Candles of plant origin. The most effective suppositories for ovarian inflammation

Various pathogenic microflora transmitted through sexual contact often lead to the development pathological processes in the internal genital organs of a woman. Such diseases require timely, competent treatment to avoid the development of severe complications. The names of inflammatory processes in the appendages in gynecology depend on the location of the pathology. So, pathology in fallopian tubes ah is called salpingitis, in the ovaries - oophoritis. The combined pathological process of these organs is called salpingoophoritis or adnexitis.

At complex treatment the doctor often prescribes various candles, providing effective action from inflammation of the appendages.

Types of suppositories

With the development of pathology of the appendages, of all drugs, gynecological anti-inflammatory drugs, produced in the form of suppositories and sticks, have the greatest effect. The dosage form in sticks is used to administer medications directly into the cervix or urethra. Only a doctor can perform this procedure. On an outpatient basis, for the treatment of diseases of the appendages in women, doctors prefer suppositories.

It occurs with various symptoms, so the suppositories used in therapy may differ in their effect. Also, the composition of the prescribed drugs is influenced by the type of microflora causing the pathology. When a diagnosis of inflammation of the appendages is made, the following suppositories are prescribed to treat the pathology:

  • containing antifungal or antibacterial components. Suppositories with such an active substance are used in cases where disease of the appendages is caused by various pathogenic microflora. To select a drug with this effect, the doctor first takes smears to determine the type of pathogen, as well as its sensitivity to various groups medications. The most aggressive substance against pathogenic microorganism. When the pathogen is destroyed, the cause of the disease is eliminated;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, called NSAIDs for short. Such suppositories for inflammation of the appendages, along with an anti-inflammatory effect, can also have an analgesic effect. When using these drugs, symptoms such as swelling, swelling, and redness disappear, which brings significant relief;
  • To speed up recovery, any disease of the appendages requires therapy with immunomodulators. The use of such drugs in suppositories will enhance the body's local defense reactions, which leads to more rapid suppression of pathological processes and inhibition of the vital activity of pathogenic microflora;
  • suppositories for ovarian inflammation may also have wound-healing properties. The prescription of such drugs is also necessary, since the mucous membranes of the vagina are easily damaged, and various microtraumas that occur during sexual intercourse enhance the pathological process, preventing recovery.

The composition of most suppositories used in gynecology for the treatment of pathological processes of the female genital area of various etiologies, includes several substances with different effects.

Treatment with such combination medications greatly speeds up the healing process.

Vaginal products

Anti-inflammatory suppositories used in gynecology for diseases of the appendages must be used in strict accordance with doctor's prescriptions. If the doctor has not given any special instructions, you should carefully read the instructions for the drug.

Most often, gynecologists prescribe such suppositories for inflammation of the appendages:

Do not use candles yourself. The choice of drug should be made taking into account the effect of the drug components on various types of pathogenic microflora.

Therefore, only a doctor should prescribe intravaginal drugs after a preliminary examination.

Rectal medications

Despite the good results with therapy with intravaginal agents, in the presence of a number of concomitant pathologies of the walls of the vagina and cervix, sometimes in case of inflammatory processes in the ovaries it is better to use rectal suppositories. When administered into the rectum, the medicine is very quickly absorbed into the circulatory system. The effect of the active components in this case is complete reproductive system and other pelvic organs.

  • Diklak. Relieves pain, inflammation, and also has an antipyretic effect. They help well with diseases of the appendages of various ethologies. When using these suppositories to treat inflammation of the ovaries, it should be borne in mind that undesirable effects are possible in the form of dizziness and muscle weakness. Therefore, driving is prohibited during therapy.
  • Voltaren. The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs included in the suppositories make it possible to effectively use these suppositories for inflammation of the ovaries. It is not advisable to use this medicine in cases where women have concomitant diseases liver and kidneys, as well as in the presence of cardiovascular pathology.
  • Also, for pathologies of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, Ortofen rectal suppositories are highly effective, relieving pain, swelling and other manifestations of the disease. However, they must be used with caution and only under the supervision of a doctor, since the active start of the drug can cause the development of hypertension.

General contraindications and side effects

Suppositories used for ovarian inflammation in women are generally tolerated by patients without side effects. However, sometimes there may be discomfort in the vagina. To such side effects relate:

  • itching or burning sensation on the vulva or in the vagina itself. This phenomenon may be caused by individual intolerance to the active principle of the medication or formative component;
  • an increase in the amount of discharge or a change in it appearance or smell. This effect may indicate both the positive dynamics of therapy and idiosyncrasy to medicinal product. To find out the reason for such changes, you should consult your doctor;
  • redness and swelling of the mucous membranes indicate intolerance to the therapy. In such cases, a change in treatment tactics is required;
  • anti-inflammatory gynecological suppositories used for diseases of the appendages can cause an allergic reaction from the whole body. This manifests itself in the appearance of various rashes on the body, general swelling, the development of conjunctivitis of allergic etiology or hay fever;

In more severe cases Contact eczema may begin to develop.

In all cases, changes general condition body in the process of treatment or the appearance of changes in the reproductive system, it is necessary to inform the attending physician. The doctor will determine the cause of the unwanted effects and make the necessary adjustments to the therapy.

Despite all the ease of use and high efficiency, it is not always possible to use suppositories against inflammation of the appendages. There are cases in which this type of therapy should not be used. First of all, this applies to cases of increased hypersensitive reaction of the body. In this case, high availability immune system women can lead to a severe allergic reaction immediate type requiring emergency assistance.

Also, you should not use vaginal suppositories for inflammation of the appendages, if the patient has cervical erosion, as well as if there are cysts in the ovaries or various mechanical damage vaginal mucous membranes. It is also not advisable to use suppositories during menstruation. Rectal suppositories should not be used for hemorrhoids, ulcerations, cracks or erosions of the rectal mucosa.

