Iodinol: instructions for use. Iodinol - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and release forms (solution for local and external use) drugs for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis in the form of gargling, tonsillitis, stomatitis in adults,

Surely in every first-aid kit there is a bottle of antiseptic iodine - it is customary to use it to treat damage to the integrity of the skin to prevent infection. On the basis of this component, many drugs have been created, not only for local application to tissues, but also for internal administration, which already carries a completely different target load. We propose to consider one of these means - antiseptic solution Iodinol.

Composition and mechanism of action of the drug

This drug is available in vials and is intended for local and external use. 100 ml of the product contains - 0.1 grams of iodine, 0.3 grams of potassium iodide and the rest of the volume is polyvinyl alcohol. The main active ingredient the drug is considered to be molecular iodine itself, which has a pronounced disinfecting effect. Polyvinyl alcohol also plays an important role among the ingredients - it allows you to slow down the release of iodine when using a solution, which significantly lengthens the period of beneficial interaction with the treated tissue area. In addition, the alcohol component is designed to reduce the irritating effect of iodine on the skin. Local action due to the ability of iodine to precipitate tissue proteins.

Thus, the main task for which the solution is used is an antiseptic effect. The drug is low-toxic, and is able to have a bactericidal effect, both on gram-positive and gram-negative microflora (in particular, staphylococci, Escherichia coli, fungi and yeast).

What helps: indications for use

The product is intended for local use in order to destroy pathogenic microflora or prevent its appearance. Thus, the application is possible with the following ailments:

  • tonsillitis;
  • otitis media (including in the presence of purulent discharge);
  • inflammation of the tissues around the tooth root;
  • purulent diseases requiring surgical therapy;
  • ulceration in places of dilated veins;
  • long-term healing damage to the skin;
  • thermal and chemical burns;
  • some fungal tissue lesions;
  • infectious inflammatory lesions skin.

Use in each individual situation can only be prescribed by a doctor, since excessive ingestion of iodine into the body and its inactivity with respect to the pathogen existing infection can lead to unpleasant consequences and complications.

Instructions for the use of iodinol

The use of such a simple drug in its composition has its limitations and requires strict adherence to the instructions. For example, for purulent wounds ah and burns that were infected, a gauze bandage soaked in the composition is applied to the affected area, after which it is replaced with a new one as necessary. In general, the method of application, proportions and duration of the course are determined by the specific situation.

How to dilute and gargle with sore throat

Quite often, gargling with Iodinol is practiced, in particular when the throat is infected (for example, with angina). However, the composition is concentrated and very aggressive, and its use in its pure form can lead to a chemical burn, therefore, before disinfecting rinses, it is required to properly dilute the drug. So, the proportion is considered standard - a tablespoon per glass pure water, the liquid should acquire a bluish tint. At severe pain in the throat, you can rinse up to 4 times a day, rinsing out one glass each time. The procedure should be carried out carefully, in the process it is worth tilting your head back and trying to skip the composition as low as possible, but at the same time preventing it from being swallowed.

How to use iodinol for stomatitis

Inflammation of the mucous membrane in oral cavity can also be effectively eliminated with Iodinol by destroying pathogenic microflora. Again, due to its active annoying action, the composition must be previously prepared - diluted in proportion with water in a ratio of one to three, after which the resulting product can be used to lubricate the damaged areas on the mucous membrane. The frequency of lubrication is 2-3 times a day, and after 3-4 days the first results will be noticeable.

When applied to the mucous membrane, children should dilute the drug more strongly, using a ratio of one to five. The resulting product can be used to lubricate stomatitis zones, and weak solution slightly bluish - rinse the mouth.

The use of a solution for the treatment of a common cold

Rhinitis accompanied by purulent discharge, indicates active development pathogenic microorganisms in the nasal cavities. To suppress their growth and reproduction, Iodinol can be used - it is added to water in a small amount until a weak solution is obtained. blue... Adults with a similar composition can make a "cuckoo" by thoroughly washing the sinuses on both sides, and for children it will be enough to drip a few drops into each nostril, and then either suck the mucus, or ask the baby to blow his nose.

Iodinol for thrush in women

As mentioned above, antiseptic can also cope with fungal infections, which led to its use in gynecology. So, with thrush in women, provoked by a fungus of the genus Candida, two methods are used - laying tampons and douching. For both procedures, Iodinol is used, diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1 to 3. To achieve the best therapeutic effect, these activities alternate with each other, producing 1 cycle per day until the onset of improvement.

How to make a compress for nail fungus

In case of fungal infection of the nail plates, compresses with Iodinol are applied for 5 days. So, to the affected area, you need to apply gauze folded in several layers and well soaked in the product, and leave in this form for half an hour. When defeated on initial stages it will be enough to treat the nail with a cotton swab dipped in the preparation, 2-3 times during the day.

