Dhea increased. Treatment of adrenogenital syndrome in pregnant women or those wishing to become pregnant. Video on the topic

For women, the proper functioning of all organs and systems is very important. Malfunctions can lead to infertility, disruption of the menstrual cycle and spontaneous abortion. To assess the health of the fairer sex, blood tests for hormones are used. One of the main indicators is DHEA sulfate– an important steroid hormone, deviation from the norm in women leads to certain problems.

DHEA sulfate (DEAS, DEA-SO4) is an important steroid hormone dehydroepiandrosterone. It is a male sex hormone. In women, 95% of DHEA is synthesized by the adrenal cortex, and the remaining 5% by the ovaries. This androgen has no relationship with puberty. DHEA sulfate is often called the hormone of youth, and it is classified as a ketosteroid.. In most cases, DEA-SO4 is formed from the structurally complex cholesterol ester sulfate. The bulk of the androgen breaks down, and only a tenth is excreted from the body in the urine.

The role of DHEA in female body very significant. For example, sexual desire and this hormone are directly interrelated. When interacting with testosterone, a woman experiences sexual attraction to men. Also, among the positive effects of DHEA for women it is worth noting:

  • increases energy production;
  • improves well-being and mood;
  • combats stress-reducing substances;
  • contribute to normalization hormonal levels;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • slow down the aging process of the body;
  • reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • raise protective function the body from exposure to external factors;
  • improve the functioning of brain neurons;
  • during pregnancy precede the production of estrogen by the placenta.

It can be noted that the hormone DHEA sulfate is very important for women. Deviation from normal values leads to certain deviations that negatively affect the entire body as a whole. If your health worsens or any abnormalities in the body’s functioning are detected, you must consult a doctor, who, based on your complaints, will prescribe necessary tests blood and additional examination.

Normal levels of dehydroepiandrosterone in women

Like any other indicator, the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone determined in a blood test has a normal value. International standards the DEA-SO4 norm is not defined and a small deviation is permissible, both upward and downward. The difference is due to the application different techniques research and reagents in the laboratory.

For women of different ages, the following values ​​are taken as the norm for the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone:

  • from 6 to 9 years – 0.23 – 1.50 µmol/l;
  • from 9 to 15 years – 1.00 – 9.20 µmol/l;
  • from 15 to 30 years – 2.40 – 14.50 µmol/l;
  • from 30 to 40 years – 1.80 to 9.70 µmol/l;
  • from 40 to 50 years – 0.66 to 7.20 µmol/l;
  • from 50 to 60 years – 0.94 – 3.30 µmol/l;
  • after 60 years – 0.09 – 3.70 µmol/l.

During pregnancy, the level of DHEA sulfate decreases and the following values ​​are taken as the norm: in the first trimester - from 3.12 to 12.48 µmol/l; in the second – from 1.7 to 7.0 µmol/l; in the third – from 0.86 to 3.6 µmol/l. It is important to note that in newborn children the androgen value is very high, but immediately after birth its level quickly decreases. The maximum value is reached after puberty, and then decreases simultaneously with the process of growing up.

Reasons for deviation from the norm

In blood test women DHEA sulfate can be either increased or decreased. Deviation from the norm indicates certain disorders in the body and requires appropriate treatment. Reasons for increased levels of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone include:

  • adrenogenital syndrome - with a lack of enzymes required for the synthesis of certain hormones in the adrenal cortex, the enhanced process of androgen production, including DHEA, is activated;
  • Cushing's disease is a brain tumor that leads to stimulation of adrenal function;
  • Cushing's syndrome is a malignant tumor formation in the adrenal glands, as a result of which the production of steroid hormones increases;
  • ectopic production of adrenal hormones - occurs when oncological diseases lungs, bladder, pancreas;
  • Stein-Leventhal syndrome (polycystic ovary syndrome) – endocrine disease, which is characterized by enlargement of the ovaries and the content of small bubbles filled with liquid;
  • tumor formations of the adrenal glands, in which male sex hormones – androgens – are intensively produced;
  • several days after birth, especially in premature infants;
  • insufficient functioning of the placenta (observed at 12-15 weeks of pregnancy).

Among the reasons why the level of DHEA determined in a blood test may be reduced are: Addison's disease - which is characterized by a decrease in adrenal function; disruption of the functioning of the pituitary gland (a gland of the endocrine system located in the brain); osteoporosis (metabolic disease of the skeleton); chronic alcoholism; cardiovascular diseases; some cancers.

Indications and preparation for the study

A blood test for DHEA sulfate in women is carried out if certain disorders are suspected, in order to confirm the diagnosis and prescription proper treatment, as well as during pregnancy. Among the deviations required for the study are: premature puberty, tumor formations of the adrenal glands and other organs, spontaneous abortions, signs of early menopause, infertility, frigidity, disruptions in the menstrual cycle.

Blood for testing is taken from a vein in the elbow. The analysis must be taken strictly on an empty stomach in the morning.

It is also required to adhere to a non-strict diet a few days before the study: avoid fatty and spicy foods, and alcohol. If the patient has previously been prescribed hormonal drugs, then within three days before the test you need to stop taking them. If this cannot be done, then inform your doctor about the medications you are taking.

A blood test for the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone is not recommended after serious emotional experiences and physical exertion. In addition, several hours before collecting the test material, you must stop smoking and drinks containing caffeine. On the day of the test, you are allowed to drink clean, still water. It is recommended to conduct a test for DHEA sulfate at the end of the first week of the menstrual cycle.

The need to follow the recommendations is due to the fact that the lack of preliminary preparation can lead to the fact that the analysis results will be distorted. If the concentration of the hormone is reduced or increased, the doctor may prescribe the wrong treatment, which can cause more harm than good. Therapeutic measures most often involve taking the hormone DHEA sulfate, available in tablets. This hormone has a number of side effects, and therefore self-administration is strictly prohibited.

The importance of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone in the female body is very significant. If its concentration is disturbed, it occurs a large number of unpleasant consequences. When the first signs of hormonal imbalance appear (hair loss, menstrual irregularities, spontaneous abortion, depressed mood, increased fatigue), you need to consult a doctor and conduct a blood test for hormones, including DHEA sulfate. Maintaining normal concentrations of this hormone will help prolong youth and improve well-being.

Active substances, which are hormones, play a huge role for humans. Hormonal system so perfect that as soon as the level of any hormone changes upward, the level of another immediately decreases. Hormonal imbalances affect not only a person’s well-being, but also his appearance(obesity, growth of facial hair in women, or, conversely, baldness and other changes in appearance may be signs of hormonal imbalance).

The hormone that we will talk about today - DHEA sulfate (androgen hormone of the adrenal glands) - is considered the hormone of youth. The longer it is produced in the body, the later a person will begin to age.

What is DEA sulfate hormone?

