It's like there's snot in my throat. What to do if there is snot in your throat? Traditional medicine methods

Discomfort in the throat - common reason visiting doctors. Due to the accumulation of viscous mucus in the throat, it is difficult for a person to swallow saliva and food. To remove mucus from respiratory tract, you can cough and expectorate, but this does not always help.

Thick and viscous mucus sticks to the walls of the throat, causing the urge to vomit. To successfully deal with mucus in the throat, you need to consult a medical specialist. The doctor will find out the cause of the pathological phenomenon and prescribe optimal therapy.

Causes of viscous mucus in the throat

Most often, thick mucus appears due to colds and infectious diseases. In the first stages of the disease, sputum flows from the nose, but gradually accumulates in the trachea and bronchial branches. Cold mucus is short-lived, it disappears as soon as the disease is eliminated.

But if it's spicy respiratory disease is absent, and the mucous lump is constantly in the throat, then certain severe pathologies developing in the body manifest themselves.

Why does a lump appear in my throat when swallowing?

Patients experience a feeling of presence in the throat due to the accumulation of mucus foreign object. Sick people cannot swallow food and saliva normally, and they experience discomfort when swallowing. A mucous lump in the throat can be a symptom of the following diseases:

  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland caused by iodine deficiency in the body;
  • peptic ulcer, gastritis and other pathologies digestive tract;
  • neurological disorders;
  • pathological changes in cervical spine spine;
  • sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis;
  • depression, consequences of stress;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Why does snot accumulate in the throat?

Snot in the throat is an unpleasant phenomenon that makes it difficult to swallow food, seizure-inducing cough. The accumulation of nasal mucus at the back of the throat is usually caused by the following diseases:

  • pathologies of the pulmonary and bronchial systems;
  • sinusitis and other inflammations of the sinuses;
  • pathological changes in the esophagus;
  • allergy;
  • reactions to cigarette smoke, spices, sour and spicy foods.

Why does sputum appear without coughing?

Sputum without cough may be a symptom of the most various diseases, including those listed above. Mucus that does not cough up is accompanied by pathologies of the respiratory and digestive system, colds, inflammation of the tonsils, disorders in the body caused by an unhealthy lifestyle and stressful situations.

Also pathological condition may occur due to dry air in the home, problems with the neck muscles, or foreign objects entering the nasal cavity.

Causes of unpleasant odor

The cause of the unpleasant odor is bacteria present in the saliva and nasal mucus of a sick person. The appearance of unpleasant-smelling sputum is observed in the following diseases:

  • cold;
  • sore throat;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • caries;
  • disorders of the digestive tract;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • pathological changes in the nasopharynx;
  • sphenoiditis.

Why does stomach mucus appear in the throat?

Stomach mucus in the throat is a fairly rare occurrence. But what kind of diagnosis is hidden behind it? This phenomenon can signal pathologies of the digestive tract: gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastroesophageal reflux.

With these diseases, gastric mucus is thrown into the esophagus, and from it enters the throat. A sick person is unable to either delay or stop the processes of gastric secretion.

When is the appearance of mucus in the throat accompanied by pain?

Viscous mucous sputum and sore throat are symptoms of inflammatory diseases of infectious etiology. Usually the throat hurts due to pharyngitis and tonsillitis. If a person coughs and feels a sore throat, laryngitis develops. Less often, pain and thick sputum warn of malfunctions thyroid gland, tumors in the respiratory tract, glossopharyngeal neuralgia.

These diseases are not accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

What does mucus with blood in the throat indicate?

Thick mucus mixed with blood is a symptom of the following diseases:

  • inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, which damages the capillaries;
  • internal bleeding, usually in the esophagus or lungs;
  • acute viral infections;
  • intense cough accompanied by rupture of capillaries;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis.

When is medical help needed?

Many people try to get rid of sticky mucus in their throat on their own. Treatment at home is usually not difficult. But if the following symptoms appear, you should immediately go to the doctor.

