Protein foods - a list of foods for weight loss. Protein-rich foods: benefits and possible harm

Rationality plays a significant role in human life. balanced diet, which includes daily diet the optimal amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which are very important for proper functioning. To lose weight, the human body needs amino acids - strong structures concentrated in protein. Through the digestive system, the body breaks down a chain of amino acids to absorb them into the blood. During this time, our body works on digestion, which means that the metabolism does not slow down. That is why protein food must be on the list of products for weight loss.

What are proteins

Proteins are the essential material the body needs to build new cells. Proteins are also the only source of amino acids for humans. All human cells are made of protein, they are part of enzymes and DNA.

Importance for the body

Proteins are the main part of the cells of all organs and tissues. Associated with protein are: life processes, like metabolism, irritability, growth, reproduction and even thinking.


A lack of protein will lead to a deterioration in the body’s condition, which is manifested in reduced protection against infections and performance, decreased immunity, sharp deterioration condition of nails, skin, hair, liver dysfunction, small intestine, nervous and endocrine system.

For children and adolescents, a deficiency in the body leads to slow growth and mental development. Therefore, every person needs to know which foods are the most protein-rich in order to control the level of the component in the body.


However, an excess of protein will also not bring anything good, since the accumulation of protein in the body without lack of exercise leads to loss of calcium.

Fast and slow proteins

Depending on the rate of breakdown and absorption, it is customary to distinguish fast and slow proteins.


Slow proteins are proteins that take a long time to be broken down by the body, helping you lose weight and stay in a full state for a long time. It is imperative to remember what long-term proteins are contained in; the list of products is indeed very large, but below are the most basic ones.

Slow proteins break down into amino acids in about 6 hours, because they contain fewer calories, and their breakdown requires much more energy. Therefore, long-term proteins are often consumed for dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime, then the body will have enough time during the night to digest food, while the muscles are fully enriched with amino acids.

List of slow proteins in food in the table:

Fast squirrels

Fast protein is very useful for athletes, as it restores strength and energy, helps you feel more energetic, and also promotes muscle gain. The body needs only 60-80 minutes to absorb fast proteins.

List of fast protein products in the table:

Protein source

Amount of protein

in 100 g

Splitting factor

Pink salmon fish

Beef lean

Kefir, milk

How to combine them

When consuming protein of different origins at the same time, digestive secretions need to secrete gastric juice different types With different periods.

If at lunch, for example, you eat meat, milk and eggs, which have unequal digestion times, the digestion time of the egg will slow down, although it itself breaks down in 1 hour.

The most efficient digestion of protein occurs if each protein product is digested separately.

Types of proteins

Proteins have 2 sources of origin and according to this criterion are divided into:

  1. Animals- the most valuable for the body, since in addition to a large amount of protein they contain several elements that cannot be replaced by anything. Animal protein plays a vital role in the food list and is found in meat, offal, fish, seafood, eggs, caviar, fermented milk products.
  2. Vegetable– sources only of protein, important for the construction of tissues and cells. Much of what belongs to plant protein foods (the list is generalized) is consumed by people as often as food of animal origin: legumes (peas, chickpeas, lentils, green and red beans), various types of flour, nuts. This also includes grains, green vegetables, pumpkins, seaweed and seaweed.

Do not forget that among foods that contain a lot of protein, there are also those that are also rich in fat, and this fact can become a significant obstacle to losing weight. To avoid this, you must carefully read the composition of the product you purchase.

The list of protein products for weight loss is given in the table, taking into account the amount of protein and fat per 100 g:

Protein product

Proteins, g

Fats, g


Rabbit meat


Halibut fish

The healthiest protein foods

There are many protein products available today. However, you can still identify the healthiest protein foods; the list of products consists of 4 main sources:

  1. Chicken breast. For an athlete and anyone watching their weight, this is an integral part of the diet. 190 grams of breast contains only 200 kcal, 40 g of protein, and only 2 g of fat. For getting greatest benefit depending on the product, you need to boil or grill the breast, excluding the use of oil.
  2. Beef meat. A person cannot survive on one breast for long, so beef is an excellent alternative that will also not harm your figure. Per 200 grams there are 340 kcal, about 40 g of protein, 15 g of fat.
  3. Chicken eggs. To from chicken eggs to get 40 g of protein, you need to eat 7 eggs, which contain 520 kcal and 35 g of fat. More beneficial for the body chicken proteins, but yolks are also necessary for better absorption the purest protein.
  4. Salmon fillets- a storehouse of healthy Omega 3 fats. 200 g of salmon contains 368 kcal, 40 g of protein and 28 g of fat. The fillet of this rather expensive fish can be replaced with hake or pollock.

