The most important vitamins for humans. What vitamins do people need for health? where are the vitamins found? What vitamins are vital for the body?

What are the benefits of vitamins?

Are there any benefits from vitamins? Undoubtedly, because the body cannot do without them. Vitamins ensure the passage of the most important chemical reactions in the human body that support its vital functions. Proper nutrition is the main source of all essential vitamins, each of which brings one benefit or another to the body.

Table of vitamins and their benefits

Vitamin A Normalizes the functioning of the immune system, helps fight infections, improves the condition of skin, hair, nails, and plays an important role in vision. Daily norm for humans - 1 mg. Contained in carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, peaches, melon, apples, beef liver, fish oil, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, parsley
Vitamin B1 Regulates work nerve cells. The daily norm is 1.3 mg. Contained in potatoes, carrots, beets, legumes, nuts, rice
Vitamin B2 Supports general health human, improves the condition of skin, hair, nails. The daily norm is 1.5 mg. Present in kidneys, liver, yeast, almonds, eggs, mushrooms
Vitamin B3 (PP) Important for normal heart function, has a positive effect on blood microcirculation. The daily norm is 20 mg. Contained in meat, nuts, eggs, fish, green vegetables, liver
Vitamin B6 Participates in the formation of red blood cells and fat metabolism. The daily norm is 2.5 mg. Can be found in potatoes, tomatoes, cherries, oranges, strawberries, walnuts, beets
Vitamin B12 Responsible for growth and normal development body. The daily norm is 5-7 mg. Found in kidneys and liver
Vitamin C Strengthens the immune system, helps cope with colds, protects against infections, restores tissue cells, important for growth. The daily norm is 90 mg. Present in citrus fruits, rose hips, sea buckthorn, black currants, apples, red bell peppers
Vitamin D Necessary for the absorption of calcium, the benefits of the vitamin for strengthening bones have been proven. The daily norm is 15 mcg. Contained in fish oil, fish, liver, mushrooms, eggs
Vitamin E Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, slows down aging, prevents the formation of blood clots and helps their resorption, helps to absorb vitamin A. The daily norm is 10 mg. Can be found in vegetable oils, milk, liver, eggs, greens, cereal germs
Vitamin K Important for metabolism connective tissue and bones, helps the body absorb calcium. The daily norm is 120 mcg. Contained olive oil, cabbage (cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts), kiwi, bananas, milk, eggs, meat
Vitamin P Together with vitamin C, it takes part in redox processes. The body needs to receive 25-50 mg of vitamin per day. Present in walnuts, apricots, black currants, citrus fruits, cabbage

The dangers of synthetic vitamins

Many scientists believe that artificial vitamins do more harm to the human body than good. They're worried that people don't want to follow the rules. healthy eating and try to get useful material using synthetic additives. As a result, uncontrolled use of drugs either simply does not bring any benefit or causes damage to the body.

Harm of vitamins

Vitamin A Natural vitamin A is a retinol complex that consists of several subunits. It is this complex structure that makes the substance valuable for the human body. Pharmacists use only beta-carotene for production and do not synthesize other fractions. It has been scientifically established that regular intake of a synthetic analogue of vitamin A increases the risk of developing intestinal cancer by 30%. Daily consumption of 20 mg of the substance by smokers increases the likelihood of developing heart disease
B vitamins They are considered the most allergenic vitamins. Excessive amounts lead to skin rash, itching, sometimes causes anaphylactic shock. The natural vitamin consists of a complex of compounds, while the synthetic analogue includes only cyanocobalamin, which is obtained using genetic engineering methods
Vitamin C Excessive amounts of the vitamin may cause insomnia, anxiety for no apparent reason, as well as stool upset. Taking a synthetic analogue in an amount of 500 mg per day increases the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis by 2.5 times. A complex of artificial vitamins A, E and C increases the risk of premature death by 16%
Vitamin D The necessity of the vitamin for calcium absorption and bone growth has been scientifically proven. At one time, supplements containing this vitamin became popular. It was used to strengthen the skeleton of children. The result was disappointing - children who were diagnosed with “ossification of the skull” began to be admitted to the hospital more and more often. This is due to the fact that the child’s brain grows along with the body. And when skull development stopped due to excessive amounts of vitamin D, the brain simply had nowhere to go. That's why we started talking about the dangers of excessive amounts of vitamin supplements.
Vitamin E The natural vitamin consists of several subunits - four tocotrienols and four tocopherols. Pharmacists produce a partial analogue, which does not contain all the necessary elements and does not correspond to the natural one. Research in Israel has confirmed that the E+C vitamin complex increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis by 30%. In 1994, Finnish scientists found that regular intake of the vitamin by smokers increases the likelihood of developing lung cancer by 18%. In the United States, a link was found between the development of bowel cancer and the consumption of vitamins E+A. Among 170 thousand people who participated in the study, 30% had an increased incidence of the disease with regular intake of this vitamin complex