  1. Body temperature is above 38°C. This is a signal about the development of the inflammatory process.
  2. Chills. Pain in joint and muscle tissues.
  3. Sputum and cough lasting longer than two weeks.
  4. The presence of blood streaks and pus in the mucus.
  5. Disruption gastrointestinal tract. Sour taste of saliva in mouth.
  6. Pain in the chest area. This is how pneumonia can manifest itself.
  7. Intense pain in the head.


If the mucus in the throat does not go away for a long time, then you should carefully examine its color and structure. Dense dark mucus warns of the development of serious pathology. But accurate diagnosis can only deliver medical specialist. Usually the diagnosis is carried out by an otolaryngologist, but sometimes the help of a neurologist, endocrinologist or gastroenterologist is required. To make a diagnosis, the doctor performs the following procedures.

  1. Collects anamnesis. Examines the patient's neck and abdomen, palpates thyroid gland and lymph nodes.
  2. Performs pharyngoscopy. Examines the mucous membranes of the throat.
  3. Performs laryngoscopy.
  4. Sends the patient to donate blood for clinical and biochemical analysis.
  5. Takes x-rays to check the condition of the sinuses.
  6. Takes sputum for bacteriological analysis.

Methods for getting rid of sticky mucus

After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes optimal treatment. Usually, if the sputum does not clear for a long time, is accompanied by pain in the throat or chest, fever, it is prescribed complex therapy. Treatment is carried out with antibiotic, antimycotic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and analgesic medications.

Most often, doctors recommend throat sprays to patients:

  • Givalex,
  • Orasept,
  • Cameton.

Data medications intended for the treatment of pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, infectious rhinitis. They are easy to use: you just need to hold your breath and spray the medicine into your mouth.

With rhinopharyngitis, sputum accumulates in the throat and deep parts of the nasal cavity. From the nose, mucous clots often penetrate the throat, causing irritation of the walls and intense coughing. How to get rid of sticky mucus and ease a cough? The first method is regular expectoration. It is also recommended for a sick person to:

  • gargle;
  • do inhalations;
  • rinse your nose;
  • use sufficient quantity water;
  • maintain optimal temperature and humidity in the home.

How to gargle?

For the procedures, decoctions of medicinal plants are used, which have a vasoconstrictor and antiseptic effect. Gargling has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the throat, eliminates cough, and removes bad smell from oral cavity. Treatment promotes intensive expectoration of mucus from the throat. It is advisable to rinse up to five times a day. As medicinal solutions It is recommended to use the following tools.

  1. Infusion medicinal herbs. Take 2 tablespoons of suitable medicinal plant: mint, sage, calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus or celandine. The plant material is poured with a liter of boiling water and infused.
  2. Decoction onion peel. Take 3 teaspoons of husk. Boil in a liter of water for 30 minutes.
  3. Apple vinegar. A teaspoon of vinegar is diluted in a glass warm water.
  4. Clay solution. A teaspoon of green clay dissolves in a glass of warm water.
  5. Iodine-soda solution. Add 3 drops of iodine and half a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of saline solution.
  6. Cranberry juice. Add a tablespoon of honey to a glass of cranberry juice.

How to carry out inhalations?

Inhalations can be performed at night.

  • As medicines For evening procedures, it is recommended to take honey or iodine.
  • It is necessary to dissolve a tablespoon of honey or 5 drops of 5% iodine in a glass of boiling water.
  • To get rid of sticky mucus clots, you can place aromatherapy lamps in your sleeping room.
  • Also, a sick person should drink about 2 liters of pure or mineral water daily.

If the cause of the formation of viscous mucus in the throat is polyps growing in the nasal cavity or sinuses, triggered by an allergy, infectious diseases, immunodeficiency, then surgical intervention is prescribed.

Polyps are benign growths, but they block the breathing holes in the nose, leading to impaired nasal breathing. With polyposis, thick mucus flows from the sinuses to the back of the throat, moves down and accumulates in the trachea.

On early stage The disease is treated with immunostimulants, cromones, antihistamines, and corticosteroid-based medications. Advanced polyposis can only be eliminated surgically.

How to rinse your nose?

