What to eat to lower cholesterol. A healthy lifestyle as a method of combating cholesterol. Medicines that lower blood cholesterol levels

Experts divide cholesterol into “good” and “bad”. The first consists of lipoproteins high density(HDL) and is responsible for the synthesis of a number of hormones, as well as for maintaining immunity in the human body. Bad cholesterol includes low-density lipids, known for their negative impact on the vessels, it is their level that should be reduced.

Groups and classification of drugs that help lower cholesterol

It is a protein substance produced by the liver or supplied to it with food. From there he moves through gallbladder and duodenum, participating in the digestion process. Having fulfilled their role, lipoproteins leave the body with processed products.

If there is liver dysfunction or blockage bile ducts, cholesterol lingers in the body and settles on the walls of blood vessels, thereby causing their obstruction and diseases such as ischemia, heart attacks and strokes. The normal levels of cholesterol in the blood of an adult are as follows:

  • For total cholesterol: below 5.2 mmol/l
  • High density lipoproteins – more than 1 mmol/l
  • With low density - less than 3.5 Mmol/l
  • Triglycerides – less than 2 Mmol/l

Maintaining this balance is very important, and in case of violations it should be restored. For this purpose, groups of drugs and agents have been developed:

  1. Statins – effective group, blocking the functions of enzymes that produce cholesterol.
  2. Probucol is a remedy for lowering the level of both bad and good cholesterol, without affecting the state of triglycerides.
  3. Fibrates are a group of drugs that lower the amount of triglycerides in the blood.
  4. Nicotinic acid and Benzaflavin belong to the group, their long-term use helps reduce bad cholesterol and significantly reduces the risk of blood clots.
  5. Medicines that suppress the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. They promote slow absorption of cholesterol, thereby reducing its concentration in the blood.
  6. Sequestrants of bile acids actively remove them from the body. With a lack of these acids, the liver begins to synthesize healthy cholesterol in large quantities.

So, the list of drugs to combat high cholesterol is very large. The choice of the most suitable remedy is best done together with a doctor, based on blood counts and the needs of a particular organism.

Statins, their properties and application features

Statins are considered the most effective and popular group of drugs used to treat pathologies associated with high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Stopping the synthesis of LDL (low-density lipids) in the body leads to their active breakdown and release from the bloodstream. Directly depending on the date of their development and initial use in medicine, the products are conventionally divided into 4 generations:

  1. First generation statins include Pravastatin, Simvastatin and Lovastatin. Their effect on cholesterol is somewhat weaker than that of new drugs, but is observed more often and more pronounced.
  2. The second generation includes drugs based on Fluvastatin (for example, the drug Lescol Forte). These products have a longer lasting effect due to the increased concentration of the active substance. They are also often criticized due to the presence of side effects.
  3. Third-generation statins include Atorvastatin (Atoris, Atomax, Tulip, Liptonorm, etc.). These drugs can not only lower the level of triglycerides and LDL, but also systematically increase good cholesterol.
  4. Among the drugs of the fourth (new) generation are Roxera, Akorta, Rozulip, Tevastor, etc. Their main active ingredient is Rosuvastatin. Science does not stand still and the latest developments combine maximum safety and effectiveness.

It is recommended to take statins in the afternoon, since cholesterol is synthesized in greater quantities at night. To reduce or eliminate side effects, during treatment, doctors also advise taking Coenzyme Q10, in daily dosage 200 mg each.

First generation drugs are produced, all subsequent ones are produced using synthetic drugs. However, this does not mean that they are safer. Absolutely natural tablets does not happen, all of the medications listed have certain side effects and contraindications, so they should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

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Application of fibroic acids

Along with statins, fibrates (drugs developed on the basis of fibric acid) are widely used to lower cholesterol levels in the blood. The action of the drugs is aimed at suppressing the production of LDL and triglycerides while simultaneously increasing the level of HDL (good cholesterol).

The first representative of this group was Clofibrate, which was widely used to treat vascular atherosclerosis, but had serious side effects. Over time, the product was refined, which led to the emergence of a new generation of fibrates: Bezafibrate, Fenofibrate, Ciprofibrate and Gemphobrozil. These drugs are low-toxic and safer for the human body, and they can reduce the amount of fatty acids in plasma and enhance the effectiveness of drugs prescribed for diabetes.

To the main side effects Treatment with fibric acid derivatives may include:

  • pain: headaches, muscle pain and abdominal cavity
  • , flatulence
  • loss of appetite and dry mouth
  • nausea and dizziness
  • allergic reactions

Preparations based on fibric acid are not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, young people during puberty, patients with severe hepatic and renal failure. They are used with caution and in minimal doses to lower cholesterol in people with diseases digestive system and gastrointestinal tract.

