What can you eat if you are poisoned: tips, allowed foods, sample menu. What can a child eat after food poisoning: basic principles of diet and sample menu What can you eat when leaving

Diet after intoxication of the body with food is essential element complex treatment aimed at restoring performance intestinal tract and complete cleansing of the body from toxins and toxic substances. After completing the procedures included in the set of priority measures to eliminate the consequences of poisoning, it is necessary to pay attention to important aspects regarding gentle nutrition.

The diet for food poisoning is also aimed at providing the body with the rest necessary to fully restore the functionality of all systems and organs, which is why it is so important to follow the recommended rules.

Most important period recovery after food poisoning is the first three to five days, during which strict rules regarding a gentle daily regimen and nutrition should be followed. It should be remembered that returning to a previously habitual diet is possible no earlier than two to three weeks after intoxication.

The basic rules of the diet according to the days include:

Days after intoxication of the body How to eat Compliance with drinking regime
First day. On the first day, it is recommended to exclude meals in full. You should only drink clean water in the required quantity.
Second day. During the second day, you should eat only porridge and boiled vegetables, pureed. It is acceptable to drink weak black tea and water.
Third day. On the third day, you can include vegetable-based soups in your diet. It is recommended to drink unsweetened compotes made from dried fruits without added sugar.
Fourth day. It is allowed to add a small amount of crackers, previously soaked in broth, to the dishes. You can add sweet tea, fruit drinks, and jelly to your diet.
Fifth day. It is acceptable to include sweet fruits, yogurt, and cottage cheese in the diet. It is acceptable to introduce fermented milk products in small quantities.

If the patient's condition worsens while consuming food during the first three days, it is recommended to rinse the stomach and extend the fasting period by one to two days. Typically, this happens when severe forms poisoning

Advice! Regardless of the degree and form of food intoxication, the patient must be examined by the attending physician before treatment. Self-medication carried out at home can cause irreversible consequences.

After intoxication of the body with food, it is recommended to eat dishes and drinks that help to more quickly cleanse the body and remove toxic substances and poisons.

  1. Rice porridge prepared with water, without adding sugar, salt, butter or milk. This dish acts like sorbents, literally absorbing toxic substances and removing them naturally from the body. Porridge made from buckwheat and oatmeal also has similar properties.
  2. Vegetable puree. A puree made from ground, pre-boiled zucchini, carrots, and cauliflower helps restore the normal functioning of the digestive organs and does not cause negative reactions from the body. You should not add salt or oil to it.
  3. Decoctions based medicinal herbs, such as mint and chamomile. This tea helps cleanse the body and gently stimulates peristalsis. It should be drunk without honey and sugar.

As additional dishes that can be consumed on the first day after poisoning, provided a strong appetite appears, it is necessary to name puree from baked apples and bananas, as well as a weak dried fruit compote.

Advice! After the first meal, it is necessary to carefully monitor the body's reaction to the food eaten.

Prohibited Products

For a sufficiently long period of time after food poisoning, a number of foods and dishes that have harmful effects should be categorically excluded from the usual diet. negative impact on organs digestive tract and prevent complete cleansing of the body.

Add to list harmful products including the following:

  1. Fresh vegetables and fruits that have not undergone heat treatment.
  2. Some types of vegetables: onions, garlic, potatoes, including young, white cabbage.
  3. Fatty fish and meats.
  4. All types of legumes.
  5. All types of flour products. On the third day after poisoning, it is permissible to include a small amount of crackers from rye bread.
  6. Canned food, marinades, pickles, smoked meats.
  7. Sweet drinks: sparkling water, canned juices.
  8. Any sweets.

In addition, you should refrain from consuming soups based on fatty varieties meat and fish. Dishes prepared by frying and baking in the oven should be completely excluded from the diet.

Advice! Correct mode The diet must be maintained for at least a month after poisoning. After the specified amount of time, it is permissible to gradually introduce products from the list of prohibited items into the menu.

Authorized Products

In the first day or two from the moment of poisoning, it is recommended to completely abstain from eating; it is permissible to consume only water and unsweetened compotes. This measure is necessary to restore the activity of the digestive tract and cleanse the body of toxins and waste. You should eat only when you feel very hungry. The volume of the first portions of food should not exceed 150 - 200 milliliters.

Among the products that can be consumed already on the second or third day after poisoning, it is necessary to name:

  1. Liquid viscous porridges prepared on the basis of oatmeal, buckwheat or rice. Such porridges should be cooked for a long time, which is necessary for the grains to be completely boiled. As additional measure You can rub the finished porridge through a sieve. It is not recommended to add salt, sugar, honey or butter to it.
  2. Puree of zucchini, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, sweet pepper. Based on the listed vegetables, you can also prepare light soups without adding meat, animal or vegetable fats.
  3. Approximately on the fifth day after poisoning, it is permissible to gradually introduce into the patient’s diet a small amount of lean meat, previously minced through a meat grinder. Based on the resulting minced meat, it is recommended to prepare steamed meatballs or meatballs with the addition of vegetable puree or rice cereal.
  4. Rye bread crackers, dry lean crackers. The optimal amount of such products during the day is no more than two slices. It is advisable to soak the crackers or crackers before use.

After a week after food poisoning, you can gradually introduce fermented milk products into the patient’s diet; you should not consume whole milk. When purchasing yoghurt, kefir, fermented baked milk or other products, you should pay special attention to their freshness. The price of fermented milk products should also not be excessively low.

Sample menu for the week

What can you eat after food poisoning, and how to choose the right diet? The patient’s menu in the first three weeks implies mandatory split meals and consumption large quantity liquids. Such measures help restore digestion and remove toxic substances from the body.