For rinsing the nose, use decoctions of sage, chamomile, lavender, St. John's wort or saline solution.

  1. To prepare a saline solution, dissolve 2 grams of sea or sea water in a glass of warm water. table salt. The same salt concentration is characteristic of blood plasma, which is why the solution is called physiological.
  2. To rinse your nose, drop 3 drops of medicinal liquid into each nostril.
  3. Then you need to blow your nose thoroughly so that the liquefied sputum and remaining solution are removed from the nasal cavity. U small child mucus from the nose after the procedure can be removed using a nasal aspirator or a cotton tube.
  4. The cotton tube is wetted soda solution and is inserted shallowly into the nostril. When the baby sneezes, the tube is removed, covered in mucus.

You can also inhale a saline solution to loosen sticky sputum. The solution is poured into a convenient container. A man leans over the sink and inhales medicinal liquid from a container. After inhaling, the head should not be raised, otherwise the solution will not flow out of the nose, but will pour into the lower respiratory tract.

The head can be raised only after the fluid has completely drained from the nose. Rinsing can also be done using a syringe. A man leans over the sink and turns his head to the side.

The medicine is squeezed out of the syringe into the upper nostril and flows out of the lower nostril. This method of treatment allows you to quickly liquefy mucus and remove it from the respiratory tract.

A person’s immune defense may not always work as desired. It is common for many people to get sick. This article will talk about a very unpleasant problem called “snot in the throat.” We'll find out how to get rid of it later. We will consider the most effective drugs for the treatment of illness. We’ll also find out why some people constantly have snot in their throats.

Nasopharynx and its functions

Every person's nose has a mucous membrane. If the disease begins, this structure swells. This is why many people complain of nasal congestion. In addition, the shell begins to produce mucus. The consequence of all this is the appearance of snot. It is worth noting that such a combination of circumstances is protective function body. Thick mucus simply prevents germs and pathogenic bacteria from descending into the bronchi and infecting the lungs.


A runny nose can manifest itself in two ways. Most often, mucus drains through the nose, and a person can get rid of it naturally. Also, in some cases, snot appears in the throat. They do not expectorate when the mucus is too thick. In this case, the snot flows down the nasopharynx and enters the larynx.

Symptoms of pathology

More often this pathology is not independent. It always has a cause. Snot in the throat manifests itself as follows:

  • difficulty breathing (especially during sleep);
  • snoring that was not there before;
  • sensation;
  • irritation of the throat and cough.

Snot in the throat: how to get rid of it?

Before you start fighting pathology, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence. So, most often with ENT diseases, snot appears in the throat. They do not expectorate in small children. This is why it is so important to treat the disease that appears in children.

People with allergies also complain that there is a constant snot in their throat. This is especially true during the changing seasons. If you have snot in your throat, how to get rid of it? Treatment can be medication or folk remedies. In any case, it is worth considering the cause of the pathology. Let's consider the most effective means.

The occurrence of snot due to allergies

If you are allergic and have snot in your throat, how to get rid of it? Drops will also help you. It is worth noting that many of these drugs cause drowsiness and loss of coordination. To get rid of mucus flowing into the throat, Tavegil tablets, Suprastin pills, Fenistil drops, Vibrocil spray, and so on are most often prescribed.

Before starting treatment, you need to find out what the allergen is. Perhaps it's a new pillow filler or laundry detergent. Allergies also often occur in the form of food allergies. In these cases, it is necessary to urgently eliminate the irritant. If a reaction appears to the flowering of any plant, then all that remains is to support wellness medications and wait for the season to change.

The appearance of mucus due to bacteria

Very often, the reason that there is constant snot in the throat is the development of mucus. purulent appearance(yellow-green tint). A specialist can detect it very easily. In this case effective drugs will become antimicrobial and antibacterial drugs. Most often, doctors prescribe Amoxiclav tablets, Augmentin, Amoxicillin pills and others.

Such treatment should be carried out with extreme caution in young children. At the same time, children are prescribed a course of beneficial bacteria.