Treatment rules

The mucous membranes of the vaginal walls have a developed capillary network. Thanks to this, the medicine very quickly enters the bloodstream and begins to act a few minutes after administration, because the formative substances that make up vaginal and rectal suppositories begin to melt due to body temperature. The high effectiveness of this treatment method is due to the fact that active principle drugs are not broken down by enzymes digestive system, as it happens when orally drugs. This method is also better than parenteral administration of drugs, in which medicinal compounds are carried through the bloodstream throughout the body. When administering drugs vaginally or rectally, their highest concentration will be in the pelvic organs.

For inflammation of the female appendages, for high effectiveness of treatment, it is very important to correctly administer the suppositories prescribed by the doctor. To do this you need to do the following:

  • perform a thorough toilet of the external genitalia and wash your hands cleanly;
  • take a body position lying on your back with your legs wide apart and bent at the knees;
  • the candle is removed from the package and immediately, before it begins to melt in the hands, it is inserted with the rounded end forward into the vagina. The depth of insertion is the length of the patient’s second finger;
  • lie down for 15 minutes. You can lower your legs. This time is enough for the medicine to be completely absorbed by the vaginal mucosa and not leak out. Therefore, the best solution would be to carry out such procedures at night.

Most often, the drug for diseases of the appendages is administered into the vagina once a day at approximately the same time. If the patient misses one procedure, you should not put the suppository at another time or increase the number of suppositories administered. Therapy should continue in strict accordance with the schedule prescribed by the doctor. The course of treatment depends on the type of disease, as well as the drug used, and is prescribed by a gynecologist.

During treatment, the doctor may carry out laboratory research blood or smears to monitor the effectiveness of therapy. If necessary, to prevent relapse of the disease, the doctor may prescribe repeated courses of treatment.

The decision which suppositories are best to use when symptoms of inflammation of the appendages appear should be made by the attending physician. This takes into account the nature and severity of the inflammatory process, the type of pathogenic microflora that caused the disease, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases in the woman’s body.

Among the most popular antibacterial candles are: the following drugs.

Lactonorm. This product is a new vaginal probiotic that helps deliver essential lactobacilli to the vagina. These suppositories are used to treat vaginal dysbiosis, vaginitis, vulvitis, bacterial vaginosis. They can also be used to prevent dysbiosis in the vagina and urogenital tract during antibacterial treatment.

Lactonorm contains: a large number of live acidophilus bacteria (at least 100 million CFU of Lactobacillus acidophilus in 1 suppository), which help restore the vaginal microflora after long-term use antibiotics, after inflammatory processes and hormonal imbalance.

For treatment, one vaginal capsule is prescribed twice a day (morning and evening) for seven days. For prevention, therapy can be continued for two weeks.

Phythoraxin. This drug has proven itself in complex therapy uterine fibroids, colpitis, cervical erosion. The product contains components plant origin(propolis, celandine), potassium iodide and gallic acid polyphenolic complex. Phythoraxin does not affect healthy cells, but it inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

Use one suppository twice a day rectally or vaginally (depending on the disease). Do not use if you are intolerant to the components of the drug. No side effects were identified.

Terzhinan. This drug has antiprotozoal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal effects. Actively used in gynecology in the treatment of many gynecological diseases(colpitis, candidal and bacterial vaginitis, trichomoniasis), as well as for their prevention.

The active ingredient is ternidazole. The drug also contains: nystanin, neomycin sulfate, prednisolone sodium metasulfobenzoate. The suppositories are administered vaginally, one suppository once a day (best before bedtime). Before use, it is recommended to hold the tablet under water for twenty seconds. Administer while lying down. Therapy lasts on average about ten days. Prevention – six days.

Do not use the drug if you are intolerant of its components. Among the main side effects are: burning and itching in the vagina after insertion, allergies.

Methyluracil. The active ingredient is methyluracil. This drug is often prescribed to treat bacterial cystitis, proctitis or sigmoiditis.

1 tablet is administered rectally three to four times a day. Therapy can be quite long (from seven days to four months).

The product is contraindicated in case of intolerance to its main component. Sometimes it can cause such side effects, like allergies, headache.

Antibacterial vaginal suppositories

Today, for any disease of the genital organs of women, gynecologists prescribe antibacterial vaginal suppositories. They are of particular importance in the treatment of inflammatory processes. It is suppositories or suppositories that are considered today unique shape, with which medicinal substance can be effectively delivered to the site of inflammation, while minimizing side effects.

With colpitis, inflammation of the vaginal mucosa occurs. Colpitis happens different types, but suppositories are prescribed only for the treatment of nonspecific colpitis. As a rule, antibacterial drugs are used, which include a broad-spectrum antiseptic. The most popular remedies for nonspecific colpitis are:

  1. Terzhinan. The active ingredient is ternidazole. Dosage: one tablet once a day for ten days.
  2. Polygynax. The active ingredients are nystanin, neomycin and polymyxin B. Dosage: one tablet twice a day for five to fourteen days.
  3. Betadine. Active active substance is iodine. It is administered twice a day for six to twelve days.

If colpitis was caused by Trichomonas, the best means suppositories based on metronidazole are considered:

  1. Klion D. Administered once a day for ten days.

  1. Ginalgin. Prescribed for ten days, one tablet per day.

For genital herpes, antiviral drugs in the form of suppositories are often used. Among them, the following stand out:

  1. Viferon. It is administered rectally twice a day for five to seven days. The active ingredient is interferon.

For candidal colpitis, the most popular suppositories are:

  1. Bificol. The product contains dried bifidobacteria. Injected vaginally once a day for ten days.
  2. Acylact. Contains live lactobacilli. Prescribe one suppository for ten days.

