How to cure porous skin from comedones. What are comedones? How to get rid of comedones

How upset women get when they notice these formations on their faces in a mirror image! Comedones cause psycho-emotional problems and lead to a depressive mood. Why do they appear on the skin, can they be treated at home? It is useful to understand the methods of treating formations, cosmetics and medications, salon procedures, and traditional medicine.

What are comedones on the face?

Diseases hair follicles, sebaceous glands, lead to clogging of pores. Comedones or acne are skin formations resulting from a violation of the outflow of secretions. They are most often located on the face, but can spread to the neck, décolleté, and back. There is such a mechanism for the development of acne:

  • dirt, remnants of cosmetics, and dead skin cells are added to the thick secretion in the gland ducts;
  • the channel becomes clogged;
  • local inflammation begins.

Dermatologists call such formations cysts, for their similarity to the formation processes of similar phenomena in internal organs. There are two forms of development of pathology:

  • open - the plug that has blocked the canal comes to the surface, oxidizes in the air, and black dots appear on the skin - acne;
  • closed - sebaceous secretion accumulates inside the epidermis, only nodules or balls are visible from the outside.

The formation of formations on the skin surface is a signal of problems in the body. You can cope with comedones by eliminating main reason their occurrence, curing the diseases that provoked the problem. Closed form is dangerous acne. The development of serious pathological conditions is possible, the appearance of:

  • boils;
  • purulent acne;
  • abscesses.


Doctors identify a huge number of factors that provoke the development of the disease. External and external factors can trigger the appearance of acne. internal reasons. The impetus for the occurrence of dermatological problems is:

  • hormonal disruptions during puberty, menopause, pregnancy, and menstruation;
  • gastrointestinal diseases causing absorption deviation nutrients accompanied by stool disorders - irritable bowel syndrome, dysbacteriosis, pancreatitis, gastritis;
  • genetic predisposition.

The causes of acne are considered to be:

Acne can develop on the face as a result of:

  • abuse of cosmetics;
  • oily skin type;
  • absence or not proper care;
  • bad habits – smoking, drinking alcohol, coffee;
  • lack of walks on fresh air;
  • abuse of fast food, soda, sweets, flour products;
  • use of low-quality care products;
  • bad environment;
  • physical irritation of the surface of the face with items of protective clothing - a mask, a respirator;
  • passion for solarium and sunbathing.


Acne is not uncommon for oily skin. As the pathology develops, the process may result in the appearance of an open or closed form of the disease, each of which has its own characteristics. At the initial stage of acne, the first symptoms are observed:

  • pore expansion;
  • coarsening of the epidermis;
  • peeling;
  • change in skin color - the appearance of a gray tint;
  • small bumps in the chin area, T-zone;
  • dullness of the skin;
  • poor retention of cosmetics on the face;
  • roughness, surface irregularities are determined by palpation.

Closed comedones

Such formations are called whiteheads. Closed comedones are located inside the epidermis. In such situation:

  • the outflow of secretions is impaired as a result of blockage of the pore outlet;
  • accumulation of contents occurs under the skin;
  • there is no possibility of evacuating the secretion;
  • iron does not have access to oxygen;
  • a large number of the secretion presses on the surrounding tissue;
  • the inflammatory process begins.

Subcutaneous comedones are characterized by the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • the formation of irregularities in the epidermis;
  • the formation of red bumps with inflamed skin with translucent contents white;
  • the appearance of roughness of the outer surface;
  • when hit pathogenic bacteria the formation of papules, pustules, acne;
  • the formation of visible ulcers.


This type of disease is typical for skin with enlarged pores. Open comedones are not uncommon for oily epidermis; they are easy to treat, especially at an early stage of development. Such formations are characterized by the following processes:

  • when the ducts are blocked, a plug is formed;
  • its outer part, as a result of oxidation, becomes black and thickens;
  • the outflow of secretions is not impaired;
  • air access is ensured;
  • there is no inflammation.

With blackheads, sebum accumulates in the ducts, but cannot come to the surface on its own. The obstacle is a dense plug of dead cells, dirt, cosmetics mixed with fat. Symptoms of the formation of open comedones are mild. Observed:

  • black spots on the surface of the epidermis;
  • cork size – up to one and a half millimeters;
  • discharge with a pungent odor.


When removing acne on your own, problems may arise. Scars may appear at the site of the squeezed out formations. The addition of a secondary infection during the procedure provokes:

  • development of inflammation;
  • formation of a pustular rash;
  • the appearance of serous bloody discharge;
  • crust formation;
  • complications - pyoderma, dermatitis.

If acne treatment is not carried out in a timely and efficient manner, the condition may worsen. Observed:

  • significant increase in the affected area;
  • spread of the inflammatory process into the deep layers;
  • deterioration in the appearance of the epidermis;
  • severe pore expansion;
  • the appearance of rashes with pus;
  • formation of boils;
  • abscess development.


You should not self-medicate if clogged sebaceous ducts appear, even if they are open form. Contacting specialists will help not only to avoid complications, but also to cope with the causes of pathology. It is not enough to remove the external manifestations of the disease. Qualified doctor:

  • prescribe blood tests;
  • will conduct an ultrasound of internal organs;
  • if necessary, arrange a consultation with a psychotherapist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist;
  • determine the cause of the disease;
  • will appoint correct treatment taking into account contraindications and side effects.

Eliminating the factors that provoke the disease will help to permanently rid a person of unpleasant skin pathologies. The main task of treating external manifestations of the disease is to open clogged pores, soften and remove the plug, and clean the duct. The course can take up to two months depending on the severity of the disease and the patient’s condition.

Complex therapy includes preparatory cosmetic measures:

  • cleansing the face of impurities;
  • steaming;
  • peeling;
  • mechanical cleaning of pores.

To treat comedones on the forehead and other parts of the face, doctors recommend:

  • treatment with antiseptic, antibacterial cosmetics - tonics, lotions, solutions;
  • medications in the form of gels, ointments, creams;
  • antibiotics – in case of secondary infection;
  • dietary food;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • salon treatments;
  • laser therapy;
  • use of traditional medicine recipes.

How to get rid of comedones at home

It is important for a woman to learn proper facial care. Regular procedures will help avoid many dermatological problems. Removing acne at home includes:

  • makeup removal;
  • washing to remove impurities;
  • steaming the skin;
  • peeling – removal of dead epidermal cells;
  • cleansing with tonics, lotions;
  • mechanical removal of sebaceous contents from pores;
  • antiseptic treatment;
  • nutrition, hydration.


Closed comedones on the face require preliminary steaming of the skin surface. In case of an open form of the disease, this procedure helps prepare for the procedure. therapeutic measures. Warming up with moist hot air promotes:

  • softening of plugs, the upper layer of epidermal cells;
  • expansion of the pore lumen;
  • facilitating the removal of the contents of the sebaceous glands.

There are several ways to carry out the steaming procedure. Commonly used methods:

  • a compress on the face from a towel moistened with a hot decoction of chamomile flowers, calendula - lie with it for 10 minutes;
  • visiting a bathhouse with general steaming of the whole body;
  • hot bath for 20 minutes with the addition of eucalyptus essential oils, tea tree, bergamot, which have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • steaming, covered with your head, over a container of hot water or herbal decoction.


One of important stages preparation for the treatment of comedones - removal of the layer of epidermis with dead cells. The procedure is carried out using special cosmetic preparations for chemical peeling, mechanical scrub or home remedies. Exfoliation is done once a week after steaming. Peeling promotes:

  • cleansing pores;
  • activation of cell regeneration processes;
  • increased blood flow;
  • stimulating nutrition of the epidermis;
  • reduction of wrinkles;
  • correcting complexion – evening out and refreshing it.

You can prepare your own remedy for closed comedones. Peeling in the absence of allergies to bee products is done according to the following recipe:

  • crush an Aspirin tablet - acetylsalicylic acid;
  • dissolve in two teaspoons of boiled water;
  • put liquid honey, fine salt - half each;
  • mix;
  • massage your face for three minutes;
  • leave for a quarter of an hour;
  • rinse with warm water;
  • handle antiseptic solution;
  • After 30 minutes you can moisturize or apply a soothing cream.

It’s easy to make a peeling product from improvised products that you have at home, according to folk recipes:

  • whipped egg white, two tablespoons each of lemon juice and fresh aloe;
  • a mixture of equal parts of baking soda and coarse salt with the addition of water to the consistency of sour cream;
  • composition of half a spoon of semolina and ground coffee with the addition of whole liquid honey;
  • a paste of two spoons of oatmeal with warm milk.


  • promotes expansion and deformation of the ducts due to pressure on the skin surface during squeezing;
  • provokes infection into open pores;
  • causes the development of the inflammatory process;
  • leaves scars.

It is better if the removal of the contents of the sebaceous glands is carried out by a specialist in a dermatology clinic or a cosmetologist in a salon. If you want to do this yourself at home, you need to pay attention to mandatory disinfection. It is necessary to wipe the surface of the face, hands, and tools. For disinfection use:

  • Chlorhexidine solution;
  • Miramistin;
  • medical alcohol.

To remove the contents of clogged pores and eliminate comedones, you must:

  • remove remnants of decorative cosmetics;
  • wash your face with special soap or foam;
  • disinfect the skin;
  • steam;
  • perform the peeling procedure;
  • repeat antiseptic treatment;
  • remove the contents of the pores and the core of the comedone using a special Uno spoon, which has several attachments;
  • treat your face and instruments with antiseptic substances.

Remedies for comedones

Experts recommend that when choosing anti-comedogenic cosmetic products, pay attention to their composition. The preparations must contain zinc, salicylic acid, retinol, sulfur, vitamins E, A, ammonium lactate, skinoren. Cosmetics for problem skin contains plant extracts - chamomile, green tea, aloe, calendula, essential oils of menthol, lemon, eucalyptus. To combat white and blackheads, the following brands offer a line of products:

  • Vichy;
  • Normaderm;
  • Visibly Clear;
  • L'Oreal;
  • Pure Zone;
  • Garnier;
  • "Clean line".

Cosmetic products help in treating problem skin:

  • lotions Klerasil Ultra, Klinans - cleanse the epidermis, relieve inflammation;
  • Exfoliac micellar water – soothes the skin;
  • Propeller cream with plant extracts gently cleanses closed pores;
  • Baziron cream – has a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory effect, reduces sebum production, effectively removes plugs, and has an antibacterial effect;
  • Klenesit, a retinol-based product, counteracts open and closed forms acne, gently removes blackheads.


When treating comedones, dermatologists prescribe medications for external use. If an infectious process develops, antibiotics are prescribed depending on the additional symptoms and the pathogen. Popular drugs:

  • Ichthyol ointment - applied pointwise to problem area, eliminates inflammation;
  • Skinoren – has an exfoliating, antibacterial effect, active substance – azelaic acid;
  • Salicylic ointment - reduces the productivity of the sebaceous glands, normalizes their work, is used for open and closed forms of the disease.

Effective drugs for the treatment of acne:

  • Retinoic ointment– eliminates inflammation, reduces the production of sebaceous secretions, has a regenerating effect;
  • Zenerit is a product containing an antibiotic that reduces the oiliness of the skin;
  • badyaga in powder form - diluted with water to a thick consistency, every black spot is lubricated, blood circulation is activated;
  • lactic acid - used in the form of compresses, softens the skin, facilitates the removal of the contents of the ducts.

Differin gel contains the active substance adapalene, which has an anti-inflammatory effect in the treatment of black and white acne. The drug is characterized by:

  • indications for use: mild rash, medium degree heaviness, papules, pustules;
  • dosage – once a day, at night, apply a thin layer to dry skin, course of treatment up to two months;
  • contraindications – pregnancy, sensitivity to components, children under 12 years of age;
  • side effects– dry skin, irritation, burning.

Tretinoin cream limits the production of sebaceous secretions, tightens pores, relieves inflammation, and has an immunostimulating, regenerating effect. The drug is distinguished by:

  • indications for treatment – ​​acne, skin hyperpigmentation;
  • composition – trans-retinoic acid;
  • dosage – at night, on a clean, dry surface of the epidermis;
  • contraindications - violations skin, pregnancy, breastfeeding, sensitivity to components;
  • side effects - allergic reactions.

Salon treatments

If possible, it is better to entrust the treatment of comedones to specialists. Salon procedures involve the use of professional cosmetics and the use of special hardware techniques. After the inspection it is proposed deep cleaning faces. With her help:

  • keratinized epidermal cells are removed;
  • pores open;
  • oxygen access to tissues is ensured.

There are several cleaning methods. The cosmetologist chooses the appropriate one depending on the stage of the disease, the size of the lesions, and the condition of the patient’s epidermis. Recommended methods:

  • mechanical – manual method, used when there are contraindications for other methods, characterized by duration and pain;
  • ultrasonic cleaning – removal of contaminants using ultrasonic waves, exfoliation of the surface layer and displacement of the sebaceous contents of the ducts.

A modern and effective method is vacuum cleaning. The procedure takes 1.5 hours, is painless, and has a relaxing effect. It includes several stages:

  • makeup is removed;
  • the face is treated with steam to open the pores;
  • an electrophoresis procedure is performed to liquefy the contents of the ducts;
  • a vacuum cleaning device is used to pull out plugs blocking exits and sebaceous secretions;
  • after the procedure, a mask is applied to narrow the ducts;
  • products are applied to moisturize the surface of the epidermis.

TO effective methods Treatments for comedones include:

  • Laser processing. The energy of the beam softens the plug and sebum, cleanses the pores and disinfects the tissues.
  • Electrocoagulation. Comedones are treated by burning off sebaceous accumulations with electric current. high frequency.
  • Ionization. A special preparation is applied to the affected surface, which has an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and bactericidal effect. Under the influence of galvanic currents, the contents of the pores are liquefied and drawn out.

A frequently used salon procedure is chemical peeling. The acids included in the cleaning compositions soften and dissolve the fatty contents. Methods used:

  • superficial, soft treatment using lactic, glycolic, fruit acid;
  • medium cleaning with more powerful products for the deeper layers of the epidermis;
  • strong, deep impact using special drugs - carried out in difficult cases under anesthesia.

Folk remedies

To treat acne at home, you can use products based on natural ingredients. Traditional healers offer recipes for masks, tonics, scrubs. Popular:

  • mask with raw vegetables– grated carrots, zucchini, cucumber – 1 spoon – mixed with olive oil or lemon juice – 5 drops, applied for 15 minutes;
  • mask from oatmeal with warm kefir, mixed to a paste, applied massage movements for 15 minutes;
  • grapefruit tonic – 30 ml fresh juice per glass of water - wipe your face in the morning and evening.

Home remedies should be used once a week, alternating recipes is allowed. Positive effect will give regular procedures. It is useful to make a protein mask that opens clogged pores and helps cleanse them of sebaceous contents. Required:

  • beat the egg white with a spoon of sugar;
  • divide the foam mass into 2 parts;
  • apply one to cleansed skin;
  • stand until dry;
  • Apply the rest on top, tapping lightly with your fingers;
  • leave for 10 minutes;
  • rinse with warm water.

Rice cleansing mask

Microelements and a large number of various B vitamins contained in cereals are beneficial for the skin. Rice masks improve appearance face, help restore problematic epidermis. With regular use:

  • anti-inflammatory effect is carried out;
  • are cured dermatological diseases;
  • metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • soothes irritated skin;
  • cell regeneration improves;
  • rejuvenation of the epidermis occurs.

A homemade rice mask helps to gently cleanse the skin, relieve irritation, and tighten pores. All this helps to cope with comedones faster. The composition is applied with massage movements to cleansed skin, left for 10 minutes, washed off with mineral or warm boiled water. To prepare you need:

  • In the morning, rinse 2 tablespoons of round polished rice;
  • fill with warm water;
  • drain the liquid in the evening;
  • mash the rice;
  • apply on face.

Grapefruit mask

Citrus fruits have a huge amount beneficial properties due to biological active substances in the composition. Using it in masks for any skin type helps solve advanced problems. Grapefruit is distinguished by its action:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial – reduces the number of microorganisms on the surface of the skin;
  • calming – relieves irritation;
  • protective – from the action of external unfavorable factors;
  • accelerating metabolic processes, regeneration;
  • improving cellular respiration;
  • reducing sebum production.

To prepare a mask at home to treat problem skin with comedones, you will need:

  • take 20 ml of fresh grapefruit juice;
  • add boiled water to 200 ml;
  • grind oatmeal into powder - 2 tablespoons;
  • mix;
  • wipe the affected areas with the composition for two minutes;
  • rinse with warm water;
  • apply a light nourishing cream.

Egg scrub

Homemade cosmetics are distinguished by natural ingredients. Scrubs deeply cleanse the epidermis, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and activate blood flow and metabolic processes. With their help, scars are eliminated, old cells are exfoliated, pores are opened, and the skin begins to breathe. Important points during the procedure:

  • the composition is applied in a circular motion;
  • Avoid the area around the lips and eyes;
  • Duration of the procedure – 5 minutes, carried out 2 times a week;
  • Rinse off any remaining product with warm water;
  • It is not allowed to carry out in the presence of inflammation or injury.

For oily facial skin prone to comedones, cosmetologists recommend using egg scrubs. A simple recipe - beat an egg, add a spoonful of semolina. You can take the yolk, add a teaspoon of liquid honey and chopped oatmeal to it. A protein scrub prepared according to a recipe using available products is good at eliminating oiliness, exfoliating cells, and cleansing pores. The amount of ingredients is measured in spoons. To the egg white you should add and mix:

  • oatmeal – 2;
  • olive oil – 0,5;
  • sea ​​salt - 1.


To prevent the appearance of comedones, to exclude relapses after treatment, you should take preventive measures. Simple measures will help cope with the problem. Cosmetologists recommend:

  • carry out daily cleaning of dust and dirt using lotions and tonics;
  • do not use soap that dries the skin;
  • during periods of exacerbation of inflammation, avoid makeup;
  • use only high-quality decorative cosmetics.

If you are at risk of developing comedones, it is useful for your facial skin to:

  • cleanse weekly using soft scrubs that remove dead epithelial cells;
  • for oily skin, use lotions with calendula, eucalyptus, and chamomile;
  • use clay masks to cleanse pores;
  • in the evenings, lubricate your face with essential oil - eucalyptus, clove, tea tree;
  • For hyper-oily skin, avoid thick creams and oil-based cosmetics;
  • choose funds for daily care, narrowing pores, reducing sebum production.

To avoid the development of acne, cosmetologists advise preventive measures:

  • avoid contact of face skin with hands;
  • normalize nutrition;
  • eliminate bad habits;
  • protect your face from exposure to contaminated environments with masks, bandages, and clothing;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • visit salons for cleaning using hardware methods;
  • do not overuse sunbathing;
  • cure diseases that cause acne.

Photo of comedones on the face


How to remove comedones on the face, which are considered one of the most common skin problems and can greatly spoil the appearance? They appear due to the active production of sebum. Mixing with dirt, dead epidermal cells and cosmetic residues, it clogs the pores on the skin. Subcutaneous comedones can appear in any person, but they cause the greatest discomfort to adolescents and women.

There is no harm to health from them, unless an infection is added, but they spoil the appearance. Most often, comedones appear on the forehead, nose and chin. They may look like whiteheads or blackheads. Such problematic skin looks unkempt and dirty.

Comedones can be of two types: closed and open. Closed ones are internal comedones; they can only be noticed by stretching the skin. They have a whitish color. This is the secretion of the sebaceous gland, accumulated under the epidermis. With a large amount of this secretion, the tissues surrounding it are compressed, as a result, comedones become inflamed and turn into pimples, which are quite difficult to get rid of. The inflammatory process can develop very quickly, especially in cases where, trying to squeeze out the formations on their own, a person causes an infection.

Open comedones are the well-known blackheads; pores are clogged in the lower layers of the epidermis. They can be easily removed at home or in a salon, without any inflammation. For staging accurate diagnosis It is advisable to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist. After an external examination, facial cleansing and necessary treatment are prescribed.

Before deciding how to remove comedones on the skin of the face, you need to find out the reason for their appearance. Most often, people with oily skin suffer from them, and since hormonal system regulates the process of sebum secretion, any malfunctions in its operation can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the epidermis. Hormonal disruptions in the body occur in adolescents and women during pregnancy, childbirth and menopause. Often this problem is inherited from parents to children.

Irregular or poor-quality cleansing of the face after daytime makeup also leads to the appearance of comedones. But you shouldn’t overuse cleansers so as not to injure delicate skin. After removing the natural protective layer from it, pollution will easily penetrate into the pores.

The cause of comedones is also various diseases gastrointestinal tract and liver. Disturbances in the functioning of these organs lead to slagging in the body, weakening immune system, to metabolic disorders and clogged pores on the skin.

The problem may arise due to an unbalanced diet, which contains a lot of flour, sweets, fatty and fried foods. Stressful situations, which result in vasospasm, and normal nutrition of the skin and its protective functions are violated.

The ecology of the area is also of great importance. If there is high humidity and polluted air, then there is a high probability that comedones will appear on the skin. Abuse often leads to this problem. alcoholic drinks and smoking.

Drug treatment

How to get rid of comedones on your face using medicines? After determining the cause and determining the severity of the defect, the doctor will prescribe the necessary therapy. If comedones appear, it is better to entrust their treatment to a specialist - a dermatologist.

It comes down to the use of local medications. Can be used for this problem Ichthyol ointment, it is used to lubricate problem areas of the skin before going to bed. The existing disadvantage of this tool is bad smell. Retinoic, Sulfur and Zinc ointments are good for getting rid of unpleasant rashes.

At the pharmacy you can buy another remedy for comedones - bodyagu. This powder, prepared from algae, is diluted with boiled water until creamy. Ready product Apply directly to each rash for approximately 15 minutes. After this, you need to wash your face with warm water.

Salicylic and lactic acids clean well and have disinfectant properties. The product is mixed with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. A cotton swab is moistened in the prepared mixture and applied alternately to the forehead, nasolabial folds and chin.

In particularly serious cases, the doctor prescribes treatment of comedones with antibiotics, especially when inflammatory processes. Tetracycline tablets or Tetracycline ointment for external use may be recommended. The dosage of drugs and the course of treatment are prescribed only by a doctor; you should not use them yourself. If you choose the wrong drug, you can significantly harm the condition of your skin.

If you have comedones, it is very important to choose the right skin care products, such as lotions or creams. Essential oils, such as tea tree, have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. It “pushes” comedones out of the skin.

Facial cleansing in the salon

Treatment of comedones after consultation with a cosmetologist can be carried out in a beauty salon. Mechanical cleaning can be performed - this is an effective procedure, but rather painstaking and slightly painful. The face is first held over a steam bath, into which decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs can be added. A cosmetologist removes comedones using a special cosmetic spatula.

You can get rid of comedones using ultrasound. Upper layer The epidermis is exfoliated during the procedure, stimulating cell regeneration. At vacuum cleaning With a special device, sebaceous plugs are sucked out of the pores. This way you can get rid of comedones, which are located even in the most inaccessible places.

Another way to treat comedones is chemical peeling. With this method, fruit acids are applied to the skin, which can quickly dissolve all formations. Deep cleansing of pores and cell renewal occurs. Laser cleaning is considered the most popular today. Sebaceous plugs are broken down by laser quickly and without pain.

Thanks to salon procedures, you can effectively and permanently get rid of comedones. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that these procedures are quite expensive. In addition, after each cleansing, it takes some time for the swelling of the face and redness of the skin to go away.

Traditional treatment and home care

Homemade masks help treat comedones well. This method of cleansing the skin is quite lengthy and not as effective as salon procedures, but masks are prepared from natural products and will not harm the skin. Before using any traditional recipe, it is recommended to consult a doctor to avoid complications.

To prepare a protein mask, egg whites are beaten with 15 g of sugar, previously ground into flour. The lemon mask consists of beaten egg whites and 20 ml of aloe juice and lemon juice. To prepare a soda mask, mix baking soda and salt (5 g each) with water until creamy. By mixing 5 g of soda with 15 g of ground oatmeal and 10 g of water, we get an oatmeal mask.

Any of the masks is applied to a previously cleansed face for approximately 20 minutes. Then it is washed off with warm water and the skin is lubricated with moisturizer. The procedure should be performed no more than once a week.

Such masks, if used long time, will gradually dissolve comedones and bring them out. New rashes will not appear, because the masks will regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and will not allow the sebaceous ducts to become clogged again.

Throughout the course of treatment, you must carefully care for your skin. You cannot leave cosmetics on overnight; you must use cleansers every day: tonic, lotion or milk. Once a week you need to use gommage or scrub. Care products must be carefully selected to suit your skin type.

Various types of rashes, including comedones, are a fairly common problem for both adolescents and adults of different sexes. Despite the fact that many dermatologists do not consider this rash to be acne, dealing with them, unfortunately, is not so easy. Treatment of closed comedones on the face requires not only sufficient quantity time, but also patience, strength and many resources. Sometimes it’s easier to prevent their appearance than to fight for a long time for clear and beautiful skin.

What are comedones?

Comedones are a type of acne that have two forms: open and closed.

Externally, closed comedones resemble small whiteheads or non-inflamed pimples. Their open form is popularly called black dots.

However, unlike their open form, which can be practically invisible, closed ones can cause not only inconvenience, but also discomfort. They can even cause pain, and the size of one such pimple can reach up to 5 mm.

What are closed comedones? In fact, these are really not pimples, since there is no pus inside them, and more often than not, the process of inflammation is also absent. By their structure, these are sebaceous clots that contain dead cells and various microbes located both on the epidermis itself and inside it.

Reasons for appearance

As sad as it may be, almost every second person experiences closed comedones. They can form not only on the face, but throughout the body. Due to this this problem often confused with miliaria or, which have a slightly different structure.

Basically, comedones appear during puberty and hormonal changes, so they can occur not only at a young age, but also in women before each menstrual cycle, menopause, and so on. However, in addition to hormones, the appearance of such rashes can be affected by severe and frequent stress, depression, as well as diseases of internal organs, viruses and infections.

Interesting fact:

Sebum collects under the epidermis into a small white nodule. When this nodule interacts with oxygen, a chemical reaction occurs, after which the contents darken, turning into a closed comedon.

Usually such pimples cover the nose, forehead, chin and back. Some people may not even notice their appearance on the body, but on the face this rash causes a lot of discomfort. Most often they tend to appear between the ages of 14 and 24 years. There may be such closed

In medicine, there are several explanations for their appearance:

  • poor hygiene;
  • constantly changing or disrupted hormonal levels;
  • the body's reaction to certain medications;
  • stress and nervous conditions;
  • genetics;
  • an allergic reaction to cosmetic products, especially if they contain oil and fats.

Despite the fact that closed comedones do not have pus in their structure, it is very difficult to remove them, and it also takes a lot of time.

Video “What are comedones and how to get rid of them?”

An indicative video that will help you understand why comedones appear and how they can be eliminated.

Treatment of closed comedones on the face - where to start?

Everyone knows open comedones, they are also blackheads, are removed much easier and faster, despite the fact that most people struggle with them throughout for long years. Usually the greasy black core is squeezed out, thus freeing the pores.

With closed form of comedones mechanically, unfortunately, it will not be possible to cope. This is due to the fact that in the process of squeezing they do not come out, but, on the contrary, they deepen even more, become inflamed, turn red, and bring even more discomfort.

After such a procedure, closed comedones may appear white purulent pimples. The first thing you should do when such a problem occurs is to visit a specialist, since it is with the help of his recommendations that you can quickly deal with such a rash.

Cleansing is the main step to perfect skin

Even if you do not use decorative cosmetics, foundation and powder, your skin still needs cleansing. During the day, the epidermis gets exposed to a large amount of dust, dirt, various kinds of microbes and even fungi. Therefore, it simply needs to be cleaned of this dirt and dead cells every day. If you do not do this, then as a result, all the sebum can come to the surface, harden and form sebaceous plugs.

To avoid this, every day, twice a day, you need to wash your face with warm water (not hot or cold, but warm, room temperature). During this procedure, it is advisable to use gentle cleansing cosmetics - soap, gel for washing, foam, and so on. It is also necessary to cleanse the epidermis of dead cells twice a week. This is done with the help of facial scrubs, peelings, gommages, and so on.

However, it is worth considering your skin type. If you are the owner, then this procedure can be carried out no more than once a week, and sometimes even less often.

You can also use cosmetics containing salicylic acid, boric alcohol. If possible, you should use and wash your face more the right water- boiled, peeled, thawed, you can use herbal decoctions.

What medications can be used?

As practice shows, closed comedones are easier to prevent. Therefore, if your skin is prone to their formation, then at the first manifestations it is necessary to begin treatment. In addition to high-quality cleansing, you can also use medications, which you often simply cannot do without.

The two most common are Differin and Skinoren. The principle of their action is almost identical: they help cleanse the skin, freeing pores from excess dirt and sebum. But a positive result will appear after no less than 4-5 months of regular use.

Before starting to use such aggressive agents, you should definitely consult a specialist, since self-treatment can cause disastrous consequences.

There are also products that have an excellent effect on purulent pimples and various types of acne, but their effect on comedones is ineffective. Such pharmaceutical products include Zinerit and Baziron. First of all, this is due to the fact that they do not contain necessary ingredients, which directly affect closed and clogged pores. Secondly, these products can dry out the skin very much, which will lead to even greater formation of imperfections.

More gentle ways to eliminate comedones

As already mentioned, comedones, pimples and other imperfections usually appear from improper skin care. Of course, the internal state of the body also plays an important role. Therefore, before you begin treatment, reconsider your approach to personal hygiene. Maybe you:

  • use inappropriate cosmetics that cause pore clogging;
  • you don’t cleanse your skin well;
  • dry out the epidermis;
  • expose your skin external influences(do not use wind and frost creams).

In addition, there are proven ways to cleanse your skin that will help give it a healthier color and a more rested appearance.

Clay is a universal remedy for imperfections

As practice shows, clay is used for many types of imperfections and is almost always very effective. Using it will help you see the desired result after just 1-2 procedures. This is due to the fact that this mask helps not only to cleanse the epidermis, but also to remove small layers of it; in fact, Skinoren and Differin do the same.

In addition to white clay, you can use other varieties, choosing the most suitable and effective one. There are these types of clay:

  • white clay is the most common type;
  • yellow;
  • green - great for oily skin;
  • blue - the best option for dry skin;
  • black - copes well with open comedones.

Badyaga - a cheap but effective remedy

Badyaga is famous not only for its cosmetic properties. It is often used in traumatology, as it can reduce pain, relieve swelling, and fight venousness. In the field of cosmetology, badyagu is used as masks. It draws out microbes from the deep layers of the dermis, and also has a positive effect on the upper layers of the epidermis, clearing it of sebaceous plugs.

However, it is worth noting that it is better to do a mask with badyaga before going to bed, since after the procedure a slight redness may appear on the face. In principle, badyagu can be used by almost all skin types, but those with sensitive skin should use it with caution.

Use when cleaning sponge

Many girls have heard about this method more than once, and many even use it regularly. In a specialized store you need to purchase a soft sponge with which you need to carry out water procedures. Using a sponge when washing will allow you to better cleanse the epidermis and remove the top dead layer of cells without damaging the skin.

It is worth considering that during the procedure you should not make sudden movements, you should not press hard on the sponge, as you can damage the skin, which will lead to irritation. Also from this method Those with dry and sensitive skin should avoid this.

Proper nutrition is the key to beauty!

Don’t forget about proper nutrition, which will not only help make your skin beautiful, but also take care of your internal organs. Therefore, if you have closed comedones, you should avoid fatty foods, as they can increase the secretion of sebum, which will lead to even greater blockage of the pores.

Dermatologists also often focus on eating sweet and starchy foods. If you have imperfect skin, it is better to give up such products for a while and go on a diet. Instead of sweets, it is recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables, as well as daily mandatory eat cottage cheese or other fermented milk products.

In any case, if comedones occur, you should seek help from a dermatologist. Since self-medication can lead to further big consequences. Therefore, carefully monitor your body not only outside, adhering to all the rules of personal hygiene, but also inside. After all, quite often the appearance of acne, comedones and other rashes is just a signal from your body. And remember that treating closed comedones first of all requires patience, since it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of this problem quickly.

Video “All about acne and comedones”

An indicative video that will help you understand the difference between pimples and comedones, and also give recommendations for eliminating them.

Closed comedones, or whiteheads, are small formations on the human skin of a white or yellowish color, rising above the skin, with a diameter of up to five millimeters. The formations are not prone to compaction, although they can be located in small groups. Closed comedones do not cause pain or itching.

Most often, the cause of their manifestation is hormonal imbalance (in teenagers or pregnant women), improper care skin care, unbalanced diet, genetic predisposition. Typically, whiteheads on the skin appear on parts of the body such as:

  • face (temple area, cheekbones, eyelids);
  • breast;
  • back;
  • scrotum.

Remember. Before treating closed comedones, the disease should be diagnosed by an experienced dermatologist by visual examination. In rare cases, microscopic examination is required.

reading information


To get rid of a cosmetic problem that has arisen, it is best to approach treatment comprehensively. Elimination of closed comedones, reminiscent of subcutaneous acne, will be effective only if the necessary medications are used, cosmetic procedures and proper lifestyle.

Important. Under no circumstances should you remove whiteheads on your face by squeezing them yourself. Atrophic scars may appear, which are difficult to remove later, irritation may occur, and infection may occur.

As a rule, the following medications are prescribed to improve skin condition:

  • "Differin."

Before removing whiteheads from the face, it is important that the doctor determines the extent of the lesion. Mild forms can be cured using Differin alone.

  • "Skinoren."
  • Benzoyl peroxide.
  • Salicylic acid.
  • Retinoid cream.

Remember. Treatment of white comedones is not only about getting rid of cosmetic defects. Since the causes of the disease lie in the internal state of the body (hormonal imbalance, gastrointestinal problems), doctors often prescribe medications to treat the disease causing the problem.

How to remove closed comedones using cosmetic procedures

Application only medications to eliminate closed comedones on the face can give results only after long-term treatment. Therefore, for mechanical skin cleansing, it is recommended to carry out special cosmetic procedures:

  • First of all, proper skin care is necessary - washing twice a day using a special foam for deep cleaning(apply the product to moistened skin and begin to beat with light movements until small bubbles appear).

  • Once a week, use a scrub or peel using fruit acids.

Important. Under no circumstances should these two procedures be combined, as skin irritation may occur.

  • Every evening you need to remove makeup with tonic or cosmetic milk.
  • It is recommended to use various masks, especially vegetable ones (from carrots, zucchini or cucumber). Grind the vegetables in a food processor or on a fine grater to a pulp, add olive oil or lemon juice, applied to the face. After a 15-minute procedure, the mass is removed and the skin is washed with warm water.
  • It is necessary to remember to moisturize the skin with the help of “light” creams that do not clog pores.
  • In the warm season, it is not recommended to use foundation - it is better to use powder.
  • Carry out mechanical skin cleansing in a beauty salon.

Mechanical skin cleansing in a beauty salon is one of the most effective methods for removing whiteheads.

How to treat closed comedones with improvised means

To open the skin pores, you can steam your face over a bowl of hot water. To do this, you need to hold your face, covering your head with a towel, over the dishes for no more than five minutes. After this, you need to wash your face with warm water using a quality product. Sometimes, for a similar effect, wetted water is applied to the skin. hot water textile.

Tea tree oil has the same properties as benzoyl peroxide. Therefore, it can be applied with a cotton swab to damaged areas of the skin.

Sometimes lemon juice is used to get rid of whiteheads - the acid it contains opens the pores. To reduce the aggressiveness of the product, it is diluted with water. The solution is also applied cotton swab or a tampon.

Important. Because lemon juice can have irritant effect on the skin, you should not use the drug more than once a day.

Has similar properties Apple vinegar. In addition, it has antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

Diet during treatment of closed comedones

Since the cause of whiteheads on the face may be poor diet or problems with gastrointestinal tract, it is important to adhere to some dietary rules when fighting comedones. Must be excluded from the diet fatty foods, fried and smoked products, sweets, baked goods, alcohol.

When treating closed comedones at home, it is recommended to include in the diet the following foods:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • porridge.

The most commonly used cereal products are buckwheat, oatmeal, and millet. The consumption of dairy and fermented milk products(cottage cheese, yoghurt, sour cream).

Advice. It is important to remember that in a proper diet, water occupies a special place, which removes waste and toxins from the body. You need to drink 5-8 glasses of liquid per day.

Despite the variety of methods to combat closed comedones, the easiest way is to prevent their appearance. To do this, you should conduct healthy image life, take care of your skin, eat right.

Comedones are one of the manifestations of acne, with which almost every inhabitant of our planet is familiar. And despite the fact that such rashes do not pose a direct threat to health, they should not be left to chance. In an advanced stage, comedones can merge into groups and form ulcers - and then the cosmetic problem already becomes a medical one. Therefore, acne treatment needs to be approached systematically and comprehensively, and comedones in particular.

Comedones: open and closed

Comedones are enlarged skin pores filled with sebum. If the contents of a comedone are “covered” from above by the epithelium and are not able to come out, it is called closed. Such rashes have white head, rising above the level of the skin. When bacterial flora joins the sebum, such a comedone becomes inflamed, red and painful. If the pore remains open with its contents, such a comedon is called open. In this case, the sebum accumulated in it has a dense consistency and looks like a rod with a dark head, which is visible on the skin.

Causes of comedones

The main role in the appearance of comedones today is given to hormonal imbalance, which is why the work of the sebaceous glands is significantly activated and the processes of epithelial regeneration change. Chronic infections and endocrine disorders, dietary errors, improper skin care (or lack thereof), bad habits. There is evidence that comedones can be “received” as an inheritance or as a result of unfavorable external factors(hyperinsolation, polluted air).

Proper nutrition in the treatment of comedones

As already mentioned, poor nutrition is one of the factors that contributes to the formation of comedones. Indeed, everything we eat leaves a “mark” on our skin. Therefore, in order not to activate the skin sebaceous glands, limit or exclude from the diet such “provocateurs” as alcohol, strong coffee and tea, carbonated drinks, animal fats, complex carbohydrates, spicy dishes and smoked meats. The predominance of vegetables, light protein foods, fermented milk products, fruits and vegetable oils in the menu guarantees your skin a healthy appearance.

Proper care as a method of preventing and treating comedones

Organizing proper care for problem skin is no less important, since it not only helps eliminate existing rashes, but also serves as an excellent prophylactic. Regarding comedones, the main rule of skin care is cleanliness and regularity. Therefore, introduce into your life the habit of not going to bed wearing makeup under any circumstances and washing your face using special products at least 2 times a day. 2-3 times a week, supplement the care complex with peeling using scrubs, gommages, gels or masks, 1-2 times a week - cleansing masks. When carrying out procedures, do not forget to first take baths with medicinal herbs(preliminary steaming of the skin opens the pores, which means that all subsequent cleansing procedures will be as effective as possible).

Cosmetics against comedones

Choosing skincare cosmetics for problem skin, pay attention to special products that contain zinc, surfactants, salicylic acid, ammonium lactate, retinol, vitamins A and E, sulfur, skinorene, essential oils and plant extracts. They will not only cleanse the skin, but also relieve or prevent inflammation. For example, micellar water (Exfoliac), special gels or lotions (Clinans, Klerasil Ultra, Cetaphil, Sebium) can be used as cleansers. No less effective in cleansing oily skin will be tonics and lotions (non-alcoholic) containing essential oils of lemon, menthol, eucalyptus, tea tree and plant extracts of aloe, chamomile, calendula, green tea, and witch hazel. Many cosmetic brands in their assortment have a special “anti-comedogenic” line, for example, “Clean Line” from Garnier, “Pure Zone” from L’Oreal, “Visibly Clear” from Neutrogena, “Normaderm” from Vichy, etc. For cleansing special strips can be used on the skin in the nose area.

Home remedies for clearing skin from comedones

To free clogged pores from sebaceous plugs, cleanse 2-3 times a month with baby soap and soda. To do this, with soapy hands, spread soap foam onto problem areas, then sprinkle them with baking soda and after 10 minutes, wash with warm water. A protein mask has proven itself well as a skin cleanser: mix the protein well with sugar (1 tbsp) and spread half of the mass over your face. When the mask on your face is dry, apply the remaining egg mixture on top, patting the skin with your fingers and palms until they no longer stick to the skin. Rinse off any remaining mixture with cool water. Another simple one, but effective method cleansing the skin - with rice (white or brown). Rinse half a glass of rice, pour boiling water over it (just enough to cover the grains) and leave overnight. In the morning, strain, chop and use as a scrub or mask (for 10-15 minutes).

Comedones are a problem that everyone can solve. The main thing is to approach this correctly, comprehensively and responsibly.
