What does vomiting in a child mean? Periodic vomiting in children. Possible reasons. What to do if you have a TBI

Infant vomiting is very common. The reasons for it are varied. To determine them, you need to take into account age, accompanying symptoms: the presence or absence of fever, diarrhea, vomit, etc. Vomiting in a child without fever does not mean the absence of a disease, sometimes in such cases the help of a doctor is necessary. Center of the nervous system, responsible for its occurrence is located in the medulla oblongata. Impulses can come from completely different internal organs, vestibular apparatus and cortical centers of perception. Sometimes vomiting occurs due to exposure to medulla various toxins, drugs.

If a child’s vomiting appears suddenly and without fever, what should be done before the doctor arrives? First aid should be provided during and immediately after gastric emptying.


  • make sure that the child does not choke - do not let his head fall back, do not lay him on his back, you need to turn his head to the side, preferably raising it by 30°;
  • After vomiting, rinse your child's mouth warm water or wipe the mouth, corners of the mouth and lips with a wet cotton swab. Instead of water, you can use a weak disinfectant solution, for example, potassium permanganate or boric acid;
  • Give the child small amounts of water often; the water should be cool; for older children, cold. To eliminate the urge to vomit, you can add a few mint drops and use Regidron. For children up to one year old, give 2 teaspoons every 5 minutes, from one year to 3 years - 3, from 3 years - 4.

If the attack of vomiting is one-time and is not accompanied by fever, diarrhea, or worsening general condition child, you can wait to call the doctor.

All you need to do is carefully monitor the baby and if it worsens or additional symptoms appear, seek medical help.

Reasons for calling an ambulance

Vomiting in a child without fever can be a sign of some serious illnesses, including those requiring immediate surgical intervention. Therefore, you should not delay seeking medical help and self-medicate.

You need to call an ambulance immediately if:

  • vomiting occurs frequently and does not stop;
  • it is not possible to give the child something to drink due to the frequent eruption of vomit;
  • there are additional symptoms - high fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain;
  • fainting, semi-fainting or, conversely, excessive excitability (crying, screaming, physical activity);
  • severe abdominal pain combined with bloating and constipation;
  • vomiting occurred after consuming products of dubious quality, chemical additives, medications;
  • vomiting occurred after a head injury, fall, blow - an urgent examination by a neurologist is needed;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, convulsions, and fever are observed.

If vomiting occurs once or twice, the stool is loose or normal, and the child drinks water normally, plays, and sleeps well, then it is not necessary to call an ambulance, but you should contact your local pediatrician.

Diseases accompanied by vomiting without fever

Some serious illnesses in a child may be accompanied by diarrhea, nausea and vomiting without fever. This is most often observed in the following diseases.

Intestinal infections: typhoid fever, etc. These diseases may be accompanied by high temperature, but sometimes it remains normal. Vomiting occurs without connection with food and may occur one or more times.

The vomit is always the same. Often the diarrhea is more pronounced, the stool is liquid, sometimes with foam, mucus, Strong smell. The child is capricious and restless, exhausted, becomes drowsy and lethargic. Refuses to eat and drink and rarely or not urinates at all. Dehydration sets in.

Treatment is carried out only inpatiently in children under one year of age, in older children at home or in the hospital. Absorbent drugs, antibiotic, antiviral and rehydrating agents, and probiotics are prescribed. If necessary, painkillers and antipyretic medications can be used.

Food poisoning. Often occurs after consuming canned food, dairy products, meat and fruit purees. Nausea and vomiting occur after eating and are repeated several times. The stool is liquid and streaked with blood. Characterized by pronounced paroxysmal pain in a stomach.

General health it gets worse, the child is capricious, cries, gets tired quickly and becomes lethargic. Refuses to eat and drink. If a child is 3 years old or younger and vomiting without fever is due to food poisoning, then he needs to be hospitalized.

Treatment for older children can be organized at home. Gastric lavage is performed, absorbent agents, rehydrating drugs, prebiotics, and drugs that relieve spasms and inflammation are prescribed.

Allergy to food product or medicine. Attacks of vomiting and diarrhea occur after the child has eaten. The masses contain undigested product. In addition, there may appear skin rashes, swelling of the mucous membranes, difficulty breathing. Treatment can be organized at home or in a hospital.

The basis of therapy is antiallergic drugs. Absorbents and hormonal agents may be prescribed.

Dysbacteriosis. In this condition, vomiting does not appear often, stools are foamy, and sometimes give way to constipation. Flatulence and whitish plaque in the oral cavity are detected.

Possible skin itching, peeling, rash. Treatment is carried out at home and boils down to adjusting the diet and restoring the balance of microflora with the help of probiotics.

Intussusception. Without an increase in temperature, the child vomits bile. Cramping pain in the epigastrium is accompanied by screaming and crying. The stool is jelly-like and streaked with blood. Treatment is only possible with surgery.

Acute form of gastritis, duodenitis. First, nausea appears, then profuse repeated vomiting with bile. There is bloating, pain, and loss of appetite. Therapeutic measures carried out at home. The main techniques are diet correction, frequent drinking, and taking pribiotics.

Diseases of the pancreas, liver and gall bladder. Vomiting occurs after eating, one or more times. Vomit with bile and food particles. Associated symptoms: severe epigastric pain, belching of air and gas, loss of appetite. Hospital treatment using hepatoprotectors or drugs with enzymes, taking painkillers, following a therapeutic diet.

Diseases of the central nervous system(ischemia, hydrocephalus, tumors, intracranial pressure). Vomiting is frequent. The child's behavior changes from anxiety to lethargy. Infants also experience bulging of the fontanel.

Depending on the disease, treatment is carried out at home or in the hospital. It involves taking medications that restore cell nutrition. For hydrocephalus and tumors - surgical methods.