Products based on fibroic acids are not compatible with all medicines. Therefore, using them without a doctor’s prescription is highly undesirable and even dangerous.

Bile acid sequestrants

Quite widely in modern medicine Bile acid sequestrants (BAS) are used to lower cholesterol levels. They can be used both independently and during complex therapy, How aid. This group includes drugs such as Colesevelam, Cholestyramine and Colestipol.

The word sequester can be interpreted as “isolate”, that is, FFAs prevent the reabsorption of bile acids with cholesterol and the liver, respectively, more of it is excreted from the body without entering the blood. Thus, LDL actively leaves the human body, and accordingly the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood decreases.

The main feature of FFAs is that they are not absorbed into the blood and are therefore absolutely safe. These drugs are prescribed even to children and pregnant women. However, these categories are recommended to combine the intake of FFA with Folic acid and preparations containing iron.

A small list of possible side effects caused by FFA:

  • and dyspepsia (temporary digestive upset)
  • heartburn or nausea
  • flatulence and bloating

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All of these symptoms are mild and quickly passing; no serious side effects were observed from taking these drugs. Contraindications include disorders and obstruction of the biliary tract, renal and liver failure, and a tendency to chronic constipation.

Drugs that inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines

These drugs prevent the absorption of cholesterol into the intestinal walls from food, and accordingly its return to the liver and release into the blood is significantly reduced. The drugs Lipobon and Ezetrol, as well as the dietary supplement Guarem, are used as inhibitors that reduce the absorption of cholesterol (CAC) in the intestines.

The advantages of these funds include:

  • High safety, since they are practically not absorbed into the blood.
  • The possibility of their use in complex therapy, combining administration with statins and other drugs.
  • There are no contraindications for use among people with liver failure and diseases.

A fairly effective remedy that absorbs cholesterol in the intestines and removes it from the body is the food supplement Guarem. Its undeniable advantages:

  • accelerating the excretion of bile acids
  • (from high cholesterol Overweight people are most affected)
  • excellent compatibility with other drugs
  • ease of use (the granules just need to be added to any drink)

In extremely rare cases, side effects such as loose stools, nausea, pain in the intestinal area and flatulence are observed. These symptoms disappear quickly, often on their own, while cholesterol levels gradually and significantly decrease.

The drugs of the ISAH group stimulate and enhance the effectiveness of statins, but at the same time, they can provoke and aggravate their side effects when joint use. They are contraindicated for women during pregnancy and lactation.

A nicotinic acid

Another drug that lowers cholesterol levels in the blood is Nicotinic acid or Niacin. Drugs produced on the basis Nicotinic acid: Niceritrol, Acipimox, Enduracin help reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood and reduce the risk of blood clots.

Common negative reactions of the body to nicotinic acid are:

  1. Feeling of heat in the upper torso and face.
  2. Allergic reactions.
  3. Gastrointestinal disorders (not recommended for people suffering from gastritis and).
  4. Increased glucose in diabetes mellitus.

Taking into account the listed possible side effects, treatment with Nicotinic acid begins with minimal doses, gradually increasing them. Therapy is carried out under constant supervision and control of a doctor. To achieve lasting positive results, a long course of treatment is required.

Enduracin, a new generation drug based on nicotinic acid, is much easier to tolerate and has a minimum of unwanted effects. However, all drugs based on it, without exception, are contraindicated in chronic forms hepatitis A, serious violations heart rate, gout and ulcerative lesions duodenum and stomach.

Cholesterol is a substance that is found in almost all living organisms. A small part of it enters the human body along with food, and the rest of the cholesterol is produced independently.

Increased concentration is considered one of the most important factors, which increases the likelihood of developing myocardial infarction. There are many reasons for the increase in this fat-like substance in the human body, and it is important to know how to quickly reduce cholesterol in the blood and which treatment method is better to choose?

Why is high cholesterol dangerous?

A persistent increase in blood cholesterol is considered dangerous condition, which may pose a threat to human health. Many patients do not attach any importance to this factor, however, increased rate cholesterol provokes the development of a number of cardiovascular pathologies which subsequently lead to stroke and heart attack.

By settling on the walls of blood vessels, cholesterol disrupts the normal blood supply to organs and tissues. The result of this pathological condition becomes premature aging body, and in the worst case, a heart attack or stroke may develop, that is, hemorrhage in the brain.

All this represents serious danger for humans and can lead to serious consequences.

Excess cholesterol accumulates on the walls of blood vessels, the aorta and arteries, which supply blood to the heart, brain and other organs. nutrients. Gradually, the fatty stripes thicken, they transform into plaques and thereby narrow the lumen of the arteries. The cholesterol plaque becomes saturated with lime and when it ruptures, a clot is formed. Such a clot clogs the vessel and the consequence of this is the development of such dangerous diseases like a stroke or heart attack.

