The tonsils are always enlarged. How to cure enlarged tonsils in adults. Unilateral enlargement of tonsils

Often, enlarged tonsils in adults indicate infection of the throat mucosa pathogenic microorganisms. This pathology is almost always accompanied characteristic symptoms, which is impossible not to notice. It is important to find out the reasons why the tonsils are enlarged, and then, if necessary, begin drug treatment. Sometimes conservative methods do not bring results, in such situations the doctor decides to remove the tonsils, which are hypertrophied.

Main reasons

In children infancy The tonsils are undeveloped, but from birth they are constantly developing, and changes and improvements in their functions are also observed. But under the influence negative factors Some people experience hypertrophy of the tonsils, accompanied by an increase in size and the addition of others pathological signs. Common reasons why tonsils become enlarged in an adult or child are:

  • congenital anomalies of the structure of the nasopharynx;
  • injuries, thermal or mechanical burns of the mucous membrane in the throat;
  • chronic infectious diseases, such as tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, caries;
  • decreased protective functions of the body;
  • hypothermia;
  • hormonal, endocrine disorders;
  • allergy.
Inflammation can be caused by an infection.

Enlarged tonsils in a child or adult can be a consequence of hypothermia, stress, or psycho-emotional overload. What reason influenced the progression of such a pathology can only be determined by a doctor after a comprehensive diagnostic examination. If there is a clear change in the shape of the tonsils, you should not self-medicate, trying to eliminate the symptoms with medications and folk remedies. It is important to treat the disease correctly, otherwise complications cannot be avoided.

What symptoms are you worried about?

Depending on the degree of enlargement, the patient will be bothered by the following pathological signs:

  • With progression of grade 1, the tonsils are expanded by 1/3 of the height between the palatine arch and pharynx. The patient complains of slight discomfort when swallowing; white coating.
  • Hypertrophy palatine tonsils Grade 2 is characterized by expansion by 2/3 of the height. The tonsils become red and look inflamed and swollen.
  • Hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils grade 3 is considered an advanced disease. The patient has a severe sore throat, pronounced problems with breathing and swallowing. The tonsils become so huge that they prevent the normal penetration of air into the larynx, and an increase in body temperature is observed. Due to pressure on the vocal cords, the timbre of the voice changes, constant feeling foreign object in the throat, soreness, rawness.
The feeling of nasal congestion bothers me.

Adenoid hypertrophy is also accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • decreased hearing function;
  • speech disorder;
  • sleep problems;
  • often recurrent rhinitis.

Diagnostic methods

The fact that the tonsils have become enlarged and large can be noticed during self-diagnosis. If the condition worsens and pathological symptoms appear, it is better to visit a doctor and find out the causes of the disorder. On initial examination hyperemia, redness and swelling of the palatine tonsils will be noticeable. For determining accurate diagnosis direction is given to undergo a number of such additional diagnostic procedures, How:

  • general analysis blood;
  • microbiological examination of a throat smear;
  • allergy tests;
  • immunogram;
  • electrocardiography.

When examining the throat, the doctor should be alert to hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil on one side. Glands different sizes often indicate progression malignant tumors, sexually transmitted diseases and other severe inflammatory processes. In such a situation, the histology of the glands is examined in more detail, and an additional examination is prescribed by an oncologist, venereologist or pulmonologist. It is rare, but it happens that one tonsil is enlarged due to the individual characteristics of the body.

How to treat?


Not advanced stages are amenable to drug treatment.

At the first or second degree of hypertrophy, conservative treatment is prescribed, aimed at eliminating inflammation and pathological symptoms. Enlarged tonsils are treated antiseptic medications, which destroy bacterial infection. When the tonsils are hyperemic, it is recommended to lubricate them with Collargol, Karotolin, and Tanid-glycerin. If the tonsils are inflamed due to attachment bacterial infection, which causes sore throat, is prescribed antibacterial drug. Allergic manifestations are eliminated with the help antihistamines. Glucocorticosteroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will help remove swelling and inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. When the temperature rises, antipyretic drugs “Ibuprofen”, “Nurofen”, “Nise” are recommended.