Swallowing foreign object. Vomiting food particles with mucus, sometimes with blood. Breathing is impaired, the child is restless. Two options for help: observation and waiting for natural passage along with stool or surgical intervention.

Diseases accompanied by vomiting without fever in children under one year of age

Gastroesophageal reflux. There are few erupting masses and they have sour smell. Gastric emptying occurs immediately after feeding. The child often hiccups, cries, and worries. Hypersalvation is noted.

Treatment is possible at home. Drugs are prescribed to block the release of hydrochloric acid and antacids. It is also necessary to adjust the frequency and volume of feedings.

Pyloric stenosis. The vomit is copious, homogeneous, and is expelled under pressure half an hour after feeding. The symptom appears 2–3 days after birth. The child loses weight, dehydration and convulsions occur. Treatment is surgical and urgent.

Pylorospasm. The newborn has mild vomiting. Conservative treatment can be organized at home. It is recommended to feed in small portions and warm compresses on the stomach. If these methods fail, surgery is necessary.

Congenital esophageal diverticulum. There is slight vomiting of digested milk or formula. The disease leads to some weight loss and is treated surgically.

Causes of vomiting that do not require treatment

In some cases, vomiting without fever in a child does not require treatment. All you need to do is eliminate the causes of gastrointestinal dysfunction.

Regurgitation of leftover food in infants– a normal phenomenon that occurs 2-3 times a day. The volume of the coming out masses is about 1–1.5 teaspoons. The reasons may be excessive food volume, horizontal position of the baby, insufficient development of gastrointestinal tract functions. In order to eliminate the symptom, you need to feed the baby with his head elevated, make a “soldier” (hold it upright) after each feeding, and do not overfeed.

Eruption of baby teeth. Vomiting is not profuse and does not affect body weight or appetite. The cause may be swallowing air or feeding during severe pain. To eliminate the symptom, you need to use special gels for the gums and teethers, and massage the gums.

The most subjectively unpleasant sensation in children of any age can be, which can lead to, but is also quite likely in itself. Reasons for nausea in childhood there can be a lot, and the factors vary significantly due to age characteristics. But with nausea in children, it is always necessary to find out its cause and accompanying circumstances, so that the child can be adequately assisted due to the fact that this symptom may be a manifestation serious pathologies. Why can a toddler feel sick, what factors cause isolated nausea, without accompanying vomiting?

Nausea in children: what is it?

Among all the symptoms, nausea is a subjective and extremely unpleasant, painful sensation. It is not accompanied by itself painful sensations, but at the same time it is subjectively poorly tolerated, creating a feeling of fullness in the stomach with an irresistible desire to empty it. Although it is difficult to convey in words exactly the feeling of feeling sick, even small children recognize it well and quickly this symptom, and make it clear to parents. Against the background of many pathologies, nausea precedes vomiting, but can often occur in isolation, being a symptom of both digestive disorders and various serious problems of the body not related to the gastrointestinal tract.

Nausea is often accompanied sharp decline appetite, up to anorexia, as well as refusal of any type of food, even the most favorite dishes. Also, against the background of nausea, the child suddenly turns pale both in the face and in the body due to vascular spasm, his hands and feet become cold, severe anxiety and irritation develop, as well as lethargy and apathy. Against the background of nausea, specific urges and behavioral reactions appear externally, which allow parents to recognize the symptom.

Nausea is always an alarming sign for a child; if a child suddenly becomes ill and has complaints of nausea (even without vomiting), it is important to establish real reasons this symptom due to the fact that the causes can be digestive disorders, infections and toxicosis, as well as mental disorders, neurological, tumor and other processes. Sometimes nausea without vomiting occurs as an acute psychotic reaction of a child to the actions of parents, mainly related to violence (physical or moral).

Reasons for the formation of nausea in infants and children in at different ages, starting with the infant, there can be many, but it is worth sorting out certain of them, which occur most often and can bother the child the most.

Poisoning, infection: mechanism of action

Manifestations of nausea develop abruptly, against the background of previous complete health, the first signs and mild nausea begin after 15-30 minutes or even 4-6 hours, depending on whether it is poisoning or development intestinal infection. Initially, the attacks of nausea are mild and short-lived, but can gradually turn into a painful painful feeling, ultimately leading to vomiting. There may also be upset stool (), malaise, pallor, etc. Often several family members suffer, who, along with the child, used dangerous products and dishes, but the degree of expression in children is always brighter due to the immaturity of the body.

How can I help you?

Often, gastric lavage helps to eliminate dangerous toxins and food debris, taking it in the form of Polysorb, Polyphepam, etc., drinking plenty of fluids, a temporary change in diet with the intake of non-irritating food or a short break in nutrition to relieve digestion, nausea is gradually eliminated.

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Infection with intestinal infections: mild course

The infection can be transmitted from sick children to healthy ones through unwashed hands when licking fingers, through shared toys contaminated with pathogens, through poor-quality food or water, including bathing, swimming in pools or reservoirs. Any surfaces and environments contaminated with pathogens can become dangerous.

If it's relative mild course infection, there may only be nausea and minor intestinal upset, bloating and diarrhea, as well as lethargy and weakness, irritability of the child. Against the background of progression of the pathology or when severe course Nausea and vomiting are often combined, but if the intestines are predominantly affected, vomiting may not occur, and nausea itself manifests itself as a reaction to microbial or viral toxins, dehydration and temperature. The combination of certain symptoms and the severity of the condition depends on the specific type of pathogen, the age of the child and the severity of the lesions.

How can I help you?

It is important not to self-medicate, call a doctor and determine the cause of the infection, select proper treatment, including if it is a microbial process, as well as drinking regimen and therapeutic diet to eliminate nausea.