Fungal infection and the effect of medications

If you have snot in your throat, how to treat it? The cause of excessive mucus production may be a simple overdose vasoconstrictor drops. The instructions for such medications say that they can be used for no more than five days. If you used medications for longer, you could simply dry out the nasal mucosa. Wherein inner surface swells and absorbs like a sponge fungal infection. The consequence of all this is a copious secretion of mucus, which flows down the back wall of the throat.

Very often in this case, a sterilizing drug with silver molecules is prescribed. The drops are called "Protorgol". Analogue this tool is the medicine "Sialor". Both of these medicines are great at fighting fungi and drying out excess mucus. They are even prescribed for children. This indicates the safety of the drug.

Additional funds

If you have snot in your throat, what should you do? Is it possible to do without using pills and medications? Absolutely yes. Particularly effective alternative treatment at the earliest stages of pathology development. Let's look at effective treatments

Nasal rinsing. Regular deep cleansing of the sinuses helps a lot. It can be carried out using special solutions or self-prepared medicine. If you choose the first option, then you need to buy special medications and a teapot with a spout at the pharmacy. In the second case, you can use a standard syringe and salt water.

Rinse your nose daily after waking up. After all, it is in the morning that the main mucus separation occurs. This method will not allow bacteria to descend into the bronchi and lead to complications.

Gargling. In addition to rinsing the sinuses, a simple gargling may help you. To do this, use a solution of manganese, soda, or dilute one Furacilin tablet in water. Every morning after rinsing your sinuses, gargle with the prepared solution.

The medicine helps free the throat from bacteria and germs. After just a few days of regular procedures, you will notice clear improvements.

Inhalations. Inhalation helps a lot with snot in the throat. They need to be carried out using a decoction of herbs. Chamomile will help relieve inflammation, sage has an astringent and drying effect, eucalyptus will relieve congestion and ease your breathing.

Carry out the procedure before bed for five days. Already on the first morning you will feel much better.


Treat snot that flows down in a timely manner. Otherwise, complications such as bronchitis, pneumonia or asthma may occur. Remember that before taking any medications you need to consult a specialist. Be healthy!

For many people, mucus in the throat is a symptom of a viral disease. But this statement is not always true. Snot in the throat can occur due to various reasons, which means that treatment should begin with determining the underlying factor.

Reasons in the morning

If snot begins to concentrate in the throat in the morning, then this may be a symptom of a recent acute respiratory infection, when the infection has not yet completely left the body. The mucous surfaces contain many cilia, which, when contracted, move mucus to the oral cavity. During the night it accumulates and in the morning it gathers into a lump. It is removed after waking up during a cough.

In most cases, the concentration of mucus in the throat in the morning occurs as a result of inflammation of the membranes of the throat and nose. When mucus in the throat is presented in large quantities, then this can be affected different reasons. Some of them involve the production of large amounts of sputum. Among them:

  1. Runny nose– inflammation of the nasal mucosa.
  2. Sinusitis– inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.
  3. Sinusitis– inflammation of the maxillary sinus.
  4. Adenoiditis- inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil.
  5. Pharyngitis- inflammation of the walls of the pharynx.
  6. Tonsillitis- tonsillitis.

Increased mucus production is associated with the presence of an infectious process and the development of inflammation. When the cough is disrupted due to large cluster snot in the throat, then phlegm is deposited in the lungs and bronchi, and this leads to the development of bronchitis, tracheitis and pneumonia. Also read at home.

Appears after eating

Between the esophagus and throat there is close connection. In certain pathological processes, the acid contained in the intestines penetrates the respiratory tract. Concentration of mucus in the throat after eating can occur with pancreatitis, gastritis and cholecystitis.

The accumulation of secretions is noted precisely after a meal. This condition is characterized by belching and heartburn.

Causes of constant mucus

If snot in the throat is constantly present, then it can affect various factors. Among the most important, it is worth noting acute respiratory infections, ARVI and colds. If the mucus has a viscous consistency, this may be a symptom chronic diseases kidneys and liver. But this phenomenon is most often observed in adults.