Sometimes hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils and adenoids is not eliminated by conservative means. Then the doctor will recommend surgery to remove the pathological structures. The tonsils are completely or partially cut out, after which the condition should return to normal. To warn postoperative complications, rehabilitation is carried out, during which a restorative therapy regimen and auxiliary procedures are prescribed.

Sometimes parents insist that hypertrophied and loose tonsils the child had it removed. However, such operations are carried out strictly according to indications. If the baby is 3 years old, the surgeon will recommend waiting until the child grows up. At an older age, the tonsils may become normal size without special treatment.

Therapy with folk remedies

Chamomile has an antiseptic effect.

Not traditional methods can be used as an adjuvant therapy. If you use natural medicines right, from them it will be great benefit, and the person will be able to get rid of the pathology faster. If the tonsils are very enlarged, it is recommended to gargle with solutions based on the following natural ingredients:

  • tincture of propolis, mint;
  • decoction of chamomile, sage, oak bark;
  • soda, sea salt.
  1. Mix lingonberry leaves and meadowsweet flowers in equal proportions.
  2. Separate 2 tbsp. l. collection and pour 300 ml of boiling water.
  3. Leave the product for 20 minutes, then strain.
  4. Add 1 tsp to the infusion. honey, drink throughout the day as tea.

A healthy body is able to protect itself from emerging illnesses. Those organs that are responsible for this protection can also sometimes get sick and cause discomfort in life. Enlarged tonsils in this case are a common disease among adults and children. About what tonsils are, symptoms of their inflammation and other answers to FAQ read below.

Where are the tonsils located?

For those who do not know what tonsils are, they are real guards who protect you from various bacteria and microbes entering the body through oral cavity. They are called tonsils. In the professional sphere, they are usually called tonsils. As soon as the “enemies of health” in the form harmful microorganisms reach the mucous membrane of the throat, the pharyngeal tonsil begins to work intensively. It increases in size and kills all microbes.

The tubal, pharyngeal, lingual and palatine tonsils are formed in the fetus as early as 12-14 weeks after conception and accompany a person throughout his life, protecting him from harmful bacteria. It also happens that the tonsils become inflamed and become enlarged. Modern methods treatment is dispensed with surgical intervention. This is a major breakthrough in medicine. After all, doctors recently removed enlarged tonsils immediately after the patient complained. However, specialists, knowing what they were needed for, fought with all their might to ensure that the tonsils remained in their place.

Signs of inflammation of the tonsils

When you visit your doctor when you have a cold or flu, he or she will always ask you to open your mouth wide. So he examines the cavity and mucous membrane of the throat, which may indicate the presence of enlarged tonsils. Inflammation of the tonsils is also called tonsillitis, which appears as a complication after a sore throat. If signs of this disease are detected, the patient is immediately prescribed treatment, which includes rinsing, taking medications and regular examination by a specialist.


Tonsillitis, or inflamed tonsils, has its own specific symptoms that are very similar to the symptoms of a sore throat. Using them, you can independently determine the presence of inflammation in the tonsils:

  • acute form of sore throat;
  • white coating on the tongue;
  • the throat hurts a lot when swallowing;
  • migraine;
  • heat;
  • swollen lymph nodes in the neck;
  • smell from the mouth;
  • loss of voice.

If a child has enlarged tonsils, then you will immediately know about it, because being sick, he will not be able to simply eat or drink hot tea. Large tonsils in children can lead to other, more serious consequences. For example, too much swelling of the tonsils interferes with normal breathing. Because of severe cough they may start to bleed. This requires emergency hospitalization and intensive treatment patient, and possibly surgical intervention, and even removal of the tonsils.