ARVI, influenza, childhood infections, inflammatory processes

Under the age of 4-5 years, many severe childhood infections, and due to the symptoms, can cause nausea against the background of fever, malaise and headache, and the general unsatisfactory condition of the baby. The higher the degree of fever, the more likely nausea is, and the younger the baby, too. The mechanisms of the development of nausea during colds and infections are simple; they are associated with high sensitivity and stimulation of the vomiting center in a special part (stem) of the brain, especially against the background of its irritation by toxins circulating in the plasma during infectious diseases. It has a similar effect on the vomiting center and the course of infectious and inflammatory processes - otitis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis; nausea is also typical for influenza.

Nausea in such pathologies is typical for a very severe and often complicated course of the pathology, with its main features becoming normal stool. Abdominal pain is also possible, and it can be the result of an infectious process.

Pathologies of the nervous system, trauma, brain tumors

Lesions of the central organs regulating all vital functions - the brain or spinal cord in children, as well as problems with the response of the peripheral nervous system can cause nausea. In this case it has a neurogenic (central) character. In children and adolescents, nausea also predicts or accompanies.


Often painful and practically constant nausea accompanies serious and dangerous pathologies, injuries or damage to the central parts - or encephalitis, and also often forms as a reaction to a concussion or contusion of the brain.

This kind of nausea can occur either in isolation or accompanied by rare bouts of vomiting that do not bring relief; there may be severe headaches and double vision and disturbances of consciousness.

Neurological pathologies, along with nausea, often accompany general disorder conditions - excitability or lethargy of children, their sharp tearfulness and whims, refusal to eat, regurgitation, decreased motor activity, long sleep or .

At an early age, nausea is accompanied by heart-rending screams and hysterics, bulging fontanel, hysterics, neurological symptoms and fear of light. Fever and convulsions may occur, often with complete loss of consciousness, which is life-threatening and requires immediate calling an ambulance and hospitalization for examination in a hospital.

Surgical pathology, acute abdomen

Pathologies can often begin with nausea and malaise digestive system and abdominal pain. How more pain, the more often and more strongly it provokes nausea. Often, manifestations and development of any type begin with nausea and the appearance of pain impulses in the abdomen. intestinal obstruction and some other pathologies. This is due to powerful pain impulses into the brain area, leading to irritation of the vomiting center and provoking nausea. This is its central mechanism. Additional stimuli for the development of nausea are also fever during acute surgical pathology, intoxication with metabolic products and tissue death, and ischemia of intestinal areas. . Typical, under the ribs or throughout the abdomen, acute and sharp, nausea, screams and crying of the child, his excitement. Additional symptoms dangers - against the background of nausea, retention of stool and passing of gas against the background of a sharply swollen abdomen. But stool liquefaction, one-time vomiting, headaches and toxicosis are also possible.

How can I help you?

You cannot give your child any medications (anti-vomiting and nausea, painkillers, antispasmodics), you must immediately call an ambulance and, if you suspect surgical pathologies, be hospitalized in a hospital for surgery.

Foreign body of the esophagus, stomach, intestine

Often, nausea can occur due to pathological impulses from the walls of the esophagus or stomach, less often from the intestines, when foreign bodies enter them. They can be fruit seeds, small toys, objects that, due to their sharp edges and dense structure, irritate the delicate mucous membranes and injure them. You can expect similar nausea that occurs suddenly against the background of preliminary full health in children of the first 2-3 years, who could be left unattended while eating or playing with small objects. Nausea often develops some time (not long) after a foreign object enters the digestive tract.

What to do?

It is necessary to immediately show the child to a surgeon, take an x-ray, or simultaneously detect and remove the object. Attempting to induce vomiting, taking laxatives, or otherwise attempting to independently remove foreign objects is prohibited.

Stomach pathologies, hunger, gastrointestinal tract

Nausea often occurs in children in the morning, immediately after waking up, and it is associated with severe hunger. when gastric juice is actively produced or due to excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid by the walls of the organ. As a result of irritation by excess acid in the gastric walls, pathological impulses arise in the subcortical formations of the brain, and the vomiting center is irritated. Then nausea occurs, there may even be attacks of vomiting with acidic stomach contents or an admixture of bile.

Nausea may occur in the morning and during pregnancy, especially against the background of dietary errors, consumption of fatty, choleretic foods, large meals at night, and consumption of concentrated juices.

What to do?

It is important to conduct a full examination of the child, change his diet and drinking regime, make dinners lighter, and avoid snacking at night and in the late evening before bed. You need to stop drinking juices or dilute them with water in a ratio of 1:3.

Morning sickness, malaise

The appearance of nausea in the morning, in addition to digestive problems, can be a symptom Therefore, it is necessary to visit a neurologist and conduct a full examination. May feel sick in the morning due to stress, anxiety before an important event - this is the so-called “bear disease”, hyperexcitability parasympathetic division nervous system due to the powerful release of stress hormones. It can manifest itself not only with nausea, but also with diarrhea, constipation, bloating and pain, dizziness and panic, and a feeling of lack of air. In this situation, talking with the baby, calming down and taking lungs (drops, herbal teas, syrups, decoctions) will help.

Nausea in transport, motion sickness

Nausea often occurs as a result of overexcitation of the vestibular apparatus and the development of motion sickness, “sea sickness.” This is possible with early age, 2-4 years and until adolescence, until all parts of the vestibular apparatus are finally formed. The more trained children are, the less likely they are to develop motion sickness. More often, nausea and dizziness occur in children who are excitable and capricious, prone to hysterics and impressionable. It is important to avoid long rides in stuffy transport, on a ship or in a car, and to accustom children to travel from childhood.


It is also important to exclude processes chronic inflammation in the middle ear, which can lead to the formation of motion sickness due to irritation of receptors in the ear and transmission of impulses to the brain and the vomiting center.

How can I help you?

If you need to travel due to motion sickness, special medications, drinking water in small sips, sucking sour candies, sleep or auto-training in fresh air will help.

