Calcium in food is most absorbed. The richest fruits and vegetables in calcium


The main role in the metabolism of calcium in the human body belongs to bone tissue. In bones, calcium is represented by phosphates - Ca 3 (PO 4) 2 (85%), carbonates - CaCO 3 (10%), salts of organic acids - citric and lactic (about 5%). Outside the skeleton, calcium is found in the extracellular fluid and is practically absent in the cells.

Therefore, let's talk about foods rich in calcium and fluoride.

Foods especially rich in calcium

, grapes, gooseberries, blackberries, beets, carrots, strawberries, cherries, cucumbers, oranges, peaches, pineapples, strawberries, dill, parsley, celery, onions, young turnip tops, green beans, skins of all fruits and vegetables, spinach, dandelion, bran, almonds, dairy products.

Foods especially rich in phosphorus: pears, nuts of all kinds (including peanuts), rye, barley, lentils, soybeans, sprouted wheat, meat, mushrooms.

Eat foods that make calcium easier to absorb

Calcium is best absorbed from milk and yogurt. These foods are the best suppliers of calcium. These are everyday food products, they are sold in special packaging that you can take with you and are suitable for people who spend a lot of time outside the home.

Low-fat dairy products contain the same amount of calcium as high-fat products, and in addition they have a reduced fat content, which is also beneficial for the body.

Some other foods contain calcium, which is difficult to absorb. The reason is that these foods contain calcium-binding substances called oxalates (found in many green vegetables) and phytates (found in unrefined grain products). Of these two substances, oxalates have a more pronounced ability to interfere with calcium absorption.

For example . Although spinach contains calcium, it also contains oxalates (like beets and rhubarb), which bind to calcium and block its absorption.

These products, in addition to substances that block calcium absorption, also contain useful substances and therefore should not be excluded from the list of consumed products. However, the calcium contained in these foods should not be counted toward your daily intake.

Some foods increase urinary calcium excretion

Every day we lose calcium in our urine. Small losses of calcium in urine are natural process. Research data shows that urinary calcium loss is increased by consuming excess amounts of salt, caffeine, and protein.

Salt (sodium chloride)

Excess sodium increases urinary calcium loss. Consumption table salt is the most common cause of calcium excretion in urine. About 90% of sodium comes from foods, not table salt. Therefore, it can be advised to reduce the consumption of salt and salty foods to a minimum, this recommendation is also useful for general condition your health.

Table 1 . Calcium content in some foods


Product quantity

Milk and dairy products

Cheese - Swiss, Graersky

Cheese - hard, Cheddar, Colby, Edak, Gouda

Milk - whole, 2%, 1% fat

1 cup/250 ml

1 glass / 250 ml

Cheese-Mozzarella, Adygei, feta cheese

Yogurt - regular

1 cup/175 ml

Moloyuz - dry, in powder form

Ice cream

Cheese - country, creamy 2%, 1% fat (cottage cheese)

Meat, fish, poultry and other products

Sardines, with bones

8 small

Salmon, with bones, canned

1/2 can (net weight 13 g)

Beans - cooked (beans, blue beans, spotted beans)

Soya beans- cooked

Fried chicken

Beef - fried

Bread and cereals

Round bran bun

Bread - white and wheat

1 piece/30 g

Fruits and vegetables

Broccoli - raw


1 medium/180g

1 medium/175g

2 large sheets

Dried figs

Combination dishes

Soup with milk, creamy soup made from chicken, mushrooms, tomatoes and broccoli

1 cup/250 ml

Boiled canned beans

1 cup/250 ml

Caffeine removes calcium

Caffeine is found in many drinks including coffee, tea and cola. Recent research has shown that caffeine increases urinary calcium excretion. Most experts believe that two or three cups of coffee a day may not cause much damage or affect daily consumption calcium.
But if you drink more than three cups a day, you need to drink according at least, a glass of milk for every extra cup of coffee (it is better to drink coffee with milk). Keep in mind that the less calcium you consume, the more serious the harm you are doing to yourself by drinking coffee.

The easier calcium is absorbed, the better it is absorbed by the body.

Protein(protein) . Some studies suggest that eating large amounts of protein may increase urinary calcium excretion. However protein food(meat, fish, poultry, everyday foods, dried peas, beans, etc.) contains many beneficial nutrients that are necessary and cannot be excluded from the food consumed. In recommended quantities protein products do not affect calcium loss in urine.

Calcium requirements during breastfeeding increases by 80% - 200 mg to 1250 mg per day. During the first 6 months, it releases 210 mg of calcium daily, so its reserves in the body should be regularly replenished.

What is considered excess protein intake?

The Canadian Dietary Guidelines recommend consuming two or three protein cooked foods per day (eg, this would be a small serving of meat (56-84), fish or poultry, or 1-2 eggs). Many so-called "small portions" of meat or fish may also contain 2 or 3 servings of cooked food in one.

The Canadian Osteoporosis Association recommends that you adhere to established protein intake standards and be sure to consume adequate amounts of calcium in your diet. We also believe that protein contained in everyday foods should not be limited, since even if it leads to loss of calcium in the urine, this loss is replaced by the amount of calcium that the body receives when consuming them.

If you do not consume daily foods containing calcium (milk, cheese, etc.), then it is imperative that you keep an accurate count of your calcium intake.

Vitamin D is important factor, which determines calcium absorption

Increases calcium absorption by 30 - 40%. The Canadian Osteoporosis Association recommends that adults take 400 IU of vitamin D per day (older adults should take 400 to 800 IU of vitamin D per day).