DHEA sulfate or dehydroepiandrosterone is synthesized 95% by the adrenal cortex in both men and women. The remaining 5% is produced by the ovaries and testes. The level of DHEA-sulfate hormone increases gradually and puberty in adolescents depends on its amount. Most high level This hormone is recorded between the ages of 20 and 30 years. Then there is a gradual regression and by the age of 80 this hormone is practically not produced in the body.

I would like to point out that this hormone is also credited with the function of an anabolic steroid. Many athletes, especially those who want to build muscles, start taking it, despite the fact that it is on the list of prohibited drugs. However, there is no documented evidence that the DHEA sulfate hormone helps pump up muscles or increase their strength. And not only can “experimental” athletes be disqualified from participating in competitions, but with a high probability they will not receive any positive result.

Preparation for analysis for DHEA sulfate hormone

A blood test for dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate hormone is taken in the morning, on an empty stomach. Break between last appointment food and research should be at least 12 hours. To ensure the reliability of the result of this test, 3-5 days before the day of blood donation, you need to refrain from taking fatty foods. If possible, stop taking medications, except for the use of those drugs, the withdrawal of which would pose a risk to human health and life.

If you cannot stop taking any medications, tell the doctor who referred you for the test that you are taking them. 2-3 days before going to the laboratory, it is recommended to avoid alcohol consumption, X-ray examinations and ultrasound, as well as heavy physical and emotional stress. You can only drink clean, non-carbonated water in sufficient quantity. 3-4 hours before blood sampling, the patient is prohibited from smoking.

Indications for a blood test for DHEA sulfate

Blood test for DHEA sulfate hormone is prescribed in the following cases:

  • with delayed puberty;
  • to accurately determine whether the adrenal glands are causing the change normal indicator this hormone;
  • with hirsutism or baldness in women;
  • in the presence of osteoporosis;
  • with adrenogenital syndrome;
  • if there is a suspicion of a tumor of the adrenal cortex;
  • for ectopic tumors.

DHEA sulfate hormone is normal

The relative norms for this type of hormone differ from birth by gender. In addition, at different ages, normal levels will fluctuate. But for pregnant women there are their own reference values. See table below.

Normal DHEA sulfate hormone for men and women

Reference values ​​for pregnant women regarding term:

  • Pregnant women first trimester - 66-460 mcg/dl;
  • Pregnant women second trimester - 37-260 mcg/dl;
  • Pregnant third trimester - 19-130 mcg/dl.

DHEA sulfate hormone elevated

The indicator increases upwards with such pathologies:

  • premature puberty;
  • hirsutism in women (with ovarian pathology);
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • ectopic tumors;
  • tumors of the adrenal cortex;
  • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome;
  • adrenogenic syndrome of adrenal origin.

DHEA sulfate hormone reduced

A decrease in the indicator towards an increase occurs for the following pathologies:

  • delayed puberty;
  • fetal adrenal hypoplasia;
  • osteoporosis;
  • age-related decrease (after 50-60 years).

What can influence the result?

The level of DHEA-sulfate hormone can be affected by improper preparation for the test and violation of the blood sampling technique, as well as improper storage and handling of the material. In addition, the use of certain medications.

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DHEA supplements are used by people who believe they can improve their sex drive, build muscle, fight the effects of aging, and improve their health. But there isn't much evidence for many of these claims. And supplements have some risks.

Here summary what science really knows about DHEA supplements and what you need to know about their safety.

What is DHEA

DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a hormone produced by the body's adrenal glands, glands above the kidneys, also known as the "elixir of youth." DHEA levels naturally drop after age 30. Some people take supplements of this hormone in the hope that it will help improve their health and prevent certain diseases. However, the evidence is mixed.

Dehydroepiandrosterone supplements can be made from wild yam or soybeans.

Scientists don't know everything that DHEA does. But they do know that it functions as a precursor to male and female sex hormones, including and. These are substances that are converted by the body into hormones.

DHEA production peaks in the 20s (mid 20s). For most people, production gradually decreases as they age.

Testosterone and estrogen production also generally declines with age. DHEA supplements may increase levels of these hormones. This is why a number of claims have been made regarding their potential health benefits.

These claims range from benefits such as:

  • For the production of hormones and normal operation adrenal glands
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Slowing down the natural changes in the body that occur with age
  • Providing more energy
  • Improved mood and memory
  • Building bone tissue and muscle strength

Why accept

A number of studies have found that DHEA supplements help people with depression, obesity, lupus, and adrenal insufficiency. This hormone can also improve skin conditions in older adults and helps treat osteoporosis, vaginal atrophy, erectile dysfunction, and some psychological conditions. But research results are ambiguous and often contradictory.

Low levels of DHEA are associated with aging and a number of diseases such as anorexia, type 2 diabetes and HIV. In older men, low levels of this hormone are also associated with a higher chance of death. However, it is still unclear whether the use of dehydroepiandrosterone supplements helps in reducing the risk of any diseases.

DHEA is used by some people who want to “reverse” aging and improve immunity, cognitive function, and muscle strength. On this moment research does not support these uses. The supplement has been studied for the treatment of other conditions, ranging from cardiovascular disease and menopause to Alzheimer's disease. The results were unclear.

How much does it cost to take

There is no standard dose of dehydroepiandrosterone. Some studies have used capsules whose dosage was between 25 and 200 milligrams per day or sometimes even higher, but this depends on medical conditions that are being treated by the patient. You should consult your doctor for advice on this matter. .

Can You Get DHEA from Food?

There are no food sources of this hormone. Wild yams contain a substance similar to DHEA, which is used to produce the hormone in laboratories. The body produces DHEA naturally in the adrenal glands.

DHEA Supplements for Anti-Aging

Because levels of this hormone decline with age, some researchers suggest that replenishing your body's falling levels of the hormone may help fight aging. And some small studies have reported positive anti-aging effects from using DHEA supplements. But a similar number of studies found no effect.

According to the National Institute on Aging and the National Center for Complementary and alternative medicine, there is not enough scientific evidence to support the idea that DHEA may affect how quickly you age.

Both agencies report that little is known about the effects of long-term use of DHEA. And there are some concerns that continued use of its supplements could be harmful.

DHEA Supplements for Health

DHEA supplements show some potential for alleviating mild to moderate depression. But more research is needed.

In a small six-week study, researchers from the National Institute of Mental Health found that treatment with DHEA supplements helped relieve mild to moderate depression that occurs in some middle-aged people. DHEA may also be effective in improving aging skin in older adults.

