Viburnum seeds have medicinal properties. The benefits and harms of viburnum: let's look at the facts. Calorie content, composition and scope of application of viburnum: a healthy, bitter, bright berry. Medicinal properties for skin diseases

Viburnum can rightfully be called a unique plant, since almost all of its parts have healing properties. Even in past centuries traditional healers used the medicinal properties of viburnum seeds. Modern medicine has not stood aside and also actively uses them in therapy. But, unfortunately, many people still do not know that viburnum kernels can be used for treatment and throw them away.

Viburnum as a plant

Viburnum has long been valued by people not only for its beauty, but also for its healing properties. Absolutely all its parts, from flowers to bark, are used for treatment. The kernels of berries, for example, contain pectin, vitamins, essential oils, tannins and organic. Such a rich composition allows them to be used to treat a wide variety of ailments. Viburnum fruits have a bright red color and a slightly bitter taste. The color of the berries is provided by the presence of beta-carotene, and viburnin gives the bitter taste.

Benefits of viburnum seeds

The shape of viburnum seeds is very similar to the shape of a heart. This shape of the nucleoli is not in vain, because it is with their help that the functioning of the human heart muscle can be normalized. They simply contain great amount microelements that allow you to normalize the functioning of all systems and organs of the body.

In addition to the cardiac system, bones have positive influence on urine reproductive system. They increase urination and reduce swelling. Often, seeds are used as a natural intestinal cleanser, as they not only cleanse it, but also improve the microflora. Also, the kernels of the viburnum berry have a positive effect on the stomach muscles and the rate of blood absorption.

Viburnum seeds help get rid of small stones and sand in gallbladder and kidneys. To remove them, a person needs to eat 10 seeds daily. But you can’t eat all the bones at once; you need to eat them one at a time throughout the day. If you eat more than 5 seeds at once, this can lead to disorders.

Important: The kernels of viburnum berries are an excellent antioxidant. natural origin. Therefore, in addition to other therapeutic effects, they help remove waste and toxins from the body.

To normalize the functioning of the heart, viburnum seeds and the bone core are used.

Decoctions from the nucleoli of this plant are also used as a diaphoretic, medicinal drug from ailments such as seizures of various origins, sclerosis, tuberculosis, diseases, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

If you want to get the maximum benefit from the heart-shaped kernels of viburnum, then you need to fry them in a dry frying pan, and then grind them thoroughly in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder is used instead of drinks such as tea and coffee. It can be drunk not only by adults, but also by children.

Viburnum seed powder is especially useful for those people who have high blood pressure. It is no less effective for colds, neuroses, various bleedings, etc.

Important: The taste of viburnum seeds is quite bitter. In order to reduce bitterness, before using, the seeds are kept for 7-8 minutes in hot (almost boiling) water.

How to collect and store viburnum seeds

In order for viburnum seeds to retain all their healing properties and be truly useful, it is necessary to follow a number of rules for their preparation and storage.

They are collected in the fall, around October-November. After collection, they are dried well in a shady place under a canopy. It is advisable that the place be well ventilated.

To preserve all the healing properties of the kernels, they must be stored in paper bags. However, the maximum duration of their storage is 12 months. After this time, the bones lose their healing power. Of course, you can use them, but they will not bring much benefit.

The use of viburnum seeds in personal care

The kernels of viburnum berries not only heal various diseases, but are also widely used in cosmetology. Since they are a powerful antioxidant, after using them, human skin becomes clearer and more elastic. They effectively remove impurities and even out skin color.

In addition, the seeds of this plant are actively used in the treatment of skin diseases. For example, allergies, eczema, lichen, scrofula, skin tuberculosis, etc. To do this, a decoction of the seeds is used to wipe areas of the body that are affected by the disease, and is also drunk.

For those who suffer high sweating in the area of ​​the armpits, palms, etc. A decoction of viburnum seeds also comes to the rescue. Here is his recipe: 1 large spoon of seeds (you can also take viburnum berries along with the seeds) placed in a glass cold water. Place the resulting mixture on low heat, bring to a boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes. After the broth has cooled, it can be used. This decoction is used to wipe the palms, feet, armpits and other areas of the body that are subject to increased sweating several times a day.

Viburnum seeds are used to cleanse the skin of the face. next recipe. Not a large number of Viburnum kernels are ground in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder is mixed with liquid soap. This homemade scrub perfectly cleanses delicate facial skin. Use it 1-2 times a week depending on skin type.