An approximate patient menu for the first five days may look like this:

Days after poisoning Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Second day. As a first and second breakfast, the patient is recommended to drink one and a half to two glasses of warm vegetable broth, to which you can add a cracker. Half a glass of puree made from steamed vegetables. As an afternoon snack and second dinner, you should also drink one and a half to two glasses of broth.
The third day. Breakfast is a thin porridge of overcooked rice.

Second breakfast – a glass of vegetable broth.

Vegetable puree, vegetable broth. Afternoon snack – a glass of oatmeal jelly and dry Lenten cookies. Vegetable broth and a couple of crackers.
Fourth day. Rice porridge cooked without salt, butter and milk.

Second breakfast – oatmeal jelly, one dry cookie.

Soup is pureed vegetables with a small amount of pureed chicken or rabbit meat.

Afternoon snack – vegetable broth.

Vegetable puree, oatmeal jelly.
Fifth day. Breakfast – buckwheat cooked in water with the addition of a small amount of salt.

Second breakfast – fruit casserole.

Soup of vegetables and fish balls.

Afternoon snack – one cookie and a glass of jelly.

Stewed or steamed vegetables.

During the first five days after poisoning, you should drink as much liquid as possible, for example, tea, unsweetened juices, fruit drinks, compotes. You should drink liquid every half hour, regardless of whether you feel thirsty. This measure will cleanse the body of toxins and speed up recovery.

Folk recipes

As mentioned above, in case of poisoning, it is recommended to consume as much liquid as possible, which helps remove toxic substances from the body. In the field of traditional medicine, there are many recipes for various drinks prepared on the basis of simple and accessible ingredients, the price of which is low. Taking them as a drink not only stimulates the processes of metabolism and cleansing, but also saturates the body with essential microelements.

As the most healthy drinks must be named:

  1. Rosehip infusion. Pour three tablespoons of whole or chopped fruit into a liter of boiling water and bring to a boil again. Drink as a compote, you can sweeten the drink with a small amount of honey.
  2. Ginger tea. A teaspoon of pre-crushed or ground root should be poured with a glass of boiling water, after which it is recommended to infuse the resulting mixture for at least a couple of hours. Drink like regular tea.
  3. Dill decoction. A teaspoon of pre-dried raw material should be poured with a glass of boiling water, and then allowed to cool. It is recommended to take only after completing the fasting period. Drink half an hour before main meals.
  4. Flaxseed decoction. To prepare it, you need to mix a teaspoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water. Shake the resulting mixture periodically until it cools completely, and then drink it as regular tea.

You should drink such drinks for at least three days after poisoning. To obtain optimal results, it is recommended to continue the course of treatment for up to seven to ten days. Before taking, you should exclude the occurrence of possible reactions allergic in nature.

Before you think about what to eat if you have food poisoning, you need to remember that lack of diet and balanced diet during the rehabilitation period can lead to serious consequences. These include dysbacteriosis, gastritis and other types of diseases of the digestive tract. It is gentle nutrition that allows you to reduce the risk of developing pathologies and speed up the healing process.

When eating low-quality or expired products, dirty water, undercooked meat or uncooked vegetables can cause food poisoning. The disease is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and stool upset. As treatment, the patient is prescribed a special diet.

Nutrition rules for intoxication

To make it easier for an adult to recover, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Maintain drinking regime. Drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day - still water, sweet and sour juices, herbal or rose hip decoctions, tea, jelly. For additional rehydration, you can use Oralit and Regidron saline solutions.
  • The first days of food poisoning are fasting days. The daily volume of portions should not exceed 150-300 grams, gradually increasing the amount eaten.
  • Stick to fractional meals. Eat food in small portions, but often - 5-6 times a day.
  • Food must be thermally processed. Acceptable: boiling, steaming, baking. Frying must be completely avoided.
  • Vegetables, meat, fruits should be consumed in grated or pureed form. Chew thoroughly.
  • Salt consumption should be limited to 6-8 grams per day.

The basis of the diet after poisoning in adults

The duration of the diet and the range of permitted and prohibited foods may vary depending on the severity of food intoxication or the presence of complications. On average, therapeutic nutrition after poisoning is prescribed to adults for a period of 4-7 days.

The goal of the diet is to ensure maximum peace of the digestive tract through proper thermal and mechanical processing of food.

Gentle nutrition:

  • helps restore electrolyte balance;
  • eliminates symptoms of dehydration;
  • reduces signs of intoxication - eliminates diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, weakness;
  • facilitates the functioning of the gallbladder and liver;
  • restores intestinal microflora.

The most dangerous food for poisoning

A gentle diet for food intoxication in adults involves complete failure from the following products:

  • raw vegetables, fruits;
  • fast food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • canned, salty, hot, spicy foods;
  • legumes;
  • coffee;
  • strong tea;
  • fresh bread, pastries;
  • confectionery;
  • rich broths, soups;
  • fatty varieties of fish, meat;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup and other sauces;
  • fermented milk and dairy products with a high percentage of fat content (sour cream, cream, butter, fatty cottage cheese).

Types of diet for intoxication

When diagnosing food poisoning in adults, treatment tables developed by Pevzner are prescribed. Each type of diet has its own purpose:

  • table No. 0 – helps relieve symptoms of intoxication in the first 3-4 days;
  • table No. 1a – helps restore the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, relieves inflammation;
  • table No. 5 – alleviates the condition of patients with diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

Diet table 0

The therapeutic diet provides maximum peace to the digestive tract, helps restore intestinal microflora, electrolyte balance. Due to its low calorie content (up to 1200 kcal per day), diet No. 0 is prescribed for adults for a short period of time - no more than 3-4 days.

The diet of an adult with food poisoning should be similar to baby food. All products must be well steamed or boiled. Before serving, all components of the dish must be ground through a sieve or minced several times.