As for other conditions, both in the National Standard and National Institute Health officials say the evidence is unclear and unclear whether DHEA has significant benefit in treating conditions such as:

  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Low bone density
  • Heart disease
  • Cervical cancer
  • Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Crohn's disease
  • infertility
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Schizophrenia
  • Sexual dysfunction

Supplement Safety

Possible side effects of dehydroepiandrosterone supplements may include:

Side effects in women:

  • Minor side effects of using DHEA include acne, decreased blood pressure and breast changes
  • Reducing breast size
  • Deep voice
  • Increase in the size of the genital organs
  • Irregular periods
  • Abnormal menstruation
  • Oily skin
  • Increased hair growth
  • Low blood pressure

Side effects in men:

  • Aggression
  • Reduction in testicular size
  • Urinary urgency
  • Breast tenderness or enlargement
  • Low blood pressure

Other potential side effects:

  • Acute respiratory failure
  • Anxiety
  • Blood in urine
  • Chest pain
  • Abnormal heart rhythm
  • Feeling of goosebumps, crawling on the scalp
  • Dizziness
  • Emotional changes
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Increased risk of cataracts
  • Insomnia
  • Night sweats
  • Mania
  • Restlessness
  • Weight gain

A new version of DHEA, known as 7-keto-DHEA, is a natural byproduct of this hormone. Because 7-keto-DHEA is not converted into steroid hormones by the body, the risk of some hormonal side effects is reduced.

Although 7-keto-DHEA supplementation has been shown to promote weight loss, muscle building, and immune system stimulation, there hasn't been enough research to support any of these claims.

Some of these side effects may be the result of DHEA increasing testosterone and estrogen levels in the human body. Medical experts warn that little is known about the long-term effects of elevated hormone levels.

DHEA supplements should not be taken for long periods of time without consulting a healthcare professional.

DHEA and weight loss

The supplement's version of DHEA, known as 7-keto, is widely promoted as helping to reduce body fat and increase supplement metabolism. The idea is that body tissues and a higher metabolism burn calories more efficiently, making it easier not only to lose weight, but also to maintain the results.

Unfortunately, most of the studies that have been done have shown little effect of DHEA on losing weight or increasing metabolism. It's a good idea to talk to your doctor or nutritionist before investing in a supplement like DHEA for weight loss.

DHEA and Athletic Performance

DHEA supplements are sometimes used by athletes due to the claim that the supplement can improve muscle strength and enhance athletic performance. This is because DHEA is a “prohormone,” a substance that can increase levels of steroid hormones such as testosterone.

There is little evidence that DHEA has any effect on increasing muscle strength. Its use is prohibited by sports organizations such as the National Football League, Major League Baseball and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

There are risks associated with the use of any presteroid enhancer. And the higher the dose, the higher the risk. Possible side effects include:

  • Persistent slowdown in growth
  • Aggressive behavior known as "rage"
  • Mood swings and other psychological symptoms
  • High blood pressure
  • Liver problems

Because DHEA can increase testosterone and estrogen levels, women who use DHEA may sometimes experience side effects such as:

  • Voice change
  • Hair loss
  • Facial hair growth

Sometimes men may experience symptoms such as:

  • Breast augmentation
  • Tight testicles
  • Reduced sperm production

Talk to your doctor

If you are thinking about using DHEA supplements, there are several reasons why you should discuss it with your doctor first:

  • Many of the DHEA claims involve (and can result in) serious medical conditions. These conditions need to be assessed and treated by a healthcare professional.
  • The hormone may interact with some medications and thus change their effectiveness.
  • Because DHEA's capabilities include increasing levels of male and female hormones, supplementation may negatively impact hormone-sensitive cancers such as breast, ovarian, or prostate cancer.
  • Usage special additives This hormone carries some risk and can cause a number of side effects, although this usually only occurs at the end, on the higher dose range.

Drug interactions with dehydroepiandrosterone

Most medications can interact with others. Due to the complex and multifaceted role of DHEA, there are a number of potential interactions that can occur when it is taken along with other forms of medications.

Persons taking any drugs in next list, should exercise extra caution and discuss this issue with your primary care physician:

  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
  • Metformin
  • Thiazolidinediones
  • Anastrozole - this drug is taken to reduce estrogen; DHEA may have the opposite effect, so it may counteract anastrozole
  • Antidepressants
  • Venlafaxine
  • Mirtazapine (Mirtazapine)
  • Bupropion (Bupropion)
  • Antiestrogens
  • Neuroleptics
  • Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine
  • Benfluorex
  • Birth control pills
  • Calcium channel blockers
  • Canrenoate
  • Cardiac glycosides
  • Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) binding agents
  • Gefitinib (Gefitinib)
  • Glycyrrhetinic acid
  • Licorice – DHEA levels are increased by licorice and therefore taking additional DHEA may increase side effects
  • Metyrapone
  • Propranolol

This list is not exhaustive. Talk to your doctor or primary care pharmacist if you are concerned about drug interactions with DHEA.


You should take extra care when using DHEA if any of the following apply to you:

  • More high risk cancer development prostate gland, liver, breast or ovaries
  • Higher risk of urinary tract infections
  • Thyroid disorders or taking thyroid hormone therapy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease or increased risk heart disease
  • Have had a stroke or were at risk of having a stroke
  • Low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL - “good” cholesterol)
  • High triglyceride levels
  • Bleeding – DHEA may increase the risk of bleeding
  • Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)
  • Sweating disorders—supplements of this hormone may cause increased odor when sweating
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Joint pain, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or sleep disorders
  • Immune disorders or use of immunosuppressants
  • Mania-related mental disorders
  • It is also recommended to avoid DHEA supplements if the potential patient is pregnant or breastfeeding

DHEA is a complex chemical with many roles. With further research, scientists will undoubtedly unlock the secrets of this hormone and may be able to use it to treat a variety of diseases.

(dehydroepiandronesterone) is a multifunctional steroid hormone. It affects androgen receptors. DHEA sulfate is considered one of the main steroid hormones. Despite its relatively little androgenic activity, it is biochemically converted to progesterone, testosterone, corticosterone and estrogen. In turn, the above hormones are involved in performing many tasks, including participation in hair growth, metabolic processes, sexual functions, and more. The level of hormone content determines the indicator of androgen-synthetic adrenal activity. Dehydroepiandronesterone does not show pronounced daily fluctuations and has a low clearance rate.

With age, hormone production decreases. This also applies to dehydroepiandrosterone.

Based on the level of DHEA sulfate in the blood, a person's age is accurately determined. Peak levels of the hormone in the body are reached at age twenty. By the age of seventy, its level can decrease to 90%. DHEA sulfate is produced in the adrenal glands. It should be noted that the decrease in hormone levels is less intense in women. This may explain their long life expectancy.

DHEA sulfate, in addition to participating in the production of estrogen and testosterone, helps the immune system maintain its protective properties.

Stress causes an increase in adrenaline and cortisol levels. At the same time, the level of DHEA sulfate hormone content causes the development of various diseases, which include heart disease and cancer.

An increased content of dehydroepiandrosterone provokes weight loss without affecting appetite. This occurs due to the normalization of the metabolic process. However, an increase in the level of dehydroepiandronesterone detected during the analysis may indicate the presence of a tumor in the adrenal cortex, ectopic tumors or androgenital syndrome. In addition, DHEA sulfate may be increased with the development of pathologies such as hirsutism in women,

DHEA sulfate during pregnancy precedes the synthesis of placental estrogens.

