Features of manifestations and methods of treatment of female cystitis. Inflammation of the bladder: complications, treatment and prevention

Inflammation Bladder(or cystitis) is an extremely painful disease associated with the presence of long-term nagging pain and problems with urination. However, this is not all the “charms” of this pathology. After all, cystitis quite often leads to the development of more serious illnesses urinary system. Therefore, when manifesting the slightest symptoms of this disease You should immediately contact a urologist.

According to statistics, the fair half of humanity faces this problem much more often. Accordingly, with questions about how and how to treat inflammation of the bladder, it is they who turn to specialists in this field of medicine. The fact is that the structure of the female urethra practically does not prevent various infectious agents from entering there, especially if the necessary hygiene standards are not observed.

Causes of bladder inflammation

The most common cause of development inflammatory process in the bladder - an infection, which is represented by microorganisms such as E. coli, staphyloccus, etc. Moreover, they can get directly into the bladder either from external environment, and from upper sections urinary system (kidneys, ureters). This depends on many factors, including the person’s lifestyle.

The most common causes of cystitis include:

  • Decreased human immunity after a recent infectious or bacterial disease;
  • Poor intimate hygiene;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Diabetes;
  • Instrumental studies of the urethra and/or bladder.

Symptoms of bladder inflammation

The main symptoms of cystitis include:

  • Painful sensations in the bladder area, intensifying at the end of urination;
  • Urinary dysfunction. Urine is released in small portions, which is also accompanied by cutting pain;
  • Blood in the urine.

As a rule, inflammation of the bladder is not accompanied by fever and severe malaise. If such symptoms do appear, it indicates the development of one of the complications - acute pyelonephritis. Quite often such situations arise in children, especially girls.

Therefore, if there are suspicions associated with the development of cystitis, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible for diagnosis and prescription. adequate treatment. A typical examination involves the following procedures:

  • Taking urine and blood tests;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder;
  • Blood for sugar;
  • Fluorography.

With this pathology, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, since therapy involves the use of antibiotics. And in each case they must be selected strictly individually and only by a doctor.

How to treat bladder inflammation?

The first thing you need to do is follow the regime: for the first couple of days you need to stay in a dry and warm room, so as not to provoke the progression of the infection by accidental hypothermia.

In addition, it is recommended to temporarily exclude from the diet alcoholic drinks, coffee, sour fruits, spicy and spicy foods. These restrictions will prevent the release of certain substances that can irritate the inflamed mucous membrane urinary tract.

You should also drink as much fluid as possible ( cranberry juice, compote, chamomile or kidney tea, mineral water without gases).

The doctor usually prescribes antibiotics or antiseptics. The “drugs of choice” for this pathology are fluoroquinolones (Norfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin). Particular care must be taken when taking antibacterial therapy during pregnancy or lactation of a woman, because Many drugs in this group can have quite a strong negative effect on both the mother and her child. To avoid negative consequences You should contact a gynecologist who will help you decide on the choice of antibiotic.

The course of antibiotic therapy should always be completed in full, since otherwise microorganisms may develop resistance to the drug used and its further use will not be effective.

After completion of treatment you need to mandatory pass control tests to ensure its effectiveness and timeliness.

After a person has suffered from bladder inflammation, he must especially closely monitor his health in order to avoid relapse of the disease. To do this, it is recommended to avoid any hypothermia, keep healthy image life and be regularly examined by a urologist or gynecologist.

Surely many women remember those times when grandmothers strongly advised to dress warmer in winter time years, be sure to wear long underwear. Then some of us did not attach much importance to such recommendations, but this is the most effective way prevention of bladder inflammation. Representatives of the fair sex most often have to face this problem. Symptoms such as strong burning sensation and discomfort during the urge to go to the toilet, are familiar to 70% of women. Moreover, in approximately 15% of them such unpleasant sensations return again. In this article we will talk in more detail about how inflammation of the bladder develops, how to treat this pathology and what its primary symptoms are.

general information

Inflammatory process in the bladder is a fairly common urological problem in women. In specialized medical literature You can find another name for this pathology - cystitis. The inflammatory process causes a mass discomfort. Men are diagnosed with this disease several times less often, as they have a different anatomical structure directly to the urinary tract itself.

Cystitis always requires a qualified approach to treatment, otherwise the risk of further spread of infection to the kidneys increases, which already entails quite serious complications. The inflammatory process initially forms directly in the mucous membrane itself. Its presence can be determined at any age, regardless of the woman’s hereditary predisposition or lifestyle. Medicines for bladder inflammation should only be prescribed by a doctor, since incorrectly selected therapy can aggravate the course of the disease.

Main reasons

The urethra in women is a special excretory organ, almost completely devoid of bends. On the other hand, it is much shorter and at the same time wider than that of men. That's why women's urethra more susceptible to infection.

In the warm season, pathogenic microflora rarely provokes the formation of an inflammatory process. Its breeding ground is the anus and the entrance to the vagina itself. However, even due to minor malfunctions immune system or simple hypothermia, microorganisms penetrate through the urethra into the bladder and begin to actively multiply there, thereby provoking the development of pathology (cystitis).

As a rule, inflammation of the bladder mucosa in women is of an infectious nature. The following may act as the main pathogens: pathogenic microorganisms: staphylococci, E. coli, Trichomonas. In addition to infection, the occurrence of this disease The following factors contribute:

  • Hypothermia.
  • Various types of hormonal disorders.
  • Frequent constipation.
  • Non-compliance with those known to everyone, including during menstruation.
  • Improper wiping after defecation.
  • Non-traditional sexual contacts.
  • Frequent stress.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Presence of diseases genitourinary system.

All of the above factors, as a rule, lead to inflammation of the bladder. The reasons for the development of this pathology may vary in each specific case.


Usually, general symptoms lasts for 14 days. Then comes noticeable relief and final recovery. If pain and discomfort do not go away after 2 weeks, it means that the disease has entered the chronic stage. Below we list the most common symptoms of this pathology.

  • Constant urge to urinate.
  • Cloudiness of urine, appearance of blood impurities.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, characterized by aching character.
  • Feeling of burning and stinging during urination.
  • Urinary incontinence (very rare).
  • Slight increase in temperature.

Inflammation of the bladder in women should not be ignored. Treatment should be prescribed immediately after diagnosis. It is important to understand that cystitis is quite insidious pathology, which can cause very serious complications (spread of infection to other parts of the excretory system).

Forms of the disease

In modern medicine, this disease is classified according to its signs and symptoms. For example, with a sudden inflammatory process that occurs under the influence of a provoking factor, it is diagnosed acute inflammation Bladder.

The chronic version of cystitis manifests itself in a varied clinical picture, ranging from minor pain during urination to severe discomfort.

Patients with a chronic form of inflammation are conventionally divided into two groups: those with an undulating course of the disease and those with stable active inflammation.


How to relieve bladder inflammation? This is the question many women ask when their primary symptoms appear. Doctors strongly recommend not to resort to the advice of relatives and friends, that is, to self-medicate. The thing is that incorrectly selected therapy can only aggravate inflammation of the bladder, the causes of the problem will not be identified, and the current clinical picture will be self-inflicted. Thus, if primary symptoms appear, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

Confirmation of pathology is possible solely on the basis of clinical diagnostic studies. On palpation lower zone In the abdomen, the patient usually feels discomfort and pain, the intensity of which may vary. Ultrasound confirms the presence of inflammation, which is reflected in changes in the usual structure of the walls of the damaged organ itself.

It is equally important to take a urine test. If there is a disease, it contains an increased content of protein, mucus and red blood cells.

All patients, without exception, are examined by the doctor and biological material is collected for PCR, cytological and biological examination. If the disease is prolonged, a number of additional tests may be required, including a biopsy and cystoscopy.

How to cure bladder inflammation?

All therapeutic measures should only be carried out under regular supervision by a specialist. At home, it is very important to organize a gentle diet and maintain drinking balance. You should drink at least two liters of water per day. Vitamin therapy plays a direct role in the treatment of the disease. It is recommended to avoid the use alcoholic products, as well as coffee. It is better to avoid spicy foods and spices for the entire duration of treatment. If constipation occurs, the diet should be varied with fermented milk drinks and natural fiber (for example, apples).

As you know, quite unpleasant symptoms accompany inflammation of the bladder in women. Treatment of this type of problem involves the use of medicines. For example, to eliminate existing spasms and severe pain Canephron or Urolesan is prescribed. When chronic course the use of physiotherapy is advisable.

Help of antibiotics

If the disease is infectious in nature, antibiotics are prescribed. Currently, according to experts, the most effective are the following: antibacterial drugs:

  • "Monural".
  • "Co-trimoxazole."
  • "Nitrofurantoin".

The therapeutic course usually ranges from three to approximately seven days.

It is important to note that specific medicine for inflammation of the bladder, the doctor himself chooses based on the test results obtained. The proposed antibacterial drugs are absolutely safe for health and can be used without fear.

Natural herbal preparations

The standard recommendation of urologists is the use of natural drugs for treatment. This drug is “Uroprofit”, which has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. The complex of biologically active substances included in "Uroprofit" helps to normalize urination, improves functional state kidneys and urinary tract, and also reduces the risk of repeated exacerbations of chronic cystitis.

Traditional treatment

Inflammation of the bladder always requires an exclusively qualified approach to treatment. Some experts suggest using medication in conjunction with prescriptions. traditional medicine. As practice shows, such a decision most often brings the desired effect. Below we list the most common recipes of our grandmothers against this disease.

All of the above recipes help reduce the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms with a pathology such as inflammation of the bladder. Folk remedies also help alleviate acute inflammation. An excellent option are sitz baths with an infusion of marsh calamus rhizomes. Pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of rhizomes and let it brew, then strain. Before the procedure itself, it is recommended to dilute one part of the infusion in two parts of water.

Possible complications

As noted above, one should not neglect such a problem as inflammation of the bladder in women. Treatment pathological process should be carried out under regular medical supervision. Otherwise, the likelihood of complications developing significantly increases.

With a long course of the disease, the infection can spread to the kidneys, which entails the development of a rather serious problem, namely pyelonephritis. This disease is characterized high temperature and severe pain in the lumbar area. Pyelonephritis, as a rule, requires serious therapy, and in a hospital setting. However, in this case, the inflammation of the bladder itself fades into the background. As a result, the disease will make itself felt again, and with each next attack of pyelonephritis, kidney function will inevitably deteriorate. As a result, the patient may remain disabled altogether.

In the presence of individual structural features of the bladder walls pathological process can spread throughout their entire thickness, affecting not only the mucous membrane, but also the muscular part. This pathology is called

This type of disease is characterized by several characteristic features. For example, patients experience an increase in the number of urges to urinate up to 150 times a day, and their body temperature rises. Medicines for bladder inflammation in this case are ineffective. With a long course of pathology, the organ loses its usual elasticity and gradually decreases in size. When its volume reaches 50 ml, a decision is made to surgical intervention (complete removal bladder and its subsequent plastic surgery from colon tissue).

Based on all of the above, it becomes clear that you should not pay attention to the inflammatory process if you want, of course, to avoid the development of such unpleasant complications.

Preventive measures

As you know, it is easier to prevent bladder inflammation than to treat it later. Experts recommend that all representatives of the fair sex follow fairly simple rules. First of all, it is necessary to abandon promiscuity, and if this is not possible, condoms should be used during every sexual act. In addition, it is recommended to try not to overcool and use thermal underwear in winter. Compliance with the well-known rules of hygiene is another preventive measure. If the disease cannot be avoided, then serious therapy using antibiotics will not be possible. The ideal solution in this case is the so-called A complex approach, that is, drug intervention + traditional medicine recipes.


In this article, we explained how inflammation of the bladder differs in women. It is recommended to begin treatment of this pathology immediately after the appearance of primary symptoms, but after consultation with a doctor. If you believe the statistics, then if you seek help in a timely manner, this disease can be overcome very quickly. After final recovery, it is very important to monitor your health, try to avoid hypothermia and follow all known rules personal hygiene. Be healthy!

The health of the family is in the hands of a woman - a Simple Queen in the domestic kingdom

Let's continue talking about this unpleasant illness like cystitis. Today I will tell you how to treat bladder inflammation at home, without medications. I described in detail traditional methods who helped me heal. This post, as promised, will contain a selection of recipes that I collected during my illness, but never used. Maybe they will be useful to someone.

In addition, there will be clarifications regarding inflammation of the urinary tract in women. Since several years have passed since my healing, I forgot some of the nuances, but they are very important for successful treatment diseases. I will try to fill this gap: in old notes I found a couple more effective recipes that I used for treatment, and I will definitely describe them in detail.

How to treat inflammation of the bladder with severe pain

I personally tested the first recipe: it helps quickly, is easily accessible, and can be used by everyone without exception. Allows you to treat inflammation of the urinary tract in women and men; it is equally effective in acute and chronic forms of cystitis. So,

Millet water in the treatment of cystitis

Rinse half a glass of millet thoroughly with water: you need to wash the cereal until the water is clear. Pour 0.5 liters of water over the millet and leave for 10 minutes. Then shake the water with the cereal with a spoon so that the liquid is whitish-cloudy, and drink half a glass 4 times a day. The course of treatment is two weeks.

You can pour washed millet with water overnight and start taking the medicine in the morning. Millet water relieves pain well, cleanses the urinary tract and has virtually no contraindications. Recipe tested.

If you seriously decide to treat cystitis folk remedies, then try to help the body and introduce millet porridge into the menu. By eating 2 bowls of porridge a day, you will not only get rid of bladder inflammation, but also cleanse your body of toxins and even lose weight - verified!

Corn silk decoction

I had to treat cystitis with folk remedies after the medications prescribed by the doctor turned out to be ineffective. turned into chronic form, and for two years the disease periodically worsened. (in childhood we played with heads of corn as dolls - the multi-colored “hairs” are those same stigmas) more than once helped me reduce the intensity of pain and relieve inflammation.

So, pour dried stigmas from one head of corn (1 tablespoon of pharmaceutical raw materials) into three glasses cold water. Simmer over low heat for half an hour until the broth is reduced by half. Drink 2-3 times a day, preferably 15 minutes before meals. The decoction has pleasant taste and the smell of boiled corn, so it's a pleasure to drink.

Corn silk is contraindicated in varicose veins veins and thrombophlebitis!

A simple cure for acute cystitis

Take ¾ cup pumpkin seeds and pass them through a meat grinder. Boil the resulting cake for 3 minutes in two liters of water. Infuse until warm and drink the entire volume in a day without straining. The course of treatment is 10 days. The recipe was tested on a neighbor.

Treatment of cystitis with folk remedies: a “piggy bank” of recipes

Yarrow decoction

Throw 3 dry branches into 1 liter of boiling water and keep on low heat for 15 minutes. Leave covered for 1 hour and strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals, until the broth runs out. Keep in the refrigerator.

How to treat chronic cystitis? Carrot tops...

A handful of carrot tops should be poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and left for about an hour. Take the infusion 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day (just divide the amount of infusion equally). Treat with a decoction until the pain stops, but not less than a week.

Nightshade for chronic urinary tract inflammation

A friend of mine told me that she suffered from this disease for about 8 years. Only after meeting a herbalist at the market did she begin to treat cystitis with folk remedies. Granny the healer recommended the nightshade plant. Make a decoction like this: boil a tablespoon of dry herbs in a glass of water for about 10 minutes, leave. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times a day 15 minutes before meals. A friend assured me that the remedy was very effective - she got rid of the disease in two weeks.

There is such a remedy - sugar))

For acute cystitis, pour half a glass of sugar into half a glass of boiling water and drink the entire composition at once on an empty stomach. Used only as emergency help for severe pain, but not like permanent remedy treatment.

Mumiyo to the rescue

Dissolve 0.2 g of mumiyo in water or milk and take 3 hours after meals for 10 days. Take a ten-day break and carry out treatment again. For better effect It is better to stick to a vegetarian diet.

How to treat chronic cystitis in women: ladies' recipes

These methods are only suitable for the fairer sex, since they are carried out thermal procedures.

Wormwood bath

Brew wormwood (a handful) in a bucket of boiling water, leave until the temperature is tolerably hot. Pour water into wide pelvis and do sitz baths for 10 minutes. It is better to carry out the procedure at night and immediately go to bed.

Healing aloe

Cut off the spines and outer skin from a small piece of aloe, wrap it in a bandage (make it like a gauze swab) and insert it overnight. Do 10 procedures in total.

Treatment of cystitis with camphor oil

Place a tampon overnight camphor oil. Do 14 procedures. Such treatment should be carried out only in combination with taking medicinal decoctions.

Personal observations: how to make your life easier during inflammation

! You should not drink a lot of tea and coffee - this irritates the bladder and increases pain. It is best to get by with 1-2 cups of your favorite drink per day.

! Melon helps well in the treatment of cystitis. I ate it every day (20 days) while on vacation at sea and forgot about the illness for a long time. Eat as much as possible - there will be no harm.

! Cranberries and lingonberries are considered excellent healers of the genitourinary system. This is the honest truth and if possible, eat these berries every day. Prepare compotes, fruit drinks, squeeze out juice. Everything will work out.

! Doctors advise drinking a lot clean water, but often a large volume of fluid overloads the bladder and aggravates pain. I didn't drink water in large quantities immediately, and 1-1.5 liters lasted for the whole day. If your bladder hurts after drinking water, limit the fluid a little and the pain will subside.

! You should not eat spicy, generously seasoned foods - this provokes inflammation.

! Don't get too cold, dress appropriately for the weather.

Be healthy!

WITH Best wishes, Irina Lirnetskaya

Treatment of bladder inflammation in women at home using antibiotics, herbal remedies, as well as the causes and symptoms of the disease.

According to statistics, women suffer from bladder inflammation much more often than men. This is due to the structural features female body- shorter urinary tracts, allowing pathogens to more easily enter the bladder and cause inflammation.

What is cystitis or inflammation of the bladder?

Cystitis - infection, which affects the mucous membrane of the organ and disrupts its functions.
The disease can be acute or chronic. For acute form characteristic sharp pains during urination, increased body temperature. If no measures have been taken to eliminate the causes of the disease, acute cystitis becomes chronic.

Causes of bladder inflammation

The disease develops when bacteria are present in the bladder. They enter the organ in various ways. Most often, E. coli, staphylococcus, and other pathogens rise through the urethra. Bacteria can enter from the kidneys or ureters, as well as through the wall of the bladder from nearby foci of infection.

The presence of pathogenic bacteria does not mean the onset of a disease. The body's defenses most often cope with them. But if there are predisposing factors, an inflammatory process may begin.

  • abnormal development urinary system,
  • stagnation of urine due to constant constipation or sedentary work,
  • the presence of stones and sand in the bladder,
  • lack of normal blood circulation in the pelvic organs,
  • hypothermia of the body,
  • previous injuries to the lower back,
  • early start sexual life,
  • hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy or menopause,
  • diabetes, oncological, gynecological and other diseases,
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules,
  • weakened immunity due to stress and lack of sleep.

Symptoms of inflammation

Sharp burning pain and itching during emptying of the bladder, as well as frequent urges are the main symptoms of cystitis.

There are also:

  • pain in the pubic and sacral area,
  • enuresis,
  • cloudy urine, the presence of blood, flakes, clots in it,
  • uncharacteristic Strong smell urine,
  • nausea, general weakness, increased body temperature.

These signs are clearly manifested during the acute course of the disease. If cystitis has entered the chronic stage, then the picture of the disease is more blurred, the signs are not so pronounced. The slightest provoking factor will contribute to relapse. That's why timely treatment will help avoid complications.

Treatment of bladder inflammation

Cystitis is treatable. The main thing is to start it on time and direct efforts to eliminate the causes of the disease. The prescribed treatment should be carried out in a complex manner, including the use of antibiotics, herbal remedies, probiotics, as well as general restorative procedures.

Treatment with antibiotics

Taking antibiotics is necessary, as it significantly reduces the risk of cystitis becoming chronic and quickly stabilizes the condition. The best today are the following drugs:

Monural. The medicine effectively affects microorganisms that have entered the bladder. Taking the drug quickly improves the condition, as it has an analgesic effect. Monural has virtually no contraindications.

Palin. Antibacterial agent. It is not prescribed to children under 15 years of age, as well as to pregnant and lactating women. Among side effects Palina noted nausea, dizziness, allergic rash.

Nitroxoline. The drug is effective for the treatment of chronic cystitis, but is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for persons suffering from liver and kidney diseases. Side effects may occur: nausea, drowsiness, skin rash.

Treatment with herbal remedies

Herbal medicines are developed and produced on the basis of plant materials and natural ingredients. They are primarily effective in combination with antibiotics, as they enhance their effect.

Cyston. This is multi-component herbal preparation, which has, among other things, antimicrobial effect. Cyston is a herbal tablet for oral administration. They are light brown in color with heterogeneous inclusions. The drug relieves pain, enhances the effect of antibiotics, stops the inflammatory process, reduces spasm of the mucous membrane, and kills pathogenic bacteria.

Can be prescribed to children from the age of six, as well as pregnant women. The dosage and duration of administration depend on the age of the patient. Marked allergic reactions for the drug.

Canephron. The drug is also indicated in complex therapy for the treatment of inflammatory diseases urinary tract. Its spectrum of action is almost identical to Cyston. But Canephron contains fewer components that can cause allergic reactions, so patients prone to allergies are better off choosing this drug.

Canephron is available in the form of drops and tablets. There are no contraindications for use, but children under 5 years of age, as well as persons suffering from liver disease and alcoholism, are not prescribed the drug in the form of drops, since they contain alcohol. Side effects from taking the drugs was observed only in persons with individual intolerance to individual components. The dosage of the drug depends on the age of the patient.

Use of probiotics

Probiotics are drugs that contain microorganisms beneficial to humans. After taking antibiotics, a disturbance in the body's microflora may occur. To restore it, probiotics are prescribed. The most effective products for the prevention of cystitis are those containing lactobacilli: Acipol, RioFlora Imuno and RioFlora Balance.

Treatment at home with folk remedies

In addition to taking medications, patients are advised to drink plenty of fluids - more than two liters of fluid per day. It is good to use decoctions of lingonberry leaves, chamomile flowers, and rose hips. If possible, follow bed rest and take thermal procedures to warm up the lower abdomen.

Baths with decoctions

Among the most common folk recipes– baths with infusions medicinal herbs. They promote personal hygiene, and are also effective for pain relief, have an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect.

The water for the procedure should not be too hot (no higher than 42 degrees), since high temperatures may worsen the condition. Take a bath until the water cools down comfortably, but no more than 30 minutes. Afterwards, it is recommended to insulate the lumbar area and rest for an hour in a warm bed.

For immersion baths effective means are potassium permanganate, furacillin, baking soda, and herbal teas. You can take a bath with chamomile infusion. 500 g of dried flowers are immersed in a bucket hot water and let it brew. The composition is filtered. In a similar way You can warm it up using a dry decoction horsetail(350 g of raw materials per bath).

A pine bath is effective. Small pine and spruce cones and young shoots are placed in a 10-liter container, filled one third with water and boiled for half an hour. Strain and dilute with water.
Not only sedentary baths, but also steam baths are recommended. The peculiarity of their adoption is as follows:

  • the solution temperature should be about 90 degrees,
  • the container into which the solution is poured should be such that it is comfortable to sit on: a bucket or large pan,
  • while sitting on the container, you need to wrap up the lower part of the body,
  • bath time – 20-30 minutes,
  • the solution must be hot all the time. If necessary, add boiling water to it.

For steam baths you can use a decoction pharmaceutical chamomile, St. John's wort, horsetail, as well as pine decoction.

Cranberry juice for cystitis

IN initial stage Freshly squeezed cranberry juice helps the disease well. He contains active substances, which have an antibacterial effect on many microorganisms, including coli. Bacteria, entering the acidic environment created by cranberries, lose the ability to remain on the walls of the bladder and are excreted along with urine.

You can use fresh cranberries or dried cranberry extract from the pharmacy. Packaged juice is not suitable for treatment, since it does not contain microelements that will affect pathogenic microorganisms.

Parsley seeds

In parsley, among others useful substances, contains B vitamins and folic acid, which have an antimicrobial effect. And the essential oils contained can relieve pain and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

For treatment, you can use parsley seeds, from which an infusion is prepared. To do this, pour 1 teaspoon of seeds into 2 glasses warm water. Infuse in warmth and in the absence of light for 10 hours. Strain. The resulting infusion should be drunk within 24 hours. One-time dose – one tablespoon. Within 3 days, the pain and stinging when urinating disappears, and the burning sensation goes away.

Compresses on the stomach

Compresses on the abdominal area help relieve pain from cystitis. They can be used if there is no elevated temperature, as well as a predisposition to diseases that can cause bleeding. Below are the recipes for compresses:

  1. IN warm water you need to add 2 drops essential oil sandalwood, eucalyptus and juniper.
  2. Dip a towel into the solution. Squeeze it and apply it to the lower abdomen for 5 minutes.
  3. You can make a honey compress. Honey is mixed with flour, preferably oatmeal. Roll out the resulting mixture into a flat cake and apply it just above the pubis. The top is covered with oilcloth and insulated.
  4. A clay compress helps a lot. Clay is bred warm water until it becomes thick sour cream, spread on the lower abdomen and cover with oilcloth.

How to prevent cystitis

They will help a woman get rid of the disease preventive measures:

  • don't get too cold,
  • when working sedentarily, get up and stretch every 3 hours to prevent stagnation of urine,
  • at the first urge to urinate, empty your bladder,
  • drink at least a liter of water per day,
  • observe the rules of personal and intimate hygiene.

What health problems may arise if left untreated?

If cystitis is not treated in time, the consequences can be very serious. The disease will become chronic and lead to irreversible changes in the bladder. In some cases, an incurable form of the disease may be provoked. And then the only way out- surgery to remove it.

Cystitis can cause a kidney infection (pyelonephritis) and subsequently lead to kidney damage.

To ensure that cystitis does not cause disruption to the usual way of life, does not reduce mental and physical activity, follow preventive measures and take steps to treat the disease at the first symptoms.

Today, many women have to deal with various kinds of genitourinary diseases. Primary symptoms should alert every woman. As a rule, without qualified medication assistance the disease cannot be overcome.

general information

In children from two years of age to the end of adolescence, changes at the hormonal level are not uncommon. As a result, the rod flora is converted into coccal flora, which causes inflammation of the vagina, and then the bladder itself.

Already in the so-called reproductive age(from 18 to approximately 45 years old) the causes of cystitis can be very different, from promiscuity to neglect of personal hygiene.

Inflammation of the genitourinary system can also appear as a result of certain diseases, for example, urethritis or pyelonephritis. Besides, instrumental examination internal organs in urology also sometimes leads to the development of this problem. Stones in the bladder play a certain role in the occurrence of the disease. They constantly irritate the mucous membrane, then pathological flora joins this process. All this causes cystitis. Its causative agents, according to experts, are bacteria (less commonly fungi, protozoa and various viruses).

In addition to infection, doctors identify a number of factors that contribute to the development of the inflammatory process, namely:

  • hypothermia;
  • disturbances at the hormonal level;
  • untimely emptying of the bladder;
  • indiscriminate sexual contacts;
  • failure to comply with basic hygiene rules (especially during menstruation);
  • frequent constipation;
  • decreased immunity;
  • improper wiping after bowel movements.


Typically, the clinical picture in women different ages is the same. Symptoms persist for 10-12 days, after which treatment occurs full recovery. If the signs of cystitis do not disappear after 14 days, most likely the disease has become chronic. Below we list the main symptoms of the disease:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • burning in the genital area;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • slight increase in temperature (up to 37 degrees);
  • cloudy urine.

If the above problems occur, it is recommended to immediately seek advice from a specialist. It is important to remember that inflammation of the bladder in women always requires proper treatment. Otherwise, the risk of complications increases several times.


It is noteworthy that there is no uniform classification of this disease. Experts call only two stages of the disease depending on the time of its appearance - acute and chronic.

Inflammation is categorized as acute pathologies, if it occurs once. Chronic cystitis is secondary. It appears due to the spread of infection in the body. Its manifestations are less pronounced and are not accompanied by an increase in temperature. Exacerbations are possible, the frequency of which depends simultaneously on several factors (the state of the immune system, the presence of other gynecological diseases). Vitamin deficiency, constant overwork, exhaustion of the body - all this contributes to the development of such a disease as chronic inflammation Bladder. Treatment in this case requires a more competent approach.

"Honeymoon Cystitis"

Modern medicine identifies a disease such as “honeymoon cystitis”. How is it different? In fact, such a beautiful term implies the appearance of primary signs of the disease immediately after defloration.

Very often, even before the girl begins to lead sex life changes occur in the microflora of her vagina. They are minor and do not cause concern. Almost every sexual intercourse is accompanied by the reflux of vaginal microflora directly into the urethra itself, as well as into the bladder. The walls of organs, as a rule, are not prepared for such an “attack,” which provokes the development of an inflammatory process, and with it cystitis. Primary signs of the disease appear within a couple of days. It is very rare for girls to refuse intimacy on their honeymoon, even despite inflammation of the bladder. Treatment is constantly delayed, and the disease only continues to progress.

Who is at risk?

  • Women during pregnancy/menopause.
  • Patients after instrumental research organs of the genitourinary system.
  • Patients with diabetes mellitus.
  • Women who have unprotected intercourse (anal).
  • Ladies who regularly use spermicides.


Inflammation of the bladder in women can be confirmed only after full examination. It involves urine analysis and bacteriological culture. The latter is necessary for the detection of opportunistic pathogens.

In addition, with this diagnosis, during palpation in the lower abdomen, the woman will feel pain, and different intensity. Ultrasonography always confirms the presence of inflammation, which directly affects changes in the structure of the internal walls of the organ.

If the disease persists, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination (for example, a biopsy or cystoscopy). Using these methods, it is possible to definitively confirm a diagnosis such as inflammation of the bladder.

Treatment: tablets and other forms of drugs

First of all, a woman must undergo a complete diagnostic examination, based on the results of which the doctor will prescribe drug therapy. It is recommended to avoid sexual intercourse for the entire duration of treatment in order to restore the vaginal microflora.

To relieve spasms and eliminate severe pain, doctors usually prescribe Urolesan or Canephron.

How to get rid of cystitis? If the disease is infectious, the prescription of antibiotics is considered necessary. Currently, the following are especially popular among antibacterial agents: “Monural”, “Co-trimoxazole”, “Nitrofurantoin”. As a rule, the duration of the course is from three to seven days.

The choice of antibiotics must be approached with special attention. This is why it is so important to seek help from a qualified specialist. The doctor recommends medications based on test results. The tests carried out make it possible to identify a whole group of microorganisms in the patient that are sensitive to a particular medication. It is important to note that modern antibacterial agents have virtually no toxic effect on the body, so they can be used without fear for such ailments as acute cystitis.

Treatment of the disease is impossible without the use of herbal diuretics, uroantiseptics and immunostimulants. You can speed up the healing process through physical therapy.

It is equally important to observe a certain time special diet, which prevents the development of an aggressive urine environment. From daily diet It is necessary to exclude alcoholic drinks, pepper, mustard, horseradish, marinades and pickles.

Not the least role in treatment is given to the drinking regime. For example, it is recommended to consume at least two liters of liquid per day. This can be the most common still water, tea with honey, decoctions of parsley leaves, the so-called kidney tea. Drink plenty of fluids helps to more quickly wash out the existing infection from the bladder.

Traditional treatment of cystitis in women should not be carried out without consulting a specialist. Of course, today you can find many recipes alternative medicine, which are designed to help in the fight against this disease. However, in some cases they do more harm than good.

Cystitis and pregnancy

If a woman already has this disease in chronic stage, most likely, during the period of bearing a child, its next exacerbation will occur. During pregnancy, changes are observed in the body at the hormonal level, the usual microflora in the vagina is disrupted, immunity decreases - all these factors contribute to the exacerbation of cystitis.

Inflammation of the bladder in women expecting a child is important to treat under the supervision of a doctor. The whole point is that in interesting position many medicines are prohibited. A specialist can select those natural preparations(not to be confused with traditional medicine), which will be safe for the fetus.

Pediatric cystitis

Inflammation of the bladder in a child is diagnosed very often for a number of reasons.

It is important to note that this disease is not associated with either gender or age. In girls, this disease is often explained by vaginal dysbiosis; in boys, it develops against the background of phimosis, but most often cystitis occurs occasionally after infection gets directly into the bladder itself. Treatment of a disease involves, first of all, proper diagnosis ( general analysis and urine culture), which allows you to identify the pathogen and identify its characteristic properties. The disease in young patients very quickly spreads to the kidneys. That is why you should not delay treatment.


Inflammation of the bladder in women can sometimes provoke very unpleasant consequences. Most often, their development is explained by untimely initiation of therapy. Doctors list the following as the main complications:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • reflux of urine into the ureter and kidneys;
  • perforation of the bladder wall;


As you know, absolutely any disease is easier to prevent than to treat later. In the case of cystitis, this is also true. To prevent the development of this disease, all women are advised to adhere to fairly simple rules. What should you not do if you have cystitis?


In this article, we talked about what inflammation of the bladder actually is. Symptoms, treatment, necessary preventive measures - these are the main issues that are considered.

In conclusion, we note once again that cystitis is a disease that simply needs to be treated. Modern medicine has all the drugs necessary for these purposes.
