What causes kidney pain and how to relieve pain at home? Renal colic is an emergency. Painkillers for renal colic

If your kidneys hurt, what to treat, medications that give the fastest and best therapeutic result, what are they? All this should be of interest to people who have kidney problems. When a person knows that he has kidney problems, then in his medicine cabinet you can see all kinds of medicines that will help relieve kidney pain. There will also most likely be medications that help with kidney problems. for preventive purposes. Below we will talk about how to help if a person feels pain in the kidneys and does not know how to relieve the pain, what pain pills should be stocked at home.

Often, what a person has, he can determine for himself by the characteristic pain syndrome, which is usually localized in the back area just below the ribs. However, pain in the left kidney can be felt both in the pancreas and in the rectum area. The second obvious symptom of kidney problems is pain during the release of urine. Signs that a person may soon need medication for kidney pain:

  1. General weakness.
  2. Fever.
  3. Reduced performance.
  4. Increased blood pressure.

Because the symptoms are similar for everyone renal pathologies, then at the first sign of pain in the kidneys you should consult a qualified doctor.

Under no circumstances should you drink anything on your own or without a doctor’s prescription. Only a doctor should treat an illness and prescribe what to take. Kidneys - very important organ human body, development cannot be allowed renal failure, as this significantly changes the quality of life and can lead to the death of the patient.

Even if a person believes that the problem is not serious, that it will hurt and stop, still the only right decision is to make an appointment with a specialist. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe a number of tests and studies. And only after the results of urine, blood and ultrasound examination will be ready, he will make a diagnosis. The only option when you can take medicine for kidney pain on your own is to take certain medications for the kidneys that were previously prescribed by the doctor.

You can remove it yourself only if you can’t get to a doctor. You can take medication that was prescribed by the doctor, because when prescribing the medication, he was based on individual problems with kidneys. But as soon as the opportunity arises, you need to see a doctor.

Causes of stone formation

If the doctor has diagnosed the presence of kidney stones, then you need to understand that they appeared for a reason, it was preceded by a number of problems. The formation of kidney stones can be caused by:

  • development of the inflammatory process;
  • metabolic problems;
  • small amount of fluid consumed.

Often, urolithiasis is accompanied by a very unpleasant and negative symptoms. Therefore, take medications if, in in this case quite justified. Antispasmodic medicine will relieve pain in the kidneys due to urolithiasis. Together, the doctor prescribes diuretic medications. Doctors for emergency assistance for pain, the well-known No-shpa is usually recommended. However, if the pain in the kidneys is very severe, then No-shpa, unfortunately, will be powerless.

For very intense pain, doctors usually recommend Baralgin injection. It is important to know that the injection must be done very slowly. Diuretic drugs that will help remove kidney stones include Nolitsin and Furagin. The stones will come out only when there is no inflammation in the kidneys yet. If, after examination, kidney stones are discovered in a person, then you should know about the nature of their occurrence. Sometimes stones can be destroyed, even if you do not resort to special techniques. medications. For example, when kidney stones formed from salt uric acid, then detect them on x-ray will be impossible. However, it is possible to fight them. In this case, a citrate mixture will be a good helper.

If the stones are visible on an x-ray and are large enough, then independently, using medicines it will not be possible to neutralize them. However, if the stone is up to 0.5 cm in size, then in rare cases doctors recommend washing. For washing, the doctor usually prescribes either tablets based on medicinal herbs, or synthetic medications. Among herbal remedies, Canephron N and Cyston are usually recommended. Allopurinol is prescribed as a synthetic medication for treatment. The drug dissolves stones well and is also prescribed for preventive purposes. You can treat urolithiasis with Blemaren tablets.

The medicine is intended to neutralize calcium oxalate stones and urate oxalate stones when the oxalate level is not higher than 25%. To eliminate cystine stones, the doctor may prescribe Penicillamine or Tiopronin. These tablets help well in treating kidney pain, but patients do not tolerate them well. Therefore, treatment with these medications is prescribed when other means remain powerless.

Disease pyelonephritis

A person is forced to see a doctor when he experiences nausea, vomiting, increased blood pressure, abdomen. The doctor, having referred the patient for tests and studies, will be able to understand that the cause of such symptoms is renal colic. Diagnosing it yourself is very dangerous; at the first symptoms you should call a doctor. And it is generally prohibited to prescribe any medications. By the way, 85% of renal colic is a consequence of urolithiasis. Painkillers for pain in the kidneys, if they are caused by renal colic, are administered in a clinic. No-shpa, Papaverine, Eufillin, Spasmolitin are also prescribed.