Food is served only warm – up to 45 °C. You should eat no more than 200-300 grams of food at one time. The menu is allowed to include:

Dietary table 1a

Medical nutrition helps with exacerbations peptic ulcer, food poisoning in adults, after gastric surgery. Energy value diet – 1800-2000 kcal. Dishes are served warm (15-50 °C) in liquid or semi-liquid form. The diet for poisoning in adults allows the use of the following products:

  • lean varieties of meat, poultry, fish;
  • soft-boiled eggs (up to 3-4 pieces per day) or steam omelet;
  • liquid milk porridges from rice, oatmeal, semolina;
  • jellies, mousses, jelly from non-acidic fruits;
  • slimy soups;
  • thermally processed vegetables (except legumes).

Proper nutrition – one of the important methods of therapy for various diseases digestive system. A diet in case of poisoning will help you recover quickly and avoid the development of complications; it is especially important to adhere to the diet for children and the elderly.

In case of poisoning, it is important to eat healthy foods in small portions

Food poisoning develops after consuming low-quality foods, alcoholic beverages, negative symptoms arise due to the accumulation in the body of a large amount of toxic waste that is produced during the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Diet for food poisoning is a must Get well soon, proper nutrition will help restore the balance of nutrients, electrolytes, eliminate signs of dehydration and inflammation, and speed up the healing process of the mucous membrane.

Nutrition principles:

  1. In the daily diet, the amount of carbohydrates is 200 g, proteins - 80 g, 70% should be animal proteins, fats - 85 g.
  2. Food should be consumed in fractions - every 2–2.5 hours, the serving weight should be approximately 100 g.
  3. Drinking regime - you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid per day, which will help cleanse the body of toxic waste and prevent dehydration. Drink mineral alkaline water without gas, medicinal decoctions and infusions need 70–80 ml every half hour so as not to provoke vomiting.
  4. All food must be boiled, cooked in a double boiler, after cooking, food must be ground, pureed, meat must be twisted twice.
  5. You should eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly; there should be no distractions during the meal - TV, books, conversations.
  6. All food and drinks should be at a comfortable temperature – 18–55 degrees.
  7. Minimize salt intake – salty foods irritate the digestive mucosa.
  8. You should absolutely not drink alcohol, otherwise the kidneys and liver, which suffer greatly from poisoning, will work even worse.
  9. The duration of the diet is 1.5–3 weeks, depending on the severity of the poisoning. It is necessary to return to a normal diet gradually; you can introduce only one new dish to the menu daily.

To cleanse the body of toxins, you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day.

After poisoning with poor-quality food or alcohol, you must adhere to diet 1a, 4. Daily consumption calories – 1900–2000 kcal.

What can you eat if you are poisoned?

After severe poisoning can only be consumed dietary food With high content animal proteins, which are required to create new cells and restore the integrity of the mucosa.

List of permitted products:

  • weak broths based on meat and vegetables;
  • zucchini, carrots, beets;
  • bananas;
  • oatmeal, rice, semolina, buckwheat on water, after 3-4 days you can add a little milk and butter to them;
  • turkey and chicken;
  • fish low-fat varieties;
  • cottage cheese, acidophilus, kefir, yogurt, low fat;
  • boiled eggs, steamed omelet;
  • crackers, dried bread, biscuits, crackers;
  • natural juices diluted half with water, rosehip decoction.

In case of poisoning, you can use low-fat broths

Additionally, you can take vitamins - ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system and the walls of blood vessels, restores damaged epithelium. Retinol and tocopherol help fight inflammatory processes, B vitamins provide normal functioning digestive tract.

The diet plan for food poisoning does not imply a complete exclusion of sweets - you can drink compotes, jelly, and eat marmalade in small quantities. These products promote the synthesis of glycogen, which helps the body quickly cleanse itself of the accumulation of toxins.

What not to eat if poisoned

A diet after stomach poisoning involves complete exclusion from the diet of junk food, foods that irritate the mucous membranes and cause increased gas formation.

List of prohibited products:

  • spicy, hot, fried, pickled, smoked, fatty dishes, fast food;
  • fresh fruits, sour berries, citrus fruits, nuts;
  • legumes, all varieties of cabbage, mushrooms, radishes, onions, cucumbers;
  • fresh bread and pastries, cakes, chocolate, pasta;
  • rich broths, multi-ingredient soups;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • canned food, sausages, semi-finished products, sauces;
  • pearl barley, millet, corn porridge;
  • strong coffee, tea, sweet soda.

You should not eat fatty or spicy foods after poisoning

Within 48 hours after signs of poisoning appear, you need to completely stop eating; if you have an appetite, you can eat unleavened crackers, a piece of stale bread, drink cabbage juice, or rosehip decoction. Alkaline mineral waters help eliminate negative symptoms well - Polyana Kvasova, only you need to release the gas first.

Sample menu

Once you have an appetite, you need to create a menu of allowed foods to make it easier to stick to your diet. The dishes can be prepared the same for an adult and a child, only the serving size will differ.

Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
1 Liquid oatmeal with water, boiled egg, green tea. Fruit puree, compote Mashed potatoes, chicken mousse, jelly Baked fish Boiled rice, banana
2 Oatmeal, steam omelette Banana puree, natural yogurt Rice porridge with water, chicken or turkey meatballs, jelly Low-fat cottage cheese, compote Yogurt, banana
3 Oatmeal with a little honey, weak tea Banana, compote of dried apples and pears Boiled meat, a slice of stale bread, still alkaline mineral water Chicken broth, croutons Stewed vegetables, jelly

As snacks, you can eat crackers, biscuits, and crackers; before going to bed, you should drink a glass of kefir, yogurt or jelly.