Drug treatment of pathology

When too high concentration cholesterol and the development of atherosclerosis, experts recommend taking medications that can help reduce the level of the substance in the blood.

In addition, to successfully solve a problem it is necessary not only to carry out drug treatment, but reconsider your lifestyle.

If the level of cholesterol in the human body is high, the following medications may be prescribed:

  • Statins have a blocking effect on the production of enzymes that are necessary for the production of cholesterol. This group of drugs is most often used to treat high cholesterol in the blood. With the right treatment and taking the recommended dosage, it is possible to reduce the level of cholesterol in the body, as well as increase the content and reduce it. In the treatment of such pathology, specialists most often prescribe Mevacor, Baykol and Leskol, but their use may be accompanied by the development of such side effects as painful sensations in muscles and indigestion.
  • Fibric acids help reduce the content of glycerides in the human body. Most effective drugs Gemfibrozil, Fenofibrate and Clofibrate are considered to be in this group, but gastrointestinal upset may occur when taking them.
  • Medications, Related bile acid, help reduce active cholesterol production in the liver. Such medications are prescribed along with statins, and their simultaneous use helps to obtain a more active result. Questran and Colistid are considered effective medications, but when treated with them, heaviness in the stomach and flatulence may occur.

All of these medications are usually prescribed when the level of cholesterol in a person’s body is too high and it is not possible to normalize it with lifestyle changes.

Traditional methods of treatment

You can reduce cholesterol in the human body with the help of recipes traditional medicine:

  1. It is possible to restore the concentration of such a substance in the human body with the help of flaxseed, which can be bought at the pharmacy. It is recommended to constantly add flaxseed to food, after grinding it in a coffee grinder. With the help of such a folk remedy, it is possible to normalize blood pressure, calm the heart and improve digestion.
  2. For atherosclerosis, it is recommended to use dandelion roots to remove high cholesterol from the body. First, the roots of the plant should be crushed into dry powder and taken 5 ml before meals. There are no contraindications to this treatment, and after six months a noticeable improvement is observed.
  3. You can buy linden flowers at the pharmacy and grind them in a coffee grinder. Every day for 1 month you need to take 5-10 grams of this powder several times a day. With the help of this treatment, it is possible to lower cholesterol in the blood, lose weight and remove toxins from the body. In addition, it improves appearance patient and well-being.
  4. To cleanse blood vessels of bad cholesterol, it is recommended to use propolis tincture, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. To do this, you should take 7 drops of this product half an hour before meals, after dissolving it in 30 ml of water. This propolis tincture must be taken several times a day, and the course of treatment is 4 months.
  5. To reduce cholesterol, you can prepare a decoction from the roots of blue cyanosis. To do this, you need to pour 10 grams of roots with 1.5 glasses of water, bring to a boil and keep on fire for half an hour. After this, the broth should be cooled until room temperature and strain. It is recommended to take this folk remedy 10 ml several times a day 2 hours before meals and always at night. The decoction has a calming, anti-stress effect, lowers cholesterol and normalizes blood pressure.

Traditional medicine offers a large number of recipes that help cleanse the walls of the arteries and reduce cholesterol in the blood. It is important to remember that some herbs and foods can cause allergic reactions, so precautions must be taken when using this treatment.

Foods to lower cholesterol

Nutrition for high cholesterol is of paramount importance, so it is necessary to decide which foods can be eaten with atherosclerosis, and which are better to avoid. To clean blood vessels at home, you must follow a diet that involves avoiding fatty, fried and smoked foods.

What foods are considered harmful for high cholesterol?

  • fatty meats
  • mayonnaise
  • any sweets
  • various semi-finished products
  • fatty fish
  • dairy
  • pasta, rice and semolina
  • bread and any pastries made from premium flours

If you have high cholesterol, it is recommended to consume fats plant origin, low-fat varieties meat, sea ​​fish, cereals, wholemeal bread, nuts, dried fruits, vegetables and fruits. In addition, there are healthy foods, the use of which helps reduce cholesterol in the blood.

The intake of fiber and plant foods into the body causes the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines and thereby inhibits its entry into the blood.

What foods help remove cholesterol from the human body:

  1. must be consumed daily alimentary fiber, which are present in raspberries, beans, pears, apples and lentils
  2. Pectins must be supplied to the body in an amount of 15 grams and most of them are found in plums, carrots, beets and apricots
  3. Rapeseed and soybean oil are considered sources of stanols, which help remove cholesterol from the body

is a fat-like substance, the presence of which is simply necessary in the human body. Its increase in the blood can cause various pathologies hearts and vascular system, and even lead to the death of the patient. It is for this reason that the disease is best prevented, and this can be done through proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Every year great amount people die due to heart and vascular diseases. The main cause of death is high cholesterol, which leads to the development of atherosclerosis - chronic illness arteries due to lipid metabolism disorders, accompanied by the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

Cholesterol is organic compound based on fat, which is contained in cell membranes.

Fortunately, today there are many ways to help reduce cholesterol and achieve its constant value. In this article we will look at the norms, symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention of high cholesterol.

The norm depends on age. So, for women from 40 to 50 years old the norm is 6.6 mm/l, from 50 to 60 years old - 7.2 mm/l, from 60 years old - 7.7 mm/l. For men up to 6.7 mm/l.

The general norm of cholesterol in the blood for women is 1.92 - 4.51 mm/l, for men - 2.25 - 4.82 mm/l.

At biochemical analysis blood for men and women:

  • LDL (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol) - up to 3.5 mm/l.
  • HDL (high density lipoprotein cholesterol) - more than 1 mm/l.
  • Triglycerides - up to 2 mm/l.

Symptoms of high cholesterol

As such, there are no special symptoms of high cholesterol in the blood, that is, they can be determined “by eye” increased content cholesterol is impossible. But, as a rule, cholesterol is detected if you have symptoms of atherosclerosis. Often people learn about high cholesterol only after a heart attack.


  • Angina - pain or discomfort in the chest;
  • Pain in the legs when moving;
  • Xanthoma - appearance yellow spots on the skin;
  • Ruptures of blood vessels;
  • Heart failure;
  • Causes of high cholesterol

Common causes of high cholesterol:

  • Nutrition. Because of the wrong unbalanced diet cholesterol increases more often. Eating cholesterol-rich foods (offal, egg yolks, fish, butter, cream, pork) leads to increased cholesterol. In addition, processing foods containing saturated and trans fats also requires large amounts of cholesterol. These products include food mainly of animal origin.
  • Obesity. There is no particular connection between weight and cholesterol, but excess weight is a cause of heart problems.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. With regular physical activity, the level of “good” cholesterol increases and the level of “bad” cholesterol decreases.
  • Bad habits. Smoking affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system and helps reduce the level of good cholesterol. And alcohol (red wine) with moderate consumption (no more than 2 glasses a day) increases “good” cholesterol, but with an increase in the amount of alcohol consumed, the opposite effect is created.
  • Heredity. According to the results of numerous studies, it is believed that genetics is the main cause of high cholesterol.
  • Diseases. Diseases such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, kidney disease, high blood pressure and others can cause high cholesterol.

Scientists are increasingly saying that it is heredity that determines a person’s cholesterol level.

How to lower high cholesterol

Traditional methods and remedies

  • For cooking lemon-garlic tincture take a head of garlic and 1 whole lemon, mince them, add 0.7 liters of water and leave in a dark place for 7 days. Take 2 tbsp before meals.
  • Beet. The most effective remedy for combating “bad” cholesterol. Take 50 ml beet juice half an hour before meals.
  • Oats. Oats contain biotin, which helps strengthen the immune system, nervous system and lowering cholesterol. To prepare, take 1 glass of pure oats and add a liter of warm water. Infuse for about 10 hours, after half an hour cook on low and leave to infuse for 12 hours. Strain and bring the volume to the original volume (up to 1 liter). Drink 250 ml 3 times a day. Course up to 3 weeks.
  • Red clover. To prepare, take 2 tbsp. red clover and fill it with a glass of cool water, place it on water bath(15 minutes). Strain and take 2 tbsp before meals. Course - 3 weeks.
  • Herbs. This recipe can help even in the most advanced cases. 6 parts motherwort, 4 parts dill seeds, 2 parts coltsfoot, horsetail and St. John's wort, 1 part strawberry leaves. Pour 1 tbsp of herbal mixture of herbs into 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Take 4 tbsp before meals. Course - 2 months.

Medicines and medicines

  • Active ingredient - simvastatin: Vazilip, Owencor, Simvastatin, Simvastol, Zocor, Sincard, Simgal, etc. Rarely used due to the emergence of more effective analogues.
  • Active ingredient - fenofibrate: Lipantil 200 M, Traikor. Suitable for lowering cholesterol in diabetes mellitus. With constant use, the number of cases of complications due to diabetes mellitus decreases. Also promotes excretion uric acid. Contraindicated in case of illness Bladder And allergic reactions for peanuts.
  • Active ingredient - atorvastatin: tablets Atomax, Atorvastatin, Liptonorm, Torvacard, Tulip. Standard drug for lowering cholesterol. More powerful than simvastatin. Efficiency has been proven.
  • Active ingredient - rosuvastatin: Akorta, Crestor, Rosucard, Rozulip, Roxera, Tevastor, Mertenil. The potency of rosuvastatin is superior to atorvastatin. In minimal doses it gives effect. It is preferably used for significant deviations of cholesterol from the norm.
  • Cholestop- a natural remedy to combat bad cholesterol.
    Basics active substance- amaranth seeds and juice. The plant contains squalene, a component that effectively reduces cholesterol levels. Its effectiveness has been confirmed by research from the Research Institute of Therapy and Preventive Medicine.