As mentioned above, tonsil disease is often caused by a sore throat. There is a concept of hypertrophy of the glands, or chronic tonsillitis, which is pathological disease, combined with adenoids. Chronically inflamed tonsils are often noted in children aged 3-15 years. This disease can cause not only discomfort in everyday life, but also psychological disorders due to a lack of oxygen in the brain, due to the difficulty of breathing due to peculiar plugs from the tonsils. The main symptoms of chronic tonsillitis are:

  • nasal voice;
  • incomprehensible speech;
  • consonants are pronounced incorrectly;
  • restless sleep;
  • loose, moist cough at night;
  • snore;
  • hearing impairment.

Treatment methods

There are several methods of how to treat sore tonsils without surgical intervention. To prevent the disease from requiring such an approach, it is necessary to identify tonsillitis in a child or adult in time and seek help from a specialist. He will conduct a full examination and make a conclusion, after which he will issue a prescription and recommendations for caring for the oral cavity and inflamed tonsils.

Folk remedies

In addition to receiving prescribed medicines, it is important to properly care for the mucous membrane of the throat and tonsils folk ways. If you feel unwell, have a fever, or discomfort in your throat, then you need to rinse several times a day. Mix soda or sea ​​salt in glass warm water and gargle. This type of care will help avoid serious consequences with enlarged tonsils, and in some cases even visiting a doctor.


The easiest way to treat enlarged tonsils is to take strong antibiotics. Only your doctor can prescribe them for you. Please note that you need to take this medicine only according to your prescription and in the doses indicated there. Since antibiotics are potent drugs, it is necessary to take into account all contraindications and warnings written in the instructions. This treatment is not advisable for small children with inflammation of the tonsils.

Cauterization of tonsils

There are many ways to get rid of enlarged tonsils: from folk recipes to the very modern technologies. One of these is cauterization. Don't be scared and exclude him from possible options treatment. Cauterization of the tonsils is performed liquid nitrogen or using ultrasound. This kind of “freezing” of diseased tonsils has become popular in Lately. Literally in one visit she is able to relieve the patient of discomfort and sore throat.


The essence of freezing with liquid nitrogen is to destroy the pathological tissue of the tonsils that contribute to the development of tonsillitis. Exposure temperature below 120 degrees Celsius. During the procedure, a special preparation is used that supplies gas at the appropriate temperature. To treat one tonsil, you need to spend about half a liter of nitrogen. Using a special nozzle, a specialist applies nitrogen only to the tonsil itself, thereby preventing freezing of nearby organs. The treatment time for one tonsil is 2 minutes.


Inflamed tonsils can be easily treated with ultrasound. Modern drugs can save you from this disease in just 10 minutes. The procedure is performed through the cervical soft fabrics by fixing the applicator on lower jaw. Ultrasound frees the lacunae of the tonsils from stagnant fluid, which causes inflammation to spread. For better effect applied to the mucous membrane special remedy which contributes better passage ultrasound.

Removal of tonsils under general anesthesia

If your doctor has prescribed urgent removal of your tonsils, then the inflammation has become serious. Don't worry - this operation is quick and easy. Previously, doctors trimmed enlarged tonsils for everyone who presented with such a problem. Therefore, there is enough experience in carrying out such a procedure. There are several ways to remove tonsils general anesthesia:

All methods are performed under general anesthesia and take no more than 30 minutes. After the operation, the patient is taken to the general ward, where he recovers. An ice bag is applied to the neck. When trimming the tonsils, be sure to follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Should be observed balanced diet after removal of tonsils. The feeling of sore throat will accompany the patient for another 10-14 days.

Video: tonsil removal

To fully understand how the operation to remove enlarged tonsils occurs, we suggest you watch the video below, which not only describes and shows the entire process in detail, but also indicates the symptoms and causes of tonsillitis. It is not recommended for particularly sensitive people to view this video, as it contains surgical materials, as well as photographs. internal organs.

The tonsils, or as the doctor also calls them, the tonsils, are tight junctions lymphoid tissue. Their purpose is to create local and surrounding areas to reduce the likelihood of harmful bacteria entering the body.