How to take iodinol orally

Despite the fact that in the recipes of traditional medicine you can find recommendations for taking the drug in question inside, in practice it is not recommended to implement this. So, in the instructions for Iodinol, it is clearly stated that its use internally provokes an overdose and the occurrence of pronounced side symptoms. In order to normalize the level of iodine in the body, other agents are prescribed that are specifically intended for oral administration.

Harm and side effects of the drug

In the event that the use of the drug is made according to the requirements of the instructions and the recommended dosage is observed, then no problems arise. However, a situation is possible when the patient has an intolerance to iodine or other components of the composition of the drug, and then symptoms of a violation may appear. respiratory function, skin allergic reactions, local tissue irritation.

A state of acute overdose occurs if the drug is deliberately or accidentally ingested, that is, it enters the body orally. Against this background, the classic symptoms of iodism are formed, that is, an overdose of iodine, namely:

  • the occurrence in the mouth of a pronounced metallic taste;
  • active saliva separation;
  • painful sensations in the throat, burning sensation;
  • swelling of the eyelids, redness of the eyes due to their irritation;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • the formation of skin reactions;
  • severe disorders of the digestive process, in particular cramps, vomiting, diarrhea.

This state requires symptomatic therapy and clear control of thyroid function.

Contraindications to drug treatment

It is worthwhile to get away from the local use of the solution in question when there are contraindications, namely:

  • hypersensitivity to iodine and other components of the solution;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • work of therapy radioactive iodine;
  • childhood up to 6 years old;
  • Availability strong irritation fabrics at the site of the planned application of the composition;
  • acne in the treatment area.

The use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is allowed only with a doctor's prescription, and only in a short course - up to 5 days with the condition of processing a small tissue area. It should be borne in mind that the manufacturer classifies the period of bearing the baby as a contraindication, since even when applied to the skin, the components penetrate the bloodstream, from there they pass through the placental barrier or penetrate into breast milk.


Iodinol can be easily purchased at any pharmacy, and at a very affordable cost. A structural analogue that would completely repeat the composition of this drug, does not exist, however, the group of antiseptics is very wide, and the following products have similar properties:

  • Malavit;
  • Lizak;
  • Fluomisin;
  • Furacilin;
  • Decatilen, etc.

Iodinol- inexpensive antiseptic, very effective remedy, undeservedly forgotten modern medicine... But in the 40s and 50s, it was a very popular drug. It was actively used for various lesions skin, mucous membranes. Iodinol was widely used for: angina, stomatitis, chronic tonsillitis, conjunctivitis, otitis media, colitis, rhinitis, for treatment trophic ulcers... It was used to heal burns and wounds, and was used for disinfection. This old, proven tool is still relevant today.

Iodinol composition: Produced as a solution of 100, 200 ml in dark bottles. The solution consists of an aqueous solution of 0.1% iodine, 0.9% potassium iodide, polyvinyl alcohol. It is a dark blue liquid with a characteristic odor of iodine, readily soluble in water, decomposes in light and in an alkaline environment. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Polyvinyl alcohol, which is part of the composition, slows down the release of iodine in the preparation, which helps to reduce irritation from iodine, and lengthen the effect on the treated tissues of the body.

Iodinol for angina: The drug has a bactericidal effect on yeast and pathogenic fungi, gram-negative bacteria and gram-positive - especially on E. coli and streptococcus. Even more resistant staphylococcus, with prolonged use in 80% of cases under the influence of Iodinol dies. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is resistant to Iodinol. Iodinol is considered to be low toxic drug however, it shows some aggressiveness towards the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx. Given this, with tonsillitis, angina, with stomatitis, it should be used only as local treatment in the form of rinsing. It is not advisable to take this medication by mouth, because with improper dilution or prolonged use, there is a risk of burns to the esophagus and stomach. Otolaryngologists use Iodinol for angina to flush the lacunae of the tonsils and supratonsillar space, while single dose is 50 ml., 4 procedures are carried out in 2 days.

How to gargle with Iodinol:

A simple way to prepare a solution is 1 tablespoon of the drug in a glass of water. There is a little trick to making an accurate, safe gargle solution. When treating angina in a glass of boiled warm water the medicine should be added drop by drop. As soon as the solution becomes yellowish, you can start gargling with Iodinol. At acute sore throat with severe pain, gargle every 4 hours, with medium severity 3 times a day. In addition to rinsing, it is effective to use Iodinol to lubricate the throat with purulent sore throat. To do this, wrap cotton wool on the pencil, dip it in a slightly diluted solution, and lubricate the tonsils. This procedure can be performed 2-3 times a day for 5 days. With this treatment, the pain decreases by 2-3 days.

Iodinol for stomatitis:

Children are advised to use this medicine for stomatitis only as a gargle. The prepared solution can be used to irrigate the oral mucosa 3-4 times a day for a week. With stomatitis, gingivitis, with proper dilution and application, recovery occurs in a week. If you use Iodinol for stomatitis in recommended doses, then there should be no negative reactions. However, in people with hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the components of the drug, irritation of the oral mucosa, allergic reactions may occur, with prolonged use, in rare cases, iodism may occur, which is manifested by rhinitis, rash, lacrimation and salivation.

