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Goji is a berry that is used as a dietary supplement to promote health and much more. It is often called .

There are many ways to use goji berries: they are used to prepare tea, tinctures, decoctions, taken in the form of juice and simply in dried form. Let's figure out how to properly consume goji berries in order to preserve their beneficial properties and bring maximum benefit body.

The daily dose of berries is 30 grams. If it is exceeded, the person will feel unwell, manifested in rapid heartbeat and sleep disturbance. If this happens, the recommended dose should be reduced. You can find out how to do this correctly by reading our article about it. And you can read about the beneficial properties of this berry.

The best time The best time to take berries is the first half of the day, because berries have strong tonic properties and can disrupt sleep, causing insomnia.

Dried berries

Dried Goji berries are completely ready to eat and do not require additional processing. They are mainly used to improve well-being, eliminate insomnia, and reduce blood cholesterol. To do this, they are eaten every morning before breakfast. Since in in this case no heat treatment is used, the berries completely retain all the microelements they contain.

Dry Goji berries are not recommended for people who have an allergic reaction to plant pollen. But allergy diseases are not included in the list of contraindications for use, since in this case you can use other methods of administration.


For cosmetic purposes This drink helps smooth out wrinkles and also significantly slows down the aging process of the body.

To prepare this drink, you should use black tea and berries, in the amount of 6 pieces. The components are poured with boiling water in an amount of 200 ml. and infuse for fifteen minutes. Taken instead of regular tea.

Even more recipes for infusions and teas from goji berries.


Goji berry juice is bright orange in color and is prepared from fresh raw materials. It is especially popular in European countries, but now it is also used by domestic consumers. The properties of this product are as follows:

  • The aging process of the body slows down;
  • The DNA structure is restored;
  • Immunity increases;
  • Stressful conditions of the body are relieved;
  • The performance of brain cells increases;
  • Blood sugar levels are normalized and maintained at the proper level.

The juice can also be used as an external remedy.. It is used to make lotions to treat skin diseases such as wounds, cuts or insect bites.

You can drink juice when the temperature rises and during inflammatory processes in the body.

Daily daily dose for an adult is two tablespoons of Goji berry juice no more than twice a day with meals. It can be diluted with water and other natural juices.

If during the period of use there is a deterioration in health, then use of the product should be stopped or the dose reduced.


Goji berry tincture used as a general tonic. The following ingredients are used to prepare it:

  • Dried berries in the amount of 50 grams;
  • High-quality vodka, 45 degrees strength - half a liter.
  • The berries need to be poured with vodka and left for a week. After this period, use no more than twice a day in the amount of 10 milliliters.

With this tincture vision strengthens, immunity increases, blood sugar levels decrease.


To prepare a healing decoction, pour one tablespoon of the raw material, in this case it is Goji berries, and pour 200 ml of it. boiling water Infuse for twenty minutes. This decoction has virtually no contraindications for use.. It is tolerated by people using this product as a preventive measure, and those who use it for the treatment of various diseases.

If you take this decoction daily, your vitality will be restored and your protective functions body. After the broth is drunk, the berries are also eaten. The recommended use of this product is once a day.

Additive to dishes

In various cuisines of the world, Goji berries are added as an additional ingredient for first or second courses. It can be added to almost any food, regardless of whether it is vegetarian or intended for dietary nutrition.

For one serving, you need to use five grams of berries. You can consume such products twice a day. At the same time, familiar products will acquire a more refined and original taste.

It’s not for nothing that the Chinese Goji berry is called the fruit of longevity. One can talk for a very long time about its unique and beneficial properties for humans. And if someone has not yet decided on introducing them into their diet, then it’s time to make a decision. All the best that humanity has was presented to it by nature itself, and now, to a very large list, we can safely add the miraculous berry, which contains everything that people need - energy, vitality, good health.

  • 21 minerals (including calcium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, germanium, magnesium, potassium, copper, iron and manganese);
  • vitamins of group B, A, C, E and PP;
  • 18 nonessential and essential amino acids;
  • set of antioxidants;
  • polysaccharides.

Thanks to this composition, the fruits of the plant can be used for treatment and prevention. wide range diseases.

They are mild anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial.

The antioxidant properties of berries allow them to bind free radicals, thereby preventing cancer and diseases of cardio-vascular system, as well as reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and strengthen the immune system.

Regular consumption of goji berries helps fight aging and restore vision, improve the functioning of the brain and nervous system.

In addition, the fruits help with female infertility and increase libido, stimulate blood circulation and normalize blood pressure. Muscle and bone tissue are strengthened, and the liver is protected.


How and how much to take goji berries

In dried form, the berries can be eaten like dried fruits, adding them to hot or cold dishes, for example, in porridge, a variety of salads or baked goods.

Tea will be no less tasty

Enough to prepare it pour boiling water over the fruits And insist them in just a few minutes. After eating an unusually tasty and healthy tea recommended eat berries because it is in them that the rich are concentrated vitamin composition, and only a small part of it is present in saturated water.

Based on research, the staff of the London medical center at New York University they figured out how to eat goji berries.

To maintain health and improve immune properties The recommended rate is 30-40 grams per day.


The use of goji berries as an aid against diseases

Knowing how to use goji berries, they beneficial features will help fight such ailments:

  • Early aging;
  • Arthritis;
  • Oncological and blood diseases;
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Diabetes;
  • Gastrointestinal tract disorder.
  • Hypertension.
  • Infertility.
  • Improper functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Let's take a closer look at how to properly take goji berries to help effectively treat various disorders and diseases:

✿ Arthritis.
The beneficial effects of goji on joints have been proven by Chinese scientists. These berries stimulate the production of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase, which is involved in the anti-inflammatory process. To prevent arthritis, the recommended daily dose is 30 g.

✿ Increased physical and energetic strength.
For athletes and people who regularly experience increased physical activity, these berries will an indispensable tool. By consuming just 60 g per day, a person can reduce the feeling of fatigue. Such fruits eliminate muscle pain and are ideal for people working out in gyms.

✿ Blood diseases.
The positive effect on blood counts has been proven in numerous tests conducted by experienced scientists for three years on elderly volunteers. The LSB contained in the berries stimulates the growth of stem cells and also increases the number of monocytes in the bone marrow. The beneficial properties are especially important for patients with insufficient platelet production. The daily dose in the course of administration is about 20 g.

✿ Prevention oncological diseases .