The listed medications are usually given in combination with strong remedy, relieving pain (Analgin, Tramadol, Novocain, Trigan E, Promedol). In addition to medications that will relieve pain syndrome, doctors usually prescribe thermal procedures. The following thermal procedures are preferable:

  • hot water bottle;
  • bags of warm sand;
  • baths (temperature 37-39 degrees).

If the renal colic is very intense, then the so-called novocaine blockade is used. One of the reasons why kidneys hurt is pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys). This disease should be treated only in a hospital under the supervision of experienced medical staff. The main condition for success is drinking water, large quantity liquids. Naturally, antibiotic therapy must be carried out, and bed rest. It is equally important to comply dietary food, completely remove from the menu for every day:

  • salty;
  • spicy;
  • fat;
  • smoked.

If pyelonephritis is diagnosed, then treatment must take a very long time. For example, antibiotics can be prescribed for up to 6 weeks. Antibacterial medications are canceled only by the doctor and only when the patient’s condition returns to normal. Signals that the patient is recovering normal temperature bodies, normal pressure And normal tests urine and blood. From antibacterial drugs The doctor usually prescribes:

  1. Penicillin.
  2. Erythromycin.
  3. Vibramycin.
  4. Tarivid.
  5. Kevzol.
  6. Ristromycin.

The doctor prescribes a change of medication every 2 weeks so that microbes do not develop resistance to the antibiotic and the treatment is effective. However, sometimes taking antibiotics is not advisable. But this does not mean that there is no need to treat kidney pain. Often the doctor prescribes medications such as:

  1. Urosulfan.
  2. Etazol.
  3. Biseptol.
  4. Sulfadimethoxine.

From antimicrobials doctors prescribe:

  1. Furazolin.
  2. Furadonin.
  3. Furagin.

But these drugs have best effect in combination with antibacterial medications. When a patient is diagnosed with intolerance antibacterial agents, then the doctor may prescribe Salol, Urotropin. Sometimes in the most severe cases surgery is prescribed.

Development of glomerulonephritis

Glomerulonephritis - very serious pathology kidneys, which is characterized by the development of symptoms such as:

  • small amount of urine when urinating;
  • urine takes the form of meat slop;
  • swelling develops;
  • blood pressure rises.

When glomerulonephritis is complicated, it can eventually develop into renal failure or anuria. It is very important to consult a doctor if symptoms develop. Doctors usually prescribe the following medications for treatment:

  1. Reserpine.
  2. Raunatin.
  3. Furosemide.
  4. Hypothiazide.
  5. Uregid.
  6. Clonidine.
  7. Brinerdine.

When the pressure has increased slightly, the doctor prescribes No-shpu, Papaverine. Furosemide, Uregid, Lizax will help relieve swelling. The doctor may prescribe another medication.


How can you help such a powerful filter as the kidneys? How to prolong their health and increase their resilience? It's very nice to follow the rules. For prevention, doctors recommend:

  1. Dancing, gymnastics, moving more. The kidneys love movement. When a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, he inevitably acquires adipose tissue in lumbar region. In addition, the spine loses flexibility and blood stagnates. Therefore, any movements, bends, swings, dance steps will only bring benefits and increase blood circulation. Movement is life, good mood, Benefit for health. However, strong physical exercise will not be of any benefit to the average person.
  2. Follow a dietary diet. You need to eat more vegetables, fruits, and greens. The buds are very fond of celery, rose hips, strawberries, cucumbers, and pumpkin. Apples are no less beneficial for the kidneys. bell pepper, watermelons, melons, vitamin A and sea ​​fish. Any products that provide a diuretic effect will only bring benefits. But there will be smoked foods, salt, canned food and pickles, fatty foods and spicy foods.
  3. Drink a lot. Doctors recommend drinking at least 2.5 liters of fluid per day. It is better if it is pure still water. Not prohibited natural juices, teas, milk drinks.
  4. Kidneys love it very much dry heat. Sauna is very beneficial for kidney health. Heat promotes expansion blood vessels, and the kidneys are enriched with blood and work normally.
  5. The kidneys love one particular position. Doctors recommend standing on all fours for 5 minutes a day, leaning on your knees and elbows. This position allows the kidneys to rest. They are supplied with blood and oxygen.