Antibacterial anti-inflammatory suppositories

Usually, inflammatory processes in the vagina and reproductive organs of women are caused by various microorganisms (chlamydia, gonorrhea). The most frequent symptoms inflammations are: cutting or aching pain in the right or left side of the groin area.

This uses suppositories that can be administered either vaginally or rectally. The most popular drugs are:

  1. Movalis. Rectal suppositories with the active ingredient meloxicam. This is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician and is strictly individual. The drug should not be taken if there is intolerance to its main component, severe heart and liver failure, or during pregnancy. Taking suppositories can cause anemia, headaches, and increased blood pressure.
  2. Longidaza. The active ingredient is longidase. Used to treat prostatitis, cystitis, and to prevent scars after surgery. The drug is known for helping to get rid of adhesions. One tablet is administered rectally or intravaginally (best before bedtime) for ten to twenty days. The drug is contraindicated in malignant tumors, during pregnancy, children under twelve years of age. The main side effects are allergic reactions (itching, burning).

Antibacterial rectal suppositories

Typically, antibacterial rectal suppositories are prescribed to treat chronic hemorrhoids and infections in the female reproductive organs. When treating hemorrhoids, suppositories help to heal wounds in the anus faster and also improve the regeneration of damaged tissue. The most popular rectal suppositories today are the following.

Ultraproct. The active ingredient of the drug is fluocortorone, which is a glucocorticosteroid. It helps reduce the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, which reduces tissue swelling, itching and burning. Suppositories are used for anal injuries and hemorrhoids.

Suppositories are administered immediately after bowel movements and careful hygiene anal passage. Use one suppository per day until the unpleasant symptoms completely disappear.

The drug is contraindicated for chickenpox or other viral diseases, tuberculosis and syphilis in the affected area, during pregnancy and in case of intolerance to its components. The most common side effects are: itching, burning, allergies.

Posterisan. Treatment remedy inflammatory diseases anorectal area (hemorrhoids, anal fissures, anogenital itching). The active ingredients of the drug are: hydrocortisone, inactivated cells coli.

Suppositories are administered in the early morning hours, as well as late in the evening (before bedtime). Also, in some cases, it is possible to administer each time after a bowel movement. After the main symptoms of the disease have passed, treatment is continued for several more days to consolidate the result.

Posterizan suppositories can be used without fear even during pregnancy. The only contraindication is intolerance to the components. Among the side effects from using the product are: allergies in the form of dermatological reactions.

Antibacterial suppositories for prostatitis

Today, special rectal suppositories are often used to treat prostatitis. But it is worth paying attention that therapy can last quite a long time, since between the rectum and the prostate there is an intestinal wall and a prostate capsule. To treat prostatitis, suppositories with antibiotics and antispasmodics, as well as natural ingredients such as propolis, are used.

The most popular suppositories for prostatitis are:

  1. Rifampicin. The active ingredient of the drug is the antibiotic rifampicin. It has a bactericidal effect against staphylococci, streptococci, clostridia, neisseria, Brucella, rickettsia, chlamydia, and improves tissue regeneration. Suppositories are administered rectally, one per day (best before bedtime), until the main symptoms of the disease disappear. The drug is contraindicated in case of intolerance to the main substance, in childhood, during pregnancy. May cause such side effects: loss of appetite, painful sensations in the abdominal area, headache, blurred vision, inflammatory processes in the kidneys.
  2. Prostopin. The active ingredients of the drug are: royal jelly, pollen, honey, propolis and beebread. It has wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effects. It is also used in therapy. anal fissures and hemorrhoids. Use one suppository once a day for fifteen to thirty days. Before insertion, the rectum must be emptied. Do not use if you are intolerant to the components of the suppositories.

Antibacterial suppositories for cystitis

The most popular antibacterial suppositories that help cure cystitis are:

  1. Hexicon. The active ingredient is chlorhexidine, active against treponemas, chlamydia, ureaplasma, gonorrhea, gardnerella, trichomonas and viruses herpes simplex Types 1 and 2. Typically used on initial stage cystitis or for its prevention.

One suppository is administered vaginally twice a day for five to fourteen days. For prevention, one suppository is used once a day for eight days. The only contraindication for this drug is intolerance to its components.

  1. Betadine. The active ingredient is povidone-iodine. Additionally, the suppositories contain macrogol, which is active against staphylococcus, fungi and E. coli. Suppositories help not only cope with the main symptoms of cystitis, but also normalize the vaginal microflora, relieve a woman from unpleasant burning sensation and itching.

The drug is contraindicated when using other products with iodine, kidney disease, childhood, pregnancy and breastfeeding. When used, side effects are possible: a feeling of a metallic bite in the mouth, skin reactions, eye irritation, pain in the mouth.

Method of using antibacterial suppositories

Antibacterial suppositories are divided according to the method of their administration: vaginal (inserted directly into the vagina and are suitable for the treatment of inflammatory processes in it), rectal (they are inserted into the rectum through the anus).

Modern medicine has developed many good medicines, helping with inflammation of the female organs, from what is often called the “female cold.” It can be like medicine general action, entering the body through the gastrointestinal tract, and drugs for topical use. Among the last category of medications, an important place is occupied by gynecological suppositories (suppositories), intended for placement in natural body cavities.

Indications for use

Scope of application of this type drugs is quite wide. They can be used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • cysts and polycystic disease,
  • adnexitis,
  • endometritis and
  • cervical erosions, endocervitis and exocervitis
  • vaginitis of various natures (candidiasis, specific and nonspecific colpitis, atrophic colpitis),
  • chlamydia.

In addition, candles are prescribed in recovery period, after gynecological operations or abortions or for the prevention of infections before operations, childbirth, installation of spirals.

Types of candles

Several types of suppositories are used for inflammation in gynecology:

  • vaginal,
  • rectal (suppositories into the rectum),
  • candles in the form of sticks with a rounded end (for the urethra or cervix).

Optimal for each disease certain type suppositories - vaginal ones are more suitable for some, rectal ones for others.

Suppositories for female infections and inflammations can have different shapes. Rectal suppositories are usually cylindrical, bullet-shaped, or cone-shaped. Vaginal - ovoid, round, cylindrical or cone-shaped.

Mechanism of action

All candles are united by their mechanism of action. They consist of active substance and fat base (paraffins, gelatins or glycerols). At room temperature, candles are typically solid. state of aggregation. However, already at the temperature of the human body (+36ºС), the material from which the candle consists begins to melt. The substances contained in the candle come out and begin their active action.

Some suppositories act exclusively locally, on the mucous membranes. However, since the superficial tissues of the vagina and rectum are saturated with small blood vessels, then part of the active substances enters the bloodstream and circulates in the pelvic area, while exerting its therapeutic effect.

Absorption into the blood occurs very quickly - approximately half of the active component of the suppository enters the blood within half an hour, and the entire substance becomes biologically available within an hour. Wherein active ingredients affect the general blood flow to a very small extent and almost do not reach the liver and kidneys.

Another advantage of candles over dosage forms taken orally is that suppositories do not cause the characteristic symptoms gastrointestinal tract allergic reactions.

Gynecological suppositories may have different types actions. The most commonly used candles have the following effects:

  • directed against infection
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • tissue repair,
  • restoring vaginal microflora,
  • anesthetic.

There are not many drugs that have only one type of action. Typically, suppositories have a complex effect, that is, for example, they can simultaneously influence pathogens and relieve inflammation. Some anti-inflammatory suppositories contain vitamins necessary for tissue functioning, substances that stimulate local immunity, etc.

The components contained in suppositories can be either synthetic or natural substances. The main infectious agents causing gynecological diseases are viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Therefore, suppositories may include antiviral components, antifungal agents, antibiotics and antiseptics.

Antibacterial components of candles

They serve as various substances that kill bacteria and prevent their reproduction. Antibiotic suppositories used in gynecology usually contain drugs such as chlorhexidine, metronidazole, cotrixomazole, penicillins, macrolides, and iodine. It is important to remember that any type of antibiotic has its own indications and contraindications, and improper use of antibacterial drugs, as well as exceeding the dosage, can lead to allergic reactions, as well as to oppression normal microflora vagina, which performs protective functions.

Antifungal components

This type of substance is active only against pathogenic fungi. Typically, vaginal suppositories are equipped with these components. The most popular antifungal drugs are fluconazole, clotrimazole, pimafucin. As a rule, the course of treatment for fungal diseases of the genital organs takes longer than antibiotic therapy.

Anti-inflammatory components

Anti-inflammatory suppositories are often used in the treatment of diseases. In gynecology, there are many drugs with a similar effect. They are used for what is popularly called “feminine inflammation.”

The main type of substances used in the treatment of gynecological inflammation are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Their purpose is to eliminate signs of inflammation - pain and swelling. From a biochemical point of view, the mechanism of anti-inflammatory drugs is based on blocking the synthesis of prostaglandins. These may be components such as diclofenac, ichthyol or indomethacin. In some cases, the doctor may also prescribe suppositories with steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as prednisolone.

Herbal Ingredients

Natural components are also often used in rectal and vaginal anti-inflammatory suppositories. Herbal candles may include extracts of chamomile, sage, belladonna, calendula, coniferous trees, cocoa butter, eucalyptus. Candles containing sea buckthorn oil have gained great popularity. These suppositories can be used in childhood and old age, during pregnancy and lactation.

Features of the use of suppositories for various diseases

Let's briefly look at the main gynecological diseases and suppositories used in their treatment. In some cases, the use of suppositories is the main method of therapy, in other cases it is a secondary one. In addition, in some cases vaginal suppositories are more effective, in others rectal suppositories.

Photo: Lukasz Siekierski/


The disease consists of inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. In fact, this is not one disease, but a whole group of diseases that can be caused by both fungi and bacteria - gonococci, chlamydia, etc. Less commonly, viruses act as pathogens. Accordingly, suppositories for the treatment of colpitis may contain various antibacterial agents, for example, metronidazole, antifungal or antiprotozoal drugs.

Nonspecific colpitis

This is the name for colpitis caused by pathogens that were among the vaginal microflora before the onset of the disease and were not brought in from somewhere outside.

In most cases, nonspecific colpitis is caused by streptococci and staphylococci. Polymicrobial forms of the disease also occur.

The main method of treatment for nonspecific colpitis is douching with solutions of disinfectants, including herbal ones - chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate, decoctions of chamomile, sage, lemon balm. And the use of vaginal suppositories can be an aid.

The most popular drugs are:

  • Terzhinan
  • Polygynax
  • Mikozhinaks
  • Hexicon
  • Meratin-combi
  • Betadine

The main active ingredient of suppositories is povidone-iodine. This drug is a combination of iodine with a concentration of 1% iodine and polyvinylpyrroliddone. Povidone-iodine has pronounced antiseptic properties and at the same time does not irritate the mucous membranes.

Release form: Brown torpedo-shaped candles.

Indications: treatment of acute or chronic vaginitis (specific or nonspecific), genital herpes, prevention of infections during gynecological procedures.

Contraindications: diseases of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism, adenoma), age up to one year, dermatitis herpetiformis Dühring, simultaneous administration radioactive iodine. During pregnancy, the drug can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Side effects: thyrotoxicosis, vaginal dysbiosis.

Application: acute infections vaginas are treated with two suppositories a day. The course of therapy is a week. At chronic diseases One suppository is used per day, and the duration of treatment is 2 weeks. Before insertion, the suppository should be moistened with water. During menstruation, treatment should not be interrupted.