As is known, interleukin-2 can reduce the appearance of tumors. Its production in the body can be increased by consuming goji. Tests at the Beijing Institute found that this product can suppress the gene mutation caused by strain TA98 and TA100. Thus, daily intake of berries (20 g) will protect the liver and also prevent the growth of tumors.

✿ Treatment of cancer diseases.
Studies were conducted on cancer patients in Shanghai. In addition to medications, goji berries were included in the course of treatment (from 40 to 60 g per day). Patients who received this product experienced longer tumor remission compared to patients who did not use it. results additional research confirmed the strengthening immune system.

  • according to National Cancer Institute National Institutes US health, no natural or pharmaceutical did not show complete prevention of breast cancer in clinical trials, risk reduction only . Specifically, there are no completed or ongoing clinical trials in the United States examining the effects of wolfberry or goji sap on the outcome of breast cancer or any other disease;
  • except preliminary laboratory research and one Chinese clinical trial described in the abstract alone, there is no scientific evidence that wolfberry berries or its juice have preventive properties against cancer

✿ Cardiovascular diseases.
Consumption of goji berries (30 g per day) increases the production of superoxide dismutase, which prevents the accumulation of lipids with excessive peroxidation.

✿ Diabetes mellitus.
For many years, the Chinese have been helping patients who are not yet dependent on the dose of insulin with the help of goji berries (20 grams every day). Blood glucose and insulin balance in patients is restored.

✿ Gastrointestinal tract problems.
Atrophic gastritis at the institute traditional medicine Mongolia was cured faster thanks to the introduction of goji berries into the diet, which were prescribed 10 g before meals. It was announced positive effect this product.

✿ Hypertension.
Chinese studies have also confirmed the benefits of goji for people suffering from hypertension. blood pressure. Its stabilization was observed when taking berries 20 g per day.

✿ Male infertility.
With daily consumption of 50 g of berries for four months, the body is saturated essential microelements and polysaccharides, which help restore sperm viability.

✿ Premature aging.
The rejuvenating properties of goji are due to the presence of lipopolysaccharides - binding proteins (LPB) - in the berries. Experimentally, it was possible to determine the required daily dose (from 20 to 30 g) to curb the aging process. In addition to the rejuvenation effect, many people noted an increase in sexual potency, improved appetite, and the disappearance of sleep problems. At the same time, the strengthening of the immune system did not go unnoticed.

✿ Provide liver protection.
Thanks to the discovery of a new cerebroside in berries, one of the scientists suggested that they are able to provide the liver with the necessary amount of glutathione, reducing cell damage. The recommended dose is only 10-20 g per day.

✿ Restoration of sexual function in men.
The Chinese also found that these berries contain substances that increase the level of male hormones. In the prevention of impotence, the daily intake of the product is reduced to 20-30 g. Its effectiveness in this aspect is evidenced by an ancient Chinese saying that warns the male sex that, being away from their spouse, they should not allow goji berries to be eaten.


Effectiveness research

The purported health benefits of Goji berries are only presented in traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine, while in Western studies not a single positive property has been proven

No peer-reviewed studies have confirmed clinical trials The healing effect of consuming Goji products. Just a few years ago, wolfberry (under the name Goji berry) entered the American and European health food markets as one of the “superfruits.” (i.e. fruits of supposedly high nutritional value).

When advertising the beneficial properties of Goji, a person is often mentioned by name Li Qing Yun who ate berries every day and lived more than 240 years. There is no solid evidence of the very existence of this person. The story is an outright lie, made up to increase sales of Goji berries in hopes of people living longer.


Contraindications to eating goji berries

Despite the numerous positive effects of berries, there are still several significant contraindications to their consumption:

  • taking anticoagulant drugs,
  • poor blood clotting,
  • people suffering frequent bleeding from the nose,
  • high body temperature,
  • days of menstruation,
  • any inflammatory process,
  • pregnancy,
  • stress and any emotional outbursts,
  • the occurrence of any inflammatory processes in the body,
  • tendency to increased intraocular pressure,
  • uterine bleeding.

It is also necessary to mention that people who are under medical supervision for hypertension or diabetes are not allowed to take berries on a regular basis.

This is due to the fact that the substances in goji berries react with the substances in medications. As a rule, such interaction gives negative results, and the patient's condition may worsen.


Side effects of goji berries during pregnancy

When carrying a child, all women treat various products with caution, since the body's reaction can be unpredictable. Experts from different continents have different opinions regarding the benefits of berries for pregnant women. However, discussions continue to this day.

Some Chinese doctors claim that vitamin complex The berries are so rich that they can and even should be included in the diet of women expecting a child. According to the research results, the well-being of Chinese women did not worsen, but on the contrary, only improved. This is most likely due to the fact that this product is not something extraordinary for Asian women.

As for European doctors, they unanimously declare that the berries are dangerous for local women during pregnancy, as they can increase the tone of the uterus and cause miscarriage.

In addition, goji increases blood pressure, increases heart rate and accelerates metabolic processes, which negatively affects expectant mother and developing fetus.

Therefore, pregnant women are not allowed to consume miraculous berries. For a European woman, they are exotic, and the body may perceive them incorrectly.

In order not to cause additional stress, medical practitioners do not recommend including exotic goji berries and other non-local foods in the diet, even in small quantities. The period of gestation should be calm, and introducing unfamiliar foods into the diet can cause a lot of side effects.

Table of useful elements and vitamins in goji berries.





47.6 g


Vitamin B1

61 mg


Vitamin B2

200 mg


Vitamin B5

2.8 mg


Vitamin C

366 mg



63 mcg



250 mg



180 mcg



2.5 mg



295 mg



2.9 mg



522 mg



3.63 mg



4 mg


According to some marketers, the berries have the highest levels of vitamin C in the world. However, clinical studies have shown that the level of the vitamin is the same as in citrus fruits and strawberries.

Research results have confirmed the beneficial properties of goji berries:

  • stabilization metabolic processes in the body, which is important when fighting excess weight;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • elimination of symptoms of migraines and headaches;
  • cleansing the blood and stimulating the production of blood cells;
  • reducing blood sugar levels, which is indispensable for diabetes;
  • saturating the body with calcium.

The fruits are widely used for chemotherapy and to reduce the effects of radiation in cancer patients. After the tumor is removed, they help restore the body.

Infusions and decoctions of berries are used to prevent the occurrence of new malignant tumors.