Contraindications to the use of Iodinol: Do not use the drug for people suffering from thyrotoxicosis, iodism, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Price: You can buy Iodinol at any pharmacy, average price which is 50-70 rubles. for 100 ml.

Surely in every first-aid kit there is a bottle of antiseptic iodine - it is customary to use it to treat damage to the integrity of the skin to prevent infection. On the basis of this component, many drugs have been created, not only for local application to tissues, but also for internal administration, which already carries a completely different target load. We propose to consider one of these means - Iodinol antiseptic solution.

Composition and mechanism of action of the drug

This drug is available in vials and is intended for local and external use. 100 ml of the product contains - 0.1 grams of iodine, 0.3 grams of potassium iodide and the rest of the volume is polyvinyl alcohol. The main active ingredient of the drug is considered to be molecular iodine itself, which has a pronounced disinfecting effect. Polyvinyl alcohol among the ingredients also plays an important role - it allows you to slow down the release of iodine when using a solution, which significantly lengthens the period of beneficial interaction with the treated tissue area. In addition, the alcohol component is designed to reduce the irritating effect of iodine on the skin. Local action is due to the ability of iodine to precipitate tissue proteins.

Thus, the main task for which the solution is used is an antiseptic effect. The drug is low-toxic, and is capable of exerting a bactericidal effect on both gram-positive and gram-negative microflora (in particular, staphylococci, Escherichia coli, fungi and yeast are affected).

What helps: indications for use

The product is intended for local use in order to destroy pathogenic microflora or prevent its appearance. Thus, the application is possible with the following ailments:

tonsillitis; otitis media (including in the presence of purulent discharge); inflammation of the tissues around the tooth root; purulent diseases requiring surgical therapy; ulceration in places of dilated veins; long-term healing damage to the skin; thermal and chemical burns; some fungal tissue lesions; infectious and inflammatory lesions of the skin.

Use in each individual situation can only be prescribed by a doctor, since excessive ingestion of iodine into the body and its inactivity with respect to the causative agent of an existing infection can lead to unpleasant consequences and complications.

Instructions for the use of iodinol

The use of such a simple drug in its composition has its limitations and requires strict adherence to the instructions. For example, with purulent wounds and burns that have been infected, a gauze bandage soaked in the composition is applied to the affected area, after which it is replaced with a new one as necessary. In general, the method of application, proportions and duration of the course are determined by the specific situation.

How to dilute and gargle with sore throat

Quite often, gargling with Iodinol is practiced, in particular when the throat is infected (for example, with angina). However, the composition is concentrated and very aggressive, and its use in its pure form can lead to a chemical burn, therefore, before disinfecting rinses, it is required to properly dilute the drug. So, the proportion is considered standard - a tablespoon per glass of clean water, while the liquid should acquire a bluish tint. In case of severe sore throat, you can rinse up to 4 times a day, rinsing out one glass each time. The procedure should be carried out carefully, in the process it is worth tilting your head back and trying to skip the composition as low as possible, but at the same time preventing it from being swallowed.

How to use iodinol for stomatitis

Inflammation of the mucous membrane in the oral cavity can also be effectively eliminated with Iodinol by destroying pathogenic microflora. Again, due to its active irritating effect, the composition must be preliminarily prepared - diluted in proportion with water in a ratio of one to three, after which the resulting agent can be used to lubricate the damaged areas on the mucous membrane. The frequency of lubrication is 2-3 times a day, and after 3-4 days the first results will be noticeable.

When applied to the mucous membrane, children should dilute the drug more strongly, using a ratio of one to five. The resulting product can be used to lubricate the stomatitis zones, and to rinse the oral cavity with a weak solution of a slightly bluish color.

The use of a solution for the treatment of a common cold

Rhinitis, which is accompanied by purulent discharge, indicates the active development of pathogenic microorganisms in the nasal cavities. To suppress their growth and reproduction, the Iodinol agent can be used - it is added to water in a small amount until a weak blue solution is obtained. Adults with a similar composition can make a "cuckoo" by thoroughly washing the sinuses on both sides, and for children it will be enough to drip a few drops into each nostril, and then either suck the mucus, or ask the baby to blow his nose.

Iodinol for thrush in women

As mentioned above, an antiseptic can also cope with fungal infections, which led to its use in gynecology. So, with thrush in women, provoked by a fungus of the genus Candida, two methods are used - laying tampons and douching. For both procedures, Iodinol is used, diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1 to 3. To achieve the best therapeutic effect, these measures alternate with each other, producing 1 cycle per day until improvement occurs.

