Diagnosis and treatment of alcohol poisoning. What stages does the body go through? Methyl alcohol poisoning

Poisoning can be caused by alcohol if it is of poor quality or consumed in large quantities. Other reasons alcohol poisoning- young or elderly age, individual intolerance and pathologies for which drinking alcohol is prohibited.

Alcohol poisoning involves a complex of symptoms of intoxication when the toxic substance is ethyl alcohol and its metabolites. If a person has taken a surrogate, then the poisoning ceases to be alcoholic: alcohol substitutes, in addition to ethyl alcohol, contain other poisons (acetone, methyl alcohol, antifreeze, brake fluid).

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

First, understand the effect of alcohol on a person. This will help identify symptoms of alcohol poisoning.

The result of drinking alcoholic beverages is intoxication. Increasing intoxication usually leads to alcohol poisoning.

To the primary signs Alcohol poisoning includes emotional arousal: the initial state is perceived by a person as inspiration and “omnipotence.” A fairly drunk person begins to talk a lot, his sayings are categorical.

To secondary signs include gradual disruption of the central nervous system and brain. As a result, manifestations of disinhibition arise: judgments become bold and illogical, behavior changes to cheeky or aggressive. Body movements become clumsy and incoherent. As alcohol intoxication increases, stupor quickly develops: the person does not perceive reality and does not react to irritation. The end result condition is coma.

Typical symptoms are varied and depend on the degree of alcohol poisoning (mild, moderate, severe or coma). From the outside gastrointestinal tract the same symptoms appear as in food poisoning: diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting. Other body systems react to alcohol intoxication in a different way:

  • disturbance of attention, speech, motor-motor function;
  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • decreased blood pressure and body temperature, increased heart rate;
  • dizziness, weakness;
  • increased urine and;
  • dilated pupils, redness of the face.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

First aid for alcohol poisoning is to clear the stomach of harmful impurities alcohol and disinfect. General recommendations:

  1. Allow the victim to breathe ammonia. To do this, moisten a cotton pad or gauze with it and bring it to the nose of the poisoned person. This will sober him up a little or bring him to consciousness. If ammonia is not at hand, use any substance with pungent odor(for example, vinegar or horseradish).
  2. If the poisoned person is conscious, rinse the stomach. Prepare a non-concentrated soda solution (1 teaspoon per liter of water) in an amount of 3-5 liters. Induce vomiting by mechanically acting on the root of the tongue. After the procedure, give any adsorbent (

With the systematic consumption of alcohol in large doses, it accumulates and has a toxic effect on all organs, which causes poisoning of the body. The degree of its severity and treatment depend on many factors, and, first of all, on how much alcohol was drunk, as well as on its quality. The first signs of alcohol intoxication appear if the alcohol content in the blood exceeds 0.3-0.4 ppm. Severe poisoning can be fatal.

Stages of alcohol poisoning and their characteristic symptoms

Alcohol intoxication is divided into 3 stages according to severity:

Initial - blood alcohol content is 0.5-1.5 ppm;

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Moderate - up to 3 ppm;

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The next day after drinking alcohol, do you feel like you have a hangover?

Which system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

Do you think the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol are sufficient?

Extremely heavy - more than 3 ppm.

Signs of moderate intoxication

When drinking alcohol, intoxication at the initial and middle stages in a person is manifested by the following symptoms:

The consequences that come with this, intoxication and its symptoms, are unpleasant, but fixable. If you take measures to cleanse yourself from alcohol and carry out treatment, then after a few hours or days the person returns to a normal state.

How long this will take depends on his health and stamina. What matters first is:

  • amount of alcohol consumed;
  • how long does a person drink alcohol?

For the same amount of alcohol consumed, symptoms will be more severe in a thin person than in a heavyset person. A woman gets drunk faster than a man from drinking alcohol. This is due to the peculiarity female body. lasts longer, alcohol is eliminated from the body more slowly, therefore, for the “fairer sex” the hangover lasts longer.

If after the stage causing poisoning moderate severity, a person drinks more alcohol (for example, in order to alleviate his suffering according to the principle of “knocks out a wedge with a wedge”), then alcohol intoxication of the third stage occurs. Urgent treatment is required.

Signs of severe alcohol intoxication

In this case, intoxication is manifested by the following signs:

This condition is already dangerous, since there is a high probability of complete loss of consciousness and falling into a coma. Here everything depends on how strong a person’s heart is and how urgently treatment is started. If a person is in a coma, he needs emergency resuscitation care.

How much alcohol do you need to drink for severe poisoning to occur? For a person who drinks alcohol only on holidays, in small quantities, it is enough to drink 150 g of pure alcohol (1 half-liter bottle of vodka) for him to fall into a coma, when he will have to be urgently rescued in the hospital.

What is coma and what are its signs?

Usually occurs when an overdose of alcohol occurs. In case of overdose, intoxication leads to a sharp decline blood pressure, fainting occurs. The only thing that can save him after this is emergency treatment. Coma occurs especially often in young people, teenagers who, having no experience of drinking alcohol, try to assert themselves in this way and drink a critical dose. Sometimes teenagers drink 1 glass of alcohol “for a dare.”

Coma is negative reaction brain for alcohol. Some people have an intolerance to alcohol, and intoxication can occur from a smaller amount of alcohol. It will probably end in death.

Signs of a coma are as follows:

  • At the first (superficial) stage, a person’s face turns blue, temperature and pressure drop, and cold sweat. Poisoning leads to increased heart rate and tense muscles. The person loses consciousness, but may still react to ammonia and moan;
  • At the second stage, breathing becomes rare and intermittent. The pulse is weak, there is no consciousness, movement of the limbs is impossible, the muscles relax. The pupils do not react to light. Involuntary urination occurs;
  • The third stage is a “deep” coma. The pulse is threadlike, the pressure is critically low, the pain reflex and reaction to light are completely absent. The face takes on a gray tint. There is no reaction to ammonia. If treatment arrives on time and the person can be saved, the consequences may be irreparable: renal failure, swelling, a stroke may occur.

Treatment for alcohol poisoning

What to do if there is an overdose of alcohol?

In the hospital, first of all, a person is brought to consciousness and given drugs that stimulate the heart and blood circulation. They cleanse the stomach and give diuretics. To cleanse the blood, a solution containing glucose, vitamins and sodium chloride is injected into the patient using a dropper.

At the same time, if intoxication is extreme, drugs are administered that enhance the production of enzymes that break down toxins to speed up detoxification. Hepatoprotectors (means to protect liver cells) are used, as well as psychotropic drugs, normalizing mental and emotional condition person.

Consequences of chronic intoxication

Chronic alcohol intoxication, which occurs during alcoholism, leads to irreversible changes in the state of all body systems. The consequences are irreversible and depend on how long the “alcohol experience” is.

What to do to reduce the likelihood of poisoning

In some situations, it is impossible to avoid drinking large amounts of alcohol. Therefore, in order to prevent health complications that are possible with alcohol intoxication, it is necessary to take measures in advance to protect the body. It is recommended to do the following before the feast:

  • Drink several tablets of activated carbon in advance;
  • Before drinking alcohol, drink 1-2 glasses of milk;
  • You need to eat a bowl of porridge to keep your stomach full. Drink on empty stomach very harmful, since alcohol is absorbed faster, poisoning lasts longer.

Taking vitamins (C and group B) will support the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

You should try not to mix alcoholic drinks (vodka with beer or champagne), since a mixture of weak and strong alcoholic drinks is more difficult to eliminate than each of them separately.

During the feast you need to drink a lot of plain or mineral water without gas to avoid dehydration. Sweet and carbonated drinks, no matter how much you drink, do not save you from thirst.

Alcohol intoxication - wide range psychophysiological disorders caused by the action of ethyl alcohol and its breakdown products when consuming large amounts of alcohol and systematic abuse of alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol intoxication is poisoning of the body by the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol.

Causes and risk factors

There is only one reason for alcohol intoxication – excessive alcohol consumption. Normally, two types of liver enzymes with different metabolic activities are responsible for the breakdown of ethyl alcohol molecules - alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. Alcohol dehydrogenase oxidizes ethanol to acetaldehyde, which is further metabolized by acetaldehyde dehydrogenase to harmless acetic acid.

The efficiency of ethanol breakdown varies widely depending on genetic factors, gender, age, health, body type and environmental conditions. The lower the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, the stronger the individual's predisposition to alcoholism and alcohol intoxication. The action of enzymes weakens against the background of malnutrition, chronic stress, lack of sleep, high strength and low quality alcohol, etc. As a result, the concentration of pure ethanol and acetaldehyde in the bloodstream quickly reaches critical level, as a result of which signs of intoxication appear even when consuming small doses of alcohol.

In men, the content of alcohol dehydrogenase is on average higher than in women, and in children and adolescents it is an order of magnitude lower than in adults. Ethnicity also matters: in some peoples, more advantageous combinations of alleles of genes encoding the structure of alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase are more common, while in others, genetic combinations are less successful.

Acute alcohol poisoning can cause exacerbations chronic diseases, hypertensive crises And acute disorders cerebral circulation.


Depending on the nature and duration of alcohol consumption, acute and chronic forms of alcohol intoxication are distinguished. When a large amount of alcohol enters the body one time in a person who does not regularly drink alcohol, acute alcohol intoxication occurs, in which pathological process localized primarily in the nervous system.

Occasionally, when drinking alcohol, even in insignificant quantities, some people develop pathological intoxication, characterized by a complete loss of self-control and a rapid increase in psychotic symptoms. The patient may be haunted by hallucinations, in some cases unmotivated aggression. Being in an altered state of consciousness, the patient may commit an offense. The attack ends deep sleep, and after waking up the person does not remember what happened.

Against the background of long-term alcoholism, dangerous pathological condition– chronic alcohol intoxication, accompanied by damage internal organs and systems. Typical manifestations of chronic alcohol intoxication include:

  • tremor;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system;
  • chronic hepatitis and pancreatitis;
  • cerebrovascular accidents – up to cerebral ischemia and micro-strokes;
  • alcoholic encephalopathy;
  • delirious disorders.
Against the background of chronic alcohol intoxication, in some cases alcoholic epilepsy and delirium develop - an acute psychotic state accompanied by delusions, stereotypies and frightening hallucinations, which is popularly called delirium tremens.


Depending on the concentration of pure ethanol in the bloodstream, three degrees of acute alcohol intoxication are distinguished.

  1. Blood alcohol content is less than 0.2%. Manifestations of intoxication are similar signs of lung intoxication, medical assistance is usually not required.
  2. The blood alcohol level rises to 0.2–0.3%. Signs of damage to the central nervous system are increasing: coordination of movements sharply deteriorates, speech becomes incoherent and illegible, facial expressions lose expressiveness; dizziness and double vision appear; After an attack, a hangover syndrome develops.
  3. When the ethanol content in the blood exceeds 0.3%, the patient’s life is threatened. Due to severe depression of central nervous system functions, respiratory disturbances and arrhythmia are observed; there is a high probability of developing alcoholic coma and cardiac arrest.

Signs of acute alcohol intoxication, mild and medium degree many are familiar with firsthand:

  • euphoria and emotional disinhibition;
  • facial hyperemia;
  • sweating;
  • muscle tremors;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dilated pupils;
  • increased thirst;
  • dizziness and severe headaches;
  • inhibited facial expressions and gestures;
  • fluent, unintelligible speech;
  • impaired concentration and slow reaction;
  • uncoordinated movements and unsteady gait;
  • loss of ability to objectively assess the situation.

Children can be exposed to alcohol intoxication even in the prenatal period. Regular use alcohol consumption by a pregnant woman leads to systemic disorders intrauterine development fetus


With timely assistance acute poisoning alcohol ends in recovery even in cases where there was alcoholic coma. At chronic form the prognosis depends on the patient’s motivation to fight alcoholism and the depth of damage to internal organs.


Absolute protection against alcohol poisoning is provided only by complete failure from its use, however, the majority of the population does not consider this option due to cultural traditions. To reduce harmful effect ethanol for nervous system It is recommended to limit yourself to minimal portions of alcohol, avoid drinking low-quality alcohol and not mixing different drinks. Considering that during hypoglycemia, the efficiency of ethanol utilization is an order of magnitude lower than normal, you should avoid drinking on an empty stomach, and during a feast, combine alcoholic drinks with foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates. IN stressful situations, after past diseases and at severe fatigue It is better to abstain from alcohol - the body’s reaction to alcohol in such cases can be unpredictable.

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Alcohol poisoning in Russia is the most common among other poisonings. To her share, among deaths, accounting for about 60%. More most of deaths occur before rendering medical care in 95% - 98% of cases.

Most alcoholic drinks contain ethanol (ethyl alcohol). This Chemical substance, it is colorless, volatile, flammable, quickly spreads throughout the body and is absorbed into the blood, penetrating through membranes.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

Alcohol poisoning is divided into 3 types according to the condition:

Alcohol intoxication (mild, moderate, severe, coma)

Not a major disturbance of consciousness, initially an elevated mood and excitement appear, then a slowdown in activity and excitement begins, a depressed state comes next, the person’s consciousness slows down, becomes sleepy and sluggish.

  • Alcohol poisoning
  • The state is lethargic, lethargic, drowsy, coma develops.
  • Alcohol intoxication
  • Toxic effect of ethanol breakdown products on the human body.

Organ damage and its symptoms:

Gastrointestinal tract - lesions of the gastric mucosa and small intestine, diarrhea occurs due to impaired absorption of water and minerals, as well as fats, with a decrease in the amount of the enzyme that is responsible for the absorption of lactose. Symptoms of intoxication occur in the form of nausea and vomiting with a toxic effect on the nervous system. When the nervous system is damaged, bretina, hallucinations, mental agitation, impaired coordination, attention, memory, speech, and impaired thermoregulation occur. The pupils dilate.

The effect of ethanol occurs on the nervous system, and metabolism is disrupted nerve cells with the emergence oxygen starvation. Intoxication of ethanol breakdown products affects ketone bodies, acetate, and acetaldehyde.

When ethanol affects the heart vascular system, the heartbeat quickens, blood pressure drops, dizziness and loss of strength occur, while the skin turns pale and the face turns red.

The respiratory system is affected causing metabolic disorders with the development of cerebral edema. An acute respiratory failure, the tongue sinks in with a reflex spasm of the larynx. Breathing becomes rapid.

Damage to the kidneys by ethanol and a violation of the water-salt balance, while the symptoms of alcohol poisoning manifest themselves in the form frequent urination or rare urination, to the point of its absence. This happens due to a decrease in the secretion of hormones from the hypothalamus, which retains water. Ethanol is able to remove from the body all mineral substances necessary for humans (potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc.), absorption into the intestines is disrupted and a deficiency of vitamins and minerals occurs. In some cases, ethanol damages the kidney structure.

Damage to the liver and its cells leads to impairment intracellular metabolism substances, pain appears in the right hypochondrium, and sometimes jaundice of the skin appears.

Severe alcohol poisoning

IN severe cases With alcohol poisoning, a person falls into a coma. Ethanol can cause whom if its concentration in the blood reaches 3 g per liter of blood.

Who is divided into 2 phases:

Deep coma - loss of consciousness, complete absence to external stimuli, loss of reflexes, pain, decrease in body temperature. The skin is pale to bluish in color, low blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, deep breathing.

Superficial coma– loss of consciousness, decreased sensitivity, floating movement eyeballs, while one pupil is larger than the other. There is a reaction to external stimuli with facial expressions, the eyes are often reddish in color. Breathing and heartbeat are rapid, and profuse salivation is also noticed.

The effect of alcohol on the body

The severity of alcohol poisoning may depend on various factors.

1 Amount of alcohol consumed:

If a person drinks a large amount of alcohol at one time, his liver does not have time to process the alcohol. And ethanol accumulates in the blood, while destroying important organs for life, such as the brain, kidneys, liver, stomach, heart, etc.

A healthy liver of a person whose weight is approximately 75-85 kg is capable of processing only 8 grams of pure alcohol in one hour (100 ml of vodka contains 31 grams of pure alcohol.) Therefore, even 100 grams per hour is already great amount for the organs of our system.

With all this, alcohol will have the worst effect on children and the elderly, since the mechanisms in children are not yet fully formed, and in the elderly, the mechanisms do not do their job as well.

2 Much depends on genetic predisposition, some absorb alcohol quickly, others slowly, some have low activity of the enzyme that is responsible for processing ethanol, others have the opposite. Intoxication occurs when the breakdown product of ethanol, acetaldehyde, accumulates in the blood. In addition, a person's health factors will affect them, for example if they already have healthy liver, kidneys, diseases diabetes mellitus or other diseases. Lifestyle is also important, for example pregnancy, malnutrition, overwork, and can also affect the absorption of alcohol.

3 Everyone knows that alcoholic drinks cannot be mixed with medications, since the effect of alcohol only worsens, especially for antipsychotics, tranquilizers, antidepressants and other neuropsychiatric drugs. While taking conventional medications, ethanol will only muffle their effects and will be of no use.

This also includes taking various supplements, in which, toxic effects alcohol increases. Additives include (methyl alcohol, aldehydes, furfural, ethylene glycol, etc.).

4 For quite a short time Half of the taken dose of alcohol is already absorbed into the blood (about 15-20 minutes), so drinking it on an empty stomach only aggravates the effect; however, when taking alcohol and carbohydrate foods at the same time, it significantly reduces the rate of absorption of ethanol into the blood.

In general, with large and frequent consumption of alcohol, the heart may not be able to stand it and the person will simply die; such cases occur every year. Especially cases after drinking alcohol in the form of cologne, lotion, troy, hawthorn and similar substances. Methyl alcohol, which is contained in these liquids, is oxidized in the body to formaldehyde and formic acid, which cause severe intoxication on the body. After which it begins headache, nausea, abdominal pain, double vision, spots, fog, to the point of blindness. It is especially striking optic nerve and the retina of the eye. If for a long time in case of poisoning, the pupil is dilated, this is a symptom of unfavorable consequences. Death occurs when breathing, heart failure, or cerebral paralysis occur.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

Position the patient correctly, on his side Ensure patency respiratory tract If your tongue is stuck, straighten it, or press the tongue with your fingers, a spoon, do whatever you can to prevent it from sticking. Using a rubber bulb, remove the contents oral cavity, this is mucus, salivation, remnants of vomit. At profuse salivation give intravenous atropine 1.0-0.1% This is the most common reason death if the tongue or other contents interfere with proper breathing.

If breathing has stopped, you need to perform a heart massage - 2 breaths and 30 presses. chest(is a cycle of resuscitation actions) Repeat until breathing appears. The clicks must be effective. This method is able to reactivate the cardiac and respiratory systems.

The classic way to bring the patient to consciousness is to bring a cotton swab with ammonia at a distance of 1 cm. It stimulates respiratory organs, awakening them.

If the patient is conscious, give him the opportunity to clear his stomach by drinking a saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt per 200 ml). It is effective in the first hours. Next, take ipecac root (200 ml per 2 teaspoons), it can cause vomiting, this is necessary to cleanse the stomach. If possible, perform gastric lavage through an umbrella (the water can be salted per 1 liter of water, 1 teaspoon)

Since alcohol causes dilation of peripheral blood vessels, the body loses heat. Therefore, try to warm the patient.

Medicines for poisoning

White coal: 3-4 tablets, up to 3-4 times a day

Enterosgel: 6 tablespoons, once

Polysorb: Adults 2-3 tablespoons, place in ¼-½ glass of water.

Activated carbon: 1 gram per 10 kg of patient weight, 1 tablet. =0.25 gr. Average daily dose 20-30 gr., 80-120 tab.

Metadoxil: dose 300-600 mg (5-10ml), intramuscularly; Or add 300-900 mg of metadoxyl to 500 ml of saline solution or 5% glucose solution and administer intravenously over 90 minutes.

What's so bad? There’s no point in mixing, just drink one!

Alcohol poisoning is not uncommon, and most people still do not know how to act correctly in this case. A comrade who has had too much is usually simply put to bed, without thinking about what ethyl alcohol intoxication might lead to in the near future. Alcohol intoxication has insidious consequences, which in some cases are fatal.

If you feel sick in the morning from alcohol: what to do

Quickly to the pharmacy, buy sorbex and betargin. Drink 3 sorbex tablets then dilute 1 ampoule of betargin (drinking ampoule) in half a glass of water room temperature and also have a drink. Afterward, drink highly carbonated water. All symptoms will disappear in 2-3 hours. I checked it myself))

Well, the most ancient way

  1. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: profuse vomiting, diarrhea, spasmodic pain in the abdomen, hypersalivation;
  2. Loss of coordination of movements, accompanied by headache, severe dizziness;
  3. Damage to the blood vessels of the sclera of the eye: lacrimation, redness of the eyes, painful reaction to light;
  4. Chills, tremors of extremities, difficulty breathing;
  5. Promotion blood pressure, rapid pulse.
  6. Loss of consciousness;
  7. Involuntary urination or defecation;
  8. Muffled heart sounds, severe bradycardia;
  9. Cyanosis skin, coldness of the extremities due to disruption of the functioning of the heart and normal blood flow.

Alcohol intoxication is sometimes confused with the banal alcohol intoxication, which is most often due to people's lack of awareness of the difference between them.

  • Feeling of euphoria, liberation;
  • Impaired coordination of movements;
  • Speech becomes slurred, fast, loud;
  • A person under the influence of alcohol increases his physical and mental capabilities, gets involved in conflicts and discussions;
  • A sparkle appears in the eyes;
  • The sense of proportion is dulled.

Intoxication – light form intoxication, which usually ends in a hangover and headache, but also causes enormous harm to health due to the death of nerve cells.

Acute alcohol poisoning is a serious threat to human life and therefore requires immediate treatment.

Treatment of alcohol intoxication is aimed at removing the toxic substance from the body, normalizing blood pressure, pulse rate and respiration.

Alcohol poisoning: treatment at home using traditional methods

Alcohol poisoning, treating it at home using well-known folk methods, allows you to avoid dangerous consequences toxic effects of ethyl alcohol components on the body. If you suspect alcohol poisoning, you should not put the victim to sleep, because in a dream a person can die from asphyxia by vomit, from cardiac or respiratory arrest.

What to do in case of alcohol poisoning:

  • Force the victim to drink at least a liter clean water with the addition of 1 tablespoon table salt, then press with your fingers or a spoon on the root of the tongue, thus inducing vomiting. These activities can be stopped only after vomiting is represented only by clean water. This way you will help the victim get rid of toxins, which will significantly alleviate his condition;
  • If the poisoned person has severe chills, you can warm him up with a light blanket or blanket;
  • If a person is unconscious, it is worth turning him on his side to prevent inhalation of vomit and tongue retraction;
  • Call an ambulance.

When alcohol poisoning occurs, the body loses water, so you need to replenish your water balance.

What to drink to prevent dehydration:

  1. Warm tea with lemon. It is undesirable to drink coffee, because caffeine leads to a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, which aggravates the process of intoxication;
  2. Mineral water;
  3. Brine (this drink has a high concentration of salt);
  4. Milk.

Treatment after alcohol poisoning is aimed at restoring normal vital functions body. You can’t “treat” weakly alcoholic drinks. For several days, it is advisable for the victim to sleep a lot, drink a large number of liquids and saline solutions (normohydron, rehydron). To completely remove toxins, you can use adsorbents: Activated carbon, smecta, enterosgel.

First aid for alcohol poisoning, algorithm of actions

First aid for alcohol poisoning can be provided independently. To do this you will need: clean water, table salt, soda, activated carbon.

In case of alcohol poisoning, you need to follow the algorithm:

  1. Remove a toxic substance from the body. To do this, induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue with your fingers or a spoon;
  2. To disinfect the stomach and slow down the absorption of alcoholic products, it is worth giving the victim something to drink. saline solution(add 1 tablespoon per liter of water table salt and ½ teaspoon of soda);
  3. Adsorb the remains of the toxic component. To do this, you should drink activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight;
  4. For severe headaches, apply a compress of damp cloth to the back of the head and ventilate the room well;
  5. After the activities have been completed, calm down and put the alcohol victim to sleep.

Poisoning with alcohol surrogates, how to recognize low-quality alcohol

Poisoning with alcohol substitutes is common, so you should be especially careful when choosing alcoholic beverages. IN food purposes It is relatively safe for humans to consume alcohol made from ethyl alcohol. “Underground” drinks are made from industrial alcohol (methyl alcohol), which cannot be processed by the human liver due to the lack of an enzyme that breaks it down.

It is impossible to treat poisoning with surrogate alcohol at home, so if you suspect intoxication with “scorched” alcohol, you must call an ambulance.

How to recognize low-quality alcohol:

  • A good drink cannot be cheap, so there is no need to buy alcohol online or on special offer;
  • A factory bottle must have excise taxes;
  • If you feel that you are getting drunk very quickly when drinking a questionable alcoholic drink, urgently rinse your stomach and call an ambulance;
  • It is difficult to distinguish low-quality alcohol by taste, but methyl alcohol gives off a sharp alcoholic smell. Cognac, whiskey and quality wines do not smell of alcohol.

Activated carbon for alcohol poisoning, the role of adsorbents in the treatment of alcohol intoxication

Activated carbon for alcohol poisoning perfect assistant for adsorption and timely removal of the toxic substance. The use of activated carbon cannot cause harm to health and has a minimum of contraindications. Coal is in every first aid kit, it is cheap, what does this drug widely available, but no less effective.

In case of alcohol poisoning, it is advisable to take the adsorbent after gastric lavage, since activated carbon helps to weaken the urge to vomit. To achieve the desired effect, you should drink at least 5 tablets of coal.

Alcohol poisoning pills, how they work

Tablets for alcohol poisoning are divided into groups according to their ability to eliminate the symptoms of alcohol intoxication:

  • Adsorbing agents such as activated carbon, smecta, polysorb have enveloping and adsorbing properties, which helps eliminate discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract. Such medicines are sold without a doctor’s prescription, are found in almost every home, and do not have a harmful effect on the body;

  • An anti-nausea remedy is validol. Its effect is due to the high concentration of menthol, which has an inhibitory effect on the vomiting center in the brain. There are other antiemetic drugs (metoclopramide, cerucal), but they can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription;

  • Painkillers are necessary for victims of alcohol intoxication due to the development of severe headaches. Aspirin upsa (soluble effervescent tablet) is best suited for this purpose. However, this drug is contraindicated in people suffering from peptic ulcer stomach;
  • Complex antioxidants for ethyl alcohol poisoning: zorex (is an antioxidant, hepatorotector, promotes rapid excretion of ethyl alcohol products in the urine); biotredin.

Vodka poisoning, how not to get poisoned during a celebration

Vodka poisoning most often occurs due to a person’s lack of sense of proportion. The amount of vodka that can cause alcohol intoxication varies from person to person, so it is better to adhere to the following rule: drink 50 grams of vodka per hour. This way you can avoid a hangover in the morning, and at the party you will be cheerful and at the same time remain in adequate condition.

It is easier to get poisoned with cognac than with other alcoholic drinks, because high-quality cognac contains a small amount of methyl alcohol, which is extremely toxic to the human body. It is not advisable to consume such a drink in an evening in quantities exceeding 100 grams.

To avoid poisoning from wine, you should not mix this low-proof drink with others (vodka, beer, champagne). At a table with a lot of fruits and meat dishes, you can allow yourself about 300 grams of this noble drink and not worry about the consequences.

To be poisoned by low-quality alcohol, 50 grams will be enough. If you are not sure of the quality of an alcoholic drink, it is better not to drink it at all.

What to drink if you have alcohol poisoning to feel better

What to drink if you have alcohol poisoning to quickly recover from severe intoxication:

  1. Enterosgel is an adsorbent drug that binds toxic complexes of ethyl alcohol products and naturally removes them from the body. Also this remedy has enveloping and anti-inflammatory properties on the stomach wall irritated by alcohol toxins;

  1. Regidron is a drug that restores natural water salt balance body. Thirst after drinking excess alcohol is caused by dehydration, which leads to alcohol consumption. Rehydron is available in powder form, which is diluted in a liter of clean water. A person who has been poisoned by alcohol should drink a rehydron solution within several hours after the first symptoms of intoxication appear.

Vomiting due to alcohol poisoning: why it occurs, how to stop it

Vomiting in case of alcohol poisoning is a natural protective reaction of the body aimed at cleansing the body of a toxic substance. Vomiting undigested food and alcohol should not cause you any concern. To speed up the process of cleansing the stomach, you should drink 0.5-1 liter of water with salt. If the vomiting becomes mucous, bitter, and does not stop long time, it is worth contacting a specialized medical institution, to provide emergency assistance. Vomiting bile indicates that alcohol consumption has disrupted the functioning of the liver and bile ducts.

How to stop vomiting in case of poisoning:

  • Wash your face cold water, go to Fresh air;
  • Drink coating agent such as enterosgel or smecta;
  • Place a validol tablet under your tongue;
  • Drink warm tea with lemon or milk.

If the above measures do not help, you should contact specialized assistance in hospital.

Remedy for alcohol poisoning: traditional methods of treatment

After a successful holiday, many are looking for the ideal remedy for alcohol poisoning. Certainly, the best remedy from this illness a sober lifestyle. But there are some easy ones folk recipes, allowing you to relieve headaches, relieve nausea and weakness after a feast.
Traditional recipes for hangovers:

  1. Drink 1 - 1.5 liters of cucumber pickle in the morning on an empty stomach, which will restore the salt balance in the body and start working digestive system, will ease headaches;
  2. Drink a raw egg, after shaking it with a few drops of vinegar and a pinch of salt;
  3. Prepare black tea with milk and sugar. Milk will relieve stomach pain and the urge to vomit, while glucose will launch mental activity and give energy;
  4. Take a cool shower, but do not wash with too cold water to avoid vasospasm.

It is better not to treat severe alcohol poisoning on your own; perhaps you have come across low-quality alcohol, the intoxication from which can only be eliminated by a specialist.

Methyl alcohol poisoning: how to recognize and treat

Poisoning methyl alcohol It is very dangerous, since, unlike ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol is a purely technical liquid, which, when consumed by a person, is converted into formic acid, which can destroy almost all organs and tissues of the body.

In appearance, color and smell, ethyl and methyl alcohols are almost identical, so it is almost impossible to distinguish them. To protect yourself from drinking industrial alcohol, you should purchase only high-quality alcoholic beverages in specialized stores.

Signs of poisoning:

  1. Acute abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting;
  2. Flashing of flies before the eyes, short-term loss of vision;
  3. Rapid intoxication, aggression, which are sharply replaced by weakness, apathy and drowsiness.
  4. Increased heart rate, sharp drop in blood pressure;
  5. Excessive drooling;
  6. Loss of consciousness.

If you notice the following symptoms, you should take immediate action:

  • Call an ambulance;
  • Rinse the stomach with saline solution or clean water;
  • Drink activated carbon.

Ethyl alcohol poisoning is nothing more than banal alcohol poisoning. Intoxication can develop due to excessive consumption of alcohol or due to individual intolerance to alcohol by a certain person.

How to avoid ethanol poisoning:

  • If you drink alcohol, you should have a snack oily fish or meat dishes and vegetable salads, which will allow ethyl alcohol absorbed more slowly;
  • Do not drink alcohol with carbonated drinks;
  • Do not mix different types alcoholic drinks (for example, champagne and vodka);
  • Don't drink alcohol if you know you have an intolerance.

Acute alcohol poisoning can be fatal, so do not think that uncontrollable vomiting, spasmodic headache or loss of consciousness is not a reason to see a doctor. You can try to eliminate unpleasant symptoms at home, but if there is no proper result, a visit to the doctor will not hurt you.

Signs of ethyl alcohol poisoning:

  • severe vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, drooling and watery eyes;
  • severe loss of coordination of movements;
  • memory loss;
  • involuntary urination and defecation;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • loss of vision, flickering of spots before the eyes;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • loss of consciousness.

Poisoning with ammonia is quite rare, since ammonia most often used in medical practice.

Ammonia - irritant, which is used to revive a patient who is losing consciousness. The pungent ammonia smell irritates the human nervous system, which brings him out of unconsciousness.

Typically, ammonia poisoning develops through prolonged inhalation of its vapors and is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • burning in the throat, dry, severe cough;
  • dizziness, disorientation in space;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • lacrimation;
  • nausea, profuse vomiting;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • double vision, short-term loss of vision;
  • hallucinations;
  • hot flashes, increased sweating.

Help for ammonia poisoning:

  1. take the victim out into the fresh air or open the windows in the room;
  2. stop human contact with the toxic substance;
  3. wash with cool water, rinse your mouth and nose with water;
  4. at in serious condition the victim, call an ambulance.

It is strictly forbidden to take ammonia orally, as it destroys the walls of the stomach and destroys cells of the liver, kidneys, and circulatory system.

If ammonia gets inside, you need to:

  1. urgently call a doctor;
  2. induce vomiting in the victim using drink plenty of fluids clean water;
  3. Give the patient a tablespoon of lemon juice.

Video on the topic of alcohol poisoning:
