A child has coughing attacks on the street. Treatment of night cough in children. Severe dry cough in fits and starts

Children often suffer from coughing attacks due to the structural features of the larynx in early age. However, cough is not a disease, but only a symptom of it. To decide how to properly calm the manifestations of this unpleasant symptom and cure the baby, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease. This is usually caused by various colds.

With acute respiratory infections, the baby’s larynx is affected by a mass of pathogenic bacteria, which cause coughing attacks. Ignoring treatment can lead to irreversible consequences for the child, including bronchial asthma.

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    In order to alleviate a child’s condition with a severe cough at home, it is necessary not only to use medications, but also to follow some recommendations:

    1. 1. Wet cleaning. The smallest dust particles entering the inflamed Airways baby, irritate them and cause coughing. In order not to provoke new attacks, it is necessary to wet clean the house as often as possible.
    2. 2. Air humidification. To reduce dust formation, you can install a humidifier in the patient's room. If this is not possible, you just need to lay wet towels on the radiator.
    3. 3. Food. During illness, a child needs to eat light and easily digestible food. She shouldn't be annoying sore throat and being too hot.
    4. 4. Drink. Warm drinking plenty of fluids- the most important component of cough treatment. It helps thin and remove mucus and relieves the symptoms of inflammation.


    All cough medications are divided into three types:

    1. 1. Antitussives. They act by inhibiting the antitussive center in the brain and thereby stopping the attack.
    2. 2. Expectorants. Helps remove mucus from the bronchi and lungs. Makes coughing easier.
    3. 3. Combined drugs. They combine decongestant, antitussive and expectorant components.

    Cough medications for children are presented in the table:

    Name Directions for use and doses
    Sinekod (syrup and drops) From two months to one year - 10 drops 4 times a day. From 1 to 3 years - 15 drops 4 times a day. From 3 to 5 years - 5 ml of syrup three times a day. From 5 years and above - 10 ml of syrup three times a day
    Panatus (syrup and tablets) From two months to one year - 2.5 ml four times a day. From 1 to 3 years - 5 ml 4 times a day. From 3 to 5 years - 10 ml 4 times a day. From 5 years and above - 1 tablet twice a day, after 12 years - 3 times a day
    Stoptussin (drops) Dosage depends on the child's weight
    Glycodin (syrup) This medicine is contraindicated in newborns and children under 1 year of age. Dosage after 1 year is prescribed by the doctor individually
    Omnitus (syrup) 3-5 years - 10 ml three times a day. From 5 years and above -15 ml three times a day, after 12 years the dose is doubled
    Codelac Neo (syrup) 3-5 years - 5 ml three times a day. From 5 years and above -10 ml three times a day
    Alex Plus (lozenges) 4-6 years - one lozenge three times a day. From 6 years and above - 1-2 lozenges 4 times a day
    Bronholitin (syrup) 3-5 years - 5 ml three times a day. From 5 years and above - 5 ml three times a day, after 10 years 10 ml three times a day

    Traditional methods of treatment

    Any medicinal product in addition to treating the disease, it can cause harm to the body, even minimally. Chemical agents have different side effects, which are especially dangerous in childhood.

    Folk remedies consist of natural components. At correct use they will not cause harm to the body. This is especially true for children, since children's body has not yet fully formed and is extremely sensitive to treatment.

    Traditional recipes for dry cough

    The goal of this type of cough is to relieve an attack, facilitate the removal of sputum and soften the throat. To complete this task in folk recipes The following products are used:

    • milk;
    • vegetable and animal fats.

    Honey with milk and butter is one of the simplest and available funds to treat dry cough. It is prepared like this:

    • milk is boiled and cooled;
    • add one teaspoon of honey to half a glass of milk and mix thoroughly;
    • add one teaspoon butter and mixes.

    You can drink this mixture three to four times a day. Warm milk will help relieve the attack. Honey will have an antiseptic effect. The oil will soothe a sore throat.

    Badger fat is suitable for relieving coughing attacks even in newborn babies. Children under three years of age should be rubbed with badger fat. They usually rub the chest and back area. After the procedure, the baby must be well wrapped.

    For older children badger fat given orally. You can consume it up to three times a day, one teaspoon. The product has quite unpleasant smell and taste, so the child may refuse to take it. To prevent this from happening, you need to dissolve the fat in milk or mix it with honey.

    Badger fat is especially helpful in the treatment of chronic bronchitis and weakened immunity.

    Pine buds are one of the most effective folk remedies in treatment colds and a strong cough in the child. They are used as an infusion. You can infuse them not only with water, but also with milk. To prepare the medicine, you need to take half a liter of the selected liquid and boil it. Then one tablespoon of the product is poured into the boiling liquid and the pan is immediately removed from the stove. Let it brew for an hour. Give your child a quarter glass every few hours.