According to a number of experts, the use of supplements containing dehydroepiandronesterone can significantly reduce cholesterol levels, get rid of excess weight, and increase muscle mass. There is also evidence that the use of dehydroepiandrosterone helps slow down the aging process. However, at the same time, there are no results of a long-term study of the safety of its use. It should be noted that in many cases the use of dehydroepiandrosterone is contraindicated. An overdose can provoke cancer, including prostate cancer. Self-prescription of drugs containing dehydroepiandronesterone is not allowed. Medical consultation and analysis of the content of other hormones is necessary.

According to some experts, taking dehydroepiandronesterone can improve well-being, a sense of satisfaction with life, sharpness of thought and memory, and increase energy. However, today there is no unequivocally positive data supporting its daily use (especially by women). There is evidence revealed during animal experiments that negative impact hormone-containing supplements for liver health. Some studies with long-term use of dehydroepiandrosterone show an increased risk of cancer in women.

All of the above should be taken into account when prescribing drugs containing the hormone.

Estrogen is formed from it.

  • Its presence is very important during puberty in boys, since it helps form secondary sexual characteristics.
  • Some women are characterized by such a feature as excess testosterone in the blood. Find out the reason this phenomenon is possible using a DHEA-S test. If its quantity is increased, then the reason is related to the peculiarities of the adrenal glands. When its concentration is reduced, there are deviations in the functioning of the ovaries.

    During pregnancy, the placenta synthesizes estrogens from the adrenal glands of the pregnant woman. If at this time it is discovered increased content DHEA-S, this means that the function of the placenta is reduced because it does not consume this hormone. This feature indicates a risk of miscarriage.

    Carrying out analysis for DHEA-S

    Special training requirements for this survey no, they are common and standard. The subject should not eat in the last 10 hours before taking the material. Smoking and alcohol must be avoided. You can only drink plain water without gas. It is optimal for women to be tested either a week before or a week after their period.

    The doctor must know about everyone medicines that the patient uses. Many of these can affect the amount of DHEA-S, which can skew the conclusions.

    DHEA-S has one feature that distinguishes it from other hormones that are synthesized by the adrenal glands. Its level is stable and does not change throughout the day.

    When is it prescribed?

    This study is necessary in the following cases:

    • the external genitalia of the newborn have an indeterminate appearance,
    • the girl exhibits male secondary sexual characteristics,
    • boys under 9 years of age are characterized by premature sexual development (increasing muscle mass, the voice becomes rougher, the penis enlarges, hair growth appears),
    • women show signs of virilization (abundance of body hair, bald spots on the head, increased muscle mass, behavioral characteristics),
    • it is necessary to evaluate the functioning of the adrenal glands,
    • there is a suspicion of polycystic ovary syndrome,
    • menopause (if there is a risk of osteoporosis),
    • infertility,
    • disruptions in the menstrual cycle,
    • the need to assess placental function.

    to install accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct not only research on DHEA-S. Most often, together with it they carry out the following types research:

    • blood test (general and leukocyte formula),
    • urine test (general),
    • blood biochemistry,
    • kidney and liver tests,
    • detection of glucose levels,
    • testosterone content,
    • androstenedione test,
    • the amount of cortisol and ACGT,
    • DHEA level
    • FSH and LH content,
    • the amount of progesterone and estradiol,
    • spermogram,
    • tumor marker test,
    • hormones produced thyroid gland etc.

    What influences

    The analysis results may be distorted under the influence of certain factors.

    An increase in DHEA-S is facilitated by the use of certain drugs (for example, Danazol), strong physical activity, fasting, bad habits(especially smoking).

    Depressive moods, bearing a child, being overweight, emotional stress, and taking hormonal contraceptives can reduce the level of DHEA-S.

    Important Features

    1. DHEA-S is the main androgen synthesized by the adrenal glands. In peripheral tissues it is converted to testosterone.
    2. By determining its level, you can determine the source of androgens.
    3. Excreted along with urine.
    4. During the first three weeks of life, DHEA levels decrease. When a child reaches 6 years of age, a gradual increase in its amount begins, which ends by the age of 13 (at a value close to that of adults).
    5. Before signs of puberty appear, adrenal activity increases, which can be monitored by DHEA-S levels.

    Why is it rising?

    An increase in DHEA-S can be caused by the following circumstances:

    1. Adrenogenital syndrome. The lack of enzymes for the formation of hormones contributes to the release of androgens and DHEA-S as well.
    2. Cushing's disease. The presence of a tumor in the brain leads to increased secretion of ACHT, which activates the activity of the adrenal glands.
    3. Cushing's syndrome. The tumor is formed in the adrenal glands, which is why more hormones of steroid origin are synthesized.
    4. Menopause. At this time, active production of DHEA-S helps prevent osteoporosis.
    5. Insufficient placental function.
    6. A tumor or hormonal abnormality in the ovaries, causing premature puberty (common in boys).
    7. A tumor in the adrenal cortex that stimulates the synthesis of androgens.

    Why is it declining?

    Reduced levels of DHEA-S can be found in the following situations:

    1. Addison's disease (weakened adrenal function),
    2. Deviations in the functioning of the pituitary gland,
    3. Polycystic ovary syndrome.
    4. Alcohol abuse.
    5. Development of osteoporosis.

    What is the hormone DHEA-S responsible for?

    For every woman, the normal functioning of hormones is very important indicator helping to maintain health. If you suspect any disease, there is a need to conduct tests. The DHEA s value is sufficient important parameter. Analysis of it shows the content of this steroid hormone. If deviations from the norm are observed, this can lead to various problems for women’s health.

    DHEA hormone, what is it in women

    This substance is produced by the adrenal cortex and ovaries, with the ovaries producing only 5% of the hormone. This androgen does not affect puberty in any way. DHEA is also called the hormone of youth. This is a male hormone that belongs to ketosteroids. For the formation of this substance, cholesterol sulfate ester is necessary, which has complex structure. Approximately a tenth of this hormone is excreted from the body in urine, while a tenth of it is broken down.

    It is difficult to overestimate what DHEA sulfate is in women. It affects sex drive when it combines with testosterone. In addition, the hormone has the following positive effects on the body:

    • Improves a person’s mood and well-being;
    • Promotes energy production;
    • Fights substances that reduce tension;
    • Makes the aging process much slower;
    • Helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
    • Stabilizes the production of other hormones in the body;
    • Lowers blood cholesterol levels;
    • Improves functioning nerve cells in the brain;
    • Increases immunity and other means of defense against external influences;
    • During pregnancy, DHEA promotes the production of placental estrogen.

    Considering what the hormone DHEA sulfate is, it is worth noting that any deviations from the norm, whether higher or lower, lead to negative consequences for various areas body. Naturally, few patients may know that they have problems with hormones, therefore, only a detailed analysis after a complaint about any health problems can help determine what exactly is wrong with the level.

