the procedure. Despite the disagreement among immunologists, this the vaccine has saved many people from infection. It significantly reduces the risk of morbidity and softens the course of the disease. Diarrhea after vaccination can occur in the following cases:

  • If the day before the vaccine the patient catches an intestinal infection. When a vaccine is administered, a person’s immunity is activated, and in combination with intestinal infection diarrhea occurs.
  • If a person has chronic gastrointestinal pathology, enteritis or colitis. Diarrhea after vaccination will be caused by an existing disease. This phenomenon goes away after a couple of days. When persistent diarrhea you need to contact a specialist.

Additional symptoms after administration are: increased body temperature, sleep disturbance, headache, lethargy and weakness.

After Mantoux vaccination

Mantoux test or tuberculin test administered to children to determine immunity to pathogens of tuberculosis. For diagnostic purposes, the procedure is very important and allows us to identify carriers of the tuberculosis bacillus, infected people and those who need vaccination against tuberculosis. Contraindications to the test are: bronchial asthma, chronic pathologies skin, infections, allergic diseases and epilepsy.

Carrying out the test causes unpleasant consequences for the body:

  • temperature increase,
  • loss of appetite,
  • enlarged lymph nodes,
  • swelling and redness at the injection site,
  • diarrhea and vomiting,
  • weakness

If vomiting and diarrhea happen once, then there is no need to worry. Local skin reactions can be prevented by taking antihistamines. Do not touch or scratch the injection site, as this may cause infection.

The test result is assessed on the third day after tuberculin administration.

In the presence of positive reaction and side effects, you should urgently consult a specialist.

For hepatitis

Diarrhea or diarrhea often occurs when the gastrointestinal tract is weakened. Microorganisms from the vaccine, as a result of their vital activity, damage the intestinal mucosa and cause its disorder. After receiving a hepatitis vaccine, diarrhea may persist for two days. Under such circumstances, there is no need to seek help.

It is important to replenish lost fluids to prevent dehydration. Must be taken medications Regidron, Gidrovit and drink more fluids.

If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, you must take antipyretic drugs.

Diarrhea after vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella.

Measles is infection , in which spots form on the oral mucosa, then they spread to the whole body. The disease spreads quickly healthy person. The infection poses a great danger to young children and pregnant women. In the first case, it can be complicated by pneumonia and other pathologies; in the second, it can lead to miscarriage and serious pathologies in fetal development.

Mumps is a viral disease that affects the salivary glands.

In order to catch the virus, direct contact with an infected person is necessary. The disease is characterized dangerous complications, among which are damage to the genital organs and infertility.

Rubella – viral disease. Occurs more often in childhood. And it is characterized by an increase in body temperature, specific rashes and enlarged lymph nodes in the back of the head. The occurrence of the disease in adults and pregnant women is of great danger, as it can cause brain damage, death and infection of the fetus.

After receiving the vaccine, people may experience:

  • diarrhea;
  • compaction and swelling at the injection site;
  • increased body temperature;
  • vomit;
  • skin rash;
  • swollen testicles in boys.

First aid

The drug Smecta helps well with diarrhea. Behind a short time removes toxins from the body and stops diarrhea. Can be taken by children and adults. At high temperature You can take antipyretic drugs (Paracetamol, Nurofen, Ibuklin). It is necessary to protect the body from dehydration, drink more fluids or take the drug Regidron.

If symptoms do not go away within two days, you should consult a doctor.

When should I see a doctor?

You should contact a specialist if:

  • there is an admixture of blood in the stool;
  • the color of the stool is greenish and has a foul odor;
  • the temperature lasts for several days and does not go away after taking medications;
  • the patient has signs of dehydration.

How to determine dehydration?

Dehydration occurs with repeated vomiting and diarrhea. Since water and microelements necessary for normal operation body, a person may experience the following symptoms:

  • constant thirst;
  • dry mouth and mucous membranes;
  • rare urination;
  • pale skin;
  • urine is dark in color;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • in severe cases, loss of consciousness and coma.



Good for eliminating symptoms of diarrhea this drug. It effectively adsorbs harmful substances and toxins, promotes rapid elimination and restoration of the gastrointestinal tract. Suitable for use in children and adults. Available in the form of a ready-made gel and paste. Before use, you must read the instructions.

Contraindications: intestinal atony, intestinal obstruction, pregnancy and lactation period.

Price: 350-420 rub.


The drug normalizes intestinal motility and slows down the movement of feces. Recommended for use in adults and children over 6 years of age. Can be used by pregnant women this remedy after consultation with a doctor and only in the third trimester. At the first dose, you need to take two capsules or tablets, then one after each bowel movement. It is not recommended to take more than 8 tablets per day.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, intestinal obstruction, chronic constipation, lactose intolerance, ulcerative colitis, breastfeeding period.

Price: 60-100 rub.


The drug is intended to normalize intestinal microflora. Contains lactobacilli and kefir grains. Approved for use by children from three months and adults. Available in capsules, the dosage and frequency of administration depends on the age of the patient. If it is impossible to swallow the capsule, it is recommended to open it and mix the contents with water or food, then take it orally.

Contraindications: intolerance to components.

Price: 280-350 rub.


Includes: necessary for the body salt. Well suited for restoring water-salt balance. Available in bags of powder for preparing a solution. The contents must be dissolved and carefully moved in 1 liter of boiled, chilled water. Should be taken in small portions throughout the day. The use of Regidron is recommended until symptoms disappear completely.

Price: 180-340 rub.


Dry Rye bread or croutons need to be soaked in water for 30 minutes. Strain and take half a glass of liquid three times a day. 1 day of use is enough.