The seeds can also be used to make masks. One of the most famous and effective is a mask made from seeds and honey. The seeds are first ground in a coffee grinder to a powder state. After that, they are mixed with liquid honey. This mask must be used at least once a week. The result is clean, healthy and bleached.

To get rid of acne An infusion of viburnum kernels is used. It's quite simple to prepare. The recipe requires 10 grams of berries with seeds and water. Pour 1 glass of boiling water over the berries and leave for several hours. Take the infusion 3 times a day, a third of a glass. That is, one serving of infusion is enough for exactly a day. You can not only take the infusion orally, but also lubricate pimples with it 3-4 times a day.

Who should not use viburnum seeds?

The viburnum kernels themselves are very useful product. When taken in moderation and wisely, they will only bring benefits. If consumed in excess, viburnum seeds can be harmful to health. Their excessive consumption leads to the appearance side effects. For example, it could be a rash all over the body.

Not everyone can take the seeds and fruits of viburnum to treat ailments. The following categories of people should not use folk remedies based on viburnum seeds:

  • having a tendency to form blood clots;
  • having increased coagulability;
  • pregnant women;
  • who suffer from low blood pressure;
  • those suffering peptic ulcer stomach, gastritis or increased stomach acidity.

In addition, in some cases, when using folk remedies based on viburnum, individual intolerance may occur.

During pregnancy, viburnum juice and decoctions based on its kernels cannot be used, since this plant is an analogue female hormones and can lead to contractions of the uterus and subsequent miscarriage. In addition, by increasing the amount of hormones in the blood of a pregnant woman, this plant provokes the development of various pathologies in the fetus. If you are pregnant and intend to use viburnum seeds, it is better to consult your doctor.

Viburnum, including its seeds, reduces... Therefore, if your blood pressure is already low, it is not recommended to use them for treatment, as this can lead to fainting.

Since the fruits and seeds of viburnum contain a large amount of organic acids, folk remedies based on them should not be used by people who suffer from gout and high stomach acidity.

The consumption of viburnum seeds and its fruits is prohibited for those who suffer from leukemia and thrombophlebitis. If you have any kidney diseases, then from using viburnum in medicinal purposes also worth refusing

Medicinal recipes from viburnum seeds

If your blood pressure fluctuates, you can make medicine from the kernels of viburnum berries. Take this medicine every day - morning, afternoon and evening. Dosage – 1 tablespoon. In a short time, this tincture normalizes blood pressure.

For cooking, not only the seeds are used, but also the pulp of the berries. To prepare the infusion, take 1 kilogram of berries along with the seeds and grind them in a meat grinder. If you have a blender, you can grind the berries in it. Add 1 liter of honey to the resulting mixture. You can take any honey - flower, linden, buckwheat, etc. After thoroughly mixing the berries with honey, pour 5010 ml of cognac into the container.

The main medicinal component in this tincture is the seeds and pulp of viburnum berries. Honey has only a general strengthening effect on the human body. And cognac is used so that the medicine can be stored for a long time.

To relieve inflammation and relieve fever during a cold, decoctions of viburnum berries with seeds are used. In addition to the above action, such decoctions allow you to get rid of it faster.

To prepare, take 50 grams of viburnum with seeds. They need to be filled with 200 ml (1 glass) of boiling water. Place the container with water and berries on low heat and boil for 10 minutes. Drink the decoction when it cools down to room temperature. Dosage – 1 tablespoon. Drink the decoction 3 times a day - morning, afternoon and evening with meals.

To treat furunculosis, use the following recipe. It also uses viburnum berries along with seeds. You will need 100 grams of berries. They are filled with 1 liter of water. Infuse the mixture for 14 days. Take the medicine 1 large spoon with meals three times a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner.
The same decoction can be used if you have pain in the heart area or if you have cancer.

Viburnum is used not only fresh, but also dried. For example, dried fruits with pits are used for cooking. To prepare it, take a small amount of dried fruits and grind them together with the seeds. The resulting powder is poured into a glass of boiled water and left for 3 hours. Take the tincture according to the following scheme: 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. The same recipe can be used to treat inflammatory processes in the throat.

For intestinal upset, you can also use dry viburnum berries along with kernels. A special one is prepared for this. The recipe is quite simple. Pinch dried berries with the seeds goes straight into the mug and pours boiling water over it. Next, it is advisable to cover the mug with a small lid and steep the tea for 3 minutes. They drink this medicinal tea hot in small sips.