    Standards of analysis, which shows DHEA with

    There are several research methods that are used in various clinics, and each of them has its own standards. There is no single standard here, so relatively small deviations within each of them are acceptable. When trying to figure out what DHEA S is in women and what the norms for its content in the body should be, you need to take into account that it still depends on age. The following boundaries are distinguished:

    During pregnancy in women at any age, these standards do not apply, since the content level is noticeably reduced. The normal content of the substance in the blood is taken to be that which is present in the first trimester. As a rule, it lies in the range of 3.12-12.48 µmol/liter. In the second trimester, the value drops even further to 1.7-7 µmol/liter, and in the third trimester the value reaches 0.86-3.6 µmol/liter. A hormone is also taken for DHEA in men, and the norm values ​​should coincide with non-pregnant women and are also divided by age.

    Newborns, as a rule, have very high levels of the hormone, but in the first days it gradually decreases and normalizes. The next increase is expected only during puberty.

    Why hormonal imbalances may occur

    If DHEA progesterone is low or high, then this may be a consequence of some disease, or its cause if the situation is not corrected. If the hormone is elevated, this may be a consequence of the following diseases:

    • Adrenogenital syndrome, which occurs when there is a lack of enzymes that are involved in the synthesis of the required hormones. They are located in the adrenal cortex. As a result, the production of many androgens is activated, including DHEA.
    • Cushing's syndrome, which includes malignancy tumors in the area of ​​the adrenal glands, as a result of which steroid hormones begin to be produced with greater force.
    • Cushing's disease is a tumor in the brain that causes the adrenal glands to become overactive.
    • Stein-Leventhal syndrome, also called polycystic ovary syndrome. It is classified as an endocrine disease. With this syndrome, the ovaries increase in size and also contain small blisters containing fluid.
    • Ectopic production of adrenal hormones. It appears in cases of cancer, pancreatic disease, problems with bladder and lungs.
    • DHEA sulfate in men and women may be in early age, this is especially true in premature infants.
    • Poor functioning of the placenta, which affects the hormonal background of a woman in the period from 12 to 15 weeks of pregnancy.
    • A tumor of the adrenal glands becomes one of the direct indicators that the production of this hormone is increased.

    The price for a DHEA test will depend on the clinic, since the cost at each institution may vary. If the level of the hormone DHEA is elevated, pregnant women may experience a serious complication, resulting in a miscarriage. If a woman is not pregnant, then chronically increased level may cause infertility. Thus, there are many areas that the hormone DHEA is responsible for in women and many of them are related to reproductive function and other important things.

    DHEA hormone test

    When planning pregnancy, as well as when various diseases in women, hormonal analysis is required. Now this procedure is very common, as it is very often used in diagnostics due to its effective results and high level of information content. DHEA analysis with is important hormone adrenal glands, which relates to the genital area and is more common in men than in women. However, it is precisely the violation of its level in the female body that leads to the most serious health problems, including infertility.

    How to prepare to correctly pass the DHEA sulfate test?

    Preparation for analysis can last several days, since it is necessary to remove some components. A few days before blood sampling, it is necessary to avoid taking medications that can affect the production and content of this hormone in the body. It is also worth refraining from serious physical activity, which also leads to increased production of hormones to restore the body. It is very important to avoid taking glucose, especially injections. In addition, inaccurate analyzes can be caused by drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking before the day of delivery.

    If a person has alcoholism, then the production rate will be chronically reduced. If you just use alcoholic drinks, before taking a test for DHEA hormones, this threatens to underestimate the indicators. In fact, this will have a temporary effect, but analyzes will show that the situation is much worse than it actually is. The degree of error for any deviation is difficult to predict, therefore, preliminary preparation very important.

    One of the features of this analysis is that the norm is not linked to the menstrual cycle. There is no need to select the appropriate days for delivery. At the same time, there is a dependence of hormones on age. This is especially evident in teenage years. In adult women, no significant changes are observed. The only exceptions are during pregnancy, since then the amount of the hormone decreases and its increase can cause miscarriage and other problems.

    In what cases is a blood test taken for DHEA?

    The price of a DHEA test is not exorbitant, but doing it just like that may seem like a waste of money to many. It's really not worth doing this all the time without any suspicion. This procedure carried out when situations such as:

    • The appearance of signs of hirsutism;
    • Detection of polycystic ovary syndrome;
    • Long-term attempts to get pregnant naturally, without success;
    • First 8 weeks of pregnancy;
    • Unstable ovarian function, or other disorders in this area;
    • Adrenal dysfunction;
    • After a miscarriage;
    • Deviations in puberty.

    It is not for nothing that experts suggest taking a DHEA sulfate test, since all standards are taken based on the state of the body at this time. It is also not recommended to eat or drink anything, as this also affects hormones. Women over the age of 35 are recommended to take this test more often to monitor their health, especially if they are planning to have a child. In this case, it is better to do it every year or every two years, which will help identify diseases and solve the problem with them in the early stages.

    Analysis of DHEA s: delivery features

    The rules for taking the test are not particularly complicated, and do not require anything fundamentally new, in comparison with other types of hormone tests. Blood samples are taken from a vein and plasma is used for analysis. There are several main features and recommendations that it is advisable to consider and follow:

    • Despite the fact that this is one of those hormones that has virtually no daily fluctuations, it is taken on an empty stomach in morning time, like others. This is due to the fact that even the slightest possibility of extraneous factors influencing the results is excluded. Moreover, patients are often prescribed comprehensive diagnostics, so you have to take not only a DHEA sulfate blood test, but also others that require you to adhere to these standards.
    • Before the analysis, you need to consult a doctor about what medications you took for Lately. The patient may not know what effect they had on hormonal levels, and with any donation of hormones, taking medications a few days before the appointed date is excluded. If this is the attending specialist who prescribed all the medications, then everything is easier here. In another situation, it is worth notifying about all medications, oral contraception and other things, since some of them need to wait several days to neutralize the effect.
    • There are no special dietary restrictions here. But on the day before the test, you need to avoid fried and fatty foods. Avoid eating at night and overeating during the day. This creates a stressful situation for the stomach and forces it to work, connecting other organs. Everything must be done in normal conditions, without unnecessary overload for the body.
    • Sexual activity should also be postponed for several days. Optimal time is to abstain from sexual intercourse and other methods of sexual release for three days. This hormone belongs to the sexual sphere, so all activities associated with it affect its content in the body.
    • Training and physical activity should also not be present on the day before the test. The optimal period here is also a three-day abstinence from exercise, since each organism has its own characteristics and for some it may take several days to recover.
    • Stress and emotional anxiety can also be problematic if they arise before taking a DHEA test. You need to avoid worries and other difficulties.
    • Repeated analysis is allowed after a few weeks, so that there is a sufficiently long period between the results and it is possible to track the condition over time.