    Radish with honey is very loved by children for its pleasant sweet taste and is very good at stopping a strong cough. You can cook radish with honey in two different ways:

    • The fruit is finely grated, mixed with honey and left for several hours until a syrup forms.
    • The juice is squeezed out of the root vegetable using a juicer and mixed with honey. This method is the fastest.

    The child is given one teaspoon after 1-2 hours. The frequency depends on the strength of the attacks.

    A wide variety of herbs (chamomile, thyme, oregano) and roots (marshmallow, licorice, elecampane) can be used to relieve coughing attacks. Anise seeds are also widely used for decoctions. You can purchase all these medicines at any pharmacy. Methods for brewing decoctions are described in detail in the instructions on the package and do not take much time.

    Compresses are suitable for relieving coughing attacks:

    • Saline. To apply this compress, you need to heat an ordinary pan in a frying pan. table salt. Then you need to pour it into a clean cotton cloth and tie it in a knot. Apply to your chest until the salt cools down. The child should not have a fever during the procedure.
    • Potato. It is prepared from potato peelings, boiled until soft. You can also use the potatoes themselves by finely chopping them and boiling them.
    • Mustard. To prepare it, mix in equal proportions mustard powder, honey, flour, vegetable oil and vodka. The mustard compress can be left on for the whole night. All compresses are fixed in the chest and back of the baby.

    Treatment of wet cough

    A wet cough bothers the baby less, but is more dangerous. Seizures wet cough without proper removal of mucus can lead to complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Therefore, it is simply necessary to liquefy viscous secretions from the bronchi.

    To prepare the medicine, you need to take a cabbage leaf and squeeze it thoroughly. Collect the released juice in a glass container. Add some sugar. Give your baby 1/2 teaspoon every few hours. Squeeze fresh juice every time. Applying it also helps with coughs cabbage leaf with honey on the chest. The leaf needs to be lightly kneaded so that it releases juice, greased with honey and applied to the chest without covering the area of ​​the heart. Cover the top with film and a towel or woolen scarf.

    Blackcurrant leaves are used to prepare an infusion. For this purpose, you need to add a tablespoon of dry water to 250 ml of boiling water. currant leaves. Leave for one hour. The infusion is given to children instead of tea. The frequency does not matter, the more the better.

    From mineral water release the gas first by opening the lid and letting it sit for a while. Then mix mineral water with boiled milk. You can mix half a glass of both, or take 1 part milk and three parts mineral water. Give children 100 ml of the drink four times a day.

    Not only traditional boiled potatoes are suitable for inhalation, but also still mineral water and soda water. The selected product is poured into a wide-necked container (pan or ladle) and heated to a temperature of 60-80 degrees. The child is seated over the pan, covered with a towel or sheet, and allowed to breathe in the rising steam for 5-10 minutes.

    But this method should be used if there is no special device for inhalation - nebulizer. With such a device, inhalations are much safer for the child. The baby will not get burned by hot steam. In addition, the nebulizer delivers medications directly to the source of the disease much more efficiently.

Parents small child and older children know what a dry night cough is, attacks of which most often begin at night. At the same time, the baby wakes up from painful coughing and tremors. From the side you can hear wheezing as the child's breathing is convulsive, tears come out, his face turns red, and his nose gets clogged. He wakes up everyone around him from their sleep and needs help.

Today we will look at how to relieve an attack of dry cough in a child, what parents should do, and how to quickly stop a night cough.

The disease seems to be beginning to recede. The child is active during the day and feels normal. His cough hardly bothers him. Why do strong attacks appear again at night, why does the baby cough without a break?

The fact is that during sleep the body rests, physiological processes are slowing down. Breathing calms down. Night cough associated with a change in the rhythm of breathing and the position of the child: he lies.

When a coughing attack begins, antibiotics and others will not help antimicrobials You should know exactly those medications that affect the cough center in the brain, drugs that dilute sputum and ensure its free release, and other distracting (reflex) procedures and drugs.

Take your child for a consultation with a pediatrician. Talk to your doctor specifically about the treatment of cough in children, how to help your child with a night cough, what can and cannot be used.

Types of cough: dry, wet...

You need to immediately determine what kind of cough is tormenting your baby, why does the attack begin? A cough does not happen without a reason. During the day, dust, allergens, and mucus accumulate in the body. They irritate the receptors of the respiratory tract, causing a sharp and strong current air, which is designed to automatically (reflexively) free the larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs from any type of irritants and foreign substances.

Dry Cough is a symptom of a disease. Its humidity depends on the pathogen that has entered the body. A dry cough indicates the development of the following diseases:

  1. ARVI;
  2. inflammation vocal cords;
  3. pleurisy;
  4. diphtheria;
  5. whooping cough: the child cannot cough up because the sputum is too viscous, and a dry cough is accompanied by attacks of suffocation.

One of the causes of dry cough is disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. The acid that is in the stomach enters the oral cavity with belching and irritates the throat. The attack occurs especially often when the baby is sleeping.