Tincture of viburnum seeds in alcohol is used for uterine bleeding, hemorrhoids and painful menstruation. It is prepared as follows. For 100 grams of viburnum seeds take 100 grams of 50% alcohol. The mixture is infused in a cool place for 7-10 days. The dosage per dose is no more than 30 grams. And the number of doses of this folk remedy should not exceed 2-3 times a day.

While watching the video you will learn how to make jam from viburnum.

The healing effect of viburnum is recognized and modern medicine. This science has thoroughly studied chemical composition plants. But even despite the fact that the people in Rus' did not know the composition of this plant, they actively used it to treat a variety of ailments. Parts of viburnum are used for therapy in a variety of forms. These can be infusions, juices, teas, etc.

Branched shrub with red fruits - Viburnum vulgare is an ancient folk remedy for treatment various ailments.

The benefits of viburnum are in its fruits, flowers, and leaves.

The roots and bark of the plant are also used in the treatment of common diseases.

Viburnum: calorie content and composition

The chemical composition of viburnum is unusually rich. It contains saponins, resin, phlobaphenes, glycosides, tannins, phylloquinones, etc.

In addition, viburnum contains formic, acetic, isovaleric, caproic, butyric, linoleic, cerotinic and other acids.

Kalina has beneficial features thanks to the vitamins it contains (A, E, C, P, K), magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, pectin, essential oils.

The calorie content of viburnum is low and amounts to 28 kcal per 100 g of product.

Viburnum is used to treat a whole range of diseases from the common cold to more serious ones.

1. For the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases, a decoction of viburnum bark is used - the most beneficial remedy for human health. It is prepared according to this recipe: simply pour a glass of boiling water over the crushed bark (about 2 tablespoons).

Then the mixture is put on fire and boiled for a short time - 5-10 minutes. As usual in such cases, the composition is infused and, after straining, drunk half a glass in two doses, adding a spoonful of honey to the composition for effectiveness.

This mixture is also used against colds. Combine thyme, chamomile, mint (a spoonful), add the same amount of viburnum bark and half a glass of freshly squeezed juice of the plant’s berries.

Mix everything well and pour boiling water over it, then heat it in a water bath for a little while. After the manipulations have been carried out, the product is infused, filtered and drunk at general malaise and colds, half a glass, adding a little honey for taste (if you are not allergic to it).

2. The beneficial properties of viburnum make it possible to use it to overcome bronchitis and pneumonia. The recipe for preparing medicine for such diseases is special. You should slightly heat the honey (200 g), stirring it with a spoon. Then separately you need to grind a spoonful of viburnum fruits and pour melted honey over them.

The composition should sit well (about 5 hours), and then it can be taken as remedy as an addition to the main therapy (a tablespoon several times a day).

3. If you have a strong hacking cough, you can prepare the following composition: pour boiling water (2 cups) over viburnum fruits (100 g). Boil the mixture over very low heat for at least half an hour. Then the mixture should be allowed to stand. Drink the healing composition of viburnum, which is extremely useful for promoting health, a couple of tablespoons after a meal.

Do not forget to add a little honey to the mixture for greater effectiveness.

4. Viburnum is useful for hypertension, constant headaches, unpleasant sensations in heart.

In the first case, mix the shoots of the plant (crushed), motherwort herb and valerian root (take everything in equal parts). 2 tablespoons of the healing mixture are poured with boiling water (1 glass) and be sure to boil for a couple of minutes over low heat.

After cooling and straining, drink this remedy just a few sips a day.

For heart pain, use a traditional infusion of viburnum berries (3-4 spoons per glass of boiling water), and for persistent headaches, drink a glass or two of fresh viburnum juice daily (you can add honey).

5. Viburnum is beneficial for the body because it helps cleanse the liver. To prepare a healing remedy, you need to boil 500 g of fruits until soft (in a small amount of water). Then you should strain the mixture through a sieve and combine it with honey (1 cup).

Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Be sure to consume on an empty stomach in the morning and evening (2 weeks).

6. The beneficial properties of viburnum make it possible to successfully use the plant in the fight against problems such as stomach pain, indigestion, ulcers, constipation, loose stool.

In such cases, use a simple recipe: pour a couple of tablespoons of berries into a glass of boiling water and drink the mixture like tea.

7. Viburnum is widely used to treat fatigue and chronic fatigue. It’s easy to prepare a remedy that will relieve stress. You just need to grind the plant bark, combine it with universal medicinal herb- chamomile (in equal proportions) and brew the composition in the classic way - a spoon in a glass of boiling water.

8. Viburnum is also used for skin diseases. Freshly squeezed plant juice is used to treat boils, ulcers, and eczema, using it as a compress on problem areas of the skin.

