Veins in the chest of a child. Why blue large swollen veins appear on the chest during pregnancy: causes, symptoms, treatment

Varicose veins develop on the chest in women due to breastfeeding, and in men, the causes of the pathology are associated with weight lifting. In this case, the patient has an expansion of the subcutaneous vascular bed, a spider vein and significant trophic disorders appear, up to the formation of long-term non-healing ulcers. To get rid of the pathology, it is necessary complex treatment using medical and surgical methods.

Why does varicose veins occur?

cause the development of varicose veins chest the impact on the human body of such factors:

  • excess body weight;
  • nutritional errors;
  • burdened heredity;
  • violation of the structure of collagen fibers;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • increased blood density;
  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • excessive formation of platelets;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • weight lifting;
  • chest injury;
  • pressure increase venous blood in the small pelvis;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • lactation;
  • frequent constipation or diarrhea.

After feeding, women may notice that the mammary glands have become cyanotic, this is due to varicose veins.

Often this problem occurs in women whose children were breastfed.

Often the reason that the veins on the chest got out is breastfeeding. In men, pathology develops as a result of significant power loads and weight lifting. Hypertension and anomalies in the structure of collagen fibers located in the vessels are capable of provoking pathology. Huge bad influence smoking and atherosclerotic plaques have on the walls of the veins.

Symptoms: how does the pathology manifest itself?

Varicose veins in the chest cause the patient to develop the following clinical signs:

  • pain in the affected vessels;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • violation of the general condition;
  • on the mammary glands, swelling and enlargement of the nipples;
  • development of mastopathy;
  • the appearance of benign neoplasms in the glandular tissue;
  • trophic changes in the form of peeling and foci of reddening of the skin;
  • bulging of cyanotic and enlarged vessels on the surface of the skin;
  • long-term non-healing ulcers.

Even after the cessation of lactation, the vessels in the chest area remain visible.

The disease often occurs after breastfeeding. At the same time, patients develop a feeling of fullness and swelling in the chest area. Visible veins on the chest and this problem becomes more pronounced after the cessation of lactation. Sometimes, before the vessels appeared on the mammary gland, patients have a similar problem on the ribs. This is especially true for the development spider veins and peeling of the skin. Often, breast varicose veins occur in women who can see enlarged veins on their legs, that is, there is a predisposition to this disease.

Diagnostic procedures

It is possible to suspect varicose veins on the chest by the presence of a characteristic clinical symptoms. A phlebologist is engaged in the identification of pathology. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to ultrasound procedure with dopplerography. Angiography and magnetic resonance imaging are also shown. If there are neoplasms, it is recommended to biopsy them, followed by a histological examination of tissues. Need to pass general analysis blood and urine, which detect non-specific signs inflammation.

Treatment of varicose veins on the chest

Therapy when performed blue veins on the chest due to varicose veins, should be comprehensive and include the use medications, surgical methods of correction and elimination of the main cause of the development of pathology. Conservative therapy carried out to eliminate or reduce the main symptoms. For this, venotonics, angioprotectors and agents that improve microcirculation are used.

The appointment of Heparin will help the patient avoid severe consequences vascular thrombosis.

Antiplatelet agents and fibrinolytics are used to prevent thrombosis of vital vessels and prevent strokes or heart attacks. The most common among them are Heparin, Fraxiparin and Streptokinase. Shown in complex therapy and vitamin and mineral complexes. In conjunction with traditional medicine it is possible to use non-traditional methods. The methods of acupuncture, magnetotherapy, mud baths and paraffin applications are widely used. Phytotherapy, massage and therapeutic exercises will be useful.

If the measures taken are ineffective, resort to surgical methods impact. Execution shown endoscopic procedures which are aimed at restoring normal blood flow in the vessels. Laser therapy and electrosclerotherapy are used. You can solder varicose vessels using ultrasound or the introduction of special preparations. If the vessels are greatly dilated and the affected area is significant, use an open surgical access with removal of the affected vascular formation.

After the operation, the patient needs a long period of rehabilitation.

Visible veins in the chest

Quite often, most people, looking at themselves in the mirror, note that they have visible veins in the chest. However, not everyone knows what this might mean. Veins are almost always translucent in people with thin skin. This is not a pathology, because. this is your anatomical feature or the veins are too close.

Causes of the appearance of the venous network

There are also cases when the vascular pattern on the surface of the chest is enhanced. without any reason. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this defect. This is bigger genetic predisposition than a deviation from the norm.

