What to do if your palms are sweaty. Sweaty palms - causes for men. Folk remedies for sweaty palms

Cold and wet palms- a phenomenon that is often found in the female half of humanity. Remember how your palms became sticky and disgustingly wet immediately after you got nervous or scared? And it’s good if this feeling goes away immediately after you use a wet wipe or visit the ladies’ room.

But what to do if wet palms have become your constant and rather unpleasant companions? What in this case is considered normal and what is pathology?

What is hyperhidrosis?

In the process of life, a person definitely sweats. This is considered the body's natural thermoregulation and its response to anxiety, fear or stress.

But, if in everyday life This brings minimal inconvenience, but during the performance of work duties it provokes noticeable discomfort.

Drivers, stenographers and another 1-2% of the population of our planet suffer from increased sweating in the palms and feet.

Given such a scale, this phenomenon received its own, separate name - hyperhidrosis. What provokes and cures it will be discussed in this article. In the case when a person goes to the clinic with a question about why he often has wet palms and sweaty feet, the doctor will most likely diagnose hyperhidrosis.

This disease can occur in two forms:

  • Common when the palms begin to become covered with sweat at the moment of nervous overstrain or severe stress, malaise, severe physical or psychological stress;
  • Localized, in which the feet also become wet.

The cause of hyperhidrosis can be very different, ranging from vegetative-vascular dystonia, and ending with thyroid dysfunction and increased concentration of the hormone testosterone in the blood.

The most common causes of the disease are as follows:

  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • infectious diseases;
  • genetic failures;
  • chronic stress or nervous shock;
  • mental overload.

Which specialist should I contact?

If you constantly observe wet palms on yourself or your child, spend some free time visiting a neurologist and endocrinologist. Only these specialists can carry out necessary research and put accurate diagnoses. Most likely, hyperhidrosis will have a genetic origin, which is determined through a thorough interview and collection of information about the parents and their pathologies.

In addition, cold and constantly sweaty palms in a teenager may be a phenomenon accompanying puberty, and you can fight it by using specific sprays.

In men, the cause of wet and cold palms may be hidden in a latent form of tuberculosis, pneumonia, malaria, or diseases of endocrine and nervous origin. Sick kidneys, which have lost the ability to fully filter and remove urine, ridding the body of excess fluid, may also be involved in this disease.

Wet palms are often caused by taking specific medications or overdosing them. In particular, this applies to drugs with antipyretic, analgesic and analgesic effects.

What and how to treat?

The main problem of how to rid a child or yourself of hyperhidrosis is the need to simultaneously treat a good half of the body. You can do this even with your grandmother’s spells, even if official medicine, since both options have their advantages and disadvantages.

If you do not get rid of the problem, it will invariably begin to bring its own inconveniences: it becomes necessary to avoid shaking hands, the girl you love does not want to hold your hand, it becomes difficult to drive the car, and so on.

In addition, the sweat glands on the legs begin to secrete sweat with a not entirely pleasant odor, which becomes noticeable to the environment.

Despite the fact that wet palms in an adult or baby can be temporarily “cured” by using special sprays, lotions or antiperspirants based on hydrocartisone, you should get rid of not only the signs of the disease, but also its sources. This opinion is shared by psychotherapists and neurologists, who are confident that the causes of hyperhidrosis in an infant or an accomplished person are hidden in mental imbalance. It turns out that such a pathology requires long-term and complex therapy, which will require a lot of time and money.

Medicinal treatment options

So that the problem of why you or your baby regularly have wet palms stops bothering you, you can try Botox injections. Yes, yes, it has long been used not only to smooth out wrinkles, but also to eliminate the symptoms of hyperhidrosis. In this case, Botox simply blocks the signal to the sweat gland, and it does not produce sweat.

In some situations, the problem can be solved by using lotions and compresses containing aluminum hexachloride, theanine or glutaraldehyde. Again, such medications often cause severe allergies, and doing lotions every 3-4 hours is not entirely appropriate or comfortable.

Wet palms, like acne on the face, cause a lot of negative emotions from their owner. But this is not just a cosmetic defect that affects a person’s psycho-emotional state. A person may be embarrassed to take someone’s hand, respond to a handshake, or may feel awkward due to wet marks left on paper or other surfaces when palms and fingers come into contact with them. The fairly well-known fact that palms sweat when very nervous is unlikely to be a cause for concern. But if this happens during sleep or even during wakefulness, but for no apparent reason, it makes sense to think about the connection of this phenomenon with possible health pathologies. And this is already a reason to undergo a full examination by a doctor in order to prevent possible unpleasant consequences.

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ICD-10 code

R61.0 Localized hyperhidrosis


According to medical statistics, hyperhidrosis in one form or another is diagnosed in about 1-2% of the population. Moreover, women are more susceptible to the disease than men.

Women's palms sweat more often due to the fact that the female body is more susceptible to stress than the male body. Additional causes of hyperhidrosis that are not typical for men can be pregnancy and menopause.

In a male environment, palmar hyperhidrosis is associated with enormous psychological discomfort, since it is customary for men to greet with a handshake, and the fact that the palms are sweating does not in any way speak in favor of their owner. In addition to banal excitement, the causes of increased sweating of the hands can be hereditary predisposition, dietary errors, alcohol abuse, and antibiotic therapy. It is not excluded various pathologies with disorders of thermoregulation and metabolism: infectious and endocrine diseases, disorders of the hypothalamus and autonomic nervous system. Nervous or physical stress can also affect sweat production.

Hyperhidrosis in a teenager is most often associated with hormonal changes in the body, and not only the palms, but also the feet, armpits, chest, and back sweat. Hands can also sweat when playing sports (for example, when working on horizontal bars), which has recently become so popular among young people.

Adolescence is associated with many experiences, both for girls and boys. Therefore, it is not surprising if a teenager’s hands often become wet from excitement and anxiety. However, the presence of certain diseases cannot be excluded: neurological, vascular or endocrine, which also cause hormonal imbalance.

Wet palms in children are a fairly common phenomenon, which is associated with the great activity and mobility of the little inhabitants of the planet, but increased moisture production is also observed in other places on the body. IN infancy this phenomenon is associated with the formation of a thermoregulation mechanism, which at the birth of the baby is not yet sufficiently developed.

Only in rare cases can you notice that only the child’s palms are sweating, which may be a symptom of a developing pathology or a simple feature of the body.

Adults with sweaty palms are looking for various methods solutions to this problem. At the same time, the best results (95% of successful operations) are still achieved surgical treatment hyperhidrosis, especially when it comes to the hereditary nature of the pathology.

Why do my palms sweat?

Often, it is not so easy to immediately answer the question of why palms sweat, in each specific case. This phenomenon may have one or several reasons. Some of them are related to emotional state the patient, while others indicate the pathology present in the body.

So, the cause of excessive sweating of the palms can be:

  • emotional arousal caused by some pleasant event or series of events,
  • fear against the background of increased impressionability,
  • frequent stressful situations,
  • constant nervous tension associated with an unfavorable situation at work or in the family.

These moments associated with the emotional state do not always cause a person’s palms to sweat. These are the so-called risk factors for this phenomenon, as a result of which many people's palms become wet.

True, in this case, sweating of the palms and other parts of the body is most often a short-term process, which can be repeated under the influence of the factors described above. The situation usually normalizes quite quickly, as soon as the effect of negative factors is suspended or disappears altogether, and the person’s psycho-emotional state returns to normal.

But there are other reasons why your palms, feet and armpits usually sweat. And here the matter is much more serious, since wet palms in this case can become the first signs of serious malfunctions internal organs and body systems. These reasons include:

  • Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD), in which predominantly the palms and soles sweat.
  • Problems in the functioning of the endocrine system (for example, sweating of the palms can be observed with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, structural and functional pathologies of the pituitary gland and adrenal glands, diabetes) and metabolic disorders in the human body.
  • Disorders of the functioning of the somatic nervous system.
  • Various neoplasms, most often malignant (oncology).
  • Infectious diseases and pathologies that occur for a long time against the background of elevated temperature (fever).
  • Kidney disorders.

But that's not all. Increased moisture production on the palms and soles may be caused by a hereditary factor (for example, large number ducts of the sweat glands in the area of ​​​​the feet and palms, high activity of the sweat glands themselves in these areas, determined genetically). In this case, patients complain that their palms or other areas where increased sweating was established even before birth were constantly sweating. Many of the patient’s relatives may have the same pathology.

Another reason for increased sweating on the hands and feet may be hormonal imbalances (premenstrual syndrome, menopause in women, hormonal changes in adolescence in girls and boys, deficiency or excess of certain hormones). True, in this situation, wet feet can be the reason for the banal wearing of low-quality shoes with the subsequent appearance of an unpleasant odor from the feet caused by fungus.

Increased moisture in the palms can also be caused by:

  • eating too spicy food, indulging in various seasonings and flavorings,
  • deficiency or excess of vitamins and microelements (for example, children’s palms sweat if the body does not have enough vitamin D and calcium, and a pathology such as rickets develops),
  • increased intracranial pressure,
  • high ambient temperature (when a person gets hot, different parts of the body sweat: palms and legs, armpits and back, moisture also appears in the area of ​​skin folds),
  • alcohol abuse.
  • side effects of certain medications.

In children, wet palms can be a consequence not only of rickets, but also of certain neurological disorders, active outdoor games, and infection with worms. True, in babies under 12 months of age, increased hand moisture is considered normal, but only if the child is active and developing well.


Let's start by saying that there is nothing shameful about sweating. Sweating is normal physiological process aimed at ridding the body of excess water, as well as negative influence harmful substances and toxins that enter the body from the outside or are formed as a result of chemical reactions constantly occurring in it. Sweating can be seen on different parts bodies, and palms are no exception.

But if too much moisture is released and this happens quite often, we are talking about pathological process, which doctors call hyperhidrosis. In turn, hyperhidrosis can be of two types:

  • general, and then not only the palms or armpits sweat, but other parts of the body equally,
  • localized in one area.

The mechanism of the disease (pathogenesis) in most cases lies in the incorrect functioning of not so much the somatic as the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for processes that are not controlled (or are incompletely controlled) by consciousness. These processes include breathing and heartbeat, metabolism and thermoregulation. It is because of the incorrect sensation of temperature that the body begins to intensively secrete moisture.

As body temperature rises, moisture begins to evaporate from the body, which occurs especially actively in the area of ​​the palms and armpits. If, due to some violations of the autonomic system, the body mistakenly decides that the temperature is high, the protective mechanism of cooling it by sweating is activated.

Very often, palms sweat from excitement caused by a negative stressful or positive joyful situation, the need to speak in public or exercise important step in life. Here you can already see the effect of the hormone anrenaline, which, along with other symptoms, causes increased sweat production.

In case of violation excretory function kidney increased sweating can serve as an auxiliary mechanism for removing excess fluid and toxins.

Sweating of the palms when drinking alcohol is due to the fact that alcohol can increase blood circulation, causing vasospasm and poor circulation, which in turn leads to the appearance of such a symptom as hyperhidrosis of the palms.

Wet palms as a symptom of various body conditions

If a person’s palms sweat heavily and often, this is a reason to listen carefully to your body. With hereditary pathology of the sweat glands, hyperhidrosis manifests itself throughout a person’s life. If this phenomenon occurs suddenly and persists for a certain time, it makes sense to consult a doctor to find the cause of increased sweating on the palms.

For example, very often the palms sweat with a pathology such as VSD. But the diagnosis “vegetative-vascular dystonia” is one of the most common in medical practice. Patients often complain that they have a headache and sweaty palms. True, headache with this diagnosis is considered a more common symptom than palmar hyperhidrosis.

As you know, with VSD, the human body reacts very sharply to external (noise, climate change, sudden changes in weather) and internal (stress, anxiety) factors, so sometimes you can hear that a person with such a diagnosis has sweaty palms and a headache when the weather changes and there is a strong feeling of weakness in the body. This happens especially often against the background of increased weather sensitivity (for example, on the eve of rain).

If your palms are cold and sweaty, perhaps hyperhidrosis is caused by ordinary anxiety and associated vasoconstriction with poor circulation. But in this case, we cannot exclude some pathologies in which a person constantly has cold hands and sweaty palms. This is often observed with low blood hemoglobin due to iron deficiency in the body. Sometimes this symptom accompanies hypotension (stable low blood pressure) or cerebrovascular accidents.

Cold hands and wet palms can be observed with problems with blood vessels (for example, with impaired peripheral circulation), diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, oncological diseases. All these diseases can occur latently in the body until they are accidentally discovered by a doctor by examining complaints of sweaty palms.

Some people complain that their palms, legs, and armpits sweat from the cold, not understanding how this can be. The problem may be a violation of thermoregulation, which is carried out through the hypothalamus and the autonomic nervous system. Any malfunctions in the operation of this system can also cause such a paradoxical symptom as increased sweating in the cold.

If the hands are not only cold, but also bluish, sweating of the palms may indicate acrocyanosis, which develops as a result of heart disease.

If a person’s palms are red and sweaty, this may also be due to overheating of the body or increased physical activity. But it can also become a symptom of liver pathology (hepatitis or cirrhosis) or a consequence of intoxication of the body. If you feel a burning sensation in your palms, you may also suspect diabetes mellitus or carpal tunnel syndrome.

Feeling dizzy and sweaty palms with fainting, collapse, some cardiovascular and endocrine diseases. And here it is important to pay attention to other symptoms associated with the disease. Dizziness, which is one of the main symptoms of cerebral circulation and cerebral hypoxia, is often accompanied by nausea, which means that if the patient feels nauseous and his palms are sweaty, one may suspect the development of some pathology in the body, leading to impaired blood supply to the brain. And there can be a great variety of such pathologies, which often requires an in-depth examination of the entire body.

When a person experiences anxiety or fear, he may notice that his hands are shaking and his palms are sweating. In this situation, tremor and hyperhidrosis are considered justified and are not a pathology. After all, we know that if your palms sweat when excited, this only indicates the individual characteristics of the body, and not a disease.

The danger is that tremors and sweating of the hands may be signs of low blood glucose levels in diabetes mellitus or the development of hyperthyroidism associated with excessive activity of the thyroid gland. This means that by ignoring such symptoms, we deliberately doom ourselves to more severe suffering.

Coffee lovers often notice sweaty hands. At the same time, your palms sweat not from the coffee itself, but from the effect that this aromatic invigorating drink has on the body. On the one hand, caffeine has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, activating the action of the sweat glands. On the other hand, coffee, which most people prefer to drink hot, increases body temperature, causing the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin, aimed at cooling the body.

In principle, drinking any hot drinks, especially those containing caffeine, can cause increased release of moisture in different parts of the body, including the palms.

Consequences and complications

The fact that a person’s palms sweat does not in itself pose any danger to the body. It is unlikely that excessive sweating of the palms can cause severe dehydration body, which cannot be said about general hyperhidrosis, which is possible reason dehydration of the body.

But you shouldn’t treat severe sweating of the hands superficially either, because hyperhidrosis of the palms may be one of the symptoms of developing dangerous disease. By postponing going to the doctor, we not only prolong our psychological suffering, but also waste precious time. But most diseases can be easily dealt with at the initial stage of development, which becomes impossible in an advanced stage.

Sometimes it’s not even the diseases themselves that are scary, but their complications that arise due to untimely treatment, which, by and large, can also be considered the consequences of a careless attitude towards such a symptom of many endocrine and vascular pathologies like severe sweating of the palms.

Sweating palms negatively affects the psycho-emotional state of patients. Some of them simply withdraw into themselves, embarrassed to reveal their problem to their family or doctor. Excessive hand sweating often becomes an obstacle to career advancement. It can also negatively affect the attitude towards the person as a whole on the part of colleagues and other people. After all, a “wet” handshake can cause hostility towards the owner of wet hands, especially among squeamish people.

During adolescence, palmar hyperhidrosis can create difficulties in communicating with peers, especially with the opposite sex. Teenagers are often very suspicious and are capable of exaggerating the significance of existing external and internal defects.

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When a person realizes that excessive sweating of the palms gives him a lot of unpleasant moments and can be a symptom of a serious illness, he is faced with the question of which doctor to turn to for advice and help. First of all, of course, you should visit a therapist, who, after talking with the patient, will decide whether to refer him to an endocrinologist or neurologist or treatment pathological condition he will do it himself.

Diagnosis of a condition in which an apparently healthy person has sweaty palms begins with examining the patient and studying his complaints. Often, the doctor examines not only the palms, but also other parts of the body that may be subject to severe sweating. If the patient does not experience noticeable anxiety and does not suffer from obesity, then the doctor does not always see moisture on the skin. But the consequences of “high humidity” are in the form of peeling, loose tissue, and a greater number of blood vessels.

More information is given to the doctor by interviewing the patient, during which the doctor finds out the details that interest him:

  • when did the episode of excessive sweating of the palms first occur, under what circumstances,
  • whether the patient has to frequently dry his hands or hide his handicap under gloves,
  • whether relatives and strangers noted severe sweating of the patient’s palms,
  • Are episodes of hyperhidrosis associated with stressful situations and severe anxiety,
  • at what time of day is there increased humidity in the palms?
  • does the fact that the patient’s palms are very sweaty affect the performance of his professional duties, does it interfere with sports activities,
  • whether there was a climate change,
  • are there any other unpleasant symptoms in addition to sweaty palms (headaches, dizziness, insomnia, weakness, etc.),
  • Does eating affect the situation?
  • were there any changes in body weight and appetite,
  • in which places is there strong sweating?
  • nature of sweating: constant or periodic,
  • how does the patient feel the temperature of the environment, is he hot or cold at normal air temperature,
  • whether any of the patient’s relatives had hyperhidrosis,
  • what medications the patient is taking, etc.

The answers to these questions sufficiently clarify the picture of the existing pathology, help determine whether the disease is hereditary, whether the disease is associated with the patient’s psycho-emotional state or is a consequence of other pathologies.

Further examination of the patient should be aimed at identifying symptoms that will indicate certain health pathologies, as a result of which the person may sweat in the palms and other parts of the body. Suspicious symptoms include:

  • high blood pressure,
  • neoplasms in the neck area,
  • enlarged lymph nodes,
  • violation skin sensitivity,
  • neuromotor disorders, etc.

Regarding laboratory research, then if concomitant diseases are suspected, the following tests are considered mandatory:

  • UAC ( general analysis blood),
  • Blood sugar,
  • Wasserman reaction (to exclude syphilis),
  • UAM (general urine analysis),
  • Blood test for thyroid hormone levels.
  • Sputum analysis (if tuberculosis is suspected),
  • Glucose tolerance test (if diabetes is suspected),
  • 24-hour urine analysis (checking kidney function).

Among the methods of instrumental diagnostics carried out for hyperhidrosis, the following can be distinguished:

  • Cardiography,
  • X-ray,
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland,
  • EEG and CT scan of the brain.
  • Vascular MRI.

To determine the stage of the disease (degree of sweating), the following methods are used:

  1. Minor's test is a test to determine the boundaries of the sweating zone.

It is carried out using iodine and starch. For dry areas subject to strong discharge moisture, apply iodine and sprinkle it with starch. In the area of ​​increased sweating, the skin color changes from brown to purple. Measurements of the diameter of the purple area will show:

  • less than 10 cm – low degree of sweating,
  • from 10 to 20 cm – moderate sweating,
  • over 20 cm - severe stage of hyperhidrosis.
  1. Gravimetric method for determining the average volume of secretions.
  2. Chromatographic method for determining the composition of sweat, in particular the spectrum of unsaturated fatty acids.

Differential diagnosis

Tasks differential diagnosis become:

  • Differentiate primary hyperhidrosis of the palms, caused by a hereditary factor or emotional state, from secondary hyperhidrosis, which is a symptom of other pathologies.
  • Differentiate among themselves the symptoms that appear together with hyperhidrosis to determine concomitant pathologies that require treatment in the first place.

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What to do and how to get rid of sweaty palms?

The situation when a person's palms sweat brings a lot of troubles and inconveniences. But there are many methods and means with which you can solve this problem, both for a while and forever. There would be a desire.

The only problem is that not all methods and means are equally effective and safe. In addition, their action is aimed at combating sweating of the palms, and not the cause that caused it. Such treatment will be effective if hyperhidrosis is not associated with any serious pathology. Otherwise you may need complex treatment certain human systems and organs.

Drug therapy for palmar hyperhidrosis mostly uses external agents that can reduce sweating. These include:

  • various medicinal and cosmetic lotions (“Finish”, “Hygienic”),
  • sprays and antiperspirants that reduce sweat production and have an antibacterial effect (especially impressive reviews of the “DryDry” deodorant made in Sweden),
  • "Tannin" in powder or solution (used for therapeutic baths or rubbing the skin of the hands),
  • Teymurov's pasta is very strong remedy(apply once a day, after softening the skin in a bath with hot water and soda, wash off after half an hour),
  • hydrogen peroxide (3-4 times a day for 7 days),
  • zinc ointment(in the evening, keep your hands in warm water for about 10 minutes, dry and apply ointment, rinse after 25 minutes)
  • solutions of formalin, potassium permanganate, flutaraldehyde, aluminum hexachloride, which, in case of severe sweating of the hands, should be applied to the skin at intervals of 4-5 hours.

You can prepare a special medical hand lotion yourself based on boric (5 g) and salicylic (15 g) acid, borax (15 g), glycerin (60 g) and alcohol (70 g). Store this product in the refrigerator and lubricate your hands with it three times a day. The course of treatment is 14 days.

For the prevention and treatment of rickets, vitamin D may be prescribed. To care for the skin of the hands in problem areas, products containing vitamins A and E are suitable, which will eliminate peeling and improve the condition of the skin.

If your palms sweat due to extreme anxiety or due to impaired thermoregulation, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants that reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings, and therefore sweating. The choice of drug and the prescription of a course of treatment in this case is entirely within the competence of the doctor.

Recently, special injections have become popular for the treatment of hyperhidrosis, during which Botox or Dysport drugs are injected into the surface layers of the skin and block the functioning of nerve endings, as a result of which hand sweating disappears. In this case, there is no effect on the sweat glands themselves. After this procedure, you can forget about sweating hands. long time(up to 9 months).

But any methods and means have their contraindications and side effects, which must be taken into account when prescribing treatment. Typically, topical medications are not applied to damaged skin with erosions and scratches. In addition, their use may lead to allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, itching, hyperemia of the skin, dermatitis.

Moreover, all the medications described above give only a temporary effect, without affecting the cause of pathological sweating.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

It has long been noted that ionized water has healing properties, which can also be used to treat hyperhidrosis of the palms. That is why a procedure such as iontophoresis is in first place among physiotherapeutic methods used in cases where the patient’s palms are very sweaty.

Using iontophoresis (also known as galvanophoresis in the past), introduction into the body medicines carried out not by infusion or oral route, but through the skin through electric current little force and tension.

The current is supplied through a special device with electrodes applied to the skin of problem areas. In this way, not only does the fight against excessive sweating of the hands occur, but also the functioning of important organs is improved: the liver, kidneys, and thyroid gland.

In the fight against hyperhidrosis of the palms, procedures such as electrophoresis, more precisely water electrophoresis, electrotherapy, laser therapy, hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches), massage with natural medicinal ingredients, and thermal radiation are also used.

Particular attention should be paid to massage, which is considered quite effective method treatment of hyperhidrosis. Since it is able to increase blood circulation in problem areas, optimize the functioning of the sweat glands, and increases resistance stressful situations, promotes faster recovery from concomitant diseases.

Used for hyperhidrosis the following types massage:

  • massage with aromatic oils(sage, lavender, tea tree),
  • massage of reflex zones,
  • Chinese acupressure(includes effects on biologically active currents - 2 general strengthening currents (for example, he-gu, nei-ting) and local action(yin-si, fu-liu points, etc.)). In this case, a specialist should draw up a massage plan.

Traditional treatment

Regarding efficiency traditional treatment Hyperhidrosis of the palms, opinions differ markedly. Some argue that alternative treatment in this case does not produce results, others believe that folk recipes also have the right to exist. Which of them is right can only be known by those who have encountered the problem of their palms sweating for no apparent reason, and have tried various natural remedies on themselves.

So, for hyperhidrosis of the palms, folk healers advise:

  • After washing your hands, rinse them with acidified water, for which use lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and even citric acid (1 teaspoon of juice or vinegar per glass of water).
  • Alternately pour hot and cool salted water over your hands. Identical contrast baths can be used.
  • To wipe your hands or baths, you can use a mixture of water and ammonia(for 1 liter of water we take 1-2 tablespoons of ammonia).
  • Apply a mixture of lemon juice, alcohol and glycerin (one part juice and alcohol and 2 parts glycerin) to the palms of your hands 2-3 times a day.
  • Apply powdered rosin to your hands in the evening and leave until the morning.

Herbal treatment also gives quite good results in many cases. Their decoctions are used mainly for preparing medicinal hand baths. Plants containing tannins: oak bark, chamomile, yarrow, string, bay leaf.


In our country to homeopathic remedies They are treated with some caution, but in America, homeopathy is considered the most effective way after surgical treatment to get rid of the problem for those who have very sweaty palms, feet, armpits and other parts of the body.

Homeopathic remedies, unlike traditional medications, are selected taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s body and concomitant diseases. Those. One medicine can treat both hyperhidrosis and thyroid gland, and blood vessels, while at the same time strengthening the immune system so that diseases do not recur in the future.

In the arsenal of homeopathy there are many drugs that can effectively combat excessive sweating. There are even some that help relieve night sweats, which are very difficult to respond to traditional treatment.

For hyperhidrosis of the palms, a homeopathic doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • Silica in 6.12 or 30 dilution helps well with night sweats hands
  • Conium in 3,6 and 12 dilutions is effective for excessive sweating that occurs at any time of the day.
  • Natrum muriaticum from 3 to 30 dilutions is indicated for very severe sweating of the hands and body.
  • Pulsatilla in 3 or 6 dilutions helps with any type of hyperhidrosis.

Among the less popular drugs in this sense, it is worth noting:

  • Calcarea carbonica, used in 30 dilution for sweating,
  • Mercury solubilis in the same dilution,
  • Sambucus in 6 or 12 dilutions,
  • Hepar-sulfur in the same dilutions, etc.

But you need to take into account that self-prescription homeopathic medicines, no matter how harmless and effective they may be, are unlikely to lead to a positive result. After all, only a person with knowledge of human anatomy and the basics of homeopathy will be able to determine which medicine, in what doses and in what course to prescribe for each specific patient.

Surgical treatment

No matter how effective traditional or homeopathic treatment may seem excessive sweating palms, the best results are still shown by surgical treatment of sweating pathology. The treatment of hyperhidrosis itself (even in the absence of concomitant pathologies) is a rather lengthy process, and some methods are designed for constant use throughout life.

Those. A person who has sweaty palms, feet or armpits must have a significant amount of faith and patience, continuing to experience discomfort during treatment before it gives positive results and the problem can be forgotten forever. Another thing is surgical treatment, which allows you to forget about excessive sweating while still on the surgeon’s table. At the same time, the operation and recovery period after it takes very little time and effort.

There are 2 effective radical method that allow you to get rid of the problem of sweaty hands forever:

  • Corset of sweat glands.

The word “curettage” itself means deep cleaning. It is carried out by making small punctures in problem areas, through which a special softening liquid is injected. Then, using thin drainage needles and a compressor, the liquid is pumped out along with the softened elements of the sweat glands.

During rehabilitation period Patients are advised to treat their palms with antiseptics to prevent infection of the wounds.

  • Endoscopic sympathectomy.

The purpose of the operation is to disrupt the connection between the central nervous system and the sweat glands, which is carried out through the sympathetic nerve. Usually the nerve is clamped with a special clip, and the sweat glands no longer receive a command to action from the brain. An alternative is to apply an electric current to the nerve.

Both operations have a high success rate (90 and 95%), but at the same time they are associated with a certain risk, because there is a direct intervention in the functioning of the body. Should you decide on a risky procedure or use, albeit less effective, but sufficient? safe methods treatment of excessive sweating is up to the patient to decide.

But in any case, before the operation, a history is taken and the patient is examined to ensure there are no contraindications to surgery.


If a patient is diagnosed with palmar hyperhidrosis, this is a reason, first of all, to change his outlook on life. Prevention of pathological sweating lies precisely in changing a person’s lifestyle.

First of all, you need to pay attention to your weight. If it exceeds the norm, you need to take measures to reduce body weight with physical exercise, sports, active walks in the fresh air.

You will also have to reconsider your diet, eliminating from it fatty, spicy foods and strong seasonings that provoke the release of sweat in large quantities. For the same reason, doctors recommend giving up alcohol and caffeine-containing drinks (at least, significantly limiting their consumption).

Don't forget about hygiene procedures. If your hands sweat excessively, you need to wash them more often and preferably with soap.

It is very important to undergo timely medical examinations with a doctor and, if suspicious symptoms appear, consult with a specialist, and not with friends or the Internet. Indeed, behind any such symptom there may be a serious pathology, which, ultimately, can cause hyperhidrosis.


The prognosis of pathological sweating with a serious approach to treatment is in the vast majority of cases positive. It is important to understand: sweaty palms are not a terrible, incurable disease, but you shouldn’t treat the problem superficially either. While relieving the symptoms of hyperhidrosis, we must not forget about the cause that caused it. After all, the cause is sometimes much more dangerous than its consequences.

In medicine, excessive sweating of certain parts of the body is called “local hyperhidrosis”. This phenomenon occurs in both adult men and women and children. This causes a lot of serious inconvenience for adults and often becomes the reason for the development of psychological complexes. There are many methods to help get rid of excessive sweating in your hands. But no matter what treatment method you choose ( traditional medicine or folk remedies), you first need to establish why your hands are sweating.

The causes of sweaty palms can be very different. In most cases, hyperhidrosis is nothing more than a symptom of a disease or a sign of a malfunction in the body. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is advisable to undergo a comprehensive medical examination.

Moderate sweating is an important part of thermoregulation. human body. In conditions of elevated temperatures, the human body releases moisture: the arms, legs, head, torso and, to a lesser extent, the palms sweat. And when the palms are constantly wet, regardless of temperature changes, then we are talking about pathology.

The most common causes of hyperhidrosis are usually:

  • stress and heavy emotional stress;
  • disruption of the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • heredity or genetic predisposition.

In addition, additional negative factors can serve side effects certain medications and lack of proper nutrition.

The development of the disease is preceded by disruption of the autonomic nervous system. Somatic, as is known, is responsible for actions that are performed consciously. Vegetative – for such vital processes as thermoregulation, breathing, heartbeat. This is why improper operation of the system can cause severe sweating of the hands.

How not to confuse hyperhidrosis with profuse sweating?

Sweating is a self-cooling function of the body programmed by nature, which prevents it from overheating. Therefore, profuse sweating of the hands is not always a sign of health problems. Sometimes this is a normal reaction of the body to the influence of external factors such as:

  • nervous tension;
  • the weather is too hot;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • eating spicy and spicy foods.

Thus, increased sweating of the palms only under specific circumstances is not a cause for concern. But if your hands sweat a lot constantly and for no apparent reason, then you should seek help from specialists. Today, to identify hyperhidrosis, there are a number of quick, simple and painless tests (iodine-starch test or Minor test), which allow you to diagnose the presence or absence of the disease.

Drug treatment for sweaty hands

Treatment of local hyperhidrosis with medications involves influencing the central components of the ANS.

To eliminate heavy discharge sweat in high-risk areas (palms, groin areas, armpits etc.) a solution containing substances such as formalin, tannin, glutaraldehyde and aluminum hexachloride is used. You should not carry out such procedures yourself at home, as it is unsafe. Failure to comply with clear proportions when preparing the drug is fraught with the appearance of various rashes on the skin.

IN modern medicine in the treatment of hyperhidrosis, doctors are increasingly resorting to the latest techniques. Botox injections are one of the most popular. The patient is injected under the skin in small doses with a toxin, which is the causative agent of botulism, in order to block the activity of nerve endings. This method is very effective, but its disadvantage is that the procedures must be repeated after 3-4 months.

Another common method of combating hand sweating is ionization, the treatment of palms with ions. The result is amazing. However, nothing is known yet about the side effects.

The cardinal solution for excessive sweating is to perform an operation - sympathectomy. Surgery involves removing the nerve trunks responsible for regulating the function of the sweat glands. After the operation, sweating in the palms and armpits disappears, but this may cause heavy sweating in other zones.

Folk remedies for the fight and prevention of hyperhidrosis

  1. Creams and ointments with plant extracts that affect the sweat glands, reducing their secretion. Preparations containing extracts of mint, lemon balm, wormwood, rowan leaves, etc. effectively fight this disease. The product is applied to the skin of the hands twice or thrice a day.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide or ammonium chloride(ammonia). To do this, 1 tablespoon of any one substance is dissolved in 300 ml of cool water. Hands are wiped with this solution several times throughout the day. This will weaken the activity of the glands and also prevent the development of bacteria.
  3. Decoction of oak bark . To prepare such a hand bath, you need to pour 2 liters of boiling water into 3-4 tablespoons of dried oak bark and leave for half an hour. Then cool slightly and dip your hands in the broth for 30 minutes. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times every 7 days.
  4. Decoction of medicinal herbs . To do this, you will need 4 tablespoons of a mixture of dry herbs (sage, chamomile, dandelion root, calendula flowers). Prepare a strong decoction by pouring 1 liter of boiling water over the herbs. Wipe your hands throughout the day with a cotton swab dipped in a healing decoction. After such a bath, your palms will remain dry for 2-3 hours.
  5. Laundry soap. It sounds intimidating, especially for women’s hands, but the result will not be long in coming. You need to replace regular toilet soap with laundry soap, which has drying and bactericidal properties.

Whatever method you choose, you need to understand that folk remedies do not give instant results. Treatment of hyperhidrosis with herbs can take several months. The obvious effect usually occurs after a week, but quickly disappears if the procedures are stopped. At home, it is only possible to support and alleviate to some extent the general condition of the body, trying to eliminate the consequences. Only experienced doctors will help you find and cure the cause.

Many people face the problem of excessive sweating. Doctors call the condition of excessive sweating “hyperhidrosis.” Wet palms may occur due to large quantity reasons.

Why does hyperhidrosis usually occur? As a rule, this state caused by mental stress. However, there are cases that wet palms indicate the development serious pathologies hearts.

Why do babies have wet palms and feet? This usually indicates the development of a disease such as rickets. However, the reasons may be more harmless.

The main causes of sweaty hands

Why do my palms sweat a lot? Typically, this condition occurs due to stress. The fact is that under stress, a hormone called adrenaline is released into the blood. This substance can cause limb tremors, increased heart rate and increased sweating.

Often, “wet” syndrome haunts people who use poor-quality hygiene products. For example, many anti-aging creams contain substances that close pores. These substances include petroleum jelly and any other fats of synthetic origin.

Other causes of hyperhidrosis include:

  • Endocrine pathologies. For example, excessive sweating may occur due to diabetes mellitus. When this pathology appears, in addition to sweating, itching in the genital area, dizziness, loss of appetite, and dry mouth occur.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia. This is a disease cardiovascular system very often progresses during adolescence. With vegetative-vascular dystonia, increased sweating, headaches, and a feeling of lack of air appear. There are cases that this pathology is accompanied frequent urination, dyspepsia, tachycardia, increased blood pressure.
  • Increased mental stress.
  • Appearance infectious diseases. If a patient has an acute respiratory viral infection, he or she develops increased sweating, chills, cough, and runny nose.
  • Genetic predisposition. In some people, hyperhidrosis runs in families. Exact mechanisms of development congenital pathology still unknown to medicine.
  • Use of certain medicines. The feet and palms may be wet if a person uses antibiotics, deworming tablets, antihistamines. In general, sweating can occur as a result of an overdose of almost any drug.
  • Eating a lot of spices fatty foods, sweets and spices, especially in the hot season.
  • Obesity. Why does hyperhidrosis develop in obesity? Doctors explain this by the fact that obese people have impaired metabolism and the functioning of the sweat glands. Another reason for sweating is that fat is a strong “thermal insulator.” This is why obese people sweat much more, especially during hot weather.
  • Drinking carbonated drinks. Coffee, energy drinks and alcohol can also lead to excessive sweating.
  • Active sports. Sweat cools the body during physical activity, so it is released in large quantities. Also, during training, increased sweating is caused by the fact that when physical activity Metabolism accelerates and the lipolysis process starts.

Why does increased sweating of palms occur in newborns? Sometimes the leg and arm sweat due to the development of rickets. This is a disease in which the newborn experiences a lack of vitamins from group D.

If rickets is not treated promptly, the baby may suffer from disturbances in the musculoskeletal system all his life. That is why, with increased sweating in infant You should immediately contact a doctor.

Diagnosis and treatment of hyperhidrosis

How is hyperhidrosis diagnosed? There are no clear events. The physician must review the patient’s medical history and listen to complaints. If a patient develops symptoms of diabetes mellitus, VSD or other pathologies, then appropriate diagnostics are prescribed.

Treatment is also selected on a purely individual basis, based on the causes of excessive sweating. If it occurs as a result of diabetes mellitus, then certain medications and diet are prescribed to normalize sugar levels. If VSD is detected, sedatives and medications are prescribed to help normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

For ARVI, treatment is reduced to taking antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs. IN severe cases antibiotics are connected wide range actions from the group of macrolides. If hyperhidrosis is congenital, then anticholinergic drugs and iontophoresis are used.

How is hyperhidrosis treated in newborns? If the cause is rickets, then the following are used:

  1. Vitamin complexes that include vitamin D.
  2. Ultraviolet irradiation courses.
  3. Salt baths.

If the cause of increased sweating is stress and emotional stress, then sedatives are used. With the development of serious neurological disorders, the issue of prescribing tranquilizers is considered.

In the treatment of hyperhidrosis caused by obesity, it is prescribed special diet. Typically, the Dukan diet is used, which involves reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the diet.

Some folk remedies will help get rid of excessive sweating of the palms and feet. For example, you can cook medicinal mixture from an ordinary lemon. For this you will need 1 tsp. mix lemon with 2 tsp. glycerin.

The resulting mixture must be thoroughly mixed and 1 tsp added to it. ethyl alcohol. If you don't have it on hand, vodka will do. The resulting mixture should be applied to the palms 2-3 times a day.

Still good therapeutic effect have hand baths. To prepare it you need to mix a liter warm water and 1 tablespoon of ammonia. Place your palms into the resulting mixture. After 20 minutes the procedure must be completed. Do not use the bath if there are scratches or other damage to the skin.

In order to eliminate excessive sweating, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not use cosmetics that contain petroleum jelly or other fats.
  • Wash your hands more often and periodically treat them with an alcohol-based antiseptic.
  • If your hands sweat, use wet wipes or powder.
  • Avoid overheating your palms. There is no need to wear gloves in the warm season.

Excessive sweating can be eliminated by means of plant based. The best drug this group is considered . The product is hypoallergenic and completely safe.

It helps eliminate sweating of any etiology and normalize the functioning of the sweat glands in the shortest possible time. The effectiveness of Hydronex has been confirmed clinical studies and reviews from endocrinologists.

Do you know the feeling of awkwardness when you are embarrassed to touch the hand extended for a handshake, when you cannot grab the handrail in transport or fully work out on exercise equipment - and all because of sweaty palms?

Those who are faced with the problem of local hyperhidrosis know that the quality of life is reduced to a minimum if the palms constantly sweat. "What to do?" and “Who should I contact?” - the questions that concern them in the first place.

Is it the disease or the set of chromosomes that is to blame?

If our sweat glands suddenly stopped functioning, then half of humanity would die out from overheating, and the other half from an excess of toxins in the body. So it's normal to sweat. It is also normal that the palms should not participate in the processes of thermoregulation and removal of toxins, especially if the ambient temperature does not exceed critical values.

That is, the condition when the palms constantly sweat means that in fact there is a pathology that has its own reasons:

  • Metabolic processes (and sweating too) are directly related to the functioning of the endocrine system. Problems with the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, diabetes and other pancreatic diseases, horse racing hormonal levels during growing up or menopause - all this can become the basis for such misfortunes.
  • Liquid appears on the surface of our body after the sweat glands receive a signal from the nervous system. And if there are malfunctions in its operation, they sometimes manifest themselves in increased sweating palms.
  • Hyperhidrosis localized in the palms of the hands may be a concomitant symptom various diseases cardiovascular system - from VSD to myocardial infarction.
  • It also happens that everything seems to be in order with the body, there is no stress, adolescence It’s long past and I’m still far from menopause, but my palms are still sweating. In this case, we can already talk about congenital pathology caused by a genetic factor.

Additional provocateurs of local sweating are stress, overexcitement, chronic fatigue, bad habits.

Who should I go to and what should I do?

A dermatologist is the first doctor on your list to see if your palms are sweaty. What to do, what examinations you need to undergo, and what measures in your case will have the most effective action– these questions will be answered by a qualified specialist.

Consulting other doctors - an endocrinologist, a neurologist, a cardiologist - will not hurt. After all, it is simply pointless to begin to eliminate the problem without knowing its origins.

Modern methods of combating dry hand skin range from external “lotions” to surgical interventions. Each of them has disadvantages - some are fraught with side effects, others are limited in time, and others are obscenely expensive. No and universal remedies, since everyone has their own reasons for this physiological deficiency.

Spread, spray, wipe

This is the first desire of a person whose palms sweat from excitement or for no reason. External agents (ointments, gels, powders) are at the top of the list even among specialists, although such “half measures” only eliminate the consequence. But they can also be effective in cases where the problem is temporary (for example, during adolescence).

Tannin, aluminum hexachloride, and formalin are used as active ingredients in such preparations. The most popular cosmetic and pharmaceutical products are DRY DRY, Formagel, Max-F “NoSweat” antiperspirants.

The use of such products requires caution and careful adherence to the instructions for use - they often cause irritation on the skin.

Pill for sweaty palms

The simplest method cannot be called safe, since it involves taking sedatives, antidepressants, anticholinergics. Not only do your palms stop sweating, but there are also plenty of side effects such as drowsiness, lack of clarity of vision and problems with bowel movements.

A doctor should prescribe and monitor the effect of drugs of this type.

Good old physiotherapy

Electric current has long been successfully used in medicine. To prevent palms from sweating, one of his electrophoresis techniques is used - iontophoresis. The palms are dipped into baths of water, through which a low-power current is passed - it blocks the work of the sweat glands.

Sometimes anticholinergic drugs are added to water to enhance the effect.

Typically, a course of 5-10 iontophoresis sessions is enough to make the palms sweat less; then the procedures are carried out once, to maintain the effect - once a month or more often.

This local physiotherapy procedure has a gentle effect on the body, but there are contraindications - chronic heart failure, the presence of a driver heart rate. And the method does not help everyone.

Botox in the palm

Injections of the drug are not done to smooth out lines on the palms. It’s just that botulism toxin (the active substance in its composition) can block the work of sympathetic nerves that signal sweating.

Botox is injected subcutaneously, in “steps” of 2 cm, initially defining clear boundaries of hyperhidrosis. The injection sites may be sore for several days.

The injections have no contraindications, the effect lasts on average six months, after which the expensive procedure can be repeated.

What needs to be cut?

In extreme cases, when the palms are constantly sweating, and none of the methods have brought results, doctors recommend resorting to an operation called “sympathectomy.” It consists of blocking the sympathetic nerves surgically– they are cut or clamped with a clip.

Modern techniques allow the operation to be performed with minimal trauma. Treatment is expensive, but doctors promise a 98-99% guarantee of getting rid of excess moisture on your hands.

There is one big disadvantage - after surgery, the problem of excessive sweating may “spread” to other parts of the body.

There are some “developments” in this area and in folk medicine. Basically, the advice boils down to taking baths, rubbing and powdering problem areas pharmacy and home remedies that tighten pores.

  • Let's add some "sour" flavor. For wiping several times a day, use 2% salicylic alcohol, viburnum decoction or lemon juice in half with water, for baths diluted 1:5 apple cider vinegar, for powders - crushed boric acid crystals.
  • Tea - not only inside. Strong brewed black tea contains a high content of tannin, which perfectly tightens pores. Use it to wipe your palms too.
  • The most famous folk remedy in the fight against excessive sweating- oak bark. For several days in a row, prepare a bath for your hands at night with a drying and caring effect - place a tablespoon of raw material in a saucepan with a glass of boiling milk, remove from the stove, cover and leave for half an hour. Strain the infusion, dilute it in half with water and enjoy the procedure for about 30 minutes.

An integrated approach and perseverance will definitely bring results. And then the moisture in your palms will not be a hindrance in any area of ​​your life - social, professional, personal relationships.