When should you take artificial vitamins?

Having understood how vitamins are harmful to health, you may get the impression that what to consume vitamin preparations extremely dangerous. This is not entirely true. The harm or benefit of pharmaceutical additives depends on how and under what circumstances they are used. If you take them wisely, if necessary, adhering to the recommended dosage, then they will be useful.

When healthy, balanced diet the body receives the required amount of nutrients and does not need additional use of dietary supplements. If the diet does not include healthy foods, in particular vegetables, fruits and berries, then taking vitamin supplements would be appropriate.

Also reception pharmaceutical drugs necessary for diseases that interfere with the normal absorption of vitamins and nutrients. In general, it is recommended to turn to a vitamin complex in following cases:

  • in the presence of diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • during the rehabilitation period after surgery;
  • while taking sorbents that interfere with the absorption of vitamins into the intestines;
  • in the presence of acute infections(bacterial or viral);
  • if there are no healthy foods in the diet;
  • at harsh conditions labor.

We often hear about the benefits of vitamins. They ensure the occurrence of important biochemical reactions in the body, improve metabolic processes and improve immunity. Good condition skin and hair also provide vitamins. The benefits and harms of these substances depend on dosages and circumstances. If you uncontrollably consume synthetic vitamin preparations in unlimited quantities, you can cause serious violation. Before taking any remedy, you should consult your doctor. He will analyze the condition of your body, nutritional habits and determine whether you need additional dose vitamins Don't forget that proper nutrition- this is the main one natural source useful substances. The video below will tell you in more detail about the benefits and harms of vitamins.

Today doctors practically do not diagnose "vitaminosis" - complete absence of vitamins in the body, due to the fact that in better side our diet has changed, the opportunity has arisen all year round make up for the lack of vitamins with their synthetic analogues. Some vitamins are easily synthesized by the body itself, some are replenished only from food or by taking artificial analogues.

Vitamins- biologically active low molecular weight compounds, ensuring the normal functioning of the body. The word “vitamins” comes from the Latin “vita” - life. It is no coincidence that these organic compounds, because their role is irreplaceable in the life of the body. Vitamins can improve, speed up or slow down physiological processes, protect the body from adverse effects external environment, as well as increase resistance to various diseases and promote rapid recovery.

Vitamins and their deficiency in the body

There are currently 13 essential vitamins, with 2 vitamins pending approval. All vitamins are important for the body, a deficiency of only one of them leads to an imbalance in the functioning, causes disruption of processes in systems and malfunctions of important organs. However, there are vitamins without which human life is impossible. Thus, it was recently established that one of the most important is involved in all metabolic processes and is formed in the body only under the influence of sunlight. At the same time, vitamin C and A and E are no less important.

By the end of winter, by March, the content of vitamins in products is reduced, in addition, some lack of sun in winter, a short photoperiod, and winter viruses-infections sharply reduce the production of their own vitamins and their absorption, which leads to hypovitaminosis(lack of vitamins). In general, hypovitaminosis is present in most of the population all year round, due to improper and unbalanced nutrition.

Lack of vitamins causes bad feeling, exacerbation chronic diseases and the occurrence of various types of ailments. Let's consider only the most basic vitamins in our body and the processes for which they are responsible.