The safest and effective means To eliminate diarrhea in adults and children, use rice decoction. You need to boil the rice in water. Strain the thick sediment through cheesecloth and cool.

Take half a glass of decoction every three hours until symptoms disappear.

Infusion of St. John's wort herb. 1 tablespoon of raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 20 minutes. Then filter and take cooled three times a day, a third of a glass.

Decoction of bird cherry fruits. 1 tablespoon of bird cherry is poured into a glass of water. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Then the mixture is filtered and taken half a glass 3 times a day

Blueberry decoction. 2 teaspoons of raw material are poured into a glass of boiling water and left for 30 minutes and consumed three times a day.

Blueberry jelly is good for removing diarrhea.


It is necessary to eat steamed food. In the first days, it is better to pay attention to vegetable soups or purees, water-based porridges and jelly. Then you can add steamed meat and fish to your diet, and boiled chicken is allowed. It is necessary to exclude the consumption of carbonated drinks, sweets and flour products, juices, fresh vegetables and fruits, smoked, hot and spicy foods. It is not recommended to consume fermented milk products for two weeks. You need to eat small portions several times a day.

It is important to drink at least two liters of water per day to avoid dehydration.

You can drink mineral water without gas so as not to increase the manifestation of diarrhea.

Sample menu for the day:

  • Breakfast 1 – dried fruit jelly + bread crumbs;
  • Breakfast 2 – green tea+ unleavened rice porridge with steamed cutlets or meatballs;
  • Lunch – vegetable or buckwheat soup;
  • Afternoon snack – baked bananas or apples + rosehip decoction;
  • Dinner – boiled potatoes + steamed fish + black tea.

How to prevent diarrhea?

To avoid side effects after vaccination, it is necessary to avoid consuming large amounts of food and new products, as this puts a strain on the gastrointestinal tract and can cause diarrhea.

Before vaccination you can take antihistamine to reduce the risk of allergic reactions. It is important to maintain personal hygiene, eat carefully processed foods and avoid contact with sick people.

All this will help protect the body from dangerous diseases.

Be sure to watch a useful video on this topic

Diarrhea after DTP vaccination is a fairly common side effect in children. The gastrointestinal tract is weakened enough as the immune system works to fight off the infection that it causes diarrhea.

Adverse reactions after DTP vaccination

The DPT vaccine is considered one of the most reactogenic vaccines. But this is due to the fact that the dosage of antigens in it is very high. The most serious consequences are the antigen from the pertussis bacillus. The problem is that antigens of this type direct their effect on brain cells immediately or through immune system body. This happens to a greater extent during the course of the disease, but during the vaccine such processes can also affect the patient’s body, although to a much lesser extent.

There are side effects with local action, as well as heavy and general consequences. Local reactions may cause redness and swelling. General reactions- This is often a normal elevated body temperature. And when severe consequences the child is in severe pain.

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Why does a child have diarrhea after vaccination?

Digestive disorders in children occur due to the fact that their gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to various factors. In addition, it is very unstable, so any changes in the body affect it significantly.

First of all, diarrhea can occur in children after vaccination due to the fact that the vaccine itself contains bacteria. They affect the mucous layers of the stomach and intestines, irritating the organ. This influence is greatly enhanced if the child suffers in addition to common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the consequences will be more protracted. Along with diarrhea, the child may suffer from nausea. He may also vomit. In addition, the child will experience headaches, dizziness, and spatial orientation problems. He may experience weakness, lethargy, and drowsiness.

In children, diarrhea may occur due to the fact that after the vaccine the child ate foods that are difficult to digest digestive tract, and because of the vaccination, the body already strongly protects itself from bacteria, and therefore it does not have the strength to fight problems in the stomach or intestines.

The drug "Baktisubtil" helps very well. However, if a day has passed after the vaccination and taking the drug, and the diarrhea still does not go away, then it is better to consult a doctor. A mandatory consultation with a doctor is required if the stool turns green or has blood streaks in it.

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Why does diarrhea occur after DPT vaccination?

As previously mentioned, the DTP vaccine is a strong irritant for the body. In general, this vaccine does not cause diarrhea. But in some cases, it can cause diarrhea. So it weakens the immune system, and this factor already affects the digestive processes. This is how bacteria penetrate the body and affect all processes, including digestive ones. So diarrhea after such a DTP vaccination is a completely natural process. This lasts 1-2 days and then stops. But if after this period the diarrhea has not stopped, then you should consult a doctor for advice, because this phenomenon is beyond the control of the patient.

In clinics, DPT vaccinations are often carried out simultaneously with other vaccinations that are due according to age. But in fact this is completely wrong. One vaccination weakens the immune system and takes away all the strength of the body, and if the DTP vaccination is also carried out with a vaccination for polio, hepatitis, OPV and others, then this can completely undermine the child’s health, so you should monitor the vaccinations and not do more than one at a time.

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What should you do before DTP vaccination?

Before you get your first DPT vaccine, you need to have your blood and urine tested. After this it is required to mandatory obtain permission for vaccination from a neurologist.

Before vaccination, be sure to consult a doctor if your child has any allergies. To prevent it from getting worse, you can take tablets with antihistamine properties several times before vaccination. It is best to start them a couple of days before vaccination, and stop drinking them after a week from the day of vaccination.

It is very important to purchase antipyretic tablets in advance. In addition, medications that improve gastric motility and have a positive effect on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract will be useful in the first aid kit. It is better to buy analgin in advance. Dairy products, such as kefir, can also help.

On the day of DPT vaccination, it is better to refrain from tasting new products.
