The connection between prostatitis and psychosomatics: psychological causes of illness according to Louise Hay. Psychosomatics of prostatitis, what is hidden behind it

The prostate gland is a necessary organ for a man, which performs important functions in his body. It is closely related to the work of the testicles and takes part in maintaining the vital activity of sperm, and the secretion prostate gland is part of sperm. Most middle-aged and older men suffer from inflammation of the prostate gland - prostatitis. Many scientists and doctors observe close connection between the psychological state of a man and the prostatitis he develops. The topic of the article is the psychosomatics of prostatitis.

Psychosomatics of prostatitis

Psychosomatic medicine studies the influence of the human psyche on his physical health. Testing constantly negative emotions and stress, a person weakens his immune system and becomes open to various diseases. First of all, those organs that already have some problems begin to suffer.
According to scientific research, the occurrence of prostatitis can be influenced not only by physical, but also psychosomatic reasons. Component psychological health a man is his confidence in his masculine strength and sexuality for the opposite sex. An important factor will perform normal operation genitals, male hormones and glands. Psychosomatic prostatitis occurs in the process of constant human experiences, which lead to reduced immunity. With such immunity in a man, the likelihood of infection entering the prostate gland increases.

The psychomatics of a disease such as prostatitis is such that in some cases some problems with potency can give impetus to the development of the disease

Symptoms of concern

Reason psychosomatic prostatitis A man’s experiences associated with the following factors may include:

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Why does psychosomatic prostatitis occur?

Overly emotional and suspicious people are susceptible to psychosomatic diseases. You can recognize such an anxious person by the following signs:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • low self-esteem;
  • desire to control everything around you;
  • inability to relax or concentrate;
  • all kinds of causeless pain;
  • anxiety for no reason;
  • irritability.

Excessive anxiety and preoccupation caused by the condition own health which haunts a person constantly for quite a long period of time

A man with such signs and poor reproductive health is more susceptible to psychosomatic prostatitis than others. Problems of a sexual nature may arise due to constant stress and anxiety. A decrease in erection will further affect self-esteem, and fixation on this issue will not provide the opportunity to relax and create a normal atmosphere for the next intimate relationship.

Such constant moral tension can cause depression. Therefore, it is very important to support a suspicious person at such moments and monitor his moral state.

Psychosomatics of prostatitis: who is most susceptible to the disease?

Most susceptible to psychosomatic prostatitis are:

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Men of these categories are more susceptible to psychosomatic prostatitis than others. In such a situation, it is very important to try to understand the patient and support him. It is important to prevent a person from convincing himself that the disease is incurable due to his unstable emotional state. It is necessary to provide moral assistance to such a man in a timely manner; an experienced psychologist can help with this.

How to treat psychosomatic prostatitis?

During illness, the patient’s psychosomatics are greatly influenced by pain and discomfort due to inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. Acute prostatitis very quickly turns into a chronic form of the disease, the treatment of which will take more time and effort. When prescribing ineffective somatic treatment or prolonged stress, the patient may develop neuroses. To treat such mental disorders a man needs to see a psychotherapist or neurologist.

It is necessary to prescribe to the main list of drugs, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of prostatitis, additional medicines

What is abacterial prostatitis and how to treat it?

  • therapeutic exercises;
  • massage;
  • manual therapy;
  • acupuncture.

A urologist treats somatic reasons prostatitis. Only when complex treatment physical illness and its moral component can solve the problem of psychosomatic prostatitis.


Trust and mutual understanding in the family solve many problems psychological nature men. If a man has sexual problems, it is better to support him and convince him that there are no pathologies.

High-quality prevention of psychosomatic prostatitis will be:

  • proper nutrition;
  • active lifestyle;
  • regular sex life;
  • absence of bad habits.

Prostatitis is a disease of the prostate gland (prostate) associated with the growth of its tissue and the appearance of benign neoplasms in it. Since the prostate is under bladder and around the urethra, compression occurs urethra.


  • painful difficulty or frequent urination,
  • pain in the groin, perineum, sacrum,
  • violation of potency,
  • general malaise,
  • increase in body temperature,
  • increased sweating.

At chronic form the above symptoms appear less pronounced, but others may be added: regular discharge from the urethra during bowel movements, a feeling of constant fullness Bladder, increased irritability, lack of orgasm or decreased quality.

The causes of prostatitis are related to its forms.

Chronic abacterial prostatitis occurs for the following reasons: capillary stagnation without inflammation, abnormalities in the structure of the gland, lack of necessary hormones, poor circulation in the gland, negative factors profession (for example, inactivity), damage or injury to the perineum, inflammation of the urethra (urethritis), narrowing of the urethra, stones in the gland, inflammation in the rectum, constipation, bad habits, unhealthy diet, frequent hypothermia, etc.

Causes of bacterial (acute or chronic) prostatitis are sexual, fungal and intestinal infections, bacteria, viruses.

Psychosomatics of prostatitis

The function of the prostate gland will help reveal the psychosomatics of prostatitis. The prostate produces a secretion that is involved in maintaining sperm activity, that is, this gland is associated with male power and procreation, creation.

Urination as the liberation of the body from waste, unnecessary fluid symbolizes liberation of a person’s inner world from unnecessary emotions.

Therefore, a person who holds onto unnecessary, outdated thoughts and emotions, does not let them go, and begins to be poisoned by them from the inside. For a man, such health-destroying emotions can be anxiety and hyper-concern about one’s health, fear of non-recovery, fear of consequences, anxiety for potency.

The prostate is vital important body, That's why medical specialists and psychologists gave it the name “a man’s second heart.” This is closely related to the belief that deep emotions and stress negatively affect both a man's heart and prostate.

It has been revealed that prostatitis in most cases is diagnosed in old age. This age in psychology is characterized as the age psycho-emotional impotence, when internal significance, confidence, stability are lost, panic begins.

Most psychologists explain the cause of this male illness problematic relationships with the opposite sex. It can be inharmonious relationships in the family or feelings of shame for one’s infidelity.

Another reason could be worries about procreation (for example, about the health of children or grandchildren).

Psychosomatic causes of prostatitis

Famous psychosomatic author Louise Hay argues that the prostate is a symbol of the male principle. Therefore, prostate diseases are associated with internal fears that weaken masculinity when a man begins to give up. This may be due to belief in one's aging, with prolonged sexual tension or feelings of guilt.

Liz Burbo writes that the prostate is associated with a person’s creative, creative abilities. The condition of this gland is negatively affected experiencing situations of helplessness and powerlessness when a man feels that tired of life.

According to this psychologist, prostate diseases tell a man that he cannot control absolutely everything in his life, and especially situations designed to help him get rid of the old, unnecessary.

Dr. V. Sinelnikov claims that prostatitis, especially chronic, is the result of an incorrect attitude towards oneself and towards a woman.

Ways to Heal

Based on the reasons discussed above, healing of psychosomatic prostatitis is possible under the following conditions.

  • positive perception of situations, people, events. At the heart of this positive attitude lies the realization that it is impossible to control Life itself and what Life offers us. We attract everything that happens in our lives (including meeting people) with our inner state to learn some lessons, to gain some life experience we need, or to free ourselves from unnecessary things that hinder our development.

For example, if a job begins to slow down a person’s development, then he will lose it, since he no longer needs it, he needs something else, say, of a higher level, and such work will eventually be found. But, if only a person “let go” of his old job, and will not fight for it by all means.

What does a person usually do? Begins to worry, resist, blame, swear, etc. That is, he begins to live in negativity, which accumulates and breaks through a specific disease of the body. Do you need this?

Remember the saying: for the new to come, you need to make room for the old? A person who remembers this wisdom will say: “Okay, so the world has a better job in store for me. In the meantime, I’ll remember what I liked to do (carpentry, baking, painting, designing, welding, gardening, etc.) and enjoy doing it.” And often such spiritual work begins to bring not only joy, but also money.

  • a person creates his own life. How? With every thought, emotion, reaction, behavior. For example, you can react to any situation in different ways, and it depends only on the person what he will choose: negative or positive. For example, how does someone perceive unexpected rain: someone will smile, someone will start to grumble, someone will get angry, etc. And Life throws up such surprises every minute.

Now about aging. How does a person perceive this fact of his life? Some people cannot come to terms with this because they are convinced that life ends with aging. As we already know, such thoughts in men lead to prostate disease.