How to make a compress for nail fungus

In case of fungal infection of the nail plates, compresses with Iodinol are applied for 5 days. So, to the affected area you need to apply gauze folded in several layers and well soaked in the product, and leave in this form for half an hour. In case of damage in the initial stages, it will be enough to treat the nail with a cotton swab dipped in the preparation 2-3 times during the day.

How to take iodinol orally

Despite the fact that in the recipes of traditional medicine you can find recommendations for taking the drug in question inside, in practice it is not recommended to implement this. So, in the instructions for Iodinol, it is clearly stated that its use internally provokes an overdose and the occurrence of pronounced side symptoms. In order to normalize the level of iodine in the body, other agents are prescribed that are specifically intended for oral administration.

Harm and side effects of the drug

In the event that the use of the drug is made according to the requirements of the instructions and the recommended dosage is observed, then no problems arise. However, a situation is possible when the patient has an intolerance to iodine or other components of the composition of the drug, and then symptoms of impaired respiratory function, skin allergic reactions, local tissue irritation may appear.

A state of acute overdose occurs if the drug is deliberately or accidentally ingested, that is, it enters the body orally. Against this background, the classic symptoms of iodism are formed, that is, an overdose of iodine, namely:

the appearance in the mouth of a pronounced metallic taste; active saliva separation; sore throat, burning sensation; swelling of the eyelids, redness of the eyes due to their irritation; difficulty breathing; the formation of skin reactions; severe disorders of the digestive process, in particular cramps, vomiting, diarrhea.

This condition requires symptomatic therapy and careful monitoring of thyroid function.

Contraindications to drug treatment

It is worthwhile to get away from the local use of the solution in question when there are contraindications, namely:

hypersensitivity to iodine and other components of the solution; diseases of the thyroid gland; the product of therapy with radioactive iodine; children under 6 years of age; the presence of severe tissue irritation at the site of the planned application of the composition; acne in the treatment area.

The use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is allowed only with a doctor's prescription, and only in a short course - up to 5 days with the condition of processing a small tissue area. It should be borne in mind that the manufacturer classifies the period of bearing the baby as a contraindication, since even when applied to the skin, the components penetrate the bloodstream, from there they pass through the placental barrier or penetrate into breast milk.


Iodinol can be easily bought at any pharmacy, and at a very affordable cost. There is no structural analogue that would completely repeat the composition of this drug, however, the group of antiseptics is very wide, and the following products have similar properties:

Malavit; Lizak; Fluomisin; Furacilin; Decatilen, etc.

Collecting home first aid kit, I want to choose an effective drug that is inexpensive and safe. This will be the antiseptic preparation Iodinol. V Soviet times it could be found in almost every family. With the development of medicine, it is gradually being replaced by new antibiotics and antimicrobial agents, not all of which are superior to the well-known drug in curative action and safety.

What is Iodinol

The well-known iodinol belongs to pharmacological group antiseptics wide range... It has antimicrobial and antifungal effects, it is used to treat diseases of the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, genital infections, wound treatment, to wet dressings for varicose ulcers, etc. It is a dark blue liquid based on crystalline iodine. A natural phenomenon is the formation of foam if you shake the bottle.

At correct application the drug is absolutely safe: the polyvinyl alcohol included in the composition reduces the toxicity of iodine, without reducing its bactericidal properties. The medicine has a detrimental effect on gram-negative, gram-positive bacteria, effectively fights against yeast fungi, pathogenic flora. Pseudomonas aeruginosa does not respond to treatment with Iodinol.

Composition and form of release

Solution for external and topical application is available in glass bottles of 50 or 100 ml, with or without spray, packed in a cardboard box. Composition of the preparation (in 100 ml):

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Iodinol prevents the spread of pathogenic bacteria, breaks down peptide bonds of protein molecules, enhances dissimilation, improves metabolism, synthesizes thyroid hormones triiodothyronine T3, thyroxin T4, stimulates mental, physical, cardiac activity. Polyvinyl alcohol slows down the release of iodine, releases molecules, which leads to a decrease in irritant effect and an increase in the duration of exposure to tissues.

Upon contact with mucous membranes and skin, Iodinol is converted to iodides by a third, and to active iodine by 2/3. With atherosclerosis, there is a decrease in cholesterol, beta-lipoproteins, and blood clotting slows down. Medicinal product partially absorbed into tissues and internal organs, selectively absorbed thyroid gland influencing its functions. It is excreted from the body mainly through the kidneys, intestines, mammary, sweat glands.

Application of Iodinol

The scope of this drug is extensive. The agent can be administered topically, externally, internally. Indications for admission are:

  • tonsillitis;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • purulent otitis media;
  • varicose, trophic ulcers;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • candidiasis, including thrush;
  • Trichomonas colpitis;
  • chemical, thermal burns;
  • myalgia;
  • abrasions, wounds, inflammatory skin lesions;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • tertiary syphilis.