High Protein Foods

Extended list high protein foods is given in the table, based on 100 g.



Beef liver

Powdered milk

Pork is fatty

Low-fat yogurt

Pork lean

Dutch cheese

Poshekhonsky cheese

Pollock caviar

Sturgeon caviar


There are several tips to help you plan your diet correctly:

  1. If you have a hard day ahead, a good option– have breakfast with cottage cheese or a yogurt-based smoothie, because these are foods with a lot of protein.
  2. It is advisable to have dinner with slow-cooked, steamed animal proteins.
  3. After physical activity it is extremely necessary sufficient quantity fast protein.
  4. Don't skip meals, but if this happens, then stock up on energy with slow-acting proteins.
  5. To invigorate the body and set it up for fast work, consume foods with fast proteins before mental stress.

Cooking methods

It is definitely worth remembering to get from the product greatest number useful substances, vitamins and maximum amount digestible protein, proper thermal exposure is necessary when preparing dishes.

True friend For people who are losing weight or trying to eat foods containing protein for the proper functioning of the body, a double boiler will be useful. It will provide a gentle mode for cooking food, and this will preserve the maximum useful components:

  1. For cereals, a suitable option is pre-soaking in water. With this soaking, for example, buckwheat overnight, the thermal effect is minimized. This means that a person will be sure that with this unique weight loss product he will receive all the microelements and enzymes that buckwheat is so rich in.
  2. To speed up the absorption of protein, do not neglect the blender and meat grinder. If you eat crushed foods, it will be easier for your body to break down protein foods into enzymes.

What products are combined with?

  • fish and seafood are combined with vegetables (except potatoes), but absolutely not combined with bread;
  • meat goes perfectly with herbs, but not with flour products;
  • eggs are compatible with buckwheat, but not with other cereals;
  • legumes are combined with fruits and dried fruits, but are incompatible with potatoes;
  • eggplants are well digested when eaten together with berries, but not when washed down with juice;
  • nuts are compatible with various oils, but do not tolerate combinations with sugar.

Remember, the wrong combination of foods quite often leads to bloating and indigestion.

Purposes of use

Since proteins help build muscle mass, people who start tracking their protein levels do so for one of two main purposes.

To build muscle mass

A person who systematically engages in physical activity increases the need for certain substances, which relates mainly to proteins. This happens because muscles need to recover after sports - therefore, they need to be provided with a sufficient amount of protein for “construction”.

For weight loss

To lose weight, of course, you need more protein than when gaining weight. But you definitely shouldn’t overuse protein.

Review of popular protein diets

Protein diets are very popular and quite effective, since the main sources of food for this form of weight loss are dishes with high content squirrel. Diets of this kind have many advantages and disadvantages.


  • protein is the best component for restoring energy if you combine a diet with physical exercise;
  • protein diets are designed for no more than 7 days, and this is a fairly quick achievement of results in short term;
  • Protein foods satiate the body for a long time, which means that this diet is not one of the “hungry” diets.


  • with unlimited protein consumption, the human body removes fluid and calcium reserves;
  • also playing sports provokes increased load on the kidneys, which will affect appearance: skin dries, hair loses color saturation, nails peel;
  • when on a protein diet, you need to alternate product categories to avoid allergies;
  • You should carefully monitor the amount of fat.

The list of foods that you can eat on a protein diet is in the table:



Chicken breast

Beef cutlet


Beef liver

Lamb liver


Soy milk

Ducan's diet

This diet is the most popular weight loss system in the world. The author identifies 4 stages:

  1. Attack– main weight loss lasting about five days.
  2. Alternation– continued weight loss lasts up to several months.
  3. Consolidation– establishing the results at the same level, the duration of the stage can be found by multiplying each kilogram of weight lost by ten.
  4. Stabilization– maintaining results throughout life.

Each stage requires a unique list of products.

The Atkins diet was the first low-carbohydrate diet. Reducing carbohydrates means that on this diet you mainly eat protein foods, the list of which is very wide.

Basic Rules:

  1. Reduce carbohydrate intake.
  2. Eat according to your appetite.
  3. Take multivitamins.
  4. To practice physical exercise.
  5. Drink enough water.

This diet shapes eating habits, and the results appear over time, but are permanent if you follow the recommendations.

Hayley Pomeroy's weight loss system has five basic principles:

  1. No stress and positive attitude.
  2. Don't cut out foods that bring you pleasure from your diet.
  3. Abandon strict dietary rules.
  4. Don't count calories.
  5. Try to build a diet so as not to feel hungry.

The Monday and Tuesday diet on this diet consists of cereals, fruits, vegetables and protein. From Wednesday to Friday - protein and vegetables. Saturday, Sunday – protein, vegetables, fruits, healthy fats.

Healthy protein recipes

IN modern world It's very easy to find recipes for protein dishes for weight loss.

A quick protein pie made from broccoli with turkey (can be replaced with chicken) and cheese would be a great dinner.

We prepare it like this:

  1. It is necessary to boil the broccoli - about 200-300 g - and grind it in a blender.
  2. Cut the poultry breast into thin pieces and lightly beat.
  3. Grate cheese (choose low-fat), 100 g is enough.
  4. Grease a baking dish with a small amount of oil and lay out the layers in this order: poultry pieces, broccoli (mashed potatoes), cheese. Layers can be continued until the products run out.
  5. Bake this pie at 200 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

Healthy fish salad

Next recipe This will be one of the protein salads for weight loss with lightly salted salmon.

To prepare you will need:

  • several lettuce leaves;
  • several pieces of tomatoes;
  • lightly salted salmon – 30 g;
  • leek – 1 pc.;
  • olive oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. Cut the salmon into cubes and halve the tomatoes.
  2. Tear lettuce leaves into pieces.
  3. Add finely chopped onion.
  4. Season with oil and your favorite spices. Ready!

We will complete the selection of recipes with puree soup with green beans and chicken.

You will need:

  • chicken fillet – 2 pcs.;
  • green beans – about 300 g;
  • bell pepper- 1 PC.;
  • several medium tomatoes;
  • spices to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. Boil the breast.
  2. We take out the bird, add chopped tomatoes and peppers.
  3. Boil the vegetables for 10 minutes, chop with a blender.
  4. Add to the resulting mixture green beans.
  5. Grind the chicken.
  6. Add spices.

Errors and misconceptions

Many people think that everyone can lose weight, but this is absolutely not true. To lose weight, you need a balance of both fats and calories consumed, because you can not only not lose weight, but also gain weight if the combination is incorrect. This is especially true for lovers of sausages - they are fatty, but low in protein.

It is better to accompany a protein-rich meal with fiber in the form of vegetables; it is difficult to gain weight from such a combination. It is worth remembering that the body cannot long time do without carbohydrates, this will definitely affect your appearance, mental abilities and metabolic disorders.

How to calculate the daily allowance

For women:

  • for women aged 18 to 30:× 240;
  • for women aged 31 to 60:× 240;
  • for women over 60:× 240.

For men:

  • for men aged 18 to 30 years:× 240;
  • for men over 60 years of age: [ 0.05 * weight (kg) + 2.46] × 240.

Calculating daily caloric intake. Scientists have derived certain coefficients:

To obtain daily norm, multiply the metabolic value from the first point by the coefficient corresponding to the activity.

  1. Nutritionists have calculated that 1 g of carbohydrates = 4 kcal, 1 g of protein = 4 kcal, and 1 g of fat = 9 kcal.

For a person, for example, with a daily caloric intake of 1800 kcal, the number obtained as the daily energy volume must be divided into 6 parts (1 part protein + 1 part fat + 4 parts carbohydrates). Part of fats and proteins is 300 kcal, therefore, with carbohydrates - 4 parts of 300 kcal each, that is, 1200 kcal.

  • required amount of protein per day - 300 kcal: 4 kcal = 75 g;
  • required amount of fat per day - 300 kcal: 9 kcal = 33 g;
  • the required amount of carbohydrates per day is 1200 kcal: 4 kcal = 300 g.


From this video you will learn the opinion of experts on a protein diet for weight loss.

To build muscle and recover after workouts, you need to add enough protein to your diet. Proteins are involved in fat burning metabolism and reduce hunger.

In addition, protein slows the release of carbohydrates into the blood, which will help prevent blood sugar spikes that stimulate fat storage and reduce vital energy levels.

An ordinary person needs at least, 1 g of protein per kilogram of body weight to maintain muscle mass.

Protein intake to build muscle needs to be increased 2-3 times. To achieve this value, you need to fill your grocery basket with foods high in protein.

Animal products

Many animal products contain the full range of essential amino acids.

These foods are generally low in carbohydrates, but the fat content may vary.

  • Eggs. One large egg contains about 6 g of protein - this is almost an ideal food for growing muscles, since its bioavailability (i.e. how much protein from food can be absorbed by the body) is higher than in any other product. However, egg yolk is high in fat, so it is best to separate it from the whites to reduce the amount of fat in your diet.
  • Pork. High-quality pork protein supplies the body with branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), allowing muscles to maximize recovery after training. Choose lean fillets for grilling or oven-roasting steak—this will provide 1 gram of protein for every 7 to 11 calories of meat.
  • Beef. In addition to protein, beef is a source of creatine and iron, which help muscles function properly. Limit yourself to lean cuts of meat with 5% fat content.
  • Skinless chicken or turkey breasts. White meat chicken and turkey provide more protein than other parts of the bird with minimal fat content, making this product a must-have on your menu.


Among dairy products there are many options with different fat content.

Do not completely eliminate fat - its absence will interfere with absorption fat-soluble vitamins and calcium, which are beneficial for bone health.

  • Cottage cheese. This product is loaded with casein, a slow-breaking protein that supplies vital amino acids to your growing muscles.
  • Yogurt. In addition to the protein component, yogurt is rich in probiotics, which will help the intestines function properly. Choose yogurt without additives or sugar.
  • Cheese. Be careful - in addition to protein, cheese contains a significant amount of fat. Choose hard cheese with reduced fat content.
  • Milk. This product is a source of premium whey protein with a biological value slightly less than that of eggs. Choose 2% milk for an optimal balance of fat and protein.

Fish and seafood

Seafood is an excellent source of protein because it contains almost no fat.

Fish contains fat, but it is rated as beneficial to the body due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Tuna. This fish is easily digested by the body and contains premium quality protein. You'll also get a bunch of B vitamins and a powerful dose of the antioxidant selenium along with the tuna.
  • Halibut. Among white fish, halibut contains the optimal ratio necessary for the body microelements. Pacific halibut is generally more valuable biologically than Atlantic halibut.
  • Tilapia. This fish contains a noticeable amount of protein combined with a mild, delicate taste.
  • Salmon. Red fish is quite fatty and has a high protein content. However, omega-3 fatty acid, contained in it, help fight fat accumulation.
  • Shrimps. This product contains high-quality protein with a minimum amount of fat and carbohydrates, as well as B vitamins and iron.

Plant products

Plant foods, along with protein, include significant amounts of carbohydrates.

Vegetable protein provides an incomplete spectrum of amino acids, so it is ideal to use such products as a side dish for meat or poultry. This is a great way to increase your protein intake, as well as fiber and a range of vital minerals.

  • Lentils. In addition to protein, lentils are a source of iron, molybdenum and folic acid necessary for the functioning of muscle fibers.
  • Buckwheat. Healthy product, which improves blood circulation, lowers cholesterol and controls blood glucose levels.
  • Legumes. Soybeans, beans and peas are rich in protein; soybeans are even higher in protein than meat. Add legumes to soups, salads and side dishes with meat dishes.
  • Tofu. Soy cheese is a concentrated source of all the proteins provided by soy. It can be added to salads, grilled or fried with eggs.
  • Quinoa. This whole grain contains iron, magnesium and manganese in addition to protein.
  • Nuts. Walnut, cashews, almonds along with high protein content are rich healthy fats. Choose small quantities of unsalted nuts for a snack or to add to a salad.

Rating of high protein foods

The products in the table are ordered by protein content per 100 grams of uncooked product. When choosing, pay attention to the quantitative ratio of proteins and fats.