Basic and most important vitamins for humans

The most common and well-known vitamin C found in products - ascorbic acid-its artificial analogue is the main one. There was a time when it was developed in human body, but since a person changed his principle of eating plant foods, the hormones responsible for the production of vitamin C stopped being produced, and now it comes to us only with food.

So vegetarians in this regard are more fortunate; they produce vitamin C better, and therefore the immunity of these people is much higher.

Vitamin D and its role

Vitamin D is synthesized in the body when sunlight. It is called the sunshine vitamin. Therefore, in winter, due to the absence or reduction of daylight hours, its level drops and the body experiences a deficiency. This causes the following problems to arise in the body:

  • absorption slows down and their condition worsens and muscles become weak;
  • bone fragility increases and the number of fractures and injuries increases;
  • blood clotting decreases;
  • gets lost hormonal regulation metabolism.

B vitamins

Vitamin B1: provide a state nervous system, which means sleep quality and lack of sleep.

Vitamin B2: Lack of vitamin causes ulcers in the oral mucosa, ulcers in the corners of the lips.

Where to get: brewer's yeast, milk, bread.

Vitamin B3 ( a nicotinic acid)

Ensures the functioning of the nervous system.

Where to get it: in meat, peanuts, cereals.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid)- participates in the production of red blood cells and the construction of DNA.

Vitamin deficiency leads to fatigue, stomach upset.

Where to get it: beef liver, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, bananas, rice, grains.

Vitamin K and its role

Lack of vitamin leads to nosebleeds.

Where to get it: cabbage, arugula, chicken, beef.

What Causes Vitamin Deficiency

However, it is not only the reduction and absence of vitamins in food that leads to their deficiency in the body. The following factors kill vitamins in our body:

  • taking antibiotics and painkillers reduces their content by about 2 times;
  • the enemies of vitamins are smoking;
  • uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs;
  • any .

Synthesized vitamin preparations and their benefits

The world annually produces 50,000 tons of artificial vitamins with a total cost of 30 billion. $. Since childhood, it has been drummed into us that food cannot compensate for the lack of them in our body, so they must be introduced artificially. The pharmaceutical business is thriving, its propaganda is expanding, the human consciousness is completely lobbied by the postulates of doctors, and therefore people continue to take such drugs, which are harmful to health.

Thus, the general and uncontrolled passion for synthetic vitamins can lead to hypervitaminosis (excessive accumulation of vitamins), which is also not good. Natural vitamins are eliminated by the body without harm, and artificial analogues are always not so ineffective.

Thus, an excess of vitamin A leads to stomach cancer, an excess of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) has a negative effect on the functioning of the heart.

In addition, there is scientific information proving the uselessness of taking synthetic analogues of vitamins, the very complexes that are offered to us in pharmacies or in the form of dietary supplements. (TV “Russia” broadcast on 02/27/2018 about “The Most Important Thing”, dated 03/13/2018, video clips are easy to find on the channel’s website)

Active substances that ensure the functioning of the body include vitamins. Vitamins do not play a minor role in human life.

Vitamins entering our body and entering into a chemical reaction lead to the formation of the necessary enzymes involved in metabolic processes. This is the important role of vitamins in the formation of enzymes.

The word “vitamins” is known to every child. Everyone is familiar with ascorbic acid, vitamin C, which is vital. Every person knows this terrible disease like scurvy, which is precisely caused by a lack of vitamins in the body. What are vitamins and what is the role of vitamins in human life?

Taking vitamins is very important for a person, but you should definitely consult a doctor, because an excess can be harmful, please do not forget about this.

The most important vitamins for humans

Vitamins - vita translated means life. Vitamins increase human performance, facilitate various diseases, are accelerators of chemical reactions occurring in the cells of the body. They are used not only for the treatment of vitamin deficiencies, but also for complex treatment various diseases.

Ascorbic acid. Vitamin C rich foods:

  • parsley;
  • rose hip;
  • Red pepper;
  • chokeberry;
  • black currant;
  • dill;
  • lemon;
  • horseradish.

This vitamin increases the body's resistance to infections, it is also taken to prevent atherosclerosis, has a positive effect on cholesterol levels, and is also used for bleeding and poisoning.

Vitamin A. Humans can get vitamin A from food. If there is not enough of it in food, the darkness becomes thick and objects dissolve in the darkness. Therefore, with vitamins on helps us see in the dark. Vitamin A is essential immune system- This reliable defender our body. Lack or deficiency of the vitamin causes infectious diseases and increases child mortality.

In the body, cavities consist of epithelial tissue, in the formation of which vitamin A takes an active part. These are the skin, stomach, throat, genitourinary system, eyes. With a lack of vitamin bones, skin, Airways and other systems begin to fail. But keep in mind that regular multivitamins can solve all your problems.

Actively participates in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, is very important during pregnancy, and prevents aging.

Vitamin D. Everyone knows that fish oil is very rich in this vitamin. If there is not enough vitamin, rickets can develop in children, and soft bones in adults. Plays a huge role in the formation of bones, regulates the metabolic processes of calcium and phosphorus. We can mainly get this vitamin in the summer, when the sun is at its peak.

Vitamin K. Contained in cabbage, lettuce, pumpkin, spinach, tomatoes, soybean oil. Has a hemostatic effect.

What are the B vitamins?

The role of group vitamins B in the human body is huge.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) its main vital function for the body is the conversion of carbohydrates into energy. This vitamin is not found in our bodies and can be taken daily to avoid deficiency, which leads to disease. Thiamine is involved in metabolic reactions. And since it is present in food products, its deficiency can always be replenished.

Vitamin B2 - participates in fat, carbohydrate, protein metabolism, tissue growth, is necessary for humans good vision. Very rich in this vitamin ordinary yeast. It is also found in small quantities in eggs, rye bread, milk, buckwheat, cheese, meat products.

Vitamin PP - nicotinic acid. This vitamin is important for the stomach and pancreas, lowers cholesterol, dilates the blood vessels of the heart, and is taken for liver diseases, ulcers, colitis, when wounds do not heal well. This vitamin is very important for the human body.

Products rich in vitamin PP:

  • Brewer's yeast;
  • buckwheat;
  • walnuts;
  • meat;
  • wheat bran;
  • green pea.

Folic acid. It takes an active part in hematopoiesis, in growth processes, reduces fat deposition in internal organs. Very rich folic acid ordinary brewer's yeast.

Vitamin B6. actually consists of 3 different substances - pyridoxine, pyridoxal, pyridoxamine. In the body, they all perform the function of processing protein. Children need vitamin B6 for growth and development. It is essential for red cells and normal brain function.

Vitamin B12. Traditionally, vitamin B12 has had a reputation as an energy booster. Anemia is a type of anemia in those suffering from vitamin B12 deficiency. If there is no treatment for this condition, then this disease is fatal. Foods that contain vitamin B12 include eggs, beef, liver and other types of red meat.

Be sure to consume animal products. They are a source of the vitamin B12 we need.

Such a variety of vitamins and minerals, complex drugs, both on a natural basis and with various additives and dietary supplements that make your head spin, are perhaps fully represented in our pharmacies. Everyone can choose the appropriate option for themselves.

When taking any vitamins, be sure to consult with your doctor, because an excess of vitamins is also harmful, you do not need to constantly take vitamins, it is better to diversify your diet, because with food a person can provide his body with all the necessary vitamins.

Be healthy!

The human body is not capable of synthesizing and storing vitamins for future use. Therefore, he must receive them daily in a complete set in quantities that ensure the physiological norm.

Vitamins protect a person from harmful factors environment. They are also necessary for normal metabolism, for the growth and development of the body, for the normal functioning of its organs.

Hypovitaminosis reduces physical and mental performance, resistance to neuro-emotional tension and stress, increases occupational injuries, reduces the duration of active working life.

Research by specialists in various regions of the world suggests that the fewer vitamins in people’s food, the more often they develop diseases such as atherosclerosis and oncological diseases, the higher the mortality rate from these diseases.

Hypovitaminosis aggravates the course of the underlying disease, reduces the effect of treatment, and complicates the outcome surgical operations And postoperative period. That is why, when treating any patient, you need to ensure that he takes the required daily dose of vitamins.

Many people believe that to replenish the supply of vitamins in the body, it is enough to include fresh vegetables and

fruits. But not all vegetables and fruits contain essential vitamins. Some vitamins are also included in bread, meat, milk, cereals, butter and vegetable oil.

In addition, food alone cannot provide the human body with the required amount of vitamins. This is due to the fact that our body’s physiological needs for vitamins were formed during the evolution of the human species. The human metabolism gradually adapted to that amount biologically active substances, which he received along with large volumes of food, corresponding to large energy expenditures. But in the last two to three decades, human energy consumption has decreased by 2-2.5 times. Food consumption should have decreased by the same amount, but, unfortunately, the habit of eating a lot has become firmly established in human life.

The result of the habit of eating a lot is excess body weight. Meanwhile, experts have found that if it exceeds 20%, mortality from cardiovascular diseases increases by 20-25%, and from diabetes by 50-70%. If excess weight exceeds 60%, the risk of morbidity and mortality increases several times.

It turns out vicious circle. On the one hand, in order to have enough vitamins in the body, you need to eat more; on the other hand, overeating is extremely harmful to our health. So, in order to saturate the body with vitamin C, you need to eat a kilogram of apples daily or drink three to five liters of apple juice. To get the required amount of B vitamins, you need to eat a kilogram of black bread or half a kilogram of lean meat daily.

Modern man spends about two to three times less energy than a hundred years ago, and no longer needs as much food as our ancestors did. That's why modern man cannot meet the body's needs for the required amount of vitamins only through food. What to do?

As shown by domestic and Foreign experience, it is easier and more effective to obtain vitamins by taking multivitamin preparations or vitamin-mineral complexes, as well as by including in the diet foods enriched with vitamins to physiological levels.

Today on pharmacy shelves we see great amount various vitamin preparations. But we still remember the posters and information leaflets in

pharmacies and clinics, which said that vitamins are medicines and should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor.

In fact, there is no threat of “oversaturation” of vitamins for the citizens of our country, although standards for the use of vitamins exist (see table).

Unfortunately, most people are accustomed to thinking that synthetic vitamins and products enriched with vitamins are less effective than “natural” ones and are poorly absorbed by the body. But that's not true. Vitamins produced by the medical industry are identical to “natural” ones in biological activity. Their ratio is more consistent with human needs than many food products. The technology for the production of vitamin preparations is well established and guarantees high purity and shelf life, and vitamin C in preparations is preserved incomparably longer than in vegetables and fruits. Vitamin preparations and foods enriched with them are absorbed much better, since vitamins in foods are often in bound form.

Some people do not take vitamins for fear of “hypervitaminosis.” And co-

Children (1 year - 6 years)

Teenagers (7-17 years old)

Men and women

Pregnant and nursing

Folic acid, mcg

Pantothenic acid, mg

completely in vain. Thus, taking vitamins A and E can lead to side effects and sometimes to severe intoxication, but only in doses tens of times higher than physiological!

Concerning water-soluble vitamins, then they are easily excreted from the body, but when taken in doses exceeding physiological ones, they can cause nonspecific reactions as gastrointestinal disorders, urticaria, etc., which disappear when the drug is discontinued.

If you take vitamin preparations for preventive purposes and foods enriched with vitamins, observing the average daily norm, then even with constant intake of vitamins throughout the year, no excess of them is created in the body, but only the deficiency of vitamins in food is replenished.

According to health insurance companies in the USA and England, more than 60% of the population of these countries take one or another vitamin preparation. Among children and pregnant women, 90% take vitamins. The number of Russians taking vitamin preparations does not exceed 10%.

World and domestic experience shows that the most effective way to replenish the insufficient amount of vitamins in the body is the regular intake of vitamin preparations or vitamin-mineral complexes, as well as the inclusion in the diet of specialized products enriched with them to a level appropriate physiological needs body.

It is advisable for smokers and workers in hazardous industries to combine taking multivitamins and taking them separately. ascorbic acid constantly.

Vitamins must be taken not in short courses, but for a long time, throughout the year, for almost all citizens of our country, especially those living in industrial cities.

Which vitamin preparations to choose depends on age, type of activity and health status. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor.

If you decide to buy a vitamin preparation, be sure to make sure that it has a certificate from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation registering it as a dietary supplement or medicine, and also carefully read the recipe on the label, since low-quality vitamin preparations often appear on the Russian drug market.

Domestic therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition products enriched with vitamins and minerals, compare favorably with foreign analogues with a lower price, and in terms of composition and quality they more fully take into account the real needs of the Russian population.

And, of course, taking vitamins should not cancel the consumption of various foods. Only a varied diet gives a person the opportunity to grow, develop, and lead an active lifestyle.

Every living thing on our planet needs vitamins. The human body is not able to independently synthesize all the beneficial substances it needs, so it tries to get them as much as possible from food or various vitamin supplements. IN modern science There are a lot of different vitamins and microelements known, but today we will talk about the most important vitamins that help our body be healthy:

Vitamin A (Retinol)

We know that this vitamin helps maintain and improve vision. But this vitamin also ensures the normal growth of our body as a whole, normalizes the condition of the skin, bones, teeth and hair. A lack of this vitamin can cause the so-called “ night blindness"and conjunctivitis, and also makes us more vulnerable to various infectious diseases. Contained in fish oil, beef liver, carrots, red peppers, green onions, tomatoes, apricots and pumpkin. The daily norm is 1 mg.

Vitamin B (Thiamin)

Responsible for the settlement is very important functions our body, for example, such as the metabolism of amino acids and carbohydrates, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. If there is not enough of this vitamin in our body, problems with cardiovascular and digestive system, and insomnia and irritability will also appear. It is found in small quantities in peas, baked goods, cereals and millet. The required amount per day is 1.8 mg.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Helps the body absorb useful substances such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and also helps cope with stress. This vitamin is the most deficient in our body, as it is found in small quantities in meat, fish, poultry, dairy products and baked goods. The required dose per day is 2 mg.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

Reduces blood cholesterol levels, promotes metabolism fatty acids and amino acids, and also reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. If the blood does not contain enough of this vitamin, then disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and irritability are quite possible. Found in cereals, buckwheat, bananas, avocados, walnuts, bananas and greens, as well as poultry. The average daily intake is 1.6 mg.

Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)

This vitamin must be present in the diet of women. Indispensable for removal postpartum depression, and also prevents during pregnancy premature birth and miscarriages. Contained in greens, pork and beef liver, melon, carrots, tuna beets, spinach. The daily norm is up to 350 - 400 mcg. It is best absorbed when taken in combination with vitamins B12 and C.

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)

Improves memory, attention and appetite, indispensable for the growth of children. Prevents depression and insomnia, promotes normal operation liver and strengthens the immune system. Largest quantity This vitamin is found in liver (especially cod), cheese, meat, fish, and also in egg yolk. Our body needs 2.2 mcg per day.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)

This vitamin is indispensable in our arsenal, especially in winter. It protects our body from most viruses and infections. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, it oxidizes and removes waste and toxins from the body, regulates blood clotting, strengthens blood vessels, increases mental ability and gives us extra energy. Mainly found in citrus fruits and also in berries, bell pepper, greens and tomatoes. The daily norm is on average 60 mg.

Vitamin D (Calciferol)

Formed in skin tissues under influence ultraviolet rays, as well as a small part of this vitamin we consume with food. Promotes the growth and development of bone tissue, and prevents osteoporosis and rickets. Very important for child's body. Regulates the metabolism of minerals in the body. The main part is found in fermented milk and seafood. Daily dose about 10 mcg.

Vitamin E (Tocopherol)

Promotes normal functioning reproductive system, indispensable during pregnancy, strengthens the immune system and promotes wound healing. Provides work muscular system. Vegetable oils, various cereals and nuts contain this vitamin in their composition. We need to consume up to 10 mg per day.

Unfortunately, our food products, depending on seasonality and quality, are very often poor in vitamins and therefore vitamin preparations should be taken year-round. A good option will receive specialized vitamin complexes, which contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other biologically active compounds. One of these drugs is VITRUM BEAUTY, which was developed specifically taking into account all needs female body, and therefore its use can also contribute to healthy body, And healthy spirit. However, before using medications, you should always consult your doctor.