To impact on permanent accumulation snot in the throat can be caused by polluted air. To reduce the viscosity of the secretion, you need to take alkaline drinks, mineral water, lemon juice and other drinks that contain natural acids or alkalis. In this case, you need to spit, not swallow.


To determine the disease that has contributed to the accumulation of mucus in the throat, it is also necessary to pay attention to the color of the snot. If they are brown, this indicates the development of pyogenic microorganisms in the throat.

Why the throat itches from the inside and what means you can get rid of it is described in this article:

But how to treat a throat with pharyngitis and what is the best remedy is described in this

Traditional medicine methods


But they can be used for no longer than 7 days, as after this they become addictive. The treatment regimen should also include decongestant medications that have a local effect. If there is severe swelling of the tissues, then antihistamines can help eliminate it.. The nasal passages can be washed with saline or antiseptic solutions. For sinusitis, UV radiation or puncture may be prescribed when conservative methods therapy does not give the desired effect.

Bronchitis, pneumonia

These pathologies can be cured with the help of mucolytics and expectorants; they can make sputum less viscous and facilitate its evacuation. It is also necessary to take bronchodilators, which relieve spasms. Physiotherapy procedures include ozokerite or paraffin, which is placed on the area between the shoulder blades, ultraviolet radiation. Shown breathing exercises, chest massage and physical therapy.

UFO procedure

If there are gastrointestinal pathologies or diseases allergic etiology, then you need to go comprehensive diagnostics to assign effective treatment. In this case, following a diet will be mandatory. For infectious diseases, the doctor decides to take antibiotics.

Folk remedies

There are a number of cases when you can win pathological process succeeds with the help of no means traditional medicine. But before using them, it would not hurt to consult a specialist. The following recipes are considered effective:

  1. Gargling. This treatment option is considered the most affordable. To obtain a solution, you need to use soda, iodine and salt. Get maximum effect possible provided that rinsing is performed every 3 hours. You need to take 10 g of salt, add 200 ml of boiling water. Before use, add a couple of drops of iodine to the solution. Rinsing can be done using a decoction of chamomile and calendula. But how to gargle with a purulent sore throat will help you understand this


  2. Inhalations. For these purposes, it is necessary to use potatoes. Boil it together with the peel. Then crush it, bend over the container, covering yourself with a towel. Inhale medicinal vapors for 10 minutes. How inhalations are carried out for dry coughs with a nebulizer with saline solution is described in this

    Throat inhalation

  3. Compresses. Thanks to them, it is possible to make sputum less viscous and speed up its evacuation. In this case, it is necessary that the compress used has a complex effect on the entire nasopharynx. Your own cottage cheese is suitable for these purposes. Wrap it in cloth and place it on your neck. Place cellophane and a warm scarf on top. It is better to carry out this manipulation at night. But is it possible to make a compress for a purulent sore throat? This is described in detail in this article.

    Compresses for the throat

  4. Vegetable oils. Eucalyptus oil has helped cure mucus in the throat for many years. But it is not intended for internal use. It is best to add it to a spray bottle and then irrigate the throat mucosa.

In the throat may indicate the presence of the most various pathologies occurring in the body. And it doesn't have to be a cold. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, it is possible to stop the cause in time and alleviate the symptoms. Otherwise, chronicization of the process and the development of complications cannot be ruled out.

Such a doctor, like an ENT specialist, in his medical practice Faces many throat diseases every day. The appearance of mucus accumulated in the throat has its own scientific definition. Find out whether mucus in the throat is dangerous for the patient, causes and treatment, types of the disease. The term “postnasal drip syndrome” refers to an unpleasant sensation in the throat and specific mucus. Under the influence of internal diseases and external factors is formed unpleasant symptom requiring treatment.