Candidiasis colpitis

This disease is caused by Candida fungi that colonize the surface of the vagina. The disease itself does not represent great danger, but you shouldn't run it anyway.

To treat candidiasis, only suppositories with antifungal components are used. Antibacterial drugs in in this case won't fit.

Among the popular suppositories used in the treatment of candidiasis colpitis, it is worth noting:

  • Ketoconazole,
  • Itraconazole,
  • Nystatin.

Suppositories intended for the treatment of vaginitis caused by a fungal infection. The main active ingredient is Ketoconazole. The candle also contains semi-synthetic glycerides.

Dosage form: The drug is available in the form of vaginal suppositories with 200 mg of active substance.

Contraindications: first trimester of pregnancy, age up to 12 years. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, during lactation, and under the age of 18, suppositories are used with caution.

Indications: For the treatment of acute or acute vaginal candidiasis chronic type, for the prevention of candidiasis during a course of treatment with antibacterial drugs.

Application: Use one candle per day. For acute candidiasis, the course of treatment is 3-5 days, depending on the severity of the disease, for chronic candidiasis – 10 days. Candles are administered in a supine position.


This is a type of colpitis caused by a special type of bacteria - gardnerella. Thus, the main purpose of suppositories used for this disease is to destroy these bacteria. The suppositories are inserted directly into the vaginal cavity.

The most popular suppositories for colpitis caused by Gardnerella:

  • McMirror,
  • Terzhinan,
  • Suppositories with metronidazole.


Cystitis is inflammation Bladder, a disease characterized by unpleasant and painful symptoms for women. Signs of cystitis include burning and pain when urinating, and an increased urge to urinate.

Anti-inflammatory therapy for cystitis may include the use of vaginal suppositories. Suppositories for cystitis have analgesic, anti-edematous, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. For cystitis, Palin suppositories and suppositories with synthomycin are often used.

Suppositories with herbal ingredients are also effective for cystitis - belladonna, oak bark, celandine. As a rule, they are prescribed if the disease has not yet reached a severe stage.


Adnexitis or inflammation of the appendages is a common gynecological disease. Most often caused by hypothermia of the body, and not by infectious causes. The disease is characterized by attacks of pain - aching, dull or cutting. The disease is often accompanied by fever, weakness, and lack of appetite, which indicates general intoxication of the body.

For treatment of this disease rectal rather than vaginal suppositories. The fact is that from the rectum it is easier for the active ingredients to enter the bloodstream in the pelvic area and reach the appendages than from the vagina. Most often, anti-inflammatory suppositories and suppositories with an analgesic effect are used for this disease.

  • Rectal suppositories with belladonna,
  • Fluomizin,
  • Indomethacin,
  • Diclofenac,
  • Meratin-combi,
  • Mikozhinax.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories. Available in rectal form, but can also be used for vaginal administration. Contains 50 or 100 mg of the active substance of the same name. For gynecological diseases they are used as an auxiliary drug.

Indications: infectious and inflammatory processes with adnexitis and cystitis.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, Crohn's disease, severe renal and liver failure, bleeding, age up to 14 years.

Application: Suppositories are inserted into the vagina in a supine position. 50 mg suppositories can be used up to three times a day, and 100 mg suppositories can be used no more than once a day. The course of treatment is usually 2 weeks, but may be shorter, depending on the severity of the disease.

Cervical erosion

Cervical erosion is serious illness which can only be treated surgically or minimally invasively (using electrical, chemical and laser methods). Suppositories alone cannot cure it. However, suppositories can be used as aid, facilitating tissue healing and preventing infections. They can be prescribed both before and after surgery.

Popular suppositories used in the treatment of cervical erosions:

  • Depantol,
  • Hexicon,
  • Polygynax.


Treatment with antibiotics, no matter how it is carried out, whether in the form of taking tablets or using local antibacterial agents, is usually accompanied by inhibition of beneficial microflora. This applies, in particular, to the microflora that inhabits the surface of the vagina.

To eliminate this problem, suppositories with probiotic components are intended. They contain the necessary bacteria that could quickly colonize the vaginal mucosa and restore its protective microflora.

The most popular suppositories for the treatment of bacterial dysbiosis:

  • Acylact,
  • Bifidumbacterin,
  • Vagilak.

Endometritis and endometriosis

Endometritis is a disease caused by inflammation of a special epithelial layer of the uterus - the endometrium. The disease can often occur after caesarean section and abortion. It may cause an increase in temperature.

Endometriosis is a disease caused by pathological growth endometrium. The etiology of the disease is not exactly clear.

For these diseases, anti-inflammatory vaginal suppositories are not the main method of treatment. This is due to the fact that they often experience heavy menstrual and intermenstrual bleeding, which washes away medicinal substances from the vaginal cavity. However, the doctor may prescribe suppositories for uncomplicated endometriosis, when the disease has not yet reached a serious stage.

For severe bleeding, rectal suppositories can be used. Their main task is to relieve inflammation and pain.

The most commonly used suppositories for endometriosis are Voltaren (active ingredient diclofenac), Polygynax and Indomethacin. Homeopathic suppositories for women Endometrin with herbal ingredients are also very popular for endometritis and endometriosis.

Method of using suppositories

In order to use the suppository correctly, you must follow the instructions that come with any drug. However, there are also general rules their applications.

In most cases, anti-inflammatory suppositories are best administered in the evening, before bed. Before the procedure, you should take a shower or wash your face. It must be remembered that heavy discharge from the genitals in many cases can reduce the effect of the drugs. If you intend to insert a rectal suppository, you must first empty your bowels. An enema can be used for this purpose.

Hands must also be clean during this procedure; it is recommended to wash them with soap or rinse with an antiseptic.

Any suppositories must be administered while lying on your back. The suppository must be completely inserted into the cavity of the rectum or vagina. After administration, you need to lie down for about 15 minutes to give the candle time to dissolve.

Some suppositories must be moistened with water before insertion. It is better to clarify this issue in the instructions for the drug.

Should not be used simultaneously with the administration of suppositories. sanitary napkin or tampons. The entrance to the vagina should be completely open so that there are no obstacles to the release of secretions.

It is not recommended to use vaginal suppositories during menstruation (although some drugs allow such use). It should also be noted that self-medication with suppositories is unacceptable. The fact is that many suppositories have contraindications for certain concomitant diseases, and their use can only cause harm. Also, not all suppositories can be used during pregnancy and childhood.

Using suppositories during pregnancy

Selecting suitable suppositories during pregnancy is not an easy task. Only a gynecologist can tell you what is best to use in this case. After all, many antibiotics contained in suppositories are able to penetrate the placental barrier and can also be dangerous for women's health during this period. However, some drugs, especially those of natural origin, are allowed during pregnancy.

For example, during pregnancy you can use suppositories based on bee jelly. These suppositories have a wound-healing effect and protect the female organs from infections. They can also be used during the recovery period after childbirth. Candles based on sea buckthorn oil are also popular.

List of vaginal suppositories, indications and active substance

Name Active substances Indications
Acylact Lactobacillus acidophilus strains
Betadine Povidone-iodine Infectious vaginitis
Bifidumbacterin Bifidobacterium bifidum strains vaginal dysbiosis, atrophic colpitis
Vagilak lactobacilli strains vaginal dysbiosis, atrophic colpitis
Voltaren Diclofenac
Hexicon Chlorhexidine Infectious vaginitis
Depantol Dexpanthenol, chlorhexidine erosion and inflammation of the cervix, infectious vaginitis
Diclofenac Diclofenac inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs, adnexitis
Indomethacin Indomethacin inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs, adnexitis
Itraconazole Itraconazole candidal vaginitis
Ketoconazole Ketoconazole candidal vaginitis
Livarol Ketoconazole candidal vaginitis
McMirror Complex Nystatin, nifuratel candidiasis, bacterial and trichomonas vaginitis
Meratin-combi ornidazole infectious vaginitis
Mikozhinaks metronidazole, chloramphenicol, nystatin, dexamethasone infectious vaginitis
Nystatin nystatin candidal vaginitis
Palin pipemidic acid urethritis cystitis, pyelonephritis
Polygynax Neomycin, Nystatin, Polymyxin B infectious vaginitis, vulvovaginitis
Terzhinan combination of Ternidazole, Neomycin, Nystatin, Prednisolone infectious vaginitis, vaginal dysbiosis
Trichopolum metronidazole trichomonas vaginitis, endometritis, inflammation of the fallopian tubes
Flamax Ketoprofen painful menstruation, pelvic inflammation
Fluomizin dequalinium chloride infectious vaginitis
Eucolec eucalyptus extract vaginitis and vulvovaginitis
Endometrin cocoa butter, calendula, sea buckthorn endometriosis, disorders menstrual cycle, inflammatory processes in the pelvic area

Modern gynecology has wide range therapeutic and prophylactic agents to combat the most various ailments. One of the most effective methods treatment gynecological problems is a candle. There are candles different types, they are differentiated by composition, method of administration, effect, etc. Only vaginal suppositories provide required action, contacting the lesion, carrying out effective therapy.

Types of suppositories used in gynecology

There are a lot of varieties of candles, which allows you to select the necessary remedy to combat a specific problem. Based on this, drugs are prescribed for the treatment of uterine fibroids, thrush, various erosions etc. Also, all suppositories can be divided into three main ways of introducing the product into the body:

  • rectal– used for administration through the rectum. Often, preparations of this type are shaped like a bullet or a cone;
  • vaginal– inserted into the vagina, having a round, less often ovoid shape;
  • uterine– they must be inserted into the cervix.

It should be noted that due to the specific nature of the application, gynecological suppositories are produced in most cases from natural ingredients. This condition necessarily, because genitourinary system needs the most “compassionate” treatment. This allows you to increase the effectiveness of the products and at the same time reduce the allergenicity of the drug in comparison with synthetic products. For example, after pregnancy, women are recommended to use special vaginal suppositories made from bee jelly. They will contribute speedy recovery the body after childbirth, heal wounds, prevent infectious infections and increase milk production during lactation.

According to gynecologists, suppositories based on eucalyptus and pine extracts are the best method fight against infectious contamination of the body. These products can be either vaginal or rectal. Their use is relevant for inflammation internal organs, including cystitis, inflammation of the rectum, etc. Drugs of this type are known, which are intended for complex therapy, helping to cure viral, fungal and bacterial ailments.

List of names of effective women's suppositories for inflammation

As you know, any problem that arises in the functioning of the body requires integrated approach in diagnosis and treatment. In order for therapy to be as effective as possible, you should choose a strategy to combat the disease. The drugs chosen are those that are intended to combat a specific problem. It is for this reason that below is a wide list of gynecological problems, as well as the names of drugs (suppositories) that will contribute to the fastest possible cure.

For inflammation of the appendages with anti-inflammatory action

Inflammation of the appendages is a very common phenomenon related to seasonal ailments, since the main cause of the onset of the inflammatory process is considered to be hypothermia. Also often, the appendages suffer due to an infectious lesion, which, in turn, could occur due to a decrease in the level of immunity, sexual intercourse without using a condom, or damage to the walls of the vagina or uterus by some foreign component. Based on all these factors, an individual treatment system is drawn up, part of which is treatment with suppositories. The best help in this situation is:

  • Terzhinin;
  • Metran-Combi;
  • Mikozhinax.