Method of administration and dosage

Iodinol is used externally for antiseptic treatment of damaged areas. skin... Ingestion and dosage are prescribed strictly by the attending physician. Locally used for:

  • washing the lacunae of the tonsils and supratonsillar space - every 4 hours, taking breaks, for 2-3 days;
  • treatment of otitis media: instill 5-8 drops in each ear for 2 weeks - 1 month;
  • irrigation of the nose and throat with atrophic rhinitis: every 2-3 days for 2-3 months (preliminary softening of the crusts with their subsequent removal is necessary);
  • daily lubrication of the tonsils in chronic tonsillitis;
  • impregnation of gauze napkins used in the treatment of varicose and trophic ulcers - after preliminary washing of the affected areas, apply zinc ointment around them, then a bandage with Iodinol is applied over it for 3-5 days (the solution is periodically added);
  • wetting gauze bandages (renewed as needed) applied to areas of burns, purulent wounds;
  • preparation of a solution for douching with thrush.

How to gargle with Iodinol

Effectively helps Iodinol with angina different types: follicular, lacunar, purulent. When acute course diseases and stomatitis, it is recommended to carry out the procedure every 4 hours, in other cases 3-4 times a day will be enough. With purulent sore throat, it will be more rational to lubricate the tonsils, but since this often provokes vomiting reflex, then gargling is allowed.

Correctly rinse your mouth as follows:

  1. Pour about 50 ml of the prepared solution into your mouth.
  2. Throw your head back.
  3. Open your mouth and pronounce the sound "A" with a long draw, maintaining an interval of at least 30 seconds.
  4. Spit out the solution.
  5. Do not eat or drink for half an hour or an hour.

How to dilute Iodinol for gargling

It is easy to prepare a throat irrigation solution, but it is imperative to follow the recommended dosage. a reduced concentration of a drug will not have the desired effect, and an oversaturated concentration can provoke unwanted reactions. For the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, 1 tablespoon of the drug is diluted with 200 ml of boiled water at room temperature. Correctly prepared solution has a dark yellow color characteristic of iodine. For children, you can add the medicine to the water with a pipette, drop by drop, until a light yellow hue is achieved.

special instructions

Direct sunlight and exposure to temperatures above 40 ° C make the drug unusable. Normally undiluted Iodinol has a bright blue color, and foam forms when shaken. A change in these qualities indicates a decrease or loss by them medicinal properties... You should also avoid getting the drug in your eyes. Keep out of the reach of children.

Iodinol during pregnancy

The drug, according to the instructions for use, has pregnancy and lactation among contraindications, therefore, use during these periods is not recommended. In cases where the benefits of the application outweigh potential harm for health future mother and the child, the doctor may prescribe Iodinol. It is important to comply with the prescribed dosage, avoid ingestion.

Iodinol for children

The drug is considered safe and non-toxic, but the alcohol included in the composition makes it impossible to use for children under 3 years old. Molecular iodine is also dangerous, which can lead to chemical burns mucous membranes. Instructions for the use of Iodinol contain children under 5 years of age in the list of contraindications. younger children are poorly able to hold their breath when washing. The drug is used to treat angina, stomatitis, gingivitis, etc. in children. In some cases, a doctor may prescribe a point lubrication of the affected areas of the mucous membranes.

Drug interactions

Iodinol when mixed with ammonia solutions, including hydrogen peroxide, essential oils, white sedimentary mercury forms hazardous compounds presenting an explosion hazard. Therefore, it is not recommended joint application Iodinol with antiseptics containing alkalis and enzymes. Contact with pus, blood, fat reduces the antiseptic activity of the drug.

Side effects and overdose

Remember that when taking Iodinol - full instructions on application indicates the minimum quantity side effects... It:

Long-term wound-healing effect of the drug causes an overdose, provoking manifestations of iodism:

  • hives;
  • acne;
  • lacrimation and salivation;
  • Quincke's edema.


According to the instructions for use, treatment with Iodinol is contraindicated in:

Terms of sale and storage

Iodinol is available over the counter without a prescription. Store the drug in a place protected from direct sunlight, at temperatures above 0 ° C. Shelf life is 3 years.


There is no drug that is 100% similar in composition to Iodinol. Similar in pharmacological action are:

  • iodine as a wound healing agent with antiseptic properties;
  • Lugol - for the treatment of stomatitis and throat diseases;
  • boric acid- with otitis media;
  • Vitaon - used to treat sore throats, burns, diseases respiratory tract, skin lesions, etc .;
  • Doxycycline, an antibiotic used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Iodditcerin is a broad-spectrum antiseptic.

Iodinol price

The cost of the medicine depends on the volume of the bottle and the presence of a spray nozzle in the kit. On average, it is 20-25 rubles per 100 ml, with a spray - 75 rubles. Below are the prices for Iodinol in pharmacies in Moscow (through a fraction the price for a bottle with a nozzle is indicated):


Iodinol application in folk medicine

Iodinol is blue iodine possessing antiseptic property... The main active ingredient of the drug is molecular iodine.