However, there are also conditions in which the veins in the chest become visible and varicose veins, and previously they were invisible. First of all, veins on the chest appear during pregnancy, and especially on the mammary glands. These veins are also called "spider veins". They appear due to increased blood flow and simultaneous decrease in the amount of progesterone. This hormone, in turn, is responsible for the condition of the walls of the veins. With its lack, the walls become somewhat weak and thin, as a result of which the veins begin to appear through the skin in the form of a blue mesh.

There are cases when capillaries break due to their fragility and small hemorrhages under the skin. In order to avoid this, during pregnancy it is necessary to do special exercises and try to move as much as possible. It is also impossible to overexert yourself too much, because. it is unlikely that this will be useful to you during pregnancy. In addition to pregnant women, veins in the chest are visible in those people who perform excessive physical activity. First of all, it concerns athletes - heavyweights. AT this case it would be advisable to use anti-varicose gels, and it is necessary to consult with a phlebologist. According to a colleague, the veins on the chest can have physiological abnormalities from the norm and not be a pathology.

superior vena cava syndrome

Another condition in which chest veins are visible is superior vena cava syndrome. In most cases, the cause of this syndrome is lung tumors, lymphogranulomatosis, breast tumor metastases. In other cases, the syndrome of the superior vena cava lead benign neoplasms mediastinal organs, aortic aneurysms. The last cause of ERW syndrome thrombosis of the superior vena cava. Often this syndrome develops in men 30-60 years old.

Symptoms of SVC syndrome are edema, cyanosis, dilation of superficial veins on the face, upper limbs, neck and upper abdomen. The reason for the development of these symptoms is an increase in pressure in the system of the superior vena cava, resulting in a violation of the outflow from the upper half of the body. In addition, there may be complaints of shortness of breath at rest, asthma attacks, cough, pain in the chest. Symptoms may worsen when lying down. With this syndrome, bleeding from the nose, lungs and esophagus can develop, the cause of which is high venous pressure and rupture of thinned vessel walls.

Treatment of dilated veins in the chest

Therefore, if you find veins on your chest, you should not immediately panic, because. most likely this may be the cause of your anatomical features. And if it still bothers you, you need to contact a phlebologist for advice on this issue.

Rash on chest

The rash is extremely diverse both in appearance, prevalence, and in the dynamics of its extinction. Sometimes it disappears without a trace, in other cases it leaves behind scars or dark spots. Allocate infectious and non-infectious causes of the rash. However, in both cases, it is only a symptom, that is, outward manifestation common problem with health. Therefore, you should not leave it unattended.

Is it possible to warm the chest with bronchitis

Warming up is the most common procedure that is used at home to treat colds and especially bronchitis. The chest is rubbed with warming ointments, compresses are applied, mustard plasters are placed on the back. This harmless procedure is useful in many cases, but sometimes it should be refrained from. Because there are different types of bronchitis.

Burning in the chest

A burning sensation in the chest area is extremely unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous. Since the problem can be simple, associated with ordinary heartburn, or complex - the cause of cardiac or lung diseases, diseases of the nervous system.

Pain in the left side of the chest

Pain in the chest, and even more so in the left side of it, may indicate various pathologies, to understand which sometimes even doctors can not immediately.

Most often, pain in the left chest area characterizes heart disease. In addition to this pathology, such pain can characterize diseases respiratory system, mediastinum, spine, gastrointestinal tract or the CNS.

Protruding vessels: is it always varicose veins and should I be worried?

Protruding veins on the arms, legs, chest and other parts of the body very often become a reason for consulting a specialist. In most situations it is not easy cosmetic defect, but fully formed specific disease. The opinion of doctors is quite clear - veins protrude on the legs and arms for a reason, and most often we are talking about the disease which requires long-term treatment.

But in some cases, protruding vessels are a normal physiological reaction of the body to various exogenous and endogenous processes and irritants, and this phenomenon does not pose any threat to health.

Swollen veins in the legs

Most people who come across this problem do not pay attention to it until the state of health worsens. Funds are running alternative medicine, massage and even cosmetic preparations.

An increase in veins often indicates the presence of varicose veins, the initial stage of which was safely skipped. Among other manifestations of the disease, swelling of the legs and a feeling of heaviness even after minor exertion can be distinguished. If you find similar symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, and in this case you can get rid of it quickly enough.