For any pathology, they eliminate inflammatory processes and promote tissue regeneration.

Many people confuse goji berries and barberries.

32 reasons why you should eat goji berries every day.

1. Fights premature aging 17. Protects human DNA
2. Increases energy and strength 18. Provides antioxidant protection
3. You look and feel younger 19. Helps improve blood circulation
4. Supports Healthy Blood Pressure 20. Helps with chronic dry cough
5. Supports Healthy Cholesterol Levels 21. Combats joint pain
6. Helps stabilize blood sugar levels 22. Increases the number of lymphocytes
7. Restores healthy sexual function 23. Reduces menopausal symptoms
8. Helps manage weight 24. Relieves morning sickness
9. Relieves headaches and dizziness 25. Increases the possibility of getting pregnant
10. Improves sleep quality 26. Strengthens muscles and bones
11. Supports eye health 27. Supports normal kidney function
12. Optimizes cardiovascular health 28. Improves memory
13. Inhibits lipid peroxidation 29. Supports Healthy Liver Function
14. Improves disease resistance 30. Eases inner anxiety and stress
15. Boosts immunity 31. Improves digestion
16. Prevents the appearance of malignant tumors 32. Normalizes pH levels in the blood


How to take goji berries?

Proper intake of berries- this is the key to their effectiveness and achievement of their goals. Depending on personal taste preferences goji are taken in the form:

  • juices,
  • decoctions,
  • as a food additive.

They can be added to various dishes: baked goods, food mixtures, cereals, soups, salads. The product is suitable for use as regular berries or dried fruits.

Delicious recipe for eating goji berries

However, it is necessary to remember the rules for eating berries. The main thing is not to combine the product with acids. The aggressive environment promotes the breakdown of valuable polysaccharides and amino acids, as well as the oxidation of trace elements (magnesium, zinc, iron and potassium).

It is strictly forbidden to mix berries with vinegar or citrus juice. Additionally, fresh garlic and onions will also neutralize most useful substances, included in goji. Chinese doctors do not recommend mixing fruits with green tea, which reduces their effectiveness.


Berries go best with:

  • with milk- studies have confirmed the synergistic immune effect;
  • cereals- goji amino acids allow better absorption of nutrients.

If you take the product in its pure form, it is better to chew it thoroughly before eating. This will speed up the digestion of fruits and improve food absorption. Taking goji on an empty stomach is not recommended.

According to research results from New York University London Medical Center, optimal daily dosage product for treatment and prevention:

  • allergies and psoriasis - 20–30 g;
  • slowing down the aging process of the body - 20–30 g;
  • arthritis - from 30 g;
  • blood diseases - from 20 g;
  • oncological diseases - 60 and 20 gr. respectively;
  • heart and blood vessels - from 30 g;
  • diabetes - from 20 g;
  • gastrointestinal disorders - from 10 g;
  • infertility - from 50 gr.

For weight loss, the effective dosage is 60 grams, divided into several doses. This is the recipe

Although Goji berries have many nutrients, they are far from the “miracle food” that the advertisements claim.


Goji berries for diabetes

Healing properties Goji berries are used in the treatment of patients with diabetes.

Goji berries widely used in oriental medicine. The healing properties of the longevity berry are confirmed by modern scientific data. For example, there is information about the benefits of taking them for patients with diabetes.

Tibetan doctors have long used goji to normalize blood sugar levels in adults. (in children, fruits saturated with active ingredients can cause allergic reactions).

Compliance by the patient with the diet prescribed by the doctor is one of the important areas of treatment for systemic metabolic disorders. Including goji in the diet of diabetic patients can normalize carbohydrate metabolism and significantly improve their well-being.

The fruits satisfy the feeling of hunger characteristic of this disease and promote weight loss. Ingredients in berries polysaccharides regulate the activity of the pancreas.

Goji berries have a complex effect that helps improve the condition of patients during treatment diabetes mellitus, namely:

  • restore glucose and insulin balance;
  • reduce appetite and need in sugar-containing products;
  • improve metabolism, digestive and excretory processes;
  • withdraw liver fat;
  • lower blood cholesterol level;
  • normalize arterial pressure.


Goji berries help against blindness due to diabetes

Scientists from the Sydney Institute found that including goji berries in the diet significantly reduces the risk of developing retinopathic blindness, a common complication of diabetes.

Characteristic of the disease increased level glucose causes protein oxidation, proliferation vascular network, weakening and dysfunction of the retina. High content Taurine (a sulfur-containing amino acid) in fruits helps normalize metabolic processes in eye tissues.

Table of nutrients contained in 100 grams of dried goji berries.

The initial dose for diabetes is 5 g. in a day. Gradually, the amount of fruits in the diet is increased to approximately 20–40 grams. per day (the exact dosage is calculated by the doctor).

These berries are not used as an alternative for diabetes drug treatment. At the same time, they can significantly improve the patient’s condition and stabilize the body’s condition during a course of drug therapy.

Tibetan barberry will come to the aid of everyone who wants to get a boost of vigor and health and extend their life. It is important to know how to use these magical fruits. Dried or dried goji berries can be eaten immediately, but for real gourmets there is a way that is both pleasant and healthy - preparing a drink or tea.

Firstly, it tastes good, is completely natural, and can restore water balance in organism.

Secondly, when consumed, excess fluid is more actively removed from the body and the intestines work better.

7 recipes for eating goji berries

1 recipe - regular infusion

To do this, you need to pour one hundred grams of fruit with 2 glasses of hot water, at a temperature no higher than ninety degrees, this indicator is considered optimal.

Recipe 2 - combination with ginger

You can make a richer drink that will help reduce your appetite and cleanse your body of toxins. In this case, the duo of goji berries will be ginger, which has many medicinal properties. You need to add a little of this root vegetable to the prepared infusion in the following proportion: for 250 milliliters of hot water you need from five to eight berries and one tablespoon of grated peeled ginger. Next, repeat the previous brewing procedure.

Recipe 3 - goji and chrysanthemums

Tea made from Goji and chrysanthemum fruits will have a positive effect on blood sugar levels. In addition, it will help slow down the aging process in the body. This ancient oriental recipe involves mixing high-quality black tea, six berries and three to five chrysanthemum flowers. These ingredients need to be poured with half a liter of hot water. You can drink the prepared infusion after fifteen to twenty minutes.