1 IU (International Unit) contains 0.025 mcg of chemically pure vitamin D.

The simplest and in a natural way Vitamin D is obtained through its secretion by the body itself under the influence of sunlight. You need to stay in the sun for 15 minutes summer time(even if only the face, arms and hands are exposed to the sun) to significantly increase the formation of vitamin D.

In Canada (as in Russia - translator's note), solar activity is winter time is very small, the secretion of vitamin D in the skin stops from the beginning of October to the end of March. If we are at home all the time and rarely go outside, then we cannot lose vitamin D. In order to make up for this deficiency, we need to try to find other sources of vitamin D.

Contained in some foods, such as milk, its quantity is usually insufficient. (Milk fortified with vitamin D contains 100 IU per 100 ml glass.)

Food products such as margarine, eggs, chicken liver, salmon, sardines, herring, gauze, swordfish and fish oils (halibut and cod liver oils) contain very small amounts of vitamin D. Since vitamin D is usually not enough in the food you eat, you may need to take vitamin D supplements.

Most multivitamins contain 400 IU of vitamin D.

Physical exercise the things we do help make our bones stronger

You can't talk about calcium without saying a word about its importance. physical activity For skeletal system. Physical exercise has positive influence on the skeletal system and bone remodeling, helping to stimulate bone formation. Therefore, the Canadian Osteoporosis Association strongly recommends a combination of adequate calcium intake and physical activity as the main measures to prevent osteoporosis.

table 2 . Age-related calcium requirement


Calcium intake, mg

10-12 years old (boys),

10-12 years old (girls), 1

children 13-16 years old


1 On average, girls mature 2 years earlier than boys.

2 The recommended minimum is 1000 mg, but if the risk of osteoporosis is high, increased calcium intake is necessary.
Food product Calcium (mg)
Nuts and seeds
Poppy 1450
Sesame seed 875
Sesame kazinaki 639
Sesame halva 424
Almond 265
Hazelnut 225
Hazelnut 170
Pistachios 135
Sunflower seeds 115
Walnuts 95
Sunflower halva 91
Peanut 60
Cashew 40
Milk and dairy products
Skimmed milk powder 1155
Whole milk powder 1000
Dry cream 700
Brynza 530
Condensed milk with sugar 307
Condensed milk without sugar 282
Sheep milk 178
Goat milk 143
Ice cream 140
Cottage cheese 125
Yogurt 120
Cow's milk 120
Full fat kefir 120
Acidophilus 120
Curdled milk 118
Cream 90
Sour cream 85
Butter 21
Fruit ice cream 20
Creamy margarine 14
Parmesan 1300
Russian cheese 1000
Cheese "Roquefort" 740
Hard Swiss cheese 600
Goat cheese 500
Processed cheese 450
products, cereals
Barley groats 80
Oatmeal 64
Cereals 50
Grain bread 48
White bread 45
Rye wallpaper flour 43
Cornflakes 43
Bran bread 40
Rye bread 35
Rice 33
Pearl barley 30
Wheat groats 27
Cream crackers 22
Butter bun 21
Buckwheat 20
Semolina 20
Pasta, V.S. 19
Shortbread cookies 14
Food product Calcium (mg)
Fish, seafood
Sardines in oil 420
Mackerel (canned) 241
Crabs 100
Shrimps 95
Anchovies 82
Oysters 82
Mackerel 66
Boiled lobsters 63
Herring 50
Carp 50
Squid 40
Fish caviar 22
Cod 20
Salmon 20
Pike 20
Trout 19
Salmon 10
Meat and meat products
Milk sausages 35
Amateur sausage 30
Chick 28
Veal 26
Rabbit meat 16
Kura 14
Beef hearts and kidneys 12
Ham 11
Beef sausage, smoked 11
Beef 10
Beef liver 9
Mutton 9
Pork is fatty 8
Pork bacon 2
Canned green olives 85
Garlic 60
Red cabbage 53
Red carrots 51
Turnip 49
White cabbage 48
Kohlrabi cabbage 46
yellow carrot 46
Radish 39
Radish 35
Brussels sprouts 34
Bulb onions 30
Cauliflower 26
Beet 26
Pumpkin 25
carrot juice 24
Tomato paste 20
Cucumber 17
Eggplant 15
Tomato 14
Potato 10
Tomato juice 8
Sweet green pepper 8
Fruits, berries (dried fruits)
Dried apricots 150
Dried apricots 120
Dried dates 100
Raisin 80
Food product Calcium (mg)
Figs 60
Raspberries 40
Strawberries 37
Kiwi 36
Grapefruit 34
Orange 34
Lemon 33
Tangerines 33
Prunes 31
Currant 30
Grape 25
Apricots 21
Peaches 20
Grape juice 20
Pear 19
Pineapples 16
Apples 16
Melon 16
Banana 15
Watermelon 14
Coconut, pulp 14
Avocado 13
Apple juice 7
Cherry juice 7
Nettle 713
Common mallow 505
Large plantain 412
Basil 370
Budra ivy-shaped 289
Dog rose 257
Parsley 245
Watercress 190
Dill 170
Spinach 106
Leek 92
Green onion 86
Salad 67
Soya beans 210
White beans, boiled 90
Beans 80
Peas 60
Baked beans 55
Green bean 40
Red beans, boiled 28
Lentils, boiled 19
Green peas 15
Sweet products
White chocolate 280
Milk chocolate 220
Cocoa powder 80
Chocolate black 60
Natural honey 6
Eggs, products
Egg powder 193
Table mayonnaise 57
Chicken egg 37
White dried 184
Fresh morel 40
White fresh 27
Fresh boletus 13
Fresh chanterelles 10
Fresh saffron milk caps 9
Fresh champignons 5

Excess calcium in the body

A deficiency, as well as an excess of calcium in the body is closely related to a violation of the supply of vitamin D, so the above symptoms do not always indicate a violation in the absorption of calcium alone.