Wet cough. The causative agents of wet cough are infections and viruses. It is accompanied by sputum production in the following diseases:

  1. ARVI: progressive stage;

For diseases of the nose and copious discharge mucus, a wet cough appears. In a dream, mucus from the nose flows down back wall throat. It accumulates in the bronchi. During sleep, the child has difficulty breathing, which leads to an attack.

Barking a dry cough appears in a baby when initial stages diseases. This symptom indicates that stenosis is developing. There is a narrowing of the larynx. Air cannot pass into the lungs. A barking cough is often accompanied by attacks of suffocation.

Stenosis occurs when the airways become swollen, acute laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, inflammation of the adenoids. The cough is characterized by sharpness and whistling sounds. Occurs in a child in a dream in the form of severe attack.

Frequent, dry, convulsive cough: accompanied by jerks and deep breaths. The baby has difficulty breathing. His abdominal muscles hurt due to tension. A convulsive cough most often indicates whooping cough if the child is not vaccinated against of this disease. Coughing often provokes vomiting and redness of the whites of the eyes.

Allergic cough - how to relieve symptoms? With allergies, cough is not the only symptom. It is accompanied by skin rashes and itching. The allergen could enter the body during the day, and coughing attacks occur at night. An allergic cough is always dry, may be accompanied by bronchospasms and becomes barking.

An allergic cough can be triggered by food, household dust, odors, and woolen products. The baby's body temperature is normal. Liquid mucus is released from the nose, tears flow.

Vocal tic- a type of cough. Cough is a symptom neurological disease. It appears in the child in connection with the experiences that have arisen. The baby starts coughing if he is excited or stressed. Vocal tic is mild frequent coughing

At night, tic appears if the child has to perform at a matinee in kindergarten, before test work At school. The baby will cough at night if he played with children during the day and became a loser. This symptom is an indicator of a disorder nervous system.

What to do: How to relieve a coughing attack, stop a child’s cough at night

When children have a coughing attack in their sleep, they experience extreme fear. They should not be left unattended.

  1. It is necessary to turn on dim lights in the room and approach the baby. He should know that mom and dad will definitely help him.
  2. Determine the type of cough.
  3. Provide first aid according to the nature of the cough.
  4. Call "emergency" if necessary.
  5. Report a night attack to your local pediatrician.

A calming and comfortable environment is created for the child. They sit him in bed or on his knees to normalize his breathing. They talk to him in a familiar voice, without showing concern. You must always remember that the baby was sleeping when the cough appeared. Sudden movements and nervous voice of parents will aggravate the attack.

Dry cough: Treatment, what to do

If a child has an attack of dry cough in a dream, then all measures should be aimed at moisturizing the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.

  1. Warm drinks must be given. It is better to drink in small but frequent sips so as not to provoke vomiting. Plain water often replaced with non-carbonated mineral water. If from day treatment If any decoction of chamomile or sage remains, it is heated, mixed with a teaspoon of honey and given to the child to drink. Warm milk with a small piece of butter will moisturize the mucous membrane well.
  2. Lubricate your sinuses with baby cream.
  3. Increase the humidity in the room. Open the window and ventilate the room. Draw into the basin hot water so that steam comes from it, and place it near the baby’s bed. He will breathe steam.
  4. The hot water is turned on in the bathroom and the room is allowed to fill with steam. They take the baby in their arms and go to the bathroom: they remain in the room until the steam settles.
  5. Inhale with mineral water or with saline solution. Inhalation is carried out if the baby has stopped being capricious and is completely awake.
  6. As a bonus, he is given a menthol tablet, a spoonful of honey or burnt sugar to suck.

Medicines will help relieve a coughing attack.

  1. « Sinekod» – children from 2 years old are given drops, from 3 years old – syrup, from 6 years old – tablets;
  2. « Tussin Plus» – children from 6 years old;
  3. « Linkas» – children from 6 months;
  4. « Libexin Muco» – from 2 years.

This therapy is used for dry barking cough. The measures taken will help against an attack of stenosis or bronchospasm.

First aid for a wet cough, what to do

If in a dream a child begins to develop an attack of wet cough, then all actions of the parents should be aimed at accelerate the removal of mucus from the bronchi.

  1. Place the child on his stomach and massage his back: stroking, rubbing, tapping. The massage must be accompanied funny story so that the baby is comfortable and not afraid. Massage is given to both small and adult children.
  2. Place the child in bed to release phlegm.
  3. Use a cotton swab to clear mucus from your sinuses.
  4. Give a warm decoction: breast collection No. 4 if the child is under 2 years old or No. 1, 2, 3 for older children.
  5. The air in the room should be humid.

To treat an attack of wet cough, do not give antitussives; use mucaltinous drugs:

  1. « Ascoril» – from 6 years;
  2. « Ambrobene» – from 6 years;
  3. « ACC» – from 2 years;
  4. « Mukaltin» – allowed for children under 1 year.

Medicines are taken in the form of syrup. They have a sweet taste and children will like them. Tablets are not recommended. There is a possibility that children will not be able to swallow them.

How to relieve an allergic cough?

If an allergic cough is accompanied by an attack of suffocation, then immediately call " ambulance» , and only then provide first aid to the child. The cough is always dry, so it is necessary to take proper measures to moisturize the laryngeal mucosa.

  1. All items to which the child is allergic are removed from the room, and the room is ventilated.
  2. If the reaction is caused by any component of the food product, then enterosorbents are given: Activated carbon, “Filtrum-sti”, “Polysorb”.
  3. Suprastin against allergies and severe coughing Antihistamines will reduce the reaction to the allergen: “Suprostin”, “Zodak”, “Tavegil”.
  4. If bronchial spasm has developed, then before the ambulance arrives, inhalation with Berodual is done. Drugs are used only if they were previously prescribed by a pediatrician. The funds are given to children from 6 months.

Parents must act calmly and clearly. Excessive nervousness in actions will harm the child. He will panic and the attack will not stop.

How to help with a neurological cough?

A vocal tic is not defined as dry or wet. This is frequent coughing that prevents the child from sleeping. He's being filmed sedatives. They give tea with valerian, lemon balm, motherwort. For 1 glass of boiling water, take 1 teaspoon of dry crushed herbs: leave for 30 minutes, filter. If the child has already woken up, but he is not feeling any better, then take a soothing bath by dropping lavender or mint oil into the water.

The baby should be reassured with words and actions: tell him a fairy tale, sing. It is better to talk to the teenager and convince him that everything will be fine, he is not alone, his family supports him.

Folk remedies at home

  1. During treatment dry cough. Hot inhalations over potato steam. The procedure is recommended for children over 3 years old if they do not have a fever. Boil the potatoes in their jackets, chop them a little until they cool down, and let the child breathe in the steam.
  2. From wet cough. Knead the boiled potatoes and make a compress. You will need 2 diapers. Cover the baby's chest with one diaper, spread potatoes on it, and cover it with a second diaper.
  3. Folk remedies for cough - sage with milk. For all types of cough: milk with sage. 15 g of herb are infused in hot milk for half an hour: filtered, given in small portions.
  4. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey, butter, and 1 egg yolk in milk. The mixture is drunk warm.

Folk remedies with milk, herbs and honey are used in treatment if the child is not allergic to the ingredients. It is better to take buckwheat honey. Dry herbs, crushed.


If there are fears that the baby will have an attack at night, then attach it to clothes, pajamas, or a shirt. patch « Nozzle" The patch is impregnated with eucalyptus oil and camphor. These products will make breathing easier and calm the child.

Before going to bed, take a bath with herbal decoction. Use chamomile, calendula, valerian. A little decoction is left for night drinking.

Rubbing with ointments is carried out:

  1. turpentine;
  2. "Doctor MOM";
  3. with badger fat;
  4. baby cream mixed with radish juice or sea buckthorn oil.

In the children's room, the temperature is kept no higher than +22 degrees, the air is humidified to 70%: humidity is measured with a hygrometer. To create a comfortable atmosphere, purchase a device that humidifies and ionizes the air. If there is no such device, then wet diapers are hung in the room.

Dinner is not made too rich and dense. Products that cause gas formation in the intestines are consumed in daytime. It is better to avoid citrus fruits, berries, sweet pastries, and fast food. Spicy food is not given during illness. It irritates not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also the upper respiratory tract, provoking an attack. Dinner time is 2 hours before bedtime.

If the child is overexcited, he needs to be calmed before being put to bed. Otherwise he will wake up from bad dreams or from vocal tic. Your bedtime should always be the same. Avoid computer and active games, problematic and emotional conversations in the evening.

Video on the topic

How to relieve a coughing attack in a child

Doctor Natalya Lobanova in the video will tell you how to cure a child’s cough. This is a question many mothers and fathers ask themselves. Cough, exhausting the baby, does not allow the child to sleep peacefully, and can even provoke vomiting, especially for infants.

An attack at night will not go away on its own. First aid to the baby is always provided by his close people. The children's first aid kit contains antipyretics, antitussive and mucaltinous syrups. You should keep honey and butter on hand. Night attack better to warn preventive measures so that the child does not suffer from coughing in his sleep.

Children often suffer from impaired functionality of the respiratory tract due to the structural features of the larynx at an early age. In order to understand how to relieve a coughing attack in a child, it is important to find out the reason for its occurrence. A common cause of its occurrence is a cold.

With ARVI, the larynx and trachea of ​​a small patient are affected by many pathogenic bacteria, causing an attack dry cough The child experiences pain, but the mucus accumulated in the bronchi is not removed from the body. Ignoring therapy can lead to a series of coughing attacks developing into bronchial asthma.

Important principles for eliminating a cough attack

What to do if you have a coughing attack? The main principle of eliminating it is to adhere to the regime of warm drinking. Tea, compote, various decoctions- these drugs enhance expectoration and help quickly get rid of the phenomenon. Traditional way milk, to which ½ tsp is added, is considered to eliminate it. soda, 1 tsp. honey and a piece of butter. This drink moisturizes and soothes the baby's irritated mucous membranes and effectively stops coughing.

IN acute period Parents are faced with the question of how to stop the attack? To do this, it is necessary to allow the little patient to breathe warm, humidified air. It is enough to sit with the child in front of the basin with hot water. If the patient does not have a fever, you can place him in a warm bath and play. By being distracted, the baby endures the acute period more easily.

Syrups with expectorant and sputum-thinning properties help to effectively resolve the issue of how to stop an attack in a child. Preparations prepared by a pharmacist based on natural ingredients are more effective. At the same time, it is recommended to carry out inhalations using oils coniferous trees. In cases of frequent intense attacks, it is necessary to use saline solutions, the composition of which is approved by the attending physician.

If your baby has an attack at night, you need to wake him up and give him a warm milk-based formula to drink. If a child’s dry paroxysmal cough intensifies, it is necessary to force him to walk while simultaneously preparing a basin with hot water and essential oils for inhalation.

Elimination of cough in various diseases

The symptoms of each respiratory disease make it possible to decide how to stop one or another type of coughing attack. With whooping cough, they increase due to irritation of a special center in the brain by the bacterium. The cause of cough is solely a disruption of the nervous system. In this case, the main thing is not the elimination, but the prevention of the attack. It is necessary to provide the patient with peace, protect him from sharp loud sounds, bright light and other irritants. This coughing attack cannot be stopped with classical medications and folk remedies. It is necessary to ensure that the baby takes sedatives.

Coughing attacks with false croup are associated with narrowing of the child's upper respiratory tract, which requires emergency hospitalization. At the same time, the disease is characterized by swelling of the laryngeal mucosa and viscosity of sputum. In order to prevent this condition, it is recommended at the initial stage of the pathology to give the patient plenty of warm decoctions and ventilate his room more often. To eliminate the attack, it is necessary to ensure that the child takes large doses of mucolytic drugs. To reduce its intensity, it is recommended to pour hot water into a basin or bathtub and allow the patient to breathe warm, moist air.

Tracheitis is characterized by the occurrence of attacks of dry cough at the initial stage. To prevent the spread of the disease to severe form It is necessary to ensure that the baby takes mucolytic drugs that increase sputum production. When wet cough It is necessary to stop taking medications and start giving the sick child chest massage. At the same time, you need to provide him with plenty of warm drinks, rich in vitamins: fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices, herbal infusions. If there is no fever, it is recommended to give the baby hot foot baths and rubbing. This will increase blood flow to the inflamed area and actively remove toxins from the body.

Similar to false croup obstructive bronchitis differs in the viscosity of sputum. The body cannot remove it on its own, which is why the child’s bronchi undergo spasm and he experiences difficulty breathing. In this case, it is necessary to treat with mucolytic drugs and, after thinning the sputum, with expectorants. Drug therapy carried out simultaneously with plenty of warm drinks and massages. Massaging the chest should be carried out 15-20 minutes after taking medications by lightly stroking and tapping with your fingertips. Massage is required in cases where the child is intolerant to medications.

When observing a baby lingering cough, not amenable to treatment with traditional and traditional methods, you need to consult a doctor. Often a severe cough in a child is associated with the constant unsatisfactory condition of the laryngeal mucosa caused by chronic disease or allergies. In this case, the child’s body constantly produces great amount mucus that needs to be coughed up. Parents themselves, giving their children various cough syrups, provoke a long course of this symptom. It is necessary to stop using them, providing the child with plenty of fluids and massage in return.

Traditional therapy

Monitoring attacks of dry cough in a young patient requires the use of peripheral and central drugs. These medications allow you to activate the cough center located in the medulla oblongata, and quickly remove accumulated mucus from the body.

It is not recommended to prescribe antitussive drugs to children under two years of age. In this case, the use of syrups is prescribed plant origin(serial medicines or products manufactured in a pharmacy). These drugs are effective in treating mild forms of cough. In other cases, it is necessary to use more active drugs. Syrups based on natural ingredients can cause allergic reaction in a child, and therefore it is necessary to select drugs based on the patient’s tolerability of one or another component.

Drugs used to relieve a coughing attack are divided into the following categories:

  • mucolytics - prescribed if the cough is dry and sputum thinning is required;
  • drugs reflex action designed to activate the cough center of the brain and ensure the removal of sputum;
  • sedatives used after removing phlegm from the body to reduce the activity of the cough center.

Elimination of a cough attack caused by allergies

Coughing attacks caused by allergies are eliminated with the help of antihistamines. Selection medicine carried out exclusively by a doctor based on examination data of the child. Treatment for this type of coughing attack may take long time, and therefore the use of antihistamines alone is not enough. In this case, complex treatment is necessary.

Treatment of attacks that occur due to a child’s allergic reaction requires eliminating the irritants or weakening their effects. It is necessary to carry out full examination baby to identify potential allergens that lead to coughing and decide how to treat the patient. To reduce the risk of contact of allergens with the child’s body, parents should regularly ventilate the apartment and carry out wet cleaning.

When the first suspicion of an allergy arises as the cause of a coughing attack, the doctor prescribes injections of Suprastin for the child. They allow you to eliminate the symptoms of an attack within a few minutes after administration of the drug. When using Suprastin tablets positive effect observed after 20 minutes. Antihistamine allows you to improve the child’s condition for 12 hours, after which its components are excreted from the body along with sweat and urine.

During periods of intense coughing attacks, it is recommended to treat the child’s nasopharynx area weak solution sea ​​salt or simply warm water. To reduce the frequency of attacks, the patient is advised to use bay decoction. To prepare it, you need to boil the leaves of the plant in boiling water for several minutes, then add 1 tbsp. l. honey and a pinch of soda. The cooled and strained broth is taken by the child in small sips as the cough develops.


Folk remedies help effectively relieve cough in children. Classic recipe A mixture of black radish and honey that allows you to quickly treat attacks in a child. To make it, you need to make a hole in the vegetable and place the beekeeping product in it. The ingredients will mix overnight, after which the product can be given to the child. Radish with honey take 1 tsp. several times a day.

Milk with honey helps stop a coughing attack. It is necessary to stir 1 tsp in a glass of warm milk. honey and give it to the child to drink. To achieve greater effect, it is recommended to use this remedy up to 3 times a day. For allergy sufferers and children under 3 years of age, honey should be replaced with figs.

Carrot juice is effective means, helping to eliminate an attack of dry cough in a child. This liquid achieves greater effectiveness when it is prepared immediately before use. Freshly squeezed juice is mixed with honey and given to children up to 5 times a day.

Lemon decoction can effectively combat coughing attacks. To prepare it, you need to cut 1 citrus into slices and boil it in 500 ml of water. After cooling, the liquid is filtered and mixed with glycerin. This medicine is given to the child to take when the condition occurs.

Attacks of dry cough in a child are eliminated with the help of badger and lamb fats. These products are used as ointments to treat the back and chest area of ​​babies. Starting from the age of 3, it is recommended to use a mixture of badger fat, milk and honey. The use of these drugs can lead to allergies, so you need to make sure that the child is not intolerant to them.

Attacks of dry cough serve frequent symptoms colds and allergies in children. Their timely therapy allows not only to effectively relieve the patient from unpleasant manifestations, but also to eliminate the risk of their development into chronic diseases.

Children cough quite often, and there are many reasons for this. Cough is a protective reaction of our body to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms and foreign bodies into the respiratory tract.

The child’s brain sends a signal to the body to get rid of everything unnecessary and harmful. Although this reflex does not seem strange and unusual to us, a paroxysmal cough in a child causes concern for anyone. caring parent. Adults should understand that cough itself is not a disease, but only a symptom of pathologies that a doctor must determine.

Coughing attacks in children often occur at night. Today we will talk about the most common reasons cough, we will tell you how to relieve an attack, how to speed up recovery in diseases that are accompanied by cough.

How to relieve a coughing attack in a child?

A paroxysmal cough makes not only the baby, but also his parents panic, especially if it provokes vomiting or suffocation of the baby. If it appears for the first time, then it is better to immediately contact a specialist, because cough accompanies many serious childhood illnesses that require timely treatment. The doctor will figure out why the attack occurred and how to eliminate the cough.

If a child has a sudden dry cough in attacks, parents can relieve the child’s condition in the following ways:

  • Give him a warm drink - milk with honey, chamomile tea, warm compote or alkaline water.
  • Ventilate the room thoroughly. If the air in the children's room is humid, it is easier for the child to breathe.
  • Fill the bathtub with water and go into the home “steam room” with your baby. If you stand in a bathroom filled with steam for 10-15 minutes, the child’s coughing attack will subside.

These are the fastest and simple ways to alleviate the baby’s condition, but if the child coughs, then other “recipes” will be needed.

A child often develops a coughing attack when exposed to foreign body into the respiratory tract. It may be accompanied by symptoms of suffocation, impaired consciousness, bluishness of the face, and difficulty breathing.

If the stuck object is small, then, most likely, with a strong cough it will clear the airways. To remove a stuck foreign body, place your baby face down on your lap and tap the palm of your hand between the shoulder blades. Apply jerky, sliding and rhythmic blows from bottom to top, towards the head. If this method does not help, turn the baby upside down and shake him, lightly tapping him on the back. If this method does not work, then you need to take the child to the hospital.

As we said above, a coughing attack in a child can be accompanied by very serious illnesses. We list the most common of them:

  • Whooping cough - a series of short coughing shocks followed by a deep whistling breath. Against the background of a dry cough, the child’s blood pressure rises in attacks, the face turns red or blue, the eyes water, viscous mucus leaves, and vomiting may occur. There can be about 50 such attacks in just a day.
  • Laryngitis - accompanied by a barking, painful cough. In the absence of appropriate treatment, this disease can develop into false croup, a more severe form. With croup, attacks are replaced by wheezing, difficult breathing when inhaling.
  • Bronchial asthma - this disease affects children different ages. Exactly sudden attacks A child's cough indicates illness. With asthma, the baby suffocates and cannot breathe fully. Such an attack can last about an hour until the baby coughs up viscous sputum. At the same time, his general condition worsens - his pulse quickens, painful sensations in a stomach.
  • Allergy - cough appears with lightning speed and is often accompanied by cramps or trembling of the legs and arms. To stop a child’s dry cough from attacks, it is necessary to eliminate the allergen that provoked it, and then the swelling and spasm of the airways will disappear.

Treatment of paroxysmal cough in a child

We would like to note that this is not all possible reasons children's cough, but the most frequent. For any illness that is accompanied by a cough, do not delay visiting a doctor - he will determine the cause of the attacks and prescribe necessary treatment. If you don't know accurate diagnosis, then you should not give your baby medications.

Warm tea with raspberry jam or alkalinized milk (1/4 teaspoon of baking soda per glass of milk). You can offer your baby to suck on a teaspoon of buckwheat honey.

If a child’s cough is a symptom of a cold, then it must be turned into a wet, productive cough. To do this, you need to give your baby mucolytics - drugs that dilute sputum, which accelerate the discharge of mucus.

Decoctions of marshmallow, thermopsis, plantain juice, elecampane, and marshmallow help well. Any drug should be given to the baby in small doses, since any of them can cause vomiting or nausea. It should be taken into account that the action of individual components of the drug leads to an increase in mucus, and the baby simply may not be able to cope with it.

You can relieve a child's coughing attack with steam inhalations. For inhalation it is better to use a solution of soda or mineral alkaline waters. Parents should know that boiling water should not be used for steam inhalations. Effectively helps with seizures light massage chest.

Parents should protect the child from irritating odors and organize a proper drinking regime. It is very useful to carry the baby in your arms and turn the baby over more often so that the mucus does not stagnate.

If you apply our advice and doctor’s recommendations, the disease will subside in two to three weeks. During this period, the child’s body is completely restored, although the signs of the disease disappear after a week of treatment (well-being improves, body temperature normalizes). As you already understand, a paroxysmal cough in a child is not scary if treatment is started in a timely manner.

A child’s severe paroxysmal cough always worries parents. And it is right. Although it may not only be a symptom of a viral disease, it can be very irritating to the larynx and can cause a sore throat and even damage to the vocal cords. Therefore, treatment is necessary, but first the cause that caused the attack must be established.

TEST: Why do you have a cough?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

The cough can be described as:

You characterize the cough as:

Can you say that the cough is deep (to understand this, type more air into your lungs and cough)?

During a coughing attack you feel pain in your stomach and/or chest(pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during a cough (it doesn’t matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She:

Do you feel dull ache in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the center of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do shortness of breath bother you (during physical activity Do you quickly become out of breath and get tired, your breathing becomes faster, followed by a lack of air)?

Non-infectious causes

  • allergic reactions - children have a narrower lumen of the larynx than adults and they cough even with weak exposure to the allergen;
  • chemical or physical irritation - causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and a reflex cough, dry and barking;
  • dehydration - if too high temperature or low air humidity, the mucous membranes of the nose and throat quickly dry out, the baby begins to cough;
  • foreign body - this especially often happens in young children during teething, when everything that comes to hand is put into the mouth;
  • chronic diseases - bronchopulmonary, heart failure, some gastrointestinal diseases.

Attacks of a dry cough in a child for the reasons listed above are not accompanied by fever or other symptoms characteristic of respiratory diseases symptoms. It’s not difficult to deal with them - just eliminate the irritant and relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane, if present.

An allergic cough can be easily stopped by taking antihistamines.

If a child’s severe cough is accompanied by fever, runny nose, weakness, and lack of appetite, urgent treatment is necessary. These symptoms clearly signal that there is an infection in the body and the disease is developing full swing. On early stages You can try to cure it with home remedies.

How to relieve an attack

There are several ways to relieve a coughing attack in a child, and each of them is good in its own way. Once the cause of the problem is known, this is easy to do. But while it is being figured out, one often has to act at random. Moreover, if the attack occurred at night, and there is no opportunity to consult a doctor or buy fast-acting pharmaceutical drugs.

In any case, there is no need to panic. Here is the simplest algorithm for what to do if an attack occurs suddenly:

It is not recommended to relieve an attack with antitussive drugs unless they are prescribed by a doctor. Even with a large accumulation of mucus, the cough can be dry, without sputum production. This happens when the mucus is too thick and the child simply cannot cough it up. Antitussives are depressant cough reflex and in in this case only worsen the situation, promoting stagnation of sputum.

When the cough has calmed down, it is necessary to measure your body temperature. If it is above 38, give the baby antipyretic drugs: Panadol, Paracetamol, Aspirin. It is advisable to consult a doctor in the morning. He will examine the child, prescribe tests if necessary, and tell you how to treat the cough in your particular case.

Folk remedies

When used regularly, folk remedies help not only quickly relieve a child’s coughing attack, but also prevent it. reappearance. They are natural, safe and suitable for children of any age. However, when infectious diseases need to be monitored closely general condition child and if it begins to worsen even a little, consult a doctor immediately.

  1. Gargling. It is better to use pharmaceutical antiseptics: solutions of chlorophyllipt, furatsilin. You can use herbal decoctions or saline solution with the addition of iodine.
  2. Warm milk with fat. Cocoa butter, goat or badger fat is suitable at the rate of a teaspoon per glass of milk. You can add a pinch of soda.
  3. Ginger tea. 2-3 cm fresh root Peel the ginger, finely chop and pour boiling water over it, add a slice of lemon with peel. When it cools down a little, strain, add a teaspoon of honey and drink warm in small sips.
  4. Honey with melted butter. Combine in equal proportions, mix well, form a small candy out of it and give it to the child as a lollipop.
  5. Onion syrup. You will have to prepare it in advance. Peel 3-4 large onions, chop well, add a glass of sugar. After 1-2 hours, when the onion releases its juice, put on low heat and simmer until the sugar thickens and acquires an amber color. Strain and give by teaspoon.
  6. Inhalation with cedar oil. It has the most powerful antiseptic properties of all coniferous plants. Pour a few drops into a container of hot water and sit the child to breathe over the steam. Not suitable for children under one year old!

Good healing effect provide warming: rubbing, compresses, salt bag, honey cake, paraffin therapy. Such procedures can only be done when the body temperature is below 37.2 and there is no blood and/or pus in the sputum.

Helps to cough up accumulated mucus faster drainage massage. It is performed with tapping movements when the child lies on his stomach with his head down. Sometimes pieces of mucus literally fly out of the bronchi after it, making breathing easier and speeding up the healing process.

Self-medication is prohibited

If a cough of an infectious nature cannot be cleared up quickly, it means that the child has a weakened immune system or you have chosen the wrong treatment methods. The disease cannot be left untreated – it can lead to very serious complications. You should immediately stop self-medication and go to the doctor if the following symptoms appear:

They can be signs of serious diseases: pneumonia, purulent bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pleurisy, tuberculosis, emphysema, diphtheria, croup, etc. Incorrect treatment or its absence in this case can even lead to death.

Before the doctor arrives, you need to pay attention to all the symptoms of the disease: control the temperature, frequency of attacks, color and consistency of sputum, and the amount of mucus secreted. All this will help the doctor when making a primary diagnosis. He will give the final one only after carrying out the necessary tests and laboratory analyses.

Drug therapy

If the baby’s body cannot cope with the infection on its own or with the help of folk remedies, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial drugs. Most often these are antibiotics wide range actions: “Amoxiclav”, “Augmentin”, “Cefazolin”, “Clarithromycin”, “Cefpirom”. Their dosage is calculated based on the weight, age of the child and the degree of development of the disease.

A dry paroxysmal cough is quickly relieved by antitussive drugs. They are prescribed in cases where there is no sputum, and the cough is caused solely by irritation of the larynx: with pharyngitis, laryngitis, etc. Not used in combination with mucolytic agents.

Cough syrups for children are varied and have a gentle effect. This is an excellent remedy to stop a coughing attack, relieve inflammation and sore throat. They dilute mucus and help remove it from the body. It's best not to give these medications right before bed, so your child has time to clear their throat.

Antihistamines (Diazolin, Tavegil, Claritin, etc.) help not only with allergic cough. They are able to reduce the amount of mucus secreted and relieve swelling of the mucous membranes, thus making breathing much easier. They are often prescribed in conjunction with antibiotics to prevent a possible allergic reaction to them.

Immunomodulators (“Interferon”, “Anaferon”, etc.) are most effective in viral diseases. They activate immune system and help her cope with viruses faster, without destroying beneficial microflora. They can be given to a child in for preventive purposes during the massive spread of respiratory diseases.


Simple preventative measures often help prevent very serious illnesses, for example, bronchial asthma. It is rarely congenital, but generally develops gradually, with prolonged irritation or inflammation of the larynx, from chronic bronchitis. So what should you do to prevent the disease:

And most importantly, do not start coughing attacks. If your baby still gets sick and you couldn’t get rid of it with home remedies in a few days, seek qualified help.

Remember also that residual cough goes away within a maximum of 2-3 weeks. If it continues, further examination and, possibly, an additional course of treatment are necessary. You bear full responsibility for the health and life of the child, so be attentive to even the smallest things until complete recovery.