Unlike ordinary pharmaceutical iodine, blue iodine is not toxic, but also more aggressive. When taken orally in large doses, it can burn the lining of the stomach. To learn how to use the drug correctly, today we will talk about Iodinol, its use in traditional medicine in the treatment of various ailments.

For what diseases will Iodinol be used?

Most often, the drug is used for external use as lotions, rinses. Medical experts recommend using the drug to treat chronic tonsillitis, trophic ulcers, conjunctivitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, rhinitis, colitis, etc. It is used to heal wounds, burns, and is used for disinfection.

In case of injury, iodinol tampons moistened with the drug are applied to the wound for the fastest healing and disinfection of the wound.

To prevent the appearance of cysts on the teeth, you should rinse your mouth with a solution of soda and iodinol solution, alternately, at least 20 times in one day. This rinsing also successfully treats alveolitis and stomatitis.

In gynecology, the drug is used to get rid of thrush, treat cracked nipples in breastfeeding women. Douching is done with it, tampons are put. The drug is also used to treat trichomoniasis.

Surgeons use it to treat wounds and ulcers infected with staphylococcus, streptococcus.

Blue iodine - the best means for the treatment of burns. Apply a napkin soaked in a solution of iodinol to the damaged skin, then, as it dries, moisten it again without removing it from the skin. Then it will not dry out to the wound, and it will quickly heal.

If trophic ulcers appear on the legs, gently wash the skin along with the ulcer with warm water with baby or tar soap, pat dry with a soft towel. Lubricate the edges of the pharmacy ulcer zinc ointment... Then apply a gauze napkin moistened with iodinol solution, apply a dry sterile napkin, a cotton swab on top, secure the bandage with a bandage. Change it every 12 hours.

In this case, do not remove the napkin with the drug solution, just moisten it again without removing it from the ulcer.

If a week after the start of the procedure begins abundant discharge pus, you should rinse the ulcer well again, then continue treatment.

With angina, inflammation of the tonsils, the throat is smeared with cotton wool wound on a stick moistened with a solution of iodinol, and the throat is also washed with it. The course of treatment is 2 times every other day. A total of 10 procedures should be carried out. The treatment can be repeated only after 2-3 months. For children school age it is better to lubricate the throat rather than rinse it out.

How to make blue iodine at home?

You can prepare an analogue of iodinol at home and also use it to get rid of various ailments.

To do this, pour 50 ml of water into a glass bowl, add 1 tsp. starch, 1 tsp. granulated sugar, on the tip of a citric acid knife. Boil 150 ml of water separately, add the mixture from the bowl there, stirring thoroughly. You will get a jelly that needs to be cooled.
Then pour in 1 tsp. pharmacy tincture of ordinary iodine. The solution turns blue. This "blue iodine" can be used for treatment.

This remedy can be taken in 1 tsp. per day for an adult for the prevention and replenishment of iodine deficiency in the body. This should be done in autumn or spring, but not more than 1 month.

For flu, colds, as well as for their prevention, it is also useful to take this remedy, no more than 3 times a week.

The use of Iodinol in folk medicine has also proven to be effective in food poisoning... In these cases, a weak solution of the drug is taken orally.

For diseases of the stomach, intestines, colitis, enterocolitis, peptic ulcer a small amount of the drug (0.5 tsp per 1 tbsp) is added to fresh apricot or plum juice. At the same time, pathogenic bacteria are destroyed, allergic diseases pass.

Traditional medicine also uses iodinol to treat mastopathy. For this, compresses are made from the drug, which are then tightly applied to the chest. Special compresses can be bought at the pharmacy, or you can do it yourself.

Dampen a thick, soft piece of clean cloth with iodinol solution, work to breast, put cotton on top, cover with plastic, put on a bra. Do not remove the compress for 2 hours. After removing the compress, do not wash your chest.


The use of Iodinol requires attention and caution. Do not use the drug together with hydrogen peroxide or other disinfectants.

Be healthy!

Iodine is one of the safest and most time-tested medicines. Its use in medicine began in the middle of the 19th century, and a jar of iodine is still present in every family medicine cabinet. Preparations based on this have proven themselves well. chemical element... One of them, Yodinola, will be discussed today. We will consider what Iodinol helps from, instructions for use this tool, as well as contraindications to its use.

Composition of the preparation

Iodinol is water solution, which includes:

  • 0.1% iodine;
  • 0.3% potassium iodide;
  • 0.9% polyvinyl alcohol.

The solution mixes easily with water, has a dark blue tint and an odor characteristic of iodine. Resistant to long-term storage. In a closed container with room temperature does not lose its properties for 3 years.

What is the difference between Iodinol and ordinary iodine?

Its main difference and advantage is the delayed elimination of molecular iodine, which is achieved due to the presence of polyvinyl alcohol. This ensures a longer effect of the drug on the treated tissues, thereby increasing healing effect and the risk of irritation is reduced. In addition, unlike ordinary iodine, Iodinol is completely non-toxic.