Recipes for diet foods

Dietary dishes are easy to prepare; they need to be prepared immediately before consumption; they cannot be eaten on the second day.

What can be prepared to treat poisoning:

  1. Healthy broth. Boil in 5 liters of water chicken breast without skin, after boiling, drain the water. Re-fill the meat with water in the same volume, after boiling, add 100 g of finely chopped carrots, a small whole peeled onion. Cook until the meat is done, remove the onion before serving.
  2. Oatmeal and pear jelly. Mix 50 g of dried fruits and 30 g of flakes, add 400 ml of water, bring the mixture to a boil, cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour. The drink can be given to children older than six months to eliminate signs of poisoning.
  3. Rice porridge. Rinse several times cold water 45 g of rice, add 300 ml of water, cook for 20 minutes.
  4. Steamed meatballs. Boil 50 g of rice until half cooked, cool, combine with 220 g minced chicken, add a little salt, form small balls. Cook in a steamer for 35–45 minutes.
  5. Nutritional cocktail. Grind the pulp of one banana, pour in 200 ml of milk, beat thoroughly in a blender. This drink can be consumed 3-4 days after poisoning; it satisfies hunger well and replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and microelements.

If you eat incorrectly after poisoning, colitis, gastritis, dysbacteriosis may develop, food allergy. Pregnant women may experience miscarriage due to severe intoxication, premature birth, placental abruption, severe bleeding.

Diet after food, alcohol, drug poisoning Designed to quickly remove toxins, restore the functioning of the digestive system, and eliminate nutritional deficiencies. If you eat improperly, it is difficult for the body to cope with intoxication, which can lead to the development of serious complications.

Almost everyone has experienced the unpleasant symptoms of food poisoning. Therefore the signs this state well known to everyone. Nausea, vomiting, and constant diarrhea are very exhausting for a person. The patient feels severe weakness. And, of course, the stomach hurts very much after poisoning. What to do in such a situation? How to help the body survive poisoning and recover faster?

General principles

Before you think about what to do when your stomach hurts after poisoning, you need to understand what you are dealing with.

Poisoning is acute disorder digestive system, provoked by the intake of toxic or low-quality foods and drinks.

The following types of pathology are distinguished:

  1. Food poisoning. It is provoked by the consumption of low-quality products, contaminated food. Ignoring sanitary rules can lead to such poisoning.
  2. Non-infectious toxic poisoning. Their occurrence is dictated by the penetration of chemical or natural toxins into the body along with food. These are a variety of chemicals poisonous plants, mushrooms.

You can only fight the first type of poisoning on your own at home. If you suspect that the pathology is non-infectious, then contacting a doctor is mandatory.

In addition, regardless of the cause of poisoning, medical assistance is necessary for pregnant women, nursing mothers, elderly people and children.

Characteristic symptoms

The first signs characterizing poisoning may appear in a person 30 minutes after eating low-quality food. Sometimes negative symptoms makes itself felt after a day.

The following characteristic manifestations indicate food poisoning:

  • the occurrence of painful nausea;
  • the appearance of repeated vomiting (initially eaten food, then gastric juice and finally - ineffective vomiting);
  • persistent diarrhea (watery stool contains remnants of undigested food and has a foul odor);
  • abdominal pain;
  • secretion of saliva in large quantities;
  • dizziness, weakness;
  • chills, fever.

How long does your stomach hurt after poisoning? On average, unpleasant symptoms persist for 1-3 days. Gradually, the severity of such a clinic subsides, of course, if timely measures are taken to combat the disease.

First aid

Many people complain that their stomach hurts after food poisoning. And this is not surprising. After all, there is toxic food in the body. To slightly reduce the severity of such symptoms, the remains of poisons should be removed from the digestive tract. For such purposes, gastric lavage is performed.

The event is carried out as follows:

  1. First prepare the solution. You can use potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). For 1 liter of water you will need a small pinch. The solution should be light pink. Provides excellent results baking soda. To prepare the solution, use the following proportions: for 1.5-2 liters of water - 1 tbsp. l. soda
  2. This liquid should be drunk in small sips.
  3. After drinking a small amount of the solution, induce vomiting. To do this, gently press with 2 fingers on the root of the tongue.
  4. Drink fluids again. Repeat induction of vomiting.

Gastric lavage lasts until clean water comes out of it.

Drug therapy

A person is not always able to quickly figure out if he has a stomach ache after poisoning, what to do and what medications to take.

  1. Sorbents. These are medications that are able to absorb harmful toxins and remove them from the body. These medications should be taken as soon as you feel unwell. Excellent sorbents are medicines: “Activated carbon”, “Lactofiltrum”, “Smecta”, “ White coal", "Enterosgel".
  2. Rehydration aids. When poisoned, the body loses a lot of fluid. It is excreted along with diarrhea and vomiting. That is why it is important not to forget about the need to restore the water regime. Excellent drugs for such purposes are “Regidron”, “Oralit”, “Hydrovit”.
  3. Antipyretic. If you rise heat, then it is recommended to use one of the following drugs: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.
  4. Probiotics. They can be consumed only when vomiting stops. They help populate the stomach with beneficial microflora. Excellent probiotics: Acipol, Bifidumbacterin, Biosporin, Bifilong, Linex, Lactobacterin, Enterol.
  5. Medicines that accelerate the growth of favorable microflora. Such drugs are usually taken together with probiotics. Excellent results will be provided by the drugs “Hilak Forte”, “Lactulose”, “Normaze”.
  6. Enzymes. These remedies improve digestion. They must be included in therapy during meals. It is recommended to use such medications for 1 week after poisoning. Enzyme preparations: “Mezim Forte”, “Festal”, “Panzinorm”.