The course of the disease depends on many reasons, the main ones are physical activity, Availability bad habits, health status and genetic factor. Excessive loads, improper nutrition and some other phenomena are considered to be catalysts for progress. The veins on the legs protrude because a person does not want to change his lifestyle for a long time that applies equally to unhealthy eating habits and low mobility.

The main danger of varicose veins

Complications and accompanying illnesses can not only begin to cause significant discomfort, but also lead to a significant deterioration in the state of health in general. Breaking away from the walls of the veins, the formed ones move along small and large blood vessels, as a result of which they can provoke a pulmonary, in which the artery closes with a detached blood clot. Various inflammations, among which the most common and are considered ordinary consequences of neglected varicose veins; among the symptoms, the most unpleasant are quite deservedly called, during movement and periodic convulsions.

Preventive measures and treatment

Meanwhile, the treatment of protruding veins is the only alternative to the formation of blood clots. If it has not yet come to this, but there is a certain genetic predisposition, then it would be advisable to strike a preventive blow to the disease.

So, the first step is to completely reconsider daily diet, excluding, if possible, the most harmful products Or at least limit their number. Replacing fatty meats with fish and leaner ones sometimes helps prevent the development of the disease, as does not eating fast carbohydrates(pastries, sweets, cookies). If you are overweight, doctors strongly recommend getting rid of extra pounds and keep watching your diet.

The second point of the program to prevent varicose veins is sports, which should be selected in accordance with age, health status and preferences. It's also a good idea to quit smoking and get in the habit of resting with a couple of pillows under your feet.

If a swollen vein is detected against the background of swelling of the leg, pain and redness, it is best not to put off the case indefinitely and go to the nearest clinic. Choice of treatment is influenced by general state patient, the clinical picture of the course of the disease and the stage of its development. Surgery is one of possible methods, like drug therapy.

In the fight against a disease such as varicose veins, the main danger is self-medication, which can lead to unpredictable results. Not having special education it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis, and experts from the network, even being such, cannot see the whole picture.

Video: varicose veins and their causes

Protruding vessels on the hands

Swollen veins on the arms are not as common as on the legs, for example. Due to the constant lowered position, the veins on the hands protrude strongly in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hand, and only then on the forearm. It should be stated in advance that heavy loads(heavy bags, heavy lifting) some swelling of the veins is completely normal, and usually completely disappears in a few hours.

Causes of enlarged veins

With a small amount of subcutaneous adipose tissue, this phenomenon is very common. This can be seen not only on the example of modern Hollywood beauty standards, but also looking at professional bodybuilders after drying. Both the first and the second deliberately exclude carbohydrates and fats from the diet, which leads to a decrease in the percentage of fat mass and relative dehydration of the body. As a result, the skin becomes much thinner, and the veins stand out much more strongly.

However, with equal probability, constantly swollen veins can be a manifestation of varicose veins, so a consultation with a doctor will not be superfluous. Aneurysm-like extensions of a local (venous nodes) character are a typical symptom of the disease. Pain and swelling are also among the common symptoms.

Therapeutic methods for swelling on the hands

Very often when varicose veins veins, experts recommend contacting a specialized phlebological clinic, which has a wide arsenal of tools to combat the disease and its manifestations. It should be borne in mind that the choice of method of treatment depends not only on the desire of the patient, but also on the severity of the disease and the degree of its manifestations.

The following therapeutic methods are the most common:

  • Ultrasound;
  • Medical treatment;

Laser treatment is used to glue the vascular walls, as a result of which the blood flow through the vein stops, and after a while it is excluded from the bloodstream. In sclerotherapy, the vascular walls are connected under the influence of a sclerosant introduced into the body, but the inflamed vein is also removed from the body. circulatory system. In rare and especially neglected cases, the only possible way out is surgical intervention, but modern medicine does not use it so often.

In the absence of contraindications, medical preparations will be the basis of therapy; it can be both, and tablets complete with.

It should be borne in mind that doctors strongly discourage prescribing medications on their own, as this can complicate treatment by obscuring clinical picture the course of the disease. Regardless of the direction of action (removal of inflammation, pain relief), drugs will not eliminate the main cause of pain, but only soften or eliminate them for a while.

Enlarged veins in the chest

Perhaps one of the safest manifestations such a case is considered. In some women, the veins on the chest are very noticeable all the time, and this indicates that they are simply located close to the skin.