    Norm of the hormone DHEA

    If a person develops any illness, it is quite possible that it was affected by disruptions in the functioning of the vital important organs. Hormone imbalance often leads to this. There are certain norms within which a person feels normal. Their excess or reduced level can cause diseases, some of which do not appear immediately. The level of the hormone DHEA helps to lead active life, support wellness and affects sexual activity.

    What does analysis help you find out?

    The procedure helps:

    • Find out the activity of hormone production by the adrenal glands;
    • Diagnose polycystic ovaries;
    • Check for tumor and adrenal cancer to distinguish them from similar symptoms in the ovaries;
    • Distinguish between other causes of illness that may be caused by an imbalance in the production of adrenal and ovarian hormones;
    • Find out the causes of infertility, hirsutism, amenorrhea and other similar diseases;
    • Check the cause of masculinization in females.

    DHEA is normal in women

    To determine the hormone content in the human body, special units are used that show the ratio of the substance in the blood. The norm of DHEA in women is measured in mcg/ml. This reference value means a microgram of a substance divided by a deciliter of blood. Women's and men's norms are somewhat different from each other. Also, strong differences in normal hormone levels are visible at different ages. Particularly large jumps are observed at that time.

    The norm of the hormone DHEA sulfate in women mcg/dl depending on age:

    • From 10 to 15 years, the amount of the substance is from 33.9 to 280 mcg/dl;
    • From 15 to 20 years, the amount of the substance is from 65.1 to 368 mcg/dl;
    • From 20 to 25 years, the amount of the substance is from 148 to 307 mcg/dl;
    • From 25 to 35 years, the amount of the substance is from 98.98 to 340 mcg/dl;
    • From 35 to 45 years, the amount of the substance is from 60.9 to 337 mcg/dl;
    • From 45 to 55 years, the amount of the substance is from 35.4 to 256 mcg/dl;
    • From 55 to 65 years, the amount of the substance is from 18.9 to 205 mcg/dl;
    • From 65 to 75 years, the amount of the substance is from 9.4 to 246 mcg/dl;
    • From 75 years old the amount of substance is 154 mcg/dl.

    In addition, the DHEA s norm can be determined in other units of measurement. They became micromoles divided by liter. Acceptable indicators for each age period are as follows:

    • At the age of 6-9 years: content from 0.23 to 1.5 µmol/liter;
    • At the age of 9-15 years: content from 1 to 9.2 µmol/liter;
    • At the age of 15-30 years: content from 2.4 to 14.5 µmol/liter;
    • At the age of 30-40 years: content from 1.8 to 9.7 µmol/liter;
    • At the age of 40-50 years: content from 0.99 to 7.2 µmol/liter;
    • At the age of 50-60 years: content from 0.94 to 3.3 µmol/liter;
    • At the age of 60 years: content from 0.09 to 3.7 µmol/liter.

    The norm in women for DHEA mcg dl may differ from that in men even in normal conditions, not to mention during pregnancy. For men, hormone levels look like this:

    • From 10 to 15 years, the amount of the substance is from 24.4 to 247 mcg/dl;
    • From 15 to 20 years, the amount of the substance is from 70.2 to 492 mcg/dl;
    • From 20 to 25 years, the amount of the substance is from 211 to 492 mcg/dl;
    • From 25 to 35 years, the amount of the substance is from 160 to 449 mcg/dl;
    • From 35 to 45 years, the amount of the substance is from 88.9 to 427 mcg/dl;
    • From 45 to 55 years, the amount of the substance is from 44.3 to 331 mcg/dl;
    • From 55 to 65 years, the amount of the substance is from 51.7 to 225 mcg/dl;
    • From 65 to 75 years, the amount of the substance is from 33.6 to 249 mcg/dl;
    • From 75 years old the amount of substance is 123 mcg/dl.

    Sex differences in the analyzes of this hormone are due to differences in mature organisms. IN childhood There is no big difference and the norms are determined equally for everyone. This means that up to 15 years of age, the norm of DHEA sulfate in µmol/l will be the same as in men. The greatest peak of hormone content occurs in the first days of life. During this period, a very large variation in the content of each baby is noticeable and often the amount of the hormone exceeds the adult norm. The DHEA so4 norm in children is as follows:

    • From 1 day to a week the amount of the substance is from 108 to 607 mcg/dl;
    • From 1 to 4 weeks the amount of the substance is from 31.6 to 431 mcg/dl;
    • From 1 to 12 months the amount of the substance is from 3.4 to 124 mcg/dl;
    • From 1 to 5 years, the amount of the substance is from 0.47 to 19.4 mcg/dl;
    • From 5 to 10 years, the amount of the substance is from 2.8 to 85.2 mcg/dl.

    It is worth paying attention to the fact that with swelling of the adrenal glands, hormone secretion may not occur, but according to the analysis, the indicators will be normal. The same situation can occur with polycystic ovary syndrome. The fact is that the adrenal glands are not the only place where the substance is synthesized, since it is also produced in the ovaries. Thus, if one of the areas is unstable, not on critical level, deviation from the norm will not be noticed.

    DHEA below normal

    Reduced levels of the hormone are usually associated with adrenal disease. They produce most of the DHEA in the body. If the level becomes significantly lower, then hypopituitarism or gland dysfunction arises. There may also be a slight decrease due to differences in development, when the body’s norms correspond to a different age period. This may cause problems with pregnancy.

    Increased DHEA: symptoms, treatment

    If the levels of DHEA SO4 hormone are higher than normal, this means that there is a tumor in the body. This can also help diagnose hyperplasia and cancer. The level does not help in determining the diagnosis, but such indicators speak. What needs to be done further, more detailed studies, since hormonal imbalance can occur for several reasons.

    The highest level of the hormone in a growing body is during puberty. Deviations from the norm during maturation can also become an increase in levels at an earlier or later age, but such things are usually visible in many other ways. When receiving tests for DHEA levels in women in µmol/l, they should always be analyzed with a doctor. Often other tests are required to rule out errors.

    Treatment of elevated DHEA

    Hormones are the basis for the full normal functioning of the body. This is especially noticeable in women, since a deviation in at least one indicator can lead to the appearance of various diseases that complicate the production of other hormones. When DHEA is elevated in women, treatment will help avoid serious complications that can result in infertility. One more negative factor elevated hormone levels are bad influence on appearance. If DHEA is elevated, women tend to experience hair loss.

    DHEA is elevated: reasons

    Varying degrees of deviation may indicate how serious the disease is and what exactly caused the increase in hormonal levels. Unlike many other substances, an increase in the level of which also becomes problematic for the body, high DHEA in women does not become a consequence of great fatigue, from chronic high loads. Also, the level of this hormone is practically independent of nutrition, which also often becomes a manifestation of other problems. Usually, sharp jumps higher than normal indicates that serious problems have arisen inside the body that will not be solved on their own. An increase in level becomes a consequence that is caused by any internal reasons, among which the following are worth noting:

    • Cushing's pathology - it manifests itself in the form of a tumor in the brain, which stimulates an increase in DHEA due to its increased synthesis in the problem area;
    • Enzyme deficiency - this is associated with pathologies caused by adrenogenital syndrome;
    • Cushing's syndrome - the appearance of a tumor formation in the adrenal glands (not to be confused with Cushing's pathology);
    • Multiple cyst formations in the ovaries, which leads to increased activation of hormone production in this area, while the adrenal glands function normally;
    • Adrenal tumor - often leads to hormonal imbalance not only by this analysis, but also for others;
    • Oncological diseases in such areas of the body as the bladder, pancreas, lungs, etc.;
    • During pregnancy, this may indicate placental insufficiency, although it is important to take into account that the norms during this period are not the same as for normal condition women (also treatment of elevated DHEA during pregnancy requires greater sensitivity).

    A high level of the hormone in infancy does not mean that there are any pathological reasons for the occurrence of such a situation. This is quite common. Only with consistently high levels over a long period of time may suspicion of adrenogenital syndrome arise. As a rule, blood tests are taken from premature babies in the first days of life to understand that everything is normal with them.

    The reasons that DHEA is elevated in women may not be immediately apparent, but the fact that the hormone exceeds the norm can be understood by some external factors. At elevated hormone hair begins to grow on the chest and face. The higher the level, the more clearly this manifests itself. Mustaches and the appearance of facial fuzz on the cheeks are very clear signs what is present hormonal disbalance. The condition of the skin noticeably worsens, acne appears on the surface. Along the way, they are creating serious problems with the ability to conceive. If levels increase during pregnancy, there is a risk of miscarriage.

    How to lower DHEA in women

    When diagnosing any disease that leads to high synthesis of DHEA, the source of its occurrence should be destroyed. Accordingly, if the cause is a tumor, then in order to eliminate the underlying disease and reduce the hormone content in the body, you need to treat the tumor. After all, an ordinary reduction through the use of medications will only give a temporary effect, since after the end of taking the medications, everything will return to its place. Not to mention, it can get worse if it develops into a more serious stage.

    If the reasons for increased DHEA sulfate in women lie in the fact that the glands began to produce the hormone more strongly due to the influence of various enzymes on them, which is especially typical during pregnancy, then drug treatment is more acceptable. Medications help reduce substance levels so that the pregnancy does not end in miscarriage, and also so as not to aggravate the situation in other areas. The drugs serve to neutralize and remove male hormones from the female body.

    There are dietary supplements that your doctor can prescribe. This is an effective way to reduce DHAE C in a woman, but if the dosage is exceeded, it can take negative effect. They are used in the morning and do not require any restrictions in other products or special conditions. The drugs contain substances that reduce the formation of the hormone, as they limit the enzymes through which it is formed. Male androgens are also reduced, which become a problem during pregnancy and gestation.

    An additional effect, if DHEA is increased, may have folk remedies. To lower the DHEA hormone in women, you can use such remedies as Saw Palmetto (saw palmetto, dwarf palm), Cohosh (black cohosh), Angelica (Angelica, Angel Grass, Angelica Herb, Female ginseng), Peony evasive (Maryin root), licorice root, mint and other herbs.

    One of the main medications prescribed to patients when the hormone DHEA is elevated in women is dexamethasone. This is a very serious remedy, so you should not take it yourself, but only with a doctor’s prescription and only with the selection the right dose. It depends on the condition of the body, as well as the level of excess of the norm. Despite the danger of using the wrong dosage when self-medicating, the effectiveness of using dexamethasone in medical practice is very high.

    IN in this case It is impossible to lower hormone levels with proper nutrition, healthy image life, taking vitamins and other similar remedies. All this will be an additional bonus, but it is DHEA that has a serious effect on the body, while not succumbing to external influences. Only a specialist can help in this matter, and this may require several tests to get a complete picture of what is happening inside.

    Decreased DHEA: symptoms, treatment

    How to Increase DHEA in Women

    Hormonal imbalances in the body in women cause serious illnesses. In some cases, diseases themselves and damage to certain organs can lead to unstable hormone secretion. If DHEA is low in women, then this can affect the reproductive sphere, not to mention various health problems. This is a very useful hormone that helps cope with physical activity, affects mood and well-being. Its decrease in the body leads to the formation of cardiovascular diseases.

    What does it mean when the DHEA hormone is low?

    A decrease in level, as a rule, indicates problems with the adrenal glands. Despite the fact that it is also produced by the ovaries, they account for a smaller portion. A sharp decline hormone indicates that there may be adrenal dysfunction or hypopituitarism. If problems are observed with sexual development, which will be seen in other tests, then DHEA sulfate may also be reduced.

    What are the consequences of low DHEA sulfate for conception in women?

    When DHEA is low in women, many do not attach any importance to this, since it is a male hormone. It is believed that it should not have much effect on conception and pregnancy in a reduced state. The only exception is during pregnancy, when the content becomes significantly lower than normal, since during normal pregnancy it should increase. However, the lack of the hormone affects other areas, which in turn can worsen health, leading to problems with conception.

    Basically, at a reduced level, problems are created with the formation of new follicles and their development. In each case this manifests itself differently. At hormonal analysis DHEA testing is not always prescribed for infertility. This is done only with more serious and detailed analyses. During preparation for IVF, medications that contain this hormone are often prescribed in order to stimulate a larger number of eggs that can be collected to prepare genetic material.

    Thus, fluctuations in levels before a woman conceives are not as dangerous as after them, since during pregnancy all this can result in a miscarriage. In any case, a more detailed consultation with a specialist is required.

    Heart problems when DHEA sulfate is low in women

    After puberty, the level of the hormone begins to fall and this is quite natural. It is for this reason that after 25 years, women experience a gradual decrease in the norm. One of the side effects of decreased levels is the appearance of problems with the cardiovascular system. This shows that its functions in the body are limited to supporting the heart. Thus, with age comes the risk of various diseases associated with this area. When considering the risk of heart problems in people with reduced level hormone and those in whom it is normal, the risk of diseases, sometimes even fatal, in people with low levels of DHEA is three times higher.

    After age 70, hormone levels can drop by 80%. This does not mean at all that when DHEA levels drop, there is a chance of dying only from cardiovascular diseases, but according to statistics, these are the diseases that become most likely. Thicken due to lack of hormones arterial walls. This prevents normal blood flow. The risk of stroke increases significantly, therefore, when indicators decrease, the question arises of how to increase DHEA in women and men to protect themselves from this.

    How to Increase DHEA

    Increasing the content of this hormone in the body sometimes becomes vital, which is why drugs have been invented that help restore its content in a relatively short time. If women have a low level of DHEA C hormone, then this could be due to some reason related to adrenal dysfunction. Thus, to correct the situation, you need to get rid of the problem. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of doctors, since depending on the case, several options may be available to solve the problem.

    First of all, experts try to find out what exactly caused the decline. This may not only be a problem in the adrenal glands, but the ovaries are also involved in producing the hormone. Accordingly, when critical low rates the problem may lie in several places at the same time. Only after a detailed analysis can you prescribe treatment and select a way to increase DHEA.

    One of the most simple ways An increase in the amount of the hormone in the body is to take it in supplements and other medications. They contain a substance that helps maintain the level at the required position. Sometimes this helps restore its natural production to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, as well as other types of diseases. Along with taking medications, the glands that produce the hormone can be treated.

    Although taking medication is a very effective way to increase the hormone DHEA, it can become dangerous due to incorrect dosage. After all, an increased level may turn out to be even more dangerous than a decreased level and rapid excess of the norm due to uncontrolled intake. The drugs are available with different dosage, so it will not be difficult for the doctor to select the exact dosage. Here you should also take into account why exactly you are taking it, since if it is impossible to get pregnant, sometimes low levels of DHEA are discovered and then it can be taken in combination with other medications.

    Unlike some other hormones, DHEA levels cannot be increased proper nutrition, good sleep, absence of depression and other similar things. It requires more serious approaches. This applies even to those cases where the deviations are minor, but still fall below the accepted norm.

    DHEA hormone during pregnancy

    Adrenogenital syndrome is directly related to a violation of the hormonal function of the adrenal glands due to a deficiency of C21-hydroxylase in the body. Experts distinguish several forms of this syndrome - classic congenital, as well as pubertal and postpubertal (the last two forms are milder).

    How does DHEA affect pregnancy: hormone norms

    The hormone DHEA sulfate during pregnancy promotes the production of placental estrogens. If the hormone increases excessively, placental insufficiency may occur. If the hormone is low, there is a risk of infectious intrauterine disease in pregnant women.

    In general, DHEA sulfate levels are reduced during pregnancy. The hormone norm in pregnant women is 0.3 - 4.6 mg/l.

    Table: Norm of DHEA during pregnancy

    Treatment of adrenogenital syndrome in pregnant patients or those wishing to become pregnant

    Patients with this syndrome who want to conceive a child are usually prescribed glucocorticoids. They are designed to correct the hormonal function of the adrenal glands. For example, a doctor may prescribe dexamethasone in a dosage of 0.25 to 0.5 milligrams. Taking this drug requires constant monitoring of the content of androgens and their metabolic products, so tests will have to be taken frequently.

    Evidence that the prescribed course is effective will be:

    • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
    • the occurrence of ovulation cycles;
    • onset of pregnancy.

    It should be noted that glucocorticoid therapy during pregnancy is also justified. But it is relevant to continue it only until the 13th week. By this time, the placenta is formed, and then it is it that maintains the level of hormones necessary for the development of the fetus.

    A pregnant girl needs especially careful monitoring during the first three months. During this time (up to 9 weeks) it is necessary to constantly measure basal temperature, and once every 14 days you need to undergo an ultrasound examination to measure the tone of the myometrium and signs of detachment of the fertilized egg.

    If a woman has experienced spontaneous miscarriages in the past, she is prescribed medications containing estrogen. They improve blood supply to the embryo. In this case, we are talking specifically about drugs such as Microfollin (prescribed 0.25-0.5 milligrams per day) or Proginova ( daily dose Proginova 1-2 milligrams, prescribed only if there is pain in the lower abdomen and bloody discharge from the genital tract).

    To treat so-called miscarriage in women with adrenogenital syndrome, doctors actively use the natural progesterone analog duphaston. The required dosage of this drug is from 20 to 60 milligrams per day, administration is relevant only in the 1st-2nd trimester, but not later. In addition, duphaston is also effective for the treatment of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, which often accompanies adrenogenital syndrome.

    If the patient cannot become pregnant (she does not ovulate), it is recommended to take clomiphene in parallel with glucocorticoid treatment. This is a means to stimulate ovulation. The usual scheme here is this: from the fifth to the ninth or from the third to the seventh day of the cycle, you need to take from 50 to 100 milligrams of clomiphene.

    According to patient reviews, pregnancy almost always occurs after taking DHEA. You can buy the hormone at any pharmacy.

    Treatment of women not interested in pregnancy

    It happens that women with the syndrome come with complaints of excessive growth of terminal hair (hirsutism), irregular menstruation and purulent skin rashes.

    In such cases, doctors prescribe medications that contain significant amounts of antiandrogens and estrogens. For example, the drug Diana-35 is often prescribed. Along with it, in the first 10 days, to reduce the manifestations of hirsutism, it is important to take cyproterone acetate (it can be found in the pharmacy under the name Androkur;). The required dosage is 25-50 milligrams per day. When taking Diane-35 for six months, there will definitely be an effect. But, alas, when the medication ends, the symptoms of hyperandrogenism appear again, since this therapy, unfortunately, cannot eliminate their cause (the syndrome itself).

    The following types of hormonal contraceptives also have a powerful antiandrogenic effect:

    • three-phase;
    • monophasic.

    The former must include progestins latest generation(desogestrel, norgestimate and gestodene). And as an example of a monophasic contraceptive effective for adrenogenital syndrome, one can name Mercilon.

    And here long-term use(more than a year without interruption) single-phase hormonal contraceptives containing Marvelon or Femoden is fraught with complications: the patient may experience amenorrhea.

    Of the non-hormonal drugs, for example, veroshpiron is effective, which, when taken systemically for six months or more, actually reduces the manifestations of hirsutism.

    And one last thing. For patients who do not want to become pregnant and suffer only from a mild postpubertal form of the syndrome (when external manifestations hyperandrogenism is moderate when menstrual cycle, although not stable, it occurs without too long delays), hormone therapy considered unnecessary and undesirable.

    Attention! Self-medication and self-diagnosis are dangerous to health! In case of any disease, you should first of all contact a specialist doctor and consult with him!

    DHEA to improve egg quality before IVF

    When difficulties arise with conceiving, IVF becomes a very popular way to get pregnant among couples and single women who want to give birth to a child themselves. Before this procedure, several types of preparation are used to improve the genetic material that is taken from the woman, as well as to provoke increased egg production.

    Why should you take DHEA to improve egg quality before IVF?

    Taking medications that contain DHEA is almost always prescribed by doctors before IVF. This is not the only medication that is used here, since a whole range of drugs may be required to normalize hormones and make their background more acceptable for conception.

    Before IVF, DHEA helps increase the chance of pregnancy and egg quality. The appointment begins several weeks before the procedure. At this time, the state of the hormone in the body is also monitored, since exceeding the norm will also become a bad thing, as will its decrease. The better the genetic material, the higher the chance of getting pregnant. Eco does not provide a 100% guarantee even when three embryos are placed in the womb of the expectant mother. Most often, only 1 is accepted or not at all. The chance of having triplets is only 3%.

    IVF protocols are not cheap and it is better to prepare well by taking hormones to increase the chance of conceiving the first time. Naturally, everything here happens on an individual basis and for each case you need to conduct your own tests in order to prescribe the necessary drugs.