9. Kalina is a real healer. It is used for the treatment and prevention of cancer. Viburnum juice with honey (1:1) is beneficial. It is consumed several spoons up to 4 times a day.

10. Viburnum tincture, which is easy to prepare at home, is very helpful in treating almost all diseases. You should pour half a kilogram of berries with half a liter of vodka and let the mixture brew, as is customary, in the far corner of the cabinet.

After 3-4 weeks of infusion, the composition must be strained and squeezed out, poured into a clean container and used for its intended purpose.

The tincture is taken orally or applied to the diseased areas of the skin.

Viburnum: what are the benefits for the body?

Due to its beneficial properties, viburnum has gained popularity as a remedy used in the treatment of many diseases.

What is the power of viburnum?

She has a pronounced choleretic effect.

Treats gastrointestinal diseases and cardiovascular pathologies.

Due to its powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, it is effective in colds.

Viburnum normalizes blood sugar levels.

Helps with irregular periods and alleviates the condition of women during menopause.

It has a strong hemostatic property, therefore it is used for bleeding.

Famous for its mild soothing effect. Relieves insomnia, anxiety, irritability.

Removes excess fluid from the body. Viburnum is low in calories, so it is allowed for obesity.

It is actively used in the treatment of skin diseases due to its ability to have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, whitening and toning it.

Viburnum is a natural antipyretic. This quality makes the plant indispensable for colds associated with increased body temperature.

Viburnum decoction is effective for sore throat, hoarseness and loss of voice, and inflammation in the oral cavity. The anti-inflammatory properties of the plant make it possible to get rid of these ailments in a relatively short time. It is enough to gargle more often or oral cavity healing composition of miracle berries.

The low calorie content of viburnum allows it to be used for weight loss. Those who want to get rid of extra pounds are recommended to consume the juice of the plant’s fruits (separately or in combination with another berry) or add healing fruits to dishes.

Viburnum: what is harmful to health?

The main harm of viburnum lies not so much in the product itself, but in its quantity. Excess even the most useful substances in the body can cause allergic rash.

Viburnum should be taken with caution by people with low blood pressure, as well as those with increased blood clotting and a risk of blood clots.

Viburnum is a real storehouse of organic acids, but for those who suffer from gout it will do more harm than good.

Viburnum should not be taken long time. It is best to carry out courses of treatment, alternating them with breaks.

Viburnum for pregnant and nursing mothers: benefit or harm?

During pregnancy, the expectant mother's body is most susceptible to various infections and viruses. In order not to harm the baby, pregnant women are recommended to use natural remedies treatment.

So, unique properties Viburnum makes it possible to use it for colds accompanied by lingering cough.

Viburnum is a powerful immunostimulant (and a natural one) and a source of vitamins that a pregnant woman’s body so needs.

However, during the period of bearing the baby, use decoctions and infusions of viburnum official medicine does not recommend. It is enough to drink weak tea from the bright red berries of the plant and use viburnum externally (if necessary).

Despite all the benefits of viburnum for the body, pregnant women should be wary of too much of this product. The fact is that the plant has the ability to increase the tone of the uterus, which can lead to irreversible consequences.

Also, viburnum (in case of overdose) can cause an allergic reaction, which will not please you at all expectant mother. To protect yourself from negative impact, a woman should consult a doctor about taking viburnum as a remedy. Only a specialist can say for sure whether the plant can be used in your case.

Viburnum for children: benefit or harm?

Kalina - unique plant which is good for children's health. Its rich chemical composition, as mentioned above, has anti-inflammatory and general strengthening effect. Viburnum is used for children's colds, bronchitis, fever, and pneumonia.

For a child, as a rule, tea is prepared from medicinal berries with the addition of honey (in the absence of allergies). To begin, grind the berries (2 tablespoons), add water (1 glass) and cook for half an hour over low heat.

When the composition has cooled slightly, add a little honey (a teaspoon). Children are given this healing remedy three times a day, a third of a glass.

In addition, for colds and coughs, sweet jam from viburnum berries is used, which in season is prepared as follows: the fruits of the plant are ground with sugar (1:1).

However, before using any viburnum-based product, you should consult your pediatrician.

As a rule, experts advise using viburnum - most useful remedy for the body of a child from 2 years old.

A plant with properties wide range actions - viburnum is extremely beneficial for health.

Moreover, all its parts have medicinal properties. There are many ways to use viburnum. Only a few have been touched upon in this article. Everyone can choose a recipe for themselves that will relieve one or another disease.