To evaluate another advantage of the drug, just look at how much Iodinol costs in the pharmacy. The price for a 100 ml bottle of liquid Iodinol ranges from 12 to 30 rubles. The form of release in the form of an aerosol is somewhat more expensive, its cost is within 100 rubles.

What does Iodinol help from?

The drug has a pronounced bactericidal effect, therefore it is used as an antiseptic. Effective in the fight against both gram-positive bacteria (staphylococci, E. coli, Proteus, etc.), and with for the most part gram-negative (Helicobacter pylori, salmonella, as well as bacteria that cause venereal diseases). Helps to cope with yeast and pathogenic fungi.

What does Iodinol treat:

  • sore throats, rhinitis, tonsillitis, including in a chronic form;
  • pneumonia (acute and chronic);
  • dysentery;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • chemical and thermal burns (skin, eyes, mucous membranes);
  • purulent wounds, skin ulcers, boils;
  • inflammatory eye diseases (conjunctivitis, etc.);
  • diseases of the oral cavity (gingivitis, stomatitis, etc.);
  • mastitis;
  • gynecological diseases (thrush, erosion).

This is far from full list of what Iodinol helps from, because its bactericidal properties can be used in the fight against almost any infectious diseases... The only thing that the drug does not cure is an infection caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This type of microorganism is absolutely resistant to iodine.

Contraindications and side effects

Considering any drug, not only its benefits are taken into account, but also harm. Therefore, we will analyze the cases in which the use of Iodinol can cause a negative reaction.

Contraindications for the drug include:

  • hypersensitivity to its individual components;
  • thyrotoxicosis and other disorders in the thyroid gland;
  • acne at treatment sites;
  • age up to 6 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • period of breastfeeding.

Iodinol is safe only if the recommended dosages are strictly observed. In case of excess, so-called iodism (iodine overdose) may appear. It has the following symptoms:

  • the taste of metal in the mouth;
  • increased salivation;
  • pain and burning sensation in the throat;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • swelling of the face;
  • breathing problems;
  • irritation of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • digestive disorders.

If an overdose is caused by ingestion of the drug, it is required to immediately flush the stomach. If the reaction to external application is negative, the product is washed off the skin with a 2% soda solution.

We examined what Iodinol is, what it is treated with and in what cases its use is undesirable. Next, we turn directly to the methods of using Iodinol in folk medicine.

How to use Iodinol for respiratory diseases

The drug is able to quickly relieve inflammation and sore throat. This is a time-tested remedy for sore throats. Treatment is carried out by gargling.

Before gargling with Iodinol for angina, the drug must be diluted with water. Otherwise, you can get swelling of the mucous membrane.

How to dilute a gargle adults:

  1. The most common proportion is 1 tbsp for 1 cup of boiled water. funds.
  2. If a standard concentration solution causes a burning sensation in the throat, add dessert instead of a tablespoon of the product.

Rinsing with the resulting solution should be carried out 3 times a day. If the sore throat is very severe, the number of procedures can be increased to 4. For one rinse, 50 ml of the solution is enough, and its duration should not exceed 2 minutes. Such treatment must be carried out for 4-5 days.

These rinses also have a positive effect with ARVI, pharyngitis, laryngitis, and even help from a fungus in the throat.

Treat purulent sore throat you can additionally lubricate the tonsils with iodinol using cotton swab... You need to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day for 5 days.

As for whether it is necessary to dilute the drug with water, it all depends on the severity of the disease and the individual reaction. If the application of Iodinol in its pure form brings discomfort, then rinse the throat with water, and the next time dilute the product with a little water.

For treatment rhinitis iodinol is used by inhalation. For one inhalation, 2-3 drops of the product are enough.

Instructions for the use of Iodinol for children

The drug can be used for rinsing and sore throat in children. But only if the child is already old enough to gargle without swallowing the solution.

How to dilute Iodinol for gargling in children:

  1. The solution for children is made in a more accurate way by adding the drug to the water drop by drop until it acquires a yellowish tint.
  2. For the first procedure, make the solution pale yellow, and in the absence of a negative reaction, the next time the concentration can be increased to a more saturated shade.

The drug can be used for throat treatment for children with inflamed tonsils ... It is applied in the same way as for adults, but only in a diluted state.

It is impossible to rinse the throat of children under one year old, therefore, it has always been customary for infants to apply Iodinol pointwise to the area of ​​the tonsils. However, modern pediatricians agree that the use of iodine-containing drugs is undesirable for children under one year old, since in almost 100% of cases it leads to burns of the mucous membrane.

Spray Iodinol: instructions for use

For those who do not want to worry about how to properly dilute Iodinol, and are also worried about an overdose, there is more comfortable shape release of the drug in the form of a spray.