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Nausea as neurosis, hysteria

Children often begin to feel sick after violent and noisy games, sharp and powerful, prolonged overexcitation of the nervous system, both positive and negative. Hysterics, crying and screaming, choking with tears often lead to nausea and even one-time vomiting, but after calming down, all symptoms disappear. This is due to the immaturity of the nervous system and its rapid overexcitation due to excessive stimuli and the release of excess stress hormones, hyperventilation (frequent and intermittent breathing during hysterics).

How can I help you?

It is important not to overexcite the child, avoid hysterics and prolonged crying.

Why is nausea dangerous?

The appearance of nausea (except for that which occurs against the background of hysterics and violent games, screams) is a reason for parents to worry and see a doctor. This is a sign of problems and various pathologies organism, which often require treatment. It is subjectively more difficult for children to tolerate nausea, even than vomiting, because it does not bring relief and creates even more unpleasant symptoms. Although nausea is not a disease, but only one of the symptoms, it is important not to ignore such complaints. But if older children may complain that they feel sick, it is more difficult to recognize this in babies - signs of nausea include refusal to eat and drink, whims and periods of paleness, with perspiration on the forehead and contraction of the muscles of the pharynx and abdominals. At profuse sweating legs and arms will be icy and pale.

Vomiting in a child is a reflex mechanism that performs a protective function. At the same time, they are excreted from the stomach along with undigested food. minerals, gastric juice, harmful compounds. This is a natural physiological process.

In infants it is called regurgitation. The stomach of a small child is formed before the age of 3 years. In a teenager, periodic nausea indicates inflammatory diseases. The parent must monitor the baby’s condition, know the cause of nausea and eliminate it.

If it opens, then it's characteristic symptom a number of diseases. These may be problems associated with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), central nervous system (CNS), and vestibular apparatus. Nausea is the main symptom of food poisoning.

Most often, the causative agents of vomiting in children are infections that enter the stomach. The child may be bothered by the following symptoms:

In infants, regurgitation occurs when overfeeding, passes without fever and without diarrhea. It does not accompany diseases. The contents of the secreted masses consist of undigested food from the baby (mother's milk, infant formula).

If a gastric eruption occurs an hour and a half after feeding, with blood, bile, mucus, and causeless nausea with fever, then this indicates pathological processes such as:

Types of vomiting in a child

Vomiting is a signal of problems with the functioning of the stomach. Coordinates nausea with the central nervous system. According to the nature of occurrence, they distinguish the following types vomiting in children:

  1. Regurgitation in a baby. Eruption of a small amount of food after feeding.
  2. Reflex. It can be observed with acute pain in the abdomen, metabolic disorders in the body, severe cough, inflammatory processes in the ears (otitis media), etc.
  3. Spasmodic (uncontrollable vomiting). May occur in case of poisoning, with congenital or acquired malformations of the gastrointestinal tract. This species is dangerous due to rapid dehydration child's body. If excessive vomiting occurs, call an ambulance immediately.
  4. Psychogenic in nature. Occurs with increased excitability of the central nervous system. Provoke this type of nausea stressful situations, anxiety, emotional experiences, mental disorders in a child.
  5. Atonic vomiting. Characterized by weak gastric eruptions and sluggish flow of food. It is observed due to decreased muscle tone of the stomach walls.

To determine you need to go through medical checkup. After diagnosis, begin treatment. Diagnostic methods include: visual examination, interviewing adults to determine the possible cause, laboratory tests of blood, urine, and feces. To confirm the diagnosis, ultrasound, MRI, and FGDS may be prescribed.

First aid for a child vomiting

With nausea, your health worsens, your immune system weakens, and metabolic processes in the body are disrupted. How to provide first aid and what to do after vomiting, learn from the following tips:

Children's vomiting should alert parents. The child must be seen by a doctor. If a disease is detected, treat it. At home, you can only alleviate the baby’s condition.

Take medications only after consultation with a pediatrician. Self-medication is strictly prohibited! This may lead to negative consequences, deterioration of health.

When to see a doctor urgently for childhood nausea

Parents are responsible for the health of their child. In case of ailments, deterioration of health, or decreased activity of the baby, an adult must find out the cause of the disease. There are a number of signs that require you to immediately call an ambulance and begin surgical treatment:

Small bodies are more at risk of dehydration. Pay attention to the baby's well-being. Monitor stool and eruptions over time. Measure your body temperature periodically. If alarming signs appear, contact your pediatrician for help. The sooner you start proper treatment, the sooner your health will return to normal.

Preventing nausea

  • Lead a healthy active lifestyle for your baby;
  • Maintain proper nutrition, prepare food from quality products;
  • Don't leave it in sight household chemicals, medications;
  • Avoid overeating. Baby food should be gentle on the stomach (spicy, fatty foods disrupt the gastrointestinal tract);
  • Respond to symptoms promptly.

Vomiting is not a separate disease, but its unexpected attack can greatly frighten not only the child, but also his parents. The question immediately arises of how to stop vomiting in a child and whether this should be done.

Vomiting is a common unpleasant phenomenon in children, in which there is an uncontrolled release of stomach contents through the nose and mouth, accompanied by a characteristic sound.

This happens due to physical contraction of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm. Nausea often develops first; it is not accompanied by pain, but is very uncomfortable. Along with the contents of the stomach, liquid comes out in large volumes, so there is a risk of dehydration.

Only with the correct reaction of parents and the help of doctors can complications of this condition be avoided.

This disorder occurs as a response of the body to harmful toxins and substances ingested. It develops when:

  • poisoning;
  • infectious lesion;
  • inflammation in the appendix;
  • disruption of metabolic processes in the body;
  • pathologies of the nervous system;
  • overeating;
  • consumption in large quantities spicy, fatty foods;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inhalation of toxins;
  • swallowing objects.