The main thing is not to overdo it. Viburnum must be taken in doses.

Widely used in folk medicine As a general tonic, viburnum, its benefits and harms have been well studied and described in detail in medical reference books. Its healing power lies in a unique mixture active ingredients, which are found in the juice of berries.

Viburnum has berries of different tastes, and its juice can be bitter or sweet and sour. The bitter taste of viburnum is given by the glycoside viburnin, which increases blood clotting, has vasoconstrictor properties and stimulates the female reproductive system. Its presence is a reason for contraindication for certain health conditions.

When fresh, the berries have a strongly pronounced therapeutic effect, and this property does not allow taking viburnum preparations in large quantities. After heat treatment Some of the active substances disintegrate, and this makes it possible to consume viburnum in large quantities if you make jam, compote, or fruit juice from it. Drinks made from heat-treated viburnum can be given to children. The berry does not cause allergic reactions, which allows you to use it in the children's menu.

What are the benefits of fresh fruits?

Red viburnum has a high percentage of pectin in its fruits. It stabilizes metabolic processes in the body and is able to reduce the level of bad cholesterol. Thanks to pectin, viburnum drinks improve intestinal motility and normalize peripheral blood circulation.

Pectin in fruits allows the juice to have a beneficial effect on processes associated with cleansing the body of intoxication. Its enveloping and astringent properties improve the condition digestive system for colitis. Fresh Juice viburnum acts as a remedy with anti-inflammatory properties, relieving painful sensations in a stomach. Organic acids, vitamins and tannins improve human health in general.

The berry contains large quantities of vitamins A and E. This vital compound is necessary for normal vision and is considered indispensable for maintaining good condition skin, hair and nail plates. Vitamins participate in regeneration processes, increase the body's resistance to infections that actively attack humans in the autumn-winter period. Schoolchildren who consume viburnum juice have increased performance and mental activity.

Potassium, which is contained in the berry, has a beneficial effect on work of cardio-vascular system. It promotes the removal of water from cells and cleanses the kidneys. Magnesium is vital important component, which the body of any person needs. Children need it to develop bone tissue and promotes normal digestion. The berry and drinks made from it, such as fruit drinks and compote, help fight colds and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Berry puree can be used for cosmetic purposes. It is used to make a mask for the face and hands for mature and tired skin.

How can you prepare viburnum?

All products made from viburnum juice are good for maintaining human health when protective functions body. The berries are often dried to a solid state at a temperature of 40-50 degrees, then used for cooking dosage forms. An infusion of dry berries will be useful for those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Red viburnum is not very edible in in kind. Her taste qualities(from bitter to sweet and sour) do not allow for a long time feast on the fruits. The bitter-tasting berries are frozen and then made into a compote or fruit drink, adding sugar or honey to the drink. After heat treatment, a significant part of the bitterness leaves the juice. The juice of the bitterberry can be digested with sugar to produce jam, which can be consumed with tea or on its own. It is boiled for no more than 5 minutes, and then poured hot into sterilized glass vessels and sealed with sterile lids.

Juice is squeezed out of sweet and sour fruits, which is mixed with sugar and stored in the refrigerator without heat treatment. Sugar is simply poured into the juice and allowed to dissolve; to do this, the mixture is constantly stirred with a wooden spatula. After complete dissolution, the resulting raw jam is packaged in sterile containers and stored in the refrigerator.

A small amount of raw jam can be used to prepare fruit drink, which is taken in limited quantities so as not to harm the body with an overabundance of nutrients and medicinal substances.

Frozen berries can be used for a long time. It is ground through a sieve and prepared:

  • mousse;
  • jelly;
  • jelly;
  • marmalade;
  • compote.

Sweet and sour berries can be ground and prepared from the resulting puree into a filling for pies by mixing the liquid substance with starch.

Babies from six months old can already be given fruit drinks and compote from viburnum juice in small quantities. After heat treatment, a significant part of the viburnin glycoside disintegrates, and the compote stimulates the immune system without harm to health. When making a drink, you need to make sure that the drink does not have too rich a taste. It is useful to take juice from different berries, mixed in equal parts with honey, to normalize metabolic processes and saturate the body with ascorbic acid.

When fruits are contraindicated

The healing properties of viburnum fruit juice can have completely different effects. In some cases, they can be harmful to health due to individual intolerance to the components. There are contraindications for eating the berry and products made from it.