Since ancient times, healers have said that a person has good health if his kidneys are healthy. The kidneys are responsible for almost all vital systems of the human body. If a malfunction of the kidneys occurs, the person begins to experience certain health problems, the woman cannot get pregnant, and problems with hearing and vision appear. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the health of the kidneys, and in case of any deviations, seek qualified help.

Most renal pathologies are accompanied by pain. Very severe pain usually occurs when renal colic during the movement of a stone through the ureter in urolithiasis. The painful syndrome also occurs during inflammatory processes in the tissues of the organ.

Pills are often used to relieve pain. Special analgesic drugs, which are indicated specifically for use in kidney diseases, No. For these purposes, several groups of drugs are used that are intended to relieve pain. different intensity and localization.

Causes of kidney pain

Most common cause renal pain is caused by the movement of the stone through the parenchyma and ureter. It can be provoked various factors(improper drinking regime, heavy lifting, shaking on the road and others).

Pain also accompanies the following renal pathologies:

  • tumor formations in the kidney;
  • ureteral strictures;
  • severe and injuries to the urinary organs;
  • kidney surgery.

Clinical picture

To determine that it is the kidneys that are hurting, you need to pay attention to the nature of the pain, as well as other accompanying symptoms. Usually the pain is felt in the back in the area under the ribs. But if you're amazed left kidney, pain can radiate to the pancreas and rectum. One of characteristic features kidney problems are painful sensations during the process of urination.

Other symptoms of kidney disease:

  • weakness;
  • temperature;
  • hypertension;
  • poor performance;
  • nausea, vomiting.

Tablets to relieve pain in the paired organ

To relieve renal pain, several groups of tablets can be used: antispasmodics and analgesics

Note! To avoid negative consequences, before using any medicines It is recommended to consult a specialist.


Often acute pain occurs due to problems with urine drainage. To alleviate this condition, it is necessary to expand the lumen of the ducts. Thanks to antispasmodics, you can relax smooth muscles and remove spasms urinary tract. The patency of the ducts is restored.

Antispasmodics are divided into several types:

  • myotropic (Drotaverine, No-shpa, Niaspam, Meverin);
  • neurotropic (Spanil, Buscopan).

Myotropic drugs are ineffective for. It is recommended to relieve acute pain with combination tablets, which consist of an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic component (Spazmalgon, Baralgin).


The tablets relieve pain and reduce fever. Analgesics can be narcotic or non-narcotic.

Types of non-narcotic analgesics:

  • simple antipyretics;
  • NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

Antipyretics are made from paracetamol, ibuprofen or analgin. The most popular tablets:

  • Tempalgin;
  • Eferalgan;
  • Panadol;
  • Nurofen.

NSAIDs, in addition to relieving pain, suppress a non-infectious inflammatory process that is not accompanied by sepsis. Thanks to the impact active substance tablets, the secretion of prostaglandin and other substances by cells is reduced, due to which the immune system stops damaging kidney tissue.

Effective NSAIDs:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Coficil;
  • Askofen;
  • Citramon and others.

If kidney pain becomes unbearable, narcotic analgesics (opiates) may be prescribed. They can only be purchased with a prescription:

  • Morphine;
  • Codeine;
  • Promedol.

The drugs act on the central nervous system and have a powerful analgesic effect. Taking the strongest painkillers requires constant monitoring of the patient's condition.

Narcotic analgesics are prescribed in extreme cases, as they can be addictive.

Find out about the causes in women and treatment options for the disease.

A page is written about the symptoms and effective methods of treating kidney cysts.

Go to the address and read about the norm of urine analysis according to Nechiporenko in children and the reasons for deviations.

Rules for the use of drugs

Painkillers are taken orally, without chewing, with clean water:

  • No-shpa (Drotaverine) - take 1 tablet 40 mg twice a day. The maximum dosage of the drug per day is 240 mg. For children under 12 years of age, ½ of the adult dosage is recommended.
  • Niaspam - single dose 200 mg. The frequency of administration is every 12 hours.
  • Ibuprofen - adults are prescribed a dosage of 200-800 mg (depending on the condition) 3 times a day after meals. Not recommended for stomach ulcers and gastritis due to irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Spasmalgon - 1-2 tablets twice or thrice a day. Do not use for more than 3 days in a row.
  • Dexalgin - a single dose of 12.5-25 mg (depending on the intensity of pain). Next appointment the drug can be no earlier than 8 hours later. It is not recommended to take pills for a long time.
  • Ketorol - take 1 tablet with an interval of at least 6 hours between doses. You cannot take these tablets for more than 6 days.