Most often, two intrauterine suppositories are required to be administered daily for two weeks.

Suppositories for the treatment of candidal colpitis (thrush)

Vaginal suppositories- this is the best local method treatment of thrush in order to destroy the infection, restore the vaginal microflora and heal the lesions. The following drugs should be noted to help cope with female candidiasis:

  • Ketoconazole is effective antifungal drug, prescribed one suppository once a day for 5-10 days, depending on the stage and form of the disease;
  • Itraconazole is a popular tool for treating candida fungus. It is necessary to use candles at night, one at a time, for two weeks;
  • Nystatin is a drug that has a local and complex effect on the body. Use one suppository once a day for 10 days.

Vaginal suppositories for cystitis

Cystitis, as a urogenital syndrome, is quite common among women, causing a lot of discomfort, and sometimes accompanied by serious consequences. Suppositories are one of the tools for treating cystitis, as a result of which they should have the following properties: pain relief, destruction of bacterial agents, reduction of swelling, inflammation. Thus, to treat the described problem, doctors recommend using the following suppository-type drugs:

  • Hexicon - administered twice during the day;
  • Acylact – a course of treatment of seven days, one suppository per day.

For cervical erosion

Cervical erosion is a pathological change in uterine tissue, accompanied by a number of symptomatic manifestations in the form of hormonal imbalance, heavy discharge, disturbance of the microflora of the vagina and uterus. Treatment in this case should be comprehensive. One of the most important tools local therapy The problem is vaginal suppositories. The following are worth noting as the most effective drugs:

  • Depanthol is an effective drug that should be used intravaginally twice a day for 7-10 days. If necessary, the attending physician can extend the period of taking the drug to three weeks;
  • Livarol - very strong drug, sold in the form of vaginal suppositories, which are administered once a day for 5 days.

Medicines for adnexitis, endometriosis

Such phenomena as endometriosis and uterine adnexitis are pathological changes, arising in a variety of ways, more often infectious causes. Often, the treatment of these ailments is inpatient in nature, in which vaginal suppositories are used to destroy the infection, relieve inflammation and swelling. The most effective candles include:

  • Voltaren - the duration of the therapeutic process is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the current problem. It should be noted that the daily dose of the drug should not exceed 150 milligrams;
  • Polygynax - administer one suppository for 10-12 days.

The best candles from Gardnerellez

This disease is characterized by the occurrence of qualitative changes in the microflora of the vagina. Therefore, therapy should be based on local means, represented by vaginal suppositories. Below is a list of effective anti-inflammatory suppositories for the treatment of gardnerellosis:

  • McMiror;
  • Terzhinan;
  • Metronidazole, etc.

Review of the best anti-inflammatory suppositories for women

Today you can find a large number of all kinds of candles for women's health. Each of the drugs has a unique composition that allows you to combat the existing problem. For this reason, you should be extremely careful when purchasing this or that product, since the specification of urogenital suppositories is quite wide. Below is a wide list of drugs that are effective tools treatment of gynecological diseases of all types.

Suppositories Acylact for the treatment of inflammation in women

These are vaginal suppositories, the composition of which is based on a complex of acidophilic lactic acid bacteria of three different types. The drug has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, due to which it is successfully used in therapeutic purposes to combat various ailments of the urogenital tract. The described suppositories belong to the class of probiotics, as a result of which the product is used to normalize the vaginal microflora.


This effective drug, sold in the form of vaginal suppositories for the treatment of various inflammatory processes due to infectious or bacterial contamination. The main active ingredient is chlorhexidine bigluconate, which is used as a new generation antiseptic. The drug does not have a negative effect on healthy microflora, destroying only spores of fungi, protozoa and other pathogenic microorganisms.

Indomethacin (rectal)

This is a high-quality product that has a wide range of effects and is sold in the form of rectal suppositories. The main active ingredient is indomethacin; among the auxiliary components, silicon dioxide, castor oil, urea, etc. should be noted. The medicine has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties, which allows it to be used as an effective medicinal product.

Methyluracil suppositories

The described product is highly effective, popular means, used in the treatment of various gynecological problems. The main purpose of vaginal suppositories is to stimulate epithelial renewal, heal damaged integuments, and also improve metabolic processes in the body. The suppositories have a fairly dense texture, but immediately after administration inside the product begins to quickly melt, instantly absorbing into the mucous membrane.


It's quite simple, but very effective drug having a natural basis. The main active ingredient of the product is ichthyol, a component obtained from the processing of shale rocks. The described candles are considered very effective product, which allows you to relieve inflammation, swelling, anesthetize, etc. It must be remembered that it is successfully used for the purpose of healing ulcerative and traumatic lesions of the mucous membrane. These are vaginal suppositories intended for the treatment of both the female and male genitourinary systems.

Longidaza drug

These suppositories are a modern macromolecular remedy that contains a complex of enzymes that allows for effective therapy of the urogenital tract. Suppositories are used for both vaginal and rectal administration. Their use is relevant in cases of extensive damage to the epithelium, swelling, the occurrence of an inflammatory process, infectious or bacterial infection.

In most cases, a vaginal or rectal suppository must be moistened with plain water before insertion. This will make it easy to administer the drug inside, while this manipulation will contribute to the complete dissolution of the medication. Otherwise, the suppository may remain unchanged in the vagina. Other candles cannot be soaked in water - they dissolve as a result of an increase in temperature. In any case, before you begin to administer the candle, you must read in detail the instructions included with each product.

The presence of an inflammatory process is the most common reason for visiting a gynecologist. After the examination and the results of the tests, the doctor prescribes certain suppositories (vaginal, rectal).

Inflammation cannot be left untreated for the simple reason that untimely treatment, may cause various unpleasant consequences(infertility, cancer). Anti-inflammatory suppositories (suppositories) are a suitable means for removing dangerous microorganisms, which cause various inflammations and illness.

When prescribing certain medications to treat inflammation, the doctor looks at the overall clinical picture, patient complaints and:

  • cytological tests;
  • smear;
  • general blood analysis;
  • in some cases a biopsy is required.
  • Candles are used for:
  • constant feeling of discomfort in the vagina, regardless of the cycle;
  • cycle disruption;
  • presence of symptoms infectious diseases(itching, discomfort, swelling);
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • uterine tone in pregnant women;
  • inflammation reproductive system and (or) rectum;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, but in the absence of an accurate diagnosis;
  • chronic diseases.

Suppositories are also used in preoperative and postoperative period; as preventive therapy for complications of infectious diseases. Prescribed after childbirth, abortion, miscarriage. The doctor can also prescribe suppositories before childbirth and at the stage of planning conception.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology: list of the best

You need to know that candles are divided into:

  1. vaginal;
  2. rectal;
  3. uterine.

First: inserted into the vagina. They come in round or ovoid shape.

Second: administered through the rectum. They come in the shape of a bullet or a cone shape.

And still others: they are inserted into the cervix.

List of the best vaginal suppositories:

  1. Pimafucin - used for vaginal candidiasis (otherwise known as thrush).
  2. Travogen is an anti-infective agent.
  3. Klion-D – good as antibacterial agent, aimed at the treatment of gardnerellosis.
  4. Livaron is an antifungal agent.
  5. Ketoconazole – reduces inflammation, fights fungus.
  6. Hexicon - used for abortions, as well as an antimicrobial agent
  7. Betadine is a remedy for inflammation, used during ovarian operations. And also for inflammation of the appendages.
  8. Povidone-iodine – good antiseptic, but with a high iodine content. Many women refuse it due to high leakage.
  9. Fluconazole is an antifungal agent.

The list is not closed. Modern medicine has hundreds of different painkillers, anti-inflammatory suppositories.
Self-medication is not a wise decision. Specific suppositories are prescribed by a specialist based on the examination.

Anti-inflammatory rectal suppositories are used in medicine to relieve inflammation of the ovaries and appendages.

  1. Diklak.
  2. Ortofen.
  3. Voltaren.
  4. Idomethocin.
  5. Diclofenac.

These suppositories consist of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances aimed at relieving anti-inflammatory processes, reducing fever and pain relief.

Suppositories for inflammation of the uterus, as well as for erosions of the cervix:

  1. Suporon;
  2. Depanthol;
  3. Ovestin;
  4. Polygynax;

Suppositories act to relieve inflammation and healing, and are also pain relievers. As a rule, they are prescribed after surgery or cauterization of erosions.

List of inexpensive anti-inflammatory suppositories:

  • Polygynax– antiseptic, broad spectrum of action, used for nonspecific colpitis. Used for 1 – 2 weeks, 2 times a day. The cost per package is 6 pieces, about 300 rubles.
  • Terzhinan– for the treatment of inflammation of the appendages. Place it once at night. Price 350 rubles.
  • Hexicon- contains chlorhexidine, kills germs and bacteria. Injected once a day at night, use for 10 days. Costs about 270 rubles.
  • Depantol– antimicrobial, antiviral drug. It is used both after cauterization of the cervix and after surgical interventions, and with inflammation of the appendages and ovaries. Suppositories are administered in the morning and evening. The course of treatment is 10 days. Costs from 280 rubles.

For reference! For easier insertion of suppositories, they can be pre-moistened in water. And besides, water promotes uniform dissolution of the medicine.

This helps in the treatment of gynecological diseases indoor plant like aloe. On its basis, injections, tablets, and also suppositories are made.

Aloe suppositories for gynecology can be made at home.

You will need:

  • three tablespoons of aloe juice;
  • two tablespoons of dried sea buckthorn berries;
  • one tablespoon of common chamomile flowers;
  • two tablespoons of vodka;
  • two teaspoons of flower honey;
  • one liter of clean water.

Sea buckthorn and chamomile are boiled for two minutes. The decoction is infused for about 20 minutes. Aloe, honey and vodka are mixed. Everything is poured into one container and infused for three days. Use tampons three times a day.

You can simply make aloe juice by squeezing it from the thick lower stems of the plant. Soak tampons in this juice and leave for 2 – 3 hours. Use for inflammation, endomitriosis, erosion.

Also, for vaginitis, you can wash the vagina with a solution consisting of one liter of boiled water and 1 spoon of aloe juice.

Contraindications and precautions

Contraindications for treating gynecological diseases with suppositories include intolerance to any drug.

Such treatment with vaginal suppositories is also prohibited if a woman has:

  • cysts;
  • erosive formations;
  • cracks in the vagina.
  • Rectal suppositories are contraindicated for:
  • hemorrhoids;
  • presence of cracks in the anus;
  • inflammation of the intestines;
  • bleeding in the intestines.

When taking suppositories, the following precautions should be taken:

  • Before use, read the instructions for use. If there are contraindications, it is better to refuse use. Often, drugs cannot be used for diseases of the kidneys, liver, hemorrhoids, during lactation and breastfeeding.
  • Maintain hygiene when inserting suppositories.
  • Use suppositories only on the advice of a doctor.

Important! Before use, a woman should ask her doctor whether preliminary douching is necessary? Does the introduction of suppositories depend on the menstrual cycle? Frequency and duration of use of suppositories? Should I stop having sexual intercourse?


Modern medicine has a large number of drugs aimed at treating gynecological diseases. Each of them is aimed at treating certain diseases.

You need to understand that the treatment will be effective in the presence of complex therapy, which can only be prescribed by a gynecologist.

Do not self-diagnose or self-medicate.