Causes of discomfort in the throat

What affects the formation of mucus in the throat, causes and treatment are closely intertwined, so it’s worth finding out:

  1. acute respiratory infections (acute respiratory diseases). Inflammation of the upper respiratory processes often accompanied by phlegm in the throat. Acute respiratory infections include: pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis. Inflammation is accompanied by the secretion of mucus and its further flow down the back wall of the throat or rise from the lungs. Sputum during acute respiratory infections clears the airways of bacteria and disappears as soon as the person recovers. If there is another reason for mucus in the throat, and treatment of the disease does not help get rid of it, consult a doctor.
  2. Chronic diseases (upper respiratory area). In case of neglect of many pathologies of the upper respiratory tract, mucus accumulates very intensively. It is unpleasant, but not dangerous, it is a signal that there is inflammatory process.
  3. Chronic diseases (lower respiratory area).
  4. Allergic reactions.
  5. Gastrointestinal diseases.
  6. Disturbed diet, consumption of junk food.
  7. Bad habits (smoking).

Green phlegm

If a person has green sputum, creating a lump in the throat, this indicates a lung abscess. In simple words, this is a purulent process, which is accompanied by the release of purulent green mucus. Additional symptoms illness: pain in chest, chills, coughing up bloody mucus. At lung treatment abscess, doctors predict good results for patients. In case of advanced disease, there is a risk of transition to chronic form, rarely – death.

White sputum

A cough that produces white, curd-like mucus is a reaction to a fungal infection or pulmonary tuberculosis. The spread of fungal infection in the bronchi and mucous membrane of the human throat often appears after long-term use antibiotics, medications that weaken the immune system. White sputum when coughing in scanty volumes signals pulmonary tuberculosis. Sometimes bloody streaks appear in the mucus masses - this means that bleeding has opened in the lungs.

The watery structure of expectoration indicates that the body has transferred viral infection, sometimes even chronic. White expectorant mucus is also associated with allergic manifestations. The body reacts to dust, pollen, odors, fumes, and household chemicals. Allergies are more likely to occur in people who frequently come into contact with harmful fumes and chemical materials.

How to get rid of phlegm

The first step to quick recovery– this is a consultation with an otolaryngologist. Only a doctor can take tests, conduct full examination, prescribe the correct treatment. If you are interested in the medicinal side of the question, how to remove mucus from the throat, then this antiseptics for cleaning from germs, medicinal preparations. Review your life habits, daily routine, diet and pay attention to what surrounds you, perhaps the reason lies in environment.

Do not delay the examination - it is fraught chronic diseases, the emergence additional diseases and death. A person suffering from respiratory diseases can infect his loved ones even if the expectoration is very scanty. Accumulates in any mucus great amount bacteria, from which the body is cleansed as it flows down the walls of the respiratory tract.

Throat antiseptics

Exist various means antiseptic action, including traditional medicine. They are auxiliary in treatment; as the main ones, they will be ineffective. If you have mucus in your throat, you should use the following disinfectants for rinsing:

  1. A solution of salt and soda.
  2. Iodine solution.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide solution (one percent).
  4. Decoction of chamomile, sage.
  5. A mixture of crushed aloe and honey.
  6. Propolis tincture.
  7. Decoction or infusion of calendula leaves.
  8. Sea salt solution.

Medicine for phlegm

To thin the mucus, expectorants should be taken:

  1. On plant based(“Pektusin”, “Solutan”). Side effects upon admission herbal preparations happen less often, but allergic reactions- a common occurrence. Pay attention to the ingredients and warnings in the instructions.
  2. Synthetic (“Ambroxol”, “Lazolvan”).

It is not allowed to take antitussive medications, because they block the excretion of sputum and slow down the healing process. Mucus accumulates inside the body and infections and complications are added to it. This provokes bronchitis, pneumonia and the development of chronic diseases. All mucolytic and expectorant drugs help clear the airways of unpleasant phenomena by thinning mucus. Additionally, accompanying symptoms are treated and strengthened immune system.

How to remove mucus from the body

Treatment helps clear the lungs of mucus, but if the unpleasant process is caused not only by infections, then you need to reconsider your lifestyle:

  1. Change your diet. Limit fatty, sweet, and too spicy foods. Do not drink soda, reduce the amount of coffee and tea you drink per day.
  2. Bad habits - eliminate them! Smoking and alcohol negatively affect internal organs, therefore, human health from constant bad habits will not increase.
  3. Air cleaning. Ventilation, use of air purifiers, humidifiers, green plants will increase pure oxygen into the room. Wet cleaning is mandatory, but no use synthetic products that cause allergic reactions.