In order not to suffer from kidney pain, you need to protect yourself as much as possible from the possibility of developing kidney pathologies.

  • Move more. With a sedentary lifestyle, the lower back becomes overgrown with fatty tissue, and the spine becomes less flexible. Blood circulation slows down, stagnant processes develop, which are a favorable environment for infections.
  • Eat properly. Junk food(pickles, smoked meats, canned food) contributes to irritation of the kidneys and Bladder, increase the load on organs. From regular intake of monotonous food, the risk of deposits increases and develops.
  • Drink 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day. Useful pure water still, fruit drinks from, natural juices.
  • Keep the kidneys warm, do not overcool. Heat dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the kidneys.

Kidneys are the regulator of the health of the entire body. Any malfunctions in the functioning of a paired organ affect the functionality of other organs and systems. Kidney pain is a signal pathological processes. Painkillers can be a temporary measure to relieve pain. But they cannot remove the cause of the pain. For any renal pathologies it is required A complex approach to treatment that will not only get rid of the symptoms of the disease, but also eliminate its root cause.

Find out more about why kidney pain occurs and how to deal with it after watching the following video:

Drink plenty of fluids. This is the simplest, but at the same time very effective method to relieve kidney pain. To a healthy person While you should drink two to three liters of water daily, you may need much more to pass kidney stones. Water helps remove bacteria and dead cells from the kidneys. Stagnant urine in the kidneys is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. Drinking sufficient quantity water, you will be able to ensure a constant flow of fluid through the kidneys, thereby preventing the growth and reproduction of bacteria.

Rest. Sometimes bed rest helps reduce pain. If the pain is caused by a kidney stone or kidney injury, excessive movement and physical exercise may lead to bleeding in the kidney.

Apply a warm compress to relieve pain. You can apply a hot compress or heated cloth to painful area to temporarily relieve pain. Heat improves blood circulation and relieves nervous tension, which in both cases helps relieve pain. A warm compress will be especially helpful if your pain is caused by muscle spasms.

  • The compress should not be too hot, otherwise you risk getting burned. Apply a heating pad, soak in a hot bath, or apply a cloth soaked in hot water(but not in boiling water).
  • Take an analgesic (pain reliever). Some pain relievers are available without a prescription and may help relieve kidney pain. To relieve pain caused by infection and kidney stones, doctors usually recommend taking acetaminophen/paracetamol. Before taking any medicine, check with your doctor first, as some medicines may worsen kidney problems or other medical conditions.

    Talk to your doctor about taking antibiotics. Antibiotics should be taken if you have any infection urinary tract. Kidney stones can cause urine to stagnate and flow back into the kidneys, which in turn causes bacterial growth and can lead to infection. In this case, your doctor will prescribe you to take antibiotics.

    • Common antibiotics used to treat such an infection: trimethoprim, nitrofurantoin, ciprofloxacin, cephalexin. If the infection is not too severe, men should take antibiotics for 10 days and women for 3 days.
    • Be sure to take the full course of prescribed antibiotics, even if your condition improves and your symptoms disappear.
  • Do not overuse vitamin C. Overall, vitamin C is beneficial to the human body, especially when it comes to wound healing and bone formation. However, excess vitamin C is converted to oxalates in the kidneys. Oxalate can later turn into stones, so limit your vitamin C intake if you or anyone in your family is prone to kidney stones.

    When your kidneys hurt, what to treat is determined only by a doctor after full diagnostics and making a diagnosis. After all, it is not the pain that needs to be treated, but the reason why the body is signaling painful sensations in the kidney area. This symptom can manifest itself in pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, kidney stones and other pathologies of the renal system.

    Before starting treatment for sick kidneys, the doctor must prescribe urine and blood tests, ultrasound of the kidneys and the entire urinary system, identifying the pathogen when confirming the inflammatory process.