Place Product Protein content per 100 g of raw product Protein:Fat Ratio Calorie content
1 Soybeans 35 2:1 381
2 Pork 27 2:1 242
3 Beef 26 5:3 250
4 Cheese 26 1:1 360
5 Chicken breasts 23,6 25:2 113
6 Tuna 23 23:1 101
7 Red lentils 21,6 20:1 314
8 Tilapia 20 12:1 96
9 Salmon 20 3:1 142
10 Nuts 20 2:5 607
11 Shrimps 19 17:2 95
12 Halibut 19 6:1 102
13 Cottage cheese 5% 17,2 7:2 121
14 Turkey breasts 17 10:1 104
15 Egg yolk 16 4:7 322
16 Quinoa 14,1 5:2 368
17 Eggs 13 6:5 155
18 Buckwheat 12,6 4:1 313
19 Egg white 11 55:1 52
20 Red beans 8,4 28:1 93
21 Tofu 8,1 2:1 73
22 Peas 5 25:1 73
23 Yogurt 2% 4,3 2:1 60
24 Milk 2.5% 2,7 1:1 52

Not covered in the article

As a rule, food rich in protein is of interest to those who have taken charge of themselves, started losing weight and visiting Gym. However, any person should understand food products, because without this it is simply impossible to create a healthy diet for yourself that would help maintain health and vitality at a high level. From this article you will learn what foods are rich in proteins, as well as why they are needed and what will happen if the body lacks them.

Why do you need food rich in proteins?

Proteins (proteins, polypeptides) are important element human nutrition, the presence of which is necessary for a healthy. They perform a lot of important functions:

  • collagen forms the basis of all bones, tendons, cartilage, and is responsible for the elasticity of the deep layers of the skin;
  • keratin is the basis of hair and is important for maintaining hair health;
  • protein is generally important for protecting the body from the accumulation of toxins;
  • protein found in blood and other fluids human body, is able to neutralize viruses and bacteria.
  • During digestion, protein breaks down into amino acids - some of them go to build muscle tissue, and some are converted into glucose, which provides energy.

Thus, by including enough protein in your diet, you maintain health, beauty and various important functions body.

The richest food in protein

Foods that contain the maximum amount of protein are animal products. Scientists have found that proteins of this type are better absorbed by the body. In addition, this category is considered to be a complete protein food, because in addition to proteins, it also contains a full set of amino acids (unlike protein plant origin, in which the set is incomplete - the only exception is soybean).

So, protein foods of animal origin include:

  • meat (beef, pork, game, etc.);
  • poultry (chicken, turkey, goose, etc.);
  • fish (trout, pollock, herring - any variety);
  • eggs (especially quail);
  • milk and all dairy products;
  • cottage cheese;

It is these foods that provide maximum long-term saturation and benefits for the body. By consuming them daily, you help your body receive all the necessary substances.

Protein-rich plant foods

Plant foods can also contain protein, but, except for soybeans, these products do not contain all the necessary amino acids (valine, leucine, threonine, tryptophan, methionine, isoleucine, lysine, phenylalanine). In order to receive them in the right quantity, it is worth taking them in the right combinations:

  • mushrooms + cereals;
  • mushrooms + nuts;
  • legumes + cereals;
  • legumes + nuts;
  • legumes + legumes of another type.

In addition to mushrooms, legumes and nuts, this list also includes seeds, persimmons, ginger, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, avocado and asparagus. Full list foods rich in protein can be seen in the table.

Signs of protein problems

Knowing what foods are rich in protein, you can intelligently build your diet and avoid unnecessary deviations from the norm in both directions. After all, the diet should be, first of all, balanced and harmonious. Let's look at the signs that your diet is not structured correctly in terms of protein.

When there is a lack of protein in the body, the following symptoms are observed:

  • physical weakness;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • decreased immunity;
  • metabolic disease;
  • amyotrophy;
  • in children - growth retardation.

Protein products are an important part of any person’s diet, because proteins are necessary for the construction of cells and the functioning of the body. Protein foods - the list of foods that contain protein is quite diverse.

Why is protein so important? All cells of the human body are composed of protein components. Without proteins, important amino acids cannot be synthesized.

Protein is necessary for the growth and healthy development of the entire body; it is part of absolutely all tissues, enzymes and DNA. That is why protein foods in sufficient quantities should be included in the daily diet.

Recent studies have shown that most Russians consume insufficient amounts of complete protein. For this reason, doctors are noticing an increase hormonal disorders, heart disease and decreased immunity.

Plant foods that are richest in protein are legumes. The presence of protein structures in them is equivalent to meat. Nuts also contain a sufficient amount of proteins.