Sometimes treatment after poisoning includes antibacterial therapy. But only a doctor can prescribe such medications. They are recommended for severe course pathology.

Of course, the question of particular interest is: what do you eat after poisoning? After all, the body needs food. However, many foods can aggravate the painful condition.

Remember, if you don’t feel like eating after poisoning, you shouldn’t force yourself. As soon as the body needs strength from the outside (from food), it will inform you about this with a feeling of hunger.

First day

During these days the patient suffers from extremely unpleasant symptoms. He feels weak and has a stomach ache after poisoning. What to do and what products are acceptable to eat?

  1. If you are not tormented by hunger, then you can completely refuse food. On this day, the body is extremely weakened and is simply not able to spend energy on high-quality digestion of food. Therefore, reduce your diet as much as possible.
  2. If you are hungry, during the first hours you are allowed to consume only a few crackers (homemade) and unsweetened tea.
  3. By the end of the day, you can expand your diet with chicken broth (without vegetables, spices). It is allowed to eat watery porridges and liquid mashed potatoes (without milk or butter). Serving size - about 2 tbsp. l.

Second day

What do you eat after poisoning on the second day?

  1. You can include a small piece of meat (steamed or boiled) in your diet. Veal and chicken fillet are preferred.
  2. The portion should be small. Size - no more than half a palm.
  3. It is allowed to diversify the menu with unsweetened jelly (fruit) or jelly.

The third day

On this day the menu can include:

  • lean fish;
  • steam cutlets;
  • meatballs with light broth;
  • soufflé, cottage cheese casseroles;
  • steam omelette.

Drinking regime

You need to drink a lot of fluid. Sufficient drinking is the main condition for a quick recovery. The fluid ensures the removal of all harmful substances, cleansing of toxins. In addition, it protects against the negative consequences of dehydration.

The usual amount of water per day is 1.5-1.8 liters. During the period of poisoning, it should be increased. To ensure a full fight against toxins, the body will need 2.5 liters of water per day.

In addition, the following drinks are very beneficial for the stomach after poisoning:

  • compote made from dried fruits;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • weak tea (green or black) without sugar;
  • homemade jelly;
  • infusion of soothing herbs (for example, chamomile).

Prohibited foods after poisoning

Some foods can significantly aggravate a person's condition. Therefore, remember what foods you should avoid.

The following must be excluded from the diet of a person who has suffered poisoning:

  1. Alcohol. Such drinks put a strain on weakened organs: kidneys, liver.
  2. Raw vegetables, fruits. They have a laxative effect. Therefore, introducing them into your diet will increase diarrhea. Only on the 4th day can you eat non-acidic fruits. It is best to eat apples baked.
  3. Sweets, baked goods. Try to abstain from such foods. If this is difficult enough, then replace desserts or baked goods with a spoonful of jam or honey.
  4. Sausage. Such products are enriched with preservatives and various additives.
  5. Pearl barley, oatmeal, millet porridge. These products contain a lot of fiber. It will be very difficult for the sensitive gastric mucosa to process such food. It is much healthier to eat buckwheat porridge, thoroughly boiled.
  6. Dairy and fermented milk products. They can significantly aggravate symptoms in the first days after poisoning.
  7. Fried food. It is acceptable to eat boiled, baked, stewed or steamed food.

Every person at least once in his life has experienced unpleasant painful conditions associated with poisoning. This disease greatly depletes the body in a short period of time. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are constant “companions” of poisoning.

As a result, pathological weakness and dehydration occur, which can lead to complications. Therefore, at the first signs of an insidious disease, measures should be taken immediately. A rest regimen and a gentle diet help a lot. More about this.

What should you do if you have symptoms of poisoning?

If poisoning occurs, immediate action must be taken.

  • First you need to rid yourself of unnecessary stress. It would be appropriate to take time off from work, since the work process requires energy and strength, which are not enough in a state of poisoning. Providing yourself with a rest regime will be a wise decision.
  • Many experts agreed that diarrhea that occurs during the period of poisoning should not be stopped with special drugs (for example, Lopedium or Imodium). Why? According to recent studies, it is found that in this state it is better if the body gets rid of toxins (through the process of diarrhea) naturally. Eliminating diarrhea with medications may require additional treatment subsequently.
  • If there is severe vomiting or loose stools, you can resort to folk recipe- drink a glass of freshly squeezed pumpkin juice. This greatly helps reduce the intensity of symptoms of poisoning and improves the patient’s condition.
  • A very simple but effective way to remove toxins from the body is to use the well-known activated carbon or "Enterosgel". Charcoal is usually taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight.
  • Naturally, at the “peak” of poisoning, when symptoms of nausea and vomiting are clearly manifested, loose stools are observed, it is absolutely forbidden to eat food, not to mention drinking alcohol and other harmful substances.
  • When acute period subsides, it is appropriate to take probiotics, which help restore normal gastrointestinal microflora. To such medicines include: “Lactobacterin”, “Linnex”, “Enterosgel”, “Hilak Forte”, etc. The annotations for the drugs indicate the required dosages.
  • What is the difference between ordinary (household) poisoning and poisoning due to damage to the body by pathogenic microorganisms?
  • It should be noted that one must learn to differentiate (separate) ordinary household poisoning from poisoning caused by harmful bacteria and viruses. What is the difference? These two pathological conditions vary in severity. Damage by harmful microorganisms is much more serious and can cause diseases, affecting organs and systems. Such infections include, for example, hepatitis and salmonellosis. In these cases, hyperthermia joins the already known symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea and nausea) ( elevated temperature), severe pain in the epigastric area, sometimes cramps and difficulty breathing. This condition requires immediate medical intervention.

Household poisoning occurs, as a rule, due to the consumption of low-quality products or products that have expired. Simple poisoning occurs much more easily (as already mentioned above) and does not pose a particular threat to human health and life.

What can you eat after poisoning?

After poisoning, you need to eat food that is easy on the stomach.

So, if the acute period has passed and the body gradually begins to “recover” from the stress it received, it is also necessary to gradually begin to eat.

What can you eat? If it becomes much easier and a slight feeling of hunger appears, then doctors advise not to immediately overload the stomach, but to eat foods that will be easily digested. These products include regular crackers and tea without sugar.

The next meal may consist of light chicken broth without adding vegetables or spices. You can also eat liquid porridge and mashed potatoes, but you should not add salt, milk or butter to them.

Dietary meals should be eaten in small portions so as not to overload the already damaged stomach. Sometimes 2-4 tablespoons per serving may be enough. This diet is acceptable on the first day after poisoning.

On the second day, you can add to the menu a small piece (no more than half a palm) of boiled lean veal or chicken breast (fillet). You can also make sugar-free jelly or unsweetened jelly.

On the third day, it is allowed to eat low-fat fish, steamed (in the form of cutlets, quenelles or meatballs). You can make meatballs using a light broth. Steam omelettes, low-fat cottage cheese casseroles and soufflés would also be appropriate.

On the fourth day, if symptoms of poisoning are no longer observed and the person feels well and feels a surge of strength, you can return to your usual diet and diet.

However, even in this you need to adhere to reasonable limits. For example, you should not immediately start eating your favorite cakes or smoked sausage. It is necessary to exit the period after poisoning very carefully.

In the first week, it is not recommended to eat fatty, fried, spicy foods and sweets. Food should be simple, it is better to give preference to natural products that do not irritate the gastric mucosa. It will also be useful to eat small meals 5-6 times a day.

You should not lose sight of the slightest changes in your well-being and the nature of your stool. If alarming symptoms appear (for example, loose stools or nausea), you should adjust your diet.

What should you drink if you are poisoned?

Rosehip decoction will help quickly get rid of the symptoms of poisoning.

In this situation, first of all, it is necessary drinking plenty of fluids. It is better if it is purified or boiled water.

Drinking plenty of fluids will help as soon as possible remove toxins from the body.

And if normally a healthy person is supposed to drink from 1.5 to 1.8 liters of liquid per day, then after poisoning the recommended volume should be increased to 2.5 liters. You can also use:

  • rosehip decoction;
  • dried fruits compote;
  • black tea without sugar and lightly brewed green tea;
  • homemade jelly;
  • infusion of chamomile and other herbs that have a calming effect.

It is because of the loss of a large amount of fluid due to vomiting and diarrhea that the water-salt balance is disrupted in the body. This causes dizziness and weakness, a feeling of dry mouth and headache.

For normalization water balance Experts advise replacing part of the fluid consumed with electrolyte solutions. The most common drugs in this group are “Regidron” and “Hydrovit”.

The following video will tell you about the symptoms and treatment of poisoning:

What is forbidden to eat and drink after poisoning?

  • Naturally, alcoholic drinks must be excluded completely. They put a heavy load on the liver and kidneys, which are already damaged as a result of poisoning.
  • Those with a sweet tooth will have to do without their favorite buns and desserts for a while. After poisoning, it is allowed to drink a small amount of honey or jam with tea.
  • The intake of dairy and fermented milk in the first week after poisoning should be limited. These products will be useful after recovery to restore normal gastrointestinal microflora.
  • Raw vegetables and fruits have a laxative effect, which is completely contraindicated in case of poisoning. Only 4-5 days after an exacerbation, you can try to eat soft and non-acidic fruits, for example, bananas. However, you shouldn't get carried away with them. Baked apples, boiled and grated vegetables will be useful.
  • It is better to avoid egg dishes for a while. The only exception is steamed omelettes.
  • It is not recommended to eat oatmeal, pearl barley and millet porridge because they are rich in fiber, which is difficult for the gastric mucosa to accept after poisoning.
  • It is better to prepare juices, compotes and jelly at home and with a minimum amount of sugar. They shouldn't be sour. They must be used within reasonable limits. It is better to give preference to jelly and dried fruit compotes.
  • You should avoid boiled and smoked sausages, as the preservatives they contain can negatively affect a weakened stomach.
  • Avoid eating fried food after poisoning. It is useful to cook foods in a water bath, boil them, stew them and bake them.

What diet should children follow after poisoning?

The diet for poisoning should consist of low-fat foods.

Food poisoning occurs in children no less frequently than in adults, and sometimes more often.

This is due to insufficiently strong and developed system digestion in children, which manifests itself in hypersensitivity Gastrointestinal tract in some products. In addition to the main treatment, the pediatrician also prescribes diet therapy. It consists of the following:

  1. In the first three days, the child should be given only ground food in semi-liquid form. This also applies to cereals;
  2. fish and meat products should be low-fat and steamed in the form of cutlets, meatballs and soufflés;
  3. food should be prepared immediately before consumption and given to the child in small portions 6-7 times a day every 2-2.5 hours.

There is no need to try to feed the child if he does not want it, as this may provoke another attack of vomiting or nausea in the baby. And you need to give your child water more often, this will help avoid dehydration and return to normal faster. The menu for children after poisoning is as follows:

  • 1st day. After an acute attack of poisoning, after a few hours you can give the child weak tea without sugar and a cracker from white bread.
  • In the evening you can prepare liquid semolina porridge, mashed potatoes with water or chicken broth. One meal should not exceed 1-2-3 tablespoons. If this is not enough for the child and he feels hungry, then you can give him a second portion after 1-1.5 hours.
  • 2nd day. You can try using fractional meals, dividing meals into 7 times. The first feeding may consist of a glass of homemade jelly, the second - compote of dried fruits without sugar, the third - fruit jelly, the fourth - mashed potatoes in water without oil, the fifth - liquid buckwheat porridge in water without oil, the sixth - a cutlet from a low-fat variety of fish, steamed, seventh - steamed veal soufflé.
  • 3rd day. Meals should also be fractional, only to the above list you can add a casserole of low-fat cottage cheese without butter and sour cream, a steam omelette of two eggs and chicken broth with meatballs.
  • 4th day. Gradually you can switch to your usual diet.
  • Breakfast can consist of buckwheat or semolina porridge cooked in water and a glass of compote.
  • Second breakfast - baked apples with a little jam or honey.
  • For lunch you can serve a portion of chicken broth with a small amount of boiled potatoes and carrots, for the second - a steamed chicken fillet or veal cutlet.
  • For an afternoon snack, you can prepare milk jelly with crackers.
  • Dinner may consist of a steam omelet and fruit jelly.
  • Second dinner - 1 cup of chamomile decoction and gray bread crackers.
  • 5th day. You can reduce the number of meals and increase portions. If the slightest deterioration is noticed, then you need to return to eating simpler foods. Basic principles of diet after poisoning:
  1. Drink plenty of fluids, including purified water and electrolyte solutions.
  2. On the day of an exacerbation, you can eat only crackers and drink lightly brewed tea without sugar.
  3. On the second day, you should gradually expand your diet to include liquid porridge and mashed potatoes with water, chicken broth, jelly, jelly, and a piece of boiled meat.
  4. On the third day, you can include boiled fish, omelet and low-fat cottage cheese in your diet.
  5. From the fourth day you need to gradually return to your usual diet.

Children's poisonings are specific, so they require medical supervision and adherence to a strict diet. Proper nutrition after poisoning helps to quickly normalize the condition and restore the body.

Digestive system disorder due to overeating or eating contaminated foods coli or other pathogenic microorganism is a difficult ordeal for adults and children. Proper nutrition in case of poisoning will help the body cleanse and recover faster. Find out what diet is recommended for patients undergoing clinical care acute disorder digestion.

Basic principles of nutrition

To avoid dehydration and exacerbation of chronic ailments during illness, it is important to maintain a drinking regime. In a situation where food makes you sick, you need to reduce the amount of food. The first week after acute indigestion involves excluding heavy dishes from the patient’s diet that burden the stomach and internal organs. When answering what you can eat after poisoning, and what diet you should follow, doctors recommend:

  • Steam or boil or stew foods.
  • Eat food at room temperature and avoid hot or cold foods.
  • Eat often, but in small portions.
  • Avoid confectionery products.

Menu for poisoning on the first day

The list of permitted products is initially limited. On the first day of illness, it is necessary to eat in such a way as to help the body cope with intoxication, restore the balance of electrolytes, and protect the walls of the stomach from acid. The list of what you can eat after food poisoning includes cereals with a slimy consistency, as well as several other foods. It is recommended to drink a glass alkaline drink each hour. The daily volume of fluid should be at least 2 liters. Nutrition for poisoning and diarrhea involves consuming the following foods:

  • homemade white bread croutons;
  • rice or oatmeal;
  • biscuits;
  • bananas


Drinking not all liquids for disorders of the digestive system is equally beneficial for the patient. So, it is better to avoid strong broths, carbonated and sour drinks during poisoning. Therapeutic effect have alkalizing liquids: green tea, rosehip infusion, pear compote, quince. To get rid of vomiting and diarrhea, it is recommended to drink:

  • Congee. Per glass food product take 2 glasses of water, then let the cereal cook until it has a slimy consistency. Strain the finished mushy mass. Drink the resulting decoction several times a day. In case of poisoning, rice helps to cope with nausea and diarrhea.
  • Saline solution. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a cup of boiled water. Drink the solution in small sips throughout the day.
  • Infusion of pomegranate peels. Pour boiling water over the dried fruit peel and leave covered for 20-30 minutes. Use the infusion 4-5 times a day.

A gentle diet in the first week after poisoning

A strict restrictive diet should be followed for 7 days. In the first two days, it is recommended to follow a strict diet, which includes eating several foods - buckwheat porridge, boiled potatoes, white bread crackers and drinking regimen. Remember, you cannot eat millet cereal if you are poisoned. In the next 4-5 days, it is allowed to expand the diet. During this period, the list of what you can eat after food poisoning is supplemented with the following products:

  • chicken broth;
  • fermented milk products: cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt;
  • boiled sea ​​fish low-fat varieties;
  • durum pasta;
  • baked or boiled vegetables that do not contribute to gas formation.

What foods to exclude when eating after poisoning

Against the background of acute indigestion, the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach is inflamed. For this reason, failure to comply with the doctor’s recommendations regarding prohibited products may lead to the occurrence of gastritis and duodenitis. Food after poisoning should be prepared without frying, adding spicy seasonings and fatty sauces. You won't be able to eat for a week following products:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits (apples promote fermentation);
  • pan-fried foods;
  • canned food;
  • millet porridge;
  • eggs;
  • offal;
  • baked goods;
  • dairy, smoked products;
  • legumes;
  • black bread;
  • all types of cabbage, regardless of method of consumption;
  • butter;
  • nuts, dried fruits;
  • alcohol;
  • sour juices;
  • onion garlic.

Excluding these foods from the diet will help the body recover from poisoning. All of them contain many harmful substances that can aggravate the patient’s already serious condition. Such food promotes gas formation (flatulence), provokes excessive formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and causes fermentation processes.

Sample menu

Maintaining a gentle diet after poisoning is the key to a speedy recovery. Before you eat any of the prohibited foods, think about how it will affect your well-being. In a normal situation, what happens is that a poisoned person does not want to limit himself to a list of what can be eaten after food poisoning. This approach is fraught with relapse of the disease or development serious pathologies Gastrointestinal tract. To avoid negative consequences Food in case of poisoning should be healthy and light. A sample menu for the first days of illness is as follows:


Breakfast 1

Breakfast 2

Hunger and drinking plenty of herbal infusions, saline solution

Broth (100 ml), herbal infusion

Several crackers, green tea (200 ml)

Mashed potatoes without salt, oil (200 g), pear compote

Homemade crackers, green tea

Drink plenty of fluids (water, herbal infusions)

Rice porridge, tea with honey

Crackers, biscuits, green tea

Vegetable broth (300 ml)

Pear compote, croutons

Water, tea or herbal infusion


Low-fat chicken broth (300 ml)

Pear compote, biscuits

Vegetable casserole (250 g) or steamed fish cutlets/meatballs

Green tea, crackers

Biscuit cookies, drink plenty of fluids

Boiled rice (300 g)

Green tea, biscuits

Vegetable broth with meatballs (400 ml)

Crackers, herbal infusion

Curd soufflé, compote


A disorder of the digestive system due to overeating or eating foods contaminated with E. coli or other pathogenic microorganisms is a difficult ordeal for adults and children. Proper nutrition in case of poisoning will help the body cleanse and recover faster. Find out what diet is recommended for patients who are experiencing acute indigestion.

Basic principles of nutrition

To avoid dehydration and exacerbation of chronic ailments during illness, it is important to maintain a drinking regime. In a situation where food makes you sick, you need to reduce the amount of food. The first week after acute indigestion involves excluding heavy dishes from the patient’s diet that strain the stomach and internal organs. When answering what you can eat after poisoning, and what diet you should follow, doctors recommend:

  • Steam or boil or stew foods.
  • Eat food at room temperature and avoid hot or cold foods.
  • Eat often, but in small portions.
  • Avoid confectionery products.

Menu for poisoning on the first day

The list of permitted products is initially limited. On the first day of illness, it is necessary to eat in such a way as to help the body cope with intoxication, restore the balance of electrolytes, and protect the walls of the stomach from acid. The list of what you can eat after food poisoning includes cereals with a slimy consistency, as well as several other foods. It is recommended to drink a glass of alkaline drink every hour. The daily volume of fluid should be at least 2 liters. Nutrition for poisoning and diarrhea involves consuming the following foods:

  • homemade white bread croutons;
  • rice or oatmeal;
  • biscuits;
  • bananas


Drinking not all liquids for disorders of the digestive system is equally beneficial for the patient. So, it is better to avoid strong broths, carbonated and sour drinks during poisoning. Alkalinizing liquids have a healing effect: green tea, rosehip infusion, pear and quince compote. To get rid of vomiting and diarrhea, it is recommended to drink:

  • Rice water. Take 2 glasses of water per glass of food product, then cook the cereal until it reaches a slimy consistency. Strain the finished mushy mass. Drink the resulting decoction several times a day. In case of poisoning, rice helps to cope with nausea and diarrhea.
  • Saline solution. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a cup of boiled water. Drink the solution in small sips throughout the day.
  • Infusion of pomegranate peels. Pour boiling water over the dried fruit peel and leave covered for 20-30 minutes. Use the infusion 4-5 times a day.

A gentle diet in the first week after poisoning

A strict restrictive diet should be followed for 7 days. In the first two days, it is recommended to follow a strict diet, which includes eating several foods - buckwheat porridge, boiled potatoes, white bread crackers and drinking regimen. Remember, you cannot eat millet cereal if you are poisoned. In the next 4-5 days, it is allowed to expand the diet. During this period, the list of what you can eat after food poisoning is supplemented with the following products:

  • chicken broth;
  • fermented milk products: cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt;
  • boiled sea fish of low-fat varieties;
  • durum pasta;
  • baked or boiled vegetables that do not contribute to gas formation.

What foods to exclude when eating after poisoning

Against the background of acute indigestion, the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach is inflamed. For this reason, failure to comply with the doctor’s recommendations regarding prohibited products may lead to the occurrence of gastritis and duodenitis. Food after poisoning should be prepared without frying, adding hot seasonings or fatty sauces. During the week you will not be able to eat the following foods:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits (apples promote fermentation);
  • pan-fried foods;
  • canned food;
  • millet porridge;
  • eggs;
  • offal;
  • baked goods;
  • dairy, smoked products;
  • legumes;
  • black bread;
  • all types of cabbage, regardless of method of consumption;
  • butter;
  • nuts, dried fruits;
  • alcohol;
  • sour juices;
  • onion garlic.

Excluding these foods from the diet will help the body recover from poisoning. All of them contain many harmful substances that can aggravate the patient’s already serious condition. Such food promotes gas formation (flatulence), provokes excessive formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and causes fermentation processes.

Sample menu

Maintaining a gentle diet after poisoning is the key to a speedy recovery. Before you eat any of the prohibited foods, think about how it will affect your well-being. In a normal situation, what happens is that a poisoned person does not want to limit himself to a list of what can be eaten after food poisoning. This approach is fraught with relapse of the disease or the development of serious gastrointestinal pathologies. To avoid negative consequences, food in case of poisoning should be healthy and light. A sample menu for the first days of illness is as follows:


Breakfast 1

Breakfast 2

Hunger and drinking plenty of herbal infusions, saline solution

Broth (100 ml), herbal infusion

Several crackers, green tea (200 ml)

Mashed potatoes without salt, oil (200 g), pear compote