    After studying the diagnostic results and comparing them with the patient’s complaints, the doctor makes a diagnosis, according to which he prescribes treatment for kidney pathology. Therapy is carried out comprehensively and includes the following groups of drugs:

    1. Antispasmodics.
    2. Analgesics (painkillers).
    3. Antibiotics.
    4. Diuretics (diuretics).
    5. Herbal preparations.

    Let's take a closer look at what medications are prescribed for various kidney pathologies, what effect they have, and what medications are most effective for treating the kidneys.


    Often, kidney pain occurs due to migrating stones getting stuck in the ureter. To relieve pain and help the stone get into the bladder, you need to take an antispasmodic. It has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the ureters, eliminating spasm and facilitating the passage of stones through the urinary ducts. There are two groups of these drugs:

    • neurotropic: Metacin, Chlorosil, Atropine sulfate;
    • myotropic: Drotaverine, Otyponium bromide, Pinaveria bromide.

    If the latter act on themselves muscle fibers, then neurotropic antispasmodics stop the transmission of nerve impulses to them, relaxing and ensuring good patency of the urinary ducts.

    M-anticholinergics are often used from neurotropic group antispasmodics: Scopolamine, Hyoscyamine.

    Popular antispasmodic drugs are No-shpa, Galidor, Papaverine. They help cope with pain not only in the kidney area, but also when severe pain radiates to the abdominal area.


    When your kidneys are seriously bothering you, you definitely need to relieve the pain, that is, take a painkiller. Depending on the disease, antipyretics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed. The first relieve pain and reduce temperature; NSAIDs have similar action, but additionally reduce inflammation.

    Preparations of these two groups of analgesics are over-the-counter. In the case of kidney pain, the following help:

    • antipyretics: Nurofen, Tempalgin, Analgin, Panadol, Pentalgin;
    • nPVS: Diclofenac, Citramon, Aspirin, Askofen, Indomethacin.

    If a person is tortured sharp pains in the lumbar region, combined analgesics are prescribed that have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects: Baralgin, Spazgan, Spazmalgon, Baralgetas, Revalgin.

    If the pain in the kidneys becomes unbearable and it cannot be alleviated with the above-mentioned drugs, the doctor can prescribe narcotic painkillers, which are sold in pharmacies only by prescription. They affect the central nervous system, relieving any pain. The use of opiate analgesics provokes the development of dependence on them, so such pain relief is used in extreme cases.

    Narcotic analgesics include the drugs Fentanyl, Codeine, Morphine and Promedol.


    If kidney pain was caused by an inflammatory process (paranephritis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis), treatment will not be effective without the use of antibacterial drugs. After spending laboratory research To determine the causative agent of inflammation, the doctor will select the most suitable drug or prescribe a broad-spectrum antibiotic without preliminary diagnosis.

    The following groups of antibacterial drugs are used to treat various nephritis:

    1. Fluoroquinolones. Drugs in this series have wide range action, the main substance is well distributed throughout the tissues, insensitivity to it in pathogenic organisms develops very slowly. For these reasons, fluoroquinolone antibiotics are called the most effective for nephritis. For kidney inflammation, Ofloxacin or Norfloxacin is prescribed.
    2. Nitrofurans. This is the second most popular group of antibacterial agents used for nephritis. The drugs in this series are Furadonin, Furazolidone, Negram.
    3. Penicillins. Their effectiveness has been proven against enterococci and coli. The drugs in this group are Amoxicillin and Ampicillin.
    4. Aminoglycosides. They have a powerful bactericidal effect, therefore they are prescribed for inflammatory process in the kidneys, when its course with complications is diagnosed. Representatives of the group of aminoglycosides are Gentamicin and Amikacin.
    5. Cephalosporins. IN Lately patients are prescribed 4th generation drugs: they are resistant to many enzymes and have a wide spectrum of action. For these reasons, 4th generation cephalosporins are effective even for severe infections. Patients are prescribed Cefanorm, Izodep, Tsepim, Cefepim-Alkem.

    An antibacterial drug, like any other medicine to relieve kidney pain, should be selected only by the attending physician. The course of antibiotics is long - from 1 to 6 weeks. A contraindication to the use of such drugs is renal failure.

    Please note that kidney pain may become worse when taking antibiotics. With such a symptom, be sure to consult a doctor. If he considers that interrupting the course antibacterial therapy impossible, the patient will be prescribed lactobacilli and probiotics.