Symptoms of excess calcium in the body do not appear immediately and not in everyone. Preceded increased concentration calcium long-term consumption of natural dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, cheese, etc.).

In addition, an increased content of macroelements is observed in the presence of malignant tumor lungs, mammary glands, as well as in men with malignant tumors prostate gland.

Excess calcium may occur as a side effect occurring on long-term use medications for treatment peptic ulcer intestines and stomach, as well as during and after radiation therapy. Multiple syndrome endocrine pathology, which has hereditary cause, is also the cause of excess mineral.

Pronounced symptoms of excess calcium:

Nausea, which is often accompanied by vomiting; Lack of appetite; Constipation; Arrhythmia and disruption of the heart muscle; Impaired kidney function; Deterioration mental state up to hallucinations; General weakness and etc.

Thus, the signs of excess calcium in the body are similar to its deficiency. Indirectly, excess calcium can be suspected by the presence of the above signs, which occur against the background of excessive long-term consumption of dairy products and calcium supplements, as well as vitamin D.

Except bright severe symptoms excess calcium in blood plasma is the most accurate way to determine it.

What happens to excess calcium in the human body?

Naturally, calcium is poorly excreted from the body. His maximum concentration noted in the kidneys that very often gives impetus to the development of urolithiasis.

Calcium settles on the inner wall of blood vessels, which contributes to the development of stenosis (narrowing). Muscle tissue suffers from excessive excess.

How can you remove excess calcium from the body?

Only a doctor can remove excess calcium from the body and normalize its levels to normal levels. A person can improve his health on his own by following balanced nutrition. Calcium is not synthesized in the body and comes only with food.

Therefore, foods containing it are excluded from the diet.

The chemical table of elements is replete with useful substances for development human body, But special place it contains calcium. This unique “building” material is necessary for the skeletal system, since it takes part in physiological and biochemical processes inside cells. Calcium stabilizes the functioning of the heart, immunity and nervous system, strengthens blood vessels and has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.

The amount of this macroelement in the body is 1.5-2% of human weight. About 99% is present in bones, teeth, hair and nails and only 1% in muscles and intercellular fluid. With calcium deficiency, a whole range of disturbances in the functioning of various systems appears. That is why it is important to consume foods containing calcium, the table of which will be given below.

According to information provided by WHO, the daily requirement of calcium differs depending on the person’s age:

  • up to 3 years - 0.6 g;
  • 4-9 years - 0.8 g;
  • 10-13 years - 1 g;
  • 14-24 years - 1.2 g;
  • 25-55 years - 1 g;
  • from 56 years old - 1.2 g.

Women during menopause need to receive at least 1400 mg of calcium per day. Daily dose for young mothers and pregnant women it is 1800-2000 mg per day.

If calcium enters the body in sufficient quantities, teeth and bones will be in healthy condition . A useful element takes part in metabolic processes, helps coordinate movements and optimizes muscle activity. In addition, it reduces blood clotting, supports the nervous system and relieves inflammation.

If the diet is unbalanced, in the presence of diseases the body will begin to extract Ca from the bones. This happens when you are dehydrated. As a result, osteoporosis develops and bones undergo frequent fractures.

If there is a sufficient supply of foods enriched with calcium, the body’s resistance to infection, climate change and decreased vascular permeability increases. In addition, the risk of increased blood pressure. This element helps cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. When lime deposits appear, they often talk about an excess of foods high in calcium in the diet (the table will help to better understand the issue).

Macronutrient-containing foods

With the daily consumption of foods enriched with calcium, only 1/3 of the element enters the body, and the rest is excreted naturally. The daily intake is enough for beautiful posture, maintaining healthy teeth and thick hair. If you combine foods with calcium and vitamin D, your body will receive a unique combination of beneficial macroelements.

Do you want to know how much calcium is in foods? various groups? Let's figure it out.

Nuts, legumes and seeds

Plant-based foods top the list. As an addition to meat dishes and soups, you can eat lentils, beans, soy, green pea, beans. Almonds, sesame and poppy seeds are a high macronutrient food category.

Fruits, vegetables, cereals, herbs and berries

The amount of calcium in this group is not so high. The fact that a person consumes a lot of these products every day guarantees the supply of the required amount of the element. To fill your body with calcium, you can eat lettuce, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, dill, celery, basil and fruit.

Approximate content of the element in the leading products of this group:

  • rosehip - 257 mg;
  • watercress - 215 mg;
  • young nettle - 715 mg.

The daily presence of calcium in the diet accelerates bone recovery from fractures.

Fish, eggs and meat

A well-chosen diet, including meat, fish and eggs, can maintain stable performance of the body. Animal foods are different low performance calcium, however, there are exceptions. Meat contains a lot of protein, but Ca is 50 mg per 100 g of product. Seafood and fish are enriched with phosphorus, with the exception of sardines. This type of fish contains 100 g of pure calcium per 300 g of product.

Do original sandwiches with a sardine for an afternoon snack to feel healthy!

Milk products

Although this category of products does not belong to the leaders in Ca content per 100 g, kefir, milk, sourdough, yogurt and cheese should be included in daily diet. Even those who are on a diet can consume them. If fruits and greens need to be pre-processed, then kefir and yogurt can be eaten immediately. Dairy products do not burden the stomach, and therefore can be consumed around the clock.