Recipe 4 - invigorating

It is worth noting that the recipes described above do not limit the use of Goji. You can combine them with different products to cleanse the body. You can try combinations with the following plants:

  • cinnamon,
  • carnation,
  • lemon,
  • lingonberry or senna leaves.

Well, lovers of sweet tea who are not prone to allergies to honey can add 1/2 teaspoon to the drink.

Also now popular are ready-made freeze-dried drinks made from Goji berries.

To drink them, you just need to add water.

This remedy can be taken daily:

1 serving per week.

If you have concerns about individual intolerance, consult your doctor and start taking the cocktail with small doses.

Recipe 5 - Goji berry smoothie

The most modern drink is a smoothie made from Goji fruits.

To prepare it you will need a small handful of fruits, natural yogurt, and cranberry, blackberry, raspberry juice in the amount to your taste, as well as some ice.

Place all these ingredients in a blender and beat until smooth. The resulting thick drink can be eaten with a spoon.

There are currently a large number of recipes for tea with Goji berries. All prepared infusions have pleasant taste with a little sourness.

It reminds users dried cranberries, raspberries or the taste of other berries. One of the most popular ways to take this miraculous product today is brewing.

And the healthiest drink is considered to be tea-based. We offer you several options for brewing fruits.

Recipe 6 - goji tea

First way- for him, take black tea, berries, lemon, honey, walnuts in any quantity.

Second way- based on green tea: for one serving you will need 1/2 teaspoon with tea leaves, fifteen grams of goji, a little chopped ginger.

Third way– the use of white tea is suggested: take 10 grams of tea leaves, chrysanthemum leaves and berries.

There are also universal recipe - take tea to taste (black, green, red, white), then dry chamomile flowers, dried dates and goji fruits are added to it - all ingredients are needed in quantity 1 teaspoon.“Tea” mixtures are brewed in the usual traditional way.

Recipe 7 - "Bouquet of Treasures"

To do this you need to use several raisins, a pinch of dried hawthorn, one date, ten grams of goji berries and 1/2 teaspoon of honey.

The ingredients are crushed and then brewed.

However, the most common recipe for brewing goji berries is also the simplest - one tablespoon of the fruit is poured into a glass of hot water.

After which the dishes are closed and allowed to brew for 30 minutes.

The resulting decoction can be filtered; steamed fruits are also suitable for consumption.

To improve the taste, add a little lemon or ginger, as well as honey and sugar.


Goji berry brewing process

But just choosing a recipe is not all; you need to be able to brew this tea so that it retains all the benefits of the products.

Pay attention to the temperature - the water needs to be boiled in an open container, observing the process. If bubbles appear on the surface, quickly remove the container from the heat and pour in the tea mixture.

An important indicator is the infusion time. When brewing a drink based on tea leaves, it needs to be infused about 15 minutes.

The cup must be covered with a clean natural cloth.

Experts recommend one-time brewing, as the infusion should be drunk warm and fresh. It is in this case that the berry will bring maximum health benefits.

Fans of this drink talk about the effect even after the first dose - digestion improves, the body is filled with energy.

We especially note that You should drink the infusion with Goji berries before lunch, because otherwise it will be difficult for you to fall asleep in the evening. This aspect should be taken into account by those who suffers from insomnia.

Fragrant and very unusual goji berries, whose beneficial properties and contraindications for taking are very individual, are an extremely popular component in the field of weight loss, cosmetology and proper nutrition. Such berries have an oblong shape and reach consumers from Mongolia or China.

Usually, dried berries can be found on the shelves of any pharmacy.

In our climate, this crop is also grown, but it is called differently - dereza. Small bushes can be easily grown in your own area and enjoyed throughout the summer useful fruits. Today, the benefits and harms of goji berries have been sufficiently studied, which allows them to be actively used in many areas of healing the body. Before including the product in your diet, you should study the properties and effectiveness of goji berries, clarify how to take it correctly and profitably for weight loss, and be sure to take into account all contraindications.


Thanks to the rich chemical composition, goji berries are very beneficial for the body

The chemical composition of this product includes a list of various minerals and vitamins. How and why is such a berry useful for the human body?

It contains:

  • vitamin C - strengthens the immune system;
  • potassium - takes care of muscle health and normalizes heart rate;
  • amino acids - essential for the health of the entire body, in particular muscle tissue, supporting apparatus and bones;
  • iron - enriches and normalizes blood composition;
  • zinc - rich in anti-inflammatory effects;
  • phosphorus - takes care of the development and functioning of brain structures;
  • calcium - strengthens and develops bone tissue;
  • B vitamins - maintain the beauty of hair and skin, increase resistance to stress;
  • carotenoids - take care of eye health and vision sharpness;
  • betaine has a strong therapeutic effect on the liver.

You may be interested to know that coriander also has an unusually rich chemical composition. Read more about coriander

Do these berries help you lose weight? Goji has a calorie content of 253 calories per 100 grams of berries, which is very little for such a product. You can’t eat many of these berries, but healing infusions and teas significantly reduce the calorie content of plant materials. The berries are rich in healthy vegetable fats - 37 g, protein - 13 g and complex carbohydrates- 43 g per 100 grams of product. This component allows you to quickly replenish energy and completely satisfy your hunger. Amino acids and antioxidants in berries promote the breakdown of fats and active weight loss.

Beneficial features

This dietary product extremely valuable for excellent well-being. Goji berries, whose beneficial properties and applications are extremely diverse, can be used both for weight loss and for the treatment of many ailments.

In particular, these fruits:

  • have a therapeutic effect in diabetes;
  • restore the liver;
  • stimulate metabolism;
  • bring great benefit for men, because they increase sexual desire, have a beneficial effect on potency and act as a strong aphrodisiac;
  • relieve depression and nervous disorders;
  • stimulate the production of enzymes;
  • increase the body's endurance;
  • help with endocrine disorders;
  • break down fat deposits.

Licorice root prevents the formation of new fat deposits

You will learn more about the benefits of goji berries from the video:

Benefits and harms for women

These berries are very valuable for women's health, as they have a beneficial effect on a woman’s hormonal sphere:

  • stabilize hormonal system women delay the onset of menopause;
  • eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause;
  • cure infertility, as they stimulate active work ovaries;
  • have a strong rejuvenating effect;
  • prevent genitourinary diseases;
  • relieve pain during menstruation;
  • control the regularity of the cycle;
  • recommended for breastfeeding to enrich the composition of milk;
  • strengthen hair follicles;
  • restore reproductive function.