In order to return cholesterol levels to normal, you must strictly adhere to certain dietary rules:

  • Limit your intake of foods high in cholesterol. There are studies that disprove this theory, but doctors recommend consuming no more than 200 mg of cholesterol per day.
  • Reduce your intake of foods that contain saturated fat or trans fat. For example, saturated fats are found mainly in animal products and in palm and coconut oils. Trans fats are obtained through chemical reactions, they “live” in fast food and confectionery.
  • Add fiber-rich foods. Fiber promotes the removal of bile and reduces the absorption of cholesterol. You can get fiber from legumes, grains, vegetables and fruits.
  • Dairy products. When choosing dairy products, pay attention to their fat content. The recommended fat content of products is no more than 2%.
  • Replace vegetable oil with olive oil. Olive oil is high in monounsaturated fats, which help lower overall cholesterol levels; in addition, monounsaturated fats only reduce “bad” cholesterol, leaving “good” cholesterol untouched.
  • Meat. Replace fatty pork with poultry and lean beef. Reduce your consumption of sausages, bacon, sausages.
  • Bread. Replace White bread for bran or coarse bread.
  • Coffee. Limit your consumption of brewed coffee, as cooking produces fat, which leads to an increase in cholesterol in the blood.


White list of foods that lower cholesterol: citrus fruits, oatmeal, legumes, carrots, pistachios, Bell pepper, eggplant, poultry, low-fat milk, vegetables, fruits, fish containing omega 3, dill, prunes, raisins.

Black list of foods that increase cholesterol: fatty meats, processed foods, seafood, fatty dairy products, egg yolks, fatty broths and soups, fried potatoes, pasta and dumplings, confectionery, brewed coffee.


It is better to prevent the occurrence of a disease than to treat it. It is very important to follow preventive measures:

  • Do not be nervous. All diseases are due to nerves. Nerves do not affect cholesterol levels, but they affect the heart, and this entails the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Move more. Movement is life, so give your body at least 3 times a week physical activity for 30 minutes. Tip: add more dynamic aerobic activity: running, walking, cycling, etc.
  • Get rid of excess weight. In parallel with weight loss, cholesterol levels will also decrease.
  • Give up bad habits. Bad habits - the most dangerous enemy any organism, so limit, or better yet, quit smoking and alcohol.
  • Go to proper nutrition. This is one of the most effective ways lowering cholesterol. Important! You need to stick to this kind of healthy eating all the time!

To summarize, it can be noted that any organism needs general examinations and taking tests at least once every 1 year. By identifying the disease at early stages, the treatment process is simplified and takes less time. Any complications and omissions due to high cholesterol are life-threatening.

Treatment of cholesterol is a long process and requires strength and patience. Today, there are many options for successfully reducing blood cholesterol, ranging from proper nutrition to folk recipes. Do you have experience treating high cholesterol?

That increased level cholesterol in the blood threatens serious problems, everyone knows. It is deposited in blood vessels in the form of plaques, which increases the risk of heart attack or stroke. But without this substance, the body’s functioning is impossible. Cholesterol is involved in metabolism and hormone synthesis, so it is important to maintain a balance in the body and carefully monitor its level. It is not necessary to drink handfuls of tablets for this. Changing your lifestyle and diet can help you quickly reduce cholesterol without medications.

Cholesterol: harm or necessity

Cholesterol is one of the important components human body. Moreover, its excess is not only harmful, but also dangerous. As a result of hyperlipidemia (increased fat content in the blood), plaques form, which over time clog blood vessels and lead to the following consequences:

  • stroke;
  • pulmonary embolism:
  • heart attack;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • coronary death.

But we must not forget that lipids are part of membranes, provide contacts between cells and strengthen them, facilitate the transmission of nerve impulses. They play an important role in thermoregulation and act as a source of energy. Cholesterol supports the functioning of the nervous system and muscles, and is involved in metabolism. A decrease in its level occurs in the following diseases:

  • anemia;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • thyrotoxicosis (increased activity of the thyroid gland);
  • eating disorders;
  • liver diseases - hepatitis, cirrhosis.