The structure of the chest implies an abundance of blood vessels in it, so transillumination of the veins without protrusion is the norm

The phenomenon, when the veins on the chest suddenly appeared, is considered by experts as one of the typical changes in the female body in preparation for breast lactation, which is quite natural. The formation of the milk duct usually begins from the tenth week of pregnancy and is accompanied by an increase in the nipples on both breasts.

After finishing breastfeeding veins become much less noticeable, until they return to their previous state. Wearing a special bra and strengthening exercises will help keep your breasts healthy and beautiful.

Capillaries appear on the face

They are the most common manifestations of swelling of the veins, but this is not always related to varicose veins.

These symptoms are characterized by a disorder hormonal balance and circulation, which can be caused by genetic predisposition and age-related changes.

For the appearance similar symptoms The following factors may be responsible:

  • Prolonged exposure to the open sun;
  • Permanent loads;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Bad habits (including malnutrition).

Veins in the forehead may become enlarged due to constant high physical activity that can be observed in weightlifters. In addition, this is a common physiological reaction to strong laughter or crying.

Video: Elena Malysheva about the vascular network on the face

The female breast is the most unprotected and tender part of the body, because it contains great amount capillaries and small vessels. Sometimes they become just visible, while they do not stick out and do not cause any inconvenience. Such a state should not disturb the representative of the beautiful half of humanity.

The fact is that in many women the veins can be located close to the skin, so they are visually visible. But if the veins began to appear sharply, at the same time they became bumpy, and at the same time they also began to disturb pain, then this is the first signal that varicose veins are developing on the chest.

How is varicose veins treated female breast, and we will find out how dangerous such a pathology is below.

As described above, in the mammary gland is located a large number of capillaries, vessels and veins. Therefore, the reasons why veins appear on the mammary glands are directly related to the device and features female body, namely:

  • the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • fluctuations in testosterone levels in adolescence;
  • violation normal operation biological fluid systems;
  • the formation of neoplasms;
  • changes in the body after an abortion;
  • climax period.

There are a lot of reasons why the veins on the chest become visually visible, but this does not mean that they are all dangerous.

For example, when a woman goes on a diet and abruptly loses weight, the veins become visible almost all over the body, but as soon as you gain a couple of kilograms again, such a problem disappears without a trace, and in this case, there can even be no talk of illness.

This rule also applies to athletes who are engaged in bodybuilding. Often, during such activities, a person develops bumpy veins on the arms, legs and chest, which do not pose a danger.

It is worth fearing the development of phlebological defects, as well as the formation venous thrombosis, which develops as a result of irreversible deformation of the main veins.

There are several reasons why venous thrombosis develops, namely:

  • congenital abnormalities in the venous system;
  • phlebohypertension.

If a person has a very advanced stage of a varicose defect on the chest or on other parts of the body, then not only tuberous veins are formed, but also trophic ulcers. And such defects are very difficult to treat.

For this reason, it is very important to seek help in a timely manner. Otherwise, a person runs the risk of getting very serious complication and sometimes death.

Varicose veins on the chest during pregnancy

The vast majority of the cause of changes in the veins on the chest is the period of expectation of the child and during breastfeeding. In fact, pregnancy for a woman is a signal that measures should be taken immediately to prevent the development of varicose veins.

As a rule, changes in the mammary gland begin to appear from the 10th week of pregnancy. During this period, female nipples increase, and the breast becomes painful.

Therefore, it is very important to foresee these features in advance and purchase a special bra. Also, do not forget about special exercises, which will help at the end of feeding to return the breast to its previous size.

Often, about half of the women who bear a child suffer from such a problem as the development of varicose veins. Mostly this problem observed precisely in those expectant mothers who suffered from this disease even before pregnancy, but did not attach importance to it.

As a result, after childbirth, this problem is aggravated, and such unpleasant signs as a vascular pattern or protrusion of dilated veins appear. It is worth noting that the danger of protruding veins lies in the fact that such a sign can develop into the development of thrombophlebitis and the formation trophic ulcers points.

It is important to understand that greatly dilated main veins can provoke bleeding, and this is a dangerous miscarriage.

The first signs of the development of varicose veins on the chest

The initial stage of development of a varicose defect manifests itself in the form of edema in the legs in the evening and deformation of the veins in the mammary glands. If a woman does not attach importance to such symptoms, then in the future she begins to be disturbed by muscle cramps, and the veins gradually begin to bulge and acquire a blue or green tint.

When a varicose defect is in a neglected state, neoplasms begin to form in the veins in the form of nodes that protrude strongly.