An aerosol bottle can be used to treat affected skin areas, but it is most convenient as an alternative to gargling.

Instructions for the use of Iodinol spray for throat diseases:

  1. The throat is cleared of mucus by rinsing with saline.
  2. Adults are given 2 sprays up to 4 times a day. When acute pain the procedure can be done every 4 hours.
  3. Children are also given 2 injections, but only 2-3 times a day.

How to use iodinol spray:

  1. Remove the cap from the bottle and install the sprayer.
  2. Press a couple of times to draw the product into the spray bottle.
  3. Insert the tube into your mouth 2-3 centimeters, hold your breath, lower your tongue and make one injection into the right and left side to get the medicine on both tonsils.
  4. Remove the sprayer and rinse it with hot water.

The product must not be inhaled or swallowed. Also, its use is prohibited for children under 6 years old.

Iodinol in solving oral cavity problems

Due to its powerful antiseptic effect, iodinol successfully treats stomatitis and other diseases of the oral cavity.

How to use the drug with stomatitis:

  1. Dilute the iodinol with water in a 1/3 ratio. Apply the resulting solution to the ulcers 2-3 times a day, and they will heal several times faster.
  2. For treatment stomatitis in children the solution must be made less concentrated (in a ratio of 1/5). In case of irritation of the mucous membrane, spot application of the agent must be replaced by rinsing the mouth with a weak bluish solution.

Adults can also add to the course of treatment rinsing the mouth with Iodinol solution (1 tablespoon per glass of warm water). Such rinses will help get rid of not only stomatitis, but also alveolitis and gingivitis. And if after tooth extraction your cheek is swollen, then rinsing your mouth with iodinol will help remove the swelling faster than the more popular furacilin.

The drug can also be used to treat root cysts... In this case, it is necessary to rinse the gums up to 20 times a day, alternately applying solutions of Iodinol and soda.

The use of the drug in gynecology

As already mentioned, Iodinol successfully fights various fungi, including Candida, which provokes the appearance thrush in women... This problem is solved in two ways - douching with Iodinol solution (proportion 1/3) and laying tampons soaked in it. The procedures must be alternated, performing one per day, until the onset of improvement.

V treatment of cervical erosion, as well as with thrush, douching with Iodinol solution is used, only it is diluted 1: 1. The procedure is repeated every morning for 10 days.

Prescriptions for the treatment of various diseases

Consider what else Iodinol helps from, and what instructions for its use are used in traditional medicine.

  1. The drug is actively used in the fight against fungal infections... Compresses are used for nail fungus - a cotton pad soaked in Iodinol is applied to the nail plate and wrapped with plastic wrap. You can also simply apply the product to your nails twice a day. Just be careful not to get it on your skin. In its pure form, Iodinol is capable of causing burns. The course of treatment is 20 days, and after a week of the procedure, it may start to bother severe itching nails accompanied by painful sensations... This is a sign of a positive effect of the drug on the problem, and treatment after the onset of these symptoms does not need to be stopped.
  2. From fungus not only nails, but also feet iodinol baths will help. In a small basin hot water it is necessary to add 2-3 drops of the drug, and soar your feet in it for 20-30 minutes. The procedure is repeated every day until the problem is eliminated.
  3. Iodinol promotes accelerated healing purulent wounds and burns... To do this, the agent is impregnated with loose gauze and applied to the damaged areas of the skin.
  4. Varicose and atrophic ulcers on the skin is treated with lotions. They are covered with gauze napkins, which must be impregnated with iodinol twice a day. The procedure must be performed until complete recovery.

In folk medicine, there are also recipes that involve taking the drug inside. For example, when treating stomach ulcers, it is recommended to drink 1 tbsp. Iodinol 3 times a day. However, the manufacturer in the instructions warns against this method of using the drug, as it is fraught with irritation and burns of the mucous membrane. If you nevertheless decide on similar treatment, then be sure to first consult with your doctor.

Iodinol's analogs

There are no complete analogues of the drug, but other iodine-based medicines that have a similar pharmachologic effect... The most famous of these is Lugol's solution, which is a mixture of iodine and glycerin. In this regard, the question often arises - which is better, Iodinol or Lugol?

Both drugs are made on the basis of molecular iodine, the release of which, in the case of Iodinol, is slowed down by polyvinyl alcohol, and in Lugol, by glycerin. But Iodinol is more effective for angina and other diseases of the throat, since the Lugolaglycerol present in the composition causes clogging of the lacunae of the tonsils and prevents the excretion of pus. However, Lugol, thanks to the same glycerin, is a more gentle remedy, therefore it is more often recommended for the treatment of children.

When choosing iodine-containing preparations, it is important not only to find out what they help from, but also to carefully study the instructions for their use. Iodinol acts as a safe drug only with the correct prescription and strict adherence to dosages. Therefore, use only proven recipes with its use, and, if possible, consult with specialists about the chosen treatment.

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