Lack of cholesterol is fraught with psycho-emotional disorders, depression, osteoporosis, and hemorrhagic stroke due to increased vascular permeability.

Overdoing it with lowering lipids is no less dangerous than allowing them to increase. Regular diagnostics help maintain the necessary balance. Doctors recommend checking your cholesterol levels 1-2 times a year. For patients at risk, tests are prescribed more often - 2-4 times a year. These are people over 60 years of age, as well as those suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system and hypertension, hepatitis, hypothyroidism and thyrotoxicosis, with a history of myocardial infarction and stroke.

Attention! Correction of hypercholesterolemia should be prescribed only by the attending physician, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient and concomitant diseases!

Ways to reduce without pills

If cholesterol levels in the blood increase, it is not at all necessary to immediately take medications. At the initial stage, the problem can be solved using several simple methods.

The first thing to do is increase physical exercise. Running or other sports with monotonous rhythmic movements are especially effective. This normalizes the pulse, increases blood flow circulatory system oxygen, which promotes fat burning. Reduces the risk of plaque formation.

Recommended for older people moderate loads– daily walks, cycling, light work personal plot. According to research, this lifestyle in old age reduces the likelihood of heart attack and stroke by 50%.

Attention! Monitor your heart rate during exercise! In an elderly person, its increase should not exceed 15 beats.

But physical education alone is not enough. The following recommendations must be followed:

  1. Quit smoking. Under the influence of tobacco, the ratio of “good” and “bad” cholesterol changes for the worse.
  2. Limit alcohol consumption. According to medical research, it has little direct effect on cholesterol levels in the blood, but worsens metabolism in the body.
  3. Observe special diet With low content animal fats.
  4. Do not neglect traditional medicine. She offers a large number of recipes based on natural ingredients.
  5. Control your weight. People who are overweight are more likely to face the problem of cholesterol imbalance.

The approach to lowering cholesterol levels must be comprehensive and ongoing. You should not get carried away with short-term diets or periodic exercises. You need to change your lifestyle completely, this will help avoid many health problems.


You can reduce blood cholesterol levels at home. Will help with this physical activity and losing excess weight. To lose weight you need to completely change your eating habits.

When adjusting your diet, you must adhere to the following principles:

  • replace animal fats (lard, cheeses, butter and others) with vegetable ones;
  • minimize the consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, pastries, sweets, cakes);
  • Instead of regular baked goods, eat breads and cookies based on oats and bran or whole grains;
  • eat more fish, seafood, fruits and vegetables.

This approach to nutrition will not only quickly reduce cholesterol levels, but will also improve the health of the entire body.

Attention! Patients who are diagnosed diabetes or metabolic pathology, you shouldn’t rely on home remedies alone! Any treatment option should be supervised by a physician.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers many recipes for lowering lipid levels. Their use helps improve general state health, strengthen blood vessels, reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications.

Here are the most popular recipes:

  1. Mix half a glass of dill seeds with a glass of honey and a spoonful of valerian root, pour 1 liter hot water. Insist for a day. Take 1 tbsp three times a day. l. 20 minutes before meals.
  2. Squeeze 10 cloves of garlic, mix with two glasses of olive oil. Infuse for a week. Add the resulting mixture to food instead of seasoning.
  3. Squeeze juice from 1 kg of lemons, add 200 g of crushed garlic. Keep in a cool place in the dark for three days, drink 1 tbsp. l. per day, diluted with water.
  4. Soak beans or peas in water overnight. In the morning, replace the water, add a pinch of soda, cook and eat in two portions. Course duration is 21 days.
  5. Drink 7 drops of 4% propolis tincture diluted with water half an hour before meals. It is recommended to continue treatment for four months.
  6. Eat 20–25 alfalfa sprouts daily.
  7. Add flax seeds to your food.
  8. Add 300 g of garlic to 200 g of alcohol and leave in the dark for seven days. It is recommended to drink this tincture three times a day. With each dose you need to increase the number of drops from 2 to 20, and then reduce in reverse order. The course of treatment lasts a week and is repeated every three years.

Attention! Before using any folk remedies, make sure you are not allergic to the components!

What foods lower blood cholesterol levels?

With hyperlipidemia, eating cholesterol-lowering foods will help. Nature has given us many plants whose enzymes restore the balance of fats in the body. Let's figure out which foods lower cholesterol:

  1. Avocado. Its use quickly normalizes metabolism.
  2. Fish fatty varieties– leader in the presence of fatty acids. 200 g of sea fish per week is enough to prevent the formation of blood clots and thin the blood.
  3. Nuts and seeds various plants– they increase the content of “good” lipids. The most useful are walnuts, pine and Brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, flax and sesame seeds.
  4. From vegetable oils Olive, soy and flaxseed are effective. Just add oils to cooked foods, do not fry them.
  5. Fruits and berries are blue, purple and red. Their color is provided by polyphenols, which normalize blood balance, stimulate liver function, and help cleanse blood vessels.
  6. Whole grains and oatmeal.
  7. Citrus. They contain unique fibers that, when combined with gastric juice, “absorb” cholesterol and remove it from the body, helping in the fight against various diseases.
  8. All legumes help eliminate “bad” lipids through the stomach, thanks to great content fiber. Also they are rich vegetable protein, which is easy to digest.
  9. Carrot.
  10. Garlic contains many statins, phytoncides and is considered a natural antibiotic. It is useful for hypercholesterolemia, but is not recommended for people with pathologies of the digestive tract.

It is advisable to add red rice to your diet, white cabbage and lots of fresh herbs. All these natural “medicines” will help quickly and without harm to the body to return to normal. lipid balance. Positive effect will enhance the addition of decoctions from medicinal herbs.


For mild hypercholesterolemia pharmaceuticals can be replaced with herbs. In the fight against “bad” cholesterol, decoctions and tinctures from the following plants are used:

  • "Dioscorea Caucasus". It strengthens blood vessels, improves heart function, and is used as a choleretic agent.
  • "Golden mustache". This indoor plant with many useful properties. They treat diseases endocrine system, atherosclerosis, prostatitis.
  • Liquorice root. It is taken for three weeks, after which a month's break is taken.
  • Alfalfa. This plant eliminates hypercholesterolemia. Juice is made from its leaves and drunk for a month, 2 tablespoons three times a day.

You can also use restorative decoctions of hawthorn, linden, dandelion, jaundice, milk thistle, plantain, thistle and other herbs. There are a lot of them and here are the most common ones in use.

Some simple tips that will help quickly and safely reduce lipid levels to normal:

  • replace coffee with green tea;
  • do not snack on sandwiches with butter;
  • introduce soy products and sea fish into your diet;
  • Eat lard, but in small quantities and, preferably, with garlic. It will quickly remove excess fat from the body;
  • Try to replace saturated fats with vegetable oils.

Another one useful recommendation– juice therapy. Freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices effectively rid the body of “bad” lipids. With their help, vessels are cleaned at home the fastest. You can drink juices in courses of five days, alternating juices squeezed from different vegetables and fruits. But before use, they must be diluted with water.

To summarize, it is worth emphasizing the danger of formation in blood vessels cholesterol plaques. This could become initial stage diseases, life-threatening. To avoid negative consequences Simple actions will help: proper nutrition, exercise, quitting smoking and alcohol. In addition, pay attention to your body and do a blood test every six months. Normal level“bad” cholesterol – from 4 to 5.2 mmol/l. If these indicators are higher, consult a doctor as soon as possible who can help you choose adequate treatment and preventive measures.

Cholesterol - essential substance, which is present in many tissues of our body. However, its increased concentration can pose a serious danger to human health. The blood becomes viscous, clots form, they accumulate on the walls of blood vessels and crystallize, which ultimately leads to damage to the vessel and the impossibility of normal blood circulation. In order to prevent blood clots and blockage of arteries (which causes brain and heart diseases), it is worth thinking about how to lower cholesterol at home. This is exactly what we will talk about in the article.

Dietary and serum cholesterol

How to lower cholesterol at home? Before answering this question, it is necessary to understand what the term “cholesterol” means.

Dietary cholesterol is present in food products, and therefore in cooked foods. As a rule, it is of animal origin. For example, one egg contains 275 mg of cholesterol, but apples do not.

Serum cholesterol circulates in the blood and is measured using a special test. A value of at least 200 mg is considered normal. This cholesterol is divided into 2 main types:

    High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) is the “good” cholesterol in serum that can clean out your arteries. The higher its level, the better.

    Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) is “bad” serum cholesterol, which, on the contrary, clogs the arteries. The lower its level, the better.

How to lower cholesterol at home?

First of all, you need to reconsider the principles of your diet. It is recommended to significantly limit the consumption of animal products.

Reduce fat in your diet

Cholesterol levels are directly affected by:

    saturated fats - increase the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;

    polyunsaturated fats - lower cholesterol levels in the blood;

    Dietary cholesterol - also increases the amount of cholesterol, but, compared to saturated fat, much less.

Saturated fat is 3 times more harmful to the body than dietary cholesterol. Therefore, it is recommended to significantly reduce the consumption of fatty meats, butter, cheese, refined oil - foods that are sources of saturated fat. Instead, you should include fish, poultry, low-fat dairy products, and polyunsaturated oils (sunflower, soybean, corn) in your diet.

Limit your egg intake

Naturally, you should not completely give up eggs. You can eat up to 3 eggs a week without any health risks. It is known that cholesterol is found only in yolks. Therefore, to reduce blood cholesterol levels, you can, for example, eat 2 egg whites instead of 1 egg. To prepare an omelet, use 1 egg and 2-4 whites.

Watch your weight

High cholesterol? How to reduce its content? Of course, it is necessary to normalize weight. The greater the body weight, the bigger body produces cholesterol. However, you should not go on a strict diet, as this can harm the body even more. Healthy eating 2/3 should consist of vegetables, cereals, and fruits. And only 1/3 of calories are recommended to come from dairy products and meat, which often have high content fat

Beef? Within reasonable limits!

Eating red meat is acceptable. But only on the condition that it is lean and all visible fat is cut off from it. A serving of meat products per day should not exceed 200 g.

Eliminate trans fats from your diet

Coffee creamer, ready-made creams, and margarine contain a large amount of trans fats. Also these harmful substances found in fried and processed foods, especially processed foods instant cooking. Trans fats contain LDL particles, which cause various serious illnesses and also lower HDL.

Lead an active lifestyle

If you are thinking about how to lower cholesterol without pills, then sports should become a part of your life. Scientists have shown that intense exercise increases the level of “good” HDL, and also slightly reduces the amount of “bad” LDL. In addition, through exercise, the body's ability to eliminate fat from the blood after eating increases. If fat is in the blood for a short time, it will not have the opportunity to settle on the walls of the arteries.

Give up bad habits

Smoking is extremely harmful to our body. And even if you smoke no more than 20 cigarettes a week, the concentration of cholesterol in your blood will be increased. Also, smokers have significantly reduced HDL levels.

Foods that lower cholesterol:

  • oatmeal, which contains fiber that binds cholesterol;
  • legumes, which contain pectin and folic acid;
  • greens in any form;
  • garlic, which thins the blood, also contains allicin - active ingredient, capable of removing cholesterol from the blood;
  • tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers;
  • apples, preventing the absorption of fats, kiwi, grapefruits, prunes, cranberries, red currants;
  • seaweed;
  • walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, almonds contain monounsaturated fats;
  • instead of meat, it is preferable to eat sea fish, which is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids that prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • freshly squeezed juices - grapefruit, pineapple, orange, but pomegranate is the healthiest, strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • dry red wine;
  • green tea.

How to prevent increased cholesterol levels in the blood?

Having information on how to lower cholesterol at home is not enough; you should also know how to prevent its increase.

First of all, you need to monitor the amount of cholesterol consumed in food. per day maximum amount- 300 mg. In addition, please note that the proportion of saturated or animal fats should be no more than a third of the total number consumed fats.

Traditional medicine in the fight against cholesterol

In addition to food, cholesterol-lowering herbs will help solve the problem. An effective remedy is licorice root, a decoction can be prepared from it. To do this, pour boiling water (0.5 l) into 2 tablespoons of licorice root. Boil over low heat for a maximum of 10 minutes, then strain. You should take 1/3 cup of the decoction after meals 4 times a day. After 2-3 weeks, take a break for a month and repeat the course of treatment.

Herbal teas are also useful. You can use one of the following recipes:

    Take mistletoe grass, periwinkle leaves, hawthorn flowers (15 g in total) and yarrow leaves (30 g). Pour boiling water over the mixture (1 cup).

    Take arnica flowers (4 g), St. John's wort and yarrow herbs (20 g each). Pour a glass of boiling water.

The collection should be infused for 30 minutes, then drunk throughout the day. The course of treatment lasts 1.5 months. It can be repeated after a month's break.

Dandelion is another folk remedy. You can reduce cholesterol with its help by adding, for example, the leaves of the plant to a salad and dressing everything olive oil. You can also dry dandelion root and consume 1/3 teaspoon in powder form 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

IN ready meals You can add flax seeds (after grinding them into powder). It is recommended to take flaxseed oil one tablespoon a day on an empty stomach before bed; the course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Linden decoction is also an effective remedy. Fill a spoonful of raw materials with water (500 ml), take 100 ml per day for a month.

Activated charcoal will help lower cholesterol. For 2 weeks, you should take 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight. Activated carbon has the property of “pulling” cholesterol cells out of the blood.

Vitamin supplements

Some scientists claim that with food additives cholesterol levels can be reduced. The most effective of them are:

  • niacin (nicotinic acid);
  • calcium;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E.


If a blood test reveals increased concentration cholesterol, which means it needs to be reduced. You should not immediately take medications; it is more advisable to think about how to reduce cholesterol at home with the help of nutrition and natural remedies. Adjust your menu, take time physical exercise, give up bad habits, and positive result will be visible very soon.