Tabular data on products with Ca

So, where the most calcium is in foods is easy to understand from the table. Let's look at this in detail:

ProductCalcium content per 100 g of product
leaf salad37
green onions86
dried apricots80
sunflower seeds100

It's not enough to know, where calcium is most present in foods. It is necessary to properly combine it with food enriched with vitamin D, phosphorus and magnesium. This will help the body fight viruses and colds. Vitamin D controls the amount of phosphorus and calcium in the blood and speeds up the recovery process for bone fractures. Sufficient amounts of vitamin D are present in fatty varieties fish, dairy products and is synthesized by the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

The body also needs to receive other foods that improve its condition - vegetables, meat and beans. They contain vitamins E, A, C, B and saturate the organs with calcium.

Allows Ca to be balanced simultaneous administration magnesium As it decreases, calcium is absorbed more slowly. Magnesium is present in sufficient quantities in bran and wholemeal bread and nuts.

Important! There are foods that help remove calcium from the body - caffeine, sugar, excess salt, nicotine and fat. Those who decide to eat healthy need to exclude them from the diet or leave a minimum amount.

What prevents absorption?

The key reasons for problematic learning are:

  • Failure to comply with the drinking regime (you should drink more than 6 glasses of water per day, you can add a little lemon juice).
  • Lack of macro- and microelements.
  • Constant consumption of foods after heat treatment.

Factors causing element deficiency:

In addition, the cause of the deficiency is the impaired absorption process in the intestines due to candidiasis, dysbacteriosis and allergies.

Causes and symptoms of excess Ca in the body

Doctors determine hypercalcemia if the level of concentration of the element in the blood exceeds the permissible 2.6 mmol/l. The causes of the pathology can be called:

  • disrupted metabolic process;
  • excess when coming from foods, dietary supplements and medications;
  • excess vitamin D;
  • the presence of oncology that provokes the destruction of bone tissue and increased emissions element into the blood;
  • elderly age;
  • receiving radiation therapy to treat neck problems;
  • long-term immobilization of the body.

Symptoms indicating hypercalcemia are:

When light form Diseases in the body can be restored by eliminating the root cause of the pathology. If calcium concentration is high, you should seek qualified help.

Calcium tablets or eggshells

Due to the lack of the element, the hair becomes dull and thinner. Nail plates often break, caries forms and tooth enamel deteriorates, heart rate increases, and convulsions occur. When these signs do not relate to the symptoms of the disease, calcium deficiency can be stated.

The category of people who need to consume large amounts of macronutrients includes pregnant and lactating women, athletes and women in menopause. At the age of over 55, the body reorganizes its functioning, and women are at risk of developing osteoporosis.

IN in this case It is appropriate to use additional sources of calcium in the form of tablets, but only if they are prescribed by doctors. In pursuit of expensive drugs, do not forget about natural sources macronutrient. Eggshells are a unique source of calcium and other trace elements.

Calcium is present in almost every product, but in different quantities . A well-balanced diet and an active lifestyle will improve its absorption. If you want to add this mineral to your diet, you must first consult with a specialist.

  • Calcium is one of the most important elements that takes part in the “construction” and maintenance of the skeletal system of our body. Everyone knows that it is found in dairy products. What about plant-based foods? What vegetables and fruits contain calcium and is it possible to get it this way? I would like to say right away that there is not much of this mineral there.

    Speaking about calcium, we inevitably come to the need to talk about (calciferol). It is the main regulator of both the content and metabolism of calcium in our body. If we don't have enough calcium, the problem is that we don't get enough of the so-called "sunshine vitamin." This is what people often call it. Thus, it is not entirely fair to talk about calcium separately, without the “sunshine vitamin”.

    Plant sources of calcium

    What vegetables and fruits contain calcium? Let's look at the table:

    Product mg per 100 g
    Spinach 100
    Chinese cabbage 77
    Leek 60
    Green onion 52
    Broccoli 47
    Sorrel 44
    White cabbage 40
    Dried figs 162
    Dates 65
    Dried apricots 55
    Raisin 50
    Prunes 43

    As we just found out, such fruits and vegetables exist in nature, but since there is much more calcium in other foods, it is better to eat foods of animal origin to obtain it.

    The role of vitamin D and calcium

    Calciferol regulates the processes of exchange of phosphorus and calcium in the blood. It is thanks to them that teeth and bones grow, and the skeleton becomes strong. These substances also give us muscle strength. Almost one hundred percent of calcium is used to maintain these functions. Vitamin D “directs” calcium to the right places our body. Most of it goes into bones and muscles, and about one percent goes for nutrition nerve cells. It would seem that this is not enough, but this is far from the case. If our nerves lack this percentage of calcium, the body will take the deficiency from the bones, which will ultimately lead to their weakness and fragility.

    Where is the “sunshine vitamin” found?

    First of all, it is important to obtain it naturally - during beneficial sun exposure. Also in products containing animal and vegetable origin, Same . But in a small dosage. It is mainly formed in our body when we are exposed to the sun for 10 to 30 minutes daily.

    Vitamin D is found in potatoes, cabbage, spinach, other greens, nuts and grains, as well as in those fruits and vegetables that ripen in early spring and early summer. In fact, there isn't much of it there. These products contain other beneficial substances, of which there are much more.

    Most vitamin D is present in fish products, milk, cottage cheese, and with their constant consumption, calcium is absorbed in the body most optimally. This prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis and other bone diseases.