Can pregnant women eat goji berries? This product is extremely useful for expectant mothers, but in very small doses. Before use, you should definitely consult with a specialist so as not to harm either yourself or the baby’s body.

Goji berries have the following effects during pregnancy:

  • eliminate apathy, reduce mood swings;
  • prevent swelling;
  • remove unwanted cholesterol;
  • prevents the formation of anemia;
  • A decoction of berries relieves toxicosis and dizziness.

Benefits and application for men

These small oblong berries are undoubtedly valuable for men's health.

They affect the male body as follows:

  • reduce the risk of heart disease and pathologies;
  • plant extract increases testosterone production;
  • significantly improve potency;
  • perfectly cleanse the liver;
  • reduce cholesterol levels and the risk of obesity.


Like many products, wolfberry has certain contraindications for use. Worth considering daily norm berries, namely, how many can be eaten per day without harm to health. When including a product such as goji berries in your diet, it is worth studying their benefits and harms, taking into account how to take these fruits and in what cases they are contraindicated.

It is undesirable to consume goji in the following cases:

  • they increase blood pressure and are therefore contraindicated for people prone to hypertension;
  • for individual allergies;
  • berries thin the blood and are therefore contraindicated for bleeding;
  • may cause diarrhea with excessive doses of the product.

Mode of application

The best option on how to take goji berries for health is to consume them in the morning and preferably after meals; they can be eaten fresh and dry, but not more than 30 pieces per day. You can also brew delicious tea by pouring boiling water over dried goji berries.

Healthy and tasty tea can also be prepared from raspberry leaves.

How to take for weight loss - instructions

How to take fresh or dried goji berries for weight loss? The fruits can be added to various yoghurts, complement meat and fish dishes, salads and even soups. In the morning, this component will perfectly enrich the taste of various porridges and cereal muesli.
The fruits have rich properties, and their use for weight loss is quite common.

To prepare the drug you will need:

  • a tablespoon of fruit;
  • 250 ml boiling water;
  • combine the components and leave for an hour.

How to drink this infusion correctly to lose weight? It should be taken 50 ml daily before each meal.

To further help your health, you can use both an infusion and an alcohol tincture, which is prepared according to the following instructions:

  • 0.5 liters of vodka;
  • 50 grams of fruit;
  • leave the liquid for 10 days.

How to use this medicine for weight loss? Add 10 ml to your morning and evening glass of water.

For more information on how to lose weight with goji berries, watch the video:

Use in cooking

Goji can be used to make many healthy drinks and dishes other than tea or smoothies. How to eat goji berries in your daily diet?

Using these fruits you can prepare the following original and healthy dishes:

  • dark rice with goji;
  • stewed liver with fruits;
  • lamb soup;
  • vegetable casseroles;
  • syrniki;
  • fruit ice cream;
  • soufflé and jelly.

The use of fruits in cosmetology

Goji fruits can be an important secret to the beauty of your skin, hair and body.

This product can be used in many home care recipes, in particular:

  • a mixture with a 1:1 ratio of berries and clay in the form of a mask will help to properly tighten the skin and have an excellent lifting effect;
  • a mixture of ground and fruits will become an excellent scrub for the body and face;
  • mixture mask burdock oil, goji and eggs will help restore split hair;
  • a mask of cream and fruits will help get rid of dry epidermis;
  • Steamed berries together with argan oil will act as an excellent soft peeling for the skin.


Having learned all the properties and nuances of using goji berries, having found out what they are needed for, how to use the product for weight loss, in cooking, cosmetology and how to eat such a delicacy correctly, you should not forget about the rate of their use.

30 pieces of fruit will not do any harm, but large doses can cause unpleasant symptoms, in particular, diarrhea, allergies, and increase blood pressure significantly.

In order not to abuse the product, it is best to cook from it various decoctions, add to tea and a variety of dishes. Do not forget that high-quality fruits must be purchased at a pharmacy, where the quality is checked and complies with GOST.

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Indeed, it is often used in medicine and helps to cope with many ailments. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Description of culture

The plant in botany has a completely different name -. On average it grows by 3-4 meters, has spiny branches, oblong leaves and purple-pink flowers that resemble bells.

It is completely unpretentious and is often used to create compositions in

Important! Hypotensive patients and diabetics should take goji berries with extreme caution. Together with taking medications, they can cause an overdose.

Of course, not all the medicinal properties attributed to wolfberry are true. But in Chinese medicine Goji fruits are often used to treat ailments such as impotence, insomnia, anemia, and dizziness.

The juice of the culture has excellent tonic properties.
Many people grow the plant in their own area. It not only serves as decoration, but also produces a rich harvest, which you can earn good money by selling.

Calorie content and chemical composition

The chemical composition of the culture is rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Culture includes:

  • vitamins C, E, PP and group B;
  • calcium, phosphorus, zinc, cobalt, iron, selenium, potassium;
  • carotene;
  • fiber;
  • mono- and polysaccharides;
  • germanium.
The calorie content of wolfberry is 35 kcal per 100 g of product. Among them, 14% is allocated to proteins, 5% to fats, 34% to carbohydrates.
Based on what microelements the culture contains, we can safely conclude that Goji berries are a truly valuable product.

Did you know?The Chinese Ministry of Health officially approved goji berries as a homeopathic remedy in 1983.

Beneficial features

Undoubtedly, goji berries have beneficial properties and contraindications. Let's take a closer look at how culture affects the human body:

  • antioxidant elements slow down the aging process;
  • fruits help stabilize blood pressure;
  • thanks to beta-sitosterol, cholesterol levels in the blood decrease;
  • improves the course of stage 1 diabetes;
  • converts food into energy, which is very important for weight loss;
  • Dereza relieves dizziness, migraines, atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • helps improve vision and prevents eye diseases from developing;
  • promotes the release of testosterone, increases libido;
  • helps the youth hormone remain active, improves sleep and memory;
  • thanks to the mineral germanium, the growth of cancer cells is inhibited and the growth of new ones is stimulated;

Did you know? Wolfberry contains 10 times more vitamin C than oranges.Thanks to the microelements contained in wolfberry, strengthening occurs bone tissue and muscle fibers.

  • the culture is often used in the treatment of inflammation; with their help, kidney function is normalized, and the digestive system functions better;
  • the fruits are used to treat some female diseases during menopause;
  • due to the chemical composition of the culture, blood renewal occurs;
  • fights stress well.
The effect of fruits on the human body is individual, and it is impossible to say unequivocally about the positive effect on all people.