But there are people who find hobbies that are pleasant to their souls and continue to live and rejoice with pleasure. This means that a person needs to realize that he able to create his own life regardless of age.

  • The third condition concerns relationships with women. The same pattern applies here, which manifests itself in both male and female women's diseases: a negative, and therefore incorrect, attitude (condemnation, irritation, resentment, anger, anger, hatred, revenge, etc.) towards representatives of the opposite sex leads to diseases of the genital organs.

The question arises: is it worth risking your health by being angry with a woman (remember that the word angry means “to make yourself angry”)? And for what? Because her perception of life is different from the perception of life by men? Because women's thinking is also different from men's? For what emotional sphere women are also completely different?

It turns out that we are angry with a person because he (she) is not what we want? But this is where the uniqueness lies. human personality! And every person has the right to be unique. And if you are an adult and a wise man, then you do not take away this right from him (her), but, on the contrary, accept, respect, love him (her), since he (she) is the same son (daughter) of the Creator, just like you.

And one moment. Everyone in this world wants to be happy and live in Love and Joy. Nobody is born initially bad person(“goat” or “bitch”). They become like this serious reasons(difficult childhood, tragedies, harsh conditions) that harden the Heart. And, as practice shows, not claims and quarrels, but only Love, real, accepting, unconditional, can help such a bitter person thaw.

Hence the conclusion: to be offended, to hate, to be angry, etc. it makes no sense. These negative emotions can only destroy your soul and body, but they cannot help you. Because they are with a “-” sign. If you want to be healthy and happy, choose emotions with a “+” sign: joy, acceptance, respect, faith, admiration, friendliness, mercy, nobility, Love, tenderness, sincerity, etc.

I wish you health and love!

One of the most common diseases of the male genitourinary system is prostatitis. There are many factors that can provoke its formation, their list includes mental condition. Observational data indicate that the pathology has become younger. Inflammation of the prostate gland must be combated. Psychosomatics can treat prostatitis, but for therapy to be effective, it is necessary to establish a connection between them.

In this article we will tell you:

The connection between prostatitis and psychosomatics

Scientists involved in research into the connection between prostatitis and psychosomatics indicate that the development inflammatory process in the prostate gland is observed specifically in individuals with mental disorders. More often pathological process diagnosed in men who have not had regular sexual activity.

The fact that there is a connection between prostatitis and psychosomatics is explained by the following statements:

  1. The prostate gland produces the juice contained in semen. Due to the fact that the prostate affects conception and reproduction, worries about healthy offspring stimulate its work. As a result, an increase in the size of the gland is observed.
  2. Prostate secretions contain alkali, which is responsible for the preservation of sperm in the female genital organs, which have an acidic environment. If a woman's acidity level is elevated, the prostate subconsciously produces more alkaline secretions. This also affects the condition of the prostate; it increases in size.
  3. The secretion produced by the prostate contains elements endowed with the ability to cleanse the genital tract. If a person’s mental state is disturbed, he feels guilty for cheating, and on a subconscious level, the development of prostate diseases is observed.

To summarize, we can confidently say that psychosomatic factors and prostatitis are interconnected. That is why when treating prostate diseases it is necessary to take this fact into account.

Psychological reasons

Older men most often experience prostate problems. They feel like they are losing control over all the things that were in their possession. For some, erectile dysfunction becomes a real tragedy.

The following can provoke the development of prostatitis in men and complicate its course:

  1. Excessive concern for one's health and increased level anxiety.
  2. Fear of loss of potency. Quite often, men perceive their fiasco in bed, provoked by overwork or taking medications, as a terrible disease.
  3. Fear of consequences.

That is why in order for the treatment to give positive result, specialist help is needed. Otherwise, the patient may develop an obsessive opinion about the futility of drug treatment.

A person begins to worry that his problem may cause the breakdown of his family, he loses his appetite, and there is a deterioration in sleep and falling asleep.

Prostatitis, like any other disease of the genitourinary organs, indicates the presence of problems with women. This is also indicated by the husband’s unworthy behavior when he allows himself to humiliate and insult a woman.

Psychological therapy

To fully combat prostatitis, it is necessary, along with drug treatment use psychotherapy, even if you provoked its appearance physiological factors. The need is explained by the fact that it is prostatitis that leads to serious psychological problems.

  1. Conduct psychotherapy sessions from the first days of the disease. This is necessary in order not to aggravate the situation and prevent the pathology from moving to the next stage.
  2. Combine psychotherapy sessions with drug treatment at all stages of the disease.
  3. Conduct family therapy sessions, because it is problems with a loved one that become the main cause of the disease. In addition, support loved one helps to cope with pathology faster.

In addition to the points listed Special attention Physiotherapy methods, such as acupuncture, mud or mineral baths, and therapeutic massage, should also be given attention.

The influence of the psyche on prostate cancer

Most do not believe that a person's mental state is associated with cancer. Doctors share the same opinion, but they have no evidence that these two factors are in any way related.

Cancer is a mutation (degeneration) of cells. Its development requires time from 5 to 40 years. Observational data indicate that cells begin to mutate under the influence of carcinogens, toxic substances and radiation.

However, it is impossible to say with certainty that this process is not affected by stress. He provides bad influence throughout the body, as a result, tumor development accelerates.

Psychosomatics of prostatitis

Psychosomatics studies the influence of a person’s mental state on his general health. Being under the influence of constant stressful situations, a person becomes vulnerable to various diseases. The first to be targeted are organs that already have some problems.

The psychosomatics of prostatitis indicates that inflammation of the prostate gland can be provoked by both physical and psychosomatic factors.

Prostatitis of psychosomatic origin is formed as a result of exposure to constant stress and experiences. As a result, there is a decrease in immunity and an increase in the chances of infection entering the prostate gland.

Books on psychosomatics

There are many books that discuss the relationship between a person’s mental state and the development of diseases. We will now consider some of them.

Books by Louise Hay

Louise Hay is the American founder of the self-help movement. She has published more than 30 books on psychology, focusing on the fact that it is negative emotions that provoke the appearance of problems with mental and physical health. She is confident that every person has the opportunity, by changing their thinking, to get rid of large quantity diseases.

It was Louise Hay who presented to the world a table that highlights the relationship between diseases and certain causes, as well as information on what to do in this case.

The prostate in her statement is a symbol of the male principle; for its normal functioning it is necessary to always be in good mood and consider yourself courageous. After all, it is internal experiences and fears that lead to weakening of courage. Louise Hay recommends that men in such a situation praise and love themselves, feeling strong and youthful.

Teachings of Liz Burbo on psychosomatics

According to physiological characteristics buildings male body, the prostate gland is located under the bladder around the urethra. She is entrusted with the responsibility of developing a secret that makes seminal fluid liquid, and also protects sperm, stimulating their motility.

The prostate is quite vulnerable, it can suffer from an inflammatory process, benign neoplasm and cancer.

Emotional blocking theory

The prostate gland connects a person with its energy center, it is responsible for his abilities. Prostatitis makes a man feel helpless and useless. He notices that he is losing control over the events that are happening.

As a result, there is a decrease in his libido, which is why impotence develops, as a reflection of the person’s internal state.

Mental block

The theory is based on the understanding that prostate problems should restore the ability to create your own life. Aging is quite physiological process and it does not indicate helplessness, it allows you to use the knowledge and skills acquired throughout life in practice.

A person does not lose his value, he does not become less significant. If he delegates his functions to others, this indicates wisdom.

The formation of diseases, including prostatitis, is closely related to the psychological state of a person. This should not be forgotten; it is recommended to always be positive so as not to give any chance to illness.

Hello. About three years ago I began to notice that my lower abdomen was aching, and the discomfort intensified after intimacy. But I didn’t go to the doctor, I thought that “it would hurt and it would stop.” About 5 months ago I was very cold, the pain became unbearable, I constantly ran to the toilet, and spent a terrible night. During the examination, the urologist found infection(cured quickly) and chronic non-bacterial prostatitis.

And since then, I have been constantly thinking about the disease, I catch myself thinking that I want to go to the toilet, I began to avoid sex, although before, and now, after the diagnosis, the sensations have not changed. I understand that I am very afraid of a repetition of those wild pains and that terrible night, but I can’t set myself up for a positive, I follow all the doctor’s orders, I changed my lifestyle, I quit smoking. I also noticed that as soon as I get really interested in something, all my fears and symptoms recede. How to deal with my “suspiciousness”, what should I do?

Hello. The term “psychosomatics” means the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence of various diseases. In your case, the psychosomatics of prostatitis plays a role, or more precisely: somatopsychics, when a person’s mental state is strongly influenced by past or ongoing chronic diseases.

Psychosomatics of diseases: excerpt from Louise Hay's table

The table of the psychosomatic meaning of diseases is based on one of the books by Louise Hay. The table looks at physical diseases and their most likely root causes at a psychological level. In particular, the following is said about the prostate:

The psychosomatics of prostatitis, according to a table compiled from one of Louise Hay’s books, interprets prostate diseases in this way: probable cause- internal fears that have a weakening effect on male strength, You begin to give up, a feeling of guilt and belief in aging appear. You can help yourself by repeating: “my spirit is forever young, I love myself and approve of everything I do, and recognize my own strength.”

The correct way to treat psychosomatic diseases is to visit a psychologist at the same time as treating prostatitis with a urologist, and then the problem will go away.

Psychosomatics of prostatitis, what is hidden behind it

Many doctors are confident that nerves, emotions, and emotional mood can cause a disease called prostatitis. In addition to the pathology itself, the patient begins to experience pain, as well as sexual disorders. Psychosomatics can treat prostatitis, but initially it is necessary to establish a connection between them, and then move on to treatment methods.

Prostatitis and psychosomatics: is there a connection?

Those who have been and are studying the connection between prostatitis and psychosomatics note that inflammation of the prostate gland occurs precisely in people with psychological disorders. If we analyze statistical data, we can determine that the pathology often appears in men who are deprived of an active sex life or who have contacts with women, but occur extremely rarely.

During the diagnosis of patients, as well as further treatment Doctors always find out about sex life. If we analyze the psychosomatics of prostatitis, it is necessary to highlight that the pathology appears as a result of erectile failures.

For treatment, people can use not only the services of a urologist, but also a psychologist and psychiatrist. In some cases, it is psychologists who can provide positive effect during treatment.

American writer Louise Hay is one of the first to join the self-help movement. She herself wrote and published about 30 books on psychology, and the main goal is to convey to people that emotions, thoughts, and sensations can be destructive. In addition, this is what causes psychological problems, as well as diseases of human organs and systems.

Each type of experience or fear causes disturbances in a specific organ

She is confident that using certain techniques, each patient can change their train of thought, resulting in a cure for diseases, including prostatitis.

The psychosomatic teachings of Louise Hay made it possible to compile a small list possible reasons diseases that arise as a result of a psychological mood. Such a table allows you to determine not only the cause of the pathology, but also gives certain recommendations on methods of treatment and relief from ailments.

A similar phenomenon occurs when a person gives up and may be in sexual tension, feels guilty, and also believes in his old age and the aging of the body. The writer recommends simply loving and approving yourself, and also believing in your own strength.

Among the most common experiences that can provoke prostatitis are:

  1. The prostate is a gland that produces juice, which in turn is found in sperm. It is the gland that is closely related to reproduction and conception, so when you worry about the health of children, a signal goes to the mind and at the subconscious level the prostate works more efficiently. As a result, the prostate begins to increase in size.
  2. The secretions of the prostate gland have an alkaline composition, which can preserve sperm in female body and her acidic environment. If a woman is very “sour”, then at a subconscious level there is a signal that it is necessary to increase the amount of alkali and secretions. This will get rid of high acid. This phenomenon also leads to prostate growth. If we talk in simple words, then the cause of the disease appears due to an unfavorable situation in the family.
  3. Prostate juice contains elements that can cleanse genitourinary tract. If a man is ashamed, for example, of infidelity or frequent affairs in the past, then the body pushes the prostate into illness. This results in cleansing of both the body and conscience.
  4. Strong emotional experiences that alternate stressful situations, can cause various ailments and diseases. This often causes heart problems, after which complications arise that provoke prostatitis and other diseases.

As you can see, psychosomatics and prostatitis are interconnected, therefore treatment methods must be appropriate.

Louise Hay suggests starting by working on your own thinking

Psychological reasons provoking prostatitis

Prostate problems begin to arise after 40 years of age, when men become impotent and helpless. At this time, a loss of control over certain things that previously could have been under the control of men begins. For some people, the loss of erection becomes a real trauma. As a result, the condition is significantly exaggerated, and a lot of attention is paid to the loss of erection, which provokes the development of the disease and problems in the future.

The psychosomatics of prostatitis in men is such that the reasons can be completely different, including:

  1. Congenital anxiety or excessive concern for one's health. A similar condition appears after the first failures in sexual life.
  2. Fear of low effectiveness of treatment or certain doubts about the treatment method. Prostatitis can be treated, especially if this is done from the onset of the disease. As a rule, patients with such a diagnosis are very worried and cannot get thoughts of prostatitis out of their heads, as a result of which the condition only worsens.
  3. The experience that potency is gone forever. Despite the one-time failure in bed that appears when severe fatigue or during use medications. Some men may consider this state as a symptom of prostatitis or other diseases.
  4. Fear of consequences.

If during the development of prostatitis there is no doctor who can help, then psychological problems will cause complications, due to which it appears chronic prostatitis prostate gland.

If you contact doctors in a timely manner for assistance and use drug therapy, without the support of a psychologist, it is possible to recover, but there is a risk that the patient may think that treatment is useless. Patients begin to convince themselves that the treatment is not bearing fruit. As a result, appetite disappears and depression may occur. It is this kind of thinking that makes the situation worse.

Psychologists say that the problem must be found in women. We are talking about those who raised a man in childhood. This is due to the fact that it is in childhood The man’s behavior is formed, and the woman, by her behavior, shows how to behave with her.

Similar to other pathologies genitourinary system, prostatitis indicates problems in the relationship between a man and a woman. If the behavior is unworthy, a man humiliates and behaves badly with the weaker sex, then various diseases of the genital organs and tract may appear.

The phrase “Look for a woman” is also true for searching for the causes of prostatitis

Psychological therapy

To treat psychosomatic prostatitis, it is necessary to eliminate the described problems, and this can only be done by a specialist who is able to find an approach to the patient in a certain situation, and also prescribe necessary treatment. As a rule, doctors use several methods for treatment:

  1. The main point is to talk with the patient, which will bring the psychosomatic state back to normal. During a conversation, the patient must get rid of negative thoughts or be distracted from those that provoke the symptoms of prostatitis.
  2. If such communication is not enough, then doctors are additionally used medications that can treat prostatitis. In addition, medications are used to normalize psychological state. This is what allows patients to get out of depressive state by taking medications.
  3. Treatment may require the use of physical therapy, which will have a positive effect on treatment. For this purpose they are used different techniques: massage, baths, acupuncture. Such methods will allow you to relax and calm down.

If the treatment is chosen incorrectly, after some time there is no effect, then neuropsychiatric symptoms may appear. The doctor needs to promptly identify this condition and the causes of its occurrence, and also treat them correctly.

How to help a loved one

Since psychosomatics plays a big role in the treatment of prostatitis, it is important for relatives to support their loved one. After all, the patient himself is pushing and pushing himself, and if his relatives also blame him, then quarrels will begin to appear, even to the point of divorce.

It is forbidden to aggravate the man’s condition and not to point out the problem. To provide assistance, it is best for relatives to remain calm and believe that everything will return to normal. It is important to constantly support the patient and help fight the disease, and to say that everything is getting better. The whole family will need patience, and difficult problems must be resolved in a peaceful environment, without shouting or quarreling.

An erection may disappear suddenly, but if proper assistance is provided, it will appear suddenly. The best medicine– this is a positive atmosphere in the family, as well as not focusing on the problem.

Until August 10 The Institute of Urology together with the Ministry of Health is conducting a program » Russia without prostatitis". Within which Predstanol is available at a discounted price of 99 rubles., to all residents of the city and region!

Psychology of diseases: Prostate (problems)

1. PROSTATE (PROBLEMS)— (Louise Hay)

Symbol of the male principle.

Internal fears weaken masculinity. You start to give up. Sexual tension and guilt. Belief in aging.

I love and approve of myself. I recognize my own strength. My spirit is forever young.

2. PROSTATE (PROBLEMS)— (V. Zhikarentsev)

Represents the masculine principle.

Mental fears that weaken the male nature. Refusal, concession. Sexual pressure and guilt. Faith in age.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I accept myself and rejoice in my masculine nature. I love and approve of myself. I accept my power. I am always young in spirit.


The prostate, or prostate gland, is a gland of the male reproductive system located around the urethra under the bladder. The prostate produces a secretion that makes up the bulk of sperm. This secretion makes the usually very thick seminal fluid more fluid, nourishes and protects sperm, and also ensures their activation. The prostate can be affected by INFLAMMATION, TUMOR and CANCER.

This gland connects the human body with his sacred chakra (energy center), which is responsible for creative, constructive abilities person. Prostate diseases most often occur in men over 50 years of age and indicate that a man is experiencing a situation that makes him feel helpless and powerless. He's tired of life. Prostate problems tell him that he cannot control absolutely everything in his life and that sometimes the world sends each of us certain situations whose purpose is to help us get rid of the old and create something new. When a man feels helpless and powerless, his sex drive also weakens. In this case, impotence is just a reflection of internal, emotional processes.

Your prostate problem should help you get back in touch with your ability to create your own life. Just because you are getting old does not mean that your ability to create, to create something new, is weakening. Physical body wears out over time, this is completely natural. Now you have a great opportunity to use all your emotional and mental strength accumulated over many years and create something new, taking advantage of physical assistance young. If you delegate some of your functions to others, this does not mean that you become less valuable, less significant; on the contrary, it speaks of your wisdom.

Psychosomatic causes of prostatitis in men

Inflammation of the prostate gland is a disease that has not only physiological, but also psychological reasons occurrence. The psychosomatics of prostatitis is closely related to a man’s ideas about himself, opposite field and the surrounding world.

Psychological causes of the disease

Representatives of psychosomatics highlight following reasons development of prostatitis:

Principles of treatment

To get rid of prostatitis forever, it is not enough for a man to use only medicinal methods therapy. Adherents of psychosomatics believe that the use of medications only reduces the symptoms of the disease, driving the problem even deeper, but does not help get rid of the root cause of the disorders. Therefore, it is important to identify which psychological factors influenced the development of prostatitis, and try to eliminate them.

A man should reconsider his outlook on life. He needs to overcome doubts regarding the sexual sphere, realize and accept his inner fears, the disease, not be afraid of it and believe that it is completely curable. You also need to find the strength to improve relationships in the family, let go of old grievances and forgive, first of all, yourself.

It is important for a representative of the stronger sex to understand that his age is not his disadvantage. Aging - natural process, which opens up new opportunities for a man, makes him wise and gives him a chance to pass on his knowledge to a new generation.

If it is impossible to get rid of psychological problems on your own, you need to contact a specialist who will help identify the cause of the deviations and eliminate it.

Louise Hay's theory

A representative of the psychosomatic school, Louise Hay, who is considered one of the founders of the self-help movement, believes that the prostate is a symbol of masculinity. If a man has internal fears that can concern both the intimate sphere and other areas of his life, this affects his masculinity and leads to disturbances in the functioning of the prostate gland.

According to Louise Hay, representatives of the stronger sex with prostatitis give in to the onslaught of problems and suffer because of this. constant feeling guilt. They often begin to feel old prematurely and suffer even more from this.

In many ways, the development of the disease is facilitated by sexual tension, which does not find a way out due to the man’s prejudices, doubts and internal limitations.

The psychologist claims that you can cope with prostate inflammation with the help of affirmations - phrases-formulas that create a positive emotional attitude. To begin with, Hay suggests that patients suffering from prostatitis conduct a deep introspection and figure out what thoughts, emotions and actions could cause the disease. After this, the person needs to instill in himself the idea that he has embarked on the path of recovery and will definitely get rid of his problem. Every day you need to confidently repeat the following phrases:

  1. I love and approve of myself.
  2. I recognize my own strength.
  3. My spirit is forever young.


Psychosomatic causes of prostatitis development are due to negative attitude men to themselves, their bodies, sexual intimacy.

Lack of self-confidence, internal fears and doubts, fear of intimate relationships, difficult relationships with a partner - all this leads to the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the prostate, erectile dysfunction and sexual impotence.

To cope with an illness, it is important to accept it and try to do everything possible to change your own negative beliefs that cause great harm to your health.