    If you take small “sunbathes” in the morning, when exposure to radiation is safest, vitamin D will be absorbed by the body much better. Together with those products that contain it in much greater quantities than fruits - milk, cheese, cottage cheese,...

    Calcium is the most “popular” mineral in our body. It is the basis of bone tissue; the condition of teeth, hair, nail plates and skin depends on it. In addition, it is responsible for blood clotting, transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contraction and much more. In order for him to successfully fulfill the numerous responsibilities entrusted to him, we must take care of the daily replenishment of supplies of this vital important mineral. Calcium plays a special role in the body of a pregnant woman. After all, it develops inside new life, which also constantly requires calcium. Therefore, it is very important for everyone (from young to old) to consume foods rich in calcium.

    The role of calcium in the body

    Calcium is the building block for the skeleton. The percentage of this substance in our bones is 99%. The remainder, 1%, is found in the blood. The total amount of calcium in our body is 1-1,5 kilogram. Based on these figures, it is already possible to assess the value of calcium for the body. But besides its role as the main mineral of the skeletal framework, the mineral has many other important functions for which he is responsible.

    Functions of calcium

    1. Carbohydrate metabolism. Without calcium it will be impossible. As well as the exchange of sodium chloride.
    2. Regulation muscle contractions . Calcium is involved in the process of muscle contraction. It controls the functioning of the heart muscles, ensuring normal heartbeat.
    3. Pulse broadcast. It helps the central nervous system transmit “signals” in the form of nerve impulses. With its help, the activity of enzymes that contribute to the synthesis of neurotransmitters is enhanced.
    4. Normalization of pressure indicators. The mineral is also needed so that the pressure does not frighten you with its off-scale figures and does not depress you with its underestimated figures. But for greater effectiveness, calcium must have “allies”. The compounds, together with magnesium, potassium and sodium, are responsible for healthy blood pressure readings.
    5. Effect on the degree of blood clotting. True, he does this a little indirectly. Calcium supports the action of vitamin K, which is responsible for normal blood clotting.
    6. Function of cell membranes. Helps transport nutrients and other compounds across cell membranes. Mineral ions circulating in the intermembrane space transmit thought impulses. Thanks to which we experience a surge of joy or, conversely, become calm.
    7. “Construction” of dental tissue. In this case, calcium is as important as the bricks from which the house is built. Without him oh good condition teeth there is nothing to say.
    8. Maintaining work endocrine system . The mineral has an anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effect on the endocrine system.
    9. Beauty and healthy appearance . Everyone knows that attractive appearance largely depends on the condition of hair, teeth and nails. With a lack of calcium, the body will instantly respond with dry hair, brittle nails and thinning enamel.
    10. Additional functions: “supports strength” immune system, participates in the synthesis of many hormones and enzymes responsible for digestion. Not without his participation, saliva synthesis, fat metabolism and energy metabolism occur.

    Important. We constantly need calcium. Every day an adult's body should receive at least 0.8 g of the mineral. The figure increases to 1.5 g when it comes to pregnancy or lactation.

    Signs of calcium deficiency and excess

    Both deficiency and excessive abundance of calcium lead to undesirable consequences. With proper nutrition, both problems do not threaten healthy person. If you neglect the rules of a healthy lifestyle, then an imbalance of the hormone calcitonin (hormone thyroid gland, which takes part in the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism).

    Causes of calcium deficiency

    1. Diseases in which calcium is actively removed from the body. Or in case the disease causes the mineral component to be released from the bone tissue in an abnormal manner.
    2. Low calorie diets. The desire to reduce calories in food as much as possible leads to the fact that foods containing calcium are removed from the diet or their amount is reduced. Then the body has no choice but to take the missing microelement from the bones, nails, and hair of a losing weight person. Hence the fragility, fragility, dryness, dullness that the former beauty acquires. Teeth and bones become brittle.
    3. Age. Over time, it becomes more and more difficult for the body to fully absorb the mineral.
    • irregular heartbeat;
    • rachiocampsis;
    • poor memory performance, confused consciousness;
    • the appearance of muscle spasms;
    • bone tissue becomes thin and fragile;
    • hypertension progresses;
    • grooves appear on the enamel;
    • the skin constantly suffers from rashes;
    • hair and nail plates lose strength;
    • increased irritability.

    Lack of calcium provokes deterioration of health. Cramps and spasms begin to torment, and heaviness occurs during breathing. In this case, the person experiences not the most pleasant sensations - tingling in the arms and legs. If the problem is started, it will lead to the following serious illnesses like osteoporosis. And the cardiogram will “respond” to calcium deficiency. It will be possible to see that impulses have ceased to flow normally to the heart muscle. Excess calcium is considered if its daily volume exceeds 2.5 grams. The phenomenon is called hypercalcemia.

    Causes of excess calcium

    1. Wrong menu. If you overindulge in foods containing this mineral, it is very easy to overwhelm your body with it.
    2. Biological supplements. You also need to be careful with them, otherwise calcium oversaturation cannot be avoided.
    3. Health problems. Malfunctions of the thyroid gland and diseases of the nervous system can cause the appearance of excess minerals.
    4. Hypervitaminization. This concerns irregular intake of vitamin D.
    5. Age. Older people have difficulty absorbing calcium. As a result, its excessive accumulation occurs.

    Consequences of excess calcium:

    • problems with the gastrointestinal tract: increased acidity, constipation, nausea and vomiting;
    • gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis and peptic ulcers;
    • thyroid diseases;
    • poor functioning of the kidneys and bladder;
    • loss of smooth muscle tone;
    • increased blood clotting.

    If there is an excess of the mineral, a person loses appetite, a feeling of nausea appears, which often causes vomiting. The gastrointestinal tract ceases to function normally, constipation and stomach cramps occur. An excess of calcium disrupts the proper functioning of the brain. Concentration deteriorates and hallucinations may occur. A person constantly feels weak. The kidneys cannot cope with this kind of mineral abundance.

    Daily calcium intake

    So, we found out that a lack of calcium, as well as an excess of calcium, leads to serious problems with health. How much does the body need this mineral? It is not so easy to answer this question unequivocally. The indicator is influenced by many factors: age, health status, and in women – pregnancy. The average dose of the substance for an adult is 1,0-1,2 g per day. This “standard” was established by the World Health Organization. The table will help you more accurately determine the optimal size of your daily “portion” of calcium.

    Women expecting the birth of a child, as well as nursing mothers, should consume more calcium - 1.5-2 g/day.

    What factors influence calcium absorption?

    Calcium is a capricious mineral. It just won’t be fully absorbed in the body. He definitely needs a “mate”. In order for it to be processed for health benefits, use it in a “duet” with other minerals.

    Which elements are calcium better absorbed with?

    Calcium and magnesium Without magnesium, calcium will not be absorbed. It will be deposited not in the skeleton, but on arterial walls. The most magnesium is found in foods such as pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, bran (wheat), bananas, and cocoa. Include them in your diet along with calcium. There are many options - you can do it vegetable salad, fill it with yogurt and sprinkle with sesame seeds or pumpkin seeds. Or boil cocoa with milk and drink it with a slice of whole grain bread. If you take magnesium as a supplement, then only 2-3 hours after calcium.
    Calcium and vitamin D Vitamin D helps increase calcium permeability by up to 30-40%. It serves as a conductor, without it there can be no question of normal intake of the mineral into the body. Therefore, your diet should include foods such as liver, seafood, fish, eggs. Walking in the soft rays of the sun is a must. They help in the synthesis of vitamin D. Calcium and phosphorus Another important element for calcium absorption is phosphorus. As a rule, a person rarely suffers from a deficiency of this microelement. But to avoid wasting calcium, use phosphorus-containing foods with it: meat, dried fruits, cereals, nuts. The ratio of calcium to phosphorus should be 2:1.

    Which foods are the worst for calcium absorption?

    There are a number of foods that slow down the absorption of calcium or even lead to its leaching from the body. Remember these “pests” and try to exclude them from your diet as much as possible:

    • coffee;
    • salt;
    • margarine;
    • sauces (canned);
    • drinks with carbon dioxide;
    • some vegetables and herbs: sorrel, spinach, beets.

    The latter contain oxalic acid, which weakens the effect of calcium in the body. That's why listed products It is better to use separately.

    Which foods contain the most calcium?

    Two products are considered to be the leaders in calcium content - sesame and poppy seeds. Just 100 grams of these seeds will provide daily norm mineral. Therefore, often 1 tbsp. A spoonful of sesame oil, drunk on an empty stomach, is a panacea for calcium deficiency. A lot of the mineral is “hidden” in legumes. Here is a list of foods that contain large quantities of calcium in the form of a convenient table.

    Table of foods containing calcium
    Product Calcium content (mg/100g)
    poppy 1500
    sesame 1150
    hard cheese) 800-1200
    goat cheese 500
    Atlantic sardines (canned) 380
    basil 370
    soybeans 350
    almond 252
    parsley 245
    milk chocolate 240
    basil 370
    hazelnut 225
    white cabbage 210
    beans 194
    pistachios 130
    dill 126
    cottage cheese, kefir, milk (cow) 120
    beans 100
    crab meat 100
    sunflower seeds 100
    green olives (canned) 96
    shrimps 90
    walnuts 90
    green onion 86
    oysters, anchovies 82
    sour cream 80
    dried apricots 80
    peanut 70
    chicken egg 58

    The numbers in the table break all the stereotypes associated with calcium, don’t they? After all, we are all accustomed to thinking that the most minerals are found in milk and cottage cheese. But, as you can see, these products are located in the middle of the ranking. It must be said that the data in the table is very conditional. They show the amount of calcium in raw foods. But this does not mean at all that the microelement will “reach the addressee” in full. For example, cheese occupies a leading position. But the calcium contained in it is mostly not absorbed and is excreted in the urine. Only a modest portion of the mineral enters the bloodstream.

    Benefits of eggshells for calcium deficiency

    Many doctors advise treating calcium deficiency with such a folk “medicine” as eggshells. It consists of 90% calcium carbonate - the most easily digestible type of mineral. There are 27 more important microelements as a bonus. Recipes for preparing such food additives can be found in ancient Russian medical books. In the West, powder from eggshells has been sold in pharmacies since the 70s of the last century. Recipe:

    1. Wash the eggs well.
    2. Boil them hard.
    3. Clean, carefully remove films on inner surface shells.
    4. Dry for 2-3 hours in a cool place where there is no direct sunlight.
    5. Grind the shells in a mortar (a coffee grinder will not work, it will grind the product too much and it will lose its value).
    6. Add 1.5 to 3 g to food every day. Dosage depends on age.

    Advice: You can sprinkle eggshell powder on porridge or cottage cheese.

    Important: you need to take it exclusively chicken eggs. Duck egg shells are not suitable - there is a high risk of infection.

    Products containing calcium should definitely be part of your menu. But besides the organization proper nutrition I still need to play sports. During active physical activity Calcium processing improves. Part of the micronutrient that was lost through sweat can be easily replenished with a cup of yogurt. And one more important nuance - avoid stressful situations. When you are nervous, cortisol appears in your body, which removes many important elements. Sport, proper diet and a good attitude - these are the three pillars on which it rests healthy body, which does not have problems absorbing calcium.

    It's no secret that calcium is vital for strengthening and maintaining bones and teeth. This mineral is involved in regulating blood pressure, in the transmission of nerve signals, maintains elasticity blood vessels and performs a number of other functions in the body to ensure normal work all systems of the human body.

    Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body. Its share makes up more than two percent of the total body weight. Throughout life, it must be regularly supplied to the body and be at an optimal level. Although now there are many biologically active additives with calcium, but still, according to doctors and nutritionists, The best way its intake with food.

    There are quite a lot of products that contain this mineral, which is important for human health. The best sources are milk and dairy products. But many people have intolerances milk protein lactose. In this article you will find out where else calcium is found and in what foods you can find it.

    Calcium rich foods

    Many foods contain calcium. In addition to dairy products, calcium is also found in many other foods: green leafy salads, nuts, fish, some vegetables, especially green ones.

    Many studies estimate that on average, about 70 percent of people get calcium from milk and milk-based products. Vegetables, grains, legumes, meat and fish also occupy a certain place in enriching our body with this essential element.

    Some food manufacturers fortify their products with calcium. But how large the contribution of such products is is currently unknown.

    For most people, if they drank 3 glasses of milk a day, taking into account calcium from other foods, this amount would be sufficient. However, many people avoid consuming milk and dairy products for a variety of reasons. Such people should find an alternative substitute to maintain the necessary calcium balance in the body. This is especially true for strict vegetarians.

    Calcium in milk and dairy products

    Dairy products such as yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, and fermented milk products remain the best sources of calcium for many people. In addition, they contain calcium in a form in which the body can freely absorb and assimilate them.

    Although homogenized and pasteurized milk has more calcium, it is less digestible. The disadvantages of dairy products include high content toxins in them, such as growth hormones, antibiotics.

    Whole milk, with a milk fat content of up to 4 percent, is recommended for children aged one and two years. Adults and children over two years of age should drink milk with more low content fat: 1 to 2 percent, or skim milk and dairy products. Removing fat does not reduce the amount of calcium in them.

    Yogurt, most cheeses, and whey are excellent sources of this valuable mineral.

    In addition, milk good source phosphorus and magnesium, which help absorb and absorb calcium.

    Vitamin D is necessary for the body to absorb calcium, so dairy products are often fortified with it.

    Goat's milk is also a good source of calcium.

    Other sources of calcium

    There are other sources besides dairy products. These include:

    Green leaf salads: mustard greens, spinach, arugula, etc.

    Vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, turnips, Chinese cabbage;

    Fish: salmon, sardines, etc.;

    Nuts: sesame, Brazil nut, sunflower seeds;

    In addition, there is a lot of calcium in orange juice, tofu cheese, soy milk.

    Small sesame seeds can be considered record holders for the content of calcium and other useful substances. 100 grams of seeds contain almost 1000 mg. Tahini paste, where the main ingredient is sesame, contains 426 mg of calcium per 100 grams. In addition, sesame goes well with many other foods. Just add them to salad, sprinkle on fish or meat, or baked goods.

    Many people have heard about the benefits of chia seeds, but do not know that 100 grams of these seeds can provide our body with almost 630 mg of calcium.

    Greens, leafy green salads (the darker the color, the more calcium), vegetables are an excellent source of calcium. Among these representatives, spinach comes first. A serving of bok choy can provide more than 150 mg, and mustard greens can provide more than 100 mg.

    One cup of freshly squeezed fruit will provide the body with 72 mg of calcium, not to mention plenty of vitamin C, which helps with calcium absorption. In addition, oranges are an excellent source of potassium, vitamin A and beta-carotene.

    While the exotic grain quinoa (quinoa) offers us from 60 to 100 mg of calcium, plus a large number of potassium, zinc and healthy protein.

    And the familiar beans can contain, depending on the variety (color), more than 400 mg of calcium per 100 grams.

    Broccoli contains about 74 mg of calcium and 120 mg of vitamin C, which helps the body absorb it. In addition, it contains a lot dietary fiber, vitamin K, A, folic acid.

    Five pieces of dried figs will replenish the body with almost 135 mg of calcium. There is a lot of it in almonds and Brazil nuts. The oils from these nuts are also rich in this element.

    Not only fresh, but also dried herbs contain calcium. Don't forget to add rosemary, mint, sage, basil, parsley, dill, oregano and other herbs to your dishes.

    Preparations containing calcium

    Calcium is found in many multivitamin supplements. Its amount in them may vary depending on the specific additive.

    There are vitamins that may contain only calcium or calcium with others nutrients, such as vitamin D.

    Most available forms calcium in preparations include calcium citrate and calcium carbonate.

    Calcium citrate is a more expensive type of supplement. It is absorbed by the body when taken on an empty or full stomach.

    Calcium carbonate is less expensive. It is better absorbed if taken with food.

    Additionally, calcium supplements and multivitamins may include calcium lactate and calcium phosphate.

    Calcium absorption is best when taken in amounts of no more than 500 mg at a time.

    Vitamin D and calcium. Why is vitamin D important?

    Vitamin D is necessary for the body to effectively absorb calcium. Unlike other vitamins, we do not need to get it from food. Most of this vitamin that we have is produced by our own organs under the influence sunlight. This is good because most products don't have it or only a very small amount. Foods containing vitamin D are:

    • Fatty fish (such as sardines, herring, trout, tuna, salmon or mackerel);
    • Fortified foods (meaning vitamin D is added to foods) such as margarine, some grains, milk, and dairy products.