    Diuretics are needed for renal failure and nephritis in order to relieve the severity of edema and remove it from the body excess water. If kidney problems are mild, you can get by with natural diuretics: juice from celery, strawberries, a cocktail of freshly squeezed beets, carrots and cucumbers. If such drugs do not produce an effect, synthetic drugs are prescribed:

    • aldactone;
    • hypothiazide;
    • furosemide;
    • diuver;
    • britomar.

    If kidney pain is caused urolithiasis, diuretics are prescribed based on the nature of the stones:

    • for stones made from potassium salts, calcium-sparing diuretics are prescribed;
    • if the stones are phosphate or calcium, potassium-sparing drugs are needed;
    • for oxalate formations, thiazide diuretics are effective;
    • when stones are formed from uric acid, will help natural diuretics: horsetail, strawberries, birch leaves, dill.

    Diuretics are prescribed only for small stones, otherwise there will be no effect from such treatment.

    Herbal preparations

    In kidney diseases, positive therapeutic results are shown herbal preparations combined action:

    1. Canephron is a drug available in tablets and drops, which is convenient for use by children. The product has antiseptic, diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects.
    2. Nephroleptin - plant based food supplement, which has a positive effect on kidney function. It has a pronounced antioxidant, antiseptic, diuretic, corticosteroid and anti-inflammatory effect. Used as a general tonic.
    3. Cyston - natural remedy to remove excess fluid from the body and dissolve kidney stones. The drug effectively fights pathogenic microflora, therefore it relieves inflammation well.
    4. Phytolysin - paste plant origin to restore kidney function and cleanse it of toxins. Has an anti-inflammatory effect, dissolves kidney stones.

    IN complex therapy kidney diseases may additionally prescribe medications that improve tissue trophism, vitamin complexes, antihistamines, cytostatics and pipemidic acid derivatives.

    Medicines for kidney pain

    Kidney pain is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon.

    And renal colic, resulting from the movement of stones and disruption of the outflow of urine, is considered one of the most severe pain, which can sometimes be calmed only with the help of potent medications.

    How to determine that it is the kidneys that are hurting and how to alleviate this condition? This article will help you choose the optimal pain reliever for kidney pain, as well as procedures that contribute to this.

    Signs of kidney pain

    Everyone knows that the kidneys are located in the lumbar region, and often regard any discomfort in the lower back and above the pelvis as pain in the kidneys.

    In fact, the pain is localized a little higher - closer to the ribs, since the kidneys are located in the upper half of the lower back.

    As for the nature of the pain, in most diseases they can be constant or periodic, more often mild, nagging, aching, accompanied by fever, weakness and other signs of inflammation.

    Renal colic is characterized by acute, sharp pain that does not go away in any position, vomiting, general serious condition patient.

    It is not easy for a person who first encounters kidney pain to independently identify them, because there are other organs nearby that can also cause discomfort in the same area: liver, spleen, appendix, spine.

    Taking painkillers without a doctor's prescription can distort clinical picture and complicate the diagnosis of the disease. Before using medications, visit a specialist to clarify the diagnosis!


    Acute pain in the kidneys is often caused by stones migrating or stuck in the ureter and problems with urinary drainage. To relieve this condition, it is necessary to ensure the expansion of the lumen of the urinary ducts to facilitate the passage of the stone into the bladder.

    Antispasmodics cope well with this task: they relax the smooth muscles of the ureters and eliminate spasm, restoring the patency of the ducts:

    • No-shpa;
    • Papaverine;
    • Platyfillin.

    These are myotropic antispasmodics based on drotaverine, used for spasms of the urinary tract. They are helping relieve kidney pain, oh however, in conditions of renal colic they are less effective.

    And here is all about traditional methods of treating cysts. Find out how useful it can be Herb tea and what are the principles proper nutrition for similar diseases.

    • Spasmalgon;
    • Spazgan;
    • Spasmonet;
    • Baralgin;
    • Took;
    • Revalgin;
    • Baralgetas;
    • other analogues.

    These medications are administered intramuscularly or orally, 1-2 tablets per dose.


    If pain occurs, the most logical solution is to take a pain reliever. What pills help “for kidney pain”? Drugs sold in free access in pharmacies, divided into 2 groups:

    1. Antipyretics are simple analgesics based on analgin and paracetamol. These include such popular drugs as Analgin, Pentalgin, Tempalgin, Baralgin, Nurofen, Efferalgan, Panadol. These medications have an analgesic effect and reduce fever.
    2. NSAIDs are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that, in addition to analgesic and antipyretic effects, reduce the severity of inflammation. This group includes Aspirin, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Citramon, Askofen and others.