There are two ways to take wolfberry: dry or brewed.

We will tell you how to process goji berries and how to take them.

Dry reception

This method of receiving fruits is more common. This is due to the fact that fresh fruits are quite difficult to find.
Also, eating fresh fruits can negatively affect the functioning of the stomach and cause nausea or vomiting. When dried, the fruits are absolutely safe.

Important! You should not drink wolfberry tea when elevated temperature body - it can worsen the patient's condition.

There are many recipes related to the use of dry wolfberry. However, it is important to follow the rule: You cannot take more than 40 grams of fruit per day.

Common wolfberry can be used as: if desired, they are softened first in hot water. They make a great seasoning for rice. oatmeal and soups.

One of the popular methods of using wolfberry is brewing it. First you need to rinse the berries thoroughly, then pour boiling water over them.

Usually take 1 tbsp per 250 ml of water. spoon of wolfberry. The tea must be steeped for half an hour. Before taking the drink, you can add juice to it.
To enhance the effect of the berries, it is recommended not only to drink tea, but also to eat dry berries.

Harmful properties and contraindications

Goji berries can be both beneficial and harmful. Before using them, It is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications:

  • Fruits should not be consumed during pregnancy or while breastfeeding - they can cause digestive problems, bloating, and diarrhea;
  • People who are allergic to red vegetables and fruits are not allowed to consume berries.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to buy a quality product. If you come across a fake, there may be such consequences:
  • abdominal pain- it is provoked by preservatives that are present in the fruit. E 220 is especially dangerous;
  • insomnia- It is not recommended to eat berries if you decide to go to bed: taking them promotes a surge of strength and energy.

Goji berries– today this is to some extent a trend among people seeking to maintain and improve their health. There is a lot of talk about these fruits on the Internet, they sell well, often at fabulous prices, and many effects are attributed to them, often bordering on the fantastic. Let’s try to objectively understand what kind of plant this is, how it acts on the human body, who should take it and how.

“Goji berries” is a name that has become a brand. But it has many synonyms: the plant is also called Tibetan barberry, Chinese wolfberry, Wolfberry, Lycium Barbarum (Berber wolfberry). It belongs to the nightshade family, being a “relative” of such crops as potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco, belladonna, and chili peppers.

And if we delve even deeper into botany, it turns out that goji berries grow not on one, but on two types of plants, although very close to each other: Lycium Barbarum (Berber wolfberry) and Lycium Chinense (Chinese wolfberry). It's woody perennials, which can reach a height of 1 to 3 meters. Their homeland is Asia.

Traditionally, the Lycium Chinense tree is grown in the south of China and is shorter in height, while Lycium Barbarum is grown in the north and is taller.

Depending on the climate and landscape, in the Northern Hemisphere, Tibetan barberry blooms from June to September. And the goji berries themselves appear from August to October. These are small oval fruits with a bright orange-red color. There are small seeds inside.

Although goji berries are called wolfberries (in fact, this is not the name of some certain type plants, but a collective term), they are not poisonous. In China, they have been grown, collected, dried and added to food for thousands of years, and used in folk medicine.

How are goji berries used in cooking?

Goji berries are included in many Chinese tonic soups. They go well with chicken and pork, and various vegetables. There are a large number of teas that contain these dried fruits. Goji berries are even added to wine to give it new taste and beneficial qualities.

Use of goji berries in folk and traditional medicine

In Ancient China, goji berries, like many other plants, were actively used to treat diseases of the liver, kidneys, spine, joints, and as a tonic and general strengthening agent.

In Europe and America, goji berries began to gain popularity only in the 21st century. They were presented in different ways: as a means of losing weight, preventing cancer, even as a universal panacea for all diseases. The secrets of famous Chinese centenarians were associated with them.

Today, quite a lot of research has already been carried out, on the basis of which we can talk about the main biologically valuable components and the associated effects of goji berries. Currently, the fruits of dried Tibetan barberry are part of the biologically active additives, are widely available in health food stores.

Properties of goji berries and biologically active substances that are part of them


Goji berries contain 11 macronutrients ( minerals, which are contained in the body in large quantities) and 22 microelements (minerals that the body needs in microdoses).

Key Minerals Contained in Goji Berries:

Item name Significance in the body
  • The main cation (a positively charged ion) that is located inside cells and ensures their normal excitability.
  • Participates in maintaining blood osmotic pressure.
  • Participates in maintaining normal water and acid-base balance.
  • Required for normal operation muscles, heart, brain.
  • The main positively charged ion found in the blood and intercellular fluid.
  • Plays a critical role in maintaining blood osmotic pressure.
  • Participates in maintaining normal blood pH.
  • Together with potassium, it ensures normal excitability and cell function.
  • Helps sugars, amino acids and negatively charged molecules pass through cell membranes.
  • Takes part in education gastric juice, activates it.
  • Helps transfer carbon dioxide in the blood from cells to the lungs.
  • The most important component of teeth and bones, ensuring their strength.
  • Necessary for normal muscle contraction and heart function.
  • Provides normal conduction nerve impulses between nerve cells.
  • Takes part in the process of blood clotting.
  • Part of the most important enzymes.
  • Necessary for conducting nerve impulses and maintaining a constant heart rate.
  • Necessary for brain function.
  • Helps reduce blood pressure.
  • Participates in energy production in cells.
  • Part of the hemoglobin of red blood cells, it is necessary for the transfer of oxygen in the blood.
  • It is part of some important enzymes.

  • Part of some important enzymes.
  • Promotes better absorption proteins and carbohydrates with food.
  • Participates in the formation of bones, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage.
  • Promotes the synthesis of hemoglobin and the formation of red blood cells.
  • Positively affects the condition of the skin and blood vessels.

  • It is part of some important enzymes and activates others.
  • Takes part in protein synthesis.
  • Actively takes part in metabolism.

  • It is part of about 300 enzymes.
  • Has a positive effect on cell reproduction and growth.
  • Has a positive effect on reproductive function (especially necessary for men).
  • Takes part in hematopoiesis, nail and hair growth.

Amino acids

Goji berries contain 18 amino acids, including essential ones: valine, leucine, methionine, phenylalanine, isoleucine, lysine, tryptophan, threonine. They cannot be synthesized by the body, or they can, but in minimal, insufficient quantities. Therefore, essential amino acids must be constantly supplied from food.