Which plant crops contain enough proteins:

Protein foods - list of foods for weight loss

What is included in protein foods for weight loss? When compiling a list of foods for your diet, pay attention to which protein foods are especially suitable for weight loss. The choice should depend on the amount of protein in different products and dishes. During a protein diet, it is necessary to alternate different protein foods so as not to harm the body. excessive consumption the same product.

Many people choose to lose weight protein diet. What is it? The essence of the protein diet is to include more proteins in the diet and reduce the consumption of carbohydrates and fats to a minimum.

You should not completely give up fats and carbohydrates, as the body needs them to produce energy. The most best time The best time to take carbohydrate foods is in the morning or first half of the day, and it’s good to have them slow carbohydrates, for example, oatmeal or buckwheat.

Protein food for weight loss - the list includes the following products:

Protein foods - list of the most popular products

This is a list, so to speak, of the most protein foods that are most accessible for consumption. Having learned what protein foods are - a list of products, you can create a diet that is suitable for you both for weight loss and for improving your health in general.

Protein foods and weight loss products help get rid of excess weight without resorting to grueling fasts and diets. Do you want to lose weight? Make up the correct food menu. Protein foods will enrich the body important substances and elements for life. Let's find out how protein foods affect the body, look at the list of foods for weight loss and look at the list of the Top 5 foods for weight loss that are high in protein.

What role do proteins play in weight loss?

The role of proteins in weight loss is quite simple. A large amount of energy is spent on digesting protein foods, i.e. calories. The body gets energy from carbohydrates. When we reduce the intake of carbohydrates and increase the amount of protein we eat, the body begins to use fat reserves to process protein.

If we ate a lot of carbohydrates along with protein foods, then carbohydrates would be spent on digesting these proteins - this is fast energy. And since our goal is to lose weight, we reduce the amount of fast energy so that the body uses subcutaneous fat and makes energy from it. This is the role of protein foods in the process of losing weight. Protein increases the elasticity of the skin, making it firm. After burning excess fat the body acquires the desired shape and does not sag.

From general to specific. What does protein food provide during weight loss:

  • Skin elasticity;
  • Preservation normal level blood sugar;
  • Appetite control;
  • Excess carbohydrates do not turn into fat, but are burned while digesting protein foods;
  • Protein is made up of amino acids that enrich internal organs the necessary minerals.

A healthy body needs 1 g. protein per day, per 1 kg of body weight. In the case of eating proteins for weight loss, 2 grams of protein are required, but not less than 60 g of protein per day.

Does excess weight negatively affect your well-being? If the problem is not solved, the condition will soon only worsen: diabetes, high blood pressure will appear, and the risk of heart attack will increase. To prevent obesity, you can start drinking the healthy and safe supplement Reduslim now. The product does not have side effects, normalizes metabolism, promotes fat burning. Natural ingredients: hoodia gordoniya, coleus forskohlii, protease, yacon root and saffron oil

Protein foods: list of products, table for weight loss.

Now you know how protein foods work for weight loss, and you can make a list of protein-rich foods. A table of foods containing the maximum amount of protein will help you.

Choose foods based on the fact that 100 grams of protein per day is not a lot. The table from the product list can be studied right here and used as a guide.

Protein foods: list of products, table for weight lossProtein content per 100 grams
Pure soybean meat52
Soybean natural vegetable34,9
Granular sturgeon caviar28,9
Far Eastern brand shrimp28,7
Pollock caviar in jars28,4
Servelat dry-cured sausage28,2
Piece of Dutch cheese26,8
Raw peanuts26,3
Cheese brand "Poshekhonsky"26
Ordinary milk powder25,6
Raw smoked Minsk sausages23
Whole peas, round23
Fish Tuna22,7
Boiled beans22,3
Chum salmon fish22
Boiled turkey21,6
Pink salmon fish fillet21
Chicken meat20,8
Rabbit meat20,7
Raw sunflower seeds20,7
Small fish Saira20,4
Veal meat19,7
Beef meat18,9
Pig liver18,8
Sheep liver18,7
Tobacco chickens18,7
Fresh or dried almonds18,6
Sea squid18
Lightly salted mackerel18
Low-fat cottage cheese18
Bryndza with cow's milk17,8
Lightly salted herring17,7
Beef liver17,3
Low fat pork16,4
Raw smoked sausages "Krakovskie"16,2
Walnut Hazelnut in shell16,1
Pollock standard15,9
Dried walnuts13,8
Doctor's sausage13,7
Boiled buckwheat12,6
Dietary sausages12,1
Cooked millet12
Fatty pork meat11,4
First grade bread (wheat flour)7,7
Any baked goods7,6
Common rice7
Low fat yogurt (1.5%)5
Rye bread4,7
Low-fat store-bought kefir3
Cow's milk from the store2

Protein foods: list of TOP-5 foods for weight loss.

Looking at the list of protein foods from the table, your eyes probably run wild? Where to begin? Which food products should it be used for weight loss?

We have prepared a review of the 5 most protein-rich foods. Include them in your weight loss diet list and you will be delighted. In addition to the high protein content, these products have no great content fats and carbohydrates. This is what is required!

Chicken breast.

This protein food is the most popular during the diet. Content of elements in one sternum (about 200 g):

  • 40 g protein;
  • 2 g fat;
  • 200 calories of energy.

Brisket is indispensable for weight loss, because it has virtually no fat content.

Beef meat.

Boiled beef meat is identical to chicken breast, although the fatty component is slightly higher.

100 grams contain:

  • 24 g protein;
  • 15 grams of fat;
  • 228 calories.

Chicken eggs.

This product ranks third in the ranking of “The Most Protein Food on the List of Weight Loss Foods.” The yolk has a fairly high calorie content, so if you eat 5 eggs, then it is better to remove 2-3 yolks.
It's better not to eat them at all, but they help egg white better get used to it. For 1 egg there is:

  • 12.5 g protein;
  • 11 g fat;
  • 157 calories.

Salmon fillets.

Despite low content fat (0.1 kg fillet contains 8 grams), there is plenty of protein. Omega 3 acids, which are contained in this product, are very important for the body. Try to eat fish at least twice a day to enrich your body the necessary elements, which are found only in fish. In 100 grams of salmon:

  • 20 g protein;
  • 8 g fat;
  • 153 calories.

Protein shakes.

Such cocktails contain the most ideal ratio of proteins, fats and calories. Functional nutrition is recommended not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for athletes in order to build muscle mass.

Any goals, be it weight loss, training or just healthy image life, Energy Diet there is a special program.

About these cocktails Russian Ministry of Health installed:

  • Contains the required quantity useful microelements and vitamins for a healthy life;
  • Very quickly absorbed;
  • They are functional foods that can be eaten instead of meals.

Excess and lack of protein foods during weight loss.

You should know that ignoring the minimum protein requirement or overeating it can play a cruel joke.

How does a lack of protein foods affect your health?

If you constantly eat foods low in protein, over time you will become acutely lacking in protein. The body will break down muscle tissue to replenish the body's protein stores.
Gradually the person will lose muscle mass, A fat layer will grow on the stomach and thighs very quickly.

Regarding excess protein.

If you want to lose weight faster, there is no need to eat the highest protein foods. Protein foods in large quantities will begin to rot in the stomach, and will lead to poisoning, constipation, and an unpleasant odor.

Other products for losing weight on protein foods.

Be sure to include live vegetables and fruits in your weight loss program. The beauty is that you can eat as much vegetation as you like without fear of getting fat.

Sweet fruits provide your body with quick energy that will never become fat.
Vegetables work as a cleaning broom. All old deposits are swept out of the intestines.
Protein foods have a long list good products for weight loss, but be sure to include fruits, vegetables, and herbs in your diet.

As a conclusion.

Don't limit your menu to protein foods for weight loss. Consume plant-based foods too. natural products nutrition - they are all low in fat.

Pay attention not only to the protein content, but also to their quality. In front of you is a table containing a list of protein products with additional food quality designations.

Table of changes in protein quality:

Note! Not all foods that are high in protein are low in fat. There are also such “Cod Liver” or “Herring”. These seafoods have a high fat content.

Cod liver:

  • Proteins – 4 g;
  • Fats – 65 g.

You are unlikely to lose weight with this product!

  • 19 g protein;
  • 17 g fat.

Almost equally! It won't work either.

And products such as: homemade and store-bought sweets, confectionery and white sugar is generally poison, not food. These products can cause cardiovascular and other diseases.

And these store products:

  1. Milk;
  2. Sour cream;
  3. Yogurt;
  4. Cottage cheese.

They may have no value at all, but contain substitutes. Therefore, be careful when protein foods are on supermarket shelves - it could be chemicals! But still download the list of products for weight loss.