    Only in cases of excruciating, unbearable pain can the attending physician authorize the administration of narcotic analgesics.

    You may need . You can also read reviews and contraindications. of this type treatment of the urinary system.

    And there is detailed information about the treatment of pyelonephritis at home. How to achieve therapeutic effect when taking herbs and medications?

    These are drugs with a powerful analgesic effect that affect the patient’s central nervous system and are used to relieve pain in oncology, heart attacks, and postoperative conditions.

    Analgesics of the opiate group include Morphine, Fentanyl, Promedol, codeine. These kidney pain medications can be purchased with a special prescription or received in an inpatient setting.

    Carefully! Narcotic painkillers are physically and psychologically addictive and are used only in extreme cases!

    Additional Help

    If discomfort occurs in the kidney area, you should see a doctor, and if colic occurs, call ambulance. How to treat pain in this case? Warmth and active “rinsing” of the urinary tract help relieve pain in kidney diseases.

    1. Place a warm heating pad on the kidney area (on the side of the affected organ), hold for 15-30 minutes. The heat will relax spasms and reduce the intensity of pain.
    2. Take a hot bath for half an hour. This method of pain relief is contraindicated for patients with cardiovascular pathologies, gynecological and intestinal diseases.
    3. Drink more fluids (2 liters per day), take diuretics and drinks - pathogens, sand, salts will be washed out of the kidneys with urine, reducing the severity of inflammation and pain.

    The principle of action of diuretics

    For colic caused by the movement of sand or pebbles, the following procedure is recommended:

    1. Give an injection or take 2 tablets of a combined antispasmodic.
    2. Prepare a thermos of hot tea with lemon.
    3. Place all the necessary things next to you: tablets, phone, book, since you will not be able to get up for several hours.
    4. Lie on the bed so that your kidneys are above your bladder; if necessary, place a pillow under your back and shoulders.
    5. Take 2 heating pads or bottles of warm water. Clamp one of them between your legs, place the second under the lower back on the area of ​​​​the sore kidney. Lie as long as you can, drink tea periodically.
    6. At night, take a Panangin or Asparkam tablet and a Magne B 6 tablet.
    7. The next day, repeat the procedure if the colic does not stop.

    You should not take diuretic tablets or place a heating pad on your kidneys if the outflow of urine is impaired. First, restore urinary flow, for example, by drinking an antispasmodic.

    If you feel that it is not getting any easier, call a doctor and go to the hospital.

    Folk remedies

    Treatment of kidney pain only with the help traditional methods hardly possible.

    But still, the use of recipes with anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects for nephropathologies is recommended even by official medicine.

    1. When taking a warm bath to relieve pain, add to the water essential oils(cypress, juniper) and a decoction of oat straw.
    2. A fruit drink made from cranberries and juniper fruits fights inflammation and has a soothing effect on irritated mucous membranes. Drink the drink without sugar or with a spoonful of honey.
    3. Infusions of burdock and dandelion leaves cause increased urine production, which helps “wash out” bacteria and stones from the kidneys.

      All painkillers have a very strong effect on the liver. Well, if you choose among the safe ones, then Nimesan is very effective for pain, and besides, it dissolves in water, so it’s a pleasure to use, well, something like that..

      • I support! Good drug! I’ll say right away that when the doctor recommended Nimesan, I didn’t really count on this drug. I periodically have headaches, especially when I'm nervous. I started taking Nimesan, and it works. It’s not that the pain goes away completely, but it dulls the pain significantly. Side effects I don’t seem to notice, I only take pills when my head hurts. Yes, the drug is inexpensive. I recommend it to anyone looking for pain relief. By the way, the tablets can be dissolved in water - this is an excellent property. It is sometimes very difficult to swallow with a sore head; those who have suffered will understand. Who else has tried Nimesan for pain? What do you think?

        I agree about Nimesan. In all modern research Scientists have proven that enduring pain is harmful. You should always take painkillers. The doctor advised me to drink Nimesan for pain. Has anyone taken it?

      Thank you, to the point and useful...

      Thank you! Very extensive and useful article.

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