In young children, they also play the role of creating immunity to certain common diseases: they are the first to perceive infections and on this basis the body produces a protective system. But if the body is weak and unprepared for an aggressive environment, a very bad thing can happen - enlargement of the tonsils.

This leads to the fact that they themselves become the cause of diseases and treatment of both the cause and the disease becomes difficult.

Article outline

Causes of swollen tonsils

Large tonsils can be observed in both adults and children; age does not determine here. Another thing is that such a disease appears only when a person’s immunity is severely weakened.

This happens due to the fact that microorganisms located on the tonsils begin to provoke infectious tumors and trigger the mechanism of inflammation and swelling. In this case, you should immediately go to your doctor and get a diagnosis.

Enlarged tonsils may be an indicator acute form, and chronic. The disease usually becomes acute with angina. Moreover, it is impossible to miss this disease - it has very noticeable symptoms.

If a person decides that he has no time or no need to go to the hospital, then a significant deterioration of the situation can occur when the pronounced symptoms have already disappeared and you seem to feel fine, but significant damage to the immune system and organs is still caused.

With a prolonged period of neglect of the disease, disruption of the heart, problems with the liver, kidneys, and stomach are possible.

In adults and children, enlarged tonsils are dangerous not so much because of their presence and pain, but possible complications after illness. What is worth knowing is that most often a sore throat does not appear simply after hypothermia or drink plenty of fluids cold liquid is still more of an infectious disease.

You can catch a sore throat and enlarged tonsils even in 40 degree heat, the reason here is not the cold, but the reduced immunity and lack of immunity.

The symptoms of the disease are extremely varied. Of course, the first thing that will become noticeable is enlarged tonsils with a white or yellowish coating. But first, slightly different symptoms may appear:

  • , inability to swallow painlessly.
  • Fever with temperature below 40.
  • Weakness and lethargy of the body.
  • Absence normal operation breathing.

You also need to know that in adults, the tonsils in the throat can enlarge without a sore throat with its typical symptoms. It may also be that even at the same time there are no signs of illness at all, except for a slight malaise, which is usually attributed to anything.

This is usually why treatment is delayed. With incomplete sore throat, the fever may not be as strong, up to 38 degrees, but it is impossible to bring it down with antipyretics. Also, the lymph nodes in a person’s neck always become inflamed. They hurt and can be felt under the ears on each side of the neck.

They usually decrease and return to normal condition as the cause of the disease is treated. They are often associated with lymph nodes and can only be reduced together. Therefore, the degree of inflammation depends on the tonsils.

Treatment of the disease

In any case, no matter how harmless enlarged tonsils may seem to you, treatment should come immediately. The treatment vector is aimed at destroying the infectious focus, which maintains the inflamed state of the tonsils. The treatment here is of a special nature.

You can reduce the number of harmful bacteria by different means, and this will allow you to avoid resorting to surgical radical methods. The next stage There will be relief from quite painful symptoms that create a certain discomfort and interfere with an adequate existence. In any case, you need to clean it first.

The first thing a doctor will prescribe for a child or an adult is in serious condition will bed rest. Then you will need to get used to the fact that the more you drink warm liquid. Preferably in the form of warm tea with lemon, it will be better for you and it will pass faster treatment. Warm liquid helps neutralize toxins in the body. They accumulate during illness and reducing their content is very important.

If you have a runny nose with a sore throat, you can start using drops. It is the drops that allow the drug to quickly reach back wall nasopharynx and begin to act actively. Sometimes your doctor may prescribe special salts to try to negate the effects of a runny nose.

Reduce painful symptoms Regular gargling will help. For this you can use both medical supplies, furatsilin or potassium permanganate, and folk, sage, chamomile, oak bark. The substances included in these drugs will help reduce painful sensations from the presence of the disease and will generally have a beneficial effect on the course of treatment.

If you understand the use medications The instructions will help you, but you will have to prepare the decoction for rinsing yourself. First you need to buy the dried elements of the decoction; this can be done at a regular pharmacy. Next, we need a kettle for making tea. We should brew the purchased decoction in the same way. We should gargle with the liquid we have learned. This must be done regularly, at least 5 times a day.

Also topical treatment consists of using special throat sprays for sore throat. They may have different composition, but most often they include iodine. When sprayed, iodine coats the insides of the throat on each side and neutralizes the action of infectious bacteria.

Of course, it is important to use the full range of antibiotics. It is their use that the appropriate attending physician always focuses on. Treatment with antibiotics begins with you taking tests and determining the optimal drug for your body.

This specific analysis called bacteriological culture, for which they will take some blood from you. Then a course of treatment will be prescribed, and you will have to complete it to the end. If at least a few injections are not given, then you may have to start all over again, since you will not be able to get rid of the infection.


The video talks about how to quickly cure a cold, flu or acute respiratory viral infection. Opinion of an experienced doctor.

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Enlarged tonsils can occur not only in children, but also in adults. This is a paired organ lymphatic system, located in the throat between the palatine arches. It is needed in order to delay the infection that has entered the oral cavity and destroy it. The body tries to prevent pathogenic microflora from entering the respiratory tract.

The tonsils produce special antibodies - macrophages, which have the ability to distinguish pathogenic bacteria. After studying the harmful microorganisms, they capture them and destroy them in the folds of the tonsils. Ideally, all pathogens should be completely neutralized. But this doesn't always happen.

Why do tonsils become inflamed?

Failure of the functions of the lymphatic system leads to inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, because pathogenic bacteria in this case cannot be completely destroyed. They remain in the folds of the tonsils to begin their destructive activities. Only antibiotics can help the body cope with microbes in this case.

Acute tonsillitis must be treated on time, strictly following all the doctor’s recommendations, otherwise the untreated disease becomes chronic.

At chronic disease there is a decrease protective function tonsils and their enlargement is observed. A person becomes a carrier of pathogenic bacteria that can long time be in the oral cavity, regularly activating and striking the body, greatly reducing immunity.

The palatine tonsils, which are enlarged, look different in adults. Some of them are supported on a stalk, slightly adjacent to the palatine arches, others are closely connected to them. Their surface is smooth, with free gaps. There may be no signs of inflammation on the surface of the tonsils; their color can be pale yellow or bright pink. They can have a dense or soft consistency, look spread out, loose.

Causes of enlarged tonsils

Insufficient function of the lymphatic system has become main reason chronic inflammation tonsils Disruption in the functioning of lymph flows leads to the constant presence in the tonsils of adults of pathogenic pathogens, microbes belonging to the pyogenic group. Most often, the tonsils are affected by streptococci, less often by staphylococci or pneumococci.

In the presence of caries, chronic runny nose, inflammation maxillary sinus, otitis media, these bacteria are constantly in the human body, and the immune system cannot cope with them, destroying them completely. With hypothermia, increased physical activity, stressful situations they are activated, and then a temporary exacerbation begins. The inflammatory process is sluggish and is accompanied by enlargement of the tonsils.

These forms of tonsillitis are dangerous because the constant presence of infection in the body attacks the respiratory and cardiovascular system, can cause arthritis, rheumatism, and kidney disease. Adults suffer from constant malaise, weakness, sleep poorly, snore in their sleep, and are tormented by night cough. Over time, otitis media develops, followed by hearing loss. Chronic enlargement of the tonsils causes difficulty breathing and painful swallowing of food.

How to treat enlarged tonsils

Therapeutic measures are carried out under the supervision of an otolaryngologist or therapist who knows how to treat enlarged tonsils. Treatment can be conservative or surgical. To identify the causative agent of the disease, the patient must be sent for testing laboratory research. Treatment of chronic forms without identifying the pathogen is often ineffective. Be sure to take a general blood test, a swab from the throat and nasopharynx. The results obtained will help determine the prescription of antibiotics.

The inflammatory process can be relieved using complex treatment. To do this, they use not only antibiotics, which are best administered by injection, but also gargling antiseptic drugs. Treatment of chronic forms is recommended during an exacerbation of the disease. At this point you need to be hospitalized and undergo treatment in a hospital. This often helps to get rid of the disease for a long time.

To remove inflammatory process the affected tonsils are cleared of purulent plugs, applying medicinal solutions, herbal infusions, inhalations, treatment of tonsils with swabs moistened antiseptic solutions. Be sure to prescribe plenty of warm drinks, liquid food, and a course of multivitamins. Immunoprotectors may be recommended. For persistent forms, physiotherapy is used. This could be the use of ultrasound, magnetic therapy, acupuncture, or ozone therapy.

Non-drug treatment for enlarged tonsils involves Spa treatment. Balneo-mud resorts in the warm season have specially developed techniques for the treatment of chronic forms of tonsillitis. Modern pharmaceuticals knows a lot effective means, which are used to treat chronic inflammation of the tonsils.

Surgery is used very rarely. If traditional methods do not bring recovery, and the tonsils do not perform their functions, then they are removed as a source of infection. The operation is performed in a state of remission, when the person feels well enough. There are several ways to remove tonsils.

Most modern way involves the use of a laser or ultrasonic scalpel. The surgeon can use an electric knife or special surgical scissors.

Before the operation, it is necessary to cure caries, take tests prescribed by the doctor, and provide x-rays of the lungs and heart.

After removal of the tonsils, adults recover completely. Their sleep is restored, and concomitant diseases disappear.

Hypertrophy of the palatine glands is characterized by an increase in size in chronic form. On the one hand, this leads to nasal congestion, difficulties with normal inhalation and exhalation, and a number of others. unpleasant symptoms, on the other hand, threatens with serious complications. Diagnosed in adults, but more often occurs in young children.

Both glands are formed by a collection of lymphoid tissue, the purpose of which is to trap bacteria and viruses. Act as part of the lymphatic system and help protect the body from infections. The tonsils are located in the back of the throat and are visible through the mouth. The function is to prevent bacteria and viruses from penetrating deeper into the throat, producing antibodies to attack pathogenic microorganisms. Enlarged palatal lymph glands in adults and children are associated with frequent infections and inflammation in the throat.

Symptoms of the pathological process

Hypertrophy of the tonsils in rare cases occurs without severe symptoms. Classic signs that determine enlarged glands:

  1. Voice changes. As a result of tissue growth near vocal cords, the timbre changes slightly.
  2. Difficulty swallowing. Enlargement of the tonsils becomes the reason for this.
  3. Loss of appetite. Swallowing is painful, making eating difficult. This symptom affects children to a greater extent.
  4. Halitosis. Infection promotes the proliferation of microbes, appears bad smell from mouth.
  5. Snore. Hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils affects free exhalation and inhalation, which is why air exchange in the lungs is difficult in adults and children during sleep, and characteristic noisy sounds are present.
  6. Obstructive apnea (stopping breathing). A condition that develops in severe cases. Occurs during breaks in breathing during sleep. Serious and dangerous phenomenon, potentially leading to pulmonary hypertension and hypertrophy of the right side of the heart.
  7. Frequent ear infections. Enlarged tonsils often lead to blockage of the Eustachian tubes and impede drainage. Behind eardrum Fluid accumulates, increasing the risk of infection. The process is either one-sided or affects both ears.
  8. Chronic sinusitis, rhinitis. Hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsil and adjacent tissue complicates the outflow of fluid from the sinuses. Blockage threatens the development of infection. Symptoms of nasal congestion, bloating and heaviness appear. The tissue growth is nothing more than adenoids. Its inflammation is adenoiditis. It is possible in childhood and in teenagers. Degrees are assigned based on the size of the growth.
  9. Headache, decreased performance due to insufficient oxygen supply.