Video: Causes of a lump in the throat

How to remove phlegm from the throat? This issue may bother the patient long time or occur suddenly.

If this symptom is not accompanied high temperature or pain, then a person may not pay attention to it for a long time, but medical care contact by accident or after some time, when the process reaches an advanced stage.

Let's find out why phlegm may accumulate in the throat and what medications will help get rid of it.

What is sputum and how does it manifest?

This term in medicine is usually understood as viscous secretion, which is formed by respiratory epithelial cells and contains mucus, fragments of bacteria, desquamated cells and other elements.

It is formed in the lower parts of the respiratory tract (trachea, bronchi and lungs) and, due to irritation of receptors, causes cough reflex and comes out through the mouth.

Some patients include in this concept also discharge during a runny nose, which descends down the back wall of the pharynx and is expectorated through the mouth, as well as discharge during chronic pathologies oropharynx and larynx.

A person can call all these essentially different processes in one word: phlegm in the throat. That is why this symptom is not specific to any one disease, but can accompany various pathological processes.

When finding out the cause, you will definitely have to examine the patient, find out all the details of the medical history and conduct a series of tests to understand what kind of discharge is bothering the person and what treatment he needs to choose.

Why phlegm collects in the throat: causes and symptoms

Mucus accumulation is rarely the only problem. Most often this accompanying symptom some disease or condition.

Let's consider the main reasons why a person may complain about discharge in the throat and what other signs these diseases manifest:

Runny nose and sinus inflammation any reason (bacterial, allergic, chronic, etc.) can provoke the appearance of sputum. The mucus and pus that form in the nasal cavity do not come out through the nose due to severe swelling, but flow down the back of the throat.

This condition worsens in the morning or after sleep, when a person has spent several hours in a horizontal position and copious, purulent discharge has accumulated in the posterior parts of the nasopharynx. It begins to flow down the throat, causing irritation and a wet cough.

Anomalies of the structure of the nose and its septum that make breathing difficult. If the patient has a significantly deviated nasal septum, has polyps, or hypertrophied inferior turbinates, he automatically begins to breathe through his mouth. Mucous back wall dries out and in addition to dryness and soreness in the throat, viscous, difficult to separate sputum may appear.

Acute viral diseases . One of the most common reasons. The course of the disease is typical: the patient begins to have a runny nose, the temperature rises, the throat begins to hurt and sore, and when the inflammation goes down, a cough and thick, purulent sputum appear.

Gastroesophageal reflux, gastritis and esophagitis. During these processes, the contents of the esophagus can be thrown back and irritate the mucous membrane of the larynx and pharynx. It causes chronic inflammation and clear, viscous mucus appears.

More information on the topic:

Smoking and alcohol abuse. Most heavy smokers have a habit of spitting phlegm, which accumulates in the throat throughout the day. It appears due to constant irritation of the respiratory tract by toxic substances in small doses. A chronic inflammatory process develops, which is very difficult to get rid of. So, even after quitting smoking, the cessation of mucus secretion may occur only after several years.

Bronchial asthma. This disease is a reaction of bronchial hypersensitivity to various allergens. The key symptoms of the disease are:

  • attacks of suffocation and shortness of breath;
  • wheezing in the chest;
  • cough with difficult to clear sputum;
  • feeling of heaviness in the chest.

Inflammation of the lungs and pleura. Pneumonia and pleurisy are almost always accompanied by thick, foamy sputum, high fever, chest pain and symptoms of general intoxication.

Various benign and malignant neoplasms . A tumor of the lungs, trachea or bronchi, cancer of the larynx and other similar pathologies can produce discharge. This sputum is green, with a characteristic foul odor.

Other causes: dehydration, decreased saliva production, esophageal diverticulum and others. Source: website

Patients often ask the question why discharge appears from the throat if there are no other symptoms of the disease: no runny nose, no cough, or even low-grade fever. Let's consider in what situations such a problem occurs and how it manifests itself:

Adenoids. This disease is more common in children, although in rare cases it can also affect adults. Manifests:

  • mucus in the nasopharynx;
  • difficulty breathing through the nose and runny nose;
  • noisy breathing and nasal voice in the child.

If the adenoids are not inflamed, then the baby will not have a fever. And persistent nasal congestion without treatment can lead to developmental delays and other problems.

Various shapes chronic laryngitis , chronic tonsillitis or pharyngitis. During the period of remission, most of these processes in the pharyngeal cavity occur without a rise in temperature or other obvious symptoms. The patient may be bothered by scanty sputum, discomfort in the throat, and temperature and other signs of the disease appear only during an exacerbation.

Seasonal and year-round allergies. Constant irritation of the mucous membranes by airborne or food allergens causes hyperproduction of mucus and the patient is constantly bothered by discharge from the nose and throat. These symptoms intensify upon contact with the causative allergen, and during treatment antihistamines or hormones disappear without a trace.

What causes constant phlegm in the throat?

If discharge in the throat bothers a person all the time, then this certainly cannot be due to acute infection. In such cases, the cause may be:

  • chronic inflammatory processes(tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, etc.), in which a sore throat and discharge cause discomfort almost all the time without significant periods of improvement;
  • hazardous production conditions. Workers in industrial plants, paint and varnish and pharmaceutical plants often complain of a feeling of phlegm in their throats that cannot be coughed up. This is due to constant irritation of the respiratory tract mucosa by toxic substances;
  • violation of the indoor microclimate. Many people are careless about maintaining normal humidity and temperature in the room. Ignore advice about what to do normal operation mucous membranes need cool, moist air. Against the background of disruption of the normal microclimate in apartments and houses, a person’s mucous membranes begin to work worse, they dry out and mucus and various bacteria accumulate on them. This sputum is very thick, practically does not come off and can be accompanied by constant soreness and discomfort in the nose and oropharynx.

What to do if the phlegm in your throat does not clear up

To get rid of the feeling constant sputum you need to find out what is causing this problem. If it is not possible to visit a doctor and get examined right away, we list simple measures that will help alleviate this ailment:

  • inhalation(hardware or steam). Such procedures are carried out with mineral water, decoctions of medicinal herbs and ordinary saline solution. They will help moisturize the mucous membrane and relieve discomfort in the throat;
  • If your cough is dry and you don’t cough up any phlegm, you can use homeopathic remedies (Sinupret, Bronchipret, etc.), which increase mucus production and help remove it;
  • instill and pour moisturizers into the nose ( Salin) and oil ( Pinosol) drops. At the same time, they need to be instilled regularly and in a lying position so that they flow down the back of the pharynx;
  • increase the amount of fluid consumed. Sometimes thick and difficult to separate sputum is due to a lack of water in the body.

If the patient is completely tormented by sputum and not a single home remedy does not help, it is better to consult a doctor quickly to find out the cause. The cure for the disease depends half on a correct diagnosis.

How to get rid of phlegm in the throat

To remove mucus and other discharge from the throat, you need to know why it appears there. Let's look at how to get rid of this disease in different situations:

Acute inflammatory process. For viral and bacterial infections anti-inflammatory, antibiotics and antipyretics are prescribed, and sputum is removed using expectorants and thinners.

For chronic processes Inhalations, rinsing, homeopathy and physiotherapy are more often used to restore normal functioning of the mucous membrane and get rid of mucus.

For allergies Antiallergic drugs and hormones can help.

If this symptom is caused by smoking or unhealthy diet, then only giving up this will help bad habit and the time it takes to restore the mucous membranes.

If the cause of phlegm is problems with digestive system , then appropriate medications are prescribed and the disease goes away on its own after treatment.

Thus, you can get rid of phlegm in the throat only by knowing its cause and contributing factors. At self-treatment There is always a risk of making a mistake with the diagnosis and adding to this symptom many more unpleasant problems from self-medication.

Treatment of the disease can take several weeks or even months. Let's look at the key medications that are used in the fight against this scourge.