Main functions of amino acids:

  • Their main role is that they are able to connect into chains and form proteins. Which, as you know, are the basis of life.
  • Some amino acids play the role of intermediaries that transmit impulses between nerve cells.
  • On time intensive physical activity amino acids become a source of energy for muscle tissue.
  • Amino acids themselves are capable of activating metabolism and improving the absorption of minerals and vitamins.


Goji berries contain 6 vitamins: C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12. According to some reports, the content of individual vitamins in goji fruits is many times higher than their content in citrus fruits.

The importance of vitamins contained in goji berries:

Vitamin name Significance in the body
C ( ascorbic acid)
  • An important antioxidant that protects body cells from damage by free radicals.
  • Necessary for neutralizing certain toxic substances in the liver.
  • Helps convert cholesterol into bile acids and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.
  • Necessary for the formation of certain amino acids and adrenal hormones.

E (tocopherol)
  • It is an antioxidant and protects body cells from damage by free radicals.
  • Strengthens the vascular wall, making blood vessels less fragile.
  • Protects the nervous system from damage.
  • Increases the body's resistance to oxygen starvation.
  • Helps lower blood cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

B1 (thiamine)
  • It is part of important enzymes involved in metabolism.
  • Necessary for normal functioning of the nervous system.

B2 (riboflavin)
  • Necessary for the formation of red blood cells in the red bone marrow.
  • Increases immunity by activating antibody synthesis.
  • Essential for children's growth and maintenance normal function reproductive system in adults.
  • Provides normal condition and attractive appearance skin, hair, nails.

B6 (pyridoxine)
  • Takes part in the formation of red blood cells in the red bone marrow.
  • Necessary for normal absorption of glucose by nervous tissue.
  • Takes part in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.
  • Reduces blood cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

B12 (cyanocobalamin)
  • Necessary for normal hematopoiesis. With its deficiency, B12 deficiency anemia develops.
  • Helps reduce body weight in case of obesity.
  • Helps improve immunity.
  • Promotes improvement general condition.

Other components found in goji berries

Name of biologically active substance Effects in the body
8 types of polysaccharides and 6 types of monosaccharides. The polysaccharides LBP-1 LBP-2 LBP-3 LBP-4 have the greatest biological value - they have a unique structure and are found only in goji berries.
  • Strengthens the vascular wall. Increases the elasticity of blood vessels and their resistance to damage.
  • Helps normalize blood pressure and prevent hypertensive crises.
  • Helps improve the functioning of the immune system.
  • Increases the body's resistance to stress.
  • Helps reduce body weight in case of obesity.
  • Normalize intestinal microflora and prevent dysbacteriosis, as they are nutrient medium for bacteria that normally live in the large intestine.

Polyunsaturated fatty acid , including essential (not synthesized in the human body): linolenic, alpha-linolenic. Currently they are distinguished in separate group vitamins – “vitamin F”.
  • Improves the functions of the cardiovascular system, normalizes blood circulation.
  • Prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Protects heart muscle cells from damage and prevents the development of arrhythmia.
  • Helps improve the flow of nutrients into body tissues.
  • Suppresses inflammatory processes.

Phytosterols , including beta-sitosterol.
  • Strengthens cell membranes.
  • Reduce blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
  • Reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer.
  • Reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes.

5 types of carotenoids:
  • beta-carotene;
  • zeaxanthin;
  • lutein;
  • lycopene;
  • cryptoxanthin.
  • Carotenoids are powerful antioxidants that protect cells from free radical damage.
  • Vitamin A is formed from beta-carotene.

Various phenols They have pronounced antioxidant properties.

The effect of goji berries on the body

Effect What is the reason?
Reducing blood cholesterol levels and normalizing blood pressure Goji berries contain many active components that prevent the development of atherosclerosis and normalize blood flow. These are magnesium, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, pyridoxine, polysaccharides, polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Reducing the risk of cancer Malignant tumors arise as a result of a combination of a large number of different reasons. One of them is damage to cells and the genetic apparatus by free radicals.

Ascorbic acid, tocopherol, carotenoids and phenols, which are part of goji berries, have pronounced antioxidant properties. They reduce the risk of developing malignant neoplasms in various organs.

In addition, there is evidence that phytosterols, also found in berries, specifically reduce the risk of cancer prostate gland.

Reducing blood sugar levels and preventing the development of type II diabetes mellitus The main role in reducing sugar levels belongs to polysaccharides, which are contained in goji berries. They are able to improve the condition at the initial stages, when blood sugar is slightly elevated.

Improved sexual performance For normal functioning The reproductive system in men requires zinc. This mineral helps increase erection and improve sperm quality.

The components that make up goji berries improve metabolism and increase the overall tone of the body. Thanks to this, they make a person more active, including in the sexual sphere, and slow down aging.

Weight loss Polysaccharides, zinc, ascorbic acid, tocopherol - these substances take part in fat metabolism and promote the conversion of fat into energy. Thus, they help cope with extra pounds. Of course, taking goji berries alone will not help solve the problem of excess body weight. You need to eat at least a little right and be physically active.

Improved sleep The quality of sleep largely depends on how much the body is provided with minerals, vitamins and other important substances. When a person cannot sleep for a long time at night and walks around drowsy all day, this may mean that his body lacks nutrients.

By the way, “night trips” to the refrigerator can also be a sign of a lack of minerals.

Goji berries provide the body necessary substances, and due to this they normalize sleep.

Improved heart function Calcium, potassium, sodium and other minerals contained in goji berries are necessary to maintain normal electrolyte balance, on which the work of the heart depends.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids protect the heart muscle and normalize its functions.

When taken regularly, goji berries help lower blood pressure and normalize heart rate.

Improved vision Goji berries help improve vision and prevent eye diseases in the following ways:
  • Antioxidants protect small vessels and retina from damage.
  • The substances that make up goji berries prevent the development of atherosclerosis and deposits cholesterol plaques on the walls of retinal vessels.
  • Some components, in particular polysaccharides, lower blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes mellitus, a disease that is often complicated by retinal lesions.
Increased disease resistance
The antioxidants contained in berries protect cells from damage that can be caused by toxins from bacteria and viruses. B vitamins and polysaccharides increase immune strength, promote the formation of antibodies and restore normal defenses.

Improved red performance bone marrow and normalization of blood composition Goji berries contain almost all minerals (potassium, sodium, etc.), which help maintain normal osmotic pressure and acid-base balance in the blood. This helps to normalize the functions of the cardiovascular system and improve tissue nutrition.

Calcium (more precisely, its compound – calcium citrate) takes part in the process of blood clotting.

Vitamins of group B and zinc improve the functioning of red bone marrow and promote the formation of new red blood cells.

Restoring normal liver and kidney function The minerals and vitamins that make up goji berries have a positive effect on the function of liver cells and enhance their regenerative processes.
Thanks to the improvement of blood quality, urine formation is normalized. The kidneys cope more effectively with the function of removing toxic substances from the body.

Strengthening muscles and bones
Calcium is an essential mineral necessary for normal muscle contractions, ensuring bone strength. The complex of amino acids contained in goji berries is building material, and when certain conditions– a source of energy for muscle tissue.

Improving the functioning of the nervous system Mechanisms for improving performance nerve cells when taking goji berries:
  • Calcium and magnesium – essential minerals, which are necessary for the normal functioning of neurons and the transmission of nerve impulses.
  • B vitamins are also necessary for the normal functioning of nerve tissue.
  • Some amino acids that are present in goji berries can act as carriers of nerve impulses between individual neurons.
  • Goji fruits contain biologically active substances that improve the supply of glucose to the brain - the main nutrient for nervous tissue.

Recent Scientific Research: Goji Berries Protect Against Flu

Flu vaccines are highly effective, but they do not protect against infection 100%. Therefore, researchers are busy searching additional paths protection. So, in 2013, an article appeared in the Journal of Nutrition with data from a study conducted at the American Tufts University.

Experiments were conducted with laboratory mice. Animals from one group were regularly fed goji berries. It was found that mice that ate these fruits had more high immunity, and if they did start to get sick, they suffered less from the symptoms.

So far, scientists cannot say exactly what substances in the berries provide this effect. It is assumed that increased resistance to influenza is associated with vitamins, polysaccharides, carotenoids and flavonoids.

Myths about goji berries: a Chinese man who lived more than 200 years

There is one legend about the Chinese Li Qing Yun. Allegedly, this man ate goji berries every day, and thanks to this he lived 256 years. They even often name the years of his life - from 1677 to 1933. Official medicine believes that this is nothing more than one of the many myths about centenarians. By at least, there is no evidence of Li Qing Yong's age. The record for longevity is recognized as the age of 122 years and 164 days, to which the French woman Jeanne Calment lived.

However, thanks to the combination of biologically valuable active substances, goji berries can actually improve the general condition of the body, slow down aging, prevent and alleviate many diseases of old age.

When are goji berries used to improve health?*

No long-term studies have yet been conducted that could accurately prove and quantify any medicinal effects goji berries.

The components that make up the berries and their effects allow them to be used for the following purposes:

  • Improving the general condition of the body, increasing resistance infectious diseases.
  • Slowing down the aging process.
  • Increased blood sugar levels.
  • Increased blood pressure, initial manifestations of atherosclerosis.
  • Decreased immunity due to frequent colds.
  • Impaired kidney and liver function.
  • Visual impairment, especially age-related.
  • Strengthening the body during periods of intense physical and psycho-emotional stress.
*Goji berries are not medicine, no relevant studies have been conducted for them. This part of the text cannot be taken as a guide to treatment. If you have any medical conditions, consult your doctor before use.

Possible harm to the body from goji berries

Symptoms Causes What to do?
Headache, nausea, vomiting . Goji seeds, like all nightshades, contain atropine, a substance that affects the conduction of impulses in nervous system. Its content is most often insignificant, but if a large amount of berries is consumed, poisoning can occur. Stop taking goji berries. Rinse the stomach with water room temperature, to which activated carbon is added. If the symptoms do not go away and get worse, call an ambulance.
Increased blood pressure, weakness, nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, cold hands and feet. These are symptoms of decreased blood viscosity. They are not caused by the goji berries themselves, but by their interaction with the drug Warfarin, which a person takes in parallel. Only two such cases have been described in the United States. Do not take goji berries if you are prescribed medications that affect blood clotting. If symptoms have already appeared, visit a doctor or call an ambulance.
Itching, redness and swelling of the skin, rash, blisters, runny nose, sneezing, shortness of breath. Goji berries, like other plants, can cause allergies in some people. Stop taking goji berries. Take the antiallergy drug you usually take in such cases. For severe allergic reaction and if suffocation occurs, call an ambulance.
Increased sleepiness or, on the contrary, sleep disturbance. An individual reaction to goji berries that rarely occurs in some people. The reasons are unknown. Stop taking berries. If symptoms persist, you should visit a doctor.
Feeling of discomfort, bloating, loose stools. Similar symptoms occur in cases where a large amount of goji berries is eaten by a person with weak digestion. It is necessary to reduce the number of berries eaten at one time and take them less often. If symptoms do not go away for a long time, stop taking goji berries completely and consult a doctor.

Contraindications to the use of goji berries:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding. The fruits contain large quantities of selenium, a mineral that is essential for adults, but there is evidence that it can negatively affect the growth and development of the fetus.
  • Taking Warfarin and other medications that affect blood clotting. The effects of the medicine and goji berries may overlap, resulting in severe blood thinning.
  • Taking medications to treat high blood pressure and diabetes. Goji berries are most often used only for minor increases in blood pressure and blood sugar levels, while the disease is not yet present, in order to prevent it.
  • You should not take goji berries before bed if you are taking sleeping pills.. Effect of medicinal product may decrease.
  • Allergy to all fruits yellow, red and orange flowers . Cross-allergy to goji berries may occur.
  • Age up to 3 years. Young children are not recommended to take goji berries.
  • Tendency to diarrhea. In people with “weak” intestines, goji berries can cause loose stools.

In what forms are goji berries produced?

The most popular forms in which goji berries are produced:
  • whole dried berries;
  • dried and crushed berries;
  • whole canned berries;
  • preserved in the form of jelly or paste;
  • goji berry juice;
  • dried and crushed goji berries in tea bags, often combined with tea and other dried herbs.

How many goji berries can you eat per day?

It is usually recommended to take 25 grams of berries daily, and continue the course for 10 days. But each person’s body is individual, needs different people often differ. Therefore, before starting your appointment, try to find a specialist who is competent in this matter and consult with him.