Panic attack? Control your anxiety by lowering your adrenaline. Treatment of panic attacks by reducing adrenaline

Let's answer the question, what is it and how does it affect our health? This is a well-known hormone that helps a person in a critical situation. Its production is associated with “thrill” sensations. Many young people specifically engage in extreme sports to feel the rush of adrenaline in their blood. How can you figure out whether a hormone is a friend or an enemy? How to reduce adrenaline in the blood when it has a negative effect?

Benefits of the hormone

The reasons for the increase in hormone volume may be domestic. If you find yourself in difficult situation(risk of injury, excessive cold or heat, psychological stress, car crashes, attack inadequate person or an animal, etc.), then you know that if there is a danger to life or health, the body mobilizes all its strength to survive. This is expressed in a surge of strength that helps to cope with the situation.

In addition to extraordinary muscle tension, at the moment of a disaster a person begins to think instantly and make the right decision to save his life. What is the instinct of self-preservation? How does he work? The fact is that at a moment of danger, the brain transmits a signal to the adrenal glands, which begin the rapid production of adrenaline. And under the influence of this substance, all human life support systems work much more productively, helping people avoid unpleasant consequences critical situation. A high level of the substance will help avoid injury and save life.

In addition, the medicine Adrenaline (Epinephrine) is widely used by doctors if it is necessary to start a person’s life in case of shock or clinical death. During heart surgery, if necessary, an injection of Epinephrine is given directly into the heart muscle.

If a person’s temperature rises to 40 degrees, a hormone is released that helps the heart cope with the load. At severe pain and the danger of painful shock, this hormone also comes to the rescue.

During periods of hunger, the described hormone helps again. It forces the body to increase glucose levels and ensures its rapid utilization while releasing energy. Receptors that respond to adrenaline are present in all organs and systems human body.

Hormone harm

A prolonged increase in the concentration of adrenaline in the body is harmful to health. Symptoms of hormone excess and the danger of its increase:

  • increased danger hypertensive crisis due to increased blood pressure;
  • inhibition of the heart muscle;
  • for compensation increased hormone the body produces, which slows down life support processes;
  • life-threatening adrenal insufficiency;
  • vasoconstriction;
  • decreased activity of life support systems, as in the case of severe alcohol intoxication;
  • a shock situation with an increase in the hormone increases the load on the heart, which, in the case of prolonged stress, the heart cannot always cope with;
  • there is a danger of blood clots forming and clogging them blood vessels;
  • increased glucose production, which is dangerous for people with diabetes;
  • likelihood of thyroid dysfunction;
  • exhaustion of the body due to a long-term decrease in fat synthesis and blocking the formation of fat deposits.

From the above it is clear that increased adrenaline can bring a lot of trouble. If there is no reason for this, it is better to keep the indicator within the normal range. You can lower the level of adrenaline in the blood different ways, which are discussed below.

Signs of increased hormones

Excess adrenaline in the body is accompanied by symptoms that can be used to determine the release of the substance into the blood. It's a racing heart profuse sweating, increased blood pressure, pain in the heart, headaches. If the hormone is elevated long time, there is anxiety, irritability, insomnia. Man feels constant fatigue. In case of injury, you may notice an increase pain threshold. Such signs indicate that adrenaline is going through the roof.

If the symptoms described above appear, you should consult a doctor, who will refer the patient for a blood test to detect increased levels of the hormone.

If the patient’s condition is not advanced, it is possible that drug intervention will not be required to reduce the indicator. Let's talk about how to get rid of elevated hormones.

Ways to reduce adrenaline

How to reduce adrenaline in the blood? Before prescribing treatment, the doctor will take an interest in the lifestyle of the person who came for help. There are methods that reduce hormone levels through lifestyle changes and the use of certain physiotherapeutic techniques:

  • If you are breathing rapidly, you need to sit comfortably, relax and breathe like this: take a deep breath, hold your breath, exhale slowly until the end. Therapeutic breathing should be applied for 10 minutes.
  • Lie on a flat surface on your back. Try to think about something pleasant. In turn, first tense all the muscles of the body for a short time, then relax. This is done once with each muscle.
  • Sit near the window, look at nature, try to think about the beauty of this world.
  • It is worth talking about your problems with a friend, wife, husband. When discussed, the problems seem less serious and quite solvable.
  • You may have to radically change your life. If communication with a certain person leads to an increase in adrenaline to critical levels, then if this happens at work, you need to think about changing jobs, and if communication with your spouse, you may have to get a divorce.
  • We must try to normalize night sleep. If a person has trouble falling asleep, it is worth trying to follow a certain ritual before going to bed. It may involve taking a hot shower, ventilating the bedroom, or drinking a cup of boiled milk. The body gets used to the ritual, and sleep comes as conditioned reflex. Sometimes it is worth changing your waking and sleeping patterns. You should go to bed no later than 23:00 and get up no later than 8:00.
  • Massage helps you relax. It will be prescribed by a doctor, since massage is contraindicated for some people. But for those who can take the procedure, it helps well.
  • It's a good idea to sign up for a yoga class. This type of exercise helps you relax and increases oxygen saturation in your body.
  • Every morning you should do exercises outside or in front of an open window.
  • The last and most important thing is to set yourself up for the positive. Read funny stories and jokes, think about pleasant things, protect yourself from stress. Laughter helps relieve stress.

Drug reduction of the indicator is used when lifestyle changes do not help, and adrenaline goes through the roof despite any efforts. Medicines to lower the hormone should be prescribed by a specialist. They are taken simultaneously with non-drug measures to normalize lifestyle. The drugs Reserpine and Moxonidine are known for their effectiveness. Alpha and beta blockers are used to treat increased blood pressure and reduce heart rate. The doctor will decide how to reduce the level of adrenaline in the blood in a particular case.

If the adrenaline is too low

Sometimes you need to boost your adrenaline. Its drug is used by surgeons during operations when a patient’s blood pressure drops or when the heart suddenly stops beating. The hormone in the body increases with Epinephrine infusion and begins to stimulate vital systems and internal organs the human body to perform its functions.

Sometimes the patient is prescribed medicinal Adrenaline tablets or ( international name drug Adrenaline). But taking the drug on your own is too dangerous. An overdose of medical Adrenaline sometimes leads to death.

How to increase the volume of adrenaline when it decreases, if a person does not want to go to the doctor? We need to use other methods. These include extreme sports, a small scandal with neighbors, riding roller coasters and other attractions, and having sex. If a person simply increases his physical activity, this will lead to an increase in adrenaline.

The release of adrenaline (epinephrine) is caused by stressful situations occurring in our lives. Anxiety, worry, a sense of danger and fear - all this triggers a surge of hormones in the body: be it a parachute jump, an attack in a dark alley, or a cat that suddenly rushes at your feet.

When the condition normalizes and the brain gives the command that there is nothing to worry about, it begins to decline. But have you ever thought about what the release of adrenaline entails, whether it is purely beneficial or whether irreparable harm is possible?

The adrenaline hormone jumps not only when someone or something really threatens a person’s life. External aggressive environment or nervous work cause a person to constantly be in a stressful state. This depletes the body, causing a surge of adrenaline, so it is important to be able to disengage and rest. Relaxation techniques successfully accomplish this mission. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to take action immediately after the first signs appear.

This reaction has accompanying sensations that can be used to recognize a hormonal surge. Symptoms of adrenaline release:

  • Cardiopalmus. As a rule, in response to stress, the heart begins to beat more intensely.
  • Dyspnea. This is especially noticeable in those who do not suffer from such an illness in their everyday life. Feeling short of breath, rapid breathing, inability to do deep breath.
  • Increased sweating. Areas particularly susceptible to this manifestation are the armpits and palms.
  • Decreased vision. Vision deteriorates for a while, and objects around you may become blurry or foggy.
  • Headaches and painful sensations in the chest area.
  • Fatigue caused by sleep disorders, in particular insomnia.

The symptoms are quite general, however, knowing them, one can assume that an adrenaline rush will soon occur. The more often this situation occurs, the better person recognizes his feelings and understands what will happen in a matter of moments.

Proven methods of relaxation

In fact, there are quite a few such methods. While feeling the adrenaline rush, it is recommended to focus on breathing. Focus not on what caused the stress, but on how to breathe correctly. Calm will not take long to arrive. Concentrate on inhaling and exhaling alternately. Taking a deep breath with your lungs, hold for literally 5-7 seconds, then exhale calmly and measuredly.

Continue this exercise until you feel relief and calm. This really helps, because by switching your attention to your breathing, you stop assessing the situation from the point of view possible danger. The brain stops sending the SOS signal to cells that synthesize the hormone adrenaline and are responsible for the surge of adrenaline in the blood.

The next method is simple to the point of impossibility and is probably well known to you - just count to 20. The secret of success is similar to the method described above, the meaning is in transferring attention to another activity.

Doctors advise that if you feel a surge of hormones approaching, you should move on to relaxing your body. Lie down on a horizontal surface, the floor is best, with your back down. Stretch your limbs, try to calm down. Now create tension in your body for a couple of seconds by squeezing your feet. Slowly, slowly unclench and bring your body to the starting position. Wait about 15 seconds and repeat the manipulation again.

It is advisable to start from the bottom and gradually move to other muscle groups: legs, hips, abdomen, arms, shoulders, neck. In this simple way you will achieve complete relaxation.

A positive attitude is also good for eliminating anxiety. Visualization can work wonders. To reduce the amount of adrenaline hormone in your blood, think of something that will immediately put a smile on your face and make you forget about the stressful situation. Next, move on to a specific problem and think about what your desired outcome is. Methodically formulate an action plan to improve the problem and take action. Psychological relaxation coupled with physical relaxation will have a double effect.

Psychologists say that sometimes, in order to reduce anxiety, you just need to voice out loud everything that causes anxiety. Formulating thoughts and finding “free ears” is already half the solution to a stressful situation. Whether it's a psychologist, a relative or a close friend, all of these people can help you fix the problem. Firstly, you yourself will be able to more clearly understand the essence of what is happening, and secondly, an unbiased opinion from the outside sometimes opens your eyes, forcing you to look from a different angle.

Lifestyle correction

A surge of the hormone into the blood can occur due to various reasons, which has already been mentioned. The condition manifests itself with a number of specific symptoms. You can influence the rising hormone levels through relaxation. However, this is far from the only way. Changes in lifestyle can significantly correct the release of adrenaline, especially if it occurs with enviable regularity.

You can adjust your lifestyle and reduce the number of adrenaline surges in the following ways:

  • get enough sleep;
  • practice meditation;
  • pay attention to sports;
  • eat a balanced diet;
  • engage in your favorite hobbies.

The emotional release that a person experiences during a surge of the adrenaline hormone is extremely necessary. This is a so-called alarm clock that allows you to gather yourself in a stressful situation and redirect all your strength, skills and abilities to preserve life.

At the same time, frequent release of the hormone adrenaline into the blood risks leading to adverse consequences. Has it ever happened to you that when falling asleep you feel as if you have failed somewhere and are falling? This is nothing more than a panic attack that occurs when falling asleep. Panic attack syndrome develops due to an overdose of the body's hormone adrenaline.

Adrenaline and insulin are hormones that have opposite effects. The hormone adrenaline ensures the conversion of glycogen reserves into sugar, while insulin accumulates glucose, forming those same reserves. The central nervous system is responsible for the release of insulin and adrenaline, so every emotional arousal leads to an adrenaline surge, which increases blood sugar levels.

If a person is healthy, then at this moment the hormone insulin comes into play and lowers the glucose level to the required level, designated as normal. But if a person has diabetes, then his own insulin cannot cope with the load. The patient requires exogenous insulin. People who produce the hormone insulin in smaller volumes than necessary are strongly advised to avoid stress and adrenaline releases.

Adrenaline (Epinephrine) is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands that affects the functioning of the nervous and of cardio-vascular system. It is formed in the chromaffin tissue of this organ and is a neurotransmitter. The release of adrenaline into the blood provides a person with a kind of protection, sharpening the reaction and sharpness of thinking.

Mechanism of action

The main reasons for the surge of adrenaline in the blood are: anxiety states, stress, shock and various injuries. Tension and fear lead to the activation of hormonal processes in the hypothalamus; adrenaline is released into the blood with its subsequent distribution throughout the organs and tissues. This reaction allows us to increase the speed of human adaptation to unfavorable conditions in record time.

An increase in adrenaline in the blood affects the body as follows:

  • Constriction of blood vessels in the skeletal muscles, peritoneal organs and skin with simultaneous expansion of the bloodstream in the heart and brain, which leads to an increase in the number of incoming nutrients and acceleration of brain activity.
  • Increased blood pressure (hypertension);
  • Increased pulse and heart rate;
  • Glucose levels increase;
  • There is a decrease in the activity of inflammatory and allergic reactions;
  • Increased performance;
  • Decreased amount of insulin produced by the pancreas;
  • The level of blood platelets and leukocytes increases, which helps reduce bleeding.

Between the ages of 18 and 90 years, the normal amount of epinephrine ranges from 0 to 110 pg/ml when the person is in a horizontal position and from 0 to 140 pg/ml when the patient is standing. During attacks, adrenaline goes through the roof 6-8 times.


Externally, increased adrenaline manifests itself the following signs: pupils dilate, sweating increases, the person is maximally concentrated, able to express physical strength, not available in other situations. There may be a feeling of lack of air and blurred vision: surrounding objects lose clarity when trying to focus your gaze.

A prolonged rush of epinephrine has a negative impact on well-being and is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Dizziness;
  2. Frequent nosebleeds, strokes and heart attacks develop as the pathology progresses (this is explained by the fact that adrenaline increases blood pressure);
  3. Weight loss;
  4. Adrenal insufficiency;
  5. Shortness of breath and arrhythmia, slow heart rate;
  6. The pain threshold is increased;
  7. Irritability;
  8. Panic attacks (a person grabs surrounding objects and people, constantly moves, makes sharp sounds).

Increased release of adrenaline leads to the formation of excess glucose, which must be used up during a stressful situation. In its absence, energy is wasted due to a surge of emotions, giving way to apathy and weakness.

A lack or excess of the hormone in the blood can lead to the development of the following diseases: Addison syndrome (signs of intoxication and pigmentation skin“bronze disease”) and Itsenko-Cushing (moon-shaped face and upper body obesity, ulcers and dry skin, hyperglycemia).

Lack of adrenaline is rarely diagnosed and is determined by the following clinical manifestations:

Lack of adrenaline is diagnosed against the background renal pathologies, diabetes mellitus, injuries accompanied by large blood loss, and anaphylactic shock. With a reduced concentration of epinephrine, a person is unable to cope with emergency situation and its consequences.

Important! Apathy, relaxation and inhibited reaction are the result of the effect of norepinephrine on the body, which is the opposite of epinephrine. Produced by the adrenal glands to compensate for excess adrenaline.

Diagnosis and treatment

To make a diagnosis and draw up a treatment plan, the doctor collects the patient’s medical history, clarifying complaints, conducting an external examination and prescribing laboratory tests.

A blood test for adrenaline is carried out taking into account the following recommendations:

  1. It is preferable to take biomaterial in the morning after 8-14 hours of overnight abstinence from food (water consumption is not limited);
  2. Exclusion of physical activity, alcohol, and smoking an hour before the study;
  3. 2-3 days before donating blood, exclude foods containing vanillin, coffee and tea, cheese, bananas and pineapples from the menu;
  4. Cancel medicines after preliminary consultation with a doctor (quinidine, adrenergic blockers, antibacterial drugs, reserpine);
  5. Before donating blood, be at rest for 20-30 minutes.

Treatment of adrenaline surges

A sharp release of epinephrine, accompanied by acute clinical symptoms, requires immediate treatment, so you need to know how to reduce the level of adrenaline in the blood.

Relaxation techniques that reduce epinephrine surges:

  • Breathing exercises can reduce the heart rate and normalize the pulse: oxygen intensively distributes throughout the body, relieving tension in the muscles and removing excess adrenaline secreted by the adrenal glands. You need to take a deep, even breath through your nose and exhale slowly. Before exhaling air, you should hold it for 3-4 seconds. During the exercise, your back is straight, your shoulders are straightened. Conduct breathing exercises until the symptoms of increased adrenaline in the blood completely disappear.
  • Thinking: During an attack, thoughts about stress and your condition aggravate the situation, so it is recommended to control your mind with the help of counting. It is necessary to remember the serial number until the condition normalizes.
  • Relaxation of the muscular system: lying on your back, alternately strain each muscle for 10 seconds, and then slowly relax, starting from the feet and gradually rising up to the head.

Positive thinking can combat an excess of adrenaline, so the advantages and favorable consequences are considered in any situation. Recommended in acute periods visualize yourself among a pleasant and peaceful landscape: a beach, a garden or a steppe. Whenever awkward situations humor allows you to remove the adrenaline rush: positive emotions remove muscle tension, prevent the development of stress.

What can you do at home?

How to reduce adrenaline in the blood at home? Needs to be controlled life situations, which can cause a surge of epinephrine.

Diet food

Causes activation of metabolic processes and ensures that the body receives the necessary minerals or vitamins by eating certain foods.

  • Mint and lemon balm have calming properties. A drink made from herbs fights increased levels of testosterone and adrenaline, normalizes water balance and relieve stress.
  • One way to lower epinephrine levels is to eat cereals: buckwheat, oats and barley. They are easier to digest when crushed, so porridges with various gravies are often prepared from them. Millet and rice have similar properties. Due to them, the volume of antioxidants and radicals entering the body increases, preventing destruction processes in organs and tissues.
  • The benefits of legumes for reducing adrenaline are less, but they have a longer lasting effect, so it is recommended to eat beans and peas several times a month. Alternative option are dishes made from lentils and soybeans.
  • Spices such as saffron, coriander or basil remove adrenaline, so be sure to add them in small quantities when cooking.

The adrenal glands will produce less adrenaline if intake is limited. following products: coffee (no more than 4 cups per day); sugar and fast carbohydrates; green and black tea; meat.

Drugs to reduce adrenaline

With a prolonged increase in epinephrine, it is required medication assistance to remove hormonal imbalance and prevent the development of complications.

Medicines that can remove excess adrenaline from the body:

  1. Moxonidine: prescription drug, which has an antihypertensive effect. We reduce the production of adrenaline circulating throughout the body. Contraindicated in epilepsy, cardiovascular pathologies in the acute stage. The prescribed dose is 200 mcg per day, it can be increased as prescribed by the doctor. In case of overdose, signs of intoxication are observed, decreased arterial pressure, stomach cramps.
  2. Reserpine: antipsychotic and sedative effect, gently affects nerve endings, inhibiting the release of norepinephrine from the cell into the cytoplasm. Indications for use are psychosis and the development of hypertension. The drug is contraindicated for depression, ulcerative colitis and bradycardia. Among side effects Dizziness, insomnia and dyspepsia may occur.
  3. Octadine: a sympatholytic with a hypotensive effect, prescribed for high blood pressure and glaucoma. The product affects catecholamines, preventing their activation in nerve cells. Use is contraindicated in the elderly, as well as in persons suffering from unstable angina, and in pregnant women.

In combination with antihypertensive drugs, medications are prescribed to relieve neurotic disorders: relieve increased excitability. Most of the funds were made on plant based, therefore available to a wide range of the population and have minor side effects. Pharmacological drugs, capable of completely blocking the secretion of adrenaline in the body, have not been developed, therefore, during treatment, adrenaline will continue to be secreted by the adrenal glands, but in smaller quantities.

If it is impossible to contact a specialist, you are allowed to use folk remedies to reduce the production of adrenaline: decoctions with angelica herb, fireweed, mint. Plants relieve anxiety and lower adrenaline levels and are used without age restrictions. Pregnant women are advised to consult a gynecologist first.

Regular control general condition and timely health care will not only alleviate the patient’s condition, but also prevent the development of complications.

The release of adrenaline into the blood occurs not only in extreme situations, as many people know, but also in ordinary ones. Eg:

  • Stressful situations at work;
  • Quarreling;
  • Aggression from other people;
  • Heated debates;
  • Critical situations requiring a quick response or solution.

In short, any situation where there is a threat to our life, making decisions important for our existence and other similar challenges are accompanied by adrenaline releases into the blood.

What are the harms and benefits of the release of adrenaline into the blood?

It was not for nothing that nature came up with such a hormone. It serves as an activator of the body's internal reserves. If a person finds himself in a stressful situation, adrenaline is released, which contributes to:

  • Increased reaction;
  • Increased muscle tone by constricting blood vessels and redirecting blood to the heart and main muscle groups, lungs;
  • Promotion mental abilities due to additional blood flow;
  • Expansion respiratory tract for better oxygen supply;
  • Significant increase in pain threshold.

Adrenaline (aka epinephrine) is a product of evolution, designed to give a person a chance to defeat danger, short term mobilizing all the important resources of the body. During the period of an adrenaline surge, energy consumption increases significantly, this is especially noticeable in the period after the incident: the feeling of hunger sharply increases, emptiness appears, and reaction inhibition appears.

Despite the speed, strength and others positive points that the hormone gives us, we must not forget that its excess will not end well. If you artificially provoke the body, or rather the adrenal glands, to produce adrenaline, then end result You can get kidney failure, cardiovascular disease, depression or even stomach ulcers.

Adrenaline rush: symptoms

When there is a sudden release of adrenaline into the blood, a person experiences the following symptoms:

  • Breathing quickens;
  • Increase heart rate;
  • I want to act;
  • Restlessness;
  • Irritation;
  • Impulsiveness.

It is very important that when a hormone is supplied, it is spent somewhere. If no action occurs during the release of epinephrine physical actions, energy consumption, then irritability and the need to throw out emotions are strongly manifested.

How to control your adrenaline rush

Rarely, but there are cases (some systematic) of an uncontrolled increase in adrenaline in the blood. As a result, so-called panic attacks can occur. To avoid this, you need to clearly understand your body language and if you feel symptoms of epinephrine entering the blood, follow these steps:

  • Sit down or take a horizontal position;
  • Calm your breathing with measured deep breaths and stabilize your pulse;
  • Think about something positive. Remember that nothing bad is happening;
  • After a couple of minutes (sooner or later, this is individual) epinephrine will dissolve in the blood and cease its effect.

    Probably, without this important hormone, humanity would not be able to survive, because in critical situations it helps people take the right, quick solutions, increase strength and agility in order to protect yourself, but, like everything in the world, you need to know when to stop and not expose the body to excessive exposure to extreme situations designed to stimulate the release of adrenaline or medicines containing the hormone.

  • How to reduce the level of adrenaline in the blood

    Adrenaline is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. In a state of excitement or fear in the blood there is increased level this hormone. As a result, we feel as if we are being empowered. However, constant high content adrenaline in the blood is fraught dangerous consequences for the body - high pressure, panic attacks and others serious illnesses. Let's figure out why we need adrenaline, why its high level in the blood is dangerous and how to get rid of it. Why do we need adrenaline? Anyone experiences stressful situations. In this case, a certain amount of adrenaline enters the body. This hormone stimulates brain activity, and thus a person can make important decisions more effectively. Thus, nature gave him the opportunity to cope with increased physical and psychological stress in a difficult situation. Adrenaline is a substance called a neurotransmitter. During extreme situations (heat, cold, injury, danger, stress, conflict, etc.), the body reacts violently to what is happening. Adrenaline seems to mobilize a person’s ability to survive. Thus, each of its cells adapts to new conditions for it, and thus becomes more resilient. Almost all tissues of our body have so-called adrenaline receptors. They help cells respond when the amount of this hormone in the blood increases. But this hormone acts on a person for a limited time. Adrenaline is also used in medicine for anti-shock treatment in order to “start” vital important functions. In short, it’s hard to imagine without him normal functioning all organs. Causes of adrenaline release Adrenaline enters the bloodstream stressful situations. It could be danger, misfortune, extreme conditions. An increase in the level of adrenaline in the blood is observed in in a state of shock after a serious injury. In addition, adrenaline is released into the blood in situations involving pain. When the body is affected by high or low temperature, this hormone is also released into the blood. An adrenaline rush also occurs during some extreme situations. This could be, for example, some types of sports. For example, during parachute jumping, all body systems are activated and an unprecedented emotional outburst occurs. This happens as a result of a sharp release of the hormone into the blood. People involved in extreme sports get pleasure precisely as a result of the fact that there is an increased level of adrenaline in their body. With insufficient intake of carbohydrates into the body, a release of adrenaline is also observed. After all, fasting is essentially stress. And in order to force the body to activate its resources and increase the level of glucose in the blood, the adrenal glands release a certain amount of adrenaline into the blood. When adrenaline is released into the blood, peculiar reactions begin in the body. First of all, heart contractions become more frequent and stronger. The vascular muscles contract. The pupils dilate. And finally, the intestinal muscles relax. With a prolonged release of adrenaline into the blood, a slight increase in skeletal muscles and myocardium occurs. Intensifying protein metabolism, there are signs of exhaustion. Why is an increased level of adrenaline dangerous? As a result of a constant high level of adrenaline in the blood, the following pathological phenomena can be observed. High blood pressure. It must be said that this has a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels, and also helps to inhibit its work. As a response to the production of adrenaline, the body begins to intensively produce norepinephrine. Thus, after excitement comes inhibition of the body’s activity. Prolonged release of adrenaline into the blood leads to dysfunction of the adrenal medulla. It causes pathological condition– adrenal insufficiency. This condition threatens a person’s life, as it can cause cardiac arrest and, consequently, death. After prolonged exposure to adrenaline, inhibition of the main functions of the body occurs. This state is comparable to that which occurs after taking large quantity alcohol. A similar state occurs, say, after a loud scandal. Shock situations can cause the heart and blood vessels to be unable to cope with the sharply increased load. As a result, the risk of developing diseases such as heart attack or stroke increases. Moreover, this warning also applies to a healthy person. Adrenaline also affects the liver, as it activates processes associated with the production and utilization of glycogen. Since adrenaline promotes energy production, a constant high level of this hormone in the blood leads to symptoms of exhaustion. Because of this, it is possible to develop insomnia, syndrome chronic fatigue and in some cases of mental disorders. How to determine the level of adrenaline The release of adrenaline into the blood is accompanied by certain sensations. If you know these signs, it will help you pay attention to the increased level of adrenaline in the blood in time. You need to pay attention to the following symptoms: increased heart rate; dyspnea; increased sweating; blurred vision; chest pain; headache; difficulties in performing any usual work; fatigue; sleep disturbance; reduction of pain. An appropriate analysis helps determine the level of adrenaline in the blood. Blood serum is used as a biomaterial, as well as urine (one-time or collected during the day). The doctor determines the most the best way passing the analysis. Before undergoing such an examination, you need to make some adjustments to your lifestyle three days before: avoid stressful situations; completely eliminate any alcoholic beverages; no smoking; avoid heavy physical activity; avoid painful effects; do not consume foods that stimulate the production of serotonin - chocolate, bananas and dairy products. How to reduce the level of adrenaline in the blood You can lower the level of adrenaline in the blood without resorting to medications. To do this you need to take these simple steps. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Needs to be optimized physical exercise, stay for a sufficient amount of time fresh air, establish good nutrition and sleep patterns. All this will strengthen the body and increase endurance to stress. Practice regular psycho-emotional relaxation. This can be achieved through yoga, auto-training and other methods of relaxation. Enjoying the music. Aromatherapy. Taking water procedures. Communication with people. It is useful to take a day off, and sometimes change your occupation. Here are some traditional methods reducing the level of adrenaline in the blood. They are based on herbal medicine, so they will not cause harm. Excellent photography nervous tension, fatigue a mixture of the following herbs: Motherwort tincture (3 parts); Mint (3 parts); Hop cones (2 parts); Valerian root (2 parts). To prepare healthy tea, you need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of this mixture, pour a glass of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes. Drink half a glass three times a day. Angelica herb also helps fight the effects of stress. How prophylactic You can take fireweed (fireweed). The standard amount of dry raw materials for preparing the decoction is two tablespoons per glass of boiling water. A pleasant and, most importantly, harmless remedy for treating nervous tension is mint. Very tasty and healthy mint tea. Melissa herb easily relieves nervous tension. And only when these methods do not bring the desired effect, it is necessary to resort to taking medications. How to reduce adrenaline in the blood with medications The stress hormone is constantly produced in the human body. In people suffering from emotional imbalance and nervousness, the amount of adrenaline goes through the roof. Thus, there is a need to reduce the level of this hormone in the blood. It must be borne in mind that it is impossible to completely block the release of adrenaline into the blood with any medications. One of the drugs that has the effect of reducing the level of adrenaline in the blood is Moxonidine. In addition to reducing the amount of this hormone in the blood, the drug has an antihypertensive effect. Reserpine helps reduce catecholamine reserves in nerve endings and release norepinephrine into the cytoplasm. Therapeutic effect from taking this drug it develops gradually. Octadine has the same effect. Beta blockers are also used to reduce the production of adrenaline. The most famous of them are Anaprilin, Atenol, Biprolol, Metoprolol, Obzidan and others. The range of their action and use is very wide, so such drugs are prescribed only by a doctor. They should not be taken unless necessary to avoid unwanted consequences. Medicines against neuroses are also effective. Many of them contain plant components, so the amount side effects insignificant. In the treatment of increased excitability, you need to focus primarily on medications containing natural substances. But medications such as Elenium, Etaperazine, Chlorprothixene, Chlozepid, Phenazepam, Seduxen and others are taken only on the recommendation of a doctor. Products that reduce adrenaline in the blood Certain foods also help relieve increased adrenaline. Many people are used to “eating” stress with chocolate and sweets. This cannot be done. Much best effect bring foods rich in vitamins. An excellent anti-stress medicine is vitamin B1. Yeast, grains, eggs, bananas contain a lot of this substance, useful for humans. Nutritionists recommend starting every morning with fruit juice and oatmeal. This is not only a boost of vitamins and microelements, but also an excellent antidote to stress. Sufficient quantity Protein food is also an excellent anti-stress remedy. Avoiding coffee and alcohol will help reduce adrenaline levels. These products are well replaced with juices and herbal teas. The more fructose in juices, the better, since it can effectively relieve fatigue. Foods such as potatoes, rice, and bran bread relieve stress well and do not give rise to increased levels of adrenaline. And tomatoes will increase the content of serotonin and help relieve anxiety. It is also good to drink tea with ginger along with chamomile; this is an excellent remedy for stress and high levels of adrenaline in the blood. Nuts and greens help to get out of a stressful state as soon as possible and normalize adrenaline levels. Conclusions and conclusions In fact, adrenaline is nothing more than the result of evolution and one of its best creations. It serves to difficult situations increase the chances of survival, to mobilize the vital resources of the body. In general, it is difficult to imagine the normal functioning of the body without it. However, we should not forget that its constant excess causes great harm to the body. If the adrenal glands are constantly active, heart disease and dysfunction may develop. nervous system or development renal failure. Keep this in mind when planning to engage in extreme sports.