    Vitamin D intake is especially important during winter. Some people are at risk of being deficient in this vitamin and should take it throughout the year.

    How much calcium do we need?

    Adults over the age of 18 need about 700 mg of calcium per day. There are other circumstances in which more calcium is needed. It could be:

    • Children aged 9-18 years - 1300 mg, children aged 4-8 years require about 800 mg per day;
    • Breastfeeding – 1250 mg;
    • Patients with celiac disease or Crohn's disease, with ulcerative colitis– from 1000 mg to 1500 mg;
    • Men and women over 55 years of age – 1200 mg;
    • For osteoporosis or a tendency to this disease - 1000 mg.

    If you are being treated for osteoporosis with medications, such as alendronic acid, it is especially important that you receive sufficient quantity calcium. Otherwise, the effect of treatment is reduced to zero.

    You will also need to make sure you are getting enough calcium if you have low level of this element in the blood (hypocalcemia) or you are taking medications drugs that interfere with calcium absorption and wash it away, such as steroids.

    One of side effects when taking steroid drugs for a long period (more than 3 months) is increased risk development of osteoporosis.

    There is some evidence that increased sodium in the diet, usually in the form of salt, may increase calcium excretion from the body. The most reasonable thing in this case is to reduce your salt intake. Excessive use coffee can also promote flushing, which can lead to deficiency.

    Side effects and overdose

    According to doctors and nutritionists, most people do not get the required amount of calcium from food. 90 percent of people at risk calcium deficiency, cannot reach the daily recommended amount. Therefore, overdose is unlikely among the adult population.

    According to the US Food and Drug Administration, the acceptable upper levels of calcium are:

    • 0-6 months - 1000 mg
    • 6-12 months - 1500 mg
    • 1-3 years - 2,500 mg
    • 4-8 years - 2,500 mg
    • 9-13 years - 3000 mg
    • 14-18 years - 3000 mg
    • 19-30 years old - 2,500 mg
    • 31-50 years - 2,500 mg
    • 51+ years - 2000 mg
    • Pregnant and lactating women (under 18 years of age) - 3000 mg
    • Pregnant and lactating women (over 18 years old) - 2500 mg

    For a middle-aged person to exceed this 2,500-milligram daily calcium intake limit, they would need to eat about 10 cups of spinach or collard greens. Rarely will anyone consume about 6 cups of yogurt daily, which are needed for the maximum permissible norm.

    There is a condition called milk-alkali syndrome in which severe dehydration can occur due to excessive calcium intake. This condition is almost always caused by taking calcium supplements or antacids containing calcium. This risk exists with dietary calcium intakes greater than 2000 mg per day. However, as noted earlier, consuming 2,000 milligrams from food is still unlikely.

    People with existing health problems, such as kidney disease, or a particular risk of such problems, fall into a special category. Thus, people taking high doses of calcium supplements (multivitamins) may increase the risk of heart disease, but this does not apply to food.

    Therefore, if we talk about excess calcium in a particular person, it will most likely be associated with health, and not with calcium intake from food.

    Before taking supplemental calcium with food additives, you should consult your doctor to determine the appropriate intake rate for your health condition.

    Table of foods rich in calcium

    In this table you will find a list of the most commonly consumed foods for most people.

    Milk (any) 200 ml 240
    Goat milk 250 ml 345
    Yogurt 125 grams 200
    Cheddar cheese 30 grams 216
    Soft cheese (triangle) 15 grams 100
    Cottage cheese 100g 73
    Ricotta cheese 125 grams 269-356
    Ice cream 60 grams 78
    Custard 120 grams 150


    Sardines (Atlas) 75 grams 286
    Sprat 100g 340
    Haddock 150 grams (Fillet) 150
    Canned salmon 75 grams 179-212
    Trout 100g 20
    Canned mackerel. 75 grams 181
    Pacific sardines 75 grams 180
    Cod 100g 25
    Anchovies 75 grams 174
    Squid 100g 40
    Shrimps 100g 90
    Crab meat 100g 100


    Green salad 100g 200
    Fresh spinach 100g 150
    The spinach is cooked. 125 grams 129
    Broccoli 50 grams 30
    Cabbage 50 grams 65


    Dried porcini mushrooms. 100g 184
    Fresh porcini mushrooms 100g 30
    Whole wheat bread 100g 55
    Rice 100g 33
    Buckwheat 100g 21
    Cornflakes 100g 43
    Oatmeal 100g 50
    Chickpeas 100g 45
    Peas 100g 50
    Beans 100g 194
    Olives 100g 85
    Chicken eggs 100g 58
    Dried figs 60 grams 150
    Melon 100g 170
    Orange juice 250 ml 300
    Basil 100g 370


    Soya beans 100g 240
    Soy milk 200ml 240
    Tofu cheese 100 500
    Soy yogurt 175 grams 206
    Sesame 100 780
    Sunflower seeds 100 100
    Sunflower halva 100 91
    Almond 100 250
    Hazelnut 100 175
    Walnuts 100g 90
    Brazilian nut 15 grams 26
    Dark chocolate 100g 60
    Chocolate white 100g 280
    Milk chocolate 100 220

    As can be seen from the table below, which is far from complete, although dairy products are considered the richest in calcium content, there are others that contain no less of it and which can replace them for those people who have milk protein intolerance. Good alternative supplement your diet by taking dietary supplements.