This stage is accompanied severe pain along the course of the vein, and in the future can provoke bleeding. It is for this reason that you should immediately contact a phlebologist or a vascular surgeon.

In general, the signs of the development of varicose veins can be as follows:

  • bad feeling;
  • in some cases, fainting;
  • in adolescence breast swelling;
  • neoplasm in the form of nodes on the chest;
  • the development of such a defect as mastopathy.

It is worth noting that if a woman has a temperature, then this is a signal of a progressive inflammatory process, and sometimes about the development of a malignant neoplasm.

If the veins become very visible in a girl in adolescence, this is a signal that a restructuring is taking place in her body. hormonal background, which can lead to the development of mastopathy. Also, such a problem can be detected in adolescent boys who have problems with overweight.

But at the same time, such changes do not always pose a threat, often after children's body everything will be rebuilt backfire disappear without a trace. In this situation, parents should simply show their child to a specialist in order to be safe from such a possible problem.

In general, if a woman begins to appear on the mammary glands bumps and nodes, then you should immediately seek help from a specialist. It is important to understand that the earlier the diagnosis is made, the higher the chance of avoiding dangerous complications.


Basically, in order to preliminarily establish a diagnosis, it is enough for a specialist to conduct a visual examination of the patient. If neoplasms in the form of nodes are palpated on the chest during palpation, then the doctor prescribes a further more detailed and detailed examination, namely:

  • ductography;
  • ultrasound;
  • sonography.

Only after complete examination specialist appoints adequate treatment, which is selected on the basis of the data obtained during the diagnosis.


How to get rid of a varicose defect on the chest can only be decided by the attending physician. In the event that a neoplasm has been established, then surgical intervention is applied, and in some cases, it may be necessary to undergo a course of chemotherapy.

If the woman asked for help in a timely manner and the varicose defect is on initial stage development, then the course of treatment will be composed of the use of drugs, ointments and gels. In this case, the doctor will also prescribe medical therapy to block further development varicose veins.

As for the waiting period for a child, treatment of varicose veins is not required, since this is quite natural process, which will completely disappear after the end of lactation.

Well, in the case when the doctor has revealed more serious defects, then the following methods are used for treatment, namely:

  • laser therapy;
  • echosclerotherapy;
  • treatment with ultrasound;
  • medical therapy with the use of medicines;
  • surgical intervention.

Each of the above methods is used at a certain stage in the development of varicose veins. A specialist prescribes this or that manipulation based on the stage of progression of the disease.

Preventive measures

If you follow simple rules prevention, it will help to prevent the development of the disease. There are several such recommendations and they do not require much attention, namely:

  • during the period of waiting for the child, it is necessary to observe personal hygiene and wear a comfortable bra;
  • try not to expose the mammary glands to the slightest injury;
  • It is very important for adolescents to receive regular moderate loads and eat right;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • stop drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • wearing comfortable and high-quality shoes made from natural materials, as well as complete failure from shoes
  • on high heels.

It is very important to monitor your diet, since eating junk food is one of the factors that provokes the development of varicose veins in the mammary glands. by the most the best option will introduce into your diet maximum amount vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products.

Dilated veins in the chest untimely treatment can lead to severe and dangerous consequences for every woman, so do not ignore the first alarms.

If you suspect a varicose defect, you should immediately visit a phlebologist or vascular surgeon.


Varicose defect, it is very dangerous and insidious disease which should be treated immediately. It is important to understand that it is impossible to completely get rid of this pathology, but it is possible to stop its development. modern medicine provided that assistance is sought in a timely manner.

Do not ignore the first signs, as such a problem can lead to a miscarriage or provoke bleeding. Take care of yourself and own health, and let the varicose defect bypass you.

Very often visible veins on the chest during pregnancy. Already from the first days of conception, the mammary glands change their structure. The chest becomes rounded, it may ache, and the venous retina is more clearly visible. But not always the appearance of a pronounced pattern of veins on mammary glands indicates pregnancy - sometimes this condition is the reason for going to the doctor, since the development of a disease is possible.

The reasons

Often veins are visible on the chest due to anatomical features women, but sometimes it indicates pathological condition.

For example:

  • venous congestion;
  • testosterone levels during puberty are unstable;
  • malfunctions of the circulatory system;
  • the presence of a tumor;
  • multiple inflammations in the body;
  • too active sports;
  • microscopic changes after artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • the onset of menopause;
  • sudden cessation of breastfeeding;
  • the onset of menopause;
  • infection penetration.

The appearance of veins on the chest can be caused by other reasons that are not related to the woman's health.

Among them:

  1. A sharp decline weight. As a result body fat becomes much thinner and blood vessels in the mammary glands are noticeable. If a female body returns to its former forms, then such changes will also disappear.
  2. Active sports or exercise. In view of physiological characteristics after physical exertion, veins can appear not only on the arms and legs, but also on the chest. After rest, as a rule, everything disappears.
  3. Emotional stress. It does not have to be negative, even great joy causes a rush of blood to the vessels, which makes the veins more visible.
  4. Hormonal changes during puberty. The mammary glands change, increase, the skin does not have time to adapt to this process, it becomes thinner, and the veins are clearly visible.
  5. Veins may appear due to the menstrual cycle. Very often, before menstruation, the breast swells and aches, at this time the venous network on the mammary glands becomes more noticeable.
  6. Prominent veins during pregnancy. If you notice that veins noticeably appear on your chest, then first of all visit a gynecologist or get a pregnancy test, as this is one of the first signs that conception has occurred. The fact is that already from the first days of gestation, the breast is preparing for lactation, it swells, it hurts, the color and shape of the nipples change, and the veins also become more noticeable.

How to fight

If veins appear due to pregnancy and you are concerned about the aesthetic side of this condition, then doctors recommend doing nothing and waiting until the gestation period is over. After lactation, everything will return to normal, and the breast will take on a normal appearance.

But if even after that veins appear on the mammary glands and cause discomfort in terms of beauty, then you can resort to the method of sclerotherapy. A special substance will be introduced into the vessels, which will cause them to stick together. After that, a scar is formed at the site of the vein, which soon resolves.

Another modern and safe way- this is laser therapy. small vessels under the influence of the laser are destroyed, and skin remain intact. In addition to the safety of the procedure, its advantage is that the patient does not feel pain. In addition, there are no hematomas and edema, but this is all provided that this operation is performed by a specialist using quality equipment. Otherwise, complications in the form of burns may occur.

Vascular diseases

But not always the manifestation of veins on the chest is harmless. Sometimes this is characteristic of venous diseases. And the most dangerous of them can be called chronic venous thrombosis. This pathology is preceded by varicose veins, congenital vascular anomalies or acquired vascular disorders. Therefore, during pregnancy, you should not write off everything for hormonal changes if the breast has changed significantly appearance Please consult your doctor on this matter.

In addition to the appeared veins on the chest, other signs may indicate varicose veins:

  • the appearance of cyanotic spider veins;
  • varicose veins;
  • their swelling.

If you do not take care of the treatment in the early stages of the disease, then complications arise in the form of venous thrombosis and trophic ulcers.

And during pregnancy, if there is a violation of the work of blood vessels, there is a risk of bleeding, which will provoke a miscarriage. If varicose veins were detected before pregnancy, a woman must definitely undergo a course of therapy. Only then can you plan to conceive.

Symptomatic manifestations

Varicose veins can make themselves felt even before they appear. vascular network on the chest. The first sign of the disease is swelling of the legs. Especially often it can appear in the late afternoon. There is also heaviness in the legs, pain aching character and blue veins. Already at this time, you should sound the alarm and begin treatment.

As the disease progresses, other symptoms appear:

  • in the mammary glands, nodules or bumps can be felt;
  • swelling of the breasts and juices;
  • mastopathy;
  • an increase in body temperature and general malaise.
  • Can provoke the development of the disease external factors, such as:
  • a sharp weight gain;
  • metabolic disease;
  • reception hormonal drugs etc.

Treatment varicose disease will be carried out after a complete examination of the mammary glands. Therapy has A complex approach must be prescribed by a specialist.

What do we have to do

If swollen veins on the chest are found, it is worth conducting a series of studies on your own:

  1. Inspect carefully mammary glands, palpate them from all sides, notice all seals, if any.
  2. Check out the color changes.
  3. If you notice swelling, you will need compression underwear.
  4. Do not try to self-medicate and even more so take medications First of all, seek help from a doctor.

When neoplasms are detected, treatment will depend on the size of the tumor. If it is growing rapidly, then surgery is likely to be applied. With a slow growth of the formation, expectant tactics or drug therapy is chosen.

Thus, the appearance of noticeable veins on the chest can either be harmless or be a symptom of many diseases. Therefore, to protect yourself, visit a doctor.


You will learn about the causes of varicose veins during pregnancy by watching our video.