Causes that lead to pathology

At birth, the tonsils are immature; as they grow older, they undergo a number of changes and their functions improve. Under influence harmful substances in the air, tobacco smoke, dust, viruses and microbes, the tonsils are forced to “react”, causing them to change size and gradually grow. Not all patients are affected by this. According to doctors, heredity, the frequency of inflammation and infections, fetal asphyxia during childbirth, etc. play a role. It is difficult to name the exact reasons why pathology develops.

It has been noticed that hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils most often threatens people with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, endocrine disorders. Conditions influence environment, lack of variety in the diet and lack of vitamins.

Hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils is classified depending on the size of the tonsils. There are 3 degrees:

1st degree

it is characterized by a slight increase. The tissue of the organ grows to a third of the height between the palatine arch and the pharynx;

2nd degree

the tonsil should occupy two-thirds of the height;

3rd degree

diagnosed if the tonsils completely block the lumen in the throat and close together.

I, II, III degrees of hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils

Stages 2 and 3 are characterized by symptoms of difficulty breathing through the mouth and nose, difficulty swallowing and a nasal voice. The change in timbre is accompanied by hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil. IN adolescence under the influence of hormones and the rapid growth of the body, the reverse process is possible, the tonsils become smaller and take on normal sizes. It is not always worth removing enlarged glands in childhood; there are good reasons for this.

As the glands enlarge, their structure, color and density do not change. The color is pink, the lacunae are clean, there is no plaque. Hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils is characterized only by an increase in size.

Hypertrophy of the lingual tonsil is diagnosed in adults when tubercles grow and enlarge on the root of the tongue. A similar process is observed in children with adenoiditis at the same time. As a rule, hypertrophy of the lingual tonsil is treated without special treatment; the symptoms disappear during puberty and it decreases again.

If this does not happen, upon examination in adults, an enlarged gland is noted at the back wall of the pharynx and the root of the tongue. Patients come for examination and complain of a “lump in the throat,” rawness, “something is bothering the throat.” This is nothing more than hypertrophy of the lingual tonsil. Decoctions of burdock, milkweed, and milk thistle oil are recommended for treatment.

There are 2 types of hypertrophy of the lingual tonsil:

Unilateral processes in the throat

If the tonsil is enlarged on only one side, it is suspected serious illness. The reason for this may be a tumor, lung disease, sexually transmitted infections(syphilis), other microbial infections.

An examination by an oncologist is required to exclude growth cancer cells. Treatment, if the diagnosis is confirmed, involves cutting off the inflamed gland on one side and carrying out anti-cancer treatment.

An enlarged gland on one side is a reason to seek help from a venereologist or pulmonologist, although in some cases this is an individual feature of the body.

Treatment and assistance with gland overgrowth

Therapy is chosen based on the degree of proliferation of the tonsils. On initial stage treatment involves following hygiene rules, always rinsing your mouth after eating. Inhalation through the nose will reduce the number of germs and viruses entering the body. The tonsils remain moisturized and are able to resist infection.

Hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils is treated with antiseptics and cauterization. The tonsils are lubricated with a 2% solution of Corralgol, Lapis, Tanid-glycerin, Karatolin, etc. Correct treatment and regularity of procedures will improve the patient’s condition, ease breathing and reduce the number of unpleasant symptoms.

When hypertrophy of the tonsils affects the quality of life, a person has difficulty breathing, swallowing food, he feels tired and overwhelmed, it is necessary radical treatment. Conduct surgery. The gland is removed from one side or both, excised partially or completely.

Folk remedies help in treatment. Brew oak bark, leaves walnut for rinsing. Astringent action The decoction prevents the growth and reduces the volume of the glands. Use propolis oil to lubricate the tonsils, mineral alkaline water, saline solutions for rinsing.

Pay attention to the tonsils. The decision to remove them must be made strictly according to indications. Conservative treatment allows you to normalize the patient’s well-being. Special attention deserves enlargement of the gland on one side. In this case, a visit to the hospital is not postponed; it is important to exclude an oncological process. Discuss treatment with folk remedies with your doctor, he will recommend effective remedies.