Viburnum is harmful for pregnant women to eat, since the berry contains phytohormones. The glycoside viburnin contained in the juice tones the walls of the uterus and can cause premature birth or terminate the pregnancy early stages. Contraindications to taking compotes and fruit drinks from viburnum apply throughout the entire period of pregnancy, so as not to harm the female body.

People with a history of chronic diseases kidney Contraindications apply to people suffering from hyperacidity gastric juice.

Viburnum, even after heat treatment, should not be consumed if there is a history of blood diseases. People with such diagnoses should discuss an individual list of products with their doctor, because even fruit drinks and compote may have contraindications.

Viburnum is a plant very revered among the people. These are small red berries with a relatively large flat seed.

Viburnum grows in the form of tall branched bushes or small trees. It bears fruit in the 3-4th year. The berries ripen at the end of September and have a bitter taste. They become sweet and tasty after the first frost.

Composition, vitamins, beneficial and medicinal properties for the body

Viburnum has long been valued by pharmacists and herbalists for its many useful substances, which are part of it. In this, it is not inferior to rose hips, raspberries, black currants and sea buckthorn.

According to the concentration of vitamin C, viburnum one and a half times even outstripped lemon. It is incredibly rich in organic acids: acetic, isovaleric; there's a lot in it ascorbic acid, as well as sugar, carotene, vitamins P and K, provitamin A, tannins and pectin substances. In addition, viburnum berries contain phosphorus, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium and iodine.

Thanks to medicinal Due to its properties, viburnum is considered a panacea for many diseases. It is recommended for use by both traditional healers and doctors. How did she earn such a reputation?

  • Red viburnum − perfect assistant in supporting the immune system, since its pulp contains a lot of vitamins C and P.
  • Viburnum is used in medicine as a general tonic.
  • Thanks to its astringent and antiseptic substances, viburnum promotes the rapid healing of wounds; it is useful for any skin diseases.
  • Viburnum berries have diuretic properties, so it is useful to use when renal failure and urinary dysfunction.
  • Viburnum increases the level of red blood cells, so it will be very useful for people with low hemoglobin, as well as young mothers in postpartum period.
  • Ripe viburnum berries are very useful for women. At gynecological diseases, namely, with uterine bleeding due to them, viburnum can also help. It will also help transfer painful menstruation.
  • Viburnum is used for hemorrhoids and acute diseases intestines. Pectin substances normalize digestion. So red viburnum is also indispensable for men.
  • Substances contained in viburnum berries have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart; vitamin P has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Viburin is a unique substance that has the ability to constrict blood vessels. By the way, it is this element that gives viburnum berries a bitter taste.
  • Viburnum is widely used in cosmetology. Her great benefit for facial skin, which consists in a rejuvenating effect, leaves no doubt.
  • For bronchitis and bronchial asthma It is very useful to drink viburnum juice.
  • Viburnum tincture is useful for increased acidity. In addition, it increases appetite.

Calorie content of red berries

A significant advantage of viburnum is its low-calorie: per 100 grams of product there are only 26 kcal.

The unique healing properties of red berries will help you get rid of extra pounds, while maximally enriching the body with beneficial vitamins And microelements. Viburnum decoction is very beneficial for the throat.


If you eat red berries too often, can provoke diseases such as ischemia, arterial hypertension and hypoxia.

Increased pressure and too high a concentration of trace elements that make up viburnum can cause blood clots and lead to dire consequences.

  • Viburnum can be harmful for both children and adults in cases of an allergic reaction.
  • Since red viburnum berries and the fruit drink made from them are an effective diuretic, excessive consumption it can be harmful.
  • The issue regarding patients with enuresis remains controversial. Although doctors use berries as a diuretic, they in this case This method of treatment will provoke a complication of the patient’s condition, as it will attack the kidneys. The result is a decrease in immunity due to a lack of nutrients, microelements and vitamins.
  • Viburnum seeds separated from the berries are not so harmful. They are used as one of the ingredients in a decoction that is used for coughs. Their use is also popular in cosmetology.


Undoubtedly, viburnum is very beneficial for the body, but some people should use it carefully. Viburnum, like any product, has a number of contraindications:

  • People with high blood clotting and thrombosis should also not overuse viburnum berries.
  • When treating gout, urolithiasis, arthritis, viburnum is contraindicated due to a substance called purine, which increases the level uric acid in organism.
  • People with high acidity of gastric juice, gastritis and gastric ulcers need to be careful in using viburnum, as it increases the secretion of gastric juice.
  • Viburnum also lowers blood pressure, so it can cause fainting in people suffering from hypotension.

Application in medicine

Not only viburnum berries are used for medicinal purposes. First of all, its bark is considered especially valuable.

It is collected only during the period of sap flow, making cuts and carefully separating it from the trunk. The resulting pieces of bark are dried and used in dried form.

They are used to make decoctions to stop bleeding, especially during the postpartum period.. They are also used as sedative. For hemorrhoids, it is useful to take a decoction of viburnum bark orally.

Viburnum berry juice is widely used for prevention oncological diseases. Constant intake of viburnum juice has a positive effect on the general well-being of patients suffering from tumors of the digestive tract.

Viburnum leaves, flowers and roots are also widely used in medicine, mostly dried. Decoctions of viburnum roots are used for increased sweating, rheumatism, diarrhea. It is used to make lotions for skin diseases and purulent conjunctivitis.

Tea is prepared from viburnum blossom, which removes nervous tension and soothing. This tea, in addition, also has a diuretic effect.

Various infusions of viburnum flowers are useful for rashes different types and scrofula. It is good to rinse your mouth with these infusions when you have a sore throat, as viburnum is very beneficial for the throat.

Is very valuable oil viburnum fruits. It is used both in medicine and in cosmetology, since it contains a large amount useful substances: vitamins A, K, E, C, P, calcium, manganese, iron, chromium, nickel, carotene and others.

Application in cosmetology

In cosmetology, viburnum is used as widely as in medicine, using not only fruits, but also bark, flowers and leaves:

  • Rub fresh juice from the berries onto oily facial skin to refresh and remove acne. In addition, juice mixed with sour cream helps eliminate dark spots, fade freckles and simply lighten the skin after a heavy tan.
  • Has a refreshing and tonic effect homemade mask from fresh crushed viburnum leaves. It should be applied on a greasy cream so as not to damage the skin.
  • For sweating hands and feet, you can use a decoction of viburnum bark.
  • Warm hand baths made from sea ​​salt and viburnum juice. In addition, after such baths, the skin of your hands will become as soft as a baby’s.
  • With the help of viburnum, you can even fight the appearance of wrinkles by simply freezing viburnum juice in ice cube trays. Rubbing your face daily with this product will give your skin elasticity.
  • From viburnum you can make many different facial lotions that will help rejuvenate, moisturize and refresh the skin.

Viburnum is a genus of deciduous or evergreen shrubs and small trees belonging to the Adoxaceae family. It has more than one and a half hundred species, most of which are common in the northern hemisphere of the planet. The fruits, as well as the bark of this unpretentious shade-tolerant plant, have healing properties and are widely used in folk and official medicine.

In our country, Viburnum is found almost everywhere in temperate and subtropical latitudes, including in the North Caucasus and Siberia. It grows in forests, as well as along the banks of rivers and lakes. Most often here you can find common Viburnum (red), alder-leaved, Buryat and birch-leaved, as well as David's Viburnum.

The leaves of the bush are arranged oppositely; The flowers collected in apical inflorescences are white or pinkish in color. The fruit is a fleshy red drupe berry.

note: Black Viburnum berries should not be eaten as they are poisonous!

The flowering period of viburnum is quite short - it begins at the end of May and ends, as a rule, at the end of the first week of June.

As a raw material for cooking medicines They use bark collected during the period of sap flow, as well as leaves, roots and flowers. They are dried in the open air under a canopy. Healing properties They also have berries that are recommended to be picked after the first frost, which removes the bitter taste from the fruit.

Harvesting fruits should only be done in dry weather. After picking, the berries can be stored dried or frozen, or made into jam. Not all beneficial properties are retained during cooking. It is recommended to slightly wither the Viburnum fruits in the sun, and then dry them in an oven preheated to + 60˚C. It is better to store this raw material for medicinal decoctions in bags made of natural fabric.

note: Valuable oil is obtained from Viburnum berries, which is widely used in cosmetology and medicine.

Biologically active substances of Viburnum

The fruits and other parts of the plant contain the following beneficial substances:

  • carotenoids;
  • glycosides;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins (A, C, E, K, P);
  • tannins;
  • β-sitosterol;
  • trace elements (iron, chromium, calcium, nickel, selenium, etc.).

Healing properties of Viburnum

Viburnum has anti-inflammatory, astringent and bactericidal properties, thanks to the tannins present in its composition. Also, tannins, which are most abundant in the bark of the shrub, help speed up the healing process when ulcerative lesions organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Flowers and fruits are a valuable source of a number of vitamins, so decoctions and infusions of them are indicated for hypovitaminosis, bleeding disorders, anemia (anemia) and to strengthen the body's defenses (immunity). The active substances have a mild calming (sedative) effect, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Kalina's preparations help normalize the functioning of the digestive system. Substances contained in all parts of the plant (but mainly in the fruits) have diuretic (diuretic) properties; they lower blood pressure when hypertension and help reduce swelling that occurs against the background of certain diseases of the cardiovascular system. Decoctions have a beneficial effect on organs urinary system(kidneys).

Traditional medicine recommends Kalina for the treatment of a number of “ women's diseases"and disorders, including fibroids and uterine fibroids, copious discharge during menstruation, as well as (painful menstruation) and “hot flashes” characteristic of the menopause period (menopause).

Important:It is believed that Viburnum decoctions can help even with malignant neoplasms mammary gland, but use any traditional methods for cancer treatment it is necessary only in parallel with the ongoing drug therapy or other treatments prescribed by an oncologist.

When should you use Kalina?

Uses of Viburnum bark

Viburnum bark is indicated for the treatment of diseases such as:

  • neurasthenia;
  • hysteria;
  • ulcerative damage to the walls of the stomach and duodenum;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • diarrhea.

Bark decoction recipe recommended for nervous diseases and gastritis

Take 15 grams of dried Viburnum bark, add 400 ml of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil for 5-10 minutes, cool, squeeze and add water until baseline. The decoction should be taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Use of fruits

Viburnum fruits are indicated for the following pathologies:

  • convulsive syndrome
  • "cardiac" edema;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • colitis;
  • enteritis;
  • vascular spasms;

It is also recommended to take berry infusion to restore normal immunity and generally strengthen the body during the recovery period after suffering severe somatic diseases. Important: when treating respiratory diseases (in particular bronchitis), it is advisable to add natural honey to the water infusion, which helps to enhance therapeutic effect herbal medicine.

Recipe for infusion of Viburnum berries for swelling and normalization of blood pressure

Take 5 tbsp. spoons of fresh or frozen fruits, grind and pour 600 ml of boiling water. Leave for 3 hours, then strain. Take 100 ml of water infusion of fruits 4 times a day (preferably before meals).

Use of Viburnum flowers

Biologically active substances, present in Viburnum flowers, can stimulate gastric secretion and improve blood clotting. An infusion of them is recommended for:

  • hypoacid gastritis, i.e. with low acidity gastric juice;
  • pulmonary hemorrhages;
  • difficulty breathing due to colds.

Recipe for infusion of Viburnum flowers

Take 1 tbsp. spoon of dried flowers, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 1 hour, then strain. Take 15-20 ml (1 tablespoon) after meals 2-3 times a day.

Note:Viburnum berries are characterized by very low calorie content (26 kilocalories per 100 grams). This dietary product is recommended for people with overweight and diagnosed obesity.


Viburnum-based products have a number of contraindications:

  • individual hypersensitivity (sensitivity);
  • increased susceptibility to thrombosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • gout;
  • artiritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • severe renal failure.

Note:In case of increased acidity and hyperacid gastritis, Viburnum preparations should be taken with caution.

Methods of application

As a rule, herbal medicines based on parts of the plant are prescribed for oral administration. Externally, infusions and decoctions of berries can be used to treat skin for various rashes, and topically for nosebleeds, soaking tampons with the drug. Freshly squeezed juice of Viburnum fruits should be drunk for liver diseases and bronchial asthma. It is also recommended for rinsing for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth (stomatitis) and throat (sore throat). Treating the skin with juice allows you to as soon as possible get rid of acne (acne).

Viburnum during pregnancy

Women who are carrying a child are recommended to drink Kalina preparations (in particular, its fruits) as a general tonic, as well as to stimulate the process of hematopoiesis. Decoctions help increase the number of red blood cells and increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which is especially important in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

Important: Before starting to take herbal medicines, you must consult with your doctor and perform allergy skin tests!

Side effects of Kalina

After taking decoctions and infusions of Viburnum side effects are observed extremely rarely. In people with hypersensitivity(intolerance) to any active substances contained in parts of the plant, allergic reactions may develop. Increased gastric secretion can cause heartburn. With hypotension, an additional decrease in blood pressure sometimes leads to loss of consciousness.

Application of Viburnum in cosmetology

The biologically active substances of this plant have a tonic, cleansing and rejuvenating effect on the skin. To prepare cosmetic masks, crushed berries (preferably fresh) are used, which are mixed with glycerin, honey, oatmeal and vegetable oil. For oily skin face masks are recommended from Viburnum juice mixed with lemon juice and beaten egg white.