In infants vomiting reflex develops as a result of swallowing air while eating or putting fingers in the mouth.

Types of pathological condition

Before you start stopping vomiting, you should determine its type:

  1. Functional - the safest. It is the body's reaction to food that is not suitable. If a child is vomiting without fever, this condition can be treated at home, subject to medical recommendations.
  2. Cardiac – develops against the background of heart failure, the skin turns pale, and appetite worsens. To stop this condition, only qualified health care.
  3. Abdominal – develops due to inflammation in the abdominal cavity.
  4. Cerebral - develops in diseases of the brain, while the reflex is voluntary and most often appears in the morning.
  5. Psychogenic – develops due to a sharp change in the emotional background. This usually happens after eating; weakening, paleness of the skin and increased heart rate appear.

The main causes of vomiting

It is imperative to find out the causes of vomiting, and only then decide what to do. Some pathologies require strict dietary control. Without this, the condition will worsen and recovery will not occur. long time.

In children, the body is more susceptible to negative influences from the outside and may react sharply to the inclusion of new foods in the diet.

The main reasons include:

    1. Acute food poisoning due to ingestion of spoiled or low-quality food. Lack of personal hygiene can also cause acute poisoning.
    2. Poisoning by acids and alkalis, chemicals, medications or poisons. Children try to taste everything, so they put into their mouths whatever they can get their hands on. Such intoxication is very dangerous and can cause internal bleeding, cardiac arrest and a fundamental disruption in the functioning of internal organs.
    3. Indigestion, when the organ tries to push out food that irritates it. This happens when you overeat or include new unusual foods in your diet, as well as fatty or smoked foods.
    4. Intestinal infection - manifested by copious discharge of vomit accompanied by watery diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain.
    5. Congenital intolerance to certain foods. This happens when you react to lactose or gluten. But such a condition is diagnosed already in infancy, which means parents clearly know what food to choose for their baby.
    6. Acetonemic syndrome is a condition that develops with severe weakness of the body, with poisoning or intoxication. It is manifested by the simultaneous development of vomiting and diarrhea in the child - not everyone understands what to do in such a situation. Simultaneously from oral cavity and the urine smells like acetone. This condition It is more often observed in children under 6 years of age, after which they outgrow it. But until it outgrows, it is necessary to treat the syndrome even with minimal manifestations.
Manifestations of intestinal infection are accompanied by profuse vomiting, weakness and dizziness.
  1. Inflammation in the digestive system– cholecystitis, gastritis, duodenitis, pancreatitis. Until about 15 years ago, medicine believed that the disease could develop in children only after 10 years. But in modern world Due to the decline in food quality and poor environment, chronic forms of gastritis, for example, can be found in a two-year-old child.
  2. Peptic ulcer disease - with its development, the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum is injured, ulcers and erosions form on their surface. Sometimes the pathology manifests itself already at 3 years of age or even earlier due to negative influence on the body of Helicobacter pylori infection.
  3. Pathologies of the central nervous system - meningitis, cerebral edema, encephalitis, increased intracranial pressure. The vomiting process during the development of the listed diseases is accompanied by characteristic neurological signs, for example, headaches and dizziness, impaired consciousness, and convulsions.
  4. Rotavirus is a common disease in children and is accompanied by vomiting and fever.. The degree of increase depends on the severity of the disease. Parents should clearly understand how to stop a child from vomiting due to rotavirus and quickly alleviate the child’s condition.
  5. Pyloric stenosis – congenital disease when the sphincter of the stomach narrows, preventing a large volume of food from passing through duodenum. The disease is mainly detected in infants up to one month old. It is characterized by profuse belching after each meal, when in the vomit you can see coagulated milk that has not been digested since the last meal.
  6. Sunstroke. In children, proper thermoregulation is not fully developed, so the risk of developing heatstroke compared to an adult.
  7. Acute forms surgical pathologies – intestinal obstruction, appendicitis.
  8. With influenza or ARVI, too high a temperature provokes vomiting in children under 5 years of age. Also, pathologies are often accompanied severe cough before the child vomits - many parents do not know what to do in such a situation.
  9. Gastrointestinal bleeding can also develop in children. The vomit in this state is dark, and the whole process is accompanied by diarrhea.

What kind of vomiting happens?

The condition may indicate various pathological processes in the body; this will determine how to stop vomiting in a child. It happens:

Based on the appearance of vomit, one can draw initial conclusions about its causes.
  • Mixed with mucus - normal for infants, this is a common sign of overeating, and mucus comes from the bronchi and nasal cavity. At an older age, this should not happen and the causes of mucus inclusions can be serious poisoning, pathologies of the central nervous system, inflammation of the gastric mucosa, or damage to the body by viruses.
  • Mixed with bile– acquires a yellow-green tint, leaving a bitter taste in the mouth. This a clear sign food poisoning or overeating, eating fatty and smoked foods in large quantities.
  • Mixed with blood– when blood inclusions are found in the vomit, you should urgently call an ambulance, because such a condition indicates the development of internal bleeding upper section esophagus. If the blood is scarlet, the pharynx is damaged or top part stomach, if it is dark brown, the intestines are affected.

What to do: first aid rules

Parents should not panic when their child is poisoned by vomiting. You need to decide what to do in your right mind, to assess the situation, try to remember what factors provoked the pathological condition. After calling a doctor, you need to follow the rules of behavior and understand how you can help:

  1. First of all you need provide the body with enough water. Children who are too young can be given a drink from a pipette or spoon to prevent dehydration. You should drink special solutions, for example, one of the most effective drugs for mixing the solution is .
  2. When blood is found in the vomit, you can let the baby swallow a small piece of ice, and then abdominal cavity put an ice pack - this will at least reduce the intensity of internal bleeding. But in such a situation it is forbidden to give drink.
  3. After relief occurs, you need to help your baby: rinse your mouth, wash your face so that stomach acid does not cause irritation.
  4. Medicines should be used with caution so as not to harm the body; it is better to use medications after examination by a doctor.
  5. Temporarily withhold food.
  6. Provide bed rest and comfort, place the baby on its side so that the contents of the stomach do not flow into the airways.

Dr. Komarovsky talks about how and what to feed a child in this state:

When to call an ambulance immediately

Sometimes it is simply impossible to treat such a disorder at home, the attacks do not end, and the baby is already exhausted. It is especially important to understand what to do if the child has vomiting, diarrhea and fever at the same time. In this situation, the help of a doctor is required.

The reason to immediately call a doctor should be:

  • strong increase temperatures that continue to rise;
  • unpleasant odor, greenish tint of vomit, presence of blood streaks;
  • diarrhea;
  • convulsions;
  • increased frequency of attacks.

How to stop vomiting in children by age

The vomiting process must be stopped in the following cases:

  • A newborn spits up often and in large quantities - more than a tablespoon.
  • Vomit contains mucus, bile and blood.
  • The baby refuses any food. Information for parents if...
  • Uncharacteristic behavior – weakness, drowsiness.
  • Paleness of the skin.
  • Increased frequency heart rate.
  • Coldness of hands and feet.
  • Severe pain.

It describes in detail which antiemetic drugs are recommended for which age and how to use them correctly. Attention has been paid to folk remedies to stop gagging.

In infants under 1 year of age

When vomiting develops before the age of one year, you should definitely consult a doctor. Such a child is not able to explain himself what is wrong with him and what is bothering him. If the child does not sleep all the time, you need to understand the reasons for this and take appropriate measures, more information -. Self-medication can lead to disastrous results.

The main reason for the gag reflex in children under one year of age is the underdevelopment of the lower esophageal sphincter - this is the muscle that allows food to pass from the stomach to the esophagus.

Infants can often observe regurgitation of food, one of the reasons is weakness of the lower esophageal sphincter

Weakness of the sphincter can also manifest itself as abdominal pain and irritation of the throat mucosa. As you grow older, everything goes away on its own.

Sometimes a baby often spits up due to overfeeding, since the milk does not have time to be digested. This means you need to reduce the portions a little, then look at the body’s reaction.

When a pathological condition is accompanied by high fever and frequent loose stools, an infection has occurred. You need to urgently call a doctor or an ambulance.

In children after one year

After identifying the cause that requires stopping vomiting, you need to take the following actions:

  • When a gag reflex occurs, the child is raised vertically - sitting or standing. The head is turned to the side to prevent the risk of choking.
  • After an attack, you can rinse your stomach weak solution potassium permanganate or at least warm boiled water.
  • To replenish fluid in the body need to drink a lot– it is better to use special solutions for this purpose.
  • If the pathological condition is a consequence of food poisoning, then it will help to remove the remaining toxins Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Smecta.
  • When a child has vomiting and fever - alarming symptom. It is imperative to contact your doctor.
    In this condition, it is forbidden to give antipyretics- they will come out along with the vomit. It is better to use injections or rectal suppositories.

When is it forbidden to stop gagging?

Vomiting is a protective reaction of the body to the penetration of toxins and other unnecessary substances. Therefore, in case of poisoning, it is forbidden to prevent vomiting until it becomes transparent.

The vomiting process is not dangerous, but harmful substances can cause great harm if retained in the body. There is no need to give antiemetic medications until the gastric secretions become clear.

You should also not purchase questionable drugs; you should always consult a doctor before use.

State normalization rules

In order to stop vomiting in a child at home, it is permissible to use special medicines. It should be stopped only when the frequency exceeds 3 times per hour or when there is mucus or blood in it.

First of all, you need to worry about maintaining water balance, because If a child vomits, dehydration may occur
  1. For soldering children of any age if vomiting develops, you can use the drug Regidron with many minerals and others useful components in the composition. It quickly restores the ratio of missing microelements, normalizes the functioning of organs and systems, and balances the microflora. It is produced in powder form for dissolution in 1 liter of water. The amount of solution for use is calculated according to the formula - 10 ml per 1 kg of body weight.
  2. If you don’t have a solution at hand, it’s acceptable to drink Borjomi or Essentuki mineral water. Having previously released the gas.
  3. To remove toxins, you need to use medications with an absorbent effect.– activated carbon, Smecta, Atoxil, etc.
  4. If vomiting develops during the day, but there has not been a single bowel movement, this process needs to be induced. An excellent children's remedy is glycerin suppositories.
  5. After 5 years, drugs can be given to restore function. digestive tract– Motorix, Mezim, Pancreatin.
  6. When you can’t stop vomiting, you should call an ambulance. Usually, in this situation, doctors give a one-time injection of the drug Cerucal. It stops immediately pathological process, allows you to examine the patient.
  7. Motilium has a good effect on the condition after vomiting. It stimulates intestinal function and improves the process of gastric emptying.
  8. If an intestinal infection develops with vomiting and diarrhea, Enterofuril tablets are prescribed. It is an intestinal antiseptic that kills pathogenic bacteria in the lumen of the organ. Thanks to this, the drug helps cure infection in children and adults.
    Enterofuril only destroys pathogens, but does not help replenish lost fluid, so it is used together with solutions.
  9. Motilak will quickly stop the vomiting process. It has an antiemetic and prokinetic effect for any origin of nausea and vomiting.
  10. Phosphalugel quickly helps when the vomiting process is accompanied by severe abdominal pain. The product absorbs, neutralizes acids, and envelops the mucous membrane. It also reduces the activity of hydrochloric acid and pepsin, maintaining normal digestion and preventing the re-release of stomach contents.

What to do if you have persistent vomiting

Vomiting small child very dangerous due to risk of dehydration. Most often, parents cannot independently determine the reasons. It is recommended to call a doctor or ambulance immediately after development.

Parents must know the first rules of how to stop vomiting in a 3-year-old child on their own. But if attempts are not successful, then you need to urgently call a doctor. Especially if a rare, intense deterioration of the condition occurs, cramps and diarrhea develop.

The doctor determines the cause and specifies the pathology. Even if a child is vomiting without fever, what to do in such a situation should be decided by a specialist. You won’t be able to do anything at home on your own, and you can’t hesitate.

What to do after assistance has been provided

After the attack stops, the child is carefully examined by a pediatrician. In case of poisoning or mild condition treatment at home is allowed, be sure to follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Treatment is as follows:

  • Drawing up a suitable menu, excluding spicy, fatty, smoked foods. Products should be light and easily digestible. You need to feed a little, but often. If you have a baby, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the reasons loose stool The child has .
  • Drink plenty of water - plain water, alkaline mineral water, a solution based on Regidron and weakly brewed black tea.
  • Taking enzymes is needed to restore digestion.
  • Taking probiotics helps restore intestinal microflora.
  • Taking antispasmodics is required to relieve intestinal colic and abdominal pain.
  • Taking sorbents - they need to be taken for some time after attacks in order to remove remaining toxins from the intestines.


The main rule of prevention after completion of treatment is personal hygiene. You should always wash your hands before eating, and start feeding no earlier than 5 to 7 hours after the last attack.

Breast milk is best suited for restoring a baby’s body, and when a child vomits at 3 years of age or older, rice or buckwheat with milk, fruit and vegetable purees.

Food should be semi-liquid, boiled or baked so that nausea does not recur. Ideal helpers at the recovery stage - soups, natural juices, lean meat.


There are many known causes of vomiting in children. If it develops, you should seek help from a doctor, since it is not always possible to determine the cause on your own, and the chosen treatment can cause great harm.

You can use antiemetics only after consulting a pediatrician, as they provoke many side effects. Before the doctor arrives, it is allowed to give sorbents and water. In addition to the article, watch a visual video that tells you how to quickly stop vomiting in a child.

Vomiting is not a disease, but a symptom of a pathology of the digestive tract or a malfunction of the body. Sometimes the cause of a dangerous phenomenon is blockage of the esophagus by a foreign body, problems with nervous regulation.

Vomiting in a child is not always accompanied by diarrhea and fever. Not only the health, but also the life of the baby often depends on a timely and accurate diagnosis. Doctors' advice will be useful to all parents and grandparents.


There are enough factors that provoke the formation of vomit. Even without high temperature, stool disorders, pouring out the contents of the stomach indicates serious problems.

Vomiting once or twice is not dangerous, but frequent attacks or the simultaneous development of pronounced symptoms is a reason to call a doctor at home. Sometimes urgent hospitalization of a small patient is required.

Main reasons:

  • intestinal obstruction. The problem appears in newborns, babies up to one year old and older adults. Pathology can be partial or complete, congenital or acquired. At the same time, pale skin, chills, weakness, severe abdominal pain, crimson-colored stools mixed with blood and mucus appear. Requires surgical treatment;
  • inflammatory processes of the digestive organs. Gastritis, duodenitis, gastric ulcer, cholecystitis, colitis, others gastrointestinal pathologies often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, including the appearance of vomit. Causes of diseases: unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet, addiction to “harmful” dishes and products, frequent stress,
  • indigestion after taking the wrong medicine. Poisoning from stale food is often accompanied by diarrhea, and fever is not always present. It is important to consult a doctor in time to minimize toxic effects on the body;
  • acute appendicitis. The main category of patients: preschoolers and schoolchildren; in infants the problem occurs in isolated cases. In addition to repeated vomiting, there is loss of appetite, frequent urination and emptying sharp pain in the navel area and right side. Sometimes the temperature rises slightly, the stool becomes more liquid;
  • metabolic disease. Diabetes- one of endocrine diseases, in which the baby develops vomiting without diarrhea and high fever. Sometimes there is a negative reaction to cereals, glucose, cow's milk, and some fruits. In diabetes, it is important to monitor the course of the pathology and follow a diet. If you are intolerant to certain foods, this is a must. complete failure from them;
  • cerebral vomiting. Danger sign, indicating congenital pathologies and neurological disorders. Vomit erupts from different frequency for traumatic brain injuries, tumors, concussion, epilepsy, encephalitis, meningitis;
  • entry of a foreign object into the esophagus. Troubles happen most often to kids exploring the world. The larger the foreign body, the stronger the pain when swallowing, the more foamy formations in the throat. The child does not want to eat, cries, worries. Frequent eruption of stomach contents does not alleviate the condition. Ask your baby and find out if he has put anything inedible in his mouth. An urgent x-ray is required, the help of a surgeon (traumatologist);
  • pylorospasm, pyloric stenosis, cardiospasm. Problems with the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Consultation required pediatric gastroenterologist. In case of pyloric stenosis (congenital narrowing of the lumen between the duodenum and the stomach), surgical intervention is performed. The help of a surgeon is needed in case of ineffective treatment of cardiospasm (impaired motility of the esophagus);
  • neurotic vomiting. The problem is psychological. The child demonstrates a negative attitude towards tasteless food and attempts to put pressure on the baby. Sometimes a child seeks parental attention in such a strange way. Some children vomit when they are very frightened or overexcited. Persistent neurotic vomiting requires correction of family relationships and psychotherapy sessions;
  • acetone crisis. Dangerous pathology, arising under the influence various factors. There is a smell of acetone from the mouth, headache, weakness, nausea, profuse, sudden, often repeated eruption of stomach contents. Required medical assistance: an acetonemic crisis quickly leads to dehydration of the body, convulsions occur, and the child may lose consciousness. Most patients are children under 10 years of age;
  • reaction to complementary foods. Single vomiting and upset bowel movements without fever sometimes occur as a reaction to a new type of food. Most often, the problem is caused by a large amount of food or excess fat. Temporarily discontinue the unsuitable product. Next time put less oil, give a small portion.

Diagnosis and treatment methods

When identifying negative symptoms consult a doctor. If nausea and vomiting was caused fatty foods or overeating, you can do without a visit to the pediatrician. In other cases Consultation with a pediatrician is required.

The following methods will help identify the cause of the problem:

  • conversation with young patients (taking into account age);
  • examination of vomit;
  • examination of the digestive tract (x-ray, ultrasound, examination using a probe);
  • laboratory test to confirm or refute the suspected diagnosis.

Which doctor should I contact?

  • Visit your pediatrician first. The doctor will listen to the complaints of the parents and the child and refer you to specialists;
  • neurologist. If you have cerebral vomiting, you cannot do without consulting this doctor. The doctor will prescribe physical procedures, tell you how to adjust your daily routine, and indicate acceptable physical exercise. In case of a concussion, if tumors are detected, the doctor will refer you to a hospital;
  • gastroenterologist The specialist deals with problems of the gastrointestinal tract. The success of treatment depends on strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations, proper nutrition, diets for a specific disease. It is important to take the necessary medications. A good help is decoctions of medicinal herbs. Therapy is carried out in a hospital setting or at home;
  • surgeon. Often, the help of this specialist prevents the sad consequences of getting into the esophagus. foreign body, intestinal obstruction, cardiospasm, pyloric stenosis.

Important! Methods and duration of therapy depend on the diagnosis and severity of the disease. You should not treat intestinal diseases on your own or refuse examination for neurological pathologies. Delay in starting therapy often causes dangerous complications in a young patient.

Possible complications

With severe, repeated vomiting, dangerous signs appear:

  • dehydration. The loss of large volumes of fluid disrupts water-salt metabolism and impairs the functioning of the body. When the case is severe, loss of consciousness and convulsions are noted. Serious danger represents dehydration for babies;
  • danger of suffocation from vomit. Some fluid enters the respiratory tract and immediate assistance is required. The problem occurs with loss of consciousness, in newborns, children under one year old;
  • weight loss. With severe dehydration and loss of appetite, body weight can drop to critical in a short period. In premature babies and infants, catastrophic lack of weight with persistent vomiting develops within a day;
  • injury blood vessels. Persistent vomiting provokes rupture of the vascular wall. For this reason, an admixture of blood appears in the vomit;
  • aspiration pneumonia. A serious condition when vomit enters the lungs. Caustic gastric juice quickly corrodes lung tissue. The sooner a child is admitted to a hospital setting, the higher the chances of success of therapeutic manipulations. Signs of suffocation, frequent coughing, wheezing are a reason to immediately call a resuscitation team. In addition to pumping out mucus, injections antihistamines, is often carried out artificial ventilation lungs.

How to help your child with vomiting

  • If you have a negative reaction to food, stop feeding and wait a couple of hours. Next time reduce the volume breast milk for one feeding, offer older children light, low-fat food;
  • if the baby is lying down, be sure to raise his head to an angle of 30 degrees. A simple technique will prevent the entry of fluid, mucus, gastric juice into the respiratory tract;
  • If there is profuse, persistent vomiting, do not put the baby down. Ideal position: semi-horizontal or vertical. Be sure to turn your head to the side;
  • does the child feel well, after removing the vomit, the condition returned to normal, pain in the intestines, nausea went away? Wait an hour or two, observe the baby’s condition. If symptoms do not return, there is no need to call a doctor;
  • Until the doctor comes, be sure to give your child something to drink. The portions are small: before a year, give 1-2 teaspoons of boiled water every 5 minutes, after a year - 3 teaspoons. For children aged 3 years and older, increase the volume to two tablespoons at the same interval.

Wrong actions

Remember this list, do not make similar mistakes:

  • never rinse the stomach if the child has lost consciousness;
  • You should not give an anesthetic for severe pain or abdominal cramps without a doctor’s examination;
  • unauthorized use of antibiotics, potassium permanganate solution, and alcohol is prohibited;
  • never give enzymes or drugs that improve stomach function (Motilium, Cerucal) without the doctor’s permission. The same advice applies to antiemetics;
  • do not refuse to visit the doctor if the visit is “planned”, even if the baby is feeling well. Be sure to tell your pediatrician about problems with your stomach and intestines, regardless of whether there was fever or diarrhea with vomiting or not.

When is hospitalization required?

If the case is severe or a combination of several symptoms, call an ambulance. In a hospital setting, the child will receive qualified assistance.

Reasons for hospitalization:

  • vomiting is combined with acute abdominal pain, severe bloating, and increased gas production;
  • the child lost consciousness and had convulsions;
  • vomit is abundant, liquid erupts in a fountain for a long time, nausea does not stop even after the stomach is emptied;
  • a child vomits after a blow to the head, a fall from a slide, on a skating rink, or during outdoor games. Urgently contact a neurologist or neurosurgeon;
  • against the background of uncontrollable vomiting, excessive agitation and impaired reactions to light and sound are observed. Sometimes the opposite state is observed: children are overcome by apathy, develop weakness, lethargy, urinate in small portions, less often than usual;
  • V severe cases The eruption of vomit is accompanied by a prolonged fever, which is not affected by fever pills.

Study the material, remember how to act if a child vomits due to various diseases. Vomiting without diarrhea and elevated body temperature is more common in children under 10–12 years of age. At this age, the body is very vulnerable, the role of timely, competent actions not only of the doctor, but also of the parents increases.

Recipe for anti-vomiting tea in the following video